#ml Lila Gets Exposed
chocostrwberry · 4 months
Everyone had to wear yellow for her birthday party!
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sturchling · 1 year
I have a request. How about Lila’s mom comes to school because Lila forgot something. And she comes to class only to see them screaming at marinette to stop being “jealous” and stop “bullying” because of another lie Lila told. Lila’s mom also sees mrs. Bustier not doing anything to stop it. So she steps in and Lila pales at the sight of her mom. Then she sets things straight and goes off on Lila for lying again. In the end Lila and the class get punished. And lila gets held back a year.
Mrs. Rossi was already in an annoyed mood. She had already been running late this morning, and needed to get to work. But right as she went to leave, she saw that Lila had left her homework binder on the counter.
She was irritated with her daughter for being so irresponsible. Part of her considered just leaving it there and letting Lila face the consequences. She left it, she can take the bad grade. But then Mrs Rossi remembered that this assignment was worth a lot and if Lila got a bad grade, it would really affect her overall grade.
Mrs Rossi decided to just take it to the school, and she would deal with her daughter later. Little did Mrs Rossi know, Lila would wish her mother had left it alone. She had left the binder on purpose. Lila had planned to blame Marinette for the missing assignment, saying that the girl had wanted Lila to fail so she stole the assignment from her on the way to school.
Mrs Rossi strode into the school and up the stairs to her daughters class, texting on her phone to try and explain to her boss why she is late. Her focus was glued to her phone, that is until she heard the yelling. When she looked up, Mrs Rossi saw the entirety of her daughter’s class, standing and yelling at one girl in the back of the class. They were yelling at her for “bullying Lila” and “stealing her homework” so this girl would have a better than Lila.
But none of this made sense. Lila’s homework wasn’t stolen, Mrs Rossi had it in her hand. Why did the class think this girl stole it? And why wasn’t her daughter correcting them? Surely she knew about her homework, so this girl couldn’t have stolen it. Mrs Rossi felt her stomach twist. She had seen her daughter finally, and she was smiling maliciously.
Then Mrs Rossi understood. Her daughter was lying again. She had done this at every school in Italy. She always lied to everyone, about everything. Fake conditions, fake achievements, anything she could think of. And she had also previously used those lies to target specific students and make them miserable. She had been expelled from several schools for this behavior, but Lila had seemed better since moving to Paris. Reticently, Mrs Rossi realized that Lila had seemed better, because Mrs Rossi had been willfully ignoring it. Now the lack of the communication from the school, and several “school closures” seemed way more troubling.
She glanced at the teacher, Bustier, but Bustier wasn’t doing anything. She was just watching the chaos, like it was some twisted show. Mrs Rossi couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Well, if she wasn’t going to stop this, Mrs Rossi absolutely would. Her daughter wasn’t going to ruin another girl’s life.
Mrs Rossi stormed into the classroom, yelling, “LILA ROSSI”. The entire class whipped around at the sudden intrusion and stared at her. Most looked confused, but Lila didn’t. She looked terrified, and paled almost instantly upon seeing her mother.
“Mom… what are you doing here?” Lila glanced around the room, completely panicked. Especially when she spotted a certain binder in her mother’s arms.
“It doesn’t matter why I’m here. What matters is you are lying again! You told your class that this girl stole your homework? You know good and well that you left it at the house. It’s right here! I thought you had gotten over this lying phase of yours, but clearly not!” Mrs Rossi threw down the binder on the sad excuse of a teacher’s desk, angry beyond measure.
Lila was stuttering, trying to think of someway out of this, as she felt the stares of her class on her. This was very bad, Lila had intended for this lie to fully turn the class against Marinette. She hadn’t expected her mother to see the binder and bring it to the school. “Mom it’s not what you think, Marinette, she… she threatened me. Told me not to bring my homework or I’d be sorr-”
Lila couldn’t even finish her lie, her mother’s anger growing with every word until she exploded. “ENOUGH! You did this in every school you went to in Italy, and I thought I got the lesson through your head this time! Clearly not! I didn’t warn this school because you seemed to understand it this time, I guess that was my own naivety. Get up, you are coming with me to the principals office! I’m willing to bet he has some interesting stories to tell me of what you’ve been up to! I wonder if you have that lying disease again, or the one about saving some random celebrity pet. It’s the same nonsense every time and I’m sick of it!”
Lila tried to stammer out protests, she really did not want her mom to talk to Damocles. But deep down, she knew it was pointless, her mom was furious and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She felt the betrayed looks from the class on her back, as they realized Marinette had been telling the truth. Lila was a habitual liar, and her own mother was confirming it right in front of them, even referencing specific stories Lila had told them.
Lila reluctantly left the classroom with her mother, dreading this conversation and the after effects to come.
And man the after effects were more brutal than Lila expected. She wasn’t expelled exactly, but she almost wishes she was. But her mother had advocated against expulsion, but not for the sake of her daughter. She did it so her daughter couldn’t pull this again at another school.
Instead, Lila was suspended for the rest of the year and as a result would be held back a year and need to repeat it. When she was allowed back, she would be closely monitored by teachers, to make sure she couldn’t get away with anything or trying to bully any students. And a note was placed in her permanent record, so that if she ever did have to transfer for some reason, her next school would be warned.
As for the rest of the class and Bustier, they didn’t escape unscathed either. Most of the class was suspended as well, just for shorter periods of time. The school was a bit more lenient with them, since their actions were based on manipulation and lies, so they wouldn’t be suspended long enough that they would need to repeat the year, but they would be suspended for a few weeks and when they got back, they would have detention for the remainder of the year.
Finally, Bustier was also given an unpaid suspension. To come back to work, she had to complete several hours of retraining on class management, anti bullying tactics, and a wide range of other subjects. Her class got a long term sub in the meantime.
Mrs Rossi may have been annoyed about bringing that binder, but she is glad she did. It opened her eyes to her daughters continuing lies. She was able to put a stop to it this time, and she would make sure her daughter would never be able to pull this nonsense again. 
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mcheang · 1 year
As Nino lays out his plan for targeting Gabriel, Alya points out one thing. “Sure I know Ladybug can fix the mess an akuma causes. But Gabriel will still be mad. He already doesn’t like you, Nino. Don’t push it. For all we know, Gabriel might threaten to transfer Adrien to a different school. Remember, he totally lost it when Adrien lost his book?”
Nino: oh…right. I didn’t think of that. Then, who do we target?
Marinette grins sneakily. “I know someone who can get upset very easily.”
Adrien: really, who?
Marinette: i don’t want to spoil the surprise.
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Later, as the parent-teacher meeting commenced, Marinette bursts in, “Oh, I’m so sorry to barge in like this. But I forgot I needed Mrs Rossi’s signature for Lila’s trip to Achu.”
Caline: Marinette, can’t this wait?
Mrs Rossi: what trip to Achu?
Caline and Marinette look at her. “You know, the trip she’s taking to join Prince Ali in teaching children for free. It’s such a shame that she won’t be able to attend the school’s weeklong camping trip but it’s for a good cause.
Mrs Rossi stands up. “My daughter is doing what?”
Caline: why are you so surprised, Mrs Rossi? Lila went to Achu for months less than a week after she joined Dupont.
