#ml post Evolution
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
“Did you know there are multiple universes?”
Chat noir was taken aback by the question, almost as much as he was by the fact there was some weird version of himself, but this one was clad in white, his black hero suit was now as white as snow, even his blond hair was bleached white.
Though if he had to describe what was the most unsettling, it would be the blue as ice eyes. The green sclera that he had was now a blue that seemed both beautiful and eerie.
Chat noir was planning on meeting with Ladybug only to be stopped by a mysterious white crack appearing in front of him. Only for this cat to pop out and ask him that question.
“What… what do you mean?” Chat noir managed to speak.
The white clad cat smiled.
“Come on, you’re telling me you’ve never read comics? Watched anime? We both know you have.”
His words seemed playful yet disturbed. His Cheshire grin and wide eyes only exacerbated the feeling of unease.
“You’re… from another universe?”
“DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! That’s right Chat noir. I am a version of you from another universe. Though I will say I’m a bit different.” He exclaimed.
“You mean aside from falling into white paint.” Chat noir joked. He clearly wanted to disarm the tension present.
“I see we haven’t lost our observational skills. Yes, my color scheme is different, but I’m very much you. Well, I suppose I have a different name now. I am Chat Blanc.” He stated clearly.
Chat noir was about to speak but felt his voice die. This iteration of him… it couldn’t be real. It had to be a trick. One of Monarch’s lies.
Chat blanc noticed the black clad hero shift into a battle stance.
“You must think I’m an illusion or sentimonster. But let me assure you…”
He moved quickly, as if destroying the space between them to get close.
“I am you Adrien.” He whispered.
A yo-yo wrapped around Chat noir’s waist and yanked him back.
Chat noir landed on a rooftop a good distance away from chat blanc.
“My Lady?! Oh thank kwami you’re here.”
He expected a sort of comment from his spotted partner, but she was alarmingly quiet.
Chat noir looked closer to see her expression, it was one that was a conclave of emotion, but one emotion was clearly present, fear.
Chat blanc looked up to see the two heroes on another roof.
“My Lady! So you do exist in this universe as well! I am happy to see you once again.” The white cat’s statement rang genuine, but to ladybug, it may as well have been the most vile of insults.
“You shouldn’t exist anymore, how are you here?” Ladybug asked, her voice trying to fight her fear by sounding angry.
“Shouldn’t exist? My lady I… Oh! You’ve met a version of me. And unlike the ones I’ve met, you managed to defeat me. I’m surprised though, I didn’t think miraculous healing could restore the world.”
Chat noir looked at Ladybug.
“What is he talking about?”
Ladybug felt her stomach flip, this was far too much to handle. This chat blanc needed to be saved.
“Kitty, we need to deakumatize him, we can not let him use his powers anymore than he has. I promise I will explain everything after.”
Chat noir could tell that this would be a lot to explain, and agreed to ladybug’s terms.
Chat blanc frowns
“So he doesn’t know? Then that means… oh you aren’t a version of my lady that knew me, you are a version of the one Bunnyx sent. My how interesting!”
Chat noir charged at Chat Blanc. He noticed this version of him didn’t have a belt, or a baton. He had an advantage! This thought was clearly dismissed when before Chat noir could strike him with his staff, he was gone.
“What? Where did he go?” Chat noir exclaimed in disbelief.
Ladybug had her Yo-yo drawn and looked around frantically. He was there but then he wasn’t.
“You know how versatile infinite destruction is? I failed to see its potential at first. But now, I’ve got a pretty good grasp on it.”
Ladybug turned quickly to see chat blanc was behind her.
“I can destroy anything, including the space between objects. After losing my baton, I learned of a much faster means of movement.”
Ladybug swung her yo-yo only for chat blanc to vanish from view again.
“You will have to be quicker than that Bugaboo.”
Chat blanc was behind her again.
Ladybug Jumped forward to escape his grasp. But chat blanc appeared in front of her, catching her hand.
Chat noir got back on the rooftop and drew his staff.
“Let her go!”
Chat blanc twisted her arm behind her back and used his other hand to point at her head. A small white ball of destructive energy was in between his finger and her head.
“Easy there you two. As much as I would LOVE to play cat and mouse. I’m only here for one thing, your miraculous.”
