#mmm slow burn MMMMMM
nighttbound · 2 years
💙  slow burn. Rune and Gregoria?
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
romantic relationships !- 💙  slow burn
I am looking Intently
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
mmmmmm for the tropes I'm a sucker for slow burn and mutual pining, enemies to lovers, and there was only one bed 😂 MMM AND HOW CAN I FORGET FAKE DATING
All great, thank you so much!! :)
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ask-the-toy-box · 6 years
Chapter 3  (Illustrations by @pencilbrony)
   With Celestia setting the sun it was time to make camp for the night, luckily Tempest had spotted a small clearing on a cliff edge, in the woods beneath them, that only took them a few minutes off corse. The decent was slow until Starlight got impatient, grabbed the entire balloon with her magic, and rushed it to the ground while unloading everything including herself and the other two.
“There done!” She proclaimed proudly as she folded the deflated balloon up.
“Hey girls, look over here.” Sunset was pointing at an ashy pile nearby. “Looks like we weren’t the first to camp here.” She took a few steps closer to the tree line. “Here are some wagon tracks, and I think there is a trail in the woods, couldn’t have been easy for them, it’s so overgrown I couldn’t see it from the air.”
   Starlight was currently setting up a lavender tent, the pile next to her included an orange tent and a purple one. Tempest on the other hoof had joined Sunset to examine the trail.
“Looks like it was a small one pony cart, if they are still in the area I don’t think they will pose a threat to the three of us.”
“I was more thinking we could meet a new friend.”
“I suppose that’s also an option.” Tempest didn’t sound enthusiastic about it. “Either way it’s moot, that trail is at least a day old.”
   Sunset looked down at the trail, she had no idea how old it was, but she believed Tempest. “Oh well, I’ll collect some firewood.” “We can have smores!”
Tempest looked over at her. “Some more what?”
“No no, I said smores.”
“We haven’t had anything yet, how can we have some more of nothing?”
“You’re killing me Tempest!”
   It took about a half hour for Starlight to finish setting up the tents and now the three of them were sitting around a unlit pile of wood.
“Just give me a second, I got this!” Sunset said, her brow furrowing in concentration. “Fire magic is my thing.” Still nothing from her horn. “You know they use to called me the phoenix filly? in Celestia’s school.” She was starting to shake as she gritted her teeth, sweat forming on her brow.
The yellow and red pony jumped, startled at Tempest’s yell.
“Do you want know how to reconnect to your magic?”
“You know how I can do that!?”
“I think I know something that will help, it’s what I learned after I lost my horn.” “Close your eyes and clear your mind.” Tempest waited for Sunset to comply, and once her breathing slowed and she looked calm Tempest continued. “A unicorn’s well of magic is centered around our emotions, focus on that, pick an emotion and grow it.” “I used anger, but lets try happiness.” “Let your magic become one with your emotion and-”
“I already know all that, that’s what Im doing, but it’s not working!” Sunset snapped eyes glaring for a moment before filling with regret. “Im sorry, that was uncalled for, it’s just so-“
   Tempest held up a hoof stoping her. “Trust me I understand“ “When I say grow your emotions I don’t mean a little bit or even a strong feeling, I need you to be overcome with that feeling, consumed by it, with your magic connected,, a large emotional outburst will force the magic to come out regardless of the condition of your horn or mind.”
“Ok, let me try again.” Sunset focused, she remembered all the fun times she had with her friends, the adventures at camp, winning the battle of the bands, and of course paying with Ray. “I think it’s working!” Sunset focused, her horn starting to glow, pointing at the wood the glowing increased when suddenly *pppthhh* “OH COME ON!” “WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!”
“Nothing, it’s not your fault!” Starlight jumped in.
“It took me a while to get my magic back, we will keep practicing, I know you can do this.”
“Thanks.”  “You know, you’re more supportive and encouraging then one would expect.”
“There are two ways to lead an army, fear is easier, but Im trying to be a better pony, so I’ve had to adapt.”
