#miss pauling fictive
hazyaltcare · 2 years
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A playlist for a Scout (Team Fortress 2) fictive who is in love with his Miss Pauling and his Sniper.
Ehiorobo - Fun & Torture ft. Isa Reyes
Gang of Youth - Achilles Come Down
Queen - Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Coyote Kisses - Six Shooter
Kids That Fly - Kiss Her You Fool
Die Trying - Love And Guns
The Monkees - Daydream Believer
Bob Dylan - He's Funny That Way
You can listen to it here.
Mod Haze (👑Jake)
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hey! canon call for eddsworld here, we have a paul, a jackson (fun dead kid), and a tom. paul has /r mems with patryck and tom has /r memories with matt edd and tord. plz like or reblog this post and we'll reach out !!
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0clair-de-lune0 · 5 months
verlaine fictive, please get over it.
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hello, my name is Ver, and our main is @duckduckgoose-exe
most information is on there, i’ll start replying to things and such on here more to declutter our main, which is followed by some. popular artists. feel free to ask questions, i don’t mind.
Also I adore my source family, even if it isn’t ‘canon’.
I should add more information on myself, so here you go.
I tend to ‘lose’ my memories often, meaning I forget people i apparently know, it’s distressing but I’m fine after.
I also tend to overly assume things and then immediately recoil if I’m wrong, and I miss my family even if they technically don’t exist anymore.
That’s it. I think. Sorry.
Oh and you can call me Ver, Verlaine, Paul, any, those are all my names, I use the first one more because people act weird when they hear who I’m a fictive of.
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verpaine · 1 year
Paul Verlaine fictive here. Verlaine
Making this with the help of our system's host and some others(those of which chose the name)
He/him, role in our system is unknown
Miss Chuuya and Rimbaud . I know Chuuya will find me. Rimbaud... perhaps it's best if we don't see each other again.
Here I guess I will talk about random things? I don't fully know what it means to be an alter in a system yet and I'm still struggling with my memories.
Other bsd fictives are free to interact, though I am looking for my specific Chuuya, and I know who that is. If there are any Arthur fictives, for me at least, we were romantically involved.
Unsure what else to write
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Sunday,  8  January,  2023....... Warmup.....Deadlifts.....”Take Five”.....
It was 50 degrees, which would otherwise be cold only according to Herb.  But with a heavy grey overcast sky and no sunshine, it seemed much colder.  We fired up all the heaters.  Many thx to Tom who toted in some propane this morning.
Sweet Dana Rebecca was the demo model and leader of the complicated 8 exercise warmup. 
5  Alternate Elbow to Instep
5  Alternate Hamstring Scoops
10  Kang Squats
10  HR Pushups
15  Jumping Jacks
15  Mountain Climbers
20  High Knees
20  Butt Kickers
Strength WOD:
Deadlifts:     5 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2       Post 2 Rep Max
Shane=415     Ed/Nathan=365     Warren G=315     Zac=300     Smoothie=285    Herb/Paul=265     Tom/Lew=246     Dana=250*     Coach=245     Yates=235    Warren A=225    Joe=175     Sue/Alicia=145     Cheri=135    Kayla=125*     Tripp/Elisa/Linda/Holly=125     Faith (The girl)=32
Metabolic Conditioner
Since there are 5 Minute work sessions alternating with 5 minutes rest,  it would be convenient to do this in “WAVES”.   That way nobody would have to run.    If you don’t understand, ask Timmy (who was absent).
“Take Five”
                       5  Minute Cap
40  Calories Any ERG     (Run 500 if no ERG)
Then AMRAP in time left 
12  Deadlifts     (E=185/135/85)
12  Burpees
                     REST  5  Minutes
                        5  Minute Cap
30  Calories Any ERG     (Run 400 if no ERG)
Then AMRAP in time left
9  Deadlifts     (E=225/155/105)
9  Burpees
                      REST  5  Minutes
                       5   Minute Cap
20  Calories Any ERG     (Run 300 If No ERG)
Then AMRAP in time left
6  Deadlifts     (E=275/185/125)
6  Burpees
Total combined Deadlifts  +  Burpees
Dana=174     Shane=133
Ed=153     Herb=120     Sue=135     Yates=121     Nathan=119     Zac=110    Paul=108      Smoothie=106     Alicia=68     Coach=65
Kayla=158     Holly=131     Elisa=124     Cheri=122     Joe=78      Tripp=“A Lot”     Faith (The Girl)=“A Little”     Tom/Lew/Linda/Warren A & G=Personal Journey’s
Sincere apologies are hereby offered in print for failing to BLOG-mention that in the heat of yesterdays WOD,  athletes Timmy and Ed heard “Thunderstruck”, by AC/DC, and could not refrain from ripping off a Burpee every time they sang “THUNDER”.  If YKYK.
The Girl’s sometimes have a Girl’s-Outing-Thing after the workout, so the Boy’s were not to be outdone today.  Smoothie arranged a trip to a nearby watering-hole for burger’s and brew’s and about 7 of us came.  Smoothie/Herb/Lew/Coach/Warren A/Shane/Nathan had a great fun time.  Paul said he was coming until Susan put her size 5 1/2 foot down, so Paul had to pretend to have some emergency to attend.
Herb put a date for the next Bourbon Tasting on a white-board at the Barn.  I never plan much beyond a few hours ahead, so it didn’t register on me when he wrote down a date that is so futuristic that our trees will have green leaves once again.  Linda thinks she and a few others including  144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses, will certainly be raptured by then.  Wait a few weeks and check the white-boards.  It will be listed as THE BORN AGAIN BOURBON TASTING.  
Big Lew (who actually is a paying member at CFEN and mooch’s workouts at the free LHCF) is undergoing shoulder surgery tomorrow afternoon.  It is notable that Big Lew is not favoring the services of any of the 3 famous Orthopedic Surgeons who attend LHCF.  It is also noteworthy that Dr Paul L. will be his attending Anesthesiologist, promising to take Big Lew “to a point as near-unto-death as humanly possible, yet still revive unharmed”.  That’s re-assuring.  Miss Linda will be offering up prayers for Big Lew, and her prayers are the best money can buy.
