#mission creek mighty med
angelwiththeblue-box · 7 months
clothes sharing ….
i acknowledge that this has been sitting in my askbox for like two years however we're moving on from that (also this is so much longer than intended <3)
Chase was very particular about clothes. The texture had to be right, the size had to be right, it couldn't be too thick, and he couldn't layer certain clothes. He specifically re-tailored his mission suit so he could wear it without feeling like he wanted to rip it off. (He did appreciate the almost tank top design, with the leather cutting off at his shoulders to give way to a stretchier fabric. Still protective and more mobility.)
It wasn't like he was insistent about his clothes being a certain way just to be obnxious, he knew how people already saw him, no need to add fuel to the fire, it was just... how he was.
So when Kaz came around and started wearing his shirts (not on purpose or in any sort of malicious way, he just... grabbed the first shirt he saw, whether it was Oliver's or Chase's, and called it good) Bree shot him a look, wondering why he was letting Kaz do this, knowing that the shirt might be different after Kaz took it off, it would feel different, or be stretched out.
Unfortunately, Chase was very gay and Kaz looked really cute in Chase's clothes. (This was, to be clear, long before they started dating. Chase had a tendency to fall fast, feelings slamming into him like a bullet train and Kaz in his shirts was not helping said feelings.)
It was fall. Not cold weather, but cold enough that it warrents a jacket. Chase was the smartest man alive, he checked the temperature before the five of them went out. (It wasn't anything fancy, one of Skylar's friends was having a birthday party, it was mostly superheroes, but a couple of bionic heroes made the invite list, and a few regular people too, normos as the Mighty Med trio call them)
He had a good outfit for the day temperature, but as night fell and Chase and Kaz were heading back to the tower, the cold was starting to seep into his bones. (Oliver was hanging out with a couple of superheroes, and Skylar and Bree had beelined for the dance floor the moment they arrived.) Kaz leans on Chase as they walk down the streets, city life filling the silence the way it never did back in Mission Creek. Their hands brush together and a spark shoots up Chase's arm, and he's suddenly thankful for the darkness so Kaz doesn't see his face heat up.
"You cold?" Kaz asks, his shoulder nudging Chase's, and Chase shakes his head, trying to hid his shivering. "Chase."
"A little. But it's fine, we're almost at the Tower anyway." Chase says. (They still had about twenty more minutes of walking. Chase didn't mind the walk, he liked hanging out with Kaz. He wasn't as big a fan of the cold. Curse his California blood.)
"It's not fine, c'mon Chasey, you told me you'd tell me things!" Kaz whines. Technically, he told the team he'd let them in when he started feeling like... well like shit, but apparently it can be applied to feeling kind of cold too.) "Here, take my jacket." Kaz pulls off the sweater he's wearing, a dark maroon that complemented the white button up he had on underneath.
Chase immediately protests, "Kaz, Kaz, no, I'm fine."
"Liar." Kaz shoves the sweater into Chase's arms and works on cuffing the sleeves on the button up, one of his burn scars curling down his arm. "Chase, if you don't take the fucking sweater I will light myself on fire, so please just put on the sweater."
"Chase." Kaz's voice softens and he rests a hand on Chase's arm. "It's okay to let people help you, you know."
Chase nods, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. He pulls on the sweater, preparing for the scratchy feel that certain sweaters have, but it doesn't. It's soft and worn out, and the sleeves are long enough that he won't pull on them. Chase knows, logically, that it was just luck that Kaz wore a sweater that Chase could stand to put on his body, but in his traitorous heart, he can't help but wonder if Kaz-
"I can feel your brain working from here, Smarties. I did notice your aversion to fabrics, I'm not an idiot." Kaz shoots him a smile, one that lights up the city and Chase wants to melt. "Now, c'mon." Kaz holds out his hand to Chase, who takes it with a small smile. "I think maybe we should have a movie night, just us. You warming up, Chasey?"
Chase nods, the heat emanating from Kaz better than any sweater.
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How does your lab rats x star wars au work? Like the setting?
Is it just like the sw universe and there are bionic there?or is it a combination of the real world and the sw universe?
I've done it multiple ways for different fics, especially when it comes to my older works. Like Mission Creek is a region on the upper levels of Coruscant, or parts of the Milky Way and planet Earth are combined into the Star Wars galaxy, etc.
Lately, the AU I've been sticking with, and still trying to work out the kinks of and perfect, is just that the Milky Way and all other galaxies in the Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force universe exist in the same universe as the Star Wars galaxies. To me, this clicks the best since intergalactic travel is very much canon and accessible in the Lab Rats franchise.
[As I expand on this, I have not looked into your blog enough to know if you have watched Mighty Med, but if you haven't, forewarning, this relies heavily on Mighty Med lore, and just overall on Mighty Med's world building, which isn't explained in depth in Elite Force]
The Star Wars galaxy is known to the superhero world, but because of the hyperspace barrier, remains fairly, though not entirely, isolated. As the League of Heroes rarely operates there, and isn't really considered apart of superhero history, "Star Wars" (which, in this AU, started with catching up on Old Republic history. The Original Trilogy doesn't exist yet because those events haven't happened yet) became a separate comic book line and overall franchise. Mighty Med obviously still used those profits to fund all its organizations. I hope that makes sense. I've discussed this a bit more in a previous post.
I'm still working on what the actual history of humans looks like in this AU. I have a couple of ideas, but I haven't settled on one thing.
As for how Ahsoka found her way outside of her home galaxy. I've been working on that, and it certainly was the result of multiple chain of events coalescing. I'm actually going to release a fic soon that has to do with the result of this poll that deals with one of those early events that causes that chain reaction. I've talked a little about some of those ideas in this post and in this post.
In summary, just as the superhero world uses those with specific supernatural abilities (Ambrose), to record superhero history and current events throughout the universe, turn into comic books and sell as fiction for profit, they also do so for the Star Wars galaxy, despite its more secluded state. [I also head canon that Ambrose survived Mighty Med's destruction and is still selling to publishers, only now he gets to keep all the profit for himself, which after all the abuse he's suffered, he honestly deserves.]
I hope I'm making sense. Feel free to ask more specific questions if you need to, or make suggestions.
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snove101 · 1 year
ehe !! first multi chapter fic in a hot second 🫶
mighty med located in mission creek !!! pre-elite force era !!! leo is there !!!
everything takes place before elite force and starts at the beginning of the lab rats series. i'm insane over chase and kaz knowing each other when they were younger
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lab-trash · 1 year
will your fanfics mighty med in mission creek anything for you and distress signal ever be finished/completed or updated?
I honestly don't know. If someone would want to continue them, I would be totally fine with that as long as I'm allowed to beta read first.
So, if anyone is interested in adopting/collabing that fic, that would be totally cool.
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elemental-ana · 2 years
Character Profile
DISCLAIMER: I only own my characters. Any other characters mentioned as well as certain pre-existing Lab Rats lore belong to Disney.
PLEASE read my rules and preferences before interacting!
COPYRIGHT CLAIM: This fan-made character belongs to me @arabianflowers and is original! Any attempt to plagiarize will be met with consequences.
Poster by me!
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Basic Information
Full Birth Name: Anastasia Everly
Full Legal/Chosen Name: Anastasia Everly
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Date of Birth: June 21st, 2000
Age: 16 years
Timeline of her story (excluding flashbacks): 2012-2016
Gender: Cisgender Female
Gender Identity: Female
Species: Bionic Superhero Mutant Trybrid
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Heritage: Half-American, half-Greek
Marital Status: In a committed relationship (dating)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Place of Birth: Lithios
Place of Residence: Mission Creek, California
Occupations: Mentor at Davenport Bionic Academy (formerly), Medical Consultant at Mighty Med Hospital (formerly), Art Intern at Yale University (currently)
Portrayer: Daisy Ridley
Personality: Anastasia Everly is generally quiet and can sometimes be shy. However, she is bold despite how timid she seems and will speak her mind when she believes that she is baring witness to injustice. She is very insecure when it comes to her own personal interests and does not like to talk about herself. She thinks of herself as an observer. She would rather pay attention to the world so that she can absorb it and gain more knowledge rather than always be the one giving out the knowledge. Because she is very observant, she is able to read people and is very thoughtful when she wants to be. Her observance also makes her very clever, but can be a disservice to her because she sometimes pays too much attention to detail and is overly paranoid. Anastasia is well-rounded, but her main talents and interests revolve around the Arts. She is a mega superhero fan and her favorite superhero is Kamala Khan also known as Miss Marvel. Anastasia is a talented cartoonist and creates her own comic books, but does not publish them until after she graduates high school.
Anastasia is extremely loyal, sometimes to a fault. Though her loyalty makes her a valuable friend and teammate, it also sometimes makes her gullible, easy to manipulate, and overly passionate. Her open mind and eagerness to learn often serve her positively, but these traits also sometimes make her too idealistic and irrational. Sometimes, her head is in the clouds and she does not know how to bring herself back down until it is too late. Her insecurities also contribute to her indecisiveness, but this is balanced out by her ability to think creatively. These traits often affect her ability to use her bionics and superpowers, and when her Alpha Gene is triggered, she has a difficult time pulling herself out of it. When she is using her abilities, however, she has been trained to stay focused and since she is skilled at creating things, she can clear her mind and allow herself to do what she needs to do with her abilities depending on the situation.
When Anastasia was younger, she was more idealistic. Though she still has those same ideals, she has grown to have a broader view of life and learned to be proud of her talents.
Bionic Abilities and Superpowers
Anastasia’s main ability is molecular manipulation, a unique ability that only she has. This gives her the ability to manipulate and control molecules. It is an ability that she was born with as a superpower. She also inherited the ability to shape-shift from her father. These abilities were amplified when she had a bionic chip implanted in her that gave her unique variations of said abilities, which include the following: molecular energy blast, temporary pain relief, pain inducement, telekinesis, and reality warping.
