#milja svartur
milja-svartur · 5 years
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A cute Milja by Harcloniter on A&C!
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pervasivescariness · 5 years
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[ OCTOBER 09 2019 ]
COBWEBS - Milja Svartur 
Have you ever walked into a spiderweb? I have this giant friendly spider on my porch that insists upon making is web right over the door so very nearly every morning when I leave for work, I get a face full of spiderweb. It’s unpleasant. Spider, please spin your web on the other side and not over the door, thanks.
Anyway! I meant to do more cobweb but ended up thinner like spiderwebs and just liked how it looked more. Forgive me, I do know the difference, promise.
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poufkin-rp · 5 years
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(card generator) 
May periodically update, but good quick reference!
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marius-vieremont · 5 years
Ghost & Marius
[20:40]Marius Vieremont | The door to the clinic opened with the ring of a little bell above the door. Inside the small building, it smelt of fresh herbs and various potions, anti-septics and poultices - an earthy sort of scent, overall pleasant. The place was spotless, immaculately clean and, for the most part tidy. The same could be said of the elezen who raised his head to gaze in the direction of the door. "Hello," he greeted, unfocused silvery gaze searching out who had come to the clinic this day.
[20:47]The Phantom glanced upwards briefly on hearing the chime of a bell go off.  He physically cringed at the noise. The door was eased shut by the addition of his weight leany back against it."Evening." Softly spoken, his voice holding a smoky rasp quality. His gaze made a quick sweep of the interior of the place. Force of habit really.  Soon enough his attention settled on the man that spoke.  "Rumour has it someone here might be of the mind to help me?"  His left arm stayed pinned against his side, the finger twitching periodically.  Periodically, a droplet of blood slid from the tips of his fingers, marring the floor in crimson polka dots.
[20:51]Marius Vieremont stood immediately, a faint glimmer lighting his eyes as his gaze locked onto the other man, intently focused on whatever injury lay below that left arm. "Of course," he said quickly. "Do come and sit down," he continued, motioning toward one of the two beds. "Please remove your jacket."
[20:55]The Phantom 's left arm held in place a long strip of cloth that might've once been a part of a drape.  Now it decorated his waist and lower rib area, wound tight and pinned in place with a bo shuriken.  At the man's bidding, he shoved away from the door to take a few steps towards where the other motioned.  The request drew him to a halt.  His head hung a moment, a low breath sucked in.  "Remove..."  He should have expected that.  Knew it really.  A quick nod and he continued over to one of the beds.  "You're the mender then?"  A glance was sent over towards the man, eyes narrowing into fine lines behind his mask.
[21:00]Marius Vieremont || "I am," Marius confirmed, following him over to the bed with the soft clack of heeled boots, coat swirling around his legs. An older man, his hair was streaked with dignified silver, though no wrinkles yet marred his smooth, narrow features. Not /that/ old, then. Stripping off his gloves, he laid them on the table at the foot of the bed. "You needn't feel anxious. I won't ask how it happened, nor require that you tell me aught other than what you wish."
[21:05]The Phantom inclined his head.  He stopped next to one of the beds.  With one hand available, he started the tedious task of removing his jacket.  A dagger clattered onto the table, followed by a sheath housing various smaller knives, shuriken, and a metal hairpin or two.  "Convenient.  Took a bit of tumble and caught my side on something sharp.  Thing is, I can't reach it to deal with it myself. "  He slid the pinning shuriken from the cloth, needing to unwrap it in order to get near his own clothing beneath.  "Give y'fair warning, m'not a fan of people touching me.  Try t'keep it to a minimum, yeah?"  He dropped the ruined drape on the floor.
[21:13]Marius Vieremont turned away, pacing in counted steps toward the small preparation area off to the side. There's the quiet sounds of implements being placed on a tray before Marius returns to the bed, setting the tray down on the table. He frowned faintly. "Took a tumble? That's unfortunate. I can certainly see you stitched up and on the path to recovery, however." There was a pause, then a dry smile. "Mmn, I am not a fan of people touching me, either. We have that in common. I will do what I can to minimize my contact."
[21:17]The Phantom huffed out a breath.  "Yeah, well, wasn't expecting the damn bird underfoot.  Bloody thing came outta nowhere."  His head lowered while he pulled apart the fastenings of his coat.  One hand slid inside to flatten against the skin near the wound.  His other hand moved to peel the leather off his torso, a few more clunks heard as the coat fell to the floor.  The thin undershirt he wore beneath the leather was well soaked in his blood yet he hesitated to pull it off as well.  A deep breath and he yanked it up over his head, adding it to the pile of his things on the floor.  His jaw clenched under the mask he still wore.  If he had to stand being half naked with a damn stranger, then he wasn't losing that.  "Appreciate the help."  He ground the words out, sounding anything but appreciative.
[21:24]Marius Vieremont || "Bird?" he inquired absently, his pale gaze still glinting brightly as he examined the other man. "Oh, I'm being rude. Marius Vieremont, at your service," he added. "Do you've a name, then? Need to stop this bleeding first." Reaching out, he pressed a bared, slender hand against the wound, his touch dry and cool. Magic flared to life under his palm, faintly green-tinted light glowing as if his skin was translucent. There'd be a soft tingling sensation deep in the wound that quickly grew warm, then hot, as Marius forced muscle and the deeper skin layers to heal faster than they normally would have on their own.
[21:28]The Phantom lowered his head.  His hands curled into fists at his sides the moment Marius's hand came against his skin.  Muscles tensed and he focused on the sound of the other man's voice instead of the one in his head.  "Marius Vieremont."  There was a mildly curious hint to his voice, like he wasn't sure that was the first time he'd heard the name.  Not that he could place why right then.  His breath sucked in between clenched teeth, eye lashes dipping to shutter his gaze.  The warmth his vaguely recognized for what it was.  His head turned sharply towards Marius the moment things got hot.  One hand snapped up to grasp at Marius's wrist, not that he made to pull the hand away.  "Ghost."  He nearly choked the name out after stumbling over the initial consonant, like he couldn't decide what name to give.
[21:34]Marius Vieremont didn't answer while his attention was focused so intently on healing, only hummed a quiet affirmative - then made a sympathetic sound at the reaction to the aetheric reaction. He did startle as his wrist was so abruptly clasped, the flow of aether dropping immediately. "I apologize, I should have warned you," he offered. "Still, that should be good enough that I can begin stitching now. I have a paste to spread over the edges which will numb the area, Ghost," he replied, making no mention the odd name. Perhaps it was a favored nickname.
[21:39]The Phantom shakes his head.  "Just been awhile since I've let someone else do it."  He pries his hand off Marius's wrist.  He'd need it for stitching after all.  Phantom exhaled a long breath.This was going to get weird in a hurry. He lowered his head, letting the sheet of black hair streaked with silver slide over his shoulder to help hide his face more.  "Numb it, huh?  Won't feel any pain then?"  Things might've just looked up.
[21:42]Marius Vieremont canted his head slightly. "Are you a healer yourself, then?" he asks, interested. Reaching down onto the tray, he eventually locates a jar that he unscrews the top from. Immediately, a pungent aroma filled the air. "No, it won't hurt. You shouldn't feel anything at all, aside from perhaps a bit of tugging."
[21:48]The Phantom shrugs slightly.  "Used to work for an arcanist.  He liked interesting trinkets I could get him.  So as part of my pay, he taught me some of what he knew. Couple mending runes  being part of them.  Only, m'not that great at it yet. Figure I'll find someone someday that might be interested in exchanging services again."  He furrowed his brow and turned his head again at the pungent smell.  He eyes the jar then lifts his gaze up to Marius's face.  "Managed to put a miracle in a jar? Impressive.  Y'just became my favourite healer."
[21:54]Marius Vieremont chuckled at the last bit. "Less a miracle than an appropriate combination of herbs and reagents," he said dryly, taking a wide wooden stick and dipping it into the thick, viscous gel. "Hold still," he said, then reached out to start painting the edges of the wound with it, his touch gentle. "I could be interested in teaching you, potentially," he said, after a moment. "Though I don't know what trinkets you could get for me that I'd be interested in. I deal more in information, outreach programs for the poor, and - as you can see - my clinic."
[21:58]The Phantom wrinkles his nose and shifts his arm out of the way of the gash trailing his side and lower back.  He shivered slightly as the ointment was painted onto his skin.  He closed his eyes and forced himself to focus on his breathing patterns.  Still, it was hard to ignore, that slight sting that etched itself into his nerves, trailed as heat into his blood.  No, no.  No pain.  And then words caught his attention.  "Information."  He cracked his eyes open and stared at the far wall.  "M'fairly decent at getting my foot in damn near any door I want."  He paused in the boast and quietly murmured, " Or window."  Before continuing at his normal raspy speaking volume. "Only thing t'catch me yet's been the damn bird.  The squawking kind with wings.  I don't fly as well as they do.  Could keep y'back as well, make sure no one goes stepping where they shouldn't be, that kinda thing.  Sharp things there aren't for show." His gaze flicked down to the daggers he'd dumped on the table.
