#mint the caracal
meowhawkk · 2 years
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Mint in Yuji Uekawa’s / SA2′s art style!
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parlakul · 1 year
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Artemisia Ref 2023 WIP
Working on some new markings for my sona! They need some work, but I like the direction they're headed in. Drawn in colored pencil, then color-corrected and colored over a bit digitally. Testing uploads as well!
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caracalclaws · 2 years
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# CARACALCLAWS : afraid  of  someone  stronger  coming  along  to challenge  you ? you  should  already  know  that  kind  of  thinking  is  only  for  losers ! besides ——— YOU’VE  ALREADY  FOUND  SOMEONE  WHO’S  WILLING  TO  FIGHT BY  YOUR  SIDE .
independent sonic the hedgehog oc, MINT THE CARACAL. game-based/idw inspiration.
follows from @blue-rphub.
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neometalmadness · 2 years
... Damn, talk about Mint the Rizzacal (rizz + caracal, and yes, they think that’s sooo funny).
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Good for her. Good for her.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Cuckoos: Favorite Foods
Malaea Koi- Honey Malasadas, Honey Custard Tarts, Spam Musubi
James Smith- Maple custard pie, crab cake, coffee milk
Lyra Guerra- Wine, gelato, Agnolotti, Bicerin, risotto
Haruki Igarashi- Mochi, green tea, Onsen tamago, gyoza
Zosia Jacobs- Chicken and waffles, biscuits with honey, beignets
Francois Hubert- Macarons, Quiche, chou à la crème
Sue Ellen Hazel- BBQ, hotdish, pancakes, apple juice
Steef Timpert- Stroopwafel, Chocolate, Bitterballen
Hye-Sun Jo- Naengmyeon, pheasant, BBQ clams, lotus tea
Pandu Fadnavis- Dal bhat, Darjeeling tea, dried fruit
Rehema Khalsa- Ras malai, Gulab jamun
Ragnor Hilmarsen- Cinnamon and caramel pastries
Penelope Asper- Carac, Cordon bleu, Fondue, Muesli, Swiss chocolate
Lamar Fullwood- Spicy curry goat, beef patty, rum ice cream
Loukia Relloulis- Lokma, Chamomile tea
Gryffyn Sambell- Saffron bun, cream tea, savory pastries
Babes Maalouf- Halva, Mint Tea, Knafeh
Saul Olloqui- Churros with chocolate, Paella de marisco
Flora Phillips- Caramel shortbread, puff candy, mince pie
Alfie Clemens- Witchetty grub, yogurt, pavlova, trout
Szalai Varga- Sour cherry soup
Hakan Yucel- Rose Water Turkish Delights
Verona Schober- Liège waffles with strawberries and chocolate spread, Fries with mayo, Belgian chocolate
Xiaobo Hong- Egg tart, Shrimp dim sum, Quail eggs, Lotus tea, Dragon’s beard candy
Tania Dulce- Ube (Ice cream, cake, crinkles, halaya, cheesecake), Kaldereta, sapin-sapin
Birch Cypress- “strangled” veal, s’mores
Ivete Araújo Lobo- pastel with guava filling and sugarcane juice
Clovis Dupuis- Bananas Foster, Crawfish boil, Gumbo
Emelie Fritzl- Apple cider donuts, kugel, babka
Dominik Murray- Scone and blackberry jam, Shepherd’s pie
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starfcrmed-a · 6 years
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i just woke up
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kgyst · 4 years
Amit idáig láttunk, az a nyolcvanas évek szemlélete, a nyolcvanas években szocializálódott katonák kívánságlistájának a teljesítése, amivel nagyszerűen lehetne megvívni a nyolcvanas évek háborúit.
Harckocsik: legutoljára két hónapja Örményországban lehetett látni, hogy a harckocsik mennyire szart sem érnek, az azeriek legalább 150 örmény T-72-est lőttek ki, túlnyomórészt olyan fegyverekkel, amik a Leopard 2-esek ellen pont ugyanolyan ütőképesek. Magyarország 44 verdát rendszeresít, ez kb. harmada-negyede az örmény veszteségeknek. Itt jegyezném meg, hogy a Leopardok önerőből nem tudnak átkelni sem a Dunán, sem a Tiszán, azaz Magyarország területén könnyen elképzelhető olyan szituáció, hogy (a hidak lebombázásával) a harckocsik egyáltalán nem, vagy csak nagy kerülővel tudnak eljutni az ország egyik feléből a másikba. Alternatíva: ha le akarjuk váltani a T-72-eseket, akkor maximum használt nyugati harckocsik rendszeresítése lett volna ésszerű, M1, Merkava vagy az ideiglenesen hazánkban állomásozó régi Leopard 2 is reális alternatíva lett volna.