Chat noir felt a pit of anger well up in him.
“So… your just a puppet for monarch.”
Chat blanc blinked.
“Monarch? Is that what he is calling himself in this universe?! How pretentious! But knowing him, this isn’t surprising. It’s funny how little you miss a man that emotionally abused you and batted you across Paris all for a wish.”
Chat noir felt his spine shiver. What did this iteration of him do?
Ladybug was trying to figure a way out of the situation. But chat blanc had his grip locked, and one false move would mean her end.
Chat blanc suddenly releases Ladybug.
“You know, I just realized! What I should be doing. Before I take your miraculous. I should give that old man a piece of my mind. I accidentally destroyed him in my universe, I should do it with intention this time!”
Before they could react, Chat Blanc disappeared.
Ladybug fell to her knees, she was breathing heavily.
Chat noir rushed to ladybug’s side.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not hurt… but I’m a long way from okay.”
Ladybug got up
“We need to stop Chat Blanc.”
Chat noir looked at his black gloves hands and clenched them.
“He said he was going after Monarch… does that mean…”
“If he is who he says he is, then this chat blanc knows all our identities, and he is the most dangerous foe I’ve ever faced.”
“How did you beat him last time?”
“I appealed to his good side… I don’t know if this version still has it. If he doesn’t… our world is in great danger.”
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chatonnoir · 2 years
he ;.
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he .genntle hold him bug
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cakemousse · 2 years
what Ladybug and Chat Noir have called each other in season 5 so far:
1. Evolution
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Chaton, Mon Lapin (kitten, my Bunny)
2. Multiplication
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Mon Chatounet (my little kitten)
3. Destruction
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Mon Chaton, Chaton (my kitten, kitten)
4. Jubilation
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Mon Doux Chaton (my sweet kitten)
5. Illusion
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞:
6. Determination
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Chaton
7. Passion
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Mon Chaton
8. Reunion
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞:
9. Exaltation
🐈‍⬛: My Lady 🐞: Chaton, M. Pas un cheveu qui dépasse, M. S’accroche à son secret, M. Le partenaire dont tout le monde rêve, Bisou-bisou miaou-miaou (kitten, Mr Not-A-Hair-Out-Of-Place, Mr Clinging-To-His-Secret, Mr The-Partner-Everybody-Dreams-Of, Kiss-kiss meow-meow)
thank you @2manyfandoms2count for the translation in ep 9
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Huh, I just realized that:
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In “Protection” Adrien revealed (to both us AND his father) that Emilie herself told him under which circumstances she and Gabriel met years ago. Rewatching “Passion” today, I realized that this explains Adrien’s shocked expression after Nathalie told him about how falling in love in her youth was... difficult for her:
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While Nathalie most likely came into Gabriel’s and Emilie’s lives after Adrien’s parents met for the first time, I see no reason why Emilie would have told Adrien about her and Gabriel having come from two different worlds but never EVER would have spoken a single word of the adventures they went on with Nathalie. At the very least as exciting tales to tell for when her sheltered and lonely 5 year old son came up to her and asked to hear a story about “Maman’s and Papa’s adventures!”
Anyway. Where I’m getting with this is that after the reveal in “Protection” that thanks to Emilie Adrien knows about certain important things of his parents past of which even GABRIEL wasnt aware that Adrien knew of it (maybe never WANTED him to know?)
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And that leads to the conclusion that Emilie told him about their adventures too hence why Nathalie was being so casual about her having been a treasure huntress and fighting snakes, but only in “Passion” would Adrien have found out that Nathalie has been in love with his father for THIS long already:
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That’s what shocked him.
