sublimazion3 · 6 years
Can you translate the most recent Tanaka Miku G+ post?
こんばんみくりん( ̄(工) ̄)Good evening everyone( ̄(工) ̄)
久しぶりの更新ですみません!It’s been a while since my last update, sorry about that!皆さん元気ですかー??How are you aaall??なんと、、フェイスマスク「オルフェス」第3弾TVCM公開されましたー😊👏Can’t believe that…But the third FACE MASK “ALFACE” TVCM was released online!😊👏美久は、CMソングを歌わせて頂いていて、出演は池端レイナさんです!5月21日よりオンエアスタートされます😊楽しみくりんだな〜〜💕I was allowed to sing the CM song while Ikehata Reina appeared in it!The CM is going to be broadcasted countrywide starting May 21st😊I’m looking forward to it〜〜💕そして、総選挙コンの推し席!皆さんどうしましたか??😣Also, about the Oshimen-seats for the Sousenkyo Concert!How did that go for you guys??😣今年も全力です!美久の推し席に沢山の方が座ってくれますように…。I’m gonna do my very best this year as well!I hope that many people are gonna be sitting in my oshimen seats, though…明日もがんばみくりんするぞー!Gonna work hard tomorrow as well! みくもんもん( ̄(工) ̄)Mikumon-mon( ̄(工) ̄)
pic, pic.
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
excerpt from Sashihara’s letter to Mayu (September 4th, 2017)
“It’s already been 3 months since you announced your graduation.
Time goes by so fast, faster than I ever thought, and it’s so oppressing. 
I wonder if I’ll be able to hold on to the things Mayu-chan has been protecting for all these years, and if those things will be the important key for the next groups that are going to come. 
But to be honest, I lack the confidence. That’s because the things you’ve been protecting so far are too many and too big. I am finally now regretting all the things I’ve let you carry on your shoulders over the years. You know how I am, I get worried very easily. But I’m sure that Yokoyama and the AKB juniors will do alright. No matter what, they’ll follow on your example. I’m pretty sure they’ll keep on supporting the group in your place, so please do graduate without worrying. 
I could feel both your reassurement and your sadness when I saw you talking and smiling with the staff members during the last shootings of “Sayonara, Enarikun”. I think it’s positive the fact that you get to graduate having in mind such a fun memory of the outside world, keeping your ambition just the way it is.
The fact that we were considered rivals at the SSK always made me feel uncomfortable and sad, but if I think about it now, that’s also part of the great memories I share with you. 
And it’s not only about the SSK, in many other occasions we got to feel like we had to build a new future, together. 
Lately, I’ve got many Mayu-chan oshis coming to meet me at HS events, too. 
I congratulate with all Mayu-chan oshis for having been by her side for the past 10 years. And I also recommend them to keep on supporting you, this new Mayu-chan the actress, from now on, alongside with me, and growing and improving with you.  Mayu-chan, you’re such a good girl, I’m kinda worried about you. I can’t help but feel worried about whether or not it’s a good thing to have you thrown into the entertinement world all of a sudden, just like that. But then again, I’m sure you’re gonna be loved by many with your beauty and your kindness and your hidden fun-side. 
I hope that one day we get to work together on some TV project, so I’m gonna work hard in order to be able to see that dream become true. 
Lastly, I respect your from the bottom of my heart. 
By, Sashihara Rino.”
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
Do MaYuki fight a lot?
Sayaya: So, you guys are super close, right? But I was wondering if you guys happen to fight a lot, or like, if you ever feel uncomfortable around each other... Audience: NO THEY DON’T~ Yuki: I wonder... What was about the fight we had lately? Mayu: The fight we had lately? Sayaya: YOU HAD A FIGHT LATELY!? Mayu: I mean, we do pretend to fight a lot.  Yuki: Oh yeah, we can do that in like 10 seconds, we quickly pick up a fight.  Mayu:  Mayu: Mayu: OY!  Yuki: Oy! You wanna do it, huh!? You wanna fight!? Mayu: Oy! Iromegane (which can mean both “colored glasses” and “somebody who has a biased viewpoint”) Yuki: Oy! Just... Don’t call me that. Mayu: And... That’s the kinda fights we have. Yuki: Yeah, those kinda fights we do have a lot. Sayaya: OK but what about REAL fights? Yuki: I don’t think we have ever-- Audience: They don’t have real fights~ MaYuki: THE HECK YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?? Sayaya: Why does the audience know about this?! Mayu: I say there are real fights between us.  Yuki: Are there? But I can’t really remember any... Mayu: There aren’t much. Almost any. But there are some. It looks like there aren’t any, but there actually are some. Yuki: Maybe it’s me the one who gets mad more easily? Mayu: Sorry? Yuki: I feel like I am the one who gets mad more often. Mayu: Are you? Members: *shocked by the sudden revelation* Members: YOU GET MAD AT HER!? Yuki: Yeah, like, “Hurry up!” or “You still there!?/Why you so slow!?”  Mayu: Ah, that’s your getting mad at me? Yuki: THAT IS, YES!  Members: EEEEH!? She doesn’t even realize it!? Yuki: I only get mad when we’re in the work enviroment, though. Mayu: Ah, so that’s how you get mad. Yuki: What did you think it was?! Mayu: Just your ordinary way of talking to me... Yuki: You’re kidding me! Mayu: She’s a natural!
