#mines de fer
archonfurina · 1 year
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"You have a low opinion of your fellow mages."
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surreallyy · 5 months
Vivienne: mages belong in the circles these rebels are so stupid
Me playing DA2: *kissing Anders on the mouth* huh sorry what
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fereldanwench · 2 years
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⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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gillesvalery · 2 months
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Mine de Neuves -Maisons (Maron, Val de fer) (Meurthe-et-Moselle)
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aroaceofthesea · 6 months
Bof esq nose si tornarme a deixar els cabells llargs o tallarmels ja
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mabaris · 2 years
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preliminary round masterpost
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adler-obsessed · 2 years
Vivienne is unromanceable for YOU. Not my inquisitors though, y’all stay safe out there
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creads · 4 months
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eu gostaria de deixar comentários aqui sobre essa foto: AKAKBDNDDMMENZ);&?&&?$?$!!!!!! 💣💣💣💣💣💣🖕🏻🖕🏻💥💥💥💥🚬🚬🚬!!!!!!!! EKND ENRMRBRJEKSNSBDBNDND!!!!!
juro gente ele de all black o sorrisinho DESGRAÇADO e a cara de alegrinho afffssss sabe queria ir pra uma festa com ele e ele ficasse todo dengoso e me comesse depois todo messy e pouquíssimas ideias só querendo se esvaziar e que belo pescoço fer queria 😈😈👹👺👺🙀🙀🙀👄👄💋💋💋💋👅👅👅👅🦷🦷SABE que saco… juro eu ainda sinto que ele é muito underrated nesse site pq juro eu faria um tcc só falando o quanto eu queria dar pra ele manas que homem gostoso é esse… juro por deus queria meio que explodir a américa latina inteira de tanta sentada que eu queria dar nesse homem affs e☝🏻 essa franjinha dele se o papa fosse mulher o aborto seria legal peca pepeca pe peca goza peca sangue peca em qualquer outro homem eu ia ficar tipo tarrrrr mas nele MINHA NOSSA é tão delicioso… aquele áudio do tik tok this is your man?? look at the screen!!! das mine… 😚😌😋😏😏💓💗💘💞
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authorautumnbanks · 29 days
Stranded With A Demon Lord and the Strongest Sorcerer (5)
Read Chapter 1 ; Read Chapter 2 ; Read Chapter 3 ; Read Chapter 4
Kagome bites her tongue to stop the sigh from escaping past her lips. The plan was to get kidnapped and taken to the same building as the other women and children.
"Dance for me," the ogre says, reclining on his mountains of pillows. There are no beds or cots. Just pillows, dirt, and a beam in the middle of the room that looks sketchy at best.
His bottom tusks jut out from his thin mouth. His eyes are black and small. His nose is just as small as his eyes, but flat. He looks like a Pekingese. All he needs is some hair to complete the look. Instead, his head is bald and gleans green.
Kagome presses her lips together and glances at the door flap.
"Female," he barks out. "Dance." He pounds his fist on the ground, creating a small crater.
Kagome swallows the curse words and plasters a smile on her face. Getting upset will not help the others. She sways her hips and rolls. The ogre leans forward. His mouth parts. If only she had some cymbals to complete the dance. Any beat would do, instead the only sounds are the ones coming from the ogre, who should get his breathing checked out.
What she needs is some kind of opening. Maybe she can get close enough to knock him out or somehow convince him to take her to the others. Then she can put up a barrier and flare her energy. Sesshomaru and... maybe Satoru can do the rest.
Light spills into the room and another ogre, slightly stockier than the one in front of her, enters.
"What're ya doin!" he bellows. "All females go together."
"This one's mine," the other one snaps back. "Look at her. She dances fer me."
Kagome rolls her eyes. Okay. This isn't working. Getting kidnapped to be their plaything was not a part of the plan. She needs another plan. Maybe those two will continue to argue and someone higher up the ladder will take over?
The flap lifts and Sesshomaru and Satoru walk in. Kagome nearly falters but doesn't lose her rhythm. She rolls her hips, keeping the movement isolated.
Seriously? She has everything under control. And they look silly in their disguises. Satoru's eyes widen. There's dirt smeared across his face and arms. Gone is his dark uniform and replaced is some leather strap across his chest like armor. They look like barbarians. How Satoru got Sesshomaru to go along with whatever the hell they are doing is beyond her. Not that she is complaining. Sesshomaru's markings are on full display. Kagome eyes the stripes that curve around his hips.
"Oi! Wrong hut, yer asses!" The ogre stands and points a meaty finger at the flap. "Damn idiots can't tell they asses from their noses." He advances toward her and wraps his tongue around one tusk.
Oh boy. Time to de-escalate the situation.
"Quiet the tongue you got there," she purrs.
The ogre stops and his mouth splits right open. Kagome's eye twitches. Lovely. Now she's covered in purple blood and guts. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and glares at Sesshomaru.
"I had it under control."
"That beast was never going to take you to the other women." Sesshomaru glances at the other ogre by his feet. At least that one isn't all bloody, but his neck is twisted all wrong. Did Satoru do that?
Satoru strides over and grabs her arm. "Change of plans. Let's get to that building before more of them come in here."
Kagome looks at his hand and then points to herself. "I'm covered in blood."
"We wrangled you back in," Satoru quips.