Lövészpáncélosok: erről a fegyverkategóriáról azt érdemes tudni, hogy ez a kategória már akkor sem teljesített jól, amikor a harckocsik igen (a rendszerváltás előtti helyi háborúkban is sok baj volt velük). A Lynx nem úszóképes (az elődje, a BTR-80 az), az újonnan beszerzendő KC-390-eseken nem szállítható (a BTR igen). Alternatíva: egyértelműen a BTR-ek ráncfelvarrása, ha már ez van.
PZH-2000: középtávon az önjáró tarackoknak van létjogosultsága, és a PZH-2000 kétségtelenül nagyon potens fegyver (drónos célmegjelöléssel és irányított lőszerekkel, például). Ő sem úszóképes. Alternatíva: nagy kár, hogy 20 évvel ezelőtt kivontuk az (szovjet) 2Sz1 (csak 122 mm-es) önjáró tarackjainkat, nagy kihívás lett volna ezekből 21. századi fegyverrendszert csinálni. De nem lehetetlen. Persze emellett ott van a selejtben olcsón megszerezhető amerikai M109 Paladin.
NASAMS: fiúk, ezt hogy találtátok ki, persze úgy, hogy ez az a fostalicska szar, amitől a Putyin nem sértődik meg. A nyugati stílusú harcászatban tulajdonképpen el lehet vegetálni nagy légvédelmi rakéták nélkül, különösen kis országok esetében (a légvédelmi rakéta egy kizárólag egy feladatra alkalmazható fegyverfajta, luxus). Erre megvesszük. Aszongya, ez szárazföldi indítású AMRAAM. Magyarra lefordítva, ha az AMRAAM-ot egy Gripenre raknád, akkor ott lenne az ország bármely pontján 15 percen belül, ehelyett teszel alá félmobil indítóberendezést, és ezzel eléred azt, hogy ne tudd ugyanazt a rakétát mozgatni, igazi magyar virtus. A slusszpoén: egy ideig lehetett abban reménykedni, hogy a rakétát valahogyan függeszteni lehet a Gripen alá, de nem, mert ez, ha minden igaz, NASAMS-ER, aminek az elfogója nem is AMRAAM, hanem Sea Sparrow, amire rátettek egy AMRAAM önirányító fejet. Nagyszerű, erre sem jó. Alternatívák: nyilvánvalóan a Patriot, ha már. Az alkalmazható pl. ballisztikus rakéták ellen is.
EC725 Caracal: ésszerűen két helikopterben volt értelme gondolkodni, “a régiben”, a Mi-8/Mi-17-ben, ami korszerűsítésekkel nagyon sokáig továbbéltethető, a környéken több helyen van -az oroszoktól független- javítóbázisa, és “az újban”, az UH-60-ban, ami a Mi-8-nál egy generációval újabb, a NATO alaphelikoptere és ezt rendszeresítette Lengyelország és Szlovákia is. Persze a harmadik, még épphogy értelmes választásnak mondható típus, a francia Puma futott be. Ez még egy védhetőnek számító beszerzés.
H145: Én őszintén megvallva nem értem, mit fog ez a 20 forgószárnyas csinálni, remélem van, aki igen.
KC-390: anno kínomban röhögtem fel, amikor a szocialisták félig komolyan bejelentették, hogy venni akarnak két An-70-est. Annak a típusnak a mai napig egyetlen egy prototípusa van. A KC-390 ennél azért szerencsésebb csillagzat alatt született, de még mindig egy, a pályafutása elején járó gép, aminek nem derültek ki az erős és a gyenge oldalai, a rendszeresítésével meglehetős kockázatot vállalunk. Ha szerencsénk lesz, lesz egy egész jó kis gépünk, igaz, csak két példányban, bár ezzel a teljes leszerződött darabszám 5%-a magyar gép lesz (olyan kis példányszámban tervezik gyártani). Alkatrészellátás-vonalon jelentős többletköltségeket fog ez jelenteni. Alternatívák: vagy 25 éve megkínáltak minket négy C-130B Herculessel, nem kellett (újabb An-26-osokat vettünk ehelyett), a románok azóta is vígan használják azt a négy gépet, mi az An-26-osokat már selejteztük. Egyáltalán nem kizárt, hogy a KC-390-esek selejtezésekor a Herculesek még repdesni fognak.
