#konohamaru sensei
hozukitofu · 5 months
idk what's weirder for iruka: konohamaru becoming a jounin sensei or shino becoming an academy teacher and both of them are his colleagues now instead of former students. one is a reformed prankster carbon copy of naruto and one spoke maybe four words to him during the entire time he knew the kid. imagine running into them in the staff room. i would need to leave immediately.
they also refuse to call him without honorifics or if this is a modern AU - mr umino/sir/sensei. iruka tries so hard to make them comfortable and feeling like they're his colleagues, to no avail. they got as far as 'iruka-sensei' and then promptly faltered.
all the little students look up to iruka as a superhero. their teacher's teacher. none of that silliness where they don't respect him - his disappointed face is lethal
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honeykngdom · 11 months
sentimental motives | iruka umino
Pairing: Iruka Umino x 19+f!reader Synopsis: Iruka hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the young Sarutobi woman he spent Halloween with; he’s completely enamoured with you. How had he never noticed you like this before? Here’s the catch: Konohamaru doesn’t appear too happy with the budding relationship between you and the Academy instructor. WC: suggestive themes; kissing, Iruka gets handsy. Word Count: 5.3k A/N: A continuation of the caretaker! ngl I fell in love with the idea of Iruka pining over a Sarutobi, and felt like I needed to carry on writing little pieces for the pairing!! Obsessed with Iruka being a soft and charming man, spoiling you rotten, using flowers to convey his emotions.
Read part one here!
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When you were six, you dreamed of being a powerful Kunoichi. You would chant your name from the end of your bed, pose in the mirror of your bathroom, and imagine the most grandiose scenarios as you made your way through the village to the Academy. But you didn’t know the reality of this shinobi life. You didn’t understand what it meant to devote yourself to the cause. To protect the village. 
In retrospect, at the age of six, you hadn’t imagined that you would be escorting three new genin to the Academy seventeen years later. You walked behind Konohamaru and his friends as they rambled on about how they, too, would someday save the village and be labelled as great heroes. To make a difference. 
To become Hokage.
Of all the people to love your father unconditionally, it was Konohamaru. It was thanks to his love and admiration that you still felt your father’s presence. His dream to become Hokage resonated deeply with you, and filled you with pride. How could you not love him unconditionally?
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t decided to join your nephew and his friends this morning because you were eager to catch a moment with Iruka. It had been two weeks since you rolled your ankle and Iruka saved the day, and after spending the better part of an entire afternoon with him, you were aching to get another moment alone.
As the Academy gates came into view, the tightness in your chest was replaced with a sudden nervousness in the pit of your stomach. You could see him so clearly, standing alongside Ebisu as they greeted the youth that trailed in one behind the other for another day of shinobi learning. 
“See you later, Auntie!” Konohamaru called back to you with a wave, running off to join a few of his classmates through the gates. You stopped where he left you, just a few feet away from where the entrance sat. But at the sound of his voice and the mention of you, Iruka’s ears began to burn at the tips. 
Breathe, Iruka, he thought pitifully to himself. 
“Hello, sensei.” It was silly how unnatural it felt, the flirtatious undertone in your voice. 
Iruka looked over his shoulder to where you stood, his stoic features melting with recognition. He glanced briefly down to your right foot as he left Ebisu near the gate and made his way over to you. “You’re in better shape, I see. No longer a hop-along.” 
You looked down at the ankle he referred to and shrugged coyly. “I had an amazing caretaker. His company surely helped ease any discomfort.” 
Iruka, slightly embarrassed by your confession, scratched the back of his neck lightly and chuckled. “I’m glad to hear it. What brings you to this neck of the woods? Eager to reminisce about the good-ole-days?” 
“Moegi asked me to join them on their walk this morning,” you explained casually. Admittedly, you were perched on your building stoop just waiting for the trio to make their way by. Moegi had taken a liking to you over the last three years since becoming friends with Konohamaru; you had been banking on her incessant need to chat specifically to aid you in getting to the Academy this morning. 
Iruka glanced over to where the children gathered and chuckled again. Though he’d never say it outloud, he was quite happy that you decided to tag along. “I see. Well, you know you’re always welcome to stop by – with or without the accompaniment of the children.” He added thoughtfully, leering downwards with a playful expression. 
“Alright,” you licked your lips in defeat, bracing your palms on your hips, “you caught me. I may or may not have come with ulterior motives.” 
Intrigued, Iruka tilted his head to the side in curiosity. It was hard to ignore the flutter in your stomach when his gaze felt so heavy. “Consider me interested. What’s on your mind?” 
The next bit came out rushed and had you cowering beneath his stare. “I’d like to spend an afternoon with you, if you can spare the time. I was thinking maybe we could get some ramen?” 
The subtle lift in Iruka’s mouth was all the answer you needed. Spending time with the other jōnin proved useful; Kakashi had a big mouth, and per Kakashi, Naruto loved ramen and Iruka loved to treat him to it after every mission. Given that one tradition had been full-stopped the last time the pair of you spent time together – much to Konohamaru’s dismay – you figured this time, paying homage to one of his traditions may bring more success. 
Honestly, you were looking for any reason to listen to more of his stories. Truth be told, there was something so soothing about the reverberation of Iruka’s voice. 
You felt the lingering weight of eyes watching you closely, coupled with whispers that burned the tips of your ears. Distracted, you reared your head to view the ensemble of genin standing outside of the front of the Academy’s gates. Amidst the excitement, you caught your nephew's eyes in the thick of the gossiping pupils — one cocked brow and a scowl so deep, he looked like a spitting image of Asuma, and you knew that look well. 
Konohamaru was pissed. 
A soft touch pulled your attention back; Iruka placed a hand on your arm and had given the space it rested a gentle squeeze. “How about Sunday at two?” 
“Great,” you returned to feeling like a school-girl, locking your hands behind your back with a smile, “works for me. I’ll see you then.” 
