#miss u SO BAD bbg </3
astral-nautical · 7 months
suckening liveblog bc i dont wanna spam my friends lol
spoilers ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! going to put all of episode 1 in one post :O
i didnt expect emizel to be pronounced tht way tbh!! em-ee-zel...i expected emi-zel if tht makes Any sense
oh emizel got daddy issues? sad. wait he runs a GANG?
the arts fucking insane dude im so happy they worked w so many people for this
oh hello soda :O bro has some transgender energy already like. who dresses themselves in stuff w their name on it if not someone who picked their own name?
GANG WAR,? i love emizel i dont know if this is the rightr vibe or not but hes giving me 'punk kid whose pretending to be in a gang' and i love him for it
smash bros commentary is so funny omg
oohhh vampire time soon???? fangs gonna BITE
'sometimes i just say shit and idk what it means' SAME SODA.
ohhhhh nooo this is not gooooood. oh em ur getting fucked uppp
FIRST COMBAT WOOOOO omg the music is fucing phenomenal i love u nathan hanover
oh my god this is fuckjign insane NO SODAAAAAAAAAAA
ayo ? kiss time ig. NAHHHHH BITE TIME
wat the fuuuuuuck What the fuuuuuck LMAO FUCK DOUBLE BITE??????? CHOMP CHOMP MOTHERFUCKER
FRENZY CHECK??????? oh here we go dude vampire timeee
so emizels fucked. ANYWAYS ROMANIA
bizlys character art looks like hes abt to cry lmao. sad little twink
im so fond of this guy and hehasnt even talked? hes so funny. why are you so well dressed AYO EYESHADOW?
SHILO IS SO FUNNY I LOVE HIM? oh no his accent is so cute. cute as in like a stuffed animal is cute not like attraction. im aroace
is shilo like? rapunzel? is he not allowed to leave his room ?
hes so funny im so fucking endeared omg
oh he IS rapunzel he's never met a mortal!! why is his mother never letting him out :O
oh....he wants a book on birds :,) he wants to read abt pheasants....
shilo is a manipulative little BASTARD i love him he can do no wrong in my eyes forever and always. my wet and pathetic cat that i hold so dearly
ohh curious boy curious boy...doing this he should Not b
oh fuck shilo's mom so much i have a bad feeling abt her alreadyyyyy
my bbg...run away flee this place get OUT god i fucking hate his mother she caused him so much shame he's frenzying :((((
'both of you will take me to the darkened door, or i Will Scream." shilo you are my favourite forever and ever
kitty kitty cat :O give me their name rnv ITS A GIRL oh the little kityt noises im going to pass away
void...is she smarter than arthur lmao?
arthurs so cool hes like if rumi had a goth phase
fucking What is arthurs deal whts he looking for here. hello
"i believe in you. you are my special boy<3" shilo is such an asshole i adore him
emizel is here :O the trio are meeting up lets gooo
how did i COMPLETELY miss arthur can control shadows what the FUCK. what the HELL. ARMS OF THE ABYSS?
"i ask of you to calm down" "...i flick my other shoe at him."
"uh. Pretend i am dead." (collapses)
this is beyond fucking funny. emi and arthur sorting themselves out while shilo has a panic attack and fakes being dead like a fucking possum
in conclusion shilo is my newest bbg and my discord server profile is already fanart of him. god bless
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lvlystars · 5 months
just an appreciation post <3
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this account (lvlystars) was made on august 7, 2023 when i accidentally deactivated my old main acc (m4rsluv, rip 🤧). i cried, but got over it and saw this as an opportunity to...write?
now, my account is still in its 'start-up' phase, but we're getting there, and i couldn't have been more grateful for the amazing people i've met on here <3
when i first read a fic from your account, i was in awe. like, i saw you as my writing INSPO. too good. esp that chef!mingyu au (ironically, it was a chef's kiss fic). skye, you are honestly such a nurturing and kind person, and i love talking to you so much—it's like talking to an older sister i never had </3. ILY SKYE!!!!
