#mitsuhide moments
chasing-storm-s · 6 months
So many fun things in this chapter. Especially where Hideyoshi is concerned. The mama vibe is strong here
First off we have the Hideyoshi vs Mitsuhide moment:
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Awww Hideyoshi
Then we have the Hidemama:
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🤣 you better Sasuke or he'll come after you even 500 years in the future
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romancemedia · 2 months
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Snow White with the Red Hair
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lunillum · 10 months
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Just Mitsuhide reminding me why he's my favorite
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hakiarleon · 2 years
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dragon-wisteria · 1 year
Some Thoughts on Volume 18, Chapter 85 of Snow White with the Red Hair
I just re-read the Bergatt arc (in my physical copies ^-^) and man the final fight scene (zen wisteria vs. toka bergatt) hits SO hard like
The fact that Mitsuhide is the one who finishes the fight is so cathartic since he gets to fight and win against the person who got him wrongly imprisoned and tried to ruin his life.
Mitsuhide finishing the fight is also thematically satisfying!! The dialogue between Zen and Toka establishes that Zen treats his people with respect and trusts them, while Toka treats his like pawns that have to be controlled. When Mitsuhide picks up Zen's sword and finishes the fight, he proves Zen right - they only win because of their trust and respect for each other.
On that note - Mitsuhide picking up Zen's sword is SUCH a moment. It's a great use of a page-turn. In the physical volume we go from this:
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to this:
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and lemme tell you I was Yelling!!! It's so good!
Also, on the subject of the physical volume, the cover looks like this:
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It's Mitsuhide, with the clothes and injuries he has in this fight (with the addition of a half-cape decorated with the glowstone that Shirayuki sent him via Obi <3)
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thezestyone · 2 years
Happy Halloween, everyone!
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aitogi · 1 year
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[戦国無双] ~四国遠征の章~ [Sengoku Musou] ~Shikoku Ensei no Shou~
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yonezawacastle · 2 months
Man, I have some thoughts on Mitsuhide's event story.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Me just imagining a scenario where Kiomi gets thrown into a singularity where the servants she's stuck with by default are Mitsuhide, Nagayoshi, and Serizawa. Along the way, she contracts Phantom of the Opera, Mephistopheles, Caster Gilles, Douman. Chaldea reinforcements would be Jack, Lancer Vlad, Jekyll, Mordred, Takechi, Kagetora, Nobunaga, Kicho, and Alter Izo.
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"That... actually kind of sounds like it'd be fun."
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moonlightmagus · 2 years
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“And here I thought Mitsuhide held the most disliked person in my heart. Then He appeared.” Yuuki does not like Serizawa. 
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milk5 · 14 days
In the year 1679, a man named Itō Mitsuhide ran a bar in Tomari, a small village on the western coast of Hokkaido. One day, a patron asked him to "serve a drink that tastes like an idea." Itō closed the establishment for several weeks, journeying through the nearby forests and across the craggy coast to collect branches of the most brilliant and fragrant plants. He strung them up in his thatched-roof house, allowing them to dry for a week or so. As he waited, he commissioned a brilliant stoneware vessel from the village potter; it was shaped and decorated to look like a nonexistent fruit, resembling something between an apple and a persimmon. Once this was finished, he took all the dried branches and gently deposited each one into a pot of boiling water, reducing the concoction until its color was an almost-opaque dark green hue. After the liquid had cooled off enough to handle, he poured it into the fruit-shaped vessel, sealed it, and tightly hoisted the vessel to a heavy stone that he placed in a shallow coastal pool. Finally, after chilling the elixir overnight, Itō decided that it was ready to serve and he re-opened the bar. The patron who originally requested the drink came by in the afternoon as he typically did before the temporary closure. Wordlessly, Itō handed the patron the vessel; it was still quite cool to the touch. The patron unsealed it and immediately took a small sip, then waited a moment. He took another sip.
"It tastes like shit. I think you should kill yourself." The patron splashed the rest of the drink onto Itō.
Itō continued to run the bar as though none of this happened for another month before falling ill to an unknown ailment. He died days later.
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chasing-storm-s · 1 year
Hideyoshi & Mitsuhide moments. Their relationship is always so entertaining (except to Hideyoshi) 😂
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(Edit) Oh and missed this one:
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"for once"
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ikeromantic · 2 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 1
This was an ask from @otomedad that I just had to write. I did some reading up on the history of tattooing in Japan and there was so much that I found super interesting. So! Here goes, starting with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune! Approx. 1500 words.
“What’s this, fireball?”
