#amadis mention
theartofloss · 2 years
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miharuhebinata · 2 years
am i actually supposed to believe varl knew zo for two days & now suddenly they're in love 🤨
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slecnaztemnot · 5 months
hi!! just reading through your dragon age leaks compilation (bless you btw), you mention "Companion 3 might be black elf who appeared in some concept art." -- can you point me toward the concept art by chance?? I've been trying to track it down but I'm striking out
the concept art was in one of the "making of" videos produced by Bioware.
Here is the link:
I also compiled the most important pics here in my speculation about the companion line-up:
The black elf is the one who appears in several concept arts and has been mentioned by 2 different (?) alleged leakers. In the Behind the scenes video, there is a black voice actor called Ike Amadi, who is voicing character named "Darvin".
At this point I am pretty sure he is our companion. I think he will be a warrior, though mage is also possible. Most likely Grey Warden, since in the video, the character shouts "For the Wardens!"
Hope this helped!
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maybirdie · 1 year
Horizon Asks
Thanks for the tags @singingkestrel and @meg-noel-art !
1. ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy. As if that’s news to anyone lmao
2. most annoying ship: I see y’all trying to start drama, I’m not falling for it lmao. Oh wait actually...Talanah/Amadis 🤣
3. second favourite ship: Between Kotallo/Talanah and Abadund/Morlund. One for spicy, one for sweet. Also Petra and like, most of the women in the game
4. favourite platonic relationship: I love the big brother/little sis vibes between Beta and Erend even though we never see them interact really. I love that she mentions that he makes her laugh. Also Aloy and Gildun - obsessed.
5. underrated ship: Drakka/Yarra - LISTEN I KNOW but it’s the ultimate enemies to lovers and I love them. Also Avad/Ersa....starcrossed lovers ftw
6. overrated ship: more instigating I see
7. one thing i would change in canon: One? LMAO. So many things post-HZD. Particularly the way Erend got shafted and how many threads got dropped (we didn’t get a post-Daunt makeup scene? Really??). Also Talanah should have been an official GAIA gang member, hands down. And I’ll be honest, the way romance for Aloy was handled in general.
8. something canon did right: The entire arc of HZD is masterful and perfect and it’s been a long time since I’ve been that gripped by a mystery in any media. It was always going to be hard to top, but I would love if the next game reverted back to that kind of storytelling vs the “doing too much” trend of HFW
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom: A hard choice, but I think I have to pick Love Games just because it was such a labor of love between myself and @sorbetowl​. I had a blast collaborating with such a talented artist and friend! For that reason I’m SUPER excited to be working on the upcoming VN, Focus on the Heart - already such an amazing experience!
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): GILDUN GILDUN GILDUN GILDUN GILDUN
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Definitely Erend. There’s a reason I ship him with Aloy lol. I guess there are pieces of both of them I relate to hard - Aloy’s impatience with rude people/social situations and her love for solitude, Erend’s self-consciousness and sense of responsibility for keeping everyone happy and feeling good. The combo of them hits real close to home.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: Tilda was a really tough character for me for personal reasons. She’s a wonderfully crafted villain but she also makes my skin craaaaawl. Which I suppose is exactly what she’s meant to do, so well done Guerrilla 😂
13. something i've learned from the fandom: God so much. I rolled into the Ereloy discord totally clueless back in April 2022, and feel like I have so much useless lore in my head now (and I’m not anywhere near some of the real lore people I know). But beyond lore, I’ve really learned how important empathy and putting yourself in other’s shoes can be. It’s amazing how many new friends I’ve made from being open to other people’s POVs, and how much I’ve seen people hurt each other because they’re not open to it.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Sensual Fingerblasting (iykyk), There Was Only One Bed, Sparring as Foreplay
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Slowly by Olivia Dean, Can’t Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon cause what better Friends to Lovers song is there?
tagging: No pressure tags!! Also sorry if this is a repeat for anyone. @souls-that-have-senses, @sorbetowl, @imamandajulius, @emtazer, @brekkie-e, @cranialgames, @nerd-artist, @xxxhellfireravenxxx 
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loumauve · 2 months
every now and then when I remember how frustrated I was during my first playthrough of hfw
[the stressful fight with all the stupid noise and aloy yelling about what i was already doing my best but failing to do bc skill issue the drowning or alternatively glitching into out of bounds while doing my best to avoid drowning/or getting stuck in a crack between some rocks bc idk game design I guess the weird pacing and genre change that could have used some improvement the random spoiler-y voice lines in unexpected places (tilda mention before ever being introduced to her by name and in person as a potential ally) just.. so much I've blocked out but sometimes it comes back and I get annoyed all over again. I'm sure those vent posts can be found somewhere buried in my tumblr archive]
but what they did do was give us more time with some old faves (Talanah, Petra) as well as just so much more potential for ships (Alva, Beta, Milu, Zo, Yarra, Regalla, Tilda as well as a bunch of more minor characters from side quests like Silga or Kivva (my beloved))
and I do cherish that. like. I was so fucking sad when I finished Petra's quest and instead of being able to check in with her all I got was dialogue with the boring dude right next to her. LET HER FLIRT WITH ALOY I STG anyway. similar with Talanah, you can check in but at a certain point that's all it is. and sure it's not too different with hfw but at least there's more women overall so it feels less shite as a whole.
