lunaetis · 21 days
@minban asked :
his rover looks so wonderful, so gorgeous when she gasps out from his own machinations. she is so pretty like this, beneath the strumming of his fingers as he pulls more little gasps from her, a blessing that she allows herself to be at his mercy, vulnerable beneath the sharp edges that make up his very being. scar smiles sweetly at yínyuè, caressing her face as he watches her every movement. as she gasps once more, scar pushes his thumb between plush lips, sinking his thumb in until it presses against her tongue. his smile, much like himself, takes on a sharper edge as he continues to apply pressure, holding yínyuè's mouth open as his thumb sinks in beyond his knuckles, threading dangerously close to the back of his beloved's throat.
put fingers in my muse's mouth. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  it went against every logic and judgement on her part. the way she felt the AIR getting knocked out of her lungs every time his fingers made contact with her exposed skin. how did it get to this ? every morsel of her body felt like it was on fire, the warmth turning into suffocating heat surrounding both the air and her own vision. it began to blur, her mind, her thoughts, her composure, as she felt her back arch in response to his touch. once again, the reaction came INVOLUNTARILY, yet ... why wasn't she kicking him off of her if she wanted to escape ? she needed to — she should. this wasn't right. this shouldn't be allowed, this shouldn't —
                a breathless gasp tore itself from her lungs and her own resistance and rationale scattered, replaced by ELECTRIFYING sensation running through her veins. more. like an addiction, intoxicated, overdosed, her golden hues fell to a half-lidded state, looking up at the man who had her completely under his control. under his mercy. all for him.
                " scar — " it didn't sound like her, the way she gasped out his name so heatedly, out of breath, borderline a moan clinging to the last shred of her sanity he so invested to strip from her. it was hard to think when she could feel him sinking DEEPER into her, and her body welcomed him even when her mind screamed not to. if it was wrong, why was she pushing her hips against his own, seeking for that completion only he could give, the sweetest of nectar he bestowed on her, drop after drop.
                she was being molded to his shape, nails scoring down his shoulder and arm, leaving crimson streaks in their wake as her head snapped back once more, feeling his movement intensify and mouth gaped. the pleasure was almost blinding, making her toes curl and back curved towards him needily. " sca — " this time, however, his thumb pushed past her parted lips and into her mouth. her BREATH hitched at the sudden invasion, gaze of amber glowed softly when he rested it against the soft appendage of her tongue.
                her instinct told her bite, and she did. fangs sinking against the digit as sanguine liquid filled her mouth. the taste of iron spread only nudging her mind towards the place of NO RETURN. he smiled — she could see how absolutely delighted he was to see her biting back as he sank it deeper, closer to her throat, allowing the blood to flow as his hips ground to make her whimper. was it her making those sounds ? she couldn't think ... why was it that his taste became so addictive ... when was it that she thirst for what he could give ? she was clenching around him, unconsciously begging for more.
                soft tongue lusciously swirled around his thumb, lapping up the burning crimson before wrapping itself around the knuckle, tasting not only the blood but the feel of the scars upon his palm. she was drawing it closer, deeper, willingly sucking on it while her lower half pushed back against him. the way he stretched her and fill her up to the brim was driving her insane. this was wrong, to let him do this was wrong ...
                when he buried himself to the hilt once more, however, any hint of hesitation was gone. fingers digging into his skin, at his shoulders, then CLAWING at his back when he hit that sweet spot making her choke up a sound akin to a whine.
                the licking of his thumb turned into a devouring, sucking and biting. as her tongue coiled around it, a hint of saliva dripped temptingly from the corner of her mouth. AUREATE ORBS glowed as they gazed at him, at the monster who managed to catch her entirety within his claws. deeper, she sank, into the darkness, into him. there was no gaps between them, not when he was making sure she would remember his shape with every thrust, to drive away any thoughts of others ever claiming her in such a way.
                until all she could feel, could see, could hear, could ever think of was him.
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yeonban · 22 days
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Send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship.
@minban asked: 👫 ezekiel and lucas !