BREN-2 gépkarabély: hát ezt meg hogy találtátok ki, fiúk. A honvédségnél ott van az elnyűhetetlen Kalasnyikov, e mellé rendszeresítették, főleg a különlegeseknél az M4-et, most hurrá, lesz egy harmadik alapfegyver is, ami semmivel nem lesz kompatibilis, és jó esély van rá, hogy félbe marad a rendszeresítése, gratulálok. Alternatívák: nem kellett volna nyüzsögni.
Különféle kormánygépek: ha nem is ennyi, de kellene, csak a kormánygépet nevezhetnék kormánygépnek is, csak a sport kedvéért.
Mi-24 korszerűsítése: célanyagnak kitűnő, csak, hogy legyen min bosszankodni, elmondanám, hogy 2005 magasságában a hollandok felajánlottak talán 6 AH-64-est, na, az harci helikopter.
Sokat mondó, hogy ebben a pénzáradatban mi az, amit elfelejtettek megvenni.
Drónok: most ott tartunk, hogy nemcsak a hadseregeknek, de most már mindenféle zűrzavaros hátterű szerveteknek (Hezbollah) is vannak drónjaik, Magyarországnak természetesen nincsen, mert a kishitler egyik barátja sem gyárt (oh wait, Erdoganék mégis) drónt. Már annyira mindenki tud ilyet gyártani, nem is beszerezni, hogy ez lassan már a múlt lesz.
Rádióelektronikai harci eszközök: zavaróadók és társaik: Az utóbbi húsz évben mi az ilyen alakulatokat inkább megszűntettük, mint létrehoztuk volna.
Irányított fegyverek: hurrá, a Gripeneknek már van lézerirányítású bombája, már csak néhány fegyverkategória hiányzik, a kis robotrepülőgépektől az irányított tüzérségi lövedékeken át a (pl. sorozatvetőből indított) kisebb ballisztikus rakétákig, és ezt lehetne folytatni.
Vadászgépek: nyilván túl sok mindenre használhatóak, ezért nem vásárlunk véletlenül sem. Nagyon jó, hogy van 14 Gripenünk, ez a minimálisan elégséges darabszám fele-negyede
Műholdak: ez a magyar fejeknek persze bőven sci-fi, de azért itt jegyezném meg, hogy egy műholdindítás ma cca 60 M$, többször használatos rakétával ennek usque a fele, az nagyságrendileg 10 milliárd forint. Ennyibe fáj, most csak a példa kedvéért, a Diósgyőri vár továbbépítése. Egy kisebb optikai felderítő hold fejlesztése már bőven milliárd dolláros tétel lenne, bár nem kizárt, hogy ebből is van készen elérhető. Ha annyira fontos a szuverenitás, akkor nem hátrány, hogy a piacon egyébként elérhető -adott esetben jó minőségű- műholdfeleket egy saját hold adataival leellenőrizzük, hogy nem akarnak-e minket megvezetni. És a többi.
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chimerical-caracal · 3 years
thank you @howmuchismuch and @dramatically-incorrect-doodles for tagging me!! love you both <3
1. name/nickname: right so i have multiple names that i switch between regularly but atm i’m using quintrell with the nicknames q or quin
2. gender: i usually just say nonbinary but genderqueer, transgender, and cadensgender all apply too (and for those unfamiliar with the term, cadensgender is a gender that’s easily influenced by music)
3. star sign: virgo i think
4. height: 5'1 last i checked, tho i sincerely doubt i’ll be growing more anytime soon
5. time: it is currently 8:48 pm
6. birthday: september 9th
7. favorite bands: AJR, bears in trees, and lovejoy (their ep just dropped go check it out if you haven’t already!!!!!)
