#misa rodriguez x oc
rojacatmisa · 4 months
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Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks
This chapter is quite long ! Hope you guys still like to read it as much as I loved writing it, and I had so much fun doing photoshop visuals I did several for this one
TW: may content explicit sex, +18
6K words
The rain was pouring down when we landed in Paris, drops splashing hard against the windscreen of the bus, driving at an unbelievably low speed. I was sitting beside Ana at the front row, slowly drowsing, swung by the steady movements of the vehicle. My mind wandered, taking me back with Misa and Hayley waving happily to me again at the start and end of trainings. I was so glad to have them back. My vibrating phone took me out of the memory. I pulled it out of my pocket and broke a smile when I saw Angela had texted me. 
A: Hey Nicky! How are you it’s been years !
N: Hey Angela! Yeah so long sorry I didn’t call. Work has been mad but I’m good and you ?
A: I’m fine! What did I miss ? Can we call ?
N: Sorry I’m on the bus in Paris right now can’t call you. I do have a lot to tell you!
A: Tell meeee Wait I know It’s Misa???
N: Well spot-on lol
A: Tell me everything!!
N: Well we kissed… more than once and that’s it for now.
A: Oh that’s all …?! What are you waiting!! But you’re in Paris with the team ?
N: Yes
A: And you’ll be in the same hotel ?
N: Yep
A: And you’ll have a room for yourself ? 
N: Yes……..
A: This is looking good or bad it depends
N: Stop it Angela! Right now Misa is focusing on her match and won’t let anything happened. 
A: How many nights are you staying ?
N: 3 but only one after the game
A: Leaves 1 night still…
N: Girl!!! you’re not supposed to encouraged me !! The close still exists…….
A: Right yeah fuck the close! She’s a friend with benefits no big deal ! Just keep it secret... anyway you and I both know it's bound to happen
N: Pfff I can’t bye Angela
A: I’ll call you when you’ll be back in Madrid ! Can’t wait to know the all Paris story, especially the end !
I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket, a part of my body itching now my brain was imagining the things that could occurred in two days. I shook the thought, peering at the blurry shapes of the fancy buildings of Paris through the heavy rain.
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We arrived at the hotel at the end of the afternoon, everybody back on the bus at once for a late practice session. Misa didn’t break her self-promise to work hard and we didn’t interacted much during the first hours in the French capital. We quickly ate and went to bed after training. Everybody was very concentrate. 
Next day, the players trained all morning in the stadium of the Parc des Princes where the match would take place. However, the club permitted a free period on the afternoon and Naomie, who was born in Paris, organized an improvised visit of Montmartre with some of us. 
I was the only non-footballer member of the tourist groupe. Hayley had forced Misa to join. She originally wanted to study in her room, watching videos of goalkeepers playing as a last minute homework, but had had to let go under the insistence of her friend for well deserved break. 
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Even if most of us had been to Paris before, we were charmed by the tortuous and hilly streets near the Basilica. I was dragging myself behind the sporty women,  getting distanced more and more, as I climbed laboriously the endless stairs to the Sacré Coeur. Misa glanced behind her, saw me, nudge Hayley and the two of them lowered her pace to let me catch up. 
"¿ Qué pasa Nicky ? Tired after the morning training ? It was a hard one I must admit…" She teased as I leveled with them. 
"I didn’t signed for this ! Don’t have your stamina !" I panted. 
"Come on let’s go that way ! We’ll do a detour but maybe that mean less stairs" Hayley indicated a pedestrian curvy path on the left. 
We chatted happily on the way. It was so nice to hang together again. We shortly arrived to the front but below, a huge amount of stairs still separated us from the basilica. I snorted. 
"Come on Nicky !" Hayley pushed me forward but I eyed an empty bench aside the path. 
"I just need a break !" I said heading to sit down. As I passed in front of her, Misa hold me back, grabbing my arm. "We leave you on that bench and we’ll see you at the Sacré Coeur in two hours !" she joked. 
"Carry me then !" I said. I felt free in Paris, far away from the Ciudad Real Madrid, it was making me flirty and I played at being dramatically on the edge of fainting. 
Misa was already grasping my arm to pull me closer, ready to catch me. "Don’t temped me, Princesa !"
"Ok girls ! I’m still here remember ?" Hayley waved at us, amused. Misa and I parted, embarrassed. "We’ll do Nicky a favor and rest a bit." she added already sitting down on the bench. 
We joined her, silent for once, calmly enjoying the beautiful view of the roofs of Paris while tourists and locals flocked toward the Basilica. A big kind of pigeon walked to us, eager to find some food at our feet. 
"Esta paloma ha comido demasiado, French pigeon are fat !" the goalkeeper said, curious. 
I peered at the oversized bird. "I don’t think it’s a common pigeon…" 
Hayley put out her brand new camera  "I think it’s cute"  she said fondly and took a photo "It will be our souvenir of Paris". The Australian footballer jumped up and position herself in front of us but scared the bird away. "oh no I wanted a family portrait ! Anyway… say cheese !" she shouted at us. 
I shoved my arm on Misa’s shoulders, she grabbed my waist as we put on our best smiles. "You’re too cute girls" Hayley dropped. I felt my face blushing and I tried to hide it in the crook of Misa's neck. However, the embarrassment was almost pleasant as it felt so good to be allowed that little bit of freedom with Misa. Hayley knew the truth and was keeping it safely to herself.
A little breeze swept some fallen leaves on the path. I was so at peace in the foreign city I rested my head on the goalkeeper’s shoulder, smothered by the warm presence of her hand at my side. Hayley took another shoot. "You can tell me if you want a photo of you two kissing in Paris at this level…" she threw at us. We chuckled and I went back at hiding in Misa’s neck. But Hayley was just teasing and had the delicacy to turned around to photograph the city stretching in front of us, allowing the little break only for ourselves. 
I straitened up and peered at the goalkeeper. Her half-closed eyes were looking at her lap, a bashful grin making her so cute. I glanced around us to see if any of our teammates had followed us. It was clear. "I think I’d like a kiss in Paris" I said, my hand, still on her shoulder, caressed the side of her neck. Misa shyly smiled and raised her head. A worry flashed in her eyes and like me, she checked if we weren’t observed. When she was sure we wouldn’t take any risk, she leaned over and timidly kissed me. Felling she was pulling back, I hold her face, not ready to let her go, having not enough of her lips against mine, and I felt her grin through the kiss. "You can’t devour me in public like you almost did in your office" she muttered. I retreated and flash back at her. Her warm and soft gaze made my stomach flutter. I felt an urge to hold her close but didn’t dare, somehow finding it more intimate than a kiss. Instead I took her hand and got up, pulling her behind me. 
"Let’s go to that damned basilica !" 
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The teams entered the stadium in two neat rows under the cheering crowd, the Ultras Paris tribune loudly chanting "Paris est magique !". Tension and concentration gripped the Real Madrid girls as the traditional greeting took place. Shortly, everyone was taking their place in the pitch, ready for the kick-off. Misa’s knees had been warped up entirely since her injury during the previous game but she was jumping and stretching energetically in front of her cage. 
The game started, PSG had the ball, led by Grace Geyoro quickly advancing, passing the ball to Tabitha Chawinga. The forward ran faster and faster, closing the gap between her and the penalty area in less than minute. Ivana, Rocio and Oihane surrounded her and she passed the ball back to Sandy Baltimore who send it in the feet of Marie-Antoinette Katoto. The French player dribbled past Ivana and was block by Olga but managed to keep the ball. She send it to Sakina Karchaoui, and recovered the ball behind Olga’s back, heading straight into the penalty area. 
Misa readied herself to jump, shouting restlessly at her defenders. Katoto crossed the ball, Chawinga waiting, and she controlled it, aimed and shot. The ball rolled between Rocio’s feet at full speed. Misa dived and crashed onto the grass, her outstretched arms missed the ball by centimeters and she saw it entered the cage, almost brushing the right goalpost. The crowd burst in joy as PSG scored at the 6th minute. Real Madrid were having a hard game start. The goalkeeper got up, furious at her defenders and probably more with herself. She kicked the ball back in the game, her brows furrowed, her mouth nervously chewing a gum.
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First haft-time past with no further remarkable action, apart from a miss aim kick from Karchaoui at the 40th minute. The second half however was punctuated by the many attacks on both side. Unfortunately, all the attempts of Madrid were stopped by the impassable feet of the French defense. 
Madrid was falling back as fast as they could as Sakina rushed on the left side, knowing how dangerous she could be. She crossed the ball again, aiming for Grace Geyoro. The ball buried itself in the groupe of players lost in confusion. The whistle blew and the gesture of the referee was pretty clear. She mimed a square with her hands, her arm pointing the center of it to finish. The ball had found the arm of Oihane leading to a penalty in favor of the French team. 
At first sight, Misa’s face was unreadable, but I was beginning to know her well enough to decipher her extreme tension. What she dread and wanted the most was happening, a chance to prove herself when all was resting on her again. She settled on the goal line, stretching arms and legs to prepare herself. Katoto would do the shoot. The entire stadium was holding its breath. Katoto waited a few seconds. She jogged to the ball and kicked it to the left. Misa jumped on the good side and kick the ball with her fist, sending it out of the pitch. She leaped back to her feet, screaming in triumph as her teammates hugged and slapped her in congratulation.   
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The match resumed. Like before the penalty, both teams worked hard at scoring without succeeding during the entire time. Finally, the whistle blew to signal the end of the encounter. It meant Madrid had lost again. We were all disappointed by the outcome but less battered than after the Clasico. We all knew we had put an honorable performance regarding our opponent. 
On the road back, the team was quiet for everyone was brooding the defeat. It was still early when we arrived at the hotel and groups of teammates formed in front of the building, sharing ideas to change their minds. I overheard Sofie and Kathellen taking about a club houseboat. Haley joined them at planning the evening, grabbing a passing moody Misa that surely wanted nothing more than to bury herself in her bed. 
"Don’t even think about escaping Misa Rodriguez. You’re coming with us, willing or not !"
"Estoy cansada y no quiero bailar ! Leave me, Aussie !" she moaned and struggled to set her arm free. Hayley gestured me to approach. "Nicky’s coming too ! You don’t want to miss a night out with the best girls, do you ?"
"Vamos Misa, it’s our last night in Paris !" I insisted and sized her other arm to prevent her from fleeing again. She stopped struggling but began to silently sulk.
"We going to a péniche sur la Seine" announced Kathleen with glittering eyes. Misa sent her a questioning look. "It’s a boat on la Seine, you know, the river of Paris" she mocked her.
"I know the river of Paris, thank you." Misa snapped back but I couldn’t tell if it was true. Anyway, the prospect of it didn’t seem particularly appealing to her.  
"Misa stop being so grumpy, just let go for once !" Like she would have with a child, Hayley took the goalkeeper’s chin between her fingers, and mirror her own putting expression, having Misa to finally break a smile. "Thanks Jesus, we have Misa back ! Let’s go change. We meet in one hour max at the hotel reception !" 
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After hesitating over and over about what to wear, I had finally put on a knee length dark gray T shirt, a jean jacket and a pair of black derbies from where my Real Madrid socks were sticking out. I didn’t like to look too classy, even in Paris. When I arrived in the lobby forty minutes later, Misa, Hayley and Kathellen were already there, chatting casually together. Hayley was the first to notice me. "Girl you’re looking good ! Come seat with us. We’re waiting for Sofie and God knows she can take forever to get ready". 
I took a place on the sofa besides the midfielder, facing Misa who discreetly looked at me from head to toes and put a thumb up to silently show her approbation of my outfit. My voiceless lips formed the words "you too" in return. The goalkeeper was wearing simple gray pants and a sleeveless top witch nicely brand out her muscular shoulders. 
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We waited for Sofie an entire hour and ordered a taxi. The danish girl had barely apologized, quickly gathering us for a selfie as we got out of the car at our destination. The surroundings were charming, large bare lawns stretching in front of the Palace of the Invalides on a side, a sumptuous bridge crossing the Seine on the other. The streetlights and granite paving stones perfected the lovely decor. 
We walked to the bridge, climbed down a few stairs and arrived on the docks where a few barges were mooring. As the cliché says, the banks was indeed giving a very romantic vibe and I suddenly wished Misa and I were alone. The tall brunette was photographing the place, finding it at her taste finally. 
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A few minutes later, we entered the barge-club and came to the dance floor on the lower level. The place was bombed-out and suffocating, colorful spots of light splattering on the sea of heads. After getting some drinks, we spotted a less crowded space and formed a small dancing circle. It was good to see the footballers having fun whole-hearted, relieved of any kind of pressure at the moment. Kathellen and Sofie spend many time dancing together, pausing now and then to take selfies and to chat on their phone. Misa was getting loose as she drank more and more Pina Coladas while Hayley kept making fun of her wild dancing. As for me, I was sweating hard and feeling slightly tipsy after two and a half pint of beer. 
The partying pretty footballers were drawing attention. A few girls approached them more than once. Kathellen and Misa had the most pretenders with respectively six and five woman coming to chat or dance with them. Of course, it annoyed me beyond reason for I was forcing myself to stay distant with the goalkeeper. When the sixth girl, moreover not an ugly one, tapped Misa’s shoulder with insurance, I escaped from the crowd to cool down near the wall of the room, not bearing to witness another flirt.  
I took a long sip of my beer, wiped the sweat off my forehead, while peering at the girl chatting Misa with dark eyes.
"C’est toujours étouffant ici ! T’as bien raison de faire une pause si tu veux tenir toute la nuit !" a women just came leaning against the wall besides me. 
I glanced at her, perplexed. She was tall, black, her face bearing many piercings and wearing her hair in long small braids. I actually found her very pretty. "Sorry, I don’t speak French !" I apologized.  
She came closer to avoid shouting over the music "Oh, I couldn’t guess ! You look very Frenchy. I’m Sonia." she pointed at herself. "Nicky" I mirrored her. 
"You dance Nicky ?" she led out an inviting hand and smile to me. I glanced at the place where I had left Misa but didn’t caught sight of her. Felling still annoyed by the goalkeeper power to attract girls like moths on a lamp, I nodded, dropped my empty glass, and followed Sonia back into the crowd. 
I could tell the woman was a confirmed dancer at the first contact. Her hands on my waist and scapula guided my body along her moves. She spoke in my ear without breaking our dance  "you’re living in Paris ?". Her smile was really charming and I felt exhausted all of sudden. Why couldn’t I crush on girl like her ? Why couldn’t things be simple and flowing ? Why was I liking one in the handful of people on earth I wasn’t allowed to ?
"No, I live Madrid actually, I’m just here for a couple of days " I answered. She made us turn around in a few quick dancing step and I caught a glimpse of Misa’s face glancing at us from across the the room, scowling, lips pinched. I couldn’t help feeling a bit satisfied jealously had changed side. 
"When are you leaving ?" Sonia asked. 
"Tomorrow" I said sadly as I was really enjoying your trip in Paris. 
The pretty women strengthened her grip, her mouth back to my ear "too bad… we can still spend the night…". I led out a soft chuckle. The prospect was tempting but I couldn’t go with Sonia like that. We weren’t even together, but I felt a jolt as I realized I would feel like cheating on Misa. My heart tightened as the thought of the footballer’s upset features. 
I pulled back from Sonia, my eyes already excusing "I’m sorry Sonia but I can’t. Thanks for the dance though, it was nice. You made me feel I danced well too". Sonia grind, obviously not vexed "De rien ! Good night to you Nicky." and she left, disappearing in the compact mass of people. 
The room had filled even more, blocking the view I had on the goalkeeper and barely allowing me to find my way back to the wall. I leant against the relatively fresher surface and began to text Misa to know where they were. The familiar silhouette of a brunette with broad shoulders extricate herself from the packed dancers. Misa scowl disappeared the moment she saw me and I was so happy to find her I flung myself in her arms, alcohol allowing me to be so reckless.  
Misa raised her eyebrows, surprised by this outrush of affection, especially after having see me dance with another women but shortly her body relaxed and she hold me against her. Not leaving her embrace, I slowly began to moved along the song’s rhythm. The goalie followed me, our hips pressed and moved in sync. Somehow feeling like sheltered by the dense crowned, we danced like we were alone, eyes closed and bodies stuck against each other. 
