#miles morales x gn! reader
yupher · 1 year
earth-42 Miles Morales x GN! reader
The day it all started
or Drabble about how you and miles became close (kind of)
Warnings: Miles is aloof and distant thanks to his canon events in this universe. Reader is overbearing (just a tad) and has a one-sided rivalry with Miles. Mentions of blood and injuries. Mentions of death. Enemies to friends to??
P.S.: I wrote this with a male reader in mind, turned out gender-neutral and stick to it. English is not my first language so excuse any spelling or redaction mistakes. This is my first post yay!
• Everything started in freshman year, you and Miles both won a spot in the prestigious private school Brooklyn Visions Academy.
• You’re both equally intelligent, having passed the entry test with perfect scores.
• You earned this.
• You’ve been academically competitive all your life, this opportunity was the way to prove your worth and you weren’t going to lose it.
• Miles didn’t want to go there, he preferred to stay at his old school.
• He didn’t need a bunch of snobby and stuck-up kids to look him weird.
• He also had a lot going on, his uncle granted him more responsibility on missions, and even helped him build his own mask
• He was chasing his full potential.
• You both were cranky at the beginning, not interacting with one another at all.
• He kept to himself, preferring to be alone rather than bothered.
• You seemed to attract people unintended, they drifted to you.
• You had a handful of acquaintances now, it became useful for team projects and other things.
The day you first interacted with Miles was a Tuesday, the routine was easy. You share History and social studies on the first block. You sit in the second row, he sits in the back.
Mister Fujita started the lesson with a brief summary of the latest class and told everyone the next mark would be an essay, done in duos. You rolled your eyes discretely- working with other people was simply troubling it only brought problems. While you thought of who would you ask to be with you the professor said he would be the one to make the pairs.
Miles was sitting with crossed arms, his usual resting face (that his mom told him numerous times was unfriendly) and his leg bouncing up and down. He was on edge. Today was the anniversary of his father's death. He wasn't exactly putting a lot of attention to what the Professor was saying, only coming back from the deep of his thoughts when he heard his name being called.
Alongside yours.
You could only sigh in frustration, turning around to look for him between the numerous students. To your surprise, his hard gaze was already on you, it made you shiver slightly. You fixed your eyes on the board as Mr. Fujita kept giving the directions for the essay. You dammed yourself, knowing you couldn't escape this.
When the professor sent everyone to organize the essay with their pair at the end of the lecture, you grudgingly stood up to go and talk with Morales. You ignored the pitiful looks some of your classmates sent you, it was futile to give them any more reasons to pity you right now.
Stopping in front of his seat, you made an effort to look at him. Again his eyes found you first, following you since you raised from your chair.
“I have a free period from 12 to 2- if you have the time we can go to the study hall to sort this out.” your words sound robotic. As if you studied them a hundred times to make them sound as neutral as possible.
Miles was fidgeting with his pencil, hardly paying you any mind. He seemed nonchalant as always and it bothered you. You were about to talk again when he interrupted you. “I also have that block free.” was his only response, eyes unmoving and unbothered by your presence.
“Good.” it was dry, your lips a thin line as you nodded. God, what was his deal? “Don't be late.” was the last thing you said before going back to retrieve your things and leave for your next class.
As you left the classroom with everyone else, Miles observed unblinking your every move. He could feel the headache you were about to be for the next week.
11:56 am
You strode through the hallways, not wanting to be late for your study meeting and give Miles the satisfaction of winning this.
As you rounded a corner you collided with a hard surface. You bounced a few steps back but not enough to make you fall, you huffed and smoothed over your uniform jacket. “I'm sorry for the-” words died on your tongue. Miles stood there, staring rigidly. He only gives you a once-over and enters the study hall, you tail after him with notorious displeasure. He sits at an empty table and starts to pull his things out of his backpack. You mimic him and pull out the course books, opening them to show him some topics of interest.
“I thought we could focus on the lack of civic infrastructure in the country-” Miles couldn't bring himself to listen to your babbling. He was tired, eyebags dark and present on his drained face. Sleep didn't come as easy as it used to.
His only focus was trying to leave unnoticed after your meeting, to go to his uncle's flat. He couldn't concentrate today, he needed something else to try and distract him from the simmering agitation in his chest.
You stopped talking a minute ago, noting his absent stare and the way he didn't even knowledge your attempts to make this project work, he was just sitting there, ignoring you completely.
He was taken back to the present when he saw your infuriated stare and your hand waving in front of him. “Did you even listen to what I said?” your tone was surely a clue, you were mad.
“I didn't-” “No, you didn't listen to anything I said for the past ten minutes. If you don't want to work through this essay with me I'm fine doing it alone- believe me, I'll do better without you weighing me down.” Both of you were breathing heavily, the tension palpable for all the students that were close enough to hear you.
“If you want to procrastinate you won't do well, trust me, Morales you'll-” Miles only saw red. He didn't process what happened till he saw the blood flowing down your nose.
The rest came in a blur.
He was looking at you with narrowed eyes, maybe thanks to the bruise that was starting to take form on his left side, or maybe was the loathing he felt at the moment. Busted lip and black eye, his uncle would laugh at his face for letting you land those punches at him.
You weren't meeting his gaze, instead, you focused on keeping your nose tucked down, a cloth on your nostrils preventing more blood to stream down. There was blood on your jacket and shirt, on your trousers, and even on your socks. You could feel his burning gaze on you, he was fuming.
You were sitting outside the principal's office, his mom and your dad inside talking while you waited. Everyone that passed by could guess what happened between you two. The rumors started to flow through the school hallways, they weren't any good.
Miles felt foolish, how could his feelings get a hold of him like that? He was an idiot. But the anger he harbored toward himself was also directed at you, you and your big mouth- never ceasing. He never put that much attention on you, he knew that both of you were new at the academy but he never engaged in conversation with, well- anyone.
Meanwhile, you were having a mental breakdown. You'll probably get expelled. All the hard work; the sweat, the tears, the blood. Was for nothing. Down to fucking dust. Were you dramatic? A little, but it was your academic future you were talking about. It WAS that serious. The taste of iron left on your mouth felt utterly appalling at the moment. A constant reminder of your irrational thinking that lead you right here, sitting in front of the asshole that broke your nose.
Finally you gazed up at him, his injuries angrily adorning his already threatening look.
“¿Qué mierda miras?” he pointed his chin towards you, hushedly as he tried to contain his wrath.
The door opened before you could answer him, both your parents leaving while the principal escorted them out.
It was dead silent, each one leaving with their respective guardian. You sent a last look to the other, filled with resentment.
Speed fast to next Tuesday
You woke up early to try and explain to Professor Fujita why you were turning in the essay alone. Uniform clean and tidy, you left in utter silence wishing you didn't wake up your roommate.
When passing the massive windows of the academy, you glanced at your reflection. Your eyebags were no longer bruised, nose looked better than before- that's what your dad said at least. Even if you tried to forget what happened a week ago the remnants of the brawl still taint your face. It was the fight for a great part of the school population and suddenly, everyone knew your name! How vapid they were to only care about quarrels between students. Maybe it was because Miles also didn't divulge anything about what happened in the study hall- the secrecy of it all peaking their attention.
And Miles, you avoided him any chance you got even in the classes you shared; you arrived first and left first, didn't spare him a glance even. The reality was you were ashamed of your behavior that day. After a day of pondering and a long scolding from your father, he told you about how dreadful that day was for Miles and explained to you what happened for him to act that way. It only deepened your shame. You didn't know how to apologize to him for that, you didn't know how to begin. So you decided to avoid him, he probably didn't want to see you anyways. He most definitely hated your guts.
When you arrived at the classroom you weren't at all surprised it was empty, you'll wait for Mr. Fujita anyway. What did surprise you though was seeing Miles come a minute after you, the sun casting on his face and making his eyes squint. The black of his eye was no longer visible, the only leftover of the fight was the scarred bottom lip you gave him. You rapidly fixed your eyes on your table, nervously waiting for him to make his way to the back of the room. But he never did. Instead, he dropped his backpack on the table beside yours, pulling the chair out to sit down.
Miles looked towards you only to see your eyes glued to the wooden table, he raised his brows and exhaled loudly. He could swear he saw you glance his way. He turned his body in your direction, eyes focused.
“Hey.” he called, sounding detached. You stir up on your seat and knowledge him with a curt nod, he sighs.
He tilts his head to the side, contemplating if he was willing to leap into this. “Look, I already give Mr. Fujita our essay-”
“You did what?” He cursed under his breath, the pure look of distress on your face was enough for him to reevaluate his whole speech.
“I thought it would be a good thing! I'm trying to apologize here-” “You're not apologizing.” “Could you let me finish for an instance?” his accent grew ticker when he was mad, you could tell.
You looked up at him, eyes doubtful with every move. He seemed utterly serious, not like he wasn’t daily, but the hardness of his stare holds something different this time: Determination. You nod your head, signaling for him to continue. He relaxed on the seat, letting his shoulders fall defeatedly to his sides.
“I'm sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have resorted to punching you in the face and I didn't mean to break your nose. Mierda- look, it wasn't my best moment, but I know what I did was wrong and I shouldn't have let my frustration out on you.” his eyes searched for a reaction, you barely could process his words when you started to talk.
“I was out of place. Acted like a shithead and started to berate you as if I knew more as if I was better- I'm not.” you paused to compose yourself, your hands trembling with uncertainty. “I'm sorry for what I did too, your face and what I said.” you clarify.
There's an uncomfortable quietness invading the room, but Miles starts to laugh out of nowhere. It scared you for a second, his laugh was something foreign to you. But it was contagious. And soon enough you cracked up with him.
He stops only to smile teasingly at you, gaze still intimidating though. “You have a mean left hook bro, got me struggling to try and beat you up.”
“You kidding? Man, you broke my nose! How could I compete with that?” you follow his bait and soon enough, he's listening to you tell him all about the medical procedure you had to endure to fix your nose.
He may appear unconcerned about your retelling, but Miles is listening attentively. Every detail makes it deep into his mind, eyes fixing on the way your hands move to narrate the story with you.
You didn't have the best start, but it seems now the two of you may become well acquainted with each other.
“¿Que mierda miras?”: the fuck you looking at?
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ghxstmxchine · 1 year
ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ
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All the little ways they show love...
ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ will stop in his tracks all the time whenever you have to stop to tie your shoes, it doesn't matter how far ahead the rest of your friends are. He doesn’t mind, always telling you that you both can catch up pretty quick and to take your time. If you need, he’ll tie them for you, promising that he’ll make sure they won’t come undone again, but he’ll always wait for you if they do. He’s got nothing better to do than be with you
Her interactions with Miles may make her seem oblivious, but ɢᴡᴇɴ is quick to notice everything when it comes to you. She’s always fixing your appearance, the strand of hair that’s sticking out weird she’s already carefully smoothing down. She’ll adjust any of your jewelry for you and swipe away marks from your cheeks with a giggle, but she’s never prompted. She’s always just doing it without second thought
Nothing is really sacred to ʜᴏʙɪᴇ, especially not any of his accessories. When you point out a patch of his you really like, you’ll find it stuck on your backpack. When you compliment his rings, he’s already sliding one onto your finger and kissing the back of your hand. Whenever you ask him why he does it he just replies with a shrug and sly smirk, why would he keep it when it looks better on you
ᴘᴀᴠɪᴛʀ shares everything with you, he saves you the other half of his orange and always leaves a portion of his drink for you. He shares his bed when you’re too tired to go home and it’s late and lets you sleep under his favorite handmade blanket. He leaves one hand free while carrying things just so he can still hold your hand. He shares truly everything, his secrets, his belongings and even himself
It’s easy to feel almost forgotten with ᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ, he’s always getting lost in his work making you feel less than top priority. But the flowers on the counter he brings home are always replaced once they start to wilt and the coffee is always in the pot when you wake up in the morning. He may not be there in person all the time to show you how much you mean to him, but he embeds his love in every inch of your house
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more visually accessible version here
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hobiebrownismygod · 5 months
can you do a fic where 42!miles gets hurt after you two had a big argument and now you have to clean him up while still mad at him?? sorry if this didn't make sense
yess!! This is so cute I love it!! Thx for requesting <3
TW: BLOOD, mention of being hurt/wounds, use of Y/N in place of reader's name, very very slight angst (mostly fluff)
You locked your window and pulled the curtains closed with a huff. Your phone was silenced, your door was locked and you had promised yourself that no matter what, you were ignoring him.
Complete silent treatment.
The two of you had had a pretty big argument (and you could barely even remember how it'd started) so of course, you decided to be petty and pretend he didn't exist.
He always tried to make it up to you when you fought, climbing in through your window late at night, with a bouquet of hand-picked flowers or a movie he rented for the two of you to watch.
He'd be pretty silent about it, pretty nonchalant, and he'd plop down beside you on the bed and hold you. Not a word would be exchanged. And you'd always forgive him.
Not this time though. You were too mad.
So you decided you'd sit down, do your homework, and if you heard a knock at your window you'd simply pretend it never happened.
He could take care of himself.
You weren't going to be his little nurse. Not tonight.
But then of course...you were never one to leave him hanging.
It'd barely been fifteen minutes from when you'd started your homework when you heard a quiet knock at your window. You ignored it.
And then he knocked again. This time, you hesitated. You wanted to open it, you really did...but you didn't. No. You had to stand your ground. You weren't going to give in.
"Y/N" you heard his voice. The tapping on the window got louder, sloppier. "Y/N!" his voice was hoarse, not quiet and playful like usual. It was different.
But you stayed silent. You weren't going to let him in, you promised yourself.
"Y/N, please." You dropped your pencil. His voice was just a whisper now and you could barely hear it outside the locked window. He tapped one more time. "I'm hurt."
You felt chills on your neck and you immediately walked towards the window, pulling the curtains open. There he was, crouching against your balcony. His Prowler mask was on, his gauntlets were hanging off his hands.
And his shirt was soaked in blood.
You stared at him for a moment, taking in the sight. He reached his arm up with a pained groan, pulling his mask off. His brow was soaked in sweat, his face glistening slightly in the moonlight. "Please." he mouthed.
Robotically, you pulled open the window. You took his arm and helped him in, and he basically collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily.
You helped him sit up, his back pressed against the wall. You quickly got to work, like you always did when he showed up in pain, grabbing your first-aid kit from underneath your bed and snapping it open quietly.
He winced as you began cleaning his wounds, pulling his shirt up so you could get to where the blood was coming from. He had a slash right across his stomach, blood gushing out in ribbons of red. It was never-ending.
You pressed an old t-shirt to the wound, trying your best to make some sort of tourniquet to stop the flow of the blood before pouring the rubbing alcohol over it. He covered his mouth with his hand and groaned, eyes squeezing shut, tears prickling the edges.
As you worked, he fell completely silent. You did too, too focused on keeping him alive to notice his eyes on you.
Not a word was exchanged.
Then a quiet, "Are you still mad at me?"
You looked up for a moment, eyes meeting his as he stared at you. They were hooded, but filled with sadness. He tilted his head back, a quiet sigh escaping his lips as he blinked, still keeping his eyes on yours.
He looked like he wanted to say something. He didn't.
So neither did you.
But after another moment,
"I'm sorry."
It was just a whisper, so quiet you'd barely even heard it, but it meant so much. You felt your eyes tear up and you refused to look at him, continuing to gently work on his wounds.
"Say something." he whispered, pushing your hands off of him and sitting up. He grabbed your arms, holding your hands in his. "Please. Anything. I'm-I'm sorry."
You looked at him, taking a shaky breath. Suddenly, you jumped towards him, practically melting into his arms when they wrapped around you.
And just like that...everything felt better.
"Ow-" he winced as you accidentally put pressure on his sore wound, and you immediately shifted yourself, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. "Sorry."
"It's okay. I-I'm sorry. You shouldn't be sorry, I'm sorry." he stammered, taking your face in his hands as gently as he could. He smiled slightly, wiping away the remnants of tears in the corners of your eyes. "Are you crying?"
"No!" you quickly responded, pulling back. "I just-I just-"
"It's okay. You can cry" he said with a grin, sitting up again with a grunt.
"I'm not crying because of the argument, you jerk." you said with a huff. "I-I just hate seeing you like this. I get scared." your voice sounded so small in the moment, it was like a completely different person had appeared.
His gaze softened. "I see." He gestured for you to come back towards him and you did, resting your head against his chest as he held you close. "Thank you. For letting me in." he whispered, kissing the top of your head gently, his lips lingering for a moment longer than usual.
"Of course." you replied with a smile, looking up at him with crinkled eyes. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am." he said, returning the smile before giving you a gentle kiss, hands cupping your face as he pulled you close. You giggled before snuggling up to him a little closer, making sure to be careful not to graze his still sensitive cuts.
"So you're not mad at me anymore?" he asked tentatively, closing his eyes as he buried his face in your neck. You stayed silent for a moment and you could swear you felt his heart drop when you didn't respond.
You grinned. "No. I'm not mad anymore." He chuckled, nervously almost. "You had me there for a second." he whispered, kissing your cheek gently.
"I am sorry though."
"What for?"
He froze. "For...for the argument."
"What part of the argument?"
He stayed silent and you couldn't help but laugh. So he'd forgotten how it'd started too. Funny.
"I forgot too, Miles. Don't worry."
He breathed out a sigh of relief and laughed, tilting his head back. "Jesus, you scared me."
"Not as bad as you scared me, knocking on my window like that. There's blood everywhere" you said with a frown, glancing back towards the window.
He pulled your head back gently. "Don't look at the blood, just look at me. We can worry about that later, yeah?"
You smiled, nodding before hugging him again. His fingers brushed through your hair as he held you close, breathing matching yours. A tender moment.
"I love you, you know that right?" he asked softly, lips moving to kiss your forehead one more time.
"I know, Miles. I love you too."
🥺🥺🥺 im gonna cry
why did I write this it literally hurts how cute it is
hopefully you liked this anon!!
@therealloopylupin2099 @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @puff-hugs @d0uble-tr0ubl3 @choccymilkdrinker @breadglasses @sunasslut69 @a-cinnamonbunny @ask-1610miles @axels-garden @miniaturesuitfox @spotconlon55 @riris-radioactive-panther @trash-panda-xoxo @0strawberrysorbet0 @preciousxsin @d3lux4ry @uwukiity
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luvmorales · 1 year
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⋆ 42!miles morales x reader
⋆ miles being obsessed with you 
⋆ contains: fluff, kissing + maybe suggestive idk  
⋆ a/n: sorry for going on hiatus yall, school is already kicking my ass but here's a tiny lil drabble for u guys
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“baby!” you laughed as you tried to push miles off of you for the one-hundredth time as he grabs onto your body. 
“miles we have to go now”
“mhmmmmm” he groaned out still continuing to press his lips all over your soft cheeks, he grabbed you closer to him as he pulled you into his lap
“i swear to god morales if you don’t sto-” getting cut off by yet another kiss from miles
“not yeeeet” he replies, you falling into his trance and giving in as his soft lips touch yours. feeling electric waves through your entire body with the warmth of his arms wrapped around your limbs
“okay that's enough” you finally push his much heavier body off of yours trying to escape his grasp just when he tries to pull your arm back into bed
“nope, let’s go or i’ll just leave you behind if you want,” you say shrugging your shoulders as you walk away; miles still lying down on your bed “IM COMING WAIT,” he says jumping out of bed and running towards you as you open the door to leave your apartment. 
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
Could you maybe write something with Miles G. where the reader is kind of shy? Like they go to her house and room for the first time and the reader is nervous about it?
Your house was across the street from the basketball court where Miles first saw you.
When the court was empty, you liked to sit on a bench and doodle in an old composition notebook. No one could look over your shoulder here.
Miles had had a game coming up and felt that his shooting accuracy had been off lately, so he stopped here after school to get in some extra practice. You tensed when you heard his sneakers approaching the entrance, keeping your eyes down and praying that he wouldn't make you leave.
He walked right past you and said nothing.
Only the sound of his footsteps and the basketball he was carrying bouncing across the asphalt could be heard for the entire time he was there until he left.
At some point, Miles came to the same conclusion you did previously and started practicing around the same time every day. You drew, he hooped, the two of you left without a word. A careful routine.
Occasionally, you held your breath and dared to look up to watch him play. Miles' long cornrows brushed his shoulders and flew behind him with every shot, you noticed with amusement. It wasn't long before he made a few appearances in your notebook.
You looked up from your doodling one day and noticed him glancing in your direction. He made another shot, then did it again. And again. After a particularly smooth lay-up, Miles looked back with a grin playing on his face. Once it dawned on you that he was making direct eye-contact, you didn't know what else to do other than smile back.
"You don't talk much, do you?" He would ask you while leaving the court together just before curfew.
"I guess not," you responded in a near whisper.
Miles looked up in thought, then nodded.
"That's alright. Means you think a lot."
Smiles soon turned into winks which turned into short conversations and banter, and now you were both standing in front of the door to your room.
"You gonna go inside?" Miles asked when you hesitantly placed a hand on the doorknob.
"Y-yeah, we could go in."
"I think you need to open the door for that."
With a deep breath, you turned the knob.
The door opened up to a small bedroom with lopsided blinds only up halfway. You winced at the small pile of clothes you had left sitting on a swivel chair as you passed it. What a relief that you hadn't forgotten to make your bed this morning like you usually do.
