#mimes vs. clowns
connorricks · 5 months
Hey I hope you're doing alright! I miss Clowns vs Mimes, they got me through a rough time a few years back
I'm doing well, still hanging in there. It definitely warms my heart to hear that my art helped you! I decided to put Clowns vs. Mimes on the shelf for a bit because I felt I was dangerously close to burning out on it, but I still work on it every once in a while.
A few years ago I was going to make a big illustration about the space clowns invading a planet of planarian worm aliens but ended up not liking the results, but I still finished inking it. This is the part of it I like the most.
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electricabsolution · 3 months
i just remembered the time my sister was trying to explain the word she couldn't remember and said "you know. the guys who can't escape" and i was like escape????? escape from what. and she was like "i dont know. nobody knows but them" and i was pondering the deep and frightening implications of that until i realized she was talking about a mime. im so obsessed. theyre such tragic creatures
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Evil Clown Contest Round Three
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noodlecatstudio · 1 year
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Knit Sweaters have landed on www.noodlecatstudio.com!!!
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sakura-rose12 · 3 months
I always thought it'd be funny for the Heart Pirates to run into the Buggy Pirates, very much (mostly) serious vs silly energy and I'd love to see how it would play out. Especially fun to think about it if Cora is still around. Clown vs Clown who will win? The answer is me love them
Cora distracts Buggy with a mime act, casting Calm on himself and shooting off weapons and Buggy is clapping like a seal v excited
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clowns-ofetsy · 2 years
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clown vs mime bomber jacket xs - 3xl
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
Spoilers y’all! Also this one is REALLY long. And. Uh. Yeah.
Oh shit the Jabberwock figure!!! Is this the sword that the Campestri were talking about?
Blue vs red roses…….
Given that this is possibly the Palace/Kingdom of Heart’s Desire, maybe the blue represents the allies of Zybilna and the red represents the hags (or maybe opposite bc the temple seems to be of the hags—-idk)
Is the Jabberwock hag-aligned? Or is it kinda doing it’s own thing
Gricko and Frost go trick or treating w hootsie!!!
“Gideon chooses not to read. Torbek can’t read. We are not the same.”
Love that Gricko gaslit Gideon into pulling the sword out of the stone and he didn’t even have to try to get him to do it
Also love how Nikkie’s immediate idea is “let’s rip the page out of the expensive book”
“Gideon’s trying to vandalize private property” “That has NEVER been a problem for you before” “…We’ll talk about this afterwards.”
Oooh cool sword
Guys what do you think “galumphing” is—- there we go
“I don’t know if we count— we’re friends!” “They’ve seen you masturbate many times.” OH
At the jabberwock fighting arena. Straight up “galumphing” it. And by it. Well. Let’s juts say. My blade
Ohh wait maybe the roses thing is who can get to the Jabberwock first
He can’t galumph 😭😭
How many nat20s can Mace get
Oh shit!!! I think the blue petals was right!! It was an accident but still right
Love Gricko’s parental moments w Hootsie. I live for that
Oh it’s just some kid’s room
What if this girl is like Fate? Like she’s controlling the story as she plays with her toys
If she is fate and those two steeds are switched then I will be very happy
Hey leave Derek alone yes the connection is laid out but it’s a lot of info chill
OHHHHH FUCK THE LITTLE PRINCE!!!!!!!!!!!! YEP OKAY SO SHES PLAYING THE STORY AS IT GOES—- so who’s Grandmother??? Can’t be Zybilna as she’s asleep and locked away, id be so shocked if it was something like Baba Yaga
Grandmother brought her into the tower because she says it’s not safe. The child doesn’t know what’s outside the tower. The child says it’s not wise to say her name and that Grandmother says she is very powerful “even for her age.” Zybilna is stuck in time— I thought that meant she was trapped in slowed time but maybe she’s trapped in eternal childhood? That makes so much sense. Oh my god.
I’m convinced this child is Zybilna
THERES A SNAKE IN TORBEK’S BOOT. Very sad that Andy isn’t going the Toy Story route tho.