As a superhero, Anastasia was born with other abilities. These abilities include basic superpowers which are thermal touch, thermonuclear body blast, proton ring generation, and the ability to fly.
Anastasia’s mutant genetics give her unique abilities as well. She has a unique ability called empathy that enhances her overall ability to feel things, including but not limited to emotions and anything regarding the five senses. She also has an alter ego that her sister named Sparky. Sparky is the result of a rare mutant gene called the Alpha Gene that only Anastasia has. Anastasia’s Alpha Gene is triggered when she experiences an intense panic attack or feels protective. When the gene is activated, Anastasia is fully conscious but unable to control her alter ego. When the gene becomes dormant again, Anastasia remembers everything that happened when she was under its influence. The effects of the gene are similar to the effects of the Commando App, but are more permanent, visible, and difficult to manage. When Anastasia was a little girl, it was easier to manage her Alpha Gene and her sister nicknamed the alter ego Sparky because she was easy to tame like a puppy. However, this changed as Anastasia grew older and the name Sparky became progressively ridiculous as the Sparky persona became more intimidating. When Anastasia is under Sparky’s influence, her skin turns a fiery red, her voice deepens, and she becomes extremely aggressive, protective, and territorial. This gene also heightens her senses and gives her enhanced physical strength when activated. The Alpha Gene and Sparky persona are not part of an application or a technological implant, but rather, they are the results of a biological enhancement and mutation in Anastasia’s system.
Medical Information
Conditions/Complications: Clinical Anxiety
Allergies: Pollen (severely)
Prescribed Medications: Confirmed but unspecified
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fangirl-1523 · 4 years
Lab Rats Elite Force Season 2
You know I wish they brought back Lab Rats Elite Force on Disney+ for at least a second season. Because they left behind some plots unresolved from both Lab Rats, Elite Force, and Mighty Med:
They never stopped Roman and Riker or the other shape shifters.
Attack should have been more of a Two Parter
We never find out how they defeated Oliver's mother (a four-part story arc in the same format of Once Upon a Time where they're dealing with Oliver's escaped convict mother in the present and defeating her in the past).
I want a Mission Creek episode where we find out what's going on with Leo, Adam, and Daniel as the three of them figure out their new sibling relationship.
What happened with Douglas?
Now for the plotlines I want for double parters:
The four parter with Oliver's mother
Sebastian, Lexi, and Tank comes back to haunt them. With Horace and Alan as their minions.
The team dealing with turning Caldera back to the way Skylar remembers it
Second part to the Attack marking the first actual cliffhanger to a two parter
Now for the episodes that can be standalone
An episode solely on Leo, Adam, and the Bionic Academy and what's going on.
An episode where we see the return of Spin from Bionic Island
An episode where we see the return of Jordan and Gus from Mighty Med
An episode where we see the return of Caitlin (she's one of my favs)
An episode where Nana Rose comes to visit because the others are too busy for a vacation 
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Not sure if anyone is interested but I had another idea for a Kase fic. So what if Kaz’s older sister moved away to Mission Creek because she knew their parents wouldn’t approve of her liking women. And after Kaz gets caught with a boy his parents decide to make him go live with his sister in CA, not knowing she’s also not straight. She agrees and Kaz moves to Mission Creek, where he meets our fav bionic siblings. Of course hijinks ensue while Kaz tries to balance still working at Mighty Med with the help of the wormhole transporter and making sure his sister doesn’t find out, on top of crushing on the nerdy boy in his science class. Pretty sure it would be during season one of Mighty Med and around the end of the second season/start of the third season for Lab Rats, definitely before You Posted What but carries on through the third season.
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shaineybainey · 4 years
“Noble Intentions”
Lab Rats [T]
The Lab Rats and Mighty Med teams face off with the greatest threat to humanity yet: The Incapacitator, a supervillain bent on becoming the most powerful in the planet. …Which makes things super awkward for Leo, considering that their newest nemesis is his father. AU. Lab Rats vs Mighty Med redux.
tagging: @clockradio93 @vcnting @verified-dumbass @serpent-princess @weareoutofmaplesyrupdave @aaaaahhhhh1234 @lettersandwhiteroses @breanadaveport-mendel @cecespuffs @quimbionics @hollywoodendinq 
[ By the way, if anyone doesn’t like to be tagged anymore, just tell me through a DM. I appreciate the likes, but if the tagging annoys you, I’ll respectfully leave you out on the next one :) ]
TW: disturbing imagery, death of loved ones, panic triggers
V: Late Bloomer
Leo stirs, his whole body entirely too numb. He squints as his eyes sting from the flood of light shining all around him. He waits until the pain ebbs. Soon enough, he can make shapes, spot movements. But nothing is familiar.
Nothing except the overlapping Ms on the wall – one scarlet and one chrome.
“Leo? Leo, are you okay?” a shape – then a couple of shapes – approaches him. “How are you feeling?”
He withdraws from the faceless figure even though he recognizes the voice. “Chase?”
“Yes, Leo, it’s me,” the figure replies, but in Bree’s voice. He (she?) smiles. “You’ve been out a while. We’re glad you’re okay.”
“Where are we?” he asks, still trying to see through the gray haze.
“We’re on Mighty Med. It’s a hospital for superheroes,” says Adam.
“I know that. I know what Mighty Med is,” Leo says. He sits up. He sees a vague outline of a hospital room… How come he still can’t see anyone’s face? It makes his heart thump. “Who are you? Why can’t I see you?”
“The Incapacitator’s energy field must have been too much for you,” Chase replies. At least, it’s his voice.
“It’s going to be okay,” assures Bree. “The doctors said the blindness is temporary. In two days, you’ll be able to get your vision back.”
He searches their faces, still uneasy. The outlines of the shapes look like his siblings. There were four other people, although who they are he doesn’t know.
Suddenly, a worry hits him. “Where’s The Incapacitator?”
Though he doesn’t see their faces, he senses relief. “It’s over, Leo,” says Chase.
“What’s over?”
“Him. We defeated him!”
“Yeah! He was holding you hostage,” says the figure that was Chase. Then, in Adam’s voice he adds, “It took us some time, but we figured out how to use his own power against him. Who knew it was that simple?”
“Wait. No, no, wait. I don’t understand.” He shakes his head. “You’re not making any sense. Who are you?”
“He’s dead, Leo. He imploded,” Bree says, a cold smile evident in her voice. “He died, as he should have.”
“No. No, that’s not true!” He tries to leap out of the bed, but the shapes hold him down. “What are you doing? Let go of me!”
Leo looks up quickly. He freezes upon seeing Krane towering over him, half of his body terribly burned just like the last time he saw him. A hole gapes at the place where his right eye should have been.
Krane grins wolfishly, blood on his teeth. “Isn’t this your fault? You should have reported him a long time ago. Maybe he would still be alive if you had.”
“We would still be alive,” S-1 agrees, appearing on the other side of him.
“You’re not quite the hero you think you are,” Krane says, his grip on his arm tightening.
The shapes press in on him, robbing him of breathing space. “No – Stop!” he screams. “Get away from me!”
But they only converge, closer and closer and closer until the shapes merge into a tangible cloud that wraps around him. Soon, the cloud turns into water that he plunges under, and then he can’t breathe.
He screams, but no sound comes out.
He gasps for air—
– Ϟ –
Leo wakes, gasping as if breaking through a surface. He defensively pulls his arm back from the person touching it, scooting away from him.
“Easy, Leo. It’s okay. You’re safe,” Joel says. “I won’t hurt you. It’s just me.”
Leo’s eyes quickly scan the room for danger. He’s in some bedroom, one he’s never seen before, and his father, wearing jeans and an ash gray t-shirt, is the only one there with him.
It all comes rushing back. Tecton, Chase, the energy lasso.
There was also the look of murder in his eyes as he grabbed him.
He retreats farther away from his father, afraid.
Joel chuckles. “Leo, I mean it. You’re—”
Leo flinches away from his touch, his heart calming but his brain still on high alert.
Joel sighs. “Right. I know. I overdid it. I’m sorry.”
“You were going to kill me.”
“I was never going to kill you. I would never. Why would I do that?”
Why would he? Leo doesn’t know. He used to think he understands why his father would do things, but now he doesn’t. “How could you lie to me?” he asks.
“Leo, you know I don’t like you being involved in the things that I do. Especially since you still stubbornly believe that there’s room for you in the superhero world.”
“But I am involved now. You hurt my family when I asked you not to!”
“I didn’t really hurt them! Everyone is still alive when we left.”
“You hurt Chase.”
“Well, the kid was kind of stupid.”
“He was still my brother!”
“Hey.” Joel points a finger at him. “Watch it. I don’t like your tone.”
The warning registers, but it does very little to allay his anger. “How could you do this? How could you hurt a lot of people like that?”
“Come on. It’s not like you don’t know that it’s just part of the job. They got in my way, I move them out.”
“Leo, stop. Okay? Stop nagging me about this. It isn’t right,” Joel says patiently. “You know what I am. You know what I do. I understand why you’re mad, but everything I did was for a reason.”
Leo watches him indignantly as he gets up and heads towards a wardrobe. He simmers as he observes him dig through its contents.
It doesn’t make things any better when he comes back with a fresh set of clothes, smiling as if nothing happened.
His father observes him a moment before chuckling. “That must be some dream you had,” he comments. “I’ve never seen you this angry before.”
Leo says nothing and only looks away. He can’t stand his father at the moment.
“Since it seems like you won’t ask, this is the place I’ve been wanting to take you to,” Joel says. “It’s the house where I grew up. Nana’s and Pop’s house.”
Leo stubbornly keeps his mouth shut. Still, he’s moved to examine it closely. “I didn’t know it was still standing,” he mutters begrudgingly.
