#mine particularly enjoys perching on my shoulder while i watch tv
thecheeseburgercat · 8 months
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Batstarion fans! Did you know you can sew your own little batstarion plushie using this pattern (it has great instructions and a useful tutorial vid!)
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These little batstarions are at 150% size of the pattern, each takes me about 2.5 hours to make! Made in minky fabric and broadcloth with safety eyes :D
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Why hello, guess who’s back? That’s right, peeps, after a 3-month hiatus, I have returned to make all your Cegan dreams come true!
Enjoy Chapter 35 - I hope to finish this fic in the next six weeks :3
Tags: @carl-sweet-serial-killer @cegan-and-starker20 @carlnegan (welcome back, crew)
Chapter 35
The little girl Carl had found slept in his arms the whole way back to the Sanctuary, leaving Daniel to drive the car and Adriana to keep her gun in hand in case there were any problems on the road. Carl had settled her onto his lap as soon as they got in the back seat, not wanting either of them to get hurt in the front if the worst happened and the car crashed. She had tucked her face into his neck, quite content about napping in his hold.
‘I’m surprised how quiet she is after all that screaming she did at the house.’ Adriana smiled at the sight of the toddler resting silently on Carl’s lap, making him smile and run a hand over the girl’s blonde curls.
‘She tired herself out, I guess.’
‘What happened between you and Negan?’
Carl shook his head, doing his best not to disturb the kid and looking over at his friend.
‘Nothing important.’ He lied, not particularly wanting to address the bruises beginning to form in fingerprints on his neck.
Adriana didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t want to talk, looking away from him and out of the window to check for walkers. When she didn’t spot any immediate danger, she spoke up again.
‘Will he be helping carry the crib upstairs or should I get Oliver and Rory on the radio to help?’
‘Get those two. Negan can fuck off for all I care right now- ow!’ Carl complained when she smacked him on the side of the head.
‘What was that for?!’
‘Your kid is awake and you’re swearing in front of her.’ The young woman scolded, gesturing to the set of bright blue eyes staring up at Carl’s face.
The teen grumbled internally, refraining from hitting Adriana back as payment since he didn’t want to make the little girl in his grip upset. He gave her a gentle smile, brushing her fringe away from her eyes and poking her nose, not sure why her lack of voice put him at such unease. Usually he liked the quiet.
‘Did you have a nice nap?’ He hummed at the girl but once again he got no response.
Keeping the smile on his face since it seemed to keep her calm, Carl kissed her forehead, giving a wave to the guards who opened the gates for the car. Brie and Cara waved back to him from their position, both frowning in confusion at the sight of a blonde toddler on their leader’s knee and the crib strapped to the roof of the car before they walked over to help unload whatever was in there.
Cara’s eyes brightened significantly at the sight of the little girl and she approached Carl as soon as he got out with the kid still quiet as a mouse on his hip.
‘Who’s this?’
‘She doesn’t have a name yet; I’m calling her Little Fox until I’ve thought of something.’ He responded, shifting his arms a bit so he could hold her closer and smiling when she reached for his hair again.
Cara nodded at his reply, stroking the toddler’s head with a gentle touch, and smiling brighter when she looked up at her.
‘You found her out there? Where the hell was she?’
‘Living with her mum in a boarded-up house. The mum got bit though, I was lucky to find her. She would have starved to death in that crib.’ Carl frowned, kissing her cheek while her small hands played with his hair, entranced by the brown waves.
They stood there for a moment while other Saviours took the supplies allocated to their division of the Sanctuary, taking in the warmth of the sun and the quiet babbling noises the little girl on Carl’s hip made, before Adriana called them both to the car.
‘We can carry this up now.’
‘I’ll take one end. Rory! Get your arse over here and help me with this thing!’ Cara yelled to her fellow guard who nodded, jogging over to help get the crib down from the roof.
‘Take it up to mine and Negan’s room. I’ll go in front so he doesn’t murder you for coming in uninvited.’ The Queen sighed, giving the kid a grin before making his way into the main factory.
Cara and Rory followed close behind with the giant mahogany crib, carefully manoeuvring it up the flights of stairs until they reached the top floor where the leaders’ bedroom was. Carl opened the door ahead of them, walking in without acknowledging Negan who was perched on the edge of their bed, clearly getting ready to talk to his husband as he stood up at the sight of him.