Why does Zybilna like the Jabberwock? Or whatever it was before? What was it before?? WHO IS THE PRINCE ACTUALLY??? And why can they not work without each other if the party is here now???
I am also scared rn. What if they never turn back.
Loving Derek’s mimings
“Do you have your Mojo Dojo Casa House?” “Well let’s find out— can you open your ass?”
Ohh is the Prince the King of Hearts??? That would make sense
HER TWIG PUPPET??? And the roses are bad????
“There ain’t no eyeballs in this ass!”
“You cannot see that boy anymore, T— I mean, Morgana” WHAT IS THE NAME YOU WERE GOING TO SAY??? If it’s Titania then I’m so wrong about everything
WHAT IF THIS CHILD IS THE BABY SISTER OF THE HAGS?????? Didn’t they say that the baby’s name is Tasha or something?? So why is she aligned with the Prince and, presumably, Zybilna??? DOES THIS MEAN THE GRANDMOTHER IS THE ENTITY IN THE HUT?????????????????????
Yup. Yup yup yup. So she’s not necessarily with Zybilna, just anti-Jabberwock for some reason. Why????
Well this is giving me some ideas
“Twig belongs to herself. Get rekt.”
“If anything happens to Twig, you will all pay the price.” Uh oh. Something’s gonna happen to Twig again.
also what if Zybilna and the fourth sister are the same? I think that might be not possible given timelines but still
HOLY FUCK IS THIS BABA YAGA????? (I’m very latched into this Baba Yaga thing but I think it’s right unless there’s someone else who fits the Time narrative better)
Mace save your 20s!!!!!
Shit man I gotta go to sleep
This is gonna be a TPK unless y’all run NOW
Gideon please use your fancy dagger
Frost is being iconic rn
Okay so Gideon is dead! Great!! Nikkie what’s your rule on taking damage beyond your death points??
You guys are not defeating this thing I’m so sorry
Oh my god. Gideon is dead. Like actually dead. Kremy is down. And Gricko told Hootsie to run. I’m sure he’ll catch up soon. Surely.
Nikkie what the fuck??!?!?! Why would you dread that???? Genuinely this thing is too much for these guys what the fuck is your plan
Oh my god Kremy is going to die
What possibly could they have done to get out of this????? The thing has tracking abilities they were fucked either way—- the only possible way to get out of this thing would be to get rid of the chess pieces quickly but NIKKIE KEPT DREADING THE GODDAMN INT AND PERCEPTION CHECKS
They’re not. They’re not getting out of this. They’re all dead.
There’s gotta be a reason Nikkie is going so viciously at this. There’s gotta be some sort of catch or save. Please let there be some sort of save. Please. Please. This has gotta be some sort of nightmare. Please let this just be a nightmare. Please. Please. Please.
Fuck this is literally Frost’s nightmare. This is exactly the situation he saw in the Tunnel of Terror. All his friends are dying and there’s nothing he can do about it. Also that is my nightmare specifically
This has to be a nightmare! Or some sort of dread vision!!!! They’re all gonna wake up at the end of the session and be fine!!!!!!!!
There’s no way that the Jabberwock just comes out and ends then. I know it’s totally powerful enough to do that but there’s so much story left.
Okay. Okay no. No one woke up. There was no dream. No nightmare. No thankful awakening. They’re dead.
I’m still going to hold out hope.
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creaturefeaster · 23 days
How do you go about design puppet forms for the mines? Your designs are so well thought out and intricate and it’s so cool seeing how unique they all are !! They’re definitely what I struggle with designing the most for mime ocs so I was wondering what your design process is usually like :]
Honestly, and maybe this is just me speaking from the end of a decade-long road of character design, I do not think much about it in the moment.
For some puppets, I have had some key elements floating in my head for a while before designing them-- That monkey from earlier for instance I know was A) monkey-like, and B) needed a hand at the end of their tail, for plot reasons. Otherwise I didn't actually know what I was gonna make them look like until I throw lines at the canvas and see what I end up liking. In some cases I don't even know their color, haha.
