#milu is such a queen
theartofloss · 2 years
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loumauve · 1 year
I've heard you weren't asked about Beta, and this injustice can't stand, so: Why do you like Beta (and why is she the best)?
BETA. Beta Beta Beta.
I love she, my sad little meow meow, who needs hugs, all the hugs.. and warmth. (especially from a certain sunny and optimistic Thrush we all love and adore. but Milu deserves her own post, suffice to say I adore her too) she also needs some good food and better clothes and actual. fucking. sunshine and company.
ANYWAY. why do I like Beta, and why is she so super important to me.
first of all, let me say I went into HFW entirely blind, avoided as many spoilers as I could.. so the whole Zenith thing came as a total surprise to me. so how could I not love her right from the start. so similar in her curiosity, and yet so different from Aloy in so many ways.
I love a good 'genetic clones and yet they're vastly different' story, I love siblings who came into being siblings later in life, I love the 'what could have been's vs the 'what were's, just.. parallel lines I guess, and messed up childhoods. I love a character that chooses hope against all odds, and against all prior experience. I love a good but messed up character.
her trauma made me relate to her even more, because it's what I know. I know the lashing out and the freezing up and the nightmares and just.. yeah. suffice to say I know where's she's at mentally, even if we may have come to it from different paths.
(Aloy knows loss, as do I, as does Beta, but the life Beta's led is a different kind of tragic and painful. and to reach out for hope, to be that brave based on a twenty second glimpe of somebody's face and some mental calculations.. yeah. I know she immediately got scared right after, but what she did? the way she tried and succeeded and keeps on trying.. that's something not just any character with her past could make themselves do. there's mental strength in that, that I can barely grasp.)
I think I just like thinking about her future, not that I don't think about her past and present, but I want her to have a chance to heal. to keep growing. to keep getting braver and also to get as snarky and sassy as we know she will be. queen of cutting remarks if you ask me, could definitely rival Sylens in that regard, given time. and I'd just like to see her become comfortable in her own skin, gain confidence in her skills and knowledge.
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hedoughnism · 5 months
If you have ever interacted with your state Fish and Wildlife Service, or If you have ever read anything with a large mainstream US based conservation NGO ( like Audubon or the National Wildlife Federation) you have probably come across “ The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation” ( or some variation thereof ) the idea is that conservation, at-least on this continent, is somehow crucially tied to hunters, that hunters provide most of the real support for conservation, either financially as hunting licenses, duck stamps, and taxes on equipment help fund state and federal conservation programs, or in terms of being an interest group, as hunters want wildlife habitat/wildlife so they can hunt, and that this is a great innovation of the US/Canada we should be patriotic about ( in a vaguely rural Red Tribe way)
To get a sense of what makes hunting in the US different from what is before, we have to go back to Europe, throughout most of European history since at-least the Middle Ages, hunting, at-least of large “game” animals like deer, boar, bison, and wild cattle. Was an Aristocratic activity, It was often restricted legally from commoners at all. ( If you ever heard the funny factoid about The Queen owning all the swans in Britain, this is why) . Aristocracy wanted to hunt animals, and this motivated them to conserve There populations, in part by restricting and regulating hunting to avoid the tragedy of the commons . We also see them maintain large areas of non cultivated semi-natural space as “ hunting parks” so The wildlife has habitat to maintain their population in , so they can continue to hunt them.
The last wild European Bison populations ( before reintroduction from captivity) belonged to the Russian Tsars and before that the Polish-Lithuanian Aristocracy, from the 13-17th century the last Aurochs populations could only be hunted by Aristocracy and then Royalty, and a number of British cattle breeds ( Chillinghan, British White Park , Vaynol, British White) are descended from populations of Feral White cattle kept as ornamentation and hunting victims on large semi forested/ semi-meadow parks since the Middle ages
I want to highlight this was not a uniquely European Phenomenon, for example, In China, the last herd of Milu Deer, in the late 1800’s , was maintained in the walls of The Nanyuan Royal Hunting Garden, owned by the Emperor Tonghzi. Eventually the garden was stormed by German Soldiers, and the only reason the species survived is some were exported beforehand from the Garden to European zoos. You can also look at the Establishment of Game Reserves for the white elite in Southern Africa.
As european settlers colonized North America, armed with guns and free from Aristocratic regulations, and eventually coupled with the rise of large industrialized populations in the North East, they engaged mainly in not the subsistence, sport hunting, or even hunting of pests your probably more familiar with, but Market-Hunting , hunting, especially unregulated and at industrial scale , for the sale of the animals body parts as commercial goods, Meat, Leather, Fur and Feathers from wild land animals were sought in large numbers by the general public, including in densely populated areas.
Elk and other deer, Geese, Heath hens, Passenger pigeons, Carolina Parakeets, pronghorn, Wading birds, Bison, Beaver, Fishers, american Martens, sea Otters, sea mink, trumpeter swan, Labrador duck, Great Auk, and many other species had There populations severely impacted, often to the point of extinction, by this commercial scale hunting for their body parts
Meanwhile, we started to see the formation among the settlers, at-least the Upperclass ones, of an American Identity in contrast to that of the English or other Europeans. This identity thought of themselves as tougher, more rugged, less civilized ( but better suited for “civilizing”, this wasn’t seen as in conflict, like how a wild tough man may tame a wild Bronco) than the Europeans, and was tied to the idea of the US as a Wild uncivilized land not yet altered by man ( and of-course the dehumanization of native Americans and the Denial that they have shaped and altered the land severely). Think of Davy Crocket, and Pail Bunyan, and Buffalo Bill. Look at The Hudson River school of landscape painting, and how it diverged from older European styles, the focus on wild landscapes instead of farmland, the sharp jagged rocks and landscape formations , the twisted trees and snapped broken branches, the dramatic storm clouds, and rushing waterfalls. It is nature wild, but particularly nature powerful and rugged, untamed and full of rough “imperfections”, this is how the US Naturalists of the time saw themselves and There country in contrast to Europe.
Now the Environmentalist movement as we know of it was really kicked off by Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, in 1962. That is when it went mainstream, when we see a greater focus on pollution, and the start of the understanding of different species as playing an important role in supporting a functioning ecosystem rather than being set pieces on the landscape
Before this Modern Environmentalist movement however , we had an older Conservationist movement, that was based in this rugged American Identity I discussed already. These people were “ Naturalists” , mostly outdoorsy upper class white men, who engaged in sport hunting alongside other outdoorsy leisure activities , There focus was on conserving natural resources, like Game Animals or Timber, so they could be exploited in perpetuity, as well as preserving scenic natural areas for themselves to hang out in and maybe shoot something in.
Teddy Roosevelt’s role in the timber industry is a great non-animal example of how these people see the natural world, he brought much needed regulation and reform to the Lumber industry, without which we might have lost all our forests and the US ran out of wood, but he only saw a forest as a source of wood, not as an ecosystem, so today large areas of federal/state land, that are in theory natural areas, are leased out to the timber industry to operate what are essentially monoculture farms, no more a forest than an apple orchard, but labeled as forests by the US government.
