#mind the wildside fanfiction
sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Dion: the good news is that Rax is okay
Augustus: what's the bad news
Dion: bad news is to make sure that he was fine I had to murder a member of The emperor's coven
Donatella: so much for staying under the radar
F in the chat for Steve from the Emperor's coven.
Because there is NO WAY I'm letting Norma get away without a redemption. GET OVER HERE.
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kaychawrites · 6 years
The Right Partner
My Hero Academia Fanfiction
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou, Kia Hales (OC)
Rating: Mature
Tag List: @cobblepottantrum @rageyoudamnednerd @frenlysnek666 @fourth-best-jeanist @luxlunaestrellita 
Chapter 20
Kia was still fuming when they got back to the agency. “A wyrm? Seriously?! Who would look at me and think wyrm?!” Kia grumbled as she stomped through the front doors.
Jeanist and Nina were surprised to see the heroine so cross. They had never seen her with such a fierce glare on her face. They continued to stare at her as she stood in front of the elevator muttering to herself.
They walked over to Bakugou as he came in the doors after her.
“What happened to Wildside?” Nina asked.
“You didn’t do anything, did you?” Jeanist asked, turning to Bakugou.
“We ran into Razzle Dazzle,” Bakugou replied. Jeanist and Nina were well aware of Razzle’s infatuation with Bakugou.
“Really? What happened?!” Nina asked excitedly.
“Razzle called her a wyrm and Sunshine didn’t take it well,” Bakugou told them.
“Called her a wyrm? Is that all that happened?” Jeanist asked.
“How could a hero act like that? That fact that she hasn’t been turned in for sexual harassment is beyond me,” Kia stated from where she stood in front of the elevator.
“What did she do?” Nina asked walking up to Kia.
“You should have seen her! She was throwing herself all over him even when he told her to back off. Then told me to get lost so the adults can have fun and called me a girl and a wyrm,” Kia growled before slipping into another language, clearly not saying anything good about the hero.
“Wildside, I will not allow that kind of language in my agency… French, Japanese, or otherwise,” Jeanist warned.
“Pardon, monsieur,” Kia apologized, bowing to Jeanist.
Suddenly, Nina’s face lit up and she turned to Jeanist with a big grin on her face. “The photo shoot tomorrow… it is for your new jean catalog isn’t it, sir?”
“Yes, why do you ask?” Jeanist looked at his assistant. She knew what the photo shoot was for because she organized the whole thing.
“Isn’t the Glamour agency sending over some models? I believe Razzle Dazzle was one of the models listed. We will have to keep an eye out and make sure she isn’t harassing anyone while she is here,” Nina said, giving Jeanist a wink.
Catching what she was hinting at, Jeanist nodded. “Yes, and there is a competition to see who gets the most likes for their photo. There will be a winner for the men and the women. I believe Razzle Dazzle won it last year,” he added.
“Oh, really?” Kia said with a determined look on her face, “Sign me up, Jeanist! I will model for you tomorrow and I’ll show that hunk of coal just how much of a GIRL I am.”
“Great, can you be there at 8 a.m.?” Jeanist asked.
“I will be there. Sorry, B, looks like you are flying solo tomorrow,” Ki said turning to her partner.
“Ok,” Bakugou replied, surprised at how disappointed he felt.
“I’m not going to lose to that sad excuse for a hero,” Kia sneered getting into the elevator.
Bakugou followed her, a grin plastered on his face.
When Bakugou woke up the next morning he was surprised to see a move in crew taking furniture into the apartment next to his. Great, a new neighbor… if I’m lucky they will be quiet and leave me alone, he thought, turning to lock his door.
He stopped by the usual coffee shop before heading to the agency. As the barista brought him his coffee, he looked around. “Did the person who buys me coffee come in this morning?” he asked her looking her straight in the eyes.
“No, she didn’t. You know, this is the first time you’ve actually looked at me.” The barista blushed.