What other domino effects take place from these two moments is as for now still up to everyone’s own interpretation, but I’m definitely looking forward to see the rest of the season play out to find out what other subtle reveals - but with MASSIVE implications for the Agreste’s - are yet to come x3
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cheswirls · 1 year
i started this ml sketch back in 2021 and have successively redone it so many times since and i think..... fingers crossed!!!!!! that i like this version from last night enough to maybe color or do something past sketching at least
#god this was part of the ml set i did back in the fall semester when i did those poni canyon studies#mind you this was also back when evolutions was airing and i was obsessed w ml again#one of those was a ship meme that i did lineless headshots for instead of inserting old art#i only did moon but maybe ill finish lillie so it's “completed” or smth#the other i think were the fullbody refs and maybe one of them was colored neither lined tho#anyway it's all old art so i doubt itll see the light of day but maybe i can retouch n drop a new ml set here#if i post this recent one it won't be alone plus ive been waiting to post abt the fks until i had a set done#god if i get this theoretical intro ml set done i could post sm old art **that i actually still like#im rly adverse to throwing fks into the parents ship tag on their own these days but ive had an old sk#of lillie + the kids for so long that i could use bc the intro set was gonna have /smth/ w both of them#together w either moon or lillie#the problem is i say ill post a bunch of art at once then get impatient n do one by one#or n e v e r finish the full set and nothing gets posted#haha at my pmshi set w the fullbody fk refs ive had done for literal yrs now that will never get posted ever anymore#anyway i rly do love ml so much it's honestly my fav gameverse ship now and i rly need more#content on here made by me so everyone else knows im down bad for them#the fks were never supposed to be a secret per se i am jus rly bad at completing full sets#anyway!!!! point is maybe future incoming ml art on here i am slowly making progress
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years
I don’t have fandom friends so I’m coming in ur ask box with this hope you don’t mind. Basically adrien was my favorite character ever. ML my longest fandom fixation, and I never really shipped anything before lovesquare. now it’s like a gaping hole from betrayal. I don’t find new favorites easily and I’m terrible at watching tv, I never finish series. Plus I’ve never been a writer, it scares me,I don’t have that faith in my ability. if i could start a new creative phase that would be amazing. I don’t know how or to make friends on tumblr.
do you have any recommendations or advice?
Hello! Okay, don't take this as definite correct answers for everything ever, but I've been around the fandom and creative block a few times, so I'll just share my experiences and maybe something there will be of use to you.
I’m going to say this about writing: your work is always going to look like a work in progress to you, because it’s your work and you saw the entire process of creating it. My advice is to pick something you really like and be as self-indulgent about it as possible. If you’re having fun writing it, it matters less if others don’t like it. However, there’s a big chance that those who do like it will like it for the same reasons that you do, that they’ll like the same things you do in general and you can have some fun conversations about those things.
As for how to make friends on tumblr, you’re kind of already doing a part of it. Interact with people. Make contact. Ask questions, state your own opinions and keep doing those things. My tumblr friendships are based very much on sending prompts for ask games and responding to posts made by people I think are cool. The ask game thing is a good tip for determining who to try this with too. If they reblog a lot of ask games, that means they want to be sent asks and be interacted with, otherwise they wouldn’t invite people to do so.
Now for the recommendations: I don't watch many romance-focused shows, but I do watch a lot of superhero shows and I have a preference for strong character dynamics, especially found families and friendships, so I have some recommendations I think might work. I'll give some details about how they're similar to Miraculous and the biggest differences in case you're looking for something very similar in a particular way.
Ultimate Spider-Man: I made an entire post series about how this show has the exact same energy as Miraculous. It's very kid-friendly, a more humorous take on a hero who often comes with a lot of emotional baggage, and Peter will not chill about his bestie Harry. The main difference is that big parts of the series are a bit more like the New York Special in that Spider-Man spends a lot of episodes meeting different Marvel universe heroes. The show is kind of a crash course on the big names of Marvel in addition to being a Spider-Man show.
Spectacular Spider-Man: This one is more romance-focused with some love triangle drama and secret identity hijinks. The target audience clearly veered more towards older viewers and it ended before its time so it doesn’t really have a satisfying conclusion. Although most shows on this list don’t really have a definitive ending, this show has a flagrant: “come join us for the next season (that never came)!” vibe. This is generally seen as the most high-quality Spider-Man show.
Teen Titans: Fun superhero team show with an actual main couple. On the other hand, it doesn’t really do anything with secret identities and the romance is only focused on sporadically. The team dynamics are really varied with the kids on the team all having different personalities that mesh and clash in different ways.