8. favorite solo artists: wilbur soot and derivakat tho there are probably more i’m forgetting rn
9. song stuck in my head: primarily one day by lovejoy but all the other songs on the ep are living rent free in my head rn too
10. last movie: i’m not sure... i think it was shrek honestly ksajnfksa
11. last show: i think it was either queer eye or worst cooks in america? most of the tv shows i watch are either cooking shows or cartoons with a couple exceptions
12. when did i create this blog: fuck if i know, it’s gotta be a couple years at least?? i don’t even know where to check that lmao
13. what i post: just whatever shows up on my dash; this blog is a trash heap and i the humble raccoon that sits atop it
14. last thing googled: “wilbur soot merch”; i probably can’t get any because it Costs Money but i can look at it and dream
15. other blogs: @ender-chimera is my minecraft / mcyt sideblog, @oodles-and-boodles-of-doodles is my art / doodle sideblog, @handinhelpinghand is a sideblog for signal boosting any donation posts i come across, and @archaic-orison is an aesthetic sideblog for unsettling / creepy stuff (explore that one with caution, i don’t have a tag system set up for that one yet). i do have a couple more but i don’t really use them anymore; these are all the active ones
16. do i get asks: no but i really wish i did lmao
17. why i chose my url: wasn’t happy with the first couple urls i had for a couple of reasons so i rebranded by mixing one of my favorite words (chimerical) with one of my favorite animals (caracal). it’s especially nice because it rhymes and it’s got alliteration which are 2 more of my favorite things lol
18. following: 148
19. followers: 144 (tho i will note i haven’t gone through and cleared out the bots in a while so that number’s probably inaccurate)
20. average hours of sleep: i’d say around 9 or so, maybe 10? but my sleep schedule is Awful; these past couple weeks i’ve been going to bed around 5 am and getting up at like, 2-3 pm and i don’t think that’s healthy sjndfksaj
21. lucky number: idk if i really have a “lucky” number per say but my favorite number is 6
22. instruments: to varying degrees of success i can play the trumpet, french horn, mellophone, piano, ukulele, and bass guitar, the last of which i Just started working on. i would also like to learn drums and cello at some point if possible
23. what am i wearing: black sweatpants and a pink short sleeve t-shirt that has a cartoon spider and sprinkles on it (it’s cute i promise) with a long sleeve black shirt underneath it. i’m also wearing black nail polish atm which i should do more often i forgot how much i like wearing it
24. dream trip: definitely one big roadtrip to see all my friends, both the ones i’ve known irl for years now and the ones i’ve never met in person before
25. favorite food: idk if it has an actual name but there’s this turkey sausage and rice recipe with celery and tomatoes in it that is So Good i love it so much
26. nationality: american 😔
27. favorite song: i don’t think i could ever choose a permanent favorite song (or just one for that matter) but i’ve been listening to lovejoy’s ep on repeat ever since it dropped so i guess those are my current favorites
28. last book read: it has been. at least a year? since i’ve read an actual book. sajfnkasjnfd i legitimately have no clue it was probably something for school
29. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: oooooo that’s a tough one. i’d love it if pokemon were real so i think the pokemon world, and maybe minecraft too? but probably just creative mode specifically because i doubt i’d make it past the first night lmao. and i honestly can’t come up with a third fictional universe rn so i guess that’s it ksjnfdksn
30. favorite color: either mint green or lavender, i can never decide between the two. black and white together as a color combo is also very high up there
and i’m just gonna tag a Bunch of people asjdfksjdn i hope y’all don’t mind @b1rdza, @technosoot, @gardenn-of-eden, @athenixs, @anuninspiredpoet, @starry-eyed-spectre, @resident-floatyhotboi, @mpleleaf, @eclecticqueercen, @raeofgayshine, @galaxywitchwolf13, @awkwardang410, @coconut-cluster
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lovebalance · 3 years
WTB/ISO: Dream of Doll
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I’m searching for a LOT of Dream Of Doll sculpts, and have been for a few years. I am happy to have full dolls, if you have one. Original DOD faceups preferred but not required. I'm also happy to have default wigs and clothes if you have them. Legit dolls only.
The list of DOD DOI/DOT I am seeking are: Adolph Amun Azera Caracal Clou Code 03 Code 05 Code 07 Code 11 Crush Delphine (pref in grey) Ducan (elf version) Found! Ermo I-Ra Found! Ives Kaillar (M/T) Kellan Kious L-Ar Lilth Mr.W Ony Orrl Rain Sha Found! Sleeping Girl 1 Stom Tahlia Tanesia Tender Shall The-B U-I Dream heads (I have 1,3,9,10,11 and 13/14). Valentine heads
The list of DOD DOC I am seeking are: Chat Cyma Daisy Dustin Hez Hoo Found! Ivan Found! Mint Pitts Shiny Petsha Tender Twing-Key Tender Yen Found! Wi Found! Yen Found! U/Yu Found!
