#mitch rapp story
obriengf · 3 months
𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪..? - REOPENED!
I've seen these headcanons done before and they seem cool! How would Dylan's characters react to --- ? What would Dylan's characters do --- ? What would Dylan's characters think about --- ? Would you or Dylan's characters make the first move with --- ? The possibilities are endless! Send me a single Dylan character, or multiple, along with any headcanon/question you can think of and we can get into a bit of creativity ☆★☆
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eevylynn · 10 months
We're doing this again because the last one was too short a time frame and because Stiles was very obviously going to win.
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harringtonstilinski · 11 months
Fallin' For You - Mitch Rapp
Author: @harringtonstilinski Characters: Mitch Rapp x Reader Word Count: 3127 Warnings: fake dating trope, fluff, squint for angst Requested: “Mitch x Reader where they’re best friends to lovers. Fake dating trope. Mitch is trying to get Katrina back but realizes he’s in love with his best friend 🤭 And use this somewhere in the story 🥺 Omg I’d melt. “Kiss me.” “Wha—“ ” @maddie0101​ A/N: Hi, friends! I hope y'all enjoy this Mitch piece! If you like this please don’t hesitate to reblog, comment, send something into my askbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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“I need you to do me a favor.”
You looked at your best friend, confused look on your face. “I’m sorry?”
Mitch sighed, hanging his head for a moment before looking back at you. “I need you to do me a favor.”
“Are you asking or telling?”
Groaned, Mitch tossed his head back. “Please, don’t play this game. It’s important.”
Laughing had the both of you looking to your right, seeing Katrina with her new boyfriend at a table not far from the couch you were occupying. Mitch looked back at you, a smile on his face before you rolled your eyes and looked at him. 
Already knowing where he was going with it, you raised your finger at him while raising your brows to say, “No.”
“Did you just pull a Stanley Tucci from The Devil Wears Prada?” he asked, deadpan expression.
Shrugging, you went back to your laptop. “So what if I did?”
“Dude, please?” Mitch all but begged.
“What’s in it for me?”
“Free tickets to my lacrosse games.” You sighed, typing something on your keyboard. “I’m a student, I get in for free anyways.”
He thought about it for a moment before snapping his fingers. “Free locker room access.”
“My uncle’s the coach. I get free access anyway.”
Mitch groaned again, resting his forehead on your shoulder. “You’re killing me, Smalls.” That earned him a chuckle from you.
“I know,” you said, turning your laptop towards Mitch to show him your screen, a picture of a restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. “I’ll do it and at the end, we’ll have a bestie date here.”
“Deal.” He held his fist out for you to bump with yours. “We’ll need rules.”
You opened a new Google Doc and typed in big letters FAKE DATING RULES. Looking at him, you were ready to type. 
Mitch thought for a moment before he said, “No sex.” Typing it, you said, “Easy. Next.”
“No kissing, and no-”
“No falling in love. Also, let’s limit the PDA to just hand holding and our normal kissing of temples and foreheads. You can put your arm around my shoulders like normal, too.”
“So, we’re just gonna add hand holding to what we already do,” Mitch stated.
“Correct. When does this faking dating shit start?” You looked past him, seeing that Katrina and her new beau were already gone. “ ‘Cause she’s gone.”
Mitch looked over at where Katrina just was, his face falling a little. Turning back to look at your screen, he replied, “Tomorrow morning. First thing after we leave your apartment.”
Sticking your hand out without looking, you felt his hand grab yours, giving you the handshake that solidified your arrangement.
“You’re the best,” Mitch said, giving you a kiss on the cheek before quickly getting up, hearing your laugh and statement of “I know” as he walked away.
He knew this was going to be the best way to get Katrina back… unless another girl came into his life before he could.
A knock sounded on your apartment door, causing a groan to escape you after you just about jumped out of your own skin. “Coming,” you half groaned, half whined, getting up from your bed.
Walking to the door, you put on your robe that you grabbed while walking out of your room. When you opened the door, you glared at the person on the other side.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” Mitch asked, holding two cups of coffee.
“Because it’s six in the freaking morning, and my first class isn’t until eight.” Looking at the cups in his hands, you added, “And one of those better be for me.”
Mitch walked into your apartment, going straight for the kitchen. “I hate to break it to you, but it’s 7:15. I’m always here at this time on the dot.” He turned to face you, still holding one of the cups after taking a sip of each to see which one was yours. “And yes, this one's for you.”
“Bless,” you whispered, walking over to him and taking the cup from his hand. Walking back to your room, you took a sip and let him know that you’d be ready in fifteen minutes.
As he walked around your apartment, he chuckled to himself, thinking you wouldn’t be ready in that amount of time. He went into his bag, bringing out a few pictures of the two of you, putting them in random spots around your living area, kitchen and bedroom once you were clothed.
You watched him set the picture down on your nightstand, a brow raised as you applied your brow gel. “Uhm, did you switch majors to Interior Design?”
“No, why?” he asked, turning to face you, watching as you put your mascara on.
“Because you’re adding picture frames to my room. I have a friend who’s majoring in Interior Design and she rearranges my shit all the time when she comes over.”
Mitch chuckled to himself, scratching at his temple. “Well, I know Katrina comes over sometimes and we need to seem as authentic as possible.”
