#mlp cake twins
yanarizaki · 4 months
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CURRENT LOCATION: Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse, Sweet Apple Acres
As an MLP Infection AU enthusiast, I'm here to contribute my two cents where the CMC and the cake twins are alone and left to defend themselves (unfortunate accidental situation. The mane six were in Canterlot.). They find the cake twins and really, they can't leave them alone. Not when Mr. And Mrs. Cake were infected.
They're a lil' bit older in my au, about the age of teenagers but they're all still children. Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake are about 2-3 years old.
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sketch-shepherd-art · 6 months
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Time to start practicing how MLP foals look in my style so here are the Cake twins
Redbubble links:
Pound and Pumpkin together Pound Cake only Pumpkin Cake only
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vitiligorakebaby · 6 months
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Things are tough around Sugarcube Corner. While the Cake twins run the place, Cheesecake tries following his parents' legacy of laughter. He wants to be useful, but struggles. Meanwhile, the twins are helping the cure effort, Poundcake flying delivers to the labs so no one goes hungry!
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derpy-thebdayclown · 1 year
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cake twins redesigns! (Last episode)
me and my friends have an mlp oc au set in the future, and one of my characters is related to the cakes, so i wanted to redesign the twins for that reason! their canon adult designs just aren’t for me lol
i changed their cutie marks (why was pumpkin cake’s a PIE) and some other details abt them, but thats really all
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yourbelgianthings · 8 months
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mlpgr0undzer0 · 5 months
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vnknownpony · 6 months
Why did they make the mane six teenagers going to high school in Equestria girls???? How does that work?
Do ponies age faster? Are the mane six 16 years old in human years but adults in pony years? Does staying in the human world for an extended period of time fuck up their aging? Or does your pony body still age when your in the human world(???) Will sunset shimmer just be becoming an adult at the end of season 9 when everyone else is old and gray haired?
Is it morally wrong that teenage flash sentry almost maybe got together with adult pony Twilight???!?! Is it morally wrong if human! Twilight in pony form gets with pony! Flash sentry because he's an adult in pony years????!??!
Does any of this matter because celestia and Luna are eons old and still just adults in equestria girls??? Are all the characters in equestria girls living in some hell where no one ever really ages????
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fruitypieq · 2 years
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Februpony Day 15 - Foals
They become BFFs with Flurry Heart for sure
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kindheart525 · 2 years
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A little doodle I made after watching “Baby Cakes.” Pinkie’s got her work cut out for her!
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cloudyglow · 2 years
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Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake
originally posted Sep 13 & 14, 2019
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Expanding on my MLP next gen AU "shipping is magic" except i let too many ideas marinate in my head at once and now my wrist hurts from drawing so much :)
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
I would say "ships and lore under the cut" but tumblr ALWAYS likes to fuck up my post layout whenever i post SPECIFICALLY MLP base art for some reason soooo.......idk
As some of you may know: i included fluttershy x tree hugger into my next gen but recently i've decided that in this AU: fluttershy is actually now in a polycule with tree hugger and quarter hearts (that one background pony that looks like link from the legend of zelda) because i saw it be included in one of dragonairlover (or SodaSurfer97, depending on where you follow it)'s old youtube videos back when it did next gen requests for people as part of someone's next gen and i really liked that idea so i included the ship in mine, the mostly-yellow pony with the triforce necklace is named canary crescent (he/him) and he's the son of all three (biologically, i mean) while the blue-haired pony next to him is named navi (she/her) and she's just flutter and quarter's kid. Obviously, navi is based on navi the fairy from the actual zelda games though i wanna say that she's got some inspiration from the blue fairy from pinocchio as well