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If there was one thing Iruka enjoyed, it was a bouquet of fresh flowers. In fact, it became a monthly errand to stop by the Yamanaka flower shop to visit Ino and peruse whatever was new. For a long while, Ino refused to believe that the Academy instructor was simply popping in for his own pleasure. She was certain, particularly as a young girl, that the man had hidden afflictions for someone in the village. 
Ino imagined the woman was a civilian; that the pair met in secret and shared private moments of tenderness together. She envisioned Iruka presenting each of the bouquets she made every month as a gift, and she worked hard to ensure every bouquet was more beautiful than the last. Yet, no matter how often she prodded, the instructor never wavered from his story: the flowers were for him, because he found them beautiful and enjoyed their scent. Iruka thought it was endearing for a little while – that was until he found Ino sneaking around places she ought not to be in hopes of finding him meeting up with this so-called ‘secret lover’. 
One harsh chastizing later, and Ino no longer believed there was a woman she created bouquets for. Truthfully, the realization made her heart sink. Ino loved love, loved expressions of it and displays of affection. For Iruka-sensei, she wanted nothing more than for the instructor to find someone to share his kindness with. 
Today appeared no different from the last seven years. When Iruka entered the shop with a patient expression, Ino smiled at him from behind the counter. He waited by the tulips while she finished assisting another customer, a young woman in search of an appropriate bundle to bring to a friend who had fallen ill and was in the infirmary. Ino was masterful in her craft, able to satisfy the girl in a timely fashion and soon enough, the blonde was standing next to Iruka with a knowing look. 
“Same as usual?” The kunoichi asked cheerily, already reaching for a handful of red poppies – they just so happened to be Iruka’s favourite. “The daffodils are ready, too. I think they would look lovely with the poppies.” 
“I agree.” Iruka nodded with a smile, watching the teen amble over to another corner of the shop to begin pulling together various fillers. Mostly baby’s breath, as always. She knew him well. 
He waited as she cut the stems and began to organize them intricately before tying them together with a thin white satin ribbon. Just before Ino was finished assembling the latest centrepiece for his dining table, Iruka cleared his throat and interrupted her work. 
“I forgot to mention that I need two bouquet’s today.” He emphasized the plural by holding up two long digits, nervously meeting her large blue eyes. 
Ino stood confused for only a fraction of a second; instead of immediately jumping to any conclusions or turning to her typical playful banter, she lifted a single brow and questioned, “Oh?” 
The next part was difficult for him, mostly because he hated that he felt he needed to explain himself. But knowing Ino’s sleuthing abilities, if he tried to hide it at this point, it would be futile. She would come to know eventually, the determined young thing. And admittedly, Iruka wanted this done right. He always assumed that when this day came, it would be the Yamanaka girl to procure only the most exquisite bouquet for him to give. 
And then, Iruka thought that maybe he didn’t have to explain himself outwardly. There was a high probability that she would know exactly what the purpose of the bouquet was for, but that didn’t mean the instructor needed to divulge any information. Just enough to satisfy her, he supposed. 
“Gardenias, please. And whatever you think would pair nicely with it.”
The girl's eyes widened in excitement, and instantly Iruka regretted having said anything at all. Too late, he thought when she nearly leaped over the counter to where they kept the gardenias. “I’m thinking hibiscus. Maybe a little lavender?” Ino peered sideways at the man. 
Iruka shook his head quickly. “No lavender, not yet.”  
The pout she attempted to conceal was disappointing. “How about some iris?”
He thought for a moment, his own eyes wandering over to where the bushels sat neatly just a few feet to their left. Iruka nodded once, then turned sharply on his heel and returned to the counter. Now, he noticed Ino took a significantly greater amount of time assembling the second bouquet; in other words, Iruka was correct in choosing to put his faith in the young girl for this specific venture. 
He allowed himself a brief moment to relax. 
A few streets over, Ayame was nearly as excited as you were for the prospect of spending the afternoon with the village’s favourite genin instructor. In an effort to stave off any lingering insecurities, you arrived thirty-minutes early to divulge your heart to the brunette on the other side of the serving counter. 
“How do you think Konohamaru’s gonna take it?” Ayame asked with large eyes, working around a clean bowl with a dry cloth. 
You could sense the presence before you heard him. Konohamaru hadn’t quite mastered the art of moving undetected, although it was cute he still tried. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
A knowing look was exchanged with Ayame; speak of the devil and he shall appear. You swivelled around on the stool, leaning forward until you were at his eye-level. “What are you talking about, Konohamaru?” 
“Don’t treat me like I’m stupid,” he retorted, “I’m not a little kid anymore. I see Asuma and Kurenai when they’re together, and everyone knows by now that they’re definitely a thing –” you were a little surprised with just how much knowledge the brat had, “and you look at him just the same!” 
You shook your head in confusion, unsure of where your nephew was going with this new information. “Rewind kid, look at who like what?” 
“Iruka-sensi! You look at Iruka-sensi just like Kurenai looks at Asuma. And I’ve gotta say, I’m not too happy about it.” Konohamaru claimed, folding his arms indignantly across his chest. 
You felt a rush of heat flood up your neck as you snapped yourself upright. The nerve of this kid. “Listen here, you little stink,” you growled, tugging on the bottom of his scarf, “who I look at and how I look at them is my business. And frankly, the way you feel about it isn’t going to change anything.” 
Konohamaru smacked your hand away, his dark eyebrows knitting together as his face returned to a sour expression. “You’re just doing this to make me mad.” 
“Are you serious?” You deadpanned. “You think I asked out one of your instructors to upset you? Deliberately?”
“You already ditched me on Halloween to spend the day with him,” hearing the words come from Konohamaru’s mouth had you in a fit of guilt. Your mouth went dry. Suddenly, you were unable to maintain eye contact with him. “Yeah, I heard. Udon was in the village square when he saw Iruka carrying you around on his back. And I overheard Ebisu-sensei say that he was with a bunch of the jōnin later that night, and he sounded particularly interested when he mentioned that he saw you and Iruka getting friendly.” 
By the time he was finished with his little tirade, your face was flushed bright crimson. In so little words, so much information was given – starting with the fact Ebisu, of all people, had caught you being overly affectionate with the renowned Academy teacher. 
