allanngoartiztz · 6 years
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Deep Point Cutting! #refreshing #beforeandafter #behumble #mizutan #mizutanivietnam (at Allan Salon)
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postpunkindustrial · 4 years
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Takeshi Mizutani of Les Rallizes Dénudés photographed by Gin Satoh in 1981.
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artandflesh · 4 years
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Akito Mizutane
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anime4lifu · 5 years
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
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ochoislas · 3 years
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Para Kensaku, que en los últimos años se encontraba completamente extenuado por la tensión de sus relaciones personales, su nueva vida en las montañas era una pura delicia. En el bosque, a unos cientos de metros más allá del templo, había una pequeña capilla de Amida. Iba allí a menudo. Aún habiendo sido declarada bien cultural por las autoridades, se encontraba en un estado de extremo abandono. La vegetación crecía con gran vicio alrededor y el atrio de madera estaba podrido. Sin embargo ese mismo estado de abandono la hacía incluso más atractiva para Kensaku. Solía sentarse en los escalones de piedra que conducían al porche y contemplaba la escena a su alrededor.
Un día había una gran libélula que no paraba de pasar volando una y otra vez, a unos veinte metros delante de él. Volaba en línea recta a metro y medio del suelo, y cuando alcanzaba determinado punto se daba la vuelta y retrocedía el mismo trecho, siempre en línea recta. Todo en aquella criatura era hermoso: sus grandes ojos color verde jade, sus listas negras y amarillas, la línea vigorosa de su cuerpo desde la crispada y estrecha cintura hasta la punta de la cola, y en particular sus notablemente resueltos movimientos. Cuánto más dignos eran los movimientos de aquella diminuta criatura, pensó Kensaku, que los de los hombrecillos que había conocido, Mizutan por ejemplo. Recordó la atracción que sintió por el doble rollo de pintura con el halcón y el faisán dorado en el museo de Kioto, dos o tres años antes, y consideró que probablemente había sentido lo mismo entonces.
En una ocasión vio a dos lagartos jugando. Se erguían sobre sus patas traseras, brincaban en el aire, se enroscaban entre sí. Viéndolos retozar alegre y ágilmente él también se sintió alborozado.
Allí descubrió que las lavanderas son pajarillos que literalmente corren por el suelo. No eran como los cuervos, digamos, que alternan pasos con saltos.
Todo lo que veía lo fascinaba. Había un pequeño arbusto que crecía en el bosque junto a la capilla. Cada hoja tenía en el centro un diminuto fruto rojo como un abalorio. La hoja era como la palma de una mano tendida, ofreciendo modestamente el precioso fruto. A Kensaku le parecía un ademán pleno de deferencia.
Mirando atrás a su propio pasado, desperdiciado en buena parte en fútiles tratos con tal o cual persona, sentía abrirse ante él todo un mundo nuevo.
Shiga Naoya
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wakaechan · 7 years
Replying to @the50-person about post “2017 Handsome Film Festival”:
Sorry I had to do this as a new post -- the old one was getting really long lol. 
Dori, Takkun, Mizutan, Ruito and the rest of the seniors were what formed the core of Team Handsome, and with the departure of Kakkun, Nomura, Tkr and Haruma, and now this non-inclusion, it leaves a sense of emptiness. 
I understand that for the directing side, there’ll be 7 top-notch film creators invited, so hopefully it will have decent scripts and (although I love The Game 2009 and 2010) not so cheesy and campy lines and acting.
Ah, yes, it certainly is a sense of emptiness that I’m feeling. I completely agree, it would be great if we can get some not-so-cheesy scripts with the film creators they invited this time. I also love The Game, perhaps 2010 more than 2009, but they do both have a campy and honestly kinda cheapish feeling to them :)
Also, the quality of the Amuse boys’ performances is really high despite the contents mostly not being their regular jobs and despite not being trained as idols as JE boys are. I heard Ken-On (iirc) also has a concert but it’s nowhere near the quality of Amuse’s. 
Regarding the performances, Amuse concerts really are of very high quality, which is another reason why not having concerts will be especially painful. After all these years, Handsome already feels like a concert brand that implies a certain level of quality. They do have some very talented people, especially the core senior members. I’ve also heard some not-so-great things about Ken-On’s concerts -- it appears that their quality of singing needs improving.
Regarding Yuta, I just find it a bit amusing (hah) since he has a very different vibe from a usual Amuse top guy. Haruma, Takeru, Kamiki, Oryo, and Dori (not ‘top’ top but close enough) all have this heavier and more intense feel, but perhaps Amuse is trying to experiment with crafting a top guy with an alternative style to what they’ve been doing all this while.
About Yuta, when I was writing the post, I was mostly thinking about Amuse promoting Yuta as a core Handsome member, not a top guy of the agency, so I felt like it made sense. But now when I think about it a bit more, as you pointed out, it does seem like Yuta has been pushed to the forefront a lot in general this year. He was there for the FB WA! red carpet, and he will be a special guest at the Tokyo Girls Collection 2017 Autumn/Winter event along with Dori in September. He also has a slate of dramas and films coming up. I completely agree with you, he certainly does not seem like the typical Amuse top guy (thanks for including Dori in the list, haha). His aura is totally different. Even the other Amuse guys seem to find him a little weird (in a good way). Maybe they are doing some experimentation. I like Yuta, so I’m curious to see how it turns out ;)
Take care! :)
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vietnewspro · 6 years
Nhan sắc của "người phụ nữ không tuổi" Nhật Bản vẫn gây bất ngờ sau 6 năm nổi danh thế giới
Nhan sắc của "người phụ nữ không tuổi" Nhật Bản vẫn gây bất ngờ sau 6 năm nổi danh thế giới
Dù đã 50 tuổi nhưng Masako Mizutan – “Người đẹp không tuổi” của Nhật Bản vẫn khiến nhiều người ngạc nhiên bởi khả năng duy trì tuổi xuân của mình. Masako Mizutan, sinh ngày 15/09/1968, hiện đang sinh sống tại quận Aichi, thành phố Nagoya, Nhật Bản. Dù đã bước sang độ tuổi xế chiều nhưng cô lạ...
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