#mira is so right to be mad at him like he really is being reckless
t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
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"How can you risk your life so easily?! And ours, too?!"
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seokwoosmole · 3 years
F4 Thailand Thoughts Ep. 6 [Pt 5 continued]
Moving on to the Ren dealio. I feel sad for him, I really do because he really loved Mira, but they're just not compatible. Ren and Mira didn't work out because the kind of attention he seeks from a romantic partner is not the kind that Mira is willing to give. The most important thing in her life seems to be her career, and while she did seem to love Ren a lot as well, I don't think coming as a second priority sat well with him. He said that he couldn't support her in any way, but to me, it just seems like he meant that she's a very independent self-reliant person who doesn't need a lot of help from other people. And there's nothing wrong with that!! Having support isn't needing help, it's having the reassurance that you can get help if you need it. Both Ren and Thyme love so deeply, but the difference between them is that Ren loves being doted on, while Thyme loves doting. That's the only reason I can think of as to why this would upset Ren so much. Though they did show Mira focusing more on her career and talking to who ended up being her future boyfie, I think it just comes down to, they're just different, they have different things they want in life, and they're not meant to be. Usually, in past versions, I'd be mad during this scene between the Gorya and Ren, but I think it was just written so well that I can't help but appreciate it. I'm team Thyme all the way, but everything said here by Gorya is true. (Though I do like that she was able to say how much she appreciates and cares for Ren without expressing any romantic feelings; it gives me hope). Gorya's feelings are so valid and she has every right to feel this way towards Ren. She's liked him long before Thyme liked her and especially before she even considered the possibility of not hating Thyme. And people can say Ren was doing the bare minimum for saving Gorya when she was being harassed by those guys that day at the school, but at the end of the day, he still saved her, and she has every right to be grateful towards him. And even though Thyme is a violent person and takes out that aggression on the student body, he's by no means a supporter of S/A; he encouraged the extreme bullying, but I don't think he's aware of the other type of harassment that could have happened. I'm not saying that just because Thyme is ignorant means he gets a pass. Initiating such a cruel and reckless act makes you responsible for the consequences, regardless whether you were aware of them or not. So while Thyme didn't want nor approve of the extent to which Gorya was harassed, he was still responsible for allowing it to happen. This post isn't Thyme or Ren slander (so please, none of that from y'all), but an acknowledgment that both of them (and the rest of F4) are clearly not model citizens, but all of them seem to have (or are making an effort to have) a good side. This version of the show seems to be more progressive than others, so what I hope happens is that Gorya can have an honest conversation with Thyme as to what really happened to her as a result of his Red Card rage, so he can be held accountable for and better understand the severity of his actions, or at least something similar that yields that same result. Oof, I got chills writing all this. I know the following episodes are gonna be even more intense, so buckle up y'all.
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Stillwater - Chapter 8
Stillwater [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net, Mibba]
Characters: Original Female Character, Monkey D. Luffy, Rorona Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nefeltari Vivi
"We build as only children know to build
We made a way where there's a will
No slowing down or standing still
Innocent and reckless
"How did we get so old and never notice
How did we gain the world and lose the moment
Rise and fall, the tide surrounds us
And drowns us all"
-Hands Like Houses
“Unbelievable,” I muttered, now alone in the jungle.
Not surprisingly, we had come across a dinosaur, another t-rex from the looks of it. I had delivered on my promise. I had engaged it and beaten it. I hadn’t killed it. It wasn’t like it had done anything to me. It was just looking for something to eat. Regardless, it wasn’t a threat anymore.
That didn’t really matter though, because the cowardly duo had bolted the second they saw it. I had been keeping track of them by their screams, but those faded as the distance between them and myself grew. I had no clue where either of them were by this point.
“Nami! Usopp!” I called, receiving nothing in reply. ‘Idiots.’
Our goal was to track down Luffy and the others. Nami and Usopp were capable, scared, but capable, and I was sure that they would be able to track down our captain. That meant if I found Luffy, I’d probably find them as well. I had a general idea of, where he was.
I returned to my earlier thoughts. If I focused, I could probably pinpoint his location. I still wasn’t sure if that was the route I wanted to go. His presence shouldn’t have even been a blimp on my radar to begin with.  Zoro and that damn cursed blade of his shouldn’t have either. Was my control slipping? If so, then my ability to focus was probably shot. The other option was that Zoro and Luffy were a lot more special than I thought. If that was the case and they were really that strong, then it was likely that trying to focus on them was going to knock me on my ass.
I let out an irritated groan. It was frustrating.
I took a second to lean against a tree and think. Finding Luffy would be easier, if I wasn’t doing it by myself. With that, I made my decision. I closed my eyes, and concentrated on the aura that Sandai Kitetsu gave off. Feeling what little of it had slipped through what I thought were my impenetrable mental defenses was nothing compared to now. It was thirst like I had never felt before. Immediately, my mouth and throat went bone dry. It was distracting, consuming my thoughts. It was enough to drive a weaker soul mad. I blinked my eyes trying to focus, trying to stem the feeling once more. Not entirely. I still needed to find it. I clamped down on that channel, just enough that it was manageable and followed the feeling, trudging through the jungle.
I was not meant for the damn jungle, at least not one so dense, and I had to be especially careful, because of my leg. The last thing we needed was for me to strand myself. It took me a lot longer than I would have liked to get to Zoro, but I managed.
He wasn’t alone. Nami and Vivi were there too. All three of them were standing on what looked like a massive birthday cake. It had multiple tiers. The top was a spinning bowl-like structure with candles all around the edge.
Broggy was laid out on the ground, nearby. A weird white substance was coming from the cake thing, floating through the air in the clearing and accumulating on Nami, Zoro, Vivi and Broggy.
I reached from behind the tree that I was leaning against and touched it, rubbing it between my fingers.
“Wax?” Then it clicked. “Damn it,” I swore.
Luffy was there as well, firing off attacks, but not hitting anything other than a red mark on the ground.
“What were you aiming at?” Zoro yelled pissed off.
“I just can’t let you break it,” the little girl said. “Mr. 3-“
“Baroque Works,” I grumbled.
Of course they had followed us. It wasn’t surprising. Ms. All-Sunday, Nico Robin , whatever the hell she was going by knew we were coming this way. It was the only way we could go with the log.
“-Wouldn’t be happy about that at all.”
“What’d you do?” Luffy asked.
“During a bullfight, a bull can’t control his urge to attack the red cape. Likewise, you can’t attack anything other than the circle. That’s what I did.”
‘So she uses colors to control people.’
“AHHHHHHHHH! OKAY THAT DOES IT! I’M MAD NOW! GUM GUM BAZOOKA!” Luffy stretched his arms back and shot them forward, but instead of hitting the cake thing, he hit the circle again and with very little force.
This was not how I wanted this day to go. I could take her. She was just a little girl. I had the physical advantage. I was pretty sure that I was immune to her paint power too. I thought I had gotten away from the crew’s questioning, but this was going to start it all over again.