Mrs Rossi: she told me the school was shut down from akuma attacks!
Marinette pretended to look faint. “Oh no, was it because of her special lying disease?”
Mr Cesaire looked skeptical. “A lying disease…? Do you mean compulsive lying?”
Gabriel almost regretted not being able to akumatize Mrs Rossi, if only to make up for losing Lila Rossi as a spy since clearly Alliance can no longer use her. Oh well, there’s always the fallout when her sheep find out.
Alya and Nino were recording this with open mouths. Adrien wasn’t so bothered by this after seeing more of Lila’s hateful personality.
Needless to say, the parent-teacher conference was delayed as Sabine then angrily wanted justice for her daughter if she was indeed framed by a liar. Gabriel had to admit the teaching faculty here was lousy to fall for Lila’s reception, but that’s what makes this place so prime for his akumas! Why did he send Adrien here again? Oh right, it’s the most prestigious school and he’ll never hear the end of it from Andre because Chloe would never accept his perfect son being in another school away from her.
Later, after Marinette received an apology from Mrs Rossi, she agreed to bring Lila up. Alya and Nino looked apologetic. “We’re so sorry we didn’t believe you.”
Marinette looked behind her. “It’s ok. Keep recording. If Mrs Rossi isn’t angry enough to attract an akuma, her daughter will be. Nothing akumatizes Lila like being caught.”
Lila was immediately suspicious when Marinette of all people came to get her, however it was subdued by Marinette’s poorly hidden dislike and the fact that it was Gabriel who asked her to come.
Certain that Mr Agreste wanted her help against a stupid boy’s resistance team, she agreed.
Boy was Lila surprised to see Sabine and her mother standing in front of the classroom instead of Mr Agreste, who looked disappointed in her.
Uh oh. Now Lila could see Marinette’s triumphant face and could see what had happened. Her one consolation was that the team’s plan to anger a parent into akumatization had failed. Though she was also irked she couldn’t get akumatized and make that loser suffer for exposing her like this. This is worse than Ladybug’s exposing her in front of Adrien!
As Lila was dragged by her mother to the principal’s office, Caline tried to resume the parent-teacher conference though it was clear all now felt disheartened by her incompetence.
The resistance was confused. Angry Rossis and disappointed parents were around. Where was the akuma?
Eventually they had to give up. What a waste of free period.
Not entirely a waste though since Lila was now exposed. Alya sent the recording to the whole class as the parents left.
Outraged gasps were heard everywhere.
Nino: why didn’t you wait till class was about to start? Then we could prepare to record the akumatization.
Adrien: if Monarch didn’t come out for Mrs Rossi and Lila, I doubt he’ll come for-
Reverser promptly swooped by, ready to turn Lila nice and honest.
Adrien: never mind.
Marc was deakumatized and the class apologized to Marinette for not believing her.
Lila returned to class, sulky in her forced apology, not really bothered by their angry reactions now that she was expelled. Only Marinette’s smug attitude infuriated her. Having been forced honest by Reverser, she had confessed to having duped two other women into being her mothers and had initially planned on running away to join one of them. Her mother now has their numbers. It was a nightmare.
Alya: who else can we akumatize for the greater good? Mayor Bourgeois?
Marinette: I don’t think our plan works if we our expected target isn’t even akumatized. We’ll have to think of something else.
Monarch is disappointed he won’t get to akumatize the akuma class again for a while. Ah well, it can be a favor to Adrien.
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howhow326 · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug: season 4 Alya sugar fic (based on the Alya exposes Lila's secrets prompt that I made)
Alya pov
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"... Anansi has been rigging her wrestling matches! It's the only reason why she's made it as far as she has." was the only thing Alya needed to hear to send off alarm bells throughout her whole body. Why would Lila say something that wasn't true? Alya tried to correct her friend, thinking it had to be some type of mistake. At first, Lila was surpised her latest gossip target had a sister, but held fast to the truthfulness of her 'sources'. Alya tried to correct her again, and Lila got defensive over her friend 'attacking' her. Alya tried to fact check Lila one last time, then the green eyed monster finnally retaliated. All she had to claim was Alya harassing her and Kim, Nino, and Ms. Bustier swiftly came to her defence.
Within the blink of an eye, Alya landed in detention. Alone in her punishment, but togather with Marinette who had been a recent victim of the lying new girl. As her real friend comforted her, Alya finnaly realized her real mistake... how could Lila be friends with Maribug if she met her the same time as me? Alya finnaly gleaned the truth that Marinette had been warnning her for so long, and despite Marinette's affirmations of her being guiltless, Alya couldn't help but feel that this whole mess was her fault. What kind of journalist am I to be fooled by a school girl...
That's when a Light bulb appeared above her head. Alya is exactly the kind of journalist to solve this mess, and she will if it's the last thing she does. As soon as she got home, Alya began scowering the internet for every and any truth of Lila's claims. As she took more and more notes, she began to learn Lila's real specialty: half truths. All the photos she wowed the class of her meeting with Jagged Stone and traveling the world were real, but the "special connections" she claimed to have were all as fake as her hair. That was the real reason why Lila asked everyone to keep some of the things she said between classmates, it stopped anyone from reaching the truth. As Alya started getting ready for bed, Trixx whispered a devious plan into her ear. Normally, Alya would never agree to using the miraculous to spread a falsehood, but this mirage might be just what she needs to reveal the truth...
The next day at school was much the same; Ms. Bustier was forcing the class to write an eassy analyzing the theme of love in the popular children's book series, Hubert Porter, written by JC Bowling. Because of some of the research Alya did last night, she knew that Bustier and Bowling were the same person. She gussed that it isn't a crime to teach a class based on a book you wrote, but it was starting to get suspicious when Bustier did it three times in a row and ended each class by giving extra credit to the students who donated to the charity of her choice, a conservative group located in Florida of U.S.A.
"... and just the other day, Jagged Stone asked me to come with him on his latest tour! He got so sad when I had to tell him no!" Lila lied. Alya was almost impressed with how good the Italian was at doing it; Jagged went on tour just three days ago, but Alya was sure that he never asked Lila to come with him. Now's the time, Alya thought to herself. She go out of her seat and confronted Lila.
"Do you have any proof that Jagged Stone asked you to come with him on his tour" Alya flatly asked. Marinette got up to reel her back, but Alya gave her a look that said she has everything under control. Of course, Lila pulled her usual: she claimed that Alya was bullying her and that she just wanted to be friends. Kim jumped to her defence, as Lila filled the void that Chloe left when she went on extended vacation with her grandmother. That void being "evil chick that he can make googoo eyes at". Nino, who had started to hang out with Lila more then he was around Alya by the day, also jumped to the Italian's defense. He lectured Alya on all the ways he was "disappointed in her" and the like. Just as Ms. Bustier was about to send Alya to detention, she pulled out her trump card. "Lila's lying, and she admitted to it here!" Alta pulled out a voice recorder and pressed play. "If course I'm lying, and you can't do anything about it!" Lila's voice vindictively said.