Sunset snickered. “There are three ways, you forgot about mind control!”
Tempest stroked her chin in thought. “Maybe, but complex orders and conflicts on multiple fronts would put an end to that real quick.”
“Hmph, it might have worked.” Sunset grumbled.
Starlight quietly started the fire with magic.
The fire fought back against the dark night as the three sitting around it finished dinner and started on desert.
Tempest’s eyes lit up as she bit into the toasty smore. “MmmMmm Mmmm mmm!” She mumbled with her mouth full.
Sunset leaned over to Starlight, “I think she liked it.”
“Some more!” She demanded spitting crumbs.
“Yes those are smores, that’s what I said.” Sunset shot back jokingly.
Starlight was about to magic over fresh marshmallow when she dropped it, covering her nose with her hoofs. “WHAT IS THAT SMELL!”
Tempest looked over and before she could stop herself. “She who smelt it, dealt it!” “I have been spending too much time with Grubb-OH GOOD GRAVY THAT IS RANK!”
“That is pretty bad.” Sunset who had been forced to be around high school boys wasn’t as affected but she still had her nose plugged.
That’s when they heard something coming from the woods, it sounded like somepony was shaking a bundle of sticks and breathing heavy. The three stood up, one and a half horns lit up as a pair of glowing eyes walked out of the underbrush, no wait, it was many eyes, to the left and right, no were to run. Tempest kicked a burning log towards the darkness, landing half way between throwing light on the unknown monsters.
“Timber wolves!” Starlight yelled in shock as the creatures were cast the fires orange glow. “They shouldn’t be here! They are only found in the Everfree Forrest!”
“What are they?” Tempest asked, never taking her eyes off of the encroaching threat.
“When a source of dark magic is left to fester it will create monsters, Timber Wolves are one of many examples of this.” Sunset had given the text book answer.
Starlight followed up. “Hard to destroy, they can piece themselves back together from splinters!”
“So what you are saying is, I can cut loose.” Tempest had a mean smile as she took the initiative and fired at the closest wolf, it had the gaul to look surprised at being attacked before it blew up into tiny fragments.
The pack charged as Tempest threw more firework like explosions at them, Starlight cut them down as fast as she could with beams of magic, however Sunset was stuck levitating a burning chunk of wood and trying to swing at the snarling beasts. From a distance it looked like one sick rave and Tempest at least was enjoying herself as she chained blasted three more wooden monsters into oblivion. Starlight had one in her magic grasp and was beating the others with it. Sunset backed up, something wasn’t right, despite all the damage the others were doing they were still being forced back to the cliff’s edge. She tried to look past the pack into the woods when the truth hit her, they hadn’t stopped coming, the new wolves were walking over the fallen before they could even reform, this wasn’t a pack, this was an army.
“Girls!” Sunset yelled out. “They keep spawning!” “Something in the woods must be creating them!” And that is when things went from bad to worse, the downed Timber Wolfs started to recombine into their gestalt forms. Starlight formed a bubble shield just in time as giant paw tried to crush her, but as Sunset turned she realized something was wrong with Tempest.
Tempest craned her neck up as the giant monster loomed over her, but she didn’t see a timber wolf, her legs started to shake as her mind betrayed her, visions of the Ursa flashing before her eyes. All her years of traveling, of training, of fighting, all of it was gone, she was the little filly again foolishly going into the dark cave. The scared unicorn could see the beast lifting it’s paw to swipe at her but there wasn’t a darn thing she could do about it, she couldn’t move, couldn’t breath, coul-*WHAM* She suddenly found herself knocked down, but not by the creature, in her place stood Sunset Shimmer but only for a moment as the clawed paw connected with the red and orange pony and sent her flying off the edge of the cliff. “SUNSET NOOOOOO!” Tempest screamed as her friend disappeared into the darkness.