Damn it, you figured it was more discreet. 
A sigh, “Konohamaru, I can explain —” 
“Incoming.” Ayame hissed from behind the counter, averting your gaze up to where Iruka’s tall frame could be seen walking up the street. He wore an easy-going smile and appeared composed as ever; as he passed by familiar faces, he would nod to them. You couldn’t help but smile. Then, you saw the brown paper bundled in his arms; you recognized the packaging and another bout of heat washed over your features. Iruka brought you flowers. 
Konohamaru groaned before he glared up at you one last time. “I don’t like this at all.” 
He didn’t stick around to greet the man, leaving the instructor slightly confused as he perched himself on a stool next to you. “Where’s he running off to?” 
“Training. As always.” You answered quickly, offering him a reassuring grin. 
“I hope I’m not too late,” Iruka offered an apologetic simper as he held out the bouquet, “I didn’t mean to keep you waiting, but I thought it might be rude of me to show up empty handed.”
“No, you’re right on time.” You reassured him, bringing the bouquet to your nose excitedly. “You really didn’t have to do this.” 
The chūnin didn’t even look embarrassed when he replied, “I wanted to. Besides, a dutiful caretaker would have delivered you flowers during your recovery. I should have bought you a second bouquet to make up for it, really.” 
A part of you wanted to claim that was nonsense, but decided that the sentiment was thoughtful, and that was what drew you to him in the first place  Perhaps it meant that he had been thinking of you, just as you had been thinking of him. Instead, you smiled gratefully and reached over to give his hand a gentle squeeze. 
“Thank you, they’re beautiful.” 
Iruka spent little time reviewing the menu before he put in his own order, and within the next ten minutes, steaming bowls were placed in front of the two of you. The pair of you spent over an hour chatting just at Ichiraku’s; Iruka ate several bowls of miso ramen with plenty of pork, and you couldn't help but watch admiringly as he gulped down the last of his broth. It had been a long time since you had spent time with a man who appeared to love hot broth as much as you did, given that you no longer spent much time with Asuma. The thought didn’t sadden you as it normally would have – perhaps good company could cure all sorts of loneliness. 
The afternoon sun was hot, its rays beaming down into the village core as you walked closely next to Iruka’s side. Once again, the domesticity of spending time with the chūnin like this had you lost in a daydream of what could be. Weekend afternoons spent browsing the market, watching dusky pink sunsets from the comfort of your studio apartment while you shared a meal, late nights spent held in each other's arms to stave off the bitter cold —
For now, you felt privileged enough to be sharing just this one afternoon alone with him. 
Unbeknownst to you, Iruka was lost in a trail of his own subconscious desires as you led him through the various shops set up across the village. Watching you peruse the plethora of trinkets stirred something inside of him that he couldn’t quite put a finger on; there was something so alluring about such a mundane action that the instructor just didn’t understand. Iruka noticed that you clung to the bouquet in your arms as though you feared they may disappear at any given moment — he found it endearing. He enjoyed standing close to you as your eyes wandered over the cases filled with pretty gems and bracelets. If he timed it just right, he was able to catch the scent of your perfume mixed with a hint of your shampoo – a scent that recently had become a favourite of his own, since the first time he caught wind of it. 
Iruka decided he loved the way your hair appeared three shades lighter when in the sunlight, and envied the way your eyes seemed to glow in the same manner. Your voice carried so easily over the hustle and commotion in the streets, making it nearly impossible for him to lose you in the crowds. The subtle traces of sweat that lingered at the base of your neck only seemed to heighten his arousal — as a response, he kept his hands bound tightly into fists in his pockets. The temptation was all the same, but the least he could do was allot some restraint while in the public’s eye. You were still a Sarutobi, after all – that came with a reputation, one he would be damned to tarnish with such basic primal urges. 
In spite of his attentive gaze fixated on you, Iruka was dreadfully aware of the number of eyes that lingered one second too long as the two of you walked together through the market. The questioning eyes of his colleagues were one thing – that much he could handle. But as you neared the Yamanaka flower shop, Iruka all but fell to his knees with anxiety. Surely Ino would have much to say, seeing the top of her bouquet in your arms.
It was surprising that as you admired a bundle of roses outside the shop's doors, Ino simply observed from her place behind the counter. Iruka watched her gaze settle on your frame as you bent forwards to inhale deeply; the blonde kunoichi smiled in recognition at the sight of her sensei’s younger sibling. The academy instructor deduced that hiding it from Asuma now would be futile; Ino was bound to drop the ball sooner or later. 
It was nearly sunset by the time the two of you sat down on a bench away from the excitement of the market and core. You bit into another piece of dango, pulling the chewy ball from the skewer with a satisfied hum as Iruka polished off the last of his own.
“You didn’t have to treat me to this, too, you know.” You tried to sound disappointed but failed miserably.
Iruka wanted to comment on the way your demeanour changed around the cashier; the way the woman behind the counter observed the two of you with minor disdain, the way you ripped the dessert from the woman’s hand with such venom — it was dizzying how you turned around a fraction of a second later to him with round doe eyes and a sweet smile. 
“I figured you were making a suggestion after the fifth time we walked by the stall.” He mused, watching you finish the remainder of your dessert with a soft grin. “Besides, it’s not like you put up much of a fight.” 
Embarrassed, you peered sideways at him, “I’m grateful all the same.” 
“I know.” 
Regrettably, the setting sun invited in a cool breeze and the day appeared to be coming to an end. When you mentioned something about getting home to put the flowers in some water, you couldn’t help but notice a shift in Iruka. He walked slower, now, and despite previously only having the courage to guide you through the shops with a gentle hand placed strategically between your shoulder blades, he now conducted you forward to the hill that led back to your apartment with that same hand spread evenly across your lower back. 
As you reached the stoop of your building, you faltered when reaching for your keys. As much as you knew the night had to come to an eventual end, you couldn’t help feeling disappointed. The confidence you previously harboured no longer appeared to be leading you through the motions of your date; ultimately, you conceded you would have better luck next time. 
