#min yoongi the things u do to me …. ur words are a spell
whyse7vn · 2 years
[ ot7 x reader ]
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tae: i jusT fellll heaD first onto the floor
y/n: LMAO
did someone record it
tae: not sure
should i do it again and record it for you?
y/n: no it’s okay
where did you fall from?
tae: kitchen counter
y/n: are you having fun?
tae: yeah
y/n: good
tae: head hurts
y/n: shouldn’t of fell
tae: what if i died
y/n: that would of sucked
tae: i wouldn’t be able to tell you i died
y/n: i’m sure someone would tell me
tae: no
y/n: no?
tae: ¿
y/n: ok tae
tae: i’m soh ok
y/n: i didn’t ask if you were ok i just-
i’m glad
tae: thanks
thinking about the instagram thing rn
y/n: what instagram thing?
tae: wHen i followed gennie by accident 😓
y/n: you mean jennie?
tae: that’s what i said
y/n: that was so random why are you thinking about that rn?
was so long ago i am very much over it love
tae: i can think what i wanna think
omgggg r u mad at me rn ?!
y/n: no i’m not mad
tae: goof
thank you
i’m going now
i have things to do
y/n: ok have fun love
tae: i was born 2 fun
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y/n: um
yoongi: why is it unknown
why don’t they know who said it
y/n: i have no idea
yoongi: let’s find out
y/n: how are we going to find out
yoongi: i’ll ask everyone here and you can ask people on the street
y/n: i feel like that would take a long time
and what if someone lies to us?
what then??
yoongi: omg
ur so right
but i cant take it i need it know who said it
y/n: i love you for what you are all that you’ve been and all that you will be
see look
i said it
problem solved
yoongi: omg you cant do that
y/n: just did
yoongi: NO
y/n: why?
yoongi: you didn’t say it
y/n: i think i did
yoongi: it’s not your quote
y/n: how do you know
it actually is my quote i am claiming it
yoongi: YOU CANT
y/n: WHY NOT
yoongi: CUZ I KNOW
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: what
y/n: it’s my quote i said it i made it up it belongs to me
yoongi: i cant accept this
pls leave me alone for the next 2 hours
y/n: why 2 hours?
yoongi: because that’s when i’ll be over it
y/n: how do you know that
what if you’re over it in the next 10 mins
y/n: omg
clam down i say!
idk if i like drunk you tbh
yoongi: i am not drunk
being drunk is a mindset i don’t partake in
y/n: i think you’re wrong
yoongi: i have never been wrong in my life
y/n: you were wrong about the quote…
yoongi: i’ve decided not to speak with you anymore
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jimin: heard you fucking with namjoon now 🥱
y/n: for the last time jimin i will not give in to ur little role play fantasy
jimin: always knew you were a little slut
y/n: just imagined you saying that irl and almost threw up
jimin: cat got your tongue?
y/n: ew
cringing so hard rn
jimin: who knew you were so ….
y/n: jimin what
jimin: how ironic
y/n: ????
jimin: splendid
jimin: is this not hot?
y/n: no.
jimin: oh
y/n: you just said words
jimin: did my words not make you wet?
y/n: did the opposite actually
jimin: oh
y/n: yeah
maybe you should stop drinking
jimin: happy new year
y/n: fuck off
jimin: i deserved that
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jungkook: hay
y/n: no you are not ugly
no i would never leave you for tae or ironman
yes we will be together forever
i would still love you if you were a worm
i don’t care that you cry during sex
i think your sock collection is cute
your eyes are pretty
it’s okay you left me with bam today
no i am not hungry
i am in my bed rn
yes i will wait up for you
you do make me happy
it’s okay that you are a crybaby
yes i love you too
jk: how did yoju kno i was gonna ask?
y/n: you literally said hay instead of hey
jk: sjo?
y/n: ur spelling always sucks when ur drunk
and no it doesn’t bother me
also you ask me the same questions every time you are drunk
that also doesn’t bother me
jk: OMjfG
Ur like insane 😧
like thaTs so freaky bae
ur a frek
freak 😈
dijdt mean the naughty y emoj
my fault
y/n: it’s okay
jk: lejt me turn auto corrected on
y/n: why is it off?
