pali-writes-atiny-bit · 6 months
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Prompt List # 1 - Discography 💽
Hi All,
Welcome to the first prompt list! I need some suggestions for all of you to practice my writing.
Below are 50 songs hand-picked by yours truly from the Stray Kids discography.
The idea: to write shorts about using the themes from the songs, the feelings they evoke, or direct excerpts of the lyrics.
Please send a request to my box if you want to participate.
As of now, there are no restrictions on members or requested content.
Include the number or song title in your request
Include whether you want a specific member or members
If you have anything specific a song makes you think of, include that too!
Going Dumb
My Pace
Winter Falls
The Sound
Maze of Memories
You can STAY
God's Menu
Cover Me
Mixtape: Time Out
Mixtape #3
Mixtape #4
The View
Secret Secret
Red Lights
Mixtape: OH
Waiting for Use
Lonely St
Give Me Your TMI
Case 143
Deep End
I hate to admit
꼬마별 (miss you)
Want So Bad
Black Hole
Hold On
Piece of a Puzzle 
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nike2times · 1 year
+++new song frm my new mixtape 💽Strictly 4 My Doggs hosted by legendary DJ EVIL EMPIRE
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netflixandnudez · 8 months
Last track finally done for “ Lost Your # “ mixtape, 15/15 songs. Been working so hard to get back to what I love most. Everything we about to drop is so good. It’s really BUI SEASON. ☎️💽
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tylerhellard · 7 months
Pop Loser Vol. 1, No. 10
VOL 1, NO 10
What was Vice? / If a tree falls in the woods and someone pulps it into a 90s’ magazine, is that a DOs or a DON’Ts?
Vice is, for all intents and purposes, dead.
For much of its history, Vice (the royal Vice—an ever-evolving magazine thing and website thing and news thing and video thing and brand thing and aesthetic thing) seemed both outside and ahead and irreverent, but also reckless and gross and, well, douchebaggy. I loved Vice, even if they did seem singularly dedicated to never quite being the adult in the room.
I went to university in a small town in eastern Nova Scotia. We did not get Vice. If you were lucky (and happened to be in Halifax), you could get one at Blowers Street before they sold out. Occasionally I’d get some back issues sent to me via an informal network on a Canadian University Press listserv.
Here’s a screenshot of my first ever Amazon order:
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That book was in the bathroom of me and my wife’s first apartment for five years, so I read it a lot of times, at least until iPhones got really good. A few years ago, I met Mack at a thing and told him I thought his dives into the right-wing extremes of Canada was the most important journalism happening. Vice was really cool!
But also: ❝Vice died the way it lived: being suckered in by smarter predators, even as it trained its own predatory instincts on those more credulous than its own supremely gullible leadership.❞ Well, yeah. There’s that. And that, too. This is a pretty a comprehensive accounting. It ain’t great. History is messy or something.
Everything remains terrible. / 📰 When websites die, their content disappears. ❝Journalists spent the day downloading their articles as PDFs and saving links on public archive websites like the Wayback Machine.❞ / It’s getting pretty bad. ❝There are signs that the whole concept of ‘news’ is fading.❞ / It’ll probably get worse but also maybe better. Who knows. / Save newspapers: publish poetry. / 💽 Reddit and Tumblr and Wordpress, oh my. ❝The New York Times is currently suing OpenAI for allegedly using its expansive archives without permission to train chatbots. […] Other companies have decided to make deals.❞ / 🍔 Surge-pricing your Baconator.
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Pod Loser. / Space, a mixtape. (Podcast feed.)
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deezyvsthewrld · 7 months
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dequince · 9 months
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Oh, that’s ah 16 💽 Get Hip Hoe
Catalog goin crazy.
All my rap albums and mixtapes
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stephofromcabin12 · 10 months
All the links you might want/need for the best Little Camper experience :>
Support me to help create more silly content!
Commissions are open!