The next five are gonna take a while to explain....so y'know how i had two lunacord kids already? Well....i decided to expand it into 7 and base them all on the 7 deadly sins because i thought it'd be cool (the ones i already made represent pride and sloth now), the pink one represents lust and is named "after dark" (she/her), the red one represents wrath and is named "wild side" (which TOTALLY isn't because i had the beastars opening theme which coincidentally is also titled "wild side" stuck in my head while drawing, what are you even TALKING about!??!?....anyway, she/her) The purple one represents greed and is named "hypebeast bling" (god, remember when hypebeasts were a thing? He/him) the brown one represents gluttony and is named "midnight snack" (they/he) and lastly the blue one represents envy and is named cendrillon (who TOTALLY isn't named after the vocaloid song AT ALLLL!!!!!! She/her) cendrillon wants to be like her older siblings, thus why she's envy
These next ones: well....idk how many people know of this nowadays, but when the episode "baby cakes" first came out, people theorized that rarity ALSO had a baby in that episode alongside mrs cake because in the opening scene: she was seen looking at a baby with a VERY similar color palette to her. I actually really like that theory so i decided to incorporate that into my next gen, with rarity having a kid with stony pony before eventually getting with braeburn and having rosemary and having to give the kid up for adoption because she couldn't take care of her (and also because stony's a fucking deadbeat lmao) ......so yeah, i named her heloise (she/her) and she's very spiritual and cool......probably has an AWESOME crystal collection. The blue pony next to her is named "birthday cake" and she's pound and pumpkin cake's younger sister. Lastly there's prince corium, chrysalis and tirek's 14-year-old son. I imagine that he's not really evil in the same way his parents are, but he's moreso an edgy fuck who thinks saying slurs and making fun of furries is peak comedy....also he has some SERIOUS beef with pastel dream (my flashlight kid from another post)
Moving onto equestria girls, i didn't want it to JUST be the next gen from the pony universe but just in the EG universe so i decided to be a little creative. So for EG's mane 5 we have rarity and applejack's identical twin daughters praline punch (who's a graphiti artist and is into amekaji) and frou-frou (who's super ditzy and into hime gyaru), fluttershy and bulk biceps' daughter sunny sunflower, sci-twi and sunset shimmer's daughter pasadena (who has a crush on sunny and TOTALLY isn't named after pasadena from crash bandicoot I SWEAR!!!!) And flash sentry and timber spruce's daughter happy camper (who is a trans girl, but is still a lil early into her transition and she's into cryptozoology)
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bhdoneart · 6 months
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...me? falling down the MLP rabbit hole? Making a genderbent infection au? no... no never..... anyway this is Bubble Pop, the current head of the sugarcube corner safe house. He is the soul caretaker of Pumpkin and Pound Cake after mr and mrs cake had gone missing, and would do anything to keep those little ones safe.
When the infection broke out in Ponyville Bubbles was was watching the twins. He was able to safely take them down to his party planning cave, turning it from a rough basement into a makeshift bunker. He tried to care for the two children and keep an eye out for the other two Cakes, a doubt slowly building in his mind as hours turned into days. After three days the small snacks and sweets Bubbles had stored ended up obviously not being enough. He waited until the twins feel asleep before heading up the creaky steps, the smell of petrichor hitting his nose as his hoof touched the door. Bubbles pushes it open gently, attempting to make as little noise as he could. Stepping into the kitchen out of the cellar his eyes near instinctively move to the paper he had left on the counter. It was hastily written, messy words reading out "Cakes! Pumpkin and Pound are safe, we're downstairs. Please please knock so I can let you in". A plea with no answer. Seeing these words filled him with a resolve as he realized that he couldn't just wait for them to come back, hiding in the cellar for the rest of his life. He slowly and quietly moved through the home, making sure it was empty before blocking up all the windows and external doors he could with furniture. It was imperfect, but it was a step to a new beginning after the seeming end.
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Jumping on the mlp infected bandwagon with my own lil au!! I decided to go a different route than most. The infection slowly turns the pony into solid crystal, staring from the inside out
(Also this takes place sometime in s3, before twilight became an alicorn. So there are a few differences to characters or dynamics!)
