clownaura · 5 years
Hi are you babyaura??? She changed urls and had a similar aesthetic... sorry if you're not her.... :)
I’m not! c: but that’s ok
I’ve had other blogs in the past, but not that one c:
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neuromantis · 5 years
milkyymintt-draws replied to your photo “ginger-s-n-a-p: aethenia: I have been informed that this is in...”
Any time someone starts to @ me about the macelroy boys i just cringe I'm sorry i can't even read about them
Eh, I actually enjoy a lot of their content, I just don’t get why the fandom gets so cult-ish about them. Also it’s funny to see people who don’t know who they are reblogging their content because their fandom is very obsessed and pervasive that they expect everyone to know the references.
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kyra45 · 2 years
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@milkyymintt-draws I've long assumed the scammers are stalking my blog because I'm calling them out. They will do anything to stop me, like telling me I'm a scammer and I'm sure some people will start to trust anons and start sending me more hate.
However I do not steal someones photos and pass them off as my own. Any pics showing me doing that are photoshopped and I state who owns the pets. If scammers are starting to get angry at me, maybe they need to quit going on facebook and stealing sick pets to get money.
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onyxheartbeat · 3 years
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@hapless-hollow​ For some reason, this @milkyymintt-draws person won’t let me @ them, so I’ve been replying to their responses by copying and pasting their url separately on here. (I don’t think they’ve read my replies but it doesn’t matter. I think they’re afraid.)
@hapless-hollow​ Thank you for using your voice to speak up; I love you, dear. These people just keep accusing everyone with an opposing opinion of being this, that, and the other thing. This milkyy person really just pulled a Ted Bundy! I can’t believe it. They really just blamed porn for rapists and predators. I don’t understand how people can think pornography, an industry with women sex-workers; actors, models, directors, photographers, and producers of porn (often lesbian and bisexual porn for the pleasure of other women) is inherently to blame for the real problems women face which are criminals who produce or circulate content without consent, rapists, and sex-traffickers. These people really think porn is to blame for that. It’s truly stunning. 
Decriminalizing sex work by making places safe for sex workers to provide their service, and therefore making punishment harsher for infringement on consent and policies, is a better conversation to have. Instead, we have women shaming adult women for how they dress. Absolutely frightening. 
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onyxheartbeat · 3 years
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@milkyymintt-draws She is an adult. You sound like you have a problem with women who express any type of sexuality, and if it’s a young woman (under 18) navigating her sexuality, you seem to believe they should be demonized for this. Sexuality is complex and it’s ever-changing for many people. I hope you’ve never been sexually oppressed or shamed, because I’m sure it’s not a nice feeling, and I don’t wish that on you. I also hope that young girls who view your comment who are learning about their bodies, and learning to appreciate their bodies, in a society that teaches us to be ashamed, don’t feel that they would ever be at fault for how the public or sexual predators perceive or behave around them. 
Her clothes were her choice (at least I’d like to think that since she’s a self-aware adult, she should be trusted for her word, and she said she liked the photos.) As far as you criticizing her dancing (I don’t know anything about how she “twerks” as I don’t follow her work), you sound culturally ignorant. I don’t know if you view all forms of dance that have strong hip and bottom movements as inappropriate and sexualizing, because if you do, you’re culturally ignorant. Even if the movements are intended to be sexual, she has every right to do it. I suggest you read a few books on women’s sexuality; maybe some feminist poets.
Also, this isn’t the first time she’s been shamed for something she wore. I believe this happened to her when she was photographed in a swimsuit years ago. It just goes to show that people like you and the rest of the people in that comment section, just can’t wait to demonize women for their choices, or assume they’re too dumb to make their own.
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