#mk neoma
Tagged by @shegetsburned & @voidika to do this meiker!
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Left: Neoma
Right: Renata
Tagging: @poisonedtruth @scentedcandleibex @jinfromyarikawa @emotionalcadaver @faunawoodsart @unpetitoiseau
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tu-mint · 3 years
A/N: Sooo I’ve been meaning to share my Mortal Kombat stuff on here for a while, I wanted to wait for the movie to come out first 😅🤣
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TW: mentions of torture & sexual assault
In which Shang Tsung and the Black Dragon are officially put down and Earthrealm's defenders are able to return home, but Raelynn is stuck in her thoughts, but one of the young Kombatants is able to help her reconsider the negativity in her mind. (Based around MK11 & Aftermath but w/ a twist?)
Raelynn knew this all too well. With her entity as a half god, a change in time would do nothing to erase the horrifying memory in her mind back in the Black Dragon's dungeon -- at least, that's what it felt like. Hours upon hours of nothing but brutal beatings, each kick, punch, and swing as harsh as the last. While it wouldn't have hurt too much being that she was stronger than the average mortal, the bindings fused with the dark power of Shinnok's amulet extracted much of her godlike strength and left her as a helpless bait to be shredded and mauled at by the jaws of vicious and starved predators, desperate to take a leap at the prey before them. It still seemed unbelievable how she was alive even after all the bruises and cuts and blood...but she managed. After all, those shallow wounds were all but nothing comapred to--
The demigoddess shivered involuntarily and inhaled sharply. Thankfully, everyone aboard was too immersed in their own activities to notice her sudden actions, but she knew she wasn't stable enough with where her thoughts were treading. Her eyes searched for her son who was currently speaking in a group of the younger Kombatants. A yellow strip of cloth with an intricate design she couldn't make out was fastened around his bicep, and she wondered where it had come from until her eyes peered at the young male he stood beside. Takeda, son to Kenshi and pupil under Grandmaster Hasashi, was missing the usual yellow band that adorned his head as a reminder to those that he was a member of the Shirai Ryu clan. His short onyx locks blew freely but he didn't seem to mind all that much, instead grinning down at Haru who wore the cloth proudly. Cassie and Jacqui mirrored the telepath's reaction, the blonde pulling out her phone and snapping a picture. The sight warmed her heart and she was thankful the young fighters didn't look upon her son with irritation, but rather genuine care and happiness. When Haru had told her of the adventures and stories spent with them, a pang of guilt struck her for the early misjudgement on her part, believing they were just frivolous juveniles that only gained their high positions due to the status of their families.
Wishing not to allow her brooding to draw unwanted attention, Raelynn slipped silently to the back of the ship. Her efforts did not go unnoticed by Raiden who stood near the hull of the ship, but he decided against speaking with her in that moment.
He recalled the time he had found her, bound like a dog and covered in welts and lacerations big and small. She was curled into a ball, shaking and burying her face into her knees. It was then Raiden became aware of the state of her clothing, torn and barely covering her form as if someone intentionally ripped and pulled at it to expose more of her. Immediately he slipped out of his own robe and pulled it across her trembling form, respectfully averting his eyes. As he helped Raelynn stand to her feet, his eyes widened as countless more bruises and marks made themselves visible, tiny splotches of smooth brown skin barely surviving. These people had clearly put her through a very long, thorough beating, and it was evident that they were in no means hoping to show mercy. No, they wanted her dead. Raiden had teleported into the SF ship and rushed her to the infirmary room. People cleared the way immediately and knew better than to question his sudden appearance as he brushed past them while carrying the barely conscious woman to a bed near the back. He knew the Kombatants would be able to handle themselves well, so he stayed and began the healing process.
It was during this time he realized that Raelynn was no mere mortal, but a half god created by the hands of Cetrion. While it was difficult at first for him to fully trust her said intentions due to her creator's betrayal upon the Elder Gods, he had seen her heart's purity during the mission. The thunder god knew that she was making the best of efforts to redeem herself of past mistakes, and Liu Kang recognized this as well. A twinge of concern fell upon him just then as he knew that she still had much she needed to recover from. Whether she would eventually open up to him or not didn't matter, he would be patient and assist her as best as he could.
Raelynn took a seat upon the thick wooden rail and swung her legs over to face the bloody depths of Netherrealm's ocean. She wasn't afraid of falling nor coming across any odd sea creatures knowing that she had flying abilities, but of course she also wasn't dumb enough to try and test her strength or reflexes. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she looked on at the overlapping waves, allowing her mind to space out and roam. Her fingers tapped on the rail in a rhythmic pattern, and she suddenly was reminded of something. Her hands came together and moved in a circular motion, stretching further until the form of her solar powers had become a guitar. She clutched the neck and hugged the body of the instrument under her other arm smiling to herself.