So these upperclass sport hunters, who recognized that the demands of the Market economy were unsustainable, put extreme regulations into place. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, was aimed mainly at protecting birds, especially wading birds, from the feather trade for women’s hats, as was the first National Wildlife Refuge, Pelican Island. hunting and fishing regulations and licenses were introduced, operated by state governments, that restricted how many animals could be taken by how many people, Regulations on the production and sale of meat restricted Market hunting for venison, poultry and other meats for the table out of existence. The International Whaling Commissions Moratorium heavily restricted commercial hunting of large Whales globally, and among other things, the first National Park, Yellowstone, was note worthy for being home to the last wild bison herd in the US, with continued hunting in the park labeled “ poaching” .
Today the fur trade is all that’s left of Market Hunting of warm blooded native animals in the US and Canada, and even then it it only exists still as means of supplemental income and a hobby, not as a large scale industry and means of living.
So while the Conservationist of old were sport hunters motivated by sport hunting, their success largely if not mostly was due to being able to control, restrict, regulate and curb hunting. Including regulating Market Demand related hunting practically out of existence. The focus has been on how to control hunting pressure, giving money from hunting activities to the Fish and Wildlife Services makes extra sense in the light that they mostly exist to keep the hunters in line in the first place. If there was something novel about the North American Model, it wasn’t hunting incentivizing conservation, or even putting the wildlife into government hands, It was the democratization of hunting, while avoiding the tragedy of the commons, and the Near Elimination of trade of terrestrial wild animals based goods.
While it’s true Hunters give a share of funding to “conservation” larger than There share, it’s still a tiny share of the total ( 6% as of 2015 according to one study, likely decreasing, while they were 4.6% of the population in 2020 ( combined with fishers 18% in 2016)), and much of that is due to peaceful wildlife/nature goods, like high end cameras, Kayaks, or camping equipment, not getting the Conservation Taxed, additionally a large share of those funds would not be needed, or could be used for other things, without hunters , as they wouldn’t be needed for hunting regulation/support in the first place. We could also see great support for mushroom or wild plant foraging for income, or better yet, better funding from the general pot of State or Federal governments. But either way , the vast majority of funds, 94%, is already from the General public, not hunters specifically)
( This isn’t even to get into the ways advocate encourage damaging environmental practices or damage the environment themselves even under this system, but I’ll leave that to another post maybe, this is already extremely long)
The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is based on the democratization of what we do with wildlife, and the regulating out of entire forms of hunting entirely. , as the general public supports conservation and protection of wildlife even if they don’t hunt, As hunters make up a tiny shrinking share of the population ( 7.7% in 1960 and shrinking since) , are not a crucial source of conservation funds, and a minor but large and growing share of the public disapproves of hunting, opposing hunting, and decentralizing hunting interest groups from wildlife and ecosystem management discussions , is not only the morally right choice, but in the spirit of the North American Model hunting advocates praise.
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So, let’s go through the Forest Alignment:
Forest Plant:
Mushroom Man
Man Eater
Ancient Tree of Enlightenment
Green Phantom King
Rainbow Flower
Barrel Lily
Laughing Flower
Bean Soldier
Abyss Flower
Living Vase
Tentacle Plant
Queen of Autumn Leaves
Mystic Tomato
Forest Beast-Warrior:
Battle Ox
Beaver Warrior
Tiger Axe
Rabid Horseman
Nekogal #2
Leopard Girl (video game-only card)
Forest Insect:
Big Insect
Basic Insect
Hercules Beetle
Killer Needle
Giant Flea
Larvae Moth
Great Moth
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
Cocoon of Evolution
Winged Cleaver
Petit Moth
Jirai Gumo
Cockroach Knight
Kuwagata a
Man-Eater Bug
Gale Dogra
Kwagar Hercules
Needle Worm
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra
Hunter Spider
Acid Crawler
Insect Queen
Parasite Paracide
Pinch Hopper
Soldier Ari (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Forest Beast:
Silver Fang
Mystic Horseman
Dark Gray
Sleeping Lion
Dig Beak
Frenzied Panda
Master & Expert
Nekogal #1
Prevent Rat
Flower Wolf
Milus Radiant
Ancient One of the Deep Forest
Pale Beast
Great Bill
Armored Rat
Giant Rat
Dark Zebra
Nimble Momonga
Forest Fiend:
Bio Plant
Ushi Oni
Fungi of the Musk
Doll of Demise (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Forest Zombie:
Pumpking the King of the Ghosts
Wood Remains
Forest Warrior:
Supporter in the Shadows
Wodan the Resident of the Forest
Monster Tamer
Beautiful Beast Tamer
Mushroom Man #2
Forest Magician:
Doriado (Listed as Dryad)
Fairy’s Gift
Dancing Elf
Forest Machine:
Steel Scorpion
Mechanical Spider
Giga-Tech Wolf
Dice Armadillo
Forest Winged Beast:
Forest Aqua:
Turtle Raccoon
Forest Pyro:
Flame Cerebrus
Forest Dinosaur:
B. Dragon Jungle King
Even though Battle Ox is supposed to be the poster monster of this Alignment, it is mostly about Insects.
But yes, this Alignment is why we have cards that support both Plants, and Insects, and why Wildheart exists as a separate EARTH representative to Clayman.
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Sims List & Households:
Households in World:
Sobecks: Aloy, Beta, Elisabet
Love interests: Talanah, Regalla, Petra, Varga, Ikrie
HFW Base Crew: Varl, Zo, Kotallo, Alva, Erend, Sylens, Gaia, Tilda
HFW & Love Interests Fam: Sona, Vala, Rost, Burgrend, Ersa
Old Ones: Travis Tate, Charles Ronson, Samina Ebadji, Patrick Brochard-Klein, Margo Shĕn
Banuk - Aratak's Werak: Aratak, Ourea, Cyan, Sekuli, Naltuk
Banuk: Tulemak, Tatai, Urkai, Inatut, Laulai, Aluki, Enjuk
Carja: Avad, Fashav, Marad, Vanasha, Uthid, Nil
Nora: Teersa, Lansra, Jezza, Grata, Nakoa, Yan, Bast, Teb
Oseram: Delah, Boomer, Beladga, Jorgriz, Stemmur, Morlund, Abadund
Quen: Bohai, Harriem, Kristia
Tenakth - Leadership: Hekerro, Atekka, Dekka, Yarra, Jetakka, Drakka, Tekotteh, Gerrah
Tenakth: Ivvira, Sokorra, Penttoh, Jekkah, Wekatta, Rokko
Utaru: Fane, Milu, Yef, Jaxx, Korreh
The Bad Guys: Ted Faro, Helis, Dervahl, Ceo, Gerard Bieri, Erik Visser, Nemisis
The Sorta Bad Guys: Hades, Hephaestus, Resh, Ulvund
Households in My Households: (May add later to world)
Carja - Extras: Janeva, Queen Nasadi, Itamen, Three-Toe Huadiv, Amadis, Namman
Nora - Extras: Karst, Solai
Oseram - Extras: Olin, Enasha, Olin's Son, Milduf, Gildun
To Murder (or not?): Miriam, Jiran, Fashav's Mother, Nakoa's Father, Kadaman
Relationships: Planned (to play out ingame)
Aloy × Talanah (Planned)
Beta x Regalla (Planned)
Elisabet x Petra (Planned)
Varga x Ikrie (Planned)
Morlund x Abadund (Planned)
Penttoh x Rokko (Planned)
Relationships: Undecided
Avad x Ersa or Avad x Amadis (Maybe)
Cyan x Gaia or Cyan x Ourea (Maybe)
Relationships: Set Up (In CAS)
Varl x Zo (Engaged)
Vanasha x Uthid (Engaged)
Beladga x Jorgriz (Engaged)
Queen Nasadi x Jiran (Married)
Olin x Enasha (Married)
Total Sims: 110 (Added Kadaman)
Time: 51 Hours
Households: 20
Households: I was gonna mod the game so I could have more then 8 sims in a household till I realized that required me remembering to not go into CAS so I had to reorganize because I cannot be trusted. The house holds are a bit lop sided because I wanted their to be a theme to their togetherness.
