#mmmm i dont think im gonna main tag this
berensteinsmonster · 11 months
stimming very hard thinking abt my guy my guy uhm my au guy sorry hes a little lame but he has superpowers of THUNDER ⛈️ AND LIGHTNING ⚡ and hes very cool his name is reginald bronzepants i created a whole ska playlist that vaguely details his origin and includes super cool awesome marxhing band themes which fit the golden age superhero vibe he has going on and hehas a blue and yellow colour scheme to display that hes a good guy and he has three boyfriends with an upcoming fourth to the roster and he has a lightning bolt shaped mustache and he sounds vaguely like mc bat commander and h
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hoshigray · 4 months
okay im gonna day a LOT because its been 8 years since i been here
1. fic was great but u always write good shit so lets pretend to be shocked
2. lmk when ur requests are open again bc i got a freaky one
3. i saw megan live and wow i love that woman
4. i genuinely keep crying everytime i see gojo with them stitches pls just let toji comeback to live so he can tag team sukuna w maki w a glock and we can ve free
5. gave up on my main nigga so now im talking to his friend and i like his friend a lot!!
6. everyone tryna act like they understand shoko to where they can criticize her decision of her being ok w yuta using his body is so upsetting to me bc yall dont know my wife
7. i miss when jjk was silly n fun
- megan anon
It's so wonderful to see you after a whole decade, Megan noonie 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
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1) omg YIPPEEEEE, you read the fic!! And awww, stop you're too kind, Megan, mwah 🤧💕 bye "let's pretend to be shocked" you got jokes, lmaoo
2) I will !! Lowkey, I think they'll be open sometime next week, but idk, we'll see how fast I can get to finishing reworking my rulebook.
3) LUCKY ASSSSSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Omfg ik you had a grand time, seeing the fancams have me jelly!! My time will come!!!! I need to see my Queen fr
4) NAH I'M SAYING THO, LIKE IF THIS MANGA IS GONNA KEEP GETTING RIDICULOUS, MAKE IT EVEN MORE ALL OVER THE PLACE!! bring toji back for one last scare for whatever reason, and have a mentor-apprentice vs kuna fight w/ maki and and he's just gonna blow this mf with the Mac (yeah ik this is delusional and they would be nerf3d but shiiiiiit, would've been a lot more fun than all this fiasco we've been undergoing for the past 10 chaps, lol).
5) Oh my, so you dumped the main guy (even though you said he's not really ya mans lmfao), and now you are hopping to his homie!?!? Well, as long as you're having fun, then that's all that matters 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️💟💟 (and hopefully, your ex doesn't be an ass about it if he knows)
6) Mmmm tbh yeah, ngl in the beginning I was a bit too critical of th3 decision planning (prob bc I was so bombarded with the information about the plan + her being one of his last dear friends and not showing a bit of restraint/reluctance to the plan); but now, that's just how Shoko is since she was neutral on Geto becoming anti-sorcery, so it makes sense that she's the Gojo body plan (and I'm sure she has feelings about the plan as a whole, but is probably pushing them aside as we're dealing with a huge threat to the modern world right now). But I get it, tho bc the hate she and Yuta got for that was so unwarranted like???? Calm tf down????
7) bro, I'm just waiting for this manga to end for me to turn around and make Canon convergence and rewrite some of this tomfoolery, starting with after Hidden Inventory arc 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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teeto-peteto · 2 years
no actually im gonna shout about it
the fucking audacity some of you have to pull out of your ass Captain Motherfucker Marvel as a 'better written character and an example of women representation in media' is fucking disgusting.
You guys are calling 'woke' a movie wichs main character with 0 impact on the marvel universe. This movie literally just dropped the fact that 'oh this aliens can shapeshift into any human' so they can make a bunch of cameos and postcredit scenes about aliens. Captain Marvel has 0 IMPACT in any fucking movie she appears she just 'okay so umm i have to leave u know mmmm i kill aliens and defend people, im cool and badass i know'
i dont care about the rest of the characters in the mcu, because marvel coronated this movie as 'the feminist superhero movie you always needed' themselves and you just bought it without even sitting for 3 minutes and think about what the fuck you just watched.
