#milton three ponds
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a double rainbow outside my door
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thenightfolknetwork · 10 months
So I know you don’t answer many questions from- across the pond, as it were, but I don’t need any legal advice, and I’m at my wit’s end. I’m hoping you can help.
So my genus is very small. In point of fact it’s just my family, as far as I know, and it’s only ever one creature active at a time- bunch of sapios doing sapio things, then the previous Creature dies or sees the Signs and boom! One of us Wakes and hey look at that, new Hierophant! And as the current Hierophant I Speak and Am Heard- part of the reason I’m writing to you.
A part of my genus is acting as the mouthpiece for a portent of the apocalypse. That's not a secret- hell, its why the town has the name it does and why the family name's on the radio station. Predictably, I am the foremost DJ on 226.5, the Voice of Birch.
It’s not a bad gig, per say. I go to work and between the traffic reports and the local top forty I give an update on the eventual Coming of The Burned Birch. It never lasts long and my local community really likes it. The Birch sort of became a touristy thing, you see- awesome in the autumn, all its leaves yellow and glowing with ghostfire.
Well, so they tell me. I can't actually LOOK at the Birch-if I do, I'll go by way of great uncle Milton and turn into salt. Thank goodness pictures and art don't count or we'd have to move the station and the whole family into the old mica mine.
The Birch likes being appreciated and turned into post cards and calanders, though. It’s a bit of a show off, really. I guess I’d be showing off if I were a tree that could move around at will.
The problem is that lately, the Birch has been sending me updates at the most inconvenient times. It's generally a twice a day thing, but now I’ll be brushing my teeth at five AM and the whole town hears me ominously spouting coordinates and warning of the cracking of the earth and rising of the dead. The Birch can’t even make the dead rise, there’s been wards on the local cemetery for a century!
Or I’ll be making an order at my coffee shop and suddenly I’m telling poor Taylor the barista that the trees come down the mountain to open their fiery branches to the burnished sky.  
The worst of it is at ten or eleven at night when I’m trying to settle into bed. My hometown is very small and quiet, so most folks are in bed early unless they’re nocturnal like the coven that runs the night shift at the bakery. I’ll be drowsing, mind floating off to dreamland, and all of a sudden I’m bolt upright in bed declaring that West Street’s pavement is going to shatter with the feet of elder gods, flee the Burned Birch, flee! People are losing sleep.
It's getting out of hand. I’m not in danger of losing my job or anything (not even sure I can be fired, to be honest) but when you live in a town with less than two thousand people and everyone knows you’re the Hierophant of the Burned Birch, well. That's me avoiding the next St. Mary's rummage sale.
I know you always say communication is key and I’ve tried, believe me. All the old methods- blood rituals under the full moon, a cracked labradorite under my pillow, whispering to the moths- it hasn’t worked.
There's nothing in the family archives about the Burned Birch acting like this and frankly, I’m worried. Is there something wrong? Some rot or fungus that infects only apocalyptic omen trees? Is it trying to reach out to me for help? I can't go look at it and my friends tell me it looks fine. They show me pictures and my omen looks fine! How do I tell if it’s being needy or if it’s being obnoxious? and how do I hang on to my declarations without a three hour nosebleed?
Literally anything you've got will help, at this point. Thanks in advance!
-Fat Ricki, The Voice Of Birch
First of all, may I say how lovely it is to hear from another radio professional? Liminal broadcasting is a topic close to my heart, and it's always nice to hear from others in the field.
To your question, I think your first job is to absolutely rule out the possibility of any physical or magical ailment your tree might be suffering.
You said you've had friends inspect the tree, and have looked at photos to assess the situation yourself. But tree diseases are not always easy to spot with the naked eye, especially to the untrained. This is doubly true for thaumaturgically active trees, which may be susceptible to infections, infestations and diseases on several planes of reality.
I recommend investing in the services of a trained arboreal arcanist. In the United Kingdom, customers can find specialists through the Arcane Arboricultural Society, whose members must meet the societies standards of professionalism and training. If such an organisation exists in your area, all to the good.
If not, take some time to read up on professional qualifications available to tradespeople in your state. You want someone qualified in thaumaturgic horticulture, and preferably with the ability to perceive reality on at least three additional planes, if not more.
There are several pests and diseases that might be causing your tree's distress, from spectral bacteria to ether flux. Better to invest a little time and money in ruling those out than risk leaving them untreated.
I think it's safe to say your tree is trying to get your attention for some reason. Once you've ruled out disease or discomfort as the possible reason, consider what else might have changed since this behaviour began. Has it been receiving fewer visitors than usual, or perhaps been the subject of a less-than-flattering news article?
Many apocalyptic trees, shrubs and bushes have a tendency to fussiness and egotism. It's very possible that your tree wants nothing more than to be the subject of a bit of ego-stroking fuss. You might try drumming up a few more visitors and acolytes, or performing a ritual of appeasement that recognises its great and terrible power.
The phrase “attention-seeking” carries with it a host of negative connotations. Instead, think of this as “support-seeking” behaviour. There is a need your tree feels is unmet, and as its Hierophant, it's up to you to meet it. With a bit of reassurance and attention, I think your tree should settle down into its usual ways in no time.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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gtenvs3000w24 · 9 months
01: My relationship with nature.
Hi everyone! I’m a 4th year zoology student at the University of Guelph, and welcome to my blog! For this first blog I’ll be talking about my relationship with nature and how it has evolved. 
Since I was a kid I have always had a large interest in nature, especially with animals. Growing up in Milton, a very fast-growing city, I took every chance I could get to go outside and be more connected with nature. I think my earliest memory of this is when I would go for walks with my parents and my Grandad when I was about four years old. There was a very short walking trail near my house that had an apple tree, and we would walk there every week to pick apples. While it was a very short and simple experience, I remember really enjoying just going outside and spending time with my family.
As I got a little bit older, me and my family would frequently drive to local conservation areas a lot of the time to go for walks in the forests. Most of the time I would spend those walks looking for any animals I could find. My favourite time of year to do these walks was in the winter because I found the snow-covered trees very pretty and peaceful. Winter was always my favourite season as a kid, and I spent a lot of time playing outside in the snow with my brother. 
One place that has always been special to me is Crawford Lake. This is the conservation area that me and my family went to most of the time, and it is still one of my favourite places to go for walks. I always found the boardwalk around the lake to be very peaceful and fun to walk along as a kid. I would frequently stop to look over the railings for snapping turtles in the water below me, and while I only got to see them one time, it was something I won’t forget. I also went there for many school field trips. I remember our tour guide telling us ghost stories about things that had happened at the lake, and while those stories scared me as a kid, I think they helped me feel more connected to the place.
Another place that I have always had a strong connection to is the pond my Grandma has in her backyard. Since I was little I remember it being one of my favourite places to be. I spent a lot of time there with my brother and cousins just looking for frogs, and looking at the koi fish that lived in the pond. I now have three cousins who are all under the age of ten on that side of my family, and so I love to go look for frogs and fish with them like I did when I was their age.
I think one of my favourite places I have been is Nova Scotia. This is where my uncle and his family live, and I have gone there twice to visit them. Being there feels so much different from living in the fast-paced city that I’m used to, as it is much more peaceful and laid back. I spent two weeks there this summer living at my uncle's house near Lunenburg, and it was an experience that really stuck with me. My uncle lives in a house that he built, in a forest by a river. It was such a relaxing experience to be there, and to take little day trips out to the ocean everyday. Hearing the history behind the sites such as Peggy’s Cove and the town of Lunenburg really stuck with me too. I have always loved being by the ocean, and sometimes I think about moving there one day because of how amazing it was to be there. Even though I have only spent about 3 weeks in total there, I think it offered me that “sense of place.” (I’ve included some pictures I took in Nova Scotia below!)
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I could talk about many other experiences that have connected me to nature, but these are just a few that have shaped my relationship with it today. Overall, especially being a zoology student, nature is a very important part of my life!
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poemshubs · 17 days
What Are the Main Types of Poetry?
Poetry is a diverse and rich form of expression that has evolved over centuries. It encompasses a variety of styles, forms, and techniques, each serving different purposes and appealing to different tastes. Understanding the main types of poetry can deepen your appreciation for this art form and enhance your own writing. This article will explore the major types of poetry, their characteristics, and examples, providing a comprehensive guide to the world of poetry.
1. Narrative Poetry
Narrative poetry tells a story. Unlike other forms of poetry, narrative poetry focuses on a sequence of events, characters, and a plot. This type of poetry often has a clear storyline and characters who take part in the events described.
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Characteristics of Narrative Poetry
Storyline: It contains a structured plot, including a beginning, middle, and end.
Characters: Includes characters who drive the narrative.
Setting: Establishes a time and place for the story to unfold.
Dialogue: Often features conversations between characters.
Examples of Narrative Poetry
“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe: This poem tells the story of a man mourning the loss of his love, Lenore, and his encounter with a mysterious raven.
“The Iliad” by Homer: An ancient epic poem that narrates the events of the Trojan War, focusing on the hero Achilles.
2. Lyric Poetry
Lyric poetry is characterized by its emotional and personal nature. It expresses the poet’s thoughts and feelings, often in a musical or rhythmic way. Unlike narrative poetry, lyric poetry does not tell a story but focuses on a moment of emotional insight or reflection.
Characteristics of Lyric Poetry
Emotional Expression: Centers on personal emotions and thoughts.
Musicality: Often uses rhythm and meter to create a musical effect.
Imagery: Employs vivid imagery and metaphor to convey feelings.
Examples of Lyric Poetry
“Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats: A reflection on the beauty and fleeting nature of life, expressed through the imagery of a nightingale’s song.
“Sonnet 18″ by William Shakespeare: Celebrates the eternal beauty of the speaker’s beloved through lyrical language and structure.
3. Dramatic Poetry
Dramatic poetry is written in verse and intended to be performed. It includes plays and monologues that express a character’s thoughts and emotions through dialogue and action.
Characteristics of Dramatic Poetry
Dialogue: Characters speak directly to one another or to the audience.
Monologue: A single character’s extended speech or soliloquy.
Action: Includes elements of drama such as conflict and resolution.
Examples of Dramatic Poetry
“Macbeth” by William Shakespeare: A tragedy written in verse, featuring dramatic monologues and dialogues that explore themes of ambition and guilt.
