mimizficsz · 5 months
Requested :
JD with a reader who isn't a morning person : John Dory x Reader
You weren't very fond of waking up and instantly being motivated to brush your teeth, make breakfast, exercise, stuff like that? Not really your cup of tea, and of course, John knew this! So obviously he had to take the initiative.
The alarm was going off, annoying beeping from that stupid clock again. You quickly bashed on the alarm to stop it. Instantly passing out on the bed, lazily snoring away while going back to your dreams. But JD? He was up and ready.
Quickly having set up your breakfast and coffee, preparing the same beverage for himself and drinking it before getting ready to go outside for his daily morning jogs meanwhile you were still laying peacefully on the bed, a bit of drool making it's way to your chin. He smiled at you before kissing your forehead and leaving a note reminding you to eat breakfast and brush your teeth right after.
About half an hour later he arrives to your figure, slowly getting out of bed. Although still a bit drowsy, you make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Suddenly being startled by JD when he wraps his arms around your waist, while giving you a peck on the cheek and greeting you a good morning. "Morning babe, how was your sleep?" You hum in response, still a bit too tired to reply in full sentences. "There's food on the table! Eat breakfast with me when you're done!" And he proceeded to sit down while waiting for you.
Soon after, you eventually came to sit with him and enjoy the meal he made for the both of you. "Did you get enough sleep?" He asked, clearly with sarcasm just to piss you off and you might've almost thrown your coffee at him. "... It's too early for this." You grumbled while continuing to sip on your coffee. "Oh don't worry! You can get even more rest after this." At this point you just sighed and ignored him.
~ Scenario
: Bothers you every single morning.
Will bother you by:
tries to drag you out of bed
he's begging you to go with him onto the morning runs
Sometimes you actually got up, some, you didn't, and the others... Well let's just say you got a bit grumpy.
: He probably has to get a new alarm clock occasionally.. The reason being is you probably didn't get enough sleep, or the bed was too comfortable and you ended up throwing that dumb device all the way across the room. (Spoiler alert: it didn't survive)
: At times where he knows that you didn't get enough sleep, he'd just leave you to sleep. Properly covering you with the blanket and kissing your cheek or forehead before leaving to do his morning tasks.
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mimizficsz · 5 months
Hey! Could request a JD x female reader headcanons on how JD acts when he's jealous! Thanks!
JD x Reader : Jealous Headcanons !
-He’s pretty chill at first. I don’t see him getting jealous at people who clearly don’t like you like he does.. The only reasons he’d be jealous is when they’re openly flirty with you
-When he sees that they’re touching you, he is NOT having it 😭
-Stays close to you when you’re with them. Not so close to the point that he’s glued to you but behind you standing there like you’re a celebrity and he’s your bodyguard
-Quietly mumbles about the person and he’s mocking everything they say in the background (Kinda like the scene in Trolls 2 where Hickory and Poppy were talkin and Branch just mocks Hickory "'Trolls is Trolls' Wow., deep.")
- He's gonna make it obvious that the two of you are dating by being touchy, flirty, romantic, yeahh.. Get ready for a lot of kisses. Oh, and he's gonna be holding onto your waist like it's the pole he holds on to when there's a flood.
You were going out with a few friends and had JD come along. As always, he was clinging onto you while the both of you were looking for your friends. "There's a new bakery and it would be so fun if we can check out the other new stuff blah blah" is what they said. Of course, not wanting to be rude or left out, you agreed to join in on the meet up. You sat down with JD beside you, and the person you're closest to in the group on the other side. They instantly greet you with a tight and touchy hug. Their right on your waist and the other ruffling your hair as they kiss your cheek, you know, platonically! But of course, John... Ehh.. he doesn't quite see it that way. He notices that this person is sort of like flirty and very touchy. After spending a few minutes in the bakery, you all agreed to go to the amusement park. On the way there, you and this friend were chatting about a recently released series the both of you spend time on watching together. "They looked so cute! I think they'd be a great couple to be honest." You commented about the recent episode featuring a new character. "You know who'd be a great couple? Us! Jk." You thought nothing of it because you know, they regularly make jokes like these. JD on the other hand.. he was sort of maybe just little bit upset.. Yeah no he was pissed as fuck. If you turned around to see him stomping on the ground like it was that person's face and I swear you'd probably see steam coming out of his ears. "'YoU knOW whO'D be A gREaT coUpLe? ? uS!!' Bullshit.." He whispered, mocking the friend while silently cursing them out under his breath. When you get to the amusement park however, JD rushes up to you before they could even drag you away and he grabs and holds on to your waist, pulling you away and going on most of the rides together alone. You'd probably notice that he's jealous after a bit more time of that friend because he jokingly (seriously) insults them, and the friend would play along (Not knowing that You and JD were together). Eventually they'd find out you were both dating after noticing how romantic the both of you were and they wouldn't be as flirty.
A/N: I got like a quick high fever yesterday..... I'm feeling a bit better now, although I still have like 3 assignments to do... And my head hurts so much I'd sob in bed for at least 3 hours before I actually fall asleep..... I wrote this at 12-2 am because holy shit I finally got motivation to write.... Writing more reqs! Don't be shy, send in more ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃ Can be extra specific too btw ^_^ I actually prefer it to be extra specific.... Maybe
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mimizficsz · 6 months
Just you and me: John Dory x Reader
A/N: This takes place before the whole Floyd got captured situation. I honestly don't know what type this is- Headcanons? Scenarios?? We'll just go with scenarios.
- * - + 🩷🩵 + - * -
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Living with JD is chaotic and fun. Romantic? Maybe not. Nevertheless, it was still really nice to make some sweet memories with your loved one.
