#mint caramel cookie
princkleeatscookies · 2 months
gonna like- drop these here
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I'm having more fun making these than I should like literally I'm mass producing these but I won't shove them all into one post cuz the tags would roll off and out of my screen and explode me. Real proof cacao×vanilla is canon!!! /j
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anitoko-17294 · 4 months
some fun facts about Bitter Cacao Cookie (Aka, Fallen-hero!Dark Cacao Cookie)
@xaytheloser @rosejigglypuff76
Providing you both some more of the goods
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His outfit is a reference to Our Lady of Sorrow, a catholic devotion and popular religious theme (Kinda fitting since Bitter Cacao is the beast of sorrow)
He has never actually done anything to harm his kingdom directly, but rather chooses to do so indirectly in order to not draw attention to himself (And yes, this has failed), one these methods of attacking his kingdom includes sending out vines covered with purple flowers that, if you made the mistake of smelling them, you too would feel an endless need to mourn
See that crescent-shaped beauty mark on Bitter Cacao's cheek? This is actually based off a headcanon I have that he had been connected to Moonlight Cookie back when he was known as Dark Cacao Cookie (And yes, Moonlight Cookie is aware of what happened to Dark Cacao, and even to this day, she is hellbent on bringing him out of his anguish-induced stupor)
His senses are sharper than usual (His hearing in particular to be more specific), so even a sudden loud noise is enough to trigger a crying jab in the king
His sense of self-care? Besides showering, his sense of self care is basically non-existent
BONUS: The statuses of the other dark cacaoians (And those who are aware of the situation)
Snowberry Cookie (Oc of mine): Yes, she still loves him, even after he made (multiple) attempts to plunge the kingdom into a literal version of the Great Depression. She tries to find normalcy in her and her husband's usual routine, even if it does mean having to be given stares of concern from the kingdom's citizens. She’s also the one who always reminds Bitter Cacao to take care of himself since he tends to forget about his own health psychically and mentally even before he became a beast
Licorice Cookie (I’m just gonna assume he lives there): Keeps an eye on the kingdom's walls (Along with calming the Licorice Monsters down if they start getting too restless as Bitter Cacao is incredibly sensitive to loud noises). Keep in mind that he’s doing this mostly out of pity for the king, as well as the fact that he had left the Cookies of Darkness alongside Affagato after hearing about the status of the kingdom (Spoiler alert: It’s not good, AT ALL)
Affagato Cookie: As per mentioned, he too had left the cookies of darkness to return to the Dark Cacao Kingdom because again, kingdom wasn’t exactly in good spirits. He’s not liked AT ALL by the other citizens, given how he had attempted to take over the kingdom, as well as nearly screwing the Creme republic over. He does at least manage to keep in contact with Cream Unicorn Cookie, so at least he’s not totally alone. He also tries to help out the kingdom by attempting to cheer the king up, and though his attempts rarely succeed, when they do, he swears that he can see the tiniest smile appear on Bitter Cacao's face
Milk Cookie (His tribe lives near the Dark Cacao kingdom territory, so it technically counts): He tries to be optimistic, but with the fact that Bitter Cacao had plunged the entire Dark Cacao Kingdom into a literal Great Depression, alongside the so-called "disappearance" of Dark Choco Cookie, he's not exactly in good spirits, though he wouldn’t ever admit so
Espresso Cookie (They’re an ancestor to the coffee tribe, so again, it counts): She had initially trekked to the dark cacao kingdom to see their ancestors (Aka, the coffee tribe), but decided to stay in the kingdom in order to find a way to bring Bitter Cacao out of his anguish-induced stupor. They stay with Affagato cookie (They’re basically roommates)
Also, if anyone asks, I hc that Espresso is a transwoman who uses she/they
Cocoa Cookie (She’s technically a cacaoian): She actually wasn’t aware about what was going on until a relative who lived in the kingdom gave her the news, and to put it mildly, she’s a nervous wreck about the ordeal
Mint Choco Cookie: He tries not to let the stress of the situation in his home kingdom get the better of him, but that’s easier said than done
Caramel Arrow Cookie: She's often quoted as the mom of the royal family, as she, alongside Snowberry Cookid, are often the ones who constantly pesters Bitter Cacao to take care of himself, with C. Arrow even resorting to dragging him to bed or the dinner table if she has to
Crunchy Chip Cookie: …he doesn’t like to talk about it
Stormbringer Cookie: She honestly didn’t even know about the situation in the dark cacao kingdom at first until she smelled one of the sorrow flowers by accident and wouldn’t stop crying for DAYS. She often tries to help the kingdom by giving travelers a stern warning about the sorrow flowers, as well as often trying to cheer up Bitter Cacao anytime he visits the Chococake tower by offering him Cotten candy clouds
Dark Choco Cookie: ………lets just say you don’t want to know
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scramblescrew · 21 days
Yandere Cookie Run Kingdom Hunger Games
The Yandere Games: Night1-Night2
[TW: Death, Violence, Etc]
(Place your bets now on who will win! Who’s lost the bet already?)