“I really enjoy your company, Iruka,” you said quietly, lowering your eyes down to the buttons on his vest, “I hope we can spend more Sunday’s like this.”
Iruka’s response was automatic. He lifted a single digit to the underside of your chin, brushing his thumb gently across the span of your bottom lip before lowering his face down. With a subtle tilt, he inched your face upwards until your lips connected. You were pleasantly surprised with the force; in all the times you envisioned this moment, Iruka harbouring dominance was not something that had come to mind. Yet, you melted into his tall frame and allowed the hand free of the bouquet to grip one of the lapels of his vest in the same hungry manner as his arm that now held you firmly against his body. You were thankful for the vice grip Iruka had on you; your knees began to feel weak, and between the erratic beating of your heart in your chest and the ringing in your ears, you weren’t entirely sure you would be able to keep yourself upright much longer. 
Iruka, on the other hand, never felt more in control. It was rejuvenating to feel so sure of himself. He’d been thinking about this moment nonstop since you curled into his side while sharing a booth at the pub on Halloween. Watching your tired eyes fight the urge to fall asleep while surrounded by a full room of people had him itching to escort you back to your apartment, just as he promised. He wanted to see you home safely. From the moment he placed his arm around you and inadvertently smelled the top of your head, he felt incredibly protective of you. It was there he decided his new favourite scent was your shampoo.  It was a foreign feeling to Iruka, but one he was determined to understand. 
Iruka was nervous to pursue anything at first. You were a Sarutobi, after all – what could he have to offer you? Over the duration of the last two weeks, Iruka decided that he would work hard to become a man worthy of you rather than denying himself such a simple pleasure. It had been fourteen gruelling days not being able to speak with you, but he needed to be sure. 
Iruka couldn’t help but smile when the sigh tumbled past your lips; the sound almost as delicious as the cherry chapstick you wore that softened your lips. He removed his mouth from yours, but remained close. His hand at your chin moved to push back the hair from your face, his opposite hand already pressed firmly into the lower portion of your back. 
“I’m sorry, I should have asked first.” Iruka huffed against your lips, his chest rising and falling with each heaving breath he took. “But I was scared if I did ask, I would lose my nerve.” 
This time, it was you who reconnected your mouths together, having stood up on your tip-toes to throw your arms around his neck in a hungry manner. The way he leaned you backwards under the awning until your back hit the brick surely hid you from any witnesses that may have been wandering by during this time of the evening; truthfully, it made the engagement all the more enthralling. 
In a feverish haste, you quietly breathed a moan into his mouth as a large, warm hand gripped tightly at your hip, his thumb caressing the exposed skin just above the waistband of your skirt. God, how intoxicating —
With great reluctance, Iruka disconnected himself with a disgruntled sigh. If he had it his way, he could kiss you forever, never take another breath and die happy in your arms. But he couldn’t be selfish with you any longer, deciding that the time spent apart from you would be much, much shorter than the last. 
And the quiet whimper that follows the swift disconnection is all the answer Iruka needs. Smiling mostly to himself, the man towers over your frame and brings his hands up to fix various pieces of your hair. With the heat of the day, its uniformed strands had begun to curl in unruly patterns. It brought a certain youthfulness to your features Iruka couldn’t help but appreciate. 
“When can I see you again?” Voice husky in its inquiry, Iruka’s gaze didn’t falter from your own as he swam in your half-hooded eyes. 
“Tomorrow evening.” You replied; it wasn’t a suggestion but rather an expectation. 
The man appeared to understand the desire that clung to your demand, and nodded dutifully. 
He caught your free hand in his own, bringing your slender digits up to his lips to press a warm kiss against your knuckles. His mouth broke into a soft smile just underneath the warm flesh, eyes closing for just a fraction of a second as he then pressed his nose to the inside of your wrist to inhale deeply. It was curious, the way his shoulders appeared to visibility relax with the action. 
“Sweet dreams, Sarutobi.” He whispered against the skin, and in the next moment, he disappeared into the darkness of the night. 
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Remnants of sleep tugged at the corners of your mind as the jarring call of your name continued to pull you from slumber. The sun came in dimly through half-risen blinds, windows left open through the night to provide some fresh air to the otherwise stuffy studio where you resided. You could hear the faint chirps of morning birds in the treetops, leaves rustling in the gentle breeze that accompanied their cheery tune. 
Your eyes slowly peeled open, staring blankly up at the ceiling with a slow exhale. Looking over to your bedside table, the numbers read 7:49AM; you groaned out in exasperation and threw an arm back over your eyes. What was the brat doing here?
“Auntie, come on! It’ll only take a few minutes!”
Your limbs moved reluctantly, slowly pulling yourself into an upright seated position. Your eyes now fixed themselves on the window with a petulant glare, unable to contain your annoyance with being disturbed so early. After another short minute of deep breathing, you stood and ambled over to the window sill. 
“I need to talk to you!” You glared down at your nephew, who stood on a rock just outside of the front steps of your apartment. “Get down here!” 
What could he possibly want this early in the morning? You wondered, stifling a yawn with one hand as the other drew open the curtains wider. 
“Yeah, yeah, in a minute.” You huffed out in annoyance, turning to locate where you had thrown your pajama bottoms in the darkness of the night. When the young boy called out to you again in frustration, it took everything in you not to snap back in response. He certainly hadn’t mastered patience, that was for sure.
You joined him in the early morning sun, and despite not having been awake for more than five minutes, you welcomed the warmth of the sun’s rays; your nephew carried a lunchbox in his timid hands, goggles not quite seated properly on the top of his head. If you didn’t know him any better, you would have thought he appeared anxious. 
“Yes, Konohamaru?”
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” Konohamaru started, looking down at his feet in embarrassment. 
“You’re sorry?” 
The young preteen nodded hastily. “After I left you at Ichiraku’s, I spent the whole day following you and Iruka-sensei around.” He let his shoulders drop in defeat, a sigh of his own procuring from deep in his chest. “I noticed something.” 
 Curious, you cocked your head to the side. “Oh yeah? What’s that?” 
“Iruka looks at you the same way Asuma looks at Kurenai.”