The world seemed to slow to a craw for Sunset Shimmer as she was thrown into the abyss. “So this is it, this is how I meet my end.” She thought to herself. “At least I saved Tempest…” Thinking of Tempest reminded her of what the armored unicorn had tried to teach her. She closed her eyes, she had to build up an emotion, fortunately she had one filling her mind, fear. Lots of ponies say fear is a bad thing but if you have been on enough adventures you know that fear is what keeps most of us alive. It wasn’t just the fear of death, Sunset feared what would happen to her friends, the ones fighting and the ones back in her other home. She wasn’t going to let anything happen to them, she was Sunset Shimmer, the Phoenix Filly, no flea bitten log dog was going to stop her! She felt it, her magic connecting to her horn, the sound of a striking match, the feel of the heat as fire appeared around her horn. She was back. *WOOOOSH* the fire traveled down her horn and along her sides, what should have been deadly burns was a comforting heat to the pony. She could see the ground coming up fast now so she stretch out the fire at her sides and formed them into giant fiery wings, with a flap she slowed her self down mere inches from the ground and with another beat of her wings shot back up.
Seeing her new friend sacrifice her life had knocked Tempest out of her stupor, with a rage filled scream she blew the gestalt wolf to bits. “STARLIGHT!” “SUNSET FELL!” She yelled but Starlight was in her shield fending off two of the giants. Tempest bit back tears, she wouldn’t let her friend die in vain, she put a hoof forward towards the Timber Wolves and fired blast after blast taking another step then another, wood splinters flying through the air. Then the strangest thing happened, the sun rose again, but it seemed very close, very warm, right behind her. Jerking her head around she almost didn’t believe what she saw. “You died and became an phoenix!?” She blurted out, looking at the fire pony flying in the air.
Sunset laughed “Not quite.” As she said this she drew back one wing and used it to swat the two big ones attacking Starlight away. “All right girls, Let’s light it up! up! up!” Starlight’s magic laser joined Tempests blasts as Sunset took a very deep breath. 
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She held it as a small ball of magic fire formed in front of her mouth, then she exhaled. With a mighty *FOOOSH* the tiny ball became a stream of sun fire that she used to rake the battlefield left to right burning the wooden beasts to embers in seconds. She landed as the wolfs kept coming, her wings formed into giant flaming hands, batting the Timber Wolfs aside. “We need to find what ever is spawning these things and destroy it!” A fiery fist slammed into a gestalt leaving a burning hole in it’s chest.
“Agreed!” Starlight nodded. “Sunset you take point, we will guard your sides and flank!”
With the Phoenix Filly leading the way they could make their way down the forest path. Fortunately Sunset could also put out fires by absorbing them other wise they would have burnt the forrest down, as it was they still ended up blasting a few trees to bits. The forest quickly became to thick for the giants and Tempest could blast the horde behind them as they got stuck in the bottleneck.
“Look!” Starlight pointed at a previously fallen tree that was starting to mutate into a Timber Wolf. “I think we are getting close, be on guard!” She froze that one in a crystal then levitated it out of the path.
As they fought their way deeper into the woods they came across more and more of the half formed wolves making the battle a bit easier. “I see something up ahead.” Sunset pointed with one of her fire hands, sure enough there was an ominous purple glow coming from a ring of trees. The three sped up squeezing between the trees and finally finding the source of all their critter problem.
“Is that what I think it is?” Sunset asked, shocked.
“Yes, I’m afraid it is.” Starlight confirmed.
Tempest looked at them then back at the thing. “Well what is it?”
Before them standing nearly twelve feet tall was a crystal of pure dark magic, so pure it was glowing. “Dark magic is incredibly dangerous, even when I was evil I didn’t mess with that stuff.” Starlight shook her head.
“I wasn’t as smart, you don’t want to know what that stuff can do to your mind.” Sunset added.
“How do we destroy it?” “The wolves are starting to form again!” Tempest started to charge her horn.
