#lyra didnt like that much
pulchrasilva · 1 year
I just finished rewatching his dark materials season 2 (so I'm FINALLY gonna get to the new season. Soon) and oh my god it feels like I'm on drugs. How was I normal when it first came out how?? Im gonna go insane
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reminiscentreader · 12 days
*sigh..* my controversial tig opinions
im so sorry for this one but people need to shut up about avery and jameson AND BY THIS I DO NOT MEAN STOP MAKING FICS AND TALKING ABOUT THEM i mean like stop saying you hated the grandest game because they weren’t in it, they’ve had three books and are now getting another novella, please just let other ships have theyre time
stemming off that one YALL ARE GONNA HATE ME FOR THIS ONE BUT AVERY AND JAMESON ARE MY FAVS EVER OK!! its not illegal for someone to prefer lyra and grayson over avery and jameson, i know that avery and jameson are the ogs but people can have preferences, yes even averygraysons as long as they arent rude
lyra hate is too much omg, ya’ll didnt even give her a chance before you started saying she was avery 2.0 and a whining bitch and she disappointed you, let her breath ffs, the reasons are so dumb as well, some because they cant stand to see grayson happy, some purely because shes NOT avery, i would go to hell and back for my girl you just dont get her.
on the topic of tig girls, they get so so much hate, i know it doesnt really happen in here but on over platforms all them get so much hate, gigi and max constantly being called annoying but not a single person says that about xander, people HATE savannah and yes i know she was kind of really annoying in tgg but so was grayson in the first book, and grayson got so much better and so will savannah, AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON AVERY NO ONE GETS HER LIKE ME ISTG IF I CATCH A SINGLE PERSON HATING ON HER. plus ive even seen some libby hate which i cannot even process 🥲
next one isnt that controversial but thea is not a ‘bad bitch.’ shes a mean girl, this isnt really specific to thea but in so many fandoms i see characters be cast as bad bitched when tegu are really just mean, theres a biggg difference between iconic and mean, we need to stop normalising being mean.
tagging some people who commented on my other post @x-liv25-jamieswife @arias-archive @balladofareader @clarissaweasley-10 @sheisntyou
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Since you wrote dee and Bee as adults drabble will you be doing the same for shank’s daughter
I gotcha! Had this brewing for a bit but hope you like it!
Vivian As A Adult
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• Vivian set off on her own, wanting to be like her Idol Monkey D. Luffy- The Pirate King.
• Being trained by The world's current best Gunman and a Yonko had some extreme benefits. She was training to be the Best Gunner in the world. However no one really paid much attention to that- It was more that she was a pretty girl who looked fairly similar to a famous Emperor of the sea.
• She set out on her own at 17, wanting to get a head start on her pirate career... which had started out as sort of a flop-
• No one wanted her on their crew, both out of fear of what it could lead to from her father and doubts about her abilities. Assuming she must be a spoiled brat with her ego inflated-
• And truth be told- Vivian was terrible with money... horrible infact- She went broke in less then a month and with bleeding pockets didn't know where to turn-
• Till she stumbled on a old acquaintance- non other then her former childhood crush Dracule Alucare- He had recognized her immediately and bought her a meal. The two talking and agreeing to temporarily join together- Especially since
• Both their navigation skills were lacking however and it didn't take long to find trouble again- This time by Alucares old 'Ex' who thoroughly beat his ass {Literally} and took the ship captive.
• Knowing if both of them were captured it would lead to trouble, so Vi being small enough to take cover on the ship and watched Alucare get taken. Knowing he wouldn't be killed off that quickly especially since Lyra seemed to have a vendetta against him and wanted to prolong it.
• So once sure the coast was clear she set off to rescue Alucare and make sure they didn't get killed.
• Weeding through the security to make sure it was light for the escape. She met up with Alucare and a grew of blue haired twins- Later learning they were The Buggy Twins.. Which sounded familiar but she didn't want to think too much on it.
• The teenagers managing a narrow escape from the Marines and setting off to the sea- truthfully without a true plan and only wanting to save their own asses-
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• "Where is my Bounty?!" She said screamed looking over the stack of new wanted posters that had been delivered- it had been a week since the Marine Ship incident and Vivian didnt see a wanted poster for herself anywere! Groaning into the table as she felt the papers being yanked from her hands.
Alucare looking over the posters and snorting a laugh. She glared at her peer as he stared at her..
• Despite all of this, Vivian is probably the best marksman of this era- A true devil in her craft as she can hit any target bullseye. The Marines hadn't forgotten her nor her abilties on the navel ship being forgotten... as it seemed the reason the ship seemed to quiet was that the Marines later found 63 men with perfect bullet holes in their forehead well stashed away on the ship.
"Maybe you have too low of a Bounty?-" Alucare teased, earning a harsher glare from the red head who smacked him in the head with a spoon which he got pelted with perfectly on thw forehead-.
Clearly wanting to mess with her as he reached into his shirt picket and slammed down his own, Vi snatching it quickly and damn near hissed as she read the paper-
Updated Bounty: Formally 50,000,000 Berry
Wanted Dead or Alive
Current Bounty: 85,000,000
'Gold Gaze' Seriously?" Vivian sighed at the choice of Nickname. Alucare shrugging as well-
"Well I didn't pick it.." He defended, the twins now coming up to see what the commotion was all about. Alucare sharing his wanted poster with them-
"Not Bad!" Bee said and him and Alucare shared a high five- Weirdly the two seemingly growing close in a chaotic lawful and chaotic evil sort of way..
"Your guys bounty is higher" Alucare pointed out which Dee shrugged at.
"Yeah but you got a better Nickname then us-" Dee said- As the three repeated 'Gold Gaze' in a series of different voices. Vivian staring at them all like she was in a sick form of hell...
"I hate you guys..."
• Shanks of course keeps track of Vivian, even if she's out on his own he had eyes and ears everywhere.
• It seemed the marksman of the Pirates had made sure security was light-
He smiles brightly and starts to laugh hysterically- He didn't know if this was some sick form of Karma or the universe repeating itself-
However that morning it seemed to be the newspaper that informed him- Opening up he went to see what new thing was happening his eyes widening at what he saw.
New Pirates on the Scene!
🌅 The Sunset Pirates! 🌅
Marines say they disapeared and appeared with the rise and fall of the sun-
Including In the Crew-
- Dee Dee The Jester - 150,000,000 Berry
- Bee Bee The Joker - 150,000,000 Berry
- 'Gold Gaze' Alucare - 85,000,000 Berry
And New Pirate {Unknown Name- nicknamed}
'Crimson Shot' - 85,000,000 Berry
- Wanted Dead or Alive -
Shanks shook his head, recognizing his daughter's skills immediately and the rough sketch of her as well- He knew her identity would be revealed soon enough. However that didn't matter, if anything it would boost her credibility.