Some link up closely to their identity and gimmick as a mime. Some don't. Some are just weird and out there for the sake of being weird and out there. The one and only thing I always consider is from looking at it from the mime's perspective. Is this who they are at their core, and how does this affect what they look like, before entering reality? And that's it.
Some mimes regret their appearance after they've become physical and learn more about the connotations of their themes. Or after they go through personal changes, and are left with the echo of who they were pre-Fault showing through their puppet. Some really play into their appearance whether or not they understand it. Some are confused why they look the way they do, because they have not realised themselves yet. Some do not question it. But it's always, to a varying degree, about their core consciousness... at the time of the Fault.
I think what really makes a fun design though is good detail placement. I like to add sprinkles or stripes or dots or whatever feels appropriate, where I think it fits without being too overbearing. There's definitely a balance to a puppet design between being too simple and boring and being way over the top. But even then, that's a spectrum and puppet designs are spread across it. Maggie's simplicity vs. Holly's intricacy.
All that, plus I like bugs, animals, and clowns. So there has to be an appreciation for what you're designing. Enjoy the glory of a mushroom before designing a mime after one. It'll feel much more natural and "right" if you enjoy it.
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nazrigar · 11 months
Personal Halloween Character Design Challenge - Slashertown
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Time to reveal what I've been doing for Halloween/Spooktober!
Basically a personal character design challenge, inspired by my Tiger vs Slasher Villain post!
The gist is that it's set in a town that's basically a magnet for various kinds of horror villain archetypes, ESPECIALLY Slashers... hence its Name.
The Leads: The main protags of the challenge/setting.
Linda Rivera - A young woman of Spanish-American descent, known equally for both her stubborness and her empathy, and a strong, strong survival instinct. She's the been the "Final Girl" for most of her life, be it as a survivor of a literal cult war when she was a kid to Prom night when she was a teen. She cosplays and paints minis for a living, and is genuinely curious about what's REALLY going on in Slashertown.
Rodney "The Ripper" Rackham. Filling in for the unstoppable masked slasher villain ala Jason and Michael Myers, Rodney was once just a humble shop student with an interest in metallurgy and blacksmithing, until one day a trip to the woods went terribly wrong. For years he was the town's most famous slasher, targeting repairshops and others indiscriminately... nowadays he's more famous for another thing -killing other slashers.
Animal Companions: Filling in for the Animal guide/voice of wisdom, ala Coraline
Peggy Thirteen is Linda's cat. A crafty and wiley critter than seems to know just about every nook and cranny in town. Unusually intelligent for a cat, and remarkably obedient when Linda says to "stay put". There's more to her than meets the eye, as shown with her smug face.
Maharaja is the town celebrity Tiger, having been the one to save Linda from a slasher known as "Henry the Hatchet" a few years ago. Unbelievably strong, and much like Peggy, seems to be far more intelligent than what a big cat should be. Linda certainly suspects something.
Cannibal Archetypes: Self explanatory
Marlowe Magritte: Filling in for the Hannibal Lecter side of the cannibal villain, with a dash of Slowik from The Menu, he's the owner of the most famous restaurant in town. His food is to die for, as certain patrons disappeared in his business, just infrequent enough that no one suspects anything. Sure, while having liver with a nice chianti is nice, what he's REALLY after are memories and experiences. THAT to him, is what makes a true experience.
Merle "The Man Ogre" Mason: The Hills have Eyes meets Leatherface, Merle was a man exposed to chemicals during the end of World War 2 and became a mutant... THEN the magics of the town turned him into a cannibalistic monster, lurking about the hills just outside of town. Suprisingly articulate despite his looks!
Lethal Ladies: Because one can never go wrong with more female slasher villains!
