docnefarious · 2 months
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@mixed-up-multiverse asked: "Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range." (( From V who has her sword-hands out hahaha-- )) ↪ 𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 / accepting!
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"DON'T YOU DARE. I'm trying to concentrate here!" He really hoped he wouldn't have to shoot her. It would draw so much attention! "Plus there are a ton of other people around here! Go stab one of them! That's fun for you, right?"
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handfulofmuses · 2 days
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Sparky had been napping peacefully - with a worker arm in its mouth. A few remains were scattered around, too. Maybe someone did not read the sign, maybe someone did and decided to ignore it. Either way, someone paid the price for daring to enter - we will never know what happened as the head with a fatal error was next to the raptor.
Still, when the familiar voice was heard, the raptor immediately lifted its head and got up as quickly as they could, already dashing outside.
The tail smashed something out of the way (because of the eagerness) while the dinosaur came running, an excited chirp as it managed to stop in front of V just in time! Almost kmocked her over too!
But only almost.
Tail swishes behind. There the raptor is! And there she is! Sparky also got a present for her!
Sparky drops the arm towards her that was still in its mouth. There's still some oil left!
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sillymuses · 15 days
🔥 + Shipping. Or alternatively, one specific ship you know of.
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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//I know I've harped on this before and I do apologize but man I just have grown to really hate Chelsea/Ruby. Or rather what it represents rather than the actual ship itself. Because okay like here's my thing. It would be one thing if the producers came out and said 'Hey, here's a scripted version of RGTK where Chelsea and Ruby were gonna be together but we had to scrap it due to (Insert corporate/budget reason here).' At least then there's basis for the ship. Like, something for it.
But no what actually happened was the internet saw two girls next to each other, immediately started screaming they're lesbians and in love, and then got butt hurt their made-up fanon idea didn't magically become true after the movie was already in production hell and came out after years of rewriting and reworking.
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necrolightguitar · 2 months
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"Ha ha...?"
He's not very good at that.
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tazmilyxfamily · 1 year
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"Gingerbrave, you pesty, pesty Cookie..."
Muttered Dark Enchantress darkly, standing tall over the young boy. She was alone, which was slightly odd for the villainess. Where were her lackies...?
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"I have come to take something very important from you AND your little friends!"
She waited a moment, allowing the terror to sink in.
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"ALL of your Halloween candy! And none of that pesky Magic Candy- REAL, tasty candy!"
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superstar--daycare · 1 year
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" ... you can't sneeze, you're an android. "
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send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
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Honestly just... being appreciated, being included, is enough to make Vanellope happy. She wouldn't say that's because she's a particularly easy to please girl, for she certainly can be picky when she feels like it; but after so long of being shunned and rejected and unwanted by literally everyone?
Even now that it's been several years since that was the case, still the easiest way to make her happy is just to invite her along to do something together, to include her as part of the group. She doesn't need special attention within that setting; but rather it just means so much to her to be made to feel like she's wanted; and while it honestly seems like the simplest little thing to anyone else, it absolutely means the world to her.
It's part of why I think she was so keen to jump ship to Slaughter Race. Sure, there was the excitement and change of pace there that she'd been craving; but also, and more than that, Shank and co. made her feel so welcome, so wanted. It must have been still weird sometimes around the Sugar Rush kids even after they started being nice to her; but here she was just accepted wholeheartedly, no questions asked, and made to feel like she was part of the group right from the word go - and that kind of acceptance is the thing that's sure to win her over, make her happiest.
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bonkersdbobcat · 2 years
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"Trick or treat..." There's a creepy murder-bot at your door, Bonkers... better give her something, quick!
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  "What an a-mazing costume!" Bonkers reaches over, coming back with his arms piled high with a collection of mini chocolate bars, chips, and candy to fill their bag.
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magicianschallenge · 2 years
"From my own personal over two month experience, gaining limbs tends to complicate things in a way that's not quite worth it if you ask me!"
"If that still hasn't convinced you, then I suppose a visit to the Protoon is in order!"