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The longer they spend together, the easier it comes to Ezekiel to buy and subsequently gift Lucas everything the mage brings up in conversation with a "that could be useful/I like (x)/I'm interested in (y)" tone of voice. The same can also be said about the items Lucas looks at with interest, even if he might not say anything about them. Prices are never a problem, and for a majority of items their rarity isn't an issue either. Nowadays Ezekiel doesn't even make a special show of it anymore, but rather hands them to Lucas while talking about something else, or at most casually mentions them before moving onto a different subject or question. He is aware that Lucas could easily fetch them by accessing the royal treasury through Athanasia, but despite knowing this fact and having said as much to the mage, he has never told Lucas why he continues to do it. As things stand, Lucas' confused expression is always an amusing addendum to his day.
After the first time Lucas realized the bouquet of flowers was for him instead of Athanasia, Ezekiel started sending him flowers more regularly, each with a different ridiculous motivation attached to them. To these flowers, he later on added jewelries once he noticed Lucas' increased use of them. He always cheerfully points out that he "just so happened" to come across them (flowers and jewelry alike) while on a walk or trip abroad, and wonders when Lucas will realize that he did not, in fact, ever stumble upon them, but rather went out of his way to find them. Even more than that, he is intrigued to see what Lucas will make of this habit after noticing it.
Although Ezekiel continues to send Athanasia letters since they have now become proper friends and they must further solidify their public relation as heiress and duke, he has added Lucas to the list of people to contact as well. The palace maids have since grown used to sorting through Ezekiel's letters to check which ones go to whom instead of immediately assuming they're for the princess as they have many times until Athanasia, tired of constantly going the extra mile to hand them over to Lucas herself, had to bring up the misshap to them. The maids are at the edges of their seats imagining what could be in these letters, but they were forbid from opening them. The contents of the letters differ though, and whereas Athanasia's letters mainly contain pleasantries, invitations and/or things/events she might be interested in, Lucas' letters lean more towards the casual side, including even random fun facts from Ezekiel's everyday life.
While Ezekiel doesn't outright mind spending time on his lonesome, he is far more used to being around others, whether it be one or several people. A while after patching their previous arguments, Ezekiel has had half a mind to ask Lucas if he would like to go abroad with him on a trip at some point, both to meet up with his former classmates and to simultaneously show Lucas where he grew up for a decade during his school years. He believes that he should talk about his own life first, before pushing to inquire about Lucas' life. It would be in poor taste, in his eyes, to do otherwise.
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cauterisen · 3 months
Growing up in Inazuma's largest city meant that the charm of small-town life had been completely unbeknownst to her. The more time passes, the more she realizes how small her world was as a child. Isn't that what happens? The more you know, the more you discover how little you didn't know (or even do know, presently.) It's nice to see things through fresh eyes, whether through her own after having been away for so long, and, of course, in the eyes of her new friend Kaveh who's never been. Since he did his best to be so hospitable to her in his home of Sumeru, it was right for her to attempt the favor.
'I don't mind at all.' She stretches out on the grass beside him, making sure her body is mostly shaded by the tree while letting her legs bask in the sun. 'What are you planning to draw, the scenery? I find myself inspired too, mostly by the legends of the spirits, the kappa they keep talking about around here. Fascinating, no?'
@minban continued from here!
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ofdraiocht · 6 months
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"Oi! Cloud!" Biggs waved the blond over from where he was standing. He'd been playing darts with a few of the locals while Wedge and Jesse were off doing something else. They were sort of sore losers, in his opinion and mostly drunk, so it wasn't much of a challenge but Cloud, well Cloud was a Soldier. He was sure to be able to play a little bit of darts, right?
Besides, he sort of felt... bad, for leaving him out the last time they all gathered there. In his own way, he hoped this helped Cloud feel a little more welcome and included.
"Wanna play a few rounds? Tifa's busy and I'll even buy you a drink if you win."
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raytm · 3 months
@minban continued from.
Kaveh was the sort of person he could sit beside and listen to talk no matter the topic, for someone who was rather selective when it came to who he gave his time of day to, it was impressive, if not also intriguing. Trust Yas to end up with his hands on someone like this, perhaps tragic artists were just drawn to him with some type of magnetism. Despite the arbitrarily spread bruises, some lurid and dark across the column of his throat and other’s dipping further down past his delicate clavicle, Zed would have recognised it without that. The way Kaveh stepped through the kitchen, nudging a plate of snacks towards him, retrieving two mugs when Zed reached over to flick the kettle down to boil, it spoke of a familiarity. If he were just a casual fling, a fleeting interest, he would have no doubt been far less casual about the interaction.
