#ml s6 prediction
wackus-bonkus-maximus · 5 months
In the special, why emonette couldn't make a wish? Was it because of Supreme leader?
hello october anon, i'm very sorry for the delay i've had such a time but believe me when i say toxigriffe hasn't left my brain. i'm about to give you so much more of an answer to what you asked (but dw there will be pictures)
so it looks like whatever seal plikki have on their mouths does belong to the supreme. and it appears that even in their true forms this seal still lasts.
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and it's not just a block either. it seems like resisting actually hurts plikki, like a shock collar.
and then right after marinette makes the wish, the seal appears again beneath her feet.
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whatever power the supreme has, it's more powerful than the wish. but what could have made the supreme so powerful to begin with? my theory is this: the supreme got a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculous (maybe even the whole miracle box) and made a wish. we don't know what it was, but it seems that there's evidence enough to back up the inclusion of the clause that no one can supercede their wish. that's what makes them the supreme.
lets take a look at what the miracle box looks like in fu and then marinette's possesion:
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and then here's the supreme's (from the intro), complete with their symbol and everything:
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doesn't it look like the symbol of the order of the guardians?? just with an x superimposed over it??? and since fu had the lb & bc miraculouses at the start of the series, maybe this miracle box that the supreme acquired as the guardian also had those miraculous. that's how toxigriffe ended up getting their proper miraculous in the paris special!!
i think the intro is telling us a story of what happened, actually. first, the supreme got a hold of the miracle box. next, they made a wish. (i assume it's an image of the wish, given what the wish looked like in re-creation)
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the image splits into hexagons, with the one with the wish happening forming in the center. i'm guessing all those other hexagons are parallel worlds, and this world in the center is the one the supreme became the supreme of
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then we get an image of this person, who i assume is the supreme, given the giant x they are standing in front of - the same symbol that blocks the guardian insignia on the box and on plikki's mouths. like all the fractured worlds featured in the previous image, the supreme stands in the midst of fractured pieces of what looks like glass.
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maybe all the shards represent worlds the supreme has tried to take over before, but failed to. maybe they are all the worlds the supreme has conquered already. or maybe the broken mirrors are meant to parallel the supreme to poor emonette, whose misuse of her powers (under the supreme's threat of her life) have fractured her body and soul.
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but unlike emonette, the supreme doesn't have the miraculous of creation. the supreme isn't the girl who can fix anything.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, YOU WANNA KNOW WHO I THINK IT IS? (you know who i think it is!!)
to begin with, we get this sneak peek of the supreme's suit. those colors are unmistakeably purple and gray (and green but idk why that's there).
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who know who else would have a purple suit?
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the person with the butterfly miraculous, that's who.
maybe there's a reason the supreme wants the butterfly back so badly. the toxigriffe universe is a universe where the supreme doesn't have a complete miracle box after all. at least, it was when we left off.
but maybe s6 will change that.
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thecoolcatstuff · 10 months
Unpopular opinion here but I am looking really forward to Lila's reign as Hawkmoth, and think it has the capacity to be even more interesting than Gabe's
Ill explain why.
Lila, as we all know, is a liar. Not only a liar but a really fucking good one, to the point of fooling pretty much everyone in paris. However, we must ask what being a liar as good as lila entails to who she really is?
I mean, being able to lie her way through pretty much any situation doesnt come out of nowhere. Lila is a good liar only because she is able to read the room like no other, understand and analyse people and explore their weaknesess in a ridiculous short amount of time.
That leads to an interesting psychological analysis of her profile. Lila is what we call a dark empath, someone who uses their innate talent for cognitive empathy at the expense of others, often for personal gain. They can recognize someone’s situation without sympathizing with them.
for more on dark empaths, see
And that is exclusively what makes Lilamoth/Cerise so dangerous, much more than Gabe.
The butterfly miraculous power is based primarly on the use of empathy. The empathy of understanding a person's needs and feelings and giving them the tools to overcome then.
Unlike Gabriel, whose cognitive empathy was close to none (borderline sociopathy) who took all and every negative feeling as a tool without really digging much into it, Cerise will be able to understand better the feelings her prey act on, and manipulate them better to make potentially more powerful akumas. She will be able to recognise things that are usually burried underneath, and sometimes pass undetected at first glance. Traumas, fears, psychological damages and mental ilnesses.
Understanding them better will also make her able to control them better. Gabe often lost control of their akumas, mostly because he had his head too much in his own ass to understand what they really wanted, or what buttons to press to make then comply. That, im sure, wont be a problem for Cerise who will have every akuma under her thumb.