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
It starts at 3.05 and end at 14.00 Thank you very much.
OK so it’s a corner called “Thank you, Mayuyu”. They’re doing it since Mayu announced graduation at SSK and Yuki wanted to finally take it all out and talk about Mayu for like 10 minutes straight. First thing first, she addresses their relationship. As said many times, given that they’re both the only two left from 3rd generation, they’d sit next to each other in dressing rooms or shooting-locations, always, and they would understand one another without the need of too many words, like only looking at each other is enough to them. 
Then she starts with saying what are the things she likes about Mayu. First of all, she says she likes her face. She says she’s pretty and that, whereas normal human beings sometimes have got their “bad-days” where their looks or face sometimes don’t look OK but kinda bad, she says that in 10 years she has never seen Mayu with a “bad look” or “a bad face”. Even when she isn’t feeling OK, she looks pretty. She thinks that’s something amazing. More thank liking that thing about her, she actually admires it. 
Then she says, another thing she likes about her is the fact that she doesn’t use emojis on LINE when they talk. She says you’d think she’d use the cute, girly type of emojis, but she actually doesn’t. She only uses words and exclamation marks and stickers. And then she says something like she won’t send you very long messages, like those people who actually send you long paragraphs when they wanna talk about something? She says she rather sends like one long sentence one after another. And she says she finds this thing cute about her. 
Another thing she likes about her is how much Mayu loves meat. Then, you know how Mayu has always been bad with vegetables, right? She never liked them. Then, actually, to everyone’s surprise, apparently it’s been a few months that Mayu is actually eating vegetables. And it looks like that Yuki was the one person who was there when Mayu finally began eating some. They were out eating Teppanyaki and salad came with it, but maybe the way the plate was adorned, maybe how the salad looked, that together with the good-looking thing she also enjoyed the taste of the salad. She was actually able to eat it. But then again, she still would get no.1 excited about meat and especially about karage, and Yuki says she also loves that about her. 
She says there isn’t enough time to tell how many things she likes about Mayu, so she moves to the following theme, that is: “If you were to be reborn as Mayu”.
She says that if she were to be reborn as Mayu, she’d like to use her face to try all different types of make-up on. She says that, because Mayu has got such a beautiful face, she believes any kind of color would suit her, so she’d try that since she can’t with her type of face and skin. Then, she says she’d use Mayu’s body to do things Mayu would never do (VERY DIRTY THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW MORE-ON OKAY BYE), also in order to make other people shocked. Like, for example, Mayu doesn’t like crowded places, so she’d go to Shibuya, for example, and make everyone shocked by that. Or, she’s not an out-door person, she doesn’t go out a lot, nor she goes to places like the beach, so she’d do that and again make everyone shocked. 
Then, she goes to the following theme: “Which one is Watanabe Mayu?”
In this session, she had to look at two different pics of body-parts and guess which one was Mayu’s (the other one being of another member randomly). Long story short, she guesses all three of them corrently (nose, lips, eyebrows) and she keeps saying that she thinks Mayu is beautiful and that the reason why she got all of them right is because she actually spends a lot of time looking at Mayu, even unconsciously. And that she’d like to have Mayu’s face so much she’d like to exchange even just one part of her face with Mayu’s. That’s about how much she likes Mayu’s face.
Final theme is: “Something Mayu does”. She talks about how Mayu gets more excited and all “crazy”-like more in the dressing room, or when they’ve got time off from various shootings, than on-air during the shows. She says that prolly fans and other people might’ve caught a glimpse of how Mayu really is, lately, even on-air, however she says that the way Mayu gets all crazy during break-times when you touch her “weak-spots” is almost unbelievable. She says that her and Mayu both have common “weak-spots” when it comes to humor and laughing, so if other people would listen to what they’re talking about when they’re having the best of fun during breaks or stuff like that, nobody would care, nobody would laugh. But because her and Mayu are so alike and they even have similar tastes in what they find hilarious and what not, they always end up laughing like crazy and having the best of time together during breaks. Like they’d suddenly burst out laughing very laudly or stuff like that. She also points out how Mayu’s laughter is also very distinctive and peculiar. She says she also loves that about Mayu, how she gets all excited and crazy-like in dressing rooms. 