could they have done better and let Zo be badass without making her the token pregnant woman representing fertility in the face of her partner and Aloy's loyal sidekick dying? YEAH could they maybe have made Tilda more interesting, I wish bc I'm just not too invested in her, it seemed kinda cookie-cutter hung up on your ex and seeking connection through her clone in a real weird and gross way, but that could just be me not vibing.
also they definitely fucked over Talanah, she deserved better. Amadis should at least have been his comic-canonically hot-af self instead of whatever basic ass dude we got. I'm so disappointed. when it comes to guys I have one type (who I prob still wouldn't date but they are ever so beautiful) and that's raggedy handsome lad with dark, longer hair and a scraggly beard and they ruined him also hello she's clearly at least bi, come on Guerrilla Games.
oh well. all this rambling just to say that I'm glad hfw has more *WOMEN* who are also badass and hot and very capable in a multitude of different ways. and I love that for them (and Aloy)
still pretty homophobic and not very gg of GG to not let me play some lite version of Burning Shores on my PS4 pro. fuck me for wanting to look at Seyka more, I guess. who, btw, also deserved better than what they made her. she had so much potential and I wish she got to be who she could have been. I love her and I wanted more quality time with her.
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holodaxy · 1 year
Okay so stay with me as I've been having thought...mostly Hawk and Thrush Thoughts...sort of...
Is there a fic (and there isn’t because I’m about to get oddly specific – maybe this is more of a cry to write this because I won’t) where somebody has inadvertently gotten close to Beta (on purpose seems a bit cruel and horrible) as an Aloy replacement?
In my head it’s Talanah – in some way this seems wrong and a touch out of character, but you know those oddly specific details? Well yeah, she works for those oddly specific details so stick with me here…
So Talanah crosses paths with Erend and naturally they get on about Aloy and he mentions that she’s spending a lot of time helping reunite the Quen Fleet and rather innocently makes a joke about how Aloy is more interested in spending time with a Quen Marine than reuniting the fleet (because of course the GAIA Gang have been gossiping about Aloy and Seyka – not to mention they’ve got an inside source! Alva is right there!) Talanah isn’t impressed by this information, though doesn’t know why (Erend has a good idea, but he’s already opened his big mouth once so he’s not doing that again).
How Talanah makes her way to the base I’m not sure (I can’t work it all out!) and cue an awkward first meeting with Beta because of course Aloy didn’t mention that there’s this anxious identical ‘twin’ wandering around. So Talanah is about to leave (because this wasn’t on her ‘Life with Aloy’ bingo card) when she discovers Beta doesn’t know how to use any weapons and really, how could Aloy be so careless as to leave her twin sister all alone in the base with no way to defend herself? Anybody could walk in! As evident by the fact Talanah had just walked in – that’s her argument and she’s sticking to it, she won’t hear any objection from Beta about how the base security was likely programmed by Aloy to let Talanah in because she's been there once before.
So Talanah sticks around to show Beta how to use a bow (or any weapon really) and Beta totally isn’t her Thrush because that would just be weird (not that the whole situation isn’t weird to either of them, but its just a little nice for Beta to have company and for Talanah to be away from the stress of the Hunters Lodge). And I can totally see Beta being the one to tell Talanah everything – about Nemesis, about Zero Dawn and Elisabet Sobeck, about how she and Aloy are clones (again, none of this was on Talanah’s ‘Life With Aloy’ bingo card). She’d also give her a Focus (because Beta doesn’t understand why Aloy isn’t handing these out like sweets to people!) and shows Talanah how to use the Focus and oh look! They’ve taught each other things and that’s nice.
So one day they decide to venture out of the base (again, I don’t know, I really don’t know why) and who do they stumble across? Well Amadis of course (because every story needs a villain – that was harsh, he’s not actually going to do anything wrong this time). He doesn’t get a close look at Beta and just thinks Aloy has drastically cut her hair and changed her clothes (she did it like three time the last time he met her, where is she hiding those armour sets???) and he passes comment about how both he and Talanah were using each other to get over other people the whole time. Talanah has an ‘oh fuck’ moment and Amadis goes on his way again not realising he's caused total turmoil again.
So Talanah’s ‘oh fuck’ moment hits home that she’s drawn to Beta because of Aloy and she’s done exactly what she never wanted to be and made somebody her second choice. And deep down I think no matter how close the two of them were getting, Beta knows she’s an Aloy replacement and her self esteem is so far in the ground that she’s just pretty much ‘that’s just it for me, I’ll never be anything other than the inferior copy’ (and my poor baby Beta, I want to hug her) so she’s just kind of clung to somebody being nice to her even if it’s possibly (keep possibly in your mind) not meant for her in the first place.
I didn’t say this wasn’t angst – I mean, my opening summary of this didn’t indicate there wasn’t angst!