I stepped into the clearing.
“You’ve got some real talent there with that paint brush,” I commended the girl.  “Captain here’s screwed with you around. I guess that means I have to get rid of you.”
“Mira!” Nami yelled in relief.
I broke the trap. “I’ll take the girl? You get them free?” I asked.
Luffy snickered and shot me a grin. “You got it, Mimi.”
I nodded at him, and turned my attention back to the girl. “I never much understood art,” I admitted. “I’ve always performed audio to visuals.” I stalked towards the girl.
Luffy geared up for an attack.
“We’ll mix the laughter yellow on your back with a little sadness blue to make the last colors trap, tranquil green,” she said, swinging her brush and sending the color flying towards Luffy.
I stepped in front of the blue paint.
“Mira, don’t,” Zoro barked at me.
The seal it me, which was better than Luffy. I looked down at the color on my shirt and started laughing.
“Oh no!” Vivi cried.
“Damn it! Now Mira’s down.”
“See I told you, you should’ve posed, but you wouldn’t listen,” Zoro chirped at the girls. “Now, it’s too late you’re gonna die like that.”
“No need to worry about poses yet,” I said, looking up.
“Your eyes!” Nami cried out.
I ignored it. We could discus my eyes and everything else later. I protected mine, and if that meant that I had to reveal some of my secrets or punch a kid in the face, I was more than willing to do so. I charged the girl, cocking my fist back and thrusting it towards her face.
She let out a wail, falling out of the way. She quickly scrambled up ducked under my next swing, taking a brush and running it across Luffy’s back. The color on it blended with the one on her brush as she hurriedly made a seal.
Luffy hit the ground.
“Tranquil green,” she sputtered.
“Sneaky brat.”
“This is nice grass,” Luffy said, settling into it on his stomach.
I looked over at Vivi and the others. They were completely covered. Clearly, they had to be my priority. I went after it, but was knocked on my ass by Usopp and Vivi’s duck, who came flying out of the jungle with two people that I had never seen before on their asses. I assumed they were more Baroque Works agents.
I had to get them out. I couldn’t hit it without worrying about hitting them. Zoro would probably survive the hit, but not the others. I didn’t have and fresh water on me, and now I was too far away from the river to use water. Even if I did, I wasn’t precise enough to cut the wax and not them. If anything, I’d tear through their flesh with the water pressure, or wouldn’t use enough and only harden the wax.
“Special attack exploding star!”
The two agents were still on Usopp’s tail. The one fired off a gun. The shot hit Usopp and exploded on contact. Usopp’s shot nailed Luffy.
“What an idiot. He attacked his own friend.”
“Usopp!” I called.
“Did- Did Luffy snap out of it?” he asked.
Luffy, free of the trap stood up. “Yeah. I’m good now.”
“You guys are the idiots,” I fired back at the Baroque Works morons.
Luffy rose up too. “I’m tired of your stupid paints. You’re through. I’m not going to let you hurt anymore of my friends. Now I’m really mad!” he growled out.
The guy that had fired at Usopp started laughing. “Oh. You’re mad are you? Look at your friends. Being mad won’t do them any good.”
“Oh yes it will! They’re still alive!”
I nodded in agreement. I could feel Zoro. How long they were going to remain that way was still up in the air. We had to move quickly.
“Are they now? Look again. All they need is some of Ms. Goldenweek’s paint and they’ll be perfect wax statues. Face it. You’re too late to save them.  They’re gone and you know it.”
Something started knocking down trees. It was big, its steps shaking the ground, the sound of them rumbling throughout the island.
“Mr. Five is right about that. You’re friends are finished, because you were too late to help them and now it’s your turn to die,” a high pitched male voice said.
Finally, the trees on the edge of the clearing fell, revealing a guy in a massive suit made of wax.  “I’m guess he’s the wax one,” I said, eyes on the flame on his head.
“Uh huh.”
“It’s time for candle champion,” Mr. Three declared.
“What the heck is that?” Luffy voiced my thoughts.
Five answered us. “That thing. That’s what he used one time to take someone down with a forty-two million berry bounty.”
“That’s Mr. 3’s greatest work of art,” his partner added.
“Time to use your talents, Ms. Goldenweek. I need a very special paint job for my armor. And don’t forget to be artistic.”
“After that can I take a break?” the brat asked.
“Why yes. You can go get some tea. I prefer that you’d stay out of this. When I’m in this armor I’m nearly impervious to harm. This suit is nearly as hard as iron. It may be made of wax, but it fits like a glove, and it’s impossible for anyone to pierce, and you don’t stand a chance against it. This artwork is flawless!”
“Wow that’s so cool!”
I rolled my eyes. “Now is not the time to be impressed.”
Usopp echoed my sentiments. “Fight!”
Luffy went after the candle guy, while I headed towards the three wax figures. I needed to stop that thing. They needed air.
“Just where do you think you’re going?” the chick with the umbrella asked. “Five-hundred kilogram drop. She swung her leg around and hit me in the face, her heavy calf pinning me to the ground, crushing my throat.
I struggled to breathe. If it wasn’t for the ground giving beneath me, no doubt my skull wouldn’ve been crushed. That startled me. I was nearly killed by a human. It had been a long time since man had presented an actual threat to me. Then again, I hadn’t expected anything like this in Paradise. Admittedly, I hadn’t taken any of these threats too seriously, a mistake on my part. While they may have paled in comparison to the threat that was always lingering over my head, they were still worth acknowledging.
Heavy or not, the limb was still made of flesh. I opened my mouth and sank my teeth into her leg.
She cried out in pain, leg lifting, giving me a chance to break free.
“Fire! We need to use fire! It’s just wax it’ll melt,” Usopp explained.
His observation was confirmed by the brat.
Before I would land a hit on her, she floated away, lightening herself so that she could be lifted by her umbrella.
Five fired at Usopp, who looked to use an exploding star to melt the wax off of the others.  “When we say that you don’t stand a chance, it’s best to believe us.”
“Exactly. Thousand kilogram drop!” I barely rolled out of the way. The impact of her landing, created a huge crater. She floated up out of it over to Usopp and Carue.
The duck took off, something in its mouth. He was fired upon by Five.
Blondie sat on Usopp. She was increasing her weight, crushing Usopp.
“I’ve had enough of you,” I grumbled, swinging my leg around and cracking her in the back of her head, causing her to fall forwards off of Usopp.
My leg, having held up surprisingly well throughout everything finally gave out on me, causing me to fall. My good leg was still draped over her back.
“You okay?” I asked, Usopp.
“Yeah,” he said.
Luffy came running towards the wax thing, dragging Three by his hair.
“That tiny little flame isn’t gonna work quickly enough,” Usopp said to Luffy. “The rope that Carue has, light that on fire.”
“A rope, how is that supposed to help us?”
“Just trust me on this. I covered the whole thing in oil.”