You blinked slowly, carefully considering your nephew's words. You knew exactly which look he was referring to — the one Asuma only wore whenever he walked next to Kurenai. It was protective, and yet, your brother never looked more at peace. An unlikely combination, but it was an expression he wore exquisitely whenever the pair were together. 
“Also, I may or may not have seen something I shouldn’t have,” Konohamaru’s cheeks deepened further as he lifted a hand to scratch the back of his neck, “but I gotta say, I didn’t think Iruka-sensei could be so handsy. I mean, what was up with that kiss, anyway?” 
Stunned, you swallowed thickly. “K-kiss?” 
“If that’s even what you want to call it – it looked more like face-sucking to me.” 
“Konohamaru!” You chided loudly before shoving your hand overtop of his mouth in a hurried manner, looking anxiously around you to see if anyone else had overheard. “Will you keep your mouth shut? That’s private!”
“Could’ve fooled me.” He mumbled under your hand, his hot breath slicking your hand. Ugh, gross.
“I’m not kidding, Konohamaru,” you sighed, “you can’t say anything to anyone. Especially Asuma.” 
The boy laughed. “That’s useless. Uncle Asuma’s gonna know something’s up, he always does.” 
You thought back to the previous night, reeling through the actions of the day spent with the instructor. Surely an impression was left with various individuals throughout the village, seeing the two wandering around so closely together with a bouquet in your arms. What else were they to assume? Undoubtedly, the entire market took to gossiping about the scene that played out before them: Hiruzen’s girl was finally entertaining one of the young men in the village, how exciting. 
You sighed petulantly, feeling your shoulders crumble in on themselves. The laughter that came from the young boy next to you was irritating, but you let it pass. If you expected any opportunity to explain it to Asuma first, you needed your nephew on your side. 
“What Asuma doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right, Konohamaru?” 
The boy threw you a coy smile. ���Nice try, Auntie.” 
“Taiyaki for the next two months.” You offered quickly, knowing that he likely wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. 
Fiendishly, Konohamaru fixed his hand on his chin as though he were in deep thought, eyes leering up to the sky. After a short deliberation, he shook his head. “Make it six, and I’ll consider it.” 
Irritated, you grumbled, “You’ll take two and be grateful, you stink.” 
“Six months, and I’ll swing by your place every morning to let you escort me to the Academy. Just to see Iruka-sensei.” The mocking tone in which he drew out the instructor's name had you wincing with regret already. But it was tempting. 
You conceded with a nod, “Fine. Six months, and not a single day longer.” 
Konohamaru grinned in triumph, his hands coming up to rest behind his head. “Well, better go get ready. I’ve gotta be at the gates in less than twenty-minutes!”  
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ljh-writing-blog · 8 months
Konohagakure, 10/18 Year 49
As early morning light flooded in the unfurled curtains of the hospital room Biwako attempted to relax while her unborn child was making her morning particularly painful. Late last night they had come to the hospital in a hurry, Biwako barely able to stand from her sudden labor pains and intense panic. Surely it wasn’t supposed to hurt this much? The midwife said this birth would be much easier the second time around. Hiruzen rushed them to the hospital immediately and made sure his wife was as comfortable as possible before assuring her he would return after clearing his schedule for the day with the council. He had left at 5AM and it was 6:30AM now. Biwako didn’t like being left alone while so close to birth but was also thankful to have this short time to speak with her son before he would enter this shinobi world. Caressing her stomach she began speaking softly to her swollen bump,
“Asuma, in just a short time, at least I hope it’s just a short time. You will enter this world and join the Sarutobi clan. Our family is strong and loving, we possess the will of fire and bear it like a badge of honor and I know you will too. It is a dangerous world we live in, unfair and unkind, but shinobi like your father help make it a better place. Shinobi like you one day. Your father and brother are very excited to meet you, they talk to you so much I’m sure you’ll recognize their voices as soon as you hear them. I am so excited to meet you, I can’t wait to see what you’ll look like, though I’ll be happy as long as you’re healthy. That being said we are ready for you any time, so feel free to come as soon as you’d like.”
Letting out a chuckle at her last words she jumped in her hospital bed as her husband’s voice resonated in the quiet room, “That was beautiful, hanii. Much like you. I hope my absence wasn’t too long, I did try to be quick but you know the Council.” Hiruzen made his way to his wife’s bedside and sat in the chair next to it, placing one hand on her stomach and his other in her waiting palm. “You’re fine, anata. We just had a little chat about someone needing to hurry up in there.” Poking at her stomach as she said someone. Chuckling as well he leaned forward to place a small kiss on her rounded stomach, soon to be flat once their child graced them with his presence.
He could admit he would miss seeing her this way, round and glowing with his child in her womb. His wife mainly in dresses the last few months because pants have just been too much work. Not only would he miss her figure but he had mourned the loss of a possible daughter. It was best for Biwako that this be her last pregnancy, the last 36 weeks had taken a large toll on her health. While she was expected to make a full recovery, as long as the birth went well, they prioritized her life and the life they can give the children they already have over the possibility of a daughter in the future.
Being broken out of his thought by a large gasp from his wife as she squeezed his hand mercilessly he felt sorry for her. He couldn’t imagine the pain child birth was, though he hoped the midwife was correct and the process went smoother this time. “Anata, I need the doctor. It’s time.” She let out another moan of pain as Hiruzen stood at her words and pulled away from her to call for help. Dashing towards the hallway he called for help before returning to his wife’s side, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead he tried to remember everything he had done for his wife during the birth of their first son. As he heard the doctor entering the room he connected eyes with his wife and through her pain they both grinned in excitement. Here comes their son.
At exactly 8:00AM on October 18th a baby, not an Asuma but an Asami, was born to the Sarutobi clan. Completely unexpected and taking the doctors by surprise considering she had evaded months of ultrasounds, she was born happy and healthy. Exactly 8 hours after that, at 4:00PM, the Asuma they were expecting was then born. It was no wonder this pregnancy had been so much more difficult, she had an extra seven pounds and eight ounces in her stomach. Biwako was overjoyed at their wondrous news, a boy and a girl! Though her son taking an extra eight hours to arrive was not very joyful. Never had they expected twins and the prospect was a little daunting to the two. Nevertheless they had everything they needed in their three children and each other.