“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot: Though primarily a modernist poem, it includes dramatic elements through its use of voices and fragmented narrative.
4. Epic Poetry
Epic poetry is a lengthy narrative poem that often deals with heroic deeds, significant events, or grand themes. It usually involves a hero’s journey and is written in a formal style.
Characteristics of Epic Poetry
Heroic Deeds: Centers around a hero who performs great feats.
Formal Style: Uses elevated language and elaborate descriptions.
Extended Length: Typically long and divided into books or sections.
Examples of Epic Poetry
“The Odyssey” by Homer: Follows the hero Odysseus on his journey home after the Trojan War.
“Paradise Lost” by John Milton: An epic that explores the biblical story of the Fall of Man.
5. Haiku
Haiku is a traditional Japanese form of poetry that captures a moment or scene in nature. It consists of three lines with a specific syllable pattern.
Characteristics of Haiku
Syllable Structure: Follows a 5-7-5 syllable pattern.
Nature Themes: Often focuses on natural scenes or seasonal changes.
Brevity: Emphasizes simplicity and brevity.
Examples of Haiku
“Old Pond” by Matsuo Bashō:
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond—
Splash! Silence again.
6. Villanelle
Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem with a strict form, featuring a specific rhyme scheme and repeating lines. It is known for its musical quality and complexity.
Characteristics of Villanelle
Repetitive Lines: Includes two repeating lines that alternate and conclude the poem.
Structure: Composed of five tercets (three-line stanzas) followed by a quatrain (four-line stanza).
Examples of Villanelle
“Do not go gentle into that good night” by Dylan Thomas: A famous villanelle urging defiance against death.
“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot: Features villanelle-like repetition within its modernist structure.
7. Sonnet
Sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter, often exploring themes of love, nature, or philosophy. There are two primary types: Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian).
Characteristics of Sonnet
Line Count: Always consists of 14 lines.
Rhyme Scheme:
Shakespearean: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.
Petrarchan: ABBAABBA (octave) and various schemes for the sestet.
Iambic Pentameter: Written in a meter of ten syllables per line with alternating stresses.
Examples of Sonnet
“Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare: An exploration of beauty and time.
“How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A sonnet expressing deep affection and devotion.
8. Limerick
Limerick is a five-line poem known for its humorous content and distinctive rhythm. It follows a specific rhyme scheme and meter.
Characteristics of Limerick
Rhyme Scheme: AABBA.
Meter: Often follows anapestic meter, with the first, second, and fifth lines having three metrical feet and the third and fourth lines having two.
Humor: Typically humorous or whimsical.
Examples of Limerick
“There was a young man from Peru”:
There was a young man from Peru,
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe.
He awoke with a fright
In the middle of the night
To find that his dream had come true.
9. Free Verse
Free verse is a form of poetry that does not adhere to a specific meter or rhyme scheme. It allows the poet freedom to express ideas and emotions without traditional constraints.
Characteristics of Free Verse
No Fixed Meter: Does not follow a specific rhythmic pattern.
Variable Line Lengths: Lines can vary in length and structure.
Focus on Imagery and Language: Emphasizes language and imagery over form.
Examples of Free Verse
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot: Features free verse with varied line lengths and no consistent meter.
“Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman: Uses free verse to explore themes of identity and nature.
10. Acrostic Poetry
Acrostic poetry is a type of poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message when read vertically. This form is often used for its visual and thematic impact.
Characteristics of Acrostic Poetry
Vertical Message: The first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase.
Flexibility: Can be written in various styles and formats.
Thematic Focus: Often used to highlight specific themes or subjects.
Examples of Acrostic Poetry
A season of change,
Underneath the trees,
The leaves fall gently,
Turning red and gold,
Under the cool breeze,
Memory of summer fades.
11. Ode
Ode is a formal, often lengthy poem that expresses admiration or praise for a particular subject. It is characterized by its elevated style and structured form.
Characteristics of Ode
Formal Tone: Uses elevated language and tone.
Structure: Can vary, but often includes stanzas with a regular pattern.
Subject Matter: Typically focuses on themes of praise or reflection.
Examples of Ode
“Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats: Reflects on the beauty and transcendence of the nightingale’s song.
“Ode on a Grecian Urn” by John Keats: Explores themes of art and eternity through the imagery of an ancient urn.
The world of poetry is vast and varied, with each type offering unique ways to express ideas, emotions, and stories. From the structured rhythms of sonnets and villanelles to the freedom of free verse and the humor of limericks, each form provides different tools and opportunities for poets. By understanding the main types of poetry and their characteristics, you can better appreciate the diverse expressions of this art form and find inspiration for your own writing. Whether you are drawn to the narrative drive of epic poetry or the emotional depth of lyric poems, there is a form of poetry that can capture and convey the nuances of human experience.
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comrade-meow · 4 years
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The term ‘gender identity’ was coined by psychologist and researcher, Dr. John Money, founder of the first gender clinic at John Hopkins Hospital in 1966. ‘Gender identity’ first appeared in print on November 21st 1966, in the press release announcing the creation of the clinic. Money would go on to develop his theory of gender by experimenting on young children.
Money recruited the parents of David Reimer to a twin study research project at the newly-founded clinic and inextricably linked the concept of gender identity to the case. Born in 1965, David, then named Bruce, and his identical brother Brian were test cases in an experiment designed to see if a boy could be brought up successfully as a girl after surgical alteration. Money’s hypothesis was termed ‘gender neutrality’. Bruce had suffered burns to his penis during a circumcision that went wrong. Money persuaded the parents to fully alter Bruce’s genitals at the age of two, removing testes and fashioning the artificial appearance of a vulva. Bruce was then renamed ‘Brenda’. Money reassured the parents that this measure was in the best interests of Brenda and that his theory of ‘gender neutrality’ would be proven correct. Money had, according to John Hopkins Hospital, solved an ethical dilemma, and so had an ethically sound basis to study how Brenda would proceed. Twin Studies are regarded as the gold standard within psychology and psychiatry and so these children appeared to Money to be the perfect experimental subjects on which to ground his ideas.
Money required that during childhood Brenda and her family visit John Hopkins to observe how the treatment progressed. This process of treatment included interviews to see if the parents were ‘girling’ Brenda correctly (enforcing femininity) and how the now supposedly differently sexed twins interacted. Brenda (David) and his twin brother Brian as adults reported that during part of this ‘treatment’ both were sexually abused by Money, who made the pair ‘role play’ heterosexual intercourse, inspected their genitals, and took photographs. Money denied these allegations, but also justified these coerced acts as, ‘childhood sexual rehearsal play’ which he considered important for a ‘healthy adult gender identity’, What is evidenced in transcribed interviews documenting Money’s interaction with the twins was that they were made to describe the difference between their genitals, repeat that these sexual differences made one a boy and one a girl and were encouraged to deliberate why Brenda fought less at school than Brian (“because I’m a girl”, Brenda is heard saying, to Money’s confirmation, “you’re a girl!”) It is very clear here that regressive gender roles became mixed with Money’s invention of gender identity.
Despite Money’s sexual liberalism and unorthodoxy regarding homosexuality, he and other researchers at John Hopkins did not consider reinforcement of strict binarism in relation to the sexes as damaging or illegitimate. For years Money wrote about the case as ‘John/Joan’ (instead of real names Bruce/Brenda), depicting the apparent success of gender identity development to support arguments for the feasibility of sexual reassignment. In contrast, Reimer decades later described how he urinated through a hole in his abdomen due to botched urological interventions by doctors.
Around the period of adolescence Brenda [David] was given oestrogen to induce breast development as part of early female puberty. Clinical notes show that shortly afterwards Brenda [David] rejected Money’s recommendations of surgery to create a vagina. From the age of thirteen Brenda began no longer to identify as a girl, reporting feelings of suicidal depression. At age fourteen, Brenda’s father told him about the sex reassignment process. Brenda shortly after took the name David and began living as a boy. In early adulthood David underwent treatment to reverse sex reassignment, including testosterone injections, a double mastectomy, and phalloplasty operations.
Throughout this period Money continued to publish on the experiment as a success, despite it being known by him that Brenda, originally Bruce, was now living as David. Only when Reimer opened his life to academic Milton Diamond did the devastating outcome of Money’s experiment become public knowledge and his research was exposed as fraudulent. Reimer committed suicide in 2004 at the age of 38. Leading gender theorist Judith Butler wrote shortly after David took his own life, ‘It is unclear whether it was his gender that was the problem, or the ‘treatment’ that brought about an ‘enduring suffering for him’, as if it were a riddle or great mystery.
The scarce amount of academic literature utilising the work of Money today might seem to indicate the widespread rejection of his methods, but the impact of these grievous scientific errors, if we can term medical violence against children under the name of science, remains paramount in informing contemporary accounts of gender identity. This is most obvious in the status of the Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic (GIC), the largest, most renowned Gender Identity Clinic in the UK. The Charing Cross GIC from 1994 has employed Money’s colleague, Dr. Richard Green as its Director of Research. This appointment came only seven years after Green published, The ‘Sissy Boy Syndrome’ and the Development of Homosexuality. Green is important not just because of his direct link to Money, but also because he was the sole colleague to publicly defend Money. Green claimed in a BBC interview that:
“With the benefit of hindsight, based on what we knew at the time about how you become male or female or boy or girl, with the advantage of hindsight knowing the difficulties to say the least of creating a penis surgically, the decision that John Money made at the time was the correct one. And I would have made the same one at that time.”
What the failed Reimer experiment and subsequent ‘hindsight’ amounted to was a conclusion that gender identity is not simply socially constructed, but also innate. The dominant position within psychology is that sexual difference is mapped onto the brain. For over two decades a myriad of neurological research has emerged from the Western psychological establishment arguing that male and female brains are ‘differently wired’. This research has been heavily promoted in mainstream media, but equally heavily challenged by feminist authors like Cordelia Fine.
How did we get from there to here?
Gender identity, a construct created in the United States, has crossed the pond and gone global. American cultural imperialism is hardly a new phenomenon, but how exactly did gender identity come to appear on so many campuses in the United Kingdom within the last decade? The consensus around gender identity inside the humanities, emanating primarily from U.S campuses, has been established over the last three decades mainly by Queer Theorists who sought to outflank structuralist accounts of gender, that positioned gender as part of a wider system of social relations that maintain capitalist patriarchy. That systemic approach has been sidelined in favour of concepts like ‘performativity’ and gender as an essentialist quality emanating from ‘inside’ us, something that we are born with.