jk: sjo i can fell smart
wairttt here
y/n: waiting
jk: dojne
wtf why isn’t it work
sorry for shouting
y/n: it’s okay bby
jk: send nudes
y/n: so now you can spell??
that’s crazy
i’m sick of being nice to you tbh
jk: L
+ radio
y/n: 😐
jk: rate my rizz 1-10
y/n: i won’t
jk: why ☹️
y/n: ur gonna end up crying
jk: would you still love me if i said uwu
y/n: you literally do say that
jk: okay???
hope off my dick bro
omg play the ping pong
they are broke yk?
y/n: hyuna and dawn?
jk: i literally just said that?
y/n: fuck y-
go back to your little party
jk: are you made at me
mad mad mad
y/n: no
just want you to have fun
jk: i am having fun
i am talking to you
wtf is thijs not fun for you???????????????????
y/n: it is
but i want you to have fun with your friends bby
jk: oh o k
what if i start a meth lab
y/n: what
jk: sorry
i donr even know what meth actually is
i wanted to look call
y/n: when are you coming home
jk: what even is home
like when you thjnk about it
what i s a home
y/n: …
jk: you freaky?
y/n: …
are you ok?
jk: can you come get me pls
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hobi: WHORE
y/n: oh
hobi: SLUT
y/n: hello??
hobi: 🥰
y/n: thanks?
hobi: *🤬
y/n: oh
hobi: did i make you cry?
y/n: no
hobi: BITCH
y/n: are you trying to make me cry?
hobi: shut the fuck up 🤬🤬🤬
y/n: ….
do you need me to pick you up?
hobi: no
NO .
y/n: what do you want then
hobi: FUCK YOU
y/n: you are so lucky you are drunk and not at home
hobi: 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
y/n: bitch
hobi: ur mother
y/n: don’t make me come there
hobi: cum
y/n: don’t try me happy feet
y/n: or what?
hobi: calling ur birther
y/n: you called her a bitch i’m sure she’ll understand
hobi: go away
y/n: thought we were having fun :(
hobi: love u
y/n: love u too
come home soon
hobi: ok
i lied
i hate it there
y/n: fine don’t come come
hobi: wtf why would you even say that
y/n: go away
i don’t have the time nor energy today
hobi: ur mother has no time or energy tbh
y/n: tbh ur about to be single
hobi: tbh i never liked you anyways
y/n: how about you leave me alone
hobi: how how about you DIE
y/n: omg????
hobi: blue hour!
y/n: txt hates you
y/n: and won’t
omg sorry the australian slipped out of me
happens sometimes
it’s like my hidden super power
by day i’m humble korean man born and raised
by night the auzzie takes control
i’m like venom omg
this that pink venom
this that auzzie venom
get em get em get em
me in blackpink when
y/n: never i pray 🙏🏽
hobi: :/
cuz it’s you ur the one that i want
y/n: L
hobi: is for the way you look at me
look at us doing a little duet aren’t we cute 🥰
y/n: bye get home safe
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jin: just leaked your nudes
it’s okay because you looked good in them
jin: they saw bae 😓😓😓
y/n: THEY???
jin: the guys saw your tits bae 😰
y/n: HOW ??
jin: ur tiddies are my lock screen
but don’t worry i ate the polaroid
y/n: WHAT????)/)/
jin: i ate it
jin: so they couldn’t see
y/n: why would they see the polaroid?
jin: after seeing some of you they might want more
i couldn’t have that
and they know i keep the polaroid in my wallet z
y/n: how do they know?
jin: cuz i told them
y/n: why would you tell them?
jin: so they wouldn’t take it
y/n: but you ate it because you thought they would take it?
jin: yeah
y/n: 🤨
something ain’t right there
jin: everyone thinks your hot tho
y/n: they think i’m hot because they saw my tits ?
jin: no it’s because of the video
y/n: ?????