Charcaters Selected: I bascially choose charcaters I liked, were iconic, or I thought would be interesting to interact. I started with a list of 133 then slimmed it down to like 80... then slowly increased to 109. To be fair the 7 were very easy to do cause I could do what I want (AI’s, Parents, etc.). The outfits were the hardest part and after like sim 60ish I gave up doing unqiue outfits for all events so I focused on their main outfit and pruning the random clothing the game gave them. I wanted to fill a world with Horizon sims so that's why I went Ham.
Family Connection: Every family connection is correct except Rost and Aloy but I might use MCCC to correct that. Thats’ why I had to make Jiran, Fashav's Mother, Nakoa's Father because you can’t just make cousins/aunts/etc. in CAS. I made Miriam because I planned to murder her along with others to make a more interesting family tree instead of the blank image till I felt bad. I also made Stemmur Morlund’s dad..... cause I could (I recogize its not canon but he seems like a adopted dad kinda thing).
Relationships: I like rare ships and Beta x Regalla has been on my mind since I saw a post hinting at that. The planned stuff is also not fully set in stone though because I do love almost every ship, just some are more my favs (The gay ships mostly).
Future: I gonna start posting all the Sims and the CC I used in a few days along with the houses I have been making (so far I have made 10 out of 16 houses over 98ish hours).
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sleep-evil-sleep · 4 years
Bc Im me and I have nothing better to do here's a list of all my OCS (by fandom)
- Syd "bridges"
- Primrose "Keys"
-Mack/Colm "One-track"
- Junie "JJ"
- Chloe "queen bee"
- Brooklyn "brave heart"
- Roman
- Remi "Clockwork"
- Anna-Jane "AJ
- Alice
-Corey "copy cat"
- Erika "hook"
- Grace "red"
- Amelia "scribbles"
- Miles
- Toni "tunes"
- Autumn "Goldfish"
- Lee "Woodwork"
- Hazel "Boston Beauty"
- Gaia "Lucky Charm"
- Claude "snapshot"
- Finnegan "Bets"
- Oliver "Brass"
- Melanie "Journal"
- Nora "secrets"
- Luka "lightning mouth"
- Echo "lightning"
- Elenora "Deceit"
- Peggy "ocean eyes"
- Archie "rightie"
- Ethan
- Silas "Clicks"
- Robbie
- Ellie "Shakes"
- Natalie "coins"
- Sterling "dodger"
- Samantha
- Quincy
- Jace "Cracks"
- Leilani "Blossom"
- Kit
- Cherry "Half-sight"
- Lucinda "Sunshine"
(There's way more that aren't developed/I purposely abandoned)
(Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts)
- Gwendolyn Grindelwald
- Anneliese Grindelwald
- Connie Scamander
- Kenric Umbridge
- Misty-Jane Willmarx
- Shelby Maura
- Velma Norinne
- "Wheel of fortune"
- Fuji aizawa
- Akinro
- Ena
- Fumiko
- Hiroshi
- Iku
- Kaori
- Milu
- Densuri
- Seiji
- Kameko
- Sakura
- Kenji
- Mikono
- Asuka
- Riku
- Kazumi
- Gin
- Yuna
- Hitomu
- Ryoko
- Sango
- Nori
- Koemi
- Ko
- Oshin
- Raijin
- Sangu
(I'm not gonna list my ocs that are for my own story purposes lol)
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noctiferous-fr · 4 years
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Day 23: Share your favorite Skydancers
Milu is one that I’ve had for quite a while. I hatched her myself from a very cheerful pair of my now-defunct hatchery lol. She’s basically your typical witch doctor and most of her spells require the use of things like bones or blood. 
Metis was bought solely so she could fit the skin and as a wisdom tooth “memorial” dragon lmao. She’s been cursed to be semi-monstrous and resembles a partially transformed werewolf. In Sylvhurst, she works as a Knight, meaning that she’s the top line of defense for any trouble that the typical guards can’t handle.
Ana is the daughter of Queen Mary, the primary antagonist within my ‘Mirror Realm’ (Thespiae) sub-clan. She’s really nothing like her mother and is fairly kind and down to earth. Ana has to wear braces on her legs because they’re shaped a bit funny and without the support they wouldn’t hold her up well. 
Gyre is a water mage that lives on the shores of Sylvhurst in a cute lil hut. He makes a living selling any fancy debris that washes up and making sculptures out of driftwood or other oceanic materials. 