X-Men Evolution: Romance and high school hijinks with superhero action. This is a team show like Teen Titans, but actually has a double life thing going on. The show clearly telegraphs to you who the final couples will be, even if the way getting there might have some drama along the way. Far more focus on things to do with school than the other recs on this list. Not really secret identity hijinks since all the heroes and villains know who each other are; it’s the normal students who are being kept in the dark, so it’s more of a “don’t let anyone know this different aspect of the world exists” secrecy thing.
Danny Phantom: A Spider-Man clone with ghosts. This one also telegraphs who the main couple will be in episode one, but there isn’t really much development there, so the characters spend a lot of time focusing on other stuff. Like X-Men Evolution, this one also has more focus on school stuff, although with the whole “superheroics make school even harder for an awkward teen” angle. Some secret identity hijinks with Danny trying to keep his ghost-hunting family in the dark about his ghost powers, but his best friends are in on it from the get-go.
Batman Beyond / Batman of the Future: So, funny story: this team got told: “make a Batman show where he goes to high school” for relatability points, and their solution was: “a new Batman goes to high school in a cyberpunk dystopian future and gets mentored by the original”. This show is a sequel to the Batman the Animated Series, but you don’t need to have seen that show to follow this one, since it’s set so far in the future. Just having a concept of Batman and his usual supporting cast will do. Terry has secret identity hijinks, gets stuck between two girls, neither of whom he feels understands him fully, and saves the day from some pretty creepy villains. This one is definitely for an older audience because, as I just stated, the singular episodes can get creepy.
Kim Possible: This is a banger of a girl power show. The main premise is “Kim Possible: she can do anything. Ron Stoppable: he can’t.” Kim’s sidekick is her main love interest even if they take forever getting there and, despite his sidekick status, Ron is treated with a lot of respect as a character by the writers. He frequently gets his own focus episodes and he’s allowed to have opinions that go against Kim’s and this aspect of them is really showcased in how different they can be. Even so, you never question whether or not these two adore the heck out of each other even while they’re still trying to keep their relationship platonic. No actual super powers or secret identities, but there is some drama with trying to schedule your civilian life around your hero one.
W.I.T.C.H.: This show has peak “guy who starts off as strictly the love interest suddenly becomes a major player in the plot” development in addition to having another guy who’s there for the action from the get-go while also having a major romance arc with one of the main girls. In addition the girl team gets secret identity hijinks with their families and friends although they all know each other’s secret identities. Gets more serialized in season two, like the comic it’s based on, but each episode still has a bunch of meat to it.
Winx Club: This show is a bit more of a changeling fantasy story than a superhero story, but the main characters do need to save the day a lot and even start to view themselves as heroes the more the series goes on. The main point is the main lead having a Normal Teenage Girl perspective in a magical school. She and her friends basically all get their own romance arcs, all with different flavors so there’s something for everybody. Each season has a self-contained story that gets concluded by the end, but the quality of said stories decreases from season four onward (kinda like another show), so I recommend watching only seasons 1-3.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: This pick is mostly if romance is not a key factor. It doesn’t matter which one you pick; there’s barely any. The focus is on family first and foremost. But, the thing about this franchise is that it’s been relaunched so many times and the different versions are so different that there’s a high chance of there being a version for everybody. The 87 cartoon is kid friendly, until the edgy retooling that was panned and the 2003 cartoon is grittier until the lighter-toned retooling that was panned (almost like you shouldn’t mess with a working formula). Fortunately you can skip the seasons that don’t work, because of the “and the adventure continues” nature of Turtles shows; there is never a conclusive ending. The 2012 show is a zany CGI cartoon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the most anime-esque with Studio Trigger-like action scenes.
Power Rangers: @infinitysgrace and @chronicallylatetotheparty keep telling me early Miraculous and Power Rangers have a lot in common, so I’m downloading Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as we speak. Can’t say much more than that yet.
My tip for not wanting to deal with shows letting you down: wait until you can be reasonably sure of what the show is going for before you get into it. The thing about Miraculous though is that season four was a retooling of the series so it introduced some pretty bad curveballs that few people saw coming. Of course, that’s why my recommendation list is full of shows that have already concluded. Sometimes works that are already finished are better because the drama has already passed and you can check beforehand if you should be concerned about a particular character’s treatment in the show.
