#mitsuki is canonically in love with boruto we have confirmation!!
justthoughts1310 · 6 months
Mitsuki loves Boruto: Confirmed
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Okay, folks, if you haven't seen it, the official translation is out, and it has officially (canonically) been confirmed that Mitsuki loves Boruto.
He says, "I don't know why I love Kawaki." We all know that in Mitsuki's mind, Kawaki is actually Boruto.
It then goes on to Eida saying, "Are you saying that I'm in love with the ideal of love?"
This refers to Eida and Mitsuki not having a real reason to love someone as cruel as Kawaki. However, if you have ever romantically loved someone before, you know that there is an aspect of that love that is centered around being in love with the ideal of being in love.
I think this is pretty damning proof, but what do you all think. I know plenty of Naruto Youtube Commenters are probably going to write this off completely, and say "See Eida is in love with Boruto", and just ignore everything Mitsuki said, or they're going to say some dumbshit like it's brotherly love.
No, it's not brotherly love. Eida loves Kawaki romantically. This panel is mirroring Eida and Mitsuki's feelings for the same person and their predicament. Without beating you over the head with it, Kishimoto is confirming in black and white ink that Mitsuki is in love with Boruto. Period.
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raveneira · 6 months
hola amiga.
que piensas del arem de Boruto.? Confirmamos ya que mitzuki está enamorado de el sol. Hacia donde navegará el barco en la final?
We're definitely seeing BoruMitsu pretty much confirmed to be at the very least semi canon, its ironic that the anime put all that needless time and effort into the Mitsuki disappearance arc only for it to mean nothing in the manga because Mitsuki is actually going through that exact arc in the manga right now, meaning that anime arc was a complete waste of time and totally irrelevant now, and now it'll have to be retconned in the anime because Mitsuki is supposed to of had this development already, so my guess is their either gonna retcon it and pretend it never happened or their gonna change this situation entirely to fit the anime timeline they set where Mitsuki is actually already sure what his feelings are and what the sun is for him, the only thing left for him to realize anime wise would be his romantic feelings, but in the manga he still doesnt even understand his own identity or what the sun even is to him and is only just now starting to finally address and confront it and do some soul searching.
So where do I see things headed? well first is started here in 69 where Mitsuki first mentions ones true feelings being hard to tell, many thought he was speaking about Sarada, but he was really talking about himself and questioning what his own true feelings are, this is why he asked Sarada about hers to try and figure his out through her, but when she denied it that left him still confused about himself, which is why he stayed silent when Sarada mentioned his eyes lighting up whenever it comes to Boruto, because he himself was unsure of his true feelings.
In 88 Mitsuki is now starting to come to that realization he was lacking before, he hasnt gotten the answer yet, but he is finally willing to question what he's been ignoring all this time, after meeting Boruto again 3 years later, Mitsuki is realizing who his sun is and what the sun truly means to him. He pretty much confirmed hes inlove with Boruto in his conversation with Ada, but HE hasnt figured that out yet, we the audience have, but Mitsuki hasnt yet.
So 69 laid the groundwork for Mitsuki not knowing his own true feelings, 88 laid the groundwork for Mitsuki starting to understand what his true feelings are, now all thats left is for Mitsuki to finally put all the pieces together and realize he loves Boruto.
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Now I cant speak too much on Boruto's behalf just yet but what I can say is Boruto reciprocating Mitsuki's affections as much as he does says alot, you see the stark contrast between how Kawaki treats him and Boruto.
Boruto could've easily rejected Mitsuki's whole sun and moon obsession with him, he didnt have to accept Mitsuki at all, yet he not only embraced Mitsuki, but those titles too. He tells Mitsuki that he is his sun, he could've just said he's his friend or hes really the Hokage's son, but no, he specifically tells Mitsuki that he's his sun, that he knows he realized long ago that Kawaki isnt his sun, that Kawaki cant illuminate him no matter how close he sticks to him.
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Not only that, but he tells him that he believes he can shine just fine on his own, but if he insists on needing a sun then to come find him anytime. That is pretty clear and strong reciprocation, not saying its proof Boruto likes Mitsuki romantically, but it does imply that hes not particularly opposed to it either.
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He respects Mitsuki, cares for Mitsuki, wants to protect Mitsuki, doesnt mind Mitsuki hanging around or sticking close to him, doesnt mind being the sun to his moon, is willing to be Mitsuki's light even though he thinks he shines just fine on his own, he's willing to be that for him anyway if thats what HE wants
Yea, I aint sayin its definitive, but there is some really strong implications there that cannot be ignored.
Kodachi did say in an old interview before he stepped down as writer than he doesnt mind including LGBTQ characters and that for him he doesnt feel like it has to be something heavily focused on but just be a natural progression where its not in your face but you still get the picture, which I believe might end up bein the case for BoruMitsu, even if they arent canon in the end, at the very least their feelings will be.
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narhinafan · 10 months
The amount of time kishi showed sumire love towards boruto confirmation is insane. It's like he wants bsa fandom to understand about bsu.
No wonder bsa and sarada fans hate sumire and bsu. Sumire comfirmed her love in front of salad, katsuke, amado and kawaki. Even mitsuki knows a bit as in ch 19 he was using sumire to make boruto complete his mission.
And hinata got manga covers when its describe about nh in the chapters and again all sumire manga covers chs confirm about borsumi.
Can't wait for this ship to be canon.
Yeah BoruSumi just seems so much more likely, we have 100% confirmation that Sumire loves Boruto while Sarada denied any feelings and only treats him like a comrade/friend and brother.
Add all the parallels between Hinata and Sumire it makes the most sense.
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 1 year
the boruto ships randomly came to my head. many think there’s a love triangle and insist it’s BoruSumi vs BoruSara… but it’s seems the love triangle isn’t Sumire-Boruto-Sarada like we all thought, but Sumire-Boruto-Mitsuki and honestly, that makes so much more sense when you really think about it
it’s been confirmed multiple times that sumire is in love with boruto. her feelings are canon and she plays the role of the love heroine (shonen tend to have two heroines. one is the main heroine and the other the love heroine. like sakura and hinata were in naruto). there is no debate here. sumire loves boruto
sarada’s been asked three times already if she likes boruto and the girl always denies it. her response never changes. it’s consistent. when sumire asked her about her feelings, sarada said she does not like boruto, this made sumire confident enough to admit she does like boruto. sarada is the closest girl to boruto. it makes sense she’s her main competition and would ask her how she feels about the guy she’s interested in. when mitsuki asked her about her feelings for boruto, she not only dismissed the question, she also turned it back on him and said he’s the one whose eyes light up when he sees boruto. when eida asked her, sarada doesn’t even answer and lies (literally lies during this entire conversation) about eida’s enchantment ability to not answer. not just that, but a bit prior to asking her this, sarada literally thinks the entire romance topic is dumb
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sarada literally has zero interest in romance. there’s no other way to put it. there is no deeper meaning or “reading between the lines”. what we see is what we get and exactly what it means
now let’s talk about mitsuki here. he said he wouldn’t know what he’d do to the person if they hurt boruto
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and was the one who brought up the question to sarada. asking her about her feelings and instead, she says her wanting to help boruto has nothing to do with her feelings. literally shutting any questions about romance down. mitsuki then asked if it’s hard to know your own feelings. this tells us he is internally trying to understand his own feelings, and it’s when sarada tells him his eyes light up when he sees boruto
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a few chapters later mitsuki is affected by eida’s enchantment ability and he wonders what that feeling is as he’s never experienced it. mitsuki doesn’t understand human emotions. not 100% anyway and is learning about it as the series progresses. mitsuki asking sarada about her feelings for boruto and being told he’s the one whose eyes light up and then feeling a certain emotion for the first time ever could be a hint to his own feelings for boruto
really thinking about it, i’m starting to believe many of us have been seeing this manga wrong the entire seven years it’s been going. i always see ship wars between boruto x sumire vs boruto x sarada… when in reality we’re wrong here. this isn’t sumire-boruto-sarada, it’s sumire-boruto-mitsuki. and seeing as we already have a nonbinary character (orochimaru) in the narutoverse, it should be no surprise if mitsuki doesn’t care for gender regarding himself and his potential romantic partner
now i’ll touch a bit of boruto x sarada since it’s the most popular ship and i know many will be quick to point out their interactions. truth is, with the amount of times she’s been asked if she likes boruto and never confirming things, it kind of throws sarada out the window as a potential lover for boruto in the future. they’re really close and good friends that care about each other. if anything, they’re more like family since it’s the way their parents (naruto and sasuke) bonded (like brothers). then why are they always asking sarada if she has feelings for boruto?? the answer is simple. it’s as simple as throwing a bone to the shippers to keep them in. with the manga’s sales not being very good and declining with each release, everyone knows the only people who will see this manga to the end are shippers just to see if their ship is canon, so the writers have to find a way to keep them in. it’s really that simple
sorry for the long post >.< i don’t mean to make things long but there’s really no other way for me to put things in a short version. i find it best to try and explain myself in detail. thank you for reading to the end !!