[22:06]Marius Vieremont || It doesn't take long at all for the numbing ointment to take effect and within moments, his entire side should be utterly without feeling. Still, the mage waits a few beats before taking up the needle and thread, before pressing two fingers against the edge of the wound. "Do you feel this?" he asks before considering the other information Ghost had laid out. "All of those services would be entirely useful to me," he mused. "There are those in Ul'dah who dislike the idea that anyone should help the poor and downtrodden. I run an organization called the Covenant of Ash. I could hire you on and teach you as recompense for your work."
[22:12]The Phantom holds very still.  He can feel the sensation vacating the skin that had been so awfully angry with him earlier.  His head lifted and he peered over his shoulder at Marius.  He'd already likely said too much.  "Yeah?  And y'don't care what else I do outside of work for you?  Couple little street rats will be awful pissed if they lose their guaranteed breakfast off me."  His smile went unnoticed beneath his mask.  "S'don't think I mind what your organization does.  Been liberating things from the rich for awhile."  He shook his head at the question. "And no, don't feel a thing."
[22:17]Marius Vieremont chuckles warmly. "It sounds as if you'll fit right in," he murmurs, his full attention on the wound as he begins to sew. The stitches are small, neat and tight enough to hold well. "It sounds as if you are already on the road to charitable giving," he murmurs. "And no, I do not mind what work you do outside of the Covenant, so long as Covenant business remains as such. I prefer not to have too many eyes prying into my business," he comments. He makes quick work of the stitchery, tying it off with a neat knot and trimming the length of reinforced silk. "Just one last bit," he added, reaching into a pocket and withdrawing what looks like a vial of oiled ashes.
[22:25]The Phantom furrowed his brow and set his jaw when he noticed Marius beginning the task of stitching.  He knows what this is supposed to feel like without the numbing ointment and it throw him off to find he scarcely feels anything.  Slivered eyes glance down then back forwards.  "If you're serious, then I'm in.  M'skills at your displosal for learning some yours."  He nods once and continue to hold still.
[22:31]Marius Vieremont inclines his head. "Mmhm, I am entirely serious," he replied. "I enjoy teaching and it would be my pleasure to show you what I know," he replies, uncorking the little vial. Upending it over his pointer finger, he slowly, carefully paints a few sigils over the wound with the ashes, his brow furrowed in concentration. Once finished, he lifts his hand again and reaches for the clean bandages on the tray. "Let's wrap you up, shall we?"
[22:37]The Phantom tips his head slightly to one side.  There were a myriad situations where this might bite him in the ass down the road.  However, what he wanted meant extending the man behind him an inkling of trust to uphold the deal and not turn him in at some point.  "Hm?"  He blinks out of his reverties and lifts his arms just enough to get them out of the way of bandaging.  "Oh, yeah, right.  Thanks."  His gaze settled over one shoulder again, the mask blessedly hiding any expression beneath it.
[22:41]Marius Vieremont carefully wound the clean cloth around Ghost's abdomen, snugging it close to his still-numb skin. Pinning it in place with proper clasps, he takes a step back, the glimmer fading from his silvery pale eyes. Reaching out to the tray once more, he screws the top back onto the container that holds the numbing ointment. "Here, take this with you. If it starts to hurt, just slather this generously over it. I'll expect to see you back in one week to check on your wound. As for teaching you, I should have some time Sun-day afternoon, if you are available. I have a few students under my purview, just so that you're aware.”
[22:42]Marius Vieremont: "Second bell of the afternoon."
[22:46]The Phantom waited until Marius stepped back from him.  He turned partially towards him, gaze studying the elezen for a moment while he listened. At the offer to the ointment, a slight sound of surprise escaped him.  Few gave him things.  "Y'sure?"  Nevermind small pots of numbing gold.  He didn't really wait for an assurety, reaching out to take the jar from Marius.  "Sure, Sunday.  M'gonna assume I'm not at liberty to go running the rooftop highways."  He hooked his coat with his boot and lifted it high enough to scoop the garment into his arms.  He stuff the jar in a pocket and then shrugged the filthy coat back on.  Nothing for it at the moment.  At least this time he could refasten it with both hands.  Daggers and the sheathe are both returned to their rightful places.  "And one week.  Got it.  Y'need anything from me in the meantime?"
[22:51]Marius Vieremont smiled gently at the sound of surprise - he'd heard that sound many a time, from recipients of his unexpected gifts. "I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure," he said, even after the pot had left his hand. Wiping both his hands off on a cloth, he slid his gloves back on. "And no, I would highly recommend taking it easy, at least until I see you next." He considered the question, then nodded. "There is one thing you could do. I was recently offered a contract for services from one Dravitus Akaelos. He has a multi-national company called Reign Enterprises. I'd like to know more about the man and his business, discreetly. Where his alliances lay and such. Do you think you could find out?"
[22:57]The Phantom arched a single eyebrow.  Take it easy?  He huffed a breath out through his nose but nodded.  He could last a week with his feet on the ground.  "Dravitus Akaelos.  Reign Enterprises."  He repeats the names, and then nods.  "Sure could see what I can find, yeah.  You got anything else on him at present?  What he looks like, places he might frequent?  That sorta thing or am I starting from the ground up?"
[23:04]Marius Vieremont 's mouth twists slightly in a dry smile. "I'm afraid I've no idea what he looks like. Despite what you've seen this evening, I'm quite blind," he said, his tone flat. "So you'll have to start from the ground up, I'm afraid. He has an associate, Milja, that's all that I'm aware of, other than what I've told you already." Turning to the side, he clears the way to the door. "Don't pry too hard. From meeting the man, I get the impression he wouldn't take kindly to finding out about my looking into him."
[23:08]The Phantom huffs out a short laugh.  He digs a hand into his pocket.  "I'll use care then and keep y'name out of it.  Mean, not like he knows y'have me, now does he?"  A small pouch was slid from his pocket.  He lowers his head to extract the item he wanted from within it and sets it on the table.  They're the only things of value he ever carries on him. Coins.  Old ones well worth more than the denomination etched on the coin work.  He sets it on the table and stuffs the pouch away.  "Thanks for the the mending.  See y'on sun-day then."  He took a few steps towards the door then pauses a moment.  "Here?"
[23:12]Marius Vieremont shakes his head. "No, it isn't. Though you may be meeting Milja on Sun-day. She is one of my students." Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a linkpearl and holds it out toward the direction Ghost had gone in, judging from the sound of his voice. "You're welcome. Take this, it's the pearl for the Covenant. It is a secured line, so anything you say will be safe - barring, of course, details from your assignment, as Milja has one as well."
[23:12]Marius Vieremont: "And yes, the lessons will be held here."
[23:15]The Phantom glances towards the pearl.  He turns on his heel to return close enough to take it off Marius's palm.  "Got it.  I'll use care what I say then and try t'keep anything I find out to telling you in person."  He tucked the pearl away.
[23:17]Marius Vieremont nodded. "Very good, then. This was a most fortuitous meeting - you for healing and acquiring a teacher, and myself for finding out more about a potential business partner, and acquiring another student. It was good to meet you, Ghost."
[23:20]The Phantom gives a quick nod of his head.  He doesn't offer out his hand, instead leaving them to rest lightly on the butts of his daggers.  "Sure was.  Glad that kid sent me this way.  Now I just gotta live down letting a bird scare me off a roof.  I'll be in touch."  Knowing those urchins, it'll be many moons before they stop making bird sounds at him.  He takes a step back before moving towards the door again.
@phantom-xiv and @dravitus-akaelos and @milja-svartur for mentions
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dravitus-akaelos · 5 years
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Dravitus and Milja - screenshot painted over by my lovely lady, who plays Milja!
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nihil242 · 5 years
7 Deadly Sins: Ruri Valeth
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It seems Ruri is not very sinful but lust and pride seem to be the two highest!
Quiz here!
Tagged By: @zhauric​ @milja-svartur​ @arabeka-ffxiv​ @yuki-yukichan​ (Sorry it took so long!)
Tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done yet!
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the-ring-xiv · 5 years
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Covenant of Ash’s pool party!  @covenant-of-ash
Starring: Marius @marius-vieremont, Violetta (who I didn’t grab a pic of before she left!) @violetcuriosity, Vasyl (No tumblr :( ), Nyr @mechamal, Teagan @punches-and-cream-puffs, Milja @milja-svartur, Okuni @ritzcraft, Yves @secrets-and-aetherlight, Ghost @phantom-xiv​, and Idristan @roses-and-grimoires.
