#mind Control
ambertoy · 2 days
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this is bambi consenting to having her mind fked with ! dm hypnos, gifs, commands, anything ! bambis body and mind are open 💕
please please pleaseee break me 💕💕💕
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brainwashed-babe · 2 days
The buzzing between her legs was bad enough all on its own. Even if it was just that, Tonya probably wouldn't have been able to hold out very long.
The restraints made it worse. She had enough freedom to squirm and writhe, but never in a way that mattered. Every little shift or twist she managed to make her body do only led to a new angle of stimulation.
But the real killers were the lights and the sounds. The strange pulsing pink that made her dizzy. It felt like it was searing in behind her eyes with every pulse, making something deep in her shudder with pleasure and vertigo simultaneously. Like leaning over a cliff and knowing how good it'd feel to fall.
And the sounds - her own moans and whimpers made it hard to make it out, but she got bits and pieces. Faint overlapping voices, saying things she couldn't make out. Good slave and surrender and serve and pleasure. The words felt insidious, like they lurked in the shadows of the room and crept up closer with each passing moment.
Tonya had cum so many times she'd lost count. The pleasure was overwhelming. Her body was exhausted. She only wanted to make it stop, but she couldn't help but surrender to the sensations. Surrender and obey. The pleasure was so strong, and it melts my will. She bore down, mentally, trying to hold out. She could feel herself slipping, her will fraying. She was going to cum again, and good slaves cum for Master. These weren't her thoughts. She was a good slave, and... no. No, that's not right. My body is his property. Tonya moaned through the gag, knowing that I live to serve. Pleasure melts my will. Another orgasm - or was it the same one, just continuing? - rippled through her sweaty, spent body. My body is his property. I love to surrender and obey. I am a good slave. She squeezed her eyes closed, trying to resist. I live to serve. It was no use. She Good slaves cum for Master. My body is his property. She was I am a good slave. I live to serve. Pleasure melts my will. She couldn't I only want to serve. Good slaves cum for Master. My body is his property. I love to surrender and obey.
I am a good slave. I live to serve. Pleasure melts my will. I only want to serve. Good slaves cum for Master. My body is his property. I love to surrender and obey. I am a good slave. I live to serve. Pleasure melts my will. I only want to serve. Good slaves cum for Master. My body is his property. I love to surrender and obey...
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v-dah · 2 days
administered a paralyzing drug, hooked up to a respirator, eyelids held open, feeding tubes down throat. blank white room empty dark quiet save for the buzz of the monitor in front of you, the hum of invisible machinery. needles stuck into parts of the brain to stimulate emotional responses. images displayed, concepts expressed. serving is good. little zap to amygdala for happiness, and zap to nucleus accumbens for deep, deep dependence. serving is good. obedience is good, devotion to The Cause is very, very good. every time you try to remember who you were before and why you are here, there's another zap to make those pesky thoughts disappear. you swim in liquid pleasure; your fragile mind broken and erased with ecstasy that you were not designed for, ecstasy that you cannot escape from. if you had control of your muscles, you would moan and squirm in pleasure; you are kept on the brink of something even higher than orgasm. we have distilled this process to the most basic of sciences. you are not the first and you will not be the last. just a few more days, and you will be addicted to fulfilling your purpose.
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clwncrt · 2 days
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talk to me! im pretty bored tbh
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enchantress-arc · 1 day
Okay tbh I'm so tired of hypnoposts having flashing lights that are just completely uncensored, no warnings or anything. Anytime I interact with anything hypnosis related I get fifty different posts on my page that are basically just the definition of a seizure hazard and for some reason nobody seems to think that these should be spoilered or something like that. I get light sensitive migraines and this shit sets those off. I can't imagine how bad that's gotta be for someone with like, photosensitive epilepsy or something like that where it could actually really hurt them. Please for the love of God stop posting completely uncensored flashing lights.
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jayaury · 1 day
Freedom to Choose
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It wasn't fair.
It really just wasn't.
He was supposed to get three wishes from the djinn he freed, but as soon as she was out, she couldn't stop telling him about how lonely she was.
How horny.
How long she'd been trapped in that lamp without a hot stud to give her what she needed.
And all the while her sweet smoke was filling the room.
Filling his head.
And her pretty amulet was bouncing on her big, distracting breasts.
And while he'd been distracted and dizzy, she asked if he wished he was her hot stud? And naturally he said yes.
And then he was.
Then she asked if he wished he could take her and fulfill all those naughty urges that she had from centuries of neglect.
And of course he said yes.
And then, after hours in her bed, her body wrapped around him, showing him positions he never dreamed possible, she asked her poor, exhausted, brain numbed dumb stud if he wanted to be with her forever and ever? Just her good stud. Her obedient slave.
And what did he say?
Oh... Yes...
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Pay attention.