“Can you get me what she usually orders?” Bakugou asked the girl, ignoring her remark. The barista hurried to get the drink for him. He reached out to take the drink but the barista didn’t let go. Surprised, Bakugou looked up at her again.
“Is she your girlfriend?” the barista asked him.
“What?” Bakugou said, surprised.
“Is she your girlfriend?” the barista repeated.
“No, she is my partner,” Bakugou answered.
Breathing a sigh of relief, the barista leaned forward. “My name is Nana, and I just have to tell you that your eyes are a beautiful color of red. Would you please go out with me sometime?”
Bakugou stood there staring at her, his temper flaring at the girl wasting his time. He was about to tell her to fuck off when a voice echoed in the back of his mind. “You need to work on how you say things.” He could almost feel Kia’s hand on his shoulder. Taking a breath, Bakugou looked over at the young woman who was eagerly waiting for an answer. “Thanks, but I’m not interested,” he replied.
The girl’s face fell at his answer, “Is it because of her?” she asked.
Bakugou looked at her, confused. Taking the coffee, he laid money on the counter and left.
“I don’t think he even realizes,” Nana said to herself.
When Bakugou made it to the agency it was already 8:30. He headed to his office. Setting the drinks on his desk, he turned on his computer so it would be ready when he got back from bring Kia her coffee. He then headed up a couple of floors to where the agency’s modeling department was. Walking down the hall, he nearly ran into by Nina who burst out of the door in front of him.
“Watch where you are going, you idiot!” Bakugou said, moving the coffees out of the way.
Nina stared at him for a second before her face lit up with a big smile. “Ground Zero, thank goodness you are here! Come with me!” she said, grabbing him by the front of the shirt and dragging him into the room. “Jeanist, I’ve found someone!” Nina shouted as they crossed the room.
“Found me for what?” Bakugou demanded as Nina dragged him over to where Jeanist sat.
“Ground Zero?” Jeanist said, surprise to see the hero being pulled by his small assistant.
“He will be perfect for the job!” Nina exclaimed, “He has the right build and everything!”
“Perfect for what?” Bakugou asked.
“One of our male models didn’t show up for the shoot today. Would you be willing to stand in for him?” Jeanist asked.
“The pay is really good!” Nina added.
“You want me to model for you? Hell…” Bakugou started to reply when a familiar voice came from behind him.
“B?” Kia said coming around the corner of a dressing room.
Turning around Bakugou nearly choked on his tongue. Kia wore a dark pair of tight fitting jeans that had a few rips in them, a deep red tank with a plunging neckline, and a matching jean jacket. She also wore a pair of black boots and her hair had been pulled back on one side and curled. They had done her makeup so that it brought out the color of her eyes and her full lips were the same color as her shirt. She looked good.
“You brought me coffee!” she said, flashing him a brilliant smile. Bakugou stood there wide-eyed as Kia came over to him and took her coffee. “I didn’t have time to stop and get some this morning.” Taking a drink, she moaned. “This is amazing thank you.”
Bakugou was about to say something when another voice called out. “Ground Zero!” Razzle said as she walked over. “What are you doing here?” The heroine fluttered her eyelashes.
“We were just asking him if he would stand in as a model today,” Nina interrupted.
“You are going to model?” Kia asked, surprised.
“You can be my partner, handsome. I would be honored to show you all the ropes!” Razzle smiled while looking Bakugou up and down.
“Actually, the model he would be filling in for was supposed to pose with Wildside,” Jeanist said. “I hope you will consider it. We are running late as it is, and it is hard to find models on such short notice,” he said, turning to Bakugou.
“No,” Bakugou glared.
“Oh, come on, B! It will be more fun if you are here,” Kia said.
“Fine, but don’t be plastering me with makeup, or I’m out of here,” Bakugou warned.
Razzle huffed, walking back to where her own partner was waiting.
“Let’s get you dressed then,” Jeanist said as he gestured for Bakugou to follow him.