As said you guys just saw merchandising about Captain Marvel and Wonderwoman with the quote 'Girl power' and rolled with it, thinking that this is 'the correct way to portray women'
The Velma show is trash, true, but Velma is, actually in the context of the show, a traumatized girl wich is very sarcastic, ironic and catty, that prefers to be left alone, and is badass with the girls in her class, in a show trying to aim to adults and somewhat female / teen girls target thinking they will say 'hooo this girl is so me'.
Doesnt that description sound familiar????? isnt it like how the 80% of female characters are written in superhero/teen drama/romantic comedy/action movies???? the ones you reblog gifsets about and tag 'yasss queen step on me' just because her trauma is an excuse to be bitchy and mysoginistic.
again yall are so fucking stupid
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shortystack75 · 2 years
The benefactor screams
Oh sir say you who has no soul of his own
He sits and prospers upon his cliff of madness
His soul is rented by the benefactor
To one who taints those she touches
Something Wicked This Way Comes
She breathes
She is the wicked of which she speaks
But is it her who is the true evil
Or the soul of which she harbors
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Part Two
W! Drinking, stabby stab, attempted Non C but it does not happen .
Touya,21.The drunk Future King whose only interest is whores and brothels
Natsuo.18. The Middle Sibling who is just like his father
Shoto.16.the youngest and most reserved, has no interest in marriage but would like a companion
Reader is a rebellious princess in a falling Kingdom and is sent off to live with the Todorokis in hopes of marriage to save her family. But Reader has other plans in mind.
tags/ @no-post-ghost @yoonbbyboy @pinkjellychan @squeaky-ducky​
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You wasted no time ditching the family for the courtyard after dashing out of the carriage and right past Enji, you were over Natsuo and his creepy behaviour and over this whole arrangement.  With a groan you stopped next to some trees and slipped between two large oaks to conceal yourself for a minute. You sat down hugging your knees panting slightly. It was a pretty courtyard, full of flowers funny enough since only men seemed to lived in this rotten castle. 
 So what now? The King would not be happy at your actions but if he tried to hurt you it would hinder his plans for his precious sons. So you were safe for the most part. The oldest, Touya did not really seem interested in courting you anyway, to focused on his drinking and keeping his brother in line.  
 The thought of Natsuo made you gag and cough a bit, what an awful person and he's gonna be King eventually? Maybe you could cut his balls off to save whoever marries him.  Sighing you relaxed against the tree letting one leg down admiring the clouds that rolled on by, the sky seemed more blue here than at your Kingdom too you, weird. 
 “Uhm…?” said a voice, it sounded skittish.
You rolled your head to the left to see a boy about Shotos age looking at you, he had royal clothes on and had crazy green hair. You tilted your head at this boy and brought your legs down so you were criss cross. 
 “Yes?” you asked curiously
“Is Shoto around?”
“I think so , the main entrance.”
“O-oh uh, okay, i can wait here then. May i sit by you? My names Izuku of Midoriya Manor”
“Sure kid,” you scooted over a bit for him to join you.”Y/n of Alastar”
“Oh thanks !” he sat by you but seemed to be looking around
“Something on your mind?”
“Oh uh n-no, im just waiting for Shoto, his father does not a-aprove of me so we have too …” he trailed off rubbing the back of his head.
“Hm? Well your safe with me kid, i doubt that big ape approves of me too.”
“Are you to be wed?”
“Uh- uhm!,” he rubbed his hands together. “You seem really cool and can protect yourself..” he told you, pointing to the knife on your person. “Just watch out for the middle sibling okay?”
You got up patting your butt free of dirt and Shoto squeezed through the trees to see you and Izuku.  Shoto hugged Izuku and the two sighed with relief to see each other. 
“y/n. Touya wants to see you to show you around, hes at the stables, around the corner from here”
“Okay Shoto, izuku was waiting for you, i never saw him though.”
 The youngest gave you a gentle smile and a nod as thanks. 
Squeezing back through the trees you strolled around the courtyard admiring the flowers before meeting up with Touya. No sign of the King or his creepy son , the courtyard had a large apple tree in its center but it only had one apple on it and it looked to be rotten which was weird. It's definitely apple season. Hm.  thinking nothing of it you made your way around the large castle to see the stables and Touya petting a large black and white mare of the face in long strokes.