Konohagakure 10/19 Year 49
It was the day after the twins had been born and the Sarutobis decided they were ready for visitors. Calling on his team first he was excited to share the wonderful news, Tsunade had hoped Biwako was having a girl and was slightly disappointed when she found out they were having another son. Well, slightly was an understatement. After Jiraiya had loudly declared she had lost yet another bet and would need to pay up, she broke the table they had been sitting at and threw Jiraiya out of the restaurant. That had been a hefty bill for the Hokage and took quite some apologizing on his part. Orochimaru thought the encounter quite comical though and it was nice to see his pupil smile.
Being broken out of his thoughts by a loud knock followed by his young kunoichi hissing “Shh! We’re in a hospital!” and an even louder slapping noise he knew his students had arrived. Grinning to his wife who held a very quiet, but wide awake, Asami in her arms he gestured to the door. Biwako nodded with an encouraging smile, readjusting her daughter slightly to be sitting up. Standing to open the hospital door room with Asuma in his arms he took a deep breath before embracing the chaos.
“Would you quit hitting me, Tsunade! You and your brute strength!” Jiraiya groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. At that Orochimaru snickered, Tsunade wouldn’t take the slight lying down. The woman in mention narrowed her eyes at his words and was ready to verbally retaliate when the door opened and Sarutobi Sensei stood before them. All three students fell quiet as they peered at the baby in his arms, though Orochimaru tried to quiet his interest externally. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice, I wanted you to be the first we shared the good news with.” Hiruzen addressed his students before gesturing for them to enter the room behind him. A small smile on his face at the surprise waiting for them beyond the threshold.
A small gasp filled the room from Tsunade at the sight of Biwako sitting in her hospital bed with another baby. “Two babies? Twins! Please tell me that’s a girl!” The young kunoichi rushed to the mother’s side pulling up a chair to sit down as she reached her hands out for the child, hesitating when the words brute strength echoed in her head. Orochimaru recognized the look, even though Tsunade acted tough she was still an insecure girl sometimes. “You won’t hurt her, Jiraiya’s an idiot. Don’t listen to him.” He stated plainly, shoving her forward so she stumbled into the chair. “Hey!” Jiraiya knocked into his shoulder, why was everyone going after him today? Tsunade looked back with a small look of appreciation, he pretended not to notice and looked at Biwako curiously.
“She’s a girl right?” The pale faced nin gestured toward the baby she was placing into his team mate’s arms. “Yes she is! This is Asami, she’s quite the surprise. Born at 8:00AM yesterday.” The mother chirped back happily, glowing with motherly love and affection for her babies. “This here is Asuma, born at 4:00PM yesterday.” Hiruzen spoke as he patted Jiraiya’s shoulder and pushed him to sit down in the chair he was next to. As Jiraiya sat Hiruzen spoke to him quietly, “Cradle your arms and make sure you support his head and neck, he’s not made of glass there’s no need to look so nervous.” Jiraiya looked at his Sensei with nervousness in his eyes, babies are so small and he’s so… the opposite. Holding his arms out gently he allowed for the small bundle of life to be placed in his arms, unsure of what to do next he looked to the older man for any idea. Hiruzen barked out a laugh at the helpless look on his pupil’s face, enemy nin and rogue ninja were nothing but a baby had the young man in shambles. “Just hold him, son. He’s just a baby, he doesn’t do much.” Hearing his Sensei’s words he felt himself relax a bit, settling in with the baby in his arms the child quickly fell back asleep. Son, Hiruzen always says they’re like his family and maybe the old man really did mean it.
As Asuma settled it was like the energy he had was transferred to Asami and she began to start babbling and waving her hands around. Moving her head she seemed incredibly animated for a newborn. Something had caught her attention it seemed as her father noticed the baby’s eyes zeroing in on his only pupil that had het to greet her. Looking at the young man’s face it seemed the child had captivated even his most withdrawn student.
Orochimaru had been watching closely at the way Tsunade and the others handled the babies and believed he could do it. Though even he himself wasn’t sure why he wanted to do such a thing, he’s never liked children before. Though the girl had caught his attention, duping all medical professionals and seemingly born with luck on her side. Trying to garner the courage to ask if he could hold the child his Sensei seemed to know the situation better than he did. “Would you like to hold her, Orochimaru?” Hiruzen asked quietly enough that Jiraiya wouldn’t hear him, probably willing to answer for him and that wasn’t what he was looking for at the moment. Encouraging him with warm eyes he spoke once more, “She seems interested in you too.” Hesitating the younger male nodded, attempting to locate a chair before realizing they were both taken. He was slightly nervous about holding the newborn child while standing. The mother in Biwako appeared to notice his discomfort and offered him a seat, “You can sit on the bed with me, I know it’s a little scary standing with them at first.” She spoke to him quietly, patting the bed beside her as she kept looking at her baby boy in Jiraiya’s arms. Truthfully the avoided eye contact was a blessing, this encounter was making him feel vulnerable and he didn’t like it.
As soon as Tsunade placed Asami in his arms she settled, content to look up at his face in wonder. Returning her stare he began to take notice of her features. Her head full of dark hair catching his attention first, her small hands reaching towards his face caught his attention next, and lastly her eyes. They didn’t match anyone in the family, a striking color that reminded him of crackling embers and scorching flames. “Her eyes are beautiful aren’t they?” Biwako asked him, startling the pale faced nin out of his thoughts. Looking slightly sheepish that he had been caught he nodded to the mother and agreed. His sensei spoke from the other side of the room, “We believe she has been born with a will of fire so strong it even marks her outward appearance, she will become a very capable kunoichi some day. I hope she is able to study under all three of you, my students, to learn from the best.” At that Orochimaru looked at the babe in his arms once more, maybe he wouldn’t be opposed to training the child when she became of age. Maybe, he could be Asami’s sensei.
