#what happens when the child starts wanting things that dont align with what the master wants though
i Am sorta thinking about missys mysterious daughter through all this. i dont know what kinda parent the master is but the.... idk devotion? idk if thats the word. mrs coulter has does seem like.....not unlike the master
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Valentina was 14 when the Jedi council removed her from her padawan training and casted her out the Jedi order. She was too passionate they said, too irrational and felt too much to be a Jedi. Her training in the halls of the Jedi order was debated from the very start. With her being a daughter of a powerful politician, half of the council found her acceptance to the academy as a politically driven motive to have the Jedi who's closely tied to politics.  But this decision was waived as she was a child who had a strong pull in the force and as such should be trained into being a Jedi.
After years of being a padawan, her control over the force became stronger however her emotions often became a problem. As a Jedi, attachments were not permitted but Valentina always had a big heart, and she often gave it away. On a mission in the outer rim, she and her Master were tasked on a basic recruitment mission. A youngling was found on a native tribe in the marsh lands. Yee’ra, was her name. Humanoid, about 2 years old with light blue skin and big black eyes. She was a spry little kid with way too much energy for anyone to contain. Valentina found herself absolutely loving this child from the first few moments she spent with her. Her Master went ahead to talk to the youngling’s remaining parent, her father. Curious, Valentina asked Yeera where her mother was. Yee’ra hesitated at first, looking down suddenly fidgeting her feet. Valentina sensed her discomfort at the topic and thought maybe she overstepped her boundaries but Yee’ra gave her a polite shrug. ‘My dad doesn’t want to talk about it, he thinks I’m too young to know.’ Yee’ra said while picking on the lints on her pants. ‘But, people talk- I hear them talk about how sorry they were for me, never understood why until I heard about the roving bandits who came here once-’, Yee’ra stopped and waited for Valentina’s reaction, Valentina listened carefully, ‘- and, and they took my mom. They say they were slave traders, or marauders, I really dont know what those are and-.’ ,Yee’ra started to ramble clearly still processing this information herself. Valentina placed a comforting hand on Yee’ra arm, ‘Well, we aren’t so different after all. I lost my mom too when I was very young’ ‘Did marauders take her too?’ ‘No, but an accident did’ ‘I’m sorry.’ Valentina wrapped an arm around Yee’ra and gave her a smile, ‘Don’t be, training in the Jedi temple helped a lot. Kept my mind off it.’ Valentina playfully flexed her thin arm and made her voice deep,’ Made me strong!’, Yee’ra laughed at her attempt.
Valentina and Yee’ra passed the time showing off force tricks leaving Yee’ra awed by what the Jedi are able to do. Yee’ra did not pass the chance to try and imitate what Valentina did and tried to levitate pebbles lying on the ground. To Valentina’s amusement, she sneakily levitated a pebble making Yee’ra jump and run around in excitement screaming ‘I’m gonna be a Jedi!’. A huge arguement in Yee’ra’s hut interrupted their glee as she hears her father screaming in anger. Not a few moments later, her Master leaves the hut in a quick measured pace, their eyes latched on Yee’ra. They kneeled and looked at Yee’ra intently in the eyes, seemingly reading her- her thoughts? her future? And then then her Master declared, ‘The force is strong in you, youngling. Your only path now is to be trained.’ Confused, Yee’ra looked at the strange Jedi Master and Valentina. ‘ But, my dad-’, Yee’ra asked wondering where her father was. ‘Your dad knows in his heart that this is the right path for you’, the Jedi Master held out their hand. Yee’ra paused. She looked back at Valentina looking for some reassurance, but Valentina herself was confused by what was happening before her. Valentina realizes what was happening and managed to give Yee’ra a small smile, hoping that she was giving Yee’ra the ressurance she needed, trusting that her Master was doing the right thing. But she was not sure what was right anymore. The Jedi Master led Yee’ra and herself into the ship they came with and was quick to take off. Just as they were rising above the tree level, Valentina saw a glimpse of Yee’ra’s father running outside his hut, his face anguished, his shouts silenced by the roaring blast of the ship’s takeoff. He screamed Yee’ra’s name. They were no better than the marauders who took Yee’ra’s mother.  Valentina was unprepared to know this side of the Jedi Order. She knew it happens and she knew that it was for the ultimate good. But she also knew in her heart that it was wrong. She asked her Master and the other Masters for clarity, to convince herself that the Jedi were still the knights who fought for justice. But knowing the truth has already clouded her trust in the order. 