The quote attributed to Paul L. was actually a plagiarism from Dr David Alfery’s (LSU Dave) latest book SAVING GRACE.  If 5 or more of you guys would please buy it and leave a gushingly good review (reading is not required),  LSU Dave will take the Buck’s to a fine dinner outing.  The book is being released this Tuesday, January 10.  BTW, all new book releases are on a Tuesday.  But everybody knows that....   
If you are supposing that the 144,000 mentioned above is a fictive number, you’d better speak to an Elder from The WatchTower Society or risk being left behind.  Heavenly admission has so many obstructions I’m afraid to go to sleep at night.  Like, what’s more damning, eating beef and dairy together, or getting a blood transfusion from a total stranger ?  Thoughtful notes from a born again agnostic.
Tuesday at 4 PM.   Maybe...       
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findinyourkin · 6 months
I'm the Pyro from Team Fortress 2 (Red team) I realized in the first submission I didn't specify my media. I am a kin and a minor. Please only 16-18!! But!! I am hyperfeminine! If you remember a Pyro who loves all things girly with an insane plushie collection please int with the post and i WILL get you!! Any tf2 merc, miss pauling, fictive/kin is welcome!!
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ebstf2 · 2 years
alright i know plenty of people talk about their music, fictives especially, n youve probably already seen this kinda thing with at least one other tf2 fictive, but we’re cooler and also i got a few suggestions that dont really have anything to do with source, so for any other scout fictives/kinnies/whatever or really just anyone interested, here’s some music for other mercs who aren’t still living in the 70s, kinda just gonna be listing off the stuff our different fictives listen to, only a few of us have our own music cuz only a few of us front often enough for it
starting off with the most important, me scout, i probably have the most music that i listen to since im host rn - big one for me is Will Wood’s Normal Album, favorite song in there is ‘...well, better than the alternative.’ also this one’s not at all gonna seem like me, but i frickin love some of the songs in Jekyll & Hyde the musical. most of the songs there suck cuz it’s a pretty slow paced musical, but the good songs are *really good.* i have a playlist that just has the 5 good songs in the musical, you don’t need to know the plot, they just sound good and some of em kinda sound like being a system- the good songs are ‘Facade,’  ‘alive,’  ‘alive reprise,’  ‘murder,’  and ‘confrontation.’ and aside from will wood n jekyll & hyde, obviously tom jones is awesome, but youre gonna hear that from pretty much any scout fictive
the other two dont have as much as me, but they’re still worth putting here- Medic has two songs i know he likes, ‘The dismemberment song’ by blue kid, n ‘weird science’ by oingo boingo. but im pretty sure he only likes that one cuz his boyfriend (who is gay) likes that too
n Veronica, whose a fictive of miss pauling, pretty much exclusively listens to Heathers. that’s where she got the name.
pretty sure that’s all the music stuff we have, pretty much all of us are super open to music suggestions also, from other fictives or not
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flickeringart · 3 years
Neptune in aspect (brief overview)
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Sun-Neptune: Diffuse sense of self, ill-defined, good at blending in, pleasant to be around, malleable, lacking integrity, preferring to live in a world that is less tangible and more imaginative, artistic, soft-hearted, avoidant, longing, quiet, reserved, contemplative, peaceful, passive, allowing, dreaming, detached, weak in spirit or glamorously radiant, dimmed light/energy, magical and magnetic, enchanting and appealing, retreating, craving solitude, adaptable, compromising one’s wants and desires, difficulty asserting oneself and finding an identity that fits, wanting to give up control, wanting to surrender, drawn to glamour and the “illusion” of perfection, calm and soothing presence, empathetic, kind, sweet, mysterious, extremely intuitive, sacrificing one’s own selfish desires and aspirations, taking the collective feeling into consideration when making decisions, difficulty making up one’s mind, wandering aimlessly in life, heroic, unconditionally loving and accepting, refusing to deny anyone in need, devoting one’s life to a higher cause, idealistic, romantic, absent and detached, easily overwhelmed, self-sabotaging, self-aggrandizing or self-denying.
Since the sun represents father figures in the native’s life, the father could’ve been a sensitive and receptive individual with a dreamy disposition, artistically gifted, spiritually advanced, passive and impressionable, positively inspiring and imaginative or simply incapable in the face of more worldly matters, irresponsible and self-pitying, in denial, sick or incapacitated, overly generous, mad or a little bit delusional. There could be a connection with alcohol and drugs as a means of trying to escape reality. There could also be a tendency to be self-obsessed and hungry for fame and attention. Laziness could also be a factor. The native could feel like they lack a strong father figure – left with only the image or the fantasy of self-importance and individual impact. There could be a risk of idealizing the father to one’s detriment, of living in a false reality relative to who he is/was.
Examples: Sean Connery, Frida Kahlo, George Orwell, Paul McCartney, Marie Antoinette, Frédéric Chopin, Patti Smith
Moon-Neptune: Highly receptive and translucent, deeply caring and empathetic, sensitive to other people’s feeling states, undermining, manipulative, picks up on people’s energies, intolerant of discord, needing beauty and unconditional acceptance, seeking to live in harmony with other people, easily hurt, emotionally blurry, unwilling to demand anything of anyone, wanting a serene and peaceful home environment, lacking a feeling of belonging, having no structure, feeling depleted, being vague, attaching and over-empathizing with people “who don’t deserve it”, forgetting to meet one’s basic needs, enjoying sleep, seeking comfort through music and movies, acting abilities, no sense of boundaries, making sacrifices to stay connected to people, attached to fictive characters and symbolic principals, melancholic, can easily slip into dark moods, feeling the weight of the world, feeling other people’s suffering, slipping into destructive habits, avoidant, hesitant, shy, innocent looking, soothing, caring or neglectful, disinterest in the physical realm, physically weak or fragile, crippling vulnerability, ability to anchor and manifest dreams, sensual, beautiful souls.