The music went slower, I turned around and put my back to her. My butt pressed on her hips, she wrapped her arms around me, shoved my hair to one side and planted a kiss on my neck. I shivered, led a blind hand grasp her hair for her to kiss more. Her hands on my stomach pushed my bottom harder against her while her lips worked their way up to my jawline. My face oriented itself toward them. She found the corner of my mouth, I growled in frustration and I turned to her again to fully receive her kiss. The close, the risks, the consequences, were swallowed by those luscious lips pushing me back to the wall, my arms around her neck ensnaring her body to mine as she had me cornered. 
The slow melody faded to a groovy one but we weren’t dancing anymore, lost in our heated kiss against the wall. I was so worked up it was painful. Snogging her wasn’t even barely enough, it was becoming excruciating. I was dying for more, for the all party, for a release that had never came yet. So I quitted her mouth and went to pant in her ear "Let’s go back to the hotel, to my room… por favor!". Hearing her gasp finished to convince me we shouldn’t last here anymore. 
As I began to drag her toward the exist, Misa held me back "We can’t go together on our own, it will look suspicious. We have to get the others to go or wait for them !". She had stay more sensible tonight and I had to admit she was right if we didn’t want Sofie and Kathellen spreading the juicy story of two girls coming back earlier to the all team in the morning. 
We found the three other footballers and I spotted Sofie muttering something to Kathleen while looking at us. I realized we were already suspected. Misa went next to the danish girl who nudge her with her elbow and exchanged a suggestive glance. The goalkeeper shook her head, bitterly adding "I queued to the bathroom and I found Nicky having a good time with a pretty French women". 
Sofie bought her partial lie, hitting my shoulder in collusion. "Why didn’t you go with her ? Enjoy your last hours in Paris baby !". 
"Nah, I’m far too tired ! Honestly I’d like to go, you can’t breath in here!". 
"Oh ! So soon ?" Sofie probed with a look the rest of our groupe. I caught eyes with Hayley and passed her a silent plea to help us. I saw the Australian midfielder glanced at Misa, the goalkeeper imperceptibly nodded, her face reddening with embarrassment. 
"I’m ok to go, I’m too hot too and I don’t want to end up looking like Misa’s lobster face." Hayley jibed while backing us up, having Misa shrinking on herself with shame. 
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To avoid any further suspicions, the goalkeeper and I didn’t take the same cab to return to the hotel. I paired up with Hayley, leaving Misa with Sofie and Kathellen. In the taxis, I thanked my friend for having us covered. 
"I got you girls, but be more careful, you two are getting so obvious it’s a miracle nobody else hasn’t figured something out" . The Aussie winked. "And please go to your room, I’m next to Misa’s and I would like to sleep well". 
"God sake, Hayley…" 
I closed the door of my hotel room, tension of my expecting body reaching new heights. All I had to do was wait for Misa but it was already too much for me to handle. My brain was running wild. What if she couldn’t come ? What if she finally didn’t want to ? I had to busy myself to keep my sanity. 
I took off my jacket, shoes and socks and glanced at the room. The bed had been done, white sheets and pillows neatly smothered and ready for us. I found the room too bright and I turned on the night lights near the bed headboard before turning off the ceiling one. The dim glow shrouded the place with a quiet warm ambiance. 
Going in the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired and messy. I  brushed my teeth and my hair, took a bit of conditioner to freshen it. Then, I checked my make up, put back deodorant and a spray of perfume… Once, twice, thrice… all of that to help me regain some confidence in vain. 
I went back in the bedroom, more nervous than ever. The waiting seemed to last forever, having me wonder if she was going to come at all. Maybe she found it was too risky in the hotel we shared with the team and staff…
…a soft knock on the door made my heart lift. 
I rushed at it, opening to a very agitated Misa, the goalkeeper checking several times she wasn’t followed before she stepped inside. 
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"Perdon Nicky !"  Misa sighted once she had closed the door. "Sofie wouldn’t let me go. She insisted we chatted and drink more in her room for she wasn’t feeling tired ! I told her I’d to go to bed but she wanted to come in my room and busy herself on her phone while I’d sleep !" 
I giggled "Sofie is one of a kind…"
"Si, she is ! But I got rid of her ! Uf !" she leant back to the door, relieved. 
"Phew ! Here you are at last !" I smiled to her, my nervousness surging again. 
We face each other in the small room, jittery and shy, unable to move, now we were finally at it. Silence settle between as we watched each other expectantly. Misa looked down, pressing her lips in an embarrassed smile and nervously massaged her neck. In spite of her charismatic appearance, she could be rather timid in those circumstances. I shook off some of my own diffidence and I walked to her, caught her face in my hands, looking at her tenderly, and my desire for her took over me again. 
I embraced her, kissed her softly, my impatience giving place to a will not to rush as the night still lay ahead. I wanted us to fully experience everything, each kiss and touch, equally moved and aroused by the fact that tonight would always be the first with her. 
Misa sunk in our slow motion, her arms around my neck. Her fingers gently crept in my hair and she pulled my face to deepen our kiss. I ran my hands under her t-shirt, stroking, caressing her skin, before I grabbed and pulled the cloth off the women’s head. Our kiss broken, my gaze wandered over her body and she sized the moment to take off my dress, her fingers folding the fabric up slowly, and finally shoving it off my head as well. We resumed our kissing, skin brushing, hands and fingers running along each other spine, to the point of giving us goosebump. 
Misa advanced, walking me backward to the bed, and taking her shoes off on the way. Our already fast breathing quickened. My heels hit the bed framed, I gasped, turned over at the last moment, having Misa loosing balance and falling onto the mattress. She smiled in surprise and settled herself in the middle of it, her half bare body an irresistible invitation to join her as soon as possible. 
I went over her, instantly back at full-mouthed kissing, a needy fire surged and spread as she caressed my bare skin. Misa straightened up and I wrapped my legs around her hips. Her powerful hands secured me against her while she looked up to me, silently asking for us to resume our kissing. I leaned toward her mouth and softy bit her lower lips, hearing the woman rasping breath in return. I released her, she send her tongue between my lips, reaching for mine, as her fingers found my bra and worked at unhooking it. I imitated her and we both sent our underwear to the floor. Quickly, we pressed our chest against each other, back at stroking our now entire naked upper bodies, the feel of Misa’a soft and bare breast on me stirring waves of heat in my stomach. 
I couldn’t bear to take our time anymore, I put my weight against the goalie to bring her to lie down again. Misa grinned and resisted. I unwrapped my legs, straddling her tights and unceremoniously pushed her back onto the mattress. Her eyes fed on the view of my almost naked figure. I, myself, could barely stand the sight of her lying body, topless, with her arms and long hair spread out on the pillow, her shaped abs and tanned smooth skin showing in the half-light. She looked up with hooded eyes, mouth half opened, surrendering to me taking the lead and allowing me to simply contemplate her for a moment.  
I came to lay a little aside over the goalkeeper, Misa’s arms enclosed me, pushing our breasts to gently squash, sending us both gasping at the sensation. A hand cupped the nap my neck, making my mouth fall back on her lips as I felt her rise her tight between my legs. I led out a wail, fingers gripping the pillow as she began to apply a light pressure there. Slowly I grinded on her, sending rush of pleasure in my body at each slide on her leg. But shorty, the fabric of her jeans bothered me. I broke the contact and I heaved my upper body onto one arm, leading down my other hand to unbutton her pant. 
I reset my position above the goalkeeper, began with a light kiss on her mouth and moved down to her neck. Misa’s hands ran down my back to my bottom as I nipped and licked my way to her breast, her long moans filling the room as I started to kiss her there. One of her hand found mine, the other resting on her own hair, her furrowed brows was giving away her longing. I paused, inhaling the smell of her skin, before I continued my road down. 
I stopped when I reached her jeans, witch I grasped firmly to took it off. Misa chest was rising up and down deeply, looking avidly at me as she had very well guessed were I was planning to go next. I took the time to dispose of my panties, more turned on to see her head jerked back on the pillow as she regained some of her breath. Fuck she was so hot ! Her perfect awaiting body menaced to finish me only at the sight. I tried to cool myself down, pushing back my own arousal as I swiftly pulled off the brunette’s own panties, having both of us bare and trembling with want. 
Slowly, I lowered my head between the goalkeeper’s spread legs, taking a glance at her blushed face, her brown eyes and half-opened quivering lips almost begging. My tongue ran through her and Misa's head fell back again, closing her eyes, as a hight pitch whimper escaped her mouth. Her sweet voice filled the room and covered my own whining. Her hands desperately clung at my hair to have me go on and on, her sounds louder with the increasing rhythm. 
At a moment, she set her arms upward, and messed with her hair, witch fell over her face beautifully. The vision of the brunette lost in pleasure almost had me go over the edge again. One of her hands hided her face, the other gripping the bed sheets as my fingers found their way inside. She was so loud now I was sure we had awakened all the occupants of the floor. I lifted my head to check is she was close, barely able to hold on myself, but Misa, wanting more, pressed my face between her legs again. Fuck ! I was so close, my own cries muffled by my business on her core, when her legs went rigid and pressed on each side of my head. The goalkeeper’s body shuddered, accompanied by deep whiny sights, as she sunk into the bliss. 
I exhaled and rested against her leg a moment, regaining my breath. After the short break, I went next to Misa, facing the goalkeeper laying on her back, her face lost and beautiful. She turned on her side, sent a weak arm over my waist for me to took her in and she nested on my collar bone, peaceful and exhausted. I watched her yearningly, I kissed her forehead and a discreet smile stretched her mouth. 
A couple of minute had passed, with us staying cuddling, when Misa lifted her head to put a soft kiss on my lips. She pulled my face to give me a more heated one, and another. Then she grabbed my leg, heaved it onto her hip and my breathing quickened again at once. Her hand grasped my neck, she sent it traveling to my breast, caressing and pinching my nipples a moment, turning me into a moaning mess, before she led it down, and downer. 
She touched me at last, gasped and smiled at finding me all drenched and I hugged her tight, feverish whimpers leaving my mouth as her fingers easily sled between my legs. I had been already so close I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold much more. Misa’s fingers sunk inside, I whined so loudly I’d have been ashamed, excepted I didn’t gave a fuck. Warmth grew, choking and pleasant each time she went in and out, filling me more and more when I was already so full. 
My half-closed eyes wandered on Misa, and it was the sight of her far too pretty blushed face focussing hard on making love to me that made me came. The deep waves of pure pleasure radiate through my entire body, my arms tightening around her neck, eyes shut, entirely surrendering to the overwhelming feel. 
As bliss took me in, both of us went limp against each other. Exhausted by her match earlier, the footballer as given her last strength to it. I flipped onto the other side, still recovering, while she managed to turn off the light and come to lie close. She pulled the cover onto us both, wrapped me with her arm, I sized her hand falling over, hearing her letting out an approving noise in response. Her slowing and deepening breathing told me she had fell asleep at once, against me, in Paris, the magic French capital.
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Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze
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rojacatmisa · 3 months
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Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique!
TW: explicit sex, +18
6,5K words
I woke up at the sound of a particularly loud rumbling motor on the street. My eyes felt puffy. I blinked several times, a bit dazed by the soft light filtering in the unfamiliar room. The first thing I noticed was the tan and tattooed arm laying across my torso, the hand at the end completely limp. My gaze tracked back to the silhouette of a young brunette fast asleep next to me, her broad and muscular back emerging from the white bedsheets, slowly rising up and down with every breath. 
The woman face was turned to the side and pressed comfortably against the pillow. I peered at the profil detaching nicely, very close to me, and traced her features: her forehead, her thick brow, still looking a bit furrowed even when she was sleeping, her closed almond eye, I imagined the soft and warm look behind the lead, the bridge of her nose, the small gold ring on her nostril, the tip of it almost brushing my shoulder. My gaze went down to her lips, plump, barely parted, all her muscles totally relaxed, to her chin half buried into the comfy pillow. 
I resisted the urge of kissing the cute face of Misa, not willing to wake her yet, and I just stay looking at her as something warm and light fluttered in my stomach. I couldn’t believed she was there, next to me, her arm making sure I was still close as she slept. 
The warm wings in my guts reached my throat, my eyes prickled when the surge of emotions begun to choke me softy. I sighed, and breathed out, fighting again the need to take her in my arms to hold her tight. But she seemed so peaceful, I couldn’t bring myself to end the sleep she needed so much. I, myself, had had a pretty bad sleep because she had snored nearly all night. But I couldn’t blame her when I wouldn't be anywhere else right now. 
I realized with a jolt I did’t even know what time it was in morning. We were still in the Parisian hotel and we had to leave to room at 11’. The sun seemed to push behind the curtains. Had we overslept? Neither Misa or I had thought about setting an alarm. 
With the most care I grabbed my phone on the bedside table and turned on the screen. 9’50. Phew ! We still had time to get ready and plan something for Misa to get her stuff. The goalie shifted beside me. I put my phone back on the stool and turned to her. Misa smiled shyly and came closer, her arm around my waist. I felt the warm blowing of her breath on my neck as she settled herself back to sleep. 
I bit back a whine of emotion and rested my mouth on her forehead, inhaling the smell of her hair and cuddling her gently, "Misa, we have to wake up…". 
"Dormir mas… porfi…" she grunted against me, her slippy voice was a bit higher pitched. 
"We have to leave the room soon." I kept stroking her long hair and kissed her forehead. She grunted and squeezed me again. I ran my mouth on her temple to her cheekbone, laying kisses here and there. Misa began to stir again. When I reached her mouth, the goalkeeper awoke more at the wet contact. 
"Humm" she pulled away, rolled on her back and stretched with a yawn, her bare breast emerging from the bedsheets, sending an instant throbbing in my lower body.
She grabbed her phone, scrolled and typed a moment. Her naked body and laid back attitude was beginning to aroused me and I looked away. 
"Hayley says hi and hope we had a good night" she told me after a few minutes. I snorted. "Did you sleep well ?" she added.
"Yeah, alright" I said without belief and avoiding to look at her. 
"Que passa ? Oh… did I snored ?" she asked with an apologizing look. 
I frowned and nodded, apologizing as well for letting her know. 
"Perdon Nicky, I know I do, my teammates avoid sharing a room with me when they can."
"That's not a good enough reason not to have you in my bed." I said with a guilty smile. She laughed and dropped her phone.  
She swiftly came over me and without warning she kissed me with an intensity I had not foreseen. Her tongue pushed its way inside my mouth, pressing and turning with mine. I moaned, instantly worked up by everything she was doing crashing on my body still numbed with sleep. Her heated kiss, her bare skin brushing against mine, our chests touching, her traveling hands on my sides, her tight between my tights made my head span. The goalkeeper had let me lead the dance last night and wanted her revenge. Obviously, she had planned to make me loose my mind. 
Her kisses descended on my neck and I grasped her face, fighting hard to stay sensible. "Misa ! We don’t have time !". The naughty look she gave me back accentuate the throbbing between my legs. 
"It can be quick… but I better get to it then", she whispered in my ear before nipping the skin below. I blushed and gasped, out of arguments. My own body had already given up when she reached my breast. 
She licked each of my nipples. After sending them hardening, she applied to suck and bit slowly, letting out low noises, clearly enjoying her work on my chest. The moans escaping my mouth became louder with the increasing sensibility. "Keep quiet Nicky, nobody’s sleeping now." Her authoritarian tone excited me more and I placed my forearm on my mouth. 
Misa’s tongue went to my stomach, kissing my ribs, making me shiver, licking her way to my pelvis. I was panting with the more and more difficulties I had to remain silent. 
My hips began to stir as the goalkeeper settle herself between my spread legs. I rubbed my face and glanced at the woman ready to send me on an other planet. She locked her dark eyes with me, ensnared each oh my tight and drag me down to her mouth in a swift move. I whined in surprise as I felt her tongue between my legs at once. My body was stretched out at full length, my head falling back on the mattress and arms sled upward, increasing the intensity of the sensations.
I couldn’t hold the first whimper when she began to lick me slowly. Her tongue was so precise, the pressure perfect, I quickly put back my palm on my mouth. The muffled cry I let out against it would had been heard on the adjoining floors when she added her fingers, sliding them from up to down to go with her mouth. I grasped hard the bedsheets, trying to stay as quiet as I could while pleasure washed over me wave after wave. 
When she pushed her fingers near my entrance I thought I was loosing my breath, and she led them inside, just to curl them without moving more. My feet dragged on the sheets, fighting to get a rest, trying to escape her saturating touch.
Misa kept on doing wonderful things on my core and sent my thighs to tremble. They froze as I felt my orgasm building at an incredible speed. It was too much, too intense, too hard not to moan, to shout, to cry her name. I was going to explode.