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malialaka · 2 years
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Some one on Facebook asked if there was documentation. In an extension library. Yes. Im Happa and Hakka decentralised descendant as we kids all are after 1900. Thus my classes are directed to Small businesses and non profits of them iniatibe ohana who put effort in their privilege of kuleana of their heart over the greed like men before them. Days are long, Tired is tired. Here is proof of the existence of waters after Ka’ahumanu had the kanaka demolition all the cultural practices, and the claims of Liholiho break kapu…excuse me…we all know he was gay, so technically he wasn’t breaking Kapu. Either gender was. Uncke Richards, and Papa ‘i’i disapproved. By then the wirds in newspapers said Ka’ahumanu realizes she was wrong. The trees, the birds , whole nine yards-gone, spaniards had a field day- they demolished all our canoes. The fleet and the chiefs , high in opium to stay awake in the war, got stuck in the east end of Hawaii while this all went down. They killed Queen Kalama, who which my sibling was hanai to, amd Kellihonua her son who they claimed was last kauai king sank him self to Kanaloa, as they practiced House Milu like most naval officers- who ptsd from war- and Kanaloa. People thought they were crazy. But as House Kauai, i would have to log as much as i can in the spread of lies . We did translate Kamehameha last words to the prints of Lima Hana and Kamakau as well as Ka Lama for the chiefs. For my favourite ghost stories come from Kaua’i . We posted for aunt Noe of @kauaiunconquered on FB her written documentation from @maliaandcompany library. Here is clips of our grandparents journals for The Aloha Exchange and The Koloa Festivals i teach in (Plantation Days, Aloha, Kuhio, Hanalima, Kalamaku, Lonoikamakahiki) @savekoloa 1) Rain levels daily 2) another written doc to add to my hieroglyph in few post back. And for Mr @uncle_hoffy , reason I will be returning in the night for #hooponopono Moku Project :Ahupuaa , needs to “transition” to Pa’u ( Pa’u is the end of one Aumakua chant peiple call kumulipo. But its an Aumakua Chant of names of beings and events takes 3 hours to just list titles in the Oli itself. Your family has been here: ptsd + paina. (at Kauai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeSy-6eOuBV1s_t3L2Cz1VNch_kcj_lGltw4Zo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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davidlameida · 4 years
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Dia 28 vai rolar LIVE MARÉ LGBTQIA+ com diversas performance inclusive da Queen vai ser quebração e um sonho de milu ✨💫💅💃 #draqueen #peerfomarnce #lipsync #dragonballz #dragbrasil #dancer #bailarina #artista #performatica (em Favela Nova Holanda - Complexo da maré) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB28GTCpxk0/?igshid=iba864ort71m
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princemilu · 5 years
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Prince Milu Rakhmanu and his Heartbeat ...... ... . 🤴👸 #5may2019 #explorejogja #folkjogja #queenofthesouthresort #lexaraovblue #rakhmanu #withgalaxy #nature #exploreindonesia (di Queen of the South Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1m6RCzA5Bf/?igshid=hu4iwq8fesdk
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 5: “my scumbag ass did the unthinkable and dirtbagged myself to safety” - Adam
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AHHHHH I DID IT my scumbag ass did the unthinkable and dirtbagged myself to safety, I’m not proud of what I had to do or how I behaved when Taylor got eliminated but in all honesty that was all I knew I could do to get me through.
So okay let me explain my mindset, I was a goner I felt fucked and my back was most certainly against the damn wall. Nobody was answering me and nobody was even trying to talk to me, I knew that Thomas and Chloe are tight as fuck so I needed Tom to think that Taylor was going for Chloe so he would feel that he needed to protect her.  All the red flags were there for Chloe and she knew it was m I could see it in her face that she didn’t believe me at all when I was framing Taylor. She knew that I had made it and I honestly did the dumbest thing ever by snapping and celebrating cause it was live to the cast and being all new to live tribals I wasn’t thinking at all
Okay so after a very explosive tribal council one that I will honestly learn a lot from for future games 😂😂 a swap happens and I was hoping that I could be swapped with like Elmo but I got out with Zack and Ian oh and Chloe... she loves me I swear.
I think I just need to work on just staying calm and cool to try and claw back from that very unneeded aggressiveness just gotta grind this challenge out and get a W
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I’m on a tribe with Asya. This is gonna go SO well😒
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Im still reeling from that fucking tribal. Im so mad at myself for voting out Taylor and letting Adam fucking manipulate me. Im sick of men, Im sick of their shit. Men have no place in my life right now, theyre all lying cheating fucking scumbags and I would rather cut my tongue out before I ever have to talk to another man again
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So, this has been an interesting 24 hours. We swapped tribes again, and as it turns out, the two people who were probably beefing the most at tribal, Adam and Chloe -- they both end up on my tribe. It's a bit frustrating, because I like them both. And if we lose this challenge and have to go to tribal, and they end up opposite each other, I'm worried about picking sides. In fact, I'm worried, period, about this damn tribal. 5 people equals not many places to hide. Yikes.
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I’ve been crying about it. I fucking suck, we just established that.
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Well it's another loss! I feel like Denise Stapley xD. Anyways, I was put all alone on my new tribe but since I wanted to strangle Adam after what he did it's a good thing, but then I realize poor Chloe is with him I hope he gets it after that last vote. As for this vote, I think of Joey and his third grade picture of a flag that says Kane instead of Milu makes him the easy target. But it is still early, something may change. I'm glad to be back with Asya and both Bodhi and Jared are really cool. I feel I have options.
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No. Fuck this. I'm absolutely sick of going to tribal. No. I'm not happy at all. I'm pretty sure I'm cursed right now and all I want to do is sleep. Also Adam is back in my DMs being like lol I still wanna work with u. No thank u to that either. Adam plus tribal makes Chloe not very happy
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Well I’m going to another tribal council, I’m getting sick of these but I think if I survive this one their is a possibility merge is next so I think me and tribals will just stay being friends. Poor Chloe and Tommy though they legit have been to every single tribal where I’ve been to every one BUT one.
My plan here is to try and vote Justin with Ian and Zack and hopefully the three of us can Hold the majority this round and take him out so that way moving forward I still slightly gave chloe who I believe is starting to come around again. I think she is finally starting to understand that the only reason I did what I did was being I was getting voted out and desperate times call for desperate measures and I think she gets that.
I’m going to tell her about my plans to vote Justin in a little bit I just hope that she agrees to it calmly and we can just have a simple 4-1 and call it a day.
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hey yawlls this round was wild... so basically we swapped AGAIN and I'm with ben, johnny, anabel and lily, so overall a very solid group of people.
I'm rlly happy that I'm on the tribe with Ben because we share a lot of same thoughts about the game and I think that we are somewhat of a duo? I mean there's no bond or agreement between us but still! Really happy to have him here bc I trust him a lot, maybe more than I should.
Then we also have Johnny. He's the obvious threat of the game. He loves challenges and he is pretty darn strong socially too. I was very happy when he approached me with a ride or die deal. It's rlly good for my game at least for now because in order for me to reach far in this game I need to work with a lot of threatening people, if I vote all the out, it won't be a good look for me. Johnny also revealed a lot about who he knows before the game (i kinda knew of a lot of the info though bc i follow a lot of different orgs oops sidfashfd). But yeah! I think this round could start a beautiful partnership between us, I doubt that it will last until the end but it's great that it's a thing at least for now
Next up is Anabel. She is a sweetheart and I see a genuine opportunity to work with her in this game. She's innocent queen so far and I think she'd be loyal to her alliances, however I am also aware that she has crackhead tendencies so I just can't take her loyalty for granted. I rlly like talking to her tho so I think the more I talk to her the less likely it is for her to try to make a move one me? We'll see I guess but I just don't wanna blindly trust her.
Lastly, Lily. Ugh, a busy queen. I am very happy that we won the challenge because if not, there's high chance of her getting voted out of the game. She isn't as connected as the rest of us. The reason why I went so hard for the challenge was because I don't think its smart for my game to vote her out. I REALLY don't see her flipping on me and if she were to do it, I think she'd tell me about it which is the exact reason I want her to be in the game cuz I know I'm gnna need ppl who are v loyal to me. I also have worked a lot on trying to build a bond with her on a gameplay level too and so far so good, I'd say!
