#mmm whacha say
dogwood-designs · 2 years
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Dear Sister, by the time you read this-
🎶 mmm whatcha say 🎶
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🎶 mmm whatcha say🎶
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skidaddleskidoddle · 9 months
mmm whacha say
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kisaxiii · 2 years
Every day for the last few days I wake up and it’s like the fucking Mmm whacha say SNL skit
I get online and I see another awful thing done within Rooster Teeth and it’s so exhausting. I’m so tired.
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i-love-pomegranates · 9 months
smh i feel like one of the mmm whacha say guys
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cryingcow · 3 years
Yellow Dragon Wandering Chronicles [RGGO] --- 6-3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Side Story | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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[6-1] | [6-2] | [6-3] | [6-4] | [6-5] | [6-6] | [6-7] | [6-8] | [6-9]
|The day before Kuze visits the underground doctor—|
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Go-Ryu Clan Member: “. . . Captain. Even today, Goda Ryuji’s corpse . . .”
Takayama: “I see . . . thank you for your hard work. Tell everyone to pack up.”
Go-Ryu Clan Member: “Yes sir. Excuse me.”
{The Go-Ryu Clan member leaves.}
Takayama: “. . . So. How are things over there?”
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Jingweon Mafia Executive: “Reinforcements from the mother country continue to search, but no reports of discovery have been made yet.”
Han: “. . .”
Takayama: “I see . . . how many days does this make? We’ve been searching for over a week. How about this, everyone? The search for Ryuji ends here.”
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Kuze: “. . . . . .”
Takayama: “We can’t find him despite all this searching. In the first place, the Tojo Clan youngling there—"
Kasuga: “. . . it’s Kasuga.”
Takayama: “Yes, yes, Kasuga-kun. Kasuga-kun was the one who made this into much of a beehive. It can’t be helped. The corpse has most likely already been washed away to Hakata Bay. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time to search any further? I for one think I’m done with this.”
Han: “. . . . . .”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “We would say that if it is acknowledged that the Jingweon Mafia has withdrawn from the matter concerning Goda Ryuji—the presence or absence of the corpse does not matter. Let’s leave it at that.”
Takayama: “This is what South Korea-san says, but what about Tojo Clan-san?”
Kuze: “It’s quite common for corpses to not come floating up. There is also an agreement between our three parties. There is no reason to kill any more time. Now with this, ‘Goda Ryuji is dead’ . . . that is the conclusion.”
Takayama: “Then it’s settled. Really, thank you everyone for all your hard work. How about it? A round of drinks to mark our acquaintanceship.”
Kuze: “Choose someone else for that joke.”
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Takayama: “How indifferent. Tojo Clan-san says Ryuji is dead—but is the problem created by you trying to erase Ryuji over?”
Kasuga: “. . . !”
Kuze: “That you too moved to erase Ryuji would be bad if it became public.”
Takayama: “. . .”
Kuze: “I don’t succumb to threats. Kasuga, we leave tomorrow. Grab tickets.”
{Kuze walks away.}
Kasuga: “Yes sir.   . . . Then, excuse us.”
{Ichiban follows Kuze.}
Takayama: “Fufu . . . as expected, he is a strong man experienced in battle. His mind is well fortified.”
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Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . . . . Han Joon-gi. Contact reinforcements about the withdrawal.”
Han: “. . .”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “Didn’t you hear me, Han Joon-gi?”
Han: “! Pa-Pardon me.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “Coordinate the withdrawal.”
Han: “. . . Understood.”
{Joon-gi leaves.}
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Takayama: “Fufu . . . Han-kun is a completely empty shell. How pitiful.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . The place has been cleared out of other people. You had something to say?”
Takayama: “Oops, ya saw through me? When it comes to the executives of Headquarters, the level is different.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “Flattery is good. Let’s move onto the main subject.”
Takayama: “. . . I don’t think having Jingweon Mafia-san’s eyes for searching was bad in this occasion. Ya saw Ryuji on the Omi’s track to advancement and tried to pull him into your organization, to eventually have the entire Omi in your grasp. Rather than foreign organizations digging in through the outside, it’s much more efficient to break through from the inside. However, the Tojo Clan distracted ya from your plan, Ryuji died and it all came to nothing . . . is that the situation?”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . If it is?”
Takayama: “In that case, I’ll be a substitute for Ryuji.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “!”
Takayama: “After becoming a member of yours, I’ll go back to the Omi. Outwardly, I’ll be the Captain of the prestigious Go-Ryu Clan. I’m the perfect substitute for Ryuji.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . . . . Is this possibly a joke?”
Takayama: “Heh. Would I tell a joke right now?”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . .”
Takayama: “Taking ya back to Headquarters . . . it can’t be helped how conspicuous that would be, right? I need a prompt decision. Tell me the answer here.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “If I refuse?”
Takayama: “You die here. Ain’t that obvious? I don’t want this leaking out. Well, I don’t think ya hold your life dearly anyway. Whether or not my offer is beneficial to ya . . . you’ll figure it out if ya think it over.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . . . . What are your conditions?”
Takayama: “For the time being, I want ya to lend me some soldiers.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “What are you going to use them for?”
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Takayama: “I want to kill Goda Jin.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “?! What did you . . . ?!”
