sadisticjun-blog · 10 years
mminhee: I mean taking advantage of me when I feel weak. Maybe it's the moon what makes me depressed. I don't know.. But I know what you mean. Sometimes I do enjoy.
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rsvpminwoo · 10 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to 10 of your favorite followers.
Ahhhh the honor… -laugh-
- The hands
- My arms in general (do they count as different items?) You know, they can reach stuff.
- My cooking.
- The legs
-Then everything in between. I’m a fairly healthy individual so I can’t complain about anything but my brain. 
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thenotoriousbyg · 10 years
Be honest with me.
★ - You have good taste
One of the best compliments there is. Thank you.
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nahjoon · 10 years
1. Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? 
I suppose that is because I know why I am confused, but I'm trying to forget that part. I don't know-- Does that make sense? Probably not.
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jupitervxrse · 10 years
“Stop staring at me!”
A masterlist of prompts and sentence starters
He smirked, only stopping his action of gazing at her figure to stop and lock his eyes upon hers. There are a glimmer of amusement in Nathaniel's eyes, not at all subtle about liking his own choices, "I can't help it. Hadn't I told you to begin with that the gown would look good on you?"
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sujiroll · 10 years
Can I ask for an autograph? (; feigns a gasp behind one of her palms, also succeeding in hiding her dimples that way, even if eyes crinkles to imply of a smile.) Or . . . I won't do that! ... yet. Instead, it's possibly a bit more polite to wish you welcome. And to ease up on the creepiness behind it all -- my name is Minhee. (; with a swift bow she then flashes two thumbs up.) And if anything comes to bother, just let me know, I got a secret stash of ice cream to solve all problems.
('Copies the other without even realizing as her hands raise to cover her own mouth; eyes curved sweetly as she laughs behind the shield her hands create) No it's not creepy! I'll sign, I'll sign! ('motions as if carrying a pen and scribbles at the air) It's nice to meet you though Minhee, thank you for the warm welcome! ('gives her own bow, nodding shortly after from the offer) I should be good and turn down the ice cream, but it's oh so temping. ('chews on her bottom lips and whispers) It'll be our secret. That's what exercise is for, right?
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hxnryz-archived · 10 years
[text]: Haha, no. I’m not giving it back.
Send my muse one of the following to see how they react …
[SMS] Ok but what are you gonna do with a single sock[SMS] It’s my favorite :(
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leesvnggray · 10 years
/-his eyebrows slightly furrowed; Stalker? No way! Let's be real, they exist for anyone, though. /-lets out a soft laugh before shaking his head and pulling his arms away. pouting slightly; Pfft. The president of Korea?! How-- of all people-- I feel a little hurt now.
Tumblr media
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leehojeongg · 10 years
( sms ) Promise some of your beauty will rub off if I get you that jacket . . . ? I can cry something dramatic like "show respect to your elders" but then, I fear you will get me a cane for my next birthday!
{ sms } Unnie, please. I do respect you, haha. And w h a t ? You want my beauty to rub off of you or---- rub off in general? Unnie, you want me to become ugly?!
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kimhavbins-blog · 10 years
mminhee said: … . Yah, Kim Hanbin, do you want to get hit?
I'll tell my mom.
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raelvnn-blog · 10 years
We're strangers, and this might seem weird, but . . . (; with a quick bow to apologize for it, just in case, she then, without hesitation, draped arms around you for a hug.) Hello, I'm Minhee! No longer a stranger ~ And this ... this ... is some way to spread happiness, so go hug the first 10 people you see on your dash. Because it's winter, and a bit cold, everyone could benefit from some extra warmth. (; sheepishly smiles.)
(` she perks up immediately upon seeing the stranger appear in front of her and she tilts her head, listening closely) Oh! (` she laughs before hugging the girl back) Minhee, it’s lovely to meet you! I’m Raelynn, but you can call me Rae. So that means we’re friends now yeah? (` she flashes a small smile at the girl) I’ll be sure to do that then. Thank you so much! 
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dreamingdvo-blog · 10 years
"We’re too young."
Laughing, she nodded. “You’re right but I’ve always wanted a little prince to spoil. I need a reason to grow up, anyways. Even if I can’t handle it alone, I have you, right?”
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kaloofs · 10 years
“Join Me”
Leave a “Join Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer [be it a proposal for an alliance, asking them to join them in an activity (you can get dirty if you want), feel free to specify.]
Kyle didn't really have set friends. He was a wanderer, picking people up and asking them to entertain him or having him entertain them. It was just how he lived and he liked it that way. The male never wanted to get too close to someone due to his secrets and he knew they would run away in fear and never speak to him again. Although, he wouldn't feel a thing, he'd have the memories of disappointment and sadness flood him.
So when he was on his usual stroll around the park and he notice an amazing gorgeous woman sitting by herself on a bench, he took his opportunity.
"Hey there, beautiful. Want to do something fun?" He tilted his head, an air of friendliness oozing from his form, a bright grin curved on his lips. "Like board games or throwing rocks in the water?"
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leesvnggray · 10 years
Questions 20-30 !
Violate My Privacy.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Hm.. hang out with Minhee. — or go on a date with her.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
I had nothing to do and I was alone most of the time.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
Yeah, I guess?? I don’t know if I would consider “best friends” maybe “close friends”? I don’t know. 
23. Are you nice to everyone?
Majority of the time yes, unless they have done something to me or hurt someone close to me.
24. What are you sitting on right now?
My bed.
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
Of course.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
My mom.
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
During the winter time, yes.
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
30. Does anyone hate you?
Well yeah, pretty sure since I’m a musician and all.
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leehojeongg · 10 years
[text] You know what you're asking me to get you is pretty expensive, right?
{ sms } But this will make you the best unnie, ever~
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kimhavbins-blog · 10 years
. . . I am not happy about anything, don't involve me in this. Didn't your mom teach you to not blame innocent girls? You talk so much, I think we need to find something to silence you with.
`grins innocently; Mom told me to never hate anyone, the rest … ‘s up to me. And you know pretty well how to silence me, nuggets.
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