#mirrored storage uni
Hi Lenora!!☀️💕💞💗💓☀️💕💞💓☀️
I hope you are doing super well!! I don’t know if you’re in Uni or on summer break but whichever it is I hope you’re having a lovely time!!!
I realized I haven’t been spamming your inbox enough so I’m here to fix that with: 3 Random Things That Have Happened in My Life Recently
I cleaned my room!! It looks super nice and I kinda redecorated :)
I got a heart monitor!! It’s not for any big problem (just to figure out what something is) and I only have to wear it for 2 weeks but I think it’s pretty cool
I have a girlfriend!!!!! She’s very awesome and I’m actually going to see her tomorrow :)
I’m sending you hugs and love!!!🫂💕💓💗💞💕🫂🫂💞💗☀️💕☀️
Omg, Saturn! Those are great news, but I hope everything is okay with your health💞🎀
I’ve recently cleaned my room as well :). I went to a second hand storage unit the other day and got a nice mirror which lead to me redecorating parts of my room, too. I also got a white tea set that has strawberries on them; my strawberry themed mug collection is growing rapidly 🍓
I’m so happy for you and your girlfriend! You have to tell me more about her (if you want to ofc) 🌸🫶🏻
Sending hugs and love right back 💗💞🍋‍🟩💕💕🩷🌞💕💞💓🌿💗🩷
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cloudworlds · 17 days
D7 World
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Large World Requires all Expansion Packs & Stuff Pack & CC
106 Residential Lots 30 Empty Lots 50+ Community Lots Populated
There are 5 sections of the world: The Seven Families, Supernatural Happenings, Out on the Town, Uni Side, & The Residentials.
The Seven Families: Where the seven richest, most prominent families live. For their ancestors' deeds in the past, each family is cursed with one of the seven deadly sins. Every generation cannot escape their most vile traits. Because of their low profile, the townies do not know of their curse. And they like to keep it that way.
Supernatural Happenings: The old monsters that cursed the seven families still watch over their suffering from nearby. No one knows who they are. Unusual events often happen here. Yet, many townies are content to stick their heads in the sand no matter what.
Out on the Town: One side of town has all the hangouts, restaurants, clubs and bars.
Uni Side: This where you'll find more traditional lots. This family friendly area has a technical college, fraternity, and sorority.
The Residentials: The largest are on the map. Includes an Off-campus housing community, apartment buildings, and a nursing home.
Note: "Daiku Life" in the Out on the Town area is the criminal warehouse. Unfortunately, EA combines the movie theatre I used with that career. Just ignore the prebuilt one and use Daiku Life instead. There are two fire stations. Feel free to delete the one farthest from you…or if you're feeling chaotic, the closest.
Known Issues: -There are lines around the ocean of the world (This is possibly due to an improper terrain import and can be ignored, as it doesn't affect gameplay. It also shows up for other custom worlds, so it could just be my pc, or something else. Just keep it in mind.
-Some lots went through several versions of the map and therefore the terrain is not completely even. Most lots do not have this issue. However, if you choose to build, make sure the lot is leveled first.
-Sometimes the house icons won't show when you move in households. It does not mean they aren't available. Most of the available households are apartments & trailers. Hovering the mouse under the house will highlight the ones available.
*Updated 9/19/2024*
-If you don't have EA store content cc, download this and the additional cc list.
-If already have all or most EA store content, download only the world file, my cc, and the additional cc list.
Sunlit Tides Spa Pack
*Alternative option* Sims3pack D7 World File
Additional CC:
Lpvinyl21: Children's Book Ledge, Pottery Barn Rugs
Around The Sims: Funeral Wreath, Plaque, Coffin, Coffin Stand, Room Divider, Plant Cage, Pergola 1, Pergola 2, Wine Bottles & Shelf, Painting 1 & 2, Yoga Mat, Groom & Bride with Rack, Spice Rack, Shopping Bag, Shopping Box, Pub Shelf 1 & 2
Teekapoa: Blooming Flower Room Merged File
Twinsimming: Tri Hard LED Panels (Right &Left) only from Game On Set
SeeMyu: Exotic Pole
Amarysauce: Lupin, Lantana, Hibiscus
PsychicPeanutKitty: Clock & Chair
MurfeeL: BGM Set, Okami Dogs(all 3 decor/no mirror),AMR Flora, Onibi as Mood Lamp
NynaeveDesign: Sonic Printer,
Severinka: Fairy Garden Set, Window Wallpaper, Sports Set- Football, basketball, shelf-balls, barbell, dumbbells, basket, & punch-bag only
SincerelyaSimmer: Toy Gifts v1 only
LaLaSimmer: ImaniHair, Up&Out, OkurrtHair
Misty's University Rabbit Holes: No Links. This is where IYKYK kicks in. I don't want any drama, so here is where we learn to use Google and external storage, my friend!
Granthes: One More Slot Please!
Porphyria259: Shrubs, Waterplants -Combined packages Only
Final Afterward:
First, I want to apologize for the amount of custom content I used. I use limited amounts of cc, plus my own. I never thought the list would get this long. I just built as I wanted and thought my ity-bity cc wouldn't amount to much. This is why I recommend users that have most/all EA premium content. I used Blam, which playtests well in game for me. I did include some of my unreleased cc in this world. This my first world, and I feel kind of proud that I managed to finish. While I enjoyed making this world the first few months, three restarts, one total loss, lots vanishing, CAW crashing, and countless other issues later, I am so glad to be done with it. This is technically still beta, but for now, consider it finished. I will never make another large world again. If you encounter odd glitches, shoot me a message in my inbox. Otherwise....
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I need to rest. Pleaase!
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第4話 - 黒㋑加々見 (BLaCk miRrOr)
hello reader! in this post, i present you 3 ideas that i came up with for episodes of the Netflix show "Black Mirror". the general concept all these ideas revolve around is sustainable nature-based clothing. additionally, i'll provide examples of objects that exist within the episode's universe. (disclaimer: i've only ever seen 1 episode of black mirror (for another uni course) so i don't quite know about this.. haha 😅)
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the Surveillancer: a type of device installed all over the city, used by the plant network to observe the citizens and detect any human not already connected to the network
PIT (Plant Interface Token): a device shaped like a seed through which a person can communicate with their plant clothes: check status & give nutrients, the device is worn on the body (e.g. as a bracelet, necklace, etc.) & is directly connected to the clothing
Seɘꓷ-ling: a small memory card, can be bought & attached to one’s PIT device: to grow clothes (specific design/shapes, plant species, …), for customizing (colors, elements, …), to provide nutrients
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the glasshouse closet: storage space for any garment, creates ideal conditions for plant clothes while they are not in use, e.g. humidity, temperature, etc.
the imPLANT: a chip implanted into every newborn human, for symbiosis connection between human and plant-clothes, serves as interface for communication, through this implant any information about a person is gathered and transmitted to be stored in the global database network
mi.O-scan: a device that can scan a person’s imPLANT chip to access specific data of that person, this then allows businesses (e.g. cafés) to provide guests with services tailored perfectly to their individual needs (also regarding the current needs of the worn plant clothes)
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ObjectSynthesizer™ - series H - model 550 Helianthus: uses “essence” a substance that looks like fertilizer, the machine can this base material into the object desired 
RecipeChip™: contains instruction on how to synthesize a particular object (e.g. food, furniture), must be bought (special technology), one-time use (chip itself becomes part of the newly synthesized object)
AiCom™ - series felis catus - sphynx: a pet robot companion, AiCom™ were invented because animals don’t exist in this society (they were banned by the government for being too messy & unpredictable), this model perfectly mimics the behavior of a sphynx cat, in that sense it is practically indistinguishable from the real animal except for the cameras in its eyes & microphones in its ears [very cute pic of a sphynx 🥹]
hope you enjoyed :)  ― つづく ―
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goldencuffs · 3 years
@lamenweek day six: auguste lives au
It’s four-thirty on a Wednesday, and Damen is exhausted, worn down and irritated over the fact that he’s still stuck in the gym storage room, sorting through eight boxes of equipment.
The year seven kid in here with him, Peter, is slow and mullish: he’s only here because Huet gave him detention for not doing his homework for the third week in a a row.
Damen is here because his entire faculty is incompetent. These boxes were supposed to be unpacked a month ago, at the start of the term, but after Kallias walked out, things have been… hectic, to say the least.
In the stifling heat, Peter’s odour is unpleasant, because he’s thirteen, and thirteen year old boys reek.
Damen is seriously considering telling him to leave, but the extra pair of hands, no matter how small and slow, are still better than nothing.
Then, Damen hears the squeak of trainers across the shiny linoleum floor, and a tall, slim figure leans against the doorway, arms crossed.
Damen bites back a sigh, his irritation spiking.
Laurent says, “Hey you, fuck off.”
Peter balks. “Me?”
Damen has his back turned, but in the ensuing silence, he knows that Laurent is staring the poor kid down, unwilling to repeat himself.
“Mr Vallis…” Peter starts, voice high and whiny.
This time Damen sighs loudly. “It’s fine, Peter. You can go home.”
Peter does so, without a goodbye, and when the gym doors close once more, Laurent says, “Damen, I need to talk to you.”
Damen turns around, mirroring Laurent’s pose. “Laurent, I’ve told you a hundred times not to call me by name at school. It’s Mr Vallis to you inside these gates. Always.”
Laurent rolls his eyes. Everything about him, as usual, is immaculate. There isn’t a single hair out of place, he’s still wearing his blazer, and unlike the most boys in this school, he hasn’t loosened his tie or unbuttoned his shirt to wave off the heat.
The only indication that he isn’t a weird, strange robot is the pink across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
“Unless you’re planning on help me with this, I need you to fuck off too,” Damen says, ready to turn back around.
“Actually, Mr Vallis,” Laurent straightens, and Damen doesn’t miss the inflection in his name, “I need a favour.”
Damen unpacks the third box, almost bursting into tears when he sees they’re nets. Nets always go on the top shelf. His back is going to break by the end of it.
“What is it?” He belatedly asks, realising Laurent is watching him.
Laurent presses his tongue to his top lip. “I know there’s a spot open on the wrestling team, and it would look really good on my uni applications if I wrote that I’m—”
“I’m going to stop you right there, Revere. I already told you before the holidays that if your grades don’t improve—”
“They have! I managed to get a B in Ancient History—"
“You need a B average, not just in one subject. I’ve already checked, and you’re barely scraping a C.”
Laurent makes an indignant scoff. “Yes, but it would be a B average if Auguste helped me out with Chemistry—which is the only subject I’m failing, by the way. And he doesn’t help me at all—what’s the point of him being the best Chem teacher at this school if he won’t put me in his class!”
Damen runs a hand over his face. “You know you can’t have your brother teaching you—it’s against school policy.”
“Fine, whatever,” Laurent shrugs. “But, I swear I’ve been trying Dam—Mr Vallis. Can’t you make an exception for me?”
“Absolutely not,” Damen snorts.
“Ugh! What’s the point of knowing teachers if they don’t help you out when you need it?”
Damen shrugs. “Tough luck, kid. If I gave you the spot, it might keep someone who actually deserves it from joining.”
“I deserve it.”
Damen rolls his eyes.
“Fine,” Laurent adopts a haughty look, head held high. “I’ll tell your boyfriend Auguste that you’re being a dick—”
“We’ve been over this Laurent; I’m not dating your brother.”
“Hmm, could have fooled me,” Laurent mutters in a dangerous undertone. “All that touching and cuddling and inside jokes—”
Damen knows that he shouldn’t rise to bait presented to him by a belligerent eighteen year old, but he’s tired, and it’s been a long, long day so he snaps, “Yeah, that’s what friends do, you little shit. Not that you would know what it’s like to have one.”
He regrets it as soon as he says it: Damen is the adult here (the proper one) and more importantly, he’s Laurent’s teacher. A professional.
Laurent’s face falls, and genuine hurt settles into his eyes.
The corners of his mouth droop, and his voice shakes as he says, “You’re such an asshole.”
Damen sighs, “Laurent—”
“Fuck you, Damen,” Laurent says, and turns on his heel in one smooth, elegant move.
Two weeks later, Auguste holds one last barbeque party to mourn the end of summer.
It’s not a crowded party: just four other teachers from school, two of Auguste’s uni friends, and of course, bloody Laurent.
He hasn’t said a single word to Damen all afternoon, the rude shit. Not that Damen expects anything less from the most prickly person he knows.
Laurent normally doesn’t even hang out with them, but since he turned eighteen over the winter, Auguste has been trying to include him in their gatherings a lot more.
It’s still a bit surreal to see Laurent easily holding down conversations with men twice his age, a beer bottle pressed to his mouth.
(That part is not so surprising. Damen caught Laurent guzzling an entire bottle of wine when he was sixteen, in this very kitchen).
Orlant touches Laurent’s knee, and says something that makes him laugh raucously.
Damen stands from the couch and makes his way over.
“Hey,” he says, “I think your brother’s calling you.”
Laurent frowns, eyes drifting over to the alfresco, where Auguste is belting Wannabe by Spice Girls and ignoring the grill, Lazar attempting to beatbox along with the words.
God, the steaks are going to burn.
“I don’t think so,” Laurent says.
When Damen doesn’t leave, Orlant says, “You good, man?”
Damen doesn’t bother to reply. He frowns at Laurent. “You’ve been drinking non stop since you got here.”
Laurent throws him a disgusted look. “You’re not my teacher outside of school hours. Fuck off.”
Orlant raises an eyebrow, looking between them. “You’re his student?”
“Barely,” Laurent mutters. “He just makes us do laps and teaches us abstinence like a pastor from the seventies.”
“The curriculum suggests that I—”
“And he won’t put me on his wrestling team because of a small technicality.”
“It’s not a small—”
“You should let him on the team, man,” Orlant says, smiling at Laurent.
Laurent smiles back, eyelashes fluttering.
Damen frowns again.
“Thank you,” Laurent says to Orlant. “I wish you were the coach. Nikandros spent all summer helping me perfect my form, and it’s all been for nothing.”
Damen feels his face crack. “Nikandros? Since when have you been hanging out with him?”
Laurent gives him a devious smile. “Oh, I can be very persuasive. He spent the entire time telling me how good I was.” He flutters his lashes at Damen this time. “It’s a shame you won’t be able to see for yourself, Mr Vallis.”