"Good Job Vi- You did it.."
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jkriordanverse · 2 months
☆☆ Hawthorne Games hcs ☆☆
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they've tried to bid each other's stuff (and each other) online to see how high the prices would go. It went from selling their pens to their forks to their soul and it escalated until their account got taken doww due to violation against policy.
When they started getting suspicious of gray's crush on Lyra they'd tail the two and act out Lyrason's interactions in the most exageratted way possible.
They had a game once where they'd hire private investigators to follow each other around without each other noticing and they'd all try to dress up and whoever's investigator has the most info on the others wins.
There was another game that could only be played when Gray was having a bad day. Basically each one of the brothers would go up and see how close they got to Gray before he told them to go away.
Sometimes when they were bored they'd try to solve murder mystery cases and sometimes they'd investigate on their own. Then they'd tip the police off if they did solve it bc they didn't want to seem suspicious.
Once they were playing the floor is lava Xander tried to jump to Gray to reach the desk near the stairs but he ended up making them both fall down and now Grayson has a small scar underneath his chin where his jaw meets his neck.
When Xander enrolled in Boy Scouts, there was an activity where people had to think of fundraising ideas but Xander chose to go solo (accidently) and he cried so hard bc he didnt think he could raise as much money as the other kids.
so ofc his brothers stepped in, in which case Jamie suggested he make a small gambling club for adult men only tilt the odds to his side so he'd win as a joke but Xander actually did it.
Nash was furious and put a stop once he found out ofc. But lke when the instructor/coach guy asked them how Xander raised so much money Nash started panicking.
Afterwards when they had to sell cookies and Gray went with Xander he was the one standing at the edge of the lawn glaring like "if you don't buy his cookies i will kill you" unless it was to old ladies bc they bought cookies anyways.
Jamie was the one who went up and flirted with the girls and women who opened the door and sweetalked the men into buying Xander's cookies. He even taught Xander some lines.
Nash actually tried to make Xander do it himself lol. Like he'd stand near the mailbox and hold up finger ups and everything.
When Xander was small he loved to go riding on Nash's bike and feel the wind on his face. It was so cute.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons of Lyra and Toby’s relationship?
this has been in my inbox for like over a week by now because this is a big task in my head. i will focus more on the family itself, but obviously the siblings r there.
ROGERS FAMILY HCS UNDER THE CUT... tw for abuse and addiction, of course
ok. WE'RE GETTING PERSONAL HERE. im the eldest daughter of 3 so the way in which i project into older siblings is insane. ive also had an addict father(no where near like frank though let me clarify) so in general . . the story.. makes me feel very...... basically their relationship is very personal to me.
lyra is about 2-3 years older than toby.
frank's dad was in the vietnam war, his grandparents were in wwii, his grandparents in wwi, etc. so he went into military service right after marrying connie. for a long while, he was SUPER military strict. those kids were up, made their bed, and down for chores by 6am everyday. he made them do military time rather than civilian time. he was incredibly traditional, expected a perfectly clean household, a polite soft daughter, a strong bold son, perfect wife. he wanted the 1950s nuclear family model. so toby and lyra grew up in a very clean, strict, traditional household.
in my au, frank wasnt outright abusive until the kids were around 8-11. it was after he developed his addictions and lost his job. the kids really didnt understand what was changing at first, and legitimately were like 'omg dad isnt making us wake up at 5am everyday..... this is so cool'.
theyd start having sleepovers in eachothers room, slacking a bit on chores, going to sleep late, sleeping in. toby didnt develop his tourettes until he was around 7, so lyra and toby would walk home from their elementary school together. sometimes, theyd walk another friend home first, stop at convenience stores to get candy, pet a cat, etc. frank didnt say a thing for the first few months, just drunken grumbles along connies worried 'WHERE HAVE U BEEN'. if they weren't walking around the area, they were in the backyard playing soccer.
eventually the abuse began, and all of those little freedoms were quickly stripped from the kids.
toby developing tourrettes around this time was a painful coincidence, because not only did he experience abuse at home, but awful bullying at school. he was promptly pulled out after completing 3rd grade. he was only 8.
lyra would practically run home from school everyday, as fast as a 12 year old girl with a backpack could manage, just because she spent all 7 hours in school worrying about toby at home. connie had to start working to pay bills, so..
when toby was around 11 and lyra was around 13, toby started kinda just. being more distant. he was kind of a dick to lyra for a period of time, half because of everything he was going through, half because puberty is rough. his room started getting messy, lyra had to start picking up chores he was slacking on , etc. lyra isnt perfect and began to resent toby for this, and eventually, the two were kinda at eachothers throats for like 6 months. which isnt a lot, but for kids, its an eternity.
when franks abuse evolved from ''just'' verbal abuse, to shoves, to slaps, to full on beatings, toby started egging frank on. just to get him off of lyra and connie. obviously he couldnt feel it, and while it sure took a fucking mental toll, it was so much easier to just wait it out rather than listen to the girls cry.
lyra didnt even realize toby was doing this for a while, she just thought it was all part of him going through his little hormonal asshole phase, until one day frank made a fucked up comment about 'youre lucky that boy is always causing trouble. was supposed to be you'. then it kinda clicked and she very quickly tried to fix their relationship back to what it was.
frank eventually scared connie so badly that there'd be periods of time where she'd take the kids in the middle of the night, and run off to either her parents place, or even a random hotel in another city. she'd use cash, force the kids to keep their phones at home, leave literally everything behind and often make the kids pick out new toothbrushes at a random walmart. etc. it would only last a few days each time, and lyra fought so hard to stay strong while her mom cried and toby closed himself off.
she'd try to get toby to come to the hotel pools with her, try to get him to watch tv with her, try to get him to just fucking talk to her. he was often catatonic during these little runaways, once the confusion adrenaline and fear wore off
it wasnt until they went around a month without seeing their father, and frank had some weird fucking. 'those are MY kids too' thing and went to connie's parents house while all the adults were out, and forced the kids back home. this was the first time lyra was full on sobbing and begging and pleading in years. that was what shifted something in toby, too.
now tobys 13, lyras 15, and theyre on better footing. theyre starting to understand eachother. tobys back on keeping up with chores, knowing that either him lyra or connie was going to get beat if they were missed. sometimes he'd just silently come into lyras room and lay down and watch tv with her. they'd talk about books, about school, their trust was built right back up and toby ended up being the first to know about lyras school drama, gossip, boys, etc.
toby wasn't really socialized properly, since he's been homeschooled for 6 years by now. all the time, he'd hear lyras stories, and wish he could go to school. his mom would be horrified anytime toby asked, because all she could remember was her sweet boy coming home and crying into her arms after a day of being mocked and pushed around by peers.
