jpopchartsnf-blog · 6 years
「13-07-2018」 Oricon chart daily top 30 jpop singles ranking
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renegade2026 · 7 years
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New in the adventures of #miniBane and #miniBatman But you merely adopted the library; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light of an eBook until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!
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things that are exhausting in the new Overwatch Competitive:
when people queue for a role, and REFUSE to do it, it’s not like the old days when another could sub in for the tank or the healer if they’re throwing. Now you’re trapped in a match with what you hipe is some beligerent kid (and not a 40 something dbag) on the team REFUSIG to heal, or tank or dps. But moving about the map so they don’t get kicked for inactivity.
You can’t leave or YOU get hit with a miniban, and a points docking.
In the last match, the player who went Lucio (FOUR) and the one that went Ana/then Baptiste (SPECIAL) were an absolute fucking nightmare.
They would NOT heal, the team was being slaughtered. 
When we begged them to heal, SPECIAL said “I’m not your fucking personal doctor, there’s health packs around the map you fucks” etc. And the Lucio was just, you know, telling us to stop annoying them, right?
Well, the next thing anyone knows, when the match Chat is informed BOTH healers are throwing and to report them. Normal enough, these guys aren’t even TRYING to pretend they’re playing. 
They’re not ina group, by the way, just two individuals who decided to be assholes together
The next thing we know, FOUR and SPECIAL start cry-typing into the MAtch Chat:
What do you mean?
we’re doing the right thing?
Then there was this confusingly long paragraph, all in lower case sobbing at the other team about how (specific team member osiris) was like, being racist or something over the headsets. You know, the one thing that the opposing team can’t verify... because each team has their own match voice chats.
Well, apart from the fact it was complete bullshit, because that player wasn’t in voice chat, and was typing their responses because they didn’t have a mic... it was just, startling to see someone who was very clearly a white male aussie dude ~20-25ish and hopefully not more, playing the ‘I’ve been called racial slurs’ card.
For one, what the FUCK. For two, it deligitimises everyone who actually asks for assistance with the issue?
Also, as the team is begging the other team to help report the throwers//match saboteurs, because we can’t win, we can’t leave, and they’re harassing everyone over team chat and voice chat...
FOUR pipes up with this ALL CAPS RANT about being called the n-word, and how it was offensive to him, and so on and so on. It literally looked like something you’d find on like reddit or 4chan, for dudes ‘practicing to be SJWs’ on other sites, to start shit (you know the posts). 
The entire team is frantically trying to live and make it a respectable amount into the map so it won’t feel so horrific to lose this way, and these guys are acting like the world’s saddest, most put-upon creatures in the WORLD in match chat.
Apart from being highly pathetic, to the point of embarrassment, it was just generally awful. Like... why would you spend all that time queuing for a certain role then refuse to play it? Let your teammates die so you can like, ride on walls on the opposite end of the map, or get killshots at the expense of your team’s lives, or just start drama.
When asked why they did it, if they felt shame for making the team lose, by another member of the random assortment of players...  FOUR replied along the lines of “Next time you leave the house your mum’s spam purse will be on my mouth” which was, possibly the most horrendous way I have EVER heard of ANYONE saying ‘I’mma fuck yo momma’/
and one of them, maybe FOUR again, said they were delighted we would lose, it made them feel good.
>I should point out that, after the initial crytyping incident, I muted written and audio chat for SPECIAL, so I have no idea f they were still fucking about.
But it’s like ????????????????
Then there’s other games when you have excellent everything, except the damage players always go both snipers. And never change. Or choose something ludicrous for the map you’re on, and a hero that would only work if you changed the entire team composition...
Then they rant in chat or over the headsets for the longest time, about their ‘trash team’ and how ‘no one heals’ but it’s like, Buddy you have run your ass into the enemy team and died immediately 16 times because you can’t play very well why won’t you switch? or Hey we’re like 5 v 2 here and I am not turning around to leave the only tank on teh field contesting the payload to come heal your useless ass all the way on the other side of the map (sniper) no matter how many times you spam for healing.
My least favourite DPS are the ones standing riiiiight next to a healthpack, but they won’t use it, because you (the healer) need to come to them. Or the ones who think you should stand on teh roof and put your shield down over and over and over to protect them and their bad aim, like... 
The new system was designed to make things fair, so we actually played comp with 2 healers / 2 Damage Players / 2 Tanks.
And that’s a great concept!
But consider: 
+When someone drops out, or two someones drop out mid-match because you lost a round, and then the match won’t let an alternate player in. So it’s 6 vs 4 or less. Once was the only person left on my team, and the other team had a full 6; because a 5 stack left, and it didn’t cancel the match. And it kept trying to throw me for inactivity when I was trying to stealthily snipe a few of the (highly amused) enemy team on the payload... as a mercy. LMAO
+When no one in a certain slot will do their job and the team is being slaughtered, there’s no way to do anything about it. You can’t switch to that type and take over. You’re fucked.
+Some people are just... born assholes. There’s actually a really good song about it, “Were you born an asshole, or did you work at it your whole life?  Either way, turned out fine. ‘Cause you’re an aaaaaaaasshole tonight!” This would backfire. 
The grease-lined pit of hell that is being trapped in bronze tier. Was silver, when I first tried a few hundred levels back, that was fine, but you get a run of bad games, teammates who won’t work, etc. and they demote you. There’s no way OUT and therefore the chance you end up with teammates like the aforementioned, is like 500% higher. 