Takayama: “As ya know, Oyaji became the Chairman of the Omi. Regarding that person: he chooses to avoid quarrels with others and picks the route of co-existence and co-prosperity. I don’t hate that person, but I’m a bit troubled the Omi will become lukewarm water. But no matter what I say, Oyaji’s appointment as the chairman is not changeable . . . so there’s no choice but to force him to leave.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . Idiot. Where is the merit in us taking part in such a thing?”
Takayama: “As much stability as Fifth Chairman Goda Jin gives to the system . . . the inside is stagnant. That’s right, because there is no conflict with other places. There is no chance for the youth to raise their prowess. What happens then . . . is a system settling for seniority. Even if I’m from the Go-Ryu Clan . . . no. Because I’m from the Go-Ryu Clan—no matter how much I raise my credit, they will hesitate to let me become an executive. I’m afraid family is favored above all. Heh. It would have been cruel if Ryuji was still alive. I wonder if Oyaji didn’t want him to be an executive for the rest of his life.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . In other words, Goda Jin’s system is inconvenient for us in digging through the inside of the Omi?”
Takayama: “Yeah. Ya won’t have a chance to take advantage of it. I don’t know how many years it will take to wait for Oyaji to die. So . . . I have no choice but to forcibly have him replaced as head.”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “What happens after you erase Goda Jin?”
Takayama: “Takashima is a go-getter. That guy has money to burn. After killing Oyaji, he can stand up and distribute money among the executives who remain. Do we seat an interested veteran as Acting Chairman and make them a puppet? —or maybe it’ll be funny if Takashima or I become chairman. With Ryuji currently gone, we can fabricate Oyaji’s suicide note. How about it? I don’t know how many years it will take or whether it will come to fruition in the first place—or maybe it will come to fruition at once with this one shot?”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “. . . . . . We of the Jingweon Mafia are very meticulous. We’re not stupid enough to hop onto such a reckless plan.”
Takayama: “So then?”
Jingweon Mafia Executive: “Until the coup succeeds, keep quiet on your relationship with us. . . . That is the condition.”
Takayama: “Heh . . . that seals our contract. Do ya want to return with me? To Sotenbori . . . my hometown.”
{Takayama and the Jingweon Mafia executive walk away.}
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Kuze: “. . . Takayama Wataru, huh. Smart fucker.”
Beehive = to put into turmoil
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awesomehoggirl · 2 years
Hey me gathering the ending from my dash while mmm whacha say plays loudly on the radio. Well what the fuckc
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boykisserbuckley · 3 years
I rewatched eddie getting shot and all i can hear is "mmm whacha say only that you meant well"
and that would be the fault of @nymika-arts the one and only
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krazy-ky-sta-hatter · 4 years
Horrible DM Ideas
Instead of saying ‘How do you want to do this?’ have a clip open and ready to play ‘Mmm whacha say’.
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n1ghtcrwler · 5 years
Every school year, there's an end-of-year video that summarizes the school year and is shown on the last day and Tripper, who has been the one making them during his time here, packs them with jokes. This year, he has an "mmm whacha say" segment where things that suck happen and then that song plays as students look like they're dying or whatever.
One of those involves me preaching at chapel. In the initial segment at the beginning, I go up and joke that I won't take more than like two hours or so and the people sitting in chapel respond with despair.
But then it's gonna jump back to that sermon a few times with the audience growing smaller but more desperate each time and we've been spacing out the recording sessions and I've not been cutting my hair/beard so that there's visible growth between segments. We filmed the middle joke of the sermon yesterday and a bunch of outtakes and they're amazing. The basic joke at the middle is that I have just told a crazy long story about the school president (which...happens) and now I'm going to read from 2 Maccabees and argue why it should be canon. Then we did another where I claim that I just showed how the apocrypha proves that Jude wrote Hebrews and now I'm going to read the book of Hebrews and I start reading in 1611 KJV. My favorite is where I'm in the middle of straight up reading Hebrews 10 and suddenly the Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf video is playing on the tv behind me and I notice and it throws me off and I look over at the tech guy and mouth "what are you doing?!" and he starts frantically banging on the keyboard trying to stop it. Or the one where I announce we should all be papists and then drop the mic.
We're planning one for the final segment, when my hair is as long as it's gonna be, where I'm gonna change into a suit and slick back my hair and do some prosperity preacher jokes. I'm looking forward to that.
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auroraknux · 6 years
Considering that I once had a Sonic Boom “Mmm whacha say” edit flagged for being explicit, we’re definitely in good hands
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It is exactly midnight in my timezone, so mmm whacha say
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telewarp · 7 years
*gets home, sees dog as i come in the door*
me: hi pu--
*dog turns his head as i reach out to pet him and walks away from me*
*mmm whacha say starts playing as everything fades to grayscale*
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tiwaztyrsfist · 7 years
I want an episode of Brooklyn 99 where Boyle discovers and get really into the music of Jason Derulo.
And all through the episode we get repeated sudden cuts of the Mmm Whacha Say sting and every time it happens Jake just gets startled and freaks out.
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thefourthvulpix · 7 years
My aesthetic
Big, beautiful, booming chorus covers of mainstream songs
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I somehow managed to corrupt the “mmm’ whacha say” meme in my head. Now whenever someone gets shot in a game I hear “Where are we. What the hell is going on” which is the first verse of the song.
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alpha-team-deploy · 7 years
because weltraum and kleinod died in late 2007-early 2008 their sense of technology and social media only goes back that far
in lay terms that makes them almost ten years behind on their memes
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