Since the moon rules motherly figures in the native’s life, there could’ve been a sense of being mystically/spiritually connected to the mother, of wanting to merge on an emotional level, of being heavily influenced by her ideas, thoughts and moods, of idealizing her, of losing her or needing to save her from something, of missing her. As with Sun-Neptune, the Moon-Neptune could indicate someone who tries to escape through alcohol and drugs, someone who’s dependent, manipulative and clingy. It could also indicate a brilliant imagination and someone who has a lot of love to give. Coping with the mundane chores of daily life could be difficult. The mother could feel victimized by life and broken-hearted in some way, lonely and depressed.
Examples: Will Smith, Dalai Lama, Robert Redford, John Legend, Anne Frank, Angelina Jolie, Keanu Reeves, Mahatma Ghandi
Mercury-Neptune: Soft spoken, good at grasping and defining elusive and abstract feelings, associative thinking, creative, a talent for make-belief, great story tellers, colorful language, foggy mind, making faulty observations, seeing things that aren’t real, making things up, deceiving people, speaking in vague terms, unclear, persuasive, good at putting words to the intangible and imaginative, describing things that are fantastical or subtle, intuitive thinking, making up words, unable to stick to the rules of writing and speaking, making spelling mistakes, writers of fiction, storytellers, channels, mediums, psychics, theatrical and dramatic speakers, healers and counsellors, poets, performers and magicians, illusionists, moving people with words and imagery, a skill for translating symbolic language, telling sob-stories, copy-cats, impressionists, distorting reality, abstract language, refusing to make distinctions, learning by mimicking, swaying people by confusing them, turning the “truth” inside out, influencing people’s thinking, picking up on subtle cues, observant, reserved and receptive to the emotional impact of words, lacking concrete opinions.
Mercury has to do with siblings, friends and casual contacts, the extended family, neighbors and people in the immediate environment. It’s possible that the native has a deep emotional-intuitive connection with people and a desire to stay open and infuse daily interactions with rich emotionality and reflectivity. Perhaps there's difficult knowing what's real/unreal because people are lying or making things up for fun. There could be difficulty believing people and taking their words seriously. Loss of siblings, friends could be associated with this contact, or perhaps a general loneliness and isolation experienced in relation to other people, being immersed in fantasy to the point of blurring the lines between illusion and reality.
Examples: Taylor Swift, Vladimir Putin, Tom Petty, Ingmar Bergman, Nicole Kidman, Emma Watson, Mark Zuckerberg
Venus-Neptune: The highest love, unconditional love, sublime perfection, sacrificial love, love that knows no boundaries, ethereal beauty, connection with the divine, making art, opening of the heart, seeing beauty in everyone, dreaming about relationships, longing for love, wanting to “find the one”, idealizing marriage, going above and beyond to win someone’s affections, subtle and shy advances, high expectations, projection, disillusionment, wanting to save people and feel into them as to know them completely, craving to live happily ever after in a bubble of bliss, prone to disappointment and intolerance for imperfection, alluring, playing the victim, seeking approval, kind, considerate, in love with love, difficulty saying no, lack of boundaries in relationships, playing the victim to get attention, saying “yes” to everything, feeling forced to go along with the crowd, compromising personal values, making promises that can’t be kept, loyal to a fault, prone to heartache and heartbreak, sweet, falling in love with the idea or the image of a person, slippery, impossible to “catch”, fickle, uncertain, passively longing, easily seduced, frequently let down by one’s own expectations, soft and infinitely accommodating, addicted to romance, becoming “intoxicated” by people.
Venus has to do with lovers, partners and social contacts in general which means that the native might have a proclivity to get involved with people that want to be saved or seek a soul connection that transcends this physical existence. The person wants to give in to longings and projections in order to bring heaven to earth, to make everything wonderful and glamorous. There’s difficulty with seeing people for who they are and a tendency to trust too quickly/ignore red flags. There’s also a tendency to romanticize helplessness and shrink from confrontation, in other words, to turn a blind eye and let relationships deteriorate.
Examples: Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne, Salvador Dalí, Zendaya, Bob Marley, George Harrison, Ram Dass, Madonna
Mars-Neptune: Motivated by dreams and the possibility of redemption, magical powers, persuasive, passively aggressive, undermining, drawn to physical activity that involves water (sailing, diving, swimming), might be prone to laziness, coercing people, brooding, escaping, taking the easiest route, self-effacing, making a big deal out of being hurt, toxic emotional anger, fighting for the underdog, rage stemming from perceived victimization, cruelty, justifying destructive actions, avoiding responsibility or taking too much of it, prone to regret, procrastinating, never getting anything done, unambitious and lethargic, sympathizing and advocating for the less privileged, being a rescuer and a savior, failing to perceive boundaries, making mistakes because of a false perception of reality, stubbornly upholding one’s beliefs, condemning things, taking rash actions in order to have a chance of fulfilling a dream, creating art, enjoying loud aggressive music, good imitators, skillful actors, copying people, fighting for a big cause, doing “the right thing”, physically responsive to subtlety or completely detached, fighting for a lost cause, investing a lot of energy into things that dissolve and evaporate, surrendering to the forces of the universe, going with the flow.
Mars is associated with antagonistic forces, enemies, competitors and abusers. The individual might be a bit confused as to who the good guy is and who the bad guy is in life. There could be imagined and very abstract forces that are made out to be “the enemy”, unconscious content, people’s ignorance and lack of awareness could be a source of anger. There could be a fear of taking action because of a feeling of not knowing what’s imagined or what’s false. There could be an issue of giving up too soon or simply surrendering to whatever’s supposed to happen. There could also be an issue of manipulating other people to do the hard work in order to avoid getting to work oneself.