I think my position in this tribe is vvvvv good because of the randomly formed group of me Johnny and Anabel (although nobody talks in there, I take it as their sign of I want to work with you). Johnny also has the Ku advantage and while he says that it's nothing, I am not sure if I believe that. I doubt its an idol but I have a feeling that it could be something to help him in the game, yanno? I think that eventually he's gonna tell me though, yanno? Idk this is my random thoughts of the game. It's a blessing to be at confirmed F13 but there's long way to gooooo and I'm kinda here for it.  My predictions for the boots on the other tribes are Joey and Adam but we'll see what happens !
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Just won another challenge. Kinda wanted to go to tribal for this one so I could solidify some bonds with ppl but oh well. It could be worse. I could be going home this round lmao
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THIS. ROUND. WILL. BE. THE. DEATH. OF. ME! i feel like this round is gonna throw a major wrench in my game for the upcoming days because it's gonna show some people that i'm not as loyal as i say i am. adam and ian think i'm in an alliance with them and that is NOT the case! i feel more loyal to chloe and justin and think i can advantage further in the game with those two. adam and ian think we're all gonna be voting to evict justin, but when adam gets 3 of the votes and winds up going home, i don't think it's gonna be pretty. ian is gonna see that i was never loyal to him but WHATEVER! i had to do what i had to do and i had to lie to them to protect my own self this round! i didn't want them to flip the name around on me, because you never know what could happen in a game like survivor! so yes. me chloe and justin are in a serious alliance and we all plan on evicting adam. adam and ian think i'm in a serious alliance with them and are gonna be evicting justin. so.. this is gonna be another tribal council for the books of celestial i feel like.. so lets get ready and prepare for war! bring it gays.
i honestly can't help but think the worse. yes, i trust chloe and justin 100% but.. justin seems to be stressed since adam and ian wanna vote him out. so justin can easily turn this around on me and tell adam and ian everything if he is LITERALLY worried about leaving. and chloe can just turn around and tell ian and adam what i'm doing if chloe wants me out. so yes. i trust them, but my mind can't stop thinking the worse. if chloe and/ or justin think i'm a threat in this game, they can turn this all around on me and vote me out since i'm doing the most here and lying my ass off to adam and ian and in an alliance chat with them right now. i'm worried, but i'm just gonna pray this all works out.
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Adam is voted out 3-2. Thomas is voted out 4-1 at double tribal.
0 notes
drumssofautumn · 7 years
Source: cambridgeinspuration
1. What is your favourite book? Winter of the world by Ken Follett
2. Who is your favourite author? Ken Follett
3. What is your favourite library? Probably the One on Minho university
4. If you could travel back in time, to what year / period would you travel? The 20's in Paris or the US
5. If you could travel back in time, who would you like to meet? Some great women who stood out in her geration when women weren't supposed to so Eleanor Roosevelt, Marie Curie, Queen Elizabeth I, Frida kalo
6. Greek or Roman culture? ROMAN!
7. What is your favourite Harry Potter novel? The sixth
8. Science-fiction or Fantasy? FANTASY SCIFI ahaha
9. Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones? Game of Thrones always sorry
10. What is your favourite painting? The coronation of Napoleon
11. Do you have a favourite sculpture? Venus de milu? Am I to Basic? Ahah maybe
12. What is your favourite museum? LOUVRE
13. Paperback or hard-cover? Paperback to read hardback to stare
14. What is your favourite bookstore? Fnac because Portugal is to mainstream where I live
15. Who is your favourite composer? Vivaldi
16. Have you ever been to a classical concert? I would have loved to but no
17. Rembrandt van Rijn or Vincent van Gogh? dont know the first so wouldnt be fair to choose
18. Dinosaurs or Mammoths? DINO
19. What is your favourite Jane Austen novel? I have just read Pride and prejudice and loved it so here it is
20. What is your favourite Brontë novel? I've only read Jane Eyre so...
21. What is your favourite Shakespeare play? I've only read Romeo and Juliet and didnt like it at allllll
22. Are you more interested in WW1 or WW2? WW2!!!!
23. What is your favourite historical era? Victorian age? 20th Century?
24. Do you read fanfiction? No, but I dont have anything against it so maybe one day
25. Canon or modern Sherlock? MODERN, I love the books but but but
26. What is your favourite Disney-movie? Tangled...mulan
27. What is your favourite Friends episode? I dont really like friends............
28. Ross Geller or Ted Mosby? I bet this is a friend's related question ah-ah
29. Rome or Athens? ROME
30. Greek or Latin? LATIN (I think you are noticing a pattern)
31. Zeus or Jupiter? ZEUS (once again ahah)
32. Trojans or Greeks? I mean I dont really have a favorite ahaha
33. Do you like complete silence when reading or can you stand some background noise? Complete silêncio
34. If you could study at any university in the world, what university would you choose? Harvard just because I am that Basic
35. What is your dream major? Studying history 4ever and literature
36. Do you respect your teachers? Of course if I demand respect from others I have to give it back
37. Do you like taking notes? Lots of them
38. Italian or French? French always
39. Europe or the USA? Europe Europe Europe Europe
40. Moor or forest? Forest I guess
41. Fall or spring? Can I have both mixed up
42. Are you a creative person? I dont really know (so I guess I'm not) ahah
43. Who is your favourite scientist? Not Newton cause he invented calculus
44. Do you have a favourite philosopher? I didnt really liked philosophy in high school so I guess I hate all of them ahah jk sorry socrates
45. What religion fascinates you most? Cristianism because I would like to know more of what other people think I am
46. Old Testament or New Testament? Both with Dragons and swords fight! Oh and in the end Jesus lives and makes chocolate grow on trees
47. Are you into Yoga? I cannot stand still for more than 0.00001 seconds
48. Do you like scented candles? I love them
49. Would you survive in the Middle Ages? Oh no I am a vegetarian
50. Do you smell books? I read them
Okay bye⭐
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 8 years
yu gi oh forbidden memories playstation
yu gi oh forbidden memories playstation
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories cheats & more for PlayStation (PSX)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation (PSX). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation cheats we have available for Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories.
Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person Action RPG
Developer: Pegasus Crawford
Publisher: Konami
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: February 7, 2002
Zoa And Labyrith Tank
For Zoa beat the Guardian Sebek. For the Labyrinth Tank beat the Labyrinth Mage. If I find out more cards you can win by playing free duel I will let you know. If you tried to buy Zoa and Labyrinth Tank it will cost you 999,999 star chips.
Dark Elf
Here something for dark elf use 2 dark energy and a couple of female equip cards you well make her atk 4000.
Dancing Kuriboh
On campaign mode, lose the game and a screen comes up with a broken Millenium Puzzle saying “Game Over” wait enough time, and a Kuriboh holding duelist cards should pop up hopping across the screen.
Beat The Game – FINALLY!
