ishneak · 8 months
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SEED FREEDOM // Japan Tour [ Part 2 ]
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athrunathha · 4 months
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utenixx · 6 months
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They put Millie as a field reporter for one reason or another.
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dearkaelsman · 8 months
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All is right in the world.
//Well, almost. We could still have that original dub cast of Gundam SEED, but my heart is SO full at official Dearka and Miriallia art.
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raccooncityriots · 5 months
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I know we’re all focusing on the Athrun and Cagalli one for obvious reasons, but there will also be a postcard featuring Kira and Lacus with his parents and one with Shinn, Luna, and Agnes where I think the premise is forgiving Agnes for *gestures to movie* because they’ve also done some shit in their pasts? The translation on that one was a bit rougher though.
Oricon News
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kurozu501 · 2 years
one thing that rewatching Gundam Seed’s finale made me notice in a “oh thats some bullshit that slipped by me when i was younger” way, is how Seed has four romances going on and all of them get some big final romantic moment in the last few episodes, except Dearka and Miriallia. 
Kira and Laucus get the moment where she gives him the ring and he promises to come back, Athrun and Cagali get the most adorable kiss in anime history, Mu and Murrue get one last kiss before the final battle and his sacrifice, and Dearka and Miriallia get… nothing. He gets to stand next to her on the bridge in the final episode after his gundam gets destroyed. thats it. and im just like, hm. i wonder why. i wonder why all the other pairings got some conclusion, but this one didnt?
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I remember being vaguely confused and annoyed by this as a teen too, but now as an adult its so obviously a race thing lmao. like wow, out of all those four pairings, dearka is the only POC and he also happens to be the only one whose romance goes completely unresolved, funny how that works.
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deadaggressor · 10 months
hi i am uploading official gundam seed character theme mv rips. have fun with the playlist so far
i still need to add the ones from SEED (Kira's first MV, Cagalli, Yzak) but heres these for now
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maple-rose · 5 months
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I went to see Gundam SEED Freedom tonight.
I don't ever talk about it here, but before I fell into the Fire Emblem hole, Gundam SEED was my obsession throughout highschool and university (if you ever find my deviantART or livejournal account, uh.... the proof is all there, embarrassingly...).
Anyway I've been waiting for this movie for like 15 years. It's kinda surreal that it even exists, amidst rumors of it being cancelled and all.
I wore my Murrue cosplay jacket I made 15 years ago (it still kinda fits, lol), brought a Haro plush and a Lacus plush.
The movie itself, it was fun! Lots of fanservice (both in terms of people and mechs). The pacing felt too fast in the 1st half, and most of the new characters aren't very well developed but that's kinda expected given the run time. Other than that, as a long time fan, it was a good movie!
Also it looks really nice! SEED/Destiny always had inconsistency in art and animation so it's good to see more good animation.
Some specific thoughts under the cut (spoiler warning):
Mu x Murrue scenes! screams Have I mentioned they were my OTP throughout highschool and university? Mu cut his hair and it looks way better! The new ORB uniforms look good, though kinda wish to see Mu in casual outfits more
RIP Archangel T__T You went through and survived so much…
Mu said his line lol (actually 2 of them, Shinn called him an Ossan and he said he's not an Ossan (callback to same exchange with Dearka))
Kira's pinboard has some nostalgic photos on it! Including the shot of the Archangel crew from the 3rd Destiny ending <3
Lacus got so many new outfits! I'm not sure if I like her role in this but she is more interesting than in Destiny
I got new respect for Athrun now. I was hoping someone would slap Kira out of his slump and he delivered!
I actually like Shinn more now too, when he's not being an angsty teen and instead a simpleton kid/the comic relief
Kira.. I think this Kira is an improvement from Destiny at least; he was really boring in Destiny… so it's good to see some emotion and see him crack. But also be more honest with his feelings
New girl Agnes is Flay 2.0? but if Flay could actually pilot a mech?
I was expecting more new mechs (to sell kits), so I'm really surprised they brought back so many existing ones (even the Buster and Duel… but not Aegis)
Though when Freedom deployed and they played Meteor, it was very nostalgic! (Meteor is basically Freedom's theme song, it first played when Freedom was first shown SEED)
New songs by TMR, Nami Tamaki, and See-Saw (who broke up pretty much after Destiny ended, came back for another song)! Also some nostalgic BGM came back
The new antagonists aren't really redeemable or sympathetic, which is a shame 'cause that's one of the things I liked about SEED; but with the runtime I get it, they're supposed to be the "bad guys" so the main crew can come together
It's kinda funny how that guy keeps calling Kira a failure, 'cause Kira is literally the Ultimate Coordinator
Lacus's pilot suit is really funny. This is actually the first time she's been sexualized like that; usually she's the pure one
The final scene is.. what I expected from a SEED climax, but a lot more hammy lol. Power of love!