Reluctantly, Bakugou made his way to the dressing room pulling on the pair of jeans and a tight shirt one of the assistants had given him. Stepping out of the dressing room, he sat in a chair and Jeanist stepped up to attempt to do something with his hair.
“HELL NO!” Kia heard Bakugou shout from behind the hair and makeup department. Peering around the corner, Kia saw him clench the arms of the chair he was sitting in as Jeanist tried to smooth out his hair.
Snickering, Kia walked around the corner, making her way over to the two arguing heroes. “Do you mind if I make a suggestion?” she asked.
“What do you have in mind?” Jeanist asked stepping back.
“You can’t smooth his hair forward like that, it just looks wrong,” Kia laughed at her scowling partner.
“The last time you did this it took me forever to get it back the way it was,” Bakugou growled at Jeanist.
Picking up a spray bottle and brush, Kia stepped in front of him, “Do you trust me?” she asked Bakugou.
“You better not make me look like one of those losers,” Bakugou said, pointing to the other male models.
“I promise, and I will even fix it afterwards,” Kia said.
“You better,” Bakugou warned sitting back in the chair.
Kia grabbed a towel and put it over his shoulders before spraying his hair with water. Once she had it completely wet she took the brush and started brushing in back out of his face. “Do you have any hair glue?” she asked Jeanist. One of the assistants brought over a small black container, opening it so Kia could dip her fingers in it.
“That isn’t really glue?” Bakugou asked, eyeing the container.
“No,” Kia giggled. “It’s just a really thick kind of hair gel.”
Rubbing the paste-like gel on her hands, she started running it through his hair. Her fingers running along his scalp felt so good that Bakugou closed his eyes and relaxed. Once she had worked it into his hair evenly, she stepped around in front of him. “We are supposed to have a kind of grunge look, right?” she asked Jeanist.
“Yes,” Jeanist replied, curious what Kia was going to do next.
“Do you trust me?” Kia asked, looking back at Bakugou.
“Just get on with it,” Bakugou snapped.
“Sit on the edge of the seat and let me stand between your legs,” Kia said, nudging his knee.
Doing what she asked, Bakugou swallowed hard as she stepped closer to him. His face was level with her chest and her shirt dipped really low. Kia started combing her fingers through his hair while adding heat to dry and style it in a slicked back and slightly curly style. The combination of the heat from her hands and the glue made his hair stay in place.
“Well done, Wildside! Where did you learn to do this?” Jeanist asked stepping up to look over her work.
“I used to do it all the time for a friend,” Kia replied. Bakugou noticed the sadness creeping into her eyes.
“Was he the one you lost?” Bakugou asked, looking up at her.
“Yeah,” Kia replied, smiling softly at him.
Jeanist cleared his throat, “Well, we better get this photo shoot started or we are going to run out of time.”
Standing up from the chair, Bakugou caught Kia’s surprise as she took in his outfit. “Oh my god, B! Did they paint those on you?” Kia covered her mouth, looking at the pants he wore. “They might be tighter than mine!” she laughed.
“Shut up! If they look that bad I’m done with this!” he growled, clenching his fists.
“Wait, I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” Kia said, circling around him. “They actually look really good, I’ve just never seen you in anything but baggy pants. I really want to see you try and get out of those,” she said
Nina made a squealing sound. “That’s not what I meant!” Kia said, blushing hard.
Smirking, Bakugou teased his partner, “You want to see me out of these pants, huh?”
“Shut up,” Kia said rolling her eyes as she blushed even harder. “If that ego inflates anymore you aren’t going to be able to get out of those pants.”
The both of them laughed as they left the changing area and walked over to the stage. There were six other models already waiting: three men and three women sorted into pairs and wore different styles of jeans.
“Alright, let us start with the pop style pair,” Jeanist said gesturing to the two models with light colored jeans and bright colored clothes. They started with taking individual photos before moving on to pairs. Bakugou and Kia were last to be photographed. Stepping in front of the camera, Kia moved through the poses with practiced ease.
