#mobile tag later
stcrmhund · 2 years
I think most of the time he has no time to read such things, but when he can, Nikolai prefers to read fairytales or old epics (think the arthuriana of ravka). He also enjoys mystery novels.
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
Ren owes me money I'm being so serious right now.
I want to know how Ren/redacted would react if we went out of our way to eat his favorite candy so that we'd taste like it when we kissed ♡
"Angel?" His voice comes out soft, "I-Is there something wrong— Mmph!"
Before Ren has the chance to finish his sentence, you immediately pull him in by the collar of his cardigan and place a soft kiss against his lips. At that, a surprised noise escapes the back of his throat his arms slip around your waist to pull your body closer.
It's only when your hands move to the back of your boyfriend's hair that he starts to melt underneath your touch and reciprocates your actions in kind. But when you pull away from his warmth with a smile, Ren tries to follow with a barely audible whine.
"I— You— Is that...? Wait, that's your favourite candy, right?" Ren's eyes fall to your lips, "M-Mine too! Hehe, we're the same!"
"...Somethin' on your mind? C'mere."
They notice you looming by their side—something not completely out of the ordinary given how often you'd both follow each other around—but it's the way your hands were fidgeting that gives it all away. Barely a second passes before a large, scarred hand reaches out to cease your movements and pull you into their lap.
Now surrounded by their warmth, you waste no time putting your plan into action. With the utmost ease, you lean even closer to [REDACTED]'s face, pull him down until he's within reach, and pepper their face with countless kisses.
One on their cheek, one on their nose, and one on the corner of their mouth. It's when you land on their lips that you notice his eyes widening a fraction before he presses their mouth against your own for another taste. Then... Another.
Five more kisses later, and [REDACTED] finds himself wondering, "...Cherry?"
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operationjetset · 2 months
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huge mass attack for a ton of phoenixes on art fight :) the fabricator’s office will never recover… nor will this operation, i fear
@stellar-collective , @solobodor , @ladydanger420 , @gr3yyyyy , @ghostplasmas , @lavalampstealer , @icecreampizzer , @robutler (IM SORRY I WAS IN A RUSH I FORGOT TO TAG YOUR PHOENIX ON ART FIGHT. PLEASE PRETEND I DID), @salezmanradioz , @/mctvrdik on af & @the-valiant-valkyrie !!!! all of your phoenixes are so cool and i am so in love with all of the unique designs…. every other phoenix on art fight is just as amazing and cool!!! i would have drawn everyone if i had the motivation too/believed fabricator’s office was big enough to fit Everyone KGSJDHF
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7ngelbox · 2 months
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dirtybg3confessions · 5 months
I literally just want Astarion and Halsin in a throuple with me fr, I need them to make out on top of me while they crush me under their combined weight and take turns wrecking my holes. It’s all I ever think about
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icyfox17 · 5 months
The demons got to me... Anyways here's the first snipp of a 911 x Psych crossover lmfao
"A psychic detective?" Eddie's unconvinced voice rings out in the station's kitchen. "Yeah!" Buck replies, chipper as ever as he puts together a PBJ sandwich. "The amount of cases he's solved is crazy. And—! He even uncovered a dinosaur skeleton. I've been meaning to drive to Santa Barbara to see it. Maybe I'll take Christopher—” "A psychic detective," Eddie repeats, having barely processed anything else Buck had said. He chuckles. “You can't—you can't seriously think this is real.” “Eddie, he's been working with the SBPD for years. Don't you think if he was a fake they would've found out by now?” Buck asks, and his voice sounds so genuine Eddie kind of wants to cry. “Buck. Buck. Magic isn't real. There is no way that he's actually psychic. It's a publicity stunt! Makes the SBPD stand out or something.” “Just you wait and see Eds. Once you meet him, you'll have to believe it.” Buck says, pointing at Eddie with the most obnoxious grin on his face. Eddie can't help but feel fond at the sight of it. Sure Buck’s an idiot, but at least he's a cute one. Eddie gives up on having this argument with him. No matter what Buck says, he won't be convinced. They couldn't convince him with the jinxes (although some small part of him is still slightly freaked out about that) and they won't convince him with this psychic detective, not even if he's the most sophisticated all-knowing person ever. ~*~ “Gus, how many burritos do you think I can fit in my mouth? My money's on six, but maybe if I shove them in horizontally…” He reaches over to grab the cooler from beside Gus in the back seat, but Jules slaps his hand away. “Shawn, seriously? Those burritos are for everyone.” Shawn huffs, crossing his arms with a pout. “Yeah well, we've been in this car for hours, and I'm starving to death.” “It's been an hour Shawn,” Gus’ voice pops up from the backseat and Shawn shoots him a betrayed look. “Whose side are you on?!” Gus tilts his head. “The side that makes sure that I still have some burritos for myself.” He then opens up the same cooler that Shawn was just trying to reach into, and pulls out a perfectly tinfoil wrapped burrito that he delicately peels away. His eyes are alight with glee as he unhinges his jaw and prepares to take the biggest bite known to man, when Shawn twists around in his seat and grips Gus’ arm, pulling it and the burrito away from his mouth. “That burrito is mine sucker!” Shawn calls out, trying to take the burrito for himself. “Oh no you don't, Shawn!!” The two of them struggle back and forth, causing the car to shake slightly, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that Gus is a backstabber and Shawn needs his burrito! “Guys!” Jules’ voice calls out sharp, and the two of them freeze—Gus’ left hand smushed into Shawn's face, and Shawn’s free hand gripping Gus’ throat in a chokehold, their other hands wrapped tightly around the burrito in a tug of war. She outstretches her right hand, keeping her left hand on the wheel, and makes a grabbing motion. The two of them dejectedly give the burrito into her palm and she huffs, smiling. “Thank you. We have one more hour to go. You can both eat one burrito, okay? The rest are for when we get there.” She then takes a satisfied chomp of the burrito in her hand.