"You want to wrangle me in," she teases. Satoru's hold on her loosens. "You're gonna have to be more aggressive than that if you want this to work."
Sesshomaru looks up at the ceiling.
Huh? What's with him?
"Whoa!" Suddenly she's looking directly at Satoru's ass, and what a nice ass it is.
Focus, Kagome. Focus.
"Sorry," Satoru says, palming her ass. "Is this better...to sell the image?"
Kagome presses her lips together. She's gonna do it. It's only fair.
" Kagome!" Why, Satoru sounds flustered. Kagome snickers. Messing with Satoru may be her new favorite pastime.
"Move your hands a little lower."
"Give me the priestess."
"What? No. I got her," Satoru replies. "Just lead us to the building. You can sniff em out, right?"
Kagome doesn't need to see to know Sesshomaru is glaring at Satoru. "You want me to pinch your butt later?"
"This Sesshomaru would prefer a massage."
"So needy," she jokes. Kagome lowers her head as they head out of the hut. She wants to look around, but that might draw more attention, so she settles for staring at Satoru's ass. "Gotta say I'm digging the loincloths. Really brings out your legs." Kagome turns her head and sighs. She wants to peek at Sesshomaru too.
Wait... are they wearing underwear? Scratch that, is Satoru wearing underwear? Sesshomaru doesn't wear any.
"What business do you have here?" Someone questions.
"We re-captured the female," Satoru responds, lowering her to her feet. He grabs a hold of her and keeps her back flush against his.
Oh. He's not.
Kagome bites her tongue. She needs to take this seriously.
"Take the female or we will," Sesshomaru barks out. The ogres startle and look at one another. With a nervous chuckle, they step to the side and let them through.
"Drop her in and then get the hell out, or it'll be yer heads."
How grumpy. Kagome keeps her mouth closed as they enter the building. Centaur females huddle together in a corner with the children in the middle. They glare at Sesshomaru and Satoru. To the side, two goblin females and a child huddle together. Kagome frowns. Even in a dire situation like this, they can't put their differences to the side?
"A human female?" A voice says, slinking out of the shadows. Ah, that must be the banished dude. His back is arched like a humpback. His fingers are long, and his nails are tipped black. "You have done well," he praises as he walks over to her. "A little dirty, but with a little work, I bet she'll shine real pretty." He rubs his hands together and leers at her.
"Do we have a buyer?" Satoru asks.
The banished dude tilts his head back and squints. "There are always buyers for human females. Which division did you say you were from?"
Sesshomaru sprays poison in the goblin's face and then catches him before he lands on the floor. The females shake. Some cover their mouths. "A barrier, priestess. We will take this one back to the village."
Kagome nods. "Should we bind him?" She looks around and pouts. There's nothing in here to be of use.
"Is he even alive?" Satoru steps on the goblin and rolls him around.
"Well, if you keep that up, he might wake up," Kagome admonishes. Satoru pauses and removes his foot. "It's fine. I'll put one up around this building, so he can't escape even if he tries." She waves them away and turns to face the other females. Kagome smiles and clasps her hands together. "Okay, don't mind the blood. We're going to get everyone out of here and back to their villages." She puts up a barrier as soon as Sesshomaru and Satoru head back out of the building.
Should she have made it soundproof?
Shouts and screams reverberate throughout the building. The centaur women stand to their feet... err hooves, and create a tighter circle around their young.
"You tell lies," One centaur says with long red hair.
"Not a lie. Argol told us that some of you have gone missing." Kagome looks over at the goblins. "He attacked the goblin village, but they were able to put their differences aside." She hooks her thumb behind her. "This dude was banished from the village and might be the mastermind?"
"Slozz," one goblin female speaks up. "He was the banished one, though he goes by a different name now." She stands and clenches her fists at her sides. "He was preparing to sell us off, but he didn't have enough to make the trek."
Kagome clucks her tongue. She outta kick this Slozz in his side. "Gotcha, well, don't mind the noise outside—"
Kagome rolls her eyes. How rude. "As I was saying—"
Kagome sucks her teeth. She should have made it soundproof. "We're going to return everyone back to their villages. Whatever information you have, please share it when we get there."
They all nod. The children peer around the others and smile at her. Kagome smiles back and gives a small wave.
What in the world are they doing out there? Kagome pushes her bangs back and then grimaces. Ugh. She forgot about the blood. What she needs is a soak for at least two hours. Satoru's energy pushes against her barrier. It's dark. Twisted. Overwhelming. Kagome swallows and then drops the barrier. Satoru strolls in a moment later with a crazed smile on his face.
"You didn't tell me Sesshomaru turns into a giant dog," he says.
"I said he's a dog demon," Kagome squints at him. Of all the things to get excited about. "We all ready to go then?"
Satoru nods. His eyes sparkle with mischief. "It would be faster if Sesshomaru transported everyone..."
"You want to build a sled and hook it up to him?"
He flutters his long eyelashes at her.
"Alright, but you'll have to move fast because we don't have time—" Kagome blinks at the spot where Satoru was. She turns around and addresses the other females and children. "Okay, don't be alarmed, but there's a giant dog outside and he's going to transport everyone to the goblin village. Argol and the others are there as well, waiting. So don't freak out. You'll be back in no time."
They stare at her as though she has another head on her shoulders, but no one complains. The children look giddy, so she takes that as a plus.