“Whos a pretty girl ? you you you” he cooed at the sleepy horse.
“Dont take you for a animal lover” you joked walking up to him. “Wheres idiot 1 and 2?”
“My father is giving Natsuo a talking to so im trusted to show you around” he pointed to the castle “thats the castle” he pointed to a stray window at the top “thats your room”
“A five star tour i see”  you pet the horse admiring its coat. “ lovely colors”
“Reminds me of my life from before” he told you while taking out his flask to drink.
“Hm? Whats that mean? And whos this Izuku that was sneaking around?”
Touya sat down in a empty stable drinking more before answering you. “Thats Shotos boyfriend, dont tell anyone or i will kill you myself. Im the only one who knows”
“i wouldn't do that Touya, he said Enji does not approve of him?”
“Yep” he fell into some hay drinking more. “They want to leave when they turn 18 and have a farm, im helping make it happen”
You sat down by the hay watching this man drink his life away , he had not one care in the world, unless it was Shoto related. 
Some time passed and you and Touya were sharing the flask now.
“So .. what did you mean by your life from before?”
“Mmmm… i was going to be a father, at least.. Thats what i was told.” he sat up pushing his hair outta his face. She was a brothel worker and i had gotten her pregnant.” 
 You listened to him taking note of the hint of sadness in his voice.
“I was excited, i wanted to be a dad.” he told you looking over at the horse.”she had black and white hair, i called her my little… berry.., i did everything right, i told her she could live with me and be a Princess and we could be happy. But i also told her i did not want her working the brothel anymore obviously,” 
  He brought his knees up laying his elbows over them looking at the ground between his legs. “She told me she would stop but something felt weird so i checked on her and she was still working it. I confronted her and she said she needed the money for the baby and i told her i have more money than i know what to do with, the months went on and she eventually stopped, her bump was small and everytime i felt it , i dont know. It felt off. One day i woke up early and looked over at her, she was asleep on her stomach and .. she was too far align to be doing that.” he looked up at you, his eyes slightly red. “ she lied to me, for my status, my wealth, my name, it was some kind of material to seem like a bump, she tried to tell me it was my fault.”
He ignored you. “What she said stung more than the faked pregnancy. I had to know, for sure. So i contacted a witch and she performed some kind of spell on me and ..and..”
You moved closer, placing your hand on his arm , he took a big drink and lowered his head again. “ i cant… have children… “
You pulled this man into your arms trying your best to comfort him. He just cursed up a storm and told you how excited he was, how he was going to move away as soon as Shoto left with izuku and start an even bigger family with the woman he loved. Touya wanted his own Kingdom but in a quiet place no one knew about where he could be happy.
“Everyday… i curse Natsuo, he does not deserve to have children” he pushed himself off you to wipe his eyes. “ no one knows this about me y/n”
“Touya its safe with me”
“I have no interest in getting married anymore, i dont care.”
“Thats perfectly okay Touya”
He sniffled not looking at you. “Thank you for listening, you should get settled into your room, top floor last door on the left.”
“Youll be okay?” you asked, getting up
“Nope” he got up walking past you “but thats just how i like it” he waved not looking back as he headed into town.
The castle was full of expensive things: statues, paintings, rugs, swords. Anything you could think of. Big wide open rooms with ceilings higher than you had ever seen. It smelled like the kitchen was to your right and the main rooms looked to be up the rug covered stairs. You could hear Enji yelling at Natsuo when you got to the top , you snuck by peeking in every room you passed, looked like bedrooms. You heard a door slam and looked over your shoulder to see Natsuo brooding outside the door talking to himself. 
   You slipped into your room and scanned around the giant room, pretty bed, too girly honestly. A wooden vanity with glass in it and a couple windows. You checked outside them all , dammit. Nothing to really grab on to for a quick escape? You thought on it inspecting more and suddenly you were grabbed from behind and flipped over and pressed against the window, your hair blowing in the wind. 
 Natsuo was pinning you down looking very angry with you. You stuck your chin out at him reaching down for you knife.