Upon visiting the islands of the Pacific in the past, she had learned about the aspect of music through vocals and tools that produced a pleasant audio. The demigoddess found that these brought her a sense of peace and tranquility, and immediately she wanted to learn the ways of this fascinating revelation. What came as an interest to her in the beauty of music was the endless techniques for a new sound, new sensations, new reactions, and day by day, there was always the creation or discovery of another. She allowed her fingers to delicately pluck and strum a mix of chords, a tingle settling in her chest at the euphoria beginning to wash over her. Her hands moved on their own accord, finding a steady tempo and following a pattern with an occasional switch. The nerves that built up in the pit of her stomach had eventually disappeared into wisps of nothingness. Her eyes began to slowly close and she hummed quietly wanting no attention to be drawn to the back of the ship. It seemed to work decently, until-
"Wow, you're part god and a singer? Gotta say I'm definitely jealous."
The woman’s fingers froze in place already in position to strum a new chord. She craned her neck just enough to glance over her shoulder at the intruder, already knowing it who it was. “My life is nothing to be envious of, Specialist Briggs.”
Raelynn heard footsteps tread closer and tapped on her guitar. The younger woman climbed onto the rail and threw a leg over the other. They sat for a moment in silence, staring off at the deep scarlet waters swishing and rolling about. “I owe you an apology, Specialist.”
Jacqui’s eyebrow quirked and her eyes fell upon the half god. Raelynn took her silence as a sign to continue. “I apologize for my behavior towards you and your friends throughout most of the mission. Even after I had caused harm upon your lives and nearly killed your fiancé, you still ensured trust in me. That I could never understand, but-"
"It wasn't easy." The half goddess shifted her attention to the soldier. Her face was impassive as she watched the waves. Raelynn couldn't tell if her expression was a good or bad thing, but she decided against trying to get her hopes up. A great deal (if not all) of her acts under Cetrion were cruel and groundless, and she held no anguish up until the time she had to come face to face with the truth of her doings. It tore her day and night, and meeting Hajoon had her convinced that she would be able to leave the life of corruption far behind and start fresh. Of course, the facts couldn't be hidden forever, and the half goddess found herself back in the deep hole of falsehood, surrounded with nothing but fabricated offers to a better life. She scoffed mentally. That opportunity was officially closed off to her. It seemed as though disaster was always a few steps away, eager to ruin her chances at something sound, and risking it a third time was nowhere near appealing.
"There were many instances where I questioned why the Chosen One defended you to such an extent, especially after it was SF that provided for your recovery." Jacqui's voice had brought her out of her thoughts. "Trust me, I was beyond ready to blast a hole or two through your head a hell lot of times." She paused. "But spending time with Haru and hearing your whole deal...I understood you." Raelynn's brows raised slightly, not expecting such a considerate response.
"I couldn't imagine a life finding out that the one who was supposed to be my caretaker, my protector, my safe haven, was actually the one who robbed me of all that. My mother..." Her words trailed off and she peered down into her lap. She tightened her jaw and bit her lip to keep from releasing the tears awaiting just behind her eyes. Raelynn almost reached her hand out in an effort of comfort but stopped, not wanting to ruin the intimacy in the moment. Jacqui lifted her head and continued. "Man, it would kill me if she'd ever done something like that...growing up believing that everything was all good and sweet, and everyone just hated her for doing what I thought was the right thing, thinkin' it was my own folks who were the crooks trynna steal me away and take my power from me..." She scoffed. "Seein' my dad as a revenant then manipulated by Kronika was betrayal enough, and it hurt like hell. Point is, I realized that you truly had no malice in you. You were just takin' orders and tryin' to keep your mother—uh, Cetrion, happy."
And it was true. Raelynn trusted completely in the virtue goddess as any child would their guardian. She worked vigorously in carrying out the Elder Goddess' wishes, longing to eventually gain any sort of praise or affection, but it was rare that those occurrences came to past. Most of her upbringing revolved around unanswered questions and the constant urge to do better, trying at all costs to win approval. But like a fool, she allowed her heart to get the best of her, put her through the worst of hells just to seek out a foolish desire that would never be anything close to genuine. That's what messed her up in the first place, and she couldn't—no, would not dare to do something as stupid as that again. It was only her and Haru. Nobody else.
"I am...appreciative of your understanding, Ms. Briggs," Raelynn spoke after a long moment of silence. "You and your comrades are owed a huge debt on my behalf."
Jacqui chuckled and shook her head, then turned to look at the demigoddess. "You're damn right we are!" The two women shared a laugh on the rail. "Actually, I believe there is a way to pay back this debt."