Satoru flashes in front of her and Kagome laughs, playing off how her heart skipped a beat. "Hey, you can keep the interior of the building from collapsing, right?" At her nod, Satoru continues with a huge smile spread across his face. "Okay, we got some rope and chains that we can wrap around the building. You'll just put up a barrier and Sesshomaru is going to pull the building." In his arms is clothing. Oh. Sesshomaru and Satoru's clothing. On his back is her yellow bag, and it looks like he grabbed her bow and quiver, too. Satoru stuffs his and Sesshomaru's items into the bag and dusts his hands.
"You're really excited about this."
"I'm gonna ride on top." He waggles his eyebrows.
"You like being on top?"
His nostrils flare. Satoru leans over and whispers in her ear. "I want you to ride my face. Tonight." He pulls back. "Sesshomaru can watch or join if you want."
If she wants? Does Sesshomaru want that?
Kagome takes a step closer to him and places a hand on his exposed chest. The strap of leather does not count. Frankly, she does not get how that counts as armor, but whatever. Slozz groans and shifts on the floor. Kagome sighs. "You should get going. We don't want him to wake up before we get there." She could keep him in a barrier, but mainly, she doesn't want him to wake up and scare everyone.
"Keep him in a barrier... actually, I'll just take him and tie him up now. He can hang up on the roof with me. I'll flare my energy when we're all set."
Satoru grabs Slozz's ankle and drags him out of the room.
Hm. Satoru and Sesshomaru are in some kind of sync. Sesshomaru doesn't make friends easily. Maybe she can convince Satoru to just come with them? Kagome gives herself a mental shake. No, that wouldn't be fair. Satoru has people who love him and are probably worried about him. She can't ask him to give up his world and do what? Frolic around with her and Sesshomaru? Going wherever the wind leads them? No, she can't do that to him.
"Is he your mate?" The centaur female with the red hair asks.
"Satoru? Oh, no." Kagome laughs. "I don't have a mate."
"So, he is free?"
The laughter dies out with a croak. "No."
"... I see." She juts her chin out and looks down at Kagome. "Then I challenge you for the right to claim him."
Kagome blinks and then laughs, so hard tears cling to her eyelashes. Challenge her? "Good luck with that. Satoru isn't someone you claim." She stares at the redhead. "You should be more considerate, considering we came here to rescue you." Kagome motions to the group. At the feel of Satoru's energy, she puts up another barrier. "Came here to rescue you from another trying to claim you," she finishes. Kagome turns her head and frowns. Okay, so she's more attracted to Satoru than she thought. That's fine. Lying to herself isn't a hobby she's fond of, so now what? Take him up on his offer?
She's not a prude, but should she take him up on it? There's a high chance that they might be stuck together for longer than any of them wants. Kagome blows out a breath. It's too bad this building doesn't have any windows for her to look out of. She would like to see how fast they are traveling.
Satoru flares his energy again. She drops the barrier and throws open the door right as Satoru is reaching for the knob.
"Human," the centaur female calls out. "I wish to take you as my mate."
Satoru coughs. "Not interested." He gives Kagome a what the fuck look, but she just shrugs. How was she to know that the centaur chick would be so bold?
"Because of her?"
Satoru raises a brow. "Yeah, because of her." He pulls Kagome to his side and smiles at her so sinfully that her insides turn to mush.
Oh, no. Satoru is far more dangerous than she thought.
"Stop flirting with the priestess," Sesshomaru says. "This Sesshomaru tires of this village."
"You just want that massage." Kagome winks. Sesshomaru should go shirtless more often. Not like he gets cold.
His eyes darken.
Oh boy. Kagome bites her lip. There must be something in the air.
"CHOSEN ONE! YOU HAVE RETURNED!" Argol shouts as he rushes over, nearly trampling a goblin in his haste.
"Argol!" The centaurs cry. They rush out of the building. Satoru pulls her closer to his side.
The goblins rush over to Ebeelx and weep.
Sesshomaru steps closer to Kagome and Satoru. "We are leaving."
Kagome looks at his loincloth and then at his face. "You just wanted to show off your markings to Satoru."
Sesshomaru's nostrils flare. "He has an impressive length for a human."
Kagome's mouth parts. "What did you do to Sesshomaru?"
"Me? I haven't done anything." He smirks. "Yet."
Kagome hums. Nothing like some bloodshed to bring the boys together. "Well alright. I need a bath."
"Wait!" Ebeelx holds out a hand. "Please, you must return for dinner. We will celebrate." He motions to Argol, who crosses his arms with a proud smile on his face. "We will all celebrate. And we must deal with the banished one." Ebeelx glares at Slozz, who is crumbled on the floor. His skin is a lighter green than it was earlier.
Did Sesshomaru give him another dose of poison? Or did Satoru do something to him?
"No." Sesshomaru flicks his hair back. "This Sesshomaru cares not for your celebrations, nor what you wish to do with that one." He strides into the building and returns with her bag, bow, and quiver. "We are leaving. Pick up the priestess before she tries to stay."
Kagome rolls her eyes. "I can wal—whoa!" She blinks at the sudden change in view. Satoru's hands grip her thighs. "Can you even see if you hold me like this?"
He chuckles. "Yeah, I can see."
Kagome waves goodbye to the others and then wraps her arms around Satoru's neck. It's certainly different. Being carried like this. "So, I'm going to assume you aren't wearing underwear... unless you like thongs?"