so he began to live through lyra, in a sense ? he almost became a diary for lyra, and he kinda loved it. she was like a sitcom to him.
frank wasnt a good father by any means during this period, he was still awful, but he wasn't constantly looking for trouble. the kids kept to themselves, connie did everything she was expected to, he didnt give a shit about their grades or social lives. he couldn't even recgonize when lyra was coming home late.
lyra got her license the second she turned 16. the house had two cars, and its not like frank was ever going anywhere, so she was always going everywhere. she adored the freedom, and took toby wherever he'd let her. he only really left the house if he was going grocery shopping with his mom or something, so it was kinda weird now that he was just. going to malls. going to restaurants. going to parks. just Hanging Out. every now and again he'd stick around when Lyra was with her friends, but he didn't like them so it was rare.
sometimes theyd just drive together for a long time. at night, she was the one to take him to every hospital visit, she even got him to volunteer at a pet shelter she worked at for a bit. 3 years and they become so close again, and lyra is tobys best friend. she's his entire world because who else does he have ? he loves his mom, but she's married to the man he hates more than anything
toby was 16 and lyra was 18 when frank strangled toby till he passed out. thats finally when connie kicked frank out, forcing frank to go live on his moms couch. lyra was mortified and started spending an absurd amount of time with toby. she took online community college courses just so she could spend even more time with toby, and it didnt hurt to do so since frank wasnt there anymore. things were getting better for the family, frank was gone, lyra was in college, connie was working, toby was volunteering at shelters and even had a few acquaintances he'd talk to now and again.
lyra picked toby up from the shelter he volunteered at when the accident happened.
lyra and connie had matching silver necklaces with a circle pendant that had their initials. toby didnt cuz frank would get pissed if toby tried wearing jewelry, but when lyra died, toby immediately clung to it. he wears it religiously. the only time he takes it off is if he knows he's going to kill someone that day. otherwise, its always on him.
lyra died and was buried in colorado. toby lives in alabama now. so he really doesnt visit her grave often. only on her birthday, he'll scramble together some money and get brian, tim, and kate to agree to cover his uh. 'shifts' with slenderman, and take a few loooonnnggg train rides over to colorado.
he'll leave two bouquets of flowers. one for lyra, one for connie.
connie just feels in her heart that its toby. she has no reason to believe it, they've never bumped into eachother (toby's visiting at like 2am and falls asleep near the grave for a few hours), but she knows nobody else whos visiting lyras grave and leaving two sets of the same flowers.
toby and lyras childhood home was put on sale shortly after it was reconstructed from the fire, and connie moved in with her sister. lyras bedroom door was the only one that was shut and left unscathed after the fire (legitimately keep your doors shut if you ever have a housefire it can save entire bedrooms and even lives). the rest of the house was ruined, but not lyras room. connie kept every single one of her belongings, but she's put some photos out on the grave. tobys taken them, and connie believes it was him. again, she has no reason to believe it other than the flowers and 'why would someone take a photo of my dead daughter.'
anyway hi. in tears. i love them. sorry. i just retell their story over and over and get sad everytime
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the-inheritance-games · 3 months
Couple questions I have after reading the first 7 Ch.
1. What do Jameson and Avery and the rest of the Hawthornes know about Lyra?
Jameson seemed intrigued by Lyra, and he apparently told Gray the wrong time so he would be late, was this bc he wanted to observe her himself for some reason? Avery also apparently chose Lyra, so its possible that Grayson suggested Lyra as a deserving player, but that doesnt mean he told them everything or at least I hope not bc like Lyra said he is the only one she's ever told and that's her story to tell.
Also there's always a possibility that Grayson also doesnt even know who she is, but that's unlikely in my opinion.
2. Why did rohan let Gigi have the ticket? Did he know it was her before he left it there? Why does he “need” a queen?
Rohan is a mystery to me idk
3. Who is the third player that got the ticket? And why?
I'm guessing its Brady Daniels since he was not on the chopper but you never know it could still be Either Knox or Oddette
4. This is the biggest question I have is, What happened during the FIRST tgg?
In the little snippet of the press release we got from Rohans pov the reporters were asking Avery some interesting questions about how this years game was different than the first, there was also the comment jameson made about how Gray “will be making sure everyone follows the rules this year” which implies that maybe some people didnt last year and they needed to bring in the big guns, aka Grayson, this year (lol)
5. Why hawthorne Island of ALL places?
Like that just seems like bad PR and just extremely questionable to bring 7 strangers and lock them on the island where people died…..
Also wasn't Avery told never to step foot in that town again by her grandmother? 😭
Like im worried for my girls safety and the rest of them too. But also this could mean we could be learning more about Averys family or might find out that they somehow tie into this story.
Or maybe that Lyra is tied with the people who supposedly died on that island like Collin, ik that was a theory out there too but idk much about that so I cant say much on it but if you know pls let me know.
5. One last thing not really a question but how is it gonna work if grayson himself also doesnt know anything about the game? I feel like he should know something but idk
I have more thoughts but I think im gonna hold off until we know more bc im supposed to be focusing on other things rn and I cant, soooo yeah :)
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whateverurmomwants · 11 months
No cuz do you ever just realize how powerful lucy is?
She was able to conjure ALL of her celestial spirits, 3 or 4 of them being fricking ZODIACS, all at once and being powerful enough to be recognized by the celestial spirit king? And all in the first season? Where she hasn’t even had her star dresses and other abilities she has learned?
Not to mention this theory about her being a descendent of the goddess Anna, the best Celestial Spirit user.
And im rewatching it rn, and ive already encountered a moment where if she didnt interfere, natsu would have died. The arc with phantom lord where natsu is battling gajeel? Gajeel had eaten iron but there was no fire for natsu to eat, and so Lucy gave him that fire by using Sagittarius. Without that fire, natsu definitely wouldnt have finished that fight.
People are always saying ‘oh well that may be so, but if she hadn’t joined the guild-‘ Phantom lord would have most definitely attacked them for another reason. They wanted to remain the best guild in Fiore. Fairytail challenged that, so it was just a matter of time before they fought.
“Well, she always gets in their way-“ Yeah, considering the fact that she grew up in a household where her fathers only concern was the family line, she wouldn’t exactly have time to practice her magic. The only spirit she really had was Aquarius, and we can infer that she only brought her out on very few occasions. And she also wouldn’t have been able to build up any target practice or any muscle building, since Jude would say, in the stupid old fashioned way, ‘women don’t need muscles. All you need to do is make yourself look presentable to find a husband.’ He definitely wouldn’t have wanted her practicing her magic.