‘Carl,’ He started but the teen cut him off by turning to Cara and Rory, opening the door wider for them so they could carry in the crib.
‘Put it on my side of the bed so I can get to her during the night.’ He told his friends with a smile that disappeared when Negan spoke again.
‘Where the fuck did you get a crib?’
‘I don’t know, Negan, I’m holding a toddler right now so maybe you should be able to figure it out from that.’ Carl replied in a blunt tone, bouncing the girl up and down gently in his grip.
Negan gave him a sharp glare in response, watching him interact with the kid and sitting down on the bed again.
‘She likes your hair.’ He hummed, observing as the toddler gripped at Carl’s hair, causing the teen to wince just a little at how tight she held it.
He did his best not to show his pain, not wanting to alarm her, before setting her down inside her crib with her fox plushie.
‘I’ll be back in a minute, little fox, you stay in there cosy and safe.’ He tapped her nose then turned to Negan, stripping off his jacket.
‘Watch her just now. I need to go to the toilet.’ Carl told him in a stern voice before disappearing through the door to go to the bathroom.
The older man watched him leave, still feeling the anger radiating off of his husband when he looked in his eyes. He hated that he’d managed to upset him about his sister, but he was glad that he had gotten home safe. The addition of the toddler came as a shock at first though the sight of Carl being gentle and parental with her made his heart melt, making him wonder if his opinion on having kids was softening. Maybe they’d adopt the little girl staring up at him with big blue eyes.
Negan smiled at the kid, getting up from the bed and crouching in front of her crib to face her at eye level.
‘Hi Sweet-cheeks. Can you speak yet?’ He spoke to her in a soft tone, not wanting to frighten the little girl with his rugged appearance and scruffy stubble.
He was half convinced that he had blood on him somewhere and was traumatising the precious thing.
When there was no response to his question, he tilted his head, reaching a hand through the gap in the crib and pointing to her toy.
‘That’s your favourite toy, huh? You’re gripping it awfully hard.’ He smiled, trying to look kind rather than frightening like he so often did to their enemies.
He acted like he did around his students, soft spoken and gentle so as to give himself a better reputation with the newest generation of Saviours. The toddler stared back at him with blank eyes, so the man tried a brighter smile instead of speaking.
That caused her to reach out with one hand to grab at his. Grinning wider, Negan grabbed her hand back before standing up and lifting the little girl out of her crib.
‘Aren’t you just the most beautiful princess, huh?’ He hummed, holding her close and chuckling when she touched his stubbled cheek with one of her little hands.
Sitting down again so that he was leaning against the headboard of his and Carl’s bed on his side, he held her close in his lap, supporting her back and petting her hair with a gentle touch.
‘What should we call you, huh? What’s my husband been calling you?’ He cooed, catching her head against his chest when she started falling asleep again.
Negan sighed, stroking his fingers through the toddler’s curls and leaning his head back against the wall while he watched her sleep. Glancing over at her crib, he gazed at the white plastic flowers stuck to it, frowning as he thought to himself.
‘What’s that flower called? Jasmine… little Jasmine.’ He whispered to himself, smiling at the three-year-old who was still tucked into his neck, breathing softly in her sleep.
Shutting his eyes after that, he heaved out a sigh, falling asleep slowly at the same time as Carl came back into the room, a small green blanket hanging from his grip. The sight of Negan with the little girl made his heart ache – he knew they’d be keeping the toddler with them from now on.
Draping the blanket over Jasmine’s small body gently, he sat on the other side of the bed, leaning into Negan’s shoulder. The scent of dirt and whiskey with a little bit of blood put him at ease, lulling him to sleep until his and Negan’s earlier argument disappeared from his mind completely.
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kdenbibi · 7 years
Endless Chapter 1 Damian Wayne x Reader ( x various)
Summary: Gotham wildin’, you wildin’ and there’s definitely something off about that Damian kid.
Warnings : Cursing and relentless sarcasm. 
Authors note: Guy’s!!! This story is my brand new baby, if you enjoy it please let me know!!! Okay i’ll shut up please enjoy. :’) -Admin A
Little known fact, the best time of day in Gotham was before the sun rose, people were asleep, too busy dreaming to make noise and cause problems.