The emergence of the idea of gender as essential and internal is not a new one. The regressive belief in male and female souls has existed for centuries, often expressed through notions of the sexed male or female brain. It is this notion that feminist Mary Wollstonecraft addressed in her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) stating, ‘There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. May as well speak of a female liver’. Even Freud a century ago, wrote against the arguments of the sexologists, challenging the idea of a feminine or masculine brain in his Three Essays on Sexuality (1905).
Unfortunately, these ideas continue to dominate mainstream discourse. Gender as an element existing in the brain, or as an innate essence has been taken up and promoted by youth advocacy groups like Gendered Intelligence. For example, Gendered Intelligence organised events around the ‘Trans soul’ entitled The Corpse Project. It may seem surprising that today it is still necessary to dispute the concept of sexed brains or gendered souls, or to argue against dualist claims of the mind or brain as separate from the body, but we have in our arsenal as Marxists a key theoretical tradition, namely; historical materialism.
When Marx famously wrote in 1852, ‘Men [ed: and presumably women!] make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past’ he pointed towards a wider understanding of how the already established social world determines us as subjects within it through social conditions. This is exactly complimentary with the materialist understanding that gender is ‘socially constructed’ – that gender as a system of social relations and norms is socially contouring, creating a web in which we sit and constituting us as gendered subjects (a Marxist understanding considers ‘ideology’ as the key method of this). We, as subjects, do not determine the world around us purely as individuals.
If gender is the system of norms that underpin the social relations and sexual politics between men and women under capitalist patriarchy i.e women’s role within the home and the associated qualities of femininity, such as passivity, the suitability to the private world of the domestic sphere, coupled with the conception of men as embodying masculine traits, such as being outgoing and suited to the public world of work. We can see why it is so important for the existing social order to naturalise and reify these codes of behavior. Women’s subordination must be secured in order to sexually and socially reproduce our societies. Men’s domination must be established to help secure women’s subservience.
The contemporary version of gender ideology with its reliance on femininity and masculinity (women’s subordination and men’s dominance) as inescapable points of reference to understand ourselves, and society, is simply a rearrangement of the building blocks required to accept patriarchy as it exists today.
That men who identify with feminine dress or feminine beauty practices can be considered women only re-establishes the idea women are feminine. Women, as adult human females, have no natural predisposition towards ideological gender norms and radical politics should reject any imposition of the acceptance of femininity as anything other than a social construct designed to secure women’s subjugation. Similarly, masculinity, attributed to men, constructing men, underpins male domination as the natural order.
When women reject femininity and submissiveness, instead seeking power for ourselves, or even engaging in traditionally male activities such as sports, we are sometimes called ‘men’ or ‘mannish’ — as if only men can dominate and structure their environments. Of course, within patriarchy, that is precisely the norm; but we are meant to think of it as natural, rather than merely normative. Gender is needed in order to maintain the social order of male domination and female subjugation.
The best that we, as Marxists can do, is to be truly gender non-conforming by rejecting ‘gender’ entirely.
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falloutdialogue · 6 years
Raider Gangs (FO4, Long Post)
Here’s an explanation of the Fallout 4 gangs. Who works for whom, which gangs have networks, which ones are minor, which ones are major?
                                              - Major Gangs - 
There are four dominant raider gangs in the Commonwealth; lead by Jared, Slag, Tower Tom, and Bosco.
Jared’s Gang
Location(s): Corvega Assembly Plant
Jared - Leader
Gristle - Sent to Concord to retrieve Mama Murphy
Economics/Ideology: His economy is based mostly on raiding. He’s obsessed with the ‘Sight,’ having met Mama Murphy when he was a kid. He takes a lot of chems and gives them to his crew, searching for someone else with the ability; consequently, his crew is addicted to chems. When he heard Mama Murphy was in Concord, he sent Gristle to get her. 
The Forged (Slag’s Gang)
Location(s): Saugus Ironworks
Slag - Leader
Bedlam - Holding a secondary base, Dunwich Borers
Economics/Ideology: His economy is based on the ironwork’s production of metal, made with scraps from Dunwich Borers. His group numbers probably a few dozen raiders, but they’re well trained. The Forged are obsessed with fire.
Tower Tom’s Gang
Location(s): Beantown Brewery
Tower Tom - Leader 
Sparta - Sent to scavenge at the BADTFL regional office
Economics/Ideology: His economy is based around operating the brewery. Tower Tom’s biggest war is against Red Tourette’s gang. He needed food and figured the only way to get it was to somehow force Red to give it to him. A failed raid led to the kidnapping of Red’s sister, Lily, and letters between the sisters get Tom’s gang steady shipments of food from Red. Tom accidentally kills Lily, but to ensure the food doesn’t stop, Tom starts sending fake letters. His group numbers a few dozen raiders.
Bosco’s Gang
Location(s): D.B. Technical High School
Bosco - Leader
Economics/Ideology: His group is almost certainly the largest in the Commonwealth, with perhaps several hundred raiders. His economy is based on his gang’s scavenging and supplies. He’s based in the D. B. Technical High School, but he has a lot of land; most likely, if you come across a raider base and it doesn’t have a named leader, they’re probably Bosco’s. Unfortunately, despite his success, he’s going insane after being bitten by one of his soldier’s rabid dogs. 
                                            - Other Gangs -
There are several gangs that aren’t quite major, but have multiple named characters in them.
L&L Gang
Location(s): (none/randomized)
(The number in parentheses is the order Desdemona sends you after them)
Captain Sally - Leader (6th)
Lucky Tatum (1st)
Big Maude (2nd)
Stevie Buchanan (3rd)
Tammy Mac (4th)
The Bruiser (5th)
Johnny T. Walters - with Sally
Economics/Ideology: In the Railroad Quest ‘To The Mattresses,’ Desdemona sends you after a gang known to target and murder synths.
Sinjin’s Gang
Location(s): Milton General Hospital
Sinjin - Leader
Avery - Right hand
Kendra - Mercenary/assassin
Northy - runs a sub-gang
Smiling Kate - runs a sub-gang
Economics/Ideology: As the Silver Shroud, the player kills a few low-ranking raiders from Sinjin’s gang. After a while, Sinjin gets sick of it and kidnaps Kent, the ghoul running the Shroud’s radio station.
Walden Pond Gang
Location(s): Walden Pond
Bear - guard
Tweez - guard
Economics/Ideology: Their economy is based on occasionally raiding Abernathy farm.
                                                - Minor Gangs -
There are a lot of minor gangs with only one named character in them. 
Sully Mathis’s Gang
Location(s): Thicket Excavations
Sully Mathis
Economics/Ideology: Sully is scouting the quarry as a new location for a base, but refuses to swim into the water to drain it, fearful of the mirelurks. When you first meet him, he’s dressed as a settler, and tries to trick the player into draining the quarry for him. His group has an estimated few dozen fighters.
Red Tourette’s Gang
Location(s): Federal Ration Stockpile
Red Tourette
Economics/Ideology: Red’s gang has plenty of food. When Tower Tom raids their base, he’s unsuccessful, but manages to kidnap Red’s sister, Lily. Lily is held hostage in order to force Red to send shipments of food, until Lily is accidentally killed. Tower Tom starts faking Lily’s letters so Red doesn’t catch on... but she’s getting suspicious. Her group’s economy is based on selling the food left in the stockpile. Her group has an estimated couple dozen.
Zeller’s Army
Location(s): East Boston Preparatory School
Economics/Ideology: Zeller is a bloodthirsty raider who runs a particularly brutal group. Every member is forced into a ‘Blood Contract,’ tortured until they either go insane or join the crew. Their economy is based on extorting Bunker Hills, attacking it’s caravans, and raiding. He has around a few dozen fighters.
Libertalia Gang
Location(s): Libertalia
Economics/Ideology: Wire is the raider in control of Libertalia, until the player starts the Institute quest Synth Retention, when Gabriel kills him and takes over. He’s an ex-minuteman, who drifted away from the faction after it’s leaders fell. His economy is based on attacking and extorting caravans. The group is rather small, with only about two or three dozen raiders, but they’re well trained and have a secure base.
Scutter’s Gang
Location(s): Hyde Park
Economics/Ideology: Scutter runs a small gang out of Hyde Park. According to the Fallout 4 Survival Guide, they’re known for skinning and wearing their victims. Bosco notes that he ‘refuses to give in.’
Slough’s Gang
Location(s): Quincy Quarries 
Economics/Ideology: The raider gang in the heavily-radiated Quincy Quarries is made up entirely of ghouls. There’s a small pile of beheaded settlers and traders. The radiation in their base heals them but harms humans. Their group is made up of an estimated couple dozen ghouls.
Ack-Ack’s Gang
Location(s): USAF Station Olivia
Economics/Ideology: Their economy comes from raiding, especially getting food from Abernathy farm. They have only about a dozen fighters.
Boomer’s Gang
Location(s): Outpost Zimonja
Economics/Ideology: Boomer’s name comes from the Fat Man he wields. He only has about a half-dozen raiders. 
FMS Northern Star
Location(s): FMS Northern Star:
Economics/Ideology: These raiders are Norwegian refugees, stranded in their shipwreck since the war. They beg in Norwegian for you to go away and leave them alone.
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the-hindu-times · 5 years
May, June, July 2019 reviews
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone   On Wed 1st May, I once again set off to see Idlewild. This time at the Cambridge Junction with support from Hamish Hawk. Realising I had met him before, in his record shop in Edinbrugh, his onstage presence had more in common with Morrissey than someone in retail. Whilst Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason played the larger Corn Exchange, Hamish’s band made way for solo/acoustic number 'Catherine Opens a Window' - his answer to The Smiths' 'Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want' or 'Asleep' - as Hamish gave the occasional gaze over to the talkative bar area during this delicate section. Back catalogue and recent EP songs were performed, which were all new to this audience.
The next day was the beginning of three nights at Outside The Box at the Royal Oak New Malden: Russell Howard on Thursday, Milton Jones on Friday and Al Murray on Saturday. I left the later early to catch Richard Ashcroft at The Olympia but train delays meant that by the time I arrived, he was already on to his '90s nostalgic hit parade, having missed the minimal selection of newer material. We were back at Outside The Box at Langleys, Surbiton for Romesh Ranganathan, before another Al Murray show there.