Examples: Napoleon I, Charles Manson, Vladimir Lenin, Amanda Bynes, Blake Lively, Meryl Streep, Clint Eastwood, Michelangelo
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findthebae · 2 years
I'm a Patryck fictive from eddsworld and I'm looking for a Tord and Paul /r, but I suppose anyone from the red army will do /p. I miss all of you and I really hope I can find you again. I'm already in a few relationships but my heart is always open for you and it always will be. I might not be the same as you remember but I hope you can accept me like I'll accept you. I miss you. My systems main is @the-anhedonia-collective if you wish to contact me. I'll give you my sideblog from there.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Lol if I could stop roleplaying as myself that would be great. I’m crying again bc I got into a fight with Paul and he said that I “don’t deserve to be in this town” and that I should “move to clivesdale and never show my face here again” and i just- i know it’s rp. I do. But it also really fucking hurts, I fought to belong in that town. I fought to be who I was. And then he brought up Sam- Sam wasn’t my fault. I never wanted it to be like that, I tried to leave once I found out about Charlotte. I tried to leave. But Paul doesn’t know that, he doesn’t know, he can’t, he doesn’t deserve to know that. No one has to know more about me and Sam than they already do. I’m fucking tired of doing this to myself. It hurts but I keep doing it bc I miss them and bc I crave pain for some reason (probably trauma but let’s not get into that)
I never expected Paul to make me cry. Sam definitely has, ted has, I’ve cried bc of Charlotte, Emma’s made me cry… but not Paul. I knew he hated me, but still. (tag as fictive pls)
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ventidrama · 6 years
uhhh theyre an obviously troll "system" who has had "alters" "die" before and their "fictives" include shrek, paul blart mall cop, jd heathers, spongebob, and about 11 different versions of hatsune miku
i miss the trump kin
- mod monika
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
heyo!! can i request a playlist for a scout (team fortress 2) fictive whos in love with his miss pauling & his sniper? thanks yall!! - 🥩
You sure can!
Mod Haze (👑Jake)
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essenceoffilm · 6 years
Transcendence in the Sleepless Streets of New York City
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Light sleep denotes the state of non-REM sleep where the person has not yet fallen into heavy sleep from whose lull it is more laborious to arise and which thus provides one with real rest rather than shallow slumber. It is appropriate that Paul Schrader, the American poet of modern sleepwalkers in urban spaces, would title his most personal film as Light Sleeper (1992). To call Schrader’s heroes sleepwalkers is a little misleading, however, since his characters aren’t really asleep; they are constantly awake but in a drowsy, quasi-delirious state. They are never totally asleep nor totally awake. They lie in between of the bed and the street. They exist in stasis like the characters in Robert Bresson’s films, which Schrader admires immensely. 
The lethargic protagonist of Schrader’s Light Sleeper is a man named John LeTour, played by Willem Dafoe, an ex-drug-addict and current drug dealer who is re-evaluating his profession as his boss, played by Susan Sarandon, is planning a career change by starting up her own cosmetics business. In these times of change, LeTour comes across an old love from the past, Marianne Jost, a woman who has been straight and out of the drug business for several years. A tragedy in Marianne’s family leads her back to drugs and finally to death, which sets LeTour on a mission of senseless violence against those who he believes are responsible for Marianne’s death. In jail, awaiting his sentence of many years, LeTour reconnects with his boss, reflecting on the strangeness of his path like Michel in Bresson’s Pickpocket (1959). 
Given this chain of fictive events, Light Sleeper ties in most obviously not only with Scorsese’s Taxi Driver (1976), which Schrader wrote, but also, and more importantly, with Schrader’s earlier films Hardcore (1979) and American Gigolo (1980). All of these films portray a man’s journey in the urban underworld, culminating with an act of violence. Hardcore is perhaps the farthest away from the formula since it portrays a father who goes to rescue his missing daughter from the porn industry, while Taxi Driver comes across as the clearest parallel work as a subjectivistic depiction of a lonely man who redeems himself through a purification via violence. Yet it is really American Gigolo which is the closest in spirit to Light Sleeper (though it lacks the extreme violence of Light Sleeper and Taxi Driver; it culminates with an accidental act of violence). 
This seems more than appropriate because Taxi Driver is, after all, a film by Scorsese whose vision overrides that of Schrader. Taxi Driver famously ends with an open epilogue sequence which can be interpreted in many ways, but is probably best grasped as a delirious death dream in which the protagonist finds spiritual solace after his self-destructive burst of hatred toward others. American Gigolo and Light Sleeper, on the other hand, end with sequences which are clearly rooted in reality in the sense that they leave no possibilities to interpret themselves as dreams or other such detachments from the established diegetic world. They conclude with a serene return to tranquility after the burst of violence. They show their protagonists in prison where they are visited by a woman in whose presence they are touched by something transcendent -- not necessarily something divine in the theological sense, but something external and non-private in the metaphysical sense; that is, they are touched by a dimension of sense and meaning beyond their lonely isolation. 
It is not a happy ending in the most conventional sense of the term since it merely uncovers the manifestation of a vague promise of something better. The endings of both American Gigolo and Light Sleeper pay homage to Bresson’s Pickpocket which ends with Michel finding an ambiguous sense of purpose as Jeanne, a young woman living near him and the only person who seems to have the smallest ounce of care for his sake, keeps on visiting him in prison. American Gigolo goes the whole nine yards with the homage by imitating the restraint acting, ascetic mise-en-scène, and minimalist editing (with mechanic fades to black closing each brief scene, depicting the flow of time between the visits between the man and the woman), whereas Light Sleeper condenses the essence of the encounter into one single scene with an acting style more established in the whole of the film. The homage is most apparent, of course, in the final lines of the films. Bresson’s film ends with Michel saying: “Oh, Jeanne, pour aller jusqu’à toi, quel drôle de chemin il m’a fallu prendre” (”Oh, Jeanne, what strange path I had to take to come to you”). American Gigolo concludes with Julian saying: “My God, Michele, it has taken me so long to come to you.” Light Sleeper turns it around by having the woman, LeTour’s boss played by Sarandon, simply say: “Strange how things work.” 