Sighing in defeat, you remembered your arrangement the two of you set up last night at the library as you replaced the mascara wand back in the tube. You stood and went to look for your bag, your best friend clearing his throat. Turning to face him, Mitch lifted your bag, a smirk on his face.
Grabbing it from him, you sighed out your thanks, his smartass reply of “Anything for my girl” coming from his mouth. You wanted to slap him, but decided against it as you walked out of your room and the front door of your apartment.
Mitch followed behind, closing and locking your door with the spare key he had. Knowing full well he could’ve used the key to open your apartment door, he wanted to see the look on your face when you opened the door since you weren’t a morning person.
As the two of you walked down the walkway to your first classes, you laughed at something stupid Mitch had said, putting your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself. “Hey, Mitch!” you both heard, your heads turning to face the source of the voice.
Noticing Katrina walking your way with a smile on her face, you knew it was go time, voicing at such before lacing your fingers with Mitch’s, a spark crawling up your arm. As he tightened his hold on your hand, he replied to Katrina with, “Oh, hey, Katrina. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to see if–” Her words stopped short when she saw both of your hands clasped together. “Wait,” she said, adjusting her backpack strap on her shoulder. “You two are together now?”
You looked up at Mitch, seeing a smirk on his face as he released your hand to put his arm around your shoulders. “Yup,” he replied. “Been going on - what - three months now?” He looked at you, eyes going a little wide to silently tell you to play along.
The two of you hadn’t discussed the timeline of your fake relationship, so you just had to go with whatever he was saying. You did, however, remember when he told you about them breaking up about four months ago, giving him what he would think to be the perfect amount of time to get over someone.
Nodding your head, you looked from Mitch back to Katrina, wrapping your arm around his back. “Yeah, that’s right. Ya’know, we just realized that because we’ve been best friends since grade school, we’d give it a chance and it’s the best decision. Right, babe?” You looked up at him, a small smile on your face.
Mitch felt something in soul at you calling him babe. He did have a crush on you when you two were in middle school and high school, but he pushed it away with all the boys you ended up being in relationships with.
“That’s right,” he replied, the smirk still on his face. He had placed his lips against your temple, a smile forming on your face.
When you looked back at Katrina, you saw a flash of hurt in her eyes, the emotion showing on her face. “O-oh,” she stuttered. “W-well, I hope you two are happy.”
Scrunching your brows slightly, you felt bad about this arrangement at seeing the hurt on her face. You sighed, ready to tell her the truth, but Mitch’s hand on your shoulder had the words dying in your throat as he said, “We are. Thanks.”
You looked up at him, hurt in your own eyes as Katrina said, “Well, I, uhh, I guess I’ll see you two around.” Turning your attention back to Katrina, you went to say something, but noticed that she was already walking away.
“I feel terrible,” you whispered. “She seemed so sad.”
Mitch sighed, rubbing his hand up and down your upper arm. “Well, she should’ve thought about that before she broke up with me.”
“Mitch,” you said, quietly. Looking up at him through your lashes, your eyes danced between his own. “I get why you’re wanting to do this, but I feel like it’s for the wrong reason. If you wanted her back, you should’ve let her come back to you if she regretted it that much.”
He looked at you, thinking your words over before he sighed. “You’re right, but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. We’re in this now, so can we just see it to the end?”
Thinking it over for no more than a second, you nodded your head, agreeing. The only thing you wanted was for your best friend to be happy. “Yeah. Just… remember the rules.”
“No sex, no kissing–”
“No falling in love.” You took a deep breath, releasing it while whispering, “Especially that one.” What the two of you didn’t know about each other was that you both were falling hard for the other, and have been since about the tenth grade, with no chances of slowing down.
Groaning, you fell onto your back on the couch, the back of your head meeting Mitch’s thighs. “How much longer do we have to keep this up? It’s starting to get exhausting.”
Chuckling, Mitch said, “Well, hello to you, too.”
“Hi. Now, answer my question.”
He sighed, turning the page in his book. “Hopefully not too much longer.”
Rolling your eyes, you looked up at him through your lashes, looking at the bottom of his jaw. “You’ve been saying that for three months now.” Your feelings for him grew substantially during the last three months.
Truth be told, Mitch’s feelings for Katrina started to fade while his feelings for you also grew substantially. He couldn’t stop thinking about you; you were his first thought in the mornings, his last thoughts before he fell asleep at night. Some nights, the two of you found yourselves wrapped in each other’s arms after a late night study session.
“And I’m serious this time,” he retorted, looking down at you.
You chuckled, poking at the double that appeared at the angle he was looking down at. “Fatty.”
That caused a soft laugh to come from Mitch’s throat, the All-American lacrosse player poking at your nose. “You eat more than I do, so how am I the fatty?”
“Because you have a double chin and I don’t,” you stated with a smile, poking his chin again. Laughter erupted from your throat as Mitch poked your side, knowing you were extremely ticklish on your ribs. You laughed so hard that tears were forming in your eyes, gasps sounding as you tried to gain control of your breathing. “Okay, okay, okay. I surrender!”
“Ha ha! Score one for Mitch,” he said, drawing an imaginary number one in the air.
“You’re such an ass,” you chuckled, feeling Mitch’s fingers lace with yours, something he started doing more and more.
“But you love this ass.” He had a smile on his face as he looked at you, a spark in his eye that you only saw when he looked at Katrina.
You watched as he looked up from you, hearing a book shut before a chair was slid back under a table. Confused, you picked your head up to see what had gained his attention… or rather, who.