“Alright everyone, it’s time to wake up.”
“Usopp, you’re a genius, but this is gonna suck.”
Usopp grunted in agreement.
Luffy lit the rope and the entire thing burst into flames.
Three panicked and ran, cursing Luffy, taking the little brat with him.
“Damn it! How dare you mock Baroque Works agents!” Five yelled.
Blondie had snuck away when everything went up in flames. She came crashing down on my chest, knocking the wind out of me, while kicking Usopp.
“That’s it! Playtime’s really over now! I’m gonna crush your stupid little necks!” She flew up into the air. “Ten thousand kilogram guillotine!” She went into a split, one leg positioned over Usopp’s neck, the other over mine.
I couldn’t get out of there, still gasping for breath, trying to re-inflate my lungs. Even if I could’ve crawled out of the way, I wasn’t going to be able to get Usopp out of there. I wasn’t just gonna leave him to die.
Vivi and Nami jumped out of the flames, each of them wielding their respective weapons. The pair knocked Blondie off of her flight path, away from Usopp and myself, and knocked her out.
“That was really hot,” Nami said, “Couldn’t you have thought of another plan?”
“You’re being a little picky here, don’t you think? Aren’t you at least a little bit grateful?” Usopp  asked, standing up.
“You have a point there. Thanks.”
“It’s amazing. I can’t believe, we’re actually alive,” Vivi said.
“Hmmm,” I hummed.
“Got out of the wax, did ya? Well, I’ve had enough. We simply cannot afford for you to screw up our mission anymore.”
“Hey, Mr. Five! Special attack, exploding star!”
Usopp fired another shot off at Five, who simply swallowed it.
“You fool. Haven’t you figured out that you’re pathetic explosives don’t affect me at all. They’re nothing to an exploding man.”
I finally sat up, having regained my breath.
Five started to sweat, face turning red. I chucked at his misfortune.
“I’m sorry. I told a little lie. That wasn’t an exploding star. That was my special tabasco star.”
Usopp laughed as Five suffered. “I had to learn how effective that was the hard way.”
“Damn you, stupid pirate! I refuse to let you make a mockery of me!”
Usopp squeaked in fear, realizing that provoking him wasn’t the brightest idea. He tried to run, but Five caught up and grabbed a hold of him quickly.
Vivi and Nami took a defensive stance, ready to protect Usopp.
I attempted to stand and failed. “I can’t walk right now, so can you just hurry up and take care of this, so we can head back to the ship?” I asked.
The flames, swirled, as the air feeding them was manipulated by the swift movements of three blades.
“Flaming, oni giri!”
Zoro emerged from the flames, commanding the fire enveloping his body as if it was his own, looking truly like a demon, rising from the depths of hell. His movements sliced Five of course, but setting him on fire as well.
“You know these flaming swords aren’t too bad,” he said.
“How in the hell do you carry that thing?” I asked, glaring at Sandai Kitetsu. Remembering how it felt, the flames that licked at my skin were nothing compared to that sword.
“Curse starting to scare you?” he teased.
“That curse should kill you,” I told him. “I used it to find you. I thought it was going to kill me.”
Broggy, free of the wax got up.
“Hey there. Glad to see you made it out alive,” Zoro said.
Broggy looked over at his fallen comrade sadly.
Usopp seemed to snap Broggy out of this thoughts. “Now, it seems that there are only two foes left.”
“Luffy can handle them,” I said.
The others all made noises of agreement.
“Zoro, we need to stitch you up,” I said, noting the gashes in his legs. I didn’t get how he was even standing.
“I think you’re stitches need redone as well,” Vivi said.
“Probably,” I looked down at the red spot on my thigh. “We need to find an island with a store. I need clothes.”
“I can lend you some until we get to a store,” Nami offered.
“Don’t do it,” Zoro said. “She’ll charge you out the ass.”
Vivi walked over to me and helped me up, supporting me, so that I could stand up.
Luffy returned, confirming that Baroque Works was gone for now, and that at the moment, we were safe.
With the threat gone, Broggy could finally take in the result of his duel. It didn’t matter that they had spent a century fighting. They were friends, brothers in arms at one point. They had sailed the seas together. Broggy had won, but he had also lost. He was alone now, at least until he returned to Elbaf.
The giant sat down, the weight of his victory crashing down on him, and began to cry. His wails were loud, painfully so. Tears poured down around us like rain. It was heartbreaking to watch.
That heaviness vanished, when Dorry sat up, shocking all of us.
“Dorry! You’re alive!” Broggy exclaimed.
“I must’ve lost consciousness,” he said. He was still heavily wounded, and his breathing was labored.
“How are you still alive?”
“The weapons, the saved me,” Dorry answered.
I nodded in understanding. It made sense. Even with the proper tools to take care of them. It was impossible for the average weapon could survive a hundred years of dueling. The weapons were dull, better suited for bludgeoning than blades at this point.
“It’s a miracle really,” Usopp said.
Broggy pulled Dorry into a tight embrace.
“Broggy, will you let go? I’m a little sore here.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so glad you’re still alive, Dorry. It’s amazing.”
“Oh come on. This isn’t a miracle. The fact that those weapons are even in tact after a century of fighting is the miraculous part. They should be scrap by now. I’m surprised they lasted this long.”
“What a day this was! Thank you, god of Elbaf for this wonderful day!”
“Oh is that true Broggy? You think that fighting me while I was injured, cutting me down and knocking me out was all wonderful?”
“Don’t be an idiot, Dorry. That’s not what I’m saying and you know it.” He hit Dorry in the shoulder.
“Would you keep your hands off my wounds?” Dorry asked, chuckling and hitting Broggy in the chest.
The pair threw light blows back and forth, steadily increasing in power.
“You try doing that again and see how far you get!”
“Yeah I can take you down in a heartbeat!”
The two giants were in each other’s faces ready to go once more.
“You two are ready to fight already?!” Nami called out.
I shook my head at their antics. “YO!” I called up at them. “How about we all take care of ourselves and then you can brawl? Usopp’s got burns. Luffy’s got burns. I got burns. I need stitches. I don’t know what Zoro did, but he needs them too. Sanji’s still missing.”
“She’s right,” Vivi agreed.
We headed back to camp, after sending Usopp and Luffy to grab supplies. Once they did, I went to work patching everyone up. Broggy took care of Dorry. I stitched up Zoro’s legs, berating him the entire time for his stupid idea.
I then fixed up my leg, happy to see that it wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. Nami and Vivi helped everyone apply salve to their burns. Usopp ad Luffy continued to questioned Broggy and Dorry about everything their lives as pirates, their bounties, while munching on snacks that they had found. They ended up wrestling on the ground, while Zoro and Nami pondered what to do about the pose.
“All of you helped to save us from those other guys. If we can, we’d really like to return the favor,” Broggy said.
“Well maybe you guys can do something about our log pose, so that we won’t be stuck here.”