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gentil-minou · 2 years
Will you talk about Gabriel?? I think he’s gone crazy..
I wanted to! Especially now that I can finally watch Evolution without my ears bleeding I was planning on doing it but...
Tbh with all the leaks and spoilers, that I've been trying so hard to avoid, it just feels like it's not fun to analyze and theorize for the season. It's like what's the point when some folks saw the bible and know exactly what will happen? Where's the fun in making ridiculous theories? Or using an episode to predict what will happen later down the line?
And because of how visicious this fandom can be with spreading leaks and spoilers, I cant take the risk that I write something and then someone reblogs with major spoilers. Even now I have to proceed with caution on my dashboard and with reblogs for certain posts, or like even old ones. Even when I saw this ask in my notifs I was afraid someone had dropped a spoiler.
It stinks cause I do love the show and want to talk about it, but honestly I'd rather wait till the season ends to go and dive deep. At the end of the day I'm going to focus on the best fandom experience for me, and that might mean less ml posts from me for a bit
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
Relivin the Past, Hopin It'd Last
relivin the past, hopin it'd last by sunfoxfic
Félix has just acquired the Peacock Miraculous. Now that he's slipped out of Ladybug and Chat Noir's radar, he only has one person he feels safe to get help from: his cousin.
Words: 2236, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Félix Graham de Vanily, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Félix Graham de Vanily
Additional Tags: ML Secret Santa, POV Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: s05 Evolution, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sentimonster Adrien Agreste, Sentimonster Félix Graham de Vanily, Swearing, no gloob spoilers, but some INTERESTING timing, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43978212
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melissak2802 · 11 months
Okay, so I'll try to start posting about my AUs with Agatha Christie's characters as Miraculous wielders.
In case if this is going to be read by Dame Agatha's fans who are unfamiliar with what Miraculous Ladybug is: ML is a French superhero animated show aimed at children but having a number of older fans. In this show, superpowers come from magical jewelry called the Miraculous, each of which has animal symbolism and is based on an abstract concept, like creation, destruction, transmission, protection, illusion and much more - altogether 19 Miraculouses shown in the show (and more is out there). They also come with kwamis, small beings that embody their concept and empower their wielder. I am just experimenting by trying to imagine characters with this kind of superpowers, their interactions with their kwamis, etc.
For the main project, I'll go with the canon Miraculouses and mostly their canon powers, while trying to avoid the canon issues with the system:
The Rabbit Miraculous of Evolution (in canon it has time travel, a very storybreaking power) either will not appear or will appear with a changed power. At the very least, it will be limited to very short-term travel, or changed to a time-based power which isn't time travel.
The Peacock Miraculous of Emotion (in canon it can create controllable minions out of a person's emotions, but later in canon they were stated to be real sentient life, sometimes seen as that sometimes not in random order, and creating a ton of ethical issues) will be still creating sentimonsters but they will be explicitly not sentient, just a projection. (This will be so at least in the AU version of the novel where currently I intend to feature the Peacock)
The Rooster Miraculous of Pretension (in canon it allows to pick any power that another kwami doesn't have, the rules are pretty obscure and shown abilities self-contradictory) will be limited to granting/enhancing any mundane ability of the holder instead of any openly magical power.
The Goat Miraculous of Passion (in canon it has a power hardly different from the most featured Ladybug Miraculous of Creation) isn't planned to appear for now, so I don't know yet what I will do with it if I want to make it appear.
The rest of them will work the canon way.
I also may occasionally delve into speculations of what fan-made or fan-reinvented Miraculous could characters have.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
Adrien Puts the Pieces Together
adrien puts the pieces together by fulldaysdrive, iridescentOracle
adrien puts some pieces together, about felix, and his dad, and nathalie, and his mom, and hawkmoth, in the aftermath of strike back and evolution
Words: 3611, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of ml notfic
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Amélie Graham de Vanily, Félix Fathom
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Félix Fathom
Additional Tags: Notfic, Sentimonster Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Sentimonster Félix Fathom, Gabriel Agreste Revealed As Hawkmoth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Identity Reveal, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, Post-Episode: s05 Evolution, Episode: s05 Multiplication, goes au sometime in the period of time covered in Multiplication/Destruction, but the timeline of those episodes is so weird it's hard to pinpoint actually where, post-trying to find Felix but pre-Adrien's post-modeling depression spiral, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Finds Out He's Buttercup, Hugs, Ladynoir Hugs, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, references to (takes a deep breath) Strike Back Felix Volpina The Collector Multiplication, Kuro Neko Glaciator 2 Gabriel Agreste and the NY special!