Watching as Katrina walked away, you sighed angrily to yourself, releasing your fingers from Mitch’s to sit up and grab your bag that you dropped before standing to walk away. Feeling as though you were a good distance away from Mitch, you muttered to yourself, “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Can’t do what anymore?”
You jumped and turned around, facing Mitch as he had a confused look on his face. Sighing, you said, “Forget it.” Turning back around, you started walking away from him again. Fingers being laced with yours had you jerking your hand back, your palm hitting your thigh as you walked back to your apartment.
Knowing that Mitch was walking behind you, you didn’t care, not wanting to have a conversation with him in front of everyone. Once you made it back to your apartment, you set your bag down on your couch, resting your hands on your hips.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you said, eyes closing. Tears started to form in your eyes at the thought of telling your best friend how you felt. Even after pretending to be his girlfriend for three months and saying fake confessions in front of everyone, you still felt it. You’d tell everyone that the moment you saw him, you instantly knew that he’d be the one someday, and your friends would ask if that was true and you’d tell them no, which was a lie.
Your friends knew about the arrangement, not wholeheartedly agreeing with the decision, but backing your stories up when they were around. They’d also ask when you fell in love with him, and you’d respond with what you were hoping they thought was a bogus story of a very cliche moment where the two of you were doing homework and you just looked at him, connecting the dots on cheek.
Mitch’s lacrosse buddies would ask similar questions and he would give them similar answers to yours, most of them laughing it off as they knew he still had a thing for Katrina, but what they didn’t know was the whole trying to get Katrina back thing almost worked for about a month, but when he realized his true feelings for you never left since high school, he decided to keep up with the charade for the sake of his friends. 
The moment Mitch realized he was in love with you was the moment he told you about Katrina and his relationship, and seeing how your face fell. He never wanted you to feel that way again, and since then, he’d been in love with you. Mitch didn’t want to act on his feelings towards you because he didn’t know if you felt the same way.
Now, standing in your apartment living room, staring at your back, Mitch just wondered what was going through your mind. “Can’t do what?” he asked, setting his own bag down. Honestly, he just wanted to get to the bottom of it.
“This,” you said, turning to face him. A tear streamed down your cheek as you sucked in a breath. “I can’t play pretend anymore. I can’t pretend to be your girlfriend to make your ex jealous. I can’t pretend to love you because faking it just isn’t cutting it for me anymore.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, silently agreeing with everything you were saying. “Anything else?” Scoffing, you ran a hand through your hair. “I can’t stand the fact that I’m not allowed to have sex with you because, good shit, that’s all I want to do. I can’t stand the fact that I’m not to kiss you because that’s also all I want to do. Falling in love with you? Well, fuck me, I already have. But you’re so fucking strung on Katrina that every time she’s around, you’re all fucking affectionate. Hell, even when she’s not around you’re still affectionate as fuck.”
“Well, I could say the same thing about you,” Mitch retorted. “All I do is think about you. You’re my first and last thoughts of the day. The shit with Katrina worked for the first month, but after I knew she wouldn’t come back, I realized my true feelings for someone else. That someone else being you. I like being affectionate with you because it’s just how we are. Katrina and I were hardly ever affectionate the way we are. I also want sex, to kiss you, to fall even more in love with you. I–” “Kiss me,” you stated. 
“Mitchell, if you don’t put your lips against mine, I swear to shit, I will kick you out of my apartment and never let you ba–” Your words stopped at the feeling of Mitch’s lips on yours. To be honest, you were a little shocked that he would actually kiss you, even though you both confessed you wanted to kiss each other.
Mitch had cupped your cheeks when stepped closer to kiss you. He pulled back slightly, still able to feel your lips brush his as he said, “Kiss me back or else I’m walking out and never coming ba–”
Grabbing his cheeks, you brought his lips back to yours, relishing in the feeling of your lips moving in sync. Soft moans came from your throat as Mitch asked for entrance into your mouth, your tongues exploring each other’s mouths. 
When your lungs felt like they were on fire, you pulled away from him, feeling his forehead rest on yours as the two of you tried to catch your breaths. “Holy shit,” you breathed.
“Holy shit is right,” he breathed right back.
“Why did we wait to do that again?” 
Mitch chuckled, pecking your lips before opening his eyes to look at you, a smirk on his face. “Because we were young and stupid.” “We’re still young and stupid.”
“Young,” he said, pecking your lips. “Stupid.” Another peck.
“And in love,” you added. Walking away from Mitch, you went to your bag, bringing out your phone and bringing up your music app, Colbie Caillate’s Falling For You playing through the speakers, a laugh coming from Mitch as he took your hands and danced with you, a random thing he started doing with you back in middle school.
Mitch knew that being with you was going to a challenge, but it was a challenge he was willing to face… especially if it meant you two danced to this song at your future wedding reception.
A/N 2: hi friends! i hope y’all enjoyed this. pls don’t hesitate to let me know what you thought in the comments, reblogs, or even my askbox.