“She is sexy as hell,” one of the other male models sitting next to Bakugou said.
Glancing over at him, Bakugou could see the other models nodding in agreement. All except for Razzle, who looked like her head was about to explode. He looked back at his partner and couldn’t help but agree with what the other model had said.
“Alright, Ground Zero, you’re up next,” Jeanist said.
Bakugou stood up and made his way over in front of the camera. To his surprise, Kia stayed by the stage instead of going to sit in the waiting area. Glancing at her, he remembered her advice from their photo session during the interview. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he relaxed, looking into the camera when he opened them.
After a couple of poses he glanced at Kia to see her poke herself between the eyes. Realizing what she meant, he relaxed his face.
“Could you give us a slight smile?” Jeanist asked.
Bakugou watched as Kia moved behind the photographer. Wondering what she was doing, he was caught by surprise when she stuck her tongue out and flipped him off. Bakugou grinned and almost laughed and the camera clicked.
“Alright, now for the couple photos,” Jeanist said, gesturing for Kia to join Bakugou.
“Good job,” Kia said as she walked up to her partner.
Looking down at his partner he crossed his arms. “I don’t lose,” he said.
“Me neither,” Kia said. “Thanks for filling in. It has been more fun with you here.”
The two didn’t notice that the photographer had been snapping pictures the whole time. After going through a couple of poses, Jeanist had the rest of the models come back so they could take a few group pictures.
“Thank you all for participating in today’s photo shoot. I would like to apologize that it ran longer than we expected,” Jeanist said as he dismissed the models.
Making their way back to the changing rooms, Bakugou slipped into one of the closed off cubicles to change back into his own clothes. Unbuttoning the pants he wore he tried to take them off only to nearly fall over when they got caught on his legs. Cussing, he sat down while fighting to get the pants off. In the next stall, he could hear Kia laughing at the commotion he was making.
After getting changed, he made his way out to the makeup chairs and saw Kia getting her hair and makeup undone. Sitting in the chair next to her, he let the assistants wash the hair glue out of his hair. He was towel drying his hair when another set of hands grabbed the towel. Looking up he saw it was Kia and sat up as she draped the towel on the counter and moved behind him.
“I told you I would fix it afterwards,” Kia said as she heated up her hands and started running them through his hair again. Bakugou almost moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“It’s so soft,” Kia said as she played with his hair. “It’s pretty long though. When was the last time you cut it?”
“It’s been a while,” Bakugou replied.
Kia finished drying his hair and pulled her phone out of her pocket. “It is almost 2:00 pm, do you want to run and get something to eat?” she asked.
“Sure,” Bakugou said, getting up from the chair. They went to a restaurant not too far from the agency. They were sitting there talking about how the photo shoot went when Kia’s phone went off.
“Hey, B, I’m going to take the rest of the day off,” Kia said, reading the message.
“What for?” Bakugou asked.
“Well, hopefully by the end of today I will be out of that hotel and into my own place,” Kia smiled, gathering up her stuff. “We are off this weekend, right?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Bakugou replied, watching her get ready to leave. “We are still on call though.”
“K, well if anything comes up call me. Otherwise, I will see you Monday!” Kia said as she walked out of the restaurant.
Finishing his meal, Bakugou went to the counter to pay only to find Kia had paid for both of their meals on her way out. Shaking his head at her sneakiness, he headed back to the agency to finish the paperwork he was going to do that morning. 
Ch 1|Ch 2|Ch 3|Ch 4|Ch 5|Ch 6|Ch 7|Ch 8|Ch 9|Ch 10|Ch 11|Ch 12|Ch 13|       Ch 14|Ch 15|Ch 16|Ch 17|Ch 18|Ch 19|Ch 20|Ch 21|Ch 22|Ch 23 
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Lobato: Covin Head zanoto many wild witches have been bound to covens yet the aquato family still runs three causing more chaos I'd hate to think of what would happen to your daughter if she failed in her mission
Trumrn: shut up I promise you that I will capture all of the aquatos that are above coven age by the end of the day
Are... are you suggesting Loboto as the stand in for Kikimora? Cause uh.... hrm.....