Not pictured but present:  Several small, vicious octopi c/o Okuni.
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seilune · 5 years
Character Tendencies
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Italics - a sometime truth
Bold - a constant truth
1. smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug.
2. binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
3. drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs.
4. nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
5. lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
6. night owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
7. early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time.
8. negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism & pessimism.
9. positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism & confidence.
10. swearing: the use of offensive language.
11. superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
12. inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom.
13. scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty.
14. foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience.
15. nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit.
16. flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention.
17. twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation.
18. cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness.
19. hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence.
20. finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority.
21. hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness.
22. hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance.
23. frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity.
24. throat - clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt.
25. jaw - clenching: a common body language sign of hostility.
26. eye - rolling: a common body language sign of irritation.
27. head - tilt: a common body language sign of interest.
28. whistling: to emit high - pitched sound by forcing breakthrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune.
29. humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune.
30. perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.
31. photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail.
32. paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self - importance, typically worked into an organized system.
33. exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
34. intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
35. quick - witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly & effectively.
36. interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements.
37. doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absentmindedly.
38. irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed.
39. gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet.
40. travel sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft.
41. sensitive: having or displaying a quick & delicate appreciation of others’ feelings.
42. melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
43. chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavored gum which is not intended for swallowing.
44. fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands & feet, through nervousness or impatience.
45. skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
46. neat - freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness.
47. gossiping: divulging personal information about others.
48. prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.
49. abbreviating: giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names.  
50. having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
Tagged by: @milja-svartur Thanks, doll! xo
Tagging: @unabashedrebel @suramarelf @jinx4karma @shal-on-main @jackleansparrow @lunethdawnseeker @dardillien-ward @thalsianiii @huntsman-hawthorne @the-real-arcanist-val @greymourned @celassa @oathkeeperblackdawn @monster-of-master @anierous-sunblade @arcaneexplosion @turning-through-the-never @aryadevstillword @magistrixvoidchaser @veari @wildname @flamehaired @belore-invictus @grandpa-swagger @bloodiedforest @belillinafireseeker @nimuehdraemberfury @kat-hawke @valorandvictory @verahartwing @zaennicus @zaradroswb @druidess-kiefie and anyone else who’d like to do it. Feel free to tag me! ♥♥♥♥
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eligos-venator · 5 years
Character Tendencies: Eligos Venator
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Italics - a sometime truth Bold - a constant truth
1. smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug.
2. binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
3. drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs.
4. nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
5. lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension.
6. night owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night.
7. early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time.
8. negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism & pessimism.
9. positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism & confidence.
10. swearing: the use of offensive language.
11. superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
12. inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom.
13. scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty.
14. foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience.
15. nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit.
16. flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention.
16.5 - twitching ears/tail: Just adding this for Aultena because they’re both indicators of her mood, depending on what they’re doing.
17. twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation.
18. cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness.
19. hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence.
20. finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority.
21. hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness.
22. hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance.
23. frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity. 
24. throat - clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt.
25. jaw - clenching: a common body language sign of hostility.
26. eye - rolling: a common body language sign of irritation.
27. head - tilt: a common body language sign of interest.
28. whistling: to emit high - pitched sound by forcing breakthrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune.
29. humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune.
30. perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.
31. photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail.
32. paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self - importance, typically worked into an organized system.
33. exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
34. intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
35. quick - witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly & effectively.
36. interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements.
37. doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absentmindedly.
38. irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed.
39. gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet. [Eligos will cheat at this if given half a chance]
40. travel sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft.
41. sensitive: having or displaying a quick & delicate appreciation of others’ feelings.
42. melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
43. chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavored gum which is not intended for swallowing.
44. fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands & feet, through nervousness or impatience.
45. skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
46. neat - freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness.
47. gossiping: divulging personal information about others.
48. prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.
49. abbreviating: giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names. 
50. having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
Tagged by: @roleplay-aficionado​ [Thank you for the tag!] Tagging: @divine-ruin​ @arcurisrilanox​ @mitsunerokuyari​ @nocturnedreaming​ @wildgirlcinna​ @travelerelya​ @cigarettes-n-daisies @milja-svartur​ @uurkhilen​​ @lilac-memorials @sophicpriestofmenphina​ @miyuki-mazaki​ @paleshadeofrose​ @theshadowsspeak​ @asraha​
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thedarknesssings · 5 years
Disney: Edarien Secariot
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Three Disney characters that best describe your OC:
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Tagged by: @houserosaire  Thank you!
and thank you to @daylightrays for your help on this!  You’re so right.
Tagging: @secrets-and-aetherlight ; @marius-vieremont ; @latikaa-renaz ; @hiraethwyl ; @milja-svartur and anyone else that would like to!
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milja-svartur · 5 years
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The wonderful @noktoraspali did this one of Milja! Go check out their work, lovely person!
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hiraethwyl · 5 years
Hero test
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Yep. That fits.
Tagged by! @yshai-tia Tagging! @marius-vieremont @roses-and-grimoires @mechamal @violetcuriosity @phantom-xiv​ @ishgardianbastard​ @milja-svartur​ and anyone else!
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poufkin-rp · 5 years
Disney Characters: Milja Svartur (FFXIV)
Disney Characters: Milja Svartur (FFXIV)    
The rule is to post GIFs of three Disney characters who represent your muse!
Originally posted by themysteriousmask
Kida Nedakh
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Holli Would
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Tagged by: @seilune-ffxiv Thanks, this was vry fun!
Tagging: @dravitus-akaelos @marius-vieremont  @sporebat @crowsaerie-rp @jorandalkitor @herd-of-halla
& anyone else who’d like to do it. Feel free to tag me! <3
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marius-vieremont · 5 years
The Doctor Is In (RP log)
Dravitus Akaelos 's entrance is preceded by three sharp, precise raps upon the door as the man's gloved knuckles impact upon the wood. Stepping inside without even the slightest hint of hesitation, the formidable figure fills the doorway for a moment as he scans the interior, before stepping to one side and holding the door open for his companion. "After you, Milja." He turns to Marius with a polite smile, inclining his head in greeting. "Hello, Mr. Vieremont. Thank you for meeting us."
Marius Vieremont paused in mid-sentence as the door was rapped upon and so opened, as his guests stepped through. Upon the page, a quill stood upright, apparently having been transcribing his spoken thoughts. With a small gesture, it fell to the book, leaving only a small splatter of ink. His unfocused gaze moved to approximately the location of those who had entered and he inclined his head. "It is my pleasure. Please, do call me Marius."
[1:07]★Milja Svartur She moves with quiet calculation, slow and at his heels as is expected of someone of her status, or more accurately, lack thereof. Plenty able, she does not need any doors held for her, but every time this grace is shown to her, her ears perk and the faintest tickle which threatens a smile percolates her insides. Nodding, she moves towards the interior-- polished and clean, lacking any offensive scents which might have alluded to subpar practice. Her eyes are bright and wide, flicking over the furniture before resting on the books, and finally the man. She is hard to read, lacking much expression, her lips an unaffected flat-line, though her eyes may have told a different story. "Thank you for having us mii.... Marius." Her soft voice shifts gears just as it begins and she looks down to the marbled floors. "Marius." She affirms, respecting her host's wishes.
Dravitus Akaelos shuts the door with a gentle 'click', pressing his fingers briefly upon Milja's back to nudge her towards the seats as he himself steps unhurriedly towards them. He indicates them with a light gesture, head canting to one side, "Of course, Marius. May we sit?"
Gloved hands gesture to the comfortable couch in front of Marius’ desk, plenty of room for both of them. "Yes, please do," he said, reaching out unerringly and closing the patient journal that he'd been recording thoughts into. The click of heels and feminine cast of the voice gave him all the clue he needed; "Miss Milja and Dravitus Akaelos, I presume?"
"You have it right," There is the slightest rise in her voice, pleased and pleasant. Milja glides her fingertips over the furniture, carefully and with tender sort of reverence before seating herself before the elegant elezen.
"Correct." comes the smooth, deep voice, followed by the sound of fabric and leather rustling and the faintest creak of the seat taking the man's considerable mass. Folding one hand atop the other upon his abdomen, Dravitus regards the physician with open, unabashed curiosity. "I apologise if we disturbed you in the midst of your work - if it is of import, please do continue. We are not opposed to waiting, after all."