jin: the one i showed them last week
y/n: LAST WEEK???
jin: yeah
are you mad 🥺?
y/n: i’m going to beat the fuck outta you
jin: that isn’t legal
y/n: you have 10 minutes to get yourself home
jin: oh
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namjoon: i cant see straight rn
but that’s okay
y/n: is it?
namjoon: what if we had kids rn
y/n: LMAO
moving on
it was so cold today
namjoon: i’ll keep you warm
y/n: thanks
namjoon: i am a rapper
y/n: you are
namjoon: do you think i’m good at it
y/n: i think you’re the best at it
namjoon: woah
y/n: fuck you
i lied you SUCK
namjoon: aw man
y/n: get better
the first 3 words of arson ended ur career tbh
namjoon: mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
tbis is real upsetting yk?
y/n: should of took my compliment and left
but you had to call me a freak
namjoon: i take it back
would you still love me if i was jungkook?
y/n: what
namjoon: would you?
y/n: um
i guess so?
namjoon: so ur a cheater
good to know
y/n: what
am i high rn or are you?
namjoon: i don’t do coke?
y/n: what
namjoon: shut the hell up
y/n: so it is you
thought i was going insane for a second
namjoon: i’m not even real
y/n: sucks
namjoon: ikr
y/n: who have i been kissing on this whole time then?
namjoon: probably jungkook idk..
y/n: does jungkook make you feel insecure or something??
why are we talking about him rn
namjoon: i might as well kms i cant belive you just said that to me
don’t look at me don’t speak to me don’t perceive me at ALL
y/n: yikes
forgive me 🥺🙏🏽
namjoon: it’s too late
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namjoons and jimins ones flopped so bad but it’s okay. as you can tell got a bit carried away with jungkooks one 🤭🤭. you should know by now my shit is never proof read!gc stuff soon 🙏🏽 ALSO FEEL SOSOSO FREE TO GIVE ME IDEAS OR REQUEST PLS I FR NEED THEM LOVE YOU ALL XOXOX
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Chapter Eleven
Summary: When you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. But after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. In the late 18th Century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. Will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind?
A/N: This chapter is a little different, it’s in Yoongi’s point of view. I was going to make it Chapter 10.5 since it kind of occurs alongside Chapter 10 chronologically, but I didn’t want anyone thinking it wasn’t necessary to the plot, because it definitely is. Let me know what you think!
"Can't you just let me go with you, hyung? I'll be good!"
This kid. Yoongi shakes his head firmly, hurriedly grinding some herbs together for a last-minute clarity charm. "You mess up enough here as it is. I can't leave something like this up to you. Besides, Y/n specifically asked for me to go, didn't she?"
The shaman tries to ignore the way Taehyung fixes his puppy dog eyes on his elder. "But what will I do when you're gone? I'll be all bored and alone."
Tipping the ground herbs into a small vial, Yoongi's voice is flat as he makes sure the vaguely green dust makes its way into the vessel. "Then go back to the palace and keep Y/n company. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Alright, I need to leave. Be sure to leave the portal door open, but lock the front door with the hex charm; do you remember it?"
Taehyung seems affronted at the suggestion. "Of course I can do a hex charm, Yoongi. I'm not incompetent, you know..."
Yoongi straightens up and stares at the boy who's pouting in the kitchen. Feeling a sliver of guilt, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Listen," Yoongi says, voice gruff but apologetic, "I'm just making sure. I'm trying to keep you safe."
"Forget about it," Taehyung mutters under his breath, studiously ignoring his elder as he grabs an apple for the road and shrugs on a coat. "I'm going, like you wanted."
Yoongi winces when the heavy wooden door slams behind his assistant, and he stands in silence, listening to the the light scrape of Taehyung’s fingernail against the door, paired with the muttering of an ancient Chinese spell. Most of the magic Yoongi used nowadays were more modern Korean methods, but for the more basic enchantments, it was common to use the original spells.