And just like that, the class erupted into chaos. Nino got re-akumatized into Rocketear and targeted Lila for "breaking my heart". When it was over, the class all sang their swan songs to Marinette and Alya for believing some new girl over them. Except Nino, who seemed to think he was entitled to his girlfriend's forgiveness. Yeah no, their relationship is on hold and Alya is going to be too busy to come to the phone rifht now, but Nino was welcomed to leave a message. And he did. Like a lot. Alya regretted even making that suggestion. As usual, Ms. Bustier was the last person to get the hint and tried to punish Alya for (???) but this time Marinette came prepared. She discovered their lovesick teacher had fled Britain from a little too many taxes, and that was all that was needed to get her fired. After Alya learned that her choice of charity was a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist organization, she considered it good riddance.
And as for Lila, she quitely disappeared like she usually did with no sign of coming back. Good, Alya thought to herself, no one messes with my friends and gets away with it. To make sure no one forgot, Alya posted her experience onto the Ladyblog, where the truth would be known for years to come.
I challenged myself to use less dialogue in this fic and I hope you enjoy it!
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trashyangelic · 2 years
. ⌗ fearless - [lila, adrien, bustier salt]
Prompt: Marinette had enough and decided to take that high road advice up to their asses. And do whatever she takes to take down Lila or better yet get her out of Paris for good perhaps a prison would be good in her plans. She decided to look online to see how will she able to do this without failing as she has spoken to her parents about Lila and Bustier in her class they decided to transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class from that toxic classroom that they have been hearing alot from Chloe after visiting the bakery for her lunches.
This will be deleted once I am done. But it won't be publish so quickly yet
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imthepunchlord · 1 month
Did you watch Season 5 of Miraculous? What did you think of it?
I stopped watching Miraculous at s3, I didn't watch s4 or s5, but I've heard a bit about it. Technically can't really give an opinion but I can share what I think based on what I heard.
I heard Adrienette dating was not too bad, but should've been much sooner. I agree. Could've saved us a bunch of trouble and salt. I also heard that they had the most powerful kiss that adults literally could not tear them apart XD that was funny to hear.
I got to learn that melting Miraculous down doesn't count as destroying them so, who's going to tell Frodo the one ring actually isn't destroyed as apparently melting doesn't count as destroying. Who knew?
And I got to learn that Gabriel was able to make the wish, getting what he ultimately wanted terrorizing all of Paris for 5 seasons, is remembered as a hero, and Adrien never learns about it which is all a really big wth. From what I've seen, no one was happy about that.
Uuuuh... I heard Lila got exposed, but it was meh. I heard she now goes by Cerise? Which ok, let's just make this confusing character even more confusing. Also, how much you want to bet that Cerise/Lila will join them in high school, and there's a repeat of Marinette knowing that's Lila who is lying to them but no one believes her and thinks Cerise is someone entirely new.
Ummmmmmm... oh, I heard Feligami is now a thing? Very rushed and kinda creepy/weird? But I guess they did a decent job as I do see the occasional fanart for them. Personally, I'll just stick to Kagami with girls. That moment in Riptose stuck with me waaaay to much to really get behind her being more interested in boys. I will say, Adrigami did have some nice moments, and there's concepts there where I think they can work nicely off each other (Adrien needs to learn to grow a backbone while Kagami wants to rebel and make friends, they can help each other with that), so Adrien could be the only guy I could roll with for her, but still prefer her paired with girls more.
Also I guess Felix is now a hero despite stealing the yo-yo from Ladybug and handing off... 14 Miraculous to Gabriel. And presumably making him more dangerous/difficult, though he is an idiot so I don't know how much more challenging he got. As far as I know, it was pretty much like another Tuesday.
Oh and apparently there will now be 18 heroes in Paris as I got to learn through asks. I wonder how that's going to work, if at all. Place your bets on how often we'll even see those full time heroes, as they can't really take much attention away from Marinette and Adrien, but who knows. S6 is in that weird placement now that Thomas is no longer apart of the development of ML, so it's hard to say how different it'll go.
Oh. I don't like Tikki and Plagg's true forms. Kinda Digimon over complicated design, and biblical in aesthetic which I found weird when they're supposed to be tied to Taoism. I have yet to find anything similar to biblical angels in Toaism, so I feel like this design choice works off a Christian view more (which isn't surprising as Plagg works off the unlucky black cat, which is exclusively from Christian Europe roughly 400 years ago).
Additionally, Gimmi felt like more of a Nooroo true form, than a fusion of Plagg and Tikki. I think they should've brought the concept of Null back. I think they were a better thought of a fusion of Creation and Destruction as these two concepts brought together would just nullify each other.
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So over all, based on what I've heard, it's a pretty negative view of s5.
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campbells-content · 1 year
Here to drop some random ml hcs or scenarios on yall and then probably disappear for another month.
Before becoming ladybug, Marinette would always convince her friends to play in the rain or jump in puddles. Right after becoming ladybug the idea of asking Alya to don a raincoat and come outside seemed childish. After being Ladybug for a while, rain only reminds her that there are people out there that she can't help. People who have storms in their brains so strong that even Hawkmoth avoids them. Nino, the closest friend she's had since childhood notices for a second that she no longer looks at puddles with wonder. He brings Alya and Adrien to Marinette on a rainy day, telling them to wear raincoats and clogs. Neither know what clogs are. They get there, waiting outside as Nino went up. Marinette is kindof against it, saying its a waist of time or she was too busy but Nino drags her down anyway. Nino runs out to join Alya and Adrien who were already jumping in puddles but he turns back when he notices Marinette hesitate under the over hang. She's asking herself existential questions like how can she act like a child and play in the rain when someone might need her. Nino grabs her hand and pulls her arm into the downpour making them both laugh as it instantly soaked what little if her sleave was exposed. In that moment she remembered why she loved the rain so much and they all played in the rain like kids because they are kids and they are allowed to enjoy the little things. The rain eventually stopped but they didn't, jumping in puddles and dancing without a care in the world.
(If you can't tell i am releasing all of the creativity that has been trapped within me since my last post.)
After using the dragon miraculous a couple more times kagami starts to collect little trinkets and tells no one, not even her mother. They are her little secret and they belong to her alone.
(When yall think of dragon side effects, do yall see her as cold blooded or a literal heater? I like the heater because when everyone is in t-shits and pants, Kagami literally exhales steam.)
Every time Juleka mutters indecipherably, there was a curse word somewhere in her statement.
Nino and Marinette eat Funyuns but Nino prefers off brand. Adrian eats salt and vinegar chips. Alya eats cheetos. Chloe eats the vegetable chips. Lila eats the vegetable straw chips. Sabrina eats the cheddar pringles, not necessarily by choice. Juleka eats purple doritos. Luka and Zoe eat blue doritos. Rose eats spicy doritos. Kagami does not eat chips but she will take one from any of them if offered. Also, Mylene and Ivan eat basic potato chips together, Kim eats cheese doodles, Max eats different flavours of ruffles and Nathaniel and Alix sit away from everyone eating seaweed.
(If i missed someone I'm sorry, i got the important people. (A part of me feels like i might've mixed up Chloe and Lila on the vibe check but oh well.))
Marinette has bubbles in her desk because they remind her of Nino.
Alya trys to start controlled discourse when her friends drink different sodas but everyone is just glad they get a mini pickmeup of caffeine.
