#missy likes teaching yaz likes being taught
i Am sorta thinking about missys mysterious daughter through all this. i dont know what kinda parent the master is but the.... idk devotion? idk if thats the word. mrs coulter has does seem like.....not unlike the master
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oswildin · 5 years
A Familiar Face ~ Dhawan!Master x F!Reader
Request: I have a request an I know you won’t be able to write it till later which is okay b/c I know you have a lot of awesome fics to write. The reader is an angle who’s traveled with the doctor since ten so she’s met the master before. She really likes to play the guitar and sing. so the gang asks her to sing a song (duringspyfall) and she sings I love you baby and it’s about the master and the master “O” figures is out and it’s all fluff an a tiny kiss if you can 🥺 ( @zelda2248 )
Warnings: None, just fluff
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You’d been with the Doctor for years, travelling the universe in her blue box. You’d been there through thick and thin, and she was your family. She took you under her wing after she saved you from your planets destruction. Your planet was caught in a war, which inevitably led to its death. She was only able to save you. You were grateful of course, but a part of you always mourned for your people. The Doctor knew how that felt.
You were what the humans would call ‘an Angel’, but in your own words you were a Angelixcan, from the planet Angelixicain. Your people were myth to humans, used in religion, symbolised in religious places. You didn’t mind. In fact, it was flattering, and nice to know the humans knew of your existence, although incorrect.
You were all currently at O’s house, staying alert as you tried to figure out what was going on. You couldn’t help but glance over at O every now and again, feeling something off about him, but intriguing. One of your abilities was that you were able to tell when someone was lying. It was a blessing and a curse. You’d learnt to keep your mouth shut when it came to detecting a lie, unless it was in an important situation, otherwise it led to people get angry with you. Which you definitely didn’t like.
You could feel a lie radiating from O’s presence, and you couldn’t work out why. He felt familiar... Like someone you used to know...
Through your travels with the Doctor, you met a man called the Master. He wasn’t very nice. But he was also lost, power hungry, hurt. You tried to reason with him, but of course, he never listened. You also knew him as Missy. She was snarky, playful and didn’t seem to be as hurt as her previous incarnation. But still the same, in her own way. You and her became close. In fact, you had developed feelings for the Timelord. Whilst you had rocky beginnings, due to your ability, soon she warmed up to you, and realised you could see right through her deceit.
Everyone seemed to be getting bored as Yaz sighed, coming to sit beside you as she noticed your gaze at O.
“You got a crush?” She teased, nudging you gently. You felt your cheeks turn warm as you shook your head quickly.
“No.” You laughed lightly. “At least I don’t think so.” You furrowed your brows as she rolled her eyes.
“Still got a lot to teach you, don’t I?” She said as you smiled at her. “Hey, I know how you could get his attention.” She had a mischievous glint in her eye as she smirked.
Next thing you knew, you were being handed your guitar from inside the TARDIS as you looked questioningly at your friend. She raised a brow, a small smile on her lips.
“Hey guys, why doesn’t (Y/N) play us a song whilst we decide our next move?” Yaz offered as you went to protest, before the Doctor immediately grinned, nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh yes! Great idea Yaz! Love a bit of music!” She exclaimed like an excited child. “Gets the brain going!” She put her hands on her hips as you felt everyone’s eyes on you. You licked your lips nervously, as your eyes scanned the room. Your eyes eventually landed on O as he watched, looking amused? You cleared your throat as you placed your fingers in the correct position, beginning to strum softly.
“I love you baby...” You began, quietly as you hated the silence in the room. “And if it’s quite alright, I need you baby...” You sang slowly, almost mesmerising. “To warm my lonely nights, oh pretty baby...” Your gaze subconsciously moved towards O. “Trust in me when I say...”
You hadn’t realised you had been staring at O nearly the entire song, as everyone clapped, bringing you out of your trance as you pulled your gaze away, sending them a small smile.
“‘Ere, you should go on X Factor.” Graham commented as the others laughed.
“Na, Britain’s Got Talent, that’s where the money’s at.” Ryan argued as you rolled your eyes at their human antics.
You sat outside, watching the sun set as you took in the scenery. It was views like this that made you miss your home. You rested your chin on your knees as you wrapped your arms around them, keeping them close.
“Lovely voice.”
You flinched at the sudden voice, turning to see O stood over you. You gave him a small smile.
“Thank you.” You said softly. “You humans have some wonderful songs.” You told him. “And some rubbish ones too.” You teased as he nodded in agreement, before sitting beside you.
“Who taught you to play?” He asked, his voice soft as he looked over at you, studying your features.
“My mother.” You smiled at the memory. “She used to teach me all the melodies and hymns of my home.” Your smile faltered for a moment. “And after that, it came naturally.”
“What did your home look like?” He asked, before seeing the sadness in your eyes, as he retracted. “Sorry, I don’t mean to intrude.” He said nervously as you gave him a reassuring glance.
“It was beautiful.” You told him. “The skies were pink, the grass was purple...” You told him fondly. “The people were kind, wonderful... Our Highers had such beautiful, pure white gowns and wore golden halos on their heads...” You reminisced as he almost smiled watching you talk so passionately about your planet. “But... Then the war came.” Your smile faded. “And soon the skies turned grey, the grass turned black, and the people... They weren’t the same.” You muttered, a sadness tugging at your heart. “I like to remember it how it used to be, before the war.”
“Bit like the Doctor, then.” He commented as you looked at him. “It’s good. To remember it when it was in its prime.” He said kindly as you nodded in agreement.
“You feel familiar.” You commented, as he gave you a blank stare. “I can’t explain it. But I feel like I know you...” He kept his face blank, as his eyes looked large and kind. He shrugged.
“Got one of those faces, I guess.” He suggested as you hummed in thought. Before you could register what was happening, he’d leant forwards, placing a soft kiss to your cheek as you felt your body turn warm. You felt the redness creeping up your neck, embarrassed as he gave you a small smile, before getting up and going back inside.
You knew him. You swore you did.
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