Buy me a coffee! ☕️
Support me on Patreon! 💜
I do not consent to my art or writing being reposted, including uploading it to lore.fm and similar platforms. If you wish to use my art for something, please reach out and ask permission!
New Little Camper playlist: ☀️
‼️16/7/24 Little Camper updated + the 🗝️ to every door‼️
6/5/24 Little Camper chapter IX pt I, II, added on ao3 🚨
(2/5/24) Caroline Wynnes, mother of C&P, mood playlist added
Status updates
A03: Painfullypisces
Tiktok: Frogbeestudios
Instagram: frogbee_illustrations
Cara: Artofwhich
Spotify: AMES
(Commissions paused!)
Little Camper: Writing/Editing [PUBLISHED]
LC Sidestory 1 [revising]
LC Sidestory 2 [drafting]
A guide to the cabins at Camp Halfbood: Writing pt II [Published]
The Demigod Files II: Writing/editing [Not yet published]
LC Word count: 36K on ao3 (~100k in doc)
Little Camper:
[New] The Little Camper Playlist: 📼
About the playlist: A revised, actually story accurate playlist. Follow the instructions in the description for the best listening experience.
[OLD] Official Little Camper Soundtrack: 🫒
About the playlist: A (mostly) time accurate soundtrack consisting of mostly popular music in the years 1998-2009. Some are from earlier years. The playlist also (mostly) is chronological, so it follows the whole arc of the story. Have fun trying to solve the mysteries within, Athena kids ;)
Could You Be Quiet? I'm Trying To Read: 📖
About the playlist: Sometimes while both reading and writing, I find that listening to music with lyrics is distracting. To combat that, I made a playlist of soundtrack instrumentals. It used to be my writing playlist for Little Camper, so it has all the music that helped inspire the writing on it (all of it that is without lyrics, that is) and is intended to be listened to when you're reading Little Camper but have grown fatigued with the 2000's party bangers.
Mikrí Eliá Character playlist: 🍇
About the playlist: In celebration of Little Camper being out, this playlist asks the question: "What would Stephanie's life sound like, according to Stephanie?" and the answer is: "Vibes, Vibes and nothing but Vibes" (Some of these also contain eastereggs)
Castor and Pollux playlist: ♊️
About the playlist: Nothing but vibes (its what they would’ve wanted)
(New!) Caroline Wynnes’ Playlist: 🧵
About the playlist: All the vinyls she played during that “short moment of domestic bliss”
Mr D playlist: 🍷
About the playlist: Mr D has a lot of time on his hands. Might as well mess around with the age old magick known as “making a mixtape” - expect divorced dad energy and maybe a few easter eggs (bc the gods are like that)
Rhonda’s CD player: 📀
About the playlist: Rhonda’s powerful 90’s teen mom anthems for a woman who got it together*
*She does not have it together
Summer at Whitland Vineyards playlist: 🌾
The tunes that run through the fields and stucco like water from meemaw’s rosebushes
Christmas at Whitland - A Little Camper Christmas Playlist: 🎄
About the playlist: Exactly what it says on the tin. Ever wanted to spend the holidays at North Carolina's biggest, oldest, very fictional Vineyard: Whitland? Well here's your chance to! Sit back, close your eyes and let the nostalgic christmas tunes carry you away to the winery. Smell the mulled wine. Hear the people chatting. Meemaw's made cookies and they're shaped like christmas trees. Come on in and warm up.
Cabin 12's Psychological Warfare Mixtape: 💽
About the playlist: Listen at your own risk. Guaranteed to drive romans (and others) into madness in record time.