Then she talks about the fact that Mayu wrote her a letter and didn’t give it to staff-members until, like, half-way through the on-air theater performance. She says that even staff-members were worried she maybe wasn’t going to give it to them. She says she knows that Mayu isn’t the type of person who writes letters, so she thinks she prolly had an hard time writing one. It made her super happy, though, how she still included some very funny moments in the letter, calling her her personal Yukirin-Yahoo!Answer and yet pointing out stuff only Mayu knows and can understand about her. And then she says THREE TIMES in a row how much she was happy to receive that letter from Mayu. 
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
miroku-48 san could you trans a letter that mayu wrote for yuki? please i can't find the english trans anywhere. 😂 Thank you. Sorry for ma bad english.
You mean the one from her seitansai yesterday? 
“To Yukirin
Happy Birthday. 
You’re 26 now. Such an adu~lt. Yeey, yeey, pihyalaaadon!
And to think that this is gonna be my last time writing a letter for your seitansai kinda makes me sad. 
We’ve been knowing each other for almost 11 years, haven’t we. And that’s something amazing, I believe. 
We didn’t even think about the possibility of staying in this group for such a long time when we first joined it. 
And it’s right because we’ve been by each other’s side for such a long time that now we get to understand each other without even having to voice our thoughts or feelings, we can truly read each other, and that I think is something wonderful. 
And you, you’re the kindest person I’ve ever known in my entire life. You’re the number one amongst the kindest people in the world. 
I wonder how you’re able to show such kindness towards everyone. It’s something I truly respect and admire of you. 
Even for what concerns me and my graduation, you’ve been listening to me and giving me advice a lot, lately. Actually, you’ve been helping me understand or looking up for all sort of things I didn’t know or couldn’t understand. On that extend, you’ve become kind of like my personal Yahoo! Answer. That’s something I’ve realized the other day. Congratulations. 
So, thank you very very much for staying by my side and for supporting me always for the past 11 years Yahoo!Answer-rin…..I mean, Yukirin. I’m truly grateful to you. 
As to how I’m going to repay you, it’s something I’m gonna do in the future through my life. 
I’m afraid there isn’t really much I can do as a person, but if anything shall ever happen, I will always help you with whatever means I have. 
Just like you’ve always been helping me, let’s be friends forever, until the very end. I truly wish you a happy birthday today. 
Well then, farewell. 
Your beloved same generation’s friend, Watanabe Mayu.”
Yuki’s comment: You know, because Mayu is not the type of person who does these kinda things, because she’s reserved and she doesn’t like to do something only because “the time is now convenient”, I didn’t really put much expectation in today’s letter. Like I expected it to be her only around 30%. I was really happy to realize it was her, tho, the moment I heard that “Pihyala” kinda thing. Minegishi: You know, this letter, I heard the manager say she still hadn’t handed it until before the show started. Yuki: See? Minegishi: She did hand it to the staff once the show started, though. She probably wanted me to read it without practicing first. She probably was still uncertain about the outcome until few moments ago. It must have been a pain in the ass for her to write it, I guess. Yuki: I agree. Minegishi: I think she really put much effort in writing it, though. Yuki: And it makes me happy. Receiving a letter from Mayu is something very rare for me. That’s why, I’m gonna keep it and treasure it in commemoration. Despite she basically said me goodbye, you know… But thank you, Mayu-chan.”
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
hi there miroku-san.. if u could, can u please translate yuihan letter to sayaya on her seitansai yesterday (sept 5).. thanks.. (^-^)
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“To Sayaya
Happy 19th birthday
This morning, when we met, I let out a small cough and you quickly asked me “Are you OK? Did you catch a cold?”, you’re so kind for caring about my health condition in such a way. Thank you for always welcoming me with your kind and relaxing voice and your warm smile. 
Despite we aren’t in the same team, I don’t know since when, we became this close. We’d always talk whenever we’ve got free time on work, and we LINE each other almost everyday. 
You always look so calm and gentle, but in the reality, you’re one of those people who always give their best in rehearsals, dancing and singing with all their strength, sweating a lot and giving in their all. And by looking at that, I always get inspired and think “Alright, I gotta give my best too!”. 
Even though sometimes I’d keep on showing you the pics of my cat over and over again, you’d never look annoyed by it and instead always reply like “He’s so cute. His paws are so cute. I wanna go meet him!” and I truly love you for this kind reactions of yours. 
One day I mailed you “Sayaya, thank you for everything” and you replied to me “I was thinking that I’ve been super happy for being able to meet Yokoyama-san, too”, which also made me happy.
I feel like I’ve been saved by you many times. By your speeches, by your actions, simply by you being here. 
You never show your weak side, and I always worry that maybe you’re carrying too much on your shoulders. But I’ll always be by your side so, please, whenever you’ll need someone to talk to, come to me. I might not be of much help, but I wanna be of support. 