Zed wasn’t the sort to indulge in vapid conversation so the fact that they continued on was promising, especially for Kaveh who wanted to keep him there long enough to see if Yasuo might return. Perhaps, without saying it outloud, he was also awaiting that, to see how it might unfold. It had been a while since they’d been in each other’s good graces,  loneliness a driving factor that had him seeking out his lover even if he tried to be adamant about being over him. Even at this age he was a lamentably poor liar. “ Ah, the artist’s struggle to find a place to stay that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.” he muttered bitterly. In his time both playing in underground concert venues and when he had eventually become an apprentice he had found that more often than not he was holed up in less than adequate living conditions. Zed had taught himself to ignore the unpleasant damp smell and concerning black dots spattering across the ceiling in favor of not going to bed hungry. Unless you struck it big out the gates this was the sort of thing most artists could relate to. “An architect though, it’s an impressive line of work.” The sort of work that came with arrogant clients and having to compromise your art. He loathed the sort of people that wanted him to be more palatable, accommodate their wants above his own. When they were paying him a pretty sum to engrave his art on their body in a permanent way he could be more tolerant but in general, he was rather stubborn when it came to preserving the uniqueness of his designs. If someone came in and wanted a replica of someone else’s work he would not hesitate to show them the door, find someone else for that type of bullshit work. “ But you still get assholes that think they know better than you, I can imagine.” He took a sip from his drink before setting it down, his expression indignant. “ If they truly believe that they should be doing our jobs for us.” If only they were that fortunate than maybe those who critiqued their works so assertively would actually have even a speck of understanding of what it took to do what they did. “ Portrait work too ?” he reiterates, gaze flitting down to take in the small screen, hardly doing the sheer effort he must have put into his work justice. “ Yeah, I was right, you are impressive.” the compliment sincere when one considered both how blunt Zed was and how he could appreciate it as an artist himself. “ Keeping all those people in line must take guts.” His keen gaze shifts from the flutter of images and backup to Kaveh’s pretty features. “ Can I take a look at your sketches ? It’s interesting to see how you can apply creativity into something as practical as architecture.” He withdraws his own phone from his pocket and unlocks it with a upward slide of his thumb, the wallpaper image a large, imposing back piece full of intricate details that looked both like a dragon and a complex arrangement of flowers. It had been his design, his mentor had tattooed it across the canvass of his back when he had “graduated” from being an apprentice. The stretch of wings that wrapped around his ribcage had hurt like a bitch. “ I can show you some more of my work, if you’re interested, not all of it is in this style either. If there’s something that catches your eye, tell me.” 
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venstm · 1 month
"oh no. i'm not climbing on your back." / kaveh for zed 💖
As  candid  as  he  had  been  about  the  eldritch  entity  festering  in  his  gut  it’s  inevitable  that  vestiges  of  horror  &  dread  would  still  persist  within  kaveh.  Zed  doesn’t  hold  it  against  him,  if  his  initial  concept  of  someone  had  been  formed  around  the  visceral  memory  of  their  mouth  hewed  to  the  corners  of  their  ears  &  their  many,  many  teeth  coated  in  cruor  &  viscera,  he  would  have  been  wary  too.