"How so?"
"Well, Takeda and I's wedding was put on pause due to this whole mission, and it cost a lot to find decent live music. Cassie offered, but we're trying to have a simple proper wedding, not a drunk karaoke session. And you have the voice of an angel—well, a god in your case. If you can strum a few chords and sing a few notes for a few hours, I'll consider you free of deficit."
Raelynn cocked her head and raised a brow. "That's...that's all?" She figured the woman would request of something more extravagant, like a prolonged lifespan or giving her supernatural abilities. Jaqui nodded and crossed her arms awaiting an answer.
"I...very well, Ms. Br-"
"Jacqui. That formality stuff is weird if it's not comin' from General Blade." The demigoddess was taken by surprise again. She gave a single nod and looked on at the waves which now fell into to a more mellow and calm pattern.
Perhaps it wasn't just Haru and her against the world. Every person aboard had their story, their differences, their fall outs, but they were able to cast it all aside at an effort for peace upon a world that did almost nothing for them in return. Some aspects of the Earthrealm were odd, she thought. It was going to take a lot of time to get used to these people, but maybe, just maybe...
There was a sense of hope.
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Tagged by @unpetitoiseau​ & @emotionalcadaver​ to do this meiker!
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First: Sea Monster!Lara
Second: Neoma
 Tagging: @poisonedtruth​ @scentedcandleibex @unbindingkerberos​ @shegetsburned​
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Tagged by @poisonedtruth​ & @shegetsburned​ to do this meiker!
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Top: Neoma
Middle: Eike
Bottom: Lara
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by @shegetsburned & @poisonedtruth to do this picrew!
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Top: Neoma
Bottom left: Manat
Bottom right: Renata Jackowska
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Tagged by @unbindingkerberos & @shegetsburned to do this uquiz!
you leave people feeling challenged (affectionate).
a shiver. a breath of cool winter air, a stick n poke tattoo; the last few switchbacks at the end of a hike. a deep red. a proud sweat, a delicious ache. early dawn’s blue hour. a favorite story you love to retell. the excited scream, the staggering leap into water below. not fearless, but not afraid to let a good memory leave a few scars or stains. while you have moments of being rough around the edges—an acquired taste, a book not fully grasped in the first read-through—you can rest knowing that there will be people that rise to your challenge. you give off a sense of knowing yourself, and while that could be the case, you’re still learning, too. the close people in your life aren’t afraid of your seasons, your come-and-go silence, or your own way of showing love. they’re there to stay. they’ll join you on that blue hour dock just to read. they’ll take that last-minute road trip to the desert. you’re here to say, “I know you could do it.”
you leave people feeling nostalgic.
 drug store valentine's cards. a favorite childhood song crackled through the radio; secret folded notes to find later. a soft yellow. christmas lights. knowing all the movie scenes that make your best friend laugh. birthday candles. a favorite hot chocolate mug. arcade carpets. lazy sunny saturday mornings. young, but not naive. you give people the sense of being held. falling asleep in the car and being carried safely inside. an acknowledgment that no matter how we age, there’s still something small and reaching within us that never goes away completely. (and that it’s not a bad thing.) there’s something sweet about you that feels hard to come by nowadays. a “they don’t make them like you anymore.” maybe it’s a chance to dip a toe back into childhood or a less pressured place—into imagination again, if even for a short while. a chance your presence gives in allowing people to enjoy it all more fully this time around.
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Tagged by @voidika & @poisonedtruth & @unbindingkerberos to do Quiz 1 and Quiz 2!
Bunny O’Malley
jackass with morals
 so you say you've got a heart of gold under those layers of crabby sarcasm and natural attractive qualities, sure. but here's the thing--it's not gold, it's warmth, and that's why it's guarded so heavily. you care deeply, even though you might hate it the whole time. you're annoyed with the way things are, and find evil more inconvenient that anything else, mostly because at your core, you don't understand why inflicting pain is appealing. so yeah, you talk and walk like you're soured and spoiled, but really, it doesn't fool anyone.
the quiet observer
 your soul is like a sponge, absorbing so much of the universe sometimes you feel like you're drowning. you wish you could make your heart a little stronger. but your gentleness is not weakness and neither is your sensitivity. you feel so much more than everyone else. it makes you kind even to those who don't deserve it. it makes you notice the hidden tears and the covered scars. you wonder who will save the ones who are suffering in silence, don't you know that includes you too?
reluctant chosen one
 this is usually a teenager flung about by forces outside of their control, but it can also be anyone picked for a higher calling to a cause they don't believe in. your mission isn't just to complete the task at hand--it's about coming to your own conclusions, and finding the system is corrupt from the inside out. it's about returning the favor, and embracing righteous anger as a form of self-liberation. sure, you'll save the world. you'll also fuck up the people who made you do it.