“NO!” Starlight yelled. “If you charged that crystal you would turn it into raw energon!” “It could blow this entire forrest to Canterlot!” Tempest powered down as Starlight continued. “I can dispel it easily, thankfully, I’ll just hit it with some positive magic.” She lit up her horn one more time and fired a beam of “happy thoughts” straight into the dark crystal shrinking it down until it vanished completely. The half formed Timber Wolves around them suddenly fell to pieces, their source of magic gone. The three mares breathed a collective sigh of relief.
The walk back was quiet as they realized all the damage they had done, Fluttershy would have been horrified at all the burnt and broken trees along the path. Once the reached the clearing Tempest spoke up.
“Sunset, I’m sorry, I froze up and nearly cost you your life.” “I’ll find a way to make us even.”
“It’s ok, the fall gave me time to think about what you had said, so in the end you saved my life.” “Honestly being knocked off a cliff was worth it to get my magic back, besides, we’re friends now, and that’s just what friends do, we stick our necks out for each other.” Sunset put a hoof around Tempest and gave her a hug, Tempest stiffened up but after a moment returned the hug, but not for long. “You’re still going to look for a way to make us even aren’t you?”
“We must already be friends if you know me that well.” Tempest smirked.
“You know.” Starlight interrupted. “I was there too, where is my bonding moment?”
Sunset stuck a tongue out at her. “Don’t worry Im sure something will come up, maybe a song and dance number.” That wasn’t a joke.
“Ladies.” Tempest held up some sort of torn and tattered cloth in her hoof. “We’ve got a problem.”
She was holding the shredded ruins of the hot air balloon
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Jack is Back
Author: ShoysRock
Year: 2011
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Vince/Kodiak Jack
"Howard? HOWARD?”
“You're all alone my little flower-girl.” The man grunted, wetting his lips with a thick tongue. Vince backed up as much as he could, blindly reaching around to try to find something, anything to prevent inevitable rape.
But he couldn't. His wrist was grasped, held firm in the demanding thick clammy hands of the woodsman. Vince was in a panick, horrified now he couldn't squirm his arm out of his grasp, the man hungry...hungry for him.
“I'm not even a woman you berk!” Crying out the rank tobacco breath assaulted him as the older man went in to his neck. Choking he was being roughly slobbered and nibbled, the flannal-plaid man grinding his body against him. It was quite an odd, but horrible feeling. Blushing Vince wished he could slap himself for making the loud shrill squeaks instead of screams he was making; he couldn't help it if his neck was so sensitive! Not to mention his only free arm from the grasp trapped between his sweaty chest and his own, starting to shake as he unsuccessfully squirmed.
“Hnng!” Well that's a hickie right there! “GET OFF OF ME!”
“Now now pumpkin-pie, don't worry I like 'em young, man or girly-lady.”
Vince wished he didn't hear that the man was playing for both teams.
Shutting his eyes he gave a buck, trying to kick his legs into Jack's groin. Unfortunately the man was too thick, his knees giving in as the man moved in to kiss him.
It was sloppy, tasting awful, worse than any woman he ever kissed. Vince's legs continued trying to push and kick but they were trapped, his body crushed against the wall while his mouth was violated. The mustache was making his upper lip tingle and itch badly.
How did it come to this? I could have ran! He thought, whimpering and grunting as the other grunted for a different reason. Something hard, not a hand was pressing into his stomach and he flinched with disgust, knowing what it was. His breath was being sucked out, like his saliva. His arms, trapped and pushing in the mess of vest and flannel as he was no longer properly standing on two feet...
It was getting incredibly arousing. He wasn't usually the one helpless. It was feeling quite wrong and confusing to him, being raped an all.
Pulling away Kodiak's lusts could not be contained anymore. With the strength of a bear he yanked off Vince's red scarf, giving him a burn. Yelping Vince's wrist was free, but his belt was quickly unlooped and pants shoved down, dropping past his thighs.
Aww shit... he thought, standing in his underwear with an erection jabbing into his hip.
