ask-flip-frost · 6 years
~The Day After~
Though surely everyone was still in the sluggish after effects of the previous day’s feast, it seemed a waste not to do a holiday get-together anyway. As she understood it, Black Friday was a shopping day with heavy discounts, which meant that Jilly would be ripping through the department stores like a velociraptor with a handbag. By the time they were finished with it, her crew of ninety-seven children, husband, and manny would be slam worn out. 
It was only recently that Flip discovered shopping online. She’d converted a great many jewels to digital currency with a bank’s assistance so that she could have the delightful experience of getting loads of boxes delivered to her hideouts, which could then be gifted out accordingly. Flip was more one to make gifts for everyone, but some store-bought trinkets or clothes would be a nice addition here and there.
The safest bet would be to text Jil’s boy toy. It took a moment to remember what timeline they were in. She’d nearly texted Met, but then remembered the children existed in Alan’s reality. She scrolled past his many faces in her contact list until the one she was looking for was highlighted.
[Text - OctoDad]: Hey, hashbrown. How are the tater tots holding up? You want to send any of them over early with Cas so there are less to keep track of?
[Text - OctoDad]: Unless you’re navigating the crowds easily? :3
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king-of-drainpipes · 7 years
‘Ooh! Is that a new photo?’ She picked up the proofs and had a look, letting out a low wolf whistle. ‘Mega, mega sexiness!’
“Stop...” He blushed and tried to hide his face, smiling widely.
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~Of Advice~
((Trimmed from here))
Endor gave the Professor a narrow-eyed look of indignation. It was part 'don’t blame me, I’d rather not be flying about to and fro in this nasty weather’ and part 'well, you KNOW what she’s like, she wouldn’t be told.’
Being offered a perch next to the warm fireplace went some way towards soothing the feelings of the irritable owl. The butterscotch mouse certainly helped save the Professor from a pecking as well.
It was Hans who bore the brunt of Endor’s frustration when he flew the return response to the Apothecary. Endor wasn’t entirely sure he liked this interloper who spoke with such an odd accent. And he certainly didn’t like all the attention that the man got from Jil, attention that used to be showered on her feathered companion when she was single.
'AH! The little arseloch has bitten me again, and I did not do anything to deserve this,’ Hans muttered as he rubbed his shoulder. Endor sat perched there looking as pleased as a grouchy owl could look before flying back to his cage, where he sat preening his feathers.
Jil looked up with a slight giggle. 'I’m sorry, mein Liebe. I’m sure it’s meant affectionately.’ It wasn’t. 'And we need to get ready to go out. We’re going to the Hog’s Head tonight to meet my old friend for a drink and a chat.’
That evening found them approaching the tavern once the darkness had begun to settle. Hans was dressed in the wizarding attire Jil had purchased for him, and there was currently nothing to indicate that he was a stranger in a strange land.
They entered, and Jil looked around for the Professor.
The Hog’s Head pub had never been known for its bright atmosphere. The only thing illuminating the Professor’s pale face enough to be seen was a tea light sitting in a dingy jar on the scrubbed wooden table. He’d chosen a booth in the back left corner so as to keep a proper lookout on every entrance, exit, and movement across the pub.
A groaning creak and snap of the old door mingled with the off-key jingle of the bell over the entrance. 
Long spindly fingers traced the rim of a glass of fire whiskey. It had been a long day, and the awkward rush of seeing the gentleman accompanying his old student was something he’d never quite experienced before. The man seemed awfully... familiar.
“I cannot... wait... to hear the explanation behind this... this.”
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kingofthebats40 · 7 years
👻 Incredibly diverse and imaginative. So much detail and thought!
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ao3feed-snape · 4 years
Promises, Promises
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kjgXT3
by missfesterworth
Sometimes that mouth will get you into trouble...
Words: 1487, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Severus Snape
Relationships: Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape/Other(s), Severus Snape/Reader
Additional Tags: Spanking, Corporal Punishment, Discipline, Teacher-Student Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kjgXT3
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brain-blazer · 7 years
Business or pleasure?