The clinic around them is pristine; immaculately clean with gleaming marble floors and without a speck of dust anywhere. There's the scent of fresh linens on the bed, the pungent smell of the herbs suspended above them and the musty scent of the wall of books. Some appear to be patient journals, others are books on doctoring and still others are volumes of conjury and thaumaturgy. The man himself is reed-thin, with salt and pepper black hair and dressed as circumspectly as his clinic. Motioning vaguely with a gloved hand, he shakes his head. "It is nothing that cannot be continued later on, I'd not have guests wait. Besides, I prefer to keep patient notes confidential, if you'll pardon me. How is your man recovering? The stitches should have dissolved by now."
[1:32]★Milja Svartur: || adjusts herself a few times, but consistently she fixed on their host with genuine interest. She is here to learn, and is appreciative of any opportunity afforded to her. For this reason, she might have been a bit stiffer than usual, her shifting positions indicative of the importance she holds this meeting in. However, her demeanor becomes somewhat more effervescent once they begin speaking of recovery. "Yes!" She quietly exclaims, though almost immediately regrets that hint of excitement which colors the singular syllable. "He has recovered very nicely-- much faster than anticipated, and the scar has already paled from purples to whites. You'd not believe the condition he was in prior if you saw him today."
Dravitus Akaelos 's lips curve so faintly one would be hard pressed to note the shift in expression, yet the amusement is nonetheless there, lending a glimmer to the burnished silver of his eyes as Milja fails to contain her enthusiasm. An inclination of the head precedes his own commentary, tone calm and level as he remarks, "Indeed. You laid an admirable foundation upon which my medical staff could work, Marius. I believe that I would not be incorrect in assuming that you have something of a passion for your work, beyond that of your peers. Certainly," and here he gestures about him, encompassing the clinic as a whole, "your place of work certainly displays enough telltale signs of such a trait, and I have no doubt that it is not artifice on your behalf."
Close inspection of the man reveals a hint of his own personal challenges; his pale gaze never quite focuses on either of them, though it is aimed in their general direction. At the enthusiastic little squeak of a word, Marius offers a genuine smile of thin lips, seeming sincerely pleased at the report. "Thank you, and well-pleased am I to hear it," he states crisply, nodding in Milja's direction. His attention shifts to Dravitus as he speaks and he gives a quiet huff of amusement. "No, you are not incorrect. I enjoy my work and find it... mn, uniquely rewarding. Ah, but I am being rude. May I offer refreshments? Water, tea... something stronger?"
5]★Milja Svartur is perceptive enough to notice the seeming difficulty the man has in focusing on them as one might have typically, but this hardly tarnishes her opinion of his ability. Her cheeks grow hot as she realizes she might have been staring inappropriately long at the icy silver slits of Marius' gaze, still incredibly striking, despite their lack of focus. She inhales deeply and huffs out a short spurt of a sigh, hardly despairing, which dissipates into the air her relief. She is pleased to have been received so kindly, but old habits died hard and she subconsciously could not refrain from holding her breath in situations such as this, where she carried the heavy burden of having to impress others. Especially those who had shown her a life she had been deprived of for so long. "When one works in earnest and enjoys it, it is always apparent. I would appreciate a tea, if you don't mind." For a moment she considers offering her assistance, but refrains for fear of inadvertently offending the man. This was his home, after all.
[1:59]Dravitus Akaelos , for his part, seems largely indifferent to the man's condition - blindness was an impairment, of course, but the Elezen seemed more than capable of overcoming it. Pity would be a grave insult, in the half-blood's view, in light of the accomplishments the doctor had made despite what held him back. A familiar sentiment, after all. So his own silver eyes settled comfortably upon Marius' unseeing gaze, affording the man the full weight of his attention as he would any other. "I am no stranger to finding one's work rewarding. There are few things in life more fulfilling, I find." A brief smile accompanies the words, the sincerity of his tone evident. The sound of thick synthetic fabric sliding upon itself accompanies the uplifting of a forestalling hand as he replies, "No, thank you, though I appreciate the offer. Tell me, Marius - how is business in Ul'dah? Do you see many patients of late?"
]Marius Vieremont certainly didn't seem to notice Milja's lengthy stare, though he does cant his head slightly at the sigh of relief - a flicker of curiosity reflecting in his narrow features. "I do hope you like black tea, all I have on hand at the moment is an Ishgardian blend. I have cream and sugar to sweeten it, if you prefer it as I do," he replied conversationally, rising and taking precise steps - as if counted in his head - over to the stove. Without difficulty, he places the kettle on and retrieves the box of tea pouches as well as any sighted man could. "Business in Ul'dah is always thriving, which while fortunate for me, is rather less so for those under my care. No physician wants to be *needed* for their services, of course, but I'm grateful to be able to provide succor for those who require it." He turns, leaning back against the counter.
[2:06]Marius Vieremont: "It'll be but a moment for the tea, Miss."
[2:15]★Milja Svartur is filled with something akin to mortified as she accepted the offer of hospitality only to have Dravitus decline. Distinctly feeling as though she has put her host out, her ears tip back down, closer to her head and she averts her eyes, looking towards Marius as he moves towards the stove. She is certain of her mistake, and resolves to wait for him to answer first in other situations of this nature going forward. "Sorry." While Marius puts on the kettle, she issues an apology which is both sincere and humbled, though unsolicited. Still she is gracious, perhaps more-so, when the Elezen addresses her "Of course, thank you so much-- black tea is just fine, Ishgardian is all the better." Only half her attention can be devoted to the topic of business while the rest of her facilities internally chastise herself.
Dravitus Akaelos listens attentively to their host as he responds to the query, though he allows his gaze to flick about the room as he studies it with clinical interest, noting various topics of the books within his range of vision, and so on. His eyes flick to Milja at her apology, to which he simply raises a hand in a dismissive gesture, giving her a slight lift of one shoulder in a shrug. "A laudable sentiment, to be sure. Do you have much experience in treating combat wounds - from the gladiatorial arena, perhaps? Or are you more inclined towards more mundane ailments?"
Their host seems puzzled by the apology, and there is a moment of uncertainty as to who it is being directed to. In the end, he elects not to acknowledge it at all, as he cannot imagine what in the world she would be sorry for. As promised it's only moments until the kettle whistles and he pours the tea - two cups - setting both on the tray, along with a small porcelain cup of cream and a dish of sugar with a spoon settled within. Taking up the tray, he carries the entire affair over to the desk and sets it down. "After you, my dear," he invites, motioning to the cream and sugar and giving her ample time to help herself. Settling back down in his chair, he considers the question.
[2:25]Marius Vieremont: "My true calling is healing the aetherflows of the body, but I am also extensively experienced in both combat-related injury and the more mundane. My parents ensured the quality of my education growing up, once they realized my talent for healing."
[2:33]★Milja Svartur || An ear perks to the whistle of the kettle and Milja rights herself, sitting straighter as to steel herself. She puts aside insecurities in favor of attending to the conversation at hand, as she knows is expected of her. "It smells lovely, I am glad to not be partaking alone." She favors Marius slightly more for this gesture, intentional or not. Reaching for the tea, there is a certain timidness in how she takes it to her hand, cradling it carefully, each movement graceful and distinctly feminine. Blowing softly, the lip of the mug to her painted lips, she listens with astute attention to their host, intermittently checking for temperature. "Your parents, were they healers also or supportive of your art?"
[2:37]Dravitus Akaelos 's demeanour changes not a whit as Marius sets the cup before the Viera at his side, the benign, solid confidence wavering not at all as she accepts the offered cup. A list of the myriad and sundry ingredients one could add to a warm brew to cause all manner of ill effects flickers briefly through his thoughts before he dismisses it - she would learn the hard way, if it was tampered with. "Duly noted." He pauses, allowing Milja to field her question, and appears content to give Marius time to respond before besieging him with further queries.
1]Marius Vieremont favors Milja with a warm, genuine smile. "I never turn down an excuse for a cup of tea," he confides with a wink in her direction, a chuckle soon following. It's a soft, pleasant sound, and as sincere as his smile was. His teacup was only half-full, the reason for which soon became obvious, as he added a copious amount of both cream and sugar to the teacup. Someone had a sweet-tooth, it seemed. "My mother - rest her soul - was the healer in the family. My father, who also passed many years was more of a..." He hums softly, searching for the word. "Protector, of sorts." The mage doesn't seem to mind the myriad questions, answering each with ease.