Finally, all was quiet again. Yoongi cleared his throat to try and break the melancholic gloom he had slipped into, and double-checked the minimal belongings on his person before he left. He was not going to be in the modern world long, would not even have to leave the confines of the house itself, but Yoongi never went anywhere without a small leather pouch of basic ingredients tucked into his belt, the glass vial of a clarity charm dangling on a cord around his neck, and a small blade in his boot. All things proceeding as planned, he wouldn’t need them.
The first thing Min Yoongi noticed about the future was how clean and bright everything was. Gone were his heavy curtains, dark walls and sooty hearth. He emerged out into a hallway (something only palaces were large enough to have in his time, but he was familiar with them nonetheless) with a strange spongy fabric floor and impossibly straight, flat walls that appeared painted uniformly. He couldn’t imagine the finesse it would take a painter to manage to evenly coat this expansive surface without leaving streaks. Perhaps magic was more commonplace in this day.
Yoongi had been here once before, to lure Y/n back to his time, but he had transformed into a cat, then, and it was the middle of the night, rather than the break of day. Unsure which direction to go, he followed the hallway left, until he made it to the very end. “She said the communication device was in her sleeping quarters. Here, she wrote down some instructions for its use.” Yoongi felt for the note again in his pocket, comforted by the crisp edge of the thick paper. He had read that note to the point of rote-memory, but was glad it was there anyway. All Yoongi had to do was locate a bedroom, and then the ‘phone’ would be on a wooden stand beside it. He was actually feeling some excitement unfurl within him to find this device; from Y/n’s description, it sounded like a very complexly enchanted item.
As Yoongi made his way from room to room methodically, ignoring everything that wasn’t a bed (even though he was desperately curious to try out the bath – something he recognised from his time, but seemed far more refined) he thought over his previous encounter with Taehyung.
Was there really such a need for Taehyung to take everything to heart all the time? That boy was too sensitive for his own good. It would get him hurt one day.
When Taehyung and Yoongi met, almost three years ago, the shaman wasn’t looking for anyone. In fact, he had sworn off ever taking an assistant again after… what had happened with the last one, but Taehyung was insistent. His parents didn’t want him working on their farm anymore, he had said, and the King’s Guard wouldn’t take him in. He would have nowhere else to go. Perhaps Yoongi should’ve seen that as a sign that the boy wasn’t a particularly capable worker, but instead he had opened his arms and welcomed him in. He never had been able to say no to a pretty face. Yoongi thought maybe that was his biggest flaw yet.
Behind the fourth or fifth door, past the small door in the wall from whence he came, Yoongi found a bed, wider and more lushly decorated than the modest shelf-and-blanket combination he had. Letting out a gasp of relief at the chance to distract himself from the memories of his assistants, he rushed forward into the room, scanning it for a wooden stand.
Directly to the right of the bed is a short, squarish cabinet. On top is a small metal box with glowing red numbers, a very glossy and crisp book, and a small black device. Yoongi consults with the slip of paper, and tentatively touches the tip of his finger to a protruding button. Gasping with wonder as the surface lights up, Yoongi realizes there are words on the screen, all gathered in small boxes. He takes the time to read some of them, having to re-press that button as the screen keeps going dark after a few moments.
   Jimin, 8:21pm: r you still busy at the house? can u please just text me back baby, if ur busy thats okay, im just a little worried out u, thats all… it’s getting late…
   Jimin, 10:49am: okay, im heading off to work, flick me a text when u get this xxx
   Jimin, yesterday 5:11pm:  we dont have to if you don’t want to
   Jimin, yesterday 4:28pm: date night tonight? xxx i feel like i havent seen you in ages baby xxx
There are more, but they disappear out the bottom. Yoongi frowns. He thinks he remembers this Jimin; if memory serves, it was the sleeping male curling up to Y/n when he briefly visited her dreamscape. Yoongi had been so caught up in making sure she fulfilled her end of the deal that he had almost forgotten she had a life outside of their time. Those messages were a sobering reminder of how much Yoongi was asking from her. How much she was giving up. He didn’t like that feeling.