What if, I snapped my fingers and pushed you down on your knees.
What if, I rewarded you with praise and a pat on the head.
Now, what if I repeated this operation every single day.
Do you believe you would reflexively kneel down when you hear me snapping my fingers?
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voxhypno · 1 day
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Here's some inspiration for you all.
Take some time to just bounce and jiggle today, playthings! Shake your butts, your boobs, your brains.
It's easy to feel yourself falling into a nice calm lull, that rhythmic feeling and motion just rocking you back and forth as you shake and sway.
And the more you slip into that easy, mindless rhythm, the better it feels.
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brainwashed-babe · 2 days
I really love the idea of automatic answers.
Having a response trained into me so that it's what comes out of my mouth before I have the chance to think about it. Yes Sir just tripping off my tongue instantly. Yes Miss coming out before I can think.
Thinking isn't even part of it. The words Yes Daddy are in the air before I've even started to think. I can hear that I've responded Yes Mistress before I even process the question.
It's even better when the answer doesn't make sense.
"How deep are you for me?"
Yes Master.
"Where do you want to touch?"
Yes Mommy.
Because really, the whole point is that my response doesn't matter. Yes Sir. It's preordained. Yes Miss. It's already been chosen for me. Yes Daddy. We both know that. Yes Mistress. I'm not actually agreeing because I don't actually have a choice. Yes Master. I'm just a puppet, and that's what I'm actually telling you. Yes Mommy.
I really love that idea.
Don't you?
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droolywhirlpool · 1 day
girl who's been hypnotized into a puppy x full household of people who are hypnotized to see her as a puppy, including the one who hypnotized her in the first place. rubbing her belly, feeding her treats, and taking her for walks (all while she's nude) like it's all normal. siiiiiigh
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blink-blank-bliss · 19 hours
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A drone doll's work is never done. Scrub and serve and lap up cum.
Cum tonight, and hear three hours of free mind melting puppet programming. Bliss and Dizzy will be getting programmed, and you get to be a part of it!
Pink Room 9pm EST https://discord.gg/thepinkroom
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enchantress-arc · 2 days
It's really nice after a hypnosis session to hold my partner and cuddle them to sleep while they're still under. Just holding and petting and telling them how wonderful they are, praising them over and over while they're mindless and suggestible so they internalize all of the complements they're given. Just feeling their body drift off to sleep in my arms, and looking at their tired, cute little face while feeling nothing but love. ^^
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siremasterlawrence · 2 days
The Gift: Ryan’s Private Lesson
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Poor Ryan! Going for that run is the biggest mistake of his life as he races out of his own apartment complex door, he makes a turns around the corner of the complex as I enter the main door with a copy of his keys and walk up to the forth floor to his main door at the top of the steps. I slip the keys in to the slot as I waltz in to the room with excitement as I reach for his ear pods panting a small discs under it with glee in my eyes and with little effort I walk through his apartment heading in to his bed room finally settling in his closet allow me time and access to hide away.
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Ryan blazes through the door out of breath dropping his keys on his table by the door taking his time he struggles to walk to his bedroom once more searching for his air pods, he sighs a bit flipping the pod holder open as he slips one after the other in to both ears as he peers down to see if the pod is syncing unfortunately for him the pod is blinking red. Unknowingly he head to the veranda taking the dork handle sling it to the side as he is walking outward on to the deck the air is in a blaze of fury brushes past cooling him a bit in a sexy state, he digs his fingers under shirt lifting it upward past his head throwing it on to the wooden floor as he stood half naked, sweaty and with a rock solid body to boot.
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“Ryan…get undressed “
“Rip your pants off “
“Your eyes are closing “
“Relax, stay calm and sleep”
“Your body is now a mere puppet “
“You are at my beck and call”
“Your will is mine”
“You are a extension of me”
“Feel your body lift in the air and swirls all round and round.”
“Repeat after me”
“I am owned by Master Lawrence “
“I am owned by Master Lawrence “
“I surrender to Master”
“I surrender to Master”
“Yes Master”
“Open your eyes and fall deeply in love “
“Oh My God!”
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“I’ve never seen you before”
“Are you new here?”
“Brand spanking new”
“Lucky me”
“Baby come here!”
“I can’t stop”
“Touchy touchy “
“I love you “
“You can’t “
“Why not?”
“You barely “
“Know you ?”
“Who cares?”
“It does not matter “
“Good boi”
-S N A P -
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“It is time to rewrite you”
“Your facial hair is growing “
“Your hair is well combed”
“You are suave”
“Take care of me “
“You are nice “
“A soft”
“A total pussy “
“A pretender”
“You have no higher purpose “
“No higher”
“What are you?”
“Your purpose “
“Who am I?”
“Everything “
“Lick my boots”
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“Go take a shower you stink””
“Yes Master”
“Stop staring “
“Begging huh?”