The Cabins:
All the playlists were made based on how I think the cabins 'sound' in terms of aesthetic, themes, instrumentation and various lyrics that strike me as particularly 'cabin xyz'
(Hera doesn't get one as they're made to match "A guide to the cabins at Camp Halfblood" – sorry Hera)
Cabin 1: Zeus
Cabin 3: Poseidon
Cabin 4: Demeter
Cabin 5: Ares
Cabin 6: Athena
Cabin 7: Apollo
Cabin 8: Artemis
Cabin 9: Hephaestus
Cabin 10: Aphrodite
Cabin 11: Hermes
Cabin 12: Dionysus
Cabin 13: Hades
Cabin 14: Iris
Cabin 15: Hypnos
Cabin 16: Nemesis
Cabin 17: Nike
Cabin 18: Hebe
Cabin 19: Tyche
Cabin 20: Hecate
Trials of Apollo reread playlists:
THE Lester Papadopoulos playlist: 🏹
Meg Mcaffrey you will always be famous playlist: 🌱
Frequently Asked Questions/Q&A:
"What is Little Camper?"
Little Camper is a Percy Jackson fanfic, spanning the years 2002-2009. It follows Stephanie Olive Overbaum as she navigates life as a young demigod, which turns out to be more difficult than expected, due to the uprising of Kronos and campers turning to his side to fight the gods. It's a coming of age story mainly focused on the themes of Family, Mythology, Friendship and, well, War.
"Will Little Camper be canon compliant?"
Yes! and no!
I am trying to keep it as consistent with canon as possible, however the story includes original characters I made up (because most of the campers we know and love are too young to have been at camp since 2002. Don't worry they begin to trickle in as time goes on) as well as some minor deviations from the plot and slight changes in relationships and ages.
The ages are mostly because Rick never really specified them, so I kind of just tweaked a couple of characters' ages by one or two years, nothing drastic. You probably won't even notice it, because it's not really that important to the plot, in the first place – merely a logistical thing. It is fanfiction, though, so there are bound to be things that will be based on my own headcanons and ideas that popped into my head while reading these amazing books. On that note, I've tried to steer clear of other people's headcanons, just because I don't want to accidentally incorporate someone else's ideas and not be able to give credit bc I've lost track of the original post, so if you've sent me headcanons it's very much appreciated, and I can't wait to read them when I'm done writing (probably years from now, considering the pace I'm going) and if you see something in Little Camper that aligns with someone else's headcanons that is completely unintentional.
"Is it going to be written like the pjo books?"
Kinda? It is written in the third person, so probably closer to HOO than PJO. I don't care for reading first person fanfiction personally (unless it's used for a really good reason), so it'd be pretty odd for me to write it. Also I might as well disclaim that I can never be Rick Riordan lol
Instead I've settled for keeping the general tone and feel of the books in Little Camper. So no (explicit) swearing etc. But hopefully at the very least some of the humor will come through, even if it's with my own twist on it.
"Is Stephanie a self-insert"
No. While I have nothing against self-inserts, Stephanie isn't one. She's intended to be an original character, in the traditional sense that she's original (ie. Not part of canon) but she isn't a stand-in for anyone, except maybe the reader of the story–So that would be you. But not moreso than Percy is meant to be a stand in for the reader through his story. We follow Stephanie and get her perspective on it. She isn't meant to be anyone, other than just Steph.
Whether an author is ever truly separated from a character they make and whether we give them traits from our own lives etc is always a fun debate to have but to clear things up: Yeah I probably *did* give her a couple things here and there that were, more or less, inspired by me–Nothing major, because I'm a big fan of subtetly when constructing characters, I'm pretty sure her preferance for collecting jewelry, despite rarely wearing it, came from me? but we're talking that level of reference.
She did start off as a joke, after all, so she had some pretty "interesting" traits and skills in the early beginnings of Little Camper. For example, there was an early draft of her character sheet that mentioned she plays the drums. Why? Because I've always wanted to play the drums. But that's a thing of the past.
"What do you mean Stephanie started as a joke?"
What an excellent question, totally real person asking all these questions who is not just me, trying to infodump and provide context for the story I'm writing!