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Rarity isn’t doing so well after losing her sister. But she puts all her energy into taking care of others and ensuring no one else gets infected. She completely abandoned her love for gems and jewels, to the point of covering up her cutie mark. It’s all just a harsh reminder of what’s going on
Pinkie seems to be doing much better than anyone else. She continues to try and put a smile on everypony’s face. She hasn’t heard anything from her family, but it’s too risky to go and search for them. Especially since she’s taking care of the Cake twins now. She believes everything’s going to be fixed soon. They have to be.
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Twilight was patient 0 in Ponyville, unknowingly bringing the infection back from the Crystal Empire when she visited to check on her brother. She didn’t think it was anything out of the ordinarily, anything that required research or warning. She only realized when it was too late. Now, she just wanders around her quiet town, searching for her friends. She was lonely, and she didn’t like being lonely anymore. Plus, her friends loved crystals, right?
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snuffynik · 3 months
Nik's intro 🪖⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━
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Wazzup I'm Nik/Nikita
14 years old
Please know I am autistic + severely mentally ill
I have no DNI but plz go away if your an absolute freak of nature
I've been part of the TCC for around 2 years
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Main interests: TCC (Yes, I do condone and I’d prefer other condoners to interact.), Horror, NSDAP (I'm not a Nazi, it is just interesting), Early (90s-2000s) Internet history, Military gear
Favorites: Lanza, Lytkin, Hawkins, Reb and Vodka
Video games: Postal, Doom (1993), Presidental Elect 1988, Purple, Cry of Fear, Saya No Uta
Shows/Movies: MLP, South Park, Metalocalypse, Ongezellig, Invader Zim, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Taxi Driver, Donnie Darko, Natural Born Killers, Zero Day, Jojo Rabbit, Shaun of the Dead, Borat
Music: Schandermond, Death In June, Neutral Milk Hotel, Elliot Smith, The Smiths, Aphex Twin, Goreshit, KMFDM, Weezer, Radiohead, Mindless Self Indulegence, Dystopia, Leonard Cohen, Machine Girl, my dead girlfriend, Korn, CAKE, Rammstein, The Mountain Goats, Harley Poe, Morrissey, Пурген, Iron Maiden, Of Montreal, ICP, Burzum, etc etc etc
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opheliajupiter99 · 6 months
MLP Broodmother Virus: Copycat Details/Sweetiebelle's Letter
(The results between the Copycat details and the check-in with Rarity were pretty neck and neck, so I decided to do both)
The Copycat life cycle:
Consumption of tainted food
Larval stage
Pupae stage
Adult form
The appearance, behavior, size, and even fundamental structural details of each individual Copycat vary wildly, highly dependent on the details of their host.
For example, if their host is a unicorn, they will emerge at birth not only with their own latent magical ability, but also will grow their own horn once they hit their adult form. The result is similar with Pegasi, allowing the Copycat to be born with flight and grow their own set of wings, and Earth Pony hosts will result in Copycat's with increased strength.
It's not just a pony's base attributes that affect them though, even their special talent seems to affect the Copycat's DNA, giving them boons such as high-flying speeds, increased magical prowess, and much, much more.
Their variability is part of why they're so dangerous, a Copycat's actions being near impossible to predict, especially if one doesn't know their host very well. The only boon in pony's favor is that the Copycat's don't seem to be aggressive by nature and become even less so if their host's temper was especially mild, but their affect on pony's is so destructive that it only helps somewhat.
The main thing that remains a mystery is where the eggs that afflicted so much foodstuff came from in the first place. They share many similarities to Changelings; not just their insectoid traits, but their talent for love magic, as clearly shown by their host's unwavering devotion to them, but there is no currently known record of Copycat's appearing before. Our best guess is that they're an ancient ancestor of the Changeling race that has laid dormant for countless generations, until now.
Sweetiebelle's Letter
'Dear Applebloom,
It's me, Sweetiebelle! I haven't seen you in a long time, or Scootaloo for that matter...so I thought I'd send you a letter! Don't worry, I'm sending Scootaloo one too.
