alistonjdrake · 2 years
This is not a 400 follower celebration
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I said I would make a server for world building and I did. Right now it’s mostly full of pictures of my maps and links to advice posts that I like or ones that I made myself but I would love to discuss world building with you all so here’s an open invite. 
It’s gonna expire in a day so after that message me if you’d like to join. Tagging some parties who mentioned they’d be interested when I created one 👀: @apollowritesstuff @space-cadead @aalinaaaaaa @peachmeats @lividdreamz @sanguine-arena @thetruearchmagos @mimswinter @comicgoblinart @k--havok @mercurialsmile @saphoblin @cosmiccoincidence @moonshinemagpie @rainy-whale​
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Hey, what's Kingston blackmail and who is the Fake Dating AU about?
I published the first chapter of Kingston Blackmail last week! AO3 summary: 
Seven years after the fatal disaster at Caudebec, Admiral Lord Horatio Hornblower receives a blackmail threat from someone who knows entirely too much of his history with Captain William Bush. 
I’ve been referring to it on tumblr as the Amnesia AU; the first chapter is here: Fogbound. 
Fake Dating AU is Bush and Hornblower set during Flying Colours: instead of waiting for the Loire to subside, Bush and Hornblower cross France by pretending to be Dutch newlyweds on a quickie honeymoon-leave from their respective armies. (Yes, it’s silly and set in an AU in which M/M marriage is a thing. Why should the writers of contemporary canons and modern-AUs get to have all the fun?)
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guardevoir · 3 years
here you go: 6&7 41&42
Note: for the Fanfic Questions Meme; feel free to toss more numbers my way, folks!
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. 7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
I’ve been in fandoms since 2007. At least one at a time, usually several in parallel. If I would even manage to list ALL the OTPs, we’d be here all day long. So, have a quick selection.
OTPs 1. Hornblower: Bush/Hornblower 2. Hornblower: actually most combinations of Archie/Hornblower/Bush(/Côtard); Bush/Hornblower is just the one that usually tickles my fanfic sensibilities the most.  3. Emergency!: Johnny/Roy 4. AssCreed: Ezio/Leonardo 5. White Collar: Neal/Peter(/Elizabeth) 6. Yuri On Ice: Victor/Yuuri 7. Rivers Of London: Peter/Nightingale 8. Ace Attorney: Miles/Phoenix; Apollo/Klavier
NoTPs idk? I mostly just go “thanks, but no thanks” on a case-by-case basis when interacting with fanmade content, because I don’t usually bother really nailing down the things I don’t like. 
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I almost never have fanfics I’m “currently reading”, because I can easily get through a 100k word fic in a day, and I rarely get into a fandom early enough to find unfinished-but-still-updating fics. So instead, have some fics that I had been currently reading at one point or another, I guess.
1. “Seasons of Light and Shadow” (LOTR; Bard/Thranduil, modern AU): Just about the only time I couldn’t finish a fanfic in one sitting; it has nearly a million words, which not even I can power through in a day, though I sure as hell tried. I’m not even really in any Tolkien-related fandom, but I do read fic for it sometimes and this one is pretty magnificent.  2. “The Wedding Planner” (Ace Attorney; Phoenix/Miles): This one I found while it was still being posted, so it really was on my “currently reading” list for quite a while, though it’s finished now. Super, super sweet.  3. “Like I Like My Coffee” (Hornblower; Horry/Bush with a side of Horry/Pellew): On the “currently reading” list by virtue of last having been updated in 2014. And I actually found it before that last update, so I’ve lowkey been waiting for new chapters on that one for the better part of a decade, and I’m still lurking and waiting. 4. “Give Me Nothing, Give Me You” (The Witcher; Geralt/Jaskier): Not a fandom I’m necessarily in, but it sure does have very nice fic. It’s finished now, but this was another Actually Updating one and I haven’t gotten around to getting caught up on account of obsessing about Emergency! too hard. So, the only genuine Currently Reading fic on this list. 5. “Frozen River” (Rivers of London Peter/Nightingale): Figure skating AU that, iirc, was on hiatus for a while and I promptly never got around to reading the rest of it until I fixed that just now.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: 1. yeaka (mostly for the Elrond/Lindir stuff but also just in general) 2. manic-intent (originally for the AssCreed stuff but also Rivers of London) 3. hitchcock-winter (Emergency!, swooped in with some stupidly gorgeous writing and everything I’d wished for in the characterization department when I was fully expecting that I’d have to write any new fic myself) 4. Trapelo_Road475 (Emergency!, writes sex scenes like some sort of goddamn beautiful impressionist painting and I’m kind of in awe) 5. Linpatootie  (Rivers of London; just some really damn good fic) (and like 50 other askhjdfg)
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johnnys-green-pen · 3 years
WIP game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.  Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by @hitchcock-winter a while back - thanks a bunch! I love getting tagged in stuff like this. 