the protecting nurturer
you have the heart that belongs to a warrior's mother. you ache for your loved ones and you'll fight to preserve their smiles. you take care of the people around you. you want them to feel safe and warm. you do anything to protect those around you, even if it's from themselves. you have an eye for the details no one else realizes they need. you're the one that makes a house a home. you make sure it's safe because you know what it was like to be afraid of the places that should have been comforting.
along for the ride
 now this isn't so much a protagonist as it is someone with a lack of boundaries. but hey. who am i to judge. you're here because you just are. things happen to you, you don't happen to things. there's no "fateful day", there's simply "ah, shit. here we go.". and to be fair--it truly can be so enriching, and a lot others around you might've missed out on some of these life-altering adventures you got to be a part of. but consider--you can't be a side character to your own life. whether you feel it or not, you do matter. so stop the car, or drive yourself for a little. it'll be worth it.
the wonderlust heart
your soul longs for your adventure. sometimes you're filled with so many ambitions and dreams you think you might burst. you rush about in a frenzy, afraid to miss out on all the opportunities life has to offer. you see the world with all it's light and all its darkness and can't help but see something beautiful in every part. every star and every shadow. you say you're running towards your goals, but sometimes i think you're trying to escape the ugly things you couldn't paint over.
jaded _ilf
(you fill in the blank with m/d/whatever u want tbh) you're probably divorced. hell, you're probably sipping black coffee right now, missing that love of your life. your kids don't talk to you, you feel like you reek of wasted potential. you used to stand for something though...right? and you do keep fighting. that's commendable. i would suggest finding a young and impressionable tween to reluctantly mentor who will somehow bring back your zest for life back. or maybe a hobby if that kind of responsibility makes your back pain flare up.
the quiet observer
 your soul is like a sponge, absorbing so much of the universe sometimes you feel like you're drowning. you wish you could make your heart a little stronger. but your gentleness is not weakness and neither is your sensitivity. you feel so much more than everyone else. it makes you kind even to those who don't deserve it. it makes you notice the hidden tears and the covered scars. you wonder who will save the ones who are suffering in silence, don't you know that includes you too?
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by @poisonedtruth to do this uquiz!
the lover.
 you’re a bit of an idealist. you value emotional and physical intimacy (not always romantically), and you revel in what it means to be a human. you need relationships with other people to thrive, you have a lot of love and compassion to give. you’re an amazing friend, lover, family member, and those around you genuinely appreciate everything you have done and continue to do. sometimes it feels like you give more than what you receive, and that can really hurt a heart like yours. i promise that there are people out there that will love you just as much as you love them. loving and being loved is a burden, so don’t take on that burden for just anyone.
the siren.
 this archetype is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented in my opinion, which i assume fits with you nicely. people see you as some cold and awful person, seducing others only to discard them when you get bored. in reality, you probably didn’t have a lot of control over your life before, did you? this is the same case as the ruler, both lacking in power and autonomy. the difference between you and the ruler, however, is that you only care about reclaiming that power for yourself. you also seek the feeling of being wanted, truly and wholly, and this quest seems never ending. try your best to avoid putting yourself into horrible situations just for a brief moment of respite from the loneliness.
the orphan.
 you've been hurt a lot before, haven't you? you feel like you don't belong where you are, no matter how hard you try. you crave human connection, to find people that feel ostracized the way you do. i hope you'll find that soon.
the caregiver.
 you've spent so long taking care of others, you don't know what to do with yourself if you aren't. you probably suck at taking care of yourself though, maybe you feel like you aren't worthy or deserving. but deep down, i know you wish to be cared for too. you want someone to show you that you are worth even just half the effort you put into caring for other people. dont neglect yourself.
Tagging: @spacestephh
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by @poisonedtruth to take this quiz!
you are a sob. youve been through so much and the pain has finally caught up to you. you make soft broken noises as you cry. your life has been hard and everythings piled up on you, and in this moment it becomes too much. you sob for a few minutes before the tears stop and you just lay in pain. one of the worst cries.
a lot may have happened to you, but in this moment it doesnt matter. everything will fall into place as God intends it to. you know you will be okay, because whatever caused this cry is how it needs to be. the future is bright and so is your renewed sense of hope.
a lot has happened to you. its demoralizing, i know. you cry with your head leaning against the wall, tears streaking your face. your lip quivers but your mouth stays firmly closed. you keep your problems to yourself to not bother anyone.