A few months passed, Valentina continued with her training but her Master sensed her doubts. ‘You hold too many misplaced emotions, Valentina. What we did for Yee’ra was intended by the force.’ Her Master placed their hand on Valentina’s shoulder giving it a small squeeze. ‘Yee’ra is now one of the best youngling’s we have so far even though she started at a late age. Her future is bright and she will soon become a padawan like yourself. And who know’s, you might be the Jedi Master who would get to train her.’  Valentina tried to shrug off the thought, how can she face the child she helped kidnap from her family. Anger. Unsure where it came from, but all she could feel was anger. No matter how hard she focused on meditating, it was all she could feel. Until a sharp pang in her stomach hit her like sledgehammer. Dread. Emptiness. All at once. For a split second she felt as if air in her lungs was suddenly vacuumed and familiar voices was screaming in her head. Silence. The voices suddenly stopped. 
News travel fast in the halls of the Jedi Temple and it was not long until Valentina heard the devastating news. Her father, Senator Leon Karvajal, and her brother Guille, was a victim to a accident. Their ship was en route to the Capitol but as it was entering the atmosphere the reentry protocol failed caused by internal malfunction setting the freighter a blaze with no parts to spare. Valentina was quick to rush towards the Masters council, to ask who was behind this? to beg for justice? she does not know but needed to do something. However, she was met only with sorry looks and words of comfort that she doesn’t want or need. They said it was matters beyond them for it was confirmed that it was all a terrible accident. But, Valentina was aware that in the Capitol, assassinations like this was not uncommon. 
Against every Jedi rule and code against family and ties with them, Valentina kept tabs with her family’s affairs all those years. She was aware of her father’s position in the Senate and how much influence he carries. In the past couple of years, a conflict was brewing within the senate, dividing itself and was now at the verge of change. Change to what end, she was unsure, but she was certain that her father and a few more senators were the only one holding the line against a radical change that was about to fall upon the republic. Him being in an accident at the most critical moment in the senate was no coincidence.
Conspiracies floated around the capitol. Bureaucrats, capitalists, private sectors, many pointed at different directions, stories and figures as to who or what really cause the beloved senator’s death but Valentina’s investigation lead her to betrayal she never saw coming. Eva, her own sister, caused her father’s death. A bomb was set-off in the ship causing it to fail the reentry protocol. This was confirmed in the last coms sent from the ship. And the bomb was traced to an assassin hired by her sister. She knew she was always against her fathers decisions, always thought his stubbornness was weak, and her agendas don’t often align with their father’s, but to kill him just to take the senate seat was something she never thought was something her sister could do.
Blinded with searing rage, Valentina cuts down whoever was on her way until she reached her sister’s chambers, finding Eva cowering inside her closet. She brings her hand out and wills the force around Eva’s neck and grips it. Eva’s pleading was cut off as her airway was suddenly held tight. She couldn’t see who was attacking her in the dark apart from the yellow eyes that pierced in the shadows. Until a familiar child’s voice, a familiar anger a familiar sadness, cut through the deafening blood that thumped in her ears.  ‘Why did you do it, Eva?.’ ‘V-Valentina?’ Eva floated, her head hanging in the air like it was on an invisible noose. Her body was frozen and she can now feel her head getting lighter. ‘Was it worth it?, Valentina asked through her tears. Her anger was beating like a drum in her chest. She felt as if the terror that was in her sister’s eyes were giving her a satisfaction she had never felt before. ‘Was the senate worth our father and brother’s life?’ Eva was now close enough to see her sister’s face. Still hooded in shadow, her sister’s face was as young as she could remember. Young, angry, wild. All was the same, but her eyes. It was no longer the eyes she remembered her with. The sparkling sky blue that shines naturally. No, it was now sickly yellow. Yellow that shines in a different way. It was bright like a predator in the dark.  VWOOOM.         