Fun fact: My WIP folder consists of a physical ring binder (because typewriter) and an equally physical notebook. So much for file names, but I made do.
Most of these are just a page of random notes, some have a bit more stuff to them. A couple of these are abandoned in this particular form, but I don’t think I have anything in there that won’t get used at all. I also combined a few things that would’ve been in the same file if I’d been using files so you don’t have the fifty instances of “slowburn fic planning” I’ve scattered across my notebook. 
All of these are E! fics.
“Planning: E! Slowburn fic (goddamnit)”
"The other long-form E! fic”
The Silent Treatment
SF Sequel
“E! fic attempts: Hands”
“Yet another attempt at E! fanfic”
“Attempt 3: fucking hell. fuck this. fuck.”
“Johnny had never been a very tactile person”
touch-starved stuff
Tags: I don’t know many people who write on here and are still active, and one of them’s Hitch, who tagged me. So, uh. @evilsilenc3, I know YOU have WIPs because you mentioned that when I tagged you for the first lines meme! Aha! Then, for a little out-of-fandom ping, let’s confuse the hell out of my IRL buddy @mimswinter. Hey mims! Betcha didn’t expect a ping from this sideblog!  And, last but not least, any other writer who has WIPs, E! related or not, you can all feel tagged, too. 
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crampdown · 3 years
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@mimswinter really old? you know what that means!
Me: “cringe culture is dead! I shouldn’t feel ashamed for whatever kind of trash I doodled in the corners of my middle school geography notebook!”
Also Me, going through said notebook: “aaaauugh! AAAAUUUUUGGGHH!!!”
ANYWAY I’m currently absolutely losing it over this I managed to find:
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This drawing is from 2012 (oh my :’D) and if I remember correctly this fucker’s name was Bobby. Bobby Bomb Bob (sometimes I like to believe I’m funny) and his only personality trait was beeing self-proclaimed batshit crazy, loving explosions and overall thinking himself to be some sort of MadMax protagonist...
ANYWAY time for a redraw
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...is that even an improvement? XDD 
welp seems I just love making these nasty, hideous rat-like characters
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Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
Thank you @mimswinter for the tag
Providence; Sumayl's POV
She only wants to help.
Tagging @haleyswrites @inky-duchess @underwoodinc @starlitesymphony and @necros-writings
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clonedking · 3 years
17 Questions Tag Game!
Was tagged by @the-punforgiven
nickname: Lu, Lun or Cryptid (online)
zodiac: Cancer
height: About 176cm
OP removed this question, so instead: I’ve been to Germany, Italy, Switzerland, England, Greece and France and I would like to travel more but .. you know.
last thing I googled: Something related to my french homework
song stuck in my head: Got The Time by Joe Jackson
wearing: Grey jeans, a Ghost band shirt and a Homestuck sweater that is only recognizable as embarrassing if you’ve actually read the comic
favorite author: I don’t really have one still but if I had to say, probably Steven King?
favorite instrument: Saxophone and Basss
aesthetic: A memory of youth. Blurry, grainy polaroid photographs. Almost empty airports in the morning. Record stores. Endless walks on warm summer nights. The smell of old houses. Neon signs. Abandoned amusement parks.