The restraint and the liberation melted in a second and sent me silently over the edge but with a force that had my body shaking uncontrollably. 
Misa was at my side at once, enfolding and covering me with light kisses. I snuggled in her arms, still regaining my breath, breathing the smell of sex and sweat on her skin. "Misa", I whispered and felt her embraced tighten around me. I had lost the track of time, lost in the feeling of her, blending with enjoyment. 
"I’m going to shower" she said after a moment and got up gently. I stretched across the bed, still relishing on the pleasure fading feel, and watching Misa checking her phone again. "Quinze minutos !" she boast and flexed her muscles with mischievous eyes. 
"Happy with your performance Misa Rodriguez ? One gold medal isn’t enough for you ?" I joked, dragging myself at the edge of the bed toward her. 
She crouched in front of me. "Never enough ! Did I won it ?"
I brushed her lips with my finger "Hum… I’m not giving it to you yet, it would be to easy". 
She snorted and pressed her mouth on mine. "I take the challenge. You come to shower with me ?".
"I’d love to but I’m a weak women and we’re really running out of time". 
"It’s probably wiser", the brunette winked, got up and collected her clothes on the floor before disappearing in the bathroom.
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I was back in Madrid for three days off now and I could only think about when I could see her again. By see her, I mostly meant hook up again. Far from releasing me, sleeping with Misa had me completely mad about her. I dreamt to hear her soft voice whispering naughty words in my ear, to contemplate her from head to toes lying naked on a sofa, a bed or whatever she’d be comfortable on, to smell the perfume of her skin when I closed my eyes, to shiver under her hands brushing my flanks and grasping at anything they could. But most of all, I was dying to touch her again, to find what she would like best, to hear her sight in delight and to hold her tight when she’d be lost in pleasure. 
The truth was I was feeling like a teenager discovering the wonders of intimacy. Nobody had ever made me feel like Misa did. She was so intense, so complete, soft and caring as well as fierce and strong but also goofy and insecure, all of this wrapped up in the most gorgeous women I had ever hooked up with. With Misa on my mind all the time, I was failing miserably at being back to my daily solitary life. 
The goalie and I had exchanged a few texts since Paris and she had offered to honor her promise to teach me football. We had agree to meet tomorrow afternoon at a local stadium in the north of Madrid, the sciudad being a far too risky place, and I had tried to occupied myself since then. 
I had a few walks in the city to resume my personal practice of photography. I had always loved to be able to do some work on my own and I like urban photography so Madrid’s uneven rooftops and swarming streets had been a good playground. I had been rather happy with some of the shots, so I had settled in comfy coffee shop in my neighborhood to call Angela. She had wanted to know every details of my trip in Paris, particularly pleased by the concretization of the ending she had been expected. Having Angela on my side alleviated the stress I felt breaking the rules of my employment contract. She kept saying none of it made sense and so was I when the prospect of being with Misa was enhancing everything in my life. At the time, it was the thought of our football lesson that was filling me with a peaceful excitement. 
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The sun was still high on the dying afternoon of that early summer day when I arrived at the stadium, fully dress in a Real Madrid training kit, a sport bag on the shoulder. I searched for Misa on the empty parking and I saw her grey car approaching the entrance. She parked right in front of me, waving hi through the windscreen as she turned off the engine. All of sudden, I felt nervous and eager to see her again.
She exited the vehicle, sun rays soaking her head and dazzling her when she straighten up. A broad smile flashed as she came toward me "Hola Nicky! Como estas?  Ready to suffer?"
"Hey Misa, muy bien y tu? Hang on, when did suffering become part of the plan?" I protested but her mocking tone had relaxed me at once. 
The footballer came closer "I’m going to turn you into the new football star, of course you’re going to suffer! You behave and I be nice" she joked, a glint in her eyes. She was really excited to share her passion and I, myself, was already dying to kiss her. 
"I’m not scared of you, you know?" I said lifting my chin and puffing my chest. Misa stopped smiling and frowned, hard, looking at me straight in the eyes. "Ok ! Ok ! I’m a bit afraid of that Misa, the one on the pitch!" Like now, she could be very intimidating when she was playing. 
The goalkeeper bursted in laugh, "Funciona todo el tiempo! Come on let’s get started", and she invited me to follow her. 
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We walked to the middle of the pitch. I had put on the smaller football cleats Misa had borrowed and was trying to get used to grip the grass with every step. The goalie was running ahead of me, easily pushing the ball at her feet and dancing with it in a sequence of various rebounds. Her all body was moving so confidently like she felt at home on every football pitches. 
"Ok Nicky, we’ll start with controls and passes", she said once we faced each other at the lawn center. "When I send it to you, you block it with the inner side of your foot. Ok?" I nodded. Misa pushed the ball rolling toward me and I angled my foot like she explained. The ball bumped against it and stopped. 
"Valé, now push it back to me and I’ll pass it to you and you to me and on and on."
"Got it!" I kicked the ball back to Misa and we exchanged a few passes until I inevitably missed one. 
She chuckled "Bueno Nicky that’s it! Now, I’ll teach you how to run with the ball. Come with me". 
She demonstrated it, explaining I had to push the ball with the tips of my feet while running. That seemed more difficult to me, but even knowing I had no chance to impress Misa, I was bound to give it a try to the least. 
I started to run and immediately had trouble with directions, always kicking too much on the right or left and often breaking the run, instead of sending the ball straight forward. 
"Vamos Nicky! Go again until you reach to goal." Misa clapped her hands encouragingly while walking at my sides. I kept on trying but it was laborious and was not used to the cleats and the way the ball rebounded on the shoes yet. I managed to get to the end of pitch zigzagging randomly, and laughing out loud at my poor skills. 
"Concentrate!", Misa shouted as I stopped in front of the cage, panting slightly. 
"Damned! I really have no gift for this", I said, ashamed. I felt ridiculous to be taught by her. 
The goalkeeper grasped my hand. "It’s not about a gift, you just have to focus and practice… a lot", she broke a smile and kissed me on the cheek. "Let’s move on to striking", she said when my thoughts weren’t about football anymore, my cheek hot where her lips had touched. 
Misa settled in front of the ball, "All you have to do is kick as hard as you can". She stepped back, ran, armed her leg and shoot the ball to the middle of the net. I applauded, genuinely impressed by her strength even after having seen her play countless times. Misa throw the ball back to me in one agile move.
I readied myself and kicked as hard as I could in a very approximative movement. I was in the penalty area, moreover very close to the goal, but I was satisfied to see the ball enter the cage anyway. "Pero bueno!", Misa congratulated me and send the ball back to me one more time. I enjoyed shooting at it again and again far more that running and controlling. 
After a dozens of shots or so, the goalkeeper took her place in front of me and made me move back from the cage, indicating I aim anywhere but at her. With Misa in my sight, it was harder to concentrate. My gaze was irresistibly attracted by her tanned legs and arms, my stomach warming at the soft but serious expression she had when she advised me. 
"Nicky! I said don’t shoot at me, right?", she warned when my eyes lasted on her silhouette.  
"Yes, yes !", I answered, refocusing on the exercise. 
The first attempts were catastrophic with me missing the frame on either sides. Misa made me try until I succeeded at least to put the ball both in the cage and not directly at her but I was becoming frustrating as I kept failing to send it exactly were I wanted and mostly relaying on chance. 
"Aim here ! Open your foot more. Focus on your destination!"
"But I am focusing!", I responded and kicked angrily at the ball. To my surprise, the kick was strong and swift, but directly at Misa. The goalkeeper reflexes peeped out, her bare fists shielding her and propelling the ball back hard on the my stomach. The air was drove out of me as pain, not very intense but enough to make me cowered on myself, throbbed in my ribs. 
"Oh no ! Nicky you alright ?" I scented the sweet and floral perfume around me. 
"You… you just took my breath away, but not the way you usually do!" I croaked and a flattered and embarrassed mixed expression showed on the goalkeeper’s face.
"Tsss Chica ! Lay down a moment". 
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Once I was down on the grass, Misa sat beside me and checked my belly, passing and pressing her palm across it. "Do it hurt here ?" she asked while applying a light pressure on my ribs". I shook my head. "I think you’ll be ok. I’m sorry but you got me surprised and I didn’t have my gloves on. That kick was actually very good!" 
"Kicking hard is the only thing I don’t suck at…" I chuckled and straitened up, leaning toward the goalkeeper. 
"Lo siento, you’ll have to work really hard to be next estrella del futbol. You have no more gift for it that I have for photography, Cariño", Misa said, patting my tight.
I opened my mouth wide, outraged, of part of my brain registering she’d just called me dear, when Misa pulled me, my back to her front, in a very sweet embrace. She kissed my cheek again and I felt dazed. "Tsss! I’m vexed by the fact that you seemed really vexed by the comparison!", she added, laughing frankly before faking to pout. 
I chortled, not knowing what to say. I turned to her and put my palm on her face. "Er… We’ll have you try naturalistic photography soon, I promise!" 
"I’m not sure I want teacher Nicky back, she’s too bossy and narrow minded". She leant her mouth toward mine and stopped at the last moment. "I mean, I don’t want only the teacher part", and we kissed finally. How much I had missed her lips… But shortly, she held back and spoke with strange tone "Misa, your picture is ugly! You’re lazy Misa, you're not working enough because you don’t really like photography!", she mimicked me with a hight pitch voice that I hoped had nothing to do with mine. 
I pulled back from her arms to sulk at the bad imitation. "You didn’t seemed to be bothered to be grounded at the museum last time", I retorted. 
"La verdad es I wanted to kiss you to shut you up that day !" her words and the light chuckle she blowed on my mouth made me want her badly and I tried hard to dismiss the thought of pushing her on the grass to have her now, in the middle of the desert stadium. 
"Mean girl", I said but went close again to relished on her smell and on the warmth of her neck between my hands. 
Misa pulled back to speak again, an int of shyness lingering behind the warm notes of her voice "Do you want to come to my place after?" 
I couldn’t suppress a gasp before composing a more relaxed face and taking a casual tone, far away from the real burning mess I was becoming inside. "Yeah sure, I’d love to see your home". 
I melted back in her embrace a moment, the sun had lowered but was still hot on our skin.
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Misa drove us back to her apartment near the stadium in a couple of minutes. I was really excited to discover her place and therefore more of her. We took the lift, the goalkeeper and I got off at the seventh floor, the women pulling out her keys and opening the door on the left. 
"After you", she said in a courteous manner and I stepped in. The entrance was wide, between bare and crowded, a white wall totally empty when the other bore many beach style panels and a tall mirror. I heard the door closing behind. "Bienvenida a casa, Nicky", the brunette said happily, "Want me to make a visit?". I approved and followed her. 
We stepped into the living, roomy and comfy with an American kitchen and a very large sofa. Wide windows revealed a spacious terrace where I noticed a lounge chair. 
"So this is how you’re always so tanned", I said pointing at it. 
"You know I’m from Canaria, I can’t live without a sunny spot. I hate winter here…"
As if to illustrate her words, I turned around to see a big Canarian flag on the wall near the kitchen. They were many others decorations in the room, Real Madrid items, framed photos, trophies and medals, music posters…, but like in the hall unevenly distributed and hung randomly on the walls. It was like she had thought about each details but in a messy way. I found it cute.
The bedroom was just the same but messier, the bed looking inviting and soft, a colorful surfboard hanging above the headboard, stuff, folded clothes and probably sport related items covered the furniture. 
We ended the visit by another smaller room dedicated to Misa’s training and came back in the living. 
"Your place is nice Misa, it looks like you", I said and she smiled wide. 
"I’m glad you like it. Now, shower or dinner ?", she asked. 
I realized my belly was rumbling with hunger. The sun was setting, it was time to eat, even in Spain. "Dinner please, football lesson got me starving!"
Misa went in the kitchen and opened the fridge. "I have a rest of a paella I ordered yesterday. They gave me for four to the least ! Bueno para ti ?"
"Valé perfecto! Gracias."
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We dressed the table and sat down to eat. The food was delicious and the casual chatting coming along even more. My insides felt light. It was good to share this daily moment with someone. Misa made more jokes about our teaching and learning abilities, having me laughing hard. Then, she talked about her arrival in the peninsula at an early age and the hard time she had to get used to be away from her family and to live on her own. My chest tightened as I realized how attached I was becoming to Misa. It scared me all of a sudden and I buried myself in a glass of water, swallowing slowly as I listened to her.  
However, the women facing me figured something was going on and put her hand on mine across the table. "Are you ok ?" she asked, a int of worry in her voice.  
I looked at her large tan hand on mine, its contact soothing. I smiled, interlacing our fingers while I exhaled deeply. "Actually, I’m better than ok. I’m really happy to be here". 
"Me alegro que estés aquí también" she replied, her face so kind I could cry. 
We finished the dish more quietly and Misa excused herself for not having any dessert to offer me. She explained she ate nothing containing too much sugar or on really exceptional circumstances. Being an athlete wasn’t easy on a daily basis. She admitted it was a sacrifice for the sweet tooth she was.
"I promise I’ll get rid of all the sweets and chocolates I have at my home before you’ll come", I told her, sneaking an invitation in the same time. 
"Leave just one chocolate out of it, please !" Misa begged, bitting her lips and at the bait.
Then, she cleared the table, humming absentmindedly a song when she went to arrange the kitchen. "Nicky, go ahead in the shower, I’ll join you in a minute. Bathroom is next bedroom", she dropped with the most ease.
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I wasn't going to be asked twice, I went the small room, taking off my cloth quickly and entering the rather spacious shower cabin that was only separated by a thick glass. 
The jet turned on and the temperature adjusted, I stepped into the hot pouring water with delight and let it melt my anxiety and tiredness away. Drops crashed on my face, soaking my hair. I closed my eyes to focus on the sound of it. Deep inside, I was still trying to register what was going on in my life. I had broken the rules by sleeping with the Real Madrid goalkeeper, I was at her home, in her shower, waiting for her. And everything felt surreal. Something like that couldn’t be happening to me. 
My deep breath came out in a rasp. I open my eyes again. I was actually there, in an unknown shower peering at a rang of shampoo bottles. It was real, everything was. 
Smiling vaguely, I stepped out of the water, selected a vanilla shower gel from Misa’s products and put some on my palm to lather on my skin. Through the glass studded with droplets, I saw the door opening and the blurry shape of the goalie completely naked entering the bathroom. She pushed the cabin door and came inside, her loose long hair partially hiding her chest. 
"Hola" she said brushing past me to go to the shower jet, her cheeks more pinky than when I left her. Misa settled under the hot water, rubbing her skin and waving her hair to get wet, eyes shut tight and mouth spitting as the drops streamed down her face. This was one of the most erotic vision I’d ever seen. Unable to tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me, I continued to wash, watching her body getting drenched, hypnotized by gleaming shape of her muscles under the celling light. My eyes lingered on the dark triangle between her legs, passing over her peaked and dripping nipples, to rest on her lips. 
I was clearly becoming obsessed with Misa’s mouth. It called me and I rejoined her under the water, my skin covered with foam. The goalkeeper drenched hair were splattered her broad shoulders. She sense me close, her wet cheeks still looked blushed when she glanced at me through the pouring water. Her eyelashes were loaded and packed with wetness, drops falling from her nose and lips. 
I pressed my body against hers, my soapy front slipped lasciviously on her skin. Misa opened her mouth to sight, wrapping my neck with her arms and pressing more, and I peered at her with pure lust. 
My hand descended on her butt, a low groan of satisfaction escaped my mouth when my fingers sunk in the soft flesh, before I crashed my lips on Misa’s. We kissed roughly, whining, trickles infiltrating between our lips. The diluted taste of her was almost fleshy, awaking something bestial. I pushed my tongue further and the goalkeeper ensnared my head to depend our kiss even more. My fingers grasped tighter her wet bottom as our hips began to wiggle in anticipation. I was so ready for us to just fuck properly, without holding back, as we where not in a hotel with the rest of the team anymore. 
Steam from the hot water was filling the cabin with a foggy atmosphere. I ran a hand to her neck and down her front. Misa mirrored me, our fingers meeting at belly level, briefly intertwining, until we slipped them down between each other’s legs. The soft and simultaneous movements on our cores drove me mad. Her tongue and lips kept pressing, demanding while her fingers rubbed more abruptly. I yelped, pleased, so pleased to feel her when she was feeling me.