I wish for your 19th year to become the greatest year for you so far. 
Let’s keep working hard together from now on too, alright?
Also, let’s go to a Cat-Cafe soon.
By, AKB48 Group GM・Yokoyama Yui”
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
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Y: “I started crying the moment you began your speech. I felt so bad ‘cause I thought people were gonna understand what was coming. I tried my best not to ruin “the surprise”...”  MC: “About that, do you have anything to tell her?” M: “Yeah, do you? You can tell me anything. I’ll accept anything, even insults. I feel like I could accept even insults right now.” Y: “No insults, you silly. I don’t know, I guess... Simply, you looked beautiful. You really were able to convey all your emotions in your speech.” 
ps. hands up at Sashihara who, as soon as Mayu comes in, and as soon as she sees them both looking at each other, kinda crying, kinda touching and hugging, goes: “Alright, I’m gonna go and leave you two talking alone--”  HERO. or she simply realized she’s become a third wheel a long time ago after all those nico-live things......
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
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[Google+] Kodama Haruka 
こんばんは。はるっぴです(´∀`) Good evening. Haruppi here (´∀`) 今回10枚目のシングルに選んでいただきました!! I was chosen to be part of HKT’s 10th single!! そして、さっそく撮影をしていした!! And shootings have already began!! 皆さんに伝えたいことは、まず 応援してくださってありがとうございます。 And what I wanna tell y’all is, first of all,  thank you so much for supporting me. 皆さんがそばにいてくれたから 応援してくださったから 今回も選抜メンバーになることができました。 It’s only thanks to y’all, that have been supporting me and standing by my side if I were able to be chosen as one of the members for this single as well.  選抜メンバーになることは決して当たり前なんかじゃ、ありません。 To be chosen as part of a single isn’t something to be taken for grante. そして、ずっと先頭に立ってグループを引っ張っていくことも難しいことです。 And to stand in the front line and lead the group is a very difficult thing to do as well.  若いメンバーも沢山入ってきましたし、 後輩の勢いを感じ嬉しくもあり 今回つくづくそう感じました。 We’ve got many young members that have joined, and I can feel their energy and spirit, which make me happy. 総選挙に出ていないぶん 皆さんとの『繋がり』を これから意識していきたいなと思います。 I wanna keep consciousness of the me that hasn’t run for the election this year and of the bond that I’ve built with everyone from now on.  今一度皆さんの声を聞き つながりあって、絆を深めていきたいし これからを歩んでいきたいです。 I wanna keep listening to y’all’s voices once more,  and to connect with y’all and to deepen our bonds,  and I wanna keep moving forward. はやく皆さんに会って お話がしたいな、、、 I can’t wait to meet y’all and talk to y’all....... おやすみなさい💤 Good night 💤
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
If you don't mind me asking, what exactly did oshima yuko say in her instagram story? And do you think it was referring to the marriage announcement?
Yuuko: I wonder what she was thinking with that wedding announcement. Right?Still Yuuko: uhh~ I wanna get married too~~ I wanna get married too but I got beaten on time~~ uhh~~ Despite I have no longer got the love ban rule on me I still can’t find a lover, uhh~~ That sucks! That really sucks. So, you know, mostly, what I wanna say I think is already written on my hat. It’s dark here, so y’all might not see it, but what’s written on this hat I’m pretty sure will perfectly sum up all I wanna say the most. 1, 2, *shows hat with the word “FUCK” written on it* 
I think it was mostly referred to her not being able to find a partner before a 20yo girl who also already announced marriage XD But yeah, she was also totally making fun of the whole thing for how absurd it is, I guess. Lol
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
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[Google+] Kodama Haruka (06/19/17)
総選挙が終わって、、、 今年は、お家で総選挙を見ていました!! The SSK is over... And I watched it from home this year!! 自分で今年の辞退を決めたものの外から見ているというのは不思議な感覚でした。 It felt weird to watch the whole thing from an external perspective as I decided myself not to be part of it this year. HKT48を応援する形で画面の前にいたわけですが、、、 Of course, I was rooting for HKT48 members while standing before the TV screen, but... ファンの皆さんのメンバーが1つになれるこのイベントは毎年楽しみでもあり、プレッシャーでもあります。 This is an event that every year lets fans and members to become one thing, alongside emotions such as pressure and enjoyment.  メンバー1人1人に結果が出てファンの皆さんと一喜一憂できることが心の支えなんです。 The fact that members will go through an emotional roller coaster as their names will be called, but that fans will experience the same as them, is something like a spiritual support.  1人じゃない、みんなで戦ってるんだ!って感じます。 It makes you feel like you’re not alone, that fans are there fighting with you. 一緒の夢に向かって一生懸命になれることが 総選挙の良さだなって思いました。 It made me realize the good side of the election, which is how it brings together fans and members to head to a common goal. ランクインしたメンバー そしてファンの皆さんおめでとうございます!! My congratulations to the members who ranked in and to the fans who’ve been supporting them!! 総選挙というイベントに 参加してくださって、ありがとうございます😊 Thank you for joining the election 😊 自分でも予想外に体調を崩してしまったし、1番に治したかったから今回の辞退に後悔はありません! I, myself, fell ill unexpectedly, and before anything else I wanted to recover, so there’s no regret behid my decision of not running this year!  来年もし総選挙があるなら出ようと思います。 I’ve got all the intension of running for the election next year, tho, shall there be one. まだたくさん時間があるので 今日からスタートの気持ちで 未来に向けて走り出したいです。 There’s still a lot of time,  so I wanna start running toward the future  with the feeling of a new start from today.  挫折は通り道、、、 HKT48旋風吹かせましょう! Setbacks are a way forward.... (T/N: line from the lyrics of HKT’s “ Soko de nani wo kangaeru ka? “)Let’s make the HKT48 whirlwind blow!ついてきてください!よろしくお願いします!Please follow me!I’m counting on you!
