#mink the satyr
cbeedoodles · 6 months
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Mink the skeleton?! Some wild things happened at PAXEast so now @minkthesatyr is now a skeleton!
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vikugnavikugna · 2 years
Small sketch dump
Someone asked me about my One Piece au cowboy Alec sketch yesterday, but I couldn't find it, so here are some other consolation drawings:
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My initial concept for Dragon was that Andrew Richter was the first scientist to work on feeding Zoan fruits to inanimate object and his first attempt included a Den Den Mushi and a Hito Hito no Mi, model: Human. The newly created being was fascinated by her creator's research and became his assistant, later growing up to become the world's leading scientist - Dragon! She also later added weapons into her body, becoming a fruit user cyborg hybrid, much like Queen is in canon. I want to change her clothes somewhat, but overall I quite like the general idea for this design.
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I am not at all married to the Alec design that I posted, but my concept for him is that he's a half mink, his father being a horribly violent pirate and the Ito Ito no Mi user. Using Electro, Alec created a specialized technique that allowed him to control people's muscles, copying his father's powers without having to use a Devil Fruit, whilst also embracing his half Mink roots. His dream is to one day abolish his father. I hate this design, but he kind of looks like a satyr, which is somewhat fitting of Alec's personality, kind of.
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I don't have much to say about this Taylor, other than I have to redesign her because she looks awfully boring. She's also the one who originally inspired me to start working on this au - her story in Worm translates into the world of One Piece rather nicely. Starting as a Marine trying to infiltrate a pirate group, joining them, temporarily joining back into the Government and becoming a member of the Seven Warlords. Also, um, heavy spoilers, but the end of Worm has more than one correlation with the ending of Wano Kuni Saga.
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oracleact · 2 years
Look! At! Fluff buns! Satyr! Sanji!
My bet is that in this AU his mother was a Mink instead of a human.
I will now call him ‘fluff butt’ for the foreseeable future, even when he isn’t satyr sanji 🙇🏻‍♀️
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lazuliart · 3 years
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First Meetings A little illustration based on a story idea I have with Errali (elf) and Mink (weasel-ish friend)
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
*stares at the menu for the 200 followers event*
I have a few questions, if you could answer them I'd be delighted, Mon Cheri. (I hope you don't mind that I said that-)
For the Pets au, does that mean hybrids? An example would be, like a half fox sanji or something similar..?
Also for the supernatural, I can ask for something like a succubus reader? 👀 Yes, my mind is in the drain..
Lastly, for the prompts there is a 2 limit but could I request an angst and nsfw? A mix, if you would.
Oh! And you are doing an excellent job, I is jealous. Like I hardly post and I see you post far more than I.
What is half fox sanji? Pet AU is slap some preferred animal features on you favorite characters and go! (Not too animalistic, this isn't a mink AU), supernatural AU is anything.... supernatural. Demons, ghosts, unicorns, satyrs, etc, etc. Yes, any 2 prompts, so long as said 2 prompts don't make it sound like noncon. But sex followed by heartbreak and such is great. I post because I have A LOT of free time and trust me, it's not in a "be jealous of me" kind of way.