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❝  you’re  not  going  to  get  anywhere  like  that,  stop  putting  up  a  fight. ❞  it  was  difficult  to  accept  that  they  were  a  single  entity  when  his  consciousness  was  clear  of  the  parasite’s  devastating  influence.  His  features  were  lined  with  traces  of  mild  concern,  his  eyes,  however,  were  flinty  &  unreadable.  ❝  complaining  isn’t  going  to  get  us  home,  as  long  as  you’re  injured  i’ll  carry  you,  it’ll  exacerbate  it  otherwise.  ❞  he  was  not  leaving  ample  room  for  the  blonde  to  interject,  to  press  his  hands  flush  to  his  skin  &  repel  him  properly.  It  wasn’t  that  he  did  not  care  for  kaveh’s  opinion,  he  just  knew  there  weren’t  others  afforded  to  them  &  a  back  &  forth  about  how  uncomfortable  it  was  would  only  be  futile. A  soft  sounds  passes  between  his  pursed  lips  as  he  crouches  down  before  him,  a  fluent  motion,  settling  for  all  but  scooping  kaveh  up  into  his  arms,  adjusting  him  gingerly,  as  if  he  were  concerned  that  for  all  his  musculature  &  capability  to  hold  him  kaveh  might  squirm  free.  ❝  if  you’ll  behave,  we’ll  get  back  just  fine,  i’ll  make  sure  of  it.  ❞  the  ship  wasn’t  close  &  it  was  still  possible  that  the  adversaries  that  were  tracking  them  down  were  hot  on  their  tail.  He  casts  his  gaze  down  to  kaveh,  offering  him  the  impression  of  a  smirk,  even  if  it  felt  incongruous  to  much  of  his  usual  expressions.  ❝   &  i  won’t  tell  yasuo  about  it  either.  ❞
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gonguji · 4 months
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Sumeru   City   is   much   more   lively   after   dusk   compared   to   Inazuma...   the   people   here   enjoy   the   warm   evenings,   they   attend   taverns  &&   walk   down   the   streets.    they   indulge   in   company   instead   of   seeking   tranquility   &&   solitude.   'way   more   open   than   my   homeland',   Kabukimono   relates   to   himself   while   strolling   down   the   Treasures   Street.   he   was   unsure   where   would   he   have   the   pleasure   to   spend   the   following   night   &&   rest   from   the   long   journey,   but   it   frightened   him   not.   not   with   that   starry   sky   &&   the   glorious   moon   shining   down.   the   rainforest,   too,   fills   him   with   too   much   awe.   perhaps   slips   an   idea   or   two   about   the   possible   station.
though   a   lone   character   in   the   city,   Kabukimono   could   pretty   much   feel   the   vitality   &&   unison   of   the   people   —   no   matter   the   affiliation.   so   are   the   taverns,   for   example.   with   outside   tables   taken   &&   curious   eyes   gazing   at   him,   the   shrine   priest   instinctively   straightens   his   blessed   robes   to   make   sure   they   aren't   dusty   nor   wrinkly   before   entering   further...   after   all,   the   bartender   should   know   the   city   best,   yes?   they   could   be   in   a   good   mood   today   as   their   business   is   booming.    Kabukimono   hopes   this   could   manifest   into   some   information   about   a   possible   abandoned   property   or   share   information   about   the   tents   in   the   woods.   some   belonged   to   the   Treasure   Hoarders,   some   to   the   Fatui,   but   the   ones   crafted   so   expertly   from   leaves?   with   no   emblems   adorning   them,   perhaps   nobody   would   be   upset   if   he   spent   the   night   underneath   one   of   such   crafts.
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such   were   the   reasons   for   his   appearance   there,   &&   much   to   his   luck,   the   opportunity   to   learn   more   was   at   his   hand.   all   asked   of   him   was   to   await   someone   named   Jafar,   which   Kabukimono   had   taken   as   a   good   sign.   looks   like   he   will   be   helped   after   all!   so,   to   not   take   too   much   space   in   the   busy   establishment,   the   violet   hues   scans   the   surrounding   area.  he   noticed  @minban   sitting   alone   at   the   table.   seemingly   indulging   in   both   alcohol   &&   some   ...   tea?   seemed   very   warm   &&   polite,   still   aware   of   his   surroundings.   overall   —   Kabukimono   deemed   him   a   good   person.   ❛ excuse   me,   Sir? ❜   the   shrine   priest   politely   leans   in   with   a   shy   smile,   a   hand   touching   upon   his   chest.    ❛   would   you   mind   if   I   sat   here   for   a   brief   moment?   I   promise   not   to   be   of   bother.   ❜
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lunaetis · 1 month
@minban asked :
heat runs heavy through scar's veins when his lovely, georgous, breathtaking rover no longer pulls away from him when he approaches. what has begun as an objective to his mission quickly morphs into infatuation for the woman before him who looks up at him with wariness in her eyes. she is right to do so, for scar wishes to devour her in all of her glory, tearing her into pieces with the sharp edges of his canines. but today, he takes a step back. today, he gently lifts yinyue's hand as he bows, brushing his lips softly against the back of her knuckles. today, he does not wish to scare his wonderful rover, even as his eyes flutter open to reveal heedy desire.