Depending on cost I may require layaway of 1-2 months. I can offer a trade of a DOI Mr.P1 (maybe, specific sculpts only). I can provide feedback on Ebay, Etsy and Den of Angels.
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meowhawkk · 17 days
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for starters here's this mint sprite edit i done did
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mallowbees · 4 years
Favorite mob, Villagers just generally, but I always make friends with armorers (I actually cried when one of them got killed in my last world) or Endermen for the aesthetic. My favorite colors are black, and dark blues and purples.
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@chimerical-caracal @justagaygoosehoard Villagers are great and I'm absolutely delighted not one but two of you said enderman and mint green
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caracalclaws · 2 years
So... are Mint and Neo still friends at all? since they used to share a blog?
Somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, sometime ago.
"... Hey, Neo. I kinda need to tell you something..."
Mint steps carefully into the base; she has long gotten used to how dark it is in this place. Neo briefly turns his head in acknowledgement, away from the holo-screen he's always glued to-- she can never figure out what he's studying on that thing.
"You're early." Is all that the robot says. "You told me your shift ended at midnight. I would have come to the station if you had called."
"Y- Yeah, I know. I know you hate me walking allll the way here in the dark..."
"Hm." She can't really tell if that 'hm' is in annoyance or dismissal of the topic. He continues; "what is it you need to inform me of?"
The caracal swallows, thickly. She can already begin to feel her heart pound in her chest at the very idea of confrontation-- Hell, she's almost as nervous as she first began her G.U.N training. Or the first time she broke into this base and discovered him-- that Neo Metal Sonic was still alive & sustaining themselves here in the first place.
... Something that the Commanders are still very much unaware of, as per their agreement.
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"... Soooo.... G.U.N want to take me on full-time, now. As of today, I've... I've finished all my neccessary training. I'm... I'm officially a Rookie." She tries to announce as confidently as she can muster. "So... Basically, you're not gonna be seeing me as often, now... huh."
Neo pauses his typing on the giant keyboard before the holographic screen, as if in thought. He soon begins tapping away shortly after. "That's great news. Good for you."
"Y-Yeah, but--"
"You do not sound pleased. Is this not a cause for celebration? I'm not familiar with this sort of thing."
"Well, what?"
"Would you let me finish!" She eventually huffs. Her ears fold back a little- she can hear the softest of chuckles. "This is important. I'm-- I'm telling you this because-- I'm... I'm not going to be... working in Station Square now."
The silence seems to go on forever. They both seem to be frozen, before eventually Mint sighs, dumping her backpack onto the floor in a heap. She fidgets, mouth opening and closing a few times, before her eyes squeeze shut and she just blurts it out.
"I'm- I'm moving out! I... I'm gonna be looking at apartments in Metropolis, later this week..." Ugh, suddenly her throat feels all tight. Why is this so hard?! It's not like this abandoned old place is a very nice place to live, and she always tells herself Neo's company sucks but its better than nothing. "The headquarters are in Metropolis, and... that's where I'll be working, now..."
"... So. You're leaving."
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If she knew better, she might have said he sounded... Disappointed? No, sad? Neo was still exceptionally hard to read, and his constant-blank facial expression did little to elaborate on what he was thinking or feeling. She feels her eyes begin to well up a little.
But she forces them back. As much as possible, anyway. In the lowlight, its very easier to see her eyes are shiny with wetness.
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"I-- I would've told you sooner, that-- that my training was coming to an end... But... I thought it wouldve been alright, y'know? I didn't think I'd end up stationed so- so far away... and..."
"Don't cry."
"I'm not crying, stupid!" Sniff. She very unsubtley wipes her face into her arm. "I'm just-- I'm just overwhelmed..."
She knows Neo isn't... The most empathetic of individuals. Which is why its so God damn embarrassing to be all welled up infront of him. Her bottom lip trembles, but she sighs again, a little shaky, however she begins to regain her composure.
"I'll... I'll start boxing up all my stuff in the morning." She mumbles out.
Neo's head tilts to one side. "I can help you with moving."
"Please. Its not like I can get a moving van all the way out here."