Orlant watches Laurent shamelessly.
Damen grits his teeth, blood rushing to his head, and grips Laurent’s bicep, ignoring his “Hey!”
He drags Laurent to the unoccupied living room, pushing him away in disgust the moment they’re alone. “What the fuck is your problem, Revere?”
“What the fuck is yours?” Laurent snaps, rubbing his bicep. “Have you lost it already? You usually go crazy around midterms.”
“Shut up,” Damen hisses. “What are you playing at? Did you seriously go to Nikandros for wrestling tips?”
Laurent is still rubbing his bicep, the drama queen. “Well, yes. You wouldn’t help me, so I had to look somewhere else for… expertise. And Nikandros was more than willing to help. Eventually.”
Damen can feel a headache coming on. “Nikandros is shit at wrestling.”
Laurent laughs. “Oh my god. You’re acting like a baby.” “And you’re being your usual intolerable self.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Now Laurent looks livid, his eyes flashing with malice.
“You haven’t even tried to get to know me for the last three years. When you told me I had to improve my grades, I studied my ass off. I got a tutor. I even went to fucking summer school. And yeah, I might only have a C average, but I’ve improved in literally everything. I’ve only failed one subject! At least Nikandros was willing to listen to me. You just behave like an ass.”
Damen swallows, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks away, down at the shiny, tiled floor.
He sighs, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“What was that?”
Damen looks at Laurent, at the sun shining down his head. “I said I’m sorry. Perhaps I have been… a little unfair.”
Laurent snorts and presses his mouth together,
“I didn’t realise how hard you’ve been working,” Damen says, appreciative. “I’m proud of you.”
Laurent goes red. He rolls his eyes, but it’s half-hearted. “Whatever. You’re still a dick.”
Damen smiles. “Yeah, I guess.”
There’s a brief, awkward silence.
Then Damen says, “Okay, give me your speech.”
“My speech, Mr Vallis?”
“Yeah,” Damen raises an eyebrow. “Give me whatever speech you gave Nikandros. If it can convince him to teach you to wrestle, it might convince me to give you a shot on the team.”
Laurent stands straight, assessing him for a moment. “Are you sure, Mr Vallis?”
“Yeah, ‘course.”
Laurent gives him a smile Damen has never seen before. It unleashes something dark in his eyes.
Damen swallows, his heart suddenly picking up pace.
Laurent saunters towards him, still with that smile. He comes close enough that Damen can see the small smattering of freckles on his nose.
Damen presses his back to the counter. “Laurent…”
Laurent bites his lip. “Everyone thinks you’re the hottest teacher at school, Mr Vallis. I’ve had a crush on you since my first year.”
Damen coughs, startled. “Laurent, what…”
“Do you want me to give my speech or not?”
Damen’s chest heaves with his breaths. He assesses Laurent’s beautiful face, his mind carefully shutting down.
“Yes,” he says quietly.
Laurent’s smile is sweet and shy.
He’s still wearing that smile when he gets down on his knees. His fingers are quick, nimble as they unbuckle Damen’s belt.
The clank of metal is loud, even amongst the drone of the party.
Damen should stop this. He should say something. Laurent is his student. More than that, he’s his best friend’s just-legal little brother. Damen should—
Laurent kisses the tip of his cock through the cloth, dragging his tongue over it, making it damp.
“Fuck, Laurent.”
Laurent pulls back and smiles at him, eyes half-mast. “I managed to convince Nikandros in about three minutes. Do you think you’ll last a bit longer?”
Damen grunts, hips moving in aborted jerks as Laurent slides down his underwear.
“Let’s find out, shall we?”
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Here we have ‘Wont 2 Cant’ by Gavin Owens and Ian Mackay and put out by Cold Cube Press
If you’ve followed me for any significant amount of time on these here social medias, you know I spend the vast majority of the year on the road.  And that, this year, I upgraded to an ambulance for my hashtag tiny home vanlife liveyourdreams road ragin fuckfest that is the instagram amaro filter made real.  Its great, the tiny home van life life and I get all the heroin and I eat all the pussy.  The reason for getting the ambulance was that it had vast storage potential over your class B van or recreational vehicle.   I need something that can fit in a parking spot or haul down a two track so RVs and buses are out but I need bus level storage.  The ambulance has it in spades.  
So, this year, and thanks to the ambulance, I was able to keep a bookshelf of 25 or so graphic novels I would take with me on the road.  ‘Wont 2 Cant’ was one of them.  I believe this book came out quite awhile ago but I had put off reading it, and many others, so I could have access to them while on the road and during the downtime.  So here it is, I finally got to reading it. 
There is no other place that a comic like this can come from other than a place of pure love.  This is unrefined, not cut with baking soda or diet pill, and concentrated love.  This collaboration between the two authors works so well that it feels like this book was made by one person, one uni-mind that is the result of Owens and Mackay spending a lot of time in gelatin and getting all their softer bits, over time, to merge and become one.  This dont read like no ‘written by, drawn by’ collab, this has one singular tone and voice that is expressed wholly by the new unity being that is Owens/Mackay and it makes for great comic and I hope it also saves them on rent and food bills- or at the very least on tax day. 
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This is part one of what I hope is a very long exploration and I feel it is because those of us who pre ordered got a ‘the world of wont 2 can’t’ riso print and anyone who is taking the time to do some D&D style world map of their fiction sure as hell intends to take us down some deep cuts into that world.  The place is timeless.  Most of the action takes place inside a monastery (and feels like peak era of 5th to 7th century monastic influence) but the tech elements slowly revealed inside its walls, as well as the more modern world of shops and phones of the outside world, reveal a place that seems to be a mix of all at once.  The glimpses of the outside seem to be structured a little more like a caste or peasant style society, with merchants and taverns were generic ‘locals’ grumble and scoff at the activities of the influential monastery and its fitness obsessed new leader, and it has all the best elements of any fantasy or fairie tale of those mysterious sights and sounds a pilgrim might encounter on an oft traveled road or on a darkened path through the woods.  You know, all the kinda shit we wish we’d see in this shitbox that is modern times.  That shit where we wish with all our heart that the cloaked and bearded crackhead passed out in our doorway is just a wizard in disguise, at the ready to set any kind stranger who finally offers them a glass on a 20 year quest and arm them with a mirrored shield and an acorn that can instantly sprout an infinite ladder when thrown to the ground. 
The absolutely delightful renderings show us an obviously well thought out and diagramed Vatican of a place for our main setting and the orange and grey hues make for a page that I just want to lick, but dont cuz its my only copy.  This is confident graphic illustration with a character design just as well plotted and thought out as the world that is their backdrop.  And that the monastery’s main purpose seems to be the manufacture and distribution of a strange orange orb, which seems to serve as some kind of internet or cloud device of connectivity, it is right along with the theme of our last reviewed book, and many books we are reading these days that all are worriedly, and a little comedically, meditating on a society that is, in one form or another, ‘plugged in’ and on the very numbered ill effects of artificial and electronic connection that far outweigh the benefits.  People dont seem to happy about their orbs, or indifferent to them, but over all the tone at the inn is that they want to get rid of them and stifle the influence of their manufacturers.  Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates; maybe they all made our world a little easier but damn if they didn’t wreck us quite a bit as well.  
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So, yeah, this is just a gem of a book and one of a near infinite number of examples of why I tout underground and self published comics as the finest art form of the 21st century.  The internet is cluttered with everyones shitty soundcloud and instagram is an unrelenting tidal wave of hashtaggers desperate for attention and validation, while twitter is a masochistic display of fetishistic self torture and collective suicide and Facebook holds closed the gates and acts like nothing is wrong, but through all that mess we have such wonderful comics being put out by people I will imagine are wonderful; until I find their twitter.  
Go buy this book. Its insta so I cant link to stuff here on this post.  But you can do this, I believe in you.  You get on google and you type in ‘Cold Cube Press’.  Then you go to that “cold cube press” website and you hit on the “store” tab.  Then you select this book, and maybe a couple others, and then you add it to your “cart”.  Then you give them your credit card info, and thereby give them money that you would have otherwise spent on cigarettes or way too much of an upcharge on to get hot wings delivered at 3am on grubhub.  You can do this, I believe in you, and if you have any troubles just call me I am here to help. 
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vermillionage · 4 years
Ok this is a little short drabble I just had in my mind. It's a bit angsty. Maybe even a bit OOC for Tifa. But then again..she certainly feels turmoil. Those Locked up feels need to be seen somewhere.. why not maybe in a scenario like below?
G/T rated
Inspiration: My exhausting, shitty day at work and trying to sort the days turmoil after I arrived at home, head spinning.
This is the first fiction I ever published (besides back in uni)
Really hope it's ok:
Tifa’s eyes were dry.
‘It must be the exhaustion.’ she thought. And yes, she was tired. Had been tired for, well, longer than she would ever admit.
The last weeks had been a constant crescendo of challenges.
She had been bee lining for her bed as soon as she opened the door; discarding her footwear in a hurry somewhere on the worn-out rug.
Lying there, still fully clothed, she blinked. Her gaze shifting from the ceiling above to the red boots on the floor. The low standing evening sun reaching them even here in the slums below the plates.
Barret pushed on this Avalanche matters. Her participation was requested somehow. And she wanted to help. She saw the good intentions but she hated the radical approach. She didn’t know what to do.
And... holy crxxx!
Cloud was here. Here in Midgar. Why? How? Why now?
‘Why was he so...? ...what?’
She couldn’t grasp it.
Hadn’t really dared to ask either after she found him at the station, not more than some weeks ago. Not that she didn’t contemplate most of her waking hours to get her answers- some answers. Any answers. But he needed to recover first.
The boots on the well-used hardwood held no answer.
‘What was next?’
She wanted nothing more than a hot shower.
With a sigh she sat up slowly and walked the small distance to the bathroom. It was white tiled and practical. Tifa's attempts to add a little colour and comfort consisted of some pictures of The Ocean (she always wanted to go) a blue bamboo mat and some towels in a similar shade.
Sea blue. ‘Ha'
She blinked again. This time because she willed away an image of azure eyes that appeared unasked. For the umpteenth time this week.
It didn’t work.
It was not like her to admit defeat. She promised herself long ago that she would not give up. On anything she set her mind to. Not without a fight; even if losing this fight only meant to worry about those eyes! She tried again- nope..still him.
She hoped she could get him to confide in her.
She gazed at herself in the mirror.
She liked caring for people. It came to her naturally. Like her rat pack group of friends, like Barret, Marle. Marlene. With Cloud as well. And she was so happy about this...reunion?
But with Cloud it was more of a challenge, more complicated. More of her carefully build principals at risk. She never felt with any of them what she felt around him. Weak? Thrilled? Hopeful? Cautious?
She stepped out of her black skirt.
It dawned on her then ‘Yes, that’s it.’ Folding the skirt she kept further undressing then turning on the water.
More often than not she caught herself treading lightly around him. As if not to scare him away. It unnerved her! Was she that desperate for him to stay? She survived fine without him the last..., well she survived.
But why was she so affected by this?
By him.
Sure, she did miss him, especially in the beginning. He promised her to be her saviour under the stars that one night. And it felt bittersweet. All the boys, him, leaving Niebelheim. Now that they found a way to each other.
And then Niebelheim had been taken away as well. The weeks after passed in a haze. She can still feel the fires. Yes, she tried to hold on to positive memories. Like their promise. Saving the bad ones for her nightmares. But she feared being helpless ever since then.
She stepped under the spray and let out a breath she didn’t knew she held. Warm water easing her tired frame.
A lot of things came and went after she arrived in Midgar. She grew up, made friends- found a new home. Yet she realised that even if it is nice to rely on someone to save the day- the best option is to trust in yourself rather.
Tifa still kept their memory close to her heart nevertheless. She always would. She missed him, She missed their home.
It dawned on her that Cloud was the only link to this ‘past-of-hers' left. Having found him at that station after believing for so long she’d lost him too had made her feel a deep grounded hope. But he was different.
Tifa wasn’t sure if he just needed time. Something was off. Maybe she needed time. Maybe she was projecting too much.
Someone suggested it to be Mako poisoning when she dragged him home that day. Whatever it was, it wasn’t over yet.
Closing her eyes she remembered him sitting on a stool in 7th Heaven the other day just happy he was interested in helping Avalanche as a merch. Then she had left him to fetch a bottle of Grenadine from the storage. Returning behind the bar she saw his eyes cast on the glass in his hand, unfocused. He looked just like she found him at the station. Completely out of it. It scared her, whatever it was.
Hearing her put the bottle down on the countertop seemed to jolt him back to life.
Then as quickly as it appeared the apathetic look was gone. His eyes were back on her, fixed on hers. Lips curling slightly as he leaned back and ordered one more drink. Hard and bitter. She remembered staring into his eyes. Mesmerized.
It was not the Mako, that made her uneasy. There was something else in his eyes. She wanted to reach out. She didn’t know how to. So she poured him the drink, avoiding his eyes. Because she hated the inner turmoil they added to.
Were his memories of them as kids as fond as hers?
He did reference their promise the other night, so? Did he feel...what? Happy? Relieved they ran into each other. It being obligatory to stay now? A bother?
He was so cool about everything. Almost cocky.
More importantly: Why did he leave Soldier? What happened to him? How did he get so cold? Was he cold? More like closed up. But he tried. Like Marle making suggestions for him to look after Tifa and Cloud kind of agreeing? Right. That was embarrassing in a way. Though it came from a heart felt place. And she liked the way Cloud responded.
It made her catch a glimpse of the boy from Niebelheim. It made her happy. It was like he was losing that hard edge slowly.
She felt that old gravitational pull grow stronger. He was not hard on the eyes either.
His physique is that of a fighter, strong and well trained. But that’s not the impression she got way back at the station. Not in the state she found him in. He was nearly dead. Barely able to form coherent language.
Those eyes void.
Like at the bar.
Like when he offered to and nearly got rid of Johnny.
She shivered. The fuck! She needed answers. She wanted to know if she could help. She wanted to know, get to know, rekindle... afraid of overstepping.
Slipping up and losing control over her feelings was a dangerous territory. Since Niebelheim in flames she can not stand feeling week ever again.