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pisoprano · 1 year
This is an ML salt post, particularly about Lila Rossi. If you are actually excited about Lila being the main villain in future season(s), this post isn't for you, I just need to rant. A lot.
I hate Lila Rossi. I hate her with a burning passion. Literally every episode where she shows up, my hatred for this character will manifest in me saying "I hate her" the moment she opens her mouth, followed by seething throughout every moment she spends onscreen.
In prior seasons, this wasn't much of an issue--she'd show up for a couple episodes and then she'd disappear 90% of the time, so I could usually just focus on literally anything else in the show. With season 5, however, she started showing up much more. I knew it was coming, of course--the foreshadowing that she would be the successor to Hawkmoth has been visible since season 3, and it was announced that he'd be gone after this season. But if the show had ended at season 5 as originally intended, butterfly!Lila could have been a theoretical problem for adult!Ladybug and adult!Chat Noir in 10 years. But since the powers that be have decided to have the show continue past Gabriel Agreste, Lila is a problem now and will be a problem at least until Chris Lahiffe is a teenage boy, if "Timetagger" is any indication. And we, the audience, will be forced to suffer through all of it.
Why, though, do I hate the idea of Lila being the main villain? I was fine with having Gabriel in the villain seat for five seasons despite him being a terrible father and manipulative git, after all. With Gabriel, there was a particular humanity to him that made him interesting--this entire show is about love and Gabe's love was so overwhelming and myopic and self-serving that he resorted to villainy while convincing himself that he was secretly the hero all along, sacrificing everything (even his morality) for the woman he loved. He used his love as an excuse to justify the harm he caused Paris and his very own son. As he continually reached for forbidden means to get what he wanted, his dreams ballooned in scope--he'd defied the odds when he'd married above his station, he'd defied the odds when he'd become a world-renowned designer, he'd defied the odds when he found the miraculous and created the perfect son--and so it became all too natural for him to fight the impossible fight as Hawkmoth because he deserved to win this too. And the whole time, unbeknownst to either of them, he's fighting against the son who he's been neglecting and controlling in his fight to save someone who never wanted to be saved? That stuff is fascinating.
Lila, though? She's got none of that complexity. She's a consummate liar who hates the protagonists and literally nothing else. In other shows, she'd be the transfer student who shows up for an episode, gets exposed as a fraud by the end of that episode, and then literally never be seen again. This show, however, has Lila overstay the welcome that her character archetype is built for and instead be a recurring problem. And, because a liar can only get away with lying if the surrounding characters don't know she's lying, Lila is made untouchable by the plot. Other villainous characters have some plot immunity to their evilness--Chloe, obviously, has the automatic win condition of demanding her father to get her out of trouble whenever she wants. But Lila's plot immunity comes from an inexplicable ability to manipulate everyone around her (besides our main protagonists, who are forced to only cry wolf). She makes all the supporting cast love her without help, she does so even to characters we'd expect to know better. When she first showed up, her lies weren't even good and still she gets away with her reputation in tact basically every time. The one time where she does get exposed to everyone, she gets to have an easy redo by making up a completely new identity to try again. She's a Villain Sue. And her very presence weakens the story she's in.
Lila only exists because the writers decided to make an absolute hate sink. They absolutely succeeded in doing so. And frankly, that's a problem. Most of the time, if you're going to have a character in a show for any length of time, they should be likeable on some level. They could be sympathetic or competent or proactive or even just have a personality that's fun to watch, but the audience shouldn't feel like the character is a waste of viewing time. Lila isn't someone the audience can identify with, her competence is largely in name only (I will allow that her manipulative skills during season 5 are stronger, but her ludicrously bad prior lying and the unexplained nature of her sudden hypercompetence now aren't nearly enough to make me forgive her here). Lila's sometimes doing things behind the scenes, sure, but she has the laughably petty objectives of "be famous" and "ruin classmate's life" and I cannot take her actions towards achieving these goals seriously as a bit villain, let alone a primary antagonist. And--worst of all--her voice is extremely annoying. I will suffer through a myriad of things, but I can only listen to nails on a chalkboard so long before need to leave the room.
And this might be a bit of a hot take, but honestly? I don't think Lila was even necessary in the first place. In episodes like "Volpina" or "Oni-Chan," she could have been replaced with Chloe (our original mean girl who's clingy with Adrien--she might not be my favorite character either, but at least she's funny). I'm positive that the plot of "Catalyst" and "Miraculer" could have been reworked to happen without Lila's involvement without much effort. The entire subplot of Lila being Adrien's modelling partner was more about Gabriel controlling his son--it could have been easily about forcing Adrien to be alone instead of forcing him to be with someone he didn't like. The fact that Lila shows up so little in the first four seasons just goes to prove how unnecessary she is. She only becomes important in season 5 because the writers now know that they need to prepare for a new supervillain to fill Gabriel's shoes after he leaves--and she's the only one who comes anywhere close to fitting. So, suddenly, she's being far more active than she ever was (almost half of her total appearances are in season 5 alone), but her motivations are less clear than ever, so I'm left assuming that this hollow character must still have the hollowest of motivations--popularity, power, getting back at the kids who rebuffed her... after having 5 seasons of truly delicious drama, why on earth would I want to turn the worst thing about those 5 seasons into main course?
I know I am far from being alone in hating Lila Rossi's character. There are literally thousands of fics tagged with "Lila's Lies Are Exposed" because so many readers want to see her be punished for her actions. I'm actually not really a fan of these--I don't take joy in seeing Lila being taken down. I want her to disappear from the narrative entirely. If the current state of United States politics has taught me anything, it's that that watching a terrible person get their comeuppance is never as satisfying as you think it will be because that terrible person will keep popping up and keep being terrible and keep forcing you to think about them. The best possible punishment I can think of for Lila is to act like she's just an OC made from some background character that never mattered in the first place--and then never have to think about her existence in the show again.
I was happy to watch the first 5 seasons of Miraculous Ladybug. I wish it had only been those 5 seasons (side note: Chat deserved to go up against his father in the final battle. I get that he couldn't since the mandate for more seasons requires the identities to be intact, but this was the point in the narrative when the reveal was meant to happen and it has weakened the story to move it elsewhere). I haven't decided to not watch season 6 at this point, but knowing who I will have to deal with in every episode? It's making it very difficult for me to want to continue any further.
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
ML theory that would explain a few things: Hawk Moth summoned Gimmi twice before season 5, but it was hijacked and due the nature of the wishes the wisher didn't just drop dead, but paid differently:
The first time it was on Heroes Day, but Chloè interfered and wished for a world where Ladybug could win. As a price, Zoè was retroactively created out of her better sides and she then backslid into her worst and then some.
The second time it was the season 3 finale, with Ladybug and Chat Noir's stung by Miracle Queen and their identities exposed... And the one to jump in and save the day was Lila, of all people, as she still had standards that prevented her from letting Hawk Moth win and Ladybug getting stung to protect her gave her a much needed wake up call on just how horrible she had been. The price for stopping Hawk Moth was the loss of her standards and identity, replaced with Cerise and her uncanny ability to get new mothers.
If anything, this explains the blatant retcons and plot holes about them.