Defeat DarkNite 10 times, then get through the labrinth 1 more time & Heishin will be there with Seto 2nd. Let them talk, then Seto will battle you for Teana. If you win, you can’t do anything except duel Jono, Teana, villager 1, or villager 2 in the hidden duel ground, but if you lose, you have to keep beating Seto untill you win.
Who Wants Meteor B. Dragon?
This is a great card to have Atk(3500) Def(2000), but it will take a lot of battles in free duel with the low meadow mage (It took me about 200 times to get 3 of them). Other great cards to get are the Dark Magician, Skull Knight, Gaia the Fierce Knight and Curse of Dragon, all of which are 999,999 starchips to buy.
Unbeatable Monster
Judge man put 3 books of secret arts and 3 legendary swords and change the field to the meadow his total power is 5700 attack and 5000 defence
Unstoppable Monster Better Then Nekogal # 2
For a really hard hitter and the strongest monster card is judge man why. Judge Man power is 2200 attack , 1500 defence but add 3 Book of secret arts and 3 legendary swords to him makes his total power 5200 attack and 4500 defence and in the meadow his power is 5700 attack and 5000 defence thanks for reading this any new codes e_mail me at
Fusion Fo Dark Energy
To get Dark Energy, fuse 2 Yami’s
Fusion For MegaMorph
To get MegaMorph, fuse 2 Dian Keto’s together
Fusion For Summoned Skull
To get a summoned skull, just fuse a “job change mirror” with a “tainted wisdom”
Forget Red Eyes
If you want a strong dragon, don’t go for the Red Eyes Black Dragon (74677422). It cost 9999999 starchips. A stronger dragon for way less stars is Seiaryu (06740720). It only cost 1700 stars, and it can get all the same power-ups Like the advantage from the mountains. The only real disadvantage, is that you can’t fuse it w/ Summoned Skull.
Super Strength
First off, you are going to need 2 memory cards for this. Start a new game and emediately look at the cards in your deck. Go to the magic cards. look for any magic cards that might be useful in powering up your monsters. Put them in your chest (While you are at it, take a few Raigeki’s too.) save the game, and reset your consol.put in your other memory card and trade all of the cards that you took from the other deck to yours. Repeat until you have 3 of all the cards you need. transfer the cards into your deck and power up your monster until it is at its maximum strngth.
Get Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!
To get Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon all you have to do is get three Blue-Eyes White Dragons and fuse them together!! This card is about 4000/3500.
Getting Dark Magician
To get Dark Magician 2500atk/2100def you can duel Low Medow Mage many times to get this good card. Note: This takes time so be patient.
Getting Red Eyes Black Dragon
Red Eyes Black Dragon is a good card with 2400atk/2000def I like this card. All you have to do is duel Jono 2nd many many times for this rare card. Note: I had to beat him about 40 times for it.
Who Wants Summoned Skull?
If You Like Yugi’s deck you had better read this fusion: Embryonicbeast + Timewiard = none other than Summoned skull!
Form The Two Best Cards
To form the two best cards form Blue Eyes White Dragon with Red Eyes Black Dragon, or form Exodia with Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Great Cards For New Players!
"Twin-headed thunder dragon(THTD)" is a great card to use during the game. All you need is "Dragon", "Electric/Thunder", or the "Dragon Zombie" card(s). Below are the fusions! "Dragon" + "Electric/Thunder" + "Dragon" = "THTD""Dragon Zombie" + "Electric/Thunder" = "THTD"
Labrynth Help
Go to the Labrynth Right, Right, Left, Right.
Fusions I Know So Far
Pot The Trick+Flaming ViperHappy Lover+Princess of T.(I dont remember full name)GrassFire+Flaming GhoshtShadowSpecter+Morphing JarPot The Trick+Shadow SpecterSwordsman From Foreign place+Green Phantom,somethingFlaming Viper+Mystical Sheep #2Milus Radiant+Mechanical snailMilus Radiant+Mechanical SpiderCyber Commander+Kangenshin(something like that)Mystery Hand+Musk of Fungus (you can also include Milus Radiant after those two)GigaTechWolf(might have to fuse first)+ Milus RadiantShadow Specter+Candle of FateKey Mace+Shadow SpecterKey Mace+Wishwar RandiKey Mace+Queens Double(you can also add Dig BeakDig beak+Ancient BrainGuardian of Labaryth+Cyber SteinPhantom Ghost+BooKooFiends Hand+HyoGuardian of Labaryth+Milus RadiantBooKoo+Shadow SpecterWhite Dolphin+Dig BeakMilus Radiant+BatThe Dreck+T. Dragon ScrollQueen Double+BatMilus Radiant+Jinzo #7Juggler+Dark GrayPhantom Ghost+Phantom DewmanMega Thunderball+HurricailLittle Swordsman+T. Dragon ScrollMilus Radiant+KangishenWhite Dolphin+Dark GrayKangishen+Dharma CannonLittle Swordsman+Fiends Hand (can keep going with Hyo and then add Mega Thunderball)T. Dragon Scroll+M. LightMilus Radiant+KeyMaceQueens Double+White Dolphin
Great Magic Cards
you know how hard it is to defeat duelest with very rare and powerful cards. Well iv’e got your anwser magic cards. Like for example crush card thats pretty powerful but it will cost you 999,999 starchips thats alot.but if your really determind to get card you might as well save up for a powerful as well like blue eyes white dragon.p.s:if you need the code it’s 89631139 but that will also cost you 999,999 starchips as well.
seiyaryu very strong creaturecard#name:seiyaryulevel:5type: wingedbeastg.s.:uranus/moonattack/defense:2500/2400code# 06740720description: strong pink dragonget:1700 starchips
Card Combination For Combinig
Dark fire dragon + la-la loon=Thunder dragonTime wizard + baby dragon= Thousand dragonMetal dragon + monsturtle= Sea king dragon baby dragon + machine attacker= meatal dragondark fire dragon + Zombie warrior= dragon zombiesnake hair + metal dragon= curse of dragonthousand dragon + la-la loon= twin headed thunder dragonvemillion sparrow + skull red bird= crisun bird
The Perfect Attack
First you will need to let the other duelest play a monster then you will need the following cards. A monster of your own, perferably oppest what has been played, (if he plays a liveing monster you use undead) and visa-Versa. Then you will need a Mearge Magic card, and the Arrow of Light. Use then in that order here and you can mearge your Monster with the Monster of the other Duelest. Inessents Helping, or Hurting his monster your choice by the monster you play.
The Best Defence
First you need the first monster any deck starts with with a attack power lower then 200. Then you will need Copy Monster card. By Combinaing them you will make a Defense that nothing can beat.
How To Get An Unstoppable Monster
Get Key Mace and Little Chimera then fuse them together and make Nekogal #2.After that put The Magic card Sogen, two Silverbow And Arrow and two Electro-whips in your hand if you have them making that monster’s attack power to 4400 and def power to 4500.
Getting The Right Arm Of The Forrbidden One
To get the right arm of the forbiddin one just defeat Villerger3. Then go to Free duel and keep on dueling him.