It felt like it might already be too late.
She leaned her forehead on the tiles, strands of hair and water ran over her face. The spray massaging her back. She opened her eyes and watched the water whirl into the faucet. Round and round like the thoughts in her head.
The turmoil in her heart was wearing her down.
The shower didn’t help. She turned off the water, wrapped herself in a towel and stepped back into her room. The only light falling in between the curtains dim from the sun lamps atop. She dressed, slowly. How long had she been in the shower? She needed to focus. Focus on the positive. And shut the lingering doubts and insecurities out.
She looked at the adjourning wall when she suddenly heard Cloud's door open and close. Then his steps followed by a thumping sound, probably his boots joining hers on the floor, though in his room. The faint sound of water shortly after.
He was there now, only 7 steps away. Could have been light years. To Tifa it was all the same at that moment. She blinked again. And again. Willing the tears away. At least her eyes weren’t dry anymore.
Must be the exhaustion.
Let me hear what you think please. But if its brutal , please just scroll on. My day already took care of that. 🤣
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def-initely-soul · 5 years
Burn The Witch {2}
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pairing:  yoongi x reader (f.)
genre: supernatural; angst; mystery; magical society AU; magicals!AU
rating: PG-15
warnings: violence; emotional abuse; blood; bullying; mentions of murder; mature language
words: 5.5k
↠ {a boy who keeps running away, a girl who can’t seem to no matter how much she tries and a series of murders caught all in between of the cracks spread through what appears as a quiet little town…} ↞
or alternatively, not everything is always what it seems
previous part: {1}
Your alarm clock rings, successfully waking you up from your peaceful slumber.
With a loud grunt, you force yourself to sit up, covers shuffling in the process as you rub the tiredness off your eyes, causing your familiar to stir awake.
The corsac fox, Alistair, slowly uncurls himself on top of your bed, his grey-white fur shining under the morning light as he looks at you with a slightly annoyed stare.
You get out of bed, giving him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Ali, didn’t mean to wake you…” you explain, moving to scratch his ears and you realize his mind must still be in a state of sleep as you fail to hear his characteristic voice in your head and instead you’re met with an appreciative hum.
“Go back to sleep…” you murmur as you move towards the hall.
Your feet feel cold as they make contact with the bare wooden floors of your house. They echo in direct contrast with the usual silence that hangs in the air, the only thing filling this otherwise empty home.
You’ve been living alone for almost 11 years now and still, you can’t get used to the hollowness draping the walls and furniture.
This house used to be filled with life once upon a time. Friends, family, your parents. It used to be a “home”. Now it’s just a place standing like a ghost in the ruins of what used to be.
Not feeling in any particular mood to look through your clothes before going to work, you close your eyes and whisper a summoning spell. Instantly you feel your night attire being replaced by some jeans and a black T-shirt. You don’t bother looking yourself in the mirror, instead moving to the kitchen to grab a quick bite before heading off.
This is your daily life. Aside from uni on weekdays. But since today is Sunday, you only have to go to work at Selkie’s Place as a waitress.
It’s mostly a lonely life, you admit. Just one friend who spends most of his time reading, so not exactly a friend. Only school, work, home, and repeat. It’s been like this for a while. Since you were twelve to be exact.
You shake your head as you munch into your cereal. It’d do you no good to think about that now. Plus the anniversary is getting closer. You’ll have time to be miserable then.
To be honest, you only got to work after you became nineteen. Actually, no one sane in this town would hire you, given your history and reputation. You don’t blame them though. You probably wouldn’t want someone that only brings misfortune to their peers in your business either. Half the town believes you’d set those fires. Which you didn’t. And the other half believes you were simply cursed.
For that, you’re not so sure. Maybe you are.
Anyways, it’s best for everyone to keep their distance. You’re fine either way. It’s safer for everyone.
Except for Mona, that is. She wouldn’t keep her distance even if you hexed her.
Mona, the owner of Selkie’s Place and your boss, used to be friends with your parents before the incident. She and your mother, Beatrice, were best friends since school and when you were born Mona became sort of your godmother. You’ve grown up with her and when you lost everything she was there to pick up the pieces and take care of you, in place of your parents.
At first, she wanted you to move in with her, but you were not ready to leave this house. It still holds so many memories of a carefree childhood, of your family, of times that you used to be happy. You were not ready to say goodbye to that yet.
So instead, she moved in with you for a few years, but having a pub to run and a child to take care of didn’t exactly go together. So when you turned eighteen and she found you mature enough to take care of yourself living in a house on your own, she moved back into her place, even though she still tried to come by as often as she could.
You’re not complaining though. Mona really did try her best to take care of you and raise you as your parents would’ve wanted. But a shapeshifter can’t be too much of a help for a young witch.
When you became nineteen you begged her to let you work at her pub. You felt indebted to her for accepting her help all those years and wanted to pay her back in some way. Though she was furious when you suggested working as a volunteer, as a token of appreciation. So instead she let you work for her, but like everyone else. That meant you were growing up suddenly, deciding it was time to take care of yourself on your own for real this time, so Mona’s frequent visits came to an end.
Now, she only stops by once a week, to check on you over a warm cup of coffee.
You break your reverie when it’s time to leave for work. Whispering another summoning spell, suddenly your teeth are brushed, breath as fresh as ever, and hair combed thoroughly. You grab your satchel bag and with a snap of your fingers, you disappear.
You reappear a block away from the pub, blowing some hair out of your eyes as you begin walking. You refrain from teleporting straight into the pub as Mona has already reprimanded you one-too-many times about it. Apparently, it creeps some people out.
If only they knew that’s one of the few basic spells you know. Every witch’s rite of passage includes the finding of a mentor at the age of 12, to help the young witch grow into their individual powers and unfold their potential. But since you weren’t even twelve when the accident happened. You never found out what your power is and there was no way for you to get a mentor. Not in a town where you’re the only witch left.
But you manage. You don’t mind the gossip, the talking, the stares, and the harsh words. You don’t care for the suspicious glances some of your coworkers still give you or the sneers from the students from the academy.
Because you have a plan. All you care about is going through college and getting your diploma as a potion master so you can get out of this hellhole. To go somewhere else, somewhere where no one knows you, no one cowers at the sight of you, no one bothers you and just let you be.
Your next step brings Selkie’s Place into sight.
You sigh, letting air flow into your lungs as you let a mechanical smile take over your lips.
One day closer.
Most of your shift goes by smoothly. There is, of course, the weird glances from some of your coworkers, magicals that believe the rumors or humans simply because you’re a witch. But really you can’t get rid of those glances and after some point, you don’t mind them at all. So it’s another usual day.
Until a certain group of sirens walks in.
You can hear their loud, piercing laughter all the way to the storage room, the sound annoying, ringing through your eardrum.
And yet they say witches cackle.
You fix your apron before entering the dining space and approaching their table. Hoping their group is incomplete.
But as you get closer and their voices become clear and distinct instead of the crumbled mess of sounds, you know your hopes were in vain.
“Welcome to Selkie’s Place”. What can I get you for the evening?” your voice comes out almost robotically as you take out your notepad, already mentally preparing yourself for what is about to come.
And as you rest your eyes on the group, currently shooting daggers out of their eyes, you do your best to avoid looking at the girl in the middle.
But, alas, the girl groans theatrically with a smirk gracing her lips as if it’s her favorite jewelry.
“Ugh, you can get us a new waitress ‘cause there’s no way in seven seas I’d let someone like you serve me.”
You press your lips tightly together, fist clenching the notepad between your fingers in an attempt to not talk back to her.
“Even if that’s the only thing you’re good at,” Sunmi gives her final blow with a triumphant, overly saccharine smile as her friends giggle and agree.
You swallow down the words you actually want to throw to her face before another mechanical smile appears. “Of course. They’ll be with you shortly,” you answer before walking away towards Lisa, the other waitress that usually works the same shift as you. But not before getting to witness Sunmi’s less than satisfied look in her failure to get a reaction out of you.
The siren girl has been your own personal tormentor ever since the accident. Or more particularly ever since her species lost their status and privilege because of it. Which she inevitably sees as your fault.
And she doesn’t fail to show that through various methods. Water-filled lockers, seaweed covering your books and gymnastics uniform, broken seashells on your seat, “accidental” tripping due to a pond of seawater that came out of nowhere, resulting in broken bones you had to heal more than once. And of course the mildest of interactions, the verbal attacks.
Which some times hurt more than practical pranks.
The sky is grey, looking ominous and moody as you make your way through the academy grounds the next day. To be fair though the weather has been like this since forever. You don’t remember a time when the sky was blue.
You suppose it matches you in some way.
Going through the great hall used to frighten you some time ago. Walking through crowds of students that practically hate you, all alone like a moving target? Yeah, the experience was bound to be nerve-wracking.
But you’ve grown used to it by now. Every single loathing glance that used to send shivers down your spine has nothing on you now. You’ve grown numb to them, indifferently making your way down to the dining hall.
The founders of the academy first built it not only as an educational institute but as a safe haven for magicals all around the world that were hunted, disowned or simply had nowhere else to go. So aside from the learning premises, there are also sleeping quarters, the kitchen and of course the dining hall.
But as years passed and the need for magicals to hide from humans slowly dissipated, the dorms emptied out as they were no longer needed. But the kitchen and dining hall are still functioning.
You step into the enormous dining area, eyes already finding your designated spot, just beneath the stained-glass windows. Thankfully no one seems to occupy it, not that they would though since it’s your spot we’re talking about.
Anything to avoid the witch.
Your boots boom against the wooden floors as you reach your table, sitting down with a huff. Your hands are already at your notes, opening the notebook to quickly go through them before your Advanced Potions class.
“And of course, she puts aside breakfast for the sake of her studies,” a familiar voice says, its tone kind and gentle as its owner sits down across from you, holding a tray with two bagels and two cups of steaming coffee.
Your eyes rest on the tall, blond elf boy and you smile thankfully.
“I can’t waste time on breakfast if you recall…” you joke and Namjoon smiles, his dimples appearing before placing the tray between the two of you.
Namjoon is the only person in the academy that actually talks to you like a normal person would. He’s never been prejudiced towards you, not since you shared your chocolate bar with him one day in high school when he simply forgot to pack lunch. Although his parents wouldn’t be exactly thrilled with the idea if they knew. But as he once said, “what they don’t know, won’t hurt them.”
And, of course, he helps a bit with classes as well.
To put it lightly Namjoon is a genius. You’d think being born an elf, into an extremely wealthy and respected family and incredibly handsome would be enough but no. To top all that, he’s also a prodigy. AND one of the kindest people you’ve ever met.
Which usually results in him lecturing you about your lack of self-preservation instinct.
“Eat,” he says sharply as he points at the bagel closest to you.
You sigh. “This conversation is taking too much of my study time…” you complain lightly and Namjoon just smiles.
“And it would’ve been avoided altogether if you just ate,” he replies with a winning smirk and you huff in fake annoyance as a smile threatens to spill all over your lips. If you’re honest you really enjoy it when he’s being this caring with you.
“Fine…” you mutter begrudgingly, “but I’m not letting you pay for them like last time!” you open your bag to pay him back.
“Whoever said I paid for them?” he mumbles behind the rim of his paper cup.
You turn to him with wide eyes, before. “Kim Namjoon did you flirt with the lunch lady again?” your voice incredulous even though really it’s been already more than twice that Namjoon charmed his way out of paying for breakfast.
He simply giggles, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.
“I can’t help it if I’m just this incredibly charming,” he winks at you and you almost double in laughter, before grasping your cup.
“If only she knew you were gay…” you mumble above the steaming beverage before taking a sip and an appreciative moan rolls off your tongue.
“Oh, she knows, I’m thinking she wants to set me up with her nephew.”
You almost spit out your coffee.
You leave Namjoon outside of his Runes class feeling a little lighter before you make your way down the hall and onto the next floor for your class.
A group of shapeshifters walks down the stairs as you ascend them, books on your hands, trying to fish out your phone from wherever you’ve thrown it into earlier in the day.
You ignore their voices, as you usually do, knowing it’s the safest way to go by unnoticed.
Although, sometimes even this doesn’t work.
An “accidental” hand pushes you to the side, not enough to have you tumbling over your feet, but enough to make you lose your grip on the books and for them to spill all over the stairs and reach the floor beneath.
Giggles reach your ears as a mocking “oops” echoes through the corridor, before the group disappears around the corner, the sound of laughter trailing after them, leaving you once more alone.
Your eyes remain glued to the floor and a slight tremble takes over your body as you stand still in the same position as before when the sound of thunder rings like a whip across the sky.
You close your eyes, willing the trembling to subside, forcing the raging thoughts in your mind to disappear before you do something you’re gonna regret.
You’re only aware of your clenched fists when you relax your fingers and inevitably crouch down to pick up your books. There are worse things that could happen, you try to remind yourself. At least it wasn’t you falling all over the stairs.
The incident though managed to put a dump on your previously cheerful mood and you gather your stuff with a frown, trying to keep yourself together.
Footsteps reverberate through the corridor as another student walks down the stairs while you pick up the last of your stuff. You stand up, deciding to wait for whoever it is to leave first before you attempt to go up again.
But when your eyes rest on the vampire girl who stares at you from the middle of the stairs, your heart clenches unpleasantly and you can’t help but stare back.
Chungha’s stare is indecipherable as she just stands there, eyes on you, her frame frozen as she most likely realized why you were currently picking up on your books.
You gulp anxiously. Before taking your eyes off her, putting on the most indifferent face you can manage and walking up the stairs, “playing safe by letting her walk down first” long forgotten.
So you walk up to your next class, leaving the vampire girl behind with a heavy heart.
At the end of your classes, you’re already tired for the next month, you can’t wait to go home and rest for a couple of hours before you have to leave for work again.
On your way to the front gate, though, another pair of students pass by you, bumping into you and your books once more spreading across the floor. This time you can’t contain the tired sigh that escapes you, as you crouch down to pick them up.
But then something unexpected happens.
A person, who surprisingly isn’t Namjoon, crouches down to help you.
The gesture is so unprecedented, you don’t even register what they say to you, and instead, you freeze and stare at the person with wide, baffled eyes.