Heather Berry lost her mind when she couldn't be Queen of High School Land, and thus took it out on some students, before mysteriously dissapearing after a fight with eternal Final Girl Linda. Now she's back, as Haley Babbit, successful business women with great PR... but beneath the facade, is still the same bloodthirsty Heather!
Liv Malone - SHE FOLLOWS. Slowly. Very slowly. Sure, she's completely unrelenting in her need to dispatch someone, but man oh-man is she SLOW. A simple shove is usually all that's needed to stop her from following you.
Killer Clowns: And this time, they're a family!
Marco the Clown and Minnie the Mime are a brother sister team that only wants to entertain you with their (occasionally lethal) shows! Please laugh at Marco's jokes and take Minnie's Art seriously, they get uspet if you don't!
Jethro the Jester is their grandfather, and leader of the group, simply known as The Troupe. One of the most powerful entities in town, his shows and acts seem to defy physics itself, and he'll always make sure that you leave the show a new person!
Terrible Toys: Three different flavors of violent toy!
Tricky the Ragdoll - Guardian of all children in town, much like Gamera, just one that's VERY open to lethal force when he sees a kid in trouble. Is actually quite helpful to them, no strings (ha!) attatched, offering blankets, food and subtly guiding kids to reunite with their parents if they ever get lost.
Mrs. Olivia - An overpossessive ghost of a woman from the 40s stuck in a porcelain doll. She'll do ANYTHING to protect her "poppets". ANYTHING. She is awoken whenever someone cleans up her toy body.
The Immolator - The most overtly Chucky-like of the bunch, with a dash of Small Soldiers. A psychotic, misanthropic inmate that winded up possessing the toy of a 90s action figure, he'll be more than happy to murder any meatbags in his sights... so long as he has batteries. The REAL danger is that, when dormant, he can imitate ANY voice possible, subtly suggesting you to really, REALLY give him those batteries!
Oceanic Killers: Because you gotta have a Jaws reference!
Big Bertha and Finn are a Great White Shark and Dolphin duo, that work together to un-alive silly and stupid hairless apes. Big Bertha LOVES the taste of humans, and would go out of her way to find 'em, but usually it's Finn that calls the shots. Any human that bothers him or makes fun of him, either gets a taste of his rostrum, or he sends Bertha to do the dirty work.
Primeval Horrors: Because everything's better with dinosaurs!
The Great One and his Flock: Combining both Jurassic Park and Hitchcock's the Birds, the Great One is a colossal, fifteen ton Tyrannosaurus rex, and is the oldest entity in town, and by far one of the most powerful. So powerful, that no slasher dares to enter his territory (which is the Slashertown Museum of Natural History). The birds of Slashertown are his eyes and ears, agents of his will, and those that mess with 'em don't tend to live to see the next sunrise. It's also a foolish thing to lay a hand on his skeleton, as the paleontologists who worship him like a god like to remind visitors. All those that have done so, either disappear (with the only remains being bloodied claw marks) or become skeletons stripped down to the bone.
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
I know you've done the various mr mime forms, but have you reviewed mime jr?
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(This is the last Pokemon review request in the inbox right now, so send 'em if you got 'em.
Mr. Mime review is here, G. Mr. Mime review is here, and Mr. Rime Review is here.)
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Some people find Mr. Mime to be kind of uncanny, with its nose-less face, long jointed limbs, and slightly too detailed hands, but I've never heard anyone complain about Mime Jr. here. It's mostly because, while based off of Mr. Mime, the design has been simplified greatly, and features like a super cheerful expression make it hard to not find this little guy adorable. Them mimicking people and not being very good at it also doesn't hurt their cuteness factor.
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I like how, conceptually, it starts off as a clown and then becomes a mime; kind of similar but still distinct ideas that work well with each other. It also looks really solid visually; the light pink body has great contrast with the dark blue accents, the black eyes pop, and the nose and red ball on the chest compliment each other, as does the ball on it's jester-cap esq hair. It's clown-like enough to pick up on the theme, but done in a nice and subtle way.