How this ends I’m not sure – I have two options, again…stick with me…
Aloy returns to the base right in the aftermath of the ‘oh fuck’ moment and is totally confused about what Talanah is doing there, but she’s kind of grateful that Talanah was looking after Beta. Then she finds out how close the two have gotten and is not impressed because how dare Talanah go near Beta! And Aloy totally won’t admit to being jealous and what Quen Marine? She’s be reuniting the Quen Fleet!
The two then have a long overdue heart to heart and all their feelings laid bare, happily ever after Hawk and Thrush. This ending seems a bit harsh on Beta who I don’t think deserves that so from stage right enter some unseen original character who has never, ever laid eyes on Aloy and knows nothing about her so they can like Beta for being Beta.
Option 2 goes totally the opposite way, enters rare pare mode and Talanah realises Beta is a totally different person to Aloy and while the original reason she spent time with Beta was Aloy (and was totally wrong) she’s actually rather drawn to Beta’s totally different personality and quirks. Cue Aloy returning to the base with Seyka and being totally confused about what’s going on – and has Beta just stolen her moment? She was about to introduce her girlfriend to the gang and now Beta and Talanah are a thing and…well…typical sibling bickering.
Of course there’s hidden option 3 which is everybody is miserable and unhappy, but that seems a bit bleak even for me.
Well thanks for sticking with me for this long…whatever this is – I don’t know what this is. I’m going back under my rock now, I’ll keep these wild idea to myself as this got out of hand 😁
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foibles-fables · 1 year
For the fic ask game: 10, 11, and 18. Have an amazing day my lovely, keep up the FAB writing!!! ❤️
omg you are SO SWEET and of course!!
10. Do you read your own fics for fun?
answered here!!
11. What's an idea for a fic you've had that you'll probably never write?
HMM let me think of another! proooobaby an unironic attempt at constructing an Avad/Amadis childhood friends to lovers narrative. I still kinda am itching to, but. Alas.
18. Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
I totally mention peaches as Aloy's favorite food in a number of fics <3 <3
fic asks
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bloedewir · 2 years
Some Dragon Age: Dreadwolf guesses that seems convenient to me according to information we already have.
(Just thoughts, to fill the emptiness of actual info).
Dragon Age day (4th December, 2022)
Concept art and "can't wait to share more" tweets to give anything it's almost a tradition now. Maybe another short story?
TGA (8th December, 2022)
I'm pretty sure it will work this time. Summoning circle is ready.
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Release date
Still think it's can be announced for Autumn'23 and then will be delayed for Spring'24.
Side materials
"Tevinter Nights", "Blue Wraith", Netflix "Dragon Age: Absolution".
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Some characters will appear in DA:D. Some can be mentioned somehow during the game. NPC's, temporary allies or companions, or their actions can affect on something. Like it was with Cole: player doesn't need to read "The Asunder" to understand the game BUT it can be useful to catch up tiny hints so it worth to be mentioned.
Special attention to upcoming "Absolution". No cast members announced yet, so far we know: there will be Tevinter. If 9th December is correct date it means there's two opposite variants:
Next day after TGA because they told nothing and it's a consolation prize.
Next day after TGA because it's time to launch hype train.
Technical issues
There was troublesomes with DA:I as well and then we saw the ME:A condition. The good news is all facial situation got big improvements in Anthem. Expressions was actually good and game has zero cringe grimaces, also environment was amazing.
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Point is, locations in DA:D will be stunning as hell, I can bet my left hand on it. However never forget about first day patch, glitches of any kind and bugs. It's just expectable, no reason to get mad about it.
Easy enough to predict Tevinter and Nevarra. Published concept arts and recent game's codex pages is kinda confirming that it will be a big part of plot.
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Seheron, Orzammar and Antiva - most likely will be involved to the plot, maybe not as much.
Weisshaupt Fortress, my hopes on that. Because: Hawke/Warden gone to Grey Wardens after Adamant Fortress; because Ike Amadi *possibly* playing a Grey Warden in DA:D and if you remember that voice from Mass Effect 3, you know that voice just illegally to use for ordinary Warden. (If it's not for Dragon Age: Absolution, of course).
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Traditionally: Deep Roads and the Fade, it's just a some sort of law.
Well.. Gareth David-Lloyd for sure.
Steve Valentine (Alistair), Freddie Prinze Jr (Iron Bull) are not.
(Heard about Jon Curry (Zevran/Inquisitor) who is also won't return but can't find any mentions).
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Supposable year is 9:52 or later
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Can't imagine if they post "The Flame Eternal" just for fun to spoil the end of upcoming game (I mean, if 10 years after Inquisition past and world is fine it means wolf plan has failed. Pointless). The such late date is fitting in by few reasons:
Conception "new story - new heroes". Some known characters may be already dead or too old to fight, so it explains the appearance of new characters.
Ten years after Inquisition so as ten years after Dragon Age: Inquisition in real life. Such dramatic number.
Easier way to present a world's state as it need for story at the beginning.
Easier way to catch up new players who doesn't want play previous parts. New game, new story, no need to worry about lore.
Dream team
HoF, Hawke, Inquisitor.
My hopes vanishing with every day that pasts. I think in the end all that we'll face with: few game's codex pages and few npc's comments. HoF may be dead of Blight or disappeared anyhow, Hawke may be dead in the Fade or disappeared anyhow, Inquisitor may be dead because of Anchor' corruption or disappeared anyhow.