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Silent comformation, that Kawasara might become canon?
I'm totally new to this ship and I might be wrong, but these both images from ch. 58 let me think about the Borusara and Kawasara relationship. If it exists a theory about this scene, then i have to apoligize. But i don't find something about this on tumblr and Twitter. 👀
So every Borusara will say, "OMG! He rescued her! They are in love!"
But in my thougts, that isn't the case, cause in this scene she doesn't blush to Borutos reaction or thinks something like " Boruto...". And it makes sence to me, that he protects Sarada, cause she's one of his team mates and it would be too risky to let one of his team mates get hurt before a fight against Code.
Boruto confirms my believes in this chapter. He asks Kawaki, why he acts flustered? This is because Kawaki is worried (maybe has feelings for her, but that's only my shipping heart 🥺 ), that he will hurt physically Sarada. And we see in this chapter, that Sarada doesn't want to fight against him, cause she will hurt him at his weak state.
Therefore Sarada has an intense eyecontact with Kawaki and i don't think , that she looks to Boruto. Kawasara shared multiple times of these eyecontacts through out the manga and anime and it is comfirmed once, that she's staring at him. It would be too obvious with the Borusara blushing scenes, that this ship will become canon in the end.
2nd Sumire arc was before Borusara content, and we saw, how Boruto acted around Sumire and she already has confessed her love for Boruto towards Sarada and they didn't talk about since then. Sarada is a 2nd Sakura, so she would act jealousy and emotional towards Sumire, if she would love Boruto. But nothing happened. The only reaction is, that she reacts thoughtful between Sumire and Boruto, but this can mean everything. After all Sumire is her friend, too and it could also mean, that Sarada wants to protect Boruto ( Sarada is a better Sakura for me. She protects and is worried for all of her friends and not only one guy), so that Sumire doesn't loose her first love.
The second interesting image is Mitsuki surprised, speachless scene. We know, he's an INFJ and he read the emotions of his friends. It would be a big spoiler, if he said something about this. But he realizes , what happened in front of his eyes between Kawasara and Kawaki's reaction . ( Headcanon for me : Would this happen in adult hood, he would think something like " Oh please! Take a room and fight your issues" 😏 ...). If it would be Borusara or a group content, then he would say something about them or the situation ( what he has done multiple times) . But this isn't the case .
I hope this scene will animated more clearer in the anime.
Update: After the last newest episode Mitsuki followed Kawaki to the docks and observed him. After this happening, Sarada and Mitsuki met again and they had this speach:
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My believes are getting stronger, that we get a confirmation by Mitsuki, that Kawaki and Sarada fall in love in each other.
Excuse me, I hope, you can understand my english, cause it isn't my native language. I hope, you like my theory and thoughts. Maybe I'm delusional and wear only my shipping googles, but this is really noticeable.
I like to discuss about theories and would be happy to read your opinions. Also if you don't share my opinion, i like to read your serious and friendly thoughts.
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1237tnb · 2 years
So, if you do know yet, the latest chapter (chapter 69) of Boruto confirmed what we already know that both Sarada and Mitsuki have huge romantic crushes for Boruto.
At this point, if you have read the Manga you know that Boruto has three Canon romantic love interests (people who have feelings for Boruto): Sarada, Sumire & Mitsuki.
At this point, it is hard to know who Boruto is going to end up with. I don't believe that Boruto is romantically interested in anyone yet, and he is oblivious that others like him.
We have had a couple of LGBT characters in the world of Naruto before, but never one in a relationship.
I can't help but wonder if the Manga is written this way because Mitsuki will end up with Boruto at some point (even it's just for a season) . Maybe they are setting Boruto up to be a bisexual character. 🤔
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uzuma-take · 4 years
I don’t wanna be seem as I’m being rude and disrespecting anyone with this post. This is my opinion on some characters that where never confirmed nor denied being LGBTQ however they have had strong moments within there respective series that hints to them being LGBTQ. Let’s start with...
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Joey ... I’ve been really into friends as of recently . And a lot of scenes with Joey make me think he’s either Gay or Bisexual. There’s a couple of moments that make stop and go oi that’s interesting. Let’s go through them
The biggest moment is Emma’s birthday episode when they are discussing the cake and Joey says something along the lines of “oi man I why did I like more as a penis.
Then there’s the gif below
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Both him and chandler are enjoying that a bit too much for them to not like each other at least a little. Then there’s a bathroom scene I can remember it exactly but joey is very interested in seeing Chandler and Ross with no pants by looking over there stools.
Unfortunately back then TV shows weren’t a load to air any lgbtq stuff it would have been awesome to see joey in a loving relationship that didn’t seemed forced .
The next character is from friends too
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Pheobe had more moments the Joey did flirting with the girls of the group she even had a massive falling out with Monica and Rachel when she picked Rachel as the person she’d date. There’s moments where she openly (unlike Joey accidentally) mentions how sexy some of the women are and mention there breast ect. However in the end she got married to Mike I think it was.
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Lister and Rimmer what can I say I’ve shipped this for a while now . There is literally a Kiss scene albeit was a dream Lister had after rimmer left in season 7 but there have been other moments as recently as 9 April 2020 in the promised never land they had an extremely touching moment with Lister even stating the He was the sun the that was shining on Rimmers moon. “You can’t have Moonlight with out sunlight” that’s what a couple would say to someone the loved as it basically translates to I can live without you.
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Oi he may be a science experiment but if you watch the show then you know he pretty much ignores Sarada unless she’s in danger it’s about his Sun Boruto the light that is guiding him I personally ship him and Chocho as I don’t think Boruto is into Mitsuki like that but I can see where people are going with it.
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These two are my hardcore ship there is so much evidence even within Boruto / The novels. Out of every episode in shippuden there is only one ep I don’t consider canon and it doesn’t feature Kakashi or Gai. So my thoughts Kakashi is Bisexual cause of his heavy crush on the warden from his novel and Hanere .
Gai is at least Gay. I think the reason they didn’t get together at first is because after each of there traumatic experiences (Kakashi with Rin and Obito’s death . Gai with the eight inner gates) they pushed each other away Kakashi felt like he was gonna kill Gai and Gai being depressed not wanting to show Kakashi him being weak. (I feel he pushed Lee away for the same reason see the ep where he trains Metal Its heavily implied he hadn’t seen metal in a long time and Lee is very short with Gai later in the episode)
I also like to think that the movies are mostly canon unless stated otherwise (every ep unless stated) as we have had surprise confirmation from the manga and novels before . There’s a couple of moments in the third shippuden movie where they think Kakashi is implied to be gay . Near the end of the movie He actually makes a face of ‘well what did you think Naruto’ this causing Naruto to flee. Kakashi denies liking Naruto but not about liking other men . It’s also Lee who first points it out using Gai as an example stating “Gai sensei told me this was the spring time of youth” . Tenten replying with “I knew it” implying again Gai had that talk with Lee.