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I've heard a lot of people say that Mime Jr. doesn't look enough like Mr. Mime, but I honestly don't agree. They share the exact same color palette, similar color distributions (dark hair and legs/feet, light pink faces and arms, dark pink circle accents, etc.) and a lot of the same motifs, like the zig-zag hair and circles. I think the only place where the line looses cohesion a bit is the head, as the two have very different eyes; not inherently a bad thing, but it does make the faces less similar.
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Ironically, Mime Jr. arguably fits even better with the Galarian Mr. Mime line, but for opposite reasons; the color palettes are completely different, but more elements of the body shape and face carry through (G. Mr. Mime has a nose, think arms but thicker legs that are completely black, mitten-like hands, and a scalloped pattern to the body; all traits that Mime Jr. shares). Mr. Rime also helps with this, keeping all of the shared attributes and even gaining a stockier body shape in the legs, the round red nose on the stomach, and similar eyes to Mime Jr.
(A lot of people say there should've been a Galarian Mime Jr. On the one hand, having an ice-type variant with blue instead of pink would've made the cohesion of the line spot-on; but on the other hand, I don't know if there's a ton they would've done with the design beyond just minor visual tweaks. I don't know, if it's between a fairly standard recolor variant that exists for coherency vs. just skipping it all together, I do get why they wouldn't think it was needed. Plus, like I said, the line is incredibly coherent as-is anyway).
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Anyway, a really cute and fun pre-evo that feels like it adds something thematically to the line and works really well with both regular and the Galarian Mr. Mime lines. Great stuff.
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the-nosy-neighbor · 2 months
Pedrolino vs. Pierrot
Pedrolino vs. Pierrot (Part 2) 
Part 1 covered the history of this theatre genre, so head over there for background information.  
Now, why does Sally choose a Pedrolino costume of all the commedia costumes?  When I think of Sally, I think loud and brash and incredibly confident.  She is performing all the time and she thinks she is AMAZING at it.  Based on what we know, which character would we expect her to take?
She is vain enough to want to have the major role, so that could be one of The Lovers, but those characters have to be somewhat subdued and they don’t have a recognizable costume.  I would pick Il Capitano for her because of the boasting and love of attention.  All things considered, though, obviously she is going to pick Arlecchino (Harlequin).  This is the guy that has stuck with us through the centuries.  Pedrolino gets some play, especially in the move to Pierrot, but he becomes another thing entirely—the precursor of mime and clowning.  
Harlequin is everywhere. 
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I grew up with mass produced art of Harlequin at the end of the hall in my childhood home.  Famous artists have painted him, hobby artists have painted him, he’s on the decks of playing cards as the joker, and then the most modern iteration of Harlequin is the Joker’s main squeeze, Harley Quinn.  And once you think about it, she is pretty spot on.  Harlequin is not afraid to beat someone with that stick he carries.  The Joker is also an avatar based on the tradition.   
We have pictures of Pedrolino/Pierrot as well, but it really isn’t as common to see him, or even Pierrot, that much.  Let's take a look at the differences between the two characters.   
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I cannot see this without thinking of Groucho's line: "How do you sleep with such big buttons on your pajamas?"
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There are sources that somewhat conflate some of the Zanni’s, particularly Arleccino and Pedrolino.  However, there are very distinct deliniations of the characters in a lot of examples, with Pedrolino and Arleccino presented as rivals for the love of Columbina.  Generally, Pedrolino would be the servant of one of the main characters, though usually Arleccino serves the lead. (Women have a long history of being either banished from the stage or suffering through flat dialogue and action.)  The Wikipedia article details Pedrolino as the first or primary Zanni, but from my readings, that distinction is less defined.  I find it really hard to believe that when faced with a character in bright patchwork who was quick and nimble and clever and acrobatic, that the crowd would be turning to the more serious guy dressed in white instead. 