Satoru snaps his attention to her. "You danced for that ogre."
"A little." He nods his head at Sesshomaru. "Do you dance for him?"
"Only when I feel like being silly."
"The priestess is always dancing."
Kagome leans back and glares at Sesshomaru's back. On second thought, she does not care for this newfound camaraderie between the two.
Satoru inhales sharply.
"What's with you? Need me to walk?"
"No, it's nothing."
Yeah, she believes him. Not. Kagome rubs her tongue over her teeth. Messing with Satoru really is her new favorite pastime, and since he doesn't seem all that flustered at the moment, she should fix that, so she leans forward, brushing her breasts against him as she murmurs in his ear. "Want me to dance on your cock?"
"Stop pawing at one another," Sesshomaru says. Kagome blinks. When did Sesshomaru get right in front of them? He sniffs. "You're not in heat and yet you act like it."
Kagome groans. "Don't you start—hey!" Sesshomaru plucks her from Satoru's arms and carries her over his shoulder.
"Carry the items," he instructs Satoru. "Priestess, stop moving."
"No!" She gasps. Her ears burn and her ass stings. "Harder." She wiggles for good measure, just to mess with him. It's not like he'll actually do it.
She bites back the whimper. Sesshomaru must be over the games today.
A/N: Looks like the smut chapter will be from Sesshomaru's POV.
Since JJK is ending next month, How To Tame will probably wrap up sometime next year though I'll still do the side stories. Plan is to wrap up Accidental this year.
"Is the wildflowers bit chosen one stuff or Satoru falling in love?" - That was nature being drawn to Kagome since she's a priestess, though to the 'people' of this world, it's because she's the chosen one.
"How does she know Sesshomaru knots?" - She knows Koga knots from experience and probably asked Sesshoamru if he knots as well.
"Will the bathing suit survive?" - Lol no.
Hope you are having an awesome week! Take care of yourself! Get plenty of rest and make sure to stay hydrated.
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Poutine répond : "Si je suis un criminel de guerre, que sont les présidents américains depuis Nixon jusqu'à aujourd'hui ? Dire tout haut la vérité sur les agissements des présidents et des militaires américains loin d'être une gageure. Selon moi ils doivent être jugé en tant que criminel de guerre, ils devrait être rejoint par tous les présidents américains qui ont provoqué des dizaines de guerres dans le monde sans même avoir le droit de le faire. J'énumère également les guerres dans lesquelles les USA ont été impliqués. Fin du 19e siècle 1890 Dakota du Sud, les troupes du gouvernement américain tuent et abattent 300 Indiens. 1890 - Argentine, intervention militaire américaine à Buenos Aires. 1891 - Les marines chiliens répriment un soulèvement local. 1891 - Haïti : l'armée américaine réprime une émeute de Noirs à Navas. 1892 - Idaho, l'armée américaine réprime une émeute dans une mine d'argent. 1893 (- ?) - Hawaï, la marine américaine renverse le gouvernement du Royaume indépendant et annexe l'État. 1894 - Chicago : l'armée américaine réprime brutalement une grève des chemins de fer, tuant 34 personnes au total. 1894 - Le Nicaragua est occupé par l'armée américaine pendant un mois. 1894-1895 - Chine : la marine et les marines américains participent à la guerre sino-japonaise. 1894-1896 - Corée, occupation de Séoul. 1895 - Panama, les marines américains attaquent la province colombienne. 1896 - Nicaragua, les marines américains débarquent à Corinth. 1898-1900 - Chine, participation de l'armée américaine à la répression de la rébellion des boxeurs. 1898-1910 (- ?) - Philippines, la marine américaine renverse le gouvernement et tue 600 000 Philippins. 1898-1902 (et +) - Cuba, la marine américaine combat pendant la guerre hispano-américaine. 1898 (- ?) - Porto Rico, occupation pendant la guerre hispano-américaine. 1898 - Guam, la marine américaine occupe l'île et y construit une base militaire. 1898 (- ?) - Minnesota, l'armée américaine détruit la tribu Chippewa (Ojibwe) près du lac Leach. 1898 - Nicaragua, les marines américains débarquent dans le port de San Juan del Sur. 1899 (- ?) - Samoa, l'armée américaine participe à la guerre du trône. 1899 - Nicaragua, la marine américaine débarque au port de Bluefield. 1899-1901 - Idaho, l'armée américaine réprime brutalement la révolte des mineurs de Coeur d'Alene. Premier quart du XXe siècle 1901 - Oklahoma, l'armée américaine réprime la rébellion des Indian Creek. 1901-1914 - Panama, la marine américaine occupe et annexe la zone du canal. 1903 - Honduras, les marines américains répriment la révolution. 1903-1904 - République dominicaine, les marines américains répriment la révolution. 1904-1905 - Corée, les marines américains participent à la guerre russo-japonaise. 1906-1909 - Cuba : les marines américains interviennent et suppriment les élections démocratiques. 1907 - Le Nicaragua, à la suite de l'occupation, crée un protectorat dans le cadre de la "diplomatie du dollar". 1907 - Honduras, occupé par les marines américains pendant la guerre avec le Nicaragua. 1908 - Panama : les marines américains interviennent dans le processus électoral. 1910 - Nicaragua, les marines américains occupent Bluefield et Corinth. 1911 - Honduras, l'armée américaine participe à la guerre civile. 1911-1941 - Chine : la marine et l'armée américaines occupent le pays et participent à la répression de nombreuses émeutes. 1912 - Cuba, l'armée américaine participe à la guerre civile. 1912 - Panama, l'armée américaine et les marines répriment une émeute électorale. 1912 - Honduras : le corps des marines défend les intérêts économiques des États-Unis. 1912-1933 - Nicaragua : l'armée américaine occupe le pays pendant dix ans et participe à la guérilla. La liste est longue a vous de la compléter et de la déposer à la cour de justice internationale