I can’t tell you how much of my life I’ve spent up here watching the day roll by me. Watching the sky change into different shades of grays, I sighed watching the puff of air escape my lips with a lazy smile. This was my happy place as cheesy as it sounded, no matter how crazy life got or if some weirdo with a god complex held the city hostage, I could always crawl up here and let go of it all for awhile. I closed my eyes leaning against the cold metal railing, trying to relax my mind, distract myself from the bubbling pot of anxiety in my stomach, I tapped my nails in anticipation, ever since I woke up this morning I’d been waiting for something to happen, I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad, I just knew it was big, life altering big. Usually I could tell what would happen but but not today, something was coming, and I knew I had to prepare myself for it. Why am I not brushing this off as a simple case of hebijebis? Well that’s because I know better than to ignore my gut.
 Ever since I can remember I’ve had some kind of help whenever something bad would happen, now I can see how it be confusing so let me elaborate as best as I can. The earliest memory I have of this ‘Helper’ if you will, was when I was five, it was actually my birthday and at my party these little assholes (who I was forced to invite mind you) decided they wanted to play a little trick on me, they put firecrackers in my cake disguised as candles, and as soon as my mom went to light them a haze of golden yellow light enveloped a glass of water next to me, it was like time slowed down and in that moment I somehow knew what to do, like a bat outta hell I dumped the water all over my cake much to the shock of everyone, as my mother lectured me I pulled out the fake candles and handed them to her. After that it kept happening, I used to call 'it’ Nadi for some reason, my child brain saw it as a helpful friend and it deservend a name. As I got older I learned it wasn’t some imaginary friend, it was some otherworldly force at bay keeping me out of trouble, and for a while only I knew about it, I figured I was one of those anime protagonists who get chosen to be special for no particular reason, it excited me, I had no idea the risks it came with.
 I found out though.
 Picture a tiny me, my hair in puffy buns sitting on my head, an avenger backpack on and not a care in the world, ah yes middle school when my biggest worry was making it to the lunch line early before the other Gremlins could get all the good food. Now usually after my classes let out I’d walk the short journey to my house, stopping for hot coco on the way at this little hole in the wall restaurant if it was particularly cold, and be on my merry way but this afternoon, something wasn’t sitting well with me, all day long I had the looming feeling of danger hanging over my head like a over filled balloon waiting to burst, I tried to ignore it, I really did, but it lingered in my mind, once I stepped foot out of my last class the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, goosebumps rose to my arms, I felt eyes lurking in every dark corner, my knuckles were white with how hard I gripped the straps of my backpack, the yellow light appear as it always did when I was in need, it swirled and pulled me back to the school but it was like my feet were glued to the ground, I looked up to see a man, just a few yards away, not moving, but staring, something told me he was responsible for my inability to move, just as a full blown panic attack began to appear, out walked my English teacher, her warm hand gently shaking my shoulder brought me back to reality, “(Y/n) honey, what’s wrong? You gotta talk to me sweetheart.” “I-I there’s a man and- ” I began to hyperventilate, unable to finish my sentence, I tried to point out where he was but he was gone, and so was the unnerving hold he had on me. “Hey- listen you can’t walk home like this how bout’ I give you a ride?” I nodded nearly snapping my neck with the force, I just needed to get away from there. As soon as I got home my teacher insisted on calling my mom, I didn’t want to worry her but I figured I owed her that much, ten minutes after the call was made and the situation was explained my mom burst through the door, her eyes wide with worry. After checking over me for injury’s she asked me what happened. “I dunno’ things were super weird all day, then some creepy guy showed up and then poof! He was gone and so was the bad feeling I’m okay Mama.” She chewed at her finger, nervously pacing around our small living room. “And you’re okay now?” “Mhm” I nodded half listening, most of my attention was on the TV. Unlike most kids my age the news caught my interest, there would always be some crazy story on. My mom quickly stepped in front blocking my view. “(Y/n) (L/N) you listen to me when I talk to you.” Oh god not the mom voice, she had all my attention now, she never used that voice on me, on my siblings sure but me? I was the good kid. She got down to eye level, laying her hands on my shoulders, “Listen to me baby, if this ever happens again you call me right away.” “Mama it’s okay, I talked to my teacher about it on the way home it was just an anxiety attack.” She sighed rising to sit next to me on the couch, “Tell me exactly what you were feeling.” I racked my brain trying to put it into words “I just.. I don’t know it felt on edge all day, like it was building up and then the lighting tried to take me inside but-” “A light? What light.” My throat instantly dried up, how could I tell her? She’s put me in Arkham if I told her the truth.“ "Is…is it a yellow light?” I snapped my head from the floor to meet her eye. “How’d- no way how’d you know?” She sighed, leaning back against the couch. “I guess I never thought I’d have to go through this with you.” Before I could question her she rose, then offered me her hand. “Well? Come on we have a lot to cover.” “Where are we going?” “Grandma’s.” A blaring alarm from my phone quickly snatched me from my memories. I checked the time, “Shit already?.” It was time to get ready, time to leave my little bubble of comfort and face reality. I shook a curl out of my face with a puff of frustration leaving my lips, of course I wasted my alone time going down memory lane, I rolled my eyes at myself, turning away from the city just now starting to wake itself up, after jiggling the door open I took one more glance at my safe place before rushing inside, I had a feeling this would be my last time up here for a while.