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applestruda · 8 months
Im going to be insane on saturday ill never shut up
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mondaymelon · 6 months
okay now im genuinely curious
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the-better-psychic · 7 months
OOC: MOBILLACE WEEK AM I RIGHT GUYS YYAYAYAYAYAYYYY Anyways here's my somewhat late first day!! For Altered Outfits I decided I wanted to make my fave characters into another Iconic duo from Scott Pilgrim! So I chose Envy and Todd, and here it is!
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And some bonus Envy Mobile as well :3
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parisoonic · 1 year
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I'm so sorry these are all just images with my duff handwriting (I thought I had more half-sketched things than I actually did WHOOPS) but here's a bunch of comic scripts I've had chilling for ages (and this is like...a fraction of them lol).
Anyways for 2k followers (!!!) I thought I'd do something a bit bigger than I have been drawing lately SO if you have a preference about what you'd like to see finished here's your chance 😊 I'll run this poll for like 48 hours (wait...there's only two choices? 1 day or 1 week smh...a week it is) and then get to work 🫡
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abyssurvived · 4 months
slowly but surely coming back here hi btw~
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3l91 · 1 month
bkak detective au.
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PI bokuto koutarou and his roommate akaashi keiji..
more thoughts (first meeting) belo w..
pplease take my pathetic attempt at narrative as i try to beam my vision to you in my brain 😊,,,
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Akaashi's legs are tired from walking.
"Do you need to sit down for a second?"
"No, I'm alright."
Despite this, he still refuses to stop moving, following at a brisk pace beside his old classmate, Konoha Akinari, who'd been living in the capital for some time now.
It was clear by the way he walked and maneuvered his way through the bustling streets that Konoha had grown accustomed to the crowds and the noise, things that only made Akaashi grit his teeth in silent displeasure as they continued their way through the city.
It hadn't started off that way, of course. Lunch had been pleasant. The atmosphere of the restaurant was different from what Akaashi was used to, but it was a good kind of different. In fact, he'd even found himself dazzled by the sights and the people.
It wasn't until they started walking towards Konoha's old housing complex that the charm of the city started to settle down on him in an unpleasant way. There were too many people, too many streets, too many noises. He isn't used to this feeling of excess, and his head is swimming by the time Konoha says, Just around this corner.
Akaashi figures he's done a great job at masking his discomfort, as the two of them don't stop for a minute until they reach the door of a single apartment building, the city's presence receding ever so slightly into the background as Konoha rounds on Akaashi, hands on his hips.
"I already warned you, my ex-roommate's a bit of a weird guy. Nice, but weird. I'm already sort of wondering why I thought this would be an okay idea..."
Akaashi blinks, nods. Idly adjusting his glasses with an index finger, he clears his throat before responding.
"I just need a place to stay for a few days while I sort out permanent housing. It's very nice of your ex-roommate to have offered the space."
"Well, I don't know about nice..."
Akaashi would only find out later that this mysterious ex-roommate was having trouble with rent.
"Shall we let him know we're here? We're already a few minutes late."
As Konoha takes his time knocking on the door, Akaashi's mind clears enough to recall Konoha's previous testimony regarding this ex roommate of his.
First of all, he'd told Akaashi, I'm only telling you about this place because you're in immediate need of lodging. But just so you can't say I didn't warn you, the guy is a little eccentric.
That was how Konoha had framed his warning, and while many of the things he'd stated afterwards about this roommate (that he was messy, that he was loud, that he snored like crazy, got into strange moods where he wouldn't speak to Konoha for days -- "I won't lie, those weren't bad times." -- only to shake him awake to talk about some incomprehensible subject) would have normally dissuaded Akaashi from even considering sharing a living space with the man, there was one thing that Konoha mentioned about his ex-roommate that piqued Akaashi's interest.
"HEY, HEY, HEY! If it isn't Konoha!"
With a burst of energy as loud as the bang! that accompanied the thrown-open door, comes a presence as bombastic as Akaashi had been warned to anticipate.
"And how's the great detective been doing lately?"
Konoha looks as tired as Akaashi feels the second his ex-roommate makes his appearance, giving him a wry smile and a half wave.
The man in front of them is too much to take in all at once, but it isn't his stature that Akaashi latches on to first, nor is i the shock of white hair upon his head.