Some might accuse of Schrader not only for copying but also for repeating and thus just doing the same thing over and over again. The way I see it, however, is that the filtered ending, which always changes a little, keeps gaining new meanings, and at the point of Light Sleeper it has become even more touching than in American Gigolo. It is heavy with significance and emotional baggage; yet it never feels semantically heavy in the sense that it called for any decoding or interpretation. It has a great balance between heaviness and lightness. The heavy prison bars of Pickpocket and the sterile glass separating the lovers in American Gigolo have vanished in Light Sleeper, and there is only an institutional barrier in the air between the two, which cannot come in between their emotional reunion, exemplifying the transcendental manifestation. 
In order to appreciate the impact of the ending one should keep the rest of the film in mind, too. For its understated optimism and serenity are paralleled by preceding aesthetics of death, violence, and misery. Schrader’s style in Light Sleeper is probably easiest to grasp by thinking of it as neo-noir. Neon lights illuminating interior spaces from an outer source, seedy streets with paper trash, and run-down apartments of New York City characterize its concrete sense of milieu. In homage to genre tradition, Schrader even has a voice-over of LeTour reading his diary entries. Although this device is never overused to the extent where it would turn the film into pastiche, it certainly feels loose and unnecessary -- an unattached reminder of Taxi Driver. 
The awkwardness of the voice-over goes together with the other weaknesses of the film. Schrader’s narrative fumbles at times without a clear sense of where it is heading (there is, for one, “a sub-plot” of a park murder case which is mentioned twice in the film but then goes nowhere) and his style is less than consistent in terms of acting, editing, and music (which is further emphasized by the connection to Bresson, the master of stylistic consistency). At the same time, however, these are difficult to be taken solely as weaknesses since they seem to enhance the overall impact of the film. There is something similar in Schrader’s narrative looseness to the films of Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch, and Alan Rudolph in the 70′s and the 80′s. The overall impact of Schrader’s style is a cinematic articulation of a certain mode of being in the world, a lethargic, fatigued, and intermittent being, an existential narcolepsy, light being on the surface of the world. 
Without going into a detailed stylistic analysis, it could be stated that Schrader achieves this impact by an execution which finds balance between realism and stylization. In a word, the idealist, transcendent ending (which, however, never loses its touch with reality) of the film is preceded by big piles of dirt. As an aesthetic synopsis of his earlier films and as an anticipation of the ending of the one in question, Schrader begins Light Sleeper with a slow low-angle dolly shot of a run-down, dirty asphalt street. The shot concludes with a slow dissolve from the surface of the street into a medium shot of the perplexed protagonist. The street is a tainted mirror of the character’s soul like in the best works of Buñuel. This dissolve, this cut, this double image is a perfect metaphor for Schrader’s style as a whole in this spectacular film. When the camera tracks toward LeTour’s face in the final shot, framing his face in a tight extreme close-up, his aged, tired face bears a resemblance to the worn asphalt of the street, the world which he cannot shake off from him. 
In terms of neo-noir, Light Sleeper can also be seen as another tale of the burden of the past. LeTour must carry his burden everyday as he walks the streets of drug dealing. Marianne must carry it too, and the burden eventually becomes too heavy for her. Yet it seems that Schrader is less interested in the psychological ramifications of this burden than in the overall theme it connotes: the existential imprisonment of man, which Bresson brought to the attention of the cinema. Like Michel in Pickpocket, LeTour is more imprisoned outside than inside the prison. He lives a life of constant fatigue and insomnia which he has acquired in exchange for losing his drug addiction. When he sleeps, he is a light sleeper who never gets real rest. When he is awake, he is a light being who can never really be. His lonely isolation is reflected by the emptiness of his ascetic apartment -- whose emotional core is encapsulated in the stereo playing LeTour’s ex-lover’s name on repeat (”Marianne Jost, Marianne Jost, Marianne Jost”) -- next to which there is a gulf of garbage awaiting LeTour’s soul as in the grim ending of Buñuel’s Los Olvidados. Like Michel, LeTour finally redeems himself, and, paradoxically, attains abstract freedom through concrete imprisonment. Strange how things work.
Schrader is a great admirer of the mechanic stasis of Bresson’s endings, and he has never come closer to their artistic quality than in Light Sleeper (though detached from Bresson’s absolute purity and mastery, the film also transcends mere imitation). While American Gigolo imitates Pickpocket more closely, Light Sleeper seems to enrich its homage with uniqueness. The former work was exercise for the latter. Of Bresson’s endings Schrader writes: 
Stasis is the quiescent, frozen, or hieratic scene which succeeds the decisive action and closes the film. It is a still re-view of the external world intended to suggest the oneness of all things. In Diary of a Country Priest it is the shadow of the cross, in A Man Escaped it is the long shot of the darkened street with Fontaine and Jost receding in the distance, in Pickpocket it is Michel’s imprisoned face, in The Trial of Joan of Arc it is the charred stump of the stake.
This static view represents the ‘new’ world in which the spiritual and the physical can coexist, still in tension and unresolved, but as a part of a larger scheme in which all phenomena are more or less expressive of a larger reality -- the Transcendent. [1] 
It is more than evident that the ending of Light Sleeper is Schrader’s attempt to articulate precisely “the oneness of all things” or “the ‘new’ world in which the spiritual and the physical can coexist.” Though still in tension, their phenomena (say, thought and emotion on the one hand, objects and states of affairs on the other) express the underlying unity. Closing his eyes and silently reflecting on the strangeness of his path, LeTour experiences a touch by the transcendence, an external dimension of value, sense, and meaning. Neither Bresson nor Schrader are interested in making metaphysical claims for the existence or non-existence of such a dimension. That work will be left for the metaphysicians and the meta-ethicists. As artists, Bresson and Schrader are interested in the human experience of this transcendence. The experience of its presence on the surface of the world. The unity of the real and the irreal, or the concrete and the abstract, in experience is why Schrader’s style never departs from l’éffet de réel and the abundance of observational data characteristic for the cinema. As the camera closes in on LeTour’s face as he closes his eyes and presses his mouth against his boss’ hand, the vicinity of the camera allows the image to register slight movement of LeTour’s eyes beneath his eyelids, implying his entrance into real rest from the prison of light sleep. This subtle bodily movement is neither solely physical (in terms of simple movement of a physical object) nor solely spiritual (in terms of mere expression of emotion or thought without a physical correspondent). It is both. The registered movement on the surface of the world, captured on the surface of the cinematic image, is Schrader’s final word on the oneness of all things. 