You know what it's sad but it's better than Canon.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 23 Revolution
Spoilers below
-Chloe being puppet as the new dictator of Paris. Outlawing super heroes and monarch. So cringe
-ladybug and chat noir debating on what to do but think since Chloe isn’t akumatized they would look like villains if they did something. Ummm, she has a robot army and declared herself leader, I’m pretty sure you got a free pass to beat her ass
-Pffff! They are trusting adults. Yeah, cause THAT always worked for you guys.
-of course that Racist cop is fine with Chloe being in charge!
-meanwhile Plagg talking sense to Adrien
-he was going to tell her, but in her defense this stupid ass situation is kind of important
-It’s really sad that the reaction to Chloe being a dictator is really not surprising. I could go in depth but if I think about our current society I will just get annoyed.
-Chloe at least tried to have monarch arrested… before then immediately listening to him and getting powers BUT pretending she didn’t have an akuma.
-A political puppet that’s a hypocrite. What a twist. (Said no one)
-Queen mayor, at least Chloé gets some sort of outfit change.
-So the Resistance is doing a protest. How French. I hope they involve a guillotine.
-… if this were anymore on the nose it would be a face hugger.
-I will give Astruc one thing, he nailed what a typical politician is like. Corrupt, arrogant, being told what to say and do, and lies all the time. I could go on but I hate politics.
-chloé and evolution, and Chloe being the only one in class yet NOT paying attention. That’s actually kind of funny. Like why even go?
-How did they get a Statue like that built in such a short time?
-did Chloe just Legislate love?
-and she just arrested Marinette’s parents and captured her.
-Adrien still can’t communicate with Marinette cause of the situation.
-Adrien found out what Chloe did and is PISSED!
-Chloé knows about London.
-At least Adrien didn’t cave. But now he’s captured.
-Sure is Big brother up in this bitch.
-Plagg being like (want me to take a crack at the screens) Plagg is best boy
-looking at it, the jail/detention isn’t that hard to escape.
-wait did chat noir use cataclysm 2 times already? Well we can assume he detransformed and retransformed.
- Chloe yelling about threats to democracy, yet never knowing what the word meant.
-Ladybug and chat noir step in to tell her. Perfect.
-invincible prisons, oh damn.
-Gabriel and Tomoe out here waiting for the detransformation and taking back control.
-welp, I guess this makes Queen mayor the most effective akuma. She captured them both and now they will detransform. Unless someone shows up? Maybe Su han will finally be useful. I’m kidding. My bet is they get a power up
-ladybug coming in clutch with hero speeches
-Did he just say super underpants?!
-They just willed their transformation back! So I guess they are all grown up now?
-Monarch is shocked by the power of plot convinience.
-chat noir didn’t need to do that, he just wanted to show off and I don’t blame him.
-Was ladybug going to give Chloe a charm? I don’t think she wants one.
-And the mayor steps in to finally ground her.
-Lila took the robots.
-so the kids encourage Ms. Bustier to run
-Chloe is being taken by her mother to have her education Re-evaluated. And now Chloe is going to expose what she knows to Marinette as one last act of spite. Though for a brief moment we saw her pause on Sabrina, perhaps contemplating something. But for what reason, we may never know.
-meanwhile, Adrien is being forced to leave now by his father. He can’t say no because Amok.
-Nathalie is there, Nathalie do something!
-no Nathalie Kick Gabriel’s ass! Don’t just stand by!
-wait so Chloe never called her. Adrien got to tell her. Well at least that.
-Break my heart why don’t ya.
-they sold enough Alliance? Oh dear that can’t be good.
-G being a real G and letting Adrien go.
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-FINALLY! A canon Adrinette kiss. Too bad it’s absolutely tragic
-G no! You have to seperate them now.
-Ah there goes my heart.
-Oh bonus scene.
-Marinette telling Chloe to F*** off was great.
-Lila or whoever she is has that suitcase and is likely going to mess with the plan Tomoe and Gabriel have
Honestly this episode was cringe for most of it.
Chloé being dictator was jumping the shark, ladybug and chat noir can use their powers multiple times now which is about time but probably not useful now.
Lila has the pieces she needs and finally
That last part alone keeping this episode from being the worst of season 5
I give it a 6.5 out of 10
The 6.0 being awarded cause of the Adrien kiss
The additional .5 being Adrien and Marinette standing up to Chloe.
Though Andre got off easy
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mcheang · 2 years
I have a prompt idea! So a rich kid transfers into DuPont who is the son of the prime minister or something. He can be bratty like Chloe and deceitful like Lila. The first thing he does is put Chloe in her place since her dad can’t do anything to him and exposes Lila as the liar she is with the help from his connections.But here’s the kicker, he has a massive crush on Marinette. But she has a massive crush on Adrien, someone he looks down on. Cue jealousy and retribution. Basically Adrien gaining an antagonist of his own because if he can have FOUR girls getting into a cat fight of her (two of whom are nasty bullies) then Marinette can have her own evil love interest. Bonus points if he is beginning to endear to Marinette after standing up to her bullies.
Remy Gusteau
Can you guess where I got his name? But I imagine him to look like Draco Malfoy if he has to keep saying “My father….” Lol
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Your prompt is the first in a long while that has given my that old flair of imagination :D Thank you. Also, for anyone else who wants to send me a prompt, note I have not watched the latest season yet as I am waiting for all episodes to air first. So no spoilers please.
The only reason Remy even agreed to go to Paris after the rise of Hawkmoth was because it was the capital of gastronomy.
Even so, he refused to stay as a guest at the Le Grand Paris. There is no way he is staying in the same hotel as that bully Chloe. Honestly why Ladybug even let her remain a hero after she purposefully endangered a train full of Parisians is beyond him. And ever since he saw her purposefully sabotage a cooking show, he has been asking his father why her father was even still mayor if he could not even raise his daughter properly.
Even so, the mayor personally welcomed Remy at the airport.
Mayor: my daughter attends Dupont too, she can be your tour guide.
Remy: I certainly hope she learned to improve her personality. It doesn’t look good on France if the mayor of our capital has a bully for a daughter.
The mayor paled at the threat. “Of course she has improved. Why else would Ladybug give her a miraculous again?”
Remy: I guess we’ll see.
Later that night, Andre begged his daughter to be on her best behavior because otherwise, it might cost him his job.
Naturally Chloe was appalled. She started to protest when even her mother agreed with Andre. “It would never do for my darling to lose his job. All Chloe has to do is act nice in front of the prime minister’s boy, right? That’s easy to do. Chloe, if you can’t handle even this much, ask your sister for advice.”
The next day Chloe went out of her way to greet Remy and did not even give Sabrina orders…only to be ignored by Remy.
Ugh. Who did he think he is?
Sabrina: Um, the prime minister’s son?
The only seat left available was next to Ivan, right in front of Lila.
As Caline told Remy that Marinette would be his tour guide, Lila volunteered instead.
Lila: Oh, I can do it. As the ambassador’s daughter, I’m sure Marinette would has a lot to do anyway.
Marinette scowled at Lila. And she wasn’t the only one.
Remy himself was not happy. He recognised Marinette because of her parents and uncle. He had actually been looking forward to discuss recipes with her. Why did that nobody have to butt in?
Well that nobody was Lila, and clearly she never heard of personal space. For someone supposed to be giving a tour of the classrooms and teachers, she sure talked a lot about herself instead.