-Psychic Kappa + Monsturtle= Hyosube-Key Mace + Weather Control= Dark Witch-Petit Dragon + Wretched Ghost of the Attic= Blackland Fire Dragon-Fungi of the Musk + King Fog= Dark world Thorns-Psychic Kappa + King Fog= Kappa Avenger-Supporter in the Shadow + Embryonic Beast= Tiger Axe-Wolf + Dharma Cannon= Dice Armadillo-Petit Dragon + Supporter in the Shadow= Dragon Statue-Synchar + Wings of Wicked Flame= Flame Cerebrus
Summon The Unstopable Exodia
To Summon Exodia, You must first have the Left Arm of the Forbidden One, The Right Arm, The Left Leg, The Right Leg, and the Head in your deck. To Summon him have all 5 cards in your hand. You are not suppossed to have them in the Field. When you have all five cards, a star will appear. Then it will show him doing his attack. When this happens all of your opponents cards in play will be destroyed and all life points will be at 0. The duel is over.
At The End.
At the end when you get all the milluemum items, your face two mages with atc power of 2,000 to 3,300. Then you face heshian he is srong. From 2,500 to 4,000. if you have hte right cards you can beat him. Then you face seto. Again!!He has three blue eyes ultimate dragons. Have power ups up to 5000. If you need game shark codes email me i have all the power up s and more. The you face the old princess that hesihan rose from the dead but he is very easy to beat. You ave to beat him two times the when the scrolls of the people who made are over you get a code. I cant tell you what is is cause you have to find out.
Go Straight To Seto Kaiba Tourny
To go straight to Seto Kaiba Tourny continuasly talk to Simon Muran until The High Mage invades the palace,destroy the millenium puzzle and you will be trapped inside it with Simon Muran and you will be at the tourny as Yu-Gi Moto.
Millenium Shield
Card # :362Name :Millennium shieldLevel : 5Type : WarriorG.S. : Uranus MarsAttack/Deffense :0/3000Code # :32012841 200 Description : A Millennium Item candidate that is said to block any powerful attacks.Get :
Passwords To Unlock Characters
If you look on the bottom left-hand corner of the collectible card game cards, you’ll see an eight-digit number. This is a password to unlock the character on the card. A few may not work (they may not be included or perhaps need to be unlocked later) but most of them do.
Get Summoned Skull
Go to Password, then put in the password 70781052.WARNING: This card costs 999,999 starchips.
Celtic Guardian
Card # :041Name : Celtic GuardianLevel : 4Type : warriorG.S. :Sun UranusAttack/Deffense : 1400/1200Code # : 91152256 120Description : An elf, who learned to wield a sword, bffles enemies with lightning attacks.Get :
Baby Dragon
Card # :004Name : Baby Dragon Level : 3Type : DragonG.S. : UranusAttack/Deffense : 1200/700Code # : 88819587 999999 Description : Much more than just a child, this dragon is gifted with untapped power.Get :
Mystic Elf
Card # : 002Name : Mystical ElfLevel : 4 Type : SpellcasterG.S. : Sun JupiterAttack/Deffense : 800/2000Code # : Description :A delicate elf that lacks in offence but has terrific Defense backed by mystical power.Get : By Password
Trap & Magic Card Trick
When you fighting a dueler who uses a lot of trap and magic cards.once they have 4 magic or trap cardz out you will automatically get a black hole card. (If it came with you in the Beginning)
Learn Combonations
If you verse Duelist Master K, then he will use your cards, so when he combines something then remember the combo and use it against your opponents in a duel.
Get Better Cards
To get better cards, just verse better duelists.
Earn Star Chips
Go to free duel and vs. the easiest duelists and keep on winning. S rank 5 starchips, A rank 4 starchips, B rank 3 starchips, C rank 2 starchips, and D rank 1 starchip.
More Good Card Codes
Baron of the Fiend Sword-86325596Spike Sedra-85326399Mystic Clown-47060154Amored Zombie-20277860Red Archery Girl-65570596Amored Lizzard-15480588Ancient Elf-93221206Witty Phantom-36304921Ancient Lizzard Warrior-43230671Sorcerer of the Doomed-49218300Giant Solider of Stone-13039848Uraby-01784619Blue-Winged Crown-41396436Morinphen-55784832Rogue Doll-91939608
Note: You will need a certain number of starchips!!!!!
Get Blue-Eyes White Dragon
To get it enter this password 89631139, but it cost 999999 starchips.
Some Very Good Codes
Blue Eyes White Dragon 89631139Sword Arm of Dragon 13069066Swamp Battlegaurd 40453765Flame Swordsman 45231177Right Leg of the Forbidden One 08124921Right Leg of the Forbidden One 44519536Left Arm oh the Forbidden One 07902349Exodia the Forbidden One 33396948Summoned Skull 70781052Judge Man 30113682Dark Magician 46986414Gaia the Dragon Champion 66889139Gaia the Feirce Knight 06368038Curse of Dragon 28279543Hercules Beetle 15025844Great Moth 15025844Harpie Lady 76812113Harpie Lady Sisters 12206212Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth 46579379Thousand Dragon 4142083Megazowler 75390004Red Eyes Black Dragon 15025844King of Yamakai 69455834Catapult Turtle 95727991Metal Gaurdian 68339286Rabid Horseman 95905343Pumking the King of Ghosts 29155212Roaring Ocean Snake 15025844Raigeki 1250477Dian Keto the Master Cure 84257639Sword of Revealing Light 72302403Spellbinding Circle 18807108Yamadron 70345785Seiaryu 06740720Millenium Sheild 32012841Wall Shadow 63163210Labrynth Tank 99551425Sanga of the Thunder 25955164Kazejin 15025844Suijin 98434877Gate Gaurdian 25833572Swordstalker 50005633Parrot Dragon 62762898Bickuribox 25655502Harpies Pet Dragon 52040216Launcher Spider 87322377Zoa 24311372Metal Zoa 50705071Ushi Oni 48649353Machine King 46700124Black Skull Dragon 11901678Twin Headed Thunder Dragon 54752875
Kaminari Attack
put in on the passwords list 09653271
Hard Hiters!
Gaia The Fierce Kight
Atk:2300Def:2100Password:06368038Starchips:999999JudgeManAtk:2200Def:1500Password:30113682Starchips:999999Curse Of DragonAtk:2000Def:1500Password:28279543Starchips:999999Summoned skullAtk:2500Def:1200Password:70781052Starchips:999999Sword StalkerAtk:2000Def:1600Password:50005633Starchips:999999Dark Magician(Yu-Gi's Fave)Atk:2500Def:2100Password:46986414Starchips:999999Blue-Eyes White Dragon(Seto's fave)THE BESTAtk:3000Def:2500Password:89631139Starchips:999999
Combining Cards
flame swordman+silver fang= flame cerebousmammoth graveyard+dragon zombie=great mammoth of the goldieRightarm of the forbiden one+Ancient jar=Ushi Oni to make him stronger use the yami card and use the axeflame sworman+wood clownnemuriko+dnancing elf=dark elfgiathe fiercenight+curse of dragon=gia the dragon championsummon skull+red eyes black dragon= black skull dragonblue eyes white dragon+blue eyes white dragon+blue eyes white dragon=blue eys ultamite dragon
Password For Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
To get Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth , just input password 48579379 but it cost 999999 star clips.