(My hopes for sudden dramatic entrance near to the end).
Bioware as it is, yes? Complex decisions, consequences, morality and all that. Choose between your LI and duty, choose between Hawke and Alistair. It won't be a surprise if they'll raise a bet. Just to make all Dread Wolf situation more difficult for player. Yeah, destroying the Veil is sucks for NPCs we doesn't know, but is it actually a drama for player? What about killing someone player know by itself? Just a thought.. but it can be the Protagonist's origin, the reason to stand up and fight. Or it can be death of some of the Dragon Age fandom mascots: Alistair/Zevran/Fenris/Merrill/Hawke/Inquisitor/HoF/you get the thought. If Dread Wolf kill someone that is actually important for fandom it will be fantastic twist (now I sound sociopathic).
I mean, it's good to be ready to get punch in face with giant fist of feels. Y'all know how it goes in Bioware games.
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Time is changing, people leaving Bioware. It isn't bad or good, it's just fact. DA:D won't be feel like DA:O or DA:I. Prepare yourselves if it needed, there's much fandom curses on the horizon. If i'm right and if we'll start to get more actual information (including characters presentation or teasers) in 2023, fandom toxicity is unavoidable. Get ready to find a shelter when it's time.
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chloe-spade · 1 year
For future OCs
Night Raven Collage
1) Lyra Casimir
2) Fiona Woodward
3) Yazari Sinclair
4) Sami Baker (belongs to Soot!)
5) Cameron Miller
6) Berry Avelís
7) Amir (also belongs to Soot!)
Royal Sword Academy
1) Hikaru Sora
2) Melissa Noboa (Belongs to Soot)
3) Tari
4) Wilbur Haski (Belongs to Soot)
5) Winny Dear
6) Vio Shade
7) Moon
Mattermind: A Dorm based on The Curious Child's Sense of Wonder. The students of the dorm excel at mysterious magic and tea parties.
1) Alister Liddel
2) Maddi Edwards
3) Charles Tempo
4) Dave Tale
5) Dan Tale
6) Tommy Chimney
7) Chen'ya (he isn't an OC, but part of the dorm)
Llanomane - A Dorm based on The True King's sense of purpose. Students of the dorm can be seen as stratgocyand problem solving
1)Monti Nii
2) Sipho Uzuma
3) Taiwo Aoi
4) Daxter 'Dax' Maddex
5) Alexander 'Alex' Gulloux
6) Hinto Tokaoa
7) Yada Bhave
8) Amadi Iwo
Merintaya - A Dorm based on The Little Mermaid's sense of adventure. The students are often adventurous and are great with history
1) Rielle Mrryh
2) Filip Gert
3) Sophos Xenia
4) Gabriel Aquilus
5) Mako Reef
6) Marshall Krill
7) Morgan Pike
Magical Lamp - A Dorm based on The Diamond in the Rough's sense of Cleverness. Though sneaky, students are very clever academically (and mischievously)
1)Ali Dana
2) Asra
3) Sky Oracles
4) Asha Tendua
5) Jeet Khoya
6) Kimo Stitches
Wishful Mirror - A Dorm based on The Sweet Princess's Innocence and Pureness. These students are often praised by their beauty and kindness
1) Neige LeBlanche (Same as Chen'ya, he deserves an mention)
2) Meadow Lake
3) Andrew Dahling
4) Tulip Huckleberry
5) Elliott Nightgale
6) Jamie Scarlet
Demiruge - A Dorm based on The Hero's Strength. Students are physically and mentally strong enough to be respectful and save others from danger
1) Envader Zeus
2) Pan Devito
3) Eros Gospel
4) Caleb Conrall
5) Xan Xinya
Peaceful Moor - A Dorm based on The Sleeping Beauty's sense of imagination. Students of the dorm are kind and thoughtful, and are one of the more stronger dorms of the school
1) Amoré Delia
2) Mathys Thierry
3) Fortune Thierry
4) Fioare Thierry
5) Almar Siberil
6) Tori 'Tink' Bellflower
7) Loris Willow
Thank you for reading about my original characters.
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creators-novel · 2 months
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“How much do we wanna wager that we’re close?”, Amadi wonders out loud.
            One by one, the group jumps off the rocks and onto the new, more stable path. This one is fairly simplistic, it seems to be just a straight shot; the way forward is illuminated by purple lights in the air and through the ground.
This seems too easy.
“Did anyone notice how quiet it is?”, asks Nathaniel.
“It’s…too quiet.”, Exisite observes.
But the silence is soon broken by Kali’s continued shivering as she slips on her coat; as well as
…Uriel sneezing.
“Let’s keep our guards up, everyone.”, says Koto as she adjusts her sweater, “This place is freaky…”
“It’s like nightmares made real.”, says Exisite, recalling the dream that, from his perspective, started this whole mess.
“That’s- an interesting way to put it.”, Straus agrees but feels it’s not the best time to mention he watched the dream happen.
Kali crosses her arms and feigns a smile, “You think this is what goes on inside the heads of everyone we’ve had to beat up to get here?”