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nilmerg-ecid · 4 years
updated ideas
One piece inspired pirate rpg Basic stuff and ideas: Instead of 6 stats, instead only have 3: body, mind, and spirit Have different skills, based on combinations of body mind and spirit as well as just normal skills “Saves”: wisdom (mind and spirit), endurance (body and spirit), focus(mind and body) Speed and strength also important stats that feed into dodge and block respectively, as well as movement for speed Skill list: persuasion (mind/spirit), deception (mind/spirit), history (mind), animal handling (spirit), insight (mind), intimidation (body/spirit), perception (mind/spirit), performance(body/spirit), nature (mind), stealth (body), sleight of hand (body/mind), constitution (body), athletics (body), investigation (mind) Combined skills are the average of both unless you get a feat Instead of simple ac, have dodge skills and block skills that act like saves to physical attacks Get to take special skills, basically feats, either 1 major or 2 minor and a skill proficiency, at start Each class/subclass gets extra special skill and boost to stat + proficiency in something related Initiative is somehow body, mind and spirit; If subtracting for any mod, it is a 1:1 ratio, body is always 1:1 for initiative, mind is 0.5x mind mod, rounded down, and spirit is 1.5x spirit mod, rounded up Add all together after calculating +1 to mind is +0 to initiative, +2 to mind is +1 to initiative, +3 to mind is +1, etc. +1 to spirit is +2 to initiative, +2 to spirit is +3 to initiative, +3 spirit is +4, + 4 spirit is +6, etc Ex: +1 mind, +2 body, +3 spirit would be 0 for mind, 1 for body, and 4 for spirit, so a total of a +5 initiative Armor and weapons give bonuses to block, depending on weapons and armor, might detract from dodge Basically a feat in any given crew for “captain” that gives them bonus to initiative, bonus to persuasion to own crew and bonus to intimidation for others (or vice versa if you're a crappy captain/ maybe a marine) Design your own ship? Upgrade it during rests, have lots of fun weapons? Everyone has a swim speed, but tritons and mermaids have more, plus certain classes and feats might make it faster? Movement speed: every 10ft walking spd is +1 to dodge  (round up), so 25ft is +3, etc. Stats?? Roll 5d6 drop the lowest or just standard 4d6 drop the lowest….. Point buy so total of mods is +7 or total points for body mind spirit is 42?? idk
Classes: Fighter (with altered subclasses based on monk, ranger/gunslinger, and fighter/barbarian) Sniper- ranger/gunslinger Fighter- what it says on the tin Monk- idk if there's a better name Spellcasters Archaelogist- (ok this one is just straight up only robin) basically a wizard, good at languages?? And history and stuff navigator - combination sorcerer +divination powers? Weather related mostly musician - basically a bard doctor - basically a cleric with hints of druid? Or maybe thats just chopper Other: shipwright - can control ship, gets to choose upgrades?, kinda like artificer, cook - paladin ish and can give buffs during/after rests, thief - just a rogue bc nami is both navigator and thief so i made a separate role, hmmm maybe warlocks could just be devil fruit users tho that would be complicated
Races: Humans - basically just variant humans with a way wider range of size and can have fun stuff like horns and teeth Three eyed people - divination powers? Long arm and long leg - bonus to attack and speed respectively or something Skypeople - useless wings and have primitive observation haki aka super high perception and passive perception snakeneck - honestly idk man but why not Cyborg - halfway between warforged and human Modified humans - humans but physically better and not nice Minks- furries aka shifters but they have an animal form and an even more animal form Fishmen- tritons basically Merfolk- what it says on the tin\ Giants?- idk how that would work in a dnd inspired world bc they too big Dwarfs- like pixies/halflings Celestial dragons- worse and more stuck up than elves but otherwise humans Hybrids: Centaurs, satyrs, harpies, zombies?, skeletons, clones, idk everything
Skills: Major skillz Uhh captain First mate - gets basically telepathy w captain, same but lesser skills plus attack bonus coward - gives you bonus action disengage/hide/dodge/dash Heckin skilled mate - lets you use the full combined total for 3 skills and 1 save Swimmer - underwater combat, higher swim speed, dont need to breathe for like 15 min idk, can get like sneak attack if they come up from the water Minor skills Artist - honestly mostly an aesthetic but also possibly can give bonuses to the ship for stealth, intimidation, plus can make money on the side or something Liar - prof in deception, exceptionally good at distracting and granting advantage Good with animals idk - proficiency in animal handling plus get to have basically a familiar? Built in weapons Language expert idk this is becoming very straw hat specific Helmsman - idk what this one would do if you already have a shipwright i guess allows you to also control the ship bc someone has to be manning the ship unless somehow they get autopilot Blocking - bonus to blocks Coward but cheap - bonus to dodge Like,, calligrapher or forgery artist or something that gives adv on persuasion and deception when through a written message