[1] Schrader, Paul. 1972/1988. Transcendental Style in Film: Ozu, Bresson, and Dreyer. Da Capo Press, p. 82-83. 
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t-baba · 5 years
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Bootstrap 4.4.0 arrives, Firefox Replay unveiled on macOS (only, for now)
#419 — December 4, 2019
Read on the Web
In case you were wondering if you were missing an issue of Frontend Focus last week, we took a break for Thanksgiving :-)
Frontend Focus
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Making a Better Custom Select Element — Julie Grundy kicks off 24ways’s fifteenth Web developer advent calendar with a fantastic article digging deep into the thorny issue of customizing form inputs while keeping them accessible.
Julie Grundy
Bootstrap 4.4.0 — This update to the popular component library introduces new responsive containers and classes, new functions and mixins, along with various fixes and deprecations.
Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton, and Bootstrap contributors
New Course: ⚛️ GraphQL + React Hooks — Learn to use GraphQL on the client-side using React with Apollo Client.
Frontend Masters sponsor
Mozilla Shows Off Firefox Replay for Nightly Builds on macOS — It's still very early days, but this new tool allows you to record, replay and rewind various processes, including JS behaviour, DOM changes, graphical updates and more. Cross-platform support will come later. Detailed information on the project is over on Mozilla’s site.
Paul Hill
How to Use New CSS :is() for Easy Element Targeting — A straightforward look at this new “matches-any” pseudo-class, a successor of sorts to the :any() and :matches() selectors. Runs through a few uses cases, including pairing it up with :not.
Kezz Bracey
▶  Do This to Improve Image Loading On Your Website — Jen Simmons explains how adding width and height attributes to all your images is something you may want to start doing again, as this can now help stop load ‘jank’.
Mozilla Developer
A W3C Status Update on Web Games Technologies — The W3C has a quick bullet-point roundup of where things standard regarding various technologies used in building games for the Web, such as WebAssembly, the Gamepad API, and the Web Monetization API.
François Daoust (W3C)
💻 Jobs
Software Engineers, Frontend at Fictiv (San Francisco) — We bring a user friendly experience to manufacturing, making it easy to turn designs into real products. Use the latest tech and JS to iterate quickly, ensuring a rapid feedback loop between us and our customers.
Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Work with the world's leading brands, from anywhere. Travel the world while being part of the most energizing community of developers.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers. Vettery is completely free for job seekers.
📙 News, Tutorials & Opinion
Edge Vs. Chrome: Microsoft's Tracking Prevention Hits Google The Hardest — The new Edge browser, built on the same open source code as Google Chrome, contains a new Tracking Prevention feature that blocks third-party trackers and, at the Strict setting, many ads.
Ed Bott
The Firefox UI Is Now Built with Web Components — A few weeks ago Mozilla moved away from their XML-based UI implementation over to one built using Web Components. This blog post explains the what and the why behind this years long effort.
Brian Grinstead
An Introduction to the Picture-in-Picture Web API — Chrome supports a ‘picture-in-picture’ mechanism for creating floating video windows that continue to play even if a user navigates to a different page. Firefox and Safari have support via proprietary APIs too.
Ayooluwa Isaiah
WebSockets Vs Long Polling — Should you ever use Long Polling instead of WebSockets? Read more in this protocol comparison.
Ably sponsor
▶  Lessons Learned From Performance Monitoring in Chrome — Filmed at the recent performance.now() conference, this talk is full to the brim with insightful performance know how. Here’s the related slides.
Annie Sullivan
Switch It Up with CSS Custom Properties — The bare basics of using CSS custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables) particularly with theming.
Kristofer Giltvedt Selbekk
Labels Are A Last Resort — Worry not, this isn’t about forms and accessibility, more so about practical label placement, emphasis, and whether you may need one at all in certain scenarios.
Refactoring UI
▶  Predictive Prefetching — Examines the techniques currently being developed, like GuessJS, to make predictive prefetching a reality.
Divya Sasidharan
▶  When JavaScript Bytes — Practical ways to reduce the amount of JavaScript we’re sending down to the people using our sites.
Tim Kadlec
Building Animated Draggable Interfaces with Vue.js and Tailwind — Tailwind CSS is an increasingly popular CSS framework.
Cristi Jora
Tried & True Productivity Tips from 25 React Experts
Progress KendoReact sponsor
Checklist to Avoid The Most Common Accessibility Errors
Bruce Lawson
Create HTML5 Native Games in Ionic Capacitor using Phaser
Abhijeet Rathore
🔧 Code, Tools & Resources
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CSSYBERTRUCK — An animated CSS recreation of the Tesla Cybertruck. Be a shame if someone was to tamper with those windows...
David Khourshid codepen
WebGLStudio.js: A 3D Graphics Editor in the Browser — It’s not new but its author says it’s now mature, ready to be extended, and can be used in production (although a 1.0 release is still a little way away).
Javi Agenjo
Featured GSAP 3 Pens: A Collection by GreenSock — Last week we shared news of GSAP 3’s release, and here the GreenSock team share a collection of Codepens that show off the animation library’s new features.
GreenSock codepen
Happy Hues: Curated Colors in Context — A color palette ‘inspiration site’ that shows you the colors in a ‘real-world’ context.