Azura shudders, “Yep- maybe.”
“Incoming!”, announces Amadi. Right on cue, several hordes of voidlings begin to surround everyone, blocking them from moving forward.
            Moving down the winding, bending corridors of Voidverse, at the end of it all we see Vyz and his legions of Stygians. One such walks up to Vyz and hisses, “They’re here, Masssster…”  “Delay them.”, Vyz commands, “I still need time for our darkness to cover more ground.” And so, they follow their leaders’ command and move towards the inevitable.
“And so, it begins!”, Koto declares, summoning her knife, “Get ready!”
“On our marks…”
Energy builds up, and weapons are drawn.
“Get set….!”
The enemies begin to close in.
And they’re off! It doesn’t take long for the heroes to begin laying waste to the opposing forces. After everything they’ve been through up until now, this is nothing! Child’s play, even! Purple and black gore paints the ground as a comparable fireworks display of magic and melee tears through the endless pawns. “Keep it up, everyone! We’ve got this!!”, Koto shouts to encourage the others. “DO IT TO ‘EM!”, chants Ex, almost dancing as he speedily rips through the opposing force.
            “They’re turning us into passsste, master! We’ll be lucky to sssucceed without further delays at this point.” Vyz holds out a hand to silence his panicked underling. “…We’ll have to throw them off course… and it starts with our little friend.” He snaps his fingers, the sound of the click ringing out. Then, after a moment, out from behind Vyz two particular figures come forth. Both seemed to sport blue clothing at some point, perhaps their hair was brown and their eyes were a delicate green. It’s difficult to tell given how much they’ve been corroded by the void. Vyz turns to face them both and grins confidently, “It’s time for you both to make use of yourselves. Now, go.
Show your daughter what you’ve learned.”
"̸A̸s̷ ̵y̶o̷u̵ ̶w̷i̶s̴h̵,̸ ̴M̶a̶s̶t̸e̸r̵.̸"̴
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            “Yeah-heah! We did it, everyone!”, cheers Koto as the last of the stygians are finally defeated. Straus goes to everyone on the team and high-fives them for a job well done. As everyone is taking a moment to breathe, and as Koto steps forward to regroup with the others, she suddenly feels a sharp pang in her chest. It knocks the wind out of her and makes her see stars. She doesn’t know who or what is approaching but she knows that this fight is not over. “There’s someone else here!”, she breathlessly calls out. “Huh?”, asks Straus, turning to face her. Just then, Uriel’s ears perk up, “Footsteps! Fast approaching!” Red points towards the edge of the path ahead, “Up there!” Koto moves to the front of the group, still clutching her shirt, “But who are-…they…”
No hesitation, no one can reach out and stop her in time, she’s already gone. “KOTO!!”, Uriel shrieks, trying to catch up to her. When did she get so fast? It’s as though she’s moving on pure instinct alone. There’s something about these two, something that’s drawing her in; but what is it? “Sis?”, nervously says Straus as he follows. As the two try to reach Koto in time, she does not hear them. She doesn’t realize she’s in danger. All she sees in front of her is what she’s been waiting and hoping for since the moment her journey began.
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Oh no.
Straus nearly trips over himself as the realization sets in. Even Red, who didn’t speak a word of Cosmic, could tell what was happening now.
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“Dad! Mom! It’s me! It’s Koto!” Fueled by pure delusion, Koto presses on, her parents nearly within arm’s reach. “Koto, wait!!”, yells Straus. Summoning every bit of strength within herself, Uriel zips towards Koto and grabs her shoulders to stop her!
“Koto, listen!!”
“But-! They’re right there! This is what I’ve wanted for so long, for everyone to finally be together! And to be happy together! Why are you stopping me from having that?! Why are YOU of all people trying to take this from me!?”
“Let me go, Uri! Let me have this, I beg you!! I want all of my family to be together! I want-…I… I want…”
She looked. She sees them properly now, she sees everything. Koto’s knees buckle and she slightly falls into Uriel’s arms.
“I know, I know.”, says Uriel as she holds Koto up. “This is exactly how I felt when DarkClaw was taken from us.” She holds Koto’s face and makes her maintain eye contact. Her voice shakes slightly as she tries to comfort her and snap her back to her senses. “I know it hurts, but we gotta save them first, then we’ll have that happy ending. Ok? Can we do that?”
Koto swallows hard and takes a breath in, allowing herself a moment to recollect herself. “Yeah…we can!”
Uriel sighs with relief and gives Koto a playful hug. “Good! That’s my Creator!”
“Let’s do it, then.”, says Azura as everyone else catches up with them.
Nathaniel crosses his arms and scoffs, “Vyz must know by that we were coming here to kick his hide.”
“So, he drops this bombshell to distract us.”, adds Amadi, “pitiful…”
And said bombshell is still coming towards the party at an alarming rate.
Koto shakes her head to focus and starts planning, “We’re just going to have to- … wait- how are we supposed to save them this time? We were able to save the others back in Lightverse only because Straus hit Vyz really hard-!”
“Uhhh… beat ‘em up a little?”, shrugs Red, “Shouldn’t be that hard.”