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Putin responds: "If I am a war criminal, what are the American presidents from Nixon to today? Speaking out loud the truth about the actions of American presidents and military is far from a challenge. In my opinion, they should be tried as war criminals, they should be joined by all the American presidents who have provoked dozens of wars in the world without even having the right to do so. I also list the wars in which the USA has been involved. End of the 19th century 1890 South Dakota, US government troops kill and slaughter 300 Indians. 1890 - Argentina, US military intervention in Buenos Aires. 1891 - Chilean marines suppress a local uprising. 1891 - Haiti: US army suppresses a black riot in Navas. 1892 - Idaho, US army suppresses a riot in a silver mine. 1893 (- ?) - Hawaii, the US Navy overthrows the government of the independent Kingdom and annexes the state. 1894 - Chicago: the US Army brutally suppresses a railroad strike, killing 34 people in total. 1894 - Nicaragua is occupied by the US Army for a month. 1894-1895 - China: the US Navy and Marines participate in the Sino-Japanese War. 1894-1896 - Korea, occupation of Seoul. 1895 - Panama, the US Marines attack the Colombian province. 1896 - Nicaragua, the US Marines land at Corinth. 1898-1900 - China, participation of the US Army in the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion. 1898-1910 (- ?) - Philippines, the US Navy overthrows the government and kills 600,000 Filipinos. 1898-1902 (and +) - Cuba, the US Navy fights during the Spanish-American War. 1898 (- ?) - Puerto Rico, occupation during the Spanish-American War. 1898 - Guam, the US Navy occupies the island and builds a military base there. 1898 (- ?) - Minnesota, the US Army destroys the Chippewa (Ojibwe) tribe near Leach Lake. 1898 - Nicaragua, the US Marines land in the port of San Juan del Sur. 1899 (- ?) - Samoa, the US Army participates in the War of the Throne. 1899 - Nicaragua, the US Navy lands in the port of Bluefield. 1899-1901 - Idaho, the US Army brutally suppresses the Coeur d'Alene miners' revolt. First quarter of the 20th century 1901 - Oklahoma, the US Army suppresses the Indian Creek rebellion. 1901-1914 - Panama, the US Navy occupies and annexes the Canal Zone. 1903 - Honduras, the US Marines suppress the revolution. 1903-1904 - Dominican Republic, the US Marines suppress the revolution. 1904-1905 - Korea, the US Marines participate in the Russo-Japanese War. 1906-1909 - Cuba: the US Marines intervene and suppress democratic elections. 1907 - Nicaragua, following the occupation, creates a protectorate as part of "dollar diplomacy". 1907 - Honduras, occupied by the US Marines during the war with Nicaragua. 1908 - Panama: the US Marines intervene in the electoral process. 1910 - Nicaragua, the US Marines occupy Bluefield and Corinth. 1911 - Honduras, the US Army participates in the civil war. 1911-1941 - China: The US Navy and Army occupy the country and participate in the repression of numerous riots. 1912 - Cuba, the US Army participates in the civil war. 1912 - Panama, the US Army and Marines repress an electoral riot. 1912 - Honduras: The Marine Corps defends the economic interests of the United States. 1912-1933 - Nicaragua: The US Army occupies the country for ten years and participates in the guerrilla warfare. The list is long, it's up to you to complete it and submit it to the International Court of Justice
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
happy dadwc friday! a prompt from the 'people who aren't used to kindness' list, perhaps for solas/varric?
"wait, that's mine. you fixed it?"
happy writing (:
oh this was so much fun! it uh, unexpectedly became smut? so. there's that.😅fluffy above the readmore tho for ppl who may want only that @dadrunkwriting 979 words cws: none
“It was right here…” Varric laid his hand on the chair, knowing full well his coat had been draped across it before he'd gone to speak with the Inquisitor. Would someone have stolen it? Seemed absurd. Maybe he had a particularly rabid fan somewhere in Skyhold. He glanced around, but the main hall was pretty empty. 
He frowned at the chair again, as if that might manifest his coat, before he went to see if Solas was still awake. Despite his love of dreaming, the elf didn't always go to bed particularly early. He probably didn't notice anything that happened out here, but whatever, it was worth a shot.
He pushed open the door and was just about to ask when he stopped, staring at the scene before him. Solas was sitting cross-legged on the ground with Varric's coat on his lap, carefully mending a tear he'd been meaning to fix. He only glanced up briefly before refocusing on his work. “That's mine,” Varric pointed out unnecessarily as he approached, Solas snorting.
“Indeed. And here I thought it belonged to our other brash dwarven archer. Or should I say author?” He met Varric's eyes with a smirk before resuming his repairs.