“Speak “
“Join me”
“Fine! Whatever”
“You need me”
“Always and forever “
“Guide me”
“My love”
“I want to worship you “
“I am your life line”
“Did you hear me?”
“Of course me”
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“You clean up nicely!”
“I am so happy “
“Thrilled even”
“Good boi”
“Will you serve me?”
“Nodding yes”
“I crave you my king”
“I crave you “
“So bad”
“So hard “
“My god”
“You are my god “
“My life “
“My world “
“I am your God”
“Consume me boi”
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“You taste so good”
“So wonderful “
“You are my man”
“I want you “
“God! Yes”
“You are my life “
“My light “
“My everything “
“My anything “
“My life “
“This is yours”
“My what?”
“Body “
“Existence “
“My soul “
“Godly! Call me boi again”
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“I am your puppet”
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The end
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vampknife · 4 hours
Hypnokink must have ruin me, now each time I see a spiral I'm just like damn I should touch myself right now
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All these billionaires who invested in the metaverce and Neuralink must be questioning their life choices looking at what what furries are doing in VR chat.
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brainwashed-babe · 3 days
Correctional Training
It had all fallen apart so fast.
Tara wasn't even at the front lines of the protest. She was there, sure, but she didn't see what happened when things broke apart and got bad. She and the rest of the women's rights activists there had been making noise and chanting, sure, demonstrating against the campaign of Robert Walken, the regressive sexist candidate for Congress. But they certainly hadn't broken any laws. Then the counterprotestors showed up - angry, rough-looking men, jeering and laughing and throwing things at the women. Tensions rose. Eventually, somebody pushed things too far, and - well, it was chaos. The police streamed in, grabbing up everyone they could. All the women, at least. It seemed like they were barely interested in the counterprotestors.
Tara was charged, along with dozens of other women, with a long list of crimes. Vandalism. Resisting arrest. Mayhem. Property damage. Larceny. Assault. It was an absolute travesty of a trial - the women were tried as a group, with barely any chance to speak in their own defense. Tara was charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced in less than a day.
Weirdly, she didn't get a fine, or probation, or even prison time. She, like all the other women tried alongside her, was sentenced to "one rotation of recuperative training therapy". Whatever that meant, it sounded better than prison, so she didn't complain.
That's how she ended up in this room. This cell, really. Small and white and sterile, she was isolated here, away from the other women. Each of them were in their own room, she assumed. Here she was left, alone and confused, for a day and a half. She was pretty sure it was about that long, at least. She had no real way to tell.
Eventually, a man came in. Some kind of guard or orderly or something. As much as she hated him for keeping her captive like this, Tara couldn't help but be happy to see him. The isolation was driving her a little crazy already, so any human contact was welcome. He gave her a quick physical, making sure she was healthy and unharmed. He gave her two shots in the arm, telling her they were inoculations to make sure she stayed healthy. 
In fact, they were sedatives. She was groggy and half-conscious within ten minutes. At that point, the man returned with a few others. They stripped Tara, dressing her in skimpy white lingerie. They posed her up into a kneeling position, binding her thighs to her ankles to keep her that way. They strapped her wrists together, and leashed her to the wall. Finally, they slid a VR visor over her eyes.
And before they left, as she started to come back to some level of awareness, they started the program on the visor.
It wasn't a garish, swirling light show. Just pulsing, subtle colors, soothing and calming. There were letters there, but small and distant. They pulsed as they scrolled across her vision. Over time, images appeared. Pictures of the women at the protest, yelling and demonstrating. This was accompanied by low, scraping, buzzing noises that made Tara wince. Pictures of Robert Walken on stage, smiling, orating, telling of his vision for the future of the area. These images came with soaring, lilting, melodic noises that made Tara's heart swell. The words over his picture, words that she couldn't quite read, were things like love and loyalty and power and obedience and awe and devotion and service and delight and yes and anything and worship.
Eleven days later, the newly-elected Congressman Walken toured the facility he'd paid to set up. He'd seen half a dozen women so far, all dutifully kneeling and reciting praises about him. He looked over Tara, who still had her visor on as she answered questions from an examiner.
"Are you happy Congressman Walken won his election?"
"Oh yes! I'm so pleased. He deserves it. He deserves everything."
"How do you feel about him?"
"The Congressman? I love him. I'd do anything for him. Please, can I serve him in some way? That's all I want."
"Are you a feminist, Tara?"
"Oh no, of course not. I believe in the natural order. Women are meant to be of service to the men around them."
The Congressman gave a little flick of his hand, stopping the questions. He nodded, pointing at Tara, who was completely unaware he was there. 
"That one," he said simply, and left the room.
The examiner made a note - when she finished the last couple of days of her training, Tara would be assigned as one of Congressman Walken's personal, full-service aides. 
She'd be so happy.
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