Meanwhile, all the others grew up in an environment where they could practice their magic freely with other wizards. They had teachers and activities that enhanced their magic and physical builds, she didn’t. So of course she wouldn’t be able to be on their level so soon.
Also, the amount of magic it takes to summon a silver spirit is a lot, but even MORE so for a Zodiac. Mashima explained that it pretty much is on a scale from 1-100. Plu being the easiest to summon at one, and her highest silver key being Lyra at 18. Her golden keys on the other hand, has Aquarius at 100 and the lowest being Cancer at 52. Others talk about the spirits only being able to use as much magical power as Lucy uses to summon them, but i doubt that theory/statement.
And its also amazing even then because she can keep those gates open for a tremendous amount of time, and multiple on some occasions. I don’t know if this part is true, but i believe that the mage has to have at-least some level of concentration on the gate for it to keep open, so if that’s correct, then it makes it even more astounding that she is able to focus on the bond at all times while fighting. And i only say this because her spirits go back to the spirit realm when she is knocked out.
Also during the E.N.D arc, (haven’t gotten there yet, seen bits and pieces) she literally REWRITES the E.N.D book that Zeref HIMSELF wrote. She literally rewrote his fate. And yes, i know that Gray was there to help her out, but at the same time, most people would have still not have been able to handle the mental and physical strain that causes.
And im just guessing on this part, but didnt she learn an entirely new part of her magic by someone in blue pegasus and learned how to preform the spell in like a week? Month? Some other very short time span?
Anyways i just love lucy and i would litterally rather show everyone my ao3 library before letting her get hurt/bashed. Lmao
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moltenwrites · 2 months
Writing interview tag!
Ohoho this one is exciting! Thanks @the-letterbox-archives for the tags. Your answers were sick, it was a very interesting read. This one is a long one, but the goal is to answer a LOT of questions. A empty list will be at the bottom with the tags!
About me
When did you start writing?
Oo im not sure? I started “ seriously “ writing a couple of years ago when I took a writing class, but I wouldn’t say I was really a “ writer “ untill I started working on How Our World Ended a few years ago
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Oh 100% I haven’t been reading that much lately, but I mostly read horror and mystery. While I sneak in horror sometimes, I’ve never really been compelled to write a mystery story
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
If I’m honest, no to both of those. I have authors I love, but i have my own thing. And people don’t compare me to any author. Weither that’s good or bad is up to you I guess
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write with my old, shitty Chromebook on my bed with my pillow propped up as a back rest. My PC keyboard is very loud and just not too fun to write with, and I despise writing on mobile. If I’m in the mood, I turn on some music and get to work
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I’m gonna answer this question in two different ways, how I get inspiration for ideas, and how I get in the writing vibe. For the first, it’s honestly just seeing something I like and going “ I wanna do that “ or listening to a song while some grand story plays out in my head. For ACTUALLY writing, that’s tricky. I normally write late, but if a friend is up talking about whatever thing ive really liked as of late can help. Thinking ahead to scenes I’m excited to write helps, especially when I listen to music that I tie to those moments.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
I mean, I’m sure they did subconsciously somehow- but I tend to write in fantasy, and my suburban ass life doesn’t really lend to my ideas well. Though I will say, my moms fondness for museums has inspired Paintings a good bit
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
Yeah, a good few. I’d say grief, and how it impacts people is the most prevalent theme across my stories. This is a bit surprising since I’ve ( fortunately ) not lost too many people in my life
would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Oo this one is HARD. I can pick my favorite for each story easily but OVERALL is really hard. I’m torn between Lars from Souls Collide, or The Artist from How Our World Ended. Both characters mean so much to me, and I’d say those two are the characters I’ve made with the most depth. Ughh this is difficult. I guess I’ll say Lars for now, just because of how prevalent and important to me he’s been
Also I know it’s not what the question is asking, but my favorite character that I DIDNT make is Sunny from OMORI
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I think I’d vibe with most of the souls collide cast, considering they were initially based off of people I knew. I also think I’d get along with Asim and Astera from Paintings, along with Lyra and Val from How Our World Ended.
which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Oh god most of them. I write TERRIBLE people. Samaueal would just kill me- I’d hate Nelios, he’s a dick, Ryder from Souls Collide was based off of a person I disliked in real life, Salazar is pretentious and WOULD kill me, Dimitri is the worst- I can go on. But the worst is Samaueal, considering he would just kill me for the hell of it
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
It’s real weird. I either see something I like, and want to steal it in some way, so i base a character off of them. Asim and Astera are heavily influenced by Mary and Reginald from Cemetery Mary, Hart is inspired by Walter White, the whole council was inspired by the organization from Kingdom Hearts. But for characters I didn’t partially steal, it mostly just comes to me when listening to music. Some characters were also created out of necessity, and evolved far past that.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Yup. I tend to write certain types of characters very formally, my protags are often shaken by one particularly harrowing event, and they almost all have some sort of huge internal fight with themselves.
How do you picture your characters?
It depends! Most of the time, I imagine every character in the style I wanted Souls Collide to be, but for certain scenes ( especially fights with Res ) I see it in live action.
My writing:
what’s your reason for writing?
I have a whole lotta ideas and gotta get them out SOMEHOW.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Literally anything positive anyone says makes my day. You all have been more supportive than irl friends. But the things that make my day are either people predicting what comes next in private circles, and for comments here, saying that people like a character or are interested in a story makes me beam. I will die if I ever get fan art ( in a good way )
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
However they wanna. You don’t have to see me any way, but I’ve tried to be a positive force here, so I guess that.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I don’t wanna sound egotistical, but my ideas are really cool ( at least I think so )
What have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
I’ve been told that what I can do is impressive. I remember one specific interaction about the artist that was incredibly kind.
How do you feel about your own writing?
It depends. I’m incredibly proud of my recent work. I love how Paintings is coming along, and I think the laster chapters of How Our World Ended are the best things I’ve ever written. Anything over two years old is dogshit though, I was in physical pain rereading the first draft of chapter 4
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Gonna be real, don’t think I’d live. But in the event I continued living for whatever reason, maybe? I don’t know, that’s a hard ass question.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
I write plots entirely for myself, but I try to thing about what issues there are with my plot from a readers perspective. Idk if that sounds crazy, but thinking about stuff from an outsider perspective can be helpful in editing.
Annnd that’s all, this took me life half an hour wow. Here’s the question list ( It’s unspaced so fellow mobile users can actually copy it all ) Thanks for reading it all, if you did, it’s a super fun exercise!
About meWhen did you start writing?Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?can you tell me a bit about your writing space? What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?Characters: would you please tell me about your current favorite character? Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?How do you picture your characters? My writing: what’s your reason for writing?Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? How do you want to be thought about by your readers?What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?How do you feel about your own writing?If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
Annnnd tag list!