Blue light washed over the room when Valentinas saber stabs through her sisters body. Eva jerked and kicked for a few moments and then slumps. Her lifeless body falls on the floor.
After she avenged the assassination of her family it sparked an inner strength she never knew she had. Powered by vengeance and hate towards the corruption that lies in the senate and the council, her journey to the darkside begins.
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noespensaressentir · 4 years
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Y que se puede hacer un lunes por la tarde en Abidjan?
Esa es la pregunta que de repente, aparece en nuestra cabeza ,tras esa mañana ajetreada con un abogado preguntándole por el primer paso. Estamos seguros que a vosotros os hubiera pasado igual!! Después de una nueva comida (que afortunados somos de poder comer tres veces al día!!) decidimos que íbamos a disfrutar de otra forma, era un día un tanto especial, como para seguir acumulando más sensaciones de alta intensidad que nos dispersaran la atención y aprovechando la tormenta que cayó a primera hora de la tarde y la notificación de que no teníamos entrenamiento, pudimos quedarnos en el apartamento, compartiendo momentos mágicos con ese maestro de la vida, que había aparecido en nuestro camino. Todo se alineó para que pudiéramos disfrutar de una forma recíproca de nuestras energías y de todo lo que eso nos hacía sentir a los tres. Estábamos comenzando a crear un vínculo invisible, del cual nadie hablaba, pero los tres sentimos... comenzamos a comunicarnos con el auténtico lenguaje del ser humano, en el que  las palabras sobran y los malos entendidos no existen donde el abrazo y las miradas se escriben  con mayúscula, el lenguaje que te permite ver con tus ojos, el color real de las almas de las personas.
Porque claro!! Es complejo  intentar entender en inglés, francés y castellano, pero cuando se habla, con el lenguaje ancestral de la energía... no hay nada que se ponga por delante. Solo las cosas sin importancia, como chaqueta, pan, frío, coche, necesitan eso, convertirse en “palabra” para ser entendido. A nosotros nos sobraban todas! Jajaja!!! Eso fue lo que nos pasó a los tres, porque intentámos hablar todo el tiempo desde el corazón y ese lenguaje es universal, da igual el país, el color de la piel, las distancias…
Que gran rato compartir con alguien que no ha tenido nada y a la vez te lo da todo. Qué gran aprendizaje!! Esas horas de diálogo con miradas, dándonos las manos,  gestos nacidos desde lo más profundo del ser,con un agradecimiento intenso, que sientes que emerge desde lo más hondo y puro...La magia de ese pequeño...él no había tenido tiempo de olvidar lo auténtico del ser humano, lo que nos hace verdaderamente grandes... él conservaba intactas sus vibraciones primordiales y así se comunicó con nosotros... de verdad... pura magia!!Nos estremecimos compartiendo sensaciones y emociones... sencillamente inexplicable!!
Pero… la tarde era larga, la lluvia cesó tras una gran tormenta y nos encontramos con un ejemplo más de ilusión y pasión!!!
Cuando vamos a entrenar….? En cuanto terminó esa frase el pequeño, ya nos habíamos cambiado de ropa para emprender uno de esos días donde estás entre nervioso y con una sonrisa eterna, porque vas a vivir una experiencia más  de las inolvidables, que llevábamos acumuladas. Nunca podremos olvidar su cara de felicidad durante ese entrenamiento y esa satisfacción de compartir algo tan simple como una carrera o unos ejercicios. Que fácil es poder hacer feliz a las personas cuando realmente lo que se quiere es ser feliz.
Como todo entrenamiento, tiene su calentamiento, parte principal y su vuelta a la calma. Y este entrenamiento no fue menos en ese sentido. Nuestra carrera continua un ratito, nuestros ejercicios como parte principal y la vuelta a la calma en un medio no natural para un pequeño de Abidjan. Terminamos en la piscina? Si, podemos terminar en la piscina.
Os podéis imaginar nuestra cara de alegría cuando íbamos camino de la pequeña piscina que tenía el apartahotel. Pero lo mejor estaba por llegar. Ducha antes de entrar al agua, bajar por las escaleras para evitar el contraste por si acaso y esperar a que ese pequeño hiciera lo mismo. Evidentemente ese pequeño hizo lo mismo, pero nunca nos dijo que no sabía nadar!!😅😅Él, nos quería agradar en todo y su ilusión era mayor que su miedo, así que apartó el miedo a un lado y saltó como un león al agua!!