Mackenzie Child
Creepyface: JS Library That Makes Your Face Follow The Pointer
Alejandro Tardín
Screenshot-to-code: A Neural Network That Transforms A Design Mock-up Into A Static Website
Emil Wallner
Wireframer: Generate SVG 'Mock Text' for Your Wireframes
Jim Raptis
   🗓 Upcoming Events
Flashback Conference, February 10-11 — Orlando, Florida — Looks at cutting-edge web dev, browser APIs and tooling, but adds the understanding of how they’ve evolved from the past to the web of today.
FrontFest, February 15 — Madrid, Spain — A Spanish conference, now in its fourth year.
Frontend Developer Love, February 19-21 — Amsterdam, Netherlands — Three full days of talks from 35+ global JavaScript leaders from around the world.
CityJS Conf, March 27 — London, UK — A 'JavaScript festival' across London.
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/2OP23Yf
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Lindenwood Humanities Faculty: Recent Publications
The Lindenwood University School of Humanities is proud of our faculty, who maintain active research agendas in addition to being recognized for their dedication and excellence in teaching. Here is a list of our faculty’s most recent notable contributions to published scholarship in their respective fields:
Dr. Heather Brown Hudson, French and Women’s and Gender Studies
“A Side of Family, Hold the Mother: Motherless family portraits. Dare Wright and her fictive kin in the Lonely Doll series,” in The Absent Mother in the Cultural Imagination: Missing, Presumed Dead.  Ed. by Berit Astrom. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017.
Professor Alex Balogh, Creative Writing
     Poetry: Selections in a book:
“Peruanita” & “Election Day” in Crossing the Divide, Vagabond Press, 2016.
Dr. Geremy Carnes, English
The Papist Represented: Literature and the English Catholic Community, 1688-1791 (monograph, forthcoming from University of Delaware Press in August 2017).
 “One Sad Devil,” review of Lucifer (TV Series), exCommunicated: The Newsletter of the International Society for Heresy Studies 2, no. 2 (2016): 5-7.
Dr. Theodore Cohen, History
“Among Races, Nations, and Diasporas: Genealogies of ‘La bamba’ in Mexico and the United States,” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 35 (2017): 51-78.
Dr. Benjamin Cooper, English
Veteran Americans: Revolutiuon to Reconstruction, monograph forthcoming in Spring 2018 by University of Massachusetts Press.
“All Your Font are Belong to Us: Gaming in the Late Age of Print.”  Forthcoming in Type Matters.  Eds. Danielle Nicole DeVoss and C.S. Wyatt.
  “Land Mines and Punch Lines.” Rev. of Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War, by Mary Roach. The Common Reader (December 2016): ):https://commonreader.wustl.edu/c/land-mines-punch-lines/.
Dr. Melissa Ridley Elmes, English
Edited Collection
(With Misty Urban and Deva Fall Kemmis, co-editors), Melusine’s Footprint: Tracing the Legacy of a Medieval Myth. Leiden: Brill (In production; publication November 2017).
Articles in Refereed Journals
“Conduct and Character: The Overlooked Importance of Feasting in Medieval Robin Hood Texts.” Forthcoming in Medieval Perspectives.  
“He Dreams of Dragons: Alchemical Imagery in the Medieval Dream Visions of King Arthur.” Arthuriana 27.1 (Spring 2017). 73-94. 
Book Chapters
“The Alchemical Transformation of Melusine,” in Melusine’s Footprint: Tracing the Legacy of a Medieval Myth. Ed. Misty Urban, Deva Kemmis, and Melissa Ridley Elmes. (Leiden: Brill, In production; Forthcoming 2017).
Signed Encyclopedia Articles 
“Melusine.” Encyclopedia of Middle English Literature. Robert Rouse and Sian Echard, eds. Wiley Blackwell. August 2017.
Dr. Elizabeth Fleitz, English
Review of Type:Rider [video]. Forthcoming in Kairos 22.1(August 2017):  http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/ 
Review of “I2: Preserving Spaces of Wonder in an Age of Surveillance: Getting Started with Digital Cryptography.” 2017. Sweetland DRC, http://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/2017/06/26/cw-session-i2-preserving-spaces-of-wonder-in-an-age-of-surveillance-getting-started-with-digital-cryptography/
“Teaching Digital Rhetoric in the Age of Fake News: Media Literacy and Source Evaluation in the First-Year Writing Classroom.” 15 Mar 2017. Blog Carnival 11. Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. http://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/2017/03/15/teaching-digital-rhetoric-in-the-age-of-fake-news-media-literacy-and-source-evaluation-in-the-first-year-writing-classroom/ 
Review of “A.04: Reconsidering Professional Credentials of Writing Program Faculty.” Kairos 21(2). http://praxis.technorhetoric.net/tiki-index.php?page=PraxisWiki%3A_%3ACCCC_2016
Review of “B2: Arguing in Type: On the Rhetoricity of Letterforms.” 2016. Sweetland DRC. http://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/2016/06/28/b2-arguing-in-type-on-the-rhetoricity-of-letterforms/
Professor Tracy Flicek, ESL/EPP
 Review of: Luley, T. (2014, August 24). Review of the book English With an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States. Rosina Lippi-Green. TESOL Journal, 5(3), 546-550. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1002/tesj.164 
Dr. Stephen Gietschier, History
“How the Burger Court Came to Be” in Samuel O. Regalado and Sarah K. Fields (eds.), Sport and the Law: Historical and Cultural Intersections (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2014), 43-51.
“History” in Trey Strecker, Steven P. Gietschier, Mitchell Nathanson, John A. Fortunato, and David George Surdam, Understanding Baseball: A Textbook (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014, 3-50.
Dr. Shenika Harris, Spanish
Harris, S., Bernales, C., Romero-Ghiretti, G., Dolosic, Liu, H., & Van Bishop, T.  (2016) Readings in L2 Reading: Publications in other venues during 2015-2016. Reading in a Foreign Language. 28(2), 319-366. Web.
Dr. Donald Heidenreich, History
“Adkins v. Children’s Hospital.” Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders. Editor Valerie Hennings Dianne Bystrom. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2017.