 I flicked a stray french fry between my hands, my lunch lost its appeal long ago, at this point I was waiting for my friends to wrap it up, half the day had gone by and I still had no clue what was coming, if only I could- “(Y/n) are you even listening to me?” “Huh-what yes, of course I am mhm.” I quickly rested my hand in my head with a smile. Dana squinted at me, “Oh yeah so what was I talking about?” I shrugged my shoulders, “Knowing you it was probably something about that Wayne kid and how he makes your heart flutter.” I finished with a laugh and a dramatic bat of my lashes. Her face flushed as our other friends laughed in agreement before going back to their conversations. She reached over and smacked my hand. “Shut the hell up he’s at the table behind you.” I snorted at her whisper yelling before clearing my throat “What? Who’s behind me?” I yelled earning another smack from the girl. “I’ll never understand why you’re so hung up on a guy like that.” She sighed tossing a braid behind her shoulder. “You wouldn’t get it, he’s got that mysterious bad boy who’s secretly a good boy with a heart of gold thing going on.” I snorted a laugh before turning around to look at said 'heartthrob’ Heavy on the quotations. He sat at the table next to his only, not to mention loud, friend, arms crossed, face locked in a perpetual 'Fuck off’ expression. His eye snapped up meeting mine , I turned around quickly after. “Sure he’s a pretty boy but if the insides ugly why bother?” She smacked her lips in shock “How do you know he’s not a nice guy?” I scoffed, raising my brow “Do you not recall any interaction anyone’s ever had with him? You’re the one who had to be his lab partner, and what did he say when you sat down to work?” She grumbled “He refused to work together and told me 'Let me do it, I’ve seen your grades.’.” “Exactly! nah man fuck outta here with that that 'holier than thou’ attitude.” I finished my rant with and angry bite from the French fry “Okay I don’t know why you’re gassing me like that, I just think he’s fine is all.” I nodded cleaning my hands on my uniform skirt. “Yeah, sure alright.” She threw a balled up napkin at my head, having saw it coming I grabbed it mid air. Dana pouted “I can never catch you off guard can I.” “The day you do that is the day Damian gets the stick out his ass.” We shared a laugh before the ringing bell demanded us back to our individual classes, as I rose I felt a wave of fear crash over me. I felt the familiar tug pulling my body, something was about to happen ,here  at school. With all these people. Shit. I closed my eyes and let the sensation pull me towards the back of the cafeteria, 'yikes alright (y/n) think, how to get these kids outta here fast, can’t exactly explain yourself so think quick.’ my eyes scanned the room before a glimmer of yellow pulled my focus, perched on the wall in the corner of the room was the bright red fire alarm, the yellow glimmer pulled me in like a magnet and I could tell by the rising panic in my chest I needed them out of here quick, there no way I  can get there in time with all these kids in the way. A bright idea popped in my head and before I could consider the embarrassment I was gonna face once this was over, I jumped on the nearest table. I heard Dana call out over the chatter of voices. “(Y/n) what the hell are you doing up there?!” I ignored her and made a break for the alarm, I hopped from table to table side stepping leftovers and garbage before finally reaching out and slamming down on the lever, instantly the sprinkler system poured down upon us. “Everyone run!” I screamed causing a chain reaction of panicked shouting, everybody in the room squirmed to get out over the blaring alarm and screams, all but me and Damian, who now stood on a table glaring at me through the water. He stormed over grabbing my arm and pulling me down from the table, nearly making me bust my ass on the slippery bench. “What the hell was that?” He yelled over the noise, trying to pull me back towards the doors leading back inside. “Listen to me we need to leave!” I yelled trying to tear my arm away from his iron grip. “You’re going straight to the principal’s office, you think you can get away with this?” He snarled down at me, I finally managed to rip myself away “I’m trying to help you asshole, if we don’t leave we could seriously get hurt- or die!” He rolled his eyes, the green really contrasted really nicely with the dark of his lashes - noW’S NOT THE TIME (Y/N)
“How would you know that?” He questioned, still trying to yell over the blaring alarm, by now the entire cafeteria was empty except for us. “You wouldn’t believe me of I told you.” “Try me.” I opened my mouth to answer when the doors we were headed to were kicked open. Faster than I thought humanly possible we were on the floor behind a pillar, our bodies we’re squashed together, his pressing mine against the wall, his finger silently pressed against his mouth, I nodded, to busy trying to remember how to breathe to talk.