The unknown boy across from you gathers your stuff calmly, not at all bothered or disgusted at your sight, his black hair falling in front of his eyes, framing his pale face, giving him an otherworldly aura, one that makes him seem almost as if he’s a figment of your imagination.
If you weren’t shocked by him helping you, you’d certainly be by how handsome he looks.
Once he realizes you’re frozen on your spot, he also stops and raises his eyes at you, and for some reason, his expression matches yours. 
Is this a prank? Will someone appear with a bucket full of pig blood while someone captures the entire thing on their phones?
Your eyes move quickly to distinguish any possible threat only to see Jimin, the fae boy behind the handsome stranger. Looking at you like you just killed someone.
Your eyes widen, suddenly terrified this might be a prank, fear immediately taking over your bones, even though you know Jimin would never do something like that, no matter how much he’s afraid of you.
The other boy must have sensed this because he starts talking.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
But once his voice reaches your ears, you feel like being woken up from a spell, reminding you of where you are.
Of your place.
You grab your books from the black-haired boy’s hands before you make a run for it.
Eyes glued to the floor as you walk away towards the gates, already trying to forget the way the boy’s eyes bore into yours.
You try not to dwell too much on the events of the day as you try to survive your way through your shift, although you can’t help but catch glimpses of a conversation between some of your clients, commenting on the new vampire boy that Jimin has seemingly taken under his wing.
But as you said, you don’t let yourself think too much about it.
When another one of your assigned tables gets taken by a group of students, you make your way towards them.
As you stand before their table, pad and pen ready on your fingers, your voice already carries out the rehearsed words.
“Welcome to Selkie’s Place. What can I get you for the evening?” you raise your eyes to the group.
Instead of their orders, you’re met with side glances and uncomfortable fidgeting.
You sigh.
Thank god Lisa is a relatively rational person and is willing to help you out every time someone asks for a different waitress.
It happens more often than you’d think.
Not often enough to see a significant drop in Mona’s income but still.
So, in return for Lisa taking one of your tables, you’ll have to look out for a table at her side.
And not long after that, another group of three steps into the pub, heading for a table at Lisa’s side. Once you see Sua as one of the people in the group you turn around to let Lisa know you’ll take this and she nods appreciatively.
As you make your way towards them you try to figure out who you’ll be serving. You see Sua talking animatedly to Jimin but you couldn’t make out the face of the third person.
But at least you know they’re not gonna ask for a different waitress. It’s one of the reasons you let Lisa know you’ll serve them; Sua never has asked for a different waitress. She never seems to have a problem with you and well, Jimin might be afraid of you but she never let him ask for someone else. You just hope the earlier incident today didn’t affect Jimin this much that he wants a different waitress regardless of what Sua says.
As for the third person you just hope Sua has the same effect on them too.
She orders first, then letting Jimin order before you turn to the third person.
Who is currently hiding behind the menu.
Sua’s polite smile falters for a second. She smiles again apologetically at you before turning to Jimin. “Isn’t he gonna order?”
You smile back knowingly. Maybe Sua’s words won’t be enough this time and you’ll have to change tables with Lisa. Again.
Jimin completely avoids your eyes, mumbling a weak “sorry” to Sua before turning to the boy in question. You don’t let that bother you though so you turn your focus to the guy behind the appetizers.
“Uh, Yoongi? The waitress is here…”
Yoongi? Weird, you don’t know anyone with that name.
A headless voice coming from behind the menu clears their throat. “Ugh, I’m fine…” the person mumbles, still holding the piece of paper firmly in place.
Sua chuckles uncomfortably before leaning closer to that Yoongi guy, as you remain in your spot, unsure of what to do.
“Come on, you’ve been out all day. Sure even you would be hungry or at least thirsty!” she insists and you suppress a chuckle at the unwilling grunt coming from behind the menu.
But it seems the words of the fae girl finally take action and the man brings down the menu at last, as you ready yourself to take down his order.
Although as the impromptu partition disappears and the man looks at you with apologetic eyes, a hand rubbing awkwardly at the base of his neck, you admit you’re not at all prepared.
It’s the guy who tried to help you earlier today. The black-haired boy whose eyes you tried to forget.
“Um, I’ll have just a pint of whatever stout you have…” he mutters with a low and yet polite voice and you’re left to stare at him for a moment too long before realizing what he said.
Your eyes widen before you drop them to your pad to write his order down.
“Uh, yes… Sure, uh… I’ll, I’ll be with you shortly, thank you!” you stutter, cheeks reddening, already mentally berating yourself, before moving away.
Trust you to make yourself look like an idiot.
After serving them their order while trying your best to avoid the boy’s eyes on your face unsuccessfully, you take your spot on one of the vacant seats on the bar next to the cash register.
Mona is currently behind it, making sure everything is in order. You’ve decided to keep her some company now that things are a bit slow.
“So how’s today going?” she asks as she counts some of the bills.
You shrug nonchalantly. “Eh, same old, same old. People looking at me weird. Asking for a different waitress. Nothing I haven’t handled before…” you joke with a dismissive wave of your hand.
Mona though stops to look at you or more precisely scold you. “Haven’t we talked about this already? Whenever something like that happens, just let me handle it!”
An involuntary sigh escapes you at her stubbornness. “And I told you no because you’ll most likely throw them out.”
She gasps, faking offense. “When have I ever? I’ll just have a nice little conversation!”
You smile at that. “Which will result in you throwing them out.”
She smirks. “Maybe.”
That makes your smile fall, though. Sometimes it feels as if she’s the child and you're the responsible adult in your relationship. “Mona, come on, just think this through. You can’t lose customers because of me!” your voice turning serious, hoping at least now she’ll listen to the voice of reason.
“Well, if they’re being douchebags maybe I don’t want them as my customers!” she retaliates and you fondly shake your head. It’s one of those times you know she’s not gonna listen to you, no matter how much sense you’re making.
“Anyways, I can handle it myself very well.”
Another ding is heard across the pub, signaling the entering of another customer and you turn around, ready to go if they need you.
Only to see Chungha walking in.
You freeze in your seat (damn your natural instinct of fight or flight for not existing), hand stuck in your apron where it reached for your pad. Eyes glued to the vampire girl’s form as she moves across the room to find her company.
Only to sit down at the table where Sua, Jimin and that boy Yoongi are seated.
A soft curse leaves your lips before turning around and taking a deep breath.
Fuck, you should’ve known she’d sit there. She and Sua are practically inseparable now.
Mona, having watched the scene, looks at you with sympathy hiding in her eyes. “I can call Lisa if you want…”
Honestly, that sounds idyllic right now. You’d rather go talk to Sunmi than walk back to this table.
You take another breath, before fixing your hair and clothes and putting on a brave smile on your lips, one that doesn’t certainly doesn’t reflect your inner feelings. “No, I’ll go, it’s fine!”
Mona doesn’t seem convinced. “Are you sure?”
But in her defense, neither are you.
“Yeap!” you say instead with an extremely cheerful voice before departing for their table.
You try to subdue the shaking in your hands and to keep your fake smile from falling as you near the group as well.
The group seems deeply immersed in their conversation, Sua and Chungha laughing at something Jimin said as Yoongi takes a sip of his beer.
Though everyone’s eyes are focusing on you when you stand in front of them.
“Was everything to your satisfaction?” you ask politely, hands hanging awkwardly at your sides as you struggle to make eye-contact with the newcomer, without appearing totally hung up on your shared past.
You see, once upon a time, when your life was much simpler and happier, you and Chungha used to be friends.
And not just any kind of friends. The best kind. Stuck together from the first day of daycare, all through middle school, as if you were both born to be in each other’s lives. Less than sisters but so much more than just friends. It was perfect.
Until the accident happened. And then it wasn’t anymore.
Sua’s answer interrupts your short-lived reverie. “Oh, yes, everything is completely perfect!”
Jimin simply smiles at her, the gesture small yet endearing, given he’s also casting you side-glances. Chungha looks at Sua as well, successfully ignoring your presence as if you’re nothing but a fly.
But that isn’t exactly right. A fly would get more attention than this, it could probably fly away or maybe someone would smash it with a newspaper or something. 
Which both sound much better than what you’re currently going through.
Then you hear a small chuckle in response to Sua’s words, so quiet you almost missed it, coming from the boy next to Jimin. You cast a curious glance towards him, seeing him take another sip of his beer. The hints of a smile hanging from his lips.
But then his eyes are on you again, so you refocus on Sua’s voice.
“And also could we get a glass of - what was it that you liked, AB negative?” She turns her attention to Chungha midway through her sentence and you try to not let your eyes widen at the sudden request.
Chungha’s eyes fidget nervously. “Sua…” she complains stiffly.
It’s not uncommon for vampires - or werewolves, or sirens - to ask for a glass of blood to quench their thirst. But usually, you serve such beverages in a secluded area for magicals only, to save humans from a possible freak out at the sight of them.
You’re sure Mona doesn’t really mind but the request itself is kind of a taboo.
“What? I thought you were starving! I’m just looking out for you!” Sua reiterates, eyes wide as if not seeing the problem in such a demand.
But due to that, Chungha turns to look at you for the first time tonight. Her stare on you makes you feel queasy, especially when her entire focus is on you.
Your palms are sweating, fantastic.
“I’ll have an apple cider and some mashed potatoes, thank you,” she announces calmly before her eyes return to her phone.
And here you are, silently panicking over her and she seems perfectly fine. As she always seems to be whenever she’s around you. Like all those years meant nothing. God it’s been more than ten years already, why are you still so hung up on her?
You take another breath before you jot that down.
You clear your throat. “Great. I’ll be right back.”
This time your voice is steady as a rock, and yet somehow you feel worse than before.
And as you walk away, you miss the way Yoongi’s eyes curiously follow your figure.
After that interaction that you’re better off not remembering, the rest of the evening goes by uneventful.
Well, if you forget almost scaring Jimin to death when you just tried to help him.
It wasn’t your fault though! You just happened to see him forget his jacket at the coat rack outside the men’s bathroom and simply run after him to give it back.
Only he couldn’t hear you calling him so when you jumped right in front of him to stop him, he was scared shitless.
Which would’ve been okay, if it wasn’t for you. Because, really, these things could happen to anyone. It was the way the fear re-entered his eyes once he realized who was returning his jacket. Like he would’ve been completely okay to be accidentally scared out of his wits from someone returning his jacket, unless that someone was you.
You swear he took a step back, almost unwilling to take his jacket back as if he was afraid you might’ve hexed it in the short span it took you to reach him.
And it hurts. It hurts seeing one of the most liked, most kind people of this town being fucking repulsed by you. You admit there are times when you think you and Jimin would’ve been great friends. But life never works out the way you want it too. How can you hurt over the loss of something you’ve never had?
And as if the day wasn’t awful enough, bad news reaches the pub when you’re about to take your break.
The dining space is full of life when a demon guy, Baekhyun, storms into the building, eyes wide, breathing heavily. Did he run on his way here?
At once all the conversations seize, eyes drawn at the boy standing in the middle of the floor. Baekhyun has the reputation of the Xuma’s gossiper. He’s sure to know first about any hot gossip so it doesn’t strike you as odd that everyone stopped whatever they were doing in favor of listening to another one of the demon’s rumors.
But as his eyes stare nowhere in particular as if he was still trying himself to come to terms with what he must have heard, the hair on your arm raises. Getting this terrifying feeling of dread right down to the pit of your stomach.
He swallows once. Then-
“The First Fae Kims are dead.”
The atmosphere is stiflingly quiet.
A few soft gasps echo through the room but aside from that, there’s no other sound daring to break the insufferable silence.
The Kims are dead? They’re the first family of Fae in this town. The most prestigious clan among your peers they’re suddenly dead.
And then the onslaught of questions begins.
“What? When?”
“You’re joking right?”
“All of them, what the fuck?”
“How is that even possible?”
“This isn’t funny Byun!”
You know their youngest daughter Solar, she’s in the same charms class as you.
Then another question pierces through the voices, loud and clear.
And once again, everyone stops talking in favor of focusing on whatever Baekhyun’s answer is gonna be.
And for some reason his eyes find you. You can’t decipher his stare and it gives you a great deal of confusion as to why he’s staring at you.
And now it’s not just him staring.
next part: {3}
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rkxric · 4 years
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                      bang! feels like it’s bursting                                      bang! fireworks shot up                                                    fun! our own universe                                                                we just wanna have some fun COVER : FUN! by FROMIS_9
after months and months of his tiktok followers begging him to make a youtube channel with longer covers, or vlogs of his busy life, he’d finally given in, at least a little bit. he doesn’t intend to upload often, or worry too much about it, but one vlog with a full length cover in there won’t hurt, right? he films on his phone since he hasn’t got a fancy camera, and his dad bought him a good phone with lots of storage that would last him a long time after his old one had fallen apart (literally, it practically disintegrated in his hands one day). 
it begins with him just filming his morning routine really quickly - talking to his phone while brushing his teeth as if he were telling his friend his plans for the day. it’s a sunday, the day he usually manages to stop by the dance studio at uni that’s open access to anyone when it’s not being used for classes. however, he does still have work, which he tells his vlog as he washes his face and brushes his hair. he dresses in his starbucks uniform and readies his bag with his comfier clothes for dancing in, since he doesn’t plan on wasting time coming home to get changed after his shift. 
he obviously doesn’t film while he works, though he films himself right after his shift, looking just slightly dishevelled - it’s always the busiest shift, the morning one, where half asleep businessmen and students come in needing their morning caffeine fix. “i just finished work and it’s now...” he pauses to check the time on his phone screen. “9:20am! so, i’m going to stop by the park on my way to the studio so i can sit down and eat my breakfast.” then he simply films his walk to the park, filming the sky and some birds eating some crumbs off the ground. 
once he’s eaten his slightly crushed toasted sandwich from starbucks and finished his coffee he heads off again in the direction of the university building. he’s already picked out the song and has learnt most of it, though he still has to tidy it up and learn the last few difficult bits. but, considering he has the whole day to work on it he’s pretty sure he can film a nice cover, both for the vlog and a shorter one for tiktok by the end of the day. 
it’s a long process, going through the choreo over and over and filming himself to watch it back and pinpoint mistakes he’s made, but after a quick lunch from the nearby convenience store, and a snack later in the day, eric’s pretty sure he’s got the cover perfected. it doesn’t take him long to film himself doing the cover for his vlog, since he’s not all that fussed about nice framing or his face being super visible like he is with his tiktoks. so, when it comes to filming the chorus part for his tiktok he has to figure a better place to put up his phone. 
eventually, after some piling up of random objects precariously against the mirror he manages to get his phone at a good height to film his tiktok. it takes a few tries but eventually it looks good and he declares himself done for the day. wandering home he decides to treat himself to a second coffee, something he never does, but, he’d had a long day, and he craves something milky and sweet with just a little bit of a caffeine kick. so, he heads into a starbucks (since he gets a good employee discount) and gets himself a mocha with extra foam. then, heads on home. 
as the days comes to an end he uploads his vlog to youtube, his cover to tiktok, and waits to see how both are received. as he lays there in bed, watching game playthroughs on his laptop, he thinks about how he could get used to filming the things he does in a day and letting people watch his everyday life, it had been kind of fun. maybe he’d do it again sometime...