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
Having previously seen Dean Friedman at Teddington Arts Centre (a large church near Kingston), a year or so ago, he's continued to be a frequent visitor from over the pond; selling out Pizza Expresses and country pubs. This time, he's deservedly in prestigious theatre, The Bloomsbury, close to central London but sadly only a few are in attendance. It's a similar set to before; covering songs from all of his albums on piano and guitar. Once again, he takes moments to advertise future gigs and what merch he has for sale - but a show just focusing on his wonderful songbook would have been much more credible. He always seems to be looking towards the future whilst his songs tell his past. 
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
On the Tuesday, I was back in Cambridge - this time for the Manic Street Preachers at the Corn Exchange; a venue we were due to return to last month the cancelled Ryan Adams tour. Standing can get uncomfortably crowded in there, and the reserved seating on the balcony gets worse the closer to the front, due to the perspex safety screen. There were a few chairs put out just under the balcony/above the standing, which isn't a bad spot though. Marking 19 years and 8 months since the release of 'This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours', the adverts suggested that they would be playing the album in order, in its entirety - to which they did neither. Not the only marketing con to help make a fast buck, as it looked like they had bought all the unofficial £5 t shirts from outside gigs in 1998, and were now selling them for £30. The extra money was spent on more live session musicians for the tour, with the highlights being the two songs from latest LP ‘Resistance Is Futile’.
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
The following evening, From The Jam, were at Epsom Playhouse. The small, all seated theatre saw original The Jam member, Bruce Foxton, battle through the flu to perform acoustic renditions of hits, album tracks and b-sides with Russell Hastings having permanently taken Paul Weller's place, whilst he continues to evolve as a successful solo artist. Support act, Nine Below Zero re-emerge to join in on a couple of numbers for an audience of one type and age bracket.
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Monday afternoon's set from James Walsh at the Groucho Club saw Sam Fender and band turn up with journalist, Gordan Smart, and Josh McClorey from The Strypes, whom had to turn down the opportunity to be Weller's new guitarist whilst Steve Cradock's out with The Specials. The next day saw Brushy One String's first ever London show at The Blues Kitchen in Camden. With just one A (5th) string on his acoustic guitar, Jamacain musician, Andrew Chin, performed his Youtube hit 'Chicken in the Corn', along with other originals and Reggae classics. On Thursday, Lights was over from Canada but we decided to see Mull Historical Society’s stripped back set at Bush Hall on a night where the songs without Bernard Butler on guitar sounded best. After All Points East festival on the last Friday of the month, where Bring Me The Horizon topped the bill, we were at the Fighting Cocks, Kingtson for Outside The Box with Nick Helme, before we returned to the same club at Langleys Surbiton (Harry Hill, Matt Forde, Kerry Godliman), West Molesey Barn Theatre (Andy Parsons), Royal Oak, New Malden (Harry Hill [again], followed by just making Andy Parsons [again], after coming back from a live session on Bournemouth Radio, the next night]).
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Paul Weller brought his ever changing set list to Bedgebury Pinetum forest before we witnessed David Blaine wow Hammersmith Apollo, the night before we attended Metallica at Twickenham stadium. The following evening saw Rhys James headline the New Malden Sports Ground club before I was back at Outside The Box in Kingston for Romesh Ranganathan, Al Lubel and Adam Bloom.
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I wasn’t that impressed with my first trip to Exeter but Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds were mostly on top form at Powderham Castle. I would have liked The Charlatans’ ‘90s’ greatest hits support set to have have been more varied and up to date but they were being pleasing the majority. 
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
After Josh Widdicombe at Outside The Box in Surbiton at Langleys on the first day of July, I was at another Paul Weller show on Sunday, in Greenwich. Another Outside The Box the following evening, in Kingston, saw Angelos Epithemiou top the bill before Wednesday night’s Cosmo Sheldrake gig at the Oval Space was shut down early due to curfew laws – something he won’t have as much of a problem with on his European tour. Bob Dylan and Neil Young at Hyde Park on the Friday was followed by a daytime trip to Dartford’s free festival for The Farm and The Lightning Seeds. 
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The next day we were at On Blackheath, where Morcheeba had an afternoon slot. The festival seemed much smaller than previous years and the signs for what you could and couldn’t bring in were different to what the security would snatch from you so, we didn’t stick around.  
On Tuesday, Doves played a nostalgic set at Sommerset House before The Good, The Bad & The Queen hosted a much better evening of new music. Harry Enfield, Miles Kane and Jeff Wootton were amongst the smaller crowd, to the night before, as Damon Albarn’s group engaged and impressed. After meeting Tom Speight on the train home, we went along to his short set, opening for The Lighthouse Family at a Banquet Records night, before a seaside trip back to Folkestone for Graham Nash at the Leas Cliff Hall. I’m still not sure Michael Barakan (Shane Fontayne) works on guitar for him, although I did like some of his country style, and the show worked much better with the addition of James Raymond on keys.
Nic Bennett
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loverontheleft · 6 years
Ready to Leap (Chapter 21.2)
AU with B as a band teacher and reader as an English teacher. Fluff and smut. Chapters 1-21.1 can be found on my Masterlist.
Brendon x reader. Warnings: language, dirty talk, sex.
Word count: 3.3k
You blink at him. “I’m sorry, what?”
He laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I haven’t been totally forthright. I didn’t end up teaching in Connecticut by chance; my parents loved hiking and fishing and cross-country skiing and bought this place when I was 5 or 6. And we came here every winter break that they were alive. So when they passed and I could choose where to go, I knew I wanted to be here - or close to here. Some of my best memories with them are here on this property, and since they owned it outright, I do too.”
“The Urie East Coast Compound,” you repeat, a little stunned and he laughs awkwardly again.
“Yeah, I don’t really call it that. I mean, that’s what they named it. I guess it’s its name. I don’t want to change it. But I don’t really call it anything? I just come up here to be by myself during winter breaks and think. About stuff and them and stuff. I’ve never had to call it anything since I’ve never brought anyone here.”
You turn in his arms and hug him tightly. “Thank you.”
He runs his hand over your back, holding you close. “For what?” You tip your head up to look at him and smile, going on tiptoe to kiss him.
When you part, a little breathlessly, you tell him, “for sharing this place with me. It means so much to you and we could have gone anywhere with this time but you chose to bring me here. It means a lot to me and I love you.”
“Well, I intend on sharing everything with you eventually,” he reminds you and kisses the top of your head. “Do you want a tour?” You nod and he grins. “Well, we’d better get you a sweater then, there’s a lot to see beyond these walls.”
“Ahhhh my little Han Solo,” he grins, watching you zip up your boots and adjust your fleece vest. You stand up and roll your eyes.
“Hey buddy, you packed for me, so you don’t get to make fun of my clothes.” He puts his hands up, still smiling.
“I wasn’t teasing! I really like this look.” He crosses the room and pulls you in close, nuzzling your ear. “It’s sexy.” He pulls back a little and scans you up and down. “Especially because I can see the lace through your shirt.” You laugh and shove him lightly.
“You cannot.”
“It’s white and really intricate.” He runs his hands down your arms, feeling the soft cotton of your long-sleeve shirt under his fingers. “And,” he leans in close again. “It’s begging for me to take it off of you.” He runs his hands up under your shirt.
“Later, Urie,” you tease, taking both of his hands and pulling them down. “You promised me a tour.”
He nods decisively. “That I did. Let’s go Milton. We’ll start outside and work our way back to the house, so I can take you up on your promise.”
You’re outside and headed to the barn when he turns to you. “You’re good with a little speed, yes?”
“I’m not doing meth with you,” you tease and he laughs, pulling you into the barn and lifting you onto a wooden table with a row of helmets behind it.
“No, dork.” And then he’s fitting a helmet on your head and checking it for snugness. “Feels okay?” You nod and he smiles. “Good. Give me one second.” He puts his own on and heads towards the back of the barn.
You look around the barn, assuming you’ll be going on horseback, but you can’t see any horses. “Urie, what are we doing?” There’s a soft purr as he approaches and you start laughing. “A four-wheeler?” He grins and hops off it, lifting you from the table and placing you onto the seat.
“Is this okay?” He looks worried and you nod, patting the seat in front of you. “Okay.” He smiles, slipping back on and you wrap your arms around his waist tightly. “Good girl,” he murmurs, leaning back to knock his helmet against yours lightly. “Hold on.”
“This,” he tells you, parking the four-wheeler, “is the most secluded part. The private guest cabin.” You eye it and look back at him.
“This is the guest cabin?” He nods and laughs kindly at your expression. “This is easily three bedrooms itself.” He nods again.
“And two and a half baths,” he adds, taking your hand and leading you inside and around the upstairs, opening doors and gesturing vaguely. “It’s where I usually stay if I’m just trying to get away for a little bit.” You look around, taking it all in, clearly impressed. “But we’ll be in the main house for this little vacation,” he tells you, leading you back downstairs and outside.
“Now,” he tells you as he starts the machine again, “the hiking trails. These were where my mom spent most of her time if she wasn’t with us or in the kitchen.” He goes slower this time, so you can take it all in. You reach the peak, and he’s right, they’re moderate hills, not mountains. But they’re beautiful and the view they grant is awe-inspiring.
“It’s gorgeous,” you murmur, and he hears you over the engine, nodding.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “It is. She loved it out here.” He’s quiet for a moment and you hug him tightly from behind. He relaxes a little into your embrace, sighing. “Okay,” he says after a moment. “Ready to keep going?”
“If you are.”
“To the pond!” He exclaims, and you know his faking the enthusiasm but now isn’t the time to call him out. He jerks the handles sharply and you’re headed back down, pressing your body to him.
“Your dad was the fisherman, I presume?” You ask when he brakes, parking by the dock of a large pond. He nods.
“He wanted me to be more into it, but I was more into the hiking, if I would ever leave the piano. I wish I had spent more time with him.” He sighs again and you lean forward, kissing his cheek. “Sorry to be all gloomy,” he tells you and you squeeze him.
“Don’t apologize. You’re allowed to feel things,” you tell him, and he nods, stepping off of the four-wheeler and holding out a hand to you. You slip off of it and take his hand, curling into his side under his arm. “Thank you for sharing this with me,” you tell him again. “It means a lot to me.”