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn @wyked-ao3
+ Open, as always
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casually-salad · 2 days
Hey I noticed you said you were getting mean asks so I wanted to give you a nice one to counteract it! You have an amazing cute artstyle that lends so well to the horror aspect as it's so deceiving. The fluffiness of the designs is adorable and your Pinkie Pie is LITERALLY the cutest Pinkie I've ever seen (and I've been in the fandom since like 2011)!!! I love the queer rep too! Esp the polyamory. Rarely have I ever seen polyamorous mlp content in the past over a decade, so it's such a treat to see.
Something I've found so interesting with these horror MLP AUs is how much the bury your gays trope (sorta) happens. Normally it'd be a problem but in these AUs there's literally SO many other queer characters that it almost feels like queer folk are almost reclaiming the trope? It's fascinating to see!
Another thing I love with your AU is the focus on background ponies and OCs (but with the inclusions of that adorable Pinkie Pie). Usually in terms of bg ponies all you see in these AUs are Redheart, Cherilee, Derpy, Dr. Hooves, Lyra, and Bonbon imo. There's nothing wrong with any of them, but they're the main ones I've seen. So it's extremely refreshing to see characters other people haven't really used! It's unique!
At some point I might draw some fanart of your characters if I get the energy, I love them a lot even if I have trouble remembering names sometimes.
Oh and I like that you're responsive when fans have questions, so I hope you get other good messages too to fill your inbox with positivity!
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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH thats so niceys to me.......
i didnt get around to answering it for a bit because. i liked a little joy in my inbox (( and ive been a bit overwhelmed recently ))
i wanna say thank YOU for all the countless support youve given me for my funny little series, im happy to have you around!!!!!!! it makes me sooooo sad how often a lotta queer couples might just be used for drama ((appledashmylittleworms)) or constantlyyyy are getting murdered in front of eachother (( lyra and bonbon in like. every au )) it may be horrifying but love should prevail too!! it sucks to see a lotta stories just be one sided with everything, either they gotta have no ships because its scary or a bunch cuz its silly, you can do both!!!!!!!! i think bonds and relationships regardless of the types are really what make a story a story! and i know theres a lotta smack thrown at polyamory and it makes me so sad, i identified as poly for many years and although i dont anymore i think its CRAAAZY that people get so upset over it.... whats there to hate...... theres just more love for everyone.......
anyway- i just wanted to say thank you sooooo much for everything <3 and if you have any questions anytime id be happy to answer them, in inbox or comments or whichever works best for you!! im happy to engage and get people more immersed in my story! i know that i cant convey a everything perfectly (( thank my epic brain for that)) , i LOOOOVE answering questions. for real. i love quaestions. and although i may get nervous, please know i read everything and really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!1
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princessmacedon · 23 days
{ happy anniversary!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together. Template courtesy of Neffi! 💕
Name: Red, more commonly nicknamed Reddo
Pronouns: they/them preferred, she/he OK!
Birthday (no year): December 28th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? moved to kentucky when I was young, and for sake of ease i use EST (TOAST)! i live near a timezone line, so i get to be flexible like that >vo)v HAHA
How long is your roleplay experience? with a few on and off breaks, roughly 15 years? i forgot about a period of my life where i 'moderated' (read: was the most active user on) a warrior cats RP site; my first foray into rp proper was in pokemon rp on tumblr, my first muse was lyra but i didnt have an internet name until i picked up and settled into writing (you'll never guess who)
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? kind of half answered this above oops, but with warrior cats i genuinely dont remember? i probably just googled warrior cats and wound up there HAHA. for pokemon...... honestly probably the same thing
How were you introduced to TOA? key had mentioned it to me in passing a few times, so i knew she was there, but it wasn't until my friend zyra mentioned it to me and suggested we write macedon siblings together again that i actually joined, hahaha
Do you have any pets? i do! i adopted a ?? year old dog from the shelter about six years ago, so now he's x+6 years old :] pretty sure he's some kind of border collie mix, but not certain! his name is tobin, but he'll answer as long as you say 'ob'. he's a sillyhead
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) it used to be winter because i love the snow! but as i get older and more harrowed by weather conditions, i appreciate how normal and not-trying-to-kill-me autum is HAHA
What is your IRL occupation? (finger guns) figuring it out
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? drawing was my first love! i like reading, especially comics, and writing; i like video games and immersing myself in stories, and have passing interests in things that i don't commit to trying out (like resin, charms, etc etc)
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? FFXIV, mainly; genshin impact and hsr; various farming-ish sims (story of seasons + old harvest moon, stardew valley, rune factory, currently fields of mistria); to a lesser extent dragon age, ace attorney, various VNs / otome / rhythm games, pokemon until roughly scarlet/violet era and then my wallet couldnt keep up with it HSDFSGVSD
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: as a kid it waffled between fire / dark, but not sure i have a dead set favorite type anymore. favorite pokemon still lucario and appletun for sure though!
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) - i love christmas and thinking about gift giving! when i was in school my christmas spreadsheet hit like, 50 names HAHA nooooo way do i have that energy anymore, though - i'm reasonably fond of baking and also reasonably terrible at it! something always goes wrong but usually (usually) stuff comes out pretty tasty in the end. except for that time i set my oven on fire
How did you get into Fire Emblem? my friends were talking about how much fun they were having with the new game at the time, awakening! it looked fun so i decided to try it out
What Fire Emblem games have you played? - Beaten: Genealogy, Blazing Blade (FE7 if youre like me and still cant remember which one is which), Shadow Dragon & New Mystery, Awakening, Fates (Conquest + Birthright), Three Houses (Blue Lions) - Started: Binding Blade (FE6), Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance (FE9), Fates (Revelation), Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses (Black Eagles & Golden Deer), Engage
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: Awakening -- still Awakening! possibly tied with 3H, though. i really enjoy games where i can peacefully level grind
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! vaguely ordered, it's: Wolf, Maria, Cordelia, Seliph, Katarina...? if you think you're seeing a trend you're probably right, hahaha ^^ writing a character is an expression of love for me, so inevitably my muses climb higher and higher on my list over time
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! the clearest one i can remember is wolf, because when i was playing fe11 i was passively using him because he was pretty, and then he got 7 crits in a row and i was like :pika:
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳i'm weak toward green haired women AHSJASFDSF but actual game crushes, hmm... not sure!
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: chrom -> still chrom! - Fates: takumi -> hmm... silas or flora? - Three Houses: dimitri -> still dimitri, except now he's duking it out with yuri - Engage: i have the ring in my pocket as we speak, suffering from the burden of choice... probably diamant though?