“Negative,” I said from my spot in the grass.
“I’m afraid the log pose is the one thing we can’t help you with.”
“Waaaa ha ha! Nami my sweet! Vivi my love! Mira my dear! And all the rest of you.”
I looked up at Sanji, happy to see that he was okay.
“Hey Sanji,” Luffy greeted.
“You’re all alive. I’m so happy.”
I snorted, watching as he bumbled towards Vivi and Nami. He quickly sobered up from his love drunk buzz, when he saw Dorry and Broggy.
“What the hell is going on? And is one of you Mr. Three?”
“Luffy kicked Three’s ass,” I explained. “They’re Dorry and Broggy.”
“How do you know about Mr. Three anyway?” Nami asked.
Sanji’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, when they landed on Nami, who was still in her bra. “Whoa! Nami, you look absolutely amazing in that outfit.”
Nami balled up a fist. “Say that again,” she threatened.
“Now Nami, if you stand around dressed like that all day, you’ll catch cold. Here. Take my coat.” Sanji handed her his jacket.
“Oh. Thank you.”
“And they say chivalry is dead,” I chirped.
Sanji sat down on one of the logs we were using as a bench. “So I just finished talking to that Mr. Zero guy over a transponder snail.”
“Mr. Zero?!”
“Yeah. That guy. I was talking to him in this weird hide out place I found in the jungle. He thought I was some guy called Mr. Three and I thought it would be a good idea to let him believe it, and since I had him on the line I went ahead and told him that we were all dead.”
“So he thinks he doesn’t have to send people after us anymore,” Vivi realized.
I smirked. “Clever boy.”
“So you mean we’re finally free of people chasing us now that we can’t go anywhere anyway? Oh that is just perfect.”
“Better than being sitting ducks with an endless number of agents coming after us,” I offered.
“We can’t go? Why? Or is there still something that we need to take care of here? That’s a real shame after I managed to get a hold of this thing.”
He pulled an eternal pose out of his pocket.
“Cheeky boy.” My grin widened.
Everyone else’s jaws fell slack in shock.
“An eternal pose to Alabasta! Alright!” Luffy cheered, the others joining in.
“Thank you Sanji! I was getting really worried!” Vivi pulled Sanji into a hug.
“Now now it was all my pleasure. I’m just glad I could make you happy.”
I chuckled at his dopey grin, letting him have his moment. He earned it.
“Here.” Zoro extended a hand to help me up.
“You nearly cut your feet off, take it easy,” I said, getting up on my own.
“Whatever. Suit yourself.”
He and Sanji started in on each other about their hunting contest once more.
“Giant old guys, it’s been a lot of fun, but we have to go,” Luffy said to Dorry and Broggy.
“Of course. Right. We can tell you need to get going.”
“It’s too bad that you have to leave so soon. I hope you get to your homeland in time,” Dorry said to Vivi.
“Me too. Thank you.”
“It was nice meeting you,” I said, waving as I walked off with Luffy and Nami.
“Is your leg alright?” Nami asked.
“I’ll be fine,” I said.
“Mira, my dear,” Sanji sang, picking me up.  “I’ll make sure you get back to the Merry without aggravating your injury.”
“Sanji, I can- You know what. Never mind. Sanji, walk me through a soufflé what’s the process?”
We made it back to the Merry with no incidents. Every one cleaned themselves up, showering, changing the works. When I came back out on deck, Sanji and Zoro were arguing over who had caught the bigger beast, Nami yelling at them for their arguing.
The anchor was lifted, the sail unfurled. I grinned as everyone bickered and squabbled as we made it down the river out to sea. We reached the mouth of the river. Dorry and Broggy stood on either side of it, the pair looking out at the ocean.
“Hey, look at that. It’s the giants. They must’ve come to say goodbye.”
“A great danger still lies ahead of you,” Broggy warned us.
“It is an obstacle that has always been here, trying to prevent people from reaching the next island. Every one of you fought like true warriors, trying to protect the pride of our duel,” Dorry added.
“And because you were willing to do that, no matter what enemy you may face-“
“We will never let them destroy your pride friends.”
“You must have faith in what we say. Go straight. No matter what happens keep going straight. Understand?”
“Yeah. Got it,” Luffy answered.
“What was that about?”  Zoro asked.
“Yeah, I don’t understand.”
“No matter what happens keep going straight,” Luffy reiterated.
“Is that an order, Captain?” I asked.
“You heard him,” I said to the others.
We sailed out to sea.
“This is goodbye.”
“Until we meet again one day.”
“Look over there!” Nami pointed out, where something massive was surfacing.
“Hello, Island Eater,” Dorry greeted the creature.
“You will open the path! In the name of Elbaf you will open it!”
“Island Eater?” I questioned.
I looked behind us. The two giants raised their weapons.
The creature finally broke through the water, and to say that we were all shocked was an understatement.
“That is a gold fish,” I said, not believing what I was saying, despite the proof in front of my very eyes.
“Usopp, what are you doing? Go inside and work the rudder or else we’re going to be eaten.”
“Yeah, but we have to go straight ahead. Isn’t that right, Luffy?”
Luffy hummed in affirmation.
“Don’t be a moron, Luffy. This isn’t going to be anything like what happened with Laboon,” Nami yelled.
“Yeah, I know. Now calm down. Here.  I’ll even let you have the last rice cracker.”
“I don’t want the last rice cracker! If we don’t turn around right now, that thing is going to eat us!”
“Nami, just give it up,” Zoro said.
Nami gave up, eating the rice cracker and crying.
“Luffy, you really sure we can trust those little pals of yours?” Sanji questioned.
“Little,” I scoffed.
“Are we really going straight into that beast’s belly?”
“Uh huh. It’s too late to turned now,” Nami cried.
We headed forward, the light disappearing as we entered the gold fish’s cavernous mouth. I leaned against the railing, trying to figure out what Broggy and Dorry’s move was going to be. I ignored the others.
The darkness was disrupted by a blue and red light. It ripped through the gold fish, allowing us to sail out the other side.
Nami and Vivi both collapsed on the deck, relief taking over.
“I thought we were going to die,” Vivi said.
“Me too,” Nami whined.
“Better get used to it,” I chimed, heading inside.
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seraphladyvenom · 6 years
We Are Family. [Fairy Tail FanFic]
Chp.2: Meet the guild.
Most of the guild was gathered around you, concern painted on their faces.  You sat on a bench with an ice pack on your head.  Shifty eyes went back and forth to each and every one of them them as you sat there with a grimaced frown, debating if you should say something or just blast them all into the next life.
Lira sat on the table in front of you as she looked up with concerned brown eyes.  She kept quiet though because she knew you were in a rather foul mood, which was understandable, I mean really...you had a fully grown man thrown at you like a sack of potatoes.  I mean what can anyone say to that really?