Clearing his throat noisily in the early evening silence, he picks up the device delicately and places it on the bed, flattening out the note beside it. Y/n’s instructions make sense as he follows along, although it takes him a while to work out what she means by ‘text bubble icon’.
Once he reaches that screen, and clicks on the name ‘Jimin’, those same messages appear, but in a different format. “I’ve already seen these,” he tells the device. The device does not respond. “I seek to create one of my own.” He sighs. The magic on this glass apparently cannot react to voice, only touch. He reaches out and clicks on the small white box that says ‘iMessage’ in grey. “Yes, I do want to message,” he mumbles distractedly. A large array of small letters appears below. Y/n wrote down to tap each square to write the letter. It seems an awfully impersonal way of writing, and it takes Yoongi quite a long time to tap out what Y/n has asked him to write, as well as pressing a small blue arrow to the right, which pushes the message upwards, resting directly below those from the Jimin.
   omg im so sorry i missed these jiminie ㅠ ㅠ i hope ur not too worried.
   im ok, just not been feeling great so ive been sleeping a lot! im not sure yet if its contagious so pls dont come out, i know uve got that show coming up and i dont want u to get sick ok!
   love you lots baby!
Yoongi sighs once he finishes, resting back on the bed, but soon three bouncing dots appear in a box. He watches them dance, fascinated, wondering what this could mean, until they change into words. Y/n did tell him that Jimin would be likely to reply and had simply written on the bottom of the note, ‘no apostrophes, or capital letters, call him baby or jiminie, and make sure he doesn’t come out to the house!’
   Jimin: omg thank god ur safe i was worried!!! i can bring u round some fresh soup and we can have a night in xxx ive already had my flu jab so i wont get sick i promise lol xx
Yoongi swears, trying to speed up his reply, double-checking Y/n’s rules as he goes.
   thank you, baby, thats very kind of you. but please dont come out, im just going to go to sleep and hope that this sickness passes in time. i will notify you once
But before he can finish crudely dictating a message, a series of three hard raps echoes through the house. Yoongi stands up ramrod stiff. Surely the Jimin boy hadn’t arrived so soon? Although, Yoongi supposes transport must be more efficient in this time. He bites his lip nervously. Surely, it would be best to go ask him to leave. It was Y/n’s intention that Jimin did not come to the house, since she herself was absent, and Yoongi could not have the boy roaming around and discovering the portal’s entrance.
“Y/n?” a deep voice calls out, muffled through the walls. Yoongi swears under his breath and pockets the small device and the note, getting off the bed to go find the front door. “Are you there?” Hurrying faster, the shaman eventually locates a door with a clouded glass panel revealing a tall shadow. He fumbles with the doorknob, having to twist a key (thank God that technology hasn’t changed) to unlock it, and throws it open with a nervous huff. The man blinks once, furrowing his eyebrows. “Uh…hi?”
“Yes, hello,” Yoongi blurts out hastily, eyes roaming over the tall man. Although he saw Jimin in very dim lighting, it’s easy to tell that this is not the same man. “Who are you?”
The man is wearing rough-looking blue pants with a belt, and a tunic that’s cut at his hips instead of his legs. He holds a hand out to Yoongi. Yoongi stares at it until the man coughs and lowers it. “My name’s Namjoon. I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m just here to speak to Y/n.”
“What-” Yoongi’s words catch in his throat when he lifts his gaze from the man’s odd attire to his face. It can’t be. A bolt of deeply-repressed hurt cuts through him. He recognizes those dimples, that smile, even the name is the same as his. It was a face he never thought he’d see again. But, no. It isn’t him. The more Yoongi looks at him closely, the man going a little red in the cheeks under the sudden scrutiny, Yoongi can see the finer details aren’t right. His Namjoon had a narrow nose, more delicate face. His Namjoon wasn’t as tall and was skinnier too. This man in front of him bore shocking resemblance, but it wasn’t him. It wasn’t his Namjoon. Sensing he had been silent too long, Yoongi blinks away the tears that threaten to well. “What for?”