Fighter Class features: HP: 1d12 per fighter level Proficiencies: all armor, shields, simple and martial weapons Saves: Endurance, strength or speed Bonus to body Fighting style: Evasive: bonus to speed and dodge, get bonus action disengage Just straight up dueling: +2 to damage rolls with that one weapon, goes up to +3 at level 5 Two weapon fighting: goes up to 3 weapon fighting at level 5 Protection: when someone attacks an ally within 5ft of you, can use reaction to give their attack disadv and attempt to block it, at lvl 5 can attack back if you successfully block their attack Second wind (1d12 instead) Action surge Reckless attack
Sniper Class features: HP: 1d10 per sniper level Proficiencies: all ranged weapons and simple weapons, light and medium armor, and shields Saves: the focus one, maybe also wisdom Bonus to mind or body Fighting style: Rifle: long range bonus, adv if use action to aim last turn Pistol: closer range bonus, no disadv on melee range ranged attacks Slingshot: multiple types of shots Bow: bonus to something idk, prolly somewhere between slingshot and rifle Can do dif types of shots, like fire dmg, pierc, ice, basically cast entangle, but unless rifle and pistol get to choose 2 types outside of standard, bow gets 3, slingshot gets 5 Second wind Action surge
Monk is basically exactly the same as 5e so far
Archaeologist/wizard Class Features: HP: 1d8 per archeologist lvl Proficiencies: 4 simple weapons of your choice, 2 mind based skill of your choice, idk some sort of archaeologist kit Saves: wisdom Bonus to mind Spells!!! - mind based Ritual Casting the wizard way Learn spells by spending time during a long rest 1hr/spell Arcane recovery School: - get history related bonuses for each of these? Conjuration Illusion Enchantment Invention
Navigator Class features: HP: 1d8 per navigator lvl Proficiencies: 5 simple weapons of your choice, two skills of your choice, navigator’s tools Saves: wisdom Bonus to mind Spellssss No ritual casting but more cantrips i guess “Navigator points” aka sorcery points also metamagic but i need a better name Style: Weather manipulation/prediction - divination and weather magic mostly Playing field control- move other people/extra charismatic, illusions
Bard is basically the same as 5e so far
Doctor Class features: HP: 1d8 per doctor level Proficiencies: light, med armor, shields, simple weapons, medical kit Saves: focus one, blocks Bonus to mind Speellllss; more healing spells and buff spells, less ranged spells -- mind based Ritual casting,, the cleric way Style: An actual doctor ^™: bonus to healing spells, prof. With heavy armor and more weapons Animal doctor: talk to animals, wildshape basically but still appear weird and sentient and only have like 3 forms and limited uses until later levels War: what it says on the tin again Surgeon of death: hey its trafalgar law and he's here to steal your heart (literally) - confusion powers, plus bonus to dodge and more weapons
Shipwright Class Features: HP: 1d10 per shipwright level Proficiencies: any weapon used in building a ship as well as guns and unarmed attacks, carpenters’ tools, alchemist supplies, woodcarver’s supplies, tinkers tools, smiths tools, leather workers tools, steering the ship, shields, light and medium armor Saves: endurance idk Bonus to body “Magical tinkering” its just cola but sure Infusions Cannons Style: Artillerist- extra cannon options and damage, plus can eventually add them to the ship Armorer- more personal focuses, can idk have extra attacks Battle smith - yeet a companion (or a tank if you want) also eventually get extra attacks
Cook/chef Class Features: HP: 1d10 per cook level Proficiencies: cooks supplies, all weapons, shields, light and medium armor Saves: endurance? Probably Bonus to spirit Essentially casts spells only during rests and as rituals, but has cantrips?? Basically divine sense except its chef’s instincts and specializes in if something is edible or a threat or neither Can essentially craft potions that give buffs and health and use them during battle if necessary, can make like 5x chef level in common “potions”, increase rarity costs more Fighting style: No weapons fighting, no hands, aka the sanji: feet are weapons and boy are they good ones Knives: common weapon, extra damage and bonus to attack rolls Literally any other weapon: idk same as above??