She pushed her way inside gently. Thrilled, my lips slowed down against her mouth. It was my turn to imitate her, wetness and water allowing to sink my fingers quickly to harvest a low moan from her. A haze enveloped our interlacing bodies, steam clenching to our burning skins as we continue to fill each other, the shower enhancing all the sensations.
Gradually, I quickened the pace and Misa’s mouth dropped open, not responding to my kisses anymore. Her touching slackened as my fingers rocked rhythmically, my other hand finding her breast and rubbing her nipple. The goalie’s fingers stopped moving with her breathy cries getting louder. 
She leant her back against the shower wall, the water raining less directly on us revealing our reddenned skins dotted with drops. The new angle allowed me to go deeper inside of her. Misa moaned, whomped, and abandoned her touching on me, her wet lips opening more as my thrust inside and out continued, my teeth finding her neck and bitting the damp and hot skin.  
"Más rapido…" I heard her demand and I went back to her face, boring my eyes into hers and crashing on her lips again. I sized her tight, raised it to spread her legs more. The goalkeeper clung at my neck as I buried back my fingers deep, pace fast. The smell of sex spread all around, the taste of her mouth, barely able to keep on kissing, was strong and magnetic. Misa’s breathing became erratical, jerky, whiny. "Más! Don’t stop…", she panted, head falling backward against the tiles and I flexed my legs a little to fuck her whole. I was in a haze, in a cloud, in the sky, feeling her tightening around me, feeling myself dripping not only of water as my own excitation reached a peak. 
"Don’t… st.." the end of the word was lost in a cry, Misa’s head felt over my shoulder, her body half collapsing against me as the spasms in her belly rippled on my skin. My fingers accompanied her orgasm on her core, snatching more shouts from her. She clung hard at my neck to keep standing and I hold her tight.  
Her hand fell over mine to signal me to stop, witch I seized and unceremoniously pressed hard between my own legs, having Misa to groan in surprise. The pressure relieved me at once, her fingers instantly caressing the sensitive area. 
The goalie flipped my body, back to her front, and slide her fingers through my intimacy again. She hungrily kissed my neck, her other hand running on the inside of my thighs to spread them further.
She switched hands, the one that used to caress me crept between our bodies, sliding down my butt to touch my entrance from the back. "Fuck!" I led out at the simultaneous touch of both of her hands on me and I felt getting wetter even with the shower washing down my fluids. 
I arched, so ready to welcome her inside and Misa stopped touching my core to make me lean forward. Warm water splattered on my exposed back. The pace she set was slow and thorough. My legs already felt weak, pleasure relaxing the muscles and swelling my lower body. I bent over and clung at the shower tap when Misa’s moves quickened. "Misa… fuck", I whined. 
I winced as she added an other finger to stretch me deliciously. "Ow, fuck!", I repeated. The goalkeeper bent over me as well, her hips rhythmically pushing against my butt. "Hum, sì… fuck!", she groaned, squeezing my hanging chest. The swelling in my stomach expanded and sent ripples of enjoyment. 
I yelled and swore again when she put the fingers of her other hand back on my core while she was still filling me, fast and roughly. It only took a few more seconds before I felt the liquid warmth dissolved inside of me, the goalkeeper straitening me and holding me tight against her for me not to fall as the intense feel lasted. 
Misa flipped me over again to face her, hugging me hard and kissing the corner of my mouth. I brushed my nose against her, breathing in her scent, feeling completely out of this world. "Fuck Misa, I’ll never have enough of this…", I dropped and saw the goalkeeper lips stretch. "Yo también Cari", she whispered, her kisses demanding again. 
This women is going to be my downfall, I thought, back at kissing her tenderly, before I crouched between her legs and buried my mouth in her pelvis, her cries filling me up with new energy.  
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A gentle stroking pulled me out of sleep and I found myself staring at an unfamiliar celling, hidden shortly by the face of the goalkeeper overlooking. Misa’s nose nuzzled my cheek and I rolled toward her, searching her warm body, but found myself at the edge of the bed. 
I shook my head to awake properly. The brunette was kneeing at bedside, fully dressed, her hair neatly tied back in a ponytail. I made a frustrated sound followed by an interrogating one. 
"I’m going to the gym. You can stay here and go back to sleep, I’ll be back in an hour and a half max."
"Oh ok, you already ate?", I asked in a pasty voice. 
"I never take breakfast but I got some bread and jam for you. It’s on the kitchen’s bar", she chuckled at my surprised expression and try to stand, but I hold her down, just wanting to breathe in her scent a little longer. "Thanks for the bread. Train well", I said before I let her go, snatching a kiss on her lips passing by. 
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I sat at the kitchen table, devouring my toasts with a large coffee when Angela called. 
"Hey Angie ! You’re good?"
"Hey ! All good and you Nicky ? I hope I'm not disturbing you ?"
"Not at all, I’m having breakfast, go ahead, what’s up ?"
"I have a few days of leave to take and I wondered if I could come to see you in Madrid ?"
I nearly jumped off the chair. "You’re kidding! Of course! Come whenever you like!", I said, a large smile spreading. 
"Great! I can’t wait to see you Nicky! It’s been so long… I think I’ll come at the end of the month, something like that. Now tell me, how’s it going with your goalie?"
"Well, I’m in her kitchen right now while she’s at the gym. So, I’d say it’s going well", I sighted with ease. 
"Wow, she’s already invite you to her place, well done. Hang on… what was that sight I just heard?"
"Nothing, I’m feeling great that’s all. Misa’s very sweet and, you know… it feels good to care for someone again." 
Angela pause a moment. "Oh no Nicky…"
"What ?"
"Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her for real ?"
"What do you mean ? Of course I’m into her!" I wasn’t getting Angela’s point.
She paused again, and I took a sip of my coffee, waiting. 
"Nicky, are you in love with her ?", she asked and I barely missed to spill my mug as I half choked myself with the hot liquid. "Oh god, I’m right then ?", she added when she heard me caught.
I gathered myself, feeling my heart beat faster, letting silence stretch while I was looking for what to say when the goalkeeper’s name kept ranging in my head, clouding my mind completely. There was no way I was going to be able to lie, not even to myself. 
"Er… I think… I think I do…", the confession overwhelmed me as I finally spoke.
"Ohhh Nicky ! I thought you two were mostly about hooking up. That changes things a bit…" 
"Hum, what’s the difference between fuck buddies and lovers ? With the fucking clause, both have to stay hidden anyway so…"
"True but… What about her, do you think she does too ?" 
I took a moment to think about it, recalling the way she behaved when she was with me. My eyes rested on my half eaten toast. "I guess she likes me enough to spend the night and some of her spare time with me. And she can be thoughtful, like I said."
"Ok, sounds like a good start. Will I meet her when I come ?"
I almost strangled myself again, imagining introducing Misa to Angela as my girlfriend. My heart tightened at the thought. My Misa. If only she could be my Misa by the time my best friend would visit… 
"Er, yes I’ll try to set up something", I said. "Can I call you back later, I think Misa’s returning from the gym?" I lied because I felt I needed a moment on my own before the actual return of the goalie. 
"Of course, take care Nicky. Bye." 
"You too. Bye Angie. Can’t wait!"
I hung up, silence pressing at once. Angela had me realize I had fallen deep for the goalkeeper, lowering my defenses so fast and letting my emotions escape recklessly. After my previous relationship and its abrupt ending, I had thought I’d be more careful with who could gain my confidence, but I was amazed by how little control I had above my feelings, especially toward pretty women. 
I finished my breakfast confused. Did I know Misa enough to trust her ? I was taking a huge risk by being with her but she had protected our secret conscientiously and seemed to be willing to live whatever we were building together. When I thought about it, I couldn't bring myself to doubt the sincerity of the goalkeeper.
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I was lying in the sofa, the morning sun almost completely gone from the room when Misa came back. She entered, earphones on and scrolling her phone. She was still in a training kit, wearing her hair in a loose bun. I greeted her and she glanced quickly at me before focusing back on the screen, having me feeling annoyed by her sudden total lack of attention. Had I been wrong about her ?
Misa pulled off her earphones and some raggaton music filled the room. She dropped her phone on the bar, living it to play the song out loud, then she came to me, feeling the beat. She grabbed my hands and heaved me to my feet to draw me into her dance in the middle of her living room. My guts unravelled at the contact with her body moving madly. She began to sing over the music, rather badly, her voice soft and slender but so cute and my guts tightened again.
I melted at Misa's loud dancing, Misa’s mischievous smile, Misa’s goofy manners, Misa’s soft and warm gaze.
I was in a haze again, Misa's haze.
I had no doubt left. I was in love with Misa Rodriguez. 
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Chapter 8 ➺ Confusion and directions
56 notes · View notes
rojacatmisa · 1 month
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Chapter 9 ➺ A place for words
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique! Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze Chapter 8 ➺ Confusion and directions TW: explicit sexual content +18 8,5K words
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Misa came to the set laughing hard at the girl following her. The high pitched peals of her laugh rang and resonated in the small room, making my insides swarm happily, but was quickly joined by another deeper voice. 
Léa Koffi, thirty years old, was a tall and sturdy girl with voluminous light brown curly hair, big heavy lashed green eyes and plump lips that were now stretch in a rather charming smile. 
The two goalkeepers, dressed up in their Real Madrid kits, set foot on the background, Misa doubled over with laughter, her beautiful features distorted by her uncontrollable giggling. Léa waved comically her gloves in a theatrical gesture causing Misa to cower on herself as a new burst of laughter took her. 
I couldn’t help but broke a smile at their communicative cheerfulness, forgetting my job a moment and peering at them to try to get what was so funny in Léa’s mimics. 
“Salut Nicky! I made a joke Misa has liked very much but I don’t know how to turn her off now.” Léa explained.
“Hey Léa, dunno how to shut her down either, I never have.“ I giggled and the French goalie did another strange gesture with her gloves that multiplied Misa’s chuckles. 
“Sssstoop! …stoop, por favor!” The Spanish goalie stammered between two peals of laughter. I was still smiling when I felt a pang of annoyance pocking at the sight of my girlfriend dying of laughter so much she didn’t acknowledged my presence. 
I patiently waited for Misa to calm down, the goalie still chuckling while looking at Léa with tears of laughter in her eyes, my irritation growing with the more time she spent without having even greeted me. 
At last, Misa went silent, retook her breath and turned toward me. “Perdon, I’m ready!“ she rubbed tears from her eyes and waited for pose instructions. 
I swallowed her lack of politeness in silence, still vaguely amused by their childish entrance and preferring to focus on getting the photoshoot done quickly “Ok Goalies, as you saw, or did not still you were laughing so much, background is just a gradient of blue and gold, so you have to really impersonate the poses. You are goalkeepers, you are strong, you are walls, and you are Madridistas so you do it with class and heart. You face me both, ready to block a ball, gloves nicely outstretched. Feel it, show it, ok?”
The two girls nodded and took place. I corrected a few details to have them posing perfectly identically. The shot was good but the lights wasn’t so, and I took a moment to adjust them. 
“I’m sure you dive like this” I heard Léa say to Misa meanwhile I was orienting the spotlights better. Léa mimicked a very sloppy jump and stupidly shook her gloves. Misa giggled again and replied “I’ll show you the Misa’s style! Wait until we practice!“
“Can’t wait to see a dolphin play football!” Léa spat back and they both burst of laugher. There was something in the situation that was getting me really upset now. 
“Please, let’s focus, we don’t have all day!” I shouted, more roughly than I was intending and the goalies stopped, still wearing their smiles but a bit shamefully. 
They took the next pose, Misa on her knees and Léa bending behind her so I could zoom to have just their heads on top of another. The two goalies were smiling wide, and being, I must admit, a really attractive duo. That thought irritated me more without really knowing why. 
Maybe it was their incessant chatting between the takes, or the way Misa was fighting hard not to laugh at every words of Léa but I was relieved when the French goalkeeper went in the back room to change for her individual portrait. 
Now on our own, I peered at the Spanish brunette remaining in the room, bitting my lips. Angela was staying at my place until the departure of the goalie for her international break, and as happy as I was being with my best friend, I missed time alone with Misa very much. Right now, I was having a hard time to stay physically away from her, longing for the tiniest touch between us.
I needed contact with my girlfriend so badly and I dared to approach her in the short laps of private time, taking her hand and resting my head in the crook of her neck to breath in her smell. Misa tensed but swiftly planted a kiss on my forehead before pulling away. “Footballers are really quick to change“ she whispered as she stepped back, living me frustrated I hadn’t managed to kiss her back.
The back door opened and a really classy Léa entered the studio, wearing an almost back navy blue suit with a pure white shirt, the jacket suit’s collar embroidered with a gold Real Madrid emblem. “Not bad, what do you think?“ she grinned, stunning and obviously aware of it. 
Misa and I both acquiesced when she settled on the stool at the center of the set. 
“We’ll do a few serious official shots and more relaxed ones after Misa’s ok?” I told the French women while catching a glimpse of Misa disappearing in the changing room.
“Ok Nicky!” her green eyes stared at me. “For how long have you been working for the Real ?” 
I took a shot of her profil “It’s been eight months now, time passes so fast…” Three months had flowed since our first night in Paris but I felt Misa and I had considered being really together for only a week, our night at Sofie’s party had somehow sealed our mutual attachment. 
“Cool, your job looks great although not physical enough for me… oh waouuuu!” Léa’s long exclamation announced the return of the Spanish goalie, her brows going up and her mouth freezing in a gag. 
A strangled moan escaped from my throat when I discovered Misa in her Real Madrid suit. She was just sexy as hell, navy blue and bright white both enhancing her complexion, her muscular neck disappearing under the shirt’s unbuttoned collar, showing the letter “M” tattooed at its base. Her thick severe brows and smiling lips made me suddenly dream that her large hands, emerging from the jacket sleeves, would push me against the wall and have their way in my pants. My dirty thoughts accompanied her chic and formal silhouette as she walked to the set and I silently thanked we were not alone or I would never had the strength to stop myself from rushing at her. 
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“Err… T…turn to the left, I will start with a... a 3/4 pose.” I was appalled to hear myself stutter, and even more when I felt my cheeks grow hot as an amused expression enlightened Misa’s face. 
“Now, face the camera, look straight at it” 
“I don’t know if I could stand Misa staring at me and looking like that!” The French women dropped. Léa was watching Misa from aside, the girl not even hiding her still opened mouth as she clearly fed on the sight of my girlfriend obediently posing. “You have such a charisma! In French, we would call you “belle gosse”. That means ”pretty child” basically.” Léa said to the Spanish brunette who chuckled with embarrassment. I was surprised at how easily she flirted in front of me, but I bitterly remembered she couldn’t know who I was to Misa. 
Jealousy came back in my life like this, crashing over me during a photoshoot, filling my body with anger and possessiveness in a heartbeat. Léa took back Misa’s place in front of the camera, her pretty smile another provocation, her winking toward Misa a silent insult. My face closed, transforming into a mask as I continued to take pictures, both of them having fun, resuming their chatting between the takes, while I was brooding. 
At the end of the session, my heart had sunk at the bottom of my stomach. It was true I had been annoyed or frustrated with keeping my relationship with Misa secret, but I had never felt angry or mad like I was being now. I was fuming I couldn’t shut Léa’s mouth, reduced to silently watch them getting along and act like the professional photographer that I was. 
Working at the Real, I could only be that, I would never be Misa’s girlfriend. 
Sadness field me up and swallowed me entirely as the two women talked together like I wasn’t there, Léa advising “If you put athletic tape that way it will work better, I’ll show you !“ and Misa shrugging doubtfully “I’m ok with my athletic tape, you know…”
I began to gather the lights and uninstalled the set, arms heavy and movements slow, the Spanish goalkeeper finally braking their conversation to walk toward me. “Need some help?” she asked as a shy smile flickered on her lips. Her cute face and soft look smothered me a little and I wished to buried myself in her arms, forget everything but her. As I couldn’t do that, I nodded moodily and let her fold the tripod. Léa joined us at putting away the materials and the three of us finished tidying everything up in no time. 
“Thanks for your help, we’re done.” I freed them, eager to be out of here as well.
“OK, bye Nicky!" Léa acknowledged. "Come on Misa, let’s change.” 
A new surge of possessiveness fogged my brain as I pictured Léa and Misa undressing together all by themselves in the small changing room behind the back door. I pursed my lips, disgusted by my own imagination, and swallowing the bitter taste of jealousy again. 