You feel Nobunaga’s breath tickle your shoulder blade, his lips so close they almost brush your skin. For a moment, you don’t know what he means. It’s hard to think when parts of you are being ‘claimed’, afterall. But you smile as the memory comes back to you. Sitting on a stool, arms braced on the counter in front of you, with the buzz of the tattoo gun in your ear. “You like my koi?”
His fingers brush the inked design, tracing the outline of the leaping fish. “It is very well done.” He does not sound pleased, though he’s trying to hide it.
“You don’t.” A slight pout draws your lips out and down. 
Nobunaga stills behind you, so motionless that you don’t even feel him breathing. Just as you are about to break the silence, he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back against his chest. “It is part of you, so it is beautiful.” His chin rests on your shoulder, just above the tattoo in question. “Why did you receive this mark?”
There is an unexpected tension in his voice, and you laugh to ease it before explaining. “I got it after I graduated from design. It represents my struggles, and my determination.” You turn your head to kiss his cheek. 
He regards you with a serious expression, tense despite your affection. 
“Do you really hate it?” You can’t help how vulnerable you feel as you meet his carnelian gaze.
“I told you. It is beautiful, as you are. But . . .” He pauses, a slight grimace crossing his expression. “I do not like that someone marked you. Someone else claimed this -” He leans back to spread his hand over the koi. “Every part of you is mine.”
“Are you jealous of my tattoo artist?” You grin, unable to hold back. “You know I picked the design and the colors and everything, right? He was just some guy with a good flash book . . .”
Nobunaga’s frown does not ease, though you know that he’s aware this is ridiculous. 
You snuggle back against him. “Alright, alright. I understand. If you could do tattoos, I’d get one from you, ok?”
Something mischievous flickers in his gaze and a slight smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “Yes. This is acceptable.”
You aren’t sure what he’s accepting. Nobunaga can’t do tattoos, right? Right? Whatever questions you have disappear as his lips find that sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
You roll up your sleeves to start working on the kitchen’s herb garden. The day is warm and sunny, promising a hot afternoon. It’s a good thing you’re starting early. 
About an hour into the weeding, Hideyoshi stops by with a tray of cool water and a wide straw hat. He kneels beside you. “You know it’s bad for your skin to be exposed to sunlight for so long. Even in the morning, you can’t -” He stops midword, his mouth hanging open.
“Hm?” You look up, dusting your hands off. Before you can ask anything else, Hideyoshi grabs your elbow.
“What is this?” 
You realize he’s pointing at the serpent tattoo on your forearm. The snake curls over itself in a complex circle, with the head pointing at your wrist and the tale toward your elbow. “Oh! Erm,” you give an embarrassed laugh. “That.”
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” Hideyoshi holds your arm up, inspecting it. “A thief. I should have guessed. What prefecture is this? Where are you really from?” The questions come lightning fast, his usual gentle lecturing tone replaced with a hard, brittleness that does not suit him at all.
“A thief? Are you serious right now?” You try to yank your arm back, going from bewildered to angry. 
Hideyoshi pulls you up to standing. “If you won’t answer my questions, maybe you’ll answer Mitsuhide’s.” He glares at you. “I can’t believe I - I called you my sister!” 
You take a breath, trying to hold in the tears suddenly threatening at the corners of your eyes. Sister. Why was this man so infuriating? First putting you in the sis-zone, and now accusing you. As if you hadn’t shared so many sweet moments. Almost-kisses. Holding hands. “Why are you freaking out about my tattoo?”
“It marks you as a criminal.” He sighs, looking away. “If you’ll come clean with me, maybe we can -”
“Come clean? Hideyoshi, I told you I’m not from here. In my ah, my village, people get tattoos because they like the way they look.” You wiggle your arm in his grasp. “This one means the cycle of life. Birth and death. Look at it!”
Hideyoshi slowly turns back to examine the mark on your arm. “It is . . . very finely done for a - a punishment.” He purses his lips. “And I do not know of a prefecture that uses a snake . . .”
You nod emphatically. “Exactly. And you know me. Hideyoshi?” Your tone brings his gaze to your face. 
He studies you for a moment. Then his grip loosens on your arm, the pad of his thumb stroking your inked flesh. “I may have, um, jumped to conclusions. My apologies.” A breath, then, “Sis.”
“Thanks.” You take your arm back, feelings still hurt. 
For a long moment, neither of you says anything. Then he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. “Let me apologize properly, after work tonight. Stop by after your bath and I’ll rub some oil on your arms and legs.” Hideyoshi’s cheeks hold a faint heat. “A brother should care for his sister when she’s working so hard.”