“Yeah,” Joel says, looking around the room fondly. “RT and I used to share this room, but when I turned 9, Nana moved Uncle RT to her sewing room downstairs.”
It’s fascinating that the childhood room of one of the most powerful supervillains in existence looks…normal. The room itself is small. Leo thinks it’s about the size of one of the sitting rooms in the Mission Creek mansion.
Pressed against the wall to his left is a study desk, a dust-covered stack of books, a decades old lamp, and a Duck Tales pencil holder sitting atop it. Right next to the study desk is the wardrobe. By the door is a shoe rack.
Everything looks so neat and normal that it’s almost disorienting. Sure, it’s obvious that not much had been touched for a long while, but he doubts that anyone would guess the kind of man the kid who used to sleep here would grow up to be.
“So, was I right? Were you having a bad dream?” his father asks. “You’re sweating like crazy.”
“Are we in Kansas?”
Though still a bit taken aback by his resistance, Joel answers. “Yeah.”
“Why did you take me with you? You didn’t need me.”
Joel shrugs. “Many reasons. Distraction, for one. Emotions run higher when there’s a hostage involve, especially when it’s a kid,” he says. “I know for sure it frazzles Tecton. That’s one of his weaknesses: his emotion tends to get the best of him in situations like this. He becomes more impulsive, more prone to make mistakes.”
“So you’re using me as a pawn.”
“I brought you here because I didn’t want to leave you behind with your new family.” He sighs. “Your stepdad is slipping. I want them to know how easily they could lose you. You’re valuable to me, Leo. I want them to feel the same fear I feel every day.”
Leo says nothing. He doesn’t know whether he should be grateful or frustrated that his father is once again stepping into his new life.
“You’re not going to tell me about your dream?” Joel prompts, smiling.
Leo stares at him, unsure. “I know you hate my new family, especially my stepdad, but you can’t keep doing this,” he says wearily. “What are we going to do if they find out that I’m your son? They’d think I’ve been in on it all along. It’s going to make a lot of things complicated.”
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“No, Dad, I never was! But after today, maybe I am.” Leo sighs. He hunches forward, gathering his thoughts. “This is putting me in a bad spot, too. I don’t want you to get hurt. I know you have your reasons why you do the things you do, and as we agreed on our deal I’m not going to interfere with anything unless it’s super bad.”
“But if I keep helping you, the superhero community might start viewing me as an enemy.”
“I only see that as an advantage.”
Leo only glares.
“Why do you insist on being one of them?” Joel asks. “You’re wasting so much of your time trying to earn their respect. You’re working three times as hard as your siblings, and they treat you like you don’t matter.”
“They don’t do that.”
“Yes. They do. You just don’t what to admit it.” Reading distress on his face, he says, “You’re a lot smarter than them. Take away your stepbrother’s bionic chip, and what is he? Just an average kid with an average level of intelligence.”
“But that doesn’t change the fact that—”
“That what? He creates things that work, that make money, and you don’t?” His father’s eyes have darkened, and Leo realizes that the smile was just a mask for the poisonous anger bubbling underneath. “Before you and your mother met them, you were heading towards great things. But look at what they did to you. They took everything from you. They took advantage of your loyalty, your sacrifice – and once they didn’t need you, they discarded you.”
“Please stop,” Leo mutters, the words hollowing out his heart.
Joel’s eyes soften when he realizes how it’s all hurting him. “I know the way I do things aren’t how you’d do them. But the world doesn’t look to me the way it does to you. It’s not a bright and warm place for people like us, my son. It just takes advantage of us and leaves us in the dark.”
When his son still won’t meet his eyes, he attempts a genuine smile. “I’m doing all of this for you. I don’t want you to experience the same things I’ve experienced. I know it may seem that I just want destruction, but really, what I want is a world where no one would take away anything from you.”
Leo knows what his father means; he knows the story. His dad and his uncle were only children, 10 and 7, respectively, when their parents were killed. They were able to get away from the murderers and hide in an abandoned house not far from here.
His grandfather had been close friends with a superhero at the time. They waited and waited for him, wishing that the man would show up and rescue their parents.
But the minutes only turned to hours, and hours turned to days. Even in the funeral, no superhero showed their face.
It was the day The Incapacitator was born. Injustices with no one to help only piled up, and the anger only increased until finally, everything he once was had turned into the man who sits in that room today.
Leo understands. Or, at least, he can sympathize. But why does it have to go this far? “You do know that if you drain the whole Earth of its energy, it’s possible that it would just implode in on itself,” he points out.
Joel laughs. “I just say that to spook the superheroes. You know them. They don’t do anything unless it involves drama.”
“You kidnapped me to prove a point. It’s not like you don’t.”
“I don’t. I prefer to be practical.”
“Practical? What if you get hurt?”
Joel shrugs. “Big game, big risks.”
“What if you die?” Leo asks, exasperated. “What if this is the one to end it all? You told me that your line of work is the one where people make you retire. Why would you put them in that position when you don’t have to?”
The expression on his father’s face changes. “I’m not going to explain anything to you.”
“I don’t need you to explain it to me. I don’t want to get involved in it.”
“Yes, you’ve made that very clear.”
Leo huffs. Why can’t he understand? “Dad, please. Don’t do this.”
“This is not your fight,” his father says decisively. “You’ve never wanted to be on the same side as me. I’m letting you. But don’t interfere with my plans.”
“It’s going to hurt a lot of people.”
“People die. That’s just what they do.”
“People? People like who, Nana and Pops?” Leo regrets the words as soon as they come out of his mouth. Horrifying still is the look of shock and hurt on his father’s face, turning the silence that ensues into something stinging.
He can kick himself. He should kick himself. He should have never gone that far. “I’m sorry, Dad. That was a terrible thing to say,” he apologizes. “It was hard on you when you lost them. I’m not as young as you were, but I don’t want you to die either. No matter how many offenses the law has listed under your name and how much they’re offering people for your capture, you’re still my dad. My world will also fall apart if something happens to you.”
For a moment, Joel only glowers at him. Then, he scoffs. “I can’t believe you know that they have a bounty on my head.”
“Well, I have to find a way to pay for college,” Leo jokes cautiously.
Joel chuckles. He’s still notably upset, but it’s obvious the tactic has worked. “So was that what you were dreaming about? That I died?”
Leo nods. “I was in Mighty Med. They told me you were dead.”
A smile teases at Joel’s face. “That upset you?”
“Of course. Who would ever want to wake up in a world where their parents are gone?” Remembering more of the dream, his frown deepens. “Krane and S-1 were also there. They told me it’s my fault that you died.”
“Krane. I took care of him a long time ago.”
“I know. It was the first time I asked you for help.” Leo hesitates before pointing out, “You know, you didn’t have to go that far. You could have just overloaded them and shorted them out. You didn’t have to…”
“Eliminate them? Of course I did. He was going to hurt you. He also didn’t seem to be the kind of guy who stops after you fire a warning shot.”
“You do know that what you did technically counts as being a hero, right?”
Leo smiles for the first time. “You know, if Uncle RT finds out you—”
“Don’t.” Joel directs a steely stare at him. “Don’t mention any of the three of them anymore. I don’t want to talk about the dead right now.”
The smile on his face wanes. “Okay.”
Joel nods at the set of clothes sitting on the feet of the bed. “Change into that. You’re gonna be here a while so you might as well be comfortable.”
“Wait. You’re gonna be staying in?”
“Like I said, I’m practical. The longer you’re gone, the more desperate they’ll be. It’s easier to work with desperate people.”
“Aren’t you worried that they’ll find us here?”
“How? I fried your phone while you were sleeping, you don’t have bionics that—”
“You fried what!”
“—can trace, we’re in the middle of nowhere—” Joel smiles as he walks out the room. “They’ve got nothing.”
Leo feels like his brain has shorted out from that one information. “How could you destroy my phone? I worked hard to get that paid off!”
“I can always get you a new one,” Joel calls from down the hall.
Leo groans. That one was mine, though! “Why are you doing this to me?”
His father makes no reply.
Leo sighs, defeated. “You know, I feel like if I had superpowers, we’d be having a different conversation right now.”
His father slowly drifts to the door. “Why? Do you feel like you might?”
“I said if,” Leo says, irritated. “Let’s face it, Dad: I’m 17. Yours started showing up at 5. It’s time that we both accept that I’m a loser in that genetic department.”
“You know you’re not a loser,” says Joel. He shrugs. “You never know. Maybe you’re just a late bloomer. Maybe it’s just taking you longer.”
“Or maybe it’s really just not in me.”
“Could be trigger-based, too,” Joel muses. “Stress…”
“Had four years of that in high school.”
“Life or death situation?”
“Almost died five times, on my last count.”
Joel frowns thoughtfully. “Toxic waste?”
Leo deadpanned. “There ain’t no way I’m going to let you drop me in a pool of one just to see.”
Joel watches him closely. “Do you want superpowers?”
“I don’t think it’d make a difference at this point. I mean, it’d be cool,” Leo admits, “but if I just don’t have it, I just don’t have it.”
Joel nods thoughtfully. “Well, let me know. We could make a bid for the Arcturion if it’s something you want.” He smirks. “I have a better chance at it than she does.”
“Wait,” Leo calls after his father. He swings his feet off the bed, and it’s then that he realizes he’s chained. “Dad, what is this? Why’d you bolt me to the floor?”
“In case they do find us here!”
Leo fiddles with the lock a moment but decides to abandon it for now. “What’s the Arcturion? What’s that?”
“Do you want to help me with this one device I’d been working on? I could never get the mechanics quite right. Maybe you’d have an idea on how to fix it.”
“Yeah, sure – but what’s the Arcturion?”
Joel only chuckles. The real reason why I wanted this transponder, he thinks but as with all unspoken words Leo doesn’t hear it.
