#missy certainly seems to enjoy it with all the children she nannies
i Am sorta thinking about missys mysterious daughter through all this. i dont know what kinda parent the master is but the.... idk devotion? idk if thats the word. mrs coulter has does seem like.....not unlike the master
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bandblogging · 5 years
Single Dad Dun Pt. 1 (Josh dun Imagine)
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Words: 1.3k
Summary: You and single dad Josh run into each other quite a few times in a coffee shop and there's more than a little crush evolving
A/N: ayy I made it. This isn't as good as I hoped it to be, but this is just a first part so. I mean I hope that some of you want to read a second part to this - let me know! (also the name might change)
Even though gusts of wind blew the freshly fallen leaves along the path that snaked through the park, there were still plenty of family's playing with their kids on the playground. Your office and the coffee shop just underneath it stood across the street from the popular green space in your city. During your lunch break you liked to watch the squirrels jump from tree to tree or the children swinging on the swing-set. Sometimes you felt a pang of sadness when you saw happy family's laughing and enjoying their time. Your last relationship had ended almost a year ago and when you were together with someone for almost six years it left a big hole. You had been so sure that your ex-boyfriend was the one. You had already talked about an engagement, children, a family but that never happened. Only a few weeks after you talked about all of that both of you felt something change and soon the breakup followed. You were at the end of your twenties and even though you technically still had plenty of time to have a family, in your head you had always imagined already having one at this point.
The coffee in your hand had turned luke warm when you took another sip of it. "Thanks" You nodded to the waitress that had placed a ham-and-cheese sandwich on the table infront of you. Next to the coffee the melted cheese burnt your tongue when you sank your teeth in it. The morning had been stressful and it had felt forever for your lunch break to come around. You liked watching people in silent, there was so much noise all day, you liked to have this half an hour just for yourself. The employees knew you well enough to just leave you in your quiet space and so you were startled when a little hand touched your arm. "What's that?" A small voice asked or at least that is what you interpreted it as. A little girl maybe three years old stood next to your seat, pointing at the long cheese stretch that your sandwich had formed. You did your best to slurp up the cheese but still some stuck to your chin when a man, looking around your age stepped behind the girl. "Are you hungry missy?", the guy asked and watched the little girl nod enthusiastically. "Their ham and cheese sandwiches are really good." You placed your own down and smiled at them. "Guess we'll have to try them huh?", he asked again and immediately the little girl tugged at his sleeve, pulling him towards the register. He smiled at you for another moment before turning on his heel and moving to stand in line.
The interaction didn't last longer than two minutes but somehow there was something about him that made you blush. Something about him had captured your interest.
The rest of the week you had spent your lunch break at the exact same place, waiting for the strange man to show up again but to no avail. No sign of him or the little girl. After your Friday lunch you left a little bit dissapointed but hoped to just forget him over the weekend.
The weekend came and went and on Monday you were invited to a business lunch with some partners in restaurant across the city. It was a welcomed distraction since the stupid crush you had formed within minutes didn't magically leave you.
You had almost given up when during your last ten minutes of break on Friday the door to the coffee shop was pushed open. A gust of wind blew a few leaves into the room and made the hairs on the nape of your head stand up. You looked towards the door and your eyes met his, whether it was a coincidence or not he smiled at you before carefully pushing the toddler out of the doorway. You didn't speak to him, only a few stolen glances were exchanged before you had to head back upstairs.
On Monday he was there again, smiling and feeding the little girl some of the cake they offered.
Tuesday the same, a small greeting and goodbye before leaving again.
Wednesday you finally had the guts to start small talk but were interrupted by your phone ringing.
Thursday he didn't show up, your heart sank and dissapointment lingered in your veins.
Friday however the chair next to yours was pulled away before you could look up and the man sat across from you. He helped the little girl up onto the other chair before grinning at you. "Everything else is full, I hope this is okay." He smiled and pushed a lock of hair behind the girls ear. "Yeah it's fine", you replied and slid your chair a little further to the side to give them a bit more space. "I'm Josh by the way" He held his hand out in a formal manner but chuckled once you shook it. "I'm Y/N", you said. "My name is Eve", the girl said proudly and stretched her hand out following Josh. You chuckled and shook it with the most sincerity. "Very polite"
You spent the rest of your break chatting to them. It turned out that Eve was Josh's almost three year old daughter. He had mentioned in half a sentence that he was a single dad but you didn't want to pry any further.
When you had gotten back to your work a sudden realization hit you, you hadn't exchanged last names nor phone numbers. He was long gone when you checked the coffee shop an hour later.
But that didn't matter because Monday noon, punctually at one pm he stood in the coffee shop almost waiting for you.
You spent your next few breaks talking to him, sometimes with Eve sometimes without. He explained that sometimes he had a nanny for her when he had to work and so she wasn't always with him. You knew he was a drummer and was working at a sound studio a few times a week, but not much more about it. At the end of the week you had exchanged number and were texting heavily during the weekend. You felt giddy like a school girl whenever he would reply, a stupid crush turning into a bigger thing. And when it finally hit Sunday evening you were glad to be seeing him again in person the next day.
"I don't want to pry but where is your recording studio?, you asked him,"we could go eat lunch somewhere closer to it." He had waited infront of the stairs that lead up to your office. You had only ever met at the coffee shop and even though they offered tasty food, it wasn't very versatile "Oh it's at the other end of the city, it's actually only a few streets from my house." Josh drifted off and pushed his hand in his pockets. "Wait, so why are you coming here?", you asked curiously and raised an eyebrow. "At first it was because of Eve's daycare but now.-" Josh blushed slightly and cleared his throat "- I come because I want to see you." You were taken aback for a moment, certainly feeling flattered. "That seems unnecessary, cute but unnecessary. I could just give you my address", you smiled at him and began searching in your purse for a piece of paper and a pen. Sure you could just text it to him but this felt a lot more traditional. "I'd like that", Josh said and smiled back. You quickly scribbled down you adress on a piece of paper you had found and gave it to him. "I'm usually home around half six but just text me to make sure." You let your hand rest on his for a moment, the paper crunching between you fingers when he squeezed your hand.
You had known Josh for not more than two weeks but you felt something you had only ever felt with one other person. There was simply something about his that you connected with. He felt so familiar and a nagging voice in the back of your head made you want to think this might be your way to family.
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