You see, Little Camper is a joke. Or it's one of those things that started off as a 'hahah wouldn't it be funny if...' inside jokes between me and my friend, Sofie, who also beta-reads (when she has time), acts as professional 'idea-bounce-backer' and ensures the quality of my work is above 'unreadable'. Basically she got me into pjo and I got sucked in, as I always have been, and decided I'd make a lil guy– a little camper, if you will. And thus Stephanie was born sometime between my first read of book one and three. I'm pretty sure I made her between the first two books but I don't remember exactly. I know it was before book 4, because I proudly showed off her picrew (see below)
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and very basic character sheet to Sof with the promise of making Stephanie my first ever oc who wasn't going to be traumatised and have a tragic backstory and all that jazz...
And then I read The Battle Of The Labyrinth and that really derailed everything. Canon event for cabin 12 kids, I'm afraid.
But she really started off as a bit of a joke. I didn't take her very seriously and it definitely showed in her design, her backstory and the silly nick-names I gave her grandparents. If you're curious about this 'early-prototype' Steph I can reveal she had a clowncore phase, was obsessed (with a capital O) with 90's cartoons a la spongebob, played the drums and had zero idea what to do with her life, bouncing from part time jobs like a disney channel character. She worked at zoo's, bookstores, restaurants, schools, icecream shops– anywhere you can imagine a miserable teenager biding their time, Stephanie had worked a month or two before quitting because 'it wasn't the right fit'. Oh and Rhonda was based on ghibli mothers. Still is, deep down, she just got better development.
And no. I didn't intend for it to be named Little Camper, and arguably far too silly name for what it ended up being. Never. Ever. Give your early projects a placeholder name. It sticks.
"What about Stephanie now? What can you tell me--without spoilers-- about her?"
I am working on polishing all my oc's character sheets. I made it as a mini 'demigod files' - yk - age, name, place of birth, favorite song etc and she's featured there. But for the sake of answering the question:
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Is Stephanie Olive Overbaum.
Fast facts:
From North Carolina, USA. Born to Rhonda Overbaum on September 15th, 1991. Rhonda was 19 and had just started her business as a wedding planner.
Family Meemaw (Debbie) and Peepaw (Christopher sr.) Overbaum own Whitland Vineyards, which is the oldest and largest of it's kind in the state of North Carolina. Possibly the entire south, but that's too long to write on their postcards. Other family includes Jeremy, Rhonda's brother, his wife Jennifer and their two children: Christopher jr (called simply 'Topher' by the family) and Maisie.
Noticeable physical traits: Stephanie has two scars that you might notice. The most prominent is the one on her lips. She got that bc she'd seen a cartoon character picking his teeth with it and decided to try it with a steak knife. Don't do that. It went very wrong. The other one is less noticeable. She got that fighting a monster but I really can't say more (ooh suspense!)
Hobbies include: Drawing (poorly), not dying, eating, watching cartoons, swordfighting, music (listening= well, playing=poorly), theatre (assigned theatre kid by godly parentage), playing pinochle, not dying.
Fav food: Anything and everything italian. Partial to bread in all it's forms, preferably either just plain or with camp's strawberry jam.
Fav beverage: Coke. Full fat. Not diet.
Powers: [REDACTED]
"How long is Little Camper– And why is it taking so darn long to write it?"
Currently I have a little over 50.000 words written to be edited down, polished and published. That's mostly the first year of Little Camper (the story is parted up into 'years' for an easier overview and each part is a collection of chapters taking place within that year ie. Year one is 2002. The chapters in year one span from June-December. Other years vary the months more). I tried to do the math based on the chapters I have planned (if an average chapter is 4000 words max, and I have x chapters planned), and it came out to be around 260.000 words. And that's simply an estimate. Will it actually be that long? Maybe, maybe not–That really depends on what it gets boiled down to when I edit it. Also some chapters I have planned might not end up being published, if I change my mind about them as I go along. But I have the general story planned from start to finish, and a little extra on the side, so there will be no abandoning the project, even if it takes a while to finish.