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by @lethal-justice to do take this quiz!
i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
ok yes you know everything. and you're a bit arrogant about it. and sometimes when you're confronted with the fact that you don't know/aren't the best at everything... you have a little meltdown. its fine. we all do it. If you chose any of the train themed answers you should've got athena, lets face it she'd go wild for them.
you probably should be in jail for animorph crimes. but you're kind of important and in charge of literally everything (a postition which you definitely got legitimately, after all patricide is the ideal form of succession). you give such big entj boss bitch energy, but also extremely tired energy. its a bit exhausting doing everything yourself isn't it :)
Tagging: @illmetbymoonlight @spacestephh @darialovesstuff @theelderhazelnut
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by @theelderhazelnut to do this quiz
 a field, golden hour, sweet pastry, and a friend to share it all with... yep, that's what peace is to you. you love nature of course, and are especially fond of bugs. you don't necessarily like the taste of honey, but you adore the /vibes/ it gives you. also, if you don't already have tea time regularly, you dream of the day you'll have enough time to properly sit down and enjoy the sweets and the quietness that come with it.
 *points at you* gay! you're gay! your personal motto is "be gay, do crime", and you're always, ALWAYS ready to eat the rich. you dream of finding a lover you can homoerotically swordfight with, and with whom you'll overthrow the government later that day. until you find your equally chaotic soulmate, you'll do as much mayhem as possible on your own.
oh to be a random cloud floating in the sky without worries. you're a very creative and curious person, and your dream is to explore everything the world has to offer. you tend to get lost in your own head, but that's the best alternative you have to travelling at the moment.
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by: @theelderhazelnut for this quiz
envy: "a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else." another sin of desire, you constantly feel upstaged by everyone else. you want everything you know you can't have, and tend to under-appreciate the things you do have. you're easily distracted and might be self-loathing. but that's okay because you're ambitious and determined. you can do anything you put your mind to, and are capable of a lot more than you think you are.
greed: "an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions." you're greedy (obviously). you have a very competitive nature and always strive to be the best. you also really like money but hey, who doesn't. your dream is to be rich and successful, and you'll do anything to get it. you have few friends, but the ones you do have are basically family to you. don't forget to slow down and cherish the people around you ;)
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by: @scentedcandleibex to do this picrew
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Left to right: Nemesis, Neoma
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Tagged by: @wretched-mischief to do this picrew
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Top left: Lara
Top right: Neoma
Bottom: Friča
Tagging: @illmetbymoonlight @kryptonian-puppy @scentedcandleibex @spacestephh @pretzelbytess @theelderhazelnut
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
Neoma’s Fluff Alphabet
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection? Do they cuddle, hug, etc. often?)
- Neoma is a rather affectionate person, even in public she will hug people and/or kiss them-unless her s/o or whoever tells her they prefer she doesn’t (politely). She enjoys cuddling on days when she’s not busy and/or at night.
B - Best Quality (Their best quality)
- Neoma can be very supportive of others and, when appropriate, very positive; she doesn’t like it when people talk themselves and their abilities, talents, etc. down and try to make themselves lesser than what she views them as. She also believes that others can tell when someone feels insecure or shy, so she’ll remind those are that way to keep their heads up and try to be confident.
C - Confession (How would they confess their love for their partner? What would be the moment they knew they loved you?
- She might confess her love for her s/o when she felt it was appropriate, no matter the situation, unless they confessed to her first. The moment she realized she loved her s/o would either be if they accepted her unconditionally and/or when she witnesses them doing something that Neoma never thought her s/o capable of doing (ex: being a leader).
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning and taking care of themselves?)
- Despite how long she’s been traveling around, Neoma is wary about settling down with someone, even if she loves them. So it would take a few years or more unless her s/o brings the idea up. Neoma would be better at cleaning than cooking; she isn’t bad at it, she’s just more likely to cook the same few things over and over rather than get creative. She also is very precise when it comes to domestic work, so she would likely find cooking to be a bit frustrating.
E - Endure (What would you have to be ok to live and be ok with them? What bad habits of theirs would you have to accept to be their partner?)
- Due to how she grew up, Neoma isn’t used to voicing her insecurities or talking about “simple” issues, such as if she had a bad nightmare or if there were something going on with her health. She won’t lie, she just won’t talk about it; she’s more likely to worry about others and only speak about herself if she can make something as vague as possible. Often when she has one thing to do, she likes to keep herself busy while she “has the energy”, so her s/o might rarely see her some days unless she’s doing things at home.
F - Faithful (Are they loyal? Would they stay faithful?)
- Neoma’s been loyal to only two people in her life, she likely wouldn’t have an issue if she included someone else into the group. She has no issues staying faithful, but that faith could easily go to waste if someone breaks her trust or tries to hurt her brother.
G - Gifts (Are they regularly a gift giver? What kind of gifts would they give their s/o?)