Miles kicked his sneakers off at the entrance before following behind you. The way he scanned the room made you shift uncomfortably. Suddenly you noticed all of the tiny cracks in the ceiling and blemishes on the walls.
"Cool lights," he remarked, referring to the repurposed Christmas lights strung across your walls.
You relaxed a bit, and grabbed a tiny remote that had been sitting on your desk with an awkward smile. "I can turn them on if you want. They've got a buncha different patterns."
"Knock yourself out. Can I sit?"
You joined him on your bed as you pressed a button on the remote that caused the string lights to twinkle softly. They added a cozy contrast to the harsh neon lights from the towering skyscrapers outside that were visible from your window. It almost felt like a separate world.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, entranced by the different patterns blinking above you. It might've been the closest you would ever get to seeing fireworks up close.
"Sorry I don't have any games or anything," you spoke up suddenly. "You must be bored."
Miles turned to face you, closer than he had ever been before today. Close enough for you to realize that his right eye wasn't the same hazel brown as the left, but rather a warm green. He tilted his head quizzically.
"If I was bored, I'd be at home right now."
"But we haven't said anything in like, twenty minutes," you started to laugh.
"You think I like you for bein' a chatterbox?" he parried back.
You shrugged, then leaned your head on his shoulder. "Fair enough."
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venuscrashed · 1 year
Spider verse reacting to meeting their dead s/o from other universe
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He stood there, processing everything. He knew you weren’t the one from his universe but still. It still hurts. He looks like he’s on the brink of tears before he finally goes up to you. He knew that you didn’t consent but he still needed the hug, he needed to know you were actually real.
He broke down in your arms. “You’re real!”
You didn’t know what was going on. You barely knew him from your universe. What happened to you in his?
“What happened to me?”
He broke down even more. Sobbing between words while telling you the whole story. From the beginning of him becoming Spider-Man to the events that led up to you dying. How he couldn’t save you.
“I’m sorry….I’m really, really sorry. I couldn’t save you and-and-“
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Gwen knew that she would see you eventually. There had to be a universe out there where you were Spider-Man. It didn’t stop her from panicking. She started having a panic attack. Peter…Peter was expected to be seen. She was the one to die in all the other universes. Still, it was you.
“[Name]. I know you won’t understand but I’m sorry. I can’t ever tell you that from my world so I’ll tell you. I’m sorry. I love you.”
It’s true that she wishes she can tell you that from her universe but you’ll have to do.
A bit taken aback you start to say something, “Although I don’t know what happened I hope we can be friends.”
“I’d love that.”
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Somehow he got stuck in your universe. It was full of color, reminders of you. He walked to where you used to live in his universe. Things are different in every universe so maybe, just maybe you’re here.
He rung the doorbell to your apartment. Things were really different between your universes. He noticed all the high tech, modern stuff before you opened your door.
He couldn’t help but smile. You’re still you. He would cherish this moment for the rest of his life. If only he could live it with you.
“Hello, [name].”
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Yandere Miguel and Miles with a gn darling who's hosting Venom
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: this was requested but I accidentally deleted it. To whomever sent this on anon, please enjoy :)
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Miguel O’Hara:
Miguel likely finds out pretty quickly about Venom, seeing you sweat profusely and talking to yourself was a huge giveaway.
But he also used his free time to use his tech to find out about your ‘Spiderverse’, therefore, witnessing video/and photo evidence of Venom. The minute he comes to you, he’s in your face, inquiring about the so-called symbiote, which leads to you confessing about Venom.
He’s a bit impressed by Venom’s uniqueness. Finding the black liquid wraps around your figure, transforming you into something abnormal isn’t an everyday thing you see. Which leads to him asking a bunch of questions, especially about how their voice works.
Dating you and Venom was quite hard at the beginning. Not only did his spider senses go off constantly — but the parasite teased him often; sticking out its tongue from behind your back whenever you turned around to do things.
At first, Miguel will try to find a ‘cure’ for you, wanting to get rid of the damn parasite. He viewed them as nothing but a pawn in a pack, using your body as it pleases. But the more he watched you laugh, getting comforted by the symbiote whenever Miguel wasn’t there, or getting along with it, he realized it was a part of you; just like how he’s part spider.
As much as he hates to state it, he appreciates how Venom can protect you. While Miguel would prefer to be in control, protecting the only family he has left, he’s relieved Venom can easily take over your body — directing you away from the danger or taking care of the problem itself without you being involved.
Speaking of Venom being in full form, the first time Miguel witnessed them taking over your body - its tongue and sharp teeth expanding, the dark voice shaking the ground, he was… surprised. He stared up at Venom, before cursing them out, demanding they bring you back, but due to Venom’s humor, Miguel was annoyed with their teasing.
Both of them don’t get along well, but they have times with bonding, something in common which is their protectiveness and possessiveness towards you. At some point, they may become competitive against each other but in all, they both work together when it comes to making sure you stay as theirs.
Venom loves to tease the hell out of Miguel, touching him whenever the two of you are holding hands or hugging him. Sometimes, the symbiote will pop out and try to scare the man on purpose.
Miguel often wants to strangle the damn symbiote and will angrily laugh when they get upset at him when he calls them a parasite or alien. At this point, he will purposely nickname that but will stop if you say so, but expect no apologies.
The strictest about Venom listening to the rules Miguel places out — hence the talk of: “No eating people”. This also involves getting aggressive and setting boundaries with the damn alien, going as far to threaten to take them out himself.
Isn’t afraid of using vibrations and intense heat to get the symbiote out of you if they become too bloodthirsty within a fight.
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Miles Morales:
At first, Miles thought you were ‘sick’, at times taking it as one of your quirks as you constantly whispered to yourself and often bought a bunch of chocolate to a point where it was unhealthy.
Sure, he commented about the chocolate. Always suggesting you should eat something healthier. But it was you. So he took your answer and often didn't question it again.
He figures out your situation when the two of you were on a date and a band nearby was playing, making you cover your ears, Miles could see you were in pain; worry covering his face as he moved you to somewhere quietly, which leads to you telling about your buddy.
At first, he was confused at your words, worrying you’d lost it, but when a mass of black blob came out of your shoulder, revealing terrifying teeth and white eyes, he freaked out.
Getting him to calm down was a bit troubling, but soon after explaining about Venom and how you two bond, Miles… is pretty nonchalant about it surprisingly. He nods along, often looking at Venom fearfully before asking normal questions.
Miles has a sketchbook dedicated to you and Venom. Almost every page is drawn in extreme details of you being transformed, your smile, and Venom’s tentacles appearing on your body.
While dating you, he’s grown to Venom’s constant interruptions in the conversations, talking to the both of you and often ignoring their teasing. Eventually, he’s grown to be braver on comebacks to the damn symbiote, laughing and smiling cockily when they get ‘offended’.
The time Miles witnesses you being transformed into a giant abnormal figure with terrifying teeth, he fears for a second — but slightly calmed down when Venom tells him it’s them and that you’re fine. The moment you turn back into yourself, he quickly interrupts your apology with a quick hug.
Venom loves to tease Miles. Whenever they catch him staring at you, they always call him a ‘lovesick idiot’ and ‘a doofus’.
Seeing Venom get aggressive, often itching for a fight worries him like a mother hen. He’s always the one to talk it out through Venom, often making them question their behavior and see what the consequences will do if they decide to continue.
Although your interesting ‘power’ intrigues and amazes him, he gets nervous around you, stating his worries about the symbiote possibly using you or waiting for the right time to consume you and many others. But, he’s learned that Venom is quite fond of you; wrapping their wraps around your figure when you sleep to make you more comfortable.
While he does worry occasionally, he's more prone to acknowledge and be okay with Venom; seeing them as a roommate which leads to Miles likeing Venom a lot.
While he does get irritated when they tease him too much, or say awakward things in public that he has to cover up with odd answers to people, he does appreciate how protective they are over you and him — often wrapping their tentacles with you when you hug or kiss him. He likes it when they curl around into cuddle sessions, their wraps covering you both as you two asleep.
They both work together, often in protecting you. Not only does Venom likes the way of Miles thinking but, Miles appreciates the help in making sure people get what they deserve from looking at you weirdly.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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mmhcs · 2 months
The Big Dance (Prom AU)
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Summary: Inspired by Chance the Rapper's 2019 album The Big Day (if you've listened to it, please tell me your favorite song off the album in the comments!).
Features: Gender-neutral reader, no mentions of reader's gender
Warnings: Mentions of grief and missing a loved one
Miles Morales likes to consider himself brave.
Throughout the past four years, he's done a lot of brave things—especially during his career as Spiderman.
For one, he leaped off a skyscraper and into raging traffic. He was half-confident in himself, but he did it anyway.
And then there was that time when he followed Gwen into the portal, helped Pavitr and Gwen save Mumbhattan from collapse.
Oh, and when he challenged Miguel O'Hara about his understanding of the Multiverse. That was scary. But Miles did it and he managed to survive.
Point is yes, Miles Morales considers himself to be a very brave person.
Which is why he is so confused as to why he's struggling to simply even imagine asking you the question that has been lingering on his mind since September.
"Dude," Ganke says, looking away from his phone screen. "Just ask. You've been crushing for so long that these feelings might actually crush you."
Miles knows he's caught now. For the past few months, he's been casually mentioning that he wants to ask you to prom. And for the past few months, Ganke has only listened to Miles' ramblings with nothing more than one-word responses and nods that indicate his support and agreement. It's part of the reason why Miles loves to talk to him especially about this; in infinite universes full of people who demand so much and always want an answer, Ganke is the person that listens and understands.
Until now, though.
Ganke looking up from his screen is very rare. But when it does happen, it means that he's serious and is either about to give Miles some advice or tell him how stupid the decisions he makes are.
"I know, I know," Miles says as Ganke opens his mouth to say something else. He begins to pace back and forth, spouting all the possible things that he feels his best friend is about to say. "Miles, the world's not gonna end if you get rejected! Miles, we're still gonna go to Prom and turn up either way. Don't worry, man!"
"Okay, first of all, I do not sound like that," Ganke crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "And secondly, did you just say that we're gonna 'turn up'? I swear, sometimes you act like someone's twenty-six year old uncle,"
Miles pauses his pacing. "What? I think it sounds cool. Is that not what we say today?"
"No, Miles, that's not what we say." Ganke sighs, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "Anyways, look, man, you've been talking about asking (Y/N) to Prom literally all year now. I think you should do it—you two are always together—but I can't make the decision for you. If you want to do it, do it. If you don't, that's sad but Prom is gonna happen either way. All I'm saying is don't let fear stop hold you back."
With that, Ganke turns back to gaming.
Miles stands there, letting his words sink in.