@amxlia-stars / @shuahaes
MY BBG!!!!! AMELIA ILYSM MY LOVE SKDJDJKS. you're honestly so fun to talk to and i always felt like i can say ANYTHING when i'm talking to you. they way you're so enthusiastic whenever we're talking about something just makes me feel (SPECIALLLLL jkjk) so HYPED and so AJAHAHAJSJAHSHBDJDBS. amelia i'm so serious when i say this, you brighten my day without even doing anything, even though we don't talk as much.
AYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aya aya aya aya aya aya aya aya. idk i love saying ur name, it's so cute. ik we don't talk as much, but i'd love to burn 'joshua' into the surface of the world w u (even with all the pretty hearts <3). my fave joshuji fanatic frfr <333
i still better be your #1 wife 🙄. even though you weren't as active this year, i still want to appreciate you bcus i'm just better like that /j. but in all honesty, i miss talking to you (bro became a celebrity frfr) and i just love my day 1 sm 🤞. love you miles <3.
jada, my fave tinyrat <3 (yes, tinyrat. not caratiny.) you're such a fun person to talk to, and you always match my vibe whenever we talk. future wife coded frfr 🫶🫶🫶. i miss interacting w u on tumblr pookie :(
that's all i have to say, and i hope that all of you have an amazing new year's, and i hope 2024 is filled with all good vibes. i love each and every one of you who supported me through this year, and i look forward to interacting with everyone next year <333
(my fav seungcheol pic before 2023 ends mweheheh)
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i am so down bad for him.
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sai-lec · 4 months
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of course these two win a LOOK about Balls
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bro I always feel so bad for team 3 :( but Carlos lowkey has such an iconic team like it fucks severely ill be surprised if they don't win the challenge
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I forgot it was s dance challenge nvm. valtteri slaying it tho like get it girl
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Valtteri girl u might just get a win here come ON lets see it
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Charles.... bbg..... how did we get here
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( @vroomvroom-mfs week 6 ??? maybe? )
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tootyfruities · 9 months
girl not my power going out right as i was going to respond 😭 feel free to wring me by the neck any way you want i will nawt be complaining in the slightest <3333
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oh em gee i miss your writing sm but PLS only write those when you have the time do not feel pressured oh em gee >:[ 🩷
NO BUT THAT 2ND PARAGRAPH IS SO ME, I’m unironically in cookie run kingdom and episode hell 😭 BUT IM SO HAPPY YOU’RE DOING GREAT BELOVED, i should def take a note from you in the stress aspect bc apush has me fucked up 😍‼️
you are so sweet im also twirling my hair and kicking my feet and screaming into a pillow for YOU 🫵🏽 now im like the flustered one who’s really bad w words but just know i love you so deeply it hurts !!!! <3
frfr? 😳 sending affectionate violence your way right MEOW eough i love you sm!!
grrrrr keep it up and i'll write 4 u 4ever bbg.... YEAH YOU GET ME SMSMSM‼️‼️‼️ mobile games have a vice grip on me rn i will never not love my singing monsters and cod but i will never not be ASHAMED RAH
MILOVE KEEP IT UP!!! power thru, get them credits, YOU WILL MAKE IT THRU FRFRFR! you are so perf to survive apush till now. SUPPORTING YOU WITH ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD ACTUALLY! and also manifesting that you make it thru w few worries !!!!
eugh ri, my love, my darling, my smoochy poo ILY ILY ILY MUAHH
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thedeepdarkarchives · 2 years
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spring rot <3
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characters included :: c!george
word count :: 1,473
request? :: by a friend on discord !! this is 4 u bbg
cw? :: y/n death, breakdowns?, funerals
summary :: c!george react to y/n's death. angst ensues, but you get a happy ending, kind of.