Favorite Fire Emblem class? whatever class my blorbos thrive in
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? in all likelihood i'm a villager with just absolutely baffling AI. not entirely stupid, but you cant in good conscience say it's smart either HAHA as a playable unit though, i might be a recruit-type? i could do well if you help me grow, otherwise i'm just this scruffy shitty thing tucked into your pocket. middling-high skill growth, paper defense, and you wish you knew what my speed growth was because i don't (probably fast as a mage but realistically NOT as anything physical)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) my heart says blue lions, but if i'm just some guy (unaffiliated civilian) i won't be surprised
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? - Boons: Reason - Banes: Authority, Gauntlets - Budding Talent: Flying
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) hmm... probably either Firene or Lythos! i'm too much of a weenie to be from brodia HAHA
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) toah, like noah! to all my xiv gamers out there this definitely applies to job shorthands too. durg. dirk. whum blum sidge. rurpur and rogg...
Current TOA muses: Maria & Katarina
Past TOA muses? Cordelia my beloved
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Maria! unless something unprecedented happens, i don't see that changing. writing her, her want and determination to love and find wonder in the world, to spread and be joy -- it just puts me in a good place! it's really, genuinely helped me a lot, even if her extroversion is exhausting to my introvert ass sometimes HAHA
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) uhhh... i definitely tend toward characters who are in some regard defined by a form of love or strong emotion, romantic though it need not be -- people who have some sort of powerful, aching tenderness in their heart. i've not really done as much as i've wanted in terms of bringing that out of them, but it's definitely something that draws me in to a character in the first place!
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? ooh, there are lots of characters i like who have a brusque edge or manner, who might be harsh or cold... i wish i could do that! i'd like to try, i think. and also the funny, energetic, boisterous types -- i love to see them and be around them, but i definitely can't pull it off hahaha
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) it's been a while since i've gone all in on this kind of scene, but i love emotional scenes and heart-to-hearts -- the sort of thing where you're communicating your feelings with everything you have and trying to reach someone else! i usually rein myself in well shy of that though, hahaha. i worry a lot about getting too lost in the sauce and derailing a conversation/thread, or making it all about what my muse/what they want to communicate.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? for katarina, i'd love for her to make some friends! she's her own worst enemy in this regard, separating herself from friends/friendships whether consciously or subconsciously. for maria... well, i'd love for her to have a real heart to heart with someone!
Favorite TOA-related memories? to this day i miss and adore annie's frederick! his dynamic with my cordelia at the time was so much fun to write and to talk about and we had such thoughts for how their relationship would evolve -- it's one of the most interesting and endearing relationships i've had the pleasure of writing! on a sillier note, i often think about leif hauling ass after kanoesa's lewyn HAHA
Present or past tense? it used to be past tense, but i think toa's successfully converted me to defaulting to present hahaha ^^;; consciously at least, i try to match whatever my partner does!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? it doesn't matter to me, but i do hate fighting tumblr to keep all of the small text small.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 the wolf app/blog i've been refining on and off for the better part of three years is no secret HAHA, but i've seriously contemplated writing a few other characters! radd and boucheron, to name a couple. i get super attached to my characters though, so it's a bit tricky
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metallica-jk · 2 months
I JS FINISHED TGG!!! (spoilers btw cuz imma give my opinion)
Me and @zuzanna-jadw1ga were yapping ab it and we both agree that the Masquerade Ball was underwhelming. The convo between Gray and Lyra in my opinion was too short but later it was better so ig thats ok. A lot of the ideas ppl on Tumblr had were genuinely better than the actual things that happened in the book. Xander's "House of Riddles" was something i was really really excited for But ended up being js that line and then continuing w the escape room. The whole W, C, P thing was just there for the scabble tiles. The cogs next to the tiles also didnt rlly mean anything significant. they were there to represent the doors Gigi tried opening. The necklace was Gigi's, which i kinda love bc even though my theory ab knox or brady being mattias was wrong, Mattias was still involved somehow. I CANT BELIEVE I DIDNT REALISE THE L FOR LYRA ON THE COVER BEFORE THO. Idrk what the locked and bottle thing were to represent but the Dice was Savvy (love that nickname Rohan) and the infinity symbol i think was Gray bc of the thing Rohan did at the end in the shower if yk what i mean.
NOW AB THE KISSES. I absolutely loved Sav's and Rohan's but i think that Lyra's and Gray's could have been written a little longer...
AND THAT ENDING?! i love Jlb guys
Odette being who she is (im not trying to spoil much) WAS SUCH A PLOT TWIST I LOVED IT
Then Gigi and Slater....wow. Their kids in the future b like "hey mum, how did u and dad meet?"
Gigi: "well...your dad kinda worked for people who tried killing my step brothers sister in law and he kidnapped me on an island"
I dont like Brady atm bc just no.
also the Truth or dare thing was the best part of the book.
And what happened to the One Bed trope?