They did end up confirming AsuCaga, but funny thing is Athrun and Cagalli never actually talked to each other or were in the same room even.. Meyrin is the one with Athrun (not sure if I like her new hair...)
Who is that kid with Cagalli?? He called her "Nee-san". He looks like Mu... it can't be Mu's kid, he looks too old for that. Another clone of Mu's dad? Some new guy who happens to look alike?
I saw a lot more cameos than I thought I would. The whole Archangel crew, Miriallia and Sai, Erika (ORB's head of tech, the one who gave them all Gundams), Arthur (Minerva's 2nd in command guy), Andrew Waltfeld (why didn't he have a bigger role?! He was just shown in 1 passing shot). Even some dead people were shown in flashbacks. Actually I think the flashback at the end showed all the major characters who died.
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brightblurr · 3 months
What did you like about Gundam Seed Freedom? What did it do well?
Lol I mean.. there was some bad but some good too.
I can make a list of the things I loved that they did that fixed Destiny issues:
1. Athrun and Cagalli got their happy ending. They didn't shove more Meyrin at their pairing and finally let them conclusively be together. Their working relationship, with the trust over the remote control, shows they are finally in tune with each other. They trust one another. We know Athrun is not in Compass and new released artwork shows he still wears his Orb uniform. I am so happy the movie let them be together. And didn't shove them in our faces unrealistically like it did Lacus and Kira. They were shown as a strong unit.
2. Shinn had a fantastic moment piloting IN HIS OWN SUIT and it truly showed that he was an amazing pilot. Durandal chose him for a reason. And he had a better battle prowess than Athrun and Kira combined. He honestly did not need the fancy guns and weaponry, he knew how to utilize the Destiny better than anyone. They addressed him being the Freedom Killer and showed that he had changed and was there to work with Kira. Such fantastic character growth. Amazing way to bring a character who had lost his growth in his own series back up to par. They really did not have to go so hard to redeem Shinn but they did and it really showed. My entire theatre applauded Shinn when he got in the Destiny. The fight sequence against the Black Knights just shows how deadly Shinn is when he is focused and capable, and how he knew that he could take down the Black Knights. It was everything an ace pilot should be.
3. Athrun being the proper legend he is. Even in the Strike Freedom, a machine he likely never used, he pretended to be Kira and fooled everyone who was watching. He was always brought up as if he was an amazing soldier and strategist. Kira was never revered as much by the Black Knights as Athrun was. When he did make his appearance it was absolutely epic. When he was in the Infinite Justice, he both planned for his enemy by having the remote control and knew how to battle in it. His enemies constantly spoke about him. It was just the best way to honour that Athrun was a legend in the movie.
4. Sai, Miriallia and Kuzzey make appearances. Dearka and Yzak have big roles with their classic mobile suits, the Duel and Buster. Amazing homage to the original Seed crew.
5. I really enjoyed Meyrin. I originally didn't like her character as did many AsuCaga shippers, but this movie removed her from being focused on Athrun and opened her up to being a great pilot, great with technology. She became very independent of Luna and Shinn. It was as if they really expanded her character and helped make her growth believable. It was a nice change.
6. This might irk some people but I found Orphee and Lacus almost star crossed destiny kind of amusing. Orphee was vying for her hard. She was sort of into it at first. I almost want to say the movie did too good of a job setting Orphee and Lacus up. I'm weirded out that I could have shipped them in another scenario. Kira put none of that effort into Lacus.
7. The movie closed off the Destiny issues that were left behind. Everyone had a happy ending. I genuinely could not point to anyone who didn't. It felt like a do-over from Destiny to be honest. Orphee and Maha were just Durandal and Rey.
Overall these are very shallow things to enjoy. I did a post about what the movie did wrong for me, mostly centered around Lacus becoming too powerful. But it still did good and I'm happy I got to see it.
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da-stigy-blog · 8 months
Quick poll!
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charlezarrd · 2 years
Is there a SEED character you think should have been more focused upon?
Is there one you think should have had less focus?
Hi, I’m very late in answering this and I’m sorry, but I have Opinions™️ again.