Ganke is right.
If Miles hadn't jumped off of that skyscraper, he probably would have gone home and stuff his suit so far back in his closet that he would have thought it to be an old Halloween costume the next time he pulled it out. If he hadn't stood up to Miguel, then his father would have died. And, if Miles doesn't ask you to the prom, then he could possibly miss out on one of the best nights of his life—and regret it.
"Yeah," Miles says to himself, slowly beginning to nod his head.
He will ask you to Prom. And either way—whether you say yes or not—he'll walk into the venue and end his high school career knowing that he finally did one of things that he's been wanting to do for the past four years.
"Yeah!" Miles yells now, wanting Ganke to hear. "You're right, Ganke! I'm gonna ask (Y/N) to Prom!"
"Knew you'd do the right thing," Ganke's tone is slow and lackadaisical once more and his concentration is still on his video game. But Miles knew that his friend was being sincere.
"I'm gonna go—"
"Score!" Ganke yells as his player in the game dunks a basketball into the hoop.
"Exactly!" Miles is nodding frantically now, hyping himself up. Before he has room to further question himself, he opens the door and says, "See 'ya, Ganke! Don't wait up!"
And with that, the door to their shared dorm closes and Miles sprints through the halls of Visions Academy, with a mission (and no plan).
"Okay, let's see,"
Miles opens his contact list and begins to scan through the potential givers of advice that he could do.
First up was his dad, of course. That man, as square as he is, was able to pull his mother. And credit has to be given where credit is due, Miles supposes.
Second is Peter B. Parker. Though when he and Miles met, things with MJ were less-than-ideal, Peter managed to change, win her back, and now they have a baby together! You have to possess some pretty good game to pull that off.
Third was...everyone else.
Of course, there are a million and one other people besides his father and Peter B. that Miles can ask for advice but those are the first two options that came to his mind and he's kind of stressed for time.
Smiling, Miles goes to click on the contact icon for his father. He's about to press the 'call' button when he remembers Jefferson's words from the last time that Miles called him at work.
"Miles, son, I love you—I really do. You're my son and I'm always here for you. But please, don't call me at work unless it's an emergency. And, for reference, not knowing where the Cheez-Its are is not an emergency. I'm talking when lives or grades are in danger and your world is ending—that's when you call me!"
Miles makes a face.
Technically this is an emergency. The trajectory of his life could be changed. Who knows? Maybe he and you would get married someday. Maybe you two are destined to be and if he doesn't ask you to Prom then he'll have screwed up the positive trajectory and you two will be cursed to live miserable, loveless lives.
Miles inhales sharply at the thought.
Yeah, he's calling.
"Hello?" Jefferson picks up on the first ring. "Miles, what's up?"
"Hey, Dad," Miles says the words slowly and awkwardly, not knowing how to proceed. "I, uh, need your help with something."
A sigh comes from the other side of the line. "Miles, if you're calling to ask me where the fish crackers are, I swear, it's gonna be me and you boy—"
"No, no, Dad, it's not that!" Miles waves his hands as he speaks as if Jefferson could see him. "It's—I'm planning on asking someone to the prom and I wanted your advice on how I should—"
"Oh, is this your little friend that you met freshman year?" Jefferson asks sounding ten times happier and calmer than a second ago.
"Yeah," Miles nods, glad that his father remembers you but also impatient. "I was just wondering if you could give me some advice considering that you're married and made me—"
"Son, while I would love to give you some advice right now, there's a ten-thirty that we need to take of down here. Can this wait till I get home?"
Miles moves the phone away from him so that his father won't hear the deep sigh threatening to spill out of him.
Ten-thirty. Great. And people are probably going to expect Spiderman to handle that, too.
"Yeah, Dad, it can wait." Miles says, trying his best not to make his disappointment evident. "I hope everyone's okay down there. I'll probably swing by in a second."
"Thanks, son," Jefferson sighs into the phone and Miles doesn't know if it's from stress about the situation or because he too is sharing in his son's frustration of not being able to this needed conversation. "I love you. Be careful."
"Love you too, Dad. See you soon."
Miles hangs up the phone and pushes his hands against his eyes.
That didn't go as planned.
After swinging by the robbery, Miles decided to head to the Spider Society in order to find Peter.
He expected it to be a challenging task, considering that Peter is always with Mayday and Mayday is always everywhere, but it may be possible that after his failed conversation with his father, today decided to cut him some slack because Miles didn't have to search for long before he found Peter (and Mayday) sitting at a table in the cafeteria, eating lunch.
"Oh, so you want love advice?" Peter asks in between chewing his fries. "I got 'ya, kid. You came to the right place."
Miles sits across the table, his eagerness growing by the second.
"Okay, first thing's first: You gotta be calm. Cool and collected. Which, admittedly, you have a hard time with. So I'd start there."
A burn, but advice nonetheles.
"Okay, well, what about what I'm supposed to say?" Miles urges. "Do you have any tips on that?"
Peter scrunches his face and look up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking. He hums all the while, causing Miles to inch further in his seat until he’s hovering over the edge of the chair.
"No." Peter finally says at last, picking up another French fry. "But I did write a speech for MJ when I first asked her out. I rehearsed everything that I wanted to say in mirror at least fifty times until it stuck. It was absolutely worth it to see the smile on her face when I finally said it in-person. And plus, I still remember each and every word to this day. So maybe you can try something like that."
Miles nods frantically again.
Should he be taking notes? He feels like he should.
"Okay, and what about—"
Before any of the two could blink, Miguel O'Hara appears behind Peter, his somber aura casting a dark cloud over the previous atmosphere of the conversation.
"Hey, Miguel!" Peter says cheerily. "I'm helping Miles ask his crush out to the prom. Wanna join in? Give some advice to the youngins—"
"Peter, I know ate the empanada in my office from earlier." Miguel tells him so serious and gravely as if Peter had done something far worse.
"Oh, right, that!" Peter perks up and snaps a finger, remembering. "Well, you see, Mayday is teething and we were both hungry so without thinking, I may have—"
"Come with me."
"I said come with me."
"Why? Where are you taking me?"
"You're going to get me another empanada."
If it wasn't Miguel speaking, Miles would be on the floor laughing. But because it is Miguel and because Miguel is interrupting a very important moment, Miles only stares as the interaction progresses, with Miguel eventually picking up Peter by the shoulder to get him to stand up. He then ushers Peter to the food line but not before looking back at Miles, a bit apologetically.
"You're smart, you can figure this out, kid," he says. "Do what feels best. Be yourself."
Miles only stares in disbelief as Miguel marches back to his office but not before telling Peter to bring him the empanada and not eat it.
For what feels like the thousandth time today, Miles sighs with disappointment and frustration.
"Hey, Uncle Aaron,"
Miles sighs as he plops himself in front of the gravestone, gleaming thanks to the recent rainstorm that they had the other day.
"How are you? I'm stressed."
Miles wastes no time explaining his predicament to his uncle. He starts from the very beginning, telling him how he met you freshman year but never got the chance to introduce you two to each other, how your friendship has grown stronger over the years and how and when he realized that he had feelings for you.
"...And I've been trying all day to get some advice but it just seems like everyone's too busy. And, of course, no one's more of a love guru than you were."
Thugh his last sentence is a joke, Miles's face falls.
"I miss you, man. Some days it's hard to keep going without you. But I do. I wish that you were here so that you could give me some advice. You would've been the first person that I went to..."
Miles inhales deeply.
No, he's not going to cry—this isn't meant to be a sad visit. He's just here to get some things off his chest.
"But anyway, I got into Princeton!" A proud smile creeps up onto his face. "Yep! Gonna be majoring in Physics! Dad and Mami have warmed up to the idea of me going away and now Mami can't stop telling everyone about her son, the Ivy League scholar!"
Miles continues on, talking and updating his uncle about his life until he notices the sun beginning to set. Then, reluctantly, he days up his uncle's gravestone one last time before heading home.
Hey son gonna be home late 4 dinner.
Still gonna talk tho.
Miles groans as he rereads his dad's texts over and over again.
At this rate, his promposal is going to be an absolute failure.
Miles flops back onto his bed with a defeated sigh.
"Miles?" Rio knocks on his door gently even though there is already a wide enough crack for it to be considered open. "¿Qué te paso?"
"It's nothing, Mami," Miles mumbles, not even bothering to hide the sadness in his voice. "It's just been a rough day."
"A rough day?" Rio frowns. She hates seeing her son like this. Despite all of Miles' moments, he's a good kid. And he's her kid nonetheless. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Miles nods and in an instant Rio is at his side. She sits down on his bed (which is made for once) and begins to gently card her finger through his hair.
"Ay, when was the last time you got a haircut?" Rio asks, trying to lighten the mood. "Are you trying to copy your multidimensional twin or something? You can't show up to the prom looking like this!"
Though it's a joke, the comment elicits another groan from Miles.
"Is this what this whole mood is about?" Rio asks, gesticulating to her son's defeated position. "The prom?"
Miles only nods in confirmation, the action rustling his bedsheets.
"Oh, Miles," Rio coos, bringing her son's head into her lap, "why didn't you say anything, mijo?"
"I did say something!"
Miles's hands shoot up in the air and one narrowly misses Rio's chin. She gives him an icy glares to which he apologizes.
"Sorry—I'm sorry," Miles sighs. He didn't mean to; it's just been a really frustrating day. Feeling like nobody has time for him and that he no one's priority.
"It's just that this is important, you know?" He huffs, running his own hand through his. "And it feels like no one around me cares! And I know it's not true—everyone's just really busy—but I need someone to help me. Someone to be my own Spiderman for a bit. Just someone to care."
Rio looks down at her son fondly. Her heart feels as though it's about to split in two. She wants to cry because her baby boy has grown into a young man with such an ability to articulate his feelings. But she also wants to cry because her baby feels alone—and he never should. Not while she's around.
"Oh, Miles, I'm so sorry about your day and that no one was around to help you, mijo," Now Rio's fingertips begin to ghost across his right temple. "But I'm here now and I care so please, tell me what's on your mind."
And so he does.
For the umpteenth time today, Miles starts from the very beginning and talks about you, how you guys met, how he realized that he has feelings for you and, of course, how he's been wanting to ask you to prom for a while now.
All the while, Rio listens and nods intently, smiles when it's appropriate, and tries to keep herself from happy crying at the young man before her.
"I think that it’s beautiful that you're putting so much thought into this proposal, Miles," Rio begins when it's finally her turn to speak. "But the truth is that no one can tell you how to plan the perfect promposal. Not me, not your father, not Peter nor Miguel. Only you know the person so deeply and intimately. Everything that we tell you to do should be taken into consideration, not as a fact. Only you know how this person so deeply and how your relationship functions. Use that to your advantage, mijo. You have a creative mind; let it shine and take the lead. Because you can say the same standard 'te amo' like everyone else does but it's how you say it that counts."