- While she comes off as materialistic, Neoma only gives gifts on occasion, and not just special occasions. She usually give a gift if she feels it’s truly special, otherwise her s/o can expect the majority of “gifts” to be experiences.
H - Honesty (How honest are they?)
- Neoma goes back and forth with how honest she can be. For a long time, she needed to be reminded when it was the best time to be honest with someone and when it was the worst, because she will simply tell someone what’s what. Nowadays she still struggles to find a balance.
I - Injury (How would they react if their s/o was injured?)
- Neoma would keep her cool in almost every situation, since she doesn’t think panicking or worrying too much would help if her s/o were injured; the exception is if she ever thought her s/o might have been close to dying or she might admit later on-while her s/o is toward the end of their healing stage-how worried she was for them. Otherwise she would try to help them the best she can.
J - Jealousy (How jealous are they?)
- Neoma is somewhere in the middle of the jealously spectrum: she doesn’t get immediately jealous if-in this case-her s/o or someone she likes gets a little friendly with others, but she watches and if she sees something progress then she becomes at least a little upset.
K - Kiss (How often do they kiss? What’s their favorite type of kiss?)
- Unless they kiss her, Neoma will kiss her s/o at random times, even serious times. She prefers to give kisses on the cheek, side of the head, or jawline. But she wouldn’t say no to a kiss on the lips or a long kiss.
L - Love Language (What’s their love language?)
- 1st: words of affirmation, 2nd: acts of service
M - Marriage (Do they want to get married? How would they propose?)
- This is (again) a situation where she has to be with the One; marriage sounds nice to her but it comes as a commitment first. Not that Neoma doesn’t understand things happen and not everything can last, she just prefers to avoid it. She would either propose over breakfast or dinner, or before she and her s/o are preparing to go to sleep.
N - Nicknames (What type of nicknames, or pet names, would they use for the s/o?)
- Precious, Peach, Sweetness, or something she comes up with that’s specific to her s/o
O - Offspring (Do they want children? What type of parent would they be?)
- Neoma is the type who would have kids with someone she knew was the One. Otherwise, if her s/o wanted kids, then she would be open to talking about it. Neoma would be a combination of a supportive and protective parent; she wouldn’t want her kid(s) going in over their head(s) but she would want them to explore outside their comfort zone(s).
P - Patience (How patient are they? Do they lose their temper often?)
- She’s in the middle when it comes to patience; some days Neoma might lean to one side or the other, but she’ll always be impatient when she’s upset.
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about their s/o? Do they remember every detail, or do they let details slip their mind?)
- Neoma may forget some things about her s/o, she just doesn’t have the memory to recall every little thing. But she’ll try very hard to do exactly that, and make organized notes about her s/o that she could look over.
R - Remember (Their favorite memory of your relationship?)
- The first time her s/o tells her that they love her.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their s/o, and how would they like to be protected?)
- Neoma can be protective enough, she’s just not used to protecting someone who cannot protect themself, which she might need some time to adjust to. There are times where she would like to experience complete protection, but she would feel guilty so she’ll never mention it.
T - Try (How much effort do they put into the relationship? How much effort goes into dates, anniversaries, and birthdays?)
- Neoma is the type to make too many notes to remind herself about which date is a birthday or whatnot; no matter what, she will always make sure her s/o would have a good day for that occasion. Though it’s only on birthdays that she gives gifts.
U - Understanding (How understanding are they? Do they listen to their s/o’s problems? How do they approach vulnerability?)
- Neoma is the type to lend a shoulder to cry on since she doesn’t cry much herself. She listens intently so she can offer the best advice, if it’s wanted or needed. Otherwise she’ll only provide positive words (unless she actually has no idea what to say). She’s used to being vulnerable only around her brother, and over time the two have learned to hide their vulnerability, so while Neoma encourages others to welcome it-she struggles to do exactly that.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- Neoma likes to make sure she at least looks neat, sometimes she’ll want to look ‘lovely’ just because; so every now and then she’ll spend time on her looks.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- I don’t think so.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon about them)
- Neoma’s favorite colors are turquoise and burgundy
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
- People who: seek to harm others just because or if they have a superiority complex, don’t have a filter/don’t think twice before speaking, don’t say please and/or thank you, and self-sacrificers.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
- Sometime during the night, she spreads out so her arms and legs are stretched out, also she’s a light snorer.
Tagged by: @scentedcandleibex
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
I thought this was so cool, inspired by and using @theelderhazelnut template! Let me know if u want more!