“Yes ? your highness?” “I should … should… “ he pressed harder into your shoulders. “You . so mean, you made a fool of .. of me? In front of my father? I ?” his gaze dropped and he grabbed the knife tossing it out the window . his voice got louder and he shook you. “ they tell me i should kill you !! but!! My voices arent always!!.. Correct so …”
“Let me go !! get these gross hands off me !” you fought his grip and he threw you onto the bed pinning you from behind. “ why are you so … SO SO difficult? Im a future KING im in CHARGE not YOU” he reached back fussing with his belt and you got very still.
“Is that why your upset hm? I hurt your ego?” you asked looking back”pitty” with a quick snap of your arm a second knife shot out of your left sleeve and stabbed Natsuo in the arm. He cried out falling back and you pushed him out fo your room. “Sorry, no middle siblings allowed” you slammed the door locking it and pushing some heavy furniture in front of the door for the time being. 
 You could hear Natsuo crying in pain in the hall but you did not really care, it sounded like he was walking away and you finally… finally..alone. You sunk down to your knees” what the fuck man…”
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secretly-a-jedi · 7 years
thank you @venuscloacina ! you're really great!!
Drink: water
Phone call: me sister
Text message: someone i like a lot
Song you listened to: solesbury hill on the radio last night
Time you cried: time is fake. probably not very long ago
Dated someone twice: nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: it's been a while
Lost someone special: a fee years ago
Been cheated on: i dont think ever
Been depressed: all day erry day
Gotten drunk and thrown up: im not sure but it's been a While
Three favorite colors -
any blue that reminds me of water or the sky
sunset orange?
Fallen out of love: hnnn yeah
Laughed until you cried: yes i actually couldnt breathe
Found out someone has been talking about you: not really?
Met someone who changed you: i guess
Found out who your friends are: if anyone's the bad friend it's me, lonely mcintrovert 20: Kissed someone on your Facebook list: a little
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most? i dont know sound
Do you have any pets: chloe, the most amazing pupperino
Do you want to change your name: maybe to shrapnel for the street cred 
What did you do for your last birthday: not much at all
What time did you wake up: i was up for a while around 1 but actually woke up at 4 (im nocturnal)
What were you doing at midnight last night: moving boxes for 10.15 an hour
Name something you can’t wait for: i think i'm supposed to get a raise in november?
When was the last time you saw your mom: half an hour ago
What are you listening to right now: two different clocks ticking
Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: talked to? i kissed a guy named Tom for discounted mexican food
Something that is getting on your nerves right now: my legs are sore and i need to be more productive
Most visited website: tumblr and youtube i guess?
Hair color: brown with a little red
Short or long hair: i'm getting kinda shaggy, should probably cut it soon
Do you have a crush on someone: a Very big Crush
What do you like about yourself: i'm helpful
Any piercings: nope
blood type: im not getting my wallet for this question but i think A neg
Nickname: kev?
Relationship status: single but starting to mingle
Zodiac: taurus
Pronouns: he/him
Favourite TV show: stranger things and the office
Tattoos: there's a dark spot on my palm where i stabbed myself with a pencil as a kid
Right or left handed: right
Surgery: no open surgeries
Sport: ya boi played soccer for the shamrocks, scored one goal the day my shoes were on the wrong feet
Vacations: my favorite so far is Maine, i want to go everywhere where there's camping and hiking
Trainers: not what we call em in these parts but i have some really old vans and some pretty new nikes for running
Eating: im gonna have a meatball sub soon
Drinking: should also drink water, feelin dehydrated
I’m about to: get off my ass and shower
Waiting for: 15k to appear in my bank account so i can get rid of my student loan debt
Get married: who the Heck knows
Career: i wanna write but i need to practice if thats gonna happen 
Hugs or kisses: ehh cant choose
Lips or eyes: eyes? theyre the window to the soul but lips are the window to the teeth
Short or Tall: girls are amazing no matter the height
Older or younger: as long as the difference isnt big it doesnt matter
Nice arms or stomach: smile and laugh
Hookup or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or Hesitant: definitely hesitant, things make me nervous
Lost glasses/contact lenses: my eyes are good for now
Been arrested: if i had been my mom wouldve killed me in my sleep
Cried when someone died: yes funerals are sad
Fallen for a friend: more times than i should've
Kissed a stranger: twice
Drank hard liquor: after i was peer pressured into doing Drugs
Yourself: depends on the situation
Miracles: mmmm yeah
Love at first sight: it can happen fast but i think ya gotta talk
Santa Claus: when i was smol
Kiss on the first date: i dont think ive really been on a first date since high school?