“See you, Nicky”, my girlfriend softy said but I couldn’t look at her and pretend to search for something in my camera bag. I heard the door shut and my heart with it. 
Loneliness and fear knotted my guts. I sat on the floor, arms around my knees, in the middle of the photography material bags, and let my face fall onto my arms. 
I couldn’t let our secret relationship last forever. It was already affecting both of us. But I couldn’t quit my job at the Real. I loved it and it was far too soon to tell if it would really work with Misa. I hadn’t the self confidence to convinced myself Misa would stay with me if she found somebody she could be with for real. Somebody like Léa…
My phone vibrated in my pocket, interrupting my dark thoughts, my heart leaping when I read Misa’s text. 
“Hola I want to see you more before international break! Can I come in your office 😌 ? I understand if you think it’s too risky 🫡“
A smile stretched wide on my lips, my dark thoughts put aside by the prospect of being just with her, even if it was only for a moment, my eyes prickling while I wrote back to her and rushed out of the room. 
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The freshly taken photos of the goalkeepers were quickly displaying on the computer as they uploaded. I was staring vaguely at them, thrilled to see my girlfriend coming, yet a bit mad, when she entered my office still wearing her suit and I couldn’t help but grin interrogatively at her. 
“I didn’t changed since you seemed to like that suit so much” she answered my silent question with her own irresistible mischievous smile. A particularly gorgeous shot of the footballer appeared on the screen, making her point.
I glared at them both, real and digital Misas, and jumped on my feet to reach the door under the curious stare of the goalkeeper. My hand dipped in my pocket to retrieved the office’s keys to turned it inside the keyhole, the light chuckle of the goalie music to my ears when I locked the room from inside.
The few steps separating us closed, I did not wait another second before kissing her, forcing my tongue between her lips and finding my way inside her mouth. Her taste relieved me as she moved her tongue with mine, her arms pulling me close to her at last. Our nose collided as we oriented our faces to kiss better, our making out lasting without really fulfilling my need of her. I pushed more, searching for something else, something that was probably not in her mouth, my longing for her growing with my irritability and I went to bit softy her upper lips. Hearing her sigh aroused me. I moved to her neck, wanting to hear more of it and I nipped her again, feeling my teeth sink in her skin. 
“Ay! Nicky! You’ve planned to eat me for real or what ?” Misa’s hand fell on her neck as she winced. 
I froze in guilt of having hurt her “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bit you like that! Are you bleeding?” She put her hand away, revealing only a red mark but no wound. “Huf, it’s not! I’m so sorry Misa! I got carried away… I… I guess I was still mad at you for being that hot it messed with Léa’s head earlier.”
Misa stopped massaging her neck, amazed “What? Nicky you’re not jealous of Léa, are you? And you bit me for it?”
The mention of the evidence brought back my anger, mixing with guilt to change in bitterness “Didn’t you see the way she was looking at you?! Or what she dared say!… Arrr…she’s having a crush on you I tell you that! Plus you seemed to find her so damned funny! And I could say nothing…” 
“Nicky!” Misa’s soft laugh fed my wrath, but when she held my hands, boring her brown eyes in mine, I felt it starting to melt away. 
She spoke calmly, “It’s not like that. We, footballers are not modest, we spend far too much time sharing what you would consider intimate moments all together. We’re used to compliment each other on our body, training or behavior, to make fun of each other… Valé, Léa said things but it’s not bound to mean she has a crush on me.”
I pouted in response, unconvinced. The room was quiet with the computer finishing to upload the photos and putting itself on stand by mode. The goalie’s face came so close I could feel her breath. Red spots sprinkled her cheekbones, her lips corners twitching as they murmured “Even if it was the case… it’s you I want.” 
“Oh Misa…” I fell onto her mouth, hugging her like my life was depending on it. “I want you too!” I love you so much, why can’t I just tell you? 
I got lost in our kiss again. Feeling Misa’s lips moving on mine was all that mattered, my heartbeat fastening at the precious thought of her wanting me, needing me. I craved to feel more of her desire right now, her sexy suit boosting my longing for her and my hands slipped under her jacket to free her shoulders. “Nicky! Not now, not here! Are you crazy ?” Misa shot me an alarmed look but finished to take off her jacket and we connected our lips one more time.
“I want you now, please!” I panted between kisses.“Please!”
Misa shuddered at my begging. Her fingers played a moment with the hem of my T-shirt and I stepped back, taking her with me until my back hit the farthest wall of the office. I doubled my efforts “Misa please, just… touch me, tócame! ” my breathing becoming pleading sighs.
The goalkeeper was clearly battling against herself, unable to decided if she should take the risk of us hooking up at our working place. Her furrowed brows and tensed features were turning me on like hell and I worked at unbuttoning her shirt, grinning in victory when I sensed her grasp my top and pull it over my head. 
Her mouth was unable to resist the urge of kissing my exposed breast. “Fuck me, please!” I gloated, keeping my voice low. That seemed to make Misa give away her last reluctance, delicately sucking and nipping the skin there. 
She pulled back, blushing hard. “You want me to fuck you in your own office, Cariño?” she breathed, her timid voice showing she was excited as fuck to overstep the limits and being begged for it.
Misa shyly willing to play our little game set my body on fire, I guided her hand down to my pants and she thrusted it inside over my underwear. 
Her fingers pressed unbearably lightly through the fabric. I whined, bucking to increase the pressure of her touching but the brunette’s hand deliberately stayed out of reach. “Qué passa? Lost your tongue?” She asked before finding my mouth and kissing me like a goddess, my complaints dying on her lips. “No, it’s still there. Say it, is that you really want ?”
I moaned again, surprised to discover Misa really enjoying herself at edging me, thrilled to be excited so much by her ordering me around. 
I yelped, ready to do anything she’d want to feel more of her fingers. 
“Please Misa! Fuck me in my office!” 
Misa’s hand left my jeans only to come back under my panties a second later. Her dominative behavior had me wetting like crazy. I groaned as her fingers spread my intimacy, her other hand found mine and pined it to the wall, her mouth back against my lips to muffled my cries again. 
My eyes shut as her fingertip found my clit and began to flick it slowly. She whined too, pushing me harder against the wall while I was going far away from my office, lost between her tongue in my mouth and her fingers gathering all the pleasure they could from my body. Completely overwhelmed, I barely felt Misa’s hand leaving mine to grasp the nap of my neck as she changed her flickering pace to fast and rough at once. I was so drenched her wobbling against my core made lapping sounds. I let a loud moan erupted against her mouth, shocked as enjoyment took over me so quickly.
My face fell on her shoulder as I came, breathing out my orgasm through her long hair, the delightful feel stretching my lips in awe. “Already? I heard the goalie whisper as soon as it faded. She lift my face as I guilty nodded but I noticed something had shifted inside the goalie, her eyes were hungry like I’d never seen. 
“Oh no no…” she murmured, leaving my pants and grasping my face in her hands, the one slick with my own wetness coated my cheek and spread the smell of sex around us. It was her turn to take my lip between her teeth, pulling softy before letting it go. “After the scene you made, I think I want to fuck you more.” she said, her breathing deep and her eyes hooded. 
The strangled whimper I let out was cut off by her heaving me in her arms, grasping my bottom, and I hold to her broad shoulders as she walked me toward the desk. The brunette pushed away the papers and stuff covering the surface in a swift move and dropped me on it. My legs ensnared her waist, keeping the girl as close as I could as she unzipped my jeans. “Take off your pants, in fact take everything off” she commanded, her Spanish accent heavier with her sighs as she gathered her hair in a bun. 
I obeyed so willingly, undressing completely and sitting back on the cold surface. As I looked up at the gorgeous goalkeeper already bending over me, her completely unbuttoned shirt coming out of her suit pants revealed her bra and shaped abs. My gaze rose back to her face, her feature looked harder with her hair tied up. “You drive me so crazy!” I confessed. Her soft and luscious lips parted to let out jerky breaths, and she was back at touching me in a heartbeat. 
My oversensitive core sent ripples of electricity through by body. I let my hands travel on her shoulders, arching more to deepen the sensations. My palms lost themselves along the contracted muscles of her back as she pushed her way inside. My head fell backward, lost in the wonders of pleasure as I relished on each of her thrusts in me. 
My fingers descended on her waist and slipped under her suit pants. Feeling her bare plump ass under my hands, I realized she was wearing a thong and waste no time before grasping her cheeks, pulling the goalkeeper waist against me and feeling her fingers sinking further. 
“This is so good… you feel so good! I can’t!” I half moaned half whispered and reluctantly left her ass to lie down on the desk as pleasure became too intense for me to stay standing. Droplet of sweat pearled on her temples. Misa was blushing heavily as she watched my naked body spread on the desk, her fingers curling and stroking my walls a moment. I gasped when all I wanted to do was to shout obscenely how good she felt. But then she grabbed my thigh, and started to fuck me for real, faster and deeper. 
Bliss. Everything was quiet around us apart from the muffled sounds of our rasping breaths and the wet noises of her fingers pumping in and out. Misa’s face had that concentrated look again, the one she had on our first night when she had made love to me. I felt going wetter, if that was even possible. Her lips opened again and she closed her eyes while she continued to fuck me at a fast and steady pace. Bliss. Misa! Unbearable bliss. The sight of her beautiful face went blurry as tears of pleasure filled my eyes.
I hold on two or three more seconds, focusing on how fucking good it felt to be fucked by Misa Rodriguez. 
Her name tumbled from my lips several times, coming again much stronger than I expected. I felt the tears escaping the corner of my eyes, my body and mind trying to take in the unbearably good feel. Her fingers left me and her hand dropped my thigh, but I couldn’t move, feeling properly knocked out by one of the greatest orgasm of my life. 
“Nicky, you ok ?” Misa's voice asked. 
“Hell yeah” I managed to say, floating, blissed out. I blinked and more tears ran down my temples. 
Hovering, I rose up slowly to discover the goalie sat in the armchair and cleaning her hand with a tissue, her cheekbones still a bright shade of red. She looked all shy and sexy again like she didn’t dare to fully realize what had just happened here. My juices had dripped abundantly on the desk making the scene worthy of a bad porn movie ending. Standing up, I felt more wetness running down my thighs, I crossed eyes with the goalie who returning my shocked look with an embarrassed grin before handing me a tissue.
I wiped myself, put my cloth back on and went to sit on her lap, nesting my more than satisfied body against her torso. My head fell on her shoulder and Misa slowly stroked my hair as I sensed myself drowsing with the endorphins. 
“You remembered when I didn’t give you the gold medal back in Paris?” I asked, the grinning goalie nodded and I declared “I think you’ve just won it”.
“Por fin!” she smiled shyly “That was something for myself as well, thought I was going to come too…” 
That awoke me at once, my smiling eyes founding hers “You did?”
“It’s not everyday your secrete girlfriend pleads you to fuck her in the middle of her office, which is a few meters from my own working grounds, and even less far from her boss office who could fire her for less than that, all of that making her so wet…” Misa longly exhaled as she finished to speak.
“You saying it like that is a lot, it could make me want to beg again.” I bit my lips, gazing hungrily at hers. “I could beg to kiss you somewhere else right now, would you like that? I suggested, my murmur so low it was barely audible. 
Misa’s blushing reappeared in the instant. “Si, por favor…" she heaved a sigh, a pleading look flickered in her eyes before she closed them quickly, ashamed of being so needy.
Her confession made me kiss her tenderly. “The begging was mine to make, my sweet Misa.” I said fondly, sending her chuckling and turning frankly crimson.
I heaved myself to my feet, leaving my girlfriend’s arms not without harm, but more than ready to go eat her out. I crouched between the brunette’s leg, unbuttoned and unzipped her chic pants, and slowly took it off. The goalkeeper’s smooth stomach rose up and down jerkily as I pulled her drench thong down her legs, gasping and turned on again myself. Misa sunk in the desk chair, her hips sled at its edge, and I put one of her leg above my shoulder as I leaned my face between her tights. I heard the brunette’s rapping sights when my fingers spread her lips. Her hands fell on my hair as I bend over to take a first run. 
The goalkeeper let out soft pleased moans. My tongue circled her clit and her hips wiggled to have me right on spot. “Please” she sighed as I continued to tease her, her pelvis rising again. I took pity on her, my mouth finding and sucking her core and I heard her strangled groans die with the sound of footsteps approaching in the corridor, knocks against the door resounding shortly. 
We froze like statues. My lips and nose were already soaked with her wetness, her fingers still buried in my hair as we exchanged a panicked glance. Not making any noises, we turned our heads to see the doorknob bending down but the locked door remaining shut.
Something clicked in my mind, I rose up, my gaze searching the room in dismay. “Our phones! Where’s my phone?!” I muttered in panic. Misa stood up as lightly as she could, put her underwear and pants back on and began to look for it but it was nowhere to be found! Where was the damned thing ?! I’d lost it in the tumult of our frolics. It could be anywhere, on a stool, a self, or had dropped from the desk… 
That was it. Ana was going to call me, would hear my phone ring in my locked office, as I would not pick up she would call Misa or Léa, hear the goalie's phone in the same locked room, see the lights on from under the door and figure something was going on. She would find it suspicious, use her spare key to enter and understand the evidence at once. 
Misa grabbed my arm, putting my fortunately not so loud vibrating phone in my hand, the screen displaying Ana’s name as I foresaw. I immediately turned it off, told the brunette to do the same and we remained speechless and shaking as we waited a moment for the footstep to die away in the corridor. 
“That was so close!” I panted, heart pounding “I’d completely forgotten I got to see her after the shooting!” 
Misa glanced at the drying obscene stain on my desk, then at my shiny lips, her dimples pocking on her cheeks and about to burst of laughter, “Madre mia, imagine she had entered! I hope you’re going to shower before seeing her…” 
Her words freed her laugh and I joined her, in need to relax after having imagining myself packing this very evening. Ana surely wasn’t pleased by my disappearance. Moreover, I really need to take some time to clean myself. I would have to come up with some good made up excuses for being late and unreachable.
“Misa… I’m so sorry, I really need to go to Ana as soon as possible…” I apologized, serious again. 
She shifted uncomfortably, wincing. “I know.” she exhaled deeply and jumped on place, frustrated as hell. “Two hours of gym session and I’ll should be fine!”
My feet took me to her agitated figure. “I feel really bad living you like this! I was dying to… well nothing.” I stammered as she shot me an accusatory look and shuddered. 
I wrapped my arms around her neck, closing my eyes, a pang of sadness poking at the thought of being away from her for two entire weeks “Have a good time with your teammates at international camp Sweetie, I’m going to miss you.”
“Thanks, I’ll miss you too Cari” Misa’s nose grazed my cheek before we exchanged a last long and tender kiss. 
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On the evening, I met Angela at a bar terrace, taking a seat with an heavy sight and quickly ordering a drink to the waiter passing by. 
“Hey, what a day!” I said to my friend. 
Angie took a sip of her cocktail with a worried look. “Oh ! what happened? Hope everything is ok?”
“Well, to start, shooting was awful. I think Léa, the second goalkeeper, found Misa well to her taste. Then, Misa joined me in my office, I was a bit mad at her but she said sweet things and……. we ended up hooking up.” I confessed, Angie smiling and winking in return. “But I forgot I had a meeting with my boss at the same time. Girl, she knocked at the door while we... I let you imagine the state we were in! Thanks god I locked the door! Anyway, after that I rushed to her office, put together some random technical issues during the photoshoot for excuse and she bought it.” I shortly paused, amused by my friend’s shocked face “My boss offered me to become photo director !” I dropped, grinning wide. 
“Woaw! Well done Nicky, cheers to that!”
We lifted our glasses. “Yeah this is great ! She said I should start on September. I’ll direct the filming and photo team and work with set designers. She liked my ability to create a global vision of Real Madrid’s visual communication and want me to develop it. Honestly, I’m in heaven even if it means much more work. Pay will be better too!” I said with excitation though I lost my smile quickly and Angela went straight to the point. 
“But you don’t know what to do about Misa…?”
“Yeah…” I sighed “I can’t leave my job. But I don’t want Misa to be unhappy.”
“Do you think she’s feeling that bad?”