“Oh, uh, it’s kind of private business, dude. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Y/n’s sick,” Yoongi says instead, “so I’m afraid you can’t come in. I’m more than happy to pass on a message.”
The man who looks so much like his former assistant furrows his brows. “I’m sorry, who are you? I’d like to speak with her. I’ve been doing some more research for her, you see, really cool stuff on-”
“I’m her doctor,” Yoongi says instead, “I’m concerned she may be contagious, so I’ve advised her not to have guests. If you have the research with you, perhaps I can bring it inside. I’m sure she’d appreciate you coming.”
The guy laughs awkwardly, then digs into a bag at his side for a stack of pieces of paper bound in some floppy, slippery pink material. “I didn’t have time to pick up a ringbinder, so the photocopies are loose, but I managed to dig up quite a bit of the history on the Jeon reign, as well as all the following generations. It’s interesting! Hopefully she’ll get some use out of it.” The man hands the research over, craning his neck to try and glance down the hallway. “Can you tell her hi for me? And that I’m sorry for stopping by without texting ahead.”
Yoongi nods, half in a daze. He doesn’t know this strange feeling in his chest; does he want this Namjoon-not-Namjoon man to leave and never think about him again, or does he wish he would stay so that Yoongi can see just how much similarity there was? The thought comes too late, as the man turns and skips down the gravel path, getting into his car and pulling away without a second look back.
The shaman shuts the door, returning the key to its previous position, and sinks down on the floor. First Taehyung acting up, reminding him of his last assistant, and now this. The fates were being cruel today.
Forgetting about the small device still in his herbs pouch, Yoongi quickly returns to the hallway and crawls through the doorway and back into his own time, trying to ignore the hot tears that gather under his chin.
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@sonyeonsideupsmile  @sweetcheeksdna (I can’t seem to tag you!)  @hoodiebangtan @mntchcchp @shay-the-turtle @under-dah-sea
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jieunsapphic · 6 years
getting to know jieunies!!
it’s eleven pm and i have nothing to do so here’s a little thing for ya while i work on helvetica!!
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relationship status
single and on the way to “ready to mingle”!
piercings i have
i have one piercing in each ear,, the normal lobe piercings everyone has. got em when i was 11
the meaning behind my username!! 
i love iu with all my heart, so that’s one. and bbibbi had just come out!!! i was listening to it on repeat since and it’s just POPPIN
groups i stan,,, hmm
that’s a long q to answer, so my top three bgs and ggs are STRAY KIDS, BTS, NCT + EXID, LOONA, and RED VELVET
favorite movie
my absolute favorite movie is flavors of youth, hands down. it’s netflix-exclusive, i believe, but UGH the symbolism in it all is amazing
a fact about my personality
my personality’s all over the place, but i’m really prone to being chaotically loud in the WORST situations sdjdfjlg
what i hate most about myself
the eyelashes on my left eye are fanned across my lashline differently compared to the other and it’s really hard to get a solid curl on em when applying mascara
what i love most about myself
i have an endless stomach when it comes to chinese food. and i’m also a really good taker/giver of advice!
idea of the perfect date
it’s hard to get into that without being sappy, but i’m down with anything. netflix is the BEST so i’m 100% forcing my s/o to watch strong girl bong soon with me i swear
i hate it when people yell at me, man. it’s HORRIBLE and it makes me cry
biggest turn on
moans,, its pretty hands down i guess??? i’ve had a lot of time to dabble around in nsfw accs that provide the best of the best so hit me up if u want links,, i don’t judge
 a random fact i know
rubber bands last longer when they’re put in the fridge!!
the last time i cried and why
last night i was reading a book of poetry and it really hit me hard. it’s called light filters in by caroline kaufman if any of you are interested!
favorite food
the meatball marinara from subway hands (normal bread, toasted, olives and The White Cheese on top and sometimes avocados if i’m feelin’ it!)
chinese zodiac sign
i didn’t know it, so i looked it up! it’s horse :))
favorite season
definitely, infinitely autumn.