You know he knows there’s nothing brotherly in the touches you share, but you nod in acquiescence. Then you pull away. “The garden won’t weed itself,” you say.
He grins. “I suppose not.” Hideyoshi’s hand takes yours before you can take a step. “It’s nice. Your tattoo. Once I really looked at it.”
“Thanks,” you smile back, feeling a little better. “I’m looking forward to my massage tonight.” You give him a cheeky wink. 
You splash to the river’s surface, sputtering from the water in your mouth and nose. Masamune laughs beside you, his strong arm holding you up above the roiling surface of the water as the current pushes you both downstream.
“Maybe next time we should look for a bridge,” you shout to be heard over the river.
“Nah. Where’s the fun in that?” Masamune’s blue eye gleams with unfettered joy as he pulls you toward the opposite shore. 
Once you hit the bank and crawl out, you flop back onto the grassy hillside. “Fun? Not drowning is fun. And now I’m soaked.” You glance over to see Masamune already stripping down, laying his clothes out to dry. 
He grins when he sees your expression. “What’s the matter, kitten? Tiger got your tongue?”
“Pffft.” You sit up, ignoring the way your face heats. You shrug out of your kimono, very aware of how thin your linen underclothes are. Especially now that they are wet and clinging to your skin. 
Masamune’s appreciative look does not help. He grins unapologetically. “I should come out this way more often. Great view.”
You throw a clump of grass at him and jump up to run. He chases you, laughing, and catches you pretty quickly. 
His laughter stops with a sharp inhale. “Are you hurt?”
You realize that he’s noticed the ink on your side, a tiger in the midst of peonies. The red, pink, and orange probably look like a wound beneath the opaque cloth. “No, nothing like that.” You carefully tug the linen up to show him your tattoo. 
“Wow.” His eye is wide as he takes in the art piece. “Gorgeous.” His calloused finger brushes the skin on your side, sending a shiver across your belly and up your ribcage. “It’s like a painting.”
“Thanks.” You feel more than a little self conscious, but also gratified by his reaction. “It’s supposed to be, like, fragility and strength? Together?” You find yourself a little tongue tied, too focused on his warm hand touching you. 
Masamune finally looks up, catching your gaze. “It fits you, kitten. Strong and fragile.” His expression is more serious than you’re used to. A deeper emotion moves in the depths of his blue eye. 
The urge to kiss him is strong, but you resist. You tug the cloth back down and step away, heart beating frantically. Masamune likes to flirt, you think, that’s all. You wrack your brain for a witty comment and come up empty. 
He smiles, drops his hands. “Our clothes should dry out soon, and then we can continue on.”
“The temple better be awesome. You’ve talked it up too much to take anything less than.” Your destination is safer ground, you think, jumping right into the new topic.
Masamune laughs. “There’s not another like it anywhere.” Something about the way he says it makes you wonder if he means the temple you’re traveling to or something else. 
“Worth the trip then?”
He catches a bit of your damp hair and twirls it around a finger. “I’d say this trip is already worth it.”
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workbyrui · 2 months
Dropping this here. A quick and simple enough drawing to celebrate the release of Mitsuhide's sengoku showdown promise story~
I swear, this man will be the end of me! He is the absolutely perfect blend of fun, funny, caring, smexy, and suuuuuuuuuuuuper capable boyfriend for me.😭😭😭💜💜💜
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Spoiler screenshots coming up under the cut!
The scene that made me squeal the hardest!🙈 One of my favorite scenes because I like it whenever MC gets enough guts to actually say what she wants.😌
... also, ngl... it's what I've been saying in my head ever since i saw him ride up in that motorcycle.😏😆 always nice when MC's thoughts and actions match my own.
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And this scene! At the moment I read this, I had exactly the same sentiments! The workweek had JUST started and already I was buried under tons of deadlines.🥲
Thank you, Mitsuhide, for listening to my troubles and for making me feel so much better.🥺💜💜💜
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the-stumbling-samurai · 2 months
The Warlords- Dad Headcanon: Hideyoshi
Hideyoshi my beloved <3 The man deserves a vacation into my arms or at least a decent lunchbreak, >Girl dad like Shingen, but "cursed". >5 daughters, all somehow seeming to take after their uncle Mitsuhide in one way or another, at least in Hideyoshi's mind. >Wouldn't trade them for all the sons in the world though. >Professional at playing pretty princess dress up. >Starts fighting off and worrying about boys at a young age. Sees his 4 year old daughter holding lets sayyyy little Nobunaga Oda Jrs hand in the castle gardens and nearly decides to switch sides just to get away from them. >Such a bragging parent. “well myyy daughter managed to hide the sweets this week and it took lord nobunaga double his usual time to find them.” >Meanwhile, the only reason Nobunaga found them was because one of Hideyoshi's daughter's is a master negotiator. >They suckered Nobunaga for some ponies in exchange of goods. >Thrives for his father daughter dates. He makes sure to do something special with each of them individually every week, even if it's something as simple as fixing her hair while sitting outside as they talk. >Takes all 5 on monthly father daughter outings to the local tea house. >Wants his daughters to stay as far away from war and fighting as possible so struggles when they start becoming interested in what he does. >Ropes Ieyasu into teaching them archery as a distraction and some basic protection skills. ".... Two horses, a new set of Kimonos, and a kitten." The little girl looked up at her father innocently. "That's all I asked for this time!" She sips her tea.