Angels: maybe?
Eye color: hazel
Favorite Movie(s): ah there are so many? the martian, gone girl, good will hunting, the princess bride, 12 angry men, big hero 6
okay im not actually going to tag anyone because i have no idea who likes doing these? but if you follow me and you wanna do it, go for it!!
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jupeterian · 7 years
Ok so i was tagged to do the 20 questions thingy
@aquariusqueen tagged me but sooo long ago i was tagged by @missunderzztood to do something similar and ALSO even longer ago @moonmood (who i absolutely love) tagged me in one of these as well, so im just gonna do them all together. Im SO sorry i completely forgot! You are all so great and im so forgetful!!! I also apologize for this being so goddamn long
1) Name: Lucía
2) Nicknames: Luli or Lu
2) Gender: female
3) Sun sign: Libra ♎
4) Height: 1, 60
5) Sexual orientation: Bi
6) Hogwarts House: Slytherin 🐍
7) Nationality: Argentinian
8) Favorite season: i cant pick one!!! I love them all!!
9) Fav book: i have so many but i still think about Dan Brown’s Inferno and Truman Capote’s Cold Blood years after ive read them
10) Fav animal: there’s no way i can pick just ONE
11) Fav Scent: anything expensive and classy lol
12) Fav color: Turquoise (is that how u spell it? Idk, turquesa and also any shade of pink)
13) Coffee | Tea | Hot cocoa: Coffee
14) Average sleep hours: 6 hs give or take
15) Cat or dog person: both istg
16) Fav band/singer: my all-time favorite band is My Chemical Romance (I KNOW, but their songs feel like home ok)
17) Fav fictional character: i dont think i have one tbh
18) Dream Job: i’ll be an embassador so.. theres that
19) N° of blankets u sleep with: they are currently 3
20) Dream trip: well id love to travel everywhere really but the trip i had been wating for my entire life was my prom trip and it couldnt have been more perfect. Just 10 days in Bariloche, away from parents with the entire class, partying every night in a different club and during the day doing excursions in the snow. Idk how i survived being drunk w no sleep and high on ibuprofen bc i was sick af for 10 days but its the best thing thats ever happened to me
21) Blog created: i created my main like 2 years ago ? And Jupetarian last november
22) what made you decide to make a tumblr: i was really curious abt this site and then i stayed lol. With this blog, i just wanted a space where i could keep everything related to astrology without fucking up my main
23) N° of followers: i think Jupetarian has almost 200 now?? I never thought id have any followers lol so im v excited i love them all so much
24) Random fact: since this is not specific i could go on forever talking about myself lol but first things that come to my mind are i can speak 3 languages, play 5 instruments and i play volleyball?? But im extremely competitive and i get super angry, frustrated and judgemental if i dont win or get my way in literally everything lmfao
25) Fav book you were made to read in class: mmmm i loved The Lord of the Flies but i think my fav was a compilation of Cortazar’s stories
26) Best vacation memory: idk about “best” but there was this one time i went to california and we were in Hermosa Beach (san diego) with a friend and a bunch of guys pass riding bikes and chanting “national killing day!” And we were v confused
27) Best meal you ever had: chiken marinated in beer/wine/gancia or sidra i swear everyone needs to try it oh my goood
28) Last song you’ve listened to: ByPass’ opening song bc im a nostalgic bitch who cant let go her prom trip (its been a whole year KILL ME)
29) Last adventure you went on: like 2 weeks ago i had to lie to my parents about meeting with friends in a bar bc i was actually going on a date SOOO my dad took me to the bar, i lied to the “waiting-list lady” when i told her we were gonna be 10 people so she would let me in so i could wait until my dad left. After 5 minutes or so i got out and started walking like 8 blocks to the subway, watching my back the whole time bc i had lost sight of my dad (mind you, the city is v dangerous and i was alone and the streets were dark and empty i was so loving the adrenaline). I didnt know the guy, i was super far away from my home and i got back at like 4 am and i was SO HAPPY bc i love feeling free like that 💕
30) Fav mythological creature: prob mermaids??? Ive been obssesed with them since forever (i think its bc of my lack of water lol)
31) Fav story/myth/fairy tale: man, any old disney story. I also remember fondly pulgarcito, hansel y gretel, manuelita, and so many more
32) Last tv show u watched: Black Mirror and i still think about it every day
33) Calm or stormy: stormy but i love calm too (uuugh i can never pick smth when it comes to nature)
34) Fav painter: i just love rainassance and barocco paintings but i dont think i can decide??? How can i choose between so many beautiful things!!!!!