favorite song: My mind has not changed since last time, so despite dearly loving every song on the album, I still have to say: Gone Hollywood by Supertramp
favorite animal sounds: Have you ever heard a serval meow? They’re precious
random: John Carpenter’s now cult film “The Thing” originally flopped hard. This presumably happened because 1982, the year it was released, it went against “E.T.”. At the moment, the US was going through a recession, so it was likely people would prefer the film that was hopeful and escapist rather than gloomy with an uncertain outlook to the future.
tagging @crampdown, @mimswinter, @pinkwolverine, @aonghus-the-highlander and @blessedbytyr and you better do it, or else.. jk
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beepbeepsan · 1 year
not to be weird but, have you joined Letters from Watson? just curious
I haven't, have you? it's another subscription thing like Dracula Daily, right?
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guardevoir · 4 years
@mimswinter replied to your photo: I’ll let you in on a secret: I DO kinda know how...
an idea: draw Horatio from Williams POV, pointing on maps and stuff
I’m not sure if “kinda knows how to hand” is good enough to do Bush’s Thing For Hornblower’s Hands justice, lol
But hey, on the “to draw” list it goes /shrugs
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guardevoir · 3 years
Last Line Meme
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Tagged by @mimswinter
As per usual lately, this one’s from a WIP of an Emergency! fanfic:
“I’m not the one who-” Johnny replied sharply, his gaze still fixed somewhere around Roy’s knees. “Nevermind. Yeah, I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be.”
I can’t tag that many people because as per usual, idk whom to tag. I guess @hitchcock-winter and uuuh. @squad51goals tagged me in a fic meme once I think which means they did a fic meme and that means there’s probably a chance of there being a WIP kicking about somewhere...? Also, @evilsilenc3 has WIPs iirc. 
(to anybody confused by this tag, hey, @johnnys-green-pen here, howdy)
And everybody else who can and wants to do this, you can feel tagged too! Like, officially, “feel free to ping me when you do the meme because I wanna see even if we’ve never talked” kinda tagged. 
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crampdown · 3 years
17 Questions Tag Game!
I got tagged by @catfacedvampire (thanks pal <3)
Nickname: Cramp, Juju, an unholy amount of increasingly dumber sounding nicknames thanks to my friend’s never ending creativity (I didn’t know my name was THIS flexible :T)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 176 cm
OP removed this question, so instead countries I’ve visited so far: France, Austria, UK, USA, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus
Last thing I googled: something about the state of South Ossetia
Song stuck in my head: Danny Don’t You Know - NSP
Wearing: worn-out black shirt with Grateful Dead logo and equally worn-out black jeans
Favourite Author: Neil Gaiman, Thomas Mann, Anthony Burgess, 
Favourite Instrument: Pipe Organs! And bass guitars
Aesthetic: slightly musty smelling library, a pencil case filled with dozens of old pencil stubs, the local wildlife of the innercity cemetary, 
Favourite Song: I’m going with my current favourite: Victoria’s Secret by Sonata Arctica
Favourite Animal Sound: All of my cat’s sounds? Also the call of the Eurasian eagle-owl
Random: risking my fingers typing this cause my cat is sitting on the desk again and currently in predator mood.
tagging: @mimswinter, @dabirdbowie @othioss @stonetheskooks and everyone else who feels like it ^^
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WIP folder
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I'll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by @mimswinter.
I last did this about six months ago; to my surprise, there have been some significant changes to my WIP folder since then! (I thought I spent the last six months steadily beavering away on Lost Honour. But no, apparently I’ve done some other things, too.)
Documents are in order of last worked on; folders are in order of last created. Redacted filenames are secrets I'm keeping to myself just now.