y/n :: gn!y/n, they/them used, no specific appearance
note :: ha! you thought youd get all of them. nope! ill do the rest when i get the motivation though, because i'm just so cool❤️ i don't really like how the end turned out, but it's four in the morning so yeah <3 it's also rather short, but it's not meant to be long, it's just a quick little thing so <33
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sure, you two werent the closest in the smp, but you were still friends! you'd help him with mundane tasks, and join him for walks in kinoko! you even helped build his cute little cottage.
george hasn't seen you around lately. he blames his vast sleep schedule, but he's starting to get concerned. he asks around, karl hasn't seen them either. neither has sapnap. or anybody else.
so, he decides not to sleep for a while. maybe you'd visit when he was sleeping, but he wouldn't know, and he couldnt miss that chance. he missed you. xd kept trying to lure him back to his fluffy bed, with an obtuse amount of pillows. he'd give anything just to cuddle with you again. he's starting to get headaches, face pressed with concern as the day continues on. still, no sign of you.
until his eyes are half lidded, sight beginning to blur, it's like he's yawning every few minutes. he sits on the edge of his bed, and finally succumbs to xd's wishes. it's been two days, and the god seems to get more persuasive by the minute. just a small nap wouldn't hurt.. it's only around 1, anyway, and he'll probably wake up in an hour. probably. he waves xd off and finds comfort under all of his blankets. as he drifts off, he clings to a large, fluffy pillow. it was like you were back here again. oh, what he'd give for it to be the real thing..
he wakes up with a yawn, stretching his back, and picks up his goggles, lazily putting them on. he finds sapnap standing at the edge of his bed. he seems worried. he doesn't have anything that can tell the time, but he went to sleep early in the afternoon and now he can see it's nearing the middle of the day. sapnaps posture was different. less casual more,,not casual. his brain was still catching up to speed, not unlike an updating computer, but he knew his friend. his childhood friend. he knows how to spot signs of stress and how sapnap scrunches his face up when he's sad, and how he scratches his wrists when he's hiding something. george has always been the analytical type, and he can clearly see something is wrong.
george feels a bit.. unprofessional, still bunched up with his blankets and pillows galore, cushion resting on his lap as he sits up. he gives an awkward cough, eyebrows furrowed and stands up, yawning once more. he rubs his eye, and brushes down his crinkled clothes, before looking at sapnap. he's never been the most affectionate person, but sap looks so nervous, and he knows how much he likes physical contact. he just really wants to give him a hug. push him down into the nest of pillows and let him relax. gods, how long has it been since anyone's been relaxed in this server?
sapnap shuffles in his place.
"so, we've uh. we've found y/n,"
he's silent. george can feel the oncoming bad news, a dark, heavy weight on the blaze's shoulders. his stomach twists, and a frown sets deep on his face. oh no. his mind is already racing - long forgetting the slow overcast set by his nap - thinking of all the possibilities. did you get stuck someplace? could you be.. no. of course not. you were far too smart. you knew how to handle yourself. dread weighs on his stomach, eyes squinted. he has to stop thinking of the worst possible things.
he shouldn't've asked. he should've just lived in blissfull ignorance. he doesn't know if he could live without the answer, but he knows that he lives very painfully with it. a wave of apathy crashes over him. no. no. this is all a trick. someone is playing a trick. this isn't real. he must be dreaming again. he must be. this isn't real. real funny, xd. this is all a sick joke. you.. you, so unbashfully you. so handsome, and funny, and caring, and nice, and kind and smartandrealandhelpfulandandand-
"george? george.."
oh. he feels so embarrassed. he just broke down, falling to his knees. the grass was soft. he cant focus on anything. oh gods, he was infront of his friend. he must look so weak. he wasnt supposed to show weakness. he was a king, for gods sake. he feels his face heat up. he can only focus on the grass. he puts his hands on it, feeling it sway, before gripping. his knuckles turn white. he cant cry. not infront of sapnap. fuck, people were supposed to look up to him. how can people do that when he's an utter mess. he's pathetic. he just wants this to end. he wants to wake up, realise this was nothing more than a nightmare. he wants to find y/n, oh, y/n, and they can fool around. they can be friends, and build houses and -. why cant he wake up. a sob wracks his body, a loud, pityful sob. he doesn't know why he's so emotional. you werent even that close. but. he's drawn back to starry nights, laying on the grass, talking without a care in the world. one of the only times he's felt.. free, since all the wars and whatnot started. he's brought back to little trips into flower fields, listening to you about your favourite flowers, orchids, and all the symbolism n whatnot. he remembers every time you let him vent his frustrations without judgement. he remembers every time he comforted you. he remembers the little things, like how you were adamant that he was the best king, how you'd constantly bombard him with compliments. how you helped him. he feels sapnap kneel next to him. his ears are ringing and his eyes are squeezed tightly shut.