[2:50]★Milja Svartur Amethyst eyes follow the cream as it swirls into the dark tea and becomes opaque. While this was all par for the tea course, she did not anticipate the amount of sugar dumped into the cup. Humored, a brow lifts and she fails to stifle an amused grin. She is riveted with interest now, hanging on the words he speaks and reeled in by the dulcet sounds of his laughter. She is wary, but she is distinctly aware of something within her tempering ingrained dubiety. She nods, considering what he says of his family and can not refrain from flicking her attention towards Dravitus for a brief moment. "They sound like an effective pair, and clearly their efforts have served you well-- serving US well, especially Garilan."
[2:53]Dravitus Akaelos's brows lift at the sheer amount of sugar that pours - and continues to pour - into the cup. The ratio of liquid to sugar seemed barely enough to render the sweetening substance dissolved, and it occurs to him that perhaps that is the sole reason why there is that much tea in the cup at all - as a vehicle for the sugar and little else. Could the man even taste the tea at that stage? Giving his head a disbelieving shake, he comments, "It is commendable that they chose a profession for their child that seems suited. At least, if the passion for healing was an existing one and not something perforce adopted, of course." The tips of his gloved right hand's fingers smooth out over the leg of his trousers as he regards Marius appraisingly for a moment, before nodding to himself. "Indeed. I have seen the butchery that some of the so-called healers perform in this province, and so I am inclined towards securing your services for my personnel, if you are amenable." He smiles, pleasant despite the business-like focus of his words, and continues. "I am offering you a contract, Marius. I wish for my personnel to have priority treatment, within reason, should they require it when they are in the area. Naturally, emergencies are to take precedence over matters that do not threaten the lives of my people, and you are free to go about your business as you see fit otherwise." He cocks his head at the man, studying him. "Your thoughts?"
"It's always been that way for our family," he explains, taking a sip of his tea and sighing with contentment. "It's been arranged like that for hundreds of years, passed down with our own personal traditions through the centuries. One has always been the healer - the Advocate - and the other has always been the protector - our Arbiter. Gender factors not at all into it," he explains. "And they had something of a talent in choosing professions for my brothers and I, even if I wanted to be a Knight when I was very young," he says with a rolling chuckle. Shifting his gaze to Dravitus, he listens attentively to the offer, curiosity glimmering in his silvery eyes. "Your ‘personnel’? Are you the leader of some militia, then?"
[3:23]★Milja Svartur "Oh, that is interesting. I've not encountered familial arrangements of that nature before, but it makes sense." a faint blush paints her pallid features pink as her mind wanders where it might, but she quickly reins that in and crosses her legs. Eyes search Marius' smooth features for any trace of emotion, any inkling of his intent of acceptance of what Dravitus lays out with almost rapacious eagerness. The offer was fair, and from her own experience Milja knew it would become fairer still once a proposal was extended. While she should have disappointed to find Dravitus' offering met with a question, she is instead met with a sort of pride. He was not wrong, but her lips are tight and her eyes glisten towards Dravitus in anticipation of his response.
[3:29]Dravitus Akaelos 's  head tilts to one side as he watches Marius, regarding the man with curiosity as he outlines his familial traditions - Ishgard was not an unknown quantity, but nor was it an area of his expertise. "You can still heal with one hand and wield a blade in the other. I would count that a superior knight to most." The corner of his mouth flickers up in a twitch of amusement, eyebrows quirking at the suggestion. "A milita?" A hand glides through the air in a smooth refutal of the notion. "Nothing so amateurish, I assure you. I own and run Reign Enterprises, which is a multi-national business that has a number of interests and departments. Foremost, however, you may consider us something of a private military company. I train, manage and dispatch my personnel on a wide variety of tasks, in many places, often simultaneously. I am seeking to expand into Eorzea, and having medical personnel contracted to attend my company foremost is among the foremost necessities when expanding my holdings into a new area."
Marius Vieremont 's expression was quite easily read, a hint of curiosity laced with a good bit of interest. The man had no poker face, not even a little - likely come from his inability to read other peoples' expressions. "It's certainly not a common arrangement," he demures in agreement with her. "But, as I said - tradition." Shifting his attention to Dravitus, he listens quietly, sipping his tea, whilst the other man speaks. "I admit, your organization does sound rather impressive. I am concerned, however, as to the volume of patients I might be taking on. I am, as is obvious, only one man - although I have a connection to a network of other healers, should the need arise that I take on more than one or two patients at a time. I am inclined to agree to your proposal. What are you offering as recompense?"
[3:41]★Milja Svartur || Dravitus had early on demonstrated his impressive acumen when it came to matters of military and business. Furthermore, Milja was impressed with his willingness to dirty his own hands in matters which otherwise may not have concerned individuals of similar appointment. It was an admirable trait among many, and when he spoke, his own passion was clear. Milja sits back, easing behind the lead of her superior and relaxing with what she anticipates to be an eminent acceptance. Should Marius find the offer agreeable, Milja looked forward to the prospect of working with him to further her own art.
[3:45]Dravitus Akaelos || "Funding." The reply is immediate and delivered without pomp - stated in a clipped and factual manner, before he continues. "Aside from that, I have access to resources that I can place at your disposal, should you require or desire them, for whatever reason. As I have mentioned, my reach extends to other nations, and so I have an easier time of conveying material that is otherwise difficult, if not impossible, to acquire here." He flicks his fingers in a peremptory fashion, stating, "I will not overwhelm you, worry not. In the event of a large-scale operation being conducted in the region, I will notify you and offer you the opportunity to accompany them as a stand-by medical operative - with appropriate bonuses for doing so. As well, I can bolster your staff and facilities on an as-needed basis." He dips his head towards Milja. "Milja numbers among my existing medical staff, as an example - though I would also reward you for sharing your experience and skill with her and others that may benefit from it, should you be amenable."
"Funding is of a lesser concern, as I have my family's coffers at my disposal. We are a small House in Ishgardian society, largely unnoticed, but a wealthy one," he states succinctly, without boasting. "However, I would certainly value the resources you mentioned - as I've mentioned, I'm only one man, and at the moment, must resort to purchasing what I need for supplies, rather than gathering and making them myself. Herbs for tinctures and potions, cloth for bandages and et cetera." He paused and set his empty teacup down. "In the interest of being frank and fair dealings, I should disclose to you - in case you've not yet realized - that I am quite blind. Entirely so, as it happens. I do have a... means of seeing, when absolutely necessary, but I fear I would be a liability as a combat medic on the front lines with your men. As for sharing my expertise with Miss Milja and others, that would be certainly doable."
[4:10]★Milja Svartur is marginally taken off-guard by the welcomed moment she could offer herself towards industry for the man who had positioned himself as a champion in her eyes. With catlike reflexes, Milja pounces on this opportunity, eagerly coming to meet minds with their host. "Of course. While coin is always advantageous, one who has honed their art to the degree you have weighs other valuables higher. Resources happen to be in the realm of my own abilities. I can extend my gift of gathering, among other utilitarian talents to further your own objectives." In regard to blindness, Milja had surmised as much. In the lull of a brief pause, she smiles. "Clearly one does not need sight to be talented, I am certain your knowledge and experience would serve our necessities just as well from behind the front-lines. That is what I am here for."
[4:13]Dravitus Akaelos nods curtly, having anticipated the response - there was little about Marius or his clinic that denoted a dearth of funding, but it seemed greed was not a motivator for the man, either. Interesting. "I can supply those, and other materials and resources. I believe that you could benefit from a choice selection of magitek medical equipment, for example." His tone turns dry as he  cocks a brow at the man's declaration of his visual impairment. "You may be blind, Marius, but I am not. It would take an oblivious individual indeed to neglect to notice such a thing. You need not actually fight, simply await field casualties in the triage on-site, but that can be discussed at a later time." He laces his fingers together and sets his intertwined hands atop his thighs, continuing. "Do you have requests that you would like to make in order to secure your services? I will not prevaricate -I insist that my personnel get treated first, when they suffer in equal measure to others."
Marius Vieremont smiles in Milja's direction, inclining his head slightly. "In return for such responsibilities that I would direct you to, I would be more than happy to share my expertise in both conjury and thaumaturgy, if you wish." He pauses when she speaks again, and he nods. "That is where I would best serve, I do agree. I am knowledgeable in triage as well and have acted as such an agent before, in addition to lending my healing skills to those who require it." Intrigue took the man's expression as mentioned magitek medical equipment. "Interesting. One wonders where you might have gotten your hands on something of that nature, to be given at will." As he had already mentioned the subject of triage, he allowed his previous words to stand on their own. "The amount of resources and such can be drawn up in a standard contract," he said, gesturing vaguely. "But otherwise, I would have no other requests. Yours that your personnel be treated first is fair." He tapped his knee twice, then nodded. "I am inclined to accept your offer."