“Cute,” he mumbled, pulling Solas' desk chair out and taking a seat. “So why are you fixing my coat?”
“It was an eyesore.”
“That's rich coming from you, Chuckles.” Solas paused and looked at him, a brow arched. Varric shook his head. “Oh, don't look all wounded. I just mean your breeches. You never even hemmed them, but you're fussed about the little tear in my jacket?” Was he seeing things, or was Solas really blushing?
Shit. That was cute.
“As Madame de Fer was happy to point out, they got… singed. It is a functional hemming for the time being.” He looked back down at Varric's jacket, so maybe Solas didn't see him having to clamp a hand over his mouth to stifle the laugh that wanted to escape.
“Pretty sure that's not how sewing works,” he pointed out when he was sure he had his voice under control, Solas huffing quietly as he made his final stitch and tied it off. He lifted the garment near his face and caught the thread in his mouth, jerking his head to snap it against his canine.
That was hot.
“There. That should keep it from worsening.” Solas offered him the coat and he took it, running his fingers across the repair before pulling it on. Solas, he noticed, was still cross-legged on the ground and staring up at him.
“Thanks, Chuckles.” Solas smiled, seeming content, but Varric wasn't done. “Really,” he said, regaining Solas' attention—and keeping it as he slid down from the chair to kneel before him. “Thanks.”
“It was no trouble—” he began to protest, then gasped as Varric reached for his crotch. This wouldn't be their first time together, but something about Solas' position, his gentle, undemanding kindness, had quickened Varric's blood, made him strangely desperate to get Solas off right here, in plain view in the middle of the rotunda. “Varric—” he managed hoarsely before his eyes slipped shut, cock beginning to swell under his hand. “This is unwise.” This was whispered, and Varric just grinned.
“Relax. Everyone’s asleep.”
“Not everyone,” Solas groused pointedly, but he also grunted softly and pushed into Varric’s hand. 
“Just let me get you off.” Solas’ eyes snapped open at that, and the stain in his cheeks and ears made his earlier blush look like nothing. “You just relax and let me say a proper thank you.”
“This is— ah, hardly necessary,” oh, Varric liked how his voice kept catching. He had been intending to pull him out, jerk him off nice and hard, but this was pretty exciting too. His long legs spread a little wider as he bit his lip. Not necessary, maybe, but clearly appreciated.
“That’s it,” he said quietly, squeezing Solas’ cock through his layers and beginning to move across his length in short pumps. “Gonna make you mess yourself.” His voice was thick now and Solas whined, thrusting hard against his hand. 
“Varric,” he gasped. “Varric, wait, I don’t—” he cut himself off with a strangled moan, trying so hard to be quiet.
“You don’t…?” He prompted, but didn’t slow down at all.
“Nothing’s clean,” he hissed. “I was going to wash my things tomorrow.” Shit. He should feel bad, but frankly, that just turned him on more.
“Guess it’s your choice then, Chuckles,” he said, voice low and intimate. “Wear the mess from the road, or wear your own come. What’s it gonna be?”
Solas snarled something in Elvhen and pushed hard into Varric’s hand again. “Close,” he said after a moment, the single word sounding like a strain. Distantly, Varric wondered why it seemed harder for him to speak Common when he was like this. But it didn’t really matter—he just liked getting Solas so worked up.
“That’s it, there you go. Come for me.” He heard Solas’ nails scraping against the stone floor as he tensed, inhaling sharply through his nose. A moment later Varric felt his cock pulse under his hand. The seep of wet heat came shortly after and, a little cruelly, he squeezed his cock again before reaching up to rub the wet spot against Solas’ head. He tried to jerk away but he was already seated. Still, Varric pulled away after a moment, just staring at the other man. He looked absolutely wrecked—panting softly, eyes wide and dark, face flushed, and he knew that under the drape of his tunic there would be a noticeable wet spot.
“I need to say ‘you’re welcome’ now,” Solas managed after a moment, his voice low, warm, and so erotic Varric shivered. “Your room?”
“Sounds good to me,” was all he said before both of them were struggling to their feet.
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jagervitdefonnyhat · 4 months
(Short form fics, to help me write more regularly, maybe. Off of a list of reverse tropes prompts. Helpful crit, and comments welcome.)
"Iz barely spring, vhy iz it zo hot already," Maxim grumbled into the peachy colored arm acting as his pillow.
"Nah, iz goot" Ognian, owner of said arm, purred back. "Move in a leedle closer, mine side iz cold." He curled around Maxim's shoulder to pull him closer to his bare chest. Thick fingers tipped with claws dug into long purple hair. Maxim reached behind and pulled it out of the way. His back was already starting to sweat through his shirt, his hair certainly didn't need to get tangled up in it.
"Iz only colt cause hyu dun vear nottink more den a vest."
"Und hyu's only varm cawse hyu insist on vearink more," rose a grumble from Dimo, occupying Oggie's other side. They lay pressed together shoulder to rib to waist to hip to Dimo's leg thrown atop Oggie's.
Maxim shifted onto his side so he could see his third companion. "Ho, vhat’s hyu excuse, den? Hyu gots fur to keep hyu varm."
"Ho, vell, iz cawse iz cold hyu dumkoff." He scoffed. "Hyu chust run varm like zum furnace on legs. Zo get back to vork."