why can't he wake up?
the funeral is today. he wears all black. he holds his crown in his hands, fidgeting with it every so often. his eyes are puffy and red, with tear tracks running down his face from nights of endless crying, begging to just wake up- but, he thinks, he can't deny it forever. he planned this funeral. you deserve the best. it's extravagant and wonderful. there are orchids strung up and planted everywhere. he wears an orchid in his blazer pocket. he wipes an eye with the palm of his hand. he hasn't cried. he can't cry. he's just.. there. he doesn't understand, he cant understand. but you're dead, and he mourns. he mourns for the missed memories. he mourns for the time he's wasted. he speaks a few words about you. his voice is brittle and wobbly, like a loud noise could break him. he speaks of how wonderful you were. how you brightened the darkest of days, how you were always there. now you are not. now you are in a casket. sapnap is there to comfort him. sapnap cries. he cries for george, he cries for you. george feels a twinge of jealousy. why cant he cry? georges grip tightens on sapnaps shirt. it's all replaced with sadness. he cannot cry. sapnap comforts him. he can move on. he leaves his crown on the casket, along with a single orchid. he says his goodbyes. he leaves. it's a sunny day, unfitting the happenstance. though, you wouldve liked it. you always liked clear skies. he feels that rain wouldve made him feel better. you deserve the rain. you deserve the dramatics. you deserve more.
he is asleep. you look at him with a soft smile. he deserves sleep. he hasnt slept in much too long. although, you cannot find it within yourself to blame him. a thumb strokes his cheek. he's so peaceful, while sleeping. it always has been his escape. you are laying beneath him, listening to the leaves, the wing whistling, georges steady heartbeat. it's relaxing. everyone needs to relax. gods, you think, how long has it been since anyone's been relaxed in this server?
your hand cards through his hair. you place a small kiss on his head. it's cold, your touch, yet he leans into it. you stay still, for a moment. you whisper little things to him, recalling your adventures, good memories to him.
george wakes up, content for the first time in a few days. a palm goes up to his forehead. theres an unusual cold spot. he shrugs it off, but smiles. he does not know why. he lies there and cuddles his pillow for a while longer, before going on with his day. sapnap seems pleased that george is starting to be himself more, but george laughs it off. he and sapnap go to the flower field that day. it was a wonderful time. you smile and chuckle while the two play fight.
maybe, you think, it's time they get a break.
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marvelnatswhore · 9 months
PRETZELLLLLLL PRETZEL PRETZY PRETZY MY DEAREST PRESSENT HI I MISSED YOU SO SO SO MUCH. Im so sorry i have been so inactive lately. I've been busy with stuff and I've been thinking about going to college sjdnsicj i wanna study criminology😔 i missed you sm bbg i think of you everyday :(( i hope you're okay and i hope things are well. I hope you're eating and hydrating lots, also resting enough, just remember that i care so darn much abt you my lovely :') i saw this pretzel store a few days ago while on the way home from work and i immediately smiled thinking of u mwehwheh 🧎‍♀️i love u sm darling i hope you're doing great 💞 how's everything going?? life has been testing me lately and ive been crying a lot fr💔 but im okay and i hope ill get better tmrw — also im literally sick again and ive been sick for like 2 weeks, it was a cold, then a cough, a fever, then another cold, then another cough (im currently coughing) 😵 its sick season here and almost everyone i know is sick too😠 BUT HMM what about you? 😠🦅🦅🦅 mwah darling, i send you my warmest hugs and my loving kisses,, i love you, my darling, my precious red rose.