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peacemaker-ic · 6 years
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Futura Living - Retro-Futuristic Living and Dining Set
Mid-century was an interesting time design-wise as many things were going on. Coming out of art-deco and Bauhaus, we have multiple technology advances that helped shape design of the era outside of the popularity of what is commonly referred to Mid-Century Modern that we enjoy today. With the harnessing of atomic energy and space travel, these influenced aspects of design and gave some out of this world designs. This set is inspired by that period of design, when space age, atomic age, and Mid Century mingled to create an interesting eclectic style that was full of personality.
What you need to know:
The divider, fireplace, and pendant textures are linked to the shortest height package file. You must have that size in-game for the others to work
The credenza and Console have TV slots
The storage box was designed to add some interest to the console and credenza and fits perfectly into the shelves. You can put decor there if you want though
Be sure to resize the pillow down one to get additional size, just use MoveObjects and the up/down keys to get to right height
The single seat Onslo sofa is 2 tile because of the design
the table centrepiece is designed for round tables, although it can be used on regular tables, it will be oversized
8/7/2019: updated candle tuning
23/11/2019 - Due to the Pre-Uni patch putting restrictions on number of bones, I have reduced the number of slots on the bookcase. It should now work without crashing the game. You will most likely have to re-place any clutter that was on any versions placed in-game
8/08/2020: updating round dining table rig to fix bug
The Build/Buy items feature:
basegame compatibility
40 meshes in total with between 8 and 40 colour/style options:
find items easily using phrase "Futura" in search bar (try this tutorial to easily find my sets)
style (found under "Modern" tag) and colour filter compatible
custom thumbnails
Pricing and polycount as follows:
Onslo Triple ($800, 1920 polys)
Onslo Double ($650, 1718 polys)
Onslo Single ($500, 1480 polys)
Onslo Wingback ($500, 2240 polys)*
Nina Dining Chair ($175, 1252 polys)
Herman Dining Chair ($125, 926 polys)
Plectra Dining Table ($475, 1310 polys)
Plectra Coffee Table ($210, 504 polys)
Plectra Nesting Tables ($100/120/140, 356 polys)
Kann Credenza ($420, 462 polys)
Treku Console ($375, 618 polys)
Volak Divider Small, Medium, & Large ($225/250/275, 938/1234/1530 polys)
Slant Bookcase ($365, 526 polys)
Snake Plant ($50, 290 polys)
Variegated Monsteria ($135, 1139 polys)*
Rubber Plant ($215, 1484 polys)
Balloon & Teardrop Amoeba Mirrors ($285, 464 polys)
Abstract Composition and Impressionism ($550, 98 polys)
Glazed Vase 01, 02, & 03 ($116/117/118, 410/362/338 polys)
Gazelle ($232, 548 polys)
Throw Pillow ($33, 240 polys)
Storage Box ($65, 98 polys)
Suspended Fireplace Short, Medium, & Tall ($725/750/775, 1788/1820/1820 polys)
Table Centrepiece ($295, 1530 polys)*
Capsule Lamp ($180, 852 polys)
Novo Floorlamp ($260, 1084 polys)
Gersh Pendent in Short, Medium, & Tall ($231/232/233, 626 polys)
Turbine Stereo ($285, 528 polys)
*This content is considered high poly so use in moderation, or if you don't think your computer can handle it, best to take these items out.
CC credits:
All custom content is mine, so feel free to browse through my downloads to find it.
Now, there are 2 download links. One for a merged package, and another with all packages separate within a folder in a RAR archive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver and place the folder or package files in your mods folder, then look for them in your game. If you are having issues check out my Installing Content help page.
Merged (Mirror) | Separated (Mirror)
I have also uploaded the files individually below
Download Individual Items:
Google Drive
My content will always be free, but if you are so inclined and able, you can show your support and buy me a coffee
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ramyautomotive · 5 years
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FOR SALE: Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 13 Manual More info: +971 55 503 0780 (@hamoodmazaji) Price: W/ ‏Trailer 150k AED or W/O 130k AED Mods: 1-Avenger Style ABS Hood 2-Shocks Fox 2.5 Adj. 3-Arms Iron Spyder Adj. 4-Trackbar Adj. 5-4-inch Lift Kit Rock Krawler 6-Artec Front Bumper 7-Artec Rear Bumper 8-Artec Fenders 9-Armor Steel Body 10-Rocker Guard 11-ENG. the GATEKEEPER ROTO Pax Mount w/ 2 ROTOPAX Storage Pack and Hi-Lift 12-KMC Wheels XD Beadlock 17"x9.5 13-Cooper STT pro 37 tire 14-1.75" Wheel Spacers 15-Pair System Light Pro6 Single Wide-40 16-Pro6 7-light Radius Uni. Combo LED Light Bar 17-LED backlight 18-JWS LED Headlight 19-JWS LED Taillight 20-Towing Hook Aluminum 21-Front Pump Stop Hidrolik 22-Fox ATS Steering Stabilizer Adj. 23-Front and rear inner fenders aluminium 24-Screen Radio 25-Sound system W/ 2 Amplifier 26-4 marine speakers 27-Sup buffer 28-Diablo Sport Trinity T-1000 29-Switch control panel with a digital voltmeter 30-2 blackout window aluminium repl. with 2 jerry cans 31-Magna Flow black Series back Gzsz 32-Ring and pinion 4,56 Alloy 33-AEV Diff cover 34-AOR front axle armour 35-Roof Rack 36-Power Side Steps 37-4 Racing Seats Adjustable 38-overhead console 39-CB antenna mount 40-hardtop Quick release kit Warrior 41-Receiver 42-extreme sport grab handle 43-HD Roll Cage W/ Rear Overhead Center Bar With Rear Bench Harness Bar 44-Power Tank 45-Lug Bullet Style 46-Doors Mirror Kit W/ Turn Signal 47-4 Half Doors Front/Rear 48-2 Elite Fire Extinguishers Holder 49-2 Fire Extinguishers 50-Hood Catches 51-Window Visors 52-Stage 2+ Clutch Kit 53-Sprintex SPS Supercharger 54-Air Intake System GT Momentum 55-Elite Fog Light Guard 56-Elite Headlight Guard 57-Rear Driveshaft 58-Front Driveshaft 59-2 Phones Holders Carbon Fiber 60-2 Screen Back Seats 61- Phone Holders W/ Cups holder Sliding and with Phones Charger for both side back seats 62-Warn Winch Zeon 8-S 63-Wireless Remote Control for Winch 64-Matte Aluminum Hawse Fairlead 65-Lighting Illuminated Wheel Ring 67-3 Chase Tail Light 5 Modes 68-4 sides-Up Light Kit 69-4 Atlas Door Steps 70-Defender Grill 71-LED Fog Lights 72-Door Handles... #RAMYautomotive #RAMYproject #jeepjk #superchargedbyRAMY (at RAMY Automotive) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8arRmZJt4D/?igshid=4j2br966j0wr
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amymel86 · 5 years
Redamancy (n.) - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full - Chapter 2
Sansa is determined not to think about it today.
She will not think about it.
The issue is, in reminding herself that she should not be thinking about it, she is, indeed, thinking about it.
Staring at herself in the mirrored over-sink cabinet, watching her fingers rub the moisturiser in small circles over the skin of her cheeks, Sansa wills herself not to slide open the little door to reveal the box inside. She mentally curses as she sees her own traitorous hand reach up and slowly push the mirrored front to one side, the image of her now moisturised face being replaced by the contents of her bathroom cabinet.
Just a little peek can’t hurt.
Washing her hands, Sansa straightened and chewed on her lip, eyes trained on the box with the pregnancy test within, ignoring all the other immaculately organised bottles, boxes and bathroom paraphernalia. She had been sure to get one of the fancy tests. It had cost a fair bit more than the standard ones, but she hadn’t cared. The home pregnancy test that she had chosen had a digital display that gives you a little happy face if you’re pregnant and a frowny one if you’re not. Sansa thinks that it’s rather presumptuous of the manufacturers to assume that every woman who takes the test will be pleased to find out their condition, but none of that is her concern because Sansa will indeed be wearing the biggest grin should she see that happy face smiling up at her.
She’s not meant to take the test yet. She is nothing but rigorous when it comes to research and Sansa knows all the forums say the exact same as the information the clinic had given her – if she takes the test too early, she might get a false-negative due to the amount of hormones not yet built up in her body.
But it might be in there, Sansa thinks to herself, glancing down and brushing her hand over the soft skin on her flat stomach, just above her lemon-yellow cotton sleep shorts.
She feels so excited and nervous, she might burst. But she mustn’t take the test yet. So, deciding to stop eyeing the thing up, Sansa slides the cabinet door shut again to conceal the temptation away. Tomorrow, Sansa reminds herself, tomorrow is the day! She’ll set an alarm extra early.
Her bare feet pad lightly against cream carpet and then the cold tiles of her kitchen once she’s done in the bathroom. There is sunlight spilling into her open-plan lounge-diner-kitchen through the large windows that overlook the city street below. It’s not the kind of sunlight that warms the patches of carpet it bathes; the kind that cats like to claim with stretched out paws and tired, twitching, territorial tails. This kind of sunlight is pale, diluted by the promise of later rains.
Sansa knew a heavy rain shower was forecast for later on today. She makes a point to know these things; keep informed, be prepared. How else can you feel any kind of control?
Her linden wood clock comes to life as she passes it, mounted on the wall. Instead of a wooden cuckoo emerging to chirp the hour, with little flapping wings, a tiny wheel appears with intricately carved and golden painted fish perched on minute spindles. As the wheel turns, the fish tumble over one another, looking like they’re leaping from their stream before diving back under. The chimes are soft – not at all grating like the ones the large grandfather clock used to shout back in Sansa’s childhood home. Some people might’ve switched off the chimes, finding the marking of each hour an irritation, but Sansa likes it. She likes the reminder that things need to get done and there’s no time like the present. Some people may also have not bothered hanging the clock; it’s a pretty thing to look at with it’s carved and painted wood, but it’s not exactly in-keeping with the rest of her fashionably dressed apartment. But the fish-clock had been her mothers, and her mother’s-mother’s Sansa thinks too. There’s no way that it’s staying packed in a box in storage along with her Christmas decorations and unused exercise bike.
Sansa keeps many photographs of her parents in her home, but it’s the one stuck to her fridge with the ‘Visit Winterfell!’ tourist magnet that Robb had sent to her as both a joke and a hint that she loves the most. It’s old; taken before she was born and with baby Robb clearly making her mother’s belly round and swollen. It had been taken on her parent’s rather rushed wedding. Catelyn was wearing a simple cream dress and was carrying a small posy of baby’s breath, Ned sported an ill-fitting grey suit and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on a man as his hand lay on Sansa’s mother’s stomach – not caring that to most, the day could’ve been described as a shotgun wedding. He was marrying his love, and she hers, and together they were starting something special.
And since that day, Ned and Catelyn Stark could barely be separated from each other. Even in death, it seemed, they had been destined to do that together too.
Sansa smiled at the photo and pressed a kiss to her index finger before passing it along to her parents with a touch to each of their grinning faces. Good morning, Mama. Good morning, Daddy, she thinks, as she does everyday before opening the fridge to grab her morning smoothie. It’s been twelve years since their passing, and she misses them no less than she had when their loss had first truly hit home in that painful part of her heart.
Sipping on her smoothie, Sansa finds herself straightening the plastic magnetic letters she keeps on her fridge. Most are all organised in stringent, alphabetical and colour-coordinated rows (as Sansa is a stickler for order). The only letters with permission to break ranks are those that she has displayed to make up the phrase ‘you want it – go out and get it’. It had been something her mother had repeated to her as a little girl, time and time again. Sansa’s not entirely sure why Catelyn Stark had taken up that particular philosophy, but she thinks it might’ve had something to do with her grandfather, Catelyn’s father, forbidding his daughter from marrying her sweetheart and father to her child, Ned Stark. Catelyn had defied her daddy’s wishes and gone out and got what she’d wanted anyway, not sparing a single glance to look back. Grandpa Hoster had reluctantly come ‘round to accepting Ned as soon as Robb had been born anyway.
I’ll find out tomorrow if I’m getting what I want, Mama, Sansa nodded at the phrase on her fridge door, her hand going to her flat stomach as she took the last swig of smoothie from the bottle.
Sansa’s two bed apartment is clean and warm and welcoming. Well, that’s what all her friends say anyway. She’d been sure to decorate it exactly as she’d wanted when she first bought it, back when she was a student at King’s Landing Uni, years ago now. Not many students could boast to owning their own place, but Sansa would trade places with the renters in a heartbeat since she’d bought the apartment using her inheritance money.
In fact, she’d bought her two neighbouring apartments too, effectively making her the proud owner of the whole sixth floor in her apartment building. Uncle Brynden had taught her to invest and he and Robb had helped her with all the paperwork and legalities at the time. She definitely cannot say that receiving rent money from two properties and not having to pay rent herself hasn’t helped her at all.
She’s not some spoiled princess… though she may have acted that way once or twice when she had been younger. Life soon slapped that right out of her when a car accident took her Mama and Daddy away from her and Robb when she was a teen.