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*As the 6 dying cookies crumble, they either hear Y/N Cookie singing out to them or Y/N Cookie crying. This leaves the 6 with either misery or peace as they perish*
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cfmot345 · 2 months
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More of them are headcanons!
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em0-alpaca · 1 year
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im so normal when i see gingerbread men
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So I did this as a headcanon of pokemon CRK Edits I've made just to have some fun! Let me know what you all think? note I did it all for fun so I hope you enjoy!
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Ayy, it's 🥀 anon here with some angst: y/n cookie, time and time again, seems to wander off into the woods and leave flowers, trinkets, and food near a seemingly plainrock every year during the specifically cold seasons, sometimes singing sad, bittersweet love songs to it. When asked by other cookies, they say very little and seemingly become sadder. When later -stalked- followed by concerned cookies, they learn about the rock: it's the unmarked grave of y/n cookies late spouse and that same day was their anniversary
(P.s. thanks so much for adding me into the anon cult, I hope your doing great and taking breaks: you deserve it♡)
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The Flipside
Letting go can be hard…
It always seemed that it was this time of year that made the usually bright Y/N Cookie to have their mood dampened. For one day in particular would they go missing for the entirety of that day, it left your fellow cookies wondering where you were during that time missing. Some folks tried taking you out to cheer you up during these colder months, doing your favorite activities, just letting you do whatever you want together.
But…nothing works in the end.
Your mood would go back to being more mellow and dull. You’d excuse yourself especially when it came to cookies taking you out to perceived dates, leaving them confused and worried. Well this time, they would follow you the day before the one where you usually vanished, they wanted to know what’s gotten you into a dour mood.
You were carrying a bouquet of flowers and some other items as you made your way deeper into the woods. At first, your hidden audience thought you were seeing someone in secret, but they kept all thoughts as guesses until they actually see it. They see you go further and further…
Until you stopped at a headstone within the snow, you placed down the flowers and items as you now start to whistle a tune from long ago, to you at least. You swayed your body from side to side as you did so as the snow fell around you.
Y/N Cookie: “I’m here now, my special cookie…today marks another year without you…it hurts not sharing it with you, you’ve shown me how to really be myself and now look where it got me. Surrounded by many cookies who consider me their bestest friend! I know you would’ve wanted me to move on..but if you’re here right now, listening to me…know that I’ll forever cherish you and the time we’ve spent together. My dearest….”
You knelt down in front of the now known grave of your lost loved one as you silently cried to yourself…meanwhile in the bushes far from you…
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Mint Choco Cookie tried everything he can to comfort a sobbing Cocoa Cookie, who just wanted to come out from the bushes to give you hugs and kisses. She hated seeing you there all alone and crying to yourself, with no one there to comfort you. She would quietly plead to Mint Choco to let her go to you, but despite him also wanting to go comfort you too, he knew that this was a moment you needed to yourself and told Cocoa this, who ultimately agreed with him, but it still pained her heart to see you like this. She and Mint are so coming over tomorrow to spend the day with you..