Not that he should. He has decided his son can’t know about it yet.
After all, it’s the true key for The Incapacitator to be the most powerful of them all.
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elemental-ana · 2 years
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I posted 22 times in 2022
That's 22 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (27%)
16 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 17 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#lab rats - 10 posts
#original character - 9 posts
#roleplay - 7 posts
#lab rats oc - 6 posts
#anastasia everly - 6 posts
#lab rats bionic island - 5 posts
#canon x oc - 4 posts
#anastasia x leo - 4 posts
#anastasia x chase - 3 posts
#anastasia x marcus - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#lab rats bionic island
My Top Posts in 2022:
"She's a ten but her mother is a deranged evil genius who wants to experiment on her."
It's me. I'm a ten.
2 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
"Do my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?" - Anastasia Everly, every waking hour
2 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Character Profile
DISCLAIMER: I only own my characters. Any other characters mentioned as well as certain pre-existing Lab Rats lore belong to Disney.
PLEASE read my rules and preferences before interacting!
COPYRIGHT CLAIM: This fan-made character belongs to me @arabianflowers and is original! Any attempt to plagiarize will be met with consequences.
Poster by me!
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Basic Information
Full Birth Name: Anastasia Everly
Full Legal/Chosen Name: Anastasia Everly
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Date of Birth: June 21st, 2000
Age: 16 years
Timeline of her story (excluding flashbacks): 2012-2016
Gender: Cisgender Female
Gender Identity: Female
Species: Bionic Superhero Mutant Trybrid
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Heritage: Half-American, half-Greek
Marital Status: In a committed relationship (dating)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Place of Birth: Lithios
Place of Residence: Mission Creek, California
Occupations: Mentor at Davenport Bionic Academy (formerly), Medical Consultant at Mighty Med Hospital (formerly), Art Intern at Yale University (currently)
Portrayer: Daisy Ridley
Personality: Anastasia Everly is generally quiet and can sometimes be shy. However, she is bold despite how timid she seems and will speak her mind when she believes that she is baring witness to injustice. She is very insecure when it comes to her own personal interests and does not like to talk about herself. She thinks of herself as an observer. She would rather pay attention to the world so that she can absorb it and gain more knowledge rather than always be the one giving out the knowledge. Because she is very observant, she is able to read people and is very thoughtful when she wants to be. Her observance also makes her very clever, but can be a disservice to her because she sometimes pays too much attention to detail and is overly paranoid. Anastasia is well-rounded, but her main talents and interests revolve around the Arts. She is a mega superhero fan and her favorite superhero is Kamala Khan also known as Miss Marvel. Anastasia is a talented cartoonist and creates her own comic books, but does not publish them until after she graduates high school.
Anastasia is extremely loyal, sometimes to a fault. Though her loyalty makes her a valuable friend and teammate, it also sometimes makes her gullible, easy to manipulate, and overly passionate. Her open mind and eagerness to learn often serve her positively, but these traits also sometimes make her too idealistic and irrational. Sometimes, her head is in the clouds and she does not know how to bring herself back down until it is too late. Her insecurities also contribute to her indecisiveness, but this is balanced out by her ability to think creatively. These traits often affect her ability to use her bionics and superpowers, and when her Alpha Gene is triggered, she has a difficult time pulling herself out of it. When she is using her abilities, however, she has been trained to stay focused and since she is skilled at creating things, she can clear her mind and allow herself to do what she needs to do with her abilities depending on the situation.
When Anastasia was younger, she was more idealistic. Though she still has those same ideals, she has grown to have a broader view of life and learned to be proud of her talents.
Bionic Abilities and Superpowers
Anastasia’s main ability is molecular manipulation, a unique ability that only she has. This gives her the ability to manipulate and control molecules. It is an ability that she was born with as a superpower. She also inherited the ability to shape-shift from her father. These abilities were amplified when she had a bionic chip implanted in her that gave her unique variations of said abilities, which include the following: molecular energy blast, temporary pain relief, pain inducement, telekinesis, and reality warping.
As a superhero, Anastasia was born with other abilities. These abilities include basic superpowers which are thermal touch, thermonuclear body blast, proton ring generation, and the ability to fly.
Anastasia’s mutant genetics give her unique abilities as well. She has a unique ability called empathy that enhances her overall ability to feel things, including but not limited to emotions and anything regarding the five senses. She also has an alter ego that her sister named Sparky. Sparky is the result of a rare mutant gene called the Alpha Gene that only Anastasia has. Anastasia’s Alpha Gene is triggered when she experiences an intense panic attack or feels protective. When the gene is activated, Anastasia is fully conscious but unable to control her alter ego. When the gene becomes dormant again, Anastasia remembers everything that happened when she was under its influence. The effects of the gene are similar to the effects of the Commando App, but are more permanent, visible, and difficult to manage. When Anastasia was a little girl, it was easier to manage her Alpha Gene and her sister nicknamed the alter ego Sparky because she was easy to tame like a puppy. However, this changed as Anastasia grew older and the name Sparky became progressively ridiculous as the Sparky persona became more intimidating. When Anastasia is under Sparky’s influence, her skin turns a fiery red, her voice deepens, and she becomes extremely aggressive, protective, and territorial. This gene also heightens her senses and gives her enhanced physical strength when activated. The Alpha Gene and Sparky persona are not part of an application or a technological implant, but rather, they are the results of a biological enhancement and mutation in Anastasia’s system.
See the full post
2 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Welcome to my character muse/roleplay blog for my Lab Rats character Anastasia Everly!
Just wanted to get my girl out here before I post her information and some roleplay starters!
Character created by me! This poster was also created by me but the character of Anastasia was drawn by the amazing @no1symphonyofnightstan !
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See the full post
2 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Happy birthday to my best friend and my boyfriend Chase Davenport! You're the best sweetheart! Love ya!
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Author's Note: I worked so hard on that edited photo and tried to make it look as realistic as possible but I hate it. 😂
5 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lab-trash · 2 years
Should I incorporate Douglas x Horace into MCMM? Because I know it's a ship. I don't personally ship it, but I am okay with writing it, if yall want me to.
It'd prolly just be in the background, but still
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lab-trash · 2 years
Mission Creek Mighty Med
I posted Chapter One because I got bored. I’ll be posting chapters 2 and 3 later today.
Chapter List
“I can’t believe we have to transfer locations,” Kaz complained, “But we still have to go to school! We already have jobs!”
“Kaz, we have to graduate,” Oliver said, “We might get fired from Mighty Med, you know that there have been budget cuts,” He said. Kaz sighed, hanging up his last poster on their living room wall.
“They can’t fire us, we’re two of the best doctors on staff!”
“Changes nothing,” Oliver said. “What I don’t understand is why you think that we should have our own apartment; they offered to let us stay at Mighty Med.” Kaz let out a chuckle.
“Fair enough,” Oliver said with a shrug.
“Okay, there are two reasons for that,” He said, “First off: I’ve lived with 14 people. I’m not ready to live with over 20, all of which are basically strangers and have weird superpower sleeping habits.
Second of all: I really don’t want you to start stalking Skylar because you suddenly have 24/7 access to her. Plus, with our paychecks combined, after our raise, plus the money your mom is giving you, we can afford something not bad!”
“I’m just surprised your mom let you come. She’s hated me ever since I came out,” Kaz said with a laugh.
“She doesn’t know that you’re here. She thinks I’m getting away from you.” Kaz nodded.
“Yeah, that makes more sense,” He said with another laugh. “But hey! We’re roommates! We can finally decorate our living room and stuff the way we’ve always imagined it!”
“Yeah, I guess that’s pretty cool,” Oliver admitted. “Anyway, we start school on Monday, so we better get our stuff together,” He said. Kaz groaned.
“Why can’t we start school like… next month!”
“Because that’s not how school works,” Oliver said, slightly confused about Kaz’s statement. “We’d have to makeup a lot of work, and I think that you wouldn’t like that.”
“Fair enough,” Kaz said. “I’m going to bed. I’m so tired.” Oliver blinked.
“You barely did anything!”
“I collected all my stuff and put it through a wormhole, I did plenty!”
Oliver didn’t say any more, letting Kaz go to his room, as he put more of their comics on their bookshelf.
Monday morning, Oliver managed to drag Kaz out of bed and to Mighty Med to pick up Skylar.
“I am so excited to go to this new school!” Skylar exclaimed, walking out of Mighty Med.
The school that they were going to was only a couple blocks away from the hospital that Mighty Med was in, so it wouldn’t take long to get there.
“I mean, the old school was great, and I’m really gonna miss Jordan, but this one is so much nicer! And it’s nice to have a change of scenery.”
“It’s still a school, it’ll still be boring,” Kaz complained. Oliver sighed.
“Ignore him, he’s salty that we have to go to school even though we have jobs,” He said. Skylar nodded in understanding. “I, on the other hand, am also very happy about this new school!”
He might have still been annoyed about Skylar getting along so well with Gus. And in this new school, hopefully he’d be able to spend more time with her, being one her only old friends. In this school, he would be the Experion, but not evil.
They walked a bit in a comfortable silence, filled only with the sounds of nature and vehicles, before anyone spoke up.
“Kaz, maybe you should give this school a chance,” Skylar said, walking into the school. “I’m sure they have some sort of nerd club you can join.”
Kaz turned around, walking backwards to speak to his friends.
“Okay, I’m not a nerd, I’m much more of a geek! There’s a difference. And at least I do good things with my knowledge, I’m not like… an archaeologist. Like, what’s even the point of that?”
“Kaz, you might want to—”
Before Oliver could finish his warning, Kaz bumped into someone and he turned around.
“Ah, sorry,” He said, slightly fearful and annoyed from his own actions.