“Mmm you so beautiful, so purty and all...”Kodiak Jack whispered in a harsh tone, rough like his unkempt beard. With another cry of protest Vince was yanked into his arms and nearly tossed to the mattress, head nearly bumping the wooden bedposts. The yellow light from the lantern on the bedside illuminated Jack's face as he laughed heartily and mounted him, Vince kicking best he can with pants around his ankles.
“HOWARD!?! NABOO! BOLLO! I'M GETTING...I'M GETTING RAAAPED!” Vince didn't care if he was screaming like a girl, stating the obvious. His hands were slapping and clawing at Jack's face, the man out of reach as he rudely ripped off his 'lady's Chelseas and skinny jeans. With an 'eek!' Vince shut his bare legs, wishing he wore underwear today.
“Ahh, you're biiiiig too!” Vince looked at him, panting already from the hammering heart in his ribcage. The way the man was looking at him, pushing his legs up to inspect his man-bits, made his gut flutter. It felt wrong, so very wrong that an insane bisexual hunter would eye his flaccid penis with such a sexual intent.
“F-fuck off!” Sitting up was not an option, his hips were lifted up as the hairy man settled into his crotch. He was even aware of the harsh, quick whimpers in his gasping breath from the fright and sensation of the braided beard tickling his legs and groin. But now was his chance! With a cry he punched the man in his nose when he leaned in a little too close. The beastly being snorted and growled, tossing his hat off and grabbing the protesting limbs. Vince's fearful frown became even frownier, yelping as Jack used his scarf to tie his hands together. Pushing them up over his head the long extra length was worked into a quick, complicated fishing knot to the bed-board.
I'm not going to escape, aren't I?
Both men were panting after this. Vince was wriggling like a fish, blue eyes wide like a fish, mouth open crying out in the frustration of being tied up like a fish out of water. His legs kicking once grabbed and pushed up, the sleek pale fashion-thighs and calves kicking in the air uselessly with the strength of a powerful swimming fish. Jack pushed up Vince's shirt, satisfying his lust at looking at the young man's nipples and undulating torso's muscles writhing and rippling like the waves on a lake. In fact, if there was anything besides game-hunting Jack loved fish-euphemisms, and so did he like his previous hermaphrodite mermangina lover...but that's another story, for another time. Fish.
But for now Jack imagined his squirming little feisty city-boy like a trapped rabbit, its 'foot' stuck in the clutches of his rusty bear traps. Course, now the trap would be his mouth. He couldn't wait to get a taste and make his little bunny-honey mewl with pleasure instead of terror.
“Just relax baby-boo, I just wanna have a taste of you, you do look so yummy, been a long time...”
Vince watched in horror as the man smiled happily and went down to his cock. Jerking he gasped as the man sucked him up, licking and slobbering his dick while the beard and mustache tickled his inner thigh and balls. The sensations were immediate: pleasure and a weightless, hopeless feeling pooling with the pulse to his hardening organ responding to the wetness of the dirty man's mouth. That and a curious-disgust.
“Stop it...stop...stop it...” His voice came out in a cracked whimper, his mouth dry from breathing so hard and loud. His head was up, watching as he got a sloppy blow job from a horny old man.
“Mmmpfh...” With a pop he pulled from the tip, smiling like a demented grandpa as he went down again, sucking the tip as chubby callused fingers quickly pumped his shaft.
I don't want it! I don't! “I...d...d-don't...”
“Come on Vincy, give in to me, I know you like it! All you pompadours like toot-toots!” Jack wasn't good at deep throating, but he did his best taking at least half of Vince's manhood to suck up and down, teeth sometimes chewing on him. Vince was feeling just enough arousal to stand nearly straight up, the teeth and horror doing in the rest of the blood flow to his heart to loudly and quickly beat.
“N-no...” His neck was hurting from its position and unfortunately the tricky suction and tongue swirling around was distracting him. Helplessness, sheer helplessness in his bound state gave him the most weirdest blowjob sensations he ever felt. Usually he was the dominant, yelling 'oh yeaaaah!' to the lovely lady...but this wasn't a lovely lady, it was a wild-man who's hairy face was scratching his bits.