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
Tbh it’s all Mayu’s fault, as usual.  
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
I see, there are a lot quest about kojima haruna so i see at her grad stage that aki-p write her letter,if u don't mind can u translate that?and there is vtr show some member comment for her like from paruru,izurina and the other can u translate that too
From the VTR: 
Yokoyama Yui’s excerpt from something she said to Kojima on her seitansai last year; “By the makeup-artists and the staff, we would always get told, “whenever you borrow and then give back something where there’s written “Kojiharu” on it, be sure to properly express gratitude to her”. Now, as a person, that’s just good manners, it’s obvious we’d do that, but I also realized that it is something maybe we don’t really always get the chance to do. But then,  by following those instructions for the past 10 years, and by seeing you doing just the same, I realized what an amazing person you also are not only on the outside, by showing off this cool attitude and beautiful looks, but also on the inside.”
Excerpt from something Minegishi said at Kojima’s 2010 seitansai;“Haruna has kinda got this character that is easily misunderstood, doesn’t she? Like, don’t people tell you that you look like you lack of motivation? - Haruna: yeah…. - However, I, being part of a 3 people unit with her, and also being one of the original members, I get to know sides of her which others might not know. She can be actually very reliable, and despite she’s got this pretty face, she doesn’t stay quiet when she sees something she doesn’t like! (T/N: meaning, she isn’t easily tamed, or submissive) And she always tries her best to make MCs funny and to say something interesting. That’s why, it’d be great if y’all could see these sides of her, too”Excerpt from Mariko-sama’s letter read by (Takahashi) Minami on Kojima’s 2011 seitansai;“I really love you, Haruna, who haven’t changed not even a bit in the past 5+ years, and have kept that my pace attitude. However, I know. I know all the tears you’ve shed. Tears which made me think, “I wanna stay by her side forever”.” Excerpt from something (Takahashi) Minami said at Kojima’s 2010 seitansai (again);“To be honest, I really didn’t expect to get so much along with Nyan-nyan. She’s always the one to let out a “don’t worry~ it’s alright~” when someone is nervous about something, when in reality she’s kinda nervous too. So it has come to my eyes that you’ve been doing that in order not to let others see that, and worry about you”. Excerpt from Shimazaki’s letter to Kojima on her 2016 seitansai;“Many times I have been saved by Kojima-san. And there’s a time in which I also cried reading a mail you had kindly sent to me. You’re beautiful, you’re funny, and more than anything, you’re a sight for sore eyes. And I love you so very much. I’d like for you to stay by my side forever.” Letter from Oya Shizuka on ANN; “I became a fan of AKB48 as I, on 2006, watched for the first time the MV of Sakura no Hanabiratachi. My first impression of Kojima-san, as a fan, was, “She looks like someone who doesn’t think about a thing the entire day, with nice looks”. Then, when I first met you, as a member of AKB48 when I joined in, was, “She totally looks like she’s got her head in the clouds”. Then, when my first resshuffle happened and we ended up in the same team, I had the chance to spend more time with you, and talk to you, and so my impression of you changed drastically. I realized you’re actually someone who pays attention to her surroundings, who is kind and caring to everyone, who knows how to be professional when there’s some work to do, and how to have fun when there’s free time.”Izurina’s letter on ANN: “To me, Kojima-san is a goddess. I feel like I can say that if it weren’t for Kojima-san, now I wouldn’t be here. *sobs* During the time of Kojimatsuri, by being everyday with Kojima-san, I found myself noticing a look in your eyes I had never seen before. I realized you have been carrying very strong memories with you, and it’s a side of yourself you don’t usually show. Being around you makes me feel anxious, but I also have tons of fun and thus I love it.”Akimoto’s letter:“Kojima Haruna-sama,You’ve always been a diligent member. Even when I was at loss with the strong personalities of some of the original members, you’d always neatly do what had to be done. 