There’s also the whole Steam Ninja Scrolls arc where Kakashi literally gives Gai his food . The conversation at the end basically solidified the ship when Kakashi admitted that he’d make a dumbass move to save Gais leg even if it killed him . And we know for a fact he wouldn’t do that for anyone else at all. OK ENOUGH RAMBLING ABOUT MY FAVE SHIP... I need to talk about the last couples.
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This is jus a shit posting ship but I think it’s cute so Toshi and Aizawa. Personally I don’t see any thing canon but it’s my personal fave ship in BHNA .
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LOOK AT THEM . They are so cute yes Bakugou gets easily upset (but he does it with anyone) I DO NOT SHIP IZUBAKU OR DYNAKU (Dynamite x Deku) until recently that was a really abusive relationship. Kirishima was the only one Bakugou grabbed the hand of and Deku knew that. There’s been subtle hints but I unfortunately have the feeling if Bakugou ends up with anyone it’ll be Tsui as there’s been a lot of drawings with them together let’s hope KiriBaku wins tho.
Last one
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These two are cute but it’s already been pretty much confirmed Deku and Uraraka will end up together
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narutostuff101 · 6 years
Naruto Timeline After the War
Naruto Timeline After the War
Okay soooo, I know there's already an official timeline made by SP but I don't think it make much sense. I mean, how is it that Naruto got married at 20 and had a child at 20? And the fact that Sakura, Temari, Ino and Karui had children in the same year?? It doesn't make sense but then again, it's canon. However, I have thought long and hard and I've come up with my own timeline that I think (hopefully) makes more sense than what they gave us.
So here it is: (I'll be using Naruto's age as the year reference)
Year 17 10 October * Fourth Shinobi World War ends * Naruto turns 17 * Naruto and Sasuke's final fight
A few days later * Mass memorial takes place for the victims of the war
November/December * Shinobi Union is formed * Shikamaru becomes the union's planner
Year 18 April * Sasuke leaves Konoha for his atonement journey
October * Prologue of Kakashi Hiden takes place * Naruto only has one arm
December * First chapter of Kakashi Hiden takes place until chapter 14 * Naruto receives his new prosthetic arm * Kakashi officially accepts the position of the Sixth Hokage
Year 19 April * Epilogue of the Kakashi Hiden takes place
October - November * Mirai Sarutobi turns 2 (she was born in the depths of Autumn) * Shikamaru Hiden takes place (it was implied that the story took place around Autumn) * Shikamaru asks Temari out on their first date
Mid November - December (before 27th) * Naruto The Last took place (Hinata was still 16 according to the Databook so it took place before her birthday) * Naruto and Hinata had their first kiss
Year 20 19 January * Gaara turns 20
January - March * Rai no Sho special: The Beast that was Shot by Love!! takes place * Sakura Hiden takes place * Konoha Hiden takes place
28 March * Sakura turns 20 * Naruto and Hinata get married
~ Ok for the rest of Year 20 and onwards, I begin to modify the timeline ~
May * Akatsuki Hiden takes place (only certain parts) * Sasuke Shinden Book of Light takes place * Sasuke return to Konoha * Sasuke and Sakura leave on their journey together
June * Sasuke and Sakura get married * Gaara Hiden takes place
July * Shikamaru and Temari get married
August * Chouji and Karui get married
September - November * Ino and Sai get married * Rock Lee gets married
Year 21
* Boruto is born
31 May * Sarada is born
Mid June * Sasuke and Sakura return to Konoha
12 June *  Sumire is born
8 August * Chocho is born
23 September * Shikadai is born
5 December * Inojin is born
Late December * Metal Lee is born
Year 23 May (only because this is the sunflower season and it's supposedly close to Boruto's Birthday) * Himawari is born
Year 24 March * Sasuke leaves Konoha to investigate about Kaguya
Year 26 Sometime during this year * Sarada asks Sakura about Sasuke (a scene from the Gaiden)
December * Epilogue scene from Naruto the Last takes place
Year 28 May * Naruto's Hokage Inauguration Day takes place * Himawari awakens the Byakugan * Boruto is 7 while Himawari is 5
In the following several months * Boruto begins to resent Naruto
Year 29 * Mirai becomes a Genin and Shikamaru becomes her sensei
Year 31 April * Boruto: Next Generations Episode 1 takes place (school begins in April in Japan)
Next few months
* Academy Entrance arc
Year 33 Before 31 March (Sarada was still 11 in the Gaiden) * A Five Kage Summit takes place in Konoha * Konoha Shinden takes place * Sarada Uchiha arc takes place * Another Five Kage Summit takes place in Konoha
March * Kirigakure Field Trip arc takes place
Two days in March * Graduation arc takes place * Boruto's class become Genin * Chouji and Karui host a Sukiyaki feast at the Akimichi Residence at night to celebrate their children's graduation * Naruto Shinden takes place
March - April * Genin teams go on their first missions * Byakuya Gang Attack Arc
May * Boruto turns 12 * Himawari turns 10
June * Chunin Exams arc takes place * Otsutsuki Invasion Arc takes place
July * Chocho arc takes place * [insert filler lol] * Shikamaru Shinden takes place * Mujina Bandit arc takes place (occurs during the same time as Shikamaru Shinden) * Sasuke Shinden takes place
So this is what I've thought up so far. I'll probably edit it once we get the official dates for Birthday and Anniversaries and stuff — I mean if we get them lol.
But until we do, I'll assume this timeline is canon.
Oh and one more thing, I couldn’t decide where to bring Mitsuki into this. I’m not really sure when Orochimaru created him... was it the year Boruto was born or sometime later? I wasn’t sure so I didn’t put him in. But, Mitsuki’s brithday has been officially confirmed to be on 25 July. Idk, really.
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aubretia23 · 7 years
A Ridiculous Idea Part 2
Title : A Ridiculous Idea
Chapter 2
DISCLAIMER : I do not own Naruto, its franchise or anything related to it. All recognisable characters, situations and premises are copyright of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz Media.
SPECIFIC DISCLAIMER : This fanfiction is a sequel to The Other Talk and its sequel The Other Other Talk. Both are fanfictions written by KuriQuinn and thus her intellectual property. I have taken permission from her to write and publish a sequel to them. Therefore I will try my best to stick to events and interpretations of characters according to her. The keyword  here being “try”.
Author Note : Thank you KuriQuinn for the permission. This is my second attempt at fanfiction. Also I am not KuriQuinn, so the writing style will be different. Please bear with me. English is not my native tongue. The variant of English used here is Indian. I have also used my own headcanons , so it might not be an exact sequel but whatever.
As long as you enjoy it, it does not matter.
Alright I wrote this before Episode 8 came out so I don’t think I can stick to canon anymore. This is a fanfic anyway. Also I thought of making this a five part series earlier but now it will probably be a three parter. Therefore, I am renaming the prologue as Chapter 1. This chapter is long and goes a bit in depth with the situation but I will try to steer it back to lightheartedness in the next one.
I don’t know about other countries but in India, marriage registration and weddings are not the same. There is a civil wedding and a legal marriage. If your marriage is registered, then you are legally married but a civil wedding is almost always happens alongside it. It gives societal legitimacy and acknowledgement by the family, the extended clan and the society. If you got married in a civil wedding but didn’t register yet, your wedding will be considered legally valid but it leaves you in a precarious situation if you ever have to prove your marital status especially if you don’t have photos or wedding guests or distant relatives to vouch for the wedding.