“Ooh, some new prey,” The guy said. He was taller than Kaz by a few inches, but he was so broad that it felt like much more than that. Oliver laughed nervously, stepping up in front of Kaz.
“We’re not looking for trouble,” He said “We’re just new here, he wasn’t looking where he— ahh,” He said uncomfortably as the guy picked him up and tossed him aside.
They heard someone sigh.
“Trent, leave them alone,” A girl said.
She was with three guys, two of which were around her height, but one of them was taller than even the vaguely threatening guy, Trent apparently.
“Don’t bother. Remember our first day,” One of the guys said quietly. He muttered something quietly into her ear, something the trio couldn’t hear. “I don’t feel like having another return of Spike.”
“Ooh, I hadn’t even thought of that!” The girl said happily before shoving the guy in Trent’s direction.
“Hey, shortstack, whaddya think you’re gonna do?” He said with a laugh. The guy sighed and turned to his friends.
“Really Bree? Why not send in Adam?”
“Because, Chase, that wouldn’t have been as funny,” The tall guy said, making the other two laugh. The first guy, Chase sighed and turned back to Trent.
“Well, there’s really only one way to fix this,” He said. He muttered something again. “Without breaking your body,” He said quietly. He took a breath before punching Trent’s arm and running away.
Trent, seemingly forgetting about Kaz, Oliver and Skylar, ran after him, and the rest of the friend group approached the new students.
“Sorry about him, cutie,” The girl said, making Oliver feel bashful. “He gave us a tough time on our first day of school too. I’m Bree, this is my brother Adam and our step-brother, Leo. The guy who just sacrificed his life for you guys is my brother Chase,” She introduced with a laugh.
“Oh, I’m Oliver, this is Kaz, and our friend Sky—” Kaz hit Oliver’s arm. “Connie!” He corrected. “Our friend, Connie.”
“Thanks for the save,” Skylar said happily, clutching the straps of her backpack.
“I could’ve handled that,” Kaz said, annoyed. Adam laughed.
“Yeah, but it was much funnier seeing Trent run after Chase,” He said. Leo shrugged.
“Better him than me,” He said. Oliver raised a brow in confusion, but shook it away.
“So you guys were new students too?”
“Yeah, we only came here about six months ago,” Bree said with a nod. “Before that we were… homeschooled, so it was a tough transition. We’re happy to help you guys with it if it helps,” She said.
“That’d be great!” Skylar exclaimed happily. “It’d be nice to have some friends. We just moved here, we haven’t really met anyone yet.”
“Oh, where’d you guys move from?” Leo asked as Bree started leading them to the cafeteria.
“Philadelphia,” Kaz said, speaking up for one of the first times in the whole interaction.
“Oh, wow, that’s really far,” Leo said, surprised. “Must’ve been a tough move,” He said with a light laugh.
“It wasn’t so bad,” Oliver said, knowing that they used the wormhole transporter instead of going on a plane back and forth.
“It was just the three of us, so we didn’t have as much stuff,” Skylar explained.
“Oh, are you three siblings?” Bree asked.
“Hey, just like us!” Adam exclaimed, but Kaz shook his head.
“No, no, we’re all just really good friends.” Oliver shook his head as they all sat down at a table.
“Kaz and I are good friends, me and Connie… it’s complicated.”
Kaz laughed.
“Nope,” He said. “They’re just friends.”
Chase entered the room, a tear in his flannel shirt.
“You just had to push me towards Trent! Do you know how much time I put into making sure we never interact?” He asked rhetorically. “A lot,” He said, annoyed.
“Well, if it makes you feel better, you basically saved lives,” Bree said, patting Kaz’s shoulder. Kaz smiled at Chase.
“Yeah, thanks for that,” He said genuinely, confusing his friends. Chase sighed, sitting down.
“No problem,” He said. “Kind of,” He added, making Kaz laugh. “I’m just glad that I didn’t— uh… die,” He said, interrupting himself nervously.
“Has he killed people before?” Oliver asked, half-joking.
“Wouldn’t be surprised,” Leo said with a shrug.
“So, what are you guys doing here?” Chase asked.
“We moved for our jobs,” Kaz said. “Which is why I don’t understand why we still have to go to school,” He said, looking annoyed at Oliver.
“What jobs made you move? You’re only teenagers,” Chase observed. The three exchanged looks.
“Uh…” Oliver started. The bell rang. “Oh, that’s the bell, better get to class! See you guys at lunch!” He said before running off. Skylar sighed.
“Sorry about him,” She said. “He’s kind of a dork.” Kaz laughed.
“Yeah,” He agreed.
“I should get to class, I can’t afford to be late again,” Leo said, leaving the room.
“What’s my first period again?” Adam asked, legitimately confused. Chase sighed.
“Study hall,” He said. “You stay here for another 45 minutes.”
“Hey, I have study hall too,” Kaz said with a smile.
“I have geometry,” Skylar said, standing up and pushing her chair in.
“Hey, me too!” Bree said happily. “C’mon, I’ll walk with you,” She said and the two girls walked off together.
“I have to get to my AP English class,” Chase said, standing up. “But it was nice to meet you…” He trailed off, realising that he didn’t actually know any of the new student’s names.
“Kaz,” Kaz said. Chase nodded with a smile.
“It was nice to meet you, Kaz,” He said before walking off.
As soon as he left the room, Kaz hit his head against the table.
“I know, right!” Adam exclaimed, “He’s so boring.” Kaz looked up.
“Right,” He said.
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lab-trash · 2 years
Mission Creek Mighty Med
This is the last chapter for a day or two, because I need to write the next few, and then they need to go through betareading.
Chapter List
They needed to talk about this. The abilities, their knowledge of said abilities, Kaz and Oliver’s experience with people who already had them. Everything. 
Bree ran to get Adam before they dragged everyone to the lab.
“Woah! This is awesome!” Oliver exclaimed. “It’s like the tech room, but like… more advanced!” He said, jumping up and down a bit. Chase was being supported on Donald’s shoulders, and he walked him to his capsule.
“What is this place?” He asked, all too casual for the situation he’d just walked into. 
Donald helped the still weak Chase into his capsule, shutting the door behind him.
“This is my lab,” Donald said proudly. Chase tapped lightly on the door. “Our lab,” He said, only really giving in because Chase was ill. 
“Okay, before we keep going, I need out of this suit,” Bree said before speeding to her capsule. Adam chuckled in agreement, getting to his capsule as well. 
Donald typed on the desk before the capsules fogged over briefly and then clearing back up once again. 
The bionic children all stepped out, now in their casual clothes.
“Ah, that’s much better,” Bree said with a light laugh, taking a seat in a stool. 
“That was… Awesome! How did that happen?” Kaz asked excitedly. Chase’s face lit up, excited to explain this, now healed up from his short time in his capsule.
“Mr Davenport and I figured out a way to make the molecules of our clothes separated enough to fit onto and off of us in a matter of seconds!” He exclaimed. 
“So, what powers do you guys have?” Kaz asked. He was acting so casual again, it was so strange. 
“Well, Adam has superstrength, laser eyes, plasma grenades and a blast wave. Bree has superspeed, super agility and vocal manipulation. Chase has super intelligence, a force field, molecular kinesis, a bionic eye, super senses, and…” Donald cleared his throat. “That’s it,” He said, earning weird looks from his children. 
“That is so awesome!” Oliver said, his voice high and slightly sing-songy with excitement.
“Yeah, you know the more awesome part? Now that you guys know, I can show you guys this!” Adam said, moving closer to Chase.
“Uh-oh,” Chase remarked as Adam picked Chase up by his collar. He was promptly thrown across the room, hitting the lab doors and falling to the ground, groaning. 
“Seriously, Adam?” Bree asked. “He just healed up, this is no time for the Bionic Brother Toss.” Kaz walked over to Chase and held his hand out for him. 
“You okay?” He asked, pulling Chase up.
“Yeah, I should be used to it by now,” He said. They awkwardly pulled their hands apart, Kaz laughing nervously before returning to Oliver’s side. 
“How often does he do that?” Oliver asked, slipping once again into doctor mode. 
“Oh, at least 4 times a week,” Adam said joyously, putting his hand to his heart.
“That could be really dangerous,” Oliver said, putting his hand on Chase’s shoulder worriedly. “Are you sure you’re not concussed,” Oliver asked, looking at Chase’s eyes. Kaz pulled Oliver away from him, confusing Oliver.
“I’ll be fine. I’m designed to withstand a 500 pound dumbbell to the face,” Chase said, crossing his arms. “Because when I was 7, Adam threw a 500 pound dumbbell to my face,” He added bitterly. 
“Adam’s only a year older than you,” Kaz said. Chase nodded.
“Yep,” He said before walking back to the lab table. Donald’s phone went off, getting his immediate attention.
“Oh, crap… Debora Smacks just texted saying my code is flawed,” Donald said. “I’m gonna head upstairs to my computer,” He said, running off. 
As soon as the elevator doors shut, Chase summoned a force field and shrunk it down to size. It buzzed with electricity.
“Alright, Mr Davenport might trust you because you supposedly saved my life, but give me one reason why I shouldn’t use the memory wipe on you,” He said threateningly. 
“Wow, I am all sorts of confused right now,” Kaz said, staring at Chase.
“Anyway,” Oliver said, dragging the words out, putting his hands up fearfully. “We— W-Why would you wipe our memories? We’re not gonna tell anyone, we’re really really good at keeping secrets! Right Kaz?”
“Yeah!” Kaz exclaimed. “Oliver’s been my best friend since we were three, m-my full name, it’s Kazimieras! And he didn’t even know that until last year!”
“Oh, we’re bringing that up again?” Oliver asked cruelly, looking at Kaz.
“Okay, my parents call me that all the time, if you didn’t hear it, that was on you!”
“Until last year, you had 10 siblings! How was I supposed to hear anything!”