The town's been really hectic lately, though I haven't heard too much; I think the grown-ups are trying not to scare me. Whatever it is though, I'm not too worried, and Rarity isn't either.
Speaking of Rarity, you are not going to BELIEVE what I saw today! It's the best news like, EVER! Don't tell Applejack though, I think Rarity wants to keep it a surprise. Ah, I probably shouldn't tell you either, but I can't help it! I don't have anypony else to tell!
I saw Rarity making onesies, -and- baby blankets! At first, I figured she was just making them for some custom order or whatever, but instead of sending them off in a box or handing them over to somepony, she put them away in her closet! I hadn't even thought about how funny she'd been walking lately, but when I saw that, it all clicked into place!
I'm gonna be an aunty, Applebloom! Can you believe it?! Oh man, I can't WAIT til she tells me! Oooo oooo, whenever Rarity lets you guys visit us again, we should make her some super special apple fritters! Ooooo or maybe a GIANT pie!
Oh uh, yeah, speaking of that - Rarity doesn't really want company right now. Don't worry though! I'm sure she's just grumpy from being sore all the time and stuff. Remember how much Ms. Cake complained before she had the twins? Oof!
Annnnyways, I'mma go make some art; I gotta make sure I have a great 'congrats' card for when big sis tells me the big news! See ya soon!'
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lovable-chica · 5 months
On the Right is My New Mlp oc to the My Ttte Au
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RosePuff RoTail-Bio
🩷Age: 15
🩷Sex: Pan
🩷 Species: Pegasus
🩷Favorite Colors: Pink and Red
🩷Favorite Food: Strawberry Cake
🩷Likes/Loves: Her Friends, Flying, Being a Cutie, Helping Arthur
🩷Dislikes/Hates: Being in Danger, Called Fat, People who underestimate her
Backstory and HeadCanons
🩷Her Father Left Her and Her Mother when she was 2 and Her Mother had no but to send her away on a ship at 8, and RosePuff ended Up at The Fishing Village on Sodor, Where She meet Arthur and She told the Big Tank Engine about her past and has been living with him ever since
🩷She’s Everyone’s Friend, She has A Crush on Charlie
🩷Is a Bit of A Cheeky and Stubborn Teenage Pony, and a little on the Cheeky Side
🩷She Enjoys Flying Around, She Often TransForm into A Pony-Human and Likes to Hang out with Snowy, Sweetstar, Yap and Yip, Arthur and Amber
🩷Some People Try To Take RosePuff as Their Own but She Always Gets Away
🩷Close with: Thomas, Rosie, SweetStar, Snowy(My Self insert Oc), Amber, Charlie, Arthur
🩷Good Friends With: Neville, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, Rheneas, Skarloey, Luke, Paxton, She hates Diesel 10 because of his past with Lady
SweetStar BlueStone-Bio
🩵Age: 15
🩵Sex: Straight
🩵Species: Alicorn
🩵Favorite Colors: Blue and Magenta
🩵Favorite Food: Blueberry Cotten Candy
🩵Likes/Loves: Hugs, Murdoch, Helping The Pack and Miss Jenny with Snowy, Using Her Magic
Backstory and HeadCanons
🩵She is Similar to Amber’s Tragic Story, But Instead She Lost her Father in a Car Crash and Her Mother even Died in the Car Crash, So She ran away to A Ship that Lend to Sodor, and That’s Where She met Salty and Porter, and realize that her aunt live on Sodor and has been living with her since
🩵She is Bff with Jack and Alfie because They Can’t Stand being Bullied(LOZ)
🩵Just Like RosePuff, She Can Transform Into a Pony-Human, Her Crush is Murdoch
🩵Can Teleport anywhere on the Island, Whenever She Likes!
🩵Best Friends With: Thomas, Jack, Alfie, Amber, Angel, Chantal, Rosie, The Scottish Twins, RosePuff, Snowy, Harvey
🩵Good Friends with: Duck, Arthur, Murdoch
(This is Inspired By @jessythebunny so Yeah, Hehe)
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