On the one hand... Norma as Kikimora stand in... On the other hand... Loboto as Kikimora stand in...
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Lili: I'm sorry Dad but I'm not sure if I can do the spying razs mom scares me
Trumen: that's fine dear you don't have to do the mission if you don't want to
I'm not even thinking that this is an official mission. Lili was probably doing it out of her own volition. But she would report to her father and Uncles, and they would assure her that the right people would know what's going on.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
???: honestly I find a wild witch like you using illusions to pretend to be a woman quite insulting
Donatella: shut the fuck up
???: why do you take offense it's not like you're a real woman
T4T Dona and Augustus having to deal with Transphobes.
Can't have sh*t on the Coven Controlled Boiling Isles...
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Donatella: you're not trying hard enough
Hollis: mrs aquato we are doing everything in our power to heal your son
Donatella: perhaps your coven magic isn't good enough
Oh yes. No matter what AU, Hollis and Donatella always manage to get on each others nerves. Some things are just meant to be like that.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Helmet: I think we should go help the others with the kid
Otto: it's not going to work the boy is not going to accept our help and since I'm the one who arrested them my presence will make things worse
I honestly DOUBT Otto would be the one behind any arresting of the Aquato family.
Is he morally dubious in Psychonauts? Yes. But he's also a teddy bear. He just wants to know how far science can go.
And he's lost a lot of that potential thanks to sigil magic. But now his friend is back, one who lived on the other Titan with him, and her family. She's suffered a lot and there's no way that he would arrest the ENTIRE family. He'd bring back Nona if there was a promised cure, sure. But Augustus? Donatella? Dion and Frazie??? NO WAY.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Raz: maybe you're the ones who should be punished
Cassie: you're not wrong child we regret what we did to your family
Ford: at this point I just want to help get Lucy back
Raz: I don't believe any of you why should I
Compton: let's go he's not going to accept our help
Bob: but he'll die if he tries to save them on his own
I'm terrified at the lack of Helmut and Otto in this quote.... are.... is Helmut okay? What about Otto? Are they currently keeping the others of the covens away from finding this little treaty meeting?
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Lili: why are you looking through all of these books on healing
Raz: I'm trying to find an alternative more effective way to treat nonas curse
Sixer's note: yeah, Lili doesn't understand the different ways they work. Why would one Titan love wild magic that hurt it, when her Titan hated it?
...What does Raz MEAN the Titans couldn't be understood by witches due to a language barrier...?
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
After watching a news report about Raz being petrified
Augustus: no I won't let it happen again
Donatella: I agree dear but we need a plan
Lili: I just saw the news report I can help sneak you all into the emperor's Castle
Dion: that's more of a plan than we had
Sixer's note: I mean... probably not gonna happen but nothing's been written, yet!
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Owl house AU
Raz came home depressed
I heard about Grom who's the victim dion you want to ask his younger brother surprisingly excited Lili rise said in a depressed tone I know that look in your eye and with some Oracle magic I can tell you're planning to take her place donatella said to her son with worry in her voice you cannot do that Razputin we cannot bear to lose you Augustus said in a fury of potential grief
What's going on qeepee asked
I think this seems like a realistic thing that would happen in this theoretical AU
Sixer's notes: Oh possibly. Mean Magic Goth Girl has this boy hooked on puppy love and he wants to show her just HOW BAD the Emperor is and he knows that she's scared to stop using her fire forever. And the Aquatos have already lost so much...
Unless Dion's been talking to Gisu, I don't know if the Aquatos would know what it was considering the fact it's referred to as a singular species.
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