He looks down at you affectionately. “Y/n, I intend to share my life and everything in it with you.” Your breath catches in your throat; he’s said it before and said other things that imply that before, but here, standing with him where he essentially grew up, on land and property his parents left him...it means that much more to you. “Come on,” he gestures back to the four-wheeler. “It’s getting colder. Let’s get you inside, or at least to the heated pool.”
“Heated pool?” You look intrigued and he laughs, kissing you softly.
“Heated pool,” he confirms with a smile.
“You’ve seen the kitchen,” he says as you step back inside after dropping the four-wheeler off in the barn. “But I think I rushed you through the rest of it. Informal living room,” and he gestures to a room painted in a soft yellow. “Formal living room, the difference being the fireplaces,” he says with a smile. “Sunroom through those doors, we’ll have breakfast there,” he promises, and leads you upstairs. “Guest room, as you can tell from the rose-print wallpaper.”
You laugh, resting your head on his shoulder. “Roses not your thing?”
“They’re fine, but not for my wallpaper, thank you.” He opens the door across the hall. “My room, or what was my room I guess. I replaced the bed and updated the decor a bit. Trust me, it used to look like a small boy’s room.” He studies it. “I suppose it’s just another guest room now. Come on.” He beckons you down the hall. “My parents’ - I mean. The master suite.” He falters and you hug him. “Sorry. I probably shouldn’t call it my parents’ room anymore, should I? Not if we’re going to be in there from now on.”
You kiss his cheek. “I don’t care where we sleep. We can stay in your old room if that’s what you want.” He considers this and shakes his head a little.
“No, we’ll be in there. I got a new mattress,” he murmurs in your ear, “and new sheets. Don’t worry.”
You laugh and shove him playfully. “I wasn’t even thinking about that,” you tell him and he smiles, leading you into the bathroom. You can’t stop the moan that escapes your lips. “I love clawfoot bathtubs,” you tell him, and he smiles. “I can’t explain it but I just love them.”
“Well, it’s all yours.” He turns again and leads you back out to the balcony. “And we’ve been here before.”
You look down over the property and are rendered speechless again. “It’s just...it’s all so...wow.”
“I know. When it really hit me, how lucky I was to grow up like I did, I was…yeah.” He nods a little. “Yeah.” You’re both silent for a minute and he kisses the top of your head. “Pool? Or are you hungry?”
You think for a moment. “Pool first, then food.” He nods and you turn back to the bedroom where he left the suitcase.
“Whatcha doing, baby?” You can hear the smile in his voice.
“Getting my swimsuit,” you tell him, giving him a weird look.
“Good luck. I didn’t pack you one.” He smirks a little and you laugh, pulling your vest off and unzipping your boots.
“Well, then I guess your wish from earlier is granted.” He gives you a puzzled look and you grin, tugging your shirt off over your head and hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your leggings. “You get to see me in this little white thing.”
“Fuck, Milton,” he groans, taking in the white lace one piece you’ve had on all afternoon, and he lifts you over his shoulder and heads for the stairs. You’re shrieking with laughter and his grip on you tightens as he goes downstairs. “Don’t squirm too much, babygirl, I want us to make it to the pool,” he tells you and you nod, holding your breath to keep still.
“Do we have to wait for it to get hot?” He’s deposited you on your feet by the pool and he shakes his head.
“No, I can turn it on from my phone. It should be a giant bathtub by this point,” he muses, and you stick a toe in, sighing happily. “Good?” You nod and step back, gauging the depth. He must be able to read your mind. “10 feet at this end, 20 in the middle, and 25 at the far end. But there’s seating.”
“Great,” you say with a smile and step back again before diving in. When you come up, he’s naked and staring at you, a little slack-jawed. “What?”
“You have great form,” he observes. “And you’re sexy as hell.” You laugh and push your hair back. “Yeah, don’t do that, baby. You’re already tempting me.”
“Good,” you grin and go into a lazy backstroke. “Come get me.” He dives in after you and catches you easily. “Hi,” you whisper, wrapping your legs around his waist while you both tread.
“Hi babygirl.” He kisses you hard with his hands in your hair and because he stopped treading, you both slip under the surface. It takes a moment to register; you’re still kissing under the water, but he pulls back and you both break through, breathing hard. “Let’s go sit,” he suggests, laughing a little.
“Baby, Bren, we should, fuck,” you gasp as his lips move down your chest.
“I agree,” he murmurs, lips closing over your nipple through the lace, and you laugh, trying to catch your breath.
“You didn’t let me finish. We should go inside.”
“Are you cold?” He looks worried and you shake your head.
“No, but if we’re going to have sex…” you trail off, moaning again when he moves back up to kiss your neck.
“Which we are,” he points out, tongue teasing the pulse point behind your ear.
“Right, okay, since we’re going to have sex, shouldn’t we be...I don’t know...not in your pool?”
“I don’t mind,” he murmurs, and you slip off the bench to wrap your legs around him, wanting to feel how hard he is. You whimper a little and he rests his forearms on the bench behind you so you’ll both stay above water, even with you clinging to him and rubbing against him. “You like that, babygirl?” You nod, lips parted in pleasure as he rocks back against you. “You don’t really wanna go inside, do you?”
“B, have you ever had sex in a pool?” He shakes his head and you grin. “It’s not gonna go well for me, down there. You’d think with all of this water it would help, but it’s only gonna...well, it’s going to do the opposite of what we need.”
“Mmmm,” he nods. “I see.” He considers this for a moment. “And it’s too cold to just lay you out on the pool deck,” he muses.
“Hey, we can tease and touch all we want out here,” you tell him. “But if you want to actually be in me, we need to actually be inside,” you say with a grin and he laughs, nodding.
“Deal.” He rocks his hips up into yours and you moan again, grinding back down on him. “Can I touch you?” You nod, and he shifts to rest on one arm while the other snakes down between you to rub soft circles on your clit through the lace. “Probably can’t go in, probably just have to do this, outside, yeah?” His voice is soft and you nod, reaching down to grasp his erection. “Fuck, baby,” he groans and bucks into your hand, fingers moving faster over you.
“B, we’re gonna need to go inside,” you whisper, grinding down against his fingers. “Need you. In me.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, a little breathless. “Yeah, we need to go inside like now.”
You don’t make it far; he’s got you spread out on the formal dining room table, feet on a chair as he kneels on the ground between your legs, mouth moving hungrily over you, tongue pressing insistently against your lace-covered heat. “Gotta get this off, fuck,” he groans, and you’re both fumbling with straps and buttons.
“Got it,” you say triumphantly and you push it down your chest and your stomach, raising your hips so he can pull it off the rest of the way.
“So fucking sexy on,” he whispers, “but so much better on the floor.” He spreads your legs wider so he can spread his tongue over you entirely, long strokes.
“Yeah, B, I like that,” you gasp, trying not to thrust against his face, hands moving over your chest and through your hair. “Long, soft strokes, just tease me baby, really get me begging you for your cock.”
“Fuck, babygirl,” he gasps against you, eyes shut. “You don’t know what you do to me.”
“I,” you moan, arching your back, “have some idea. Fuck, I want you.”
“How badly?” He kisses the inside of your thigh, rubbing two fingers over you and smiling up at you. You moan and rock forward while you reach down and grab his hand, forcing his fingers into you. “Goddamn, Y/n,” he whispers, resting his head against your thigh, watching you work his hand against you. “You gonna use me baby, fuck my hand til you get off?” You nod breathlessly, biting your lip. “You know,” he murmurs, “I could help you with that. All you have to do is ask.”
“Yeah?” You look down at him longingly, moving his hand in slow circles, grinding into his palm. “If I ask real nicely, you’ll take me upstairs and fuck me til your neighbors hear me begging for more?”
“Babygirl, the closest neighbors are easily 10 miles from here.”
You smirk down at him. “I know.”
“Oh my god,” you gasp, fingers tangling in your hair. “This is the best purchase you’ve ever made.”
He smiles and nips at your hipbone before moving back in, tongue rolling over you at the new angle and thumb rubbing your clit. “Told you,” he moans, “told you I’d get you a wedge.” He laughs a little breathlessly, propped up on his elbow, mouth moving mercilessly. You shove your fist against your mouth, a high-pitched whine being smothered, and he reaches up to move your hand. “No one’s gonna hear you babygirl, just me. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel.”
“Fuck, Brendon,” you gasp, eyes fluttering. “I can’t - it’s so - your tongue is just - god, fuck me, please, fuck, take me baby, fill me, fuck me, god, I need it, I need you, please.” The last word comes out a broken moan and he stops licking your clit and pulls back, crawling over you. He kisses you tenderly, and you can feel the warm weight of his erection pressing into your hip.
“You want me, honey?” You nod, breathlessly. “You gonna let me hear how good I’m making you feel?” You nod again, begging him. “God, Y/n, fucking love it when you beg me,” he murmurs, sidling back to center and kissing you again while he rubs his length against your slick heat, getting both of you ready. “Let me hear you,” he whispers once more as he pushes into you and you give him exactly what he wants, head tipped back and low moans pouring forth.
“God, yes, fuck me,” you cry, the angle from the wedge under you so good; you’re taking him so much further than normal, and he’s hitting all of the right spots, even ones that normally only happen if he’s taking you from behind. “Brendon, god, yes, fuck my pussy, I’m gonna come so fucking hard, I can feel it baby, please.”
“Come on me,” he tells you, going harder and faster, a hand tangled in your hair near your scalp so the tugging isn’t a sharp pain but a dull ache. “Come on me babygirl, and I’ll come for you; let me come for you Y/n,” and he’s almost begging you.
“Jesus, right there,” you whimper, spreading your legs a little more and he reaches down to rub at your clit. “Yes!” You don’t mean to scream but you do and he moans happily when you come, hard, your walls clenching around him.
“Fuck, I’m coming,” he groans, leaning down and biting your shoulder as he finishes, and you take over, one hand clawing his back and the other in his hair, rocking roughly up into him, fucking him through his orgasm. “Yes, baby, so fucking tight, fucking love you,” he groans and you can feel him throb inside you, a second wave bringing sharp moans out of both of you.
You’re shaking under him with the exertion and he moans, slumping over you as he pulls out. “Fuck,” you moan, and he nods, kissing your neck. “Oh god,” you gasp, writhing under him, rocking against his length. “Don’t do that unless you want to make me come again; fuck I’m like a stretched rubber band - one bit of pressure in the right spot and I’ll snap for you.”