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Tagged by my darling @glassangels <3<3<3
1. Are you named after anyone? Im named after a kinks song which is a massive win for me personally. They almost named me rosa after the pixies album (which wouldve made sense bc we do in fact surf) but one of my moms friends was already knitting a sweater with the kinks-name on it and she convinced them to keep it. My middle name is also my paternal grandmas middle name so i guess that counts too
2. When was the last time you cried? No idea tbh. That thing where you lie down on your side and then your eyes start leaking happens to me a lot but a proper sadness-induced cry hasnt happened for months. I will say that sometimes i say something made me cry, and although it technically didnt due to no tears falling, it did make my soul hurt and crying is the closest phrase that expresses that <3
3. Do you have kids? Thank god no
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Soccer, ran track for a bit, ultimate frisbee, swimming, fencing, fighting (mma, kickboxing, cage, etc), equestrianism (im including my brief and unimpressive time vaulting here), did some stuff with a circus briefly (contortionism, aerial arts, lyra), and then the usual outdoorsy shit (surfing, bouldering, hiking, skiing, and since caving is technically a sport, caving). Also danced for a bit (ballet, contemporary, and jazz). Yeah man idk either
5. Do you use sarcasm? Technically yes but its less "sarcasm" and more "inability to express a truth about myself without making it into a joke". A bit of sarcasm when the time calls for it is always fair game though and i will indulge
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? The way they carry themself says a lot about their temperament and emotional state and whatnot so thats typically where my eye is drawn. Second place goes to wherever theyre keeping their valuables on them and how expensively theyre dressed though
7. Eye color? Blue but ive got a bit of yellow central heterochromia so they tend to look green if its bright out
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Kill them <3 scary movies 4ever
9. Any talents? Party trick-wise i did retain some contortionist ability and so thats always a good one to break out. Also can spit water up to 30 ft for tooth gap reasons. I am the type of person whos just naturally good at a lot of things (sorry) so i consider that a talent too
10. Where were you born? The top left corner of the USA, not including alaska
11. Hobbies? Writing, journaling, watching movies, reading, various textile arts, going for walks, playing assorted instruments, and occasionally traditional art (im particularly fond of ballpoint pens and oil pastels). Would say listening to music but thats a job to me and i clock into that shit like i get paid
12. Any pets? Maeve the most anxious dog in the world who i love very much <3
13. Height? 5'8/172 cm
14. Favorite school subject? I was a school hater so it really depended on the teacher... in high school i did have the same teacher for like three years in a row (she taught me english in freshman year, history in sophomore, + health in junior) and she was totally awesome so all those classes were great. Typically the classes i had the most fun in were english and history just bc there was more room for fucking around. In the single semester of college i took i did have crazy amounts of fun in my film class though which i will say was mostly because my professor rocked and i got him on my side early so i could kind of do whatever
15. Dream job? Due to the Issues and also common sense mainly i just wish the government actually took care of people and i wouldnt need to work. But if i have to chose a job than itd be a) writing a book or two that are good enough i could live off the royalties and film rights and whatnot for the rest of my life or b) pulling an enya (dropping some widely beloved and largely incomprehensible music and then disappearing totally from the public eye to live in a castle in the middle of nowhere)
Idk whos already done this so ignore me if you have lol @supersonic1994 @nothingrhymedwithcircus @hauntedwoman @halogenstreetlight @evebabitzgf @serethereal and anyone else who wants to <3<3<3
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reminiscentreader · 2 months
tgg thoughts!! spoilers
what the fuck
i actually despise brady so much what a cow
and this calla bitch, i tried to defend the ‘jlb cant write new characters/tropes’ but oml
i really really want lyra to win 😭
but i think shes gonna get kicked out and its gonna be between rohan and savannah
i cant believe brady got to stay in
gigi and knox didnt deserve to be kicked out
actually the best ship in the book and if i see any hate on them i will find you 🤗
if savannah wins i think im going to kms
can we also just talk about graysons character development rn
he was so like healed in this book and i think he handled the theatre seen really well
also i was so happy when slate took gigi away from that bitch brady 😩
like yes pookie go and get your girl 😜
okay im gonna talk about lyra alot now so lyra haters dni 😚
i just want to give her the biggest hug ever 😭 like no one ever deserves to go through that
i felt bad enough for her that she heard the gunshot, and then it was revealed she STEPPED IN HIS BLOOD ?!?!
like come here baby let me give you a cuddle
i bet the whole of the glorius rivals plot could be avoided if BRADY 👹👹 just let gigi press the fucking emergency button
thats all for now pookies 😘😘
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watashime-ciel · 1 month
rhythm heaven headcanons because im more sad than i should-
but first of all i have an announcement. and its that today, august 18th in argentina, its children's day and as im 16 im still technically a child to i asked my mom to get me something very specific as a gift. so, in a few weeks or months, dj yellow plushie is coming home! i wanted both yellow and blue, but she could only pay for one, so i chose yellow. hes gonna be with me in conventions from now on, either being tied up on the table so people buy me stuff to free him (/lh), or being my cosplay pal. thats all. if you wanna follow the dj yellow plushie adventures, follow me on instagram berry_lemon_arty, and if you cant find it, try with watashime_vkipper. its the same acc, but im changing the user soon to watashime_vkipper when i go back to my showroom. ANYWAYS lets go with the headcanons (and idc if i repeat some from past posts, i cant remember what i said)
-J.J is someone very insecure, actually. and lets out his anger on others (ahem, Yellow). but when he met Cecil, things changed a bit. Cecil allowed him to be angry, sad, disappointed, and make questions that were a call for reassurance
-Yellow has worked restlessly to buy a ticket to see Kikuo, no matter if he was in another country. and he never could- something happens everytime hes going to buy a ticket, and the money goes somewhere else. he cried for days because of that (reference to Kikuo just leaving argentina in this instant, although im not a fan lol)
-Cecil is also a germaphobic, but not as much(?) as Blue is. Cecil can at least touch whatever is contaminated to throw it away or clean it, whilst Blue cant because he feels like hes gonna pass out
-Yellow has been more time in a mental hospital than in school.🧍
-for a time, Blue was convinced he only signed up to Yellow's dj classes because he fell in love with him at first sight. it was during the time he was unsure how to express himself
-remember that Yellow's spirit animal is Len Kagamine? but its also Angel Dust, and possibly Spinel for how flexible he is. breakdancing? he can do it. pole dancing? he can do it. parkour? he can do it. lyra dancing? he can do it. dance trapeze? guess what. HE CAN DO IT. has he ever broken a bone or something? surprisingly, no. the only time he did was his right ankle at a comic con, participating on the cosplay contest as Kokoro Tsurumaki dancing Egao Sing A Song. Kokoro uses heels, and he loves them, and knows how to dance and do acrobatics with them. but he jumped and didnt get down very well, breaking his right ankle, but finishing the performance like nothing and winning the best performance prize. he only felt the pain once he sat down, but he did feel something wrong after not getting down properly
-you cant use your fingers to count the amount of times Blue got back home from work and saw Yellow in a female cosplay. and you cant also count the different reactions he had. dont use your imagination that much.
-Cecil is obsessed with Final Fantasy (a reference to Soushi)
-J.J may or may not accidentaly call acoustic guitars, "autistic guitars". most of the times he doesnt notices that
-whenever Cecil went to J.J's house (to his parents', actually), J.J's mom would do that classic "mom-embarassing-son" conversation thing. that way Cecil found out stuff about J.J that he couldnt even imagine lol
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hawthornesbiggestfan · 2 months
the grandest game review (and hot takes)
1. plot
the fact that jlb managed to fit plot twists after plot twists in ONE book just proves how good of a writer she is. i was basically shitting my pants at the end of every chapter, WAITING for a reveal. odette, gray n lyra's games were not as memorable for me (probably because i was more distracted by lyrason whoops) but i loooooveeeddd (100% loved) savannah n rohan's games. it felt so enticing and pulled me in, it had ME trying to solve it. i loved that they solved their games first before opening up their emotions because it allowed me to focus on the main thing before moving onto the next.