A veil of whispers and murmurs descends upon the assembly. Naruto nods to Shizune who informs the clans’ leaders that the emergency meeting was over. As the last of the leaders file out, a handful of close and relevant people stay back. Shikamaru shuts the door of the hall in order to ensure complete privacy for what was to come next.
“This is utterly outrageous.” Koharu bites out furiously through her toothless mouth.
“The sole Uchiha scion and one of the only two Uzumaki scions cannot marry each other. They have to marry someone else in order to carry on their clan lineages. They are the clan leaders on top of that. Two clan leaders marrying each other is unprecedented. Seventh, you must track your son and your apprentice down. You must stop them before this sacrilege occurs.”
“They love each other. And they want to merge the two clans - the Uchiha and the Uzumaki - into one.” Naruto informs her tiredly.
After all, Himawari’s prodigious Byakugan prowess qualifies her for the leadership of the Hyuga. Even though he doesn’t want it for her, Himawari’s enthusiasm and closeness to her maternal clan has elevated her to the status of the unofficial Hyuga heiress who will succeed her still childless and unmarried aunt. Perhaps if he tries, Naruto can persuade her to carry on the Uzumaki lineage for the sake of the village but he knows that Himawari’s happiness lies in the Hyuga. Her smile is something he can die for to protect.
Koharu and Homura stare at him scandalised.
“Clans branching out is one thing, clans merging together is unheard of-” A laughter cuts off Homura.
Hanabi rolls down to the floor at this point, her stomach aching due to incessant laughter.
Kakashi, his eyes crinkling, grins behind his mask, cementing his status as the only one besides her in the entire hall who is amused at the situation.
“This is outrageous! There is no way that those two are getting away with this.”
Sasuke hisses at Hiashi’s thunderous declaration, his head stubbornly throbbing in pain.
“I had an entire wedding planned out for those two!” Ino wails out, sobbing. Her doting aunt tendencies were at their strongest for Sarada, despite her niece’s stubborn aversion to cheesy romances.
“Well, everyone knew that Boruto and Sarada were meant to be. I mean, everybody knew they were in love with each other since they were in diapers.” Iruka was met with sour looks from Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke shoots him a dirty glare while Hinata shuts her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose in exasperation, her other arm wrapping around her middle consolingly.
Shino sighs at this. Chouji tries to nervously evade looking at the concerned foursome.
“It’s like it was just yesterday​ when they were twelve or thirteen. All blushy-blushy over each other and Boruto declaring that he will protect Sarada and support her as Hokage and what not.” Moegi reminisces, a bright grin slowly breaking out on her face. The new Ino-Shika-Cho sniggers at this.
“Yeah, we even have a bet going on who will realise their feelings first and who will confess first. With Naruto and Sasuke’s dense and oblivious genes being unfortunately dominant, nobody thought​ that it will amount to anything before they turned twenty or something.” Tsunade turns towards Shizune.
Naruto raises an eyebrow at this declaration.
“It is a village-wide bet.” Shizune admits shamefacedly.
“Forget that. They won’t be able to get married. They both are underage.” Temari brings everyone back to the point.
“Well, the law states that the marriageable age is sixteen. Although you need parental permission to get married before turning eighteen.” Shikamaru wants this meeting to be over as soon as possible. Perhaps a cup or two of really strong alcohol might just do him some good.
“Temari’s right. Once the two realise that they won’t be able to get married without your legal permission, they will come back on their own.” Sai tries to reassure his former teammates and Hinata.
“They won’t come back.” Hinata’s quiet statement can be heard over the babel.
“And why not?” is all a frowning Konohamaru manages with broken jaw.
“Because they have our written permission.” Sakura informs dryly.
The hall falls silent.
“What the hell, Sakura?! Why would you guys give them permission to get married while they are still underage? They could have easily waited till they both turned eighteen. That’s a little over an year away!” Ino screeches at her best friend.
“Sarada is pregnant.” Sasuke informs them darkly, the words coming out from a far away place. At least in Sasuke’s mind.
The assembly looks at Sasuke in utter silence.
“Who’s the fa-” Sai cuts himself off as he realises the utter stupidity of his question.
“When did this happen?” Temari demands.
“Well, Sarada is six weeks pregnant.” Naruto replies with a sigh.
The entire assembly stills at the implication of these words.
Two months ago, Uzumaki Boruto was sent on a highly dangerous S-ranked mission. Despite the support of the new triclan team, the mission took a dangerous turn when Kawaki got involved. Sarada and Mitsuki had to be sent in. Boruto completed his mission but Kawaki escaped. Not before fatally injuring the former, one which put him in a week long coma, ripped his vitals apart and nearly costed him his dojutsu and life. It was only due to the timely and combined medical intervention of Sarada, Mitsuki and Inojin that Boruto came out of this mission alive. The scar running down Boruto’s right eye is no longer angrily red but still serves as a reminder of the near-death experience.
Naruto looks at the third Sannin for an explanation. Mitsuki shrugs.
“Sarada was hysterical when Boruto went into coma. We had to knock her out to let her body rest a bit. We left them alone after Boruto woke up because all he would do at that point of time was to ask for Sarada. No one disturbed them after that. At least not for the night after he woke up.”
Mitsuki’s account fitted together with what the Uzumaki and Uchiha couples could glean out from their children after Sasuke calmed down enough from attempting to murder his student. The teenaged couple was reluctant to give out details but eventually under Hinata’s disappointed stare, the one which always made Sasuke feel as though he has kicked a puppy, they gave in.
Underneath what at first seemed to be immature and rebellious teenage dating and sex, and consequent irresponsibly accidental pregnancy, a different story emerged, albeit if only by a bit.
Boruto’s near-death experience had brought him and Sarada to terms with their deep-rooted feelings for each other. Their verbal confirmation of mutual love, trust and commitment was followed by a physical reaffirmation of their passion for each other. Undisturbed by their teammates and traumatised by their experience, the new couple forgot about everything except each other. Everything including something very important.
They had dated for a month after that under the guise of medical checkups, recuperative exercises and training, mostly because they knew their fathers would immediately deem their relationship to be inappropriate or immature or both, before one evening, Sarada began feeling nauseated at the smell of fried octopus while on a date. Boruto had used his dojutsu in order to figure out whether her chakra was off-balance or not. All he saw was a foreign chakra in her lower belly.
Sarada and Boruto were left staring at each other, frozen in shock, as the possible implication seeped in. After several pregnancy tests bought by Boruto’s henged shadow clones, Sarada confirmed her pregnancy.
After initial bafflement, a mild tantrum and some tears later, joy and laughter filled the otherwise empty Uchiha household. Boruto had proposed marriage to Sarada who answered it with pushing him into the nearest bedroom and getting down on her knees.
Unfortunately, the said bedroom belonged to her parents who were not supposed to be in the village for some time. The said parents had returned without a warning.
Once the Uchiha couple got over their initial trauma, they called a kangaroo meeting with their daughter’s boyfriend at the Ichiraku. The meeting ended with Sarada breaking Konohamaru’s jaw for his uninvited interference and Sakura being generally threatening. Boruto had not spoken a word since then and his back had begun to hurt due to rigidity. Sasuke’s death glares might have something to do with it.
When the news reached the Uzumaki couple, Hinata and Naruto were at a loss for words, embarrassment and bafflement being their default settings.
After accidently informing their parents about their pregnancy later that night at dinner at the Uzumaki residence, Sarada had stubbornly refused to back down after her father attempted to murder the father of her child. Sasuke’s irrational anger at that point was met with immature tantrums and comebacks from Sarada’s side. Which was enough to tire her out sooner that expected. Boruto had caught her before she could hit the floor.
His piercing blue eye met his mentor’s mismatched black and violet ones. For the first time in his life, Sasuke felt afraid of his student.