When AKB48 still didn’t sell, during the interview of a recording-studio in Daikanyama, you suddenly told me;“Unexpectedly, I’m pretty good at singing!”Of course, with your usual playful way of saying things. But because you were so diligent, I ended up not paying much attention to what you said, so you started being sulky and complaining. You were right. Your singing was indeed good, and I ended up forgetting about it. So I quickly came up with a WCenter song for you and Maeda Atsuko; “Yuuhi wo miteiru ka?”. 
I’m sure many are the times in which you ended up thinking about graduating am I right? Especially after seeing same generation members leaving you behind, one after another. 
Some years ago, you said there was something you needed to talk to me, so we went to have dinner in an italian restourant in Azabujuban. I’m sure you were seriously thinking about graduating that time as well, but eventually we ended up only joking about it. I feel like, just like a father who doesn’t want to hear about the person his own daughter is planning to get married with, I was always trying to avoid the graduation-topic with you. 
Not to mention that you’d keep thinking about the future of AKB, you’d keep taking care of younger members and never bringing back up the topic insistently. So I just went along with it, let you do all that, and I truly thought that it’d have been nice if you stayed within the group even after you turned 30. 
And now, as you’re celebrating your graduation today, April the 19th 2017, at the AKB48 theater, finally I am gonna ask you this; 
“Haruna, would you stay a little longer?”Just kidding. I won’t get spoiled by you anymore. Just keep being yourself. Even if to others you’ll look like you’re lacking of motivation, or that you’re cutting your way through life; because in reality, you’ve loved AKB48 so far with more seriousness and honesty than anyone else, with a real sense of responsibility, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
Thank you. 
Congratulations on your graduation. I bless you on this second new start of your life. 
Akimoto Yasushi.”
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
Are these two even real?
So, two days ago the  FLASHスペシャルグラビアBEST 2017GW got released and there’s this wonderful person on my Twitter who kinda reported an excerpt from a MaYuki interview in the magazine. 
I strongly suggest y’all to sit down, ‘cause what you’re gonna read is VERY gay.
Q3 is about their current relationship nowadays.  M: since when we both got selected for singles senbatsu we both have grown closer, haven’t we?  Y: But because we’re constantly together on workplace, time spent together outside of it has become pretty rare, hasn’t it? Even our seats on the Shinkansen would be always next to each other. M: Our managers always make sure that we’re together, too (laughs) Y: Talk about getting so much along. 
Q6 asks them what would they change about the other person, if they could.  Y: Maybe the way she laughs. It’s a laughter she lets out only when she’s with me and it’s really something.  M: *ugly laugher*  Y: That’s the one! That’s what I’m talking about! M: But this is the one I let out only with people I opened my heart to. With others is just a fake laugh.  Y: Ain’t you exaggerating there!?  M: What I’d change about you is your overly considerate nature. When I asked you to let me have what you were drinking you even asked me, “but I put my lips on it, you sure it’s OK?” Y: That’s because I’m a fussy person (T/N: I’m not sure how to properly translate it in english, so I’m not sure if “fussy person” would be the most appropriate translation, but what I meant is that she doesn’t like it when people eat the same thing she’s eating or drink from the same spot she’s been drinking simply because she thinks that’s dirty or not clean as a thing).  M: That’s fine, I’m telling you! I trust you so I can drink from it!  Y: god, you’re over-reacting (laughs) 
and these are messages they wrote for each other↓
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「Yukiri~n Let’s go have fun someplace next time~ Mayuyu」
which reminds me, I don’t know if anyone has translated it yet, but because I was on hiatus (AKA crying alone in a corner for Haruka) I kinda forgot to translate for y’all the love letter Mayu wrote for Yuki on last month’s number of  『duet』. 
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「To Yukirin, It’s been 10 years since our first meeting, and you’re still the same kind and nice person. Thank you for always embracing me with your immense kindness just like a mother would do. Because we’ve both got similar sense of humor and sensibility, it becomes easy to feel happy and just have fun when I’m with you. You’d always call me out on my stupid things whenever I’d say or do any, so I always feel like I can be 100% myself when I’m with you, and just do whatever I want (laughs). Despite you said you wouldn’t sing, you also agreed to come with me to the karaoke, didn’t you. “If you wanna go, Mayu, then let’s go”. But I ended up singing alone for the whole time and... At some point I kinda felt my heart breaking in two. Singing alone feels lonely, so please, next time we go sing with me (laughs). Also, we should totally go to that Sanrio Puroland too, since we both keep saying we wanna go!」
this actually is a love letter since they asked her to write a letter for three people she holds dear to her. One was for her mother, another was for her fans, and the third one was for Yuki.  You’re welcome. 