hi hi <3
i wanted to do criminology too when i was younger 😭 ncis ruled my tiny child mind hehe
i hope you are too :)
oh woah sounds like your life is busy :( take lots of care of yourself lovely, and don't worry about sending me asks! i haven't been active on here much at all recently </3
there's a really bad flu going around where i live atm, i'm paranoid ill catch it again because i too seem to be getting sick every moment </3 but i hope you're all better now 💕
awh thank youu :3
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sk3tch404 · 1 year
Lmao np <33 I always enjoy drawing Yandere's as pathetic lil meow meows hehe (funfact: I actually drew Rory first but after I finished his lineart I was like, wait shit I don't have a full color reference- and then I hyperfocused on drawing jay instead lol)
Also, you 🤝 me: jayce + jack o' lanterns = stonks ✅ ✅ ✅
Also also, ngl if Darling were self-aware she'd def hate me, because I always try to speedrun the Bad ending first lmaooo
Also^3, every time I hear baggy pants, I can't help but remember the boys I went to school with a few years ago, who wore the most ugly, most a t r o c i o u s pairs of baggy pants I have ever seen 💀💀
For Reference: https://imgur.com/a/fZsHsF7
This is what I'm talking about^^ like pls,, just sTO P-
About the blue reference, the paragraph I meant was the one about how I only liked EJ so much because of his BLUE mask 😔 young me truly set the bar too low (maybe it's because of him that I'm attracted to most fictional mad scientists/doctors with no morals now, damn this bastard 😒)
Oh, and the OG mikey myers Movie is the 1978 one! ^^
And finally about the Christian Gang /hj (every holiday Yandere of yours has/used to have strong Christian influences but these three are still considered extra Christian to me so I'm just gonna start calling em that lolololol)
Gonna be honest, when you revealed that one of them was gonna be Christmas, I immediately headcanoned him as just some guy in Christmas elf costume- thank god that's not the case though (I say, even though I know damn well that I'm still gonna draw him in that costume the nanosecond you drop a ref for him, because he's a lil skrimblo who needs to get a reality check via me shitposting him into humility)
Also ofc the twins are ginger 😒🙄 /derogatory /j okay but fr, whenever I see a fictional ginger online I'm like ....Ed Sheeran??? 😱😱 (coughcoughchildecough)
-Ren'py anon
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He only wears shades outside lol
Eh, I mean, its always fun to get the bad ending first though. Just to see then get all angry and violent 😍 good shit tbh
MC would def hate you, but I feel like it would take a bit to get the bad bad ending yk? I don't have the obvious, good/neutral/bad choices most of the time (although there are some choices that will obviously lead to negative consequences lol)
Though they can look good if done right, those boys at school were definitely not doing it right 💀
Now I understand the blue reference! Ugh how did I MISS IT SO BAD 😭 gosh you were going crazy abt him and the color blueeeeee
I understand how that all kick started ur obsession with fucked up men. We are one in the same 😎
Hehehe thank you for the confirmation! I will be watching Myers stand there menacingly as I look up fics of him 😍
It's so funny that you call them the Christan gang, but it's not gonna have all the significant original values and whatnot. It's just a global holiday thingy that everybody does regardless of religious background (Though I'm glad you still see their origins and acknowledge their important purpose to many other people!)
It would be very funny to see him as an elf that works at the mall as a side 😇 He needs it anyway
Typical gingers 🙄 so sensitive dude
Childe is one of the only gingers I can tolerate. If these two didnt have a life and played Genshin, they would favor Childe so much.