Milja Svartur 's evaluates the two taps on her companion's knee and considers if there was any relevance to such a gesture. Her ear flickers to the back-flipping wind-up at her back, the dampened clang of metal against marble pulling her attention towards the device. There is the lightest tug of apprehension, the same she always has when matters of lineage or nationality are revealed. She is abated by the inclination towards Dravitus' employ, his terms fair, consistent, and reliable as the man seated beside her. Milja is hopeful now, excited by the prospect of acquiring experience in thaumaturgy and conjury. Quietly she sits, her chin dropping closer to her chest and hands folding neat upon her lap while she awaits her superior to navigate the terms of the contract set forth.
[4:33]Dravitus Akaelos nods emphatically. "Excellent." The single word is coloured with satisfaction, and Dravitus even permits himself a fleeting smile of success before he withdraws a pristine folder from within the satchel at his hip. He slides it forward until it presses against the tip of Marius' fingers and says, "The contract has already been drawn up. Feel free to have a trusted aid look it over - I trust that you will find it to your satisfaction. When you have done so, sign it and return it to me at your convenience. I will send Milja to you for her instruction shortly, with appropriate notification." He flicks a glance at the aforementioned woman, favouring her with a brief smile. "I trust that the matter has now been concluded to the satisfaction of all parties?"
Marius had heard the little device, and he'd wondered inwardly what it was, but hadn't deemed it important enough to ask. Perhaps a timekeeping device? Before he could ask, however, there was paperwork being pressed to his fingertips - there was a sudden moment of tension there at the unexpected touch to his hands, even gloved - but it soon vanished. Accepting the contract from Dravitus, he laid it down on the table. "Luckily enough, I know just the person to do so; she'll know what's what," he said with a quiet laugh. "Though you don't seem to be the type to try to take advantage; nay, you seem to me to be the sort that is strict, but fair." Waving a hand, Marius nods. "Yes, I believe I can count our business concluded. Until such time as I return the contract to you," He produces two linkpearls from a pocket and sets them on the table. "you may reach me on my personal line."
[4:53]★Milja Svartur turns towards the objectively foreboding man to her left and nods emphatically, practically glowing. Irrepressible radiance defines her in this moment and the Viera is convinced that even lacking sight, Marius would be able to feel it. To be certain, she squeaks out "very much so, a distinction I am grateful for." Milja's head pivots to a slight degree, looking amenably upon their host. "Accurate evaluation, but it is a luxury to know where one stands." Milky fingertips peek from the softened black leather fingerless gloves worn, extending to reach for the linkpearl nearer to her. "Thank you, Marius. I am very much looking forward to working with you. If there is anything to which I may be of service, please do not hesitate to reach out to me." She shifts back into her seat and tucks the small device away in one of the multitude of pockets strewn across her robes. Unconsciously she adjusts a little closer towards her companion, as if seeking assurance without so many words.
[4:57]Dravitus Akaelos , for his part, ignores the little magitek machine that is totally not back-flipping like a dumbass contraption - he builds things with more dignity and gravitas than that, thankyouverymuch. "I strive to be as such, at least." He pauses to pat Milja upon her hand gently before rising, smoothing his clothes absently before selecting the linkpearl and pocketing it. "We will be in touch, then. Thank you for your time, Marius. Have a pleasant day." He gestures for Milja to precede him as he turns towards the door.
@dravitus-akaelos @milja-svartur
3 notes · View notes
dravitus-akaelos · 5 years
The Doctor Is In - RP Log
Dravitus Akaelos’ entrance is preceded by three sharp, precise raps upon the door as the man's gloved knuckles impact upon the wood. Stepping inside without even the slightest hint of hesitation, the formidable figure fills the doorway for a moment as he scans the interior, before stepping to one side and holding the door open for his companion. "After you, Milja." He turns to Marius with a polite smile, inclining his head in greeting. "Hello, Mr. Vieremont. Thank you for meeting us."
Marius Vieremont paused in mid-sentence as the door was rapped upon and so opened, as his guests stepped through. Upon the page, a quill stood upright, apparently having been transcribing his spoken thoughts. With a small gesture, it fell to the book, leaving only a small splatter of ink. His unfocused gaze moved to approximately the location of those who had entered and he inclined his head. "It is my pleasure. Please, do call me Marius."
She moves with quiet calculation, slow and at his heels as is expected of someone of her status, or more accurately, lack thereof. Plenty able, she does not need any doors held for her, but every time this grace is shown to her, her ears perk and the faintest tickle which threatens a smile percolates her insides. Nodding, she moves towards the interior-- polished and clean, lacking any offensive scents which might have alluded to subpar practice. Her eyes are bright and wide, flicking over the furniture before resting on the books, and finally the man. She is hard to read, lacking much expression, her lips an unaffected flat-line, though her eyes may have told a different story. "Thank you for having us mii.... Marius." Her soft voice shifts gears just as it begins and she looks down to the marbled floors. "Marius." She affirms, respecting her host's wishes
Dravitus shuts the door with a gentle 'click', pressing his fingers briefly upon Milja's back to nudge her towards the seats as he himself steps unhurriedly towards them. He indicates them with a light gesture, head canting to one side, "Of course, Marius. May we sit?"
Gloved hands gesture to the comfortable couch in front of Marius’ desk, plenty of room for both of them. "Yes, please do," he said, reaching out unerringly and closing the patient journal that he'd been recording thoughts into. The click of heels and feminine cast of the voice gave him all the clue he needed; "Miss Milja and Dravitus Akaelos, I presume?"
"You have it right," There is the slightest rise in her voice, pleased and pleasant. Milja glides her fingertips over the furniture, carefully and with tender sort of reverence before seating herself before the elegant elezen.
"Correct." comes the smooth, deep voice, followed by the sound of fabric and leather rustling and the faintest creak of the seat taking the man's considerable mass. Folding one hand atop the other upon his abdomen, Dravitus regards the physician with open, unabashed curiosity. "I apologise if we disturbed you in the midst of your work - if it is of import, please do continue. We are not opposed to waiting, after all."
The clinic around them is pristine; immaculately clean with gleaming marble floors and without a speck of dust anywhere. There's the scent of fresh linens on the bed, the pungent smell of the herbs suspended above them and the musty scent of the wall of books. Some appear to be patient journals, others are books on doctoring and still others are volumes of conjury and thaumaturgy. The man himself is reed-thin, with salt and pepper black hair and dressed as circumspectly as his clinic. Motioning vaguely with a gloved hand, he shakes his head. "It is nothing that cannot be continued later on, I'd not have guests wait. Besides, I prefer to keep patient notes confidential, if you'll pardon me. How is your man recovering? The stitches should have dissolved by now."
Milja adjusts herself a few times, but consistently she fixed on their host with genuine interest. She is here to learn, and is appreciative of any opportunity afforded to her. For this reason, she might have been a bit stiffer than usual, her shifting positions indicative of the importance she holds this meeting in. However, her demeanor becomes somewhat more effervescent once they begin speaking of recovery. "Yes!" She quietly exclaims, though almost immediately regrets that hint of excitement which colors the singular syllable. "He has recovered very nicely-- much faster than anticipated, and the scarring has already paled from purples to whites. You'd not believe the condition he was in prior if you saw him today."
Dravitus’ lips curve so faintly one would be hard pressed to note the shift in expression, yet the amusement is nonetheless there, lending a glimmer to the burnished silver of his eyes as Milja fails to contain her enthusiasm. An inclination of the head precedes his own commentary, tone calm and level as he remarks, "Indeed. You laid an admirable foundation upon which my medical staff could work, Marius. I believe that I would not be incorrect in assuming that you have something of a passion for your work, beyond that of your peers. Certainly," and here he gestures about him, encompassing the clinic as a whole, "Your place of work certainly displays enough telltale signs of such a trait, and I have no doubt that it is not artifice on your behalf."
Close inspection of the man reveals a hint of his own personal challenges; his pale gaze never quite focuses on either of them, though it is aimed in their general direction. At the enthusiastic little squeak of a word, Marius offers a genuine smile of thin lips, seeming sincerely pleased at the report. "Thank you, and well-pleased am I to hear it," he states crisply, nodding in Milja's direction. His attention shifts to Dravitus as he speaks and he gives a quiet huff of amusement. "No, you are not incorrect. I enjoy my work and find it... mn, uniquely rewarding. Ah, but I am being rude. May I offer refreshments? Water, tea... something stronger?"