“I can't take it anymore Vincy, let me take us away, up to the moooon!”
Vince let out a sigh of breath, rolling his eyes back with a moan. The tongue strayed too dangerously wonderful against the underside, but now the man was panting and slumped on top of him. He was jerked back into reality, a reality where his dick was swollen and a man was lustfully kissing him again. The sound of a zipper assaulted his ears. Something hot and hard sprung out, rubbing against his own dick to create a sudden sensation that alerted Vince to the prone nakedness of his untouched anus.
“Mpfff...MPFFH!” He groaned and protested into the saltier mouth, sucking in breath through his nose as he watched Jack pull out a tube of lube and an old-packaged condom.
“Never leave home without grannie's good ol' lubrication!” He laughed and pulled back, tearing open the condom with his yellow teeth. Vince's stomach lurched again at the knowledge the man's mouth was so dirty, and was around his own cold wet cock moments ago. Jack sat back, moaning as he slipped the protection on his stout shaft...Vince stared at it, gulping at how thick it was; it surely, surely couldn't...
“MmmMMM! You look so fiiiine...” Jack obviously couldn't recognize the look of terror on Vince's face. Unpopping the cork he gooped the beige-tinted lube on himself and his fingers, which were quick to finger Vince's unprepared rectum.
“Oh...GOD!” Huffing Noel arched, wincing as he braced himself. The finger was thrusting and wriggling, stretching as much as it could in Vince's tightness. It was hurting and an odd sensation for the lad, his breath hitching once Jack carelessly shoved another, humming and 'ooo!ing' at how sexy and nonconsensual Vince looked. In and out, in and out the fingers went, sucked tight into Vince.
“N-no seriously don't...I'm not i-into being bummed by Grizzely A-...Ah...AHDAMS..!”
It was hurting more now. But unfortunately it wasn't for long. While being scissored by the fingers they went in deep and were pushing against the fleshy organ, his prostrate. Each slow thrust into the tight suction touched against the male weakness.
“That's a good boy now, likin' me a little more! Now I'm gonna fuck ya like a beast, lady!”
Withdrawing his fingers Vince hadn't realized how tense he was. He relaxed with a loud sigh from the break, though he still was sweating and making the soft noises of fear in his breath. Jack pushed his legs apart even more, spreading his saliva-drenched pelvis for the man to mount him. Making a gruff noise Jack grasped his slimy self and started to push himself into the hole.
“N...No! S-stop it! No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!”
His calls were unheeded, rising in pitch as he felt every hard inch of it slip inside. The lube was good, making it slip into the tightness. He clenched around it as he bucked, squirmed, shut his eyes to chew his lips at the odd and stretching sensations. It was very warm and he could feel the racing pulse of Jack inside, thrusting in and out a little to push deeper and deeper. Opening his eyes he saw how disgustingly pleased Jack looked, mouth open and drool in his beard, his eyes shut as Jack's hips roughly undulated in his thrusts. Vince was throbbing just as much as the elder in him, that is his anus muscles tight around his manhood. It was utterly distracting how powerful the sensation of that was. Vince couldn't stop trembling, no matter how many times he gulped down the achy butterflies in his throat.
“Oooh you're so good my bunny-pie!” Jack panted, smiling as he thrust a little harder. The man finally gave out from sitting up, panting as his hands were running all over Vince's body. Sweat against sweat Vince cried out, the angle changing a little in the copulation. He couldn't do anything to push the man's fingers off him, to remove them from brushing over his tingling nipples or arm pits. The salty smoky breath blasted his face and he turned his head, finding the pillow very convenient to try to muffle the childish fearful sounds he was making. He didn't want to cry out like this, whimpering like a dog or an abused child or a teddy bear set on fire in its dying stuffing.
The thrusting was faster now, the grunting loud in his ear. The breath was probably curling his hair into odd twisted shape. Worse He had to flinch again, Jack pushed his hair away and was sloppily kissing his ear as he fucked him.