Sansa has a job. Now, she doesn’t necessarily need a job, but she enjoys what she does and she’s good at it too. She’s a Proof-reader for a local literary publisher, Red Keep Books. The salary isn’t fantastic, but that’s fine because Sansa gets paid to read. She reads and she corrects and finds that so many shades of satisfying she can’t even begin to describe it. Besides, they always send her the new romances to look over with her sharp eagle-eye for detail. And even if Sansa’s own love-life is pathetic and non-existent, it doesn’t mean she can’t live through a thousand other loves through the words on the manuscripts. The love she reads may be fictional, but she feels it nonetheless. And sometimes that’s enough to make her feel a little less lonely.
I won’t be lonely for too much longer, she thinks. Hopes. Her head turning towards the bathroom where her pregnancy test awaits.
Deciding to use a donor and have her baby on her own wasn’t easy. One doesn’t just add ‘sperm’ onto your weekly grocery shopping list between ‘milk’ and ‘cheese’ after all. But she just cannot control when her ‘Mr Right’ was going to walk into her life (if he even exists at all – to which Sansa does harbour some doubts). She can’t control that, just like she couldn’t control what happened to her parents, or her ex cheating on her, or her other ex suddenly deciding to up and move to Braavos without much care as to whether Sansa joins him or not. But this? There was some control to be had with this, and as big a leap as it seemed, Sansa found comfort in whatever control she can find.
For as long as Sansa can remember she has wanted children of her own. At the age of seven, she had amounted an impressive collection of baby dolls and each one of them was given loving care and attention every day. Robb had hated her for it, but Sansa was forever forcing him to ‘play house’ with her or take her and a few of her dolls into the back yard for a pretend picnic. She still smiles whenever the memory flits through her head now.
This isn’t child’s-play anymore though. This is real, and it’s frightening, and it’s wonderful, and it’s horrifically exciting and everything Sansa has ever wanted. Well, almost.
She hasn’t actually told anyone about the possible baby yet, or it’s unconventional conception. And even though Sansa has never subscribed to the ‘better to ask forgiveness than permission’ philosophy, she was willing to get behind it this one time. She’d gone round and round the pros and cons in her own mind enough for her to detest the thought of hashing them out with anyone else. She’d made up her mind, and that was that.
Besides, she thinks, looking down to her stomach, it might not have worked this time around.
Deciding that she needs to keep busy and to stop tempting herself to find out the answer to that question by ripping open that pregnancy test and praying to the Old Gods and the new for that little smiley face to appear, Sansa thinks that distraction is key. She’ll be welcoming a new tenant into her empty apartment today (the other being occupied by one Mr Theon Greyjoy, a guy that seems to want to stick with one Stark or another, having started off as Robb’s best friend up north and then took up residence in one of Sansa’s properties when he moved down south).
Brienne from HR had heard that one of her properties was vacant at present and asked if the new guy in accounts could rent it while in his probationary period in his new role. She didn’t know much about the guy except that his name is Jon, but Sansa figured if he’s utterly awful she can move him along after the six months is up anyway.
Still, never let it be said that Sansa Stark is unwelcoming. She has plans today to go out before the heavens open as forecasted so she can buy her new tenant a little welcome gift. Maybe this Jon will be able to distract her enough from that pregnancy test calling to her from the inside of her bathroom cabinet?
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sugacoatedfics-blog · 5 years
Innocent Love Blooms In The Most Tragic Places
Story Summary;
Yoongi is a wolf hybrid. He is cold and unapproachable. Woe betide anyone who touches what is his. Jimin is a bunny hybrid. He is shy and innocent, always positive. How will the two interact with each other in university where they have been forced to be roommates where no one has ever heard of a predator and prey rooming together?
Tags: possessive behaviour, angst, fluff, hybrid, hybrid traits
Word Count: 2849
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Jimin brushed his curly, pale yellow hair to the side, deciding on a parting in the middle. He put on his lens free glasses, which had big frames. Additionally, he wore a big black jumper with a rainbow on it, and tight grey jeans with white and black stripped adidas trainers. He hefted a bag over both shoulders, his small and slim frame struggling under the weight as his bunny ears flicked. It was his first day at uni today, and truly, he was nervous. Stepping out of the boy’s bathroom he was in, he tried his best to find his room, in Wing B Floor 3 Room 367. Finally coming onto it, he unlocked it with a key that had a fluffy keyring reassembling his tail attached to it. Home sweet home he thought, setting down his bag. The door from the corridor opened directly into the bedroom. There was a window opposite the door. To each side of the window was a matching oak nightstand and single bed with a navy-blue duvet folded at the end. Past each bed was a desk and a small cupboard. Wardrobes were non-existent as they had underbed storage space. In between the bed and the desk on the left was a plain door which led to the bathroom. The bathroom had a toilet, simple shower, sink and mirror. Two sets of big fluffy and small fluffy towels were laid on the sink. Grinning, the bunny hybrid begun to unpack, choosing the bed on the left side. Yoongi wasn't in much of a rush to move into the new dorms. He'd been taking his time walking through the hallways, his ears flicking at the sound of people's shoes squeaking due to the amount of movement going on. Everyone seemed to be trying to get to their dorms as fast as possible. Yoongi instead just sighed and ran a hand through his black his black hair, he decided to at least make sure he looked presentable to his roommate. Glancing down at his outfit, Yoongi thought that he seemed presentable enough. Black ripped skinny jeans, black boots, and a simple white t-shirt, he looked like the catalogue picture for the word edgy. He continued to walk towards his new room and let out a soft sigh when he reached it. Grabbing his key, he moved to unlock the door, but then realised it had already been opened. He opened the door, a slight hint of surprise when he saw bright blonde hair on the left side of the room.
"Hey" he simply said as he moved to the other side of the room to put down his bag. Jimin’s ears twitched with surprise, his nose following the motion unconsciously. "Hi! I'm Park Jimin but you can call me Jiminine or ChimChim or Jimin." He greeted with a million-watt smile; a hand stretched out to the other in the typical way of greeting. "What's your name?" He continues politely, staring at the taller and most likely (although yet to be confirmed however Jimin did have a sneaking suspicion this was true) elder roommate he had gotten for the semester. He has yet to decipher which hybrid the other is; however, he quickly assumes him to be some sort of prey as predator never ever room with prey. Something about dominance and easy submission being the reason for the matter. Yoongi blinked in surprise at how enthusiastic the seemingly younger boy was. The fact that his roommate was clearly prey also surprised him, maybe there was a mix up in the rooms? He reached his hand out to meet the others greeting. "I'm Yoongi, I don't really mind what you call me." His voice was steady and calm, still confused about his roommate being prey. Yoongi could hear something lightly shift in the room, his ears moving to fund the sound and his eyes quickly following. While searching for the sound Yoongi decided to ask Jimin an obvious question. "Are you... prey?" Jimin blinked, widely, innocently. "Aren't you prey?" He asked the other, answering his question with a another. "I'm a bunny hybrid if you can't tell," he grinned cheekily," but I don't know what you are. No prey hybrid I've met have had such bushy tails or ears." He said curiously, a light and puzzled expression on his cute face. He absent mindlessly stated to bite at his finger nails as he tried to figure out if he has ever seen a prey hybrid with Yoongis features. His own ears twitched as he thought, and his nose scrunched up adorably every time he mentally rejected someone who didn't fit the criteria he set in his mind, his expression becoming more frustrated the longer he thought on it. Yoongi just stared at the other for a minute, blinking as he realized that there was no way they could have been roommates. "I'm a predator." He said with an eyebrow raised, "And I'm a wolf hybrid... fluffy ears are kind of a given" he chuckled as he said this, wondering what the other would think now that he knew that Yoongi was a predator. He stared at the other boy, taking in his features, he was not much smaller than he was, but very clearly had a soft personality. The longer he looked at the other the more he could feel a shift in the atmosphere. Was Jimin afraid of me? Is it really that intimidating to have fluffy ears and a tail? "A wolf? Really really?" He asked, his expression mirroring that of child awe upon discovering something new. He shuffled closer to the other and gently reached a hand up to touch the base of the others fluffy ears with a squeak of delight that had him quickly blushing yet did not deter him from gently running his hand over that same ear. In that moment, our innocent bunny hybrid Jimin forgot fear and uncertainty. His only concern was jealousy that someone had such fluffy ears and he didn't. It was cute really, how childlike he acted, as thought Yoongi was the most fascinating thing he had come across in a while. Suddenly, however the moment ended. Jimin remembered that wolves ate small hybrids like him for breakfast and so he quickly stepped away, a small expression of shock on his face.
Yoongi smiled as the other squeaked with delight as he touched his ears. He had seemed so fascinated by the fact that they were fluffy, he had guessed that Jimin had not been around many predators at all. His thoughts were confirmed as the other stepped back from him, shock written all over his face. He looked almost as if his life was going to come to an end very quickly. "Yes really, and you don't have to be so afraid you know. I don't bite, unless asked to" Yoongi mumbled the very last part, knowing that the other wouldn't be able to hear him. He wanted the other to trust him, they were going to be roommates after all. It wouldn't be good if he got suspended out of fear for the other prey in the building. "Is this building purely for prey?" Yoongi asked, his face full of curiosity.
He shook his head rapidly, expression calmer now than in the beginning. "No, it's a mixed building. I wonder is everyone is predator-prey roommates." He said naively, genuine curiosity on his chubby cheeked face. "Oh! You probably want to unpack. I've just done my clothes but need to take out my study supplies and laptop. Hyung, - wait can I call you Hyung? How old are you? - there's no classes today, but we have some tomorrow. I'm studying hybrid care so I can be a nurse for hybrid children.." he talked a mile a minute, unpacking his laptop - baby blue in colour with cloud and rainbow stickers on it, his study books and arranging them alphabetically on the small shelves, his plan notepads and pens, pencils and other stationary items in a cute cactus pot with googly eyes on it. Yoongi chuckled at how quickly the other was talking, Jimin was very obviously nervous to be around a predator. Yoongi began to unpack his stuff and put them in the correct places before beginning to answer a few of the others questions. "I'm probably older than you if that's what you're wondering, so yes you can call me Hyung." He thought about what the other was studying, if it was for hybrid care then he must really like children. Yoongi was indifferent towards them, he didn't necessarily like them, but he didn't hate them either. "I'm studying criminology, I’m curious as to why there's been a big spike in prey crimes lately." As he spoke it was easy to tell how curious he was. Usually predators had the highest crime rate, but lately prey has had quite a large increase in crimes. Yoongi continued to unpack, making sure that everything was in the correct order "Ah that's so cool! I'm glad to be rooming with such a kind Hyung." Jimin spoke, complimenting the other as he stood on his tiptoes in order to push his last study book guide and textbook into place on the highest shelf. Struggling a little huffed and started to jump with the book outstretched in his short arms tiny fingers holding it tightly as he took blind attempts at getting it on his shelf. When that didn't work, he cursed his small height which was often a given due to the fact he was a prey hybrid, and gently set the book on his study desk before glaring daggers at it not so subtly. Pouting to himself, he went and charged his phone in his bedside table open slave shelf. Yoongi had noticed the other boys struggle and decided to help him. Despite not being extremely tall, he was still tall enough to reach the shelf. He grabbed the books and quickly put them into place before returning to what he was doing. After unpacking his clothing, he placed his backpack next to the bed, reaching in for his laptop. It was a complete contract to that of what the other had. Rather than a baby blue, his computer was a dark red with small hand painted details in black. He quickly turned it on and glanced to the other, giving a small smile to him. Jimin responded with a blinding smile of his own. "Thanks for putting my book up there Hyung. It's so annoying being small isn't it?" He whined, pouting up at the other. He moved towards the desk and switched his laptop on, deciding to be a good student and get his pre-course essay finished in time for class tomorrow. Out of the +25000 words needed he had competed 23500, leaving his with only a few more to type up. If he were to print his essay it would be 10 pages long, double sided and ready to mark. Yoongi chuckled at what the other said, "Being small isn't too bad" he replied. He noticed the other was working on an essay, Yoongi should have probably been doing the same, however he couldn't be bothered to. Instead he loaded up a game on his laptop, his hands moving at a lightning fast pace on order to keep up with it. It was normal for him to spend hours at a time on his laptop, not speaking and not moving anything except for his fingers. After a few hours Jimin finished his essay just as the sun was setting. He spoke to Yoongi every now and then, unaware the boy was in a zone of sorts. He told the other that he was taking a shower. Getting his nightclothes, he stepped in the bathroom and locked the door. He washed his hair and brushed his teeth, fluffing it up before putting on long pyjama bottoms with little pink stars that he tucked into mismatched stripy socks - one Green and blue the other a horrid yellow and red. His chest was covered up a long sleeved plain blue shirt, which completed his pyjamas. Hanging up the used towels, he went over to Yoongi and tapped him gently on the shoulder. Yoongi hadn’t really moved the entire time that Jimin was writing his essay. He would give a small hum every time the other spoke but that was about it. When he felt a light tap on his shoulder, Yoongi jumped slightly. He quickly paused his game before turning to Jimin with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Yes Jimin?” He asked, wondering what the other boy needed. It was only then that he considered how sore his wrists were from the amount of gaming he had done, wondering if he should wrap them before he continued. He then considered that the other looked ready for bed, mismatched socks to top it off as well. Was he keeping the other boy from being able to sleep? "Hyung, you should really get washed now and head to bed. We have class tomorrow." Jimin shyly stammered, unsure if he wasn't crossing some sort of boundary when it came to tell the other to go to bed. He was only concerned for the others well-being though, seeing as it was in his nature to care for everyone as if they were family. "Have you set your alarm yet? I've set mine for 07.00 since classes start at 09.00 and I want to make sure I have time to go to the canteen and eat bre- oh Hyung! Your wrists are so red!" He exclaimed, gently grabbing a wrist and holding it to his face. It was so close, Yoongi could feel his breath on it as Jimin examined it. "Get washed Hyung, and I'll bandage them for you." He said, ears and nose and tail twitching with pride as he thought about doing that for his Hyung. Yoongi simply nodded as he took in everything that the boy was saying to him. He set his laptop aside before telling the boy, “I’ll go get washed up first then” before grabbing his clothes and making his way towards the bathroom. Something that he should have asked the other first, was if they were comfortable with him sleeping shirtless. It was just so much more comfortable for him that way, so hopefully the other didn’t mind. As he finished washing up, Yoongi walked out of the bathroom in a pair of black sweatpants and he was shirtless. He looked up slightly and made eye contact with the boy, giving a slight smile as he made his was back over to his side of the room. He had begun to debate if he should sleep or keep playing. Jimin yelped and flushed red when he spotted the other shirtless. He very nearly dropped the pot of cream and roll of bandages he was holding. Clearing his throat, he sternly (or at least as sternly as a cute bunny could) forbid him from playing anymore and demanded to see the other hands. Sitting on his bed with him, he took the others wrists gently and massaged the cream into them, it feeling cold in contrast to Jimin’s soft and warm hands. Once he finished that, he gently put bandages around them, and shot his Hyung a pride filled smile. Yoongi grinned at the others behaviour, he ruffled the others hair, it was much softer than he would have thought. “I’m always a scary predator, especially when I don’t sleep.” He said giving the other a smirk and ushering him to his bed. “You need to sleep, and I’ll sleep some too.” Yoongi said, half speaking the truth. It’s true that he would sleep a little, he just never said when it would happen. As he walked back to him bed, he is waiting for the other to fall asleep. To take good measure he waited about an hour before going back onto his computer, only this time he wasn’t playing, he was working. Jimin groaned and turned in his sleep. He had slept for a couple of hours, tossing and turning, the light sounds of Yoongi working keeping him awake. The half-awake bunny crawled out from his comfy covers and shuffled sleepily towards the elder, draping himself over the back of his chair and hiding his face in the others neck, forgetting Yoongi is a predator. "Hyung~ you have to sleep now!' He insisted sleepily, barely mumbling due to his tiredness Yoongi stiffened at the sides contact made by the bother. Granted Jimin was right, he should at least get a little sleep, even if it was only for a few minutes. Yoongi chuckled and stood up, he began to guide the other back to bed before saying a small, "I will, I'm sorry for keeping you awake" and made his way into bed, only to lay there without ever actually falling asleep. The only sounds made in the room were the sounds of a faint tick of a wall clock.