“What a tempting offer,” he murmurs, but moves his lips and rolls to one side, bringing you with him so he’s flat on the bed and you’re sprawled over him. “You want food, baby?”
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monsterminyard · 6 years
Cross out what you’ve already read. Six is the average.
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte Harry Potter series - JK Rowling To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Bible - Council of Nicea Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman Great Expectations - Charles Dickens Little Women - Louisa M Alcott Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy Catch 22 - Joseph Heller Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger Middlemarch - George Eliot Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald Bleak House - Charles Dickens War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy David Copperfield - Charles Dickens Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis Emma - Jane Austen Persuasion - Jane Austen The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne Animal Farm - George Orwell The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez A Prayer for Owen Meaney - John Irving The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood Lord of the Flies - William Golding Atonement - Ian McEwan Life of Pi - Yann Martel Dune - Frank Herbert Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens Brave New World - Aldous Huxley The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov The Secret History - Donna Tartt The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas On The Road - Jack Kerouac Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie Moby Dick - Herman Melville Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens Dracula - Bram Stoker The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson Ulysses - James Joyce The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome Germinal - Emile Zola Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray Possession - AS Byatt A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell The Color Purple - Alice Walker The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry Charlotte’s Web - EB White The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks Watership Down - Richard Adams A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas Hamlet - William Shakespeare Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl Frankenstein - Mary Shelley The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer Paradise Lost - John Milton (I’ve read parts, maybe every other chapter or a bit more) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain White Fang - Jack London The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde Queen of the Damned - Anne Rice Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson The Call of the Wild - Jack London The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde The Wonderful Wizard of Oz — L. Frank Baum Don Quixote — Miguel De Cervantes
Where the Wild Things Are — Maurice Sendak The Cat in the Hat — Dr Seuss The Giver — Lois Lowry Inkheart — Cornelia Funke Divine Comedy — Dante Alighieri Macbeth — William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet — William Shakespeare The Child Called ‘It’ — Dave Pelzer The Hunger Games — Suzanne Collins The Diary of a Young Girl — Anne Frank Night — Elie Wiesel Les Misérables — Victor Hugo The Odyssey / The Illiad — Homer The Scarlet Letter — Nathaniel Hawthorne The Brothers Karamasov — Fyodor Dostoyevsky Eragon — Christopher Paolini Island of the Blue Dolphins - Scott O’Dell The Witch of Blackbird Pond - Elizabeth George Speare
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junkwichita316 · 3 years
Best Demolition Service Near Wichita Kansas | Junk Removal Services of Wichita More information is at: https://junkremovalservicesofwichita.com/demolition-service-near-me/
Are you looking for a Demolition Service near Wichita Kansas? Junk Removal Services of Wichita is offering Demolition Service Near Wichita Kansas. Cheap Demolition Service of Wichita Kansas! Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
REQUEST FREE ESTIMATES! WE OFFER SHED REMOVAL DEMOLITION SERVICES! Do you have an unused shed taking up space in your backyard? You were planning on adding more landscaping features, but the shed is getting in the way. Why not just have it removed if you are already storing your equipment inside the garage? Consider hiring a demolition contractor such as Junk Removal Services of Wichita to do it for you. We provide shed removal services for homeowners in Wichita Kansas.
Although sheds are additional features that many people have, more and more homeowners are opting to store their landscaping equipment inside the garage. They would prefer to add more landscaping features such as a garden, a pond, or a pool instead of having a shed take up space in the backyard. If you do have a shed that you don’t really use anymore, why not just have it removed? But before you decide to do it yourself, you should consider hiring a demolition service so that the shed removal can be done properly.
Our demolition service will focus mainly on the demolition of the shed in your backyard. We follow specific steps for proper removal. To get a clearer picture of how we will do it, we will first detach the windows and the doors. Next, we will remove the roof by unscrewing any fasteners or nails attached to the four walls. We will then proceed with the walls using the same method and dismantle the flooring. For three years, we have been providing demolition services to a variety of clients; and we make sure that we do it properly for complete customer satisfaction. For those who are interested, we also offer the following: yard debris removal, pre- and post-construction cleanup, rental property clean outs, foreclosure clean outs, light demolition, junk removal, and much more. Junk Removal Services of Wichita is a demolition contractor that provides proper shed removal services to give you more space. If you are a resident in Wichita Kansas, call us today at (316) 448-5089 to get a discount on any of our services.
CONTACT DETAILS JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES OF WICHITA Cheap Junk Removal Wichita! Call: (316) 448-5089 Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm Address: Wichita Kansas Website: junkremovalservicesofwichita.com
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67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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Milton Three Ponds Milton, NH
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iamthatgal-com · 4 years
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It's so surreal! Losing people in your life.. but sadder yet finding out they passed away on social media online. In having to find them to say hello and find out I couldn't by googling their whereabouts and seeing their obituary? 7 times so far this has occurred. And three of 4 close friends but their family didn't know to contact me. Once too many. I will have the list... so that even if it IS sent out by messenger... at least you will know personally. Those I know who would want to know. (at Mill Pond, Milton on) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJuRYtDha7/?igshid=1cj205wakk5gs
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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By shirleytwofeathers
Will-o’-the-Wisp is the most common English designation for a family of fairy-beings characterised by their fiery appearance and their tendency to lead nighttime wayfarers astray. The term wisp refers to a twist of straw, used as a torch. Other names for these apparitions include:
Ignis Fatuus
The Lambent Flame
A Will-o’-the-wisp is a phantom light that hovers in the wilderness, luring travellers away from the beaten path. Most of these lights haunt the moors and bogs of England, but they have been reported all over the world, under various names.
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Characteristics and Qualities
Will-o’-the-wisps are very simple apparitions. They appear as balls of light, sometimes so bright that they hurt your eyes and other times so dim that you have to squint to see them. They usually have a blue-ish gleam to them, although red has also been reported.
In some rare sightings, a dark figure has been seen carrying the light, as if it was a torch or a lantern. Despite carrying a light, the figure is always too dark to be described in detail.
A light floating in the darkness might seem innocent, even friendly, but don’t be deceived. These attractive lights are almost always malevolent. They lead travellers onto dangerous land, perhaps a deep hole in a bog or a kingdom ruled by vicious fairies.
Aside from their ability to dazzle and tantalise travellers, Will-o’-the-wisps are also powerful omens. They appear to be able to predict the future, appearing to people before their deaths or flocking to the sight of a tragedy before it takes place. They might also reveal the place where a thief or a fairy has buried golden treasure.
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Stories of Will-o’-the-wisps
“A wand’ring fire Compact of unctuous Vapour, which the Night Condenses, and the Cold environs round, Kindled through Agitation to a flame, Which oft, they say, some Evil Spirit attends, Hovering and blazing with delusive Light, Misleads th’ amaz’d Night-Wand’rer from his way To bogs and mires, and oft through Pond or Pool, There swallow’d up and lost, from succour far.”
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The Original Will O’ the Wisp
The classic Will-o’-the-wisp is carried by a blacksmith named Will. Will was such a troublemaker that, when he died and went to heaven, he was sent back by Saint Peter, who told him to reform during his second life. Unfortunately, Will’s second life was even more monstrous than his first, so Saint Peter cursed him to roam the earth forever. The devil, impressed by Will’s evildoing, gave him a coal to warm himself on the cold earth nights. Instead, Will decided to use the coal to make a torch and lure innocent travellers into danger.
The Teine Biorach
The will o’ the wisp (called in Gaelic Teine biorach = sharp fire) is said to be of quite modern appearance, at least in South Uist. It was first seen, it is said, in 1812, and is the haunting spirit of a young girl from Benbecula, who frequented the machair, or sandy plain beside the sea, in search of the galium verum, used in the dyeing of the local cloth or tweed.
Her sin was that of seeking to get an undue share of a product which should have been equally divided for the common good, and which has at all times to be husbanded as one of the plants which bind the sandy soil together where it has been redeemed from the sea.
A special interest of this story is that it tells against the common Hebridean tradition of a cold hell, a tradition one soon learns to accept in South Uist, the land of cold mist and sweeping winds, and damp, and drafts, and rain, where even the nether regions with a fire in them have a suggestion of comfort. Hell is therefore discouragingly known as “the place of the wind of the cold passages, or the wind of the cold channels.”
A Mischievous Gnome
“How Will a’ Wisp misleads night-faring Clowns, O’er Hills, and sinking Bogs, and pathless Downs.”          ~Gay
The will-o’-the-wisp is a mischievous gnome who leads people astray at nighttime or in the fog, causing them to loose their way and end up in a swamp. He does this foremost with inquisitive people who purposely follow him. The best way to avoid him or to render him harmless is to stay away from the footpaths where he has power, and always to keep one foot in a wagon rut. He helps some people who have lost their way by leading them home, if they speak to him kindly and offer him a generous payment.
Once a person who had lost his way offered him two silver groschens if he would lead him home safely. The will-o’-the-wisp agreed, and finally they arrived at the lost man’s house. Happy that he was no longer in need of help, he thanked his guide; but instead of the promised payment, he gave him only a small copper coin. The will-o’-the-wisp accepted it, then asked if he could now find his way home by himself.
He answered, “Yes! I can already see my open front door.” But stepping toward it, he fell into some water, for everything he had seen had been only an illusion.
The will-o’-the-wisp takes special delight in tormenting drunks making their way homeward from a fair or an evening of drinking. He leads them astray, and when in their drunkenness they can go no further, preferring instead to sleep off their binge out of doors, then he burns them on the soles of their feet.
In some regions the people believe that will-o’-the-wisps are the souls of children who died without being baptised. They are seen especially atop graveyard walls. They disappear when one throws a handful of graveyard soil at them.
Baptising The Will-o’-the-Wisps
Late one evening a man was walking across a field, returning to Gandshoven from Molenbeek. Suddenly three will-o’-the-wisps came running toward him. Because this good man was accustomed to baptising such, in order to redeem all three, he said, “I baptise you all in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost.”
But then it did not go well for him, for in the same instant he saw that he was surrounded by more than a thousand will-o’-the-wisps, all wanting to be baptised. He baptised unceasingly, but ever more of them approached him, and this did not end until the cock crowed. Thus the man had to spend the entire night in the field.