Koto looks exasperated, that response is the last thing she wants to hear. But if it’s their best shot at saving her parents, for her to finally have what she lost all those years ago, then it’s unfortunately what needs to be done. She sighs, “Ok…!”, then points her knife out towards her parents, who are closing in.
And, cue the charge!
            Vyz watches from high above, satisfied with this result so far. “Perfect. They’re fulfilling their job.”
“What comesssss next, massster?”
“…Corruption. And from that corruption will bring in a new age of Chaos. And then, people will finally know what it feels like to suffer as much as I have.”
            Strike by strike, the party tries to find any sort of opening on Koto’s parents to get in that precise hit they need. But those two are tricky, where one of their attacks ends another begins; both fully utilizing the skills of the Cosmic race to their advantage to create swift combos that keep everyone back. The diversion is working.
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“Ugh-! Come on, snap out of it!”, Koto tries to call out, but still gets no response from them. Exisite takes note of a dark aura flowing through the air, “This is distracting. We’ll never get to Vyz like this.” “You’re right!”, agrees Uriel, “Should we split up?” “Split up?! That’s crazy!”, Nova and Luna oppose in unison. Kali ducks as an attack comes her way, “It could be crazy enough to work at this rate-!”
 Looking ahead, Straus’ eyes follow the path. There’s not that far left to go until they all reach the end. At the very least, he can halt Vyz’s takeover of everything for just a moment. “You guys keep them restrained.”, he states, “I’ll get to him.”
“Wait- you’re going by yourself?”, asks Koto.
“You’ll need everyone to help your parents. I can handle Vyz. We can make this work.”
“Are you sure?”, asks Red.
Straus nods, defiant in his decision.
“Just-…come back safe, ok Brother?”, Koto pleads.
Straus winks and answers, “You got it.”, before taking off. Koto gives him a thumbs up and smiles as he leaves, she then returns her attention to the problem at hand.
            Vyz is alarmed by Straus’ sudden approach, but quickly regains his composure; albeit his anger is quickly rising.
“Maaassssterrr! He’ssss coming!”
“Stop. Him.”
“But-!”, his servant whispers, “He’sss ssstrong…!”
“DO IT.”
To which they do. Even though Vyz’s forces are dwindling severely now, he sends out whatever voidlings are still walking to go after Straus. “YOUR TRAIL ENDS HERE!”, one particularly literate Stygian roars as it lunges at him. Straus simply sighs and summons his claws as he speeds up towards them. The small group doesn’t even have time to blink before he tears through them all, splitting them in two. He skids to a stop for just a moment to watch their bodies dissipate into a fine, purple mist. “Your service is forfeit.”, he lingers only a second more before advancing to the edge of the path.
            Koto’s parents stand shoulder to shoulder, quietly hissing as everyone surrounds them in a tight circle, also trying to catch their breath. “What are we supposed to do?”, wonders Melanie. “What’re we supposed to do!? They’re not stopping, and if we kill them then all of this is for nothing!!”, Kali snaps. “It’s like Straus said. We have to restrain them.”, Exisite reminds everyone. “So, we gotta make them completely stop somehow.”, Ex concludes.
The question is, how? No one among them has a spell to lull them to sleep. Every bit of magic they have would either heal them, make it so they can’t get near them, or critically injure them in the worst case. And Cosmics, as we know by now, are a very delicate people. What haven’t they tried? What else CAN they try? Think, think! If they don’t figure something out now, then everything they know and love will be gone forever! Vyz will take over and there’ll be nothing left that anyone can do to help everyone. C’mon…! Just think of something, anything!
Uriel, not taking her eyes off Koto’s parents, gently bumps Koto’s shoulder, “Hey? Still in there?”
No response.                                                                                                                
“Oh, come on, not again! You gotta snap out of it! We need you, Koto!!”
The cries of her friends can barely break through the dissociative state she’s in. In trying to come up with a solution, her mind only presents more problems. She spirals further and further into the depths of her mind... Thankfully, there’s still one more being who can help her.
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Illumi reaches out, “(…Mistress?)”
“(…I can’t focus, I can’t think. What is left to stop all of this? Straus is alone and we can’t keep this battle up forever. But…Mom and Dad…! I don’t know what to do this time…I’ve run out of every option in the book…. it’s hopeless.)”
Illumi takes a deep breath before continuing, “(…Mistress, I have watched over you for many years now. And although some of your ideas have failed, there is no denying that you have grown into someone capable of amazing things. Do not think that this is the end. There’s always light to shine through the darkness…)” She thinks to herself for a moment and warmly smiles. “(You helped me see the light after all, did you not? And I know you can do it again for them. You can help them. Everyone believes in you, Koto.)”
“(Illumi…!)”, Koto, within their shared mindscape, embraces her. “(That’s it, Illumi! I’ve got it! And- …Well, I’m kind of embarrassed I didn’t think of it sooner.)”, she chuckles to herself, “(But thank you, for everything…And boy, I hope they’ll be proud of us for this one.)”