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  there was something about him that drew her in.
                the ROVER didn't like to admit it even mentally to herself, but there was no denying the fact that her eyes instinctively followed him whenever he was within sight. one could argue that it was wariness, it was a reflex when a PREDATOR was close enough to strike that you became on-guard. that she was making sure she could see and know what he might be up to at all times for the SAFETY of other people including herself. a valid argument, too, given how dangerous he was as a threat not just for jinzhou but huanglong as a whole.
                was that all there is to it ?
                golden hues blinked quietly as she stared up at him now that he decided to make his presence known. his unannounced appearance had become a norm to the point that even her reflex turned from immediately reaching for her BLADE to simply side-eyeing him cautiously just in case he was going to try something. the more time she spent with him, the less guarded she got around him. of course, it'd be foolish to drop your guard in front of someone like scar, but the way she acted around him also changed over time without her realizing it.
                since when did she stop walking to see if he would catch up ? since when did she start anticipating that mad grin to fill the corner of her eyes or to hear his voice calling out her name in a manner that should be both disturbing and flattering ?
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                when his hand caught hers, delicate digits twitched instinctively but she didn't pull away from his grasp. eyes of AMBER watched him slowly lifting her hand and his lips placed the most gentle kiss upon her battle-worn knuckles. for a split second, it was as if he was a knight bowing to his princess and pledging his UNDYING LOYALTY to her. for that fraction of a second, her heart skipped a beat. how the organ in her left chest faltered for a moment as though being STOLEN by such an act so unnatural from the man capable of tearing her limbs away from her very body.
                she never understood what was going on in his head.
                even now, even when her aureate orbs met with his fiery heterochromia — and felt her very own body being ignited with a kind of sensation almost FOREIGN to her, yínyuè still couldn't tell what he was thinking and what prompted him to do what he did. even as the gloved digits of her free hand slowly reached out to caress his silver and crimson strands, or her taking a step closer to him instead of backing away. he was like a BEAST, ready to part his maw and swallow her whole, and the rover was sure that if he wanted to, he could. and the survival instinct of every living beings would tell them to run.
                and yet —
                even when every fiber of her being was telling her to pull away, she stepped closer, fingers tenderly brushed away the strands concealing parts of his scars ... the scars which covered almost half of his face, the very scars that must've earned him his NAME.
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                not a SINGLE WORD was uttered when her palm cupped his face, and she guided him down just enough to have her lips brush over his scars. it was barely a kiss, like a brush of the lightest feather, but it was real. the way her raven locks swept over the skin of his face with how CLOSE they were. it made her wonder if he could feel it. the fleeting, butterfly kiss. she leaned back, auric hues meeting his mismatch ones. daring. fearless. curious. wanting.
                if he was mad, she must be losing her mind too, wasn't she ?
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yeonban · 13 days
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Four names. Marry, kiss, cuddle and push away.
@minban asked: four names for shuusei : kogami, gino, akane, and seven
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❛ Marry Lu-chan. Not that the Sibyl System would allow us lowly criminals to do something like that, but I think whatever marriage feels like must be pretty close to what we've got going on. ❜ A life spent together will do that to any relationship, much more so when the life in question has been riddled with injustice after injustice from the start. Throughout their childhood and teenagerhood, it has only been the two of them against the world, supporting one another through thick and thin, and although they have since found more people to call friends, no other bond can yet outdo theirs.
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❛ Definitely kiss Ko-chan. He's a real handsome guy, ain't he? It'd be a shame to pass on the opportunity. ❜ Surely whoever doesn't agree with this sentiment is either blind or an outright liar, and Shuusei couldn't care less about listening to their miserable opinion. In his (albeit small and isolated) world, Ko-chan being attractive is a simple fact of life. ❛ Cuddle Akane-chan, and push Gino-sensei away. He doesn't hold a candle to Akane-chan's cuteness, so he's gotta go. ❜ While she might not fit entirely into his predetermined type, she ranks without a doubt far above her coworker, and only third in his personal list of favorite people, right after Luciel and Shinya, both of whom have the unfair advantage of having known him for longer.
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halchron · 2 months
“must everyone be so exhausting?” / cloud for reno !
bg3 companion banter ━ accepting
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❝ is that really somethin' a hero should be saying ? ❞
reno doesn't really deny the blond's words though, because at the end of day, everyone was exhausting. if he thought the people of edge were tiring, than reno wondered what he'd think of the general workforce of shinra. those meetings and the endless amount of paperwork was enough to put anyone to sleep, even the strongest soldiers. so the turk just laughs, shrugging nonchalantly as he twirls his baton.