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46731388
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Hey can I just ask u smthg since ur the one of the only.... positive.... reader of the bible(ml) I know lol
I saw a post abt mocking ppl abt the love square saying how bad the season is and that the end will be very disappointing blah blah blah u know usual stuff
I just... this rlly set me off cause I've not been very excited with the start of the season cause of the bible being leaked and a lot of ppl who read it saying that the season was going to be bad. Everytime I go see some legal spoilers and teasers I see ppl making memes and analysis, stuff that dont have a fcking read below tag or even a warning at the start that it's a bible leak and everytime I think it's just some headcanon its fcking real and I am so disappointed.
Like I haven't watched multiplication and destruction and don't even think on doing it anytime soon cause that's how low my interest dropped from accidentally seeing SO MANY leaked images and text posts saying that ml season 5 will truly be trash
I dont wanna look into anymore of those spoilers it's rlly not safe even in this site so I just wanna ask if u think this season is as bad as ppl say it?
But I understand you completely this show goes from 0 to 100 and the other way around ALL THE TIME. One episode is amazing and the next one is crap and so on. I hated the bible so much and I still hate so many decisions the writers made and I'm really not sure how things will end but I idk I thought quitting the show will help me but I'm too attached to it and my friends here and the truth is I can't just leave. I loved Destruction. I wanted to leave not because I was disappointed in the previous episodes - the season 4 finale was awesome and so was Evolution and Multiplication - but the spoilers got worse and worse. The more I read about them the more I hated them and nothing here was making me want to stay. The fandom sucks too but man there are some of my friends here whom I would sell my soul to the devil for so I can see them again every day. If you want to quit I fully understand and I don't judge you. I quit like three times now and every time I find excuse to come back. ML is addictive. If you need a break take it. We will get a lot of episodes now and when/if you come back you will have a lot of stuff to watch. Breaks help a lot. I felt so good when I didn't interact with the fandom for a while.
But just in case maybe you want to read the bible? And I will share the link for it and I can't say it will change your mind but I just think you should watch Multiplication and Destruction cuz I haven't met a person yet who was deeply disappointed by these episodes. I personally thought they were great. I wish every episode was this interesting and funny and I know this season will disappoint with some episodes too but that's how we roll. I will probably take more breaks again sometime when I decide. I understand and support you whatever you decide. You do what you want.
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floweryotter · 2 years
It's good that ML writers prefered to give Monarch an ugly look instead of keeping his Evolution one because if not we would have posts like "If evil, then why hot? 🥴"
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multimousenette · 2 years
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I posted 13,801 times in 2022
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#ml evolution - 14 posts
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My Top Posts in 2022:
everyone saying blitz & hearth aren’t canonically a couple like. Yes they are. It may not have them say “we’re dating” but they are. It’s explicitly there in the text that they are in love, you don’t have to say those exact words lmao. It’s the good omens/ineffable husbands thing all over it’s not queerbait it’s queercoding (tbf I haven’t seen ppl call it queerbait but again y’all are implying it)
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493 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi my name is Lila Du’sk Deception Fox Rossi and I have long dusky brown hair (that’s how I got my name) with white tips that reaches my mid-back and light green eyes like peridot tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Ariana Grande (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to the ancient fox superhero but I wish I was because she’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a foxgirl but my teeth are straight and white. I have light brown skin. I’m also a superhero, and I go to a school called Francois-Dupont in France where I’m in the troisième (I’m fifteen). I’m very popular (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly orange. I love Forever 21 and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing an orange playsuit with a white shirt underneath and a black leather jacket, black fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing orange lipstick and black eyeliner. I was walking outside Francois-Dupont. It was a few days since the last akuma attack so there was no Ladybug, which I was very happy about. Marinette stared at me. I put up my middle finger at her.