A/N: it’s meeee, ik i said i’d get this out like a week ago but i’ve had so much crazy shit going on lately i just couldn’t. i wrote this on my phone so sorry to computer users if the format is weird. pls enjoy and like/reblog/leave me a comment below on what you liked/didn’t.
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lemony-snickers · 6 months
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I feel like the whole of anxiety anonymous would have my back! (or at least keep their mouths shut ahaha <3)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
aahhhh so many! anyone tagged below I can wholeheartedly rec. I will also rec “private tutoring,” “meet me in the woods,” and “we looked like giants” by someone named wind-becomes-lightning. do you know them? 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
hiiiiii @depressedhatakekakashi @kakashiswilloffire @kakashi-with-the-good-hair @whatshernameis
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I would love for @historicfailure to finish “scent of a camellia.” <3
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dailyirukapics · 2 years
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Caught red-handed with the Hokage, how scandalous, Iruka-sensei~
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lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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Boruto Autumn 🍂 illustration 2022
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Konohamaru’s team is still in the village (according to memory. Obv we know the truth) and falling apart and he just… doesn’t have a team anymore?
And no one is shitting on him? Or am i just missing it cuz i’m not part of the boruto fandom.
Kakashi got torn to shreds by fandom when his team fell apart and 2/3 of them left the village and actuvely couldn’t act as a team, but 2/3 cane together again in shippuden and continued on
But Konohamaru’s team (as far as he knows) is still all in the village just… refusing to work together?
I see why Kakashi’s not Hokage
He would have had Konohamaru’s rank for being unable to get his team to work together just cuz Kawaki’s a moody kid who doesn’t like teamwork
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I should just take a page out of @succikko-nebulae 's book and request adult konohamaru left and right so I get more fanart of him
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obito-week · 11 months
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Hey guys! Thank you for taking part in the interest check! I'm happy that you all want another week to celebrate all things Obito :)
As per your replies I made another ObINGO card with little prompts. Once again you can use as many or as little prompts as you like per day!
Obito Week 2024 will be held between the 5th and the 11th of February 2024 and I can't wait to see what you will all create again.
Are there still any open questions? Please don't hesitate to send an ask to this blog or check our FAQ. Please also familiarise yourself with the rules of this event.
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synergysilhouette · 3 months
Rewriting "Naruto" (Part I)
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If this looks familiar, that's because it is. I decided to delete the OG post and repost this with a couple more changes, and I'm actually gonna start working on rewriting Part II now--which will probably have more changes than Part I.
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Prologue--Land of Waves: Definitely create a more healthy team dynamic with team 7; Kakashi isn't biased towards Sasuke (though he does admit it's easier to train a fellow sharingan user), Sakura is more compassionate and a better listener, not being Sasuke-obsessed or high-strung (with her feelings for him coming from sympathy before getting to know him and becoming more substantial), and Sasuke, while still planning on killing Itachi, is more open to forming relationships again (because that's the only way I buy the series ending like it did with him), privately contemplating on how he's grown to care for his sensei and teammates. Following Naruto and Sasuke's battle against Haku, Sakura realizes she has to get stronger, vowing to be of better help in the future. It's also established from the get-go that Sharingan, while extremely powerful, isn't OP; it's genjutsu can still be avoided and it can't see through all genjutsu, but it can only be outdone by a powerful opponent.
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Chunin Exams: I'd introduce Sakura's parents here, who voice their concern of her becoming a ninja, explaining her insecurities. It also brings to light the backstories and families of other characters (ie Tenten's family and last name, whether or not Lee is an orphan, the Ino-Shika-Cho family relationship, Naruto growing up with Kiba, Shikamaru, and Choji as friends, Asuma being Sarutobi's son, Kiba's dreams of being Hokage, etc.) I'd also enjoy seeing Kabuto give Sakura little medical tips to help her team, foreshadowing her future potential. Her battle against the sound ninja are much cooler, as she performs genjutsu for the first time, involving Inner Sakura, perhaps it being a family kekkei genkai (maybe even connected to a dojutsu). Along with this, Ino can use her mind transfer jutsu to create hallucinations in Sakura's mind while she possesses her, only to be booted out by Inner Sakura--or maybe Ino performs a flower-related genjutsu that distracts Sakura while Ino possesses her. Ino and Sakura's friendship is expanded upon, and it's revealed their relationships have ebbs and flows independant of Sasuke, with Ino occasionally being fake/petty and Sakura stooping to her level. This is largely driven by shared insecurity, with Ino trying to live up to her family's reputation and Sakura trying to defy her family expectations. Sakura manages to beat Ino narrowly, and she battles Dosu in the finals at beats him before he's killed. It's also implied Sakura may be developing feelings for Lee. Not to mention, despite Naruto being the main character, he doesn't have to be the only person to inspire others. I enjoy the idea that Hinata's will is what truly opens Neji's eyes, not just Naruto's conviction, as well as Lee inspiring Gaara.
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Konoha Crush: I'd also expand on Hiruzen's relationship with Orochimaru and the first two hokages, giving us a bit more to work with than the extended tug-of-war sequence. We get more childhood flashbacks of the sand trio, especially their relationships with each other, their parents, and Yashamaru. I'd also like for Baki to reveal to Gaara that Yashamaru was made to lie to him about his and Karura's love for him, under threat that the Kazekage would kill Gaara if Yashamaru didn't emotionally scar him. Sakura uses her blossoming genjutsu (inspired by Ino's bush clover genjutsu) in order to distract Gaara/Shikkaku, but only manages to hide Sasuke before Gaara incapacitates her. After Naruto and Gaara's battle, Sakura and Sasuke come to Naruto's aid, as Temari and Kankuro do for Gaara, making him see how they care about him. Plus put a bit more focus on Asuma, as he loses his father in this arc, just as Konohamaru loses his grandfather.