While Sakura checked up on her daughter, scanning her with Mystical Palms and asking her general questions regarding her health, pregnancy and sex life, Hinata had walked Himawari to the Hyuuga Compound where she would be spending the night. Kakashi stuck around hoping to dissipate tensions. Once they all gathered back in the Uzumaki living room, Boruto and Sarada sat down with their parents and Kakashi, hoping to come to a rational resolution.
Protectively wrapping his arms around her, Boruto explained rationally what Sarada was expressing emotionally.
That he and Sarada loved each other. Had done so for years.
That they were dating seriously. And sleeping together. And had no intentions of ever taking a break.
That they were going to become parents.
That their child is the proof of their love for each other.
That they wanted to get married.
That even without the baby, they would have gotten married the day Sarada turned eighteen.
That he and Sarada had enough money to establish a married life and family of their own. Being talented at a young age meant being sent on high ranking missions early irrespective of their nin rank which translated to a high income.
That all they wanted was love and support from both sets of their parents for their child and themselves.
And of course, being still underage, their permission to get married as soon as possible given the circumstances.
Sasuke had stormed out of the house at the end of this conversation. Sarada was reduced to tears while Boruto tried to console her.
Sakura was furious at this point. Whether it was at her husband or daughter or the situation itself was unknown. Possibly the first option because she stormed out of the Uzumaki residence as well after telling Sarada that she is going to put her father in his place.
Hinata and Naruto seemed bewildered even at this point. But soon, Naruto sat down to lecture Boruto on irresponsibility - general, sexual and marital. Hinata diced some fruits and along with a bowl of custard managed to draw Sarada into a conversation over them. Kakashi wandered off outside, hoping to catch his two former students before they damaged public property.
He soon found the couple at an all-night bar. Sasuke could have been mistaken for being passed out on Sakura’s lap after what seemed to be several bottles of very high grade sake.
Except he was sobbing quite audibly. The loss of his only beloved daughter to another man was just too much for him to bear.
Sakura was gently patting her husband’s head, her face decidedly softened since the entire drama began. As she caught Kakashi’s eye, she gently informed her husband about the onlooker. Sasuke immediately pulled himself up to sit straight, swaying a little, and glaring drunkenly at Kakashi, daring him silently to repeat this to Naruto. Kakashi merely smiled in amusement and joined them, ordering shochu for himself and umeshu for Sakura.
Half an hour later, they were joined by Naruto and Hinata. He was carrying a marriage contract. One with an underage permission clause attached to it.
Hinata informed Sakura as the latter poured out a cup of umeshu for the former that Boruto and Sarada had decided to spend the night together at a hotel. Sasuke made an attempt to bolt out of there but Sakura’s steady glare pinned him down.
Naruto broached out the subject of unifying the two clans. It was something unheard of before. Boruto and Sarada’s status as clan leaders easily disqualified each other as a marriage candidate for each other. But Boruto figured that if the two clans were merged into one, something that should not be very difficult granted the meagre number of both the Uchiha and the Uzumaki, he and Sarada, as the joint co-leaders of the new clan, could welcome their child without the explosive question of which clan did he or she belong to. The question of kekkei genkai was a different matter altogether, one which was dependent on sheer luck.
Ultimately, all four of the parents decided to sign over the contract. The reality of a grandchild was becoming more dominant over their children’s idiocy. The two to-be grandmothers began discussing the cuteness and gender of the unborn baby, while Naruto and Sasuke ended up having a chakraless fist fight after the former goaded the latter by saying that he will be the more favourite one out of the two grandfathers. Kakashi smiled in serene satisfaction.
Since the clock at the bar already read 3:43 AM, Hinata thought it would be best to just discreetly have it delivered to their children via one of Sasuke’s hawk summons. It would certainly cheer up both their children, Sarada more specifically to be honest. Half an hour later, they received a note from Boruto thanking them for everything.
Naruto announced that he would be heading to the Hokage’s office. Clan merging or whatever would need a good amount of legal paperwork.
Sasuke and Sakura decided to return to their home. Sasuke being wobbly on his feet had to be supported by Sakura. Hinata decided to go over to the Hyuga Compound, hoping to meet her father personally and inform him about this turn of events. Kakashi decided to stay back at the bar, surrounding himself with more alcohol and pulling out his orange book.
At 6:00 AM, Naruto sought out Shikamaru for advice on legal aspects of the merger.
At 7:30 AM, he called for an emergency meeting of clan leaders at 9:00 AM in which Boruto and Sarada’s upcoming nuptials would be announced. A private meeting with the Konoha Council was avoided, firstly because it was a private family matter, and secondly, because of the excessive high-handed nosiness of the two Elders. With all the legal paperwork set right, thanks to a disgruntled and unsettled Shikamaru and his genius brain, Naruto knew the two oldies could no longer interfere.
At 8:50 AM, he was presented a letter by a very calm and pleased Mitsuki.
It explained in Boruto’s rather neat handwriting that he and Sarada are eloping.
That they had registered their marriage at the Konoha Marriage Registration Office at 8:10 AM. The new Ino-Shika-Cho served as their three witnesses.
That he and Sarada intend to exchange vows somewhere alone and to have a long honeymoon as they know that they won’t get any alone time together once the baby was born.
That he hopes that they forgive them.
That they will write to them every week.
That they will be back before the due date because Sarada wants her mother to be the midwife.
And that they will have another wedding just for their parents and the rest of the village on their first wedding anniversary.
At 8:58 AM, a murderous Sasuke had his ribs broken by Sakura when they learnt about this. Hinata was informed discreetly by Shikamaru just prior to the start of the meeting. The look she sent in the direction of the village gates was spine-chilling.
Koharu is the first to gain back her footing.
“This is a sacrilege! What kind of an abomination would this child be?! Born of a half-breed Uchiha and a hybrid of Uzumaki and Hyuga? Seventh, you not only need to stop these two, separate them and forbid them from seeing each other ever again, but also annul this marriage.”
Homura agrees to this, “But first of all, Hokage, you must ensure that this monster of a child is not born. The bloodlines of Byakugan and Sharingan mixing into one being will yield no good.”
Everyone turns towards them in slow motion as the words sink. The room’s temperature drops by a good several degrees.
Sakura is the first to act in the defence of her child’s child. Homura is thrown out of the conference hall on the fourth floor of the Hokage office building, the glass window shattering on his head while on his path down.
Koharu has her chakra points blocked by an absolutely furious Hinata, her activated Byakugan ablaze with fury. Her pointed fingers threaten to damage her heart if the Elder moves even a little.
Naruto feels anger leaving his tensed shoulders as he nods to Shizune to pick up Koharu and send her to the hospital and on her way there, also pick up Homura if he is still alive even after having each and every bone shattered by Sakura’s punch. Sasuke’s broken ribs were the only thing which prevented him from going after the duo and ensuring their demise. The murderous intent of the rest of the gathering was ebbing was well.
The whole group of friends and extended honorary family was protective about the future Ninth Hokage and her bodyguard. Quite naturally, it was immediately and instinctively extended to their child.
A cool wave of exasperated silence and exhausted contemplation washes over the occupants of the hall.
Sai laughs out. “Well, I suppose this is karma. “
“For what?” Sasuke raises an eyebrow at him.
“For having a year long sexathlon of a honeymoon and giving birth to a secret baby about whom no one knew outside the village.” Ino trills in.
Sasuke groans out loud while general amusement at his expense ensues.
Everything will be fine, Naruto supposes. As his eyes meet Hinata’s, a smile blossoming on her face, Naruto feels lighters, happier, giddier.
A grandchild would be nice, he thinks. Yeah, it would be very nice.
“Well, if anything, all this will come back to bite them in the ass.” Sakura says lightly. A tremor of devilish amusement enters her voice. A dangerous smirk slowly snakes out on her increasingly gleeful face.