❝ you got a point though. this is why i always make sure to take vacations, safe myself the exhaustion of other people. ❞
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md93gxv · 9 months
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raytm · 2 months
🖤 scar and rover xoxo
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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xianqu · 2 months
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" there's nothing to do here, i don't know how you manage to survive the boredom. "
{ ✧ : @minban ━━
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nihilara · 3 months
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don’t even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love. ( rhys!!! I always enjoying talking to you and seeing / interacting with all your amazing and beautiful ocs. you are a wonderful person and I'm forever grateful I followed your luocha and got to know you <3 )
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thank you. to you, and to everyone else who sent one in.
i'm really glad we reached out when we did- because you're such a sweetheart layla and i love our soft lil goobers sm. with that i think i'm gonna just tag a bunch of people i rlly love seeing around and talking to,,,
@sosordid , @minban , @girlfox , @devilspurs , @darabeatha , @amourem , @lumoire , @ravencollege , @furiaei , @stilettaux , @knghted
im giving u all a big ol kiss ...
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gonguji · 3 months
"you're lucky you only got away with just a scratch" / from scaramouche
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 sigh   ...   is   it   luck   at   this   point?   Kabukimono   couldn't   tell.   he's   visibly   disassossiated   from   his   company's   scowling   for   recklessness.   all   he   can   think   about   is   how   to   protect   the   Sakura's   roots   from   further   attacks   of   the   strange,   mangled   wolves.   the   shrine   priest   is   needed   around   in   many   places   as   only   a   spare   few   know   how   to   fight   &&   how   to   mend   the   bark...   despite   the   threat   of   the   Abyss   seeping   into   his   husk,   someone   has   to   fulfull   those   duties,   no?   &&   protect   the   people   of   Inazuma.       ❛   my   thanks,   Kuronushi-sama.   I'm...   sorry   to   have   worried   you.   ❜
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lunaetis · 3 months
@minban asked :
"you make me dizzy just by looking at me." / hsr kaveh for eden
I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU. || accepting
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─「エデン」─  the words caught her by surprise, and perhaps that was so obvious when she literally pause and stared at him as though he had said the most UNBELIEVEABLE thing ever to exist. golden hues widened a fraction more, feeling the sounds around them dim only for it to be replaced by the thumping of her heartbeat echoing within its chamber. the stellaron heart that whirred quietly now drumming oh-so-loud in the deafening silence following each syllables leaving his lips.
                and the TRAILBLAZER felt as though time halted in that split second. her ? making him feel dizzy ? her mouth parted, words dying to come out only to die down within her throat. what was she trying to say ? maybe the back of her mind was still wondering if she was dreaming. was she in the dreamscape upon the planet of festivities ? the feeling was resembling it, the experience of getting intoxicated by the first sip of SOULGLAD.
                her cheeks felt a little hot, and eden let out a bashful laugh, almost uncharacteristically so. after all, she was often the FORWARD one, reckless and true, rarely ever shy. yet, to hear those words from him, of all people, it made her take a pause. stunned.
                " — but it's you who are dazzling. " finally, she found her voice once more, accompanied by a slightly coy smile despite the RED HUES tinting her cheeks. a softer laugh escaped her, as though she wasn't sure how to phrase her thoughts into words fast enough to convey it to him. with an intake of breath, aureate finally met with his scarlet orbs. eyes that were like living flames, burning so fiercely but so kind and warm all at the same time. eden had, after all, been watching him from afar. admiring in awe of his dedication to his craft, of the creativity he held, of the boundless mind he possessed.
                " everything you touch become ... alive. your mind, your thoughts, your dream ... seeing you and hearing you talk about the things you saw, the things you created, hearing your name echoed with praises from one planet to another — it made me wonder what you'd build next. what kind of miracle you'd create next. " each syllable brimmed with tenderness, with admiration, with awe and respect. it resounded in her mind, the vision of the future he carried, the path he created and forged for himself. all within the palms of his hands.
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                " you are the brilliant one, kaveh. " like the brightest star in the night sky, shining through the dark. she was lucky to have witnessed it at all. and the smile settling upon her expression as she looked at him was a PROOF of that. " the brightest star i've ever seen. " even though your light makes me dizzy, i want to keep my eyes on you.
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