"Here you go." A soft, and gentle voice spoke as a beautiful, white haired woman placed an X bandage over the bumps on your forehead and back of your head.  It was Mira.  Mirajane Strauss, an S class fairy tail wizard also known as the shedevil.  Which was a rather strange nickname seeing as she was nothing like a devil of the sort.  She had kind eyes and a friendly smile and her voice that could sooth and calm even the devil himself.
  Almost immediately your anger subsided just by her voice alone.  "Thank you." you managed to say as you pulled the ice pack away from your head.  "How are you feeling?" Another heavenly voice spoke.  You looked up and noticed the blonde haired woman looking down at you with sincere worry in her big brown eyes.  It was Lucy Heartfilia.  The Celestial mage who helped save Fiore from the impending dragon attack not too long ago.  Of course, she did have a part in starting it to begin with but...
"My head still hurts a bit, but not like before." You managed a smile.  She sighed in relief.  "Thank goodness, I was so worried there for a second, when I saw Gray crash into you like that I expected the worst!" She exclaimed as she pointed towards Gray with her thumb.  Gray was standing not to far back behind the crowd, shirtless and arms crossed as he leaned on a pillar, a small scowl on his face as he just huffed at Lucy's response.
That sparked an immediate response from Lucy as she began to yell loudly at him.  "Hey!  At least show a little sympathy for the poor girl!  You almost killed her for crying out loud!"  "Hey don't blame me for her not being quick enough to dodge."  "Really Gray?!  How can you be so rude, clearly she had no idea just what goes on around here on a daily basis so how do you expect her to react quickly?!  AND WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?!"  Grey clicked his tongue but immediately panicked and looked down letting out a small gasp when he saw he was bare again.
You sweatdropped.
She sighed once more.  "Honestly, just what are we going to do with you." She shook her head disapprovingly as she massaged her temple.
Gray reacted the only way possible by pointing at the pink haired fire eater who was just giggling away.  "Don't get mad at me!  If anything it's HIS fault!  He's the one who started it!"  Natsu snapped back with a simple "What'd you say?!"  "You heard me lava for brains!" The little tick forming on his forehead and they were face on face.  "You wanna fight then fine let's duke it out right now!!  But don't go crying when I beat you ice princess!"  "Bring it on cinder brain!"
"Quit it guys!  Your interrupting my drinking time!" A voice from the bar spoke.  The woman in question was sitting at the bar downing a full barrel of alcohol and your eyes nearly popped put of your head at the sight alone.
"Cana, when isn't it drinking time for you?" The older blue haired gentleman spoke.  It was Macao Conbolt, former master of this guild.  The girl was Cana Alberona, the girl who can use the Fairy glitter spell, one of Fairy Tail's strongest spells, and obviously this guild's heaviest drinker.
That's right, you knew exactly who each and every member of this guild was, you did your homework and studied them for quite some time now.  And you needed to for a reason.  You averted your eyes towards the rumbling duo on your left while Lucy tried to break them up, obviously now doing a very good job.
Gray Fullbuster, the Ice wizard who once faught the demon Deliora.  Powerful, but quite the nudist.  "Oh Gray my love, you look so dashing even in the midst of a fight!" She spoke with hearts in her eyes.  She was wiggling like a worm just pulled out from the dirt.  Juvia Lockser, the water mage who was once with Phantom Lord's element 4, turned good.  It's obvious why this bimbo changed sides judging by her reaction toward the streaking Ice prince.
You quickly dismissed them as Gray tried to pry her off him as she latched onto him in the middle of the squabble.  Your eyes gazed towards the pink haired mess standing with his arms crossed next to Lucy with a childish pout on his face.  Natsu.  Dragneel.
You knew that name all too well.  There wasn't anywhere you could go without his name coming up wether it be about the magic games or how he nearly took out a village.  Yes he was famous, but to you, his name meant something more.  "Natsu..." You whispered to yourself.
"Hmm?" He looked up at you questioningly and it was then you remembered about his dragon slayer magic.  He could hear a mouse take a piss from across the street in the middle of a rush, of course he'd hear you whisper his name.  A small tint of pink powdered your face and you immediately looked down and put the ice pack on your head to try and distract this whole situation.
Before anything could be said Grey's voice broke the awkwardness when he yelled at Juvia to back off.  As he did he pryed her off but stumbled backwards and crashed into Natsu, causing another dispute against them.  You mentally sighed in relief and thanked the wizard God's for intervening in the knick of time.
Before the fight could ensue even more a loud, deep, womanly voice thundered throughout the guild.  "Enough!"  This alone sent both men to their side of the corners in a frightened state.  Hell, it made the whole guild minus a few tremble in fear.  The red haired vixen clad in armor stomped up and gave a menacing glare.  Even you and Lira had to admit that even y'all were a bit shaken.
"Can't you see that you've caused enough problems for today?!  Your reckless actions nearly cost this poor young woman dearly and all you can do is continue fighting?!" Her voice was dark and threatening.  "That's enough out of you two."  "Yes ma'am!" They yelped in unison.
Erza Scarlet.  Also known as Titania Erza, queen of the faries.  Her requip was so fast and so rare and her collection of armours was so vast.  Her presence alone was intimidating.  It's no wonder she's the strongest female of the guild.  You felt those butterflies in your belly start acting up again.  She was indeed an amazing woman and seeing her in person was just so...cool.  Her menacing stare then turned towards you.
You heart sank to your ass as she began to approach you.
What did you do to piss her off?  Was she going to scold you too?  Was it illegal to come into the guild if you weren't a member?  Just what was gonna happen?!  As she approached her stare softened alot and a smile appeared on her face.  "Please forgive the craziness in here.  I am truly sorry you had to go through that ordeal earlier.  It's quite an embarrassment and very shameful on our part."
You relaxed your shoulders and smiled waving franticly.  "Oh no, it's okay really, it was my fault, I should have announced myself before just barging in!"  "Don't be silly, you needn't announce yourself before entering.  Are you feeling alright?"
"Huh?  Oh yes.  I'm much better thank you.  It takes a lot more than that to bring me down, honestly." you chuckled nervously.  Erza chuckled in return.  "I can see that, what's your name?"  "Oh that's right!" You stood up and bowed.  "Forgive me, my name is Seradith, it's a pleasure to meet you all even under these certain circumstances." You smiled.  "Pleasure to meet you Seradith.  My names Erza."
"Oh I know!" You immediately mentally berated yourself at how desperate and creepy that sounded.  "I mean...what I meant to say is I've heard a great deal of this guild and read a lot about you all on Sorcerer Weekly.  I'm...that is we..." You look Lira. "Are bit of a fan." You blushed ever so slightly and looked down.
"Wow to think we've gotten this big and have such a strong fan base, it's so amazing!" Lucy sighed dreamily as she clenched her flushed cheeks.  "Pretty soon, I'll have adoring fans rushing to me asking for my autograph, and men just throwing themselves at my feet wanting a chance to be with a star such as myself!"  "You need to wake up from your dreaming Lucy." Natsu replied monotonously with an unimpressed look on his face.