Rogue Literally a swashbuckler rogue,,, idk what else to say, except all rogue ac bonus goes to dodge
Warlocks Required to multiclass into warlock, have 3 basic types: -can turn into animal (aka a zoan) - animal related powers -control/produce element (aka logia) -other (aka paramecia) idk how to do this one tho
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
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Each spring Wildlife Services, the branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture tasked with controlling problematic fauna, engages in a ritual as reliable as snowmelt or bird migration: It announces how many wild animals it killed the previous year. Although 2017’s toll, released earlier this month, is down from previous years, the numbers are still staggering. All told the agency eliminated 1.3 million native critters, including 319 cougars, 552 black bears and a whopping 23,646 beavers. That’s one paddle-tailed rodent every 22 minutes.
It’s no wonder Wildlife Services is particularly vexed by beavers, a species whose penchant for modifying its surroundings is surpassed only by our own. These relentless engineers gnaw down valuable timber, clog culverts, plug irrigation ditches, wash out roads, flood homes and even chew through fiberoptic cables. One 1983 study suggested that annual beaver damage approaches $100 million per year, a figure that has almost certainly continued to climb as Castor canadensis’s numbers have grown over the past several decades.
Whatever destruction beavers inflict, however, is far outweighed by their immense ecological value. In the course of reporting my book, Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter, I’ve witnessed these miraculous mammals helping people tackle just about every environmental problem under the sun. In droughty Nevada beaver ponds are raising water tables, sub-irrigating pastures and helping ranchers feed their cattle. In Washington they’re storing water to compensate for declining snowpack. In Rhode Island they’re filtering out agricultural pollution. According to one report, restoring beavers to a single river basin, Utah’s Escalante, would provide tens of millions of dollars in benefits each year.
And beavers don’t just furnish us with ecosystem services — they also sustain a vast menagerie. From wood frogs to warblers, mink to mergansers, sage grouse to salmon, there’s hardly a creature in North America that doesn’t seek sustenance in beaver-built ponds, marshes or meadows. In North Carolina biologists are even mimicking beavers to create habitat for the St. Francis satyr (Neonympha mitchellii francisci), an endangered butterfly whose preferred sedges flourish only in sunlit, beaver-sculpted wetlands.
The conundrum, then, is this: What will it take to square beavers’ proclivity for nurturing life with their tendency to damage infrastructure? How do we reap their benefits without incurring their costs?
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cbeedoodles · 1 year
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its @minkthesatyr the Baker! Another piece I did for artfight !!
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pradalashes · 6 years
Slavic Folklore: Lesnik - Leshy
Slavic Folklore: Lesnik – Leshy
Lesnik (Leshy) is a Slavic forest spirit similar to Greek satyrs. He is loud, friendly towards private label mink eyelashes, and depicted as either a humanoid with horns and hoofs or as an old man.
Slavic peoples of the pre-Christian era were deeply connected with the nature. The belief that the nature is inhabited by spirits and demons was so strong that traces of those beliefs are still present…
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geekkind · 7 years
Cosplay Showcase - Mink The Satyr as Aloy
Cosplay Showcase featuring cosplayer Mink The Satyr as Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn
Cosplay Showcase featuring cosplayer Mink The Satyr as Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. Footage was shot from Rhode Island Comic Con 2017 Follow her on instagram @MinkTheSatyr Want your own cosplay showcase? Contact William at [email protected] for availability and rates
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sedulityoutfits · 7 years
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New Outfit has been published on http://www.imvuoutfits.com/77283158
Outfit styled by #Bashful Attributions: Top by #Amore Bottom by #Exzy Shoes by #Satyr Hair by #Gaesha Head by #kloudust Skin by #Hyra Tags: #imvu #sedulity #imvuoutfits #imvufashion #fashion #Banks #Banks_Mink #Black #Black_Doc_Martens #Distressed #Distressed_Shirt #Doc #Green #Jeans #Kylie #Kylie_snapback #Martens #Mink #RLS #RLS_Green_Jeans #Shirt #Urban #XEE #XEE_HEAD #snapback
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nilmerg-ecid · 4 years
i just decided to try to make my own one piece inspired ttrpg