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generalluxun · 11 months
Miraculous S6 Prediction
So this kind of came to me while mulling over the expected 'fallout' of the S5 finale's... choices for Marinette. There's a clear setup for a blowup in the offing. The Big Lie is going to be impossible to keep going. Cat Noir is not Adrien, and she would of course tell him what was happening... However, a counterargument is that ML has a history of dodging weighty and morally complex emotional conversations. It loves to set them up! There are so many running all throughout the show and it's great fodder for fanfic, but the show itself tends to slap a one line band aid on major emotional issues then just move on. It's a choice.
But I don't think they can just *ignore* it either. They als have a history of being very... nervous?... aware?... insecure about what they might be called out for as plot holes. They redifine powers in minute detail (rooster/Snake) they devote entire what ifs to 'Why this wont' work' and create episodes to recontextualize humor as trauma with a wiff of (unfounded IMO) blowback.
So what is a solution to this catch-22?
The Guardian's memory loss. Contrive a means for Marinette to have to pass on the box so she loses her memory. We might gnash our teeth, but consider it from the writing room PoV.
Marinette is now free and clear to never have that hard talk with Adrien. She doesn't know! The Love Square is completely reset, and they can 'flip' the whole thing again, with Adrien trying to reconnect with the girl he loves who doesn't remember him. She gets reintroduced to being Ladybug, to Cat Noir. They can farm it all over again! they can't do a 1 for 1, but they have a wonderful tapestry to work with and a lot of fans will be enthralled by 'How does it happen differently this time?'
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yeet-noir · 1 year
hey, i just wanted to ask what you think of s5 so far? are you liking, does it meet ur expectations or are you underwhelmed?
It's hard to have conclusive thoughts about certain aspecrs without the whole season being out. I will say it's been frustrating to have networks air episodes so far out of order and no consistent schedule, but that's always been ML 🫠 The thing really hurting from that is the activity from the fandom on Tumblr imo 🥲
With that said I have been enjoying the first 11 episodes (I believe it's been 11 at least in order right hahaa)!. I was one of the people that was not very critical to how episodic it was previous, but I am delighted to see the big plot points unfold! My expectations for season 5 (and please if somebody who has read the leaks or watch the episodes out of order keep comments to yourself about my speculations PLEASE) is that we will have a reveal and Monarch will be defeated. Soooooooo hopefully those will play out well 😬
Honestly the only thing the show has done this that I was skeptical about was have Adrienette confession. I always hoped we would have the identity reveal before that and s6 would have post reveal pre-relationship shenanigans. BUT what is making up for it is how slow burn it is I do not want them to rush and date. I want them to slowly build their comfort level in their relationship so I am happy that is happening. I predict (again please NO LEAK COMMENTS sorry but anytime I speculate somebody gotta mention "well according to the bible 🤓") that Marinette will only be able to say I love you to Adrien when she realizes he is Chat Noir which would be very cute.
And I lied there is a thing I wasn't very happy about and it was Marinette and Adrien having their Miraculous revoked by their Kwamis and them giving it to Alya and Zoé. It felt too weird... and forced? Ladynoir never really addressed it after... Nobody seemed bothered that their fav superheros just left.... Marinette never questions why Chat Noir had to go... and Zoé was such a random person to receive it and I am just not invested in her storyline so it took up too much time when the focus should of been the Love Square. I am happy part 2 wrapped that up and we got to see Marinette in action with no suit THAT WAS AWESOME. And Adrien taking the earrings ICONIC. So while I didn't enjoy part 1 the ending of part 2 really made me feel good.
Sorry I am rambling I appreciate being asked 🥹 I usually keep most my thoughts in a private GC especially with bible leakers sniping commentary posts it is hard to share. I love this show so much it's my guilty pleasure and I still have a positive outlook on it! I just hope in my soul that the identity reveal is god-tier and that their relationship start is to my taste. I also look forward to the Agreste plotline and my little monster Adrien senti-plot cause whether people like it or not it is very clear he is one and love that for him <3
Again thanks for the ask!! Sorry is this was all over the place too
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arrow-28 · 11 months
Thoughts on Recreation (ML S5 ep 26)
So we can all agree that the time skip in the finale was a little fast right? It felt like the writers just took a shortcut but anyways.
Tikki and Plagg’s true forms were amazing didn’t expect that. Also Gabriel is a pice of shit and shouldn’t have been redeemed. Adrien deserves to know the truth.
Also hoping Nathalie remembers everything and decides to spill the beans. All of my predictions flew out the window after ep 25. I also love but hate Bug Noire’s design
Can’t wait for s6 drama🥳
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