Don’t tell him that everybody actually indulged her like this?
Later that day, after class ended, he asked Caline why she does not try reining in Lila’s tall tales.
Caline: Lila has a special disease. She didn’t want her classmates to see her differently because of it.
Remy stared cooly at this dumb woman. “Hmm. Do you know something, I’ve heard the other students tell me I was in the akuma class. I thought perhaps it might be due to Chloe but perhaps you have something to do with it too. I wonder if I should ask my father to bring an inspector here.”
Caline: If you think it’s needed. I have only ever encouraged my students to forgive each other.
Remy: right, which is why you never told your class they were being lied to by Lila and denied them the chance to forgive her.
True to his word, Remy did bring an inspector around, and was he thorough! Marinette’s previous expulsion case was brought up and both Damocles and Caline were fired for mishandling the case. Remy even forced them to apologize to Marinette. Some, including Adrien, might protest this was harsh, but Remy drily pointed out that Caline’s method of forgiving bullies without punishing them was called enabling. Did she expect them to forgive Hawkmoth too? And Damocles is not supposed to turn school property into some cheap owl cave, nor punish the school for Chloe’s misdeeds. They were like children in the bodies of adults.
Oh, and Lila was exposed too. She had to confess her special ability to the whole school, outing her as someone who likes to tell tall tales.
Understandably, akumas appeared. Curiously though, they never got much chance to cause chaos. Mainly because the no-nonsense inspector and Remy struck them in the head once the transformation had finished, giving them no time to react, and proceeded to keep hitting them till they passed out.
Everyone stared at them.
Remy: What? The miraculous cure will fix everything.
And Remy finally got to discuss baking with Marinette! He just didn’t understand why she was so fixated on Adrien Agreste. The model reminded Remy of Caline, always about forgiving bullies. Spoken like someone who has never been bullied himself!
He just has to help Marinette see that Adrien isn’t worth her time. Some planned situations to show how useless the boy is. Good thing he has the mayor’s daughter at his beck and call. And he just knows she is dying to be mean again.
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howhow326 · 2 years
Break My Soul
Miraculous Ladybug S4: Nino salt fic (CW: Misogynoir, casual racism)
Alya PoV
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Last week was surely the worst week of Alya's entire life.
Sunday, Alya noticed something strange about the trip Lila took last week with prince Ali... it never happened. Prince Ali was staying with his grandmother all week because she got sick. Alya was sure that this was all just some big understanding, so when she saw her green-eyed friend walking down the street she asked her about what happened. "Are you calling me a Liar?" Lila spat at Alya, all of her words dripping with venom. "What?! Of course not! I'm just saying that you didn't go with Prince Ali last week. Did you mean the week before or-" Lila cut off Alya before she could finish. "You're going to regret that." Alya tried to reach out to the girl she thought was her friend, but the liar walked away without a word.
Monday was probably the worst day of Alya's entire life. She went to school like normal, but Nino was late. Then, he burst through the door and screamed "ALYA'S CHEATING ON ME!!!", "What??? How could-" "Lila told me everything you DIRTY LIAR!!! AND I HAVE PROOF!!!" Nino took his phone out and showed the class a poorly edited photo of Alya huging some random boy. Alya was speechless, but Nino wasn't. "I'M DUMPING YOU, CHEATER!!!" In that moment, Alya finnally realized that Marinette had been right about Lila after all. Lila wasn't Alya's friend, she wasn't a celebrity, and she definitely wasn't a good person. "Nino, you have to trust me-", "I'LL NEVER TRUST YOU AGAIN, LIAR!!!" and Nino sat next to Adrien quiet the rest of the class. As Alya's heart slowly broke into pieces, Lila's smile grew larger.
Tuesday, Alya and Marinette became fully ostracized from the rest of the class. All of the girls asked the duo to delete their phone numbers, and they didn't say anything else to them. Nino still kept quiet the whole class, he didn't even speak to his best friend. As for Adrien, Alya and Marinette both knew that he knew Lila was a liar, but he argued that going against her would only do more damage. "BS" Marinette muttered under her breath. "Adrien is the most popular boy at school and he has Chloe in his pocket. You really think the class would choose Lila over him?" "I... I don't know anymore." Alya could feel the resentment of everyone in her homeroom crushing her. "H-hey, calm down! We can't get upset or else-" "-Shadowmoth will try to akumatize us, I know. I just... can't take this. I'm sorry I didn't believe you about Lila before." The more Alya thought about how many second chances she gave Lila, the more twisted her stomach became. "Don't apologize, Alya. Even when you believed Lila, you were still nice to me. You are better than everyone in that heck hole." "sniff Thanks girl." Alya said as she wiped tears from her face. The two girls continued to chat, alone togather in the cafeteria. Out the corner of Alya's eye, she could see Lila leading Nino into what looked like one of the bathrooms, but at this point she was over him. Everyone at school hated Alya and refused to talk to her, but at least things can't get worse right?
Wensday, things got worse. That was the day her classmates started bullying her. Chloe, her doormat, and Kim started name calling Alya and Marinette the minute they sat down. Rose cringed at what she saw, but she never spoke up. Mylene looked like she was enjoying what she saw. And Adrien had a dull look in his eyes, like he was above his classmates antics and not a coward. Miss Bustier walked into the class room during the middle of the name-calling, and she was very quick to get Kim to "settle down". But she never stopped Chloe and Sabrina... Alya wondered why, but she knew in her heart of hearts what was going on. Then Nino walked in, a completely different person from the last time Alya saw him. His base ball cap was gone, and his hair had been straightened and slicked up into a hairstyle that resembled pictures Alya saw of American frat boys. His blue T-shirt and jeans were replaced with black dress pants, a black wifebeater underneath a brown vest. His glasses were missing, but he had many watches on his arms. And besides the new Nino was Lila clinging to his shoulder. "HEY GUYS, LILA AND I ARE DATING!!!" Nino shouted in his 'indoor' voice. "Nino, how many times do I have to tell you to be quiet indoors!" Miss Bustier reprimanded him. "Oh Miss Bustier, please forgive Nino. You know how he gets when he's excited!" Lila spoke in her fake nice voice. "Oh, alight Lila. But make sure to control him better next time!" Miss Bustier urged the Italian. Alya did a double take at what the white teacher had suggested. Ms Bustier was always like that, being ignorant of her blatant racism and disguising it as "helping Chloe and Lila". Alya didn't think it was a sin to be racist on accident, but it was a sin to act like you know everything and still act ignorant. As for Lila... Alya didn't know if she was racist and she didn't care. Lila was already weaponizing racism against her and Marinette. The rest of class was much the same, half of the class harassed Alya and Marinette, but Ms Bustier only stopped the non-french kids from "acting uncivilized with each other".