"Can it jerk!" she snapped back.  "So what brings you to Fairy Tail Seradith?" The small blue haired child asked curiously.  Wendy Marvell.  The sky maiden.  A small, petite little girl with the power of a sky dragon slayer, clearly looks can fool you.  She was amazing, you heard the stories and you see her right in front of you oozing with such power, it was exciting.  But the question asked made you a bit uneasy as you sat back down, both you and Lira looking down shyly.
"Well you see..." You began.  It was a few moments of silence that made everyone sort of on edge and curious as to what y'all were about to say.  "It's just that, we are really big fans of Fairy Tail...and we came here in hopes of meeting you all..." Lira proceeded.  "And maybe meet our idol's." She fiddled with her paws.
"Aww how cute, that's the sweetest thing!  Of course you can meet us, we won't turn you down cutie!" Lucy exclaimed as she cuddled her tightly causing Lira to blush and giggle.  Pretty soon the whole guild was riled up about their new fans coming for a visit and it wasn't long before you were introduced to the members currently in the guild and things went back to the normal fairy tail way.
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Stillwater - Chapter 12
Stillwater [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net, Mibba]
Characters: Original Female Character, Monkey D. Luffy, Rorona Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nefeltari Vivi
"We build as only children know to build
We made a way where there's a will
No slowing down or standing still
Innocent and reckless
"How did we get so old and never notice
How did we gain the world and lose the moment
Rise and fall, the tide surrounds us
And drowns us all"
-Hands Like Houses
“What a shame. Already over? Well that was disappointing wasn’t it?” Zoro said, sticking three swords in the ground. I had to assume they were stolen. They most certainly weren’t his. Wado, Kitetsu and Yubashiri were currently at my hip.
Bodies littered the ground around Zoro, and the people of Big Horn were staring at him in awe. Clearly, Zoro had taken all of these men out, but considering their lack of skill, I wasn’t particularly impressed. In fact, I was rather irritated.
“Right, Zoro! That was a good job, just like I told you to do! Yeah!”
“What about what I told you to do?” I asked, Usopp coming up behind him, still on the horse that Dalton had nabbed from Cocoa Weed.
I had made it to the Merry only to find the ship seemingly abandoned. I was confused at first, because I was sure that Kitetsu was there. A short search revealed the sword, its two companions, Zoro’s shoes, coat, shirt, socks and haramaki on deck, but not their owner.
I was worried. Where the hell was he? What the hell had happened? Had Wapol’s men gotten him and Carue? I was still thinking these questions over, when a thunderous sound caught my attention. There wasn’t a storm brewing. The sky was cloudy, but they were regular snow clouds. There was no sign of thunder snow. I trained my eyes on the island. An avalanche was coming down the mountain, a massive one considering I could recognize it, despite being as far away as I was. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Sanji and Luffy were the cause of it.
They caused it. They could handle it. I wouldn’t have been able to catch up to them anyways.
I wasn’t sure how far away was far enough, but I knew that I was probably far enough away to be safe. After all, I was on the ship. Fortunately for me, and the horse the snow hadn’t reached us. It did make things more difficult, because now there were no tracks for me to look for.
I had to find Zoro, and the only idea I had was to seek out his very presence, which was faint in comparison to that damn sword.
I would’ve liked to have trained more, to have practiced, but that wasn’t an option. I closed my eyes and did everything in my power to push out that dam demon sword and to lock onto Zoro. Kitetsu was madness. It was anger and blood lust and violence, but Zoro wasn’t. Zoro was determination, pride, and honor.
The second I was able to lock onto him, I was moving again back to Big Horn, stopping only to fish a half frozen Carue out of the river.
“You,” I started, pointedly looking at Zoro. “You are supposed to be watching the Merry with Carue, and yet I found your stuff on the Merry without you and the duck half frozen in the river.”
My words snapped Zoro out of his boasting, Usopp out of his lying and Vivi out of her amazement.
“Carue!” she cried, rushing over, and hugging the duck. “Oh my goodness! What happened to you?
“He’s alive,” I told her. “Cold, but alive.”
I looked at Usopp. “You two are supposed to be in Gyasta. Why are you in Big Horn?”
“The avalanche,” he answered.
“The doctor,” I reminded him. “Nami. That didn’t just go away, and where is Dalton?” I asked, realizing that he was missing from this scenario.
“He was shot and buried under the avalanche. We have to find him.” That brought the crowd back into it, their shock becoming worry and concern for their de facto leader.
I shook my head. “Hopeless the whole lot of you.” I tossed my bag full or Zoro’s stuff at him. “Get dressed.”
I closed my eyes and once again, opened my mind, trying to sense out Dalton’s devil fruit this time instead of Zoro.
“Don’t just sit there! Do something!”  someone yelled at me.
“I am,” I growled out, trying to focus. I had managed with Zoro. I could do it again. It was just frustrating that it took so long and that it required so much concentration, even though he couldn’t be that far away.
“Mira-“ Vivi said. She was treading carefully, trying not to upset me.
I put a hand up to stop her. “Got ya.” I stood up and walked over to the patch of snow, where I knew Dalton was and started digging, revealing his face after a moment.
“Yo!” I called, beckoning the others over. Immediately, they got to work, helping me dig the big man out.
“This is horrible! I don’t feel a heartbeat!” a man yelled.
“Damn it!” I swore. No way of telling how long his heart had been stopped, how much damage it had done. ‘I should’ve been faster.’
I moved to start CPR. I didn’t know what good it could really do. Even if I could keep his blood pumping, there was no doctor to try to fix the damage. There was no chance that he would make it up the mountain in this condition.
“He’s too large. A tiny girl like you isn’t strong enough to-“
I ignored the person speaking, starting the chest compressions with ease.
“No! Dalton! Please wake up! Please Dalton! You have to!” Vivi cried, taking his large hand in her much smaller one.
Everyone around us, just looked on sadly.
“Vivi. Mira,” Usopp said gently.
“No,” I said sternly. I could still feel that devil fruit. Until it disappeared, he wasn’t dead.
“You can’t die! Dalton please!”
“Don’t worry. He’s not dead.”
I glanced towards the voice, seeing Wapol’s private doctors standing there.
“The 20 MDs?!”
“He will be, if we don’t act soon. He has severe frost bite,” another said.
“We can begin treatment immediately, if you’ll let us.”
“Hey what do you know, there are doctors here. That’s funny. I thought I heard that there weren’t any in this country,” Zoro noted.
Usopp filled Zoro in. “There are a few doctors, but these guys are the 20 MDs. They work exclusively for Wapol, so that makes them bad doctors.”
“That’s right! We can’t trust any of you! Traitors! You expect us to leave Dalton with you? You surrendered to Wapol without a fight and turned your backs on us.”
“Wapol probably sent you here to kill Dalton.”
“Please, if you want to save him, just do as I say.”