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katsujiiccfinds · 5 years
Skyrise Highrise
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by luvalphvle
Ever wanted to bean somebody from your rooftop driving range? That's only ONE of the activities you'll enjoy as a tenant of the amazing Skyrise Highrise. The available unit is two stories, four bed, 2.5 baths, and includes office space. But you're not moving in for the apartment, are you? If you don't mind HOA fees as long as you're getting sweet stuff in return, this is the building for you! In the basement, tenants have access to a workout room and sauna, game room, and laundry facilities, as well as your own storage room in the sub-basement if you have extra stuff you can't fit into your unit. Got cars? We got off-street parking! The rooftop boasts two levels of awesome! Our pool has an overhang so you can spy on the people below you. Come sit in the hot tub and gaze at the stars. And enjoy a meal with a view! On the top level, accessible by ladder, you can nap in a comfy lounge chair or grow some excellent produce. And yes, bean somebody with a golf ball. Seriously, why are you still reading this? You should be moving in!
Built w/ patch 1.69
Expansion Packs: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise & Into The Future
Download at ModTheSims
The custom walls are non-recolorable. They may create duplicates in your paint folder and this is annoying but harmless (but if anybody knows how to fix it let me know). The custom walls are strictly for looks, to make the exterior of the building look like there are more floors, and not necessary for game play. All appliances have been upgraded. Building includes one player unit and three NPC units. The one-bedroom unit is currently classified as NPC, but you can remove the lot markers if you want to move in Grandma and Grandpa. There is one visible storage unit in the lowest basement level, but you can remove the lot markers and open the others if you want more space. To look like the photos you have to have the items listed below. If not, the game will replace them with comparable items. (Check out the list to see what was used where. You still may be able to download even if you're missing some things.) To adjust lot markers on an apartment: ● Type control+shift+C ● Type "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings false" (without quotation marks) and hit enter ● Delete/move the hidden room markers in the apartment you'd like to make the player unit (DO NOT MOVE/DELETE THE COMMON ROOM MARKERS IN THE HALLWAYS) ● Add hidden room marker to apartment you don't want to live in ● Shift+click on the empty apartment door and select "Make NPC Door" ● Type control+shift+C ● Type "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings true" (without quotation marks) and hit enter ITEMS USED: "WORLD ADVENTURES" EXPANSION PACK Box Tree Le Grand Amour Park Bench Umbrella Sculpture "AMBITIONS" EXPANSION PACK A Simple Door Cleanesque Brand Detergent Cleanesque Detergent Bottle Cozy Counter Le Dryer du Clunk Picture Parfait Pizazz Laundry Detergent and Softener Sparkling Clean Solutions Sword Holster - Home Edition The Clothing Bouquet The Clothing Hamper by Full Load, Inc. The Swashbuckler Washing Machine Violetta's Drum "LATE NIGHT" EXPANSION PACK Barney's Trash Chute Beautiful Bevels Hanging Light Callbox Classy Dining Chair Club SoVino Patio Lounger Criss Cut Diamonds Darwin's Revenge Deco Elevator Freezer Bunny Adventures Fridge of the Future Industrial Sink Modernosity Counter Modernosity Counter Island Modernosity Overhead Cabinet Perennial Heather Squares with Border Streamlined Stove Synesthesia Toothbrushimus Maximus Wall Mailbox Z Light by Ice Lightning "GENERATIONS" EXPANSION PACK All Aflutter Flies Beacon of Freedom Poster Set Bedside Hideaway Benny's Tennies Bent Color Spectrum Bulleteen Board Bunny in the Rain Dr. Tinner's Olde-Fashioned Toy Robot Dream of the Windrunner Dreamer's Costume Chest Eco Friendly Terra Tile (3 Styles) Framed Scout Badge Framed Sports Jersey Frilly Framed Picture Great Haven Bunk Bed Hewnsman Spiral Staircase Incomparable Idol Poster Lil' Rebel Clothing Chucker Little Rawr Plush Dragon My Uni-Pal Eunice Retro-Tastic TV Scouting Trophy Shrunken Retro Rocket Signed Movie Poster Spooky Graveyard Poster Sweet Cupcake Painting Wall Walking Animals "PETS" EXPANSION PACK Bird Tree Slippery Elm "SHOWTIME" EXPANSION PACK Aloe Thera Plant Conquistador XS Patio Loveseat Kingdomino Table PowerMax 50x120 Robots vs. Monsters Arcade Table Satellite Speaker by NuSound Side Pocket Pool Table Simply Stylish Wall Slice of Life Golf Driving Range Super Skee Ball "SUPERNATURAL" EXPANSION PACK Cottonwood Tree Diatrode Crackler Giddy-Up Rocker Relax-O-Rocker Shadow Men Smack-a-Gnome! Spectrum Mood Lamp Sunnytime Antique Rocking Chair The Claaaaw The Head and the Shoulders Timeless Memories "SEASONS" EXPANSION PACK Boulder Built Patio Table Mirror of the Meadow Perfect Fit Dresser Spring Serenity Shower The Permachair Tower Path Lights Very Symmetrical Table "UNIVERSITY LIFE" EXPANSION PACK Arthropode Arcade Table Big Stomper Rug by GoTeamGo Bumper Buffer Parking Stripe (Double Line) Bumper Buffer Parking Stripe (Single Line) Choosy Choices Vending Machine Fire in the Skies Arcade Machine Fizzy Festival Vending Machine Flippity Flop Foosball Table by GoTeamGo Longhorns and Laser Beams Arcade Machine Mastodon Television by Stardard Issue MyPuter by PeachySoft Systems Night of the Shambling Shades IV Arcade Machine Parked Car Coupe B Parked Car Hatchback B Parked Car Pickup Parked Car Sedan A Parked Car Sport Utility Plink Plonk Tennis Table Sugar Slide Vending Machine "ISLAND PARADISE" EXPANSION PACK Hydroglide Waterslide by DeLuge Inc. The All-in-One Bathroom Wet-Side Hot Tub "INTO THE FUTURE" EXPANSION PACK "Music Moves" Arcade Console by Korben Computing Just a Square Window by Hill Gulch Furnishings Nature's Soil Rug (2X2) Nature's Soil Rug (2X4) Straight and Narrow Window by Hill Gulch Furnishings "FAST LANE" STUFF PACK Lulu's Loveseat The Wynndale Estate Sofa "MASTER SUITE" STUFF PACK Cherished Delight From the world of Lucky Palms Contemporary Curtains by Dave From the world of Roaring Heights The Up and Up Window Buzzer Beater Free Throw Machine Solace Snugabunny Deluxe Baby Swing Steam-It-Up Sauna Athena's Olive Tree Bed Barthelme Comprende Lamp Elegant Swirls Deluxe Forte Loveseat Forte Sofa Galactic Simball Arcade Leaftastic Mirror Study #4 Murano Retro and Ripe Fruit Bowl Rocket Johnny's Retro Ride Secrecy Curtain Shrub of Tranquility Study in Shattering Super Sim Television DLX Terra The Modernist's Dresser Topper Tuco Table Lot Size: 40x30 Lot Price (furnished): §95,580 Lot Price (unfurnished): §42,836 Custom Content by Me: - Wallpaper for Skyrise Highrise
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Moving Company
We hope this moving guide will help you as you prepare for your local or long distance move.
Review our moving process, customer responsibilities and traffic protection details. It is important that you read and understand this information and let us know if you have any questions.
Moving Company Canada
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1. Determine the estimated weight of your products.
The first step of the moving process is to determine the estimated weight of the products you are sending. This can be determined from a list of items obtained from an internal estimate, from a list of products that you sent to us by email, from a list of products obtained by phone or from a list sent through your agent's website of reservations.
2. We provide you with a budget.
Once we know the weight of your shipment, where you will move and where you will move from, and when you move, we will provide you with an estimate of the costs. Your Moving Consultant reviews all the details and services with you and lists them in your Estimate.
3. You reserve your move.
A deposit is required for your reservation and is taken at the time of booking, this deposit is deducted from your total charges. A reservation number (registration) is issued and your move is reserved for the agreed date. We send you by email all the documents related to the move for review and registration, so it is important that we have your correct email address at the time of making your reservation.
4. We reconfirm the details of your move.
We will contact you again by phone or email at least two days before your move or packing date to confirm your start time, address and services. If for some reason we have not been able to contact you, it is important that you contact our Office at least two days before your move-in date so that we can review all the details with you.
5. Our team is sent to your home.
Removals in Canada
The crew assigned to your transfer will be sent and will arrive at the scheduled start time. If they are delayed due to traffic or any other unforeseen circumstances, they will contact you before your start time to inform you about the delay and the expected time of arrival.
6. Review of your contract, services and list of items.
When we arrive at your home on the date of your move, we will introduce you to your moving team and place floor corridors to protect the main traffic areas of your home. Van Foreman will ask you to sign the contract and complete a tour of your home with you to review the list of products that will be sent and the services that will be provided as they appear on your Bill of Lading and Estimate Form. It is important that your list of items that move on moving day be the same as in your estimate. Your reservation is based on this necessary weight and space and we may not have space for additional items. Any additional items may have to be moved later in another truck.
7. Packing (we can help with that)
If we pack your household items, all items are professionally packaged in mobile cardboard boxes; And as long as you have declared the value of your products, all the items we pack are covered by our traffic protection (see details below). You can make your own packaging as long as you understand that your products do not have the same coverage; because we cannot confirm that the contents have been packaged and packaged correctly. However, if it is proven that there is a negligence (damage of the outer carton) caused by our equipment to its packed cartons, we can be responsible for the damage of the content. If you notice external damage to your boxes, open the box, inspect the contents and identify and record any damage in the presence of your Van Foreman on the Inventory Form in the Delivery Exceptions column.
8. If you move to the warehouse or long distance.
If your products are moved to storage or long distance, an inventory of the items you are sending and their condition at the origin will be created. It is important that you review this inventory with Van Foreman to make sure you recognize the original conditions of the items that are shipped.
9. Wrap.
Sofa sets (with the exception of leather) and upholstered items, mattresses and bed bases must be wrapped in plastic to avoid damage. The cost per piece is $ 10.00 - $ 15.00. All other furniture will be blankets wrapped in professional mobile blankets.
10. Calculate the final balance you owe.
Your shipment is weighed (scale) to determine the final charges. Before the truck arrives at your home, it is weighed on a certified scale. This process provides the "light weight" (tare) of the truck before loading your shipment. After loading the truck, we return to the scale to get the "Heavyweight" (gross weight). The tare weight is subtracted from the gross weight to give us the "net weight" or weight of your shipment. If a scale facility is not available, the weight of your shipment can be determined using the Construction Weight. In this method, the weight of your shipment is determined by the volume of space it occupies in the truck. Length x height x width x 7 pounds per cubic foot = the weight of your shipment. Van Foreman forwards this information to our Office and, within 2 business days, the final charges are sent to you by email.
11. Delivery notification at destination.
Your Van Foreman will contact you at least one day before arriving at your new residence. At this time your final delivery date and time will be scheduled. Make sure you have adequate parking and that elevators are reserved if necessary.
Discharge of your goods
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Upon arrival, the crew will place floor corridors to protect their floors in the busiest areas of their new residence. You will also be asked to instruct the crew about the room and the location to which you want their items delivered. You must check the items in your Inventory and verify that there are no damages or missing items at the time of delivery. If damaged or missing items are noted, write them down in the Delivery Exceptions column of your Inventory Form next to the corresponding number of the damaged or lost item.
Bill of lading and final inventories: once everything is downloaded and you have confirmed that you received your products, you will be given a final signed copy of the bill of lading and inventories for your records.
Don't forget to send your moving expenses to your accountant; Most moving expenses are tax deductible.
Customer Responsibilities
Tractor Tow units are an average of 80 feet long and require at least 100 feet of parking space. It is your responsibility to inform us of any access problem, such as parking restrictions, construction, inaccessible entrances and any other circumstance that prevents the tractor-trailer from approaching 100 feet from your residence. Sidewalks and driveways must be free of debris and snow. Please note that if your tractor-trailer does not have adequate access, a smaller unit may be required to transport your products at an additional charge. A ferry involves loading your goods from a residence in a small truck and then transferring them to the tractor-trailer unit elsewhere.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you or your representative are available at your residence during the entire packing and loading process to authorize the move, instruct the crew and sign all relocation documents, such as bill of lading and inventory forms .