35) Ocean or forest: im gonna say ocean bc i feel a deep conection to it but i just.love.the forest.so.much !!!!!
Oh and i tag everyone that wants to do this (?
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ateezgf · 3 years
check in tag!
hi hi! every time i read this, i instantly think of seventeen. i haven’t been here for awhile so a lil check in seems fun :D i got tagged by @avocadomin & @hyunsung mwah ♡  thank u friends !!! 🤩💗
why did you choose your url?
i wanted to change from ‘imshiber’ to something else & at the moment [blank]gf urls were like.. the most popular one. so i picked my ult group bc i cant pick just one and ateezgf was created :D sometimes i think about changing it but this has become my brand. 
any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them
just a private writing blog for me and alex ^^ 
how long have you been on tumblr?
way too long lmAO. i was here during its peak in like... 2011/2012?? and im still here 🧍🏻‍♀️ just moved to a new blog with new interests 
do you have a queue tag?
i do! it’s (๑> ₃ <) jk’s q but i kind of wanna change it since he isnt one of my major ults anymore? but idk to what. im gonna start using it again though probably maybe 
why did you start your blog in the first place?
mmmm this started off as an muse/rp blog (again, just for alex really) but then i started phasing out of it with sideblogs and just keeping this main one a kpop one! 
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because it’s one of my favorite hendery pics at the moment :D i might change it to a new san photo i got sent but that means changing the color layout too~ 
why did you choose your header?
i don’t use a header anymore! i got tired of trying to constantly resize it so it fit 🙃
what’s your post with the most notes?
it’s this hendery set i made !! my only post to reach 2k and im so happy for it hehe 
how many mutuals do you have?
ooh.. so so many. i dont talk to all of them but :D i know who they are so im always like heey<3
how many followers do you have?
1,435 !! hiii friends 
how many people do you follow?
270 !! FBDSJKGNAK hello again friends part 2 <3 
how often do you use tumblr each day?
uhh tbh i use it pretty often? even if i dont rb things all the time, i go on here every day 
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
no direct arguments? i dont like arguing but i’ll occasionally post my feelings on something & answer an ask or two that comes in about it. but i dont rly fight with blogs on here 
unless ur name is alex chawoongs then i’ll fight u on main and on priv, what’s up >:(
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
uhhh they’re fine? like usually it’s to bring awareness to something, but i just hate the ones that try to guilt trip you into reblogging. like the ones that are like “if you don’t rb this, you dont care!!” like that isnt true.. at all. im just kind of whatever about them i guess
do you like tag games?
i do !! sometimes i forget to do them & when i remember them, it’s already been so long and i feel awkward doing them NGSKJFD. it’s like texting back
do you like ask games!
i do :D i think they’re fun to do, even though i also.. forget to reply sometimes NGKJSDF
which mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
god all of the major cc’s on kpop tumblr who follow me SFGS. like they’re usually alex’s friends who end up following me & every time that happens, i go to alex like “IM SCARED THEYRE SO COOL !!!!”
do you have a crush on a mutual?
uhh no <3
i will taaaag @chawoongs & @jadethirwall & @babieyangs & @hoshifromkpop & @kdongyoung  & @10-10  and just whoever else wants to do it :D mwah 
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