“Nnn! Ah...H-help...F...fuck!”
Jack moaned as he pushed in far too easily, because his cock brushed again Vince's prostrate, his form crushing Vince now was rubbing his beer-belly against Vince's wet dick...and it kept hitting there. Vince's muscles spasmed and relaxed, flushing with blood and heat as he mewled. He didn't even notice for a moment as his heart fluttered and face blushed, relaxing with a loud moan into the quick thrusts of his rapist. The sensations against his cock were delightful, like a sloppy half-formed handjob around him, while the REAL pleasure was happening deep, deeper inside...
Vince started to notice, shakingly moaning and his eyes fluttering around in their sockets. His wrists were flexing, but the hands were gripping with terror. His hips were jerking in response to Jack's wild pace, the older man blubbering into his ear sweet raspy nothings.
“T-this is wrong...oh...God...wrong...wrong...wrong...”
I shouldn't be enjoying this! I'm getting raped! I should be sobbing, screaming!
He didn't want to feel it. He didn't want a hairy man's stubble and whiskers rubbing against his face. He didn't want to feel an annoying, pleasurable sensation pulsing through him from the stimulation inside and out. It was perplexing him, confusing. Wrong.
“Imma let you cum first sweetie-bee, lady's first!”
The old man's fist reached under and started to pump him. It was lubricated a little with his previous saliva, now the cold wetness warming from body heat.
“No sir, no I...don't need it no...s-seriously...hng...!” He bucked and yowled like a cat. The fisting was so fast, so much! Now Vince knew he was going to lose his mind. Gasping he gave in, legs limp and hip bones pressed against Jack as he took it deeper and deeper and the handjob faster and faster.
The mattress creaked loudly when Noel opened his mouth, letting out a yell. He spurted all over, flexing and heaving in the surprise-throes of ecstasy. He came so quickly, so suddenly in the wild mess of the fucking that was pounding his ass. Jack cooed and moaned, “Ahhh yes my Vincy!” not even caring his button down shirt was now coated with jizz, smearing all over the pale boy's stomach beneath him. Thoughts were suspended in the moments of his wild bucking, spilling his load out of the fist that caused it, pleasing his rapist.
“Gunna...ohoh!” Shutting his eyes Kodiak Jack let go of the now flaccid penis, grabbing unto his shoulders to steady his final thrusts. “I...OH...OH VINNNNNCYYYY!!!”
Vince's yelp was shaky, ending with a rattled breath of surprise, eyes lidded as he felt hot semen fill his insides. Both of the men were gasping for breath, Kodiak mumbling in a weird squealy voice as he slowly thrusted in and out of the channel, Vince fluttering his eyes shut to let the emotions wash over him. Shame, terror, and nagging pleasure was thrumming his whole brain. He felt like crying and yet going to faint with a smile on his face. It felt good, it felt bad, it felt sick...and his rear felt a bit distended and stinging once Jack slipped himself out. And then he felt flattened, whimpering once he collapsed on him to gasp and groan. He smelled like musk oxen.
It was a full minute for Vince to come down from his fleeting orgasm. He wasn't cold but warm from their heat and the sticky sweat they built up. His arms were aching from being held up so long, tied to the bed. His eat was wet and so was his left arm from his own drool and lips from when his head tossed back and forth, up and down in the act of copulation. His legs were trembling as he thought over what just occurred and how he was going to be dealing with being violated now in his life, especially so impromptu, tied up and fucked by the cabin leaser.
“H-Howard please c-come back...please...” He pleaded. It was what he could do at the moment, trapped and flabbergasted still. Jack laughed, rolling off of him and curling his fingers into Vince's hair, playing with the black curls like a doll.
“Mmm, such a fiiiiiine fine fuck you was girl, maybe we could go again...” He grunted, gently kissing Vince.
Vince didn't know what was keeping Howard and the gang, but he sure hoped it was soon again. He was surely in for a hard night, worse than boning any Yeti could be.
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