Game Mechanics
Johnny Cage Announcer Nicknames:
- Heat Miser
- Ray of Sunshine
- Momma’s Boy
- Daggers
Fighting Style:
- Zi Ran Men
- Fu Jow Pai
- A suit made of light-weight black and gold armor; the top is somewhat held together by a black belt that’s tied around his waist and his upper arms are exposed, revealing part of his chest and showing that part of his torso is bandaged
- His daggers are kept on his back, positioned so they are crossed on his hip line
- Haemon’s hands are partially bandaged and it’s obvious some of the bandages are older; his “mask” is actually several bandages wrapped around his head and neck despite him not having any major facial scars
- Sometimes he’s seen wearing a black cape that’s kept with a silver clasp at the neck
Customizable Option(s):
- The player would be able to change the color of Haemon’s cloak and even be able to trade it out for a scarf or even have him without a cape of scarf
- Haemon’s armor color can be changed to a more earthly/heavenly dark green and light gray, or a dark red and brown swatch
- His daggers can be changed to tantōs
You Dare Challenge Me? - Haemon enters by doing a variety of flips, he lands facing his opponent while in a fighting stance and his fists are on fire and his pyromancer marks are glowing
Let’s Get This Over With - An arch of fire appears, the double-doors open and allow Haemon to walk out while he’s licking the blood off one of his daggers and points the weapon, his hand at eye level, at his opponent
Can’t Take The Heat - Haemon is playing with one of his freshly killed targets, his addresses his opponent while ripping the corpse’s skull out of their body and burning it in his hand
Not In The Mood - Haemon is seen lying in a high place, resting his head on his hand and the other covering his eyes, when he hears his opponent approach; the pyromancer rolls off the edge of the high place and lands with one hand on his knee and the other held out in front of him for balance, his marks glowing and the ground cracking under him
End of Round Taunt(s):
“ Be grateful you get to die by my hand.”
“ Perhaps you’ll think twice next time.”
“ Is this really your best?”
Haemon slashes the air three times in a quick and skillful manner
“ Such a waste of energy.”
Haemon laughs as his marks glow and he cracks his knuckles
“ I’d be lying if I said this was fun.”
Kombat Kharacteristics:
- Haemon is close range, with heavy and fast attacks. He’s comparable to Liu Kang, if that makes sense.
Special Abilities:
Loud Mouth - Haemon grabs both sides of the opponent’s head and breathes fire into their face
Made You Look - Haemon forces the opponent to dodge one of his daggers, then wraps an arm around their neck and jams his other dagger into their spine
Not Good Enough - He turns to avoid an attack and flips, kicking the opponent in the chest
Cold-Hearted - Haemon punches his opponent while fist in on fire, then punches inside in their chest
Target Practice - Haemon throws his dagger into his opponents chest, then throws his other dagger so it lands in the same area as the first
Fatal Blow:
- Haemon jams his dagger throw his opponent’s throat, rips it out, then pulls out his other dagger and jams them into the opponent’s ears; he tosses the daggers into the air before breathing fire into the opponent’s face so they’d fall back, Haemon thendoes a flip so he can catch his weapons, throw’s them into the opponent’s hands to pin them and he lands on their chest
- Haemon rubs the back of his head awkwardly before he walks over to a rock and picks up a basket of flowers he had picked and appears to hold it out as if he were offering it to the player
Watch Out - Haemon’s fist catches fire and he punches through his opponent’s torso
Accuracy - Haemon throws a dagger into his opponents face and, when they stumble around while dying, he throws his other dagger into the back of their head
Be Quiet - Haemon slices half of his opponent’s head open, the top half of their head falling back as the opponent falls to their knees
Pissed Off - Haemon kicks his opponent onto their back and stomps their head until it’s practically flattened
End of Brutalities:
“ You shouldn’t have relied on luck.”
Haemon let’s out a long, bored sigh.
“ Who’s next, huh?!”
Haemon wipes the blood of his dagger and gets ready to walk away.
Sculpture - Haemon grabs his opponent by the arms and kicks through their torso, the opponent’s spine protruding out of their back as it’s broken; he then forces them to the ground and takes out his dagger; Haemon cuts off their nose, then stabs out their eyes, and he continuously, angrily cuts away at their face until their unrecognizable. He then slices a few times at the base of the opponent’s neck and rips their head out of their body, half of the spine still attached, and jams the end of the spine into the ground next to their body.
Barbecue - Haemon takes his opponent by their hands and does a back flip over their head, mangling his opponent’s arms; he burns their back, rips it open, and starts ripping out all of his opponent’s organs until their body cavity is empty. He then twists their head so it’s backwards and let’s his opponent fall to the ground.