“They’re cowards,” I said, still doing compressions. “That doesn’t make them bad doctors. It just means that they’re more motivated by fear than anything.” I looked up at the 20 MDs. “I don’t know your intentions. Maybe you’ve had a change of heart and are finally doing the right thing. I don’t care. You’re going to save him. If you don’t, I’m going to make the rest of what will be your short existence an absolute hell.”
“The 20 of us are still doctors. Even though we were forced against our will to serve only Wapol, we’ve always worked to advance our medical research for the benefit of all the patients in this country. It was all because of a certain quack, who taught us never to give up. We can’t afford to lose any more men like him.”
“Then quit standing there, and get to work,” I barked.
The doctors immediately got to work, one of them taking over for me. I stepped back and took a deep breath. I looked around at all the people gathered, staring.
“See about unburying one of these houses,” I ordered the crowd. “Dalton’s going to need some place warm and a bed to rest in. I’ll watch the doctors.”
They all seemed hesitant at first, but Zoro and Usopp took charge, leading the digging effort, getting the people doing something.
Vivi stayed at first, but I urged her to go check on Carue.
I wasn’t a doctor. I couldn’t say that I fully understood what it was that the 20 MDs were doing. I couldn’t trust what I was seeing, due to my limited knowledge, but neither could the others. Unlike them, I could handle this. I could watch as the doctors treated Dalton. I wasn’t close to the man. I hadn’t been out right wronged by the doctors. I had no reason to trust them sure, but I also didn’t have that need for revenge that the others did. I wasn’t like Vivi, so emotionally involved at this point, you would’ve thought that she’d dealt with Wapol’s tyranny firsthand as opposed through the stories of others.
They managed to stabilize him, just as the crowd managed to clear a path to the door of someone’s home. I helped carry Dalton, setting him on the bed in the home. The doctors were then able to perform the more delicate procedures necessary to save Dalton. It took hours, but at long last they were done. Now the only thing we could do was wait for him to wake up.
A few of the villagers came inside to wait. They watched as the doctors continued to monitor Dalton. It was a tense atmosphere, but that tension was released, when Dalton opened his eyes.
“It’s a miracle!”
“He’s awake!”
I stood there while the doctors did a few tests and once overs. Dalton wasn’t fully there yet, having just woken up, but according to the doctors everything looked good.
With Dalton awake, my watch was over. I popped off of the wall that I had been leaning against and stretched, heading out, while everyone crowded around Dalton. Once outside, I took a deep breath the freezing air helping to clear that last but of tension out of my body. Then I went looking for Vivi, Zoro and Usopp. Carue was in the house in another room, wrapped in blankets sitting near a fire.
“You’re worried about Nami, and Luffy, and Sanji and Dalton. And everything that’s going on in Alabasta.”
I followed the sound of Usopp’s voice. “Vivi, can’t you see it? You’re carrying too many burdens on your shoulders. Calm down. You don’t need to go up there at all. You know why? Cause those three are fine. That’s Luffy, and Sanji and Nami up there. I have faith in them.”
“Thanks a lot. You’re full of wisdom, Usopp,” Vivi complimented the sniper.
“No. He’s full of crap,” Zoro argued. “He’s just afraid to go up that mountain.”
I found them standing between two houses by a fence, just a few down from where Dalton was being treated. Zoro was poking Usopp, whose legs were shaking with fear, in the forehead repeatedly.
“Agh! I heard there were things like yetis and huge man-eating bunnies up there! I don’t want to get eaten!”
“Then say so at the start coward.”
I rolled my eyes, but laughed. “Zoro, leave Usopp alone. It was a nice sentiment, even if it was just because he’s scared.”
“Mira, how’s Dalton?” Vivi asked.
“He was just waking up, when I left,” I told them.
“That’s a relief,” Vivi said.
“He’s a tough one. He’ll be fine.”
The door to the house opened, and Dalton came stumbling out.
“It’s Dalton!”
“Thank goodness!”
“What is that idiot doing?” I asked.
“Can someone please tell me who this guy is?” Zoro asked.
“Dalton, please listen to reason.”
“Get out of my way. We can’t let Wapol retake the castle. We can’t.”
“So that’s where you’re heading? The castle?” Vivi asked.
“In your condition?” Usopp added.
“My country is far more important,” Dalton said. “HE CANNOT SUCCEED! I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! NOT NOW NOT EVER WAPOL MUST PERISH!”
“But you’re not strong enough to fight them in your condition sir.”
“And the rest of us are no fight for them either.”
“I’m going to settle this thing once and for all. I’ll stop Wapol, even if it kills me.”
“Got admire his determination and his dedication to his country,” I said. “But I put forth entirely too much effort in to keeping him alive to let him go and kill himself.”
Usopp moved first walking over and stepping in Dalton’s path. I watched on, curious as to what he was gonna do. Dalton was a brave warrior, something that we knew Usopp admired. It was interesting to see that his approach was. I doubted he was going to try to talk Dalton out of it. This kind of heroic endeavor was just the kind of thing that Usopp loved.
Not surprisingly, Usopp was on Dalton’s side. What as surprising was that Usopp planned to carry Dalton up the mountain.
“Oh this is gonna be sad,” I said.
“Embarrassing,” Zoro added.
It was. The thought was nice, but Usopp just wasn’t strong enough to carry Dalton. He gave it a good try though.
“Alright, go help him,” I said to Zoro. “You’re the only one, who can carry him without dragging him on the ground.”
I could lift Dalton. It would be easy. I just wasn’t tall enough to carry him without dragging his feet and considering that he had frostbite that probably wasn’t the best idea.
Zoro shook his head, walking over and lifting Dalton up on his shoulder.
“Are you gonna sit there and whine or are you coming with us?” Zoro asked Usopp.
I hurried over, catching up with them.
Usopp was yelling at Zoro about stealing his thunder, hitting and kicking him.
“Boys, play nice,” I scolded, trying to hide my amusement.
“Hey! Hold up. There’s an easier way up to the castle,” someone called out. “Instead of walking, take the rope way.”
“The rope way? That’s impossible. There hasn’t been one connected to Wapol’s castle in a while.”
“Someone must’ve just recently reconnected one, because I just saw it. There was a rope going from the castle to a big white tree outside of Gyasta.”
‘Of course, where we should’ve headed to begin with.’
We along with a number of the Drum Island residents headed to Gyasta. At the base of the rope was a gondola, which Vivi, Usopp, Zoro, Dalton, myself and roughly a dozen men crowded into. It was entirely too crowd, resulting in it being slow moving, but it was at least moving.
Dalton was seething, where he sat.
“You need to settle down. You’re just going to worsen your condition, if you keep behaving like this,” I said.
My words were ignored. He continued to rant and rave. I understood he was upset, but he was going to die, if he didn’t settle down.
I finally understood why I was ignored, when he pulled multiple sticks of dynamite out of his jacket.
“When we get up there, everyone take cover. There are going to be explosions, once I get inside.”