Additional A/N: part three of wlcfl will be out when i can find a stopping point.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak
Mitch Rapp Taglist: @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @loveanii​ @good-vibes-and-glitter​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of the creator of the late author, Vince Flynn.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on October 17, 2023
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dcangel · 3 months
dot be shy, drop the mitch rapp wp fic
Yall I’m so sorry I haven’t been answering any asks or posting recently I’m just burnt out
BUT ANYWAYS!! I started writing that fic like last summer and then cranked out three long ass chapters and somehow the third one got deleted, and when I went to go back and read them they were cringy (not too bad but not up to my standards) so I took them down and now they’re being redone so I desperately need to work on those. The fic is called “Blue Jeans | Mitch Rapp” and I switched it up to not be a x y/n/reader story because I feel like those are hard to write since a lot of people say things like “I’d never wear that” or “I’d never say/do that” so I made and OC which is also gonna take time to write her personality into it. It’s also linked to a second account I have on tumblr so if any of you guys find it don’t mind that lol. Idk when the first chapter will be out because I’ve had literally no motivation to write at all except occasionally writing like 100-200 words on a separate wp story, but the motivation still sucks. Anyways thank you for still sending in asks and I promise that this fic will be out someday I just don’t know when<3
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fanficsourcesx · 11 months
──  * one shots & series
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*indicates smut
♡  ⁄  dylan o'brien
| unexpected gift
♡  ⁄  stiles stilinkski
| we can't have a story (pt. 2) | the roscoe adventures * | just stay | it's more than just us now | one last try | sorry has to be enough | don't turn away | hall pass *
♡  ⁄  thomas
| watch me fall *
♡  ⁄  mitch rapp
| silence
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fan-girl-97 · 1 year
I was tagged by @sunfl0wer-power thank you brenna!!💚💚💚
I'm tagging: @stiles-o-dylan24 @teen--marvel @sacredthethread @pennylanefics @loser-user-noaccuser @joshkiszkas-admin @stardustchxrds @rhythm-of-space and any one else who wants to do it😘
10 fandoms 10 characters.
1. Stiles stilinski -Teen Wolf
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2. Thomas - the maze runner
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3. Stuart twombly- the internship
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4.Dave Hodgman- the first time
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5. Mitch rapp- American Assassin
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6. Colin the weed guy- not okay
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7. Joel dawson- love and monsters
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8. Richie- the outfit
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9. Fredrick fitzel- flashback
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10. Sam Taylor- Amazing Stories
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Honorable mentions
Jimmy- highroad
Bumble bee- bumblebee
Stu- werid city
Henrich treadway- infinate
And because I don't want to leave it out. But not putting it fully in because he's a real person but
Caleb holloway- Deepwater horizon
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piratefalls · 1 year
♥ 8 for the book asks?
8. What series has most pleased you?
Ooooh okay so it turns out I'm more of a standalone book person, but here's a few of the limited series I've read that I enjoyed for different reasons:
American Assassin by Vince Flynn/Kyle Mills.
I'll admit that I started the books because Dylan O'Brien signed on to do the movie based on the origin story of Mitch Rapp, a guy who loses his girlfriend in the Lockerbie crash and dedicates his life to avenging her death and eventually finds his way into becoming an assassin for the CIA. The originating author, Vince Flynn, died after the 13th book, and while I have love for the first half of the series, I actually like the books better after Kyle Mills took up the mantle. They're snappier, the writing is tighter, and they're action packed. Who doesn't like a story about a guy saving the day? And the more recent books are drawing from current events, which is both interesting and a little terrifying. Are they the greatest books I've ever read? No. Are they fun? Absolutely.
Rizzoli & Isles by Tess Gerritsen.
I love murder mysteries, I love smart women, I love stories centered around smart women. I was actually introduced to this by the TV series, and after I started reading them I was delighted to learn that the books and the series only have the main characters in common. The books are much darker, the relationship dynamics are different, and the medical scenes with Dr. Isles are fantastic because the author was once a practicing physician. I love this series and I can't wait for the next book.
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
This was a thing I didn't know I needed. I hadn't realized that my reading books with fat female rep was really limited until I dove into it, and by the end I cried. This book touched on a lot of things that I've thought about myself and navigating the world as a fat person who's never felt desired and I wasn't really prepared for that coming from a romance novel based around a girl in fandom. There's also a good amount of commentary on complicated relationships with parents and living up to unattainable expectations. I'll fully admit that sometimes these characters are kind of childish, but I let the fact that this was set in the world I've loved for so long overshadow that. Unlike the other two here, I believe this series is complete, so once I read Shipwrecked this one will be put to bed. Will I read more Olivia Dade? Definitely.
book ask: book recs and recent reads edition
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domesticated-feral · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
ok ok ok 5 fav fics here we go
unashamedly plugging my stackson cowboys wip first and foremost, please welcome to the stage, A Love That Will Never Grow Old yes its a wip, yes i am! working! on it!!! just going through a bit of hiccups atm but i love this fic a normal amount (lies, i love this fic alot)
i re-read this fic recently and it's just so goshdarn cute! Coming up at number two is, Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf its scerek, they meet at a halloween party, derek owns a nokia what more do i need to put in a fic
First Times belongs on this list because it's my mini bbm-inspired scackson cowboys au fic and i love it and everytime i get reminded of it which is surprisingly often i get poked into writing my scackson bbm au fic!