Why it takes so long is due to several things. For one, I'm not a fast writer. I never have been and I don't really think I'd like to be one. I like sinking my teeth into a story if it means it gets to be the best it can be. Another reason is that I, like so many other people who felt seen by and related to the Percy Jackson books, have adhd. And until extremely recently, I was undiagnosed, and unmedicated. I'm still figuring out how to work with my adhd rather than work how I used to assume I 'had' to work. Then there's the fact that I don't have all the time in the world to write, even if I'd like it. I work and I have other hobbies I'd like to spend time on, so writing doesn't always come first for me. I'm really sorry if you're getting impatient, It's probably not going to get better, I'm afraid– But once I start updating the fic, you'll get lots of content at a time, which should keep you busy while I work on the next part.
"Yeah okay, but what's it like–actually about?"
If I told you that there wouldn't be much intrigue to it...Put it this way: In one way, its a story about Luke Castellan. In another way it's a story about a father and daughter's strained relationship. In a completely different way it's about gods, and fate. In a simple way, it's a comedy. In a more complicated way it's a tragedy. In a more subtle sense it's a lovestory. Chapter wise it's slice of life. It is many things. You'll just have to read it when it comes out to find out if you like those things.
"I don't like ocs/some other thing you mentioned"
That's fine. You probably should read something else, though. I can't help you there! That's kind of my whole thing.
"Hi. Calling in from the future. I read it and I didn't like it >:("
Sorry to hear that. But I think now is a good time to remind you this is a story that started out as an inside joke between a friend and me. It was never really inteded to have other people read it. I'm glad you gave it a shot, though! That was very nice of you.
And: Please don't tell me if you didn't like it– I really don't want to know, nor do I really care whether you like it or not, as per the last point.
"I have a Percy Jackson oc too! Can I tell you about them/ Can you feature them in Little Camper?"
Sadly I already have far too many demigods to manage (they are very difficult to manage), and so I can't really add more – at least not right now! But I'd love to hear about them, I have no doubt they're great!
"Can I ask for your advice on writing, making ocs, etc etc?"
Sure! My inbox is always open. I can't promise I'll be much help but I'll leave whether I seem worthy of questions be up to you lol
Updates/changes due to happen as I go on :0
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atarix-official · 10 months
My new "12 mix for Udacha Mixtape series 💽
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barzonlinemag · 2 years
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@OriginalJayJody released a brand new mixtape titled #RevengeIsSweet that's currently available with singles such as #LootLove, #StarSigns and #Free plus more
Streaming available:
So always remember to #GoHardOnline with @barzonlinemag
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solplparty · 2 years
[LIVE | 4K] 믹스테잎 | Dvwn (다운) - Highteen, BADKID!!!, 기억소각 (Feat. 기리보이) | MIXTAPE https://youtu.be/34TJj4DVKks 【 𝗠𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗮𝗽𝗲 : 𝗗𝘃𝘄𝗻 💽 】 아티스트 띵곡을 섞고 모아 LIVE로, #믹스테잎 오늘 밤! 다운의 매혹적인 목소리에 빠져드는 시간✨ [✔곡 리스트] 00:00 MIXTAPE Opening 00:18 Highteen 01:58 BADKID!!! 04:27 기억소각 (Feat. 기리보이) ──────────────────────── #genieoriginal #지니오리지널 #mixtape #kpop #LIVE #다운 #Highteen genie original
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kerajahmusic · 2 years
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Bandidos Vol.3 sera disponible après la rentrée 2022 la familia ❤️
🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜 🔜
🎖🇧 🇦 🇳 🇩 🇮 🇩 🇴 🇸 . 🇻 🇴 🇱⓷ Kerajah Music®️ 🌐 kerajah.com 💽 BDDSVol.3
📀 La mixtape est entièrement prête 📀 Elle sera bientôt en ligne et publiée ✅ A tcheker avant qu'elle ne soit censurée ⏳⏳😂
➡️ 5 ans après Bandidos Vol.2 et ➡️ 6 ans après Bandidos Vol.1
💽 BDDSVol.3 Kerajah Music®️ 🌐 kerajah.com ➡️ Facebook : Kerajah Music ➡️ Youtube : Kerajah Music
#kerajah#bandidos#mixtape#rapfrancais#reggae#reggaefrançais#dieudonné#dieudonne#dieudo#france#espagne#espagne🇪🇸#costadelsol#marbella#lyon#lyonnaise#paris#toulouse#mulhouse#dieudonné#raplyon#raplyonnais#españa #kerajah#rapfrancais#rapfrancais2022#2006#vienne#lyon#lyonnais#dieudo#dieudonné#drill#french#algerie#dzpower#espagne🇪🇸
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pastaseason · 3 years
++happy holidays y’all! i uploaded a mixtape on soundcloud💽🔥iKAP
tunes by<3 autotune airmaxx
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nike2times · 8 months
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+++biggest b💣mb hoodies comin soon for everybody!!! keep streaming my mixtape 💽summertime slime!