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How did Croissant Cookie not know about this!? She was your bestest pal! Pals know a whole lot about each other! If she had known your disappearances were for a cookie you loved long ago, she would’ve backed off to allow you to grieve. She felt stupid for not coming to this conclusion sooner, she wanted to make it up to you later for misunderstanding your disappearances. She was going to help you feel better. Together.
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Kumiho Cookie now felt absolutely terrible. That confession long ago was your attempt at a second chance at love and she treated it so carelessly, it actually made her heart ache. She wished she took it seriously rather then it just being her charm again, if this was how much you held a past relationship so dearly to you. It made her more determined to capture your heart again and she’s not giving it up this time..
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Lilac Cookie…he should’ve known. He knew better. He should’ve just let your business be your own, but he was immensely curious as to what you were up to in these woods and now felt great shame in knowing that it was to mourn a former flame. Seeing your sadden form, it ached his heart. He takes your feelings much more seriously after this and cookies who try to toy with them will be dealt with…
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She can’t imagine the pain you feel when you visit something of your past that you cared so deeply for. She’s fortunate that DE is still around to keep her going, but seeing you in pain at this moment or anything involving your plight never fails to lighten her expression from the usual scowl she gives others minus Poison Mushroom. This only encourages Pomegranate Cookie’s efforts to have you join the CoD, they will care for and love you so much if you give them the chance and take their hands.
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Caramel Arrow Cookie grew worried of your sudden disappearances during this day in particular and decided it was time to follow after you to make sure you were safe from any dangers that came for you. Unlike Pomegranate, she knows how it feels to lose cookies close to you, the Altar can attest to that. She wanted to gently approach from the wilderness to comfort you in your time of need, but this was your former partner you’re mourning for, a cookie that was close to you specifically, it was for the best that she just kept watching from a distance. She’s a lot more gentle with her mannerisms with you during the winter seasons from then on.
The cookie(s) keeping tabs on you had to hide as you finished grieving and started to make your way back home. A long look towards the grave.
With this revelation known, during the winter seasons, competition becomes more tame and passive to allow you more space to remember the time you’ve spent together with your former love. When the time was right, maybe you could get back into the game, and the cookies hope they’ll become your choice.
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mars-ipan · 26 days
ok i have another question for the people
i would have also included some cookie flavors i remember that they no longer seem to be selling (oh thanks-a-lots and cranberry cookies i will miss you) but i ran out of options :|
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Part 2 of Incorrect Quote Comics
I am so tired.
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After doing this, I am just now realizing that tumblr posts can support more than 10 images at once. I had to break up multiple posts into several parts in the past, but NOW I can post more than 10 images.
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
y’all I just got the MOTHERLOAD of all pastries
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hello loopsie 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
hehehe hello nat<3
girl scout cookies!!
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6pixiepop9 · 7 months
I have favorites
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Also my two baby girls, Affogato and Caramel Arrow
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princess--bongwater · 2 years
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back again
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scramblescrew · 23 days
Yandere Cookie Run Kingdom Hunger Games
The Yandere War: Day 1
[TW: Death, Suicide and Violence]
(Place your bets now on who will win!)
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*As the 5 Dying cookies crumble, they hear Y/N Cookie's voice singing out to them. leaving them with peace as they perish*
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feastofcadavers · 1 year
A room covered in flesh, veins and tendons lining the walls and flooring… Large and foreboding, with pillars of bone-like texturing rising from the ground and impaling the ceiling that seemed to breathe with a disturbing imitation of life. If… it even was imitation, and not truly living. The group of four approaches, Caramel leaning on Lemon for support while Mint clasped his hands and Aloe kept theirs behind their back. At the other end of the room full of corrupted meat-like structuring, Roguefort stood proudly atop a writhing mass that seemed to be the centerpiece for this gut-wrenching scene. Beneath stood the, far smaller by comparison, blonde that was Earl Grey. Hands folded before him politely, eyes wide and staring ahead, his expression betrayed his stance.