this isn't even a published fic, it's barely even a ficlet but it's a wip in my google docs so it should count whether i post it on ao3 or not in the future, at number 4 it is this one wip titled 'david and mitch but they meet at huntington >:)' it's a crossover ship of mitch rapp (american assassin 2017) and detective loki (prisoners 2013) aka ditch lapp (me and another devoted shipper that i totally did not shove this ship down their throat until they started shipping it spent hours brainstorming this lovely shipname >:) aakjsdhskhd) Anyways, it's an AU where they meet at huntington boys school which, can be totally possible in canon (both of the universes)
you can get yourself two nickels because i'm putting a second unpublished wip in this list, this time it's a teen wolf skittles fic that's titled 'hahgahgsahahga >:) shoots trans beam at the local baby' this wip is actually done, i just haven't posted it cause i wanna rewrite the ending just a bit to the left and find a good title for it but other than that it's done. you can probably guess what the story is about but if you don't it's just a small fic that's got trans!scott and stiles finding out about it after coming home from summer vacation. it's cute, fluffy, i was going through some stuff so i wanted to write something light and fun and what better pair of besties that scott and stiles amirite?
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foofsterwolf · 1 year
can i ask for all of them??? (especially the last one, bc the title got curious af 😂👀)
Hoooo boy, okay. This took a while to type up :D but here is the list of answers!
Dexter SK AU:
My current project! I am loving and hating writing. Stiles gets caught serial killing and Scott decides to use him to kill bad people. I’m trying to mostly write it in another style so it’s taking a lot more work than usual.
On the Road Again+Sequel (the sequels the WIP part):
So my fic OTRA is about Stiles running away, joining a band and unwittingly getting addicted to drugs. The sequel takes place a couple years later, shortly after a tour. Stiles goes back into his addiction, worse this time, and the story is about him learning to become clean for himself instead of for someone else(Scott). Scott and Stiles are broken up and Stiles is dealing with his PTSD from being back home with all of his unresolved issues.
My pride and joy, my absolute darling, the love of my life. Tacenda is a retelling of Scott and Stiles’ life using a contrast of Hypo VS. Hyper empathy. Scott has (as my friend group refers to it) Will Graham’s disease™, and Stiles has a lot of trouble figuring out how his emotions work or don’t work. It follows them growing up from when they first meet to them moving to another country in their early twenties.
Ga-Ga-Ga-Ghoul Stiles
Stiles gets murdered. The fic is in Noah’s POV. He doesn’t handle Stiles’ death well, so he finds a spell that brings Stiles back to life. Shortly they(Noah+Scott) find out that Stiles has been eating dead things and people. Story follows them learning how to move on.
Sciles FTD
Probably my least developed fic out of the whole list. But I have snippets of a story where Stiles has Frontotemporal Dementia. Stiles finds out he has it and keeps it to himself. When he gets lost on a route he’s taken for a while. Scott figures it out. He offers to bite Stiles but Stiles refuses. Eventually it leads to a scene of Scott and Stiles having fun on a good day and Scott gets emotional, begs for Stiles to let Scott bite him. Stiles wonders why he would do that, and Scott gets upset that it’s progressed to the point that Stiles can’t even remember that Scott is a werewolf. Stiles then remembers he has dementia and starts freaking out. It’s just a sad time. Lol
Legal Guardian Stiles
Takes place after the movie. Stiles is the legal guardian of Eli. Fic follows Stiles and Eli not getting along as Stiles desperately tries to figure out how to raise a rebellious teenager while trying to suppress his grieving. Eli hates living with Stiles and wants to go back to Scott.
Youth GA
Follows Scott and Stiles as Scott sends Stiles away for Stiles’ safety. Stiles doesn’t want to go. But it follows them growing apart and growing up in completely different circumstances. And Stiles living a normalish teenage life like Scott wanted.
The Education of Mieczyslaw Stilinski
Follows Stiles as he’s possessed by the nogitsune. He slowly figures out that the acid trip of memories he is flitting through rapidly and nauseatingly is a projection set up by the nogitsune to keep him placated in his mind so that he doesn’t cause trouble. And him figuring out how to break free from the prison in his mind.
Stilinski Twins!AU
A Scott/Mitch Rapp fic. How interesting hehehe. Their ship names Scotch, I coined it okay. Mitch comes back to his hometown for a case. He is forced to reconcile with his twin brother Stiles after a messy separation after their mother’s death. Scott helps him realize that how he’s behaving isn’t healthy and that he can save people without killing. It’s like therapy for an assassin basically.
Stiles Bite AU
Stiles gets bit instead of Scott. Follows how differently their lives would go if Stiles was the one that it happened to. Scott is still a leading man. Stiles is still a dorky sidekick type. But now Stiles accidentally dents things while flailing.
Deathbed Confession
This one’s a sad one. While possessed, the nogitsune confronts Scott with the reality that Stiles is in love with him. Scott -while emotional because Stiles is in the hospital after the Nogitsune- so Scott kisses Stiles while he’s in the hospital. He doesn’t hate it, so he decides to just go for dating Stiles “because Stiles needs someone there for him”. Scott slowly develops feelings for Stiles but the relationship doesn’t work out because Scott confesses why he started dating Stiles and Stiles is rightfully peeved about it.
Teenage Dirtbag AU
Abusive Noah AU, Noah doesn’t stop drinking and is verbally abusive to Stiles and neglectful. Stiles shuts himself away from everyone and starts controlling every aspect of his life to try and gain control. He breaks the law to try and get his dads attention. Because of how often he skips class, but his grades are otherwise good. The principal speaks to the coach about Stiles joining the lacrosse team to gain some discipline and to get his anger out. Scott and Stiles reunite and start dating. Scott finds out about Stiles’ home life and tells Stiles that it’s not okay. Sparking Stiles to start seeking change.
