#military ponies
thegoldenavenger · 7 months
can you ponify papyrus undertale
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here he is!!! im not happy with his cutie mark but i'm also not going to Think Too Hard About It
🦄 - ponify
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pencilbrony · 9 months
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Ceremonial garb
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jet7wave · 6 months
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Recce, one of @YoHomeboyNC's big mares (techpone for scale). What was supposed to be a study for her proportions turned into me indulging in dress-up. The little universe he's giving glimpses into is awesome and the mares oh' so pretty. <3
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ask-coldsteel · 7 months
Oh, cool! If that's the case, I suppose I should probably take a visit there sometime.
Also, forgive my ignorance, but what type of leaf is that insignia?
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Blazing Dawn: I needed help in Mathematical Sciences and so I befriended Cold Steel over here!
Chapter 1: Last Cadet Days
Part 20
Guest Artist: @void-art-blog
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roosterarts · 10 months
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Rooster: That's no F-18.
Featuring @ask-jetstream owned by @temper-temper
Prepare yourself for the art spam!
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interimpv · 1 year
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the antagonist
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scruffypegasus · 5 days
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AF24: Race you threw the clouds
Art Fight 2024 Attack 072 (Revenge Attack)
Chasing Revery (On the left) belongs to Fogcreature
Cannonball (On the right) belongs to me
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honorthysalad · 1 year
Mustang is the kind of guy who would buy a kid alcohol if they asked him to and probably would even if they didn’t
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savagium · 2 months
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going back to my roots by drawings silly horses
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baltoheller-fog · 3 months
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Jumped on Tumblr too! Yay!
Fallout Glengarry first 3 Chapters are out on Globalcomix and Webtoons! What's that you say?
A very dear project, actually. A big Comic inspired by Fallout with OCs and the best characters from your childhood! Follow Argo and his friends in the wastelands, what will they find?
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
as someone who has watched literally nothing about mlp but had always had an interest in it and its fandom like xenofic bugs in a jar, im living for this new pony tangent. what are your favorite and least favorite brony tropes, when it comes to the fan media they make?
you and me ngl lol i’m both surprised and not surprised at the response to my mlp posting, the mlp and warriors community feel like they’d definitely cross over lol
also good god this got long
I feel like I have to preface that the community was a huge inspiration to me and the sheer amount of creativity that people put into their pony projects is still amazing. It’s so clear that a lot of the songs, animations, literature, and general fan creations came from a place of love and a lot of that inspired me to try new things! For all the bad press “bronies” got (and let’s be real, a lot of media outlets just wanted to mock them), it’s clear that a lot of older fans were having a blast creating. I still listen to a lot of the songs from the community and watch lullaby for a princess or rise the moon from time to time because of how much they still hold up.
I guess lore is a double edged sword? Because on one hand, I love reading too deeply into media that does not call for it. I loved reading the analysis on class divisions in mlp and I really liked the critical side of the community, it helped me really develop my own skills as a kid and helped me question a lot of the stuff that I was consuming. I loved watching reviews of episodes or hearing what my favorite artists thought! I think a vocal community can definitely be a double edged sword, but it really did encourage me a lot in speaking up about my interests.
But I don’t know if that’s a trope lol so I guess…definitely the sociopolitical analysis of pony society. The ones that picked at the show and what it intentionally or unintentionally would say. I love that stuff, it’s super fun to dig into. But on the other side, lore was something a lot of people held up as the best aspect of the show, and there was this sort of clamoring for the writers to dump more and more. Which, look, a lot of the original lore was weaved within dialogue or conflicts, it wasn’t quite “dumped” on the audience as it became in the newer seasons.
But there was this sort of fascination by some on war and the military in the pony universe. This obsession with royal guards and political conflicts, and I guess in some ways I get it? But also, look, it was peddled by a lot of self-proclaimed military bronies. It does not help the show did in fact do a little pandering with one of the episodes actually featuring an alternate universe where the ponies go to war and we get to see them in full armor 😭 like there was this big fascination of the princesses killing and leading battles and it just was not for me.
Hm….maybe nextgen stuff? I always did like the idea of seeing what happened next and all the various pairings. Though sometimes that did give a lot of artists the chance to be edgy and admittedly a bit inappropriate for the pony show. Like with lore, double edged sword I suppose. Can’t complain too much, I was a pretty edgy kid and loved angst and edge and drama! Still do but I keep it for my uh older audience OC’s.
Hm let’s see….fascination with side characters. Maybe because the show indulged them a little too much. I can’t blame the fandom for everything when the writers weren’t exactly tempering expectations. But that’s the same reason why I enjoy it! I loved seeing people provide full on backstories and character to ponies who were mentioned once (someone gave the idea that Woah Nellie is an outspoken activist and i still love that).