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verxsyon · 1 year
VERAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! first of all. i missed u >:[ <3 second of all. ur cyno theme is so elegant and pretty and he is just so majestic 🥹🥲🥲 third of all. HONKAI STAR RAIL!!! i scrolled a little and oh my god ur pulls are looking SOO GOOD SJFKMSMF
BOO!!! first of all, I MISSED YOU TOO! second of all, tysm he’s my everything. third of all, my hsr pulls have been godly so far. got bbg #1 gepard from departure warp and he’s one of the characters i wanted so bad, won wifey #1 seele in 79 pulls, and bailu in 59 pulls on standard (tho not a priority, she’s a broken healer and i love using her on my team she’s so cute fndndjnd). i’m waiting for jing yuan to come home.
heard you’re in america server? i’ll dm you my uid 👀
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dal22nd · 1 year
no rlly, to my twin? soulmate? enemy?
hi baby!!! did ya miss me!!!
yeah, look... i bet ur ass watched the video below first out of curiosity (or not?) but hey!!! i'll try keep it brief and short like a sbar for u, bbg...
i just thought i'd kinda crossover with a tumblr blog, yanno... since we don't rlly aff anymore and so all i could do is fucking make a tumblr blog abruptly to compensate for how stupid i was last year for fucking up ur birthday when U literally make it in time every SINGLE time??? bro... i... am still dwelling over that...
happy 22nd birthday, dalena!!! <3333 ur finally old, like actually old??? and knowing u, i bet ur extremely excited for the new events and challenges to find u, like i bet ur ass is about to explode in excitement like yeah!!! come at me, 22!!! u piece of shit!!! i'm gonna be rich at the age of 22!!@@@@@@!! ok, but in all seriousness, we're spending ur second birthday together!!! <: i'm so glad we made it so far, but i'm also dumbfounded yet pleasantly surprised at how it's ONLY been two years??? it feels like more, but looking back at the memories we made makes it feels like it's too less??? if that makes sense??? replaying our old videos and reminiscing our old photos made me realise how much more i'd love to stick by u and do more dumb yet cute things together??? i want to explore parts of the world with u with laughs and giggles like we always do, and even go on dates with our future boyfies together one day... like there's just so much to accomplish and left to do with u, and i'm so honoured and happy to have somebody to do everything with!!! i think i'm incredibly lucky to just have u come across my mind immediately when i think of wanting to do things, because i know so many people who lack that particular person in their lives,,, sure, it can be their significant other or a member of their family but truly, i believe that a friendship like ours is quite rare and special?? if i could flex something of mine, u would literally be the first thing (yeah, thing) without a doubt,,, <3
i've always shielded myself from judgement by feigning nonchalance most times (as u would know.. or gaslight..) and never really disclosed details about myself or inner feelings to anyone out there, which includes my family, but towards u???? i feel exposed at times to the point it makes me trip over me and my own deep thoughts; but i've always concluded that it's never actually a bad feeling, it's more so a foreign feeling... i would've never chose to do this alone, but it's because u!!! are the person who drew me out to be more true about myself!!! u hold the capability of doing so because you've grown up that way, u observe carefully and ask what's right and know what's right---you're intelligent, u read people and ur confident about urself, hence why ur able to do such magical things---like sure, i don't hold any power to stamp and validate the fact that this is the exact reason why u are the definition of perfection, etcetera, but i strongly think that's the essence to why i'm unknowingly happy to open up towards u, and i'm sure it's not just me who feels this way anyway?? i exaggerate it all the time, but i'm never too fancy with words irl nor am i as expressive irl, i just fucking cry like a mf pussy and call it a day since i'm poor at mustering and conveying my thoughts as whole when i'm put into the situation... idk if anything i said makes sense, but whenever i'm facing an opportunity to be more truthful towards u, that's the first thing i always want to mention (man.. ur gonna see how many times i'm repeating this shit after seeing smth else later..)