1,048 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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autistickdragon · 2 years
I’m starting from scratch and I need to follow more people. Like this post if you post autism, communism, ML, geopolitics, Tolkien, linguistics, archaeology, astronomy, tectonic plates or evolution content (and if you know anyone who does maybe you could tag them?) 😘🙏
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littlemourningstar · 2 years
As a small reminder for season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug, I tag my spoilers as:
ml spoilers
ml [episode name] (ex: ml evolution)
Since there is still some confusion on what the actual name is of episode 9, I’ve decided to tag any spoilers from that episode with both:
ml elation
ml exaltation
This is just how I’m tagging my reblogs and posts. “ml spoilers” is a very common and widely used tag by the blogs I follow but it might not be what everyone uses so just be careful if you’re trying to avoid spoilers!
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sganalytics · 5 days
The Evolution of Data Analytics: From Descriptive to Predictive and Prescriptive 
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Data analytics has advanced significantly over the last several years, from simple descriptive analytics to predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and so on. The progress bears testimony to the growing business need to understand not only history but also future scenarios. This post will briefly overview the evolution of data analytics types. 
Descriptive Analytics: The Beginning 
A quote by George Santayana suggests that if you cannot remember the past, you are more likely to repeat it. Accordingly, you want to use descriptive analytics when summarizing historical event data. Note that to inspect what has happened over a specific period, you require statistical techniques and computing methods for continuous data aggregation, data mining, and visualization. Since descriptive analytics focuses on what happened, finding patterns or trends using previously recorded details from multiple valid sources is essential. 
For example, in a data insights company serving a retail organization, descriptive analytics examine last year’s sales data to reveal which products sold the most units during which season. It is this analysis that is really important for knowing the current situation of the business and for making comparisons and planning future strategies. Still, the primary power of descriptive analytics is in being able to tell us about what happened without explaining why it happened or predicting what might happen next. 
Predictive Analytics: The Interval 
Eric Siegel once said, in his book, that predictive analytics is the technology that excels at learning from experience data to estimate people’s future behavior and drive better decisions. 
In the same way, when firms felt that traditional descriptive analytics was not good enough to compete with the high expectations of the contemporary business landscape, they embraced predictive analytics. Predictive analytics uses unique statistical models powered by machine learning algorithms to tell you what the future holds for your organizational goals. 
When forecasting those events, predictive analytics solutions might analyze historical records to uncover relationships between multiple variables. Moreover, ML models help include more dynamic factors to derive conclusions based on best and worst possibilities. Therefore, you get comprehensive reports on all potential future patterns of outcomes. 
Prescriptive Analytics: The Aftermath 
Ed Catmull believes the manager’s job has nothing to do with preventing risks. Instead, a manager must make it safe to take them. 
While predictive analytics may indicate what is likely to happen, prescriptive analytics not only foretells what is going to happen but also gives a suitable recommendation on how to handle the future risk that is soon going to materialize. Prescriptive analytics skills comprise incremental optimization and scenario-specific stimulatory modeling in order to find out “what happens if” as well as “what one should do about it” types of ideas. 
Prescriptive analytics is very valuable, as decision-making can be very complex when there are huge variables and possible outcomes to consider. For instance, it aids companies in not only forecasting the future but also preparing for the future by creating an action plan beforehand. 
The Integration of Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics 
Researchers worldwide want to standardize descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive workflows for unified insight extraction and visualized reports. 
Descriptive analytics may function as the foundation by giving insight into past performance metrics. 
Later, predictive analytics builds on that base by predicting future trends. 
Finally, prescriptive analytics adds a final layer by suggesting optimal actions. 
These three data analytics types are used synergistically in real life by enterprises. A firm could first leverage descriptive analytics in order to understand past customer behavior, then apply predictive analytics in order to gauge future purchasing patterns, and finally use prescriptive analytics in order to design specific marketing strategies customized to certain customer groups. 
The Future of Data Analytics Evolution 
Today, corporate leaders have to make use of the best strategies, tools, and talent available in the current market to predict their future, ensuring that the outcomes they prefer do not remain hypothetical promises. That is the only method to thrive in this hypercompetitive data-centric era to surpass your rivals in market share and crucial metrics like the average revenue per user (ARPU). 
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