2. pov holders
my favourite pov (and im biased LOL) was definitely gigi. i think i enjoyed it most because i really felt IN HER BRAIN. i loved the chaos and the amount of exclamation marks is very appreciated. i also think i liked her most because she really act like an 18 year old girl, so it was more relatable. her emotions n feelings rly spoke to me.
lyra's pov, honestly, was a whole rollercoaster. first we see her with her guard fully up, then suddenly shes slowly softening and then fully becomes vulnerable. its like watching ice melt honestly, and im not sure how to feel abt it. dont take this the wrong way, i LOVED lyra. it was just hard to read from a pov that felt... recycled? reused? reduced? (lol the 3Rs iykyk) i guess its bcs i set my expectations too high for lyra cz i fully thought she'd be a different character. instead she feels like an angrier avery (i feel the need to mention that i love avery) and it made me feel a little... yeah.
rohans pov HAHAHAH BYEEEE IM SO BIASED i LIKED it??? i thought it'd be my least fav bcs i lowkey didnt care much, but now i want MOOREE?? i will say that he was basically jameson 2.0 but hes brown and so am i so yes im allowing it... i was stressed on sav's behalf bcs he lowkey seemed pushy. in a way he was like avery, trying to get grayson to open up and take the mask away, but with savannah instead. he isnt my fav pov holder but i didnt enjoy reading his scenes simply bcs it included savannah (#biggestsavstan)
overall i think i enjoyed gigi's chapters the most because it felt like something new and also something so relatable. i loved that she tries to prove that she deserves her spot in tgg. i do love lyra n rohans pov a lot tho, and i hope they still have chapters in tgg2.
3. important characters
grayson my love was SERVING with his character development. the way he allowed himself to make mistakes, to feel and to LOVE was so heartwarming and relieving after watching him hold it all up since the first book. i will say, he's definitely more likeable in this book, but he still has the elements of who he used to be. he WAS horny, evidently. but i won't say that its all he was the whole book. he was definitely also just acting how anyone would have if put into a room with dearest lyra kane. we understand u, grayson. i too would need a moment after holding lyra thighs.
odette confused me so much HAHAHAH i didnt trust her at all and was fully waiting for her to just betray the others. when she mentioned she worked for mcnamara ortega n jones, i screamed because it clicked immediately that she definitely had smth going on with tobias.
knox n brady were a tennis match going back n forth. i did not trust brady since the start, and i was waiting for a reason to redeem knox. i dont care much abt them aside from the calla thing, but i did love their bond with gigi.
4. relationships
allow me to rate the ships:
1. sav n rohan
2. lyra n gray
3. gigi n whoever the fuck shes supposed to be shipped with.
i will say that i loved sav n rohan the most bcs i also love javery, and they reminded me of the best tig couple sooooo. i also liked the TENSION and the way they opened up to each other like a flower blooming slowly. the truth or dare scene was mental... i was screaming the whole time. grayson and lyra AAAAAAA i agree with ppl who say its rushed but fuck it i love them!!!!!! YEAH OKAY THEY KISSED TOO EARLY BUT WO CARES LET THEM FUCK!!! okay too far but u get it. gigi n slate still confuse me and i dont want this girl to be given stockholm syndrome so im just gonna ship her with ME!
another relationship id like to talk abt is the twins.. broken siblings are always my favourite trope but this hurt since theyre literally twins. the way gigi feels bad for hiding THE SECRET from sav, and sav seems to be distancing herself from gigi. ouch ouch ouch
5. overall
id rate the book a 4/5 bcs as much as i loved it, i still feel a little critical about it. i do stand with everyone who says that jlb might be milking this series, but im not complaining because i dont want any of this to end any time soon. the ending was not what i expected, and i still love savannah even if she might do smth... lol. lyra n grayson feel too perfect hence why im gonna expect something bad even now. im upset knox is out, but i think jlb will fit him in somewhere.
thats all, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE share some of ur thoughts!!!! i need people to talk abt tgg!!!!
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Who are the people that Toby likes the most?
Natalie, Jack, and Ben!
Toby has known Natalie for about 5 years, and Jack for 4, and Ben for 3. ok now im gonna do long ass headcanons for their relationships bc im just soooooooo silly . .
toby and natalie knew eachother when they were at the height of like.. using murder as a relief/power trip. it was a really sick and fucked up thing to bond over, and it wasnt something either of them took lightly or as a joke. but it was something they did talk about, moreso 'let me tell you about my night' and they'd kinda just allude to the murder part of it. eventually, natalie stopped killing as much (and stuck strictly to freak weirdo men at bars/clubs who try taking advantage of ppl). toby doesn't have the luxury to stop bc he only did it when the situation/order calls for it.
they usually just lounge around together. watch trash reality tv, natalie was ashamed of her art for a while but toby loves getting her to show him her stuff. toby taught her how to axe throw and cut down trees. he helped fix up the barn she stays in so it's actually livable. he even got brian to help with shit like insulation cuz theres no heat/ac in it. sometimes he does her hair if shes having an awful night. she never had someone to brush her hair growing up, having no mother/sister/girl friends, and finds it to be insanely fucking relaxing. lulls her to sleep so quick. it reminds toby of lyra and he cried one time after she fell asleep from it. she never found out about it.
toby was the first proxy to be nice to jack. not that tim and brian were horrible to jack (only after he was . . 'tamed' i guess). but toby was the first one to like, bring him things, talk to him, actually attempt bonding. if tobys feeling lonely and natalies not in the mood to entertain, jack was almost always welcoming. ok maybe not welcoming in the like :) hiiii toby. way. but in the. 'ok yea whatever come in i guess' way.
jack used to cook a lot before he was sacrificed. now he doesnt have the same taste buds, and while he can eat human food, its all pretty bland to him. best he can enjoy is insanely spicy stuff, and thats more sensation rather than flavor. BUT TOBY. that fucking dude can EAT. he's brought like a fat steak and veggies and rice and random shit to jacks and asked him to make him dinner. and oddly enough jack was willing to do it. toby continued to do that stuff. jack didnt know about tobys CIPA for a while and was baffled when this white boy from rural colorado could actually handle the spice anytime jack made south asian food LOL.. ("how much spice do you want" "i dont care make it as spicy as you like" "toby are you sure of this" "yeah i can take it").
of the 3, toby is the least close to ben. mostly bc ben is best fucking friends w jeff and toby doesnt like jeff very much(who does?). plus toby figured ben was like a kid and wasnt exactly crazy about being besties with a 12 yr old. But then ben played some video games with him. ben doesnt really Act like an. ipad fortnite tiktok middle shcool type of kid so toby was like Oh he's cool i guess.!
they dont have much in common at all tbh, didnt have similar childhoods and toby didnt play many video games growing up. BUT toby finds so much joy in just having a fucking boyish childish fun stupid relationship where he could play video games and talk shit and eat like crap with yk. they have a very brotherly friendship and it's kinda weird for toby being on the big sibling side of something, but he's fond of it. they get into petty arguments about stupid shit, and went a while without talking bc toby punched jeff and jeff was bitching like 'uumm dont hang out with that prick' and ben was like lmfao ok. toby didnt even realize ben wasnt talking to him tho. . ("hey sorry i was avoiding u jeff was bitching" "u were avoiding me ?????")
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