Will-o’-the-Wisps with Long Legs
A peasant from Hermsdorf, Germany was going home late one evening when he saw a will-o’-the-wisp. Being of a daring nature, he approached it. Without hesitating, the will-o’-the-wisp fled, and the peasant quickly followed after him.
Thick on his heels, he saw that it had tremendously long legs, and that its head consisted of tips of glowing fire. However, it instantly disappeared, and the peasant was barely able to find his way home in the dark.
Will-o’-the-Wisps Banned with a Curse
In the vicinity of Storkow a preacher was driving home late one evening with his servant. Arriving at a certain place they saw a will-o’-the-wisp approaching them. It hopped about merrily in front of the horses. Soon there were more of them, and finally there were so many of them that the horses took fright and would not continue onward.
The pastor became frightened as well, and therefore he began to pray aloud, but the more he prayed, the more of them came.
Finally the servant said, “No. Stop that. You’re not making them go away. I’ll get rid of them!” With that he shouted, “Go away, in the devil’s name!” and they immediately disappeared.
The Godorf  The Will-o’-the-Wisp
The marshy peninsula which extends between Godorf and Rodenkirchen (in Germany) is said to be the favourite resort of the sprite known all along the Rhine as the Herwisch, and in England as the will-o’-the-wisp. This mischievous little creature is said to delight in leading unsuspecting travellers astray, and in playing all manner of pranks, but, like most practical jokers, he is quick to resent any attempt to make fun of him.
One day a maiden, passing across this stretch of ground at nightfall, began to sing all the songs she knew, to beguile the loneliness of the way and inspire her with courage. Having soon come to the end of her scanty repertoire, she carelessly sang a mocking ditty about the Herwisch, who, enraged at her impudence, came rushing toward her threateningly brandishing his tiny lantern.
With a cry of terror, the girl began to run, closely pursued by the sprite, who, in punishment for her derisive song, napped his wings in her face and frightened her so badly that she became an idiot.
Since then, the young people of Germany have never dared to sing the mocking refrain, and carefully avoid mentioning the Herwisch’s name after nightfall, lest they should in some way arouse his anger.
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Related Creatures
In the Britain and Ireland alone, there are dozens of variations of the Will-o’-the-wisp. The most famous are the “Jack-o’-Lantern,” “Peg-a’-Lantern,” “Joan the Wad,” “Jenny with the Lantern,” “Hobbedy’s Lantern”, “Hinky Punk,” and “Spunkies.” They are, for the most part, believed to be carried by souls barred from heaven and hell or by devious fairy-folk.
In the Netherlands, the “Irrbloss,” “Iiekko,” and “Iygtemand” are said to be the souls of un-Baptised children, who try to lead travellers to water, where they can be Baptised. They might also be lights guarding buried treasure, which can only be found using a dead man’s hand or after eating seeds from a magical fern.
In Asia, the “aleya” and the “chir batti” are used by dead souls to mark the place where they died. In other places, goblins, pixies, witches, un-Baptised children, and even the devil are blamed for carrying these dangerous lights.
In Australia, “min min” lights follow travellers once they are spotted. If the traveller turns and tries to follow the light, however, they will never be seen again.
In South America, the “luz mala” and “la candileja” are evil spirits who carry ghost lights after death.
In the United States, ghost hunters prize any photo which has captured an “orb,” a ball of coloured light which is believed to reveal the presence of a dead soul in the room. In the swampland of Louisiana, a phantom light called “fifollet” represents dark souls who have been sent back from heaven to do penance on earth.
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The Lambent Flame
There was in every hollow A hundred wrymouthed wisps. —Dafydd ap Gwilym, 1340
The Will-o’-the-wisp has been recorded as flickering over marshy ground since at least the middle ages, as the quote above testifies. In the centuries that followed, dozens of antiquaries have recorded anecdotes and personal accounts of the ignis fatuus, with even Sir Isaac Newton mentioning them in his 1704 opus Opticks.
The lights have also been incorporated into modern literature, e.g. Dracula, and have even had a children’s television show named after them. The most commonly cited explanation for them is that they’re the product of ignited marsh gas: most likely slowly leaking methane whose ignition is triggered by phosphene (also called phosphine or phosphorus hydride).
Historical and contemporary accounts of these lights, however, often fly in the face of this explanation given that the lights are often seen to move, and to not emit heat.
Some of their synonyms reveal what cultures thought about them: “treasure lights”, of Danish origin, suggests that they are the marking places of treasure; “corpse candles” suggests that they’re the souls of the departed; “fairy lights”, which now mean quite a different thing, suggest that they’re the work of (or indeed are) fairies.
The phenomenon is also inextricably linked with the leading astray of weary travellers into mires. The light was taken to be a lantern or a torch carried by a mischievous spirit, as is indeed reflected in the name Will-o’-the-wisp itself, which has an etymology of “William of the wisp [of lighted hay]”. The man of the lantern was said to play tricks on people, as in the case of the gentleman who was knocked off his horse by the Lantern Man of Horning, Norfolk in the 18th century*.
As quoted by Wilkie (1996), in 1778 William Pryce wrote in Mineralogia Cornubiensis that tinners would use anomalous light forms to find veins of tin: “another way of finding veins […] is by igneous appearances of fiery coruscations. The Tinners generally compare these effluvia to blazing stars.”
The westcountry seems to have held the phenomenon in generally high regard, in fact, for Dr. Jonathan Couch (or his son, Thomas Quiller-Couch) quotes a poem* in his History of Polperro that is reminiscent of the practice of using foxfire to guide one back home through forest:
Jack o’ the lantern! Joan the wad, Who tickled the maid and made her mad; Light me home, the weather’s bad.
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Explanations of the Myth
Although they may not be trapped in lanterns held by the devil or hover over sunken fairy gold, Will-o’-the-wisps are a very real phenomenon. These mysterious lights do exist, and for a long time, they could only be explained through superstition.
Today, science has a few explanations (which don’t involve ghosts, devils, witches, or fairies) for the lights.
Some scientists believe that the light is produced by a type of bioluminescent fungus or algae that grows in marshy areas. Just like fireflies or angler fish, these plants could undergo a unique chemical process to produce light.
Still more scientists claim that a mixture of gases is responsible for the lights. In marshes, plant material often sinks underwater before it can decompose. In the water, the material undergoes an unusual type of decomposition, which releases methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and phosphines into the air. Methane is a highly flammable gas, and phosphines have been known to spontaneously combust when they come into contact with air. Combine these two chemicals, and you could easily produce a burning ball of light hovering above a marsh.
In A Midst
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barry127 · 5 years
10 Best Child Sponsorship Programs In Cambodia
However, choosing to sponsor a child’s food, schooling, and overall well-being, especially a child you’ve never met, can seem like a daunting prospect. Whether the costs seem too high, you are unsure if you really want to make a difference, or you are just skeptical of the whole concept before vetoing the idea, consider the many compelling reasons why child sponsorship is very important in the development of communities.
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Through sponsorship, you will be matched to a Cambodian child in need. Your financial support will go towards the cost of food, health care, education and attentive oversight by our team.
1.Feeding Dreams Cambodia
Feeding Dreams Cambodia is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious, non-governmental, “grass roots” organization which focuses on holistic, sustainable development within the local community. Kerry Huntly, Blaed Huntly, and Arlene Gormley founders and Directors of Feeding Dreams Cambodia, established this non-government organization in 2012 to assist hundreds of starving children and their families from the Sala-Kamreuk commune.
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Feeding Dreams is registered with the Cambodian Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Tourism, and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training. Upon completion of our courses, students receive nationally recognized certificates of accreditation from supporting Ministries and Departments.
What we do:
Through the strategic implementation of our seven established programs, we deliver effective and positive outcomes.
Education Program (800 students)
Community Support (3,000 Indirect Beneficiaries )
School Meals (600 served daily)
Vocational Training & Job placement (60 underprivileged youth annually)
Y.E.S Football Academy (200 disadvantaged teenagers enrolled)
I.T Program (200 yearly)
Kindergarten (60 kids daily)
Feeding Dreams remains strongly focused on the care and protection of children. We work in collaboration with Human Rights Organisations and Local Government Authorities and play an active role in prevention and responding to violence against children.
Feeding Dreams receives NO government funding and is completely reliant on private donations to fund our programs and support the families in the Sala-Kamreuk commune.
Contact Details:
Group 1 Ta Vien Village Sala-kamreuk Commune Siem Reap City, Siem Reap Province, Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia
Phone: +855 (0)97 600 9000
Website: https://feedingdreamscambodia.org
The Cambodian SOS Children's Village Association was founded in 2000. The organization first started working with children without parental care in the capital city of Phnom Penh. Due to the high levels of poverty and deprivation in the country, the organization has continued to grow and now supports children, young people, and families in four locations in Cambodia.
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At present, there are in Cambodia four SOS Children's Villages, three SOS Youth Facilities, four SOS Kindergartens, one SOS Social Centre, two SOS Hermann Gmeiner Schools, and one SOS Training Centre. One SOS Children’s Village is currently under construction.
What We Provide:
A safe and nurturing home
A loving SOS mother
Quality education
Nutritious food
Clothing and toys
All the things necessary for a bright future
Contact Details:
House # 44BIS, Road # 334, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamkar Mon, P.O. Box: 2112, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phone: +855-23 222 916
Website: www.soschildrensvillages.ca/cambodia
3. ChildFund International
Bordered by Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand, Cambodia struggled through decades of civil war and occupation. At least 1.5 million Cambodians died from execution, starvation and other hardships during the Khmer Rouge regime under dictator Pol Pot in the 1970s, followed by Vietnamese occupation and 13 years of civil war. Since 2003, Cambodia’s political processes have been peaceful, but the country still faces significant challenges, including poor access to education, lack of safe water and sanitation, and high rates of infectious disease. ChildFund has served children in Cambodia since 2007. Help make a difference and sponsor a child in Cambodia today.
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Contact Details:
2821 Emerywood Parkway, Richmond, VA 23294
Phone: +1-800-776-6767
Website: www.childfund.org/Cambodia
4. Cambodian Children's Fund
Cambodian Children’s Fund transforms the country’s most impoverished kids into tomorrow’s leaders, by delivering education, family support and community development programs into the heart of Cambodia’s most impoverished communities.