Good Ol’ Fashioned Torture Whump
Okay I STG this was done before I even knew there was a TLOU show coming out. Stiles gets infected with a cordyceps fungus that was mutated by a witchy person. It controls him without him realizing that everything he’s doing is in an effort to infect as many people as possible. He considers the thing inside of him a friend and slowly devolves into being fully controlled by it until Scott manages to catch up to him and burn it out. It’s name comes from the fact that the beginning has them doing medical stuff on him with him desperately trying to get away as they cut into him.
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obriengf · 2 years
35 with mitch
send me a character and a prompt for a scene blurb ~ (4/10)
CAUGHT : for one muse to walk in on the other singing / dancing.
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Surreal was nothing but understated when it came to knowing that your apartment once again housed two instead of one. Since the moment Mitch Rapp walked through the front door, the ceiling lamps grew a little brighter, the air a little warmer, and your heart a little bigger. It was a story told too many times before - a man sent away to right the wrongs of others, leaving his sweetheart to await his return. Time moved slowly, a reminder that your time without the man you love was breaching indefinite. The phone calls became shorter and and you swore that it only prolonged your need for those overdue kisses and whispers of sweet nothings. Once the six week marker flashed midnight on your alarm clock, your heart wretched, and your tears returned. You just missed him.
But luck had a knack for worming it’s way into moments of utter hopelessness - and fortunately, it always ended the same way... with him returning home to your arms.
It didn’t feel real to see his built frame take up space in the kitchen, nor did it feel real to hear the clanging of dishes being washed in the sink that weren’t from your own two hands - the most mundane activity, drenched in complete domesticity, was enough to get your heart soaring. You quietly lent against the arched door frame, arms crossed lazily over your thumping chest as you watched Mitch with all the adoration you could muster. Eyes focused on the way his shirt sat too snug over his shoulders - knowing Mitch, he put it in the dryer with no sense of how to work one, or maybe his frame just grew that little more taut since he’d been gone. Regardless, you couldn’t tear your gaze away and you didn’t want to ever again if it meant that Mitch Rapp never left your side.
You travelled down the expanse of his back, eyeing the way his muscles moved with such fluidity beneath the black fabric, before your focus was caught rather quickly by the shake and gyrate of his hips. It made you giggle under your breath, not wanting to alert of your presence just yet as you admired the side of Mitch Rapp that hardly anybody got to see - one filled with carelessness, joy and rhythm. 
You could see how they moved faster with the growing hum of his voice, a tune licking at his tongue as it slowly began to echo throughout the space. It was a tune you knew well - Mitch always listened to it, sang it, even built the limited skill set when away from the field to learn the basic chords on the guitar. It was a song that made you smile, and made him revell in the memories of his mother. Her soothing tone would lull him to sleep as a child, and he inherited it so beautifully when the words were sung into your hair and his arms secured tightly around your body.
He had switched out his dish cloth for a towel as hands dried your dinner plates with gentle movements, his voice growing louder as melody drifted toward you, “You say it best...hmm hmm hmm... when you say nothin’ at all.” 
You were lost. Entranced. Every small detail about this man is what made you adore him more and more with each passing second you spent with him. But it also made you miss his presence near tenfold when he was gone. A bittersweet concoction when you find yourself utterly and completely in love with another person.
It wasn’t meant to be so startling as you quietly stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his waist, your cheek pressed firmly against his back. Mitch only tensed for a mere half second from the additional body heat you provided, but it dissipated quickly, one of his hands reaching down to rub tenderly at your enclasped pair over his lower stomach. Your nose nuzzled into him, a humm eliciting now from within your throat.
“You have a lovely voice when you sing.” You said, Mitch’s arms erupting in goosebumps due to the dancing of your warm breath through the cotton of his shirt.
He grinned, heat crawling up to his cheeks as the man quickly became chuffed. Mitch spoke with slight humour, “Yeah? What about when I don’t sing?”
“Still my favourite sound, ties first place with your morning voice. Super sexy.” 
He definitely was glowing now; his nose burning with the pinch of a warm blush, ears not too far behind. You built his confidence back up after it was burnt horrifically to the ground - you showed love, and care, praise, compliments. Mitch Rapp had never felt so goddamn loved in his life, and it took him a while to accept that he deserved it. But you made him see that he did.
Mitch chuckled, his tongue darting out to lap at the slight dryness of his lips, “You’re super sexy.”
With a turn of your head, your smile pressed against his back before puckered lips kissed between his shoulder blades, “Only for you. All yours.”
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eevylynn · 10 months
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 2 months
Okay so at some point I was writing like 4 fandoms at once and some original stories. I have since written one Disney one shot and the rest has all been Marauders. So I have a feeling I should fix that 😂. I loved being a fully multi fandom account. Like I wrote Marvel stuff, Harry Potter stuff, Disney stuff, MCYT stuff, BNHA stuff, OUAT stuff all at the same time and had like 40 different books. Most of it was MHA of course cause at the time, that was the big thing. Everyone was into that. But I haven't written much outside of my bubble. So I present a challenge (for those who want to participate of course), give me a fandom to get into. I will post my list of fandoms under the cut. I will look into said fandom and write at least one one shot about it and put it in AO3. Only because I would love to be multi fandom again, I just haven't gotten into much as of lately.