I could pick just one of each, but I’m going to be fully honest, that would be off brand for me. SO.
Spoilers for Gundam SEED, (duh):
Characters That Needed More Focus:
1.) Yzak, i think, comes to mind immediately. We see a decent amount of him as a member of the villain quartet at the beginning, but after Nicol dies, we see not very much of him, especially leading up to his decision to abandon his revenge plot to rescue Dearka. I think seeing this change build in him gradually would be important to see for the message of SEED in general. (And also make his mini-redemption moment in Destiny, which i still haven’t seen, more impactful)
2.) Andrew Waldfeldt. I’d like to know how he survived being exploded, and ended up on Lacus’ ship. He plays a lot of the same role as Ramba Ral for kira, but with a bit more Vash The Stampede esque goofiness, and quite frankly, I love him. The character he’s initially presented as, and the Waldfeldt that shows up piloting Lacus’ ship aren’t neccisarily consistant though, and I want to see how he survived. It would have been nice to see him questioning ZAFTs motivations a bit more, and coming to his own conclusions on things.
That said, apparantly being in an exploding mobile suit in SEED is even less fatal than it is in Wing.
3.) Juri Wu Nein, Mayura Labatt, and Asagi Caldwell. The three ORB test pilots for the M1 Astray. Honestly, their deaths are more dissappointing than anything else, they could have just not died and the series would be the same. If you want deaths to have meaning, I’m of the philosophy, you need to focus on the characters for a bit longer than these guys got.
Characters that deserved Less Screen Time:
1.) Orga Sabnak, Clotho Buer, and Shani Andras. I was so dissappointed by these guys. They could have honestly never been shown, or been shown a lot less, just to illustrate the concept behind Boosted Men. But when I played G Generation Cross Rays, I thought that the character details of showing their hobbies would make them into tragedies, and the game was just stripping out a bunch of context, like it did with Rau Le Creuset. Instead it turns out they’re just assholes who fucking hate each other, with a mean streak. They feel like wasted potential, and the screen time devoted to them felt wasted.
2.) Sigh/Sai Argyle (I’m not sure how you spell it anymore). To be honest, the only role he served to the story was to create a weird love triangle, before he was immediately forgotten. He could have been written out of the plot and the story wouldn’t change in the slightest, except Flay might have come across as slightly less mean. You could have spent the screen time that was spent on him further establishing the relationship between Miriallia and Tolle, to make Tolle’s death more impactful. (Instead of “AND HE DIES ALSO!”)
I think thats it. There is a lot more that I think the series would benefit from changing, but not in terms of who gets screen time.
That said, for all the criticisms I have of it, SEED is still a fun story, and I do like it quite a bit.
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athrunathha · 4 months
my reaction to the names in gundam seed
kira yamato: okay
miriallia: okay, mirirariya
athrun zala: *snort*
cagalli: okay
andrew waltfeld: he sounds like he posts on linkedin
cagalli yula athha: okay what the fuck
anyway now i have a gundam seed tumblr
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archer3-13 · 1 year
mobile suit gundam seed episode 6-10 fast thoughts
been a bit since i did this huh. I covered the first 5 episodes a bit ago so to briefly summarize those ones i thought episodes 1-5 were: i thought that despite all of the shows later problems and some early problems in terms of pacing and repetition they were fairly solid episodes for what they were, being referential to the original 0079 without being overly reliant on replicating it beat for beat. this is also kira at his most tolerable as a character ironically because its also kira at his most overtly scared and dissatisfied creating the early impression of someone who proclaims to pacifism less out of genuine belief in its values and more because of a deep seated fear of killing or dying.
6-10 episode thoughts time, with inherent pattern or play by play:
-flay starts to be more of an actual character with prescience here and i'll admit i actually rather enjoy her usage as a character during this early stage as someone who inadvertently complicates things and whos privilege of wealth and popularity has inoculated her from consequence until now. shes daddies lil rich girl and has an appropriately coloured view, well also having yet hit her soap opera scorned woman phase as it were. which in retrospect is probably going to be when all this nice believablity of character gets tossed out the window.
-im kinda surprised how much i actually like sai? he definitely feels like the most important of kiras friends/secondary character undertaking a sort of parallel development along with kira at the moment. it also cements in my mind that sais probably should have been the friend athrun kills later on instead of tolle. tolles fine mind you but his relation to kira feels a lot less significant compared to sai and it would have naturally jelled with the on going 'flay tries to manipulate people for her gain' subplot to have sai be the one insisting on pilot lessons and eventually getting killed in combat right infront of kira. and if ya really wanna have that dereka miriallia thing you can have the archangel sustain damage that ends up killing tolle because of dereka giving more significance to that plotline as well.