The Killer - Haemon whips out his daggers, slicing and flipping toward the camera, then he spins the weapons in his hands and holds them, his arms slightly extended, on either side of his body; Haemon appears to glaring down at the camera
Sick Of This Shit - Haemon walks toward the camera, apparently tired, and plops down on his bottom, tossing his head back and resting his arms on his knees
Better Than The Fire God - Haemon breathes a large mass of fire into the air; it swirls around him as if it were sentient, and he strikes a pose while shouting as the fire expands behind him
Piece Of Cake - Haemon plays with one of his daggers, smirking happily as he tosses it into the air and catches the weapon, holding it outward toward the camera
Johnny Cage Announcer Nicknames:
- Bite-sized Cetrion
- Tree Hugger
- Little Miss Smiles A lot
- Dragon Naginata
- Dagger
Fighting Style(s):
- Fan Zi
- Mi Zong
- Neoma dresses in dark brown pants and a sleeveless mauve top, all partially hidden by a semi-fitted, thin dark cardigan that's Neoma uses a belt to keep it together. The cardigan has a hood Neoma wears often, but she usually just wears her mask, which is smooth and minimalist.
- She wears dark gloves (same color as the cardigan) and tall boots. Her naginata is kept in her belt, but more near her chest. On the other side of her chest, Neoma keeps a pack of small vials in a leather case.
Customizable Option(s):
- Neoma bares the same crystals as Cetrion; the color of these can be changed as well as Neoma's hair style, since the most visible crystals are in her hair
- The style of Neoma's naginata and the color scheme of her clothing can be changed
Lollygagging - Neoma is seen perched in a large, blooming tree; a flower is rested in her hand and she is admiring it until she notices her opponent, she crushes the flower in her hand as she approaches her opponent
Witness Me - Massive trees grow as Neoma walks up to the opponent, her hands moving and glowing green to imply that she grew the trees on purpose, she then lowers her arms to her sides
Playing Dirty - The camera is centered on Neoma's naginata, it's covered in blood but the ground appears to absorb it before she pulls her weapon out of the earth
Vengeance - Neoma is seen staring at a stone monument of Cetrion, clearly mourning; she let's out a sad sigh before her expression changes to anger as she turns to address to her opponent
End of Round Taunt(s):
" Cetrion will appreciate your sacrifice."
" You're lucky I have patience."
" As if you stood a chance!"
Neoma chuckles and brushes something off her shoulder
Neoma flips her hair over her shoulder
" This was fun...but I must wrap it up."
" Are you taking any of this seriously?"
Kombat Kharacteristics:
Neoma is mid-range, with heavy attacks. She is comparable to Jade.
Special Abilities:
Test of Endurance - Neoma sics vines at the opponent, taking them by their ankles and slamming them against a rock
Watch It - Neoma slices the opponent's eyes with her naginata before kicking them in the mouth
New Heights - Neoma uses the opponent's head to launch herself in the and impale them through the throat with her naginata
Versatile - Neoma jumps on her opponent and slices their throat, she back flips off of them and throws her dagger into their abdomen
Tree Hugger - Neoma throws her opponent against a tree and impales them on it with her naginata
Fatal blow:
- Neoma sends the opponent flying against a rock with a blast of light, she then impaled them with her naginata multiple times before flipping her opponent and throwing them on the ground, Neoma then stabs them in the back of their skull with her weapon
- Neoma uses her vines to create a pile of flowers, she runs and jumps on the pile, then one of the flowers in her haur
Not So Tough - Neoma forces the opponent to fall forward, she summons a tree that grows through the opponents body, splitting them apart
Feel The Warmth - Neoma directs the suns rays at her opponent, burning them until their body is ash and bones
Over Here - Vines come and twist the opponent's torso and legs, breaking them as they're twisted in half
Ugly On The Inside - Neoma forces water into her opponent's throat, it appears to mangle their insides and the opponent vomits blood as they fall back
End of Brutalities:
Neoma stands in a soldier-like manner, firmly holding onto her naginata
" Thank you for your sacrifice."
Neoma walks away as the wind blows flower petals towards her
" It was a good effort."
Cetrion's Wrath - Neoma stabs her opponent in various areas, she then sics vines on her opponent; the vines enter through the wounds and invade the opponent's body, tearing up what they can before ripping the opponent apart
New Light - Neoma blinds her opponent with a ray of light; she pins them on the ground with her naginata, then sends a light beam racing towards them until it splits her opponent in half
Successor - Neoma casually walks away from her opponent, sunlight shining behind her and illuminating her crystals
You Will Know Fear - Neoma slices the air with her naginata, then performs a series of slicing motions, shouting as she swings toward the camera
Pretty Thing - Neoma bats her eyes at the camera, smiling as a gust of wind blows her hair in a manner that makes it look like a photoshoot
Victorious Once Again - Neoma kneels, her hand on the ground as trees grow behind her, she is smiling at the camera in a confident and fulfilled manner
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