Once Upon a Time 
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Liv And Maddie
V for Vendetta
Doctor Who
Lovejoy (But I don't Support Wilbur)
Wilbur Soot (Don't support Wilbur himself)
Disney Parks
Melanie Martinez (I don't support Melanie herself)
Sam Smith
Tom Lehrer
Mitch Hedberg
John Mulaney
Nick Kroll
Taylor Tomlinson
Dungeons And Dragons
Gabriel Iglesias 
Stranger Things
Unus Annus
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Slime Rancher
Harley Quinn
Dear Evan Hansen
Bob Ross
In The Heights
Free Guy
Percy Jackson
Apollo Series
Asylum Series
My Chemical Romance
Cinder Series
Nerdy Nummies
How To Cake It
Animal Crossing
Totally Reliable Delivery Service 
Call Of Duty
Zoo Tycoon
Powerwash Simulator 
Alexa and Katie
The Crown
Bo Burnham 
Lana Del Rey 
Face Off
Red Rising
Kevin Hart
Jo Koy
Mateo Lane
Slime Meowy
Assassination Classroom 
The Grinch
Moriah Elizabeth 
TPM Videos
Andy Weir
Project Hail Mary
Ready Player One
The Martian
Shadow And Bone
Hazbin Hotel
Dear Evan Hansen
Game Of Thrones
Gilmore Girls
Mean Girls
After Series
Archie Comics
The Flash
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Cloudy June
We Three
Dorian Gray
Ben Barnes
Blue Eye Samurai
Daz Black
How to train your dragon
Taylor Swift
Brain Leak
Assassin's Creed 
Pirates Of The Caribbean 
Jujutsu Kaisen
Good Omens
Sam And Colby
Kall Me Kris
Billie Eillish
Little Misfortune 
The Princess Bride
My Little Pony
A Goofy Movie
Slime Obsidian 
The Rise Of The Order
The Last Of Us
The Big Bang Theory 
South Park
Winx Club
OddCat Cosplay
Commander BunBun Cosplay
Soul Eater
Heartbreak High
Young And Hungry
The Lord Of The Rings
Saturday Night Live
Chapell Roan
Renee Rapp
(As of 8/01/2024)
Some might be doubles but, that was everything I've been into. A lot of it honestly doesn't have great fanfiction potential though. I have admittedly written a little bit of Ben Barnes stuff too. But not much. I think maybe 5 one shots if that.
The whole list was taken from my Quotev list. But, I wanted to share my own interests and encourage others to share theirs. Perhaps tag someone and let's see how many interests I can collect lol.
I know that there are a lot of fandoms here that I probably could write for but haven't gotten around to it. I probably will eventually I just also enjoy the thought of learning new things as well.
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requests; open (s.h. & e.m.) / new guidelines
so, i literally just got done with writing always the babysitter. it's bittersweet that my second series is done being written.
my requests are now open until about the beginning of november, where i'll start the proofreading, doing edits and posting of always the babysitter.
the characters that i write for are ;
steve harrington (henderson!reader)
eddie munson (newest addition) [henderson!reader]
stiles stilinski
dave hodgman
stuart twombly
thomas (tmr)
mitch rapp
richie boyle
joel dawson
sam taylor
stuff i won't write ;
unaliving one-self
kidnapping / trafficking
stranger things kids (el, max, lucas, mike, will, and dustin. they will be included in the story if the request is for steve.)
stuff i write if asked ;
a certain character (oc's [emma, and olivia{more background; pre atb}], sibling!reader, smut, fluff, angst, etc)
aged up characters (ex: college!steve & reader, dad!stiles)
au's (soulmate, modern, best friends to lovers, fake dating, break up;back together, secretly dating, enemies to lovers [will try my best for any other au's y'all request])
i do also write stilinski!twins, but those take more time to think about.
please stay within these newly found guidelines
if you don't see your request within 2-3 days, please let me know which one you sent and i'll do my best to get it out asap. if you don't see it within a week after that, it's because i've gotten busy with my hubbs, kiddos, and the kids i babysit mon-fri from 3pm-5:15pm, est.
reblog, reblog, reblog. i know you've seen this from every other content creator here on tumblr, but it really helps us out. this isn't tiktok where you like something and it shows up in the algorithm.
likes and comments are welcome! i love it when y'all like and comment on a fic i've written.
i am a mama to a 7 & 2 year old, as well as a wife of almost 10 years. please be patient with me. we're also in minor softball season as well.
please have fun!
REQUESTS ARE OPEN AS I AM POSTING ALWAYS THE BABYSITTER. if you still send one in, i will still write and post it for you within 2-3 days after a new chapter has been posted!!
edited to add: anything with an asterisk is just the working title, and is subject to change at any point during the writing process before or even after posting.
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marjaystuff · 4 months
Guest Review: Double Tap by Cindy Dees
Double Tap by Cindy Dees has an action-packed plot with riveting characters.  Her heroine, Helen Warwick, can best be described as a soon-to-be senior citizen, female version of Mitch Rapp. This story combines a thriller, having two spies going after each other, with a mystery, a serial killer who tortures and kills women. 