Maxim sat up and crossed his arms. "Hy ken't!" He whined. "Mine back iz a sveaty, mine hair is shtickink to everyting, de ground is stabby vitout vearink sometink," his voice went soft at the end. "Is-" he sniffled, "is too varm! Demmit, I miss de hall!" He kicked out at his neat pile of cape and sword and boots, sending it flying across the cave. The rapier clattered against the wall. Dimo and Oggie sat up. "Is too varm too cuddle und hy hates it. At least give me de dignity of complaink."
Dimo inturrepted, "eediot. Sleep on oggie's jacket, he isn't uzink it. Can put hyu cloak on top if hyu needs. Den strip down und get over here."
"Vhat? but-"
"Ho, dun vorry. Hy iz fine vit it gettink all dirty!"
Maxim slumped and dragged the back of his hand across his eyes. "Ja, ja hokay." Stripping off the long shirt and tight pants was more an ordeal than he'd have liked with shaking hands from now all that anger built up for nowhere to go. The energy from it buzzed under his skin. He stumbled getting his foot out the leg. Gathering everything back up and laying out the jacket and cape helped, as the slight draft cooled over his sweat damp skin. He looked up from his bed arrangement to see Dimo and Oggie still sat up. Dimo patted the space in front of him, so he sat.
"Hy gets dis in a braid qvick, dat should help, ja?" He asked.
"Ja, dat should help." He took his hat into his lap.
"Hyu gots a hair tie?"
"No," he said quietly. "It broke months ago. Vas mine last vun. Ve haven't had spare fabric fer a new vun yet."
Dimo huffed, and Maxim knew an eyeroll followed. "Oggie, cut a strip off de market leadder, vill hyu."
"But dat ruins de value!" Maxim twisted to stare with raised eyebrows.
"Vhat, like some townie vill notice a leedle strip done later inshtead ov vhen ve skinned it. It vill shtill sell."
Oggie handed Dimo the strip, an arms length long and dark brown on one side. "Here hyu go!" A bit thin but functional enough. Dimo put his hand atop Maxim's head and swiveled it back around.
"Tenks." He put it between his teeth as he seperated the sections and braided down a few inches. Then took the folded strip, adding each half to a section. Maxim shifted. It slipped. He took it out and put it back in. A few sections down a section fell out when he shifted again. It was slow, from there. With it braided in the rest of the way down, he took the leather ends and tied them around the tail. "Dere hyu go. Better?"
"A bit, ja." He pulled the braid forward, stroking over it, other hand tapping the brim ofhis hat. Dimo glanced at Oggie and raised an eyebrow. Oggie bit his lip and smiled, then moved into a crouch.
"Hy know chust de ting." And with a heavy shove, Dimo flung Maxim into Oggies waiting arms. Both fell back at the impact as Maxim let out a shout of surprise, hat clutched firmly in hand. Oggie reached for it.
"Hoy! Vatch vhere hyu's puttink hyu hands!" Maxim slapped the reaching hand away and leaned back into Oggie, pressing him firmly into the floor. Oggie wrapped a leg around his hips and pressed to the side, flipping them over.
"Ho ja, hy's vatchink verra carefully!" Oggie giggled. "Come here hyu!" He reached forward, where Maxim was attempting to keep it out of reached. He squirmed and dragged himself forward, out from under Oggie.
"Looks like hyu's loosink over dere!" Dimo called. "Hy bet tomorrow's cookink hyu dun effen touch his hat!"
"Hoy! Hy can manage dat, et least!" Oggie turned to defend himself.
Maxim used the opportunity to shove Oggie off and fling him onto his back. "Hoy, vhat do hy get out ov dis?"
"Snails dun get anyting out ov de bets, deys de subject ov dem."
He stood up and put his hat back on his head "So hy dun gots to cook if hyu vin?"
Dimo raised an eyebrow. "Hy tinks dat iz a goot ting."
"Hey! Umph-!" Oggie tackled him back to the floor, atop the laid out jacket and cloak.
"Ha!" He lay a had on top of the hat, pressing it over Maxim's eyes. "Iz sleepy time now, hokay?"
"Ja," Maxim nodded. He smiled. "Ja, hy's goot now."
"Great, now get hyu asses over here. Hy'm cold." Dimo dragged Oggie off of Maxim and resumed his position, half on top of the other jäger and shoved together at every possible point. Oggie lay an arm out an Maxim curled up in it, hat placed carefully above him.
A moment passed and their breathing evened. In the quiet, bugs chirped and distant sticked snapped and the whistling scream of the auralnautic owls echoed through trees. The cave wasn't as cold as stone should be.
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hats-all-de-hats · 5 months
As hy looks trough tumblr fer more hats hy ken review vit #hat und #hats, hy vonder. Vhy is zo many posts in dese tags ov de scandilous nature. Mine eyes. Spare mine eyes. Der sekrifices hy make zo hy ken look at more fun hats.
But, effen if zo many pipple haff, aparently, lost all deir clothes, et least dey shtill haff deir hats!
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frenchcurious · 1 year
Tumblr media
La 'Blue Goose' ou 'Plaster City Limo' était une Chrysler de 1953 à double extrémité qui transportait des travailleurs vers une carrière accessible uniquement par chemin de fer, Plaster City en Californie et la mine de gypse dans les Fish Mountains.  source Roger Peterson via Golden Age Of Travel 1830-1955.