Pedrolino, often the butt of Arlecchino’s jokes, or a participant in setting up others, was a more serious, intense kind of character.  This is something you see when Columbina comes in.  Arlecchino is bright and sassy and fun, but Pedrolino is completely taken with her and that love informs his entire life.  The words used to describe Pedrolino in this article are “a Janus-faced aspect.”
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Janus is a Roman god, depicted with two faces.  He sees the past and the future and is present in moments of transition.  He is also associated with the moon, as it changes; it’s always in a state of transition.  These characters, Pedrolino in particular, is associated with the moon because of his moodiness and feelings of love.  Once he sees Columbina, he is smitten and is changed, his mind moved to wooing her.  Pedrolino is all romance as a counterpoint to Arlecchino’s fuck boy.   
This is something to be explored in a bit when Sally comes in. 
The costumes of Arleccino and Pedrolino are distinct from each other, but similar in theme; Arleccino is wearing a costume primarily make of patches (like that old joke of so many patches that no original material is left) and Pedrolino wears a costume that is far too big for him, most likely cast offs from his master.  Pedrolino typically did not wear a mask, but instead wore white makeup, called infarinato.  This lead to the creation of modern clown make up, which started as Pedrolino’s flour-like make-up.  As you can see above, there is still some tradition of Pedrolino wearing a mask, which as you can see, has exaggerated cheeks and raised eyebrows, which was meant to portray humor, openness, and innocence.  Arleccino’s mask (which was much more common) was meant to reference his quick wit and love of mischief, but also to give him a satyr-like aspect (spicy).   
I didn’t get into masks heavily in the prior piece, so just a bit here.  We discussed the characters and that they wore costumes related to their archetype.  For many (with the exception of The Lovers, Pedrolino, and sometimes Columbina), their masks were built to identify the characters, but also to present the personalities of the characters in a highly symbolized manner.  These masks are created in the Greek tradition, though the Greeks tended to focus on the emotion being portrayed, sometimes leading to actors changing masks as they move through the action (It’s all part of that Aristotelian catharsis, baby).  The masks in commedia could also reinforce racial and religious stereotypes existing in society, which I don’t really want to get into.  The point of that is that sometimes these masks had exaggerated features, which would be another source of info for the audience.  In addition to the masks, the characters would also highlight various appendages or areas of the body, for example, the lustful Pantalone was often portrayed with some kind of phallic costume piece to stress that he is lustful inappropriately (as the ingenue is far too young for him, etc.).  This is a somewhat regular feature of theatre throughout time, because everyone loves dick jokes.   
Pedrolino became a popular character, making the jump to French theatre, but they renamed him Pierrot, which is basically "little Peter" in French.  As Pierrot, the costume became more stylized, and the cone shaped hat and large buttons became staples.  A famous French actor portraying Pedrolino, Jean-Gaspard Deburau (1796-1846) played the character for 20 years, moving him into mime territory.  Yes, Pedrolino becomes the proto-mime (though I did see references to mimes existing before this, but it could be either AI or a very strange clown fandom.)   This character not only moved toward mime, but also modern clowning, with the makeup (as mentioned before) and a use of the same kind of bits.  Clowns often perform acrobatics, are the target of pranks, and use the slapstick clumsiness that was a staple of the character.   
Pierrot is often described as “moonstruck” which is a phrase that means affected by the moon, but generally is also a way of saying that someone is in love.  It refers to the changeable phases of the moon and a kind of out-of-this world focus.  Generally, mental illness is referenced, stemming from a belief that the phases of the moon could affect people’s moods, sanity, and behavior.   
Pierrot is often pictured with the moon: 
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As you can see, these are from around the same time period, so we definitely have a shift in focus to Pedrolino as being very romantic. Not a Harlequin in sight.
These images are referring to his romantic nature and his tendency to court Columbina.  This is a waxing crescent moon, which is a symbol of blooming love or planting seeds leading to fruitfulness, so I’m guessing a less innocent kind of love than you get from The Lovers.  
This blog points to performance of Pierrot in the 1900’s as being more spoken word over music, hence the instruments in those pictures.  They were super into orators in the 1900’s.  I’m glad we have TV.   