“I don’t know. I won’t lie to you, It’s hard for me as well. Everyday, I feel like a child trying not to get caught. I just wish we could hang around like everybody else. We’re not doing anything wrong, this is so unfair! I don’t know what to do Angie…” 
Angela put her hand on my arm from across the table. “You know, that is exactly what I feared when you told me about your feelings. Hooking up is a thing but falling in love with her… I feared it would made you sad not be allowed to be with her, and it’s happening… But Misa seems a patient person and so are you Nicky. Don’t worry, just wait and enjoy your time with her. You’ll see in a few months what to do.” Angela patted me and giggled lightly “You are already all jealous and protective, the girl had you falling deep! What did Misa say about Léa ?” 
“She said it was probably nothing… and that she wanted… me” I melted at the thought. 
“That’s very cute! I think you can relax, Misa’s feeling good with you but I also think you should talk to her openly, be honest about what you want. She did her part by saying that, now it’s up to you. You have more to loose than she does so she probably needs to be reassured you really want to be with her.” 
Why did all my closest friends had to advise me to talk with the goalkeeper? Unsure of myself, I’d always been bad at doing the taking. But my friend had made a point, Misa was in much more uncertainty than I was, her very presence in my life in contradiction with my professional future at the Real. 
My heart tightened at the idea of Misa silently waiting for me to express my feelings in vain, dreading weeks after weeks I would finally chose my job over her… “You’re right Angie. I’ll make it up to her.” 
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During the next days, Angela went back home and I felt a bit lost at being all alone again. The days seemed so longs without Misa at the ciudad. Being in the Australian national team, Hayley wasn’t there either. Though I was relieved I had less work I quickly became bored without my besties to spend the time so I had the idea to contact Sofie’s friends Carmen and Swen. 
As promised, Swen took us on a tour of the fancy galleries in the center of Madrid and we ended up in one of Carmen’s cutest address: a hidden vegetalized rooftop bar not far from Lavapies. Cocktails were delicious and they even played a few songs I knew Misa liked. I imagined a romantic evening here with the goalie at her return. Close to my home, the bar would be the perfect place to tell her my feelings. My mind raced on its own at planning the day. First, we would meet somewhere in town and I would tell her I was going to take her to a surprise location. Misa would be excited all the way down here, she would fall for the place when she would enter, and I would confess falling in love with her while sharing a Piña Colada or a strawberry Mojito. My insides swarmed at the thought. Once I had checked with Misa she’d be free on her return, I spend the next working day neglecting my work to plan our reunion with care. 
The footballer and I texted every day. During the evenings, we told each other about our respective daily events and often ended by sharing a sweet word or two. We couldn’t call for the goalkeeper was not having her own room and I started acting cheesy, watching for long minutes our selfies together before sleeping. The more time I passed away from her the more I longed to see her and have back our endless chatting stretching in the night as we cuddled.
At least I could see her on TV when I watched the two matches the Seleccion played. Misa was benched as she foresaw but the Spanish team won both games, lifting her spirit. I loved when she told me details from the matches I couldn’t see, or about a really pushing training session she handled well, or when she sent photos of her doing nonsense with her close friends Jenni, Alexia and Laia. Her texts overflowing with passion made me so needy I started to count the days.
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Two weeks later, it was under a bright and hot sun that I came to wait for the goalie, literally itching to find her again at the Parque del Retiro. July in Madrid was no joke, I was sweating hard in my tank top and short, the strap of my camera digging into my bare shoulder when I walked in the wide alleys, freshening under the shade of the trees. I turned to a smaller shadowy path, stopping to whip the sweat from my forehead and gulp some water before sending to Misa my precise position. 
Standing in my fresher spot, I spent the forward minute peering impatiently at the ends of the alley. My heart was drumming in my chest, the prospect of being reunited with my goalie so close. Tired of us being locked up in our apartments, I had taken the risk to meet outside, in a park, on purpose, a symbol to show Misa that I really wished we could be a regular couple. She had accepted without question, clearly pleased by my initiative to be out our homes together at last.
As soon as it appeared, I recognized the tall and sturdy silhouette from afar, her walk unmistakable. She stepped into a patch of sun, her smile wide as she waved to me and she did a small hop before starting to run toward me. My glance stayed locked on her smiling face coming closer and closer until we flung in each other’s arms. 
Her smell filled my lungs as we hugged tight, the feel of our bodies pressed together the best in the world. Her breathing mixed with the sound of the wind blowing gently in the foliage. When we pulled back, looking into each other’s eyes, we kept smiling fondly, in no need to speak. Misa’s gaze went down to my mouth, hesitant when I wasn’t, unable to resist crashing my lips against the goalkeeper’s. It was the third time I dared to kiss Misa in a public place. My heart danced. My brain slowed down, living the moment with Misa covering my mouth with little kisses like she couldn’t get enough of it. 
The goalie buried her face back in my hair. “You’re smelling like my shampoo” was the first thing she said.
“Buenos dias Maria Isabel” I laughed at her missing to say hi again. 
Misa rolled her eyes and pompously bowed in front of me “Good afternoon Lady Nicky” she said, failing to take a chic English accent, rolling the « r » of afternoon a very Spanish way. However even as a joke, I couldn’t help but feeling satisfied by Misa Rodriguez bowing to me.
“You may rise Gentlewoman!” I responded as she looked up to me playfully. “And I may have bought your shampoo while you were away…” I added, ashamed. 
Misa seemed touched, her mouth did the pout I loved “You missed me so much?”
“Maybe” I reddened, embarrassed to admit being so cheesy. “Come on, we have a photography course waiting!” I said to make diversion and I led my giggling Misa to a more flourishing part of the park. 
I spotted a nice lawn where a few birds were pecking at the remains of a cake. 
“This is perfect. We’ll go quietly to not scare them away.” I took out my camera, and put the leash around the brunette’s head. “I’ve already done the presets, speed is medium because there is plenty of lights, though it’s getting cloudy…” I glanced at the sky, blue barely visible behind the sheer of white clouds. 
“Maybe heat will drop.” Misa said hopefully, frowning as she looked up at the dazzling white sky. Shortly, she glanced back to the camera in my hands. “So, do I need to change the presets?”
“If there is less light, you have to …?” I tested her photography knowledge. 
“Diminish speed, no, increase speed… !” She said glancing at me unsurely. 
Misa was focusing for once, making my heart melt. “Yes, increase speed, because if shutter speed is too slow, your photo is going to be …?
“Blurry?” her brows half frowned half rose as she watched me expectantly to know if she was right. 
“Well done Maria Isabel!” 
“Yes!” Misa jigged proudly. She wanted to kiss me but changed her mind because of people sauntering around. “I’ll try to take a photo of the pigeon there.” she advanced and crouched with caution. I watched her putting the camera in front of her face, concentrating as she turned the lens to zoom in. The pigeon was still searching the grass for a few crumbles when a crow landed smoothly, making the other birds fly away, the sounds of the shutter resonating restlessly. 
Misa came back to me, watching the camera screen eagerly. “Mira Nicky! look!“
I glanced at a nice shot of the flying crow, its wings spread up and its beak opened. She scrolled back, showing me the other photos. 
“Well done Misa, this is good! Exposure is a bit strong, you should diminish diaphragm opening, but good job on the focus, the crow’s sharp!”
“Gracias Nicky!” she smiled wide, gratitude in her eyes mixing with something mischievous. “I’d like more color. Can you correct the presets for me Cari?”
Her ducky demanding expression had me accepting at once and I took back the camera, focusing a moment on the screen to do the changes. “Ok, I think you’ll like it better now…” I went to give the camera back to Misa but the goalkeeper had disappeared. 
“Misa?” I called, glancing all around me to see where she had gotten to. “Misa it’s not funny! Where are you, what’s going on ?” 
I walked to the grass. More people were spending time on the nearby lawns, making it harder to find the missing goalie. I called her again, confused and wondering what other madness had gotten her. 
“¡Bu!” The goalie sprang at me from behind a large tree, making me nearly die of fear and herself of laughter. 
“Fucking shit! Mis!” I shout at her, grasping my camera, the goalie laughing out loud.  
Still chuckling, Misa tried to take me in her arms but I shoved her away, ashamed of having been pranked that easily. The young women attempted one more time and succeeded at ensnaring me with her arms. I struggled to break free, wrestling against her firm grip, trying to make her fall but her strong feet stay firmly on the ground. 
After having fought a moment, I decided she deserved a low blow as well, I put my camera back in its bag “No more photo for you”. Then I started to tickle her along her ribs. I gloated at my girlfriend surprised scream, instantly backing away. I took the opportunity to slam hard into her, the effect of surprise allowing me to unbalanced her and we both landed on the grass, giggling. 
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I glanced around me, checking if it was safe for us to be that close, I thought it was okey and pulled Misa toward me. The goalkeeper let me took her in my arms, laying her back against me as my mouth found and peck her cheek. After pulling out her phone, Misa took a selfie of us cuddling, exhaled deeply and closed her eyelids. A strong blow of the wind made her hair dance around her head and I moved the strands of hair from across her face when raindrops began to fall. 
“Oh no! Mierda!” The goalie exclaimed. 
We jumped back to our feet “Fuck! Who know, maybe it’ll stop soon?” 
But more rain began to fall and Misa took my arm. “Come on, I know a place where we can shelter in waiting.“
Drops were pouring hard now, and we ran along with the hurrying people thought the alleys of the park. At a time, Misa led us to a narrow desert path, the dense vegetation there couldn’t shield us from the pounding rain. 
“Esta alli!” she shouted as we reached a crossroad, her hand was still grasping mine firmly, dragging me along with her to a really tiny empty kiosk. We rushed at it, jumping inside the small but protected space at the end of the path. 
We were drenched to the bones, shivering in our short and light cloth in spite of the still relative heat. In the hope of warming me, Misa began to rub my arms but she only spread the water onto my skin and stopped. She turned over to watch the rain fall. 
“Madre mia! We chose the only raining day in Madrid to go to a park!“
“It’s really bad luck!” I responded, feeling a bit down, all my romantic plans reduced to nothing if the rain would not ceased. I watched Misa’s silhouette detaching against the rainy horizon and my mood brightened. Nothing could go wrong as long as I was with her.
Feeling playful again, I slowly approached the brunette from behind, and squeezed her waist with a scream to scare the hell out of her. 
“Ahhh! No Nicky!” Misa fled from my ready to tickle outstretch hands and I pursued her inside the minuscule kiosk, tears of laughter in my eyes at her panicked air. ”Noooo! Déjame!”
“You seem cold! I just want to warm you!” I joked as I ran after her. I didn’t know Misa was so ticklish and it was really fun to finally have a way to be physically threatening to her. 
Eventually, she climbed onto the low wall circling us, arms in front to protect herself from my assaults. “Nicky! Cari! No! Porfi!” she begged, laughing hard. 
“Okey! I think you’re warm enough! I’ll stop.” I laughed. “You can climb down I won’t tickle you”.
Misa looked at me doubtfully, arms still stretched out. 
I laid out my hands to show my good faith and to help her go down “Sweetie, I promise you I won’t”
A new strong blow of the wind swept us, making the goalie shiver and she trusted my offered hands to help her down, yet on her guard when she landed in front of me. 
The rain was still falling hard. With the direction of the wind, it had soaked half the kiosk where we were not. It was a veritable storm now. There was no way we were going to be able to go to the rooftop bar I had in mind, enjoying a cocktail under the setting sun… 
Misa’s hands were still in mine, soft and relaxed now that she’d get I wasn’t going to foul her. My fingers gently brushed hers. My glance came back to her face framed by her long wet and wavy hair, her smirk brightening the moody weather. I took in her soft look, her eyelashes and brows where a few drops had clung, the ones pounding on the roof a noteless smoothing music. I felt aligned with everything right now. 
It wasn’t going to happen as I planned but I didn’t care. A few things had not happened as I planned since I came to Madrid and I wasn’t complaining about them. Therefore, I was contemplating the beautiful person in front of me, the one that unexpectedly came to my life, when my lips parted to speak the words.
“I love you.” 
My heart clang to her brown eyes opening wide, her brows going up with a smile of surprise. 
She shut her eyes and I felt the grip of her hands tighten as she exhaled. The goalie led her face closer and opened her eyes again, the gold ring on her nose glinted as she cocked her head to the side, the corners of her mouth twitching when she said “I love you too”. 
My heart skipped a beat, or two or three, her big dark eyes losing themselves in mine, shiner than usual.
“Te quiero!” She repeated in her own tongue and her hand fell on the nap of my neck, pulling me into the softest kiss we had shared yet. My eyes prickled as I attached myself to her lips, savoring the taste of her mouth, the smell of her breath, of her sweet and floral perfume melting in the musky scent of the rain. The feel of her body striving to hold me closer made me feel so desperately in love with her it took me a moment to realize I was tugging hard at her wet T-shirt like I was afraid Misa and her love for me would vanish if I ever let her go. 
The goalie’s lips left mine to kissed me on the forehead as she hugged me gently. I melted in her cute embraced, overwhelmed. 
“I want to be with you Misa” I said my hands still locked on her back. “For real”.
Our body parted to stare at each other, I felt cold without the warmth of her front pressed against me. The goalie’s grin had reappeared but only to fade away shortly. “Mi tambien Cari, but I don’t want you to quite your job for me. It makes you so happy…”
“I’m happy with you” I replied at once but I was feeling we needed to talk more now were where at it. “Look, I’m not saying I’ll quite the Real tomorrow but I won’t loose you for a stupid working contract.”
Misa’s nose twitched again. “Yeah I know.” Then, she went to sit on the low wall behind her, her head falling down. “Nicky, I need to tell you something… Because of clubs rivalry, I had been kind of forced to hide my previous relationships. And when you arrived at the Ciudad and we started hanging together I thought, Increíble! I may have found somebody I can openly be with! Then, you told me about the close… it was like I was bound to go all over again.” My girlfriend lifted her head, guilt in her eyes. “I’m sorry I’d been weird, it’s just hard for me sometimes.” 
I crouched in front of her to take her in my arms. “Misa, baby, I’m so sorry…” It broke my heart to be the reason of her deception even when I wasn’t responsible. "I can’t quite right now, you have to give me time.” The goalkeeper bit her lips and sighted again, worry flashing on her pretty face.
“I’m not in a rush and I get you.” she answered before rising up to peer at the pouring water. The paths all around us had become muddy. Misa turned back to me, her face sad when she spoke “But what happens next? Do you really know what it takes to be with a professional athlete? If you’re not working for the club, our schedule won’t be aligned anymore. Meaning I will be away almost once a week, all my weekends taken by matches, several weeks out of town for international breaks and competitions, plus the regular working and training obligations you already know…” The young woman took my hands back in hers and asked “Do you think you could be happy in a relationship like that?”
The rain pounding on the roof was easing as Misa’s chest rose up and down, laying the future of our story together in her question. A perplex expression drawn her features as she saw me smiled mildly.
I replied without a doubt “You’re worthing it. I can’t promise you it’s gonna work but I’ll be more than happy to try.”  The goalie smiled back and I placed another kiss on her lips. “Te quiero Misa, nothing will compete against that”.
After hearing my words, Misa went back at hugging me tight. Her breathing fastened and her slightly shaking warm and soft voice announced “Rain or not, I’m dying to go home now…”
Dripping from the roof, the rain was back at its full force and wrapped the kiosk in a veil of water. We glanced at the sunken alleys of the park, shivering again. Hand in hand, we jumped thought the curtains of heavy drops, leaving the shelter where we just laid out our hearts for the first time.
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32 notes · View notes
rojacatmisa · 3 months
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Chapter 8 ➺ Confusion and directions 
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique! Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze
tw: suggestive content 7K words
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A warm wind entered the window, sending ripples through the curtains and the bedsheets. I shivered but wasn’t cold, the light breeze welcomed on that hot evening in the Spanish capital. The goalkeeper’s tan hands rubbed me and her arms enfold me more. 
Misa buried her face in my hair, her nose graze my ear as she inhaled deeply. I shivered again, not from the wind this time “¿Tienes frío?“ she asked. I shook my head, I felt just warm out and inside.
We were laying naked in my bed, the window wide opened in hope to gain a bit of the fresher air from the outside but the curtain drawn to shied us from the neighbor view was blocking most of it. Even if our sweaty skins stuck, Misa was holding me tight against her as she couldn’t feel the heat from our body clumped together. 
Her mouth brushed my jawline as she continued to heavily breath. I turned around for our lips to meet, my palm fell on her cheek and my fingers gently closed into her hair to pull her mouth against mine. My arousal came back as we slowly kissed. “I better stop or we’ll go for another round“ I said. The goalkeeper smiled, and dragged her lips to my jaw again. 