There's a beat of silence as Miles processes everything that his mother just said.
And then it clicks.
He knows what he's going to.
"Yeah," he says once more to himself. "Yeah, I know what I'm gonna do!"
Rio smiles. "You got it, mijo?"
"Yeah, yeah, I do, Mami!" Miles exclaims with a little laugh. He jumps up and wraps his arms around his mother for a tight hug. "Thank you, Mami! ¡Te amo mucho! You always know what to say!"
"My pleasure, mijo,"
A week later, you and Miles are walking through the empty hallways of Vision's Academy hand-in-hand.
It's something that you two don't normally do but with this scavenger hunt that Miles has planned for you, you think it best that he guides you before you end up somewhere that you're not supposed to be.
"Okay, and now we reach the cafeteria," Miles says, gesturing to the grand, dimly-lit space. "A hint for your next clue: it involves us all those years ago on that fateful day that you discovered that I could turn invisible."
To anyone else, this would be a puzzling riddle. But you've grown to know Miles—all parts and aspects of him—throughout these four years. And so, the memory comes easily to you.
"Oh my gosh!" you scream, remembering. "It was that day when you kept hyperventilating after that Chem test!"
"Ding-ding-ding! Correct!"
You laugh looking back at it now. Miles was so nervous because was convinced that he had gotten a B on that test—the last one of the quarter—and was worried that he would end up with a B+ on his report card—a grade unacceptable for both Princeton and his parents who expected him to maintain that A+ that he had recieved last report card. The poor boy kept turning invisible every other breath. You couldn't believe it. So, once he was calm, you asked him to sneak you a few extra chicken tenders from the cafeteria line just to male sure that you weren't going crazy.
You look around the cafeteria for a moment before spotting something on the lunch line. You rush over to it, only to be greeted with steaming hot chicken tenders (how? You don't know.) and a note in the center.
"Chicken tenders almost as hot as you," you read, your words faltering a bit towards the end.
You had your suspicions about this scavenger hunt of Miles' but you never thought that there was a possibility of them being true.
Was this it? Were you finally going to hear him say that he liked you?
"And now on to the art room!" Miles urges. You must give him a look because he adds, "You can bring the chicken tenders too, don't worry."
Maybe the walk to the art room is longer than you thought or maybe you're just hungrier than you thought because by the time the two of you make it into the hallway containing the classroom, you're down to two chicken tenders.
"Okay, who wants to play Guess What’s Behind This Door?" Miles asks nervously. He tries to play it off as much as he can but he can't help it—not when you two have gotten to this point in your adventure.
"Is it a snake?" you ask dumbly, taking another bite of your second-to-lst chicken tender. You have a feeling about what’s behind the door but you don't want to get your hopes up.
"A box full of puppies and kittens?"
"More food?"
Okay, well that was kind of disappointing.
You take a moment, feigning thinking.
"Is it...a promposal?"
At this, Miles' eyes widen. He swears, for a moment his heart stops. And then it starts beating again—and rapidly so—when he sees the shy yet hopeful look on your face.
"It was supposed to be a surprise," he says, opening the door.
To his luck, the promposal still does surprise you. So much so that your last chicken falls out of your mouth as your jaw drops from shock.
Displayed all around the room are photos, paintings, paintings, and props—memories of your friendship. And in the center of the room is a painting that reads Will You Go To Prom With Me?
You've always known that Miles enjoys art, so much so to the point that he could create his own museum. But you never imagined that he feels that same level of passion with you.
"Everything in here is a collection of you and me and the memories that we've made together," Miles begins. He's speaking slowly and putting extra emphasis on properly annunciating his words—both for his and your sake.
"Everything on this scavenger hunt was, really. Because every time when I'm with you, that's what we do: we make unforgettable memories to look back on and I—" Miles pauses now, searching for words. He'd rehearsed this speech a thousand times and yet he still managed to veer off course. Dammit.
You look at Miles intently but you give him time to collect his thoughts. It’s not easy to do this, as much as you would like to think so. If it was then you would have told him how you feel a long time ago.
"What I'm trying to say is that I like you!" Miles finally says. "I think that you're amazing and wonderful and I know that this may seem sudden but I know—I've known that you were the person that I wanted to be my date—and date, if you're up for all of this—for a long time. So, this is all a really long way to say will you go to Prom with me?"
You barely let Miles finish his last word before you say it. You spin around, taking everything in, stopping when you reach Miles.
Both of you stare at each other as if it's the first time you're meeting.
And, in some regard, it is. This is the first time that you two are exposing such a raw, vulnerable side to each other and you both can't help but stare in awe at the sheer beauty radiating off of the other person at this moment.
"Hey." Miles says sheepishly.
"Hi." You return the awkward tone.
Before you can think, you close the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips to his. Shocked at first, Miles quickly melts into it, his bodying visibly relaxing as his hands move down to your waist, pulling you closer.
The two of you stay like that for a while and when you both pull back, you're both a bit red and nervous to look into each other's once more.
Best promposal ever.
A/N: Okay, that's enough writing for one year. See y'all in 2025! (H/jk)
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guywithn0name · 3 months
-Alphabet headcanons-
;Miles G Morales
Miles G Morales x any gender reader
🎸 | Masterlist | 🎸
I still haven’t finished a post I’ve had in my drafts for like 3 months already ( ・∇・) (it’s a Leon Kennedy post lol) but in the meantime I’m going to write this and actively ignore the drafts (^з^)-♡ and ik Miles from 1610 and this Miles are super similar but they have different headcannons since they are still different people and they’ve had different experiences so yeah lol.
Warnings: not rly proofread
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-‘A’ is for AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
Miles isn’t one to show much affection beyond a simple hand-in-hand or a small and quick peck while in public. But he is more affectionate when you two are in private, or with people he’s comfortable around. His love language is acts of service along with quality time. He likes building his tech when you’re around, not really talking but just chilling together while listening to music. If Miles ever gives you gifts he’ll give you homemade gifts like; paper bouquet, handwritten letter, homemade food and ect. I don’t really think he’d give a lot of materialistic gifts. Mostly because over half of the money he steals is to help him and his mom. And he doesn’t really get the point of them either. He gets they’re nice, but why buy something expensive when you can make something?
-‘B’ is for BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestfriend?)
He’a a pretty chill guy to be friends with at the end of the day. He might be a bit closed off at first but when he opens up he’s a huge nerd. He’ll talk about his tech for hours if you know he’s the Prowler. If you two go to a McDonald’s or something, he’s the one who’ll give you one chicken nugget but not buy you a box for you because he’s too poor for that, but if you buy him McDonald’s or something like that, he will give you something self-made as a thank you gift.
-‘C’ is for CUDDLES (how and do they like to cuddle?)
He’s one of them sleepy cuddle people, he especially cuddles with you when he’s sleepy or tired. He acts like he’s a big spoon when y’all cuddle, but he’s really a secret little spoon. He isn’t big on showing affection like I said before, but he is semi cuddly when you two are alone in peace. He likes wrapping himself around you, full body hug and all.
-‘D’ is for DOMESTIC (if they settle down, how will they help?)
Miles is a bit hesitant on settling down with someone. He wants to, yeah. But because of his Prowler job he isn’t quick to just live with anybody. But that aside, let’s talk about what it’s like to live with Miles. He’s the type of person who wants to split the chores. The chores he would do is probably cooking and things along those lines. If you know he’s the Prowler you 100% will find some random parts around the place. The random prowler claw in the coffee table in the living room. Don’t worry about it, Miles just wanted to watch some tv while he was fixing it. Miles appearing in the kitchen, his hands somehow covered in oil? He’s just getting water, don’t mind the oil, it’s just from his motorcycle. The random motorcycle and tech parts on the kitchen counter? Don’t worry, he’ll clean it up soon. He always tries to clean up his messes, but you might find some things that don’t belong in random places.
-‘E’ is for ENDING (how would the break up go?)
Depending on the situation of the break up and who breaks up with who, he still probably might be a bit sad about it, before or after the break up. If you’re the one who’s breaking up with him, he’d definitely want a reason why. He’d probably feel upset about it if it was for a good reason. If he’s the one breaking up with you. There’s are two reasons for him to break up with you. Reason number one; he doesn’t like you anymore and he’s not cruel enough to date someone he doesn’t like. Reason number two; he doesn’t want to put you in danger because of his Prowler job, he just wants to protect you one of the few ways he knows how to.
-‘F’ is for FIANCÉ (how do they feel about marriage)
Miles’ a bit hesitant to marry someone, but he does want to marry someone at some point of his life. He wants the same kind of marriage and love his mom and dad had together. If Miles has a wedding, he’d want a small wedding with only close friends and family attending. He’s not that interested in a big wedding with a ton of people. He thinks a wedding is something only the people who you and him are actually close to.
-‘G’ is for GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
He tries his best to be gentle with you. But he isn’t too good with it. Miles had built a kind of wall around himself after his dad’s death. He still tries his best with you, but somewhat always keeps you at an arms length. But after some time he lets you get closer. Miles’ always careful not to make you uncomfortable or uneasy.
-‘H’ is for HUGS (do they like hugs?)
Miles does like hugs, but he definitely isn’t that clear about it. He also somehow has some of the warmest, and best hugs ever to exist. His hugs with his family member and close friends are like bearhugs. He’s a little awkward hugging strangers tho.
-‘I’ is for I LOVE YOU (when do they say I love you for the first time?)
All things considered, Miles was probably the one who said “I love you” first. You two were hanging out on the rooftop of the apartment complex he lived in, just chilling and looking at the stars while listening to music from his phone. And suddenly he just blurted the words “I love you” while admiring you. It was a cute moment.
-‘J’ is for JEALOUSY (do they get easily jealous? And if they do, what will they do?)
He doesn’t get jealous that much, only when other people obviously flirt with you or something along those lines, he’s more protective than jealous most of the time. He knows you’re loyal, so he doesn’t act too jealous. The most he’ll do when he’s jealous is a small tug on your hand to signal he wants to leave while glaring at the other person, he has a cold exterior so the glare wasn’t unnecessary surprising.
-‘K’ is for KISSES (how often do they like to get or give kisses, and where?)
Miles isn’t someone who likes to give a lot of affection in public, like I said earlier. He does like giving kisses, and reviving them. Miles just doesn’t like giving them in public. When he does give kisses in public, the most he’ll do is give a little peck on the cheek, forehead or on your temple. When he does kiss you on the lips, he’ll definitely do it when you two are alone or at each others place like I’ve said multiple times. When you two kiss, he likes to have his hand on you hip or on the side of you neck. Miles also likes giving soft pecks on the neck when you two cuddle. He enjoys getting kisses, but he doesn’t like showing that. His favourite part to get kissed is on his temple or on the crook of his neck, but only a gentle kiss or peck.