In flooded a group of three men, all armed with something, all wearing cheap party city masks. “We have arrived!- wait where are the brats?” The one in the middle asked, “Fuck if I know it’s a Monday, they should be here.” The first guy stomped his foot in anger. “How are we supposed to get J’s attention if there’s no hostages to take eh?” He sounded like a toddler throwing a fit at Walmart, difference is usually Walmart toddlers don’t have guns. Damian drew my attention by bending down to whisper in my ear. “How many of them?” It took me a moment to respond, my throat had gone dry. Damn fear, damn pretty boy all close to my face.
“Three.” “Do they have weapons?” “Yes one has a gun the other two have bats.” “Where are they, be specific.” “Uh- uhm two by the snack bar and the gun guy is by the door.” He nodded eyes serious and calculating, to be honest it was kinda freaky how he was acting. “Stay here, no matter what you see.” Before I could voice my confusion he rolled his eyes “I’m serious, (y/n). Stay. Here.” His voice was too authoritative to argue with so I put my hand up in surrender. He nodded before. Crouching down and rolling off toward the guy with a gun, his back was facing me but the other two idiots were trying to figure out the vending machine. “Fuck this.” Thing 1 said taking his bat to the glass, all the while being cheered on by thing 2. This sudden distraction is what Damian was waiting for because like a bullet he launched his body at the man holding the gun, a swift punch to the neck send the guy down, his gun skirted away as he hit the ground. A cringe worthy battle cry left the throats of thing 1 and 2 as they charged Damian, I nearly ran out there before remembering his very strict warning. I watched Damian block and deflect their hits all while trying to stay balenced in the drenched room, my eyes frantically followed the fight trying to wrap my head around how this asshole rich kid could fight off three fully grown men and do it well. The yellow glow caught my eye directing me to the gun and the figure slowly crawling toward it. Without much consideration I leaped over a table grabbing a disregarded lunch tray along the way, as the man shakily raised his hand to aim at Damian I managed to whack down on his hand with the metal tray as hard as I could, his hand squeezed the trigger regardless of my hit but he managed to knock his buddy in the arm. I quickly brought the tray down on his head before he could rise up, then again for good measure. And once more for fun. When I looked up both goons were knocked unconscious, Damian stood above them, a cut in his cheek and a slightly busted lip but all in all he seemed okay. “What happened to staying still?” He panted out “Oh so your mad I saved you from a bullet hole, by all means next time I’ll let it happen if you so desire.” The corner of his mouth rose slightly before falling back down to it’s natural state. “How’d you know to pull the alarm.” I rubbed my arm quickly getting cold, my wet uniform clinging to my body providing no help there. “It’s hard to explain.” “I’ve got time.” “How about this, you tell me where you learned to fight like that and I’ll tell you how I know what I know.” He pursed his lips, letting his mind chew on my offer. “How about this, I don’t tell anyone about you, and you don’t tell anyone about me?” I snorted at his obvious avoiding of the question but stuck my hand out regardless.
“You got yourself a deal pretty boy.”
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