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merveiilles · 2 years
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⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ I LIKED FOR THINGS;; mixed-up-multiverse asked: It’s nighttime in the pumpkin patch, and a certain spooky duo are currently out for something important. Tonight, Pumpkin.Pie.Cookie and Pompon were searching for the perfect pumpkin to take back to their mansion— which was not too far away— to make into a jack-o-lantern. And the two of them, being sort of ‘pumpkin connoisseurs’, had been there for almost an hour trying to find the best one. Until, Pompon finally found one that was just the right shape and size. “Pom.pon, that one’s perfect! Let’s take it home.” The two get ready to head back, but stop in their tracks briefly. Pumpkin.Pie.cookie then looks over to a particularly dark part of the patch, feeling as if there is something or someone there...
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*** please do not turn into a thread without asking first *** 
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      𝓦ere.wolf.Cookie was used to being alone. He often shooed people away and avoided social interaction for the fear of hurting others. His other side- the werewolf side was uncontrollable, full of rage and never really stopped until it was too late. He had been walking close to the pumpkin patch for a bit of festive atmosphere, but wasn’t expecting for another cookie to be in the patch itself- especially at this hour of the night! He ducked behind a nearby bush, hoping that he wasn't noticed. Upon further inspection, it appeared to be Pumpkin.Pie.Cookie-- a gentle looking cookie with a mysterious plush always at her side. She had taken note of him, and might have already been spotted. He fought himself back and forth whether or not he was actually seen before finally deciding she must have already spotted him and decided to step out form behind the bush. “I’m... sorry. Did I... scare you?”
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|| @mixed-up-multiverse​​
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cookieofearthbread · 8 days
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Cookie run: kingdom writing prompts - ACCEPTING
"As a sign of gratitude, I won't touch your pockets. Today." ( Chili Pepper @ Chamomile from this meme; Chili's probably just messing around)
"..... Huh...." Chamomile blinked as she looked at Chili Pepper with a raised eyebrow. Was the other planning to rob her... Did the other already rob her in the past when they were working together? Regardless, the girl could only let out a sigh but gives a small smile to the thief.
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"Thank you, I guess?"
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spottedmischief · 4 months
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Is...is he supposed to eat that pink round thing or...He has no idea. Maybe he is supposed to eat the slice? Maybe both? Eh, it is holding it out to him so he quickly snatches it up (retreat your hand in case the warning did not come to late).
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....Oh? Ohhhh??? OHHHH??????
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"Do ya have more??????????"
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handfulofmuses · 2 months
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Would you like for your knight in shining armor to tear the worm apart, Lizzy? With her bare hands, the power of the virus or cut it apart with a knife?
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sillymuses · 1 year
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"That is....that is a lot of information to take in. I'm just gonna need a minute. I need to process all of that. J-Just...hold on. Okay?"
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mayhemmaybe · 1 year
“That looks heavy - need a hand?” ( Scraps @ either Scratch or Draluc if das’ okie? )
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"You know? It is. Here-" the spirit quickly piled the boxes into Scraps' arms, "just be careful not to drop it. Much better. My back was killing me. Heh...get it? I'm serious, don't drop it. The McGees are not known for their forgiveness. I should know. I'm one of them."
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tazmilyxfamily · 10 months
@mixed-up-multiverse inquired:
Pompon lookin' at the anon, then up at Choco.
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Want them to EAT that jerk, Choco? Because they will...
Even if he couldn't quite understand, Dark Choco caught the doll's expression. Even if it had been a while ago now, he recognized it from the incident with the wolves. The only difference was that it seemed to... wait.
Was it asking him for permission...?
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"No. The question was harmless."
As much as it had bothered him, implying that he'd go back on finally allowing his hair to grow out again after so long purely for the sake of a costume... He did not want the night to end with death over what was likely a question asked in earnest.
...Or so Dark Choco assumed. He didn't know how common the practice was, and he wasn't about to ask the haunted doll at his side.
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