-‘L’ is for LITTLE ONES (how are they with kids?)
There’s only one word on how to describe Miles with kids, awkward. He isn’t bad with them, or good with them. Just awkward. He doesn’t wanna hurt one of them, because of that he doesn’t really know how to handle them. He’s too scared that he’ll hurt one, so he prefers not to interact with kids.
-‘M’ is for MORNINGS (how are mornings with them?
He’s a groggy morning boy. And like I mentioned he’s cuddly when he’s tired, so don’t be expecting to be able to get up early. So when you wake up, you’re 100% in some messy position with Miles wrapped around you or laying on top of you. He probably drooled at least a bit during the night too. His whole morning routine is pretty simple, get up from bed. (Like ten minutes after he woke up) Then changing his clothes and getting breakfast after brushing his teeth, a simple and quick morning.
-‘N’ is for NIGHTS (how are nights with them?)
Miles has a full on night routine, it’s not a complicated one, but he still has one. He always takes a shower before he goes to bed. And his whole skin routine is only water. How does he have such clear skin with so little effort? Only no one knows. He also wears a durag to bed, he also has like three different durags to choose from. Why? Don’t ask, seriously, don’t. (He doesn’t know either) He also always says “good night” and “love you” to his mom before going to sleep. When he moves out, he’ll text it to her occasionally, but every night but some nights. Just to remind her that he still exists. (They talk almost every other day or every day on the phone)
-‘O’ is for OPEN (how open are they about themselves?)
Miles was more open before his dad’s death, but he became a lot more closed off after it. It takes a while for him to fully trust someone. But when he does give someone his trust, it’s like peeling an onion, a lot of layers. He’s slow at opening up, but when he does it means he really does trust you. When he does in fact trust you, you’re one of his forever friends. He’s the type of guy to have a few close friends rather than a lot of not so close friends.
-‘P’ is for PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
Since Miles himself is a pretty standoffish, so he understands if you don’t want to be open with him right off the bat. He’s definitely patient with you as long as you’re patient with him too. He wants to take his time with the relationship, not rush to things.
-‘Q’ is for QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
Miles actually remembers quite a lot about you. It’s pretty surprising since he’s the Prowler, and his school along with helping his mom at home too.
-‘R’ is for REMEMBER (what’s their favourite moment in the relationship?)
One of his favourite moments in your relationship was when he told you he was the Prowler. You two had been dating for about a year and half at that point. You were staying over the night at his place. It was almost Halloween and the two of you were coming up with costume ideas when the topic of vigilantes came up. Or more specifically, the Prowler. Miles had been thinking about telling you that he was the Prowler for a bit at this point. So, he decided that now was a good time to tell you. A bit later Miles takes a deep breath and then takes your hands in his, before finally telling you the truth of him being the Prowler. It was a really nice moment to the two of you, and now one of Miles favourite moment of your relationship.
-‘S’ is for SECURITY (how protective are they?)
He’s actually a little protective, he wasn’t as protective before his dad died, but he got more protective after it. He doesn’t wanna loose another person who’s close to him. He also developed a small habit of walking you home when you’re over at his place. The city’s dangerous and he knows it, he likes knowing that you got home safe after you leave his place, it gives him some comfort.
-‘T’ is for TRY (how much effort are they putting into the relationship, dates and ect?)
Miles puts in his share fair of effort into the relationship, but if he notices that you’re not putting the same amount of effort into the relationship he’ll become more distant. He wants that the both of you put in effort for the relationship, not just one-sided effort. Like I mentioned before, he likes giving hand-made gifts and likes to cook homemade meals for you. He isn’t the biggest fan of going on fancy dates or anything. Mostly because he doesn’t really have enough money to pay for them, plus the city he lives in (and most likely you) definitely isn’t the safest place to have dates outside. Miles really likes dates that are spent indoors at each others houses. He especially likes movie dates, and dates where you cook or bake together. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not, he’ll still have a lot of fun with you.
-‘U’ is for UGLY (what’s a bad habit of theirs?)
He sometimes has a dumb habit of forgetting to answer texts or calls when his phone’s on silent. And if he does see it, he sometimes forgets to respond completely and only realises it a few hours later.
-‘V’ is for VANITY (how insecure are they?)
He’s not an insecure person, at all. He’s pretty confident in himself, he’s just quiet. But like with my Miles 1610 alphabet headcannon, he’ll get a tiny iny bit insecure if you two haven’t spent time together in a while. (you should go read it if you haven’t already ;) )
-‘W’ is for WHOLE (do they feel whole without you?)
Miles would be sad without you, but he wouldn’t fully feel incomplete without you. But he would certainly miss you. He already lost his dad, so he knows how to deal with sadness. He would miss you. But it all depends if you died or left him. If you died Miles would definitely make a graffiti of you, just like he did of his dad. But if you left him, or the other way around. He would probably think about you time to time, even miss you at times. But he wouldn’t come after you, the walls around his heart wouldn’t let him.
-‘X’ is for XTRA (extra headcanon about them)
Miles is a great cook, his mom taught him how to cook since he’s been little. He wants to get a small tattoo in honour of his dad in the future. He likes drawing you in his sketchbooks, and as little doodles in sticky notes that are on his blueprints of his gear and other things. He actually doesn’t enjoy horror movies a lot, he gets scared easily by them even tho he puts on a front of not-being-scared-of-anything. Miles definitely tender headed, and he only ever lets a very specific barber or his mom touch his hair. And you if you’re lucky.
-‘Y’ is for YUCK (what can they not stand?)
He hates people who just cannot season food properly, it disgusts and pains him at the same time.
-‘Z’ is for ZLEEP (how is to sleep with them?)
Two words for sleeping with him; no space. He moves around a ton while he sleeps and like I mentioned earlier, he cuddles a lot while he sleeps. He definitely has a second blanket that he hugs in his sleep when he can’t cuddle anyone. He’s also one of those people who just cannot sleep without a blanket on. Is he overheating under it? Maybe. But he can’t not sleep with it. Without it he ain’t sleeping, honestly.
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chaoticyumelikes · 1 year
Miguel walks into the room smiling pleasantly while Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr and especially Miles watch on in awe.
Gwen: I never saw him really smile.
Pavitr: Are his eyebags somehow.... Less prominent on his face?
Hobie: You reckon he offed someone?
Miles: Or he's about to finally kill me-- OMG he is looking at me!!!
Miguel: Hey Miles! I'm sorry for the way I acted. Don't worry we'll fix the problems you made.
Miles flinches as Miguel ruffles his hair and walks away.
Hobie: Alright... * Hobie removes you from your hiding place while you yelp like a scared critter * What did you do?
You: I.... Maaaay.... Have... Hit him with a tranquilizer strong enough to down a rhino.
You give a nervous smile while everyone looks at you dumbstruck.
Pavitr laughing: You are so dead when he finds out.
Gwen placing a somber hand on your shoulder: Way to take one for the team.
Miles solemnly: You shall be missed.
Hobie grinning: I knew you had it in ya.
You pratically crying: You're all welcome I just wanted him to rest for a while... He is going to kill me isn't he?!
Peter B having overheard everything: IF! He finds out.
You in fetal position: This place has cameras everywhere he WILL find out.
Peter B: Oh.... Right.... Nice knowing you.
Lyla: Girl! Don't worry I gotcha! I erased all footage of that. As far as the big man spider knows, he just fainted from exhaustion!!!
You crying tears of happiness: Thank you Lylaaaaaa! You are aweso- wait a minute?! Couldn't you have told me that sooner?!!!! I've been hiding for HOURS!!!!
Lyla laughing: I know it was hilarious. Hope that thought you a lesson tho. Byeeeee~~~~
At that you pout and Lyla records it, after all your pout is very similar to her boss', she plans showing it to ya as a collage at your wedding after giving the whole "they are so similar it is a wonder you didn't get together sooner" speech.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: miles morales x gn reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: miles and his kaomojis are so cute (and he likes stealing your clothes)
ʀᴇ𝐐: no ~ established relationship
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: idk why that miles pic is so funny; hold on, spot, I gotta tell my s/o I love them
Miles stares down at his phone intensely, mulling over whether he should text you or not. You asked him to be your boyfriend recently, and of course he said yes, but he was still doubting himself. He wanted to see you, though, and his Spider-Man duties had taken him close to your apartment.
can i come over?
He bit his lip as he anticipated your answer.
yay (´∇ノ`*)ノ
ure so cute
Miles instinctively covered his flustered face, even if it was covered by his mask. Acting oblivious is cool, right?
the emoticons.
my cute little bf <33
Holy shit. How creepy would it be if he arrived under five minutes?
i had a lot of fun last night ヾ(^∇^)
i did too :)
by the way i'm missing a sweater
• • •
Oh no. He was so sure you wouldn't notice.
miles come back here rn
whatttt (キ▼⊿▼)ノ?
ure so cutee
and so cool
but i need that sweater back
miles you child
You took your sweater back the next time you saw him. That was fine, though; with how often he wore it, it was starting to lose its "yours" feeling. Still, he couldn't help but complain.
"It's cold."
"Is it?"
Simply, you respond by pulling him into a hug to share your body heat. "How does that feel?"
Normally that would be good enough, more than good, even, but he wanted to rub it in this time. "Good, but... it would be a lot better if I had your sweater."
You click your tongue and he only laughs in response. "I'll let you pick out a hoodie, then, next time."
If he wasn't in your embrace, he would be bouncing in his spot. Instead, he hugs you tighter. "Thank you."
If humans could speak symbols, Miles would've said ♥.
I love this hoodie sm (●♡∀♡)
more than me?
( ;`ヘ´)
( ˘ ³˘)
( ˘ ³˘)
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milesmolasses · 1 year
SKATER BOI (e-1610 miles x blk! reader)
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— miles is a skater boy and u can’t tell me i’m wrong
— felt bad cause the beach fic was supposed to be up today, but instead y’all can have this
— alexa, play feels like summer by childish gambino
— ⚠️: fluff, gn black reader, miles + reader being cute, cursing
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standing outside of your door, miles stood with his duffel bag over his right shoulder, and his board wedged between his right arm and torso. ever since you agreed to skate with him, even going as far as to buy your own board, he wanted to surprise you with a little date/gift he had prepared.
you opened your door to the sight of a bubbly presence and a big smile on miles face. "whatchu smiling for?" you questioned with a confused smile on your face.
"get ready, i’m taking you out. oh, and grab your board too," he stated quite matter of factly. before you could even open your mouth, he was already booking it towards the stairs to wait for you at the front of your building.