Thursday was much the same, the exact same actually. After class Alya spotted Nino, or new Nino... evil Nino? Jerk Nino? Alya spotted jerk Nino standing on the sidewalk behind the school. Her brain wanted to ignore him, but her heart wanted to make things right with him. Alya knew that she could never get back with Nino, but she knew that he was better than Lila and didn't want her to influence him anymore. "...Nino?" "Ugh, what do you want." Nino bit at Alya with his words. "Look, just hear me out okay?" Nino stared at Alya for a bit, then he turned his head and popped a cigarette out. Oh Nino, Alya thought, when did you start smoking? "I know that you still don't believe that I never cheated on you, and that there's nothing I can say or do to be with you again-" Alya felt a trail of tears go down her cheek. "- but you have to believe me when I say that Lila is a bad influence on you. My heart has broken into pieces, and watching that girl corrupt you into someone your not is grinding those pieces to dust! You have to break up with Lila, for your sake!" For a moment, silence. Nino looked at Alya like she was nothing, a look he never gave her even when he hated her. "Are you done?" Nino blankly asked Alya. "What?" "See girl, the thing is, I never liked you like that. Having my first girlfriend was nice and all, but you were never Marinette." Alya's mouth hanged from her jaw, did Nino not hear me? "Eww, and that's the other thing; you're ugly!" Alya felt like a dagger was being pushed into her heart. "And judgmental, and bossy, and you never let me be a real man. Now Lila, that girl's got everything! She's nice, cute, not fat like you, and she let me be the person I always wanted to be!" "That... that can't be true! The Nino I knew would never speak to me like that!" Then, Alya felt something hard crash into the side of her face, knocking her off balance and onto the ground. As she looked up, she saw Nino's hand raised. "KEEP MY NAME OUT YOUR MOUTH, WITCH!!!" When Alya touched her cheek, she could feel a small cut from one of Nino's gold rings. Alya looked back at Nino, and he spat into her eye. Alya screamed. "Oh shut up!" Ladybug then dropped out of the sky, punched Nino in the gut, and then threw him into a trash can. "M'lady stop, you could have killed him!" Chat Noir meekly said as he fell down moments after Ladybug. "THEN YOU HELP HIM!" Ladybug shouted at Chat Noir. She then scooped Alya into her arms and swung back to Marinette's room. Once they were safe, Ladybug detransformed into Marinette and Alya cried into her arms.
Friday, Alya stayed home. She was treated for a possible eye infection after the Cigar Rat had spat into her eye, and she. Stayed. Home. At 3:00 p.m., Marinette came for a visit. She told Alya how her day was, that Nino and all the rich kids were cutting classes. They might be held back. Then she left. At 5:00 p.m., Nora answered a call from Nino's father, and she told him to never call this number again. Then Alya went to sleep.
Saturday, and Alya stayed home. On the news, Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting an akumatized Nino. They beat him, but Nino slapped Chat Noir's hand when he reached for him and ran off. That couldn't be good for his reputation. Ayla laid in her bed all morning and afternoon, and she wanted to disappear. She felt like nothing. She felt worthless. She felt unlovable. She felt- "Hey sis, can we talk for a bit?" Nora spoke through a crack in the door. "Sure." Nora opened the door and came into Alya's bedroom, which looked frozen in time. "Alya... what's happening to you? You're not acting like yourself." "Well, me and my bestfriend are being bullied at school. You already know about Nino, and his new girlfriend is the one that caused all this. The classroom teacher is letting this all slide because she puts white girls first, and Adrien is letting this all slide because... I don't know, he's scared." Alya said blankly. Nora looked furious "That's seriously not cool! Why didn't you tell anyone! Why didn't you tell me?!" Alya felt water leak from her eyes. "Because... maybe if I had just lied and said that I was sorry to Nino and believed that Lila went on a trip last week, none of this would be happening. I-" "Alya stop! This isn't who you are! You an ace journalist! You care more about the truth then anyone I know! So stop lying to yourself! You are seen, you are amazing, you are worthy, and you are loved!" and with those touching words, Nora hugged Alya until she stopped crying.
Sunday, Alya's parents asked her to run some errands for them because they thought she needed a breath of fresh air. She was just about done when Lila appeared behind her. "Hi... Alya." Lila spoke in what she thought was the evilest way possible. "Lila, what do you wa-" "Save it. I hope you understand by now what I meant last Sunday. Do understand, Alya, that this is not the end. It is merely the beginning. Tell me, how would you feel if the Ladyblog got hacked? If your big sis got banned from boxing? If Marinette got expelled from school? These aren't empty threats, but the reality you are living. I. HAVE. POWER. I can make heads turn! I can make mountains move! I can do the impossible and the unthinkable! So now you have a choice... choose me over Marinette, and I'll even get you back togather with Nino! Choose Marinette over me... and you will now what it's like to live in H e l l! You don't have to decide today. Just like Marinette, I'll give you some time to think about it." Lila then flipped her hair and walked away like she hadn't talked like a maniac two seconds ago. That made Alya mad.
"Lady Wifi, I am Shadowmoth. You are the most honest person in all of Paris, and yet you're life has been destroyed by the lies of one girl. I will give you back your powers and, in exchange, all I ask are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous." "I, no-" Alya felt like her head was about to explode from pressure. "Why resist me? After all, I'm the only one that believes you are innocent." Shadowmoth whispered into Alya's ear. For a moment, Alya was about to accept Shadowmoth's offer, and smash Lila's head. But then she remembered the truth "No Shadowmoth! You aren't the only one that believes me! Marinette, my best friend in the whole world has always supported me! Ugh, I renounce your power!!!" And with those words, Alya broke the hold Shadowmoth had over her.
Last week was surely the worst week of Alya's entire life.
And this week was surely the best. Alya and Marinette went to school like normal, all apart of their master plan. "Honestly, I don't even like black girls" Nino said in his "indoor" voice. "Their too loud, annoying, and aggressive!" "Haha, Nino, aren't you black too?" Lila asked while, for the first time in her life, genuinely laughing. "What??? No! I'm not black, I'm just a dark skinned Arab!" Nino said, oblivious to the fact that people can be black and Arab at the same time. Not so oblivious to the fact that he was uplifting one race to put down black people, playing coon for an Italian girl. "The difference is?" Lila asked, not because she wanted to know but because she liked seeing her boyfriend humiliate himself in public. "Well, black people aren't cute like me!" Nino shouted in his indoor voice. All of the white kids, minus Rose and Juleka, plus Kim, laughed at the anti-black joke. Max cringed, but didn't say anything. Alya decided to raise her hand, for the plan to work. "Ms Bustier, are you seriously going to let him say that about my people?" she asked, knowing Ms Bustier definitely would. "Alya, it's just a harmless joke. And Lila, I told you to keep Nino under control!" Ms Bustier commanded. "Sorry Ms Bustier. Um, can I go to the bathroom?" Lila asked. Not like she needed to ask, since Ms Bustier would do everything she wanted in order to teach the class to "uplift white women". As she was a foot out the door, Lila winked at Nino. "Oh, uhh, Ms Bustier! Can I go to the bathroom too?" "It's not 'can I', it's 'may I'! And you better be back in 15 minutes young man! I won't have you making sexist jokes all day and failing my class!" Ms Bustier shouted at him. Per usual, Ms Bustier only stands up for black girls when white girls are threatened. Nino scurred out the room to go smoke with Lila, or drink with Lila, or do something else with Lila. Per usual, Lila and Nino didn't return to the classroom, which caused Ms Bustier to sigh. "I knew Nino was a bad influence on Lila". For a second, Alya wanted to scream at the ignorant teacher, but then she remembered that Lila didn't corrupt Nino. She only brought out his true colors.