“What do you mean by that?” Hinata frowns.
“I found this out while I examined Sarada. I wanted to inform Boruto and Sarada about this after the meeting but since they have decided to behave irresponsibly and idiotically again, I suppose it will be cosmic punishment when they learn about this.”
“Learn about what? Is the baby and Sarada alright?” Sasuke asks.
“ You mean the babies.”
“Huh?” The entire group looks at her bewildered.
“Boruto and Sarada are going to have twins.” Sakura says happily.
Naruto feels a sense of dread entering him. Flashbacks of Boruto’s antics in childhood and admittedly his own come back to the fore.
Konoha is truly doomed, he thinks meekly.
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raveneira · 3 months
Random but i saw someone that ships Kaw*Sum* say that MitsuSara and KawaSara don't have any "healthy interactions" LMFAOOOOO. And that Kaw*Sum* and BoruSumi both have the ultimate "goal" to protect Sumire's character😂. Istg that was that was the most ridiculous thing i've ever read, they want to protect her character and a healthy ship for her but they ship her with...Kawaki? (No hate to him, he's my precious muffin). I also think i saw them talking about "development, deep conversations ecc..." and i was like "are those things in the room with us🥴?".
MitsuSara by far has the healthiest interactions out of everyone, including BoruSara despite how they try to argue their the healthiest ship, they are very much NOT lol
Mitsuki and Sarada have mutual respect for one another, they dont really argue and arent petty, Mitsuki is willing to listen to and be there for Sarada even when Boruto isnt (example the ninja tech mission) and will go so far as to blackmail Boruto into coming with them so she'll be better protected (threatening to let Sarada take the mission alone to guilt Boruto into coming with them) AND to make matters worse he's actually the one who even remembered the promise Boruto made to her and literally reminded him of it and guilt tripped him about it because it was true, he made that big grand declaration to be her right hand man and protect her but the first mission he doesnt like he's just "You go ahead Mitsuki but I refuse" like...its not about you, this is only a few chapters after he made the promise and he already forgot he's supposed to be her protector lol but Mitsuki didnt.
Mitsuki was also the one who first believed in her abilities enough to lead them where once again, Boruto did not, even Kawaki had faith in her abilities and knew their chances of winning were higher under her leadership.
Mitsuki and Sarada are always shown having eachothers back, there were so many times Sarada was gonna be reckless or in danger and Mitsuki snatched her out of there or stopped her, and she has protected him numerous times as well, the list goes on really but the point is they have a very healthy relationship, as healthy as InoShikaChos just minus the growing up together part.
As for KawaSara they also had plenty of healthy interactions, literally in 28 we see Sarada soften up to Kawaki and promise to be there for him whenever hes troubled, then later we see them training together, then we see them working together trying to find clues about karma and her offering to ask her mother about it, then we see Sarada literally running to his rescue despite knowing what danger shes up against, then we see Kawaki break down to her over Naruto's loss and her open up to him about something she never did even to her own best friend and reassuring him of who Naruto is, they then work together to defeat Boro and rescue Naruto with Kawaki PERSONALLY relying on Sarada to find the core while he (and the others) took the beating to buy time for her to do so, then when Boro attacks Mitsuki and is about to attack Sarada (and Boruto) he protects her, then when he gets knocked away Sarada tries to protect HIM, she also saved him from Boro's virus earlier when he and Boruto were immobilized by it.
They've had plenty of healthy interactions, ppl just pretend otherwise because they wanna paint the narrative that only BoruSara (and sometimes KawaSumi) have a healthy/healthiest relationship when they dont.
So getting to KawaSumi, the ship, and its shippers for that matter, is pure delusion atp, and I hate to sound like bsa fans but ppl who try to force this pairing do not care about Sumire's feelings, because unlike Sarada, Sumire IS canonically inlove for Boruto, so disregarding her feelings as 'just a crush' and 'not real love the way Sarada's is' and my favorite 'she'll move on' when why does she need to? not like Boruto has confessed his feelings for anyone, not like theres any confirmation of who he likes yet so why she gotta move on?
Even if for arguments sake Sarada DID also like Boruto, why does Sumire have to give up her feelings because of Sarada? she doesnt OWN Boruto, hes not her possession, hes not an item she called dibs on and Sumire gotta step back, no, Boruto as of now likes nobody, so why does Sumire need to move on and accept Sarada 'likes' him if Boruto himself hasnt made a decision yet? HIS feelings are the only ones that matter in this situation because HES the one who has to reciprocate, if Sarada liked Boruto but Boruto chose Sumire, does she have to reject that because Sarada liked him first? because thats the logic here.
Sumire needs to 'move on' because Sarada called dibs and Boruto definitely will (or as they insist already) reciprocate, so Sumire needs to move on and accept she lost...even though she hasnt, their not even dating, nor has either admitted having any feelings towards eachother, yet they want Sumire to back off despite her not having any reason to.
Again, if Sarada likes him, Sumire doesnt have to back off because of that, Boruto is not her property to claim as belonging to her when he hasnt even reciprocated her feelings yet, let alone knows she even has them.
Until Boruto himself makes a decision, Sumire doesnt have to move on or accept anything, the only time she does is when and if Boruto and Sarada's feelings are mutual, that is the ONLY time she should let go cuz she got no choice then. But even then she doesnt have to move on if she doesnt want to, Tsunade didnt, Karin didnt, so Sumire doesnt have to either, she can just move forward with her life while still loving Boruto but accepting his relationship.
The only reason ppl want Sumire to 'move on' is because it makes them feel more secure, if she stayed single and still inlove with Boruto they fear another Karin situation, ya know all the cheating etc conspiracies, but if shes with another guy they know their safe from all that, bonus points if their kids look nothing like Sarada then they'd really catch hell with the 'real mother' allegations as well lol
Anyway movin on
they want to protect her character and a healthy ship for her but they ship her with...Kawaki?
This is the kicker right here because it shows just how MUCH they dont care about her character, nor understand her in general. Sumire does no more for Kawaki than she would if she were caretaking anybody else because thats just who Sumire is, she wants to help ppl, Boruto inspired her to be the person she wants to be, and she made up her mind that she wanted to be someone who supports the village through science, which we see her using all types of medical science that'll help alot of shinobi.
Yet they act as if her kindness and caring for Kawaki is some special case when its not, anyone in Kawaki's position she would do the exact same thing, if she saw Amado being sus with them, she would go out of her way to spy on him the exact same way, why? because she cares for ppl, why would she spy on Amado? because she feels he may be a threat to the village which we've already established her goal is to support, so nothing shes doing now would change if you put another character in Kawaki's spot, thats your first hint that these interactions arent anything special to run with.
The second hint is the fact that Kawaki picked up that she liked Boruto and she admitted it to his face, killing any interest he may have developed for her if he thought there was nobody she was interested in (Not saying this actually would've happened, just sayin if the possibility were there its gone with her already liking someone, so the thought of pursuing her would never even come up) but what makes it worse is that Kawaki doesnt even care, to him, in his own words, she is just doing her job as Katasuke's assistant, he doesnt care who she likes as long as she still does her job.
That right there tells you how he thinks of her, even though Sumire has care for him, Kawaki has zero for her, is he grateful for her help? yes, but does he personally care about her beyond that? no. To him, again in his own words, she is just Katasuke's assistant, this is what he literally refers to her as, then he further makes clear that they only have a patient/caretaker relationship when he says he doesnt care about her feelings as long as she does her job.
He doesnt see anything Sumire is doing as anything more than her doing her job because that essentially IS all shes doing, is she genuinely concerned about his wellbeing? yes, but again she would feel no different if there were anyone else in his position because thats just who Sumire IS.