“Helen can be described as a soon-to-be senior citizen female Mitch Rapp. He is one of my absolute favorite authors.  Part of why is because he is not afraid to have bad things happen.  I find his books fascinating thought processes involving the ‘what if.’ He pulls the trigger on stories and allows them to be challenging, ugly, or difficult. He will put his characters through things, which takes real courage as a writer, carrying through the repercussions. He still delivered stories that were satisfying and had good triumph over evil in the end. For me, any thriller must have good triumphing over evil and mysteries must have justice triumphing over crime.”
The book opens at a DC press conference. Helen has decided to support her three children, Mitch, Peter, and Jayne, which is why she is attending the news conference playing the elderly mother. Mitch is the acting district attorney for Washington D.C. and is announcing his candidacy for the permanent position. As Mitch steps up to the microphone, she sees the ominous green light of a gun laser fixed on her son’s head. She pushes the would-be assassin out of the way and saves her son’s life.
“Her reflexes are not quite as sharp, not as fast, and she does not see a lot of respect for elders. She is resentful that her children have tried to placate her.  She lost her job because of her age. Wisdom comes with age and experience. She is frustrated that her wisdom is being tossed out.  Helen sees some sexism in that her handler, Yosef, who is the same age as hers, is put at a desk for his wisdom, while she is tossed out. I wanted to show how in the workplace and maybe with society at large older people are taken for granted. Helen is not quite an elder, but not young. She is in the frustrating middle ground because people do not give her enough credit. She does use her age by dressing old and greying her hair.  Helen figures that since she cannot fight it, she will lean into it. She must prove repeatedly that she is competent.”  
While investigating who wanted to hurt her son, she is approached by her former boss, James Wagner, Director of the CIA, about returning to work for one more mission. The mission is to find the man named Scorpius who has been a deep undercover mole working for and with the Russian FSB for over a decade. Resentful of Wagner because he had told her that after thirty years of service, she was too old to continue and must retire. But being a patriot and protective of her family, Helen reluctantly agrees to rejoin the CIA and lead a team looking for the mole because her family is being threatened figuratively and literally. The plot then becomes a cat and mouse game pitting Helen against Scorpius.
Scorpius and the serial killer are both hunters, smart, organized, observant, careful, stealthy, and sociopaths. Sociopathy is a spectrum. The more organized they are the more manipulative and subtle they are. There are three sociopaths in this book.  Danny, the son is very disorganized, impulsive, with not much control. Scorpius is a charismatic sociopath, goal-driven, disciplined, and can contain his violence and anti-social behavior.”
The novel is shocking at times, emotionally charged, and pulse-pounding. There is plenty of danger, violence, and intrigue. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as they turn the pages.
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itsaliterarymystery · 4 months
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This was, for the most part, another great Mitch Rapp thriller. I just personally don't like books where the good guys are punished for doing the right thing, or accused of crimes. It's just not my favorite plot point, and that was the plot for a lot of this book.
I did love the action parts of the book, where Mitch and Nash were working to stop a dangerous threat. They worked so well together and they were great characters. The last 75 or so pages were non-stop action and some of the most exciting parts of the book.
The political angles in this book really added to the drama and tension as well. Many of the political players were incredibly annoying characters, but they were meant to be and it made it all the better when Mitch and Nash proved them wrong, proved that they were needed to prevent catastrophe. The end proved to be a bit of a cliffhanger. One of the Senators who had given Mitch and Nash trouble at every turn saw the error of her ways and vowed to do everything to protect them as they hunted the terrorists. The book ended with a promise from Mitch and Nash to find the terrorists no matter what, but you have to read the next book for that story.
Another exciting adventure.
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readitreviewit · 7 months
Hold onto your seats thriller fans because Mitch Rapp is back and it’s going to be a wild ride! In the latest installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, “Total Power”, author Vince Flynn delivers an action-packed and highly intense story that will keep you absolutely hooked from start to finish. The story follows the most lethal counterterrorism operative in the world, Mitch Rapp, who finds himself in the dangerous and highly volatile world of the Middle East once again. When he receives a call from Damian Losa, one of the world’s most powerful crime lords, Mitch agrees to take on a new mission, against his better judgement. The Syrian government is developing a highly addictive new narcotic, which it plans to distribute throughout Europe. This poses a major threat to Losa’s drug empire and he is determined to do whatever it takes to stop it from happening. Mitch Rapp, being the highly skilled operative that he is, is the perfect candidate for the job. As Rapp journeys into the depths of war-torn Syria, he quickly learns that the new drug is not being produced to prop up the government’s finances but is actually the brainchild of Russia’s asymmetrical warfare unit; a weapon against the West. With much more than Losa’s interests at stake, Rapp finds himself in a desperate struggle to come up with a plan to stop Russia from unleashing their deadly weapon. “Total Power” is a thrilling read that takes readers into the dangerous world of global politics, terrorism, and espionage. With its fast-paced action, thrilling plot, and engaging characters, this book is a sure-fire hit for fans of the espionage thriller genre. As always, Vince Flynn’s writing style is top-notch, with his ability to skillfully weave intricate plots, deep characters, and intense action sequences. His writing is precise and tense, capturing the true danger and chaos of the world of espionage and counter-terrorism. Overall, “Total Power” is a must-read for anyone who loves a good spy thriller. With a gripping and action-packed plot, unforgettable characters and Vince Flynn’s signature writing style, this book is sure to be a real winner. "Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your reading experience! Click now to buy the book or enjoy a 30-day trial of Audible FREE of charge." Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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