Roguefort would stare down with a sinister grin, looking upon the group before them as bugs. "So, it appears you have followed that troublemaker the whole way here?" They motioned to Vampire with a dramatic flair in their arm. "It's a wonder he knows… Then again, you were going to wind up here eventually. Regardless of our actions." Lemon would growl at the being so far above them, sparking for a second before stopping immediately hearing Caramel yip. Shit, right. 
"Ah, it is no matter… This blessing we hold in most of us has run its course." Roguefort would continue, taking hold of their cape and covering their body with it- almost wrapping themself up like a cocoon. "I say blessing, yes, though it seems that to us it has become nothing but a curse… a fleeting wish… what we gained has long since been lost, or in some way…" Roguefort's gaze would drop, looking down at the chef that hasn't moved from his position, as told. "...beyond repair." Sensitive ears picked up a whimper from the one they gazed upon. With their expression darkening, Roguefort threw themself down from the mass they stood upon, swiftly dropping to the floor that squished beneath him. Grey was obscured as the leader of the manor would rise, throwing open their cape. "Well then! It seems that this sweet dream of ours is going to finally stop rolling down this destructive hill! Let the passage of fate take the wheel as we commit to it and act as the pre–" 
"Could you beeeeee any more dramaaatic?" Vampire would interrupt, not taking the scene seriously whatsoever. He could hear the three beneath him's gazes. Surprise, anger, disappointment. Whatever. "Looook, if you're gonna fiiiight, then doooo it. Shut up and dooo something!" 
The leader would blink slowly, eyes narrowing at Vampire. "Little rat-bat. Fine then! Have at you all!" The sound of sprinting on the moist flooring would ring out as they would begin to sprint at the group. 
Vampire flew upward swiftly, leaving the group to their own devices. Aloe would scowl, looking to Lemon and Caramel, which the blonde also seemed plenty fired up. "I understand your rage, but protect Caramel above all else. I'll take the brunt this time."  "What?! But I could set them flat in-"  "We don't have time to argue! Just get out of the way!" Aloe would yell, a sound sudden and rare enough to finally spur Lemon without question as they would rush ahead, colliding with Roguefort head-to-head and beginning a hand-to-hand skirmish. 
Mint would be still, peeking behind Roguefort and the ensuing battle to look upon Grey. He remained unmoving, just as Mint himself was. The musician would take a step forward, then lean to the side, then into a sprint. Was this other fellow okay? Ah, but Aloe, but Lemon, but-... Augh! With a quick breath out, he'd run past Rogue and Aloe, though that mistake would cost him as he heard Aloe grunt behind him as they were shoved to the ground and he was grabbed by the arm. Dragged back, he was met with compound eyes staring back. Mint would flail for a moment, taking the knife he'd equipped what felt like ages ago and ramming it into Roguefort's body wherever he could reach. Their leg would be the target, but it seemed like it wasn't enough, getting nothing more than a grunt. "Ungrateful." Rogue would growl out, gripping Mint's arm tight enough to hear bones creak. "I ought you leave you how you left your servant. You had a choice to deny fate, yet here you are-" Interrupted with a shout of pain, Rogue would let Mint out of their grip. 
Aloe would jump at Rogue's back, clawed hands scratching at the leader's neck as they attempted to get into a choking position. Deep red marks would form, though drawn blood would be minimal due to not having a good enough grip. "What are you doing?!" The researcher would shout, wings droning as they struggled. "Stay away from the conflict! You are not fit to-" Aloe would be thrown back, colliding with the floor with a wretched squelch of the surface below. Such an impact also threw out the doll of Co that they'd held so close, along with their blade that they would have to abandon by this point. With an immediate panic unlike themself, Aloe would give a feeble 'no-' as they turned their stomach to the floor and reached out, yelping as Roguefort stomped into their back. 