Quick example, If Sasuke and Sakura were strapped to a bomb unable to escape in one area, and a whole village of innocent ppl in another area, and only Naruto was around to save them, who do you think he'd go save and who would he let die? if your answer is he'd save both or die trying, then congrats, you understand Naruto's character.
That's essentially who Sumire is, it doesnt matter what unfortunate person needs taken care of in this situation, Sumire would go out of her way for them because thats just who she IS. Kawaki is not special to her, nor is she special to Kawaki, they are at the very least aquaintances who were on good terms until he turned against Boruto, thats it.
You can argue they were 'healthy' if you wanna go purely by the manga because they didnt have many negative interactions, but thats not exactly a high bar to clear when the ppl in question are just aquaitences, a caretaker caring for her patient and said patient getting up and leavin when shes done.
You never seen them interact or talk one on one outside of the lab, even when meeting to discuss the cohabitation plan, they werent talking to eachother and were just going over what the mission entailed, then when Ada called her there they STILL dont interact or even speak because, as I've made more than clear by this point, they HAVE no personal relationship outside of patient/caretaker.
Even when everyone is hunting Kawaki down we never see her worried or care, but we saw Ada, and we saw Sarada, and then when the whole omnipotence situation goes down she only thinks about Boruto and wanting to help him, at no point in this entire chaos does she ever express any concern or sympathy for Kawaki.
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Why? because HE'S not special to her, Boruto is, and even though she understood why he did it and let it slide the first time since Naruto vouched for him, shes not letting it slide a second time even with Shikamaru telling them his reasoning for doing so, Sumire prioritized Boruto's wellbeing over Kawaki's because thats who she cares about, thats who is special to her, who she has a personal deep connection with, thats who she loves, thats who saved her and gave her a second chance at life, and thats who she wants to protect.
Im not saying she doesnt care about Kawaki at all, but she has no personal attachment to him to put him above or on the same level of Boruto. When push came to shove we saw who was really special to Sumire and who wasnt, and it wasnt Kawaki, it was Boruto, and it has remained that way for 3 years ever since Kawaki's second attempt on his life.
The only person Kawaki has on his side right now thats not brainwashed is Ada, nuff said right there.
I also think i saw them talking about "development, deep conversations ecc..." and i was like "are those things in the room with us?".
They had zero development, the most you could call development with them is Kawaki going from rejecting needles from Sumire to eventually accepting them, thats it, their relationship has remained completely stagnant beyond that.
'Development' means change in a relationship, it means progression be it positive or negative, nothing has changed with them tho, even with omnipotence theres really no difference between then and now because there was never much between them from the get go, the only change is her working with Sarada to try and undo the brainwashing, thats not really a change in their relationship tho so yeah, zero development fr fr.
Deep conversations? Im assuming they are referring to the anime which completely contradicts the manga which thankfully disregarded the anime changes altogether so I will as well, but even if I include it, then I have to burst the bubble once again and say it wasnt a deep conversation, because Sumire did all the talking, she did all the assuming, Kawaki never reciprocated and kept dodging talking to her altogether, telling her to back off, to mind her business, that she doesnt know him, and even asking why shes telling him all this in the first place (he literally did not ask for her sob story yet she gave her whole life story to him because she assumed they were alike and he'd relate)
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This so called 'deep conversation' was so one sided its actually sad, Sumire put in all the effort but Kawaki engaged with none of it and just kept tryin to get her to leave him alone and stop acting like she knows him, which she herself admits she didnt, yet she made all these baseless assumptions about him based on 2 lines he said, the one about her (or nue, its unclear) being a monster just like him (which makes no sense in context cuz what does her having Nue as a pet have to do with him being a monster when he has no such pet of his own? even if its about her having the power to control it, that also doesnt fly because he literally sees her being unable to control it against him, it was just weird and forced to make Sumire sympathize with him in the most unnatural way)
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And 2 him saying he doesnt trust ppl, which could be for a variety of different reasons, it doesnt automatically make his story like hers yet she assumes it was and kept trying to relate to him when they literally have nothing in common with their backgrounds other than being vessels and I guess you can argue abusive fathers, but even thats a stretch when compared to Kawaki's, they were very clearly two different types of abuse.
How do I know? because Sumire said it herself that she loved her dad and WANTED to carry out his will, Kawaki feared his dad, both of them, and was ruthlessly beaten by them either for just existing (his biological dad) or cruel 'training' and 'torture' to be a perfect vessel for him (Isshiki). The abuse Sumire received was just brutal training, her father was very hard on her and pushed her to her limit until she was ready to be branded with the Gozu Tennou and carry out his will which was also partially hers too as by that point she also wanted revenge on the village for her mothers death and her awful upbringing due to their mistreatment for their connection to Danzo.
Does any of that sound remotely like Kawaki could relate to? a kid abused by his biological dad for shits and giggles? literally sold off to a complete stranger for money for booze? an adoptive alien dad who brutally beat him everyday, forced karma on him, and then forcefully had his body modified with ninja tech? do you think Sumire can even remotely relate to that? no, so her so called 'deep conversation' with Kawaki just falls on deaf ears because nothing shes saying relates to him at all, its like when Naruto said he understood Sasuke and Sasuke snapped at him saying he had nothing from the start so how can he understand what its like to have everything and then lose it? that's Sumire.
Only difference is Naruto owned up to his insensitivity and acknowledged that he really didnt understand Sasuke and no wonder he didnt listen to him, Naruto made the effort to try and understand Sasuke's pain, to find out whats going on in his head, why hes acting the way he is, after Sumire gets all that push back from Kawaki she never makes any attempt to try and get to know him personally from there, nor does she ever acknowledge that she was totally wrong in assuming they were alike when they werent, instead she still insists that she is 'just like him' even after he had just got finished telling her off that she didnt know him and she herself admitted she didnt yet she still says she is just like him and completely disregards what he said.
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A sad look in someones eyes does not equate to being like Sumire, lots of ppl are sad, lots of ppl have suffered, is everyone who has sad eyes just like Sumire? no, Sarada had sad eyes from missing her dad all those years, did Sumire ever think they were alike? no, you cannot make the argument that she saw something different in Kawaki when she did not know a single thing about him, when Kawaki wasnt letting her in at all, not everybody closed off is like Sumire either, she is just making assumptions based on the most shallow reasoning.
Nother quick example, why did Naruto relate to Gaara and Sasuke so genuinely? because Sasuke and him were both orphans, because Gaara and him were both jinchuriki.
You know the difference with Sumire? she doesnt KNOW anything about Kawaki to make a connection, she doesnt know their both vessels, she doesnt know they both had abusive fathers, so her relating to him rings hollow because Honda stupidly tried to make them connect without the necessary information FOR them to because if he DID it would contradict the manga far too much because thats information Naruto, Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki learn first. So instead, they make Sumire tip toe around the topic by just offering up her sob story unprovoked because obviously theres where Kawaki's biggest issue lies (daddy issues) but again she lacks the necessary information to make the connection, so it falls on deaf ears because what does her dad wanting to use her to get revenge on Konoha have to do with him? it was a stupid anime only addition that added nothing, remove it and nothing changes because their relationship isnt affected one way or the other from that entire exchange.
She learns more about him as time goes on since shes involved with the plot now but we never see any reflection from her, keep in mind the anime is what made this up so they had plenty opportunity to show Sumire reflecting on her words to him and acknowledging that she really didnt understand him after all but they didnt, why? because they realized they screwed up when the manga showed their relationship wasnt becoming any deeper, my guess is they assumed by her becoming his caretaker they were setting them up to become closer and bond but when they saw the manga hammer in her feelings for Boruto even to Kawaki they backtracked everything they did in the anime and just pretended it never happened (hence why you didnt see anymore anime only interactions between them)
As for why they removed Sumire's feelings for Boruto twice and only hinted at them I have no idea, but the manga has made it very clear and straightforward that she is inlove with him and the anime will have to acknowledge it, even if they dont, that doesnt make it any less canon just because the studio wants to downplay her feelings for whatever reason, the manga is the source material and the only one that matters frfr, so if the manga says Sumire definitively likes Boruto, then thats whats canon, period.