Milja is perceptive enough to notice the seeming difficulty the man has in focusing on them as one might have typically, but this hardly tarnishes her opinion of his ability. Her cheeks grow hot as she realizes she might have been staring inappropriately long at the icy silver slits of Marius' gaze, still incredibly striking, despite their lack of focus. She inhales deeply and huffs out a short spurt of a sigh, hardly despairing, which dissipates into the air her relief. She is pleased to have been received so kindly, but old habits died hard and she subconsciously could not refrain from holding her breath in situations such as this, where she carried the heavy burden of having to impress others. Especially those who had shown her a life she had been deprived of for so long. "When one works in earnest and enjoys it, it is always apparent. I would appreciate a tea, if you don't mind." For a moment she considers offering her assistance, but refrains for fear of inadvertently offending the man. This was his home, after all.
Akaelos, for his part, seems largely indifferent to the man's condition - blindness was an impairment, of course, but the Elezen seemed more than capable of overcoming it. Pity would be a grave insult, in the half-blood's view, in light of the accomplishments the doctor had made despite what held him back. A familiar sentiment, after all. So his own silver eyes settled comfortably upon Marius' unseeing gaze, affording the man the full weight of his attention as he would any other. "I am no stranger to finding one's work rewarding. There are few things in life more fulfilling, I find." A brief smile accompanies the words, the sincerity of his tone evident. The sound of thick synthetic fabric sliding upon itself accompanies the uplifting of a forestalling hand as he replies, "No, thank you, though I appreciate the offer. Tell me, Marius - how is business in Ul'dah? Do you see many patients of late?"
Marius certainly didn't seem to notice Milja's lengthy stare, though he does cant his head slightly at the sigh of relief - a flicker of curiosity reflecting in his narrow features. "I do hope you like black tea, all I have on hand at the moment is an Ishgardian blend. I have cream and sugar to sweeten it, if you prefer it as I do," he replied conversationally, rising and taking precise steps - as if counted in his head - over to the stove. Without difficulty, he places the kettle on and retrieves the box of tea pouches as well as any sighted man could. "Business in Ul'dah is always thriving, which while fortunate for me, is rather less so for those under my care. No physician wants to be *needed* for their services, of course, but I'm grateful to be able to provide succor for those who require it." He turns, leaning back against the counter. "It'll be but a moment for the tea, Miss."
Milja is filled with something akin to mortified as she accepted the offer of hospitality only to have Dravitus decline. Distinctly feeling as though she has put her host out, her ears tip back down, closer to her head and she averts her eyes, looking towards Marius as he moves towards the stove. She is certain of her mistake, and resolves to wait for him to answer first in other situations of this nature going forward. "Sorry." While Marius puts on the kettle, she issues an apology which is both sincere and humbled, though unsolicited. Still she is gracious, perhaps more-so, when the Elezen addresses her "Of course, thank you so much-- black tea is just fine, Ishgardian is all the better." Only half her attention can be devoted to the topic of business while the rest of her facilities internally chastise herself.
Dravitus listens attentively to their host as he responds to the query, though he allows his gaze to flick about the room as he studies it with clinical interest, noting various topics of the books within his range of vision, and so on. His eyes flick to Milja at her apology, to which he simply raises a hand in a dismissive gesture, giving her a slight lift of one shoulder in a shrug. "A laudable sentiment, to be sure. Do you have much experience in treating combat wounds - from the gladiatorial arena, perhaps? Or are you more inclined towards more mundane ailments?"
Their host seems puzzled by the apology, and there is a moment of uncertainty as to who it is being directed to. In the end, he elects not to acknowledge it at all, as he cannot imagine what in the world she would be sorry for. As promised it's only moments until the kettle whistles and he pours the tea - two cups - setting both on the tray, along with a small porcelain cup of cream and a dish of sugar with a spoon settled within. Taking up the tray, he carries the entire affair over to the desk and sets it down. "After you, my dear," he invites, motioning to the cream and sugar and giving her ample time to help herself. Settling back down in his chair, he considers the question. "My true calling is healing the aetherflows of the body, but I am also extensively experienced in both combat-related injury and the more mundane. My parents ensured the quality of my education growing up, once they realized my talent for healing."
An ear perks to the whistle of the kettle and Milja rights herself, sitting straighter as to steel herself. She puts aside insecurities in favor of attending to the conversation at hand, as she knows is expected of her. "It smells lovely, I am glad to not be partaking alone." She favors Marius slightly more for this gesture, intentional or not. Reaching for the tea, there is a certain timidness in how she takes it to her hand, cradling it carefully, each movement graceful and distinctly feminine. Blowing softly, the lip of the mug to her painted lips, she listens with astute attention to their host, intermittently checking for temperature. "Your parents, were they healers also or supportive of your art?"
Dravitus’ demeanour changes not a whit as Marius sets the cup before the Viera at his side, the benign, solid confidence wavering not at all as she accepts the offered cup. A list of the myriad and sundry ingredients one could add to a warm brew to cause all manner of ill effects flickers briefly through his thoughts before he dismisses it - she would learn the hard way, if it was tampered with. "Duly noted." He pauses, allowing Milja to field her question, and appears content to give Marius time to respond before besieging him with further queries.
Marius favors Milja with a warm, genuine smile. "I never turn down an excuse for a cup of tea," he confides with a wink in her direction, a chuckle soon following. It's a soft, pleasant sound, and as sincere as his smile was. His teacup was only half-full, the reason for which soon became obvious, as he added a copious amount of both cream and sugar to the teacup. Someone had a sweet-tooth, it seemed. "My mother - rest her soul - was the healer in the family. My father, who also passed many years was more of a..." He hums softly, searching for the word. "Protector, of sorts." The mage doesn't seem to mind the myriad questions, answering each with ease.
Amethyst eyes follow the cream as it swirls into the dark tea and becomes opaque. While this was all par for the tea course, she did not anticipate the amount of sugar dumped into the cup. Humored, a brow lifts and she fails to stifle an amused grin. She is riveted with interest now, hanging on the words he speaks and reeled in by the dulcet sounds of his laughter. She is wary, but she is distinctly aware of something within her tempering ingrained dubiety. She nods, considering what he says of his family and can not refrain from flicking her attention towards Dravitus for a brief moment. "They sound like an effective pair, and clearly their efforts have served you well-- serving US well, especially Garilan."
Dravitus’ brows lift at the sheer amount of sugar that pours - and continues to pour - into the cup. The ratio of liquid to sugar seemed barely enough to render the sweetening substance dissolved, and it occurs to him that perhaps that is the sole reason why there is that much tea in the cup at all - as a vehicle for the sugar and little else. Could the man even taste the tea at that stage? Giving his head a disbelieving shake, he comments, "It is commendable that they chose a profession for their child that seems suited. At least, if the passion for healing was an existing one and not something perforce adopted, of course." The tips of his gloved right hand's fingers smooth out over the leg of his trousers as he regards Marius appraisingly for a moment, before nodding to himself. "Indeed. I have seen the butchery that some of the so-called healers perform in this province, and so I am inclined towards securing your services for my personnel, if you are amenable." He smiles, pleasant despite the business-like focus of his words, and continues. "I am offering you a contract, Marius. I wish for my personnel to have priority treatment, within reason, should they require it when they are in the area. Naturally, emergencies are to take precedence over matters that do not threaten the lives of my people, and you are free to go about your business as you see fit otherwise." He cocks his head at the man, studying him. "Your thoughts?"
"It's always been that way for our family," he explains, taking a sip of his tea and sighing with contentment. "It's been arranged like that for hundreds of years, passed down with our own personal traditions through the centuries. One has always been the healer - the Advocate - and the other has always been the protector - our Arbiter. Gender factors not at all into it," he explains. "And they had something of a talent in choosing professions for my brothers and I, even if I wanted to be a Knight when I was very young," he says with a rolling chuckle. Shifting his gaze to Dravitus, he listens attentively to the offer, curiosity glimmering in his silvery eyes. "Your ‘personnel’? Are you the leader of some militia, then?"
"Oh, that is interesting. I've not encountered familial arrangements of that nature before, but it makes sense." a faint blush paints her pallid features pink as her mind wanders where it might, but she quickly reins that in and crosses her legs. Eyes search Marius' smooth features for any trace of emotion, any inkling of his intent of acceptance of what Dravitus lays out with almost rapacious eagerness. The offer was fair, and from her own experience Milja knew it would become fairer still once a proposal was extended. While she should have disappointed to find Dravitus' offering met with a question, she is instead met with a sort of pride. He was not wrong, but her lips are tight and her eyes glisten towards Dravitus in anticipation of his response.