"What is this? Are you still attached to them? Ha. I knew you would take your closeness far, but going so far as to visit her? How pathetic…" An irony only Rogue knew was not lost on them. They'd force their heel down, receiving a satisfying crunch of ribs and tainted organs. Not quite killing them, it would take far more than that, but still leaving them in agony. They'd twist, receiving more of those sickeningly sweet sounds and forcing Aloe to yowl. As Rogue would step past, looking back to see Mint frozen still, they'd pick up the poor doll, using one leg to press against Aloe's face to ensure they wouldn't do anything as they inspected the handiwork. 
…the doll squirmed in their hand, almost seeming to shake as it was gripped tight. "Sad." They'd state simply, closing their eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath… Then they would grin wide as they felt another hand grab at their's- at the doll- and immediately begin pulling. Mint was predictable, even in fearful irrationality. "Stop this!" The musician would cry, tugging at the doll with all of his strength. Roguefort would do the same, gripping the body with both hands while Mint gripped the head. The emerald-eyed fellow had half a thought on how this likely hurt Co… but would only have his heart sink as he heard the fabric tear. Aloe could feel the blood pulsing through their head, their ears, their heart, as they had to watch.
And with both opposing forces no longer held together, Mint would fall on his hind end, and Rogue would only mildly stumble. The leader looked to Aloe, who stared with their mouth agape and their compound eyes wide. They shook, watching stuffing fall from the decapitated doll. Was it capable of being stitched back together? Perhaps. But Co… perceived by them, has been killed once again. 
"You- you BASTARD!" Attempting to pick themself up, holding their ribs, their other bones crunched as their more insectoid traits would morph their body. Wings buzzing, chest heaving, more legs appearing beneath their cloak… Rogue would snicker, lurching forward and snagging up Mint to use him as a human shield as Aloe would lash out. "YOU WILL BURN IN HELL, AND I'LL STOKE YOUR COALS!" They'd snarl, voice distorted by rage and incessant buzzing as the violinist would hold his arms out, refusing to use his blade against an ally, and plead Aloe to stop. To think for a moment. To STOP, PLEASE, STOP- Perceiving an enemy and nothing more, Mint was the one that took the brunt- being chomped on just below his shoulder as an insectoid claw aimed for his face. It wasn't a clean cut, but the blood that leaked from the wound was certainly… 
Ah.  He couldn't.  Couldn't feel his arm. Or see very well. Huh?
A small 'thunk' of a limb and 'shnk' of a dropped blade had a moment of silence pass before Mint wound up screaming. Breaking his vocal chords as he was dropped to the ground, one arm holding his eye… as it was the only one he had. The ear-splitting shrieking didn't deter Aloe, who had simply moved past him in order to further attempt to assault the crimson leader. Sounds of conflict would continue to resound, but the violinist couldn't process it. Body violently trembling, the only comfort- that he winced to receiving- would be arms wrapping around his waist to lift him up. Confused, Mint would attempt to look above him through agonizingly blurred and half-working vision. Vampire… was carrying him. Huh. This felt… familiar. 
"Ughhhh…" The red-head groaned, not out of struggling to carry, but rather annoyance and a smidge of guilt. "I'm nooooot forgiving your friends for letting this happen to youuuu…" There wasn't much that the musician could say. "But heyyyyy… You'll be safer over heeeere…" The warmth of the living ground was not a welcome sensation. Slowly, Mint would realize that Caramel was sitting next to him. Terrified. Caramel would ask what happened, but the words died in his throat out of the shock of it all.
"Where's…" Mint's words were near silent. The terror and earlier yawp certainly killed his voice. Caramel was here, he could barely make that out, but that yellow streak… "Where's Lemon…?" Caramel would point ahead, and though barely capable of making out the shapes and colors, Mint was able to figure out the three of them were fighting together. Light from sparks flew, which definitely was evidence of Lemon giving it his all. Both of them wished they could do more, one as a hero and one just to not seem useless… but it seems neither of them were in the state to do much of anything.