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Search For Tsunade: Give Kurenai a better battle with Itachi. He's SUPER powerful, but Kurenai is supposed to be the best genjutsu user in the village; she'd have to at least be a good distraction for him. After Itachi beats Sasuke, Sasuke wonders if his friendships are holding him back, but simultaneously fears losing them to Itachi once more. And the whole "Itachi revelation" from part 2 is hinted at a LOT more (I was gonna write it off, but it's a big motivator for Sasuke later on, so I think it'd make more sense if Itachi wasn't super toxic) by having him take down Sasuke easily without torturing him and prolonging his pain. It's also vaguely alluded to that while the Akatsuki are dangerous, they weren't without their own humanity, with some of them being less evil than others. While it'd be a bit weird, I like the idea of Sakura joining Jiraya and Naruto to find Tsunade, as she's concerned about Sasuke and wants to learn medical skills from Tsunade. I'd like more flashbacks with Dan and Nawaki to be spread out a bit more for more emotional impact. I also think Kabuto should be hyped up a bit more; he's apparently a ninja whose jutsu exceeds Tsunade in her prime. Given this, it'd be cool to see him doing a grander battle against Tsunade, as well as Orochimaru taking an almost passive role in the fight against Tsunade and Jiraya. Given advice by Kabuto in the past, Sakura is able to clear Jiraya's head a little, and she and Naruto try to defend Tsunade against Kabuto. Tsunade still has an aversion to blood after the battle, but it isn't as bad as it was before.
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Sasuke Recovery Mission: Sakura trains with Shizune and Kurenai before Sasuke leaves to join Orochimaru, becoming advanced for a ninja her age. She manages to incapacitate Sasuke and Naruto before they harm each other at the hospital, only further fueling Sasuke's feelings of inferiority. Sasuke laments throwing away his friendships, but hopes that after he kills Itachi, perhaps he can pick up the pieces--you know, actually thinking about what comes after. Sakura attempts to stop him, but he refuses to acknowledge any feelings he has for his team, and leaves. Sakura manages to inflict minor damage on him via poison needles, slowing him down, though he still defeats her. The girls join the boys to rescue Sasuke, with the defeat of the sound ninja only coming from the combined efforts of the Leaf and Sand ninja, not the Sand ninja alone. Sakura and Naruto team up against Sasuke, but given Sasuke's curse mark and Naruto's 9-tailed chakra, she's outclassed in this moment (having not gained the Strength of a Hundred seal), though she manages to use genjutsu following the battle to convince Sasuke not to deal further harm to Naruto, and she promised (similar to Naruto) that she would drag him back to the village.
I may tweak some more details later, but for now I'm moving onto Part II.
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unicornbars7 · 9 months
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This a pity that anime team made Konohamaru and Temari met each other in a fight in ep 234 not even knowing each other, when in NUNS2 game in one of the friendship events Konohamaru named Temari "sensei" and they hang out together with Shikamaru and Naruto and it was such an adorable scene - I love it!
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fireflylitsky · 23 days
wip ask game!
tagged by @frostmarris and @konekotaichou (ty!)
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I tried to pare them down to just the wips with fleshed out scenes and not just nasty little brainstorm worms everywhere 🙃
Also, I'm afraid I'm not very creative with my googledoc titles (Nart in Orange, other fandoms in purple)
Akatsuki Heist 90s AU
AnFuu Jack of All trades (Undead Unluck)
Astarion Tav Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3)
Aiden Reader (Dying Light)
Heisenberg Reader (Resident Evil 8)
HidaObi Come as You Are
Hinata Akatsuki Bodyswap
Jashin's Diary
Kai Fuwa - Fixing Overhaul (BNHA)
KakuHida Coheed
KakuHida Glory Hole
KakuHida Hanahaki
KakuHida Heartjob
KakuHida Prison AU
KakuHida Please Mr. Postman
KakuHida Sweet Vertigo
KakuHida T4T 2
Kisame With a Gun
KisaSaku Yokai Sunset
Main Fic
Nagato's Fat Meat
ObiKonan IssuePaper
Shisui Ruins Everything
ZabuSaku Not Dead Yet
ZabuTema Abandon Reason
(Haha can you tell my favorite ship?)
So yeah, I don't have as many friends as I do WIPs, sorry instructions--tagging peeps I know have a lot of WIPS but please, anyone that sees this and wants to join in, consider yourself tagged! (on the opposite side of the coin, don't feel like you need to participate just because I tagged you) @konohamaru-sensei @woofgang69 @qettleqorn @nihilisticbunny @natsbatscats @nail-art-no-jutsu @eclaire-and-pocky @guroseinsei @latart @rcris123 @hidanizm @blightowl @zombie-honeymoon @succikko-nebulae @rose-colored-amy
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kankuroplease · 3 months
Got tagged by @konohamaru-sensei for my followers to vote for my all-time favorite character from my favorite characters. Bro this list isn’t going to make sense because this poll could literally be filled with each mentioned anime (I’ve got too many favorites), but hear me out
Tagging @mytanuki-kun @lemonkage and who ever else may want to join in 😶‍🌫️
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lemony-snickers · 6 months
WIP Tag Game
thanks for the tag @kakashiswilloffire <3
"Please share your last sentence; or, if you don't have one, share a plot bunny or idea!"
unfortunately, i do not have any fic wips to share. instead, here is a weird original thing (and more than a sentence, apologies):
“I will never forget,” I promise.  And it’s true.  I will never forget them as long as I live, though I cannot say anything of what will happen once I am gone. Then, the remembering and the forgetting will no longer be in my hands, and I will have to hope that whatever happens, I may return to the earth.  To the dirt still caked beneath my fingernails. Perhaps one day I will be the vine wrapping around an ankle begging to be tended.
tag @konohamaru-sensei @chemmerson @akamikazae @anyone else who wants to play the game because i am brain fogged and cannot think but ilyso <3
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lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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enevera · 3 months
lovely @hi-raethia tagged me so now im holding yall at gunpoint to vote on which of my top 5 movies matches me best lol
doing this game made me realize i dont actually like that many movies and even the ones i like i tend not to consider like. favs. so most of these are older ones lol
tagging uhhh @plinkcat-gif @zukkaoru @r-dtoblack @konohamaru-sensei @shapeshift-with-me @lunar-lavenderr and anyone else who wants to do this!
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