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paulsolorzano · 3 years
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Part 2: In 2004, I was living in a little studio apt in Orlando that was connected to a larger house; It was the first time I lived alone and I thought it was awesome. That summer we got rocked by 4 hurricanes. I’m from Florida so hurricanes aren’t anything out of the ordinary for me but central Florida wasn’t really a hotspot for them. I made it through with minimal damage to the house, but a tree did fall on the corner of the studio and crack a hole just big enough for water to start seeping in. Fortunately it wasn’t bad enough to cause any damage to me or my stuffs So around that time, I picked up the Sony MZ-NF520D. This was my first MiniDisc player, and its the only one I got when it was released. It was released in 2004 so I must’ve gotten it new, but I feel like I grabbed it off eBay. I didn’t keep as good of records as I do these days so ill have to relay on the old brain to fill in the blanks. This device is a recorder as well as a player so I could make mixtapes (mix discs?) I wanted. PS a ‘mixtape’ is what you might call a ‘playlist’ these days 😂 Also this device was NetMD capable which had software that you could use on a PC to turn your CDs etc into Sony’s proprietary ‘Atrac’ format, which was a higher quality than an .mp3 at the time. I used software called SonicStage to convert and transfer tracks to discs. As for the “TV/Weather/FM part, I know you could use the LCD remote that plugs into the player to listen to the radio, and I’m guessing pick up TV signal audio when that used to be a thing? As for the weather bit, Im not quite sure 😂 What’s on your turntable today? Tag me in a comment and I’ll take a listen! Follow @paulitosrecordcollection to see me attempt to document every record/MiniDisc/cassette I have 💿💽 #paulitosrecordcollection #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylrecord #vaporwaveminidisc #futurefunk #vaporwave #vaporwaveart #vapourwaveedits #MiniDiscplayer #walkman #MiniDiscClub #synthwave #sanyo #aiwa #laserdisc #vapourwave #outrun #outrunaesthetic #analogaudio #picturedisc #7inch #vaporwave #MiniDisc #netmd #vaporwaveminidisc #sonyminidisc #sonymzr70 #minidiscmonday #minidiscmondays #sonymznf520d (at Minidisc 俱樂部) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaiLoEjvaPQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mixtape-cover-12 · 2 years
Hello I do cartoon picture📸📷Cartoon
💽Album cover💽
🎬Mixtape cover🎬
🎬Animated videos🎬
🎥Motion cover🎥
🌐Logo & wall arts🌐
🌈Shirt design's🌈
🗞Flyer's & business cards🗞
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skyler-4111-blog · 3 years
Dm me if you need any kind of artwork done like a book cover📒📒logo design 🖼animated cartoon video 🖥picture 🤳flyers🏳album 🎞or mixtape cover 💽 business cards🧧
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