Mint's eyes drooped with exhaustion, barely recognizing Vampire sitting over his slumped body. "He's, uh, fiiiiighting. Yeahhhh…" He's not going to mention how much of a struggle there was from the outsider's perspective. No. Not right now. Instead, he'd sift through his clothes and whatever pockets they had. "Shiiiit…" He'd curse, pulling out a vial similar to what Mint had been given. Originally his sister's, which was cracked and empty. Vampire's eyes would grow wide, though looking to his side, he'd look at Caramel. He looked nearly… feral. 
Narrowing his gaze at the nerd that stared back at him, the drunkard would reach his hand out and grab the smaller. "You. Blood. Now." Caramel would squeak, shaking his head and trying to thrash. With a tight enough grip, Vampire would simply ignore the flailing and bare his fangs, sinking them into Caramel as he cried out and begged to be let go. "N-not again! Not again, p-please! Stop! Stop it!" There was no sympathy. Not for this one. Vampire would continue to drain the poor victim before simply letting him go and tossing him to the wall, keeping his mouth open as he approached the violinist once more. 
Praying to himself, Vampire would far more easily bite down on Mint's shoulder and do the exact opposite of what he'd just done. Ignoring the panic he had induced in Caramel, and how he was holding himself for a desperate sensation of comfort, he'd fill Mint with the blood that he'd taken. Be enough. For Tree's sake, be enough! 
Rogue was… struggling. Electricity wasn't a good match-up for such intricate workings like that of an insect. From both sides, the leader- for the first time in a long time- struggled to defend themself. Barely fending off Aloe, and electricity flaring at them- it gave them the horrible feeling that fate certainly was carved in stone for them. Though it felt fruitless, they continue to push themself to their limit and beyond. It was a strange mixture of accepting what was to occur whilst still having half a mind to resist.
They'd give a glance back, seeing Grey staring with empty eyes. He knew. He knew, too, what was going to happen here. Roguefort would grunt as they tossed Aloe away from them, only to be shanked in the back with an electrically charged knife, afflicting them with a temporary paralysis. And it's with wide, frozen vision and a jolting body that they would be forced to witness Aloe's reckless nature fixated on a different target. 
Grey.  Not him. Not him, please.  Anyone but him. Anyone! Please.
Jittering and struggling to fight against their muscles stillness, they'd watch Grey gain a light smile and close his eyes. He'd raise his hand to wave, pitifully giving a silent 'goodbye' as Aloe would easily take his body and slam it into the meat-coated ground, jaw detaching and expanding to encapsulate Grey's head as claws would dig into his abdominal. An agonized silence as his organs would be dug and clawed out of him is all the peace he would be allotted before the freak of nature above him would close their mouth around his head. The sound of bone and flesh being flayed and masticated hung in the air as one being's grief-stricken loss of self would quickly turn to two. 
Because of them. Because of him.  Because of It. 
Growling inhumanly and thorax pulsing, the shock would subside through adrenaline and pure hatred, and they'd whip around and grab Lemon, hoisting him into the air by his neck. They'd ignore the attempts to stab at them, some working and some not, but all non-fatal. "Spirits always disappear by accident in my hands, so why…" Rogue grips tight enough to cause the choking electrical hazard to hold their hand to, at the very least, prevent his neck from snapping. "Why can't I be the one to extinguish it when it matterz mozt?!"  Their insectoid nature afflicting their speech, it would penetrate their thoughts for a moment as they would flail Lemon's body wildly. Crashing against the floor, ivory pillars, the cracking and snapping of bones reverberating as their composure finally snapped. Within the flailing, Lemon would grunt and shout as his body would be gripped by thin, hooked appendages that would aid in tearing at and tossing his body around. 
Many cuts, gashes, lacerations- the injuries would pile on top of each other. His sparking didn't seem to work on someone so rabid. And, finally, when a slam to the ground hits at the back of Lemon's spine- the sparking comes to a sudden stop as a satisfying SNAP hangs in the air. Chest heaving and brusque breaths would fill the time between flailing- corrupted blood flowing down and staining their hands, their clothes, their soul- dripping from the various wounds from the now limp body… Without a true thought running through their head, they'd take the corpse in their clawed hands and throw it away with all the force they could muster from themself. The thud heard from afar did not matter to them.