Lógicamente era la primera vez que se bañaba en una piscina, no sabía nadar!!! pero como un campeón terminó cruzando la piscina con nosotros para cumplir con su ilusión. Dónde está el limite? Que es el miedo?… Una nueva lección de ese pequeño que hizo que esa lluviosa tarde de lunes que nos suspenden el entrenamiento del equipo, fuese mágica.
Gracias pequeño.
Eli y Antonio.
And what can be done on a Monday afternoon in Abidjan?
That is the question that suddenly appears in our heads, after that busy morning with a lawyer asking about the first step. We are sure that the same would have happened to you !! After a new meal (how lucky we are to be able to eat three times a day !!) we decided that we were going to enjoy it in another way, it was a somewhat special day, so as to continue accumulating more high intensity sensations that would disperse our attention Taking advantage of the storm that fell in the early afternoon and the notification that we had no training, we were able to stay in the apartment, sharing magical moments with that master of life, who had appeared on our way. Everything was aligned so that we could reciprocally enjoy our energies and everything that made all three of us feel. We were beginning to create an invisible bond, of which no one spoke, but the three of us felt ... we began to communicate with the authentic language of the human being, in which words are not enough and misunderstandings do not exist where hug and gaze meet capitalized, the language that allows you to see with your eyes, the real color of people's souls.
Because of course! It is complex to try to understand in English, French and Spanish, but when you speak, with the ancient language of energy ... there is nothing that stands before you. Only unimportant things, like a jacket, bread, cold, car, need that, to become a "word" to be understood. We all had plenty! Hahaha!!! That was what happened to the three of us, because we tried to speak all the time from the heart and that language is universal, no matter the country, the color of the skin, the distances ...
What a great time to share with someone who has had nothing and at the same time gives you everything. What a great learning !! Those hours of dialogue with glances, giving us hands, gestures born from the depths of being, with intense gratitude, that you feel emerges from the depths and purest ... The magic of that little one ... he had not had time to forget the authenticity of the human being, which makes us truly great ... he kept his primordial vibrations intact and thus communicated with us ... really ... pure magic !! We shuddered sharing sensations and emotions .. simply inexplicable !!
But ... the afternoon was long, the rain stopped after a great storm and we found another example of enthusiasm and passion !!!
When are we going to train…? As soon as the little one finished that sentence, we had already changed our clothes to start one of those days where you are nervous and with an eternal smile, because you are going to live one more unforgettable experience, which we had accumulated. We can never forget his happy face during that training and that satisfaction of sharing something as simple as a race or some exercises. How easy it is to be able to make people happy when what you really want is to be happy.
Like all training, it has its warm-up, main part and its return to calm. And this training was no less in that sense. Our career continues for a little while, our exercises as the main part and the return to calm in an unnatural environment for a child from Abidjan. We ended up in the pool? Yes, we can end up in the pool.
You can imagine our happy face when we were on our way to the small pool that the aparthotel had. But the best was yet to come. Shower before entering the water, go down the stairs to avoid the contrast just in case and wait for that little one to do the same. Obviously that little boy did the same, but he never told us that he didn't know how to swim !! He wanted us to please us in everything and his illusion was greater than his fear, so he put fear aside and jumped like a lion into the water !!
Logically it was the first time that he bathed in a pool, he did not know how to swim !!! but like a champion he ended up crossing the pool with us to fulfill his illusion. Where is the limit? What is fear? ... A new lesson from that little one that made that rainy Monday afternoon that we suspended the team training, be magical.
Thank you little one.
Eli and Antonio.
Et que peut-on faire un lundi après-midi à Abidjan?