-given what i remember of her later on, lacus feels remarkably like a human being when ya first meet her being portrayed as fairly clueless about the negative feelings of others [such as when she starts signing the one pop song she knows in the middle of a battle until flay yells at her] and somewhat lost in her own world wandering the ship seemingly without a clue on how tense the situation is. you can see the issue with her character as it were however pop its head as early as episode 10 though when she suddenly turns on 'stern authoritative politician voice' to diffuse the immediate situation because it feels too tonally dissonant with her portrayal as flower child newtype character until that point. its not that it couldn't have worked, having a character thats all soft frills new age psychic on the outside only to reveal astute politician and leader on the inside could make an interesting subversion of expectation especially given how lacus also plays off idol culture in japan and idols are typically expected to act a certain way [it can be a scandal for idols to have romantic partners for instance because it pollutes the pure uwu i can be your girlfriend image they're expected to have]. further if we're to consider her the equivalent of the laylah for seed it adds an interesting arguably progressive inversion of that dynamic where lacus more so wears the pants compared to athrun so to speak. where it stumbles I think is that its not really treated as an opportunity to express character its more so treated as a mechanical device to get the plot moving which as a consequence results in lacus not really having a character of her own. we need to have a tense build up and moment of holding her hostage for ethical questions moments so she'll be hippy flower child here, but we need to get rau to fuck off so not only will he arbitrarily obey her orders despite otherwise being an agent of chaos lacus herself will suddenly switch to a authoritative and stern voiced politician leader. flower child well helping kira heal and steal the freedom or getting athruns ass in gear, stoic war leader for when we actually get into combat. it makes her come across as needlessly manipulative for a character that i really dont think is suppose to come across that way. which only gets worse once destiny comes around and you have natural and talented leader lacus fucking off to play hippy flower child as zaft cautiously rebuilds itself only to eventually take control of zaft at destinys end anyways.
-again a pacing issue here where we probably coulda condensed everything that happened into half the time. mood and atmosphere are important to stories dont get me wrong, but brevity is the breath of wit [i know i ramble a lot myself but i stand by this] in writing a lot of the time and we really didnt need to have lacus sing that same fucking song 4 times in a row to get the point and atmosphere across. 2 times would have sufficed fine.
-i like scavenging ice from juinius seven it has an appropriate sombre atmosphere to it, i like the imagery of the space paper flowers for a drive by funeral, and i like the unease with their own morality it inspires in the earth alliance regulars even if its just a question in the moment as it helps lay down the idea that maybe the right thing to do is abandoning their side. like everything related to juinius 7 and the earth alliance as a whole though it just lays down this comically stupidly evil impression of the earth alliance that it becomes impossible to accept any claim of moral relativism or a grey area in terms of this war when the enemy zaft is fighting nukes its political enemies into submission and refuses to recognize its opponents as even being human on the upper levels of command. or in other words, like a lot of gundam fans we're confusing and treating the earth federation as the titans when the earth federation in 0079 and other tomino works was mostly just incompetent as opposed to stupidly evil. like the titans. which i suppose is why zaft has to go all neo zeon on everyones asses near the end if we're to pretend to any amount of grey morality in terms of this war.
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dearkaelsman · 4 years
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//I think I’m done with this? Pretty happy with it overall. Coordinators seem to take after their moms, so the baby looks more like Miriallia, but I think she’d develop more of a tan as she grew older, and definitely has Dearka’s eyes.
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nicolamalfi · 6 years
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therosecrest · 3 years
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I’ve never seen anyone bring this up, but Murrue did alright in the Strike. She held out well, considering the circumstances. In the first place, she isn’t a pilot. Furthermore, the Strike is minimally equipped and its OS is incomplete. Finally, she’s suffering from a gunshot wound.
Even so, you can see that her movements rapidly improve. I think that’s fairly impressive. If she were not wounded, I do think there is a non-zero possibility that she could win.
On that note, Kira didn’t need to intervene when he did; the Strike’s phase shift armour should have deflected even the next thrust. I would have preferred that Murrue’s wound catch up to her before we must have our shounen protagonist take over from the strong female character, you know?
At any rate, I’d love to see an AU in which she alone reached the Strike safely and became its pilot under Natarle’s command. That would be a very different history, which I find interesting to think about.
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