Becoming short in thought, the leader wouldn't pause before going directly to the scent of blood. Beloved. Blood. Beloved. The sensation was far too familiar and it nearly made them wretch from their distorted stomach- their thorax twitching with disgust at themself. The scent was enough to drive them mad. Nothing left. There's nothing left here.  With some form of buzzing snarl, the lost leader would take their tarsus and slam Aloe into the floor- inadvertently both causing more of a mess by sending their face into Grey's mangled, bloody spillage of sundered guts and dissevered bones. The splatters that stained both of the insectoid's bodies gave very differentiated reactions. One, none, as it seems that the researcher had been knocked out. The other… With just a moment of peace, if one could fall such a decrepit sight that… Rogue would refocus. Not to bring themself back, no, but to change target. 
Sifting through memories with the small amount of recollection they could muster, their compound gaze would settle upon the distant colors of mint green, yellow, and red. That green… the end started with that, didn't it? That trickster they sought after- the catalyst- it was not the pulsing masses that spoke to them, no, it was… it was him. That bastard. They'll kill him.
Kill him.  Destroy him.  Eat him, if they have to. 
On the other end of Rogue's Blurry vision of color, those 'colors' were having quite a time on their own. The resounding 'thud' that should have been a 'slorp' due to the softness of the walls had come from a limp body slamming into another body. Mint stared with tearing eyes- well, eye- at the sight before him, Caramel seemingly dead while the corpse of Lemon simply laid on top of him. Vampire would huff as he would check Caramel over. He's certainly not scared, death has been around him for quite a long time now, but he was… irritated. Irritated at how much effort this was taking, irritated at how this crew seemed to be falling apart under pressure, irritated at the possibility that before he got his kiss, Mint could…  "He's fiiiiine…" The drunkard would state with a roll of his eyes, taking his hands off of Caramel's neck and wrist. "He's juuuuuust asleep. Impact proooobablyyyy just knocked him ooooout." With a sense of ease, Vampire would then pick out Lemon's corpse and unceremoniously drop him to the side, ignoring the blood that would get on his hands. He'd simply wipe it off and come back to Mint, distracting him from the hell going on in the distance. 
With his deep apathy finally disturbed by Mint's horror, the redhead acknowledges to himself how he probably should've been there for him more during all of this. During times where he was in distress, in danger, and… well, at least now was a time he could help him. If he wanted that kiss, that love, that adoration from another… he'd have to earn it, huh? "Mm… heyyyy…" Vamp would quirk perhaps the only smile that's occurred through this entire endeavor as he gently wraps his arms beneath Mint's shoulders. Poor violinist was shaking, but definitely held on with his only remaining arm. "I'm nooooot gonna let you die heeeere, gotcha?" 
"Y-you… you can't just s-say that…" Doubt? Reasonable. The musician did lose an arm and an eye, one of his acquaintances passed out, the other dead, and who the hell knows what's going on with Aloe by this point? Vamp would blink, peering behind him that Grey, too, was very likely dead. It… that filled him with dread more than anything. If that fucker Roguefort was willing to let him die of all people, then…
"I…" the drunkard's voice would trail off, a tenseness in his chest that he accidentally let spread to his arms. "I mean it. I won't let you die. That's… that's a prooomise." The redhead would lean forward, touching foreheads with the violinist in the gentlest way that he could muster. Vampire could feel the way the other would barely be able to loosen up, let alone stop the terror from making him tremble. 
Such gentleness would be interrupted as the horrid, grating sound of bug-based whirring would catch on his ear. Quickly drawing closer, becoming louder, and Vampire was not having it. 
Letting go of Mint and swiftly turning himself around with abnormal grace, the giant predator would be stopped in their tracks as Vampire gripped them by the face. Well, if one could even call that a face. With multiple eyes, giant proboscis, empty thorax, and- "Hah." 