how long i take to get ready
well, i wake up at six, lie around until seven, and i’m out the door by seven thirty at the latest. it’s mostly around 20 mins or smth
somewhere i want to visit
i’m planning a trip to daegu and seoul, south korea after i graduate! i’ve wanted to go forever now ugh
other languages i speak
english is my first language, but i’m learning spanish in school and korean online!
the color of my eyes
they’re so brown they’re almost black woo
my love language
definitely korean. it’s been an amazing language, and as i pick it up, it’s all about the intonation. feeling words is so much different than hearing them, and korean’s all on that!! so, either that or italian.
well, i’ve always had quite a knack for weaving words together to construct little galaxies - since i was little. i basically taught myself how to read - but i also sing! i’m gonna start looking for pdfs on music theory when i have the time!!
my ultimate bias(es)
male - mark lee, jeon jeongguk, and a tie between min yoongi and jung hoseok
female - seulgi, chungha, l.e.
there are a lot more but for time i condensed it!
concerts i’ve been to
i went to a casting crowns concert when i was little and i still, to this day, remember it. it was the best time i’d ever had at a concert.
last book i read
physical - we are okay by nina lacour
ao3 - up we go by oh_hey_tae
favorite ice cream flavor
matcha green tea or peach!!
cats or dogs?
cats all the way. all my dogs are dead so sdfklsdf
the song i am listening to right now
i’m listening to a playlist!! it’s soon to be revealed so i’ll give u my weekly one!
day or night?
night! i’m not good at,, functioning during the daytime imsorry
do i like roller coasters?
hell no i don’t i’m black enough to have some sense
lucky number?
i don’t have one, honestly
favorite quote
the one where yoongi says he wants to be a rock in his next life,,, that shit sPEAKS TO ME
how long have i liked kpop?
going on 5 years!!! it all started with tvxq! and just,,,, zoomed from there
favorite album?
iu’s flower bookmark 2!!! it’s the BEST when u listen in order
what i find attractive in other people
the first thing i see is hands, but the first thing i notice is personalities and voices!!
my battery percentage
i’m on a desktop computer, man,,,, this thing stays plugged for years
what i’m doing tomorrow
i have church in the morning and i’m probably gonna come home and make fideo bc i don’t have school on monday turn up
i’m american like the cheese, fam
favorite song
it always varies but one i’ve stuck true to is le festin by camille! it’s in french!! y’all its the one at the end of ratatouille how much better can it get?????????
stuffed animals i own
i have this lamb that has been with me since i was born and that’s pretty much it
witches or vampires?
witches, because twitches was my sHIT when i was a kid, and bc i have read of magic and maladies so much that it’s so cute i love yoonkook
my favorite holiday
up to here it’s been so hard not to spell it with a u oh my goD
but it’s probably christmas!! i love love love pentatonix’s christmas music and i have since i was in like sixth grade ugh weary emoji fist emoji this is where its AT
the color of my toothbrush
that’s the most random fuckin question on this list sjlffgjklghdjfg it’s purple!
go-to comfort food
macaroni and cheese, made the RIGHT WAY, complete with three or more cheeses and cayenne pepper and bread crumbs
coffee or tea?
i’m a tea person! coffee has been known to give me panic attacks every time i fw it, so yeah that’s my cardio
description of my crush
i’ve known him for like eternities and we always argue over why bts is so popular sljfsdf he calls me detective a lot it makes me wanna DIE he’s so nice and he pisses me off royally also do his glasses get thinner every year or what i can’t tell
a song that made me cry
it’s always, always gonna be by the stream (개여울) by iu. that song makes me BAWL it reminds me of another song that makes me cry, all honor by ron kenoly!! both amazing vocalists. take the time out of ur day/night please!!! <3
favorite k-drama
this was lots of fun!! i hope y’all learned a little more about me through this skldfsdf
don’t hesitate to message me! i don’t bite unless u want me to wink wink no wait
i’m gonna tag @bambams-a-babe, @neocult127, and @cupidjaemins to do this bc we love mutuals here :)))
have a great night i spent an hour on this thing sljkfsdf
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