So, the major symbols and associations of Pierrot: 
Youth/Young adult 
Planting seeds/growth/Spring 
The moon/phases of the moon 
Next, finally, Sally and why Pedrolino, but also, why Pedrolino who is actually Pierrot? 
Sorry about the length on this one, but there are a lot of pictures, so I hope that helps.
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!
(page 424-430)
8/2/2009 WHEEL SPIN: being silly :3c VERDICT: incorrect :(
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The lore dump concludes!! Personally, I could listen to Nannasprite exposit all day, but it's probably for the best that John doesn't keep Rose waiting too much longer. I really love that her face is now angry in the notification bubble. Does this mean she's officially gone Rancorous?
New information about the light vs dark war really changes the dynamic - the forces of light are destined to lose, so it's not an equal fight. More importantly, Nannasprite - who is in part guided by the game - encourages John to head for the light, and Sburb provides gates that go up, but not down. Fighting on the side of the forces of light is seemingly the intended gameplay path for the player, and it seems like John will follow this path - although not because he's deeply invested in being a good person, he's just focused on saving his dad. I think John is focusing himself on the smaller scale goal to distract himself from the idea that Earth is beyond saving, and because whatever else Sburb has in store for him is way too huge to fathom right now.
But what about Rose? What about Dave? They're much edgier people, and if Dave does find his brother's discs and become Rose's server player, I can totally see them going evil mode together, forgoing building upwards and instead trying to explore the mysterious fog below.
We learn that when four kernels land in four spires in both the castles of light and darkness, then things really begin - I guess this means the first four players to reach this point in the game? Which suggests John is the first person in the whole world to reach this point and to beat the meteor level? I'm actually so proud of him, he and rose are really true gamers 🥹 Four spires feels like a narrative choice made so that John's four-person friend group can be the first four players, except GG doesn't have a copy of Sburb, so it would be funny if the game was John, Rose, Dave and some random guy Todd from Missouri.
It seems like the imps, as the lowest level and most common enemy, represent the pawns on the chessboard. So what's next? Will we meet a different boss type for all the pieces? Will we get harlequin horses for the knights to ride on? Will we also meet the white pieces, the counterparts to the black who John might fight alongside?
Nannasprite says that John's journey is t̸̲̿̄h̴̡͓̐̂ͅe̸͔̦̓ͅ ̸̖͖̎u̸̜͒l̴͓̮͚͋̈́̍̊t̸̜̟̎͜ḯ̷̝̟͂̏ḿ̴̻͍̒a̶̟̎t̵̲͊́͊̚e̴̱͙̠̟̊̚ ̴̢̥̪̪͊ŕ̷̨̗͕̜̑̂i̸̩̗̳̼̋̔͊d̶͙̲͓̯͘d̸̤̦̿͆̿̕l̷̗̯̆͐ḙ̷̢̘́ so to help John out I've looked up the top rated riddle on riddles.com, which is probably the ultimate one? But only look up the answer if you want big homestuck spoilers, because this answer reveals everything.
When Nanna floats through the wall, she leaves ectoplasm dripping down John's Con Air poster which is 1. exactly like a real ghost and 2. kind of rude, John loves that poster. But for sure this is going to tie into John's paranormal lore and ectoBiology. In fact there's a bucket right there for him to collect the slime and do experiments on.
Nanna is EXACTLY like dad. She bakes cookies instead of cakes, and maybe is into a different flavor of clown (perhaps she loves mimes?) but they share so much in common. It really positions John as the odd one out in the family for Not liking clowns and baked goods.
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txttletale · 1 year
northern ireland had a really bnig prtoblem with sectarian clown vs. mime violence
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Evil Clown Contest Redemption Round Two
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I didn't really like comedy vs tragedy but now I kind of hope it wins because I could turn it into a clowns vs mimes type of ordeal and attack a bunch of clown ocs🤔
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uspop209 · 7 months
Clown vs Mime.
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