Hideyoshi sighs, rubbing his temples."Girls, you can't just say no to Lord Nobunaga and try and negotiate things with him! He's our Lord! Its not nice."
"But dad! You say no to him all the time! We were just trying to help!" his oldest daughter chimes in, the other 3 nodding their heads eagerly."He was trying to get into the candy again! So we hid it!"
"And instead of telling me so I can stop him you blackmailed him?!" Hideyoshi looks at them incredulously. "What in your right mind possessed you to do that?"
"Uncle Mitsuhide said to make every moment an opportunity! He thought it was a good idea and even helped by showing us a good hiding spot!"
Hideyoshi sighs, running his hands through his hair anxiously. "Of course he did." He groans, but he can't help but let a small smile slip onto his face as his girls giggle around him... "
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
And may I also request touches #2 with Mitsuhide? I love doting on that man so much!!
Thank you for this request - sorry it took me so long to get to 🥺
Blue Christmas - Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader (ikemen Sengoku)
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A/N: Day 4 of my Twelve Days of Christmas. Also part of my New Year, New Celebration follower celebration.
Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader
Prompt: running fingers through hair
Word Count: 562
Tags: fluff
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It was a cold and blustery day in December as you strolled through the streets of Azuchi. Your hands were filled with bags brimming with gifts for all your friends, including an extra special one for Mitsuhide -- a small porcelain mouse. 
Christmas was one of your favorite holidays – the lights and the trees and the family dinner of fried chicken were just some of the things that made this holiday so special to you. You had thought this year would be bittersweet, as it was your first away from home, but it had been anything but so far. Christmas might not have come to Japan yet, but there was nothing stopping you from bringing the spirit of the holidays here.
 You had planned to sneak out that afternoon under the ruse of needing to go to the markets in search of new fabric – it was the perfect excuse to go shopping alone to get everyone’s gifts. 
And then you ran into Mitsuhide.
“Where’s this little mouse running off to this early?”
Close. So close to freedom. 
After you informed him that you were going to the market to pick up some new fabrics, you were shocked when he asked if he could join you. Of course you said yes – who would say no to their boyfriend – but now you were in the unenviable position of trying to evade the kitsune somewhere in the market as you purchased the presents.
As it turned out, Mitsuhide was meeting someone in the markets, so it was easy for you to shop in secret. After spending an inordinate amount of time perusing various shops to find the perfect gifts – down to Nobunaga’s favorite konpeito, sorry Hideyoshi – it was finally time to return home to the castle. 
One moment you were hurrying through the streets of the markets in Azuchi, and the next, you were lying flat on the ground. Cheeks warm with embarrassment, you sighed, your bags lying scattered on the ground around you. Your only saving grace was that no one you knew witnessed your fall.
Or so you thought.
Your stomach twisted in knots as you looked up into the crowd and spotted a familiar head of silver-white hair, suppressing a groan as he approached.
“Little mouse,” he said, offering you his hand in assistance. You slipped your hand in his; he easily pulled you up to a standing position. His eyes flickered over your figure, assessing any injuries. He reached out a hand, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered, his fingers grazing your still heated cheeks, his touch comforting. 
“You really do need to watch yourself,” he chided, his eyes fixed on a patch of ice on the ground. “It certainly would have been a blue Christmas if you had hurt yourself.” 
You turned to him, your eyes wide with awe. How did he know about Christmas? You hadn’t said a word about it as you were waiting until the 25th to surprise everyone. So who told him?
He gazed at you knowingly, his golden eyes twinkling like familiar Christmas lights. He huffed a small laugh, and as if he was reading your mind, he pulled you close to him in a warm embrace, his fingers running through your hair as he held your face close to his heart.
“Lucky for you, I was here to help.”
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Tagging: @alixennial @redheadkittys @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @scorchieart @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @judejazza @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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