Lost Honour (folder, 14 files) Krakenverse (folder, 6 files) Trunked (folder, 3 files and a folder) Whitehead - more Papas (folder, 4 files) Langstroth and Bees (folder, 18 files + research folder) Elementary x 22nd Century (folder, 9 files) Kingston blackmail 2 [REDACTED 1] [REDACTED 2] Kingston blackmail notes Kingston blackmail [REDACTED 3] Fake Dating AU The most depraved mind in all of London Crash 1 + 5 prompts Kingston blackmail deletions Any Service - Post Flota notes Any Service - DIA tgarnsl prompts 5 Times Lynes Didn't Say The Words [origfic selkie] 22C magnifier [Hornblower] kissing sequel maybe Brian sequel? anon Hornblower H/C sanspatronymic H/C H/W [REDACTED 4] MDBD w/ PF Southern Soldier Boy Marcus & Lin 221b Birthday Prompts Maria/Bush/Hornblower Maria/Bush/Hornblower deletions [REDACTED 5] [REDACTED 6] [REDACTED 7] HS AU cont H/W OD/D MDBD w/ PF outtakes Render and then Seize her Rant Five Tragic Deaths of a Hat (and One Time it Survived) Untitled Kat/Rebecca TIMES THREE stoke moran Handsome and Generous sequel Nerve and Knowledge Hearts Mean Love Untitled Kat/Rebecca thing TIMES TWO notablyindigo prompt
Tagging @educatedinyellow, @phoenixfalls, @tgarnsl, and anyone who would like to play!
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guardevoir · 4 years
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One anachronistic coffee coming right up.
@mimswinter - ask and ye shall kinda receive? Super doodly doodle but I accidentally drew on the wrong layer, so... *shrugs*
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guardevoir · 3 years
17 Questions Tag Game!
Was tagged by @mimswinter
nickname: Guardy
zodiac: Sagittarius
height: 5′4-ish / 164 cm
countries I’ve been to: Oh man. Uh. Germany, Austria, England, Czech Republic, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Spain... I guess technically also France (on my way back from England) and Belgium (that time we took a wrong turn and ended up in a different country #justeuropeanproblems), but we were just driving through those so I don’t think that counts.
last thing I googled: idk? According to my browser history, “platypus”. 
song stuck in my head: Fly Me To The Moon; same song as Mims, who tagged me, which is a helluva coincidence - but in my case it’s by Julie London, who also plays Dixie McCall in Emergency! (1972). I was going through my first ever youtube playlist from 2009-ish, and stumbled over the song again, in yet another instance of me barely skidding past fandoms I’d be way into years later. 
wearing: pajamas, grey. Not for much longer though because I gotta actually leave the house in a sec.
favorite author: oh come on. I don’t know, dangit.
favorite instrument: so I gotta say accordion here on the grounds of having been playing it for like 17 years now. It’s also my least favorite instrument on the grounds of me still being bad at it somehow.
aesthetic: 70′s fashion, 50′s fountain pens, obsolete technology, autumn colors, creased, yellowed paper, things that are slightly chipped around the edges but still stubbornly working. 
favorite song: oh man seriously, these questions. I have literally 200 favorite songs, I can chart my whole damn life story by them. If in doubt, When The Rain Begins To Fall by Jermaine Jackson and Pia Zadora, but also I’ll Meet You At Midnight by Smokie and Forever In Blue Jeans by Neil Diamond.
favorite animal sounds: Just. ALL the cat noises.
random: ... this 17 questions tag game does not have 17 questions and I’d really love to know where the others have vanished to. Like, what IS this 13 questions nonsense.
tagging: uH. @vesperupus and @hitchcock-winter and anybody else who feels like it. 
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guardevoir · 4 years
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@mimswinter - look, it’s done!
 Soooo, anybody up for some character guessing? Between all of you, you MIGHT be able to figure out most of them.
(EDIT: oh yeah. Blank meme is here.)
(EDIT2: also, tagging a few things that were already guessed)
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guardevoir · 4 years
@mimswinter:  Art please? (and I might be back too, so great timing xD)
A big hooray to us!
And yeah, art will be coming up Soon, I just have this odd urge to draw something Hornblower-related first as a proper “first post back” kinda thing
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