More Monster Codes 2
Parrot Dragon-62762898Dark Rabbit-99261403Bickuribox-25655502Harpie pet Dragon-52040216Zoa-24311372Metal Zoa-50705021Kaiser Dragon-94566432Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon-54757875Mega Morph(magic)-22046459Mech fish-55998462Roaring Ocean Snake-19066538Empress Judge-15237615
More Monster Codes
Harpie lady-76812115Harpie lady sisters-12206212Thousand dragon-41462083Black skull dragon-11401678Yamadron-70345785Zera the mant-69123138Labrith wall-67284908Labrith tank-99551425Sanga of thunder-25955164Kazejin-62340868Suijin-98434877Dungeon Worm-51228260Monster tamer-97612389
Card Codes
Follow Wind-98252586Flame Manipulator-34460851Fireyaroy-71407486Final Flame-73134081Fiend Reflection #2-02863439Enchanting Mermaid-75376965Electro-Whip-37820550Drouling Lizard-16353197Dragon Capture Jar-50045299Dissolverock-40826495Darkfire Dragon-17881964Dark King of the Abyss-53375573Dark Hole-53129443 Dark Gray-09159938Charuah the Fire Knight-33421579Celtic Guardian-91152256Beast Fanges-46009906Basic Insect-89091579Armored Starfish-17535588Sand Stone-73051941Silver Fang-90357090Skull Red Bird-1020894Skull Servant-32274490Spike Seadra-85126399Spirt of the Harp-80770678Witty Phantom-36304921Vile Germs-39774685Uraby-01784619Tyhone-72842870Two-Mouth Dark Ruler-57305373Trir Wire Beast-45042329turtle Tiger-37313348Trial of Hell-77827521The Furious-1871070The 13th Grave-00032864Terra the Terrible-63308047Steel ogre Groito #1-29172562Mammoth Graveyard-40374923Mecnine Conversion Factory-25769732M-warrior #1-56342351M-warrior #2-92731455Lesser Dragon-55444629larvas-94675535Kumootoko-56283725King Fog-84686841Karbnala Warrior-54541900Kagemusha of the Blue Flame-15401692Hitotsu-Me Giant-76184692Hinotama-46130346Hard Armor-20060230 Green Phantom King-22910685Giant Solder of Stone-13039848Gaia the Ferice knight-06368038Beaver Warrior-32452818Gemini Elf-69140018
Card Codes
Feather Broom-18144506Crush Card-57728570Metalmorph-68540058Chained Boormerang-37390589Acid pit-41356845Millenium Shield-32012041Black Hole-53129443Blue Eyes Whight Dragon-89631139Summoned Skull-70781052Aquamadoor-85639257Dark Magician-46986414Curse of Dragon-28279543Stop Defense-63102017Sords of Reveling Light-72302403Time Wizard-71625222Wides Preddruion-77754944Exodia the Forbodin One Head-33396948 Right arm-70903634 Left arm-07902349 Right leg-08124921 Left leg-44519536
Ritual Cards
Card Number: Password:700- 77454922 699- 31066283698- 04561679697- 78577570696- 41182875695- 05783166694- 39399168693- 02304453691- 39411600680- 79699070679- 43694075678- 16206366676- 43417563675- 17928958674- 81933259673- 54539105672- 18144506671- 81756897670- 55761792667- 56483330666- 29089635665- 83094937
Good Cards
Feral Imp-41392891Celtic Guardian-91152256Siver Fang-90357090Black Skull Dragon-11901678Flame Cerbrus-60862676Red Eyes Black Dragon-74677422Skull Red Bird-10202894The 13th Grave-00032864Tripwire Beast-45042324Dark Magician-46986414Summoned Skull-70781052Mamoth Graveyard-40374923Gia The Fierce Knight-06369038Gemini Elf-69140098Flame Swordsman-45231177Blue Eyes White Dragon-89631139Aqua Madoor85639257Misairuzame-33178416Beaver Warrior- 32452818
Card Codes
You will need a certain amount of star chips!!!
Dragon: Advantage Mountainspellcaster: Advantage DarkZombie: Advantage WastelandWarrior: Advantage PrairieBeast-Warrior: Advantage Forest/PrairieBeast: Advantage ForestWinged-Beast: Advantage Mountain
Black Skull Dragon
A Very Strong Dragon. It is RED Eyes Black Dragon and Summoned Skull fused. This card is 99999 star chips:
Card # :217Name : B. Skull DragonLevel : 8Type : DragonG.S. : Moon Jupiter Attack/Deffense : 3200/2500Code # : 11901678 999999Description : A very rare creature from the fusion of uncommon beast and Vicious dragon.Get :
Gemini Elf
Another Very Strong Creature:
Card # :532Name :Gemini ElfLevel : 4Type : SpellcasterG.S. : Sun UranusAttack/Deffense : 1900/900Code # : 69140098 160Description : Elf twins that attack an enemy from opposite sides.Get :
Flame Cerberus
This card is very strong for beginners:
Card # :529Name :Flame CerberusLevel :6Type : PyroG.S. : Mars PlutoAttack/Deffense : 2100/1800Code # :60862676 550 Description : A flaming beast that is lethal to the touch.Get :
Get Flame Swordsman
Go to Password, then put in the password 45231177.This card costs 320 starchips.
Monster Codes By Mike
Feral Imp-41392891Summoned Skull-70781052Mammoth Graveyard-40374923Celtic Guardian-91152256Curse of Dragon-28279543Dragon Capture Jar-50045299Flame Swordsman-45231177 (My Favorite)Red Eyes Black Dragon-74677422Blue Eyes White Dragon-89631139Exodia (head)-33396948 (right arm)-70402349 (left arm)-07902349 (left leg)-44519536 (right leg)-08124921Dark Magician-46986414
Password For Exodia
To unlock exodia go in to password and put the following codes.
HEAD:33396948RIGHT LEG:08124921LEFT LEG:44519536LEFT ARM:07902349RIGHT ARM:70902349
Each of these parts cost 999999 star chips.
Password For Dark Magician
The password for dark magican is 46986414 the dark magician costs 999999 star chips
Password For Blue-Eyes White Dragon
To unlock the Blue-Eyes White Dragon put 89631139 as a password the Blue-Eyes White Dragon costs 999999 star chips
Each Part may cost: 999999 star chips
Head - 33396948Right Leg - 08124921Left Leg - 44519536Left Arm - 07902349Right Arm - 70903634
Get Red-Eyes Black Dragon
First go to passwords,then enter the numbers 74677422 to get a monster with ATK/2400 & DEF/2000. The only problem is you need 999999 starchips(But hay, it’ll be worth it)
Currently we have no unlockables for Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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