You know what? No. He's not even humoring the thought. No sense of humanity was left in this thing, was there? So why treat them like one? It's with a grin that Vampire would let his wings flare, hand gripping Rogue's face and ignoring their squirming as the display of bug-textured bat wings would become that of an intimidation tactic… and to shield Mint. 
"You're pathetic, you know that?" Vampire would hiss, taking his other arm and socking whatever was left of Roguefort in the 'face'. Nearly snapping that thing of a 'mouth', he'd continue to throw punches, noticing how Rogue wasn't even attempting to attack back. Instead, they were trying to get around him. Trying to get to Mint. "Really, reaaaaaally pathetic! Worse than me!"  Fisticuffs with a giant insectoid monster would normally end in the worst way, but… the focus not being on him, it was quite easy to push them back until he could grab something else. Ah, right, like… one of those knives. Out of the corner of his vision, Vamp could see the stained and glinting metal, next to the unpleasant reminder that is Mint's severed arm. "Soooo desperate for your own little woooorld… Guess what!" Vamp would laugh, knocking Roguefort back with a kick to their chest so that he could grab a knife and deal more damage. "You ruined it! You went tooooooo far! And now you're gonna- Oh shit." 
Too much gloating! Roguefort got in front of him! Ugh, what a fucking mess. At least without working wings and a limp, this thing was easier to catch up to. It's with a gruff huff that Vampire would give a beat of his wings to fly himself above Rogue… and crash-land onto their back, forcing them to the ground. There was still a distance between the two of them and Mint, a few feet or so, but it was still far too close for Vampire's liking. No struggling could knock him off. This was the end, and he's taking it for himself. For once. Like a mosquito latched on for draining blood, he'd do exactly that. Well… in a way that only a non-mosquito could. With his bare hands. 
Legs gripping the body beneath him, Vamp would spare a glance up to Mint before glowering down at the creature beneath him, gripping the knife with both hands.  "This is for everything you've done to me!" Vampire would stab down into the center of Rogue's back, digging into the other's spine. Not the first, nor the last.  "This is for letting Grey die!" Further up, another sound of a blade 'shink'-ing into the flesh of a monster, small cracks and creaks from bone and other hardened material hanging in the air.  "This!" Vampire would breathe deeply, "Is for what you've done to Mint!" Another stab, further up. Set just below the neck. Or, well, whatever there was left of one. 
Vampire would shift the blade in his hand, standing on top of the crippled, bleeding monster that was once some leader. Unrecognizable other than the clothes that were torn apart and screwn across the dying body's dysfunctional limbs. "And this? Come oooon, you know what this one iiiiiis…" Almost sadistically, the drunk would draw the blade across the feeble thing's back, gently slicing the skin open and watching the corroded blood seep out. He'd raise the blade up, eyes flaring with hatred as he cried out and swung down. "THIS IS FOR MY SISTER, YOU BEAST!" 
A clean slice. In silence, the body would collapse, Vampire standing atop as he watched the head of the 'mastermind' hit the floor and roll pathetically. With heavy breaths, Vampire would hop down from the corpse, looking to the blade that was bloodied from the beast… and giving it a lick, causing his face to immediately scrunch up. "Eugh… moldy…"  Regaining his composure one step at a time, he'd approach a still terrified Mint and kneel before him, ignoring the splatters that littered his clothes. "Heyyyy…" he'd speak softly, keeping his crimson eyes affixed on the other's emerald ones. "Let's… get out of here, okaaaay? I got youuuu… and everyone else… let's get somewhere saaaafe and comfy…" 
Somewhere to… process all this. To think all this over and calm down. To not have to look at the corpses and all the writhing flesh masses that lined the walls, the floor, and the even bigger lump in the very back of the room. Mint would whimper, giving a small nod as he stared at Vampire. For once, his casual nature was soothing in the face of distress, rather than inherently worrying. "Y-yea… let's… le- let's all get out of h-here…"
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