“I wouldn’t mine“ she murmured but then was taken by a big yawn. “Oh, perdon.”
I planted a kiss on her cheekbone “You look so tired. We’ll have plenty of time another day. What’s on your schedule tomorrow?”
“I have to wake up early to go do some commercials and I’ve med and physio appointments on the afternoon, and training at 6’ ”, Misa yawned again. “You?”
“I’m working on photo direction for the end of the season. You know, retrospective, strong moments, stuff like that… I think I’ll go for something emotional but fun.” I paused and sighted. I had been very sad to learn Sofie Svava was leaving among others. I knew it was harder for Misa who had really connected with the Danish defender. The goalie blinked several times and I quickly changed subject “I’ll show up quickly at training as usual. I’m not complaining, I wanted a stimulating job but I could do with some holidays!”
“Oh si, vacaciones !” Misa shifted, unstucking our skins with a wince. I pulled away from her for us to cool down a bit and we laid on our sides, facing each other. “By the way, what did you do before joining the Real?” she asked me. 
“I was working for a communication agency that was working for… banks. I was so bored! You can’t imagine how many smiling men in their 30’s with thick glasses I have photographed. Or boxes, yes boxes, banks are fan of boxes: closed boxes, opened boxes, full boxes, empty boxes… I even did a box with people diving in it once.“
Misa chuckled “Did you do a box with a 30 years old man with glasses in it ?“
I burst of laugher “I did not ! Oh my god, what a nightmare it was ! Anyway, moving to Madrid is the best thing that could have happened to me !“ 
We both grinned. Misa’s smile had the nerve to be both adorable and gorgeous every time. I couldn’t help but think she was the best thing that had happened to me. She was wonderful just staring at me like that. 
Then her expression changed to uncertainty. “You said… it wasn’t only because of your job you wanted to leave, right ?” the brunette demanded, an implicit question lingering behind. 
The soft and curious look of her almond eyes broke down my last barrier. I bit my lips and swallowed, clinging to her brown gaze as I recalled what I had tried to leave behind. 
“Er… my ex had dumped me. She had found somebody else. We had been together for three years and a half…“ I rolled onto my back, unable to bear her look anymore and stared at the celling instead. 
“The worst part of it was it lasted, the break up. She let our relation rot but wouldn’t leave me, she probably had cheated on me with her new girl during the last months. At the end I was angry and sad to the point I cheated on her too. And I’m really not proud of that on so many levels… That was when she had known she had broke with me for good. She wasn’t mad or what, she just didn’t love me anymore for a long time but hadn’t had the wits to leave me. In a way, I think I provoked it myself. I just couldn’t go for more. It had to stop.“
My eyes stayed on the ceiling as I remembered the pain I was in. 
Misa came to lay her head on my shoulder, her eyes not crossing my gaze. “I’m sorry Cariño…”. She simply stay there, her warmth comforting this time. “We’re not talking about it again if you don’t want to, I was curious but I didn’t want you to feel bad.”
“No, I’m glad I told you.” I lift my arm for her to settled better and wrapped it around her. My mouth tipped her forehead. “It’s over now and I don’t regret anything”
“Mucho mejor” she said and we stayed silent a moment. Misa closed her eyes. She seemed to start drowsing. 
“What about you? I mean with… girls?” I inquired awkwardly and she let out a short chuckle but answered anyway, her eyelids still shut. 
“I’ve had a few relationships, mostly footballers. It’s simpler to understand each other but every type of relation brings its own problem. Football is a very competitive sport. Everything quickly become a conflict of interest and one day it affects you.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry too…” I waited a moment and went on, getting Misa didn’t want to say more, “so now you’re hooking up with a girl from your own club staff, but illegally !“ I laughed.
The brunette lift herself “Hey! You hadn’t warned me from the start!” 
“I tried to stop you but you were stubborn ! You don’t like when a girl resists you!“
Misa opened her mouth wide “Like you didn’t want too! You didn’t look at Hayley like that, I could tell there was something!”
I blushed, finding her hands and intertwining our fingers, but replied “I’ve never said I didn’t want you, I’m saying I didn’t made it easy and you took it as a challenge.” 
“Pfff Nicky… ” Misa lifted herself over me and pined my hands up my head and onto the pillow. I breathed hard and she added with a naughty look, “You have never resisted me”.
I snorted but felt turned on again by her dominative behavior. I tried to free myself in vain as I searched a way to thwart her and failed at both. The goalkeeper’s hold was far to strong for me. 
“You like that, eh ?” I provoked her “But I think I know what you'll like more!”
Misa just smirked with satisfaction “Ah si ? Show me what I'll like more than that?” and she let go of my hands. 
I fainted to be soft and started to kiss her tenderly, sensing her relaxing but a little perplex. Slowly, I lift myself and pressed against her to make her lay on her back. I was still very soft when I came over her, my hands finding hers and pushing them against the mattress. 
My grip on them suddenly harden and I felt her moan. I hold back my kisses as I placed my legs between hers, forcing them apart and spreading them wide. Misa’s lips fell opened as a new whine escaped them. She didn’t even tried to fight back as I kissed her fiery, turning the brunette’s breath into rasps.
I pulled back, embracing the vision of the hottest girl I ever had abandoning herself to me. “Yes, that’s what I thought.”
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Late spring life at the ciudad was soft and lively like the light wings fluttering in my stomach. Real Madrid girls were preparing theirs last matches of the season and were still working hard in spite of their tiredness. Everyday, training sessions had a fresh and spicy taste, photographing all the players and trying not to focus on one particularly. But when nobody was watching, I was aiming at the tall and tan goalkeeper at once, capturing her body suspended in the air, the concentration drawing her features, the tension of her legs awaiting for the next jump. 
Several time a week, Misa and I took our respective car to go to one of our place, relieved to escape the ciudad where the two of us were really careful not to show anything more that friendship. We would meet in front of the building, already happy to be on our own, touching hands, smiling timidly. But as soon as we set foot in the apartment, we would kiss tenderly for long minutes. After an entire day having to keep my distance, I would feel I couldn’t get enough of us being close, her large hands pulling me against her and locking me there while we would make out more heatedly. 
We would head to the bedroom shortly, pulling off our cloths on the way. We would stay a moment stroking our bare skins, kissing more, chuckling lightly sometimes as our limbs intertwined and mess with the bedsheets. I had to say that Misa was unravelling a world of fantasy I hadn’t ever dreamt of. She could be soft but also rough, and, like I had guess, rather needy as well. Misa liked to be touched a lot and I couldn’t be happier with that, enjoying way too much to have her under my hands. We were still at the time of discovery, understanding and taming each other’s body. We would try this, and that, driven by the increasing need of each other. Maybe we were making up in bed the intimacy we couldn’t have in the outside. 
Our business done, we would lay in each other’s arms, and often talk for hours. Misa was a chatty person when it came to have fun and talk rubbish, however like she did at my place, she didn’t seem appealed to tell about more personal stuff yet. On the contrary, I was finding myself ready to open more with the goalkeeper. I was thrilled for us to share that kind of connexion but I respected Misa’s pace and didn’t try to push things. For now, our evening usually ended up doing silly stuffs like trying every filter on our phone, or improving a blind test for each other, laughing late in the night. 
And all this time, I was equally trying to find the answer of the question Angela had planted. Was Misa liking me like I did ? 
Back on the field, I noticed I wasn’t the only one to sometime loose my focus during work. I often took a glimpse of the goalie looking in my direction a fraction of second before pulling away. When she could feel I was shooting at her, she would smile very lightly and focus even more than usual, her grin turning bashful when she would fail at stopping the ball. 
But Misa was Misa, whole hearted at everything yet she could be very nonchalant. When training and working duty didn’t kept her, she was always willing to hang out together even if was mostly at home, still I could feel she was holding back like she was afraid of something.
Therefore, I couldn’t be sure. I couldn’t bring myself to believe it if was not true. 
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Summer was there and with it the prospect of my best friend Angela’s imminent visit but the end of the season was still having me crawling under work, lengthening the days. On the top of the usual tasks, I had to create the portraits of the new players’ arrival. 
I met the new team members, many came from other Spanish clubs. Presentations and shooting was cool. I got along well with Alba Redondo from Levante and with a girl from France named Léa Koffi who would be the second goalkeeper. Accompanied by a designer team, I had planned a classy and funny decor: an arch way opening to a background of the city of Madrid, all in white with navy blue outlines to match the club identity. The players had play nicely with the set, taking various poses. My boss Ana had slipped to me that she was very happy with my work and she was thinking of discussing new perspectives with me soon. 
Logically, at the end of the day, I was feeling on a cloud and could’t wait to tell Misa everything. We were all invited to a goodbye party at Sofie’s home tonight. I insisted to pick Misa and Hayley up at their places as they were planning to drink when I wasn’t, for I had offered Sofie to play the professional photographer all night.
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I did not wait long for the brunette as I parked as usual in front of her building. Misa opened the passenger’s door to slip inside the car, a forced smile stretching her tensed features. 
“Hey Misa, are you good ?” I asked her, intrigued.
“Hola Nicky, I’m ok.” She said but blinked several time. 
“You sure ? ” I dared to insisted, putting my hand on her shoulder, getting worried.
She looked at her lap, answering in a shaky voice “I thought I’ll be alright but I guess I’ll never get used to see a friend go.”
“Oh, come here Sweetie” I said opening my arms. Misa leant forward and let hear head fall on my neck. I decided not to dig on it, unsure if she wanted to share more and told her the good new instead in hope to lift her spirit.
“You know, today Ana said she’s very happy with me, I think I might get a promotion or something !” I told her eagerly, omitting the arrivals part on purpose in fear she’d think about Sofie again. 
Misa leant back. To my surprise, a look of dismay flickered on her pretty face. Her smiled was still forced when she congratulated me “Oh bravo Nicky !”. But suddenly, she seemed on the verge of tears and it broke me to see her so sad. 
I hugged her again and stroked her broad shoulders rising up and down with her deep breathing. What was going on with Misa? The good news seemed to have saddened her even more. She must feel really torn by the Danish girl leaving. 
“I’m gonna miss Sofie too at the ciudad” I whispered as my fingers gently brushed her hair, and I felt an urge to tell her about my feelings, to tell her that I was here for her. The words stayed in my throat. The brunette repressed a sniff and wrapped her arms tight around me when her shoulders started to shake. 
“I got you Misa” my words bored their meaning and more. I hugged her as tight as I could while she silently cried, her fingers grasping my shirt and her wet face pressing more against the side of my neck. 
Like after the Clasico, I realized Misa’s nerves were giving out. I started to doubt Sofie’s departure was the only reason for the break down of the strong goalie. I chose my words carefully, daring to venture into Misa’s insecurities. “It’s not only about Sofie, right ?” I asked, back at caressing her gently. 
She sniffed again, sobs escaped her body now and I searched the glove box for tissues. Misa pulled away from me as I handed her one. My heart broke again when I saw her face shining with tears. She blowed and breathed out slowly to calm herself down. 
“Lo siento” she said. I put my hand on hers, yet silently waiting to see if she wanted to tell more. Indeed, the goalie continued. “As you know, I had a rough season and I guess everything crashed on me tonight. I have the international break in a week. I know I’m probably going to be benched… Real Madrid’s not doing well enough. I’m not doing well enough… It’s been my best and worst year since I started football, and therapy is helping but I… I don’t really know where I’m at right now” she stopped, breathing hard again as a tear rolled on her cheek.
“I know Misa. And I’ve told you how I feel about that. You don’t have to be that hard on yourself. You have to gain your self confidence back. I don’t think you’ll succeed at it by flagellating yourself match after match.” 
I warped my arms around her shoulders. “And I know it doesn’t mean much sportily but you impressed me every day.” She broke a small true smile at last. “Though it’s true I have never dated a footballer before, so maybe that doesn’t count…” I added grinning and squeezing her shoulders possessively.
Misa’s gaze lingered on me before going back on her lap. “Nicky…” she mumbled. 
She stayed with her mouth opened but no sound came out. My heartbeat quickened. What was she going to say ? 
“Nicky…" she repeated, her red eyes went back to mine, unblinking. I froze, hanging on her lips, waiting for them to form the words. "Nicky… I…"
"Hum ?" a questioning sound escaped mine to encouraged her. Misa closed and opened her lips again. "I…" My heart was going to burst. If only she could just say it ! 
"...I’m not only a footballer, you are dating a goalkeeper, we are a special species." she finally said, her teasing tone back.
"What ?" I was so disappointed and taken aback by her change of behavior I didn’t registered what she meant. 
Misa started to laugh, frankly "You should see your face ! You look like I had confess to you my deepest secret !" I swallowed and pulled away, thinking hard I wished she had told me that instead of going back to joking again. 
I felt her hands taking my face back to hers to pull me into a kiss. “Perdon Nicky, y gracias para tu apoyo Cariño, I’m feeling better and I think we should get going.” she said before adding “I’m impressed by your ability to find the right words of comfort”.
I grinned, a bit lifted, and turned on the engine. 
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Misa, Hayley, that we had picked up on the way, and I arrived at Sofie’s home among the last. Her flat was crowded with people chatting in small groups, loud music attendant the few dancers in the middle of her living. They were hugs and sweets words but the atmosphere was relaxed and festive. 
Sofie accompanied us to the kitchen and signaled where drinks were to the girls. She served me a grapefruit juice while Misa and Hayley improvised themselves barmaid and eagerly started to mixed various beverages together. I left the two friends to their business and followed Sofie back to the living where I would set a photocall.
I was peering at the guests while Sofie and I installed the background, lights and tripod in a corner of the room. Most of them were familiar faces from Real Madrid but I noticed a few people I didn’t know. A blond guy and a Latina women approached us raising their glasses to toast. 
"To our favorite Danish tourist !" the women said. 
"Thank you Carmen !" Sofie responded. "Carmen, this is Nicky, she’s Real Madrid photographer and a dear friend. Nicky, this is Carmen, she made me discover every corner of Madrid, basically. And this is her boyfriend Swen. I wouldn’t have settled here that well if it wasn’t to them", she sighted of emotion and went on. "But I hadn’t thought of it, Nicky’s been only here for six months, maybe you could take her around since you won’t have to look after me anymore". 
"Of course we can ! So, I can see you’ll be our photographer tonight as well ! Class !" Swen said. 
The three of us started to chat happily. Swen was attracted to arts and planned to show me new trendy places. Carmen really liked food and walks and had far too many addresses to recommend for almost anything I would want to eat, or any type of ride in and around the city. They were the first to strike a pose in the newly installed photocall. After that, we exchanged numbers and the couple went to joined other friends. 
I photographed a few people and time passed quickly. After a while, I went to the terrace to get some fresh air and leant against the guardrail, watching the city by night stretching in the horizon. I had fell in love with Madrid as well, I thought, peering at rooftop in the distance. I felt all good here and the idea of having new friends to discover more of the city warmed me.
Still, I was confused by Misa’s behavior in my car. Why hadn’t she said what she wanted ? She had seemed so troubled and became a tease the second after. Why had she changed her mind at last moment ? I felt annoyed, Misa really was hard to follow sometimes. 
"Hey…" I jumped at the voice of the goalkeeper. "You’re alright ?"
"Yeah, I’m taking a break" I responded as didn’t want to make a scene for nothing. 
"Venga" Misa pulled me to a part of the terrace sheltered from the inhabitant’s view. She took me in her arms and kissed me with passion. She tasted alcohol with a hint of coconut. I felt stiff, I couldn’t relax with so many Real Madrid members in the room next to us and Misa pulled back. 
"I feel I’ve been kind of a jerk earlier…" she began nervously. Her moves were more goofy than usual, she seemed on a good way to being drunk. She scratched her nose and put her hands on my neck. Her eyes darted across my face. "Nicky…" she muttered and kissed me one more time. My own hands rested against her torso. I was holding my breath, my eyes locked into hers. 
"Hey Misa ! Have you seen Ni…" Sofie’s voice rang from behind the goalkeeper. 
Misa froze and turned over, revealing to me the defender gagging at us. "Oh my god, I knew it !" she said smiling wide now. 
"Shhh Sofie ! Please keep your voice down", I panicked. 
"Why ? I don’t care, this is great ! But my gosh! I knew there was something between you two !"