Every morning, you were greeted by the blinding light of the sun. John was by your side, sleeping deeply. You did what you'd usually do, get ready for the day, rinsing your face and combing your hair. Then right after, make coffee and breakfast for the two of you. JD would wake up a few minutes later, with his messy hair and sleepy expression.
"Good morning, Love." You'd smile at him, as he lazily makes his way to the bathroom. "Good morning.."
Later on, joining you, Kissing your cheek before sitting down to dig in.
In rainy weathers, the two of you would cuddle up on the bed. Blankets surrounding both bodies while you held each other, staring outside of the window watching rain fall. Some days John would even pull you into slow dancing. He'd play a song fit for the mood on the record player,
"Come on, Babe! Dance with me!" He'd say with the bright smile he wears on his face. You'd repeatedly refuse, until he drags you out of the couch and guides your body slowly. "Like this.. Just like that! Great job, Hun."
Or the other times, you'd share songs back and forth. Although, most of it is just him blabbering about the songs he made back in his brozone days, then it turns into how he made the songs, to sharing memories of his childhood with his brothers. He's always such a talker and sometimes it does get annoying mostly because he forgets to listen to you, but you have to admit, it's adorable when he gets lost in thought and keeps talking for hours on end. He follows you around while you clean or make dinner, talking and bragging about his popularity back in the day, all giddy and excited to share it to you, not even caring if he repeats the same stories.
Although not often, Fights would still happen. And every damn time, in the middle of arguing, He'd always stop the arguements by kissing you once, twice, three times, however many he needs to just to get you to stop. Of course you'll talk about it a day after, and apologize.
He wrote a song for you, all about you, how amazing and beautiful you are, for your anniversary. Started freaking out a few hours after making it because he thought it was too much of a small gesture for such a big and memorable event. When he saw that you got him something and he came up empty handed, he eventually brought up that he rececntly made a song but later on scrapped it.
"Happy anniversary, my love!" You smiled at him, handing him the special item you got for him. "Happy anniversary to you too babe.." He stared at it and awkwardly chuckled before scratching the back of his head and speaking again, "I don't really know how to say this but uh.. Okay listen, So at first, I knew exactly what to get...- But then I thought it was too much of a small gesture so I scrapped that idea.." He took a deep breathe in before grabbing the crumpled piece of paper and opening it. "I made you a song-"
JD would chuckle before playing the song for you. For him, it doesn't seem like an "anniversary worthy" gift, but to you, it was the second best gift there is, because nothing beats being with him more than anything.
Just you, and John, and that was more than enough. (Except Rhonda is here).
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mimizficsz · 5 months
Hi could I request a JD x female reader flirting headcanons (before and after they start dating). All his bad pick lines and ways to try and impress her, but they never work lol
Y was this so goddamn short
My brain got stuck in the middle of writing this and I had to pause for 2 days just for it to turn out this short.
JD x reader headcanons : flirting
Warnings: Sexual/Nsfw flirting , Nothing physical tbh. DNI if you’re uncomfortable with this type of stuff, Minors DNI.
-At first he'd probably be all showy when he saw you. You know, trying to get you to see him do cool stuff but he obviously fails...
-After several embarrassing attempts, he got your number somehow (Or however they communicate but I’m pretty sure they have the internet in trolls in some shorts)
-When you get to know him, as in chatting with him more, hanging out with him, randomly in conversations he'd drop stupid pick up lines and either you'd brush it off and ccompletely ignore it, flirt back, or laugh (Maybe don’t do the last option, the first time you did he felt so embarrassed he locked himself in rhonda for 2 days without ever coming out)
-The flirty “jokes” would eventually get more and more meaningful… As in stupid poetry type of flirting. Except he accidentally offends and insults you most of the time while trying to do it.
“..Your voice is so deafening”
“Excuse you?”
Most of the time he won’t even realize it until he’s laying in his bed
-Now when you start flirting back or even flirting with him first, he’s just all… “Huh”, “Am I tweaking right now” , “WHAHRHFHEHFHHS” , and “Oh shit” basically he’d start malfunctioning and have passed out on several occasions.
-Somehow he actually caught you off guard once after trying to make his own pick up lines from what Branch taught him (he forced Branch to help him get better with flirting respectfully)
“I can stay here forever and get lost in your eyes..”
You just stare at him all like “Is this really John Dory?”
Turns into awkward silence once he notices himself staring way too long until one of you changes the subject.
Flirting but you’re dating now :]
-Watch as the flirting becomes so much more fucking explicit
-It’s either you or JD that starts it. Either way, the other would just be in disbelief. “Did he/they really just say that?”
-Overtime the explicit flirting becomes normalized :p but I think that you’d occasionally catch JD off guard.
John was sipping on coffee and you brought up a random topic while brewing your own
“Which name do you like to be called by more? JD, John, John dory, Dory??”
“I honestly don’t know babe.”
“I think John is the best. It’s the most moanable out of all of them”
Now he has to clean his shorts because he spat coffee on them.
Or something like,
“I actually hate you so much.”
“Doesn’t seem like it based on what you kept saying last night.”
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mimizficsz · 5 months
Hi I'm alive :3
I'm currently cringing at myself for writing these drafts and was about to delete them but then I remembered no one would give a fuck since this is tumblr and people would just mind their own business and scroll (most of the time)
I'm gonna continue writing it , please bare with me......... I swear I'll write reqs.
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mimizficsz · 5 months
I'm too lazy to do reqs but at the same time I have an idea of what to write...... Help me
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