"damn… now I don’t gotta choice," you mumbled to yourself in the now empty hallway.
closing the door to your house, you changed into more appropriate clothing than the ones you had on now. that clothing consisted of a pair of baggy jeans and an even baggier t-shirt, as well as a beanie to keep your locs from flying into your face. grabbing your board along with the wallet you stuffed in your jeans, you were off downstairs to meet miles.
walking out of the building and on to the street, you turned to look at miles and asked, "so you gonna tell me what’s in the bag?"
rolling his eyes he told you that telling you what was in the bag would ruin the surprise, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
miles had a tendency for surprising you with little things. it wasn’t like he was loaded, but he figured that the little things he gave you were much more personal and meaningful than any expensive gift he could have ever given you; like his art. small photos of you along with other drawings were plastered all over your wall, curtesy of your boyfriend.
after about fifteen minutes of walking, you reached the skate park. you were met with a bunch of brooklyn kids from around your neighborhood either smoking weed, hanging out and skating with their friends, or both simultaneously.
following miles to a set of stairs with a bunch of skid marks on the rail, he set down his bag and his board and motioned for you to hand him yours.
"c’mon it’s part of the surprise," he laughed as he shook his hand out asking for the skate board.
giving him the board, you watched as he set it down wheels facing up, and he opened the duffel bag he brought with him. "of course," you thought.
in the bag was a solar system of different spray paints and paint markers to choose from. you should have known that this would be something miles would do. "you wanna paint my board?"
"I mean, kinda?" he flipped his board so the wheels were facing up alongside with mine. what you didn’t expect was a clean slate. miles board wasn’t painted like it was before, no, this was an entirely new, clean skate board.
"I want to paint your board, while you paint mine," he stated looking up at you and smiling.
"you bought a clean board for me?" you said in a high pitch voice in disbelief.
"don’t flatter yourself now, if it turns out trash i’m goin' back to the old one," he joked. you knew he was joking— miles was in love with everything you made, it was all beautiful to him.
your knees bent down next to miles, squatting with him on the concrete. you grabbed his board and rolled your eyes at his previous statement.
grabbing the screw driver, miles removed the trucks on both of your boards in preparation of painting. once he was finished, you got to work with grabbing the board and going to the other end of the stairs. when he asked why you were "leaving him all lonely" you simply replied with, "you seeing my work of art would ruin the surprise, duh.”
you grabbed the few colors you wanted to use on the board and went back to your side of the stairs. getting to work with spray painting his entire board light green, an image flooded your mind on what you wanted to do with his board.
after thirty minutes (give or take) of working, miles glanced to your side and spoke loudly, "yo, you almost done over there?"
"uh nooo— wait are you already done??" you questioned in disbelief, seeing miles dust himself off and stand up.
"yeah, all I gotta do is shine it," he shrugged his shoulder back and stretched out his arms. you sighed in disbelief at how quickly he was able to finish his freestyle painting. you could practically hear him saying, "i’m just that good" with a goofy smug look in his face.
turning back to your- or his board, you were able to get it done about 10 minutes after miles had finished spraying a clear coat on your board.
adding some finishing touches, his board was finally done. you walked back over to miles with the board flesh behind your back, with the painted side facing away from miles view.
"you ready to see my masterpiece morales?"
"your masterpiece huh?" he questioned feigning an impressed look on his face.
"mmhm, i’m pretty sure I seen this in a renaissance painting before," you said with a nonchalant shrug. miles raised an eyebrow at you.
“sooo you copied a renaissance paining?”
"nah," you whispered, leaning in closer to miles to tell him your big secret. "them renaissance niggas copied me," you said proudly pointing to your chest.
miles rolled his eyes as he backed away from you. “shut the hell up and show me the board,” he laughed.
you huffed as you brought the board into his view from behind your back. it was spray painted light green as it’s base, and what decorated the shade was a large yellow sunflower with the word "MILES" painted dark green and growing out of the sunflower like a stem. surrounding the sun flower were doodles of even more multi colored flowers and hearts.
miles nose flared as he laughed through this nose. he couldn’t help the loving smile that creeped onto his lips as he walked closer to you and grabbed the board out of your hands. he placed a chaste kiss to you lips as he mumbled, "I love it baby, thank you."
you smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you, placing kisses all over his face. you pulled back suddenly and asked, "hmm so where’s MY board morales?"
"don’t worry I gotchu," he said as he pulled away. he walked a couple steps backwards and grabbed the board showing you the absolute masterpiece he made with nothing but his hands and his amazing brain.
it was a horizontal painting of you facing a wall, and on that wall was a collection of graffiti you had painted across brooklyn with miles throughout the years you knew each other. it looked like water color art with the way all of the light colors dripped down together at the bottom of the board.
"okay… so maybe I am a little blown away," you admitted as you looked at the board shocked. turning your head to look at miles, you gently placed the board down on the ground and you ran up to miles with the biggest smile on your face.
you basically threw yourself at him as you buried your face into his neck, mumbling a small "thank you" and "I love you."
as he squeezed you back, he mumbled into your beanie with a smirk, “so am I the best boyfriend ever or what?”
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— made this super quick
— bought a skateboard last summer and barely used it
— but TRUST, this year it will be in use
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ghxstmxchine · 1 year
ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱʜɪᴘ ʙʀᴀᴄᴇʟᴇᴛꜱ
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ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ is always absentmindedly playing with it, twirling the loose ends around his finger and shifting it from one wrist to the other throughout the day. He’s stressed, being spiderman isn’t easy, but there’s a comfort that comes with the bracelet. He always smiles when he glances down at the beads spelling out your initials, knowing that once this whole stressful day is over he can finally unwind with you later. It’s a constant reminder to keep pushing.
ʜᴏʙɪᴇ keeps it tied around his wrist tight, lost amongst his many silver bracelets and studded cuffs but the pop of color from the carefully chosen threads stands out. It clashes with the rest of his punk persona but he’s always one to favor handmade gifts, sticking it to capitalism or something. But it’s also the fact it came from you that he can’t help but love it, even at the end of the day when he’s shed the studded jewelry and heavy leather jacket, the bracelet stays on. 
ᴘᴀᴠɪᴛʀ treats it like it’s made from solid gold, something to be cherished and worn until the threads have come undone. It’s almost impossible to catch him without the bracelet on, only taking it off when deemed unsafe to wear it. He couldn’t stop talking about it the minute you’d given him the bracelet, quick to interject conversations with other spiders just so he can show off your work with pride. He’s beaming brighter than the sun, there’s something so sweet in how much he adores everything that reminds him of you. 
ɢᴡᴇɴ was more nervous than excited at first, the last thing she wanted to do was break something you put the time and effort into making her. She at first hides it in her drum kit where she keeps all other things she loves, too scared to accidentally ruin it. But you reassure her it’s okay, it’s just a simple threaded bracelet. Just cherish it while she has it, she always has you to make another. She wears it more often now, sometimes coming to you under the guise of having you “fix” it but she just wants to see you.
ᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ rolls his eyes when you offer him it, but still begrudgingly holds out his arm so you can tie it onto his wrist. He tells you the minute it gets in the way he’ll take it off, but it’s been tied firmly around his wrist for months with no intention of budging. He may act like it’s just a simple bracelet but you’ve seen how his eyes soften whenever he’s toying with it, a gentle smile wavering across his face as he straightens out the letter beads and makes sure no threads are loose.
ɴᴏɪʀ helps you make it, he’s unsure of what colors he’s picking out but likes the ones that are so different in their shades. He trusts you to make him something beautiful, watching intently as you carefully make the bracelet for him. For him, you focus on design rather than color, the knots pulling together into a pretty daisy chain made from the threads. He’s not sure on whether or not the colors were a good choice, but he’s in love with the sweet little design you made him.
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vhstown · 1 year
love you more
— 1610!miles morales x gn!reader
summary: Miles sneaks in while your parents are asleep; he always has to get the last word in.
warnings: fluff, angst if you squint
word count: 0.9k
a/n: i love this trope too much who cares if its cliche i love loserboy in love
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look outside ;) Read 2:53 AM
Fire escape — sitting outside your bedroom by his hands and feet, was Miles in all of his 3am glory, the slyest grin on his face. Heaving the covers off of yourself as a grin of your own formed, you quietly slid the window open. You glanced at him, then at your door. The house was silent for now, and as much as you were trying to be too, it was almost always impossible with Miles.
He slipped off his shoes by the escape stairs, leaping easily onto your mattress through the window in one fluid motion.
"Hey." His voice was barely above a whisper, hints of adrenaline and drowsiness in it as he turned to look at you.
You shuffled over to make room for him, pulling the covers over his bare shins. "Hi."
Apart from the glow of the mellow streetlights, it was totally dark in your room. You still could make out the way his eyes were shining, softened as they reflected back you. Miles didn't get to see you at the most ideal times, but you didn't need perfect. This was more than enough, even if the boy was wearing shorts on a freezing spring night. He shuffled closer, shoulders tensing up from the cold.
"What time do you call this?" You couldn't hide the warmth in your voice. It had been a while.
"Uh, morning...?" He let out a breath for a laugh, brows knitting together in amusement. "You sound like my mom."
"I could call her."
"You wouldn't." He pulled you into a loose embrace, and any teasing energy you had left was completely taken over by a comforting tiredness as you hugged him back. If you saw the red and black material underneath his hoodie, you didn't say anything.
"Need to lock my door," you murmured, leaning towards the edge of your bed only to be stopped by a hand on your shoulder.
"I wont stick around long." The half-smirk Miles gave you was almost boyish as he pulled you back against his chest. His hoodie was soft and smelled like lavender, and you missed him too much to care, letting him rest his head on top of yours. "Besides, we've never been caught."
"You've never been caught." You didn't want to mention the time you tried to sneak out. That was beyond embarrassing. And rocky.
"Cause your boyfriend's got superpowers."
"Like I don't know, Spider-boy."
"Spider-Man." His voice leaked through into a defensive murmur, making your heart race a little for more than one reason.
"Yeah, yeah..." Your arms came around his waist, and his silent laugh made your heart swirl. It was almost more embarrassing how much you missed him. Maybe you'd have to try and sneak out again. "Where were you?"
Your voice was muffled, but the question was genuine — sombre? Miles could never make you sad. Right now, he was here to fill the Spider-boy-shaped hole in your heart. Even then, your hand reached to squeeze his hand to keep him from disappearing. He probably would in a couple of minutes.
He squeezed your hand back, fingers locking into yours. "In another universe."
A part of you might've believed him, maybe because of the sleepiness. You let out a sigh that was far more expressive than any of the words you'd exchanged before. His arm wrapped around you tighter.
"You know I love you, right?" he murmured into your hair.
"Love you too." There was a moment of silence, and you let yourself sink into it. Your defences were down a second too long, already imagining the grin on his face.