Here’s Yuki’s message for Mayu from the FLASH magazine, btw↓
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「Mayu-chan ❤ Keep being yourself whenever we’re together from now on too, alright? ;)  I’ll always, always, LOVE you. Yukirin」
“That’s fine, I’m telling you! I trust you so I can drink from it!“
remember that time during their own showroom when Yuki was eating a candy and Mayu wanted to eat it too, so she asked for a bite from Yuki’s candy, but Yuki wouldn’t give it to her? 
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I do. 
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
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[Instagram] Kodama Haruka 06/05/17
握手会ありがとうございました( ´ ▽ ` ) Thank you so much for the handshake event ( ´ ▽ ` ) 会えたことが幸せ。 I’m happy that I could meet y’all.  お話できたことが幸せ。 I’m happy that I could talk with y’all. 絆が深まったことが幸せ。 I’m happy that our bond has deepened.  みんなからの応援が幸せ。 And I’m happy that I could feel y’all’s support. 幸せがいっぱいな握手会でした😊💓 Today’s handshake event was full with happiness 😊💓
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
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[Google+] Kodama Haruka 07/05/17
こんばんわんU^ェ^U Good evening  U^ェ^U 二日間、東京と福岡で握手会でした! 足を運んでくださった皆さんありがとうございました。 I had two days of hadshake event in Tokyo and Fukuoka! Thank you to all those who came all the way to meet me. 皆さんからの『おかえり』が心に沁みましたし、いっぱい『ただいま』って言えて幸せでした。 Everyone’s “welcome back” words tightened my heart, and it made me happy to be able to reply lots of “I’m finally back” to everyone. そして、握手会の最後にファンの皆さんが『おかえり』の横断幕をつくって待っててくださいました。 Also, the fact that y’all waited for me until the very end to show me the “WELCOME BACK” banner y’all made for me. 感極まって泣いちゃいました(´;ω;`) That moved me to tears (´;ω;`) 嬉しくて嬉しくて、、、 絆を感じました。 皆さんの存在が心の栄養なんだって感じました。 I was so happy, so happy... I could feel our bond. I realized y’all’s mere existence is what my heart needs. なんて言葉にしたらいいのか分からないけど 体調はだいぶ良くなってきたし、これからも頑張るので、見守っていてほしいです。 I don’t know how to say it,  but my health has mostly recovered, and I’ll keep doing my best from now on, so please keep watching over me.  よろしくお願いします!! I’m counting on that!! 総選挙については、もう少し待っていてください!!遅くなってごめんなさい!! About the SSK matter, please wait for a little longer!! I’m sorry if it’s taking me so long!! 二日間本当にありがとうございました( ´ ▽ ` ) I’m truly grateful for the past 2 days ( ´ ▽ ` ) おやすみなさい 💤🌙 Good night 💤🌙
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
You such great person to translate from other when they ask you to translate,but you know in ANN Radio,myao,shimada and chiyori write letter for kojiharu too,can u translate that?And then when there is mc with sashi,jurina,kitarie,yuki and michan they talked about memory with kojiharu. if you don't mind please translate for kojiharu oshi...
Myao’s: “Dear Kojima Haruna,
I never thought it would come the day in which I’d have written a letter to you. First of all, thank you very much for letting me attending this All Night Nippon broadcast with you, being it your last one. I was sure that, for your last broadcast here, you would’ve gathered with all others very popular, up in SSK rankings members, and that my letter would’ve just gotten sent to you; yet, here I am, a not so popular member who doesn’t even know if she’ll make it in SSK this year, chosen by you to attend tonights bradcast. You really are a goddess, after all. You know, among the members we’re really asking ourselves if you aren’t a goddess for real, lately. You’re usually told that you’re beautiful, both in the inside and outside, but it’s actually the truth. 
About 9 years ago, when I took the audition for AKB, I remember I was asked from one of the judges there if there was any member within AKB that I looked up to. And I immediately replied, “It’s Kojima Haruna-san!”. The reason is that I didn’t know any other member’s name aside from yours. Minegishi-san, please forgive me. - Minegishi: “I don’t know what to do with your apologies!” - However, here I am today, thanks to that reply of mine. I can’t stop peeing my pants thinking about what would’ve happened if I had given another members’ name that day, instead of yours. Kojima-san, thank you for guiding me on my journey in AKB48. Even if you graduate, we, Kojima-children, will keep living on. Shall you go through any hard times, please do not hesitate to rely on us, your Kojima-children. I will always support you. Thank you for your hard work for the past 11 years. Miyazaki Miho.”
Shimada’s:“To Kojima-san. 