Misa grabbed the danish girl into our more private place. “Sofie, this is serious, you have to keep it secret. Nicky could loose her job!“
Sofie looked perplexed. It was my turn to take Sofie’s arm “I can’t date Real Madrid players, it’s in my working contract. You can’t tell anybody, do you understand ?“
Sofie was gagging again and rolling her eyes “Ok ok I got it ! But what the fuck ?! Is that even legal ?“ I shrugged and she went to hug us “Oh my god, girls, I’m so happy for you! I’m gonna miss you even more“. 
“We’ll miss you too Sofie“ I said, “Where you looking for me?“ 
“Yes, a group of friend wanted a photo but I totally understand if you want to come later!” She stared at us again and chucked childishly. “ I’m glad I’m leaving you in good hands Misa”. 
But Misa was beyond being embarrassed and hided her face in her hands. 
Already frustrated by Sofie interruption, I was done with the brunette not being able to speak. “I’ll go photograph your friends. Come on Misa, let’s go back inside“.
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So I retake my job at photographing the guests, with Misa, joined by Hayley, singing and dancing madly behind me. I did Sofie with a cowboy hat, Real Madrid staff with their faces cover with glitter, players dressed in neon color… Groups replaced groups for more than an hour, finishing by the two loud girls in Hawaiian shirts and sunglasses, larges cocktails in hands perfecting their looks. 
As they took poses, I noticed Misa was even messier than before. She was barely standing up without tanging. Hayley looked drunk too but less. They kept laughing as they posed more ridiculously than ever.  
When they were out of ideas, Hayley went to me “Nicky go with Misa, you have to be on some photos !”
I wasn’t temped by the prospect of leaving my camera under the care of the drunk Australian winger, but she left me no choice, dragging me into the set and placing herself behind the tripod. 
Misa handed me her sunglasses and we mimicked surfing, diving and other beach activities. It actually was fun, but I was keeping an eyes on Misa still drinking her cocktail. To conclude, Hayley asked for a classic one, so we just faced the camera arm in arm.
“All good” she said once she took the shot and started to review the photos on the camera screen. 
That’s when I felt the goalkeeper loosing balance and weight on my shoulder. “Misa ?” I tried to steady her but she immidiatly pulled away. 
“No, Nicky, alguien could vernos!” she stammered in spanglish and hold herself to a spotlight, nearly making it fall. 
“Wow Misa !” Hayley darted to her side to hold her. 
“How much you two have been drinking ?” I asked supporting Misa on the other side.
The Aussie’s glance was guilty “A few glasses, I’m not sure I know about Misa“.
“No me siento good” the goalie mumbled, looking paler and more disoriented. 
I took the cocktail from her hand and put it away “Come to lay in Sofie’s bed, it’s gonna be alright. You just drank too much.” 
Hayley and I brought her to the bedroom and made her lie down. Her cheeks were flushed red and sweaty. Hayley went out to find Sofie. 
“Nicky… disculpe, hago lo que sea.” The goalie said as I crouched at her bedside.
“Er… sorry Misa I don’t understand Spanish that good, I’m going to get you some water, ok?”
But the goalkeeper hold me near her. “Don’t go! I’m sorry…”
I grasped her moist face, speaking softer “I’m just bringing you water Sweetie.”
“Lo arruiné todo… me estoy mareando.” She let go of me but continued to mutter things in Spanish I did not understand.
I went out of the room and fell on Hayley looking completely sober now. “I told Sofie Misa is not feeling well. Hey Nicky, hum… You should know Misa’s blaming herself for having you two caught up by Sofie tonight, among other things…”
“Oh… she does? Among other things ? Did she tell you what ?”
Hayley shifted uncomfortably but her voice was reassuring “Just talk to her, but later when she’ll feel better.” 
She left me really confused. I knew Misa often blamed herself when it came to football but I couldn’t see what it had to do with me. Yes, she could have avoid kissing me next to a room full of people and drinking like a fish… maybe I did looked really annoyed.
I went back to the bedroom with the glass of water. Sofie was already there, speaking softy to the goalkeeper. I sat on the bed and handed the glass to Misa and the goalie sat up to drink. She still looked in a pretty bad shape. 
When she was done drinking, I invited her to lie her head on my lap. I wanted her to feel I didn’t hold her any grudge about Sofie knowing. The goalkeeper relaxed a little and closed her eyes. 
I crossed Sofie’s gaze clearly bubbling with excitement and tenderness, I felt my cheek blushed. “She really drank way too much” I said looking back down at the dizzy brunette. 
“I’ve never seen her drink like that. Not even after a big win. Misa’s rather serious on that usually.”
Misa’s brows furrowed and she stammered “I… serious…” 
I patted her, amused “I’m gonna take us back to my place soon, ok?”
“Hum, Nicky’s flat es muy bonito.” 
Sofie laughed “Valé Misa, you mean Nicky es bonita?“ 
“Sofie!” I protested. 
“Shh cállate Nicky…” the goalkeeper said and paused like she was gathering her thoughts. “Es verdad Nicky es bonita” she declared.
Sofie yelled in triumph and I gasped, flattered and embarrassed, feeling my face grow hot again.
Misa rolled to her side and nested herself against my stomach. “Nicky es mi secreto.” 
I bit my tongue, touched. My feelings for her choked me one more time.
“That is so cute !” Sofie was delighted but went serious, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret to the grave, girls”.
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It was noon and I was cooking eggs and bacon when Misa exited the bedroom, disheveled and her eyes puffy. 
She approached with a groan, a hand on her forehead. “I’m never drinking again”.
“You were agitated in bed all night. How’re you feeling today?“ I turned off the hob leaving the dished to finish to cook slowly. 
“Like a zombie“ she moaned and went to hug me from behind. 
“You turned my athlete girlfr… into a zombie ?“ I felt hot for having almost called her my girlfriend, I hoped she hadn’t payed attention to it. 
The goalie lifted and waved her arms like the monster, her mouth found my neck where she laid slobbery kisses and I chucked and tried to pulled away when she whispered with a freaky voice between two kisses “Your girlfriend is a zombie!“ 
“Oh…” I stopped struggling, closing my eyes, letting my brain and heart comprehend it, realize it, Misa kissing me more and with more saliva. I had never though Misa would call herself my girlfriend while drooling on me in a very disgusting way. The absurdity of the situation made me burst of laugher. 
“Stop! Misa! Stop it’s weird!” I said as I continued to laugh.
But the goalkeeper kept on licking me and growled “Soy loca Nicky, you better accept it now!”
I faced her, she looked clearly ravaged by her hangover, wearing her night thank top and short, but harbored her usual smirk. Everything about her was perfectly not perfect. I like you Misa, I wanted to say as I kissed her, half laughing. I love you. 
Still the words wouldn’t come out and I simply announced, “I made a brunch since you were not waking up. There is a salad and fruits on the table. I hope it fits in your diet.” I touched her biceps to make the point. 
“It’s perfect, gracias! I’ll go run after, I need to evacuate whatever is still in my body.” she pressed a hand on her forehead again. “Madre mia, mi cabeza!”
“There’s painkillers in the bathroom if you want.” A thought just cross my mind. “Misa, do you remember my friend Angela’s coming today ?”
“Oh, I forgot. Do you want me to go after lunch ?”
“No, in fact, I wanted you to meet her if it’s ok for you to stay until she arrives. She told me she’ll be here around 3.” 
Misa’s smile was unreadable for once. I couldn’t tell if she was pleased or embarrassed. “I think I’ll be returning from footing around 3 too. If It doesn’t bother that I take a shower while she’s here I’ll be happy to join you.”
We kept smiling at each other. Say it now, Nicky ! But Misa embraced me again, and muttered “Thank you for looking after me yesterday… I… Te… Gracias Nicky”.
I stayed buried in her arms, enjoying the moment. “De nada Sweetie. By the way, I don’t care Sofie knows about us. She’s leaving and she would never say anything anyway.” Hayley’s confession came back in my mind. She’s blaming herself… among other things. 
I took my courage, “You seemed really upset last night… Is there…” But my phone rang at that precise instant, vibrating loudly against the bar. I really had back luck with phones… “Shit! That’s Ana, my boss, I gotta take it”. 
So, I picked up the phone while Misa began to dress the table.  
“Hello Ana”
“Hello Nicky, you have a minute ?”
“Yes, of course”
“Thank you, we have a rather urgent business, Football Federation wants to make a special event for goalkeepers. I need someone to work on Misa and Léa’s portrait and to cover the event. It’s in mid July but the portraits have to be sent by the end of next week. Yes I know Misa will be on international break, so can you arrange something in the days to come ?”
“Oh, well, yes. I’ll managed but I hope it’ll fit in Misa and Léa’s schedule…”
“I’ll make sure it will, we can’t spoil that Nicky. Real Madrid have to be well represented, it’s the Federation.“
“Ok, I’m on it.”
“Thank you. When you’re done with the shooting, come to my office, we’ll talk about your further work perspectives. Good afternoon, Nicky. ”
“Thank you Ana, good afternoon.”
I hang up, sighted heavily and came to sit down at the table with Misa who had gathered everything for the brunch. 
“What was it about? I heard my name.” she asked, putting food on my plate and hers. 
“More work for both of us… I have to organize an express shooting for you and Léa.  And the three of us are going to a goalkeeper meeting in July.” I cursed and started to eat. 
“Dios mío, that kind of event is boring as fuck…” Misa devoured her meal like she hadn’t eat in days. “Have you met this Léa ?” 
“I did, she’s cool. I’m sure you’ll get along well.”
“Cool, it will be less painful.” she said, her plate almost empty.
I took a mouthful of bacon and egg. “And I think Ana will really promote me! Maybe I’ll have a raise too!“. 
“Well done Nicky!” the goalie cheered but peered at her plate. 
What the fuck was troubling Misa when it came to my job opportunities ? Hayley’s words kept coming in my head. Just talk to her. I swallowed a few more bites. Why did the phone had to ring earlier? I was ready for it. Now, I didn’t know how to initiate the taking...
“Misa ?” 
“Hum?” The goalkeeper raised her almond-shaped eyes, her thick brows interrogative. 
“I was wondering… did you… are you ok now ?” 
Misa looked at me a moment, her expression again unreadable. 
“Yes, I think I am, for now” she finished to say, smiling but looking down again and fiddling with the rest of her egg. 
Oh strange, I thought but told her “I’m glad you are. You can tell me if you’re not again, ok?”
Her brown eyes went back on mine, she sighted and responded “I will.”
“Thank you. And you can finish the bacon. Yes, I’m seeing you eyeing it for 10 minutes.”
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As expected, Angela arrived before the goalkeeper’s return. I jumped in her arm and we hugged for long minutes. We were excited like crazy to see each other after so long. Angela had had an early flight but wasn’t tired so we decide to open a beer to celebrate her arrival. 
We sat at the kitchen table, chatting without stopping. My best friend told me about what was going on in her life, she updated me with two or three gossips about our common friends. We laughed a lot, the kitchen’s window wide opened let the the sun soak the room as time passed. 
More that an hour later, the doorbell rang and I stood up, rushing to the intercom.
“It’s got to be Misa returning from her footing!“
Angela opened her mouth wide. “You haven’t told me she would be here! It’s great !“ 
She side eyed me naughtily and I rolled my eyes. “Angie! Please behave!“ 
“Of course. Did you forget I’m an angel, Nicky?“
“Sure! The only angelic thing about you is your name…“ I retorted as I waited to open the entrance door. 
Misa emerged from the stairs, panting and her cheeks sparkled with red. She entered the flat, her breathing already coming back to normal. I couldn’t help but find her super hot in the sweaty light grey sport kit contrasting nicely with her tan skin. The drawn muscles of her shoulders and arms gave me nasty thoughts. 
The goalkeeper took off her earphones and swiftly kissed me on the lips. She followed me into the kitchen corner where Angela was waiting. My friend waved to her, all smiling. “Hey Misa ! Nice to meet you ! I’m Angela, or Angie, as you like, but I’m sure Nicky’s already told you my name.“
“Yeah she did, hello Angela. Nice to meet you too.“ Misa seemed really shy.
“We’re having a beer but I guess you will not. Orange juice, lemonade or coffee?“ I asked the goalie. 
“Café por favor. Do you have milk? I’ll prepare my coffee, disfurta de tu amiga Nicky.“
“It’s in the fridge, thanks sweetie.“ I snatched another kiss as she went pass me and sat back with Angela, grinning at us.  
“So Misa, what do you want to know about Nicky? I know her like I made her.“ she said with insurance. 
“Angela don’t start !“ 
The goalkeeper released a soft chuckle, putting a filter in the coffee machine. “Hummm, oh I know! What was she like when she was a kid?“. She pressed the button and leant against the kitchen work plan, her smirk back.
“Excellent question!“ Angela was gloating, I was baffled. “She was completely crazy of course. I remember when she came to my house, she wanted us to play with pens. Not to draw with them, no, pens were people. Ok we were 6 or 7. Oh, and Nicky really was an animal protector, you couldn’t squash an ant in front of her! Otherwise, she was a rather calm child.“ 
“It’s cute” The goalkeeper responded pouring coffee into a mug. 
I was hiding behind my bottle of beer. “Can we stop taking about me please!“ 
“And teenager Nicky ?“ 
“Ah! Teenager Nicky was a real geek! Always a comic or a manga under the arm. She liked to watch girls too.“
“Angie!“ I couldn’t be more embarrassed.
“She still likes it.“ Misa said. “She even made a job out of it.“ 
Angela and Misa laughed together. I couldn’t believe what was happening. They were both making fun of me like they always had known each other. “Wow, you two are so heavy…“ 
“Oh come on Nicky, I just want to know more about you!“ the goalkeeper kissed my cheek and sat with us, the coffee with milk in her hand. “Your friend is good at giving the right informations“.
“I know, thank you Misa! Let’s give a rest to Nicky.“ Angela took pity of me. She went on, asking the brunette “ When did you know you wanted to be a footballer?“ 
“At five, it was not easy as a girl but my family has always been super supportive. I could tell you about my career but you can find it on google actually.“
“You’re boasting again, sweetie.“ I teased Misa, a bit for revenge. 
“Qué? No! I wasn’t saying it like that. It’s just it's long and maybe she’s not interested!“ She put her hand on her mouth, looking really embarrassed.
“I’m joking, Misa!“ I laughed. The goalkeeper was a humble person for real. Loud but humble. She hated feeling like she was bragging. I looked at her drinking her coffee, all shy again, and thought I liked that about her too. “Misa’s a world champion, she has so many medals. She’s the best goalkeeper!” I told my best friend and the brunette’s lips corners stretched upward. 
Angela was amused. “So you have the right to boast about your girl? Anyway, that’s impressive! How’s work going for you two at the Real?“
I was afraid Angela’s question would put Misa uneasy but the brunette replied with insurance. “I’m good, I’ve signed for two more years.“
“I’ve got a lot of work but it’s cool and my boss wants a talk with me about my future in the club, so I’m really glad about everything!” I told her happily. 
“That’s great girls…“ Angela began but was cut by Misa getting up. 
“I’m going to shower.” she said, a bit awkwardly. She put her mug in the sink and went off the room. 
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Once I heard the sound of the water running, I kept my voice low and told Angela, “You see? Misa shut herself every time I mention my work opportunities! I don’t get it, why isn’t she happy for me?”
“Nicky girl, you’re really that blind?” 
“What?” I was amazed by Angela’s reaction. 
My friend explained, her tone full of compassion “Misa is wanting more and you can’t give it to her if you continue to work for the Real.”
I felt a heavy load crashed in my stomach with the realization that came with Angela’s words. Why hadn’t I thought about that? Everything made sense suddenly. Her break down in my car. Her excessive drinking last night. Her difficulties to talk openly. Hayley’s warning… Still one detail prevented me from truly believing it. 
“But, I mean… does it means she likes me?” I felt my cheeks burn. 
“I’ve seen Misa for fifteen minutes and she can’t keep her eyes of you. She’s glancing in your direction every now and then. She’s super sensitive about how you’re perceiving her. She’s thoughtful but likes to tease you when she can...” 
Angela paused, drank a sip of beer, and concluded. “Misa loves you, Nicky”.
Chapter 9 ➺ A place for words
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rojacatmisa · 5 months
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Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique! Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze Chapter 8 ➺ Confusion and directions Chapter 9 ➺ A place for words
If the selection were...
Photo edit
Cats Dogs Pokemons
Thank you all for reading and sharing ! Feel free to give me your feedback in the comment or by message !
✶ Love the woso community so much ✶
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