"Love you more." You were about to mumble out a retort, but the sound of creaking in the hallway forced you to sit up.
The both of you held your breath, hands still loosely laced together. Click! The glow of the bathroom light faded and you let out an exhale, meeting Miles' window-lit eyes.
You were quiet for another second as the bathroom door locked, before whispering again. "Love you the most."
"That's cheating." The smile warmed his voice, and he leaned over to capture your lips, hand on your shoulder. Chaste, warm, kind of minty — you already missed the feeling of his kiss.
"I loved you first," you challenged, not sure if it was even true. Your eyes narrowed with mirth; he wouldn't win this time. You leaned in to kiss him again before he could protest, only to pull away at the sound of the bathroom door opening again. The hallway light switched on. Silence, and both of your eyes fixed to your bedroom door, and footsteps. His hand slowly slipped from your shoulder.
"I told you," you mouthed, though it wasn't obvious what you told him. He pushed off of your shoulder, gently manoeuvring behind you to the window. When the strip of light underneath your door shadowed, he pressed a kiss to your hair, mouth still by your ear as he leaned backwards onto the windowsill.
"I still love you more." You didn't even have a chance to process his words before he let go of your shoulder and rolled out of your room, pulling the window shut.
Not bothering to see where he went, you quickly pulled the covers over you, turning away as your door creaked open and the hallway light bled into your room. Of course Miles had to get the last word. Still, your cheeks heated as you processed what he said, the feeling of his lips against your hair leaving a warm tingling sensation as you waited to be alone again.
As soon as the door closed, a smile spread across your face. You reached for your phone, burrowed under your blanket as you typed out a text.
ily more Delivered
Miles had probably turned his read receipts off; you wouldn't put it past him. Deciding not to call him, you went to bed that night swearing you'd get him next time. That's what you told yourself every other time, at least.
Read 7:21 AM
thank you for reading ^^ this is my first sort of one shot drabble thingy idk lol i thought of this at at 3am i love miles 🫶
reblogs appreciated ! love ya
catch my atsv masterlist here!
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luvmorales · 1 year
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pairing ⊹˚. 42!miles morales x gn!reader 
summary →  miles is out on a mission and you can’t help but miss his touch
contains ☾₊ ⊹ fluff, cuddling, kissing
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miles being out on a mission had you tossing and turning in your bed. he said he would just come tomorrow morning because he’d probably finish late. 
ever since you started dating miles you’ve gotten used to his long arms wrapping around your body as you fall asleep. without him here you can’t fall asleep 
feeling defeated as you continue to shuffle around in your bed looking at the time; it reads 1:35 AM. “why can’t time go faster” you groan out, putting your head under your pillow 
you were distracted from your thoughts when you heard someone knock on your bedroom door, you thought it was your ma letting you know she got back from work, “one second mom” you say as you shuffle out of your warm duvet covers. you didn’t receive a response 
“or don’t say anything i guess…” getting annoyed that you had to get out of your bed
as you open the door you look up and see your boyfriend miles, “wha-” you try to speak but miles puts his finger on your lips as he wraps his arms around your torso and guides you back to bed 
“did anyone see you come in?” you say lying back down and patting the spot beside you for miles to lie down 
“no mami” your stomach getting filled with butterflies, “i thought you were coming by tomorrow,” you say raising your eyebrows 
“i just had to see you, i already missed you” he lays his head on your chest, you smile kissing his forehead feeling all gushy that he missed you “good thing you came cause i couldn’t sleep” you whisper out 
“wow ma you missed me that much?” he grins looking up at your soft features, you roll your eyes playfully, nudging his shoulder “hmm maybe i did” 
he pulls you closer to him nuzzling his head into your neck “you’re so warm” he whispers in your ear, driving you crazy with his low voice 
turning around to face him “you just can’t help yourself can you” you let out a soft laugh snuggling into his chest 
miles reaches under your tank and starts drawing little doodles onto your back, you start to feel your eyelids grow heavier by the second 
and just like that you were fast asleep in your boyfriends arms
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m-n-m-s · 1 year
Hello can you do Spider verse characters (separately) x Mute reader? please and thankyou!
ofc 🫶🏻
Spider-Squad x Mute! Reader
Includes: Miles (e1610), Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr
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miles: red
gwen: pink
pavitr: orange
hobie: blue
you: green
all signs will be italicized!!
Miles Morales:
i feel like he would already know a little sign language like insomniac miles from a school course he picked up
not enough to be fluent but he knows a decent amount
but when he meets you?
when i tell you he is scrambling.
his hands are shaky when he signs to you, he forgets signs-
you get the idea
so he does the only reasonable thing: spending his free time practicing and learning more signs
he wanted to impress you a lil :( <3
definitely had to practice his signs right before he went to find you
Miles smiled sheepishly after he nearly ran into you. His hand was shaky (but he wasn't going to admit that) as he waved to you. "hey."
You smiled at him. "hi."
"what's your name?"
You fingerspelled your name for him, slowly. You gave him your sign name as well, watching as he tried to hide the way his face lit up (it didn't work). You felt your smile grow slightly.
"i'm miles."
after that initial meeting, you two would run into each other more often
sometimes stopping for a conversation when you weren't busy
you would hold back a grin whenever miles forgot a sign, eventually supplying it for him
he liked signing with you :)
the way you would always smile at him while he switched from talking to signing made his heart flutter <3
if you guys were busy, you'd flash him a little smile that made him damn near melt into a puddle
he gradually got better at sign language, thanks to you <3
definitely takes advantage of his knowledge to talk to you when he shouldn't be
You watched as Miles made a subtle face at the man talking. He discreetly turned to you. "do you think i can leave without him seeing me?" he signed, trying to keep it subtle.
You held back a smile and shook your head. "not with your stealth," you signed, a teasing look on your face. He made a mock-offended face and you hid your smile from the man talking with your hand.
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Gwen Stacy:
when she met you originally, she didn't know any sign language
but over time, she grew curious
she wanted to get to know you!!
so naturally, she waited until you two were in the same room and weren't supposed to be talking to each other
and she "discreetly" slipped you a little note
written in her charmingly rushed handwriting that made you smile <3
hey, how's your day going?
You smiled at the little doodle of a spider she had made after her sentence. You wrote a quick reply back, drawing a tiny heart at the end.
good, you?
The paper was slid back, and you watched as she smiled, her heart stuttering at the drawing.
you two became friends after that
she would randomly show up unannounced and just talk
you would smile and write your thoughts on a page and slide it to her
this was routine for a while
but little did you know, she was learning sign language in her free time
she wanted to surprise you <3
so after a few weeks of knowing each other (and gwen practicing in a mirror), she finally walked up to you again, asking you the same question she always did
"hey, how is your day going?"
You stood in shock for a moment before a grin stretches across your face. "you know sign language?"
Gwen nodded, her expression a little embarrassed. "i wanted to learn it, for you," she signed hesitantly, unaware of the fluttering that had begun in your stomach.
you two got even closer after that
it was easier for gwen to just pass a note back and forth, but she liked seeing how expressive you were when you signed
it made her happy to see you telling her about her day in the way you wanted to
and that made all those hours of learning worth it <3
"are you paying attention?" you signed, raising an eyebrow.
Gwen snapped out of her moment of just quietly watching you. Her hands fiddled with the edge of her sleeve before coming up with a response. "of course i'm paying attention!" she signed defensively, a little smile painted on her face.
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Hobie Brown:
definitely slipped you a little note within the first five minutes of seeing you
which was super random, since you had never met him before
you had seen him around, but still
so when he took the seat next to you and slid a little note over to you, you were
confused, to say the least
but he was interesting
and the little smile of his had you drawn in :)
hi, what's your name?
You looked at the paper, then at the man beside you. You quickly wrote back, sliding the paper back toward him with a smile slowly creeping onto your face.
[name], what's yours?
hobie. i like your name, it fits you :)
if that caused a little flutter in your stomach, you weren't going to admit it
after that, you two ran into each other more often
eventually, he asked you if you could teach him sign language
he had been doing some practice on his own time (<3) but he wanted you to help him (<3)
you agreed ofc making his day in the process
he was a fast learner
especially when it came to you :)
Hobie furrowed his brow, piercings glinting in the light, as he watched you sign.
"what is your name?" you signed patiently, waiting for him to either write the answer or sign back. You watched as his face suddenly lit up and he fingerspelled his name back.
You grinned at him, unaware of how the expression made a slight heat rise to his cheeks. He smiled back, ready for the next question.
there was a lot of that ngl
but once this man gets more comfortable signing?
it's fucking over
he's never shy about voicing his opinions, but he likes the smile you try to hide when he signs them to you and only you
someone talking and hobie doesn't like them?
he's signing to you some dumb shit about the situation
wants to talk to you when he isn't supposed to?
he's nudging your shoulder with his elbow and starting a conversation, not really caring that it's obvious
"what do you think would happen if i just walked out of the door right now?" Hobie signed, sighing a long-suffering sigh.
"either nothing or something," you signed back, biting back a smile as he huffed, a little smirk curving his lips.
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Pavitr Prabhakar:
you spotted him from across the room one day
and his energy was...infectious
he intrigued you in a good way
so you found yourself smiling when you sat next to him and slid a little slip of paper to him
hi, what's your name? i'm [name].
The boy beside you smiled at the paper and quickly wrote something back in his strangely neat handwriting. You watched as he slid it back to you, a smile playing on his lips.
i'm pavitr! :)
after that little moment, the two of you became friends
you liked his energy, his personality, his smile-
you get the idea
whenever you two hung out, you would always leave with a smile on your face :)
during one of these hangouts, you opened to door to find pavitr on the other side as usual
he grinned an adorable mischievous little grin as he walked in
the two of you sat on the floor like always
he was talking about something funny that happened while he was feeding the stray dogs
when he suddenly turned to you and started signing
"what did you think of the movie we watched last week?"
You sat there for a moment, a little grin appearing on your face. "it was good, but you know sign language?" you signed back, tilting your head slightly. Pavitr's heart fluttered, unknown to you.
yeah, turns out he was learning it in secret to surprise you (<3)
he was so proud of himself for picking it up so quickly for you :,)
and if the thought of him learning it on his own made you smile and your stomach do a little flip, well
that was no one's business
he already learned a lot, but you wanted to help him too (<3)
he gratefully accepted the help
he wanted to spend more time with you <3
"pavitr? are you even listening?" you signed with a huff, looking at the boy sitting on the couch in front of you. He snapped out of whatever daze he was in with a quick shake of the head.
"yeah, d-u-h," he signed back, nodding a few times with a convincing smile. You playfully narrowed your eyes at him before continuing, unaware of the fact that he wasn't watching what you were signing. He was watching you.
"whatever you say, spider."
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sorry for taking so long!!
hope this is alright :)
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