“Sixteenth Amendment.” Women in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders. Editor Valerie Hennings Dianne Bystrom. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2017.
“World War II.” SAGE Encyclopedia of War. Editor Paul Joseph. Sage Publishing, 2017, 1883-1887.
“D-Day.” SAGE Encyclopedia of War. Editor Paul Joseph. Sage Publishing, 2017, 450-53.
“The Power to Regulate Land and Naval Forces.” The powers of the U.S. Congress: where constitutional authority begins and ends. Editor Brien Hallett. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2016, pp 159-170.
Dr. Meredith Marsh, History
Barrons AP Human Geography, 6th Edition (2016).
Dr. Travis McMaken, Religion
Our God Loves Justice: An Introduction to Helmut Gollwitzer (Fortress Press, forthcoming).
“Baptism,” in Adam J. Johnson (ed.), T & T Clark Companion to the Atonement (Bloomsbury, forthcoming).
“Actualism, Dualism, and Onto-Relations: Interrogating Torrance’s Criticism of Barth’s Doctrine of Baptism,” Participatio 6 (2016): 1–31. Web.
Dr. Patrick O’Banion, History
This Happened in My Presence: Moriscos, Old Christians, and the Spanish Inquisition in the Town of Deza, 1569-1611 (University of Toronto Press, 2017).
“‘They will know our hearts’: Practicing the Art of Dissimulation on the Islamic Periphery,” Journal of Early Modern History 20 (2016): 193-217. 
“The Prisoners’ Dilemma: Strategies and Ruses in the Inquisitorial Jails of Early Modern Cuenca,” in Allison Levy, ed., Playthings in Early Modernity: Party Games, Word Games, Mind Games (Medieval Institute Publications, 2017), 277-89.
“Jerome Zanchi: A Life in Exile. Part 2: The Scholar in Exile,” Ad Fontes 1.3 (November 2016).
“Jerome Zanchi: A Life in Exile. Part 1: From Italy to Exile,” Ad Fontes 1.2 (October 2016): 3-4.
Dr. Justine Pas, English
Relaying Lem’s Solaris: The Politics of Relay Translation and Language Hierarchies. In Mohammed Albakry (Ed.), Translations and the Intersections of Texts, Contexts, and Politics: Historical and Socio- Cultural Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. 2017. http://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9783319537474#aboutAuthors
The Other Women’s Lives: Translation Strategies in the Global Feminisms Project. In Olga Castro and Emek Ergun (Ed.), Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives. Routledge. 2017. https://www.amazon.com/Feminist-Translation-Studies-Transnational-Perspectives/dp/1138931659
Foreword. We Who Lived: Two Teenagers in World War II Poland. McFarland. 2017. https://www.mcfarlandbooks.com/book-2.php?id=978-1-4766-7008-9
Critical Essay: Eva Hoffman. In Steven G. Kellman (Ed.), Critical Survey of American Literature. Salem Press and Grey House Publishing. 2016. http://www.salempress.com/press_titles.html?book=483
Dr. Gabriela Romero-Ghiretti, Spanish
Harris, Shenika, C. Bernales, Gabriela Romero-Ghiretti, H. Dolosic, H. Liu, and T. Van Bishop. “Readings on L2 reading: Publications in other venues 2015-2016.” Reading in a Foreign Language 28.2 (October 2016): 319-365. Web.
“Representación femenina y canon vanguardista: mirada feminizante en La señorita Etc. de Arqueles Vela”. Chasqui XLIV.2 (November 2015): 258-271. Print.
Dr. Jeffrey Smith, History
“Till Death Do Keep Us Part: Segregation and Social Values in Cemeteries in St. Louis, Missouri,” in Till Death Do Us Part: Ethnic Cemeteries as Borders Uncrossed (Forthcoming, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2018).
The Rural Cemetery Movement: Places of Paradox in the Nineteenth Century America. Lexington Books, 2017.
“William Clark, Black Hawk, and the Militarization of Indian Removal,” The Confluence, Fall-Winter, 2016.
Dr. Jeanie Thies, Political Science
Thies, Jeanie, Joe Zlatic, Howard Wall, and Michael Stein.  2016. St. Charles Treatment Court Evaluation. Report to the St. Charles County Treatment Court.
Thies, Jeanie, Michael Stein and Callie Johnson. 2016. Evaluation of the Janis Good Mental Health Court. Report to the Missouri Eastern District Federal Probation Office.
Zlatic, Joe and Jeanie Thies.  Fall/Winter 2016-2017. Correctional Reform in Red States. Missouri Policy Journal. Published by Lindenwood University.
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ebstf2 · 2 years
hey hi here’s a system that’s absolutely full of tf2 fictives, we’re all gonna be using this blog hopefully maybe, this isn’t a blog for like rp or anything like that, we’re people. introjects. system name is Emergency Broadcast System (hence the ‘ebs’ in the username), or just broadcast for short. it’s kinda a long story as to why the system is literally *only* tf2 fictives (plus west and tea but ignore them for now) but it’s a pretty funny one, so you might be hearing about it at some point
i’m not gonna make a dni, i’m just gonna block people i don’t like, but that’s not really anyone’s fault, if you get blocked, sorry i don’t like the stuff you talk about. im probably not gonna block you though so feel free to say hi
other tf2 fictives are welcome to interact long as you aren’t coming in and expecting to be best friends immediately just cuz we share a source. also probably don’t treat us as all that separate from source. most if not all of us have pseudomemories n so just don’t maybe.
also here’s a list if anyones interested of all the tf2 fictives we have
literally the whole tf2 team of mercs
minus heavy, i dunno why he’s not here
but we make up for that with having a tfc heavy in here. i dont really count him though cuz none of us like him
we also have miss pauling in here
pretty much just assume we all go by the same pronouns as source cuz we do
gimme a minute to find a good pfp cuz i literally just made this account on like the oldest computer known to man (it’s the only one around here that tumblr works on, long story) n i dont think we have like any pictures saved here. nyways say hi maybe
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