The next day was the best day of Alya's life. Marinette's plan was quite simple for once, record the classes awful behavior and post it onto the Ladyblog. The website had actually had a lack of updates for a few days because of the drama, so when it randomly posts evidence of the beloved creator being bullied and racially harassed, Alya's entire family got akumatized and attacked the school. After Ladybug stopped the attack, alone, a full investigation was launched into Ms Bustier's homeroom. Apparently the woman used to be a kindergarten teacher, and before that she was a Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist living in Britin. And she was guilty of tax evasion. Alya almost felt sad for her. Almost. Chloe, Sabrina, and Kim were all sent to seperate reform schools full of kids that were 10x nastier than they were, pure karma. Ivan was planning a mass shooting on the school and told Mylene, who though he was joking. He got sent to a psyche ward, and she got a "slap on the wrist" of 1,000 hours mandatory community service.
The next day, Marinette and Alya were invited to a special news interview where they discussed, at length, the lies Lila had told. The special guest, aside from them, was prince Ali, who admitted he didn't know who Lila was. Lila then asked Max to permanently delete the Ladyblog off the Internet as a favor from "saving his life from a ball of paper". Max considered it, but then he remembered Lila's racism. So Max called the news segment and gave them a voice recording of Lila asking him to destroy the Ladyblog to hurt Alya. On live TV. With almost everyone in Paris watching.
Thursday, Lila broke into the news studio to spread "the truth" that Shadowmoth is Gabriel Agreste and that Alya is working with him. She was arrested and placed into an asylum far away from modern technology, a place where she would never "hurt hurself" again. Marinette and Alya had a little laugh at her desperate attempt to stay relevant... then Alya put the pieces in place and realized she was right. Marinette used the rooster Miraculous to gain the power of X-ray vision and looked through the Agreste mansion, only to find a ridiculously sized basement with a... coffin inside. Gabriel's mansion was raided within the hour. Shadowmoth attempted to put up a fight, but Ladybug had a new team of miraculous holders that were actually good at their jobs helping her this time. Gabriel was apprehended and to be brought before a U.N. court for international levels of terrorism. Chat Noir, who was Adrien, had his identity found out by all of Paris. On accident. Ladybug considered taking his miraculous away, but Rena Furtive convinced her otherwisr on the the condition he never become Chat Noir again. "Keeping Plagg might make him grow a spine" Rena argued. "Either way, if he commits a crime with a miraculous, he is definitely going to jail." "Oh, definitely." Before the day ended, Marinette finnaly got togather with Luka, the only person besides Alya that actually supported her. Luka also gave a stern talking to Juleka and Rose, who apologized to the duo for everything they didn't do. They even offered to become friends again, but Alya declined. It was nice they don't have their heads stuck up their butts anymore, Alya thought, but it will take more time to forgive them.
Friday, everything felt right with the world. Adrien moved to London to live with his aunt, and with him gone only one last blight remained. Afterschool, Nino approached Alya on the sidewalk. "So you thought you could ruin my life again and get away with it, YOU BLACK WITCH!!!" Nino screamed at Alya. "Are you done?" Alya blankly asked him. Nino raised his hand, but this time Alya caught him.
Then she punched him in his teeth.
I will not do this ever again.
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trashyangelic · 2 years
Can someone please make this prompt comes true? Lila Get Exposed, Class Redemption, Alya Salt
MENTIONED- Alya Salt, Lila Get Exposed, Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Principal Damocles Salt REDEMPTION- Akuma Class Redemption, Chloe Redemption, Adrien Redemption PAIRINGS- Felinette, ChloeXSabrina, LukaXAdrienXKagami
What if Lila Rossi decided to lie about Walt Disney infront of the entire class who is a fan of disney movies since they were very little to them they already know who is Walt Disney and his biography as to Lila decided to make a lie about Walt Disney knowing him as her so called relative but it backfired on her? The class doesn't like it when Lila lied about Walt Disney in front of them.
Alya well she doesn't like Disney movies very much not like her siblings do yet agreed with Lila instead planning to set it up to her blog. While her classmates protested but had seen what happen when Marinette outted Lila all of them felt guilty and apologize to Marinette who had moved to Mrs. Mendeleiev class as it was bragged by Chloe yesterday that she is dating Felix Graham de Vanily for about 6 years straight.
While Adrien is currently dating Kagami and Luka just as Kagami and Chloe knock some sense into him about that advice he gave to Marinette was very bad but an approval by his father on his dating. Gabriel has no problem with his son being a polyamory bisexual since he was also a bisexual when he found out through Emelie who seem well amused by it.
Now its up to the class to get their redemption by getting Lila Rossi out of their classroom along with Miss Bustier when they had witness it as well to be clear those who were bullied by Chloe were told by the same advice that Miss Busiter gave to Marinette they were not very happy so they told their parents about her then Damocles on weekends. Those advices were horrible to them they wanted to outted her the day she became their teacher since day one but they didn't have evidences to get her fired but now its out for blood to them towards Bustier, Damocles, Lila, and sadly Alya.
As to Nino told Rose about Alya abusing him during his relationship with her and Rose does not seem very happy about it either after witnessing a few things that Alya did to Nino in school as well but lucky for her... she had told Juleka to catch them on her phone while taking photos hopefully it can help Nino along with his parents to get a restraining order to Alya.
While Juleka and Rose deal with Alya abusing Nino the other class decided to deal with Lila, Bustier, and Damocles. Max had an idea of hacking the principal's computer to see what he has done and also not upgrading the school system that Kim mention this morning with him while walking to school.
The rest is up to you to finished!
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theluckiestlb · 2 years
Hi!!! I saw that you did some fic rec lists, and I was wondering if you could help me I guess? There was this one fic trend a little bit ago where Marinette was a secret princess and the class would go to like a birthday party or something for the Princess and Lilas lies would get exposed and I was just wondering if you had read any good ones and could point me in their direction??? Preferably ones without Adrian salt????
Hiya! I'm opening this up to the general public—does anyone know which fic they're referring to?
I haven't been keeping up as much with ML fics (though hopefully, that'll change as uni slows down), but last month I fell in love with one does not love breathing. The resurgence in 'enemies' aus has been wonderful.
As always, I recommend checking out Maryssa's fic rec list. It's a comprehensive library of quality works.
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chivalricmaiden · 2 years
What would happened if Lila Rossi gets exposed in the episode ladybug?
Oh, another ml question in my inbox?
Again, worst person to ask this. I don't know what's going on most of the time. I really just want to look at fanarts + screencaps out of context and vibe. Not interested in discussing the plot much anymore and I don't even watch full episodes, it's just wack. So I kindly ask not to get these kind of questions.
In an ideal world (and majority of fanfics I've read), Lila Rossi's lies are exposed and everybody grovels before Marinette and apologize only for her to vehemently turn them down. But this is Miraculous Ladybug. They draw things out for way longer than needed. Lila will find a way to weasel out of it, I bet.
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artzychic27 · 2 years
What do think of season 5 ml so far and did you read the ml bible?
It’s alright, mostly just centered around Adrinette, tho.
Also, Lila’s sure as hell getting exposed. I think we all saw the clip with Sabrina looking all malicious and fist-bumping Marinette
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