It is your responsibility to ensure that items such as freezers and electronic devices have been repaired (disconnected, thawed, wrapped in cables) and are ready to ship on the day of the move.
The items you pack are not covered for damage under your Traffic Protection unless negligence occurs on our behalf. However, if we pack and damage occurs, it has full coverage. Unpacked loose items such as mirrors, televisions, glassware or anything that can fit in a cardboard box should be packed. The shipment of loose items may cause damage or loss and this will be at your risk.
Most customers declare a value of $ 6.00 per pound on their items. This means that if you have a carton of 40 pounds and declared $ 6.00 / lb, the maximum compensation you would receive in case of loss is $ 6.00 / lb x 40lbs = $ 240.00. It is possible to have cartons with a much higher value than this minimum quantity, so you must declare their value appropriately if more coverage is needed. We consider that any cardboard box with a value of goods greater than $ 1000.00 is a high value item (with the exception of televisions, since they are considered standard items). You should identify these cartons and high value items on a High Value Items Form and review them with our Van Foreman on the day of loading. This process will require inspection of the contents, a list of the article in a Form of high value items and our staff will be very careful with these high value items. High-value and fragile items, such as marble, glass, works of art or paintings, must be packed or packed; If they are shipped unpacked, they are shipped at your own risk. We do not accept items of extraordinary value, such as cash, jewelry, valuable documents, coins and stamps; You must carry these items with you. Be sure not to send items such as passports and your driver's license. Take these items with you too.
It is your right to review the Inventory Forms and approve the list of items shipped and the conditions of the items at the time of collection and question any items that do not appear to be correctly listed.
You will be asked to complete an inspection of your home once we have completed the load to ensure that we have packed and removed all items. The items left will be your responsibility.
Destination Responsibilities
Be sure to have contact phone numbers for you at the destination: this is the only way we can communicate with you, so let us know of all phone numbers and any email address you may have. They must appear in your contract.
Make sure you have adequate access to your moving truck at the time of delivery. Tractor-trailer units require up to 100 feet of parking space. If we do not have adequate access, a transport truck will be used with an additional charge.
Have your final payment ready for the driver at the time of delivery. This is due before downloading and must be of the type listed. If paying by credit card, the cardholder must be present with the card at the time of delivery. Credit card payments must be made online at the time of delivery or in advance if you do not have access to the Internet.
It is recommended that at least two people be available to receive your shipment: one to mark the items on the Inventory Form as they enter your home and a second to inspect the conditions of the items and go to the location you want. tucked in
Any damaged or missing item must be noted on the Inventory Forms prior to your driver's departure to be considered a valid claim.
Make sure you have a complete set of signed and dated documents (bill of lading and inventory forms) before your driver's departure.
Traffic protection
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Great Canadian Van Lines is committed to providing you with the best possible traffic protection for your products. Although we have one of the lowest claim rates in the moving industry, loss or damage of your products may still occur. We offer two types of protection for your products while in transit:
Type I: Value protection released
The value released protection is the most economical type of protection for your products. This coverage is mandatory according to the Motor Carrier Law and is offered at no additional cost. However, this coverage is minimal and will cover your products up to a maximum of 60 cents per pound per item.
Although this coverage is the most economical, you should think carefully before choosing this type of coverage, since average household items are worth considerably more than 60 cents per pound. This coverage restricts the total value of your products by multiplying the weight of your complete shipment by 60 cents. Claims for loss or damage are resolved based on the weight in pounds of the item multiplied by 60 cents.
An example of how this coverage works is as follows:
Your 48 "TV is dropped and destroyed and you have chosen the Protection of Released Value. The weight of the TV is 60 pounds and the maximum payment amount you would receive is 60 pounds for 60 cents, which equals $ 36.00 ( 60 pounds x .60 / lb / item = $ 36.00) The TV cannot be replaced with $ 36.00, but this is all you will receive.
Great Canadian Van Lines does not recommend the Protection of released value of its products unless it has a secondary coverage for its products, such as a homeowner's policy that covers its shipment while it is in transit. Keep in mind that some homeowners policies have expensive deductibles that are not worth paying. We recommend checking with your insurance broker before choosing your coverage.
Type II: Replacement Value Protection
This type of coverage is the most commonly chosen, as well as the one we recommend in this mobile guide. This protection is the most complete plan available for the protection of your assets. When choosing Replacement Value Protection, if an item is lost, damaged or destroyed, we will repair, replace with the same or a similar item, or offer a cash payment for your item. The value of the item is determined at the current market value and is not calculated based on the depreciated value.
You have the option to declare a value based on the weight of your shipment multiplied by an amount not less than $ 6 per pound. This means that if your shipment is 5000 pounds, you can declare a minimum of $ 6.00 / lb for 5000 pounds or $ 30,000.00, or choose a higher value, such as $ 10 per pound. You can also declare a lump sum value (provided it is greater than $ 6 per pound) as $ 100,000.
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Although, this option is superior to the others, it has an additional cost. Every thousand dollars of declared value for your assets will cost you $ 6. This means that if you request $ 100,000 of coverage, it will cost you $ 600 (100 x $ 6).
An example of how this coverage works is as follows:
His shipment weighs 5000 pounds and decides to take the minimum option of $ 6 per pound. This would cost $ 180.00 (5000 pounds for $ 6 / lb = $ 30,000, 30x $ 6 = $ 180,000.
If your 48 "TV is damaged and has replacement value protection, your TV will be replaced by the same or comparable TV at the time of damage or you will be given the fair market value of the TV in a cash agreement.
Exceptions to traffic protection
Although you may have declared Replacement Value Protection, Great Canadian Van Lines cannot cover certain items while in transit. The following is a non-exclusive list of unprotected items.
Boxes packaged by the owner: items that are not packed by us and that are damaged are not covered by traffic protection unless there is external physical damage in the box that is recorded in the inventory forms at the time of delivery and it shows that we did the damage.
Items of extraordinary value: any unusual item whose value exceeds $ 100 per pound, such as: art, software, antiques, high-end furniture and family heirlooms, must be accompanied by an appraisal certificate from an accredited appraiser and must provide us in advance . of your move or these items will not be covered.
We cannot move cash, valuable documents and precious metals such as gold, silver and jewelry. These items are not covered and an agreement will not be made for items like these if they are reported missing or missing. This is one of the most important things to keep in mind in this mobile guide.
Mechanical condition: Great Canadian Van Lines cannot cover mechanical or electrical items due to its fragile and sensitive nature unless there is physical damage external to the unit. Examples of these elements include, among others:
Televisions, DVD players, stereo equipment, computers, machinery and appliances.
It is recommended that, in conditions of extreme heat or cold, allow all electronic components to warm to room temperature (manufacturers recommend 24 hours) before plugging them in, plugging them in and turning them on before this 24 hour period could cause damage and it will be your responsibility.
Prohibited items: Dangerous items such as flammables, explosives, paints, aerosols, propane tanks, fuel and equipment containing fuel, ammunition and flares should not be sent.
Plants: We do not recommend shipping plants and are not covered by Traffic Protection.
Liquids: We do not recommend sending bottled liquids or wine, as they may leak or break and cause damage to your products, damage caused by leaks of liquids that you send are not covered by your traffic protection.
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Hi Sarah! Do you have any advice on freshman in uni, first time moving out of a house with my own bedroom and lots of privacy, to an apartment that I'm going to share with 5 other girls, and a bedroom I'm sharing with 1 girl and her dog?? I'm at a complete loss at what to bring and what to expect
10 Things To Think About When Moving In To A New Apartment With New Roommates, A List I Just Made Up And Is Not At All Inspired By The Horror Story of My Personal Experiences.
1) holy cannoli that is a lot of bodies to share a space with. Be aware that that is...a lot of bodies to share a space with, and you might have to carve out a cubicle in he library, or a practice room in the Music Building, or somewhere else where you can go to be alone. This is not a moral failing, just know that option is open to you.
2) be really really up front with what you need. Notice I did not say “exactly how you want your life to look”---I mean the things you absolutely cannot give up. For instance, if you know that Roommate B’s habit of listening to music without headphones in the kitchen will make you go insane axe-murderer on her, that’s something you need to talk about with Roommate B.
This is especially important if you’re crammed into a 8x10 space with someone. Clarifying with your Bedroommate that you need quiet after 10pm---or you’re not helping walk the dog---or you sometimes need time to yourself & it’s not a reflection on her---is something to talk about now rather than later, when you’re more likely to have an argument than a discussion.
3) Chances are, you will have to compromise on what you need anyway. Communication just makes it more likely to reach a genuine compromise, where everybody isn’t tearing their hair out or suppressing anger.
4) Have a chore wheel, or at least agree on a system for taking care of the mess. It’s the dorkiest thing in the entire world, but a chore wheel where you guys are explicit about when everybody needs to do their stuff, is the easiest way to head 50% of fights at the pass. If possible, spell out what each task means: “clean the bathroom” = “wiping down the shower, windexing the mirror, cleaning the toilet bowl, and sweeping the floor”
Someone is still not going to do their job and you’re going to have a repeat of the cold war over a stack of dishes in the sink. But at least if you can point to the chore wheel it’ll be resolved much more easily.
5) Be very clear on what each roommate is paying for. Are you guys going to share groceries? Split only basics like toilet paper, spices, milk and eggs? Is the stuff in common areas (dishes, pots, tables, books, tvs) communal? Do you owe anyone for using it?
6) I recommend a monthly roommate meeting. We used to have ours at 10pm on Sunday, because everyone was generally in the apartment then. We used the Roommate Meetings to pay bills (rent and utilities) but also to talk about any issues we felt pertinent.
And I only had 2 roommates. With 5, you probably definitely need a time to circle up and get shit in order.
7) There is never going to be enough counter space, table space, general-flat-surface space for all your junk. Never. I live alone with a kitchen island and tabletop cart and there isn’t. It’s some sort of law of the universe.
8) Be reasonable. You can hate how loud Roommate C’s friends are all you like, but she is entitled to have them over Friday night for board games. If she cleared it with you beforehand, Roommate D’s boyfriend can come stay for the week even if you’re sick of seeing his face over your oatmeal. Flexibility and understanding from you means you’ll get the same in return.
9) But also, be prepared to enforce your boundaries. If Roommate D’s boyfriend decides not to leave after a week, and actually looks like he might be de facto moving in, you’re well within your rights to approach D and your other roommates and talk to them about how that isn’t what you signed up for.
10) WHAT TO BRING (on top of the typical stuff that I imagine you’re already bringing, like a bed, sheets, towels, clothes, etc.)
Cleaning products. 
You will need them. Probably immediately after showing up when you realize the previous tenants didn’t do an A+ job.
1 pot, 1 skillet, 1 pan, a knife and a wooden spoon 
(I don’t know if you’re planning on cooking much, but you can cook pretty much everything in the entire universe of food if you have these five things.)
Command strips. 
The best part of command strips is now not only can you hang that cool poster, but they come in hooks too. I hang practically everything from command hooks---all my cooking spoons, towels, necklaces, keys. The easiest way to organize stuff.
A couple rubbermaid or general storage boxes, of a size that will fit under your bed or in the back of your closet. 
You are 100% going to have stuff that you need, but not right now: your stash of winter clothes, extra pads or tampons (if necessary), spare cleaning products, the iron, shoes you really only wear with this one outfit, etc. Stick all that stuff in a box to keep the mess from sprawling everywhere.
Tape and scissors. 
Do not ask me why you (or your roommates) will end up needing tape and scissors, I don’t know. But you will.
At least 1 of your favorite things.
Look, it’s not always the first night, or even the second. But there’s going to be a night when you’re finished unpacking and the excitement of a new place has worn off, when you lay in bed and your heart finally realizes you aren’t home anymore. That you are in a strange place, and everything is going to be weird and different for a while until you settle into it. And you are going to feel an awful, niggling panic and misery rise up from the center of you like a cold tide.
And then, you’re really going to want your favorite book, or Nutella, or that comic you’ve been promising yourself, or whatever it is that won’t...really make anything better, but might make you feel better about it
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introvertstudyism · 7 years
Packing up for college!
As I happen to be in the moving out phase currently I decided to make a post about the things I would be taking with me. I may or may not live in a dorm, so this is quite a general list. Arranged in categories for your convenience!
Thick and thin blankets (Indian weather being unpredictable)
Pillows and pillow cases
Throw blankets
Clothes (duh) try to take as many types of clothes as you can while keeping the load to a minimum. If you live close to uni you can even leave some at home and switch later!
Hoodies and sweaters.
Aprons (med student)
Socks + shoes+ sandals+flipflops
Tiny Handkerchiefs (to wipe your dirty nose)
Bath towels (carry spares always)
Separate towel for your hair (optional)
Small face towels
Bath robe
Wash cloth
Body wash / soap (depends on you) + loofah
Hair shampoos and conditioners
Hair serum
Hair oil
Hair accessories
Body lotion
Face cream
Face wash / scrub
Hand sanitizer
Laundry detergent / soap (again, your choice)
Dental hygiene products ( carry a little toothbrush case )
deodorants and perfumes
razors/ shaving creams
sanitary napkins 
tissues : dry and wet
Q-tips+ nail-cutter + cotton balls
Mirror (size as per your wish)
combs and hairbrushes
Any hair styling products or appliances
makeup as necessary
mosquito repellent! (better safe than sorry)
Pens, pencils and refills (normal and colored)
Notepads + post its + washi + brush pens
Glue, tape, scissors, stapler and pins
Blank and lined papers for notes
Pen stand
Desk organizer
Clip pad
Calendar (wall or desk)
Current bujo and 2018 planner
Phone and charger
Storage devices
Laptop and charger
Tiny little alarm clock (I have a thing for them)
Water bottles ( small to carry and large to store/ study sessions)
Spare Ziploc bags
Old newspapers
Try to avoid carrying stuff easily available at or around uni to reduce travel expenses and trouble. Reblog if this helps you!
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