also, not to mention, ur so god damn giving??? is that a fucking word??? generous??? yeah??? humble??? u never fail to amaze me when ur acting upon smth, ur always taking a step ahead of others and never doing anything that makes u look petty whatsoever?? u take initiative and demonstrate what a good deed is, and sometimes i can't help but to feel little when u live up to doing something so generous and nice,,, i think abt how i should repay u and also how i can thank u except ur always going ???wtf u gay ass cockroach??? but really, i never stopped thinking this ever since i met u cus like... who tf buys a total stranger (who could literally be a fucking murderer in disguise) a hoodie, two albums and food at first encounter??? like i tell u now, if i can tell my child about my most shocked moments in life, that'd have to be one... i know u always make urself up to be not the kindest person, but to me ur literally top notch when it comes to consideration and kindness---like how ur always taking a step forward to take care of me in all situations, giving me a listening ear at all times, making sure i'm always safe, accompanying me to places, driving me back home, agreeing to any idea i have and being happy for anything i achieve---you're a bundle of positive energy anyone would love, it's just that the only problem is that no one truly deserves you unless they're fucking godly or smth... (inner thought: am i god?) see.. like ur so fucking nice to the point i occasionally think,,, are we rlly that similar or is she just fucking matching up w me to make it look like we're similar cus she's just that fucking nice??? LIKE GAWD.... i mean... i hope it's not that...
ok, jfc, i feel like i'm actually going to babble all day long so i need to pack my shit up and realise this day isn't going on for the rest of the year... to sum everything up tho, i really really really appreciate you, dalena!!! like so much, and i cherish u a whole lot more than anyone---i can't imagine how boring life would be without u now, and ur literally my ride to die atp... i apologise in advance for thinking of u so highly cus now i feel like u might be like GAWD... there's a fucking parasite on me... how do i cut ties... but yeah, now i need to fucking find a man that's as compatible to me like u are which is gonna be a whole fucking challenge, huh :)))) </3 but REALLY REALLY, i'm not the ***best*** friend nor am i as considerate as u, but i hope i' haven't been too fucking dumb and immature i'm bearable to have around on days u feel like u just want a friend to hang with, hehe... T_T <333 i love love love u, ma angel...
from... ur dad (aru)
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silverlightqueen · 3 years
bestie i have to say i can’t do for much longer 😭‼️i am sad, bisexual and get attached so EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is gonna me make catch feelings😩 there is a limit and you are PUSHING it anyway here’s the list i made my notes
1. MINHO???/&&/):88gshsn\%^\€\
2. okay i’m fine now (now i’m not) what happend omg i didn’t think he was the first character that was gonna worry me (jisung and felix worry me but that is because of different reasons) i hope he’s okay but also we just met a few weeks ago and so it doesn’t have to with us right? RIGHT ?‼️
3. i like how sweet he is but i kinda miss it when he was roasting bitches left and right yk 😭 id never admit simping for a man BUT damn he has got me writing three point over him 😐 🤪
4. when i saw ;) my first thoughts were “i am up to no good bbg” (- hj at some point probably)
5. every time i think oh he’s not that thot-ish anymore he will pull some shit and prove me wrong 🤡 at least he does prove time after time that u don’t need make up to a clown
6. home boy was LYING with his 😐 he literally was talking about netflix and chill a few texts later 💀
7. he better checked up on minho other wise we finna a words (what if he just send “u up” at 3 am) 😃
8. he gotta stop simping i am not with his fuck boy shit ( i mean he doesn’t have to know i am) so i’m starting a petition called stfu hyunjin every time he doesn’t talk no dumb shit happens pls donate 🙏🏾
9. felix taking over jisung job of being in everyone’s business huh ‼️
10. talking about him i think the brownies is gave him worked 🥺👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
11. he needs to calm it why does he want me to fall for hyunjin so bad like weren’t you just simping for me 🤲🤔 why can’t he just accept that the only possible options are us x his dad 😩
12. “you’ll be calling me daddy” *gun shots*
13. *me: getting the anti thot spray and omw to do and exorcism on felix* 🤺