But yeah! Honestly? The ultra violent military obsession has always just been the weird one for me. It’s fine and I get why some people would be interested in the social and politics dynamics of a pony military, but I think the people who really liked it just liked the idea of the ponies going to war with cool weapons and fancy armor and not much else (gotta show how MANLY mlp is amiright guys)
I feel like there’s others but nothing is coming to mind rn other than the insane amount of sexual content.
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
Important Groups: Equestria’s Protectors
This is a list of the organizations and groups whose task is to protect the nation of Equestria. The majority of them are in some way connected to the military.
The Equestrian Royal Guard
Originally known as the E.U.P. before Princess Luna’s return meant that the Night Tribes joined them, the Royal Guard are the bulk of Equestria’s military forces. Although the Royal Guard as a whole answers to all Equestrian Royalty, there are several factions, each one under the direct command of one of the princesses.
The Solar Guard - Also called The Day Guard, they are under Princess Celestia’s direct command. It’s mostly composed of Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies, though Night Ponies and non-ponies can join.
The Lunar Guard - Also called The Night Guard, they are under Princess Luna’s direct command. It’s mostly composed of Cervidians, Thestrals, and Lycanequui, though Day Ponies and non-ponies can join.
The Crystal Guard - They are under Princess Cadance’s direct command. It’s mostly composed of Crystal Ponies, but other pony tribes and non-ponies can join. Most of the original Crystal Guard used to be under Empress Amore’s command before The Crystal Empire vanished.
The Evening Guard - Technically, they would be Princess twilight Sparkle’s personal guards but they don’t exactly exist yet since Twilight doesn’t want personal guards yet. The members are selected from the Solar, Lunar, and Crystal Guard.
The Wonderbolts
Equestria’s air force composed of the best fliers. While they mainly do stunt shows, all members have combat training, specially in aerial combat. Mainly composed of Pegasi but Thestrals can join; flying non-ponies could technically join as well but none have tried to.
The Shadowbolts
The Wonderbolts’ night counterparts. Unlike them, the Shadowbolts are a secret from the public as they mainly do covert operations, including assassinations. Mainly composed of Thestrals but Pegasi and non-pony fliers can join.
The Equestrian Naval Forces
As the name indicates, they are Equestria’s Navy, specializing in defending Equestria’s seas. Composed of ponies from all races; there are even rumors that some members are secretly Sirens or Kelpies.
The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony
Also known as the Element Bearers, I don’t need to explain who they are.The Bearers actually outrank all other military groups, even the Equinox Knights, and can ask for their assistance.
The Order of Equinox
Also known as the Equinox Knights, they are the most elite and noble group of knights in Equestria. They each possess unique abilities that that they use to protect Equestria. They outrank almost all military groups, with only the Element Bearers technically being higher. The Equinox Knights can recruit members from Equestria’s Military or sometimes from the civilian masses as long as they are considered worthy.
So, SMILE is going to be somewhat different from canon. Instead of being solely a Monster Hunting Agency, they are Equestria’s Intelligence Agency, who gather, analyze, and exploit information as a means to defend Equestria. SMILE agents have civilian covers as a mean to secretly gather information without being discovered. Although they technically answer directly to the princesses, SMILE is authorized to act without their knowledge if they deem it necessary.
Since SMILE is different from canon, the meaning of their acronym changes slightly: they are now the Secret Magic Intelligence League of Equestria.
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jet7wave · 5 months
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Recce from @YoHomeboyNC's again! Ended up way more contemplative than I initially intended but it works. The bottom two were a dumb idea clashing with the above but hey, fuck it. Techpone gets a treat for just a moment.
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ask-coldsteel · 1 year
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Cold Steel: Up next, graduation!
Chapter 1: Last Cadet Days
Part 15
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roosterarts · 2 years
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"Another day, another life I may not have to sacrifice
But I'm still aiming for the sky
In this suburb to Hell I'm living to tell
'Bout how I defended my Rome
Hail the Caesar, Kingdom Come"
- Rome Is Falling, Civil War
Featuring: @techbro-arts
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claudycod · 9 months
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NAME: Claudia♀️ (Claudy on the internet)
PRONOUNS: she/her
BIRTHDAY: 2001, I'm 22
SEXUALITY: Pansexual and Demisexual
HOBBIES: Singing (since I was little) Playing drums (since I was 12) nature & animals, I would like to play tennis or archery.
On this page I talk about and share things I love.
I'm against any form of violence, rudeness and denigration.
MUSIC: I love a lot of music genres, rock, pop, hip hop, also a little bit of rock & roll, blues and jazz (oh and don't forget cartoon music, I love it so much!!) fun fact: i'm italian but I don't like italian music lol
My favorite bands are: Linkin Park, Skillet, Imagine Dragons, Concrete Castles, Mike Shinoda, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift
OTHERS: as you can see... I love Band Of Brothers and Call of Duty (and the military world in general, mostly WWII) but i'm also a big fan of Pokemon and My Little Pony. Yeah weird haha
My BofB edits and memes:
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