idk what im doing really and i was just originally going to make a one piece inspired dnd campaign with things altered for flavor then i decided i should go all out so yeah
Basic stuff and ideas: Instead of 6 stats, instead only have 3: body, mind, and spirit Have different skills, based on combinations of body mind and spirit as well as just normal skills “Saves”: focus/concentration (mind and spirit), endurance (body and spirit), something for body and mind Speed and strength also important stats that feed into dodge and block respectively, as well as movement for speed Skill list: persuasion (mind/spirit), deception (mind/spirit), history (mind), animal handling (spirit), insight (mind), intimidation (body/spirit), perception (mind/spirit), performance(body/spirit), nature (mind), stealth (body), sleight of hand (body/mind), constitution (body), athletics (body), investigation (mind) Combined skills are the average of both unless you get a feat Instead of simple ac, have dodge skills and block skills that act like saves to physical attacks Get to take special skills, basically feats, either 1 major or 2 minor and a skill proficiency, at start Each class/subclass gets extra special skill and boost to stat + proficiency in something related Initiative is somehow body, mind and spirit Armor and weapons give bonuses to block, depending on weapons and armor, might detract from dodge Basically a feat in any given crew for “captain” that gives them bonus to initiative, bonus to persuasion to own crew and bonus to intimidation for others (or vice versa if you're a crappy captain/ maybe a marine) Design your own ship? Upgrade it during rests, have lots of fun weapons? Everyone has a swim speed, but tritons and mermaids have more, plus certain classes and feats might make it faster?
Classes: Fighter (with altered subclasses based on monk, ranger/gunslinger, and fighter/barbarian) Sniper- ranger/gunslinger Fighter- what it says on the tin Monk- idk if there's a better name Spellcasters Archaelogist- (ok this one is just straight up only robin) basically a wizard, good at languages?? And history and stuff navigator - combination sorcerer +divination powers? Weather related mostly musician - basically a bard doctor - basically a cleric with hints of druid? Or maybe thats just chopper Other: shipwright - can control ship, gets to choose upgrades?, kinda like artificer, cook - paladin ish and can give buffs during/after rests, thief - just a rogue bc nami is both navigator and thief so i made a separate role, hmmm maybe warlocks could just be devil fruit users tho that would be complicated
Races: Humans - basically just variant humans with a way wider range of size and can have fun stuff like horns and teeth Three eyed people - divination powers? Long arm and long leg - bonus to attack and speed respectively or something Skypeople - useless wings and have primitive observation haki aka super high perception and passive perception snakeneck - honestly idk man but why not Cyborg - halfway between warforged and human Modified humans - humans but physically better and not nice Minks- furries aka shifters but they have an animal form and an even more animal form Fishmen- tritons basically Merfolk- what it says on the tin\ Giants?- idk how that would work in a dnd inspired world bc they too big Dwarfs- like pixies/halflings Celestial dragons- worse and more stuck up than elves but otherwise humans Hybrids: Centaurs, satyrs, harpies, zombies?, skeletons, clones, idk everything
Skills: Major skillz Uhh captain First mate - gets basically telepathy w captain, same but lesser skills plus attack bonus coward - gives you bonus action disengage/hide/dodge/dash Heckin skilled mate - lets you use the full combined total for 3 skills and 1 save Swimmer - underwater combat, higher swim speed, dont need to breathe for like 15 min idk, can get like sneak attack if they come up from the water Minor skills Artist - honestly mostly an aesthetic but also possibly can give bonuses to the ship for stealth, intimidation, plus can make money on the side or something Liar - prof in deception, exceptionally good at distracting and granting advantage Good with animals idk - proficiency in animal handling plus get to have basically a familiar? Built in weapons Language expert idk this is becoming very straw hat specific Helmsman - idk what this one would do if you already have a shipwright i guess allows you to also control the ship bc someone has to be manning the ship unless somehow they get autopilot Blocking - bonus to blocks Coward but cheap - bonus to dodge
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fuckyeahlarp · 13 years
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Steampunk Brown Map Dress by ~Mink-the-Satyr
I love this deviantart. Definitely one of my top faves.
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