            Red is the last one to try and get her attention, “Koto-? Any day now-!” Koto shakes her head and feels sensations return to her, “I’ve got it, everyone! I know why Vyz wanted to keep Straus and me away from everything!” With a wave of her hands, she summons a barrier around her parents, who immediately break out of it. Koto jolts, surprised that didn’t work. “Help her out, guys!”, Nova chimes. Koto tries again, this time aided by everybody else with defensive magic. With that extra boost, the barrier holds. “Yes!”, Exisite cheers. Koto shifts her footing and holds both her hands out, as Cosmic energy swirls and gathers through and out of her fingertips.
“(Alright, I can do this…! This is it; this is everything I’ve worked up to! Dad, Mom…I’m sorry if this hurts you-!)”, Koto waves her hands out, sending everything she can muster towards the barrier, and shouts,
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A bright flash. And it’s done.
Koto regains her balance, supported by Uriel and Nova. When her eyes readjust, she looks into the barrier to see her parents sleeping peacefully, as the void’s corruption burns away. Uriel blinks, “…Why DIDN’T we think of this sooner??”, she asks matter-of-factly. Koto stands up and releases the barrier as tears begin to trickle down her cheeks.
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“Mom!! Dad!!”
Koto’s father, a strong Cosmic named Kilgore, grumbles as he looks towards his daughter for the first time in ages.
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“Oh, my baby! There you are! Look, honey, I knew she’d be ok!”, says Koto’s mother, a gentle Cosmic named Lazuli. Koto runs into their arms, her mission complete. The others watch as magic from all three of them sparkles and surround the family, the purest form of magic for all the Cosmic race: the bonds that tie them together; are finally restored.
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jamietukpahwriting · 2 months
I always carry his latest letter with me until a new one comes. When I told Amaka that I do this, she teased me in her reply about being lovey-dovey with Father Amadi and then drew a smiling face. But I don’t carry his letters around because of anything lovey-dovey; there is very little lovey-dovey, anyway. He signs off with nothing more than “as always.” He never responds with a yes or a no when I ask if he is happy. His answer is that he will go where the Lord sends him. He hardly even writes about his new life, except for brief anecdotes, such as the old German lady who refuses to shake his hand because she does not think a black man should be her priest, or the wealthy widow who insists he have dinner with her every night. His letters dwell on me. I carry them around because they are long and detailed, because they remind me of my worthiness, because they tug at my feelings. Some months ago, he wrote that he did not want me to seek the whys, because there are some things that happen for which we can formulate no whys, for which whys simply do not exist and perhaps, are not necessary. He did not mention Papa—he hardly mentions Papa in his letters—but I knew what he meant, I understood that he was stirring what I was afraid to stir myself. 
—Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Stop distracting President Tinubu; he has capacity to deliver” – Group tells opposition Leaders A support group of the All Progressives Congress (APC), the Grassroots Governance Group (G3) has urged opposition parties to stop distracting President Bola Tinubu so he could deliver on his “Renewed Hope’’ agenda. “The president has showed capacity to deliver within his short time in office. “ We commend the various policies of the Tinubu-led administration,’’ the group declared in a statement issued in Abuja on Saturday. The statement was jointly signed by the APC G3 National Coordinator, Mr Amechi Oyema; Chairman, Advisory Board, Prof. Ojo Ademola and Chairman, Board of Trustees, Dr Jerry Ugokwe. It urged opposition political parties still in court over the outcome of the Feb. 25 presidential election to rather join the Tinubu administration to bring Nigeria out of its present economic woes. “This is not the time for any distraction. “We commend President Tinubu for headhunting and putting the right people in the right offices because the appointments made so far have been square pegs in square holes. “With pride, we commend the Minister of Works, Chief Dave Umahi, for bringing his professional qualifications as an engineer to bear in the task assigned to him. “We endorse the way the minister had been technically tackling road contractors who before this time had been holding the country to ransom. “We are proud of what Mr Nyesom Wike, Minister of the FCT is doing in the FCT. “He has showed uncommon zeal to do the right thing. The Minister of Interior, Mr Tunji Ojo, has shown that passports can be easily procured in Nigeria. “Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Dr Betty Edu, has been on the road putting smiles on the faces of the downtrodden. “Minister of State for Environment, Dr Iziaq Salako, has been doing everything to better our environment. “We cannot mention all the ministers, but APC G3 can boldly say that the “Renewed Hope’’ agenda is rightly on course,’’ the group stated. It also endorsed the lift on FOREX ban on the importation of 43 items. It noted that eminent Nigerians like the former Chairman of Stanbic IBTC, Chief Atedo Peterside, and public affairs analyst, Dr Sam Amadi, had also commended CBN’s decision to lift the FOREX ban. “We urge Nigerians to exercise patience as there is hope in what the administration is doing,’’ the group stressed. (NAN) #StipdistractingPresidentTinubugrouptellsoppositionLeaders
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talesofpassingtime · 1 year
The good Angriote bore his usual arms of azure and argent; and all the other Knights of whom no mention is made, that they who read this history may not be wearied, wore rich arms and of what colour they liked best.
— Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo, Amadis of Gaul
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Also I keep MENTIONING Claude’s hot popstar mermaid ex gf/Alaine & Amadis’ mother but like…
Never showed Y’all wtf Alana Triton looks like (bc lbr my Disney muse list tooo long)
BUT YEAH HERE’S FISH MOMMY™️ (her eyes violet tho💕)
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hardynwa · 1 year
Fr Mbaka clears air on fresh prophecy about Peter Obi
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Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria (AMEN), has denied reports that he prophesied against Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party for the 2023 election. Reports had emerged that Mbaka said if Peter Obi is not disgraced at the polls in 2023, he is not called by God. Mbaka, in a video posted on the church’s Facebook page, said he never spoke against Peter Obi. “After handing over to Fr Anthony Amadi on Sunday, I started hearing that Fr Mbaka spoke against Peter Obi. I Rev Fr Mbaka on that Sunday never mentioned Peter not to talk of Obi. “Please whoever is being used by the devil to blackmail me in the name of doing any job for anybody, is satanic and should apologize, withdraw such nefarious, and satanic utterance, and be careful when you want to harm the image of a man of God. “Whoever did that, I have forgiven you, but I want to hear that you have apologized and withdrew what you said against me on that day,” Mbaka said. Read the full article
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thesparkofhope · 3 years
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The Spark of Hope is a free to play interactive novel set within the world of Star Wars. Wherein you’ll take the role of a young Jedi trying to find their way in a galaxy that has turned on its head; some liberties have been taken with the lore but that’s all for the sake of the story.
May the Force be with you…
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The Empire…
It’s synonymous with everything that has gone wrong within the known galaxy; taking life as if they were a simple inconvenience. Many know it as the dark cloud— the dark force— constantly hovering over them. Just waiting for a time when it’s suitable to strike.
You, however, know it a bit more intimately than the other inhabitants of the galaxy. To them the Empire, and subsequently the Emperor, was a faceless tyrant. An entity that needed no physical form for them to feel its presence.
To you he was father…
And to him you were a pawn that he could use to tighten his hold on those he thought lesser. To ensure that he would stay in power.
The only thing in your favor? You were able to escape the Empire’s hold but it’s only a matter of time before he tracks you down.
Even if you wouldn’t be able to stop him, you only needed to get people to see that they had a fighting chance.
That rebelling was the only way to survive.
And that you weren’t the enemy.
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This story is 18+ for violence, depictions of torture, sexual themes, profanity, and alcohol consumption.
The lore, as I’ve mentioned previously, is shifted primarily around two things; that Jedi aren’t allowed to fall in love and that Palpatine is known (meaning his face). Palpatine is an ambiguous entity that can look a bit different then how you remember him. I hope that doesn’t upset anyone too much.
This is set before the original movies but after the prequels. Where the Rebellion was first starting out.
Customizable MC: name, nickname, appearance, gender, sexuality, fighting style, and more.
Choose your lightsaber color— that will boost your stats appropriately— from blue to green to purple to yellow.
Romance 1 of 5 options that will show you what you’ve been missing in life. Or choose to stay single.
Visit different planets as you try to recruit allies— while going under the Empire’s radar— and meet interesting people in the process.
Make sure that you don’t crash the Tempest too much, alright? Her captain won’t be too pleased with you.
Toe the line between the Light and Dark side as you try to sever your bond with the Empire. Don’t lose your way…
Have fun down time with your companions— namely your small droid friend— and get to learn more about them as you travel through the depths of space.
Practice the force and hone your skills with your lightsaber— just make sure you don’t blow anything up— as you never know who may show up.
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Anehsi/Anehsa Kaa [M/F] - The Warrior
[5’8” | Sky Blue Eyes]
Species: Togruta
You meet the empathetic individual on one of your first stops after escaping the Empire. With kind eyes, a fighting spirit, and a genuine want to help, you know that you have an ally that you can trust. But maybe you’ve found something more too.
Rhen/Rhea Solace [M/F] - The Mechanic
[5’10 | Silver Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
Species: Human
The other half of the Tempests modest crew; a flirt that has a way with the machinery of any spacecraft. With sly words, a saccharine smile, and innuendos exuding from them, you know your time aboard the ship has just gotten a lot more interesting. Especially when you notice the softer edge they have when they think no one is looking.
Castor/Celeste Ekiam - The Anchor
[5’6 | Hazel Eyes | Auburn Hair]
Species: Human
The only person that you trusted enough to tell your plan— about how you needed to leave everything behind— and who, without hesitation, came with you. With a gentle demeanor and soft words most would assume they were harmless; they’d be wrong. You don’t know what you’d do without them by your side.
Elaire/Elaira Amadis [M/F] - The Captain
[6’3” | Green Eyes | Golden-White Hair]
Species: Human
The captain of the Tempest that has sarcasm exuding from every word; their guard up around you even if they don’t know where you’re truly from. Will you be able to show them that you’re not a threat? Soothe the years pain from their eyes as you get to know them aboard their ship? Or will it all crumble before your eyes?
Kit'alo'nuruodo (Kit) [M/F] - The Bounty Hunter
[6’0” | Red Eyes | Jet Black Hair]
Species: Chiss
A pragmatic individual that has a cunning intellect— you were able to see that the moment you met their gaze— which makes their prowess in battle that much more deadly. You may not be sure if they’re on your side completely but you’re glad they’re not actively trying to kill you anymore too.
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