“How can you not hear everything?!”
They kept bickering until Chase set the field flying to the floor next to Oliver as a warning. 
“Shut up!” He yelled. Both boys put their hands up fearfully. 
“Okay, okay, look, the point is, we’re great at keeping secrets!” Oliver exclaimed, his voice going up an octave or two.
“Oh, yeah?” Chase asked, “What’s one of these secrets then?”
“Ha! Trick question!” Kaz exclaimed, pointing aggressively, “We aren’t gonna tell you our secrets, because they’re secrets!” Chase bobbed his head, not even really realising that.
“How should I know that you aren’t bionic bots sent by Douglas?”
“Who?” Kaz asked. He didn’t get an answer. Bree touched her brother’s arm carefully.
“Chase, not everyone’s Marcus,” She said. There was a short pause. Everyone was kind of confused, Oliver and Kaz exchanging looks.
“Oh!” Leo exclaimed, “Chase, you have a bionic eye! Scan them, you could detect their chips!”
Chase stood up properly before putting his hand to his head. Oliver and Kaz were both taken aback by Chase’s initially normal-looking eye to shift into a mechanical eye appearance.
Chase looked each boy up and down, seeing not a bionic chip, but a tiny little earpiece in either of their ears. It was smaller than a bionic chip, and Chase wondered how on earth they could take those out.
“They have no bionic chip, but they have an earpiece,” Chase said to his siblings, “What are the earpieces for?”
“Th-They’re just beepers for our job,” Oliver said, easily taking out the tiny piece from his ear. “Look!” He said, holding it out. Chase could read the tiny words on it from even the long distance, using his increased vision.
“Oliver, Kaz, you’re needed in the Psych Ward to help Henry Tidwell’s trauma,” He read, making Oliver pull the earpiece away nervously. “Are you guys nurses? You’re 15.”
“Kind of,” Kaz said in a high voice. Even he was unsure on how to dig himself out of this situation.
“Henry Tidwell isn’t even a real person,” Leo said with a laugh, “It’s the alternate ego of Titanio. Do you guys work at an entertainment place?” He asked, unsure of how to phrase it. Oliver and Kaz exchanged another look.
“Yes…?” They both stretched out. 
“You’re lying again!” Chase exclaimed, starting to lose his patience.
“We’re keeping our secrets!” Oliver exclaimed defensively. 
“Prove to me that you’re not evil! Prove it!” Chase said, his voice cracking ever so slightly. 
“Oliver and I—”
“Kaz, stop.”
“Work at a superhero hospital—”
“Quit it, you’re going to get them hurt.”
“We save thousands of lives every day by saving the people—”
“They could get cubed! Stop it!”
“That save people. We leave school early every day to get a headstart on our job. Connie—”
“Knows about this too.”
Oliver sighed in relief. 
“What do you mean we could be cubed?” Adam asked. Everyone else babbled in agreement.
“Superheroes are a secret, like your bionics are. When we first discovered Mighty Med, we almost got cubed. Or put in a normo cage. Or sent into a black hole. Or vaporised— They have a lot of options on how to get rid of people,” Oliver explained. 
“You guys are kind of a grey area though, since you have bionic abilities,” Kaz said. Leo raised his hand a bit.
“I’m not bionic,” He said. 
“Ah, well, you will probably become Mr Davenport’s new paperweight then,” Kaz said with a casual nod. 
“You should just stay home,” Oliver warned.
“Do you guys have superpowers then?” Leo asked. Kaz shook his head.
“No, we’re just huge comic book fans. We’re the only normos on staff,” He said. Chase raised an eyebrow.
“‘Normos’?” He asked. 
“People without powers,” Oliver explained simply. “Slash, people who never had superpowers.”
“How are we supposed to believe you?” Chase asked. Oliver sighed.
“Well, since Kaz already explained all this to you, we might as well show you. Meet us tomorrow at St Rose hospital at 4, we’ll show you. If we don’t, then fine, whatever. Wipe our memories, get rid of us, whatever,” He said. Chase hesitated, but eventually took a breath and nodded.
“Fine,” He caved. 
There was an awkward silence before anyone spoke up, filled only with the buzzing of a nuclear generator. 
“Hey, Chase,” Leo spoke up, “We were gonna wait to play Mental Chaos til you got home. You wanna play?” Chase smiled, exhausted.
“Sure. Sounds great.”
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lab-trash · 2 years
Mission Creek Mighty Med
Chapter 4, the bionic kids struggle to keep their bionic secret
Chapter List
Ever since they got their new friends, Adam, Bree and Chase had to watch their backs.
Sure, when Leo was around, they could just use their bionics whenever, as long as no one was looking. But now, Connie tended to be at Bree’s side, so she couldn’t just superspeed away. Oliver and Kaz were usually around the boys too, so Adam couldn’t just randomly use his superstrength.
It wasn’t as much of an issue for Chase. Most of his bionics he could use discreetly, and he didn’t like using them at school anyway. 
But, at some point, it became a little difficult. 
“Hey, Chase, you up for a round of Mental Chaos after school?” Leo asked excitedly. “I know Perry wiped our progress, but we could totally get to the last level in no time.”
“What was Principal Perry doing in your house?” Connie asked, meanwhile something completely different seemed to be running through Oliver and Kaz’s minds, faces showing wide eyes and shocked smiles.
“You have Mental Chaos?” Oliver asked in disbelief. 
“That game is so awesome! And so expensive that we couldn’t play it at The Domain!” Kaz exclaimed. Leo turned.
“Oh, do you guys wanna come play?” He asked. 
“Uh, absolutely!” Kaz exclaimed. He looked around momentarily. “Hey, and at your house we can go all out with pranks,” he said. 
“Yeah, we can’t do it at our apartment, because we live with each other, and we know each other’s tricks,” Oliver said with a small nod. “Also, we live in a tiny apartment with thin walls and fragile appliances.
“That sounds really enjoyable,” Chase admitted. “I’ve been meaning to get back at Adam for making me suffocate.” Oliver and Kaz looked at Chase, confused and concerned. “Uh, he put me in a headlock. He took it too far,” He lied.
“Well, we’ll help you,” Kaz said with a smile. “How about today, at… fuck, when’s our shift end?”
“It ends at 9, but I’m sure we can get Dr Malpractice and Dr Anwhonbuchoo to cover for us after 5.” Kaz shook his head. 
“You might want to get Dr Lavine instead,” He said, “She’s less likely to accidentally hurt someone and then blame us for it,” He said. Oliver shook his head in return.
“No, she got transferred to New York. Viktrola?”
“That works,” Kaz said with a nod. Leo and Chase exchanged looks.
“Doctor?” Leo asked. The people saver people savers looked at them nervously.
“Uh, y-yeah,” Oliver said, his nostrils flaring once again. “I-It’s an inside joke!” Kaz laughed nervously.
“Right,” He said, “They’re not actually doctors, that’d be ridiculous,” He scoffed. He swallowed. “5:30 then?”
Chase still knew they were lying. He noticed Oliver’s tell the first day they were there, and since then it’s only been confirmed. 
But again, he said nothing. 
 As soon as they got home, Chase excitedly made sure the video game system was ready.
“What are you doing?” Leo asked. “They’re not coming for another 2 hours.” 
“I just want to make sure that nothing goes wrong, like it did with Bree,” He said. 
“Who’s coming over?” Donald asked, coming out from the hall. 
“Oh, my friends, Kaz and Oliver. Connie’s probably coming too, knowing them,” Chase answered, fidgeting with the wires.
“Chase, I didn’t know you had friends!” Donald exclaimed happily, “I’m so proud of you.” He ruffled Chase’s hair.
“They’re our friends too,” Adam brought up. Donald nodded.
“Ah, okay, that makes more sense,” Donald said, walking back to the kitchen.
“Wha— I have my own friends!” Chase exclaimed. 
“I’m the one who invited them over,” Leo said. “But if you want to invite over your imaginary friends, that’s fine,” He said, earning laughter all around the room. Chase glared at Mr Davenport, his most trusted ally in the house.
“Anyway,” Donald said, “What time are they coming over?”
“Well, they said 5:30, but Kaz has a tendency to be late to… every class, so it’ll probably be a little later than that,” Chase said. 
“And you said a girl’s coming over?” He asked, recalling Chase saying something about someone named ‘Connie.’
“Yeah, probably,” Chase said. “They all kinda stick together.”
“It’s true,” Bree added. “I’m surprised Connie doesn’t live with them,” She said with a small laugh. 
“Oh, are Kaz and Oliver brothers?” Donald asked. Leo shook his head.
“No, they’re roommates,” He said, “Their combined salaries let them rent an apartment. Their families live in Pennsylvania,” He explained. Donald looked sceptical, feeling suspicious.
“How old are they?”
“15,” Almost everyone answered in unison. 
“Okay…” Donald said, “That's fairly odd,” He said, speaking out his opinions. “Be careful. We don’t want someone getting close just to stab you in the back,” He warned before walking off. 
Chase tried not to think about that.
Kaz and Oliver weren’t evil. They couldn’t be. There was no way. They were both so nice. Oliver had saved a girl from choking, and Kaz… well, maybe Kaz could be evil…
No! No, they couldn’t be evil. He was just a regular teenager doing regular teenager things. Him being obnoxious to authority meant nothing about whether he was good or evil, and neither did their little white lies. 
That’s at least what Chase had been trying so hard to convince himself, but a part of him…
 By the time that 5:00 rolled around, Chase had gotten sidetracked from the visit by working on an invention that Mr Davenport had flawed. 
He was completely focused on this device, working with his vision zoomed in on his work. 
Until the Mission Alert alarm started blaring, scaring him and piercing his bionic hearing. 
“Guys, Mission Alert, there’s a fire in Kensington that the fire department can’t contain, you need to get over there immediately and get anyone out, and use Bree’s abilities to put the fire out faster,” Mr Davenport briefed. “Suit up,” He said. 