Still, next match I hope for a win. But it was like... why did you queue all this time to be an asshole about it? lmao
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ablackroseablaze · 5 years
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—Quiet Pensada para una búsqueda múltiple, ¡en donde puedes añadir más bloques! Para hacerlo sólo debes copiar desde las balizas <td> y te tendría que quedar:  <table><tr><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr></table>. Las dos primeras quedarán así, pero para crear el salto de línea es fundamental que sigas la normita del <tr>, sino se apegarán todas en una sola línea. Los colores son completamente cambiables a tu gusto~ ♥ (Con ctrl+f puedes buscar el color para mayor rapidez) Filtro del minibaner: rgba(214, 41, 146, 0.6) « Deja el último numero tal cual Blanco: #fafafa | #dedede Negro: #0b0b0b Rosado: #BB7CA3 | #DF82BA Imagen: 550x300 Download ♥
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yupiyeyo · 7 years
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Una experiencia molona la del #Miniban con @robertomsoler e #IvanSerrano en el #MagostoGrafico #ContaContos #ilustración (en Sede Afundación A Coruña)
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rex-rises · 6 years
Top Six - Miniban
@bogsneakys - Ay it’s another spontaneous top 6, hope you like!
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1.) Honestly I love that skincent and I never found a good use for it. I love the way she pulls it off though! The mix of the cloaks and the rogue apparel gives her a good mysterious feel and I really like it! Don’t know if she’d be very good at blending in, but who needs that when you have FASHION and MAGIC?
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2.) She looks like such a sweet ol’ girl that’s perfect for valentines or something of the sort! I don’t typically like pink, but she is just sweet as an apple pie! Her apparel is minimalist, but I think it works out the best for her! I’d give her a good pat.
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3.) What a pretty guardian! They looks like they’d get along well with Eria! I love that the deadeye hat matches their eyes and that the contrast apparel doesn’t take away from their genes too much! Overall pretty guardian, love the vipera the most.
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4.) SHE’S SO SOFT I WANT TO TOUCH THE FLUFF!!! Her apparel matches her genes so well and she’s just so pleasant to look at!  Her eyes standing out against her colorscheme works out for her and brings attention to them in a way I can appreciate. She looks like a snow queen who’s about to save your ass from being left out in the cold.
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5.) Who is this mysterious man with many eyes??? Seriously though, he looks really cool! He’s got this mystic vibe with all of those eyes and the cobwebs. His colors match with it well and the candles are just SO NICE. ARDIGJLKGJ.
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6.) His green matches his apparel and I love i t. I didn’t even know the mage coat could actually work well with the filigree on a PC! There’s a bit of clipping, but it’s only really noticeable if you zoom way in. He’s a lovely boy who’s colors matches his apparel nicely. For some reason I’d imagine him as a paladin/cleric who bitches whenever he has to heal his friends.
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tuempleord · 4 years
Chófer delivery para contrata inmediata
New Post has been published on https://www.tuempleord.do/2020/07/27/chofer-delivery-para-contrata-inmediata/
Chófer delivery para contrata inmediata
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Chófer con disponibilidad inmediata disponibilidad de horario motor propio licencia categoría 2 y tres experiencia manejando miniban, camiones pequeños,motores y demás disponibilidad para laborar fines de semana y días feriados disponibilidad inmediata contrata inmediata experiencia en el área preferiblemente
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
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dailyjidols · 7 years
bandjanaimon’s album miniban! is out today!
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claumosquera · 6 years
Dia de errores !!!!
Empeze levantandome a las 8 am en un fin de semana pues mi mamá me despierta , ella también se fue a la comunión de mis primos de 8 y 10 años Joaquín es un capo en el futbol y videojuegos rata y luciana (ranita) es una loquilla es curiosa me fui a la u con mi ropa comoda con traje y tacos ya me conforme porque soy un hobbitt y vi a mis amigos en la biblioteca pero son chill solo que ya no me hablo co. Nadie estoy sola en esto hablaron de Google fue lindo aprendi del hacking el codigo QR para hackear wsap algo interesante con el celular y las redes IP y muchas cosas mas pero lastimosamente nadie me dijo que el certificado estaba 35 yo traje solo 10 lucas que triste y no pude llevarme mi certificado de Google me da tristeza y coraje porque le hubiese obtenido algo me tuve que ir a Senati y me doy cuenta de que en la prueba salgo mal yo si estudie pero tal parece que todo lo que hago nunca es suficiente me duele que esto de la tecnologia me complique la vida porque he tenido varios momentos malos , tormentoso que deseari haber muertoo me odio por el simple hecho de ser yoo maldita sea pero no puedo dejarlo asii han invertido tanto en mi y asi es como les pago , ya no se que hacer aveces solo quiero desaperecer me fui sola hasta mi cssa en un colectivo miniban y aca estoy...
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17.4k Likes, 913 Comments – Alexia Clark (Alexia Clark) on Instagram: “Miniban… https://ift.tt/2Pm0Okm
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nekopop · 7 years
Bandjanaimon! - Q. Jinsei Sore de Iinokai? (MV)
Bandjanaimon! – Q. Jinsei Sore de Iinokai? (MV)
Bandjanaimon! takes their “rock moment” in full leather & fishnet style for “Q. Jinsei Sore de Iinokai?” from their upcoming release Miniban!, out December 13th. BUY AT CDJAPAN! Miniban! [w/ Blu-ray, Limited Edition] Bandjanaimon!
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a-bellaaaaa · 11 years
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I want one of this! | via Facebook on @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/17bfqYC
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gastonl · 12 years
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Sueño de muchos, oportunidad de pocos
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ChocolateEffeCT on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/54047721/via/Samatrevinobieb
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