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aroaceofthesea · 11 months
i may or may not have just impulse bought a 300 colors embroidery floss pack🥶🥶
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suburbangothic-rp · 29 days
Les lieux privés
Ces lieux sont dissimulés au regard de tous et toutes. Pour pouvoir y entrer, il faudra payer le prix ou réunir les conditions ; il est aussi possible que l’accès à l’un de ces lieux soit offert en récompense lors d’évènements. Le country club et le bar underground servent à créer des communautés dans la communauté, ou contre la communauté. Ils rassemblent des personnages proches, qui se distinguent du reste des habitants, et qui peuvent alors sociabiliser entre eux. Les mines sont surtout là pour celles et ceux qui ont envie de se créer des frayeurs. Chaque lieu secret aura un sous-forum de flood dans lequel les membres pourront sociabiliser, discuter de sujets éventuels, de liens, etc. Les membres ayant accès à ces lieux pourront aussi choisir d’y tenir des mini-évènements pour se rassembler. Ces lieux ne sont pas inamovibles. Si l’un d’eux n’intéresse personne, il sera tout simplement débloqué et converti en forum standard. Un lieu pourra aussi être fermé définitivement ou temporairement à la suite d’un évènement qui se produit in-game (un incendie par exemple). Et bien sûr, d’autres pourront être ajoutés en fonction de la demande des membres. (note : je réfléchis à ajouter 1 ou 2 autres lieux parce que je me demande si ces trois-là sont suffisants. Je n’ai pas encore fait de choix ; s’il vous vient une idée ou une envie, n’hésitez pas à m’en faire part, et pensez à me communiquer un nom ou pseudo que je puisse ajouter aux crédits.)
Le country club L’entre-soi est nécessaire, parce que l’enfer c’est les autres. Nécessaire à la survie de la caste des notables. Elle se terre dans des lotissements clos et se réunit loin des regards. Leur terrain de jeu favori : le Catasauqua Country Club, rebaptisé mesquinement le Catastrophe Cuntry Club par ses indésirables. Là, on se retrouve entre gens bien. On se régale de mets délicats dans une ambiance feutrée avant une partie de golf. L’été on profite de la piscine. Les frais d’adhésion sont exorbitants, c’est le prix de la tranquillité, de l’exclusivité. N’entre pas ici qui veut parce qu’il faut préserver le statut, et les secrets qui viennent avec. Ce qui s’y passe, ce qui s’y dit, ne quitte jamais les murs de l’établissement. Les employés du lieu sont à la fois complices et victimes de leurs bourreaux, terrifiés par la perspective de perdre leur gagne-pain. La direction joue le jeu, trop contente de glaner chèques et secrets pour se priver d’une telle manne.
Note de jeu : l’accès au CCC est débloqué en dépensant des points seulement s‘il est cohérent que votre personnage y soit accepté. Le staff du CCC et la direction n’auront pas besoin de débourser des points pour accéder au lieu. Il est possible qu’un évènement public ait lieu au CCC, auquel cas tous les membres pourront y accéder de manière temporaire.
Les mines Les longs tunnels désertés des anciennes mines de fer plongent dans le flanc de la montagne. De tous les lieux du coin, c’est l’un des plus maudits. Le traumatisme de la fermeture brutale de l’industrie sidérurgique dans les années 80 survit encore comme un cancer en ville. Les symptômes de cette maladie sont nombreux. Des légendes. Des mineurs disparus s’y trouveraient encore, guettant l’arrivée d’intrus qu’ils attaqueraient violemment. On y trouverait des fantômes et des démons. Certains disent même qu’en s’enfonçant trop loin dans les mines, on finirait sa route en enfer.
Note de jeu : l’accès aux mines est débloqué en dépensant des points. Y poster un sujet comporte des risques car chaque sujet sera visité une fois par le maitre du jeu qui y postera un effet aléatoire. En raison des risques, poster un sujet dans les mines rapportera 2x plus de points qu’ailleurs.
Le bar underground Ici, on vient parce qu’on n’a nulle part où aller. On rejoint les rangs grandissants des alternatifs en tout genre, celles et ceux qui n’ont pas voulu ou réussi à se tailler une existence selon le code de conduite calibré de la vie en banlieue. Le volume de la musique est trop élevé, la bière y est bon marché mais fade, les standards d’hygiène n’y sont qu’occasionnellement respectés. Pour son public, le Fat Felix est un lieu de villégiature nocturne où on peut laisser tomber le fardeau du regard des autres le temps d’une nuit. Mais certain.es le sentent : la pollution a gagné l’écosystème. Les prédateurs ont flairé l’opportunité, car dans ce lieu de liberté relative, on peut se fondre dans la masse avec aisance.
Note de jeu : on peut débloquer l’accès au Fat Felix en dépensant des points de rp ou sur invitation d’un.e autre membre y ayant déjà accès (qui devra alors dépenser ses propres points). Le maitre du jeu pourra aussi offrir l’accès au lieu à des personnages qui pourraient y trouver leur bonheur.
Un dernier mot pour la suite Bravo à vous, vous n’avez fait que des bons choix. J’espère que vous serez un peu moins perspicaces avec les intrigues… Le reste du contenu reste caché pour le moment 😉 Je posterai un autre messages pour la fin de semaine avec quelques questions pour vous, notamment concernant une éventuelle date d’ouverture.
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