I was the only one still paying attention to the top of the mountain, the smoke that had started to come from it along with a few loud crashes. ‘Captain made it,’ I thought, grinning. “Dalton, when we get up there. You are going to sit down and take it easy,” I told him.
“Wapol-“ he started.
“Luffy!” I shot back. “Our captain is up there. Our navigator. Our cook. That’s what Wapol ran into, when he came up here to reclaim that castle.”
Everyone started looking up at the castle like I was.
“She’s right,” Usopp said, sounding smug. “You brought that dynamite to blow up Wapol, but there isn’t going to be any Wapol to blow up.”
“I know he doesn’t look like much, but I’m willing to put the fate of my own country in Luffy’s hands. You should have faith that he will protect yours,” Vivi said.
“But he doesn’t know-“
I smiled back at Vivi and Dalton. “That bastard ate part of our ship, tried to eat Luffy, and if he’s up there, has likely threatened Nami and Sanji.”
“Luffy’s gonna kick his ass,” Zoro said.
The people of Drum just looked at us, probably thinking that we were mad. I didn’t blame them. If I had been in their position, I’d have my doubts to. I turned, keeping my eyes trained on the mountain top.
Sure enough, a few moments later, what looked to be a much thinner Wapol rocketed overhead.
“Atta boy, Luffy,” I praised.
We made it to the top, Zoro, Usopp and I getting off and going ahead to scout out the area. We didn’t know, who else was with Wapol or even for sure if the guy that had been launched off the island even was Wapol.
Usopp, who had declared that he was going to go ahead and brave whatever dangers there would be, was cowering behind Zoro by the time we reach the top of the staircase that led from the gondola bay to the outside world.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” Zoro asked, swatting at Usopp, trying to get him to release his leg.
“Just watching your back.”
‘Idiots,’ I thought fondly.
The view from up here was gorgeous.
A familiar scream caused me to spin around and Zoro and Usopp to stop bickering. Luffy had rocketed himself towards us… Because of course he did.
“LUFFY!” the other two screamed in panic.
They dove out of the way of our captain. I braced myself, digging my feet into the ground as much as I could, but with the snow it was difficult. I caught Luffy around the torso, the impact caused me to slide back roughly twenty feet, before coming to a stop.
Luffy started laughing. “Nice catch, Mira!”
“Thanks, Captain,” I responded, chuckling.
“Why’d you do that, you moron?!” Zoro raged.
I set Luffy back on his feet, and stood up properly, dusting the snow off of myself.
“I didn’t recognize you,” Luffy explained. “I thought you were more of Big Mouth’s guards ready to fight. I’m surprised you came up here. Well not you Zoro, Mira, but Usopp, aren’t you usually scared of doing stuff like climbing mountains?”
“HAHAHAHA! Yeah right,” Usopp scoffed. “Whenever there’s a towering peak in front of me, I climb it, but let me tell you scaling that mountain hand over hand was no picnic.”
“Actually, we took a rope way car,” Vivi explained, causing Usopp to topple over. “Nami and Sanji are they alright?”
“Yeah! Both of them are just fine.”
“Thank goodness.”
“I knew you had it all under control.”
“So what was that you were doing on top of the castle a few minutes ago?” Zoro asked.
“Beating the crap out of the king,” Luffy said.
“Dalton,” I greeted, seeing him exit the stairwell. “You’re just in time.”
“You mean that person I saw flying through the air was actually Wapol?” Dalton asked, disbelief clear on his face. “You beat him?”
“Yep. I sure did.”
“And his two henchmen what happened to them?”
“Well the reindeer beat him up.”
“But those two? A reindeer?” Dalton was still struggling to accept it.
“Reindeer?” I asked.  “Another zoan?”
“Hey Usopp, I made a new friend. You gotta meet him. Get this. He’s a reindeer.”
‘Leave it to Luffy.’
Dalton notice something in the trees. I followed his gaze to wear a little reindeer was standing. I think it was trying to hide, but it was backwards. I had thought that, when Luffy said a reindeer he had found a human that had eaten the ox ox fruit, model reindeer, but based on his appeared this appeared to be a reindeer that had eaten a human human fruit.
I wasn’t thinking about that at the time though that came later, because my first thought, which tumbled out of my mouth on its own was, “So freaking cute.”
Dalton bowed to the reindeer, thanking it for helping the country. The rest of the people of Drum finally made their way over to us. They all looked at the reindeer.
“What? What is that strange creature behind that tree?”
“It almost looks like a reindeer.”
“No. You’re wrong. It’s a monster.”
Humans. Ignorant creatures. Afraid of what they didn’t know of what they didn’t understand.
“No! Don’t shoot him!” Dalton ordered.
Something finally registered in Usopp’s head, because he screamed, eyes nearly popping out of his head. “It’s a yeti! Somebody shoot it!”
The words of the people upset the reindeer, who sped off into the forest, crying.
I spun around and knocked Usopp upside the head, at the same time as Luffy.
“You jerk face!” Luffy yelled. “He’s not a yeti, you idiot! He’s my new friend!”
“You coward! He wasn’t hurting you! Don’t go screaming fire until you know something’s a threat!”
You’d figure that after Little Garden Usopp would’ve realized that things weren’t always what they seemed, but no. Fear controlled him more than anything else.
“You scared him so bad he ran away,” Luffy continued.
“If you could kill Dorry and Broggy would you have just shot them on sight? You wouldn’t have a master then would you?”
“You’re right. You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not us that you need to say sorry to,” Luffy said.
Usopp slumped in defeat.
“I’m gonna go get him, so that you can apologize.” With that Luffy took off after the reindeer.
“I never seen Mira get this mad. Way to go Usopp,” Zoro jabbed.
“I’m not mad,” I corrected. “I’m annoyed that a crewmate of mine would behave in such a manner. I know what it’s like to be afraid. I also know what it’s like to be the thing that people are afraid of. It hurts, especially, when you know that the only reason people are still afraid of you is because they won’t give you a chance.”
I glared at the villagers, who looked appropriately sheepish.
“The doctor is here right? We need to get Dalton to her.”
“The girl’s right,” a voice called out.
The villagers gasped. “Doctor Kureha?!”
“Yeah. Good to see you too. Now be useful and get the injured guy to the medical ward.”
“I recognize you! You’re that damn old hag from before!” Zoro yelled.
You would think that seeing a woman dressed like she’s twenty, despite probably being seven times that, would be a dead giveaway that she was sensitive to the whole age thing, but apparently not to Zoro. Kureha brought her fist down on top of his head, knocking him to the ground. I could see the goose egg forming.
“You had that one coming,” I told him.
I shook my head. “Someone keep his feet from dragging,” I said, hoisting Dalton up over my shoulder.
The villagers were all still.
“I’d do what the girl says, or you’re going to be in pain like this man here,” Kureha said.
That got them all moving, lifting Dalton’s feet as we headed to the medical ward.
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