The bionic kids rushed to their capsules, changed, and headed out as soon as possible, wasting no time. 
Leo walked into the lab, tapping on his phone.
“Hey, Chase, you might want to—” He cut himself off, seeing a lack of bionic children. “Where’s Adam, Bree and Chase?” Leo asked. 
“There was a mission alert,” Donald said, his voice somewhat worried for everyone in the situation, including his children. “They’re probably halfway to Kensington now,” He said. 
“Wha— They’re on a mission? Kaz and Oliver’ll be here in a half hour. How long do you think it’ll take?” Donald shrugged.
“I dunno,” He said. “Although, I think the lives of many and the health of wildlife is much more important than your social life,” He added.
“More important than Chase’s social life?” Leo asked with a small laugh. 
“By a hair, yes!” Donald screeched. He took a breath. “You’re still here, so you can hang out with Chaz and Smolover until they get back,” He said. Leo blinked at him.
“Kaz and Oliver,” He said, “I know you're old, but that had to have been on purpose.” Donald rolled his eyes. “Do you need your mission specialist by any chance?” He asked, overly proud, putting his hands on his hips to strike a heroic pose.
“No, fires are fairly standard for them, they know what they’re doing,” Donald said, waving him off. “Go hang out with your friends. It’ll be fine.”
And fine it was. Kaz and Oliver arrived and Leo simply explained that Adam physically dragged them to a ‘uhhh… mudpit!’
And they seemed to buy it.
They all agreed to play something else until Chase returned so they could play Mental Chaos. 
“Leo, watch your back, the only reason you didn’t just die is cuz I killed that sucker!” Oliver bragged, nudging Leo slightly. Donald, who was watching from the kitchen, walked out from behind the counter. 
“Maybe I can play next,” He said, “Show you some real moves!”
“Well then,” Donald said bitterly, “I guess you’re missing out on some kickass playing.” 
“No!” Leo exclaimed
“No thanks,” Oliver said, semi-politely
“We’re good,” Kaz said with a chuckle.
The absence of talking was only filled with the violent sounds of the video game, until the door crashed open.
Bree sped through in her mission suit, holding a barely conscious Chase on her back. 
“Mr Davenport! Chase went into the fire to save a kid! He got them out, but the smoke inhalation messed with his super senses! Adam’s on the way, and the fire’s out, but Chase is not doing okay,” She said, laying him down on the coffee table. 
“We need to get him down to the lab, I can get the—”
“You guys have superpowers?” Oliver asked, standing up, startling Bree.
“Chase needs help, Oliver. This is just like issue #72 of Spark’s Conquests, when she got caught in a fire caused by her weakness, Blacksorro rocks!”
“And to fix that, we needed Suction Tabs, but… they’re all back at—”
“Bree, run down to the lab and get the Nasal Extractor, it’ll suck the smoke out of his lungs. Get the Memory Wipe too, I’m gonna need to fix this,” He said, pointing to Kaz and Oliver, who exchanged looks. 
“On it,” Bree said before speeding off. 
In a matter of seconds, she returned with the things that Donald requested. 
“Turn him over,” Donald commanded. Leo and Bree did so, turning Chase onto his back. He groaned tiredly. Donald strapped the mask to Chase’s face before flipping it on. 
His eyes didn’t open much wider than where they were at. 
“Why isn’t it working?” Bree asked worriedly. 
“He needs to sit up, it’s harder for him to breathe at this angle,” Kaz said, taking the mask off and pulling Chase up.
He supported Chase by threading his arms underneath Chase’s before pressing the mask to his face. 
Chase’s eyes opened, irritated by the situation, before pushing the mask away from his face and gasping for air. 
“Nice one, Kaz!” Oliver said excitedly, bro-hugging his friend. 
“Thanks, it was nothing,” He said with a chuckle. Donald sighed, picking up the memory wipe.
“Thanks for saving my son’s life, but I have to do a memory wipe now,” Donald said, adjusting the settings. 
“Wait, stop!” Oliver exclaimed. “We already knew about powers like this!” Donald looked at his children with wide eyes before turning to Leo. 
“What did you do?” He asked. Leo put his hands up defensively.
“I didn’t say anything,” He said. 
“No, Leo didn’t tell us, we’ve known for a really long time— before we even moved,” Kaz said, defending his friend. 
“There are other bionic humans?” Bree asked, amazed. Oliver and Kaz exchanged looks.
“Bionics?” Kaz asked, confused. Oliver nudged him in the ribs with his elbow. “I mean, bionics! Right!” 
“Yeah, we don’t know people with actual superpowers, b-because those don’t actually exist!” Oliver said. 
Chase knew he was lying. He didn’t really know how, why or what it meant, but he was lying.
Maybe he’d actually confront them about it this time. It felt much more important this time than their little white lies.
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lab-trash · 2 years
Mission Creek Mighty Med
Chapter three: The Perry Principal
Chapter List
Despite being there for three days, Skylar, Oliver and Kaz still hadn’t met the principal. Apparently she was sick, but Leo, Adam, Bree and Chase had warned them a bunch of times about her.
And much to everyone’s dismay, she returned. 
“Listen up, Squat Mugs! I was gone for three days, so I gotta make up for the lost time of torture!” She exclaimed. Kaz snickered. “What are you laughing at, tee ball?” She asked, getting in his personal space, making him very uncomfortable. 
“Oh, I just think the idea of that is funny,” He said with another small laugh. His new friends sucked air through their teeth. 
“Oh, well, I think your hair is funny. Who cuts your hair, your mom?”
“No, actually. She thinks that scissors will get stuck in her eye,” Kaz responded with a laugh.
Everyone looked so afraid for him, but Perry laughed.
“I understand that fear,” She said, “Especially when I’m around! You wouldn’t believe how many times my hands have ‘slipped,’ with scissors in my hand,” She said, stepping away from Kaz. Chase, Bree and Leo watched in amazement and fear.
“Hey, me too!” Adam said with a smile. 
“Well, I should get to my office. There’s some fungus I’ve been nursing back to health,” She said with a laugh before marching off to her office. 
The three stared in amazement. 
“How did you do that?” Leo asked, eyes wide. Kaz shrugged.
“I dunno,” He said, “But my boss says I charm everyone,” He said with another laugh.
He may have winked at Chase. But Chase may have been mistaken.
“He said he’s surprised you haven’t accidentally harmed anyone,” Oliver corrected. Kaz shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Well, both are true,” He said with a laugh. 
“What are you talking about?” Skylar asked. “Remember ‘Leslie?’ He almost killed you.”
“That doesn’t count! That was on purpose!” He exclaimed. Immediately the bionic humans fell into worry.
“You almost got killed?” Bree asked. Kaz chuckled and put his hand on Bree’s shoulder. 
“Multiple times,” He said before Bree swatted his hand away.
“What happened?” Chase asked, “Are you alright?” He added, stepping a bit closer. Kaz took a step back, making Chase immediately feel self conscious.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it, I’m fine,” He said through a small laugh. “I had people to help me through it.”
“Yeah,” Oliver said, somewhat bitter, “It gets easy after a while.”
“You’ve saved his life?” Bree asked. Oliver nodded admittedly. “You just got cuter,” She teased, making Chase and Kaz roll their eyes in unison.
“Hey, I helped!” Skylar said defensively. 
“I never said you weren’t cute,” Bree said, although Chase thought she was just people pleasing. 
“Yeah, Connie, don’t worry,” Oliver said, “You’re cute.”
“I know what you think,” Skylar said. 
“I’d say you’re cute, but I just think you’re cool,” Kaz said with a shrug. He confused stares. “No offence, Connie,” He added, although she knew it was just because he liked men.
He probably just wasn’t ready to be out at this new school yet. Like he hadn’t been at their old school. 
“Next time you’re in trouble, you can call us,” Chase said to Kaz. “We’ll help in any way we can.” Bree hit him in the chest and he hit her arm in return. 
“Oh, thanks,” Kaz said, “But I wouldn’t want you getting in trouble. And I have a lot of powerful friends, you wouldn’t even believe,” He said with a laugh. “Right, Oliver?” Oliver glared at him.
“Right,” He said, annoyed. 
  Kaz’s next interaction with Principal Perry was just as pleasant and confusing. 
He, being Kaz, put a dead mouse on her desk. He thought it was hilarious, and even signed his entire first and last name.
Well, he tried to sign his full name, but got tripped up. So he just signed his nickname.
He didn’t even know how she reacted until she left her office, the mouse in hand.
“Whoever Kaz is, who left this mouse on my desk!” She started. Kaz was immediately pushed forward by Oliver and Adam, turning in their friend. “Thanks!” She said with a laugh. “My cats love it when I bring them little treats!” 
The bionic kids, plus Leo, were extra confused. 
Kaz would’ve responded, almost equally as confused, but Perry spoke up. 
“What’re you lookin’ at, Dooley?” She asked Leo, who put his hands up defensively as she stomped away. 
Mr Davenport’s kids all approached Kaz in confusion.
“Okay, that one… I have no idea, that prank totally backfired,” He said with a laugh. Adam and Chase’s face lit up.
“Oh no…” Bree muttered as Chase leaned close to Kaz.
Kaz might’ve been flustered. But that doesn’t matter.
“We pull pranks like that all the time, you should totally join us,” He said with a smile that Kaz felt was contagious. “Just not on Perry. You haven’t seen it, but we’re pretty sure she’s killed some people.”
“That sounds…” He paused, making Chase anxious. “Awesome!” He exclaimed, making Chase’s smile return to his face. “But, I have to be honest. Oliver and Connie are also amazing at pranking,” He said, motioning to his friends. “Well, Skylar is. Oliver’s only okay.”