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Since 2004, we’ve been working with children and families living in crippling poverty in the former dump community of Steung Meanchey. We believe that with the right education and support, one child can lift their family out of poverty. Today there are more than 2,000 students working towards a better future in our award-winning education program.
Contact Details:
Website: www.cambodianchildrensfund.org/sponsor
Address:P.O. Box 111,Phnom Penh,Cambodia
Phone: +855(0)23 988 999
5. Plan International In Cambodia
We have been working in partnership with local communities in Cambodia since 2002, helping children to access their rights to education, health, and protection.
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Poverty, disease and a lack of knowledge mean malnutrition is a major problem in Cambodia - most children show some signs of malnourishment and 45% have experienced stunted growth.
More than one in 12 children die before their fifth birthday.
Many people lack access to safe drinking water or hygienic sanitation.
Schools are poorly equipped and teachers inadequately trained.
Abuse and exploitation of children are widespread.
Help a child
More sponsors needed in Cambodia
Start Sponsorship
We work with hundreds of primary schools to establish vegetable gardens so students can learn to grow healthy food. We're also sharing valuable lessons about nutrition, and ensuring children start the day with a full stomach by providing a healthy breakfast.
Contact Details:
18/60 City Rd, Southbank VIC 3006
Phone: +61 3 9672 3600
Website: www.plan.org.au/learn/where-we-work/asia/cambodia
6.World Vision In Cambodia
Helping Cambodia’s most vulnerable children
Children in Cambodia face dangers from the threat of trafficking and exploitation, to the problems of severe poverty in rural areas. World Vision aims to empower staff and communities to build a better future for Cambodian children.
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We’ve been working in Cambodia since 1970 and right now World Vision child sponsors in the UK are bringing change to two long-term programs: Koas Krala and South Nikom.
Contact Details:
World Vision UK, World Vision House, Opal Drive, Fox Milne,
Milton Keynes, MK15 0ZR
Phone: 020 7758 2900
Website: www.worldvision.org.uk
7. Sos Children’s Villages Uk
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William, and Kate, joined a children’s birthday party, read to children during story-time and played an impromptu game of cricket when they visited the SOS Children’s Village community in Lahore, Pakistan during their state visit to the country.
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The Duke entertained the children with finger puppets, and the Duchess thrilled the children by speaking in Urdu as she said happy birthday to three of the children - 12-year-old Iman, six-year-old Ibrahim, and eight-year-old Daniyal.
Contact Details:
Terrington House,13-15 Hills Road,Cambridge,CB2 1NL
Phone: +44 1223 365 589
Website: www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk/cambodia
8. Sustainable Cambodia
Sustainable Cambodia utilizes a participatory development model: The village families create a Village Development Committee, which works with our staff to prioritize the projects that will have the most impact on the village. Nothing is "given" to the villagers. The villagers must commit their time and labor to make the project happen, while Sustainable Cambodia typically provides the training and nearly all the early financing for the projects. The amount of assistance is slowly reduced after a three-year period, as the villagers become more and more self-reliant. It takes four to five years, but eventually, the quality of life in the village is dramatically improved, and the villagers have the self-created resources to continue to improve it.
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The projects which each Village Development Committee chooses to implement are unique to each village, but often they include water wells, community ponds, rainwater harvesting, irrigation, gardens, alternative agriculture, a village school, a pre-school, vocational training, micro-loans and micro-business, and village healthcare.
Contact Details:
O. Box 9204,House 583, Group 6,National Road 5 - Ra Village
Pursat Town, Pursat Province,Cambodia.
Phone: 012 505 512
Website: www.sustainablecambodia.org/children
9. New Hope Cambodia
From humble beginnings as a grassroots organization, New Hope Cambodia has become an internationally respected non-government organization (NGO) supported by individuals, businesses and service organizations worldwide.
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Two three-story schools providing free education to around 1000 students including adult vocational classes.
A medical center providing free health care to around 1000 students and staff.
It provides around 300 children with a free cooked breakfast every morning prior to starting school. All children are required to wash their hands prior to eating and must brush their teeth after eating.
Contact Details:
Mondul Bai Village, Slorkram Commune, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Website: www.newhopecambodia.com/what-you-can-do/sponsor-a-child
10. Sunshine CAMBODIA
In Cambodia, the sale of a child - for commercial sexual exploitation of cheap labor - can become a serious consideration for a family living in extreme poverty. Sunshine Cambodia works to prevent this outcome amongst struggling, marginalized families in southern Phnom Penh.
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More positively, we seek to create better solutions for the whole family, using a 'hand-up' rather than 'hand-out' approach.
We are passionate about protecting, nurturing and empowering Sunshine children - through education and working with the whole family to achieve financial independence. We walk beside the children and families as they build brighter futures for themselves.
Contact Details:
P.O. Box 830,Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Phone: +855 (0)23 630 0661
Website: www.sunshinecambodia.org/sponsor.html
11. World Vision
National elections in mid-2018 kept the ruling party in power. Despite a high voter turnout, many international governments refused to recognize the election’s validity because of potential corruption. 
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The country is in the middle of a review by the international community because of concerns that human rights and freedoms, especially in labor, aren’t being upheld. Positively, Cambodia’s higher education sector is attempting improvements like better access to and the quality of higher education. Overall, Cambodia is experiencing some instability. Concerns including malnourishment, poverty, lack of education, and child protection remain throughout the country for the most vulnerable families.
Contact Details:
Address: P.0. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063
Phone: 1.888.511.6548
Website: www.worldvision.org/our-work/country-profiles/cambodia
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minimonticello · 7 years
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Oakwood, The Original Brinkmann Summer home at Summit Avenue
Near the turn of the 20th century, successful business owners and immigrants from Germany, August Brinkmann and wife Maria Louise Brinkmann, built a magnificent home in the town of Catonsville, MD. Originally designed to be a summer home, it soon became their primary year round dwelling. With 11.5 bathrooms and over 9000 square feet of living space, this home remains today the largest home built in the Old Catonsville National Historic District.
This significant dwelling was not connected with the major developers, Cone, Hubner, or Farber. The sprawling estate was situated on a 10-acre plot acquired directly from the Carroll - McTavish trustees in October of 1894. Construction began in April of the following year. While the architect for the building is not listed, the Queen Anne style is unmistakable. The south facing asymmetrical design had three stories with all the classic design features of the style, including a round corner tower, oriel windows, six corbeled chimneys, a broad porch with a large bump out, and a deeply shadowed entrance. This style of home not only dominated the immediate area, but also the last two decades of the 19th century.
Brinkmann hired Baltimore contractor Milton C. Davis to construct the building at a cost of $15,000, when more modest homes of this style could be built for around $8,000. Upon completion, the cost of the home had inflated to $20,000. In only a matter of months, by the middle of May, the structure was ready for the roof, and was reported to be almost complete by the end of June 1895. On the property was also a pond and two outbuildings, probably a garage and stable. It is interesting that Brinkmann chose this location to build such a grand home, since at this time this portion of Catonsville was being subdivided for smaller country homes.
The older photo is from 1904 and the others are as it stands today. As you can see very little has changed. Not original and quite unfortunate, at some point the home was covered in Stucco. Local history states that the house had been subdivided by 1908 and by 1925 the home was sold. This happened for two main reasons. August and wife Maria had a separation, and August moved back to Germany for a time. Also, the large home proved difficult to keep warm in the winter, and since it was set far back from Fredrick Road the driveway was long and difficult. The family reportedly kept braking their automobiles navigating the treacherous driveway. Currently the home is made up of 10 apartments and sits on 1.02 acres of the original 10 acre plot.
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On the Market: Charlottesville October Real Estate Report
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We think one of the best ways to take in the colors of fall is to spend a weekend doing a little house shopping. Whether in town or on the gorgeous outskirts, these listings are sure to inspire. 
9244 Dixie Drive // Gordonsville, Virginia // Contact: Loring Woodriff, 434.466.2992, Loring Woodriff Real Estate Associates The details: 4 bedrooms, 4 full and 1 half bathrooms, 5,600 square feet, 63.19 acres Features we love: Built in 1804, this stately Virginia estate has been comprehensively renovated and dramatically sited to overlook a four-acre lake and the rolling hills of the Piedmont. Notable improvements to the property include a private pool, guest house, dock area by the lake, and newly converted stables.
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Greenfields–9313 Greenfield Farm // Scottsville, Virginia // Contact: Murdoch Matheson, Frank Hardy Sotheby’s International Realty The details: 4 bedrooms, 4 full and 1 half bathroom, 8,680 square feet, 763 acres Features we love: This 1904 grand Classical Revival estate evokes the charm of a bygone era but has been been meticulously updated with modern conveniences. In addition to the historic home, there are three individual dependencies, each with gracious living spaces. This quintessential gentleman's farm features 360 views and extensive equestrian amenities that make this estate a much-desired property. 
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121 Bloomfield Road // Charlottesville, Virginia // Contact: Loring Woodriff, 434.466.2992, Loring Woodriff Real Estate Associates The details: 5 bedrooms, 5 full and 1 half bathrooms, 7,410 Square Feet, 21.07 acre Features we love: Unobstructed pastoral and mountain views are the highlight of this distinguished Ivy home. Other standout features include vaulted ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows, and multiple fireplaces that provide the ideal balance of casual and formal living spaces.
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Stone's Throw–2141 Fox Hunt Drive // Troy, Virginia // Contact: Murdoch Matheson, Frank Hardy Sotheby’s International Realty The details: 6 bedrooms, 6 full and 3 half bathrooms, 11,427 square feet, 42 acres Features we love: This exceptional country residence and equine facility include all the enviable amenities for modern living, including an exercise room, media room, infinity pool, seven-stall stone stable and riding ring. Other remarkable features include two detached garage spaces, two separate guest quarters, a large pond, gated entrance, and fenced paddocks on all sides.
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2033 Hessian Road // Charlottesville, Virginia // Contact: Loring Woodriff, 434.466.2992, Loring Woodriff Real Estate Associates The details: 5 bedrooms, 4 full and 1 half bathrooms, 6,418 square feet, 0.99 acres Features we love: Classic architecture meets modern detail in this Georgian-style home located in the coveted Rugby Hills neighborhood just minutes from the city. The personal residence of Milton Grigg, one of Charlottesville’s most noted architects, features dramatic entertaining spaces, expansive blue stone terraces, and a modern chef’s kitchen that make this home perfect for entertaining.
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