14. death doesn’t scare me but the fact that felix thinks we won’t top all of them they just casually talked about daddy and sir sure does🔪
15. and lastly when that anon talked about ch*ngb*n and y/n i was like 👀👀
everyone is already talking about ships which is cool but at this rate i’m more worried about y/ns sanity home girl is gonna need that 3 for 2 coupon for therapy at this rate 😭‼️ great chapter again simmy <33 btw can u pls add me to the tag list if possible i keep forgetting to ask
here’s the daily emoji meme, the *i have so many questions and emotions about this chapter so nohemi is freaking out” edition:
Tumblr media
sorry bestie, I’m attached to them too but they have to suffer, it’s the silverlightqueen way 😈
1 and 2. my lips are sealed bestie you’re just gonna have to speculate about minho being a sad boy for a little while longer
3. I miss him roasting everyone too, hopefully savage lino will be back soon (but don’t count on it 😈)
4. you’re right, he probably has said that at some point 😔
5. LMAOOOO HE REALLY DOES PROVE IT 💀 king of the himbo clown whores
6. exactly mf lied right through his teeth smh
7. pls I think minho would beat his ass if he tried to fuckboy text him 💀
8. bestie have my entire life savings if it means he’ll keep that mouth closed
9. felix is getting nosy as hell fr
10. LMAOO YES your bribery worked 💀
11. he’s really doing anything he can to avoid y/n becoming his stepmother 🥴
12. 🔫🔫🔫🔫
13. we need to remove hyunjin’s spirit from him asap
15. honestly same I was like ‘oop 😳 nohemi, is that you in disguise? 👀’
trust me like this girl has NEVER had male attention before and all of a sudden, she’s bella swan 💀
thank you beautiful!! and yess ofc I’ll add you!!
pls I love these emoji memes, definitely conveys the story 💀
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agl03 · 4 years
DID U SEE THE TWEET FROM THE REVIEWER ABOUT TMW’S EPISODE? SHE SAID “There’s one scene in tomorrow’s episode with Jemma where I was like are they about to do what I think they are about to do? AND THEY DID AND I WAS DELIGHTED” WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FANDOM MOM??
Hi Anon,
Your ask how holds the new record for me seeing something and getting an ask on it!  @eclecticmuses had literally just sent IT TO ME.
I shall pause my answer for my mandatory Manage Expectations blah blah blah, you guys know the drill.  
As I said in the last ask I will be shocked if we get the full reveal of “We Had Time” but am totally ready for a bread crumb in that direction even if its 3 seconds of Fitz in peril in the tag.  But if they drop the baby bomb tomorrow someone will need to come my way to revive me and the kiddo.  Again chances of this I feel are low.  That level of out there now mainstream theories usually take a fair chunk of the season to hit.
So options as on the table in my mind:
Hint at something big about “We Had Time” from a hint about BBG to a fraction of the message about Fitz.  This could also come via sharing some of her pain with Deke.
Jemma accidentally reveals the child to just one person.  Maybe BBG’s name is her password or on a personal item...something only Deke would recognize.  Harkens back to the Steps quote revealing her as his grandma.
Jemma has a totally bad A take charge moment where she just flips out and gets everyone in line.
Someone makes the mistake of underestimating her and she rips the rug out from under them and saves the day.  I mean someone has to set off the monster EMP that would for sure take out any Chronicoms lurking in the secret base...and Robo Coulson...but it does get the baddies out of the way.
She has it out with Daisy about trying to blow up the Timeline and using her Grandson to do it.
She has it out with the entire team about messing up the timeline and the risk it carries so stop trying to make waves or else.
Something like she did in The Hub when trying to get info on Fitz but on steroids. IE Sousa is in the way so she just knocks the Shield legend out and moves on with the mission.
There is some sort of epic Peggy Carter moment “I know my value” kind of moment.  IE Does something so iconically Peggy Carter it can’t be missed and leaves fans screaming.  She is a huge fan of Agent Carter and Sousa is coming on board so this one is actually high on my list.  And can we already be excited about her costume....eeeeee.
Have to say I am LOVING the amount of Jemma Hype out there and can not wait for the episode!
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madeholyy · 10 months
i miss the tumblr rp scene so bad like from the looks of it it seems like its basically dead which sucks bc i would love to rp on here again
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