Dravitus’  head tilts to one side as he watches Marius, regarding the man with curiosity as he outlines his familial traditions - Ishgard was not an unknown quantity, but nor was it an area of his expertise. "You can still heal with one hand and wield a blade in the other. I would count that a superior knight to most." The corner of his mouth flickers up in a twitch of amusement, eyebrows quirking at the suggestion. "A milita?" A hand glides through the air in a smooth refutal of the notion. "Nothing so amateurish, I assure you. I own and run Reign Enterprises, which is a multi-national business that has a number of interests and departments. Foremost, however, you may consider us something of a private military company. I train, manage and dispatch my personnel on a wide variety of tasks, in many places, often simultaneously. I am seeking to expand into Eorzea, and having medical personnel contracted to attend my company foremost is among the foremost necessities when expanding my holdings into a new area."
Marius’ expression was quite easily read, a hint of curiosity laced with a good bit of interest. The man had no poker face, not even a little - likely come from his inability to read other peoples' expressions. "It's certainly not a common arrangement," he demures in agreement with her. "But, as I said - tradition." Shifting his attention to Dravitus, he listens quietly, sipping his tea, whilst the other man speaks. "I admit, your organization does sound rather impressive. I am concerned, however, as to the volume of patients I might be taking on. I am, as is obvious, only one man - although I have a connection to a network of other healers, should the need arise that I take on more than one or two patients at a time. I am inclined to agree to your proposal. What are you offering as recompense?"
Dravitus had early on demonstrated his impressive acumen when it came to matters of military and business. Furthermore, Milja was impressed with his willingness to dirty his own hands in matters which otherwise may not have concerned individuals of similar appointment. It was an admirable trait among many, and when he spoke, his own passion was clear. Milja sits back, easing behind the lead of her superior and relaxing with what she anticipates to be an eminent acceptance. Should Marius find the offer agreeable, Milja looked forward to the prospect of working with him to further her own art.
"Funding." The reply is immediate and delivered without pomp - stated in a clipped and factual manner, before he continues. "Aside from that, I have access to resources that I can place at your disposal, should you require or desire them, for whatever reason. As I have mentioned, my reach extends to other nations, and so I have an easier time of conveying material that is otherwise difficult, if not impossible, to acquire here." He flicks his fingers in a peremptory fashion, stating, "I will not overwhelm you, worry not. In the event of a large-scale operation being conducted in the region, I will notify you and offer you the opportunity to accompany them as a stand-by medical operative - with appropriate bonuses for doing so. As well, I can bolster your staff and facilities on an as-needed basis." He dips his head towards Milja. "Milja numbers among my existing medical staff, as an example - though I would also reward you for sharing your experience and skill with her and others that may benefit from it, should you be amenable."
"Funding is of a lesser concern, as I have my family's coffers at my disposal. We are a small House in Ishgardian society, largely unnoticed, but a wealthy one," he states succinctly, without boasting. "However, I would certainly value the resources you mentioned - as I've mentioned, I'm only one man, and at the moment, must resort to purchasing what I need for supplies, rather than gathering and making them myself. Herbs for tinctures and potions, cloth for bandages and et cetera." He paused and set his empty teacup down. "In the interest of being frank and fair dealings, I should disclose to you - in case you've not yet realized - that I am quite blind. Entirely so, as it happens. I do have a... means of seeing, when absolutely necessary, but I fear I would be a liability as a combat medic on the front lines with your men. As for sharing my expertise with Miss Milja and others, that would be certainly doable."
Milja is marginally taken off-guard by the welcomed moment she could offer herself towards industry for the man who had positioned himself as a champion in her eyes. With catlike reflexes, Milja pounces on this opportunity, eagerly coming to meet minds with their host. "Of course. While coin is always advantageous, one who has honed their art to the degree you have weighs other valuables higher. Resources happen to be in the realm of my own abilities. I can extend my gift of gathering, among other utilitarian talents to further your own objectives." In regard to blindness, Milja had surmised as much. In the lull of a brief pause, she smiles. "Clearly one does not need sight to be talented, I am certain your knowledge and experience would serve our necessities just as well from behind the front-lines. That is what I am here for."
Akaelos nods curtly, having anticipated the response - there was little about Marius or his clinic that denoted a dearth of funding, but it seemed greed was not a motivator for the man, either. Interesting. "I can supply those, and other materials and resources. I believe that you could benefit from a choice selection of magitek medical equipment, for example." His tone turns dry as he  cocks a brow at the man's declaration of his visual impairment. "You may be blind, Marius, but I am not. It would take an oblivious individual indeed to neglect to notice such a thing. You need not actually fight, simply await field casualties in the triage on-site, but that can be discussed at a later time." He laces his fingers together and sets his intertwined hands atop his thighs, continuing. "Do you have requests that you would like to make in order to secure your services? I will not prevaricate -I insist that my personnel get treated first, when they suffer in equal measure to others."
Marius smiles in Milja's direction, inclining his head slightly. "In return for such responsibilities that I would direct you to, I would be more than happy to share my expertise in both conjury and thaumaturgy, if you wish." He pauses when she speaks again, and he nods. "That is where I would best serve, I do agree. I am knowledgeable in triage as well and have acted as such an agent before, in addition to lending my healing skills to those who require it." Intrigue took the man's expression as mentioned magitek medical equipment. "Interesting. One wonders where you might have gotten your hands on something of that nature, to be given at will." As he had already mentioned the subject of triage, he allowed his previous words to stand on their own. "The amount of resources and such can be drawn up in a standard contract," he said, gesturing vaguely. "But otherwise, I would have no other requests. Yours that your personnel be treated first is fair." He tapped his knee twice, then nodded. "I am inclined to accept your offer."
Milja Svartur 's evaluates the two taps on her companion's knee and considers if there was any relevance to such a gesture. Her ear flickers to the back-flipping wind-up at her back, the dampened clang of metal against marble pulling her attention towards the device. There is the lightest tug of apprehension, the same she always has when matters of lineage or nationality are revealed. She is abated by the inclination towards Dravitus' employ, his terms fair, consistent, and reliable as the man seated beside her. Milja is hopeful now, excited by the prospect of acquiring experience in thaumaturgy and conjury. Quietly she sits, her chin dropping closer to her chest and hands folding neat upon her lap while she awaits her superior to navigate the terms of the contract set forth.
Dravitus nods emphatically. "Excellent." The single word is coloured with satisfaction, and Dravitus even permits himself a fleeting smile of success before he withdraws a pristine folder from within the satchel at his hip. He slides it forward until it presses against the tip of Marius' fingers and says, "The contract has already been drawn up. Feel free to have a trusted aid look it over - I trust that you will find it to your satisfaction. When you have done so, sign it and return it to me at your convenience. I will send Milja to you for her instruction shortly, with appropriate notification." He flicks a glance at the aforementioned woman, favouring her with a brief smile. "I trust that the matter has now been concluded to the satisfaction of all parties?"
Marius had heard the little device, and he'd wondered inwardly what it was, but hadn't deemed it important enough to ask. Perhaps a timekeeping device? Before he could ask, however, there was paperwork being pressed to his fingertips - there was a sudden moment of tension there at the unexpected touch to his hands, even gloved - but it soon vanished. Accepting the contract from Dravitus, he laid it down on the table. "Luckily enough, I know just the person to do so; she'll know what's what," he said with a quiet laugh. "Though you don't seem to be the type to try to take advantage; nay, you seem to me to be the sort that is strict, but fair." Waving a hand, Marius nods. "Yes, I believe I can count our business concluded. Until such time as I return the contract to you," He produces two linkpearls from a pocket and sets them on the table. "you may reach me on my personal line."
Milja turns towards the objectively foreboding man to her left and nods emphatically, practically glowing. Irrepressible radiance defines her in this moment and the Viera is convinced that even lacking sight, Marius would be able to feel it. To be certain, she squeaks out "very much so, a distinction I am grateful for." Milja's head pivots to a slight degree, looking amenably upon their host. "Accurate evaluation, but it is a luxury to know where one stands." Milky fingertips peek from the softened black leather fingerless gloves worn, extending to reach for the linkpearl nearer to her. "Thank you, Marius. I am very much looking forward to working with you. If there is anything to which I may be of service, please do not hesitate to reach out to me." She shifts back into her seat and tucks the small device away in one of the multitude of pockets strewn across her robes. Unconsciously she adjusts a little closer towards her companion, as if seeking assurance without so many words.
Dravitus, for his part, ignores the little magitek machine that is totally not back-flipping like a dumbass contraption - he builds things with more dignity and gravitas than that, thankyouverymuch. "I strive to be as such, at least." He pauses to pat Milja upon her hand gently before rising, smoothing his clothes absently before selecting the linkpearl and pocketing it. "We will be in touch, then. Thank you for your time, Marius. Have a pleasant day." He gestures for Milja to precede him as he turns towards the door.
-Fin- @milja-svartur @marius-vieremont
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seki-no-kishiko · 5 years
                                   [Dollmaker: Kishiko Seki]
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                               Thank you for the tag @an-honest-waltz​! ♥
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