Telle est la question qui surgit soudainement dans nos têtes, après cette matinée bien remplie avec un avocat qui pose des questions sur la première étape. Nous sommes sûrs que la même chose vous serait arrivée !! Après un nouveau repas (quelle chance nous avons de pouvoir manger trois fois par jour !!) nous avons décidé que nous allions l'apprécier d'une autre manière, c'était une journée un peu spéciale, afin de continuer à accumuler des sensations plus intenses qui disperseraient notre attention et Profitant de la tempête qui est tombée en début d'après-midi et de la notification que nous n'avions pas de formation, nous avons pu rester dans l'appartement, partageant des moments magiques avec ce maître de la vie, apparu sur notre chemin. Tout était aligné pour que nous puissions profiter réciproquement de nos énergies et de tout ce qui nous faisait ressentir tous les trois. Nous commençons à créer un lien invisible, dont personne ne parle, mais que nous ressentons tous les trois ... nous avons commencé à communiquer avec le langage authentique de l'être humain, dans lequel les mots ne suffisent pas et les malentendus n'existent pas là où se rencontrent étreinte et regards. en majuscules, la langue qui vous permet de voir avec vos yeux, la vraie couleur de l'âme des gens.
Parce que bien sûr! C'est complexe d'essayer de comprendre en anglais, en français et en espagnol, mais quand on parle, avec l'ancienne langue de l'énergie ... il n'y a rien qui se tient devant vous. Seules des choses sans importance, comme une veste, du pain, du froid, une voiture, en ont besoin pour devenir un «mot» à comprendre. Nous en avons tous eu plein! Hahaha!!! C'est ce qui est arrivé à nous trois, car nous avons essayé de parler tout le temps avec le cœur et cette langue est universelle, peu importe le pays, la couleur de la peau, les distances ...
Quel bon moment à partager avec quelqu'un qui n'a rien eu et en même temps vous donne tout. Quel bel apprentissage !! Ces heures de dialogue avec des regards, nous donnant des mains, des gestes nés des profondeurs de l'être, avec une profonde gratitude, que l'on ressent émerge des profondeurs et des plus purs ... La magie de ce petit ... il n'avait pas eu le temps d'oublier l'authenticité de l'être humain, ce qui nous rend vraiment grands ... il a gardé intactes ses vibrations primordiales et ainsi il a communiqué avec nous ... vraiment ... de la magie pure !! Nous avons frissonné de partage de sensations et d'émotions .. tout simplement inexplicable !!
Mais ... l'après-midi a été long, la pluie s'est arrêtée après une grosse tempête et nous avons trouvé un autre exemple d'enthousiasme et de passion !!!
Quand allons-nous nous entraîner…? Dès que le petit a terminé cette phrase, nous avions déjà changé nos vêtements pour commencer un de ces jours où vous êtes nerveux et avec un sourire éternel, car vous allez vivre une expérience de plus des inoubliables, que nous avions accumulées. On n'oubliera jamais son visage joyeux lors de cet entraînement et cette satisfaction de partager quelque chose d'aussi simple qu'une course ou des exercices. Comme il est facile de rendre les gens heureux alors que vous voulez vraiment être heureux.
Comme tout entraînement, il a son échauffement, sa partie principale et son retour au calme. Et cette formation n'était pas moins dans ce sens. Notre carrière continue pendant un petit moment, nos exercices comme partie principale et le retour au calme dans un environnement contre nature pour un enfant d'Abidjan. Nous nous sommes retrouvés dans la piscine? Oui, on peut se retrouver dans la piscine.
Vous pouvez imaginer notre visage heureux lorsque nous étions sur le chemin de la petite piscine de l'appart'hôtel. Mais le meilleur reste à venir. Prenez une douche avant d'entrer dans l'eau, descendez les escaliers pour éviter le contraste au cas où et attendez que ce petit fasse de même. Évidemment, ce petit garçon a fait la même chose, mais il ne nous a jamais dit qu'il ne savait pas nager !! Il voulait que nous nous plaisions en tout et son illusion était plus grande que sa peur, alors il a mis la peur de côté et a sauté comme un lion dans l'eau !!
Logiquement c'était la première fois qu'il se baignait dans une piscine, il ne savait pas nager !!! mais comme un champion, il a fini par traverser la piscine avec nous pour réaliser son illusion. Où est la limite? Qu'est-ce que la peur? ... Une nouvelle leçon de ce petit qui a rendu ce lundi après-midi pluvieux où nous avons suspendu l'entraînement en équipe, soit magique.
Merci petit.
Eli et Antonio.
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