“Wha— Seriously Kaz? You know I’m the Governor of Giggles— You admitted it to yourself!” Kaz turned to him.
“Yeah! When I thought the world was ending! I thought we, and everyone else, were going to die, I was trying to make you feel better!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Chase said, putting his hand up, “Why did you think the world was ending?” He asked. Skylar laughed, putting her hand up. 
“That would be my prank,” She said. Kaz nodded.
“She’s got a gift,” He said, putting his hand to his heart. 
 After that, the Davenports learned that, by some magical reason, Kaz just could not get in trouble by Principal Perry. No matter what he did, it was just appreciated.
It was honestly a nice change of pace for him. He always got in trouble with Principal Howard at their old school. He almost got suspended three times in a month, but he managed to talk his way out of it. 
Chase theorised that it was because of Kaz’s experience with inmates. Two of Kaz’s brothers and one of his sisters were in jail, and he visited them sometimes. He’d met many inmates. 
Maybe he had some sort of weird connection to them.
According to Chase, Perry definitely should’ve been in prison, and it was the only explanation that he could come up with.
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lab-trash · 2 years
Mission Creek Mighty Med
Chapter twoooo
Chapter List
The next class that Kaz had was history, by far his least favourite class ever, but at least he shared it with Oliver and Skylar.
“So, you were being extra weird this morning,” Skylar observed. “What was with that?” Kaz sighed.
“I didn’t expect to get gay panic so quickly,” He said. He chuckled at his own pain and misfortune.
“What, you like Adam?” Oliver asked. “Or, do you mean Leo?” Kaz was about to say something, but the teacher interrupted.
Thank the lord.
Now, history being Kaz’s least favourite subject, he put on his headphones and started reading a new comic, preparing for the day of work. He’d already moved through a Tecton comic, and a Solar Flare comic in Study Hall, but there was still more research to do.
Luckily, with their history teacher being so old, she didn’t even notice.
And, for Kaz, the class ended in no time and he left with his friends.
“I liked that class,” Skylar said, “Old people are so cute!” She said happily. Oliver, who was actually annoyed by how much Ms Thistle had droned on about insignificant things.
“Yeah,” He agreed, “Adorable,” he said, nostrils flaring unconsciously as he lied.
“We should prepare for Spark Plug and Surge in the hospital today,” Kaz said, “They fought Sonic Shriek together the other day and got themselves all kinds of broken,” He said with a laugh, that died down as soon as he realised how mean that was.
“Really? I would’ve thought that they won,” Oliver said. Kaz nodded.
“Oh, they did. Sonic Shriek’s plans were foiled, he’s more broken than they are,” He said. “But they were caught under a telephone pole.” Oliver nodded in understanding.
“Ah, yeah, that sounds about right. Sonic Shriek always likes getting the final blow,” He said. Kaz laughed in agreement.
“Hey, Spark Plug and Surge against Night Strike,” Kaz challenged. Oliver fought for a moment.
“I mean, Night Strike is Spark’s arch enemy, and she beats him all the time. Spark has a similar set of powers to Spark Plug’s, especially since he was her mentor. But—”
Skylar groaned.
“Oh my god, I thought this would’ve stopped after moving to California!” She exclaimed before stomping off. Kaz laughed.
“Yeah, because we’ll ever stop having an imagination ,” He said.
Slowly, but surely, the next two periods passed and lunch arrived. Kaz got his lunch and inspected it as soon as he sat down, at the side of Oliver and Skylar.
“This food reminds me of the food at Mighty Med,” Kaz said. “Barely fit for humans,” He added, as their new friends approached them.
“Yeah, that’s about right, actually,” Leo said. “But you get what you can,” He said, sitting down.
“This is great compared to what we had back on my planet— I mean, at my old school,” Skylar corrected quickly, although Chase looked at her sceptically. “I mean, most of the time, it tried to eat you while you ate it.”
“Hm,” Chase hummed, “They probably shouldn’t have served so much acidic food,” He said, getting strange looks from Skylar and Oliver.
“Anyway, yeah, I remember that,” Oliver said, “But, in their defence, you could’ve left at any moment.” Skylar nodded in admittance.
“You could just leave your school building?” Bree asked, getting their attention.
“Uhh,” Skylar hesitated. “During lunch period, yes,” She said with a small, nervous laugh.
“Ah, okay,” Bree said. “So, how are you liking it at Mission Creek High?”
“And if the answer is that you like it, your delusions will shortly be shattered,” Chase added, making the trio laugh, much to Adam’s confusion. Kaz stared down at his hands, nervous.
“It’s not so bad,” Kaz said, looking back at Chase. He cleared his throat nervously. “I mean, some of the people make it okay,” He added. “Besides, I get to spend my first two classes reading comics.”
“You have study hall two periods in a row?” Bree asked. Kaz shook his head.
“No, but second period I have history with this really old teacher who doesn’t even notice,” He said with a small nod.
“Ah, yes, Ms Thisle,” Leo said with a nod as Kaz pulled two comics out of his bag.
“Here, Oliver, read this one. You’ll probably make connections that I haven’t,” Kaz said, handing him the Solar Flare comic. Leo’s eyes widened as he saw the comic that Kaz was reading; a Gamma Girl comic that even he didn’t recognise.
“What? How did you get that? It’s not even out yet!”
“Oh, we have a connection,” Kaz said.
The truth was, they usually got comics extra early from Ambrose so that they could know how to treat the patients.
“Do you work at a comic shop?” Adam asked. Kaz gaped.
“Damnit, that would’ve been a great idea!” He exclaimed, turning to Oliver. “Then Wallace and Clyde couldn’t have gotten on our case about reading comics and playing video games without paying for them!”
“Yeah, because working at a comic shop would’ve been better than our current job,” Oliver said sarcastically. He looked at Adam. “No, we don’t. But, we have connections with the writers.”
“Lucky!” Leo exclaimed.
“I don’t understand comic books,” Chase admitted. “I mean, they’re so unbelievable, and I can only suspend my disbelief so much!” He exclaimed. “I mean, the only one that I understand at all is Titanio.”
“Makes sense,” Oliver said, “He doesn’t have any powers. Without his exo-suit, he’s just a plain ol’ billionaire.”
“No, no, hold up!” Kaz said, holding up his hand. “What about Tecton? Or Spark? Gamma Girl, Arachnia—”
“Skylar Storm,” Skylar added, to which Kaz nodded in agreement.
“First of all, being an alien is not an explanation for magical superpowers ,” Chase said, “And why would they send a pregnant woman into space?”
“A corrupt space exploration company,” Oliver and Kaz said at the same time.
“And Tecton. He got a meteorite in his chest; how are his powers connected to the earth?” He asked rhetorically. Kaz took a breath.
“His powers weren’t connected to the earth, but in The Adventures of Tecton, issue #4, he falls into the Earth’s core, giving him even more powers than he had before, and connecting his abilities to Earth,” he said, somewhat defensive about one of his best friends.
“Okay, but how could he have possibly survived falling into the Earth’s core?” Chase asked, “It’s about 5,200° Celsius. That’s 9,392° Fahrenheit,” He added. Kaz hesitated for the slightest moment, but only Oliver noticed, being his best friend of 12 years.
“The meteorite in his chest gives him healing powers,” He said simply. Oliver nodded.
“Yeah, and since he was able to fly out, he healed in a matter of seconds, like he always does.”
“Actually, he doesn’t heal if he has gold in his system, because of the gargulon gass,” Kaz corrected.
“Well, yeah, but that was implied,” Oliver said, although honestly he had forgotten that little detail of his weakness.
“Why would he have gold in his system?” Bree asked, also slightly confused.
“Well, he saved the federal reserve bank from being robbed by Megahertz, and in that fight, Megahertz put a stop sign through his stomach. In that process, a gold coin got lodged in his flesh,” He said. “Fun fact, his insides are blue and feel like wet glue,” He said with a chuckle. Everyone stared at him, making him feel self conscious.
“Man, now we got two nerds in the group,” Adam said, making Chase glare at him.
“Three nerds,” Skylar corrected. “Oliver’s also a nerd.”
“Hey!” Oliver said, his voice high pitched and defensively. “Well, actually, you’re not really wrong.”
Kaz was about to say something defensively, but his tiny beeper went off, for the first time in months. He looked at it discreetly under the table.
“Uh, Oliver,” Kaz said quietly. “Horace needs us for a surgery. Turns out, Surge’s spine is fractured and they don’t know how to get through his skin.”
“Man!” Oliver exclaimed quietly. “I thought that maybe on our first day of school, they wouldn’t call us in during the middle of the day,” He complained.
“Dude, what are you complaining about? This is great!” He said, “I mean, not the whole ‘his back is broken,’ thing, but we get to leave school early!” Oliver sighed.
“Whatever, let’s go,” He said, standing up.
“Where are you guys going?” Bree asked.
“Oh, uh…” Kaz trailed off.
“We just have to help my aunt, because—”
“Of the fire,” Kaz interrupted. Oliver glared at him.
“Seriously?” He asked. He sighed, turning back to their new friends. “Sure,” He said. “We gotta go.”
“Is there any way we can help?” Bree asked. Oliver laughed nervously.
“No, no, we got it!” He said. “Let’s go Kaz,” he said and they sped walk off.
“They’re lying,” Chase said, getting everyone’s attention. “I tried not to listen in, but they’re definitely lying. There was so much strain in both their voices.”
“How could you possibly have noticed that?” Skylar asked, startling everyone.
“Uhh,” Chase started, “I’m very observant,” He said, coming out like a question. Skylar squinted at them, but didn’t say anything.
“Alright,” She said, not believing him.
Chase hadn’t used his bionic hearing, but that changed very little. He knew they were lying.
The only difference was that he didn’t know why.
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lab-trash · 2 years
MCMM Chapter List
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