It's the way the other man beams at the title that was most assuredly stated sarcastically, the one piece of information that made Akaashi's trek through the city worth it, that little tidbit that caught his eye during Konoha's 30 minute public advisory warning given several days before, that simple turn of phrase -- great detective.
"Busy! I'm busy all the time! But, hey, is this the guy you were telling me about? Akashi something or othe -"
"Akaashi. Akaashi Keiji," he says. "It's nice to meet you."
There's a small moment of silence as Bokuto looks Akaashi up and down. He isn't subtle about it at all, the way he gives Akaashi a once over from head to toe. Through it all, Bokuto's smile never once falters, and Akaashi's cool expression never once breaks. The only one who seems to have any sort of change in demeanor is Konoha, whose face is morphing into something close to panic the longer the silence continues.
This was a terrible idea, wasn't it? To allow someone like Akaashi - always composed, proper, quiet - anywhere near a loudmouthed character like Bokuto who would almost certainly drive him up the wall. Why had Konoha thought it would be okay, even though Akaashi had -- strangely -- agreed to meet with his ex-roommate, who had him out the door in a measly one and a half months?!
And yet-
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"Soon as you wanna."
The question is asked too quickly and answered too quickly for Konoha's liking, because he's immediately putting up his hands and yelling, "Wait, wait, wait!!"
First, to Akaashi.
"You remember what I said about this guy, right? He keeps an irregular schedule, and he'll pop in to your room unannounced whenever he pleases, and he's not the neatest person to share a space with and-"
Then, to Bokuto, with an accusatory finger.
"You should at least let him know what he's getting into if he stays here. All the clients and the late nights and the bl-"
"Of course, of course," Bokuto says with a smile, unbothered by the picture that Konoha is painting of himself to a complete stranger. He gestures towards the interior of the apartment. "Come on in! We shouldn't talk about things like this outside. Besides-"
His eyes meet Akaashi's once again before he heads into his abode.
"- Akaashi's real tired from walking."
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something like that... ssomething like that!!!!!!! more notes um..
i'm not set on time period but i do like the idea of 20s-30s.. golden age.. ??? they could work in a modern setting too though-
akaashi is from outside of tokyo, but moved in order to be closer to work (udai met him while he was out on a research trip and brought akaashi on as a temp editor. after accepting a fulltime position working with udai, he makes his move to tokyo)
bokuto and konoha were college roommates but it was kind of short lived because konoha could NOT keep up with the antics and wound up living w/ sarukui .. boy best friends
bokuto would have done boxing in college :]c (i think boxing suits him well as an individual sport.. + holmes reference..)
i like the image of kenma being an informant who sends kuroo to bokuto's place to relay info (because he doesn't have the energy to talk to bokuto for long HERJSDF-)
okay thats my delulu if you read all of that hiiii 😋
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
I'm here to complain about the rats again >:( Hiw would the cast feel if Angel had a little pet bird that just liked to perch on their heads? Like it just sits on their shoulders and snuggles up to their hair, or straight up sits on their head and makes itself comfy in their hair?
✦゜ANSWERED: Wahhh this is so cute?? ;v; Birb....
Leon, Conan, and Kiara wouldn't mind in the slightest and would find it rather cute to have such an affectionate and social bird resting on them! Out of all of them, I think Conan would be the most likely to forget that your bird is there and go about his day like normal. You'd eventually have to remind him, otherwise he's taking your bird to work lmao
Moth, Violet, and Jae would all want to fill their phones with photos of your bird and expect you to bring it over every time you come over to visit. Violet might even sneak in a few sunflower seeds (so long as it's safe/your bird is able to eat them)!!
Weirdly enough, I think Elanor and Olivia would be really good with birds! I think Elanor would try to craft something (such as a swing, perch, feeder, etc.) for your bird, whereas Olivia might treat it as though it's her own baby; often talking to it as though it would respond.
Teo honestly wouldn't mind your bird, just... maybe not on his shoulders. He wouldn't want any poop or stray feathers on his clothing — especially in places he can't physically see.
Ren/[REDACTED] would honestly feign interest in your bird and let it do whatever it wants on his shoulder or in his hair — but should any sort of harm befall it, he'd be the first one in line to protect it. Because after all, that bird is yours, which is why Ren feels a need to keep it safe. He just hopes that one day he'll be yours as well.
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rotinconfetti · 3 months
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f2u, no claiming as own!
Day 1. Of @dollicous's event:
A duo, trio, or group that's your favorite color combo(s) or a character that's your favorite color(s)
uhhh this was supposed to be pink but it turned out a little red :3 also I'm late for day 1 but it's ok
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I'm finishing my last request soon! Either today or tomorrow <3
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falltumn · 8 months
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to celebrate y8's impending release, i drew a ref for everyone's favorite ykz character - maisie! (cheering clapping applause)
also i finally uploaded her page for my website! it's a WIP, but most pages are filled out. give it a visit if you'd like! maisie page
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 months
ibara saegusa with the Bisexual Colored Card, i see. (flag is picked from the outfit + card bg colors)
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