This is my first time writing a letter to you. When I joined the group, as a kenyuusei member, I had many chances of connection with Kojima-san. We’d shoot together for hours for AKB akiyoshi, go to locations together, and I’d always dance as under during A5th’s Renai Kinshi Jourei stages. When I got the DVDs of those theater stages, I realized I was constantly following you around. Yes, it was because I was your under, and there were many mistakes I kept makind and such, but I realized you were showing me the right way of appearing on stage and how to properly behave. For the Heart Gata Virus performance, I wasn’t able to properly say your line in the middle of the song, so in order to do that I’d watch you performing that song many times, listening to that carefully. We’ve never been in the same team, or had the chance to work that much together, that’s why, it made me happy when I was able to do things such as helping you changing quickly of your costume the other day at Music Station, or when you chose me to appear in the theater stage with you. I thought our chances of being together were slowly increasing, and it made me happy the most the fact that I could talk to you just a little bit. Oh, and it also made me happy that you praised my outfit. So I’m totally gonna do my best as new generation’s fashionista, so please support me. P.S. - do you think you can finally follow me back on twitter? By Shimada Haruka.”I found this cut video with Myao’s and Shimada’s letters, but there’s no letter written from Chiyori, you sure she read one? If she did then just send me the link of the whole ANN broadcast and the minute where she starts reading it, it will help me saving some time, you know. 
From the CM, if I remember correctly;Minegishi says that she’s got many memories with Kojima, but the one that maybe is the most impressed in her mind is of when they had shootings together and when they went back to the dressing room Kojima offered to go buying Minegishi some crepes because she knew she liked them. The thing by itself is already kind and caring enough, the thing is that when she came back, the crepe she handed to Minegishi was a 1,800¥ crepe and it had truffle in the inside. Other members make fun of her ‘cause it looks like Minegishi gets the most impressed when people give her very expensive stuff lol Sashihara doesn’t really share any memory she has with Kojima, she instead praises her ‘cause she says that if otakus like her were to watch that Sexy Show thing she brought on stage few performances earlier, they prolly wouldn’t have felt excited at all, but because that sexy show was both sexy and cute and just nice to watch, she realized how fans in the audience were all excited and happy about it and welcomed it good, so she praises Kojima’s setlist choice, I guess. And inventive. 
Kitarie says that she hasn’t had many occasions to be with Kojima, however she remembers of when they both got in the same group when they had shootings for Love Trip and members/group of members went to high school guys and girls and assisted them in their love confessions; however she says that hers and Kojima’s group was the only one that got rejected. Like the guy or the girl who made the confession got rejected while all other members’ groups were all successful. 
Jurina brings back memories from oogoe diamond saying that on that time she was able to make friends with many senpais who eventually she felt like older sisters, and that the thing went on even years after, since lately she found Kojima-san laying on her shoulder saying that she was sleepy, but then retracting saying that Jurina is too skinny. I can’t really get what she says after that ‘cause there’s Sashihara talking on her, but I think that she says that she’s gonna become more “musuclar” so that Kojima won’t feel the “bones under her skin”. 
Eventually there’s Yuki who, as everyone expected, doesn’t have many memories with Kojima (LMAO at Sashihara who is like “why the fuck you and Mayu never have memories or good stuff to share with others about other members?!”), but she says she’s gonna do her best tonight since it’s her graduation concert, and that she’s gonna try to get close to her this much↓
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However, everyone else is like, “no - the fuck - that’s scary - you’ll freak her out” etc., so Sashihara says that the only thing to do is for her to hug Kojima from behind, this way↓
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but Kitarie is like “Sashi, what the fuck, that is scary too. What���s that, a prowrestling move?!” - Sashihara laughs her ass off at her own suggestion, whereas Kitarie is like “(to Yuki) if you’re gonna do that, don’t hold her too tight or you’re gonna strangle her”. Yuki says she got it and that she’s gonna try her best. 
The whole MC with Yuki is way more funny, though, ‘cause before all of this there’s like Yuki saying that when she and Kojima were announced as WCenter of green flash, they both looked at each other and were like, “that’s good, we’re prolly gonna have more chances of becoming colose, now. More chances of talking”, but then she’s like, “and yet, it’s been nearly two years, and absolutely nothing has changed”. Then Minegishi is like, “I know, I’ve been actually asked by fans to make you two become friends. Like fans have actually come to meet me and asked me to make sure that you two get close” and Sashihara is like, “Who the fuck is that? What kind of fan is that? You guys stop doing that!” and Minegishi is like: “But it’s honestly her (Yuki’s) own fault, ‘cause yesterday, when everyone was performing 10nen Zakura, and Nyan-nyan was in the middle and everyone was crying for the emotion, I went to her (Yuki) and was like, “Yuki, now it’s the time, you can go, just go!” and she!? She rejected me!! She was like “no–I—I really can’t. I really really can’t”. The fuck was that!?” It’s honestly so funny, I love it to death. Especially if you look at the way they talk and their expressions and all, LOL. 
Anyways, here you go, I guess. 
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