Neo lets out an amused hum. He makes a motion for her to come closer, turning himself towards the screen once again. Mint hesitates, but she does eventually begin to drag her feet over towards the robot...
"Don't get upset about this. This is your career; our... Affiliation put that on the line, as it was." Neo begins. She knows 'affiliation' does actually mean 'friendship', but she doesn't bother correcting him. "Its not as if you will not see me again."
Mint pauses to think about that for a second, her head lifting from how its hung like a sad puppy. But he continues.
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"You will always know where to find me. Just make sure you don't get into any trouble."
She manages a small laugh at that. "W- When do I ever get into trouble?"
"Always. All the time. Constantly, actually." ... As condescending as he was, he did have a sense of humour.
"...I'll miss you, Neo."
There was another break of silence. But Neo eventually shrugs. "Your... Lack of presence here will not go unnoticed."
It was going to be hard. Alone.
Grand Metropolis, present.
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... One day, I'll see you again.
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blue-rphub · 3 years
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Hey, I’m Blue. I’m 22 & go by they/it pronouns. You’ve found my RP side-account.
Please read this before interacting with me- it contains a lotta important information about me & my blogs! My blogs are all currently low activity. Bolded URLs are my current most active blogs!
Also, check out my RPH blog, @jolteon-rph​-- and my interest checker here!
— Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure;
@angelhazes​ / Angel Haze (OC), part flexible (Diamond Is Unbreakable, Vento Aureo, & Stone Ocean focused), hiatus.
@holydiverr​ / Another World Diego ‘Dio’ Brando, Steel Ball Run; canon divergent, work in progress.
@diiegosaur​ / Diego Brando, Steel Ball Run; canon divergent AU.
@lovetraiin​ / Funny Valentine, Steel Ball Run; canon divergent AU.
@taketotheskiies​ / Enter Shikari (OC), Steel Ball Run; canon divergent AU, work in progress.
— Sonic the Hedgehog;
@neometalmadness / Neo Metal Sonic, post-Sonic Heroes with elements of the Archie/IDW timeline; canon divergent, headcanon based.
@bvrningblazes / Blaze the Cat, post-Sonic Rush with elements of the Archie/IDW timeline, semi-hiatus.
@caracalclaws​ / Mint the Caracal (OC), primarily game-based with some elements of the Archie/IDW timeline, work in progress.
—  Rayman;
@darkdares​ / Mr. Dark, post-Rayman 1 with elements of the fangame Rayman Redemption; headcanon based [WIP], hiatus
@fightthevirus​ / Rayman, post-Rayman 1 with elements of the fangame Rayman Redemption; also takes inspiration from later games in the series; headcanon based, hiatus
— Punch-Out!!;
@litttlemac / Little Mac, post-Punch Out!! Wii, Smash-verse available; headcanon based [WIP], hiatus
— Fandomless;
@interdimensiional​ / Personalis Dissimulo (Sona), hiatus
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modalitate · 5 years
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În legătură cu toate cele întâmplate în aceste zile privind incompetența Poliției Române în cazul de la Caracal, sper să fie învățătură de minte pentru toată lumea că pilele nu sunt bune, în afară de cele pentru unghii.
Și tu poți fii complice în acest sistem corupt dacă accepți un loc de muncă sau o avansare în funcție fără să susții interviul/concursul pentru postul respectiv, ca toți ceilalți. Țara nu se va schimba până când chiar și cea mai „neputincioasă” persoană nu va renunța la pile și nepotisme.
Școala nu pune accent pe dezvoltarea personală. Nu vrea talente, ci roboți, însă asta nu trebuie să te oprească din drumul spre visul tău. Dacă te oprești din a-i fi complice sistemului, îți va fi mai ușor. Nu doar ție, tuturor.
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starfcrmed-a · 6 years
wewewewewew here we goo
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fannypakc · 6 years
strawberry, grape, cranberry ✌
strawberry: favorite desserts?
caracs, it’s a very swiss thing and looks terrible (it’s green sdghjksdg) but god do i like them. also crème caramel, red velvet cake, mint choc ice cream, and anything combining peanuts and chocolate
grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
scandinavia for sure, and i want to plan that for next year ! i hope i can make it work, some kind of solo road trip or something across finland, sweden and norway, maybe a stop in denmark. i’ll keep iceland for later haha.
send me fruits !
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