Anyway as for Kawaki asking why shes called class rep which I assume is another deep conversation their referring to, that more comes from not Kawaki having some great desire to know more about her, but we can tell from Kawakis background that he most likely never went to school and isnt familiar with what the term 'class rep' means as he's never experienced it, so he's curious why shes called that all the time instead of by name. If Kawaki was trying to genuinely get to know her personally then he would've asked more than that, but as soon as she stopped explaining the origin of class rep, he just asked her to give him the painkillers he rejected before and that was the end of it.
Now I'll be fair and admit the chapter where their talking about him having killed Boruto can be classified somewhat as a 'deep covetion' because its the only one thats actually 'deep' and reciprocated without one just talking to the other. Sumire tries to be understanding of what he did and Kawaki then opens up about how he feels about needing karma which Sumire then tells him of her suspicion of that being what Amado wants.
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So ok fine, I'll give them that, but where did they go from there? nowhere, it amounted to nothing because in the end altho Sumire 'understood' he must've had good reason, she was shown still being very unnerved and suspicious around him, she didnt truly 'understand' and 'accept' what he had done, more like she was in denial trying to convince herself until she saw Kawaki being hostile towards Boruto again and starts getting ptsd flashbacks.
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The so called 'deep conversation' wasnt that deep, because ultimately she didnt actually understand him, and he didnt really open up to her expecting any support or understanding, he was just venting, but Im sure if Sumire offered it might've helped steer him away from the edge but she didnt, instead she just repeated Naruto's words because truthfully she was uncomfortable, but she tried to lie to herself that she understood and that everything was fine when it wasnt.
Know who else did that? Naruto, he too tried to pretend that he understood Kawaki, that he didnt hate him for killing his son, that he was still on his side even after what he did. Obviously we know Naruto is not a hateful person and is very forgiving, but he was clearly in denial about his real feelings on the matter and Shikamaru even points it out which makes Naruto snap because he doesnt want to admit the truth. YES he is angry at Kawaki for killing his son, what parent wouldnt be? and YES he does understand why Kawaki did it, and he is still on his side, but is Naruto more unnerved by him now? yes, is Naruto more skeptical of him now? yes, does Naruto trust him less now? yes, is Naruto less protective of him now than he was before? yes, and does Naruto prioritize Boruto more now over Kawaki? yes.
That doesnt mean Naruto hates him, that doesnt mean Naruto doesnt see him as his son anymore, that doesnt mean Naruto doesnt care about him, no, what it DOES mean is that Naruto's perception of him has changed, he no longer feels comfortable around him, hes nervous, he doesnt know what he might do, but hes also in denial so he tries to force himself to think that everything is fine when deep down he knows it isnt. He loves Kawaki and wants to be there for him, but Naruto isnt stupid and knows that hes on the edge right now and could be pushed over it any moment which is why he went along with the cohabitation plan thinking that would keep things from escalating anytime soon, which unfortunately isnt how things played out and his worst fears came to pass.
Sumire is like Naruto, she doesnt want to admit to herself that shes uncomfortable, that Kawaki is unstable, she doesnt want to admit theres a problem when there is, so she goes into full denial mode and acts like she gets it and that everythings fine since Boruto is alive when deep down she knows it isnt, but just like Naruto, she refuses to acknowledge this, because like Naruto, she doesnt want it to seem like shes turning on him during this vulnerable time as that could risk pushing him over the edge as well.
Again this is not me saying they didnt care about him, of course they did, but just because they cared about him doesnt mean they'd disregard what he did, especially when he doesnt express any regret or remorse (because he genuinely feels that he did what needed to be done) makes them all the more unnerved by him. (Obviously we the audience knows he feels remorse, but Naruto and Sumire did not have the same insight)
Bottom line is the one manga canon deep conversation they had wasnt that deep, nothing was gained from it, Kawaki was just venting and Sumire was in pure denial, so even me being fair, I cant give it more credit than its due.
So anyway moral of the story is, KawaSumi is a joke and the very definition of a crackship, they have interactions but they are few and far between, and said interactions often amount to nothing, her spying on Amado out of concern amounted to nothing, her being his caretaker amounted to nothing (they didnt get closer because of it and Katasuke and Amado did majority of the work while she only gave needles) everything about them together amounted to nothing, so it still falls into the category of a crackship for the fact that 1 Sumire already canonically likes someone else and 2 they have zero development and have remained no more than patient/caretaker.
I could list all the development and progression KawaSara has had but this post is long enough already so I'll leave it at that. All I'll say is they went from misunderstanding, to hostility, to understanding and reaching out, to envy, to helping out, to empathizing, to relating to eachother, to fighting together, relying on eachother, protecting eachother, being grateful for the others help, being considered a part of team 7, to falling out, to betrayal, to still trying to reason with, to becoming enemies/rivals clashing over their different ideologies on how to go about protecting Konoha and butting heads over his framing of Boruto with her actively working against him trying to undo the brainwashing done on everyone.
They've had plenty of development both positive and negative, KawaSumi on the other hand has remained stagnant from start to finish, even in the anime they had zero progression, and even with the anime downplaying her feelings the manga has more than made clear she was and is still inlove with Boruto and thats not gonna change, especially not for Kawaki.
(Note: isnt it kinda ironic that the anime tried to give KawaSumi KawaSara's development? making him hostile and aggressive towards her at first but then softening up later when that is not how it went down in the manga? funny how that works, just goes to show even they knew they had zero development, they even tried to make her relate to him over her daddy issues the way Sarada did except hers actually meant something because she had the necessary information to relate. Just find it funny that ppl say KawaSara had no development yet SP tried giving KawaSumi that exact development lol)
Anyone who thinks otherwise is just delusional and living in complete fanon fantasy land. The ppl who believe Ada and Kawaki will get together are even more delusional but thats a topic for another day, point is KawaSumi is a joke, majority of its support comes from keepaway shipping, they dont care about Kawaki and they definitely dont care about Sumire, they just want them away from Boruto and Sarada, you literally cannot ask half of these ppl why they like the ship and think it'll be endgame without it either being some fanon nonsense that isnt backed by canon or is taken totally outta context, or the anime they take as more law than the manga because it supports the narrative they wanna push, even though the manga contradicts it entirely.
If anything I'd want to disregard those episodes as canon because Kawaki literally strangles her there and Sumire straight up beats an injured prisoner and nearly gets his arm ripped off by her rabid beast she cant control. If anything I'd want those things NOT to be canon for my ship, but of course cuz its KawaSumi those bad moments dont matter cuz its part of their 'development' and yet these same ppl bring up chapter 28 constantly like it just happened yesterday. They are both massive hypocrites, and ppl who have zero self awareness, all you can do is smile and wave and let them cling to their delusion because atp its all they got. Especially the ones who say their 'suspicious' of Sumire's feelings for Boruto and dont think its real love because she aint run to his rescue like Sarada (which she did just not there and Sarada didnt even fight for him and ended up being protected instead which undercut the moment).
Again, just smile and wave, the characters who have shown what real love is so far is InoHima, BoruSumi and BoruMitsu where the feelings are mutual and given equally (Im referring to both romantic love and just love in general) but Im not gonna go into that here, I've gone on enough, maybe if Im asked I'll go more in depth on that in another post but those of you who get it already know what I mean.
Bottom line, KawaSumi is a joke, it thrives purely off fanon and having the biggest ship fanbase on their side, if not for them nobody would even pay them any mind or even know their foolishness existed.
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