Blaze walked into the building, coming in to discuss advertisement ideas with this graphic designer. Needed something fresh and he heard these were just the folks. He went up to the receptionist,“Hello, I’m here for a meeting with a Mr.Trevor.”
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silvcrignis · 7 years
JANUS STOP LAUGHING!!! HANS WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU U GUYS ARE TERR- GODDAMMIT YOU TOO, SEVINA & SAM?! Janus: I just- Hans: *coughing* Sam: NO BARS HELD BACK Sevina: *on the floor literally crying of laughter* @missfesterworth @kingofthebats40
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missfesterworth replied to your post: //Things to do
Lol! We can continue, could be fun. xD
//sounds good! :D
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herounlikely · 8 years
missfesterworth replied to your photoset:[[ thanks for all the support guys! I’m not upset...
Bitches who slay together stay together. That’s what Jil says.
[[ damn straight ]]
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~Hurry, Nanny! - Part 2~
((Trimmed from here))
If Alan was nonplussed by the man’s choice of words, he didn’t show it. Perhaps being an actor had other applications other than those used on stage or on film. ‘Ah. Well. Yes, quite. Only it’s not the babies that require wrangling, but rather the small boys you’ll be in charge of. Please, have a seat.’ He gestured towards the overstuffed armchair nearby and helped his wife to settle herself on the sofa.
Once he’d taken his seat, his hand came to rest on Jil’s thigh and she covered it with her own, almost subconsciously.
She smiled again. ‘So. Castiel. It’s okay if I call you Castiel? We do have some questions for you, yes of course, but we thought we’d start with a brief outline of what working for us would entail, if that’s okay? Then you can ask any questions you might have, and we can ask you a few things as well. Obviously you’ve come with good references.’
Jil waved her hand in Flip’s direction. Flip hadn’t been specifically invited to have a seat, but that was because Jil assumed that Flip felt comfortable enough in their home to seat herself where she well pleased.
Alan shot the fairy a brief yet warm smile.
‘Basically,’ Jil continued, ‘we’re looking for a Nanny. Or in your case, a Manny, I suppose.’ She giggled. ‘Someone to help me with day-to-day childcare. Perhaps a bit of light cleaning, but only tidying up after the boys and the like, nothing too strenuous. And perhaps giving them their lunch occasionally, that sort of thing as well. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. We’re not expecting Gordon Ramsay. Someone to help me with the little ones, bathing, nappy changes, feeding, entertaining, that sort of thing, and someone to help me with the school run with the older ones. We can outline exactly what your duties would be as we go, if you like or you need something more concrete, but that’s it in a nutshell.’
‘I don’t know if Flip’s told you, but I’m an actor,’ Alan interjected. ‘I work unusual hours and there isn’t a set shift pattern. It’s an unusual life. Jil’s coped admirably, but I would appreciate someone helping to take the strain off of her, especially when I’m working. Plus it would be nice to have someone we trust watch the boys when we have to attend premiers and the like. Mrs Robinson next door is ever so good to us, but she’s elderly and it isn’t fair to keep burdening her.’
‘Right.’ Jil nodded. ‘I suppose now I’d better outline who your charges would be. The oldest two are Patrick, who is twenty-five, and Hans, who is twenty-two. They have their own flat, so you won’t have to worry about them. Although they do pop in to raid the fridge and have their laundry done occasionally, so I’m sure you’ll meet them before too long. Your main charges will be the younger six. Soon to be eight.’ Jil chuckled and patted her belly. ‘I’m expecting twins, due next month. I’ll REALLY need your help, then.’
Alan smiled, placing a hand possessively on her bump.
‘So, the troops. Frank, we call him Cookie, is the eldest at nine. Bernard…Bernie…is seven. Brandon is five. Nicholas..Nick…is three. Tybalt…Ty…is two. And the current baby of the family, Elliot, or Lee, is eleven months. I’m expecting twin boys, to be called George and Sidney. And that’s our family.’ The pride was evident in her eyes.
‘Because of the fact that six of the children are under five, I would expect that you will live here with us. Rent free, of course. We will supply all of your food, you won’t need to worry about contributing to the household bills. We can negotiate days off and holidays, probably when Alan is home. You would be expected to travel with us, as we have a home in New York and a holiday home in Tuscany, as well as any other family holidays we might take. Your transport will be fully paid for. And of course, we will pay you a salary, which we can negotiate.’ She smiled kindly.
‘I know it’s a lot to take in. Do you have any questions, so far?’
“Yes, that’s what I thought. Most Fae folk tend to label any ‘childe’ as a baby... young lords and ladies, it’s old reckoning, forgive me. I understand most of them are past their infancy.” he amended, shifting his gaze to Jilomena. “Castiel is fine. I have no surname. If it’s easier for the children, some people shorten it to ‘Cas’. Either way, I have no particular preference.”
Castiel nodded politely through the list of expectations, not knowing specifically who Gordan Ramsay was, but if context was an indication he was a food... person. Gingerly, he took a seat as requested and folded his hands in his lap.
“I have little practical experience. Perhaps I should preface that before continuing. Watching Humanity evolve from the beginning of time has led to a great deal of theoretical knowledge, but I like to think I am a quick study if only you would be patient enough to show me each objective once.” Cas requested, not wanting to mislead anyone into thinking that he was by any means fully qualified. “Flip did mention your profession. I believe I may have seen a performance of yours at the Royal Court Theater several decades ago when I was following a phantom in the field. It was enjoyable, as I recall.”
His eyes drifted down to his fingers, each one giving the faintest twitch as if numbering the children while their names were recited in mnemonic fashion. The amount of children was not quite so alarming to someone who was used to many generations of people birthing sometimes fifteen or twenty offspring for survival purposes. He couldn’t help but glance back to the Fairy perched on the bookcase, either from nerves or in question, at the mention of changing residence. It was logical, but unsettling. Logic overcame irrationality after a brief second and he accepted the terms with a resolute nod.
“Not... thus far, no.” he shook his head. “Considering that my recommendation came by way of a creature of magical persuasion, I expect you’ve been informed of my former celestial affiliation. Is there any discomfort or concern that you would like to address?”
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king-of-drainpipes · 7 years
“I’d let you haunt me all night long.”
Jamie chuckled.
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The snowy owl tapped impatiently at his door. The parchment it was holding read as follows: I've come to you because I can trust you and you'll know. Can muggles be involved with the actual brewing process at all? I have a new assistant. Long story, I'll tell you sometime. J x -p.s. Happy Holidays! (v:Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven?)
An unnatural quiet had settled over the corridors of Hogwarts. Winter holidays were among his favorite times to catch up on projects, as the nattering throngs of insufferable sprogs under his care was greatly lessened in number. Very few people who stayed put over the break felt inclined to be overly social with their professors.
He carefully set aside his raven quill at the sound of the tapping. Blessedly, he was nearly done for the day anyway. After skimming the parchment, he furrowed his dark brows. A Muggle assistant? That was… abnormal.
I suppose one could, in theory, be used in ingredient prep. You have to understand that it violates several secrecy statues if they are not related in some way. Not that I would assume you’d ever do such an unlawful thing, of course.
S. Snape
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kingofthebats40 · 7 years
☺ I love our muses’ relationship!
Phaedra: I love it, too!
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ao3feed-snape · 4 years
Like a Good Girl
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ybTscm
by missfesterworth
Sometimes even a good girl needs reminding who is in charge....
Words: 883, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Severus Snape
Relationships: Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape/Other(s), Severus Snape/Reader
Additional Tags: Spanking, Dom/sub, BDSM, Teacher-Student Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ybTscm
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ask-flip-frost · 6 years
{ ⊼ } —- what’s your favorite thing about rp? 
((The perspective! The avenues of thought and speech and descriptions that I never would have thought of! It helps to expand my deep love of storytelling.))
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ask-flip-frost · 6 years
I've got a request for the dream post, please. How about Hans, and for the theme how about a visit to Diagon Alley? Be interesting to see how he feels about the new world he's living in. :D
Not that Flip was of a mind to tell her friend who to date within her various timelines of existence; it always seemed to be the same fellow in one way or another, and he often had good intentions at heart, but this one held a penchant for murdery things all too recently. It was for the best that the Fairy have a look in his head, just in case. Jil never had to know.
The tiny woman slid down from her perch atop the bedpost, glow dimmed as much as she could comfortably manage, and held out a hand to the slumbering man’s temple. She was careful not to jingle her wings. Jilomena waking up to see the invasion might not bode well. Flip also decided against the strong urge of sending the subliminal message that she would eat his Heart while he watched if he ever hurt her friend.
In waking hours, Hans had only glimpsed the various crowded shops in Diagon Alley when his petite savior had escorted him through. It had been swift by necessity. Places to go. Places to hide. This level of detail being recalled would escape people commonly, but this fellow had a particularly calculating mind. He carefully strode through the icy streets at his own pace. Blurred faces peered through shop windows or stopped to stare, but they were mere populations of a restless mind rather than creatures of import.
Gentle hissing from the freshly falling holiday snow paired with biting December wind, prompting him to pop the collar of his black pea coat. Still, he dared not enter any of these establishments without his escort. Too much risk was involved. In a place such as this, blending in was of the utmost importance. There was no faking his way through magically inclined conversations. Not without his little blonde hasi. It was peculiar to feel quite so out of place. Vulnerable.
He moved easily passed the window displays for owls and quidditch supplies. They held little interest to him. Olivander’s wands drew his attention briefly, if only for the simple wonder of what-if should he ever get his hands on one. A gentle quirk played over his lips. Surely Jilomena would let him at least try with hers for the sake of curiosity.
Outside of Flourish & Blotts there was a slapdash setup for various magazines and newsprints faced outwards to the crowds. He did a double-take upon realizing that the photographs on the cover pages were bustling with life. All pretense gone, he squatted down on his haunches to stare.
“See something you like, mein leibe?”
Hans started, wobbling backwards to fall on his behind. He grunted quietly and pushed back to a standing position. Though he was mildly embarrassed, the fluffy haired man did not object to Jilomena swatting the snow off of his backside. The swift accompanying grope was fully expected.
“I do now.” he replied smoothly. “Took your time, didn’t you?”
“If you wanted to hang on my arm while I bought monthly necessities you could have come in.” Jil quipped, dangling a paper bag filled with sacrifices to Aunt Flo. “I didn’t think it would take that long, honestly. The queue was massive. Let’s get you out of the wind, hm?”
The witch fussed about in her handbag until she produced a lovely forest green scarf. It was gently wound around the man’s neck, then given a soft tug to prompt him to follow.
“Your shop is here? In this-” he swallowed his sentence a moment as a whirling firecracker nipped by his leg. “…place? How is it nobody’s discovered all of this?”
Jil gave him a wide-eyed stare.
“Magic.” she responded in an obvious tone.
“Right,” Hans mumbled.
He was ushered through a door nearby into a darkened entryway. When lights were summoned up, Hans took in the gleaming bottles and jars in neat rows upon the shelves. It was meticulous and beautiful in its way. To have cures and curses at your fingertips in such a way was fascinating, dangerous, and seductive in its mystery.
“That one’s for problems in male potency.” Jil hemmed quietly as he went to pick up a jar.
Hans nearly dropped it as though it burned him. To discourage the amusement twinkling in the witch’s eyes, he closed the space between them and looped an arm around her waist.
“I don’t think I’ll be needing that one.” he purred into her neck. “Do you have an office we can explore? Shall I help you check… your till?”
“Er… what now?” Hans stammered